Volume 40 Issue 7

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The Amazing Zebrafish Details on p. 5

University of Maine at Presque Isle Volume 40 Issue 7

Kayla Ames

A Kiss Is Just a Kiss? Details on p. 12

Journalism for Northern Maine

FEBRUARY 10, 2012

Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

Lessons From the Pacific


Anderson Giles, professor of fine art at UMPI, chopped through thick jungle in 95 degree heat and 98 percent humidity. A small expedition accompanied him. They’d believed him when he said he could find it, an important piece of history. Eventually, Giles did find what he was looking for, something tied to what people would come to consider the biggest news story of the 20th century. Tinian, an island in the Pacific, holds a special place in Giles’ heart. The island has a sorted past, the place where many soldiers lived, worked and prepared for battle during World War II — North Field, in particular, the largest and

busiest airfield in the world at material related to World War through a faculty development the time. Giles searched jungle II. After looking over archival grant, he located an item that there, uncovered historical sites footage and getting funding had almost been lost to history. and honored the This item was legacies of famithe hardstand ly members as of the Enola well as men he’d Gay, a B-29 never met. bomber used “It’s like the in the bombtrees and the ing of rocks and the Hiroshima ground and the a n d relics are speakNagasaki. A ing now that hardstand is a these guys are large, coral, gone,” Giles said oval-shaped in one of his parking area. films, “Echoes In this case, from the it’s where the Apocalypse.” Enola Gay – For decades, piloted by Giles documentPaul Tibbets ed personnel, Anderson Giles, (left) with members of the Historic — was servsites and visual Preservation Office. Photo by Anderson Giles. iced and

prepped for missions to Japan. You may be wondering why Giles, of all people, took such an interest in Tinian and its many relics. A professor, artist and filmmaker, you might not guess that he’s passionate about history. “I guess my involvement with Tinian goes back to childhood,” Giles said. His father, a Marine, fought and died in Korea when Giles was four years old. His uncle took part in military construction as a Seabee. Places such as Tinian and the events of World War II were, in a way, his inheritance. They were also his i nspiration.

S e e L e s s o n s, Pa g e 6

Everyone Was a Winner


Did you wonder what all the vehicles were doing at Gentile Hall on Jan. 25? Special Olympics were here for their basketball games. Participants came from all around the county from Fort Kent, Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Easton and Mars Hill as well as Danforth. Carl Michaud, director of administration of ARC and involved with the Area Management Team for Special Olympics volunteer team, was there to make sure the games went off well and to make sure everyone had a great time.

These games weren’t played in the hopes of reaching another level, but each participant played like a true athlete and everyone received a ribbon. The ribbon is exciting, but the true excitement is when the athletes practice and practice, not as a chore, but as a fun activity. They vary in age and skill level, but everyone who wants to play does. Others sit off on the sidelines, with their proud parents or attendants, to help cheer their friends on to get the ball in the basket or dribble it down the court. It isn’t how well they make the baskets or how well they drib-

ble, but that they are so excited about the opportunity to be with others and enjoy an event that they have practiced, waited and anticipated to attend. This event isn’t just for the participants, it’s also for the people who donate their time and are involved with these remarkable people. When a person experiences this type of event they’re part of something special. These athletes don’t compete for the glory or even the title of who’s the best at putting balls into the hoop. They Left to right: Sean Keegan, Tanner Lee and Justin compete for the enjoyment of Gauvin. the game and the time that they happy they are to receive a ribspend with others and how bon. Everyone’s a winner. S e e W i n n e r, Pa g e 6



The University Times Staff

University Times


February 10, 2012

Dear readers, Welcome back, and to those just joining us, welcome! Now that weʼre into this semester and some time has passed, I hope that youʼre getting into the swing of your classes. If you arenʼt aware of what there is to do on campus, outside of your classes, take a look in our paper to see some exciting upcoming events. Iʼd like to take a minute to remind people to be aware of those around you. For those of you who drive to classes, think about the other people whom you are parking by. Make sure that you arenʼt blocking anyone in. There have been a few who have been stuck in the middle of someone who has triple-parked. I know that sometimes we are rushed to get to classes, but take those few extra minutes to park so that others can park—and leave—too. Enjoy the rest of this semester, Lanette

Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editor Kayla Ames Stephanie Jellett Staff Writers Kayla Ames Stephanie Corriveau Donna Delong Cole Dumonthier Sarah Graettinger Stephanie Jellett Mika Ouellette Ben Pinette Jessie Rose Lanette Virtanen

Contributors Chris Corsello Dick Harrison Jim Stepp Don Zillman

Adviser Dr. J The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

Hello Everyone! Itʼs a new year, a new semester and Iʼm glad to be back on campus! Weʼve been back to school for a little while now so I hope that you all have gotten into a routine—I know I have. If you find you have nothing to do, have no fears, thereʼs always something fun and exciting to do on and off campus. One of my weekly rituals is going out and supporting the UMPI hockey teams. So grab some friends, get out to the Forum and get ready to cheer on your Owls! Until next time, Stephanie

Greetings, I hope you all enjoyed your winter break and that classes, so far, have been pleasant. Iʼm excited to cover stories and begin layout again. As we enter into another semester, I ask you all to consider these words by Emily Dickinson, whose poems were often short but profound: “A word is dead/When it is said/Some say./I say it just/Begins to live/That day.” Words are powerful, and so are you. If youʼd like to make a difference, consider joining the U Times. In the meantime, please keep reading and enjoying those living, breathing words. Thank you, Kayla

Date s fo r S ubmi ssions t o th e U T i me s Feb. 13 March 5 March 12 April 2 April 23 Any submissions received after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.


Un iver sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r ua r y 1 0, 2 0 12

From Don’s Desk

Many Silver Linings The cost of college has been very much in the news this week. Nationally, President Obama has made some very public statements about the need to keep college costs down as students face high loan debt after they graduate. At January’s University of Maine System Trustees’ meeting, the trustees approved a proposal for NO—ZERO—increase in tuition for next year. This would be the first zero increase in 25 years at the UMS. This bold plan reflects discussions at campus level for the past year. The mandate from the trustees directs us to go where we had been considering going. It also will likely put us in the position of having the lowest total college charges— tuition, fees, room and board— of any UMS campus. Some background is valuable. The vice chancellor has reported in public sessions at the last two trustees’ meetings two powerful statements. First, UMPI is one of four (out of seven) System campuses to be operating in the black. Second, UMPI is the ONLY campus that has not needed System assistance to stay in the black over the last decade or more.

We believe this isn’t accidental. Last week, I shared a few of the reasons with our local media representatives. Why is UMPI able to keep student costs low and budgets balanced? First, we have been wonderfully managed financially. Vice President Charlie Bonin does a

is very necessary to allowing us to operate effectively. Second, our expenses are primarily dedicated to strong faculty and staff delivering great, student-centered learning experiences. Our teaching takes place in classes of two dozen or fewer students, not in

nity, not graduate assistants just a year or two ahead of some of their students. Third, our administrative structure is remarkably lean. And even those senior administrators often work directly with students rather than supervising the staff who supervise the staff

marvelous job of holding down unnecessary expenses but encouraging creative ones. That is unexciting work. But it

lecture halls of 200 or 300. All our teachers are full-time, qualified faculty or capable professionals from the commu-

who do work with the students. Fourth, we are passionately supportive of non-scholarship athletic programs. Scholarship

athletics can be a very expensive part of a campus’s budget. We want the emphasis on student-athletes to begin with student. The dedication to scholarship and to a student’s sport of choice go together. They explain why so many of our best athletes are also our best students (and recipients of ACADEMIC scholarships). Fifth, we try our best to make financial aid packages available to students that minimize the debt that they need to repay after graduation. Our admissions office now has a program that will let applicants compare UMPI expenses and debt with that of other UMS and other campuses. We do very well in the comparisons. None of this should suggest that it will be easy to hold the line on cost increases. State legislative support, as a percentage of the total cost of operation, continues to go down. Some costs that are beyond our control (employee health care, energy charges) continue to go up. But we should all take pride in how well we do with the resources we have and with the terrific educational product we provide to our students and to the State of Maine.

STUDENT EVENTS 2011 February 12-- UMPI Thinks Pink Basketball Games. Women’s 1 p.m., Men’s 3 p.m. 13-- Open Mic Night With Scott Wesley. Owl’s Nest 7 p.m. 16-- Valentine’s Day Dance 10 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. CC MPR *Student ID Required* 29-- Movie Night: Your Choice 8 p.m. CC MPR. March 5-- Hypnotist Michael C. Anthony 7 p.m. Wieden.


Un ive r sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r u ar y 1 0, 2 0 1 2

Chrisʼ Corner

As some of you probably know, I’m a HUGE sports fan – pretty much any sport. This works especially well for me as I’m also the athletic director here at UMPI. As I said, I love sports and as I think about what to write for this column, I’m thinking about the Patriots and the upcoming Super Bowl and thinking about the big rival basketball game against Fort Kent Friday night (*Editor’s Note: snow postponed the game). So why am I writing about this? Well, simply put, I was thinking about our campus community and wanted to share my thoughts on how the two (sports and our campus success) are connected. In the game of basketball, there are many “players” that affect not only the outcome of the game, but also how well the game is played. Obviously, there are the fundamentals – we need to have some people who know how to play the game – some basic level of understanding. As it turns out, there are many people who share this knowledge based on


their own ability, their own experiences and their observations. The levels of expertise vary, but all are significant and affect the process. Let’s start with the most logical of all team members – those out there on the court. Sure, if they weren’t there, there wouldn’t even be a game. But how do they make it happen? Well, the coaching staff, with their years of experience and knowledge of how to use the resources they have available, get things started by passing along their wisdom and insight. Communication is key -- without it, everything goes to hell. The coaches discuss strategy. They then pass this information to the point guard, who passes it along to the guard, then the forward and so on. The ball gets passed about with precise timing and according to the designed play. Next thing you know, two points are on the board. Without this communication and timing, nothing would work right – there would simply be five peo-

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ple out there running around like chickens with their heads cut off. A successful game, doesn’t begin or end here. There are the players on the bench who

really are the support staff of the game. They pick up where others leave off. They fill in when others are tired, weary and need to rejuvenate. Then there are the trainers and physicians, who ensure that the players are healthy in mind, spirit and body. The officials who keep things in check – there has to be some kind of framework to follow and some policies and procedures that need to be

observed. Let’s not forget about the maintainers of the score clock, because we all need to be regularly updated on the status of the game. Then the fans and the official cheerleaders: where would we be without our strong supporting cast (the bench) and our never-ending patrons of passion encouraging us on? For those observers, just ask any of the “official” team members and they will tell you that the supporting cast of the fans can often be the determining factor in the win/loss column. Just like the game of basketball, UMPI has the ability to pull all of its players together for a successful effort. Every member of the community can find a role to play and a spot on the team. Whether you are more comfortable cheering from the bench or the sidelines, helping to keep things in check like the officials, monitoring the progress of the game as the score keepers, striving for peace of mind, body and spirit or actually

being in the trenches and on the floor - it all takes commitment. Sometimes our roles will shift, but we need everyone if we are to actually have a successful effort and pull off a victory. Share your own knowledge and wisdom based on your experiences and observations. Communicate with the rest of the team, take advantage of those situations where you are asked what you need and want – remember without communication and feedback we might as well not even bother suiting up. Well, that’s my little sports analogy for this issue. I hope I made my point(s) – it takes a team to make things happen. It’s not all about winning, but it certainly is about showing up and playing with your heart. The real success is having played hard, having worked together, and being committed to the effort, the task and the process. If all of us show up, then we are bound to meet with success. Thanks for listening, I’ll see you around the court and let’s have a great semester!

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Un iver sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r ua r y 1 0, 2 0 12

(Re)Generating Research Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

What’s the most amazing animal you’ve ever seen? Maybe you’d answer a chimpanzee? How about a zebrafish? It might not be at the top of your list, but this tiny fish does pretty fascinating things. For instance, if it loses part of a fin, it can grow that missing part back...perfectly shaped. This regenerating ability has attracted the attention of many scientists. And it has recently astonished a group of students and instructors from UMPI, UMFK and MSSM who attended a short course on regeneration at the Mount Desert Island B i o l o g i c a l L a b o r a t o r y. The Maine IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence sponsored the course, which took place from Jan. 11to15. MDIBL researcher Dr. Voot Yin was the instructor. The course served as the basis for the UMPI advanced molecular biology class Dr. Rachael Hannah is currently teaching. After speaking with Yin about her ideas, he designed the course around his research area: microRNAs. The students learned that microRNAs are tiny genetic fragments and they’re especially important for regeneration. MicroRNAs work by “attaching” onto genes. When they do this, they prevent the genes’ products from being made. Think about how genes ultimately control how the body

works. If some of them are days, a fin was already being “blocked,” then some of the sculpted. Yin is fascinated by body’s processes may change. regeneration as well and This is exactly what happens shared that it can somewhat seem like “science fiction.” during regeneration. “The thought of an animal During the course, students removed small parts of being able to re-grow an zebrafish tail fins. They then amputated limb with near perused the tissues to learn more about two miRNAs: miR-101a and let-7i. The students also worked with other samples that were taken during specific days in the regeneration process. Using a technique called “real-time quantitative PCR,” they noticed that the microRNA levels in the fins change during regeneration. T h u s , microRNAs may directly affect the processes that go Carley Langley removing zebrafish. into growing fection is something that needs back a fin. The students didn’t only to be seen in order to believe,” get genetic proof of regenera- Yin said. Yin showed the group many tion. They also got to see the actual fin tissues being re- different research techniques, formed. Yin showed them including gel electrophoresis. how to take close-up images The students used this techof the zebrafish fins. Students nique to look for transgenes— genes—in the saw a blastema, which is a inserted group of cells at the regenera- zebrafish. Gel electrophoresis is tion site (MicroRNAs influ- capable of separating DNA ence the development of the fragments of different sizes, blastema). It amazed the which will appear as bands at group that in as little as two

Scholarship Information for 2012-2013: Available in the Financial Aid Office (232 Preble Hall) or online on the Financial Aid page! Application Deadline is February 17, 2012.

varying locations on the gel. The transgenes had a certain length and if a band appeared at the right spot, then the students could tell which fish were transgenic. UMPI student Carly Langley enjoyed learning the different molecular biology techniques and getting hands-on experience. “I learned how to use PCR and do gel electrophoresis and how to analyze the results,” Langley said. Dylan Plissey also appreciated the skills he gained. “I learned many new molecular biology techniques and learned how to use some of the equipment in regeneration research,” Plissey said. Bryan Jennings, who enrolled in the course to discover more about research, took a lot away from it as well. “I thought it would be a great experience and a good opportunity to see different types of research outside UMPI,” Jennings said. Hannah emphasized how the research that the students accomplished was cutting edge. She said that there’s a major need for regeneration research


and that it’s good that the students have contributed to the field. Overall, she was pleased with the outcome of the course. “I think it was great. It was a wonderful mix of personalities and strengths and willingness to learn by all of the students,” Hannah said. Yin was also happy with the way the course progressed. “In all, I felt that the course went well because students were left thinking about the science and had learned about ways to approach biomedical research,” Yin said. He shared that the students ultimately helped shape the course’s outcome. “Whether knowingly or not, the students took charge and steered the course in a direction on their own,” Yin said. Hannah shared that she hopes to offer this course again to UMPI students in the future, although it may be on a different topic. Also, according to Yin, there are additional ways to get involved with research by checking out www.mdibl.org. The trip to MDIBL and the initial exploration of miRNAs and regeneration was quite enjoyable. The students in Hannah’s class a re l o o k i n g fo r w a rd t o continuing their work with t h e wo n d ro u s ze b r a f i s h . There’s no doubt that, as m o re re s e a rch i s p ro duced, this intriguing little animal will keep moving up in rank on the list of amazing animals.

ATTENTION: All Canadian and International Students! Please complete your International Student Check-in Form. Upon returning to campus each new semester or when you start student teaching you must complete an international student check-in registration form to have your SEVIS record updated and activated. You may either come to the South Hall information desk to complete a paper check-in registration form or you may complete this form online at:

http://wp.umpi.edu/forms/is-check-in/ (PLEASE NOTE THE URL CHANGE)



Continued from Page 1 “When I was a kid, it sounded like a fairy tale. Then one day, it dawned on me: You can actually go to these places,” Giles said. He has visited Tinian many times over the years. Most people figured that the Enola Gay had only one permanent hardstand, but Giles thought differently. He came to realize that, after the Hiroshima bombing, crew members directed her to another hardstand where she

Un ive r sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r u ar y 1 0, 2 0 1 2 could be checked for radiation contamination. “Echoes from the Apocalypse,” a film that Giles wrote, produced and directed, elaborates on this discovery and its effects. He hopes the film and others, such as “Thunder from Tinian,” as well as his work on the island, will serve as a sort of living document. He believes veterans deserve a voice, to have their story told forever. “It’s a way of saying thanks to all the vets, who died and made sacrifices.... I’ll make sure you’re never forgotten,” Giles said.

The Enola Gay (left) on her hardstand in Tinian in 1945. Photo provided by Anderson Giles.

Thanks to Giles and a few members of the Historic Preservation Office, The Enola Gay’s hardstand did not disappear forever into Tinian’s overgrown jungle. The lessons it has to teach us, similarly, still remain. Uncovering remnants of history such as this helps keep the memory of soldiers, not to mention everything they did, alive. Giles is doing his part to save this knowledge and these accounts. By listening, following his example and taking it upon ourselves to learn all we can, we might be able to do the same.

Winner Continued from Page 1

Special Olympics makes sure that all 166 participants have the opportunity to play. The games were three participants on three and five participants on five, with games lasting approximately seven minutes as well as target pass, spot shot and the ten meter dribble. Maine Public Service helped sponsor the event and had people on site to check athletes in and make sure that all events ran smoothly. Athletes had staff and volunteers that work with them there to participate, as well as Easton School Basketball teams there to lend a hand with the games. It’s hard to attend an event such as this and not walk around with a big smile on your face. Athletes and participants were always willing to have their picture taken. The concentration on the faces of those athletes was one of complete absorption. The athletes were focused and weren’t distracted by others watching and what others thought of them. Each

gave their full attention to the games they were playing, not for competition, but for enjoyment. Natasha Borbst, the administration assistant for special programs for ARC, was on hand to explain how and why she became involved. “I have always been interested in working with people with developmental disabilities….It is important for me to let others know that they have nothing to be afraid of….The excitement is contagious and the athletes work so hard. Their enthusiasm is such a remarkable emotion to experience. Working in this environment has been one of the best experiences of my life and I invite anyone who wants to have this experience to volunteer….” Borbst said. Make a difference in your life by allowing these remarkable people to show you the way. You may discover more about yourself then you were aware of and go away with much more than you anticipate. For information on how you can get involved, contact ARC at 764-0134 and ask to volunteer.

Un iver sity Ti m e s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r ua r y 1 0, 2 0 1 2

Inhuman System Jessie Rose


The United States is a very different place than it was 100 years ago. Things that once seemed normal back then, when looked back upon, astound us. We may ask ourselves, “What were they thinking? How could this seem right?” Before winter break, Dr. John Zaborney gave an afternoon lecture on something he feels strongly about: slavery in the U.S. focused primarily in Virginia. He feels so strongly that his dissertation for his Ph.D. was based on this. He sought to learn all that he could about when slavery was accepted throughout Virginia and the southern U.S. Slavery started due to the fact that, when the English came to New England—as the U.S. was first referred to— the English wanted to find a way to make Virginia pay. They tried different ways, and were unsuccessful until they grew tobacco. This was what they found a way to make Virginia pay. But they needed someone to work the crop, as the people who owned the land were wealthy and they wouldn’t be the ones to do the work. At first, it was forced labor, but the English felt like they were losing control. They needed to find someone that they felt they could control and so they went from poor English to African Americans.

The African Americans were brought over by ships from Africa, and then sold at auction. The newspaper would advertise how many slaves had arrived and where they would be auctioned off. As the South developed more, and people started to grow crops there, the need for slaves in the “deep south” grew. The need for slave labor grew more in the rest of the South than in Virginia. But the wealthy people didn’t want to sell their slaves, so they started to hire them out for a year to other people who sought the use of them. In return, they still had ownership over the slave in they needed them again. This was the perfect answer for them. They didn’t have to worry about feeding the slaves they weren’t using and at the same time were making money from them. The slaves were still of use to the owner, as long as they found someone who needed them for a year. Zaborney found records of the slaves being rented out to families. Everyone in a family seemed to own slaves after they reached a certain age. The same slave would be rented out time and time again. They kept records of the person who owned the slave and the slave they rented out for a year at a time. They kept contracts with information stating that the renter would keep them clothed and return them with a setof clothes. Old newspaper clippings showed of how they advertised the slaves that were either for sale or the ones that were available for rent. Zaborney also talked about the slave population and which parts of the state had more slaves. It’s hard to believe that this was legal at one point in time. This goes to show you that, as times change, so do the circumstances surrounding them.

Learning the Ropes: Course Now Open Ben Pinette


There are some views that are beyond picturesque. Climbing the top of Mount Katahdin, for example, can leave you with breath-taking views of the wide open scenery of the Maine woods. But why travel an hour out of your way? Why not enroll in UMPI’s high ropes course and get that same thrill in your backyard? Well, here’s some good news: now you can. Mary Lawrence, coordinator of conferences and special programs here at UMPI, has been trying to put this together long before 2012. “Originally, the ropes course was all housed in special programs, where I’m at…. At the time, it was built by the curriculum of community leadership certificate program that we offered here. Since then, the recreation faculty have reconfigured it,” Lawrence said. In her role, Lawrence has had to take bits and pieces of the program to make it fit with today, as well as try and maintain it. “What we have to do is to market it to offcampus groups to maintain it, unless we were to raise student fees. Unless people from the community contribute and utilize the course, we won’t be able to generate enough revenue to maintain it….It’s certainly a perk of the University with it being here,” Lawrence said. If you or your agency is considering signing up for the course in the spring, there are many different ways to sign up.

“All are welcome to come look at it, walk through it or come and meet with the faculty about what it could do for you. It’s a very unique opportunity. Even though there are high and low ropes courses, you can do teambuilding and challenge exercises other than what’s on the ropes courses. It’s all about challenging p e o p l e , ” Lawrence said. Lenny Cole is the rock climbing adjunct instructor at UMPI and is the instructor of the


experimental ropes courses. Cole served as the instructor over the course of last fall. “We ran experimentally last fall, and we will be doing it again this spring,” Cole said All resident assistants on campus are required in their fall training on the ropes to build their reliance on others. Courtney Cray, one of the RAs on campus, has fond memories of the ropes training. “I really enjoyed participating in the high and low ropes courses….It definitely helped with training…. It was exhilarating,” Cray said. If you’re interested in joining the course, please call Lawrence at 768-9502, or Cole at 764-0081. Even if you’re thinking about it, don’t let the snow outside stop you from joining in the spring. Be a daredevil and prove to yourself that you can conquer your fear of heights. You’ll certainly thank yourself later.



University Times


December 9, 2011

Stories of a Service Dog

While in the class, Corriveau’s daughter, Stephanie, shared her service Saint, Dr. Jacqui Lowman’s dog storybook that she had service dog, has proven that written for Lowman. The stushe can stand up to anything. dents also got to see Saint’s This includes a group of “baby book,” which had picexcited elementary students. tures of her as a pup. On Jan. 4, Lowman and Saint Corriveau said that at the end visited Van Buren elementary of the day, his students didn’t school. They were invited by want to leave. Other teachers fourth-grade teacher, Steve also told him that their students Corriveau. In the fall of kept talking about Saint. 2011, Corriveau’s “You never know class visited how it touches each UMPI. While child, but the comthere, the students ments that I received listened to storyfrom different teachers books about servwere positive and it was ice dogs, which a good learning experiwere created by ence for everybody who some of Lowman’s was at the assembly,” business commuCorriveau said. nication students. Lowman said that At the time, she wanted to speak Lowman was with the students to unable to meet make them realize that with the class. So having a disability isn’t Corriveau checked scary. She shared that with Van Buren’s there are times when administration she’s out in the public and then asked and parents will tell Lowman to speak their children not to at the school. look at her. Lowman Lowman and Dr. Lowman and her service dog, Saint. said that she’s conSaint were greeted cerned the kids will in the auditorium by a large Saint. Lowman commented become fearful and need to group of students. She began that this was one the best parts know that it’s OK to have a by showing a short video about of the visit. Another part she disability. People who are dis“Canines for Disabled enjoyed was going to abled can still accomplish Veterans.” Lowman then Corriveau’s class after the many things. asked the audience for any “I wanted all of the kids to assembly. She said that this was questions that they might have the time where shy students have a glimmer that you can about her and Saint. She later could get their opportunity to have a good, full, rich life. shared that she was impressed There’s nothing you can’t tranask questions. with the questions that the stu“We wanted to go and inter- scend,” Lowman said. dents had. Lowman also Lowman was also happy that act with everybody and that was explained that Saint is her our chance to really do that,” she could clarify that what Saint “bridge”: people will begin by Lowman said. does aren’t “tricks.” talking about Saint and will Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

then eventually ask about Lowman’s disability. One of the students asked about Saint’s service dog duties. Saint showed off her skills by picking up a bottle and then a coin. “The kids’ favorite part was when Dr. J. demonstrated some of the things that Saint does. I think that was one of the highlights,” Corriveau said. At the end of her talk, all of the students had a chance to pet

“What she does are tasks. It makes it possible for me to function,” Lowman said. Lowman enjoyed the trip to Van Buren and would love to return. She joked that Saint didn’t get too much of an ego from the attention. “She’s still the same modest girl she was before,” Lowman said. Corriveau was pleased that Lowman could visit and


share her stories. “We want to thank Dr. J. and Saint for taking the time from their busy schedules to give us insight into what service dogs do,” Corriveau said. Hopefully, in the future, Lowman will be able to go back to Van Buren to share her message and reach out to a new group of students. And there’s no doubt that Saint will be up for the task as well.

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University Times

oice February 10, 2012


Gay Rights Are Human Rights Dick Harrison CONTRIBUTOR

Significant strides were made toward achieving full equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people in the United States during 2011. Just before the year began, Congress repealed the military’s exclusionary “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Despite opponents’ warnings of dire consequences, even Marine Commandant Gen. James F. Amos, who was once the most vocal critic of repeal, told the Associated Press that “Marines across the globe have adapted smoothly and embraced the change.” In February 2011, President Obama and Attorney General Holder issued a letter stating that “sexual orientation discrimination merits heightened scrutiny” and the Administration would no longer defend the “Defense of Marriage Act.” DOMA declares opposite-sex marriage the only possible marriage under federal law. Now, for the first time, official government policy states that anti-gay discrimination is antithetical to American principles of equality and due process. On June 24, 2011, the New

York State Legislature passed Marissa Gaeta purchased $50 this nation, values rooted a bill to legalize same-sex worth of raffle tickets to raise in the Constitution, values marriage, the largest state by funds for a Christmas party of equality and fairness. far. The Empire State joins for military children and held Yet one of the most signifiIowa, New Hampshire, the winning ticket. The ship’s cant events occurred in Massachusetts, Connecticut, commanding officer said the Geneva, Switzerland, on Vermont, Washington D.C., crew’s reaction was positive the occasion of the and the anniversary of the Coquille U n i v e r s a l Indian Tribe Declaration of in Oregon, a Human Rights, Dec. federally-rec6, 2011. U.S. ognized sovSecretary of State ereign nation. Hillary Rodham Legislatures Clinton gave a powin New erful speech before J e r s e y , U.N. diplomats, Maryland and some representing Wa s h i n g t o n countries with State are homophobic polipoised to pass cies and views, marriage defending the rights equality early of lesbian, gay, biin 2012. sexual and transgender persons. “The kiss heard ’round Entitled, “Free and the world” Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta (left,) Equal in Dignity and occurred Dec. kisses her girlfriend, Petty Officer 3rd Class Rights,” Clinton 22, 2011, as Citlalic Snell, after 80 days at sea. Credit: Brian urged leaders to “be two female on the right side of J. Clark/The Virginian-Pilot/Associated. s a i l o r s history,” and said that embraced in the Navy’s tradi- when learning that two les- LGBT people “have an ally tional “first kiss.” When a bians would have the first in the United States of ship returns to port, one kiss. Before the kiss took America and you have milsailor is chosen to have the place, he told AP, “It’s going lions of friends among the honor of the first kiss on to happen and the crew’s American people.” S h e shore. Aboard the amphibious going to enjoy it.” w e n t o n t o s a y, “ S o m e landing ship Oak Hill, the These events, and more, have suggested that gay sailor was chosen by raffle. were all great strides in rights and human rights Petty Officer 2nd Class advancing the values of are separate and distinct;

but, in fact, they are one a n d t h e s a m e . N o w, o f course, 60 years ago, the governments that drafted and passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were not thinking about how it applied to t h e L G B T c o m m u n i t y. They also weren’t thinking about how it applied to i ndigeno us people or children or people with disabilities or other marginalized groups. Yet in the past 60 years, we have come to recognize that members of these groups are entitled to the full measure of dignity and rights, because, like all people, they share a common humanity . . . . We understood that we were honoring rights that people always had, rather than creating new or special rights for them. Like being a woman, like being a racial, religious, tribal, or ethnic minority, being LGBT does not make you less human. And that is why gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.” Secretary of State Clinton’s entire speech is at www.youtube.com/watch? v=MudnsExyV78.


University Times

10 !

February 10, 2012

The Reel Deal: ‘Cowboys & Aliens’ Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

PG-13 119 Minutes *** What better way to spice up a good old Western than with an alien invasion? You’ve got to give it to the filmmakers for coming up with the idea to blend saloons and spaceships. The question, though, is whether this works. Can space creatures really fit in with a western setting? Or can the storyline for “Cowboys & Aliens” at least be entertaining? In the film, a cowboy is abandoned in the middle of

the desert and finds that he can’t recall his identity. When he reaches the nearest town, the people recognize him as outlaw, Jake Lonergan, played by Daniel Craig. Although Lonergan experiences f lashbacks, they only begin to make sense to him when a band of alien spacecrafts attack the town. Remembering that he had once been taken by the aliens, Lonergan helps the townspeople rescue their captured family and friends. “ C ow b oy s & A l i e n s ” s e e m s t o p ro m i s e a s o m e wh at u n i q u e t a l e. Pa r t s o f it, though, may remind you of other We s t e r n s. I t ’s got the typical bar fights and shoot-outs. And despite h av i n g a l i e n s i n t h e m i x , yo u ’r e still not surprised at where the story is headed. It seems that, eve n at t h e e n d of the film, yo u ’re l e f t wo n dering whether cowboys and aliens are really meant to go t o g e t h e r.

ife st yle

Getting Your Laugh Back On Ben Pinette


With many of us in school juggling homework, clubs and a social life, it’s hard sometimes to sit down at 8 p.m. and watch television. Sure, many of us have our old favorites that we watch days later through Netflix or Hulu or another similar source. But what about those new television shows that we fail to realize are on? Some seem to go as quickly as they came, aka cancelled within two episodes. Yes, it may be the fact that it was never a good show, but I decided to test myself out on a new situation comedy, !Rob!, star ring Rob Schneider on CBS Thursdays. I might be a little biased writing a television situation comedy review, because I g rew up in a time where “Seinfeld,” a n d “ Ro s e a n n e, ” w e r e always on and always funny. T hey are and will be a part of my life for m a ny ye a r s t o c o m e. Since about 2005, I’ve not been impressed with some of the situation comedies o n n e t w o rk t e l e v i s i o n . T h ey ’r e j u s t n o t a t a l l funny. Maybe it’s because I don’t give them much of a shot, and my confidence level isn’t all there, but I’m a stickler for a good laugh. So, putting all of that aside, I decided to test out “!Rob!” during its pilot

presentation on Thursday, Jan. 12. At first, I thought it would be very corny and fake with Rob Schneider as the lead role. But as I got into the sitcom more, it certainly pushed the envelope of what a sitcom

today would do during its pilot. Maybe it was the part where I saw Rob at his girlfriend’s parents’ house getting burned by hot wax that made me think twice, but I believe that I may be

too harsh on new sitcoms. I urge you to watch “ ! Ro b ! ” on Thursday nights at 8:30 following “The Big Bang Theory” and give it a shot. I also urge you to not be me. T he classics never die, yes, but how are newer shows ever given the chance to be class i c s ? I t ’s f r o m v i e w e r s like you and me who watch and re-watch these shows that make them famous. Give up a little of your time on Thursday nights and enjoy a laugh or two. Yo u w i l l f e e l b e t t e r about your self in the e n d . Tr u s t m e .

WIN $100.00

DESIGN THE COVER of the 2012 University Day Booklet The booklet includes a schedule of events and descriptions of each session. The winning cover art will also be used on posters, advertisements and other related University Day itesm. Contest open to students with a valid UMPI ID. University Day is Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Art submission deadline is Monday, February 27,2012

The UDay theme is UMPI=Global Connections For complete details about dimentions, format, etcetera, go to: www.umpi.edu/uday

Uni ver sity T im e s ! LIFESTYLE ! Fe b r ua r y 1 0, 2 01 2


In 2012...Is the End Near? Jim Stepp


2012 should prove to be an interesting year in astronomy in norther n Maine and New Brunswick. Most of these events will be visible to the naked eye, a few of the events will require a telescope and one will require travel. Here a few of the events you may want to check out this year: 02/09/2012 at 21:08 Venus an d Uranu s wi ll pass just 18.2’ from each other. This is a little more than ½ the apparent size of the Moon. This event will have to be seen with a p a ir o f bin o cul ar s o r a sma l l t ele sco pe be ca use Uranus is not quit bright e no u gh to see with th e unaided eye, but this event wi ll make U r anus ver y easy to find. Venus is the b ri ght est o bj e ct in the wester n sky. Uranus will be the dim green dot next to Venus. 02/23/2012 Comet Garradd (C/2009 P1) will be at its brightest at magnitude 6.7. This will make the comet visible in a pair of binoculars or a small telescope. Go to http://cometography.com/l comets/2009p1.html for more information. 03/04 Comet Garradd (C/2009 P1) will be at its closest to the Earth. It will still be at brightest at magnitude 6.7. This will make the comet visible in a pair of binoculars or a small telescope. Go to http://cometography.com/l comets/2009p1.html for more information. 03/13/2012 at 18:08 Venus will pass 3 degrees from Jupiter: that is about six moon diameters from each other. Other than the moon and the sun, Venus and Jupiter are the brightest objects in the sky.

04/21/2012 to 04/23/2012 April Lyrid Meteor Shower. The peak occurs on 04/22/2012 with 8 meteors per hour. 06/06/2012 beginning at 17:09 and continuing to sundown at 20:20 Venus will transit (pass in front of) the Sun. This is a relatively rare event. There were no transits in the 20th Century. There will be three in the 21st century, 2004, 2012, and 2017. Only about half

of the transit will be visible, the other half will take place after sundown. This event requires a telescope with special equipment. DO NOT try to watch this event with your naked eye. 07/01/2012 at 03:57 Venus will pass 4.8 degrees from Jupiter. That is about 9 ½ moon diameters from each other. This is a repeat of the March conjunction, but instead of happening at 6:08 p.m., it is happening at 3:57 in the morning. 07/28/2012 to 07/30/2012 BetaCassiopeid Meteor Shower. The peak occurs on 07/29/2012 with 6 meteors per hour. 08/08/2012 to 08/17/2012 Perseid Meteor

Shower. The peak occurs on 08/12/2012 with 55 meteors per hour. 08/15/2012 at 04:28 Mars will pass 2.7 degrees from Saturn. That is about 5½ moon diameters from each other. 10/05/2012 to 10/10/2012 Draconid Meteor Shower. The peak occurs on 10/07/2012 with 61 meteors per hour. 10/19/2012 to 10/24/2012 Orionid

Meteor Shower. The peak occurs on 10/21/2012 with 11 meteors per hour. 11/15/2012 to 11/16/2012 November Iota-Aurigids Meteor Shower. The peak occurs on 11/15/2012 with 6 meteors per hour. 11/16/2012 at 20:11 Venus will pass 31.5’ from Venus. That is about 1 moon diameters from each other. These two planets will become visible in our area at about 04:30. 11/16/2012 to 11/18/2012 Leonid Meteor Shower. The peak occurs on 11/17/2012 with 11 meteors per hour. 12/12/2012 to 12/15/2012 Geminid Meteor Shower. The peak

occurs on 12/13/2012 with 19 meteors per hour. 12/21/2012 This is the day that many apocalyptic writers believe the Earth will be destroyed. Many movies have been made about this date including 2012. I plan on doing a whole series of articles on this event in the fall. My advice to you is, buy your Christmas gift. The year will not be ending on this day or any day soon. THE NIGHT SKY The International Space Station is visible in the mor ning sky through Feb. 5. After Feb. 12, the ISS is visible in the evening sky. Go to w w w. h e a v e n s a b ove. c o m f o r e x a c t t i m e s a n d l o c a t i o n s. Yo u wi ll n ee d t o reg ister at this site and l o a d yo u r lo c ation t o be a ble t o get exa ct t im es. T he U ni ver si t y o f Maine at Presq ue Isle is located at 6 8d00 m 7.8s west l on gitude and 46d40m45.6s north l at itude. To get a free sky chart, go to www.skymaps.com. Sun and Planet Visibility Planet visibility times are based on the planet being at least 5 degrees high and 30 minutes from either sunrise or sunset. 02/10 Sunrise 06:44 Sunset 16:48 Mercury Not visible Venus 16:48-20:24 Mars 19:18-06:30 Jupiter 17:00-23:12 Saturn 22:48-06:12 Uranus 18:12-18:4 02/01@05:54 The ISS passes 1 degree from A l p h a L e o ( Re g u l u s ) .

02/01@05:56 The ISS passes 1.3 degrees from A l p h a Vi rg o ( S p i c a ) . 02/07@05:37 Mercury passes behind the sun – Superior Conjunction. 02/07@ 16:54 New Moon 02/09@19:08 Ve n u s 0.3 degrees from Uranus 02/10@00:23 Moon 9 degree from Mars 02/11@18:44 Moon at perigee (closest to the Earth) 367,900 km or 228,600 mi from Earth 02/12@16:49 Moon 6.0 degrees from Satur n 02/14@ 02:29 Mercury 1.2 degrees from Neptune 02/14@12:04 Last quarter moon 02/14@18:18 The ISS passes 1.0 degrees from Epsilon Orion (Alnikam). 02/15@16:05 Mars at aphelion – furthest from the sun 249,227,700 million km or 154,862,900 million miles from the sun 02/15@18:55 The ISS passes 1.0 degrees from Ve n u s 02/21@13:38 Moon 5.5 degrees from Neptune 02/21@ 17:35 New moon 02/23@19:56 Moon 5.6 degrees from Mercury 02/25@14:29 Moon 3.1 d e g r e e s f r o m Ve n u s 02/26@19:42 The ISS passes 1.1 degrees from Ve n u s 02/26@23:17 Moon 3.7 d e g r e e s f r o m Ju p i t e r 02/27@09:05 Moon at apogee (furthest from the Earth) 405,000 km or 251,600 mi from Earth. 02/27@18:47 The ISS passes in front of the moon 02/28@17:50 The ISS passes 0.5 degrees from Alpha Auriga (Capella)


Happy Valentine’s Day!

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