Volume 39 Issue 9

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insi de this issue:

A complete wrap-up of the 2011 E.ON IBU World Cup Biathlon Details on p. 10-11

University of Maine at Presque Isle Volume 39 Issue 9

Campus p. 2

Journalism for Northern Maine

Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

FEBRUARY 18, 2011 Sports p. 9

Community p. 13

Voice p. 14

Lifestyle p. 17

Pepped Up for the World Cup

gathered in a separate area for interviews with the press. Ten STAFF WRITER of these biathletes were the top You could feel the excite- ranked in the world (top five ment surging through the air. males and females). Walking into Gentile Hall on Anna Carin Zidek (fifth the evening of Thursday, Feb. in the world) and Helena 3, was reminiscent of stepping Ekholm (second) of into a high school pep rally. Sweden both said that This event, however, was much their reception and stay bigger and much more thrilling, in Presque Isle had been especially for the people of nice so far. Although the Presque Isle and Aroostook current temperatures in County. Rows of chairs lined Sweden are roughly the Gentile Hall’s floor with empty same as that of Presque seats waiting to be filled by Isle, they both agreed international biathletes. that it’s a bit chillier. Presque Isle and Caribou high “It’s been a little cold, school bands entertained the though, but it’s getting crowds with well-known tunes, better,” Zidek said. which only increased the audiFifth ranked Ivan ence’s enthusiasm. Spectators Tcherezov of Russia also crowded into the room eagerly said that he’s had nice waiting for the IBU World Cup accommodations. He was able Opening Ceremonies to begin. to get some practice time in at Before the event started, the Nordic Heritage Center, however, several biathletes which went well. “The track is very nice,” Tc h e r e z o v said. When asked about personal goals, many athletes looked for a spot on the podium, as third ranked A n d r e a Henkel of Germany From left to right: Andrea Henkel, summed up. Helena Ekholm and Anna Carin Zidek. Stephanie Corriveau

“I want to do a good job in the shooting range and hope for the podium place,” Henkel said.

ipate and made the drive from Lake Placid overnight. “I’m excited to be here,” Hall said.

Biathlon crowd.

Sara Studebaker of Boise, Idaho, arrived in Presque Isle for the competition on Jan. 31. One of her goals is to earn a spot in the top 30. Studebaker said that she had visited Maine before for the North American Cup. She also said that she’s gotten a good reception and is happy that she didn’t have to travel such a long distance. “It’s been nice to be so close to home and not have to travel so far,” Studebaker said. Another American biathlete, Zachary Hall of Nikiski, Alaska, made it to Presque Isle at 3 a.m. on Thursday. Hall said he was called up to partic-

While the interviews were finishing up, one biathlete (who heard the crowd cheering) commented upon the audience’s enthusiasm. It was time for the biathletes to line up and face their fans. Greeted with ear deafening applause, the biathletes paraded through the audience to their seats. Event director David Peterson then took to center stage and welcomed everyone. He said that the goal for the World Cup was to create an event that would inspire excitement and amazement. Peterson encouraged the audience to go out to the venue.

“We intend to create lasting memories every day of this event,” Peterson said. After Peterson, the vice president of the International Biathlon Union took the time to thank Presque Isle for everything they’d done for the event. The Opening Ceremonies then continued with a presentation of bibs to both the top 10 biathletes of the world and the American biathletes. The Maine Dance Academy dancers posed for cameras as they hugged and gave the biathletes their bibs. The dancers then continued the Opening Ceremonies by entertaining the audience. Performing multicultural dances, the Maine Dance Academy had perfectly choreographed routines. The final number, “Rolling on a River” had all dancers putting on their best show. Individuals dressed in mannequin-like tuxedo costumes even roller-skied through the audience. When the Opening Ceremonies ended and the biathletes had left, the energy in the room was still high. It was definitely a memorable event for all who attended. Presque Isle should be proud of the wonderful work it has done to host the IBU World Cup Biathlon.



University Times


February 18, 2011

Letters From The Editors

The University Times Staff Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editor Ben Pinette Sarah Graettinger Kayla Ames Staff Writers Kayla Ames Stephanie Corriveau Naima deFlorio Martha Franklin-Wight Jordan Guy Stephanie Jellett Steven McKenney Michael Mink Angelic Nicholson Mika Ouellette Angie Paul Henry Pelletier Derek Smith Taylor Ussery Lanette Virtanen Brianna Williams Contributors Dick Harrison Kyle Huston Dakota Koch Sarah Sjoberg Jim Stepp Don Zillman Adviser Dr. J

The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

Hi Everyone, We had a blast two weeks ago at the biathlon. WUPI was live for four days from the Opening Ceremonies here on campus through events at the Nordic Heritage Center. We scored some exciting interviews with a few of the athletes and spectators. Both Tom Pinette and I will have a special “Wrapup” show coming this Saturday at 3 p.m. The show will also be available to listen to on our website, http://utimes.umpi.edu/wupi-radio. Enjoy our special “Winter Issue” right before February break. Thereʼs nothing better than a northern Maine winter, and the U Times took advantage of this. Our front, middle and back pages are in color so you can really put yourself there at the events. Itʼs always exciting when we can print in color because our pictures look so amazing. Hard to believe February break is coming up…stay safe and have a good break. And donʼt forget to enjoy the snow before it soon melts! -Ben Dear readers, With this issue weʼre going to make sure that you get to see some great pictures that were taken during the biathlon by Henry Pelletier, one of our staff writers. There are so many great things that happen on and off campus, so make sure to check to see what else is coming up. With all that CAB and OAPI have going on this semester, take the time to try something new or see one of the many movies that they have here on campus. If you enjoy watching sports, get out there and show some team spirit. The snow just keeps coming and coming, so make sure to watch your step and drive carefully. Lanette Greetings, Iʼm Kayla, a sophomore here at UMPI majoring in English. Iʼve been with the U Times almost two years, now, but Lanette and Ben have only recently started teaching me how to do layout. I have some big shoes to fill and I hope I can do the paper justice. If youʼre interested in writing for the U Times, I strongly encourage you to show up for the meetings every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. in Normal Hall. I joined to learn a new writing style and in the hope of learning to write more succinctly. Even if you donʼt think youʼre perfectly suited for our style or schedule, weʼd love to see you! As Christina Rossettiʼs “Goblin Market” said, come buy, come buy, or, more accurately, come by, come by! And if you canʼt, keep reading! Thank you, Kayla Ames

D at es fo r Sub m issio ns t o t h e U T im es

Feb. 28 Mar. 28

Mar. 18 April 11

April 25

Any submissions recieved after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.


Un iver sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r ua r y 1 8, 2 0 11

From Don’s Desk

Let me use the visibility of the U Times to express my thanks to so many of you for some great volunteer work over the last months and days. I’ll start with the most recent— Presque Isle’s hosting of the biathlon World Cup from February 3 to 6. I suspect many of us learned far more about biathlon in the last week than we had learned in prior years. For the newcomers, here is Biathlon and World Cup 101. The sport combines Nordic skiing and target shooting. If that seems a strange combination, you’re starting to appreciate biathlon. Think how you feel any time you have just finished a hard run. Then imagine that you would assume the perfect bodily calm of a skilled target shooter. The biathlete needs to do both. It may be one of the toughest sports in the Olympics and in other international competitions. The World Cup in the annual series of biathlon competitions that takes place in venues around Europe (prime biathlon territory) and occasionally in the United States. This year northern Maine will serve as the back-to-back host for two World Cup competitions. The first in Presque Isle

Several Thank Yous

has just concluded. The second in Fort Kent should be going on as you read this. Our friend Andy Shepard, the head of Maine Winter Sports who helped organize the two events, has called this Maine’s biggest sports event. One piece of evidence that he offers is the number of Olympic athletes, past and future, who will compete. Another is the TV audience in Europe. As many as 150 million viewers have seen live and delayed broadcasts with their frequent references to “Presque Isle, Maine.” The Presque Isle story becomes even more impressive when we realize that the community has had less than a year to plan for the event. Originally, another U.S. location was expected to share hosting duties with Fort Kent. That town suddenly dropped out of the picture. Presque Isle stepped in and promised to make the event

happen. The collective “we” did it and did it splendidly. UMPI has been a crucial part of a community wide effort. Gentile Hall drew 1,500 spectators and participants to the February 3 opening ceremonies. Great work by our Physical Plant staff handled every need of the organizers. Our own Mary Lawrence served as the overall coordinator for almost 500 community

volunteers. Our faculty, staff and students volunteered in so many ways. We offered the professional expertise of our athletic training, communications, course management, security, first aid and other areas to serve those needs of

Applications are available in the Student Exchange Office, 103 South Hall, and must be completed by the end of February. Exchange Student Melissa Borjas

athletes, coaches and spectators. Lastly, dozens of UMPI community members with no special expertise joined the hundreds of other community volunteers to do everything from driving buses to handling parking to providing activities to the athletes and spectators when the competition days ended. My thanks to all of you for an essential role in making a world class event happen in our community. A second large thank you to Dr. J, Professors Murray and Bubar, and to their students in focus groups and advisory boards last fall. Your work in gathering campus data and assessing campus attitudes help us in two of our most active needs. Dr. J’s focus group class gathered, conducted and tabulated studies of what UMPI could be doing better in its recruitment, admissions and retention work. These studies add to the information that Dean Corsello, Director Benson and their staffs have been compiling as we look for effective ways to encourage prospective students to consider the attractions of UMPI and to assure that present students get the most out of their UMPI

experience. You will shortly be seeing many of the results of this work. Likewise to Professors Murray and Bubar’s students in their Green Business Special Topics class. They took a close look at the wide range of green practices on the UMPI campus. Our membership in the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment requires us to regularly report on all of our activities that have an impact on our consumption of carbon fuels (coal, natural gas, petroleum). Their report both provides data for our report to the Presidents’ Commitment and gives all of us suggestions of ways we can lessen the impact of the campus on the environment. Both the focus groups and the green business work highlight the growing UMPI commitment to course work that provides both practical education for the students involved but also provides useable results for campus and community. I’m very appreciative of the efforts of everyone who participated in these two projects. The work helps to make a better UMPI. -Don


Un ive r sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r u ar y 1 8, 2 0 1 1

Chris’ Corner

At the start of every new year, everyone is focused on improving things. With the new year well into swing, many of our resolutions abound: everything from vowing to dress nicer, to committing to advancing our education or maybe trying to spend more wisely. Everybody seems to enter the New Year with refreshed hope that all those wonderful things that we dream could happen will really come true this time. But, is there something that you already HAVE in your life that is holding you back? The other day, I saw a friend’s 4year-old limping noticeably. I asked him if something was wrong with his foot, but he replied “no.” This happened three or four times before he finally admitted that he had stepped on something and it had gotten into the bottom of his foot. If there is one thing Stephen doesn’t like, it’s anyone trying to remove splinters. He was willing to put up

Get Rid of the Splinter

with the pain of the splinter rather than admit that he had a problem. It was hard for me to understand why he preferred the pain of the splinter to the solution. But he was in denial. He had talked himself into believing that the splinter wasn’t that bad, that it would go away and that the pain would get better. We laugh when we see a child behave this way. But do you have a splinter in your life that you’re ignoring? Maybe your health isn’t so great or you owe too much money. Maybe you’re having family problems or are afraid to fly in a plane or haven’t devoted enough time to your studies. I’ll bet almost everybody has something that they’re choosing to ignore. I have a splinter. But I’m not

going to tell you what it is. And I won’t ask you about yours. Because I think the thorns in our life are too personal. It’s easy to talk about our goals, our dreams and our schemes. It’s fun to share with people

February 8, 2011. Boyd started her journey at UMPI as so Ethelyn Boyd celebrated many do in the corporate her 40th year at UMPI on world…from the mailroom. But her talents were quickly reco g n i ze d and within a few months, she was promoted. Her climb up the university ladder continued, finally resting as the right ar m Ethelyn Boyd, recipient of the assistant to five different Amodeo Staff Award

our hopes for the future, especially when we have set solid resolutions to see them to fruition. But the splinters in our life are different. For one thing, for a long time, we just choose to ignore our splinters. We behave like Stephen did with the real

splinter. We tell ourselves that it’s not so bad, that it will go away. We can handle it. So, although it’s there, we don’t even recognize it. But then, there’s a point in our life when we face the splinter. We realize it won’t get better unless we leave our denial behind, stop ignoring it and act. Maybe we discuss it with people close to us. Maybe we seek guidance from a doctor or a support group. In fact, sharing the splinter with loved ones or professionals can be very helpful in dealing with the pain we’re feeling. But ultimately, when it comes down to the final solution, it’s all up to us. With splinters, we can’t expect anyone else to solve it for us. We have to admit it’s there, that it needs to

change and that we need to change it. Brian Tracy said in his book “Focal Point” that one of the great life lessons we all have to learn is that “your life only gets better when you get better.” It seems like such a simple statement, but it has a tremendous impact on our lives when we accept it. It’s the time for making resolutions, and we should all do that, looking forward to achieving our dreams. I’ve made several this year. But I’ve decided that this is the time to finally deal with my splinter, as well. I’m not looking forward to it. It will be much more difficult, and much more painful, than going for my goals. But I think that unless I do face it, I’ll never be truly happy even if I do achieve my goals. Maybe, in order to achieve our destiny, we have to find the courage to first eliminate the splinters in our lives. Once they are removed, we are free to fly!

university presidents. “I’ve worked with good ones at other administrative positions, but she is the best,” Don Zillman, president of the university since 2006, said. Erin Benson, director of admissions, mirrors Zillman’s appreciation. “She is the face of the university to many people in the community. She’s just the kind of person you want in that position. It’s not just a job to Ethelyn. She’s a very kind individual. She’s very tenderhearted. I’ve seen her tear up when someone has trouble.” Benson has worked with Ethelyn on many projects from graduation to convocation, dinners and trustee events.

“You can like someone and think well of them, but the attribute that is most important to me is, I can trust her,” Benson said. It was these characteristics and others that contributed to Boyd being the first recipient of the Amodeo Staff Award. Professor Nancy “Nan” Amodeo was a member of the faculty and provided a $25,000 gift to the university xto honor a worthy member of the university staff. This award will be given each year to a staff person nominated by the various representative bodies on campus. The first award presentation had an Oscar winning feel, as the winner’s name was sealed in an enve-

lope and opened at the staff holiday party in December. And the winner is…. Boyd said, “I don’t like being the center of attention.” Her colleagues, associates and boss think otherwise, however. “She keeps the office and campus running in a great, quietly efficient way. And nobody does it better, like the old James Bond song!” Zillman said. Boyd graduated from Husson University. She’s married with two children and four grandchildren. When not working, she enjoys snowmobiling, four-wheeling and spending time with family and friends.

And the Winner Is…Ethelyn Boyd! Martha Franklin-Wight STAFF WRITER


Un iver sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r ua r y 1 8, 2 0 11

Learning to Let Go – Or at Least Trying To Kayla Ames STAFF WRITER

Clutter is common. Most of you reading this probably have clutter in your dorms or at home. It’s natural and understandable. There’s a point, however, at which clutter becomes something more– something unhealthy. When people are consumed by the compulsion to gather and keep items, when their ability to function is compromised, then it’s considered hoarding. Dr. David Tolin, a board certified clinical psychologist and expert on cognitive-behavioral therapy, spoke on Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. in the Campus Center to an audience of about 100. He discussed compulsive hoarding, its causes, its effects and current treatments. Vice President of Academic Affairs Michael Sonntag introduced Tolin, explaining that they met at the University of Arkansas, where Tolin received his Ph.D. After that, he completed his pre-doctoral internship at Tufts. “He’s an old friend and it’s fun to be able to do this,” Sonntag said. The definition of hoarding isn’t definite. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not a variation of obsessive compulsive disorder. Hoarding is characterized by the acquisition of or failure to discard a large number of possessions, living spaces that can no longer be used for their intended purpose and significant distress or impairment caused by the excessive clutter. The inability to function is the major difference between common disorganization and compulsive hoarding. In more severe cases, hoarders are least aware of their problem while others are most concerned. “Often, it’s the impairment we have to go after when mak-

ing the diagnosis,” Tolin said. While presenting, Tolin showed pictures of houses inhabited by people with compulsive hoarding and encouraged audience members to examine them. He explained that hoarders usually gather and keep items because they are

Hoarding has been shown to have a tremendous effect on both the public and the hoarder’s family. Six percent of hoarders are fired because of their disorder. Seventy-seven percent report one or more severe health conditions. One in 55 have had children removed from the home, and yet another possible consequence is eviction. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are the only other mental illnesses with similar rates of b u r d e n . Children of hoarders tend to be more embarrassed and have fewer friends Distinguished Lecturer David Tolin. over. Compulsive hoarding is one of sentimental, instrumental or of the top diseases to cause intrinsic value. Besides feelings death, especially fire-related of responsibility and a fear of fatalities, not to mention disforgetting what they own, placement and property damhoarders might also identify the age. loss of their possessions with a Tolin talked about the differloss of control over their lives. ences between OCD and “The irony, of course, is that in the case of hoarding, those things tend not to be used,” Tolin said. Compulsive hoarding can manifest itself during childhood, but because children normally collect, it’s hard to diagnose them. The disorder is nearly three times as common in those 55 years of age or older, twice as likely to show up in men and four times as likely to occur among the low-income. “More often than not, they say ‘this behavior has been present since I was a kid’.... The older you get, the more likely you are to develop severe hoarding disorder,” Tolin said.

hoarding as well as typical behaviors associated with the latter. Problems with attention, motivation, memory, chronic fatigue and categorization are typical, as is avoidance of distress, decision-making, throwing things away, conflict and sustained effort. As for treatments, pharmacotherapy (using drugs to treat diseases) and forced clean-outs have been mostly unsuccessful. Cognitivebehavioral therapy, specifically psychoeducation, motivational interviewing, organization training, applying challenging questions to their illogical way of thinking and exercises such as non-shopping excursions, on the other hand, have proven useful. Despite the variety of methods, much about hoarding is still unknown. “ T h e re ’s c l e a rl y a l o t of room for g rowth,” To l i n c o n c l u d e d . During the question and answer portion, Tolin elaborated on topics such as the correlation between hoarding and the low-income as well as childhood ADHD, how the treatment of child hoarders differs from adults, the sustain-

ability of therapy, how an inclination toward the disorder can be passed down from parent to offspring and Tolin’s opinions regarding television shows that feature hoarding. Tolin kept the atmosphere light, making the crowd laugh with occasional jokes despite the serious nature of his presentation. One attendee asked if you could be a hoarder if you kept storage units instead of accumulating items in your house, which Tolin answered with another question: “Can you be an alcoholic if you mix your Jack Daniels with Coke?” Sonntag welcomed everyone to gather in the next room after the lecture ended. There, people could enjoy refreshments and pose any questions they hadn’t had the chance to ask. Before he could even leave the room, though, Tolin was flocked by eager audience members, all of whom seemed very invested in the topic of hoarding. And who could blame them? Even if it hadn’t seemed interesting before, Tolin surely made it so by the end of 90 minutes.

An example of hoarding.


Un ive r sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r u ar y 1 8, 2 0 1 1

Bye, Bye, Birdie Angelic Nicholson STAFF WRITER

When you think of stuffing a bird, does Stove Top come to mind? It might not if you were a student of Jason Johnston. Johnston, fourth year assistant professor of wildlife ecology at UMPI, uses the birds for an educational purpose. Some of his students learn how to make museum specimens and it helps them to improve on important skills that biologist should have, such as dissecting. Johnston began having students dissect birds a few years ago. Certain students, such as Keith Grivois, are able to do it during their workstudy, as well. Remaking a bird takes time and effort. It can take up to two class periods (six hours) to just finish a bird. In order to make a bird, you need to invert the skin inside out, remove the interior of the bird and insert a cotton comb instead. “I think the hardest obstacle to overcome with the dissections was making precise incisions while inverting the bird’s skin and trying not to tear it, which would be detrimental to the aesthetics of the final product,” Grivois said. “My efficiency and proficiency improved 110 percent, which is most likely due to the repetitive nature of the preparation process.” Biology major students have remade more than 40-50 differ-

ent species to add to a collection of birds from the Portland Museum of Natural History. Still, Johnston said, “I don’t have every species that I’d like.” The birds that students use are usually those that have died accidently: hitting windows or electrocution and occasionally birds that have been hunted. The students in biology 310, ornithology, and biology 360, vertebrate biology, get the opportunity to see what birds look like up close. During each class, there are always a few people who don’t like birds but always seem to enjoy doing the activities with them. In biology 310, you’re given the chance to learn about local bird species. Having a collection on campus allows the students to study what each bird looks like and gives a realization of what to look for when looking for them locally. Having the birds on campus has been a better learning tool than using pictures. Johnston said, “Using specimens gives a much better sense of shape, size and coloration than pictures or drawings.” With the birds on campus, it’s allowed student to learn in new ways. The different species of birds have allowed the students to get close and learn about them. It’s allowed students to expand their knowledge and skills to help benefit themselves for their future.

Dr. Jason Johnston holding Keith Grivoisʼ Great Horned Owl.

The Trip That Changes Lives

Brianna Williams STAFF WRITER

The excitement begins as four UMPI students, one Husson student, one UMPI alumna and an adviser plan to go on a trip of a lifetime. Abbey Atcheson, Kelsey Albert, Nicole Michaud, Ashley Brewer, Jen Borden, Paite Nichols and Shirley Rush will board a plane and begin a long flight to Tanzania on May 27. W h a t w i l l t h ey b e doing there? Shirley Rush said, “We don’t know. We’ll be getting our assignments two weeks before we go.” Some of the different assignments that they could be doing are working at an orphanage, working with people dealing with HIV and AIDS and working with women on economic development. They could also be working at a school, working with the elderly and working with people with disabilities. The trip grew from 2008. Rush said, “I took 10 stu-

dents to Fordham University for a conference and a Social Work Day at the United Nations. The students asked if we could do something like that, and I said ‘Of course.’” The only thing that was stopping them was the permission to start the trip. Now for a trip such as this, there must be lots of planning. The students met at least once a month in the beginning of planning the trip. Yet as the date got closer, they planned on meeting at least twice a month. Along with meetings, these women also had to do different fundraisers to be able to go on the trip. Rush said, “They put in collectively over 1,000 hours of

fundraising for the trip. This includes traveling, selling and making whatever we sell.” Overall, the trip sounds like a fantastic idea to teach social work students about culture and the different needs of people. When the time comes, let’s all give these ladies a hand for the fine work they’re doing. Let’s hope that there will be another opportunity like it for other social work students in the future!


Un iver sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r ua r y 1 8, 2 0 11

Success at the Reed Gallery Art Exhibition Steven McKenney STAFF WRITER

Although the b i a t h l o n m a y h av e b e e n t h e m o s t a t t e n d e d e ve n t in the area during the first weekend of Fe b r u a r y, this didn’t prevent the Re e d Gallery Art Exhibition from getting its own taste of the spotlight. E ve n a f e w o f t h e a r t i s t s t h e m s e l ve s w e r e r e m a r k ing on how surprised they were it tur ned out the way it did The exhibition was a faculty exhibition for professor s in the, UMPI art department. Each presented a piece and there were all different kinds of media. They ranged from photog raphy to sculptures and abstract paintings. The

gallery was open all day for an open house type o f w a l k - i n o n T h u r s d a y, Fe b. 3 , t o a l l w h o w a n t ed to view at t h e i r leisure. Still, what really made the event was the reception the foll o w i n g Fr i d a y n i g h t . The reception went from 5-7 p. m . I t g ave admirers the chance to get a little insight behind the art pieces. And there was a good variety of genres and ideas behind a l l o f t h e p i e c e s.

One of the artists was Professor Leo-Paul C y r. W h e n a s k e d w h a t the artists could expect

Art work done by Anderson Giles.

Art work done by Renee Felini.

t o g a i n o u t o f t h i s, h e answered, “It gives artists the chance to see o t h e r s ’ w o r k a n d i t g i ve s them the chance to see how different materials are used and to see d i f f e r e n t media.” Also attending the event was exhibition d i r e c t o r Sandra Huck. Huck had this to say about the workload that goes into organizing the e v e n t : We h a v e both solo exhibitions and group exhibitions and they both have different difficul-

ties that go with them. “What makes a solo e x h i b i t i o n e a s i e r, ” H u c k continued, “is that since i t ’s o n e a r t i s t , i t ’s e a s i e r to find a consistent flow of energy between the pieces. This exhibition is g roup exhibition, so i t ’s m u c h h a r d e r t o d o that. “The difference is that g roup exhibitions p r ov i d e i n d i v i d u a l a u d i ence members more chances to relate to the pieces and different styles,” Huck said. “ T h at ’s h a rd e r for the audience with one artist having his or her own style. Audience members relate to different styles and pieces in d i f f e r e n t w a y s. ” Huck also had her input on what the artists could expect to get out of the experience. “ I t ’s always recent work,” Huck said. “It tests the artists and keeps their ideas fresh.” I t ’s e a s y t o see how this could keep artists on their toes with these events. And it was also nice to hear what the

artists would idly remark as a surprisingly successf u l t u r n o u t . Wi t h t h i s , there was obviously a lot o f e n t h u s i a s m i n t h e a i r. The artists hard at work got to feel the support t h e y n e e d e d . H e r e ’s h o p ing that future tur nouts will be successful like t h i s o n e. Fo r t u n a t e l y f o r this particular event, their patience and efforts were not in vain.

Art work done by Leo-Paul Cyr.


Un ive r sity T i me s ! CAMPUS ! Fe b r u ar y 1 8, 2 0 1 1

ʻSecretariatʼ Wins a Place in Our Hearts Kayla Ames


Imagine a crowd roaring with approval, the pounding of horse hooves against earth, anticipation swelling inside as you hold your breath and wait for that one final, crucial moment. This is the way the movie “Secretariat” began– with much excitement and a scene that immediately engaged every sense. Then came a powerful quote from the book of Job, spoken by God in honor of horses: “He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray. He laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; he does not shy away from the sword. The quiver rattles against his side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement he eats up the ground; he cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.” “Secretariat,” released in 2010 and starring Diane Lane, John Malkovich and James Cromwell, might be considered by some to be “just another

horse movie.” No one can say that there aren’t already plenty in circulation. What sets “Secretariat” apart, however, doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with horses. Rather, it’s the movie’s wholesome quality, its depiction of family life and struggles, the depth of the characters and the inspirational messages that make it unique. Hosted by CAB, UMPI’s Campus Activities Board, “Secretariat” replaced “It’s Kind of a Funny Story,” the movie originally scheduled for showing at 7 and 9 p.m. on the night of Jan. 26. That was also the first night attendees could purchase concessions such as candy bars, popcorn, soda, water and Capri Sun juice. At one point, the popcorn began to burn, setting off the fire alarm and delaying the showing for several minutes. CAB members promptly solved

the problem and brought the situation under control. After a quick apology, they started the movie. “Secretariat,” first and foremost, tells the story of a woman and her horse. Penny Chenery,

the main character, is a seemingly mild-mannered 1970s housewife, taking care of her family and attending to domestic matters without complaint. Upon learning that her mother has died, she returns to her childhood home, only to realize that her ailing father is no

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longer capable of taking care of the horses they’ve been breeding for years by himself. Little by little, the estate and its majestic contents begin to enthrall her. Try as she might to balance family, housework and the business, Chenery finally decides to put the majority of her effort into paying off her family’s debt and saving the property they have left. Despite the disapproval of her husband and brother as well as the fact that horse-racing is a field dominated by men, she decides to try her hand at it. Trusting her own research and intuition, she sides with the colt that will eventually become Secretariat over the far more popular candidate, Hasty Matilda. “This colt is part of our family now,” Chenery says when Secretariat, also known as Big Red, is born. Soon enough, she’s gathered a rather unconventional group of individuals to help her in her endeavor. The team consists of eccentric trainer Lucien Laurin, determined jockey Ronnie Turcotte, loyal Miss Ham and

the quiet but understanding Eddie Sweat, who seems to know what every horse is thinking and feeling. Together, they overcome the many obstacles standing in the way of victory, everything from lack of financial backing to lip sores and inadequate endurance on Secretariat’s part. “I realize something,” Chenery whispers to Secretariat shortly before the race that will make him a legend, “...I’ve already won.” For those who don’t know, Secretariat is still considered by many to be the greatest racehorse that ever lived. The movie depicting his journey to success contains some great quotes and lessons. It teaches us the importance of believing in ourselves, the different ways that we can triumph and that talent comes in a variety of forms. Throughout the movie, several different characters indirectly encourage us to “run our own race.” In doing so, we might uncover some greatness we didn’t even know was there.

Kelly Commons Goes Hawaiian


University Times

ports February 18, 2011

Rivalry Weekend


There was a certain excitement around campus that couldn’t wait to be unleashed during one of the Sunrise Conference’s most vicious rivalries. The University of Maine at Presque Isle Owls met up with the Fort Kent Bengals on the hardwood to battle out what would soon be one of the best basketball games of the season. The rivalry stems back to the soccer history the two schools have had with each other. Both soccer teams find themselves each season battling for the top spot in the conference standings. Fort Kent’s athleticism and talent has recently come out on top over the veteran leadership and experience of the Owls. When the two teams finally met up on the basketball court, the Bengals didn’t count on the Owls having a sixth player on the floor. That extra player was the fans.

UMPI found itself trailing at halftime, but momentum was on its side— and so was the crowd. The fans controlled the tempo and excitement for the entire sec-

Owls wouldn’t let up. The effort off the bench from Aaron Hutchins and Michael Warner seemed to spark the comeback. Sophomore forward Patrick Manifold con-

points. The floor leadership of Clifford McDonald and Kyle Corrigan was, in the end, too much for the Bengal’s defensive capabilities. The Owls triumphed

Senior forward Chris Coffin jumps up to contest a shot attempt from a Fort Kent player ond half, willing their team ahead of the Bengals midway through the second half. The

trolled the rebounding for the Owls, helping them to get some very key second chance

over the Bengals 71-66. UMPI men’s soccer coach and men’s basketball

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assistant coach Alan Gordon said, “This was the best crowd I had ever seen since I’ve been at UMPI.” Head coach Terry Cummings said, “The fans were a huge part in the victory tonight.” The “Blue Crew,” as the student section has been labeled throughout the university, was in rare form for this event, in part because this could have been the Owls end to playoff hopes for the season. This game wasn’t just important for the players, but for the university and the students as well. The Owls were out to make a statement: not just that they could win, but that they would win and do it in dramatic fashion. And they did. This storied rivalry will go on long after the current students have come and gone. The two schools will exchange chants, boos and cheers for many more years. On this night, the fans as well as the players fought adversity and came out on top.


Un ive r sity T i me s ! SPORTS ! Fe b r ua r y 18, 2 0 1 1

The Whole World

Henry Pelletier STAFF WRITER

It has come and passed, the 2011 E.ON IBU World Cup Biathlon, and was it exciting! There were more than 10 nationalities racing across the cold snow in Presque Isle. For those of you who don’t know what biathlon is, it’s high paced cross country skiing and long distance range shooting. Originally, people in Norway needed to get across the snow covered land to hunt for food. It was later picked up as a sport in Europe, and it wasn’t a hundred years ago that it hit the American scene. Before the event started each day, the athletes skied around the course as a warm up. Young children stood on the sidelines to ask for autographs as the racers were heading down to the course. Many athletes wrote quick notes for the children. On the first day, there were two races: men and women’s sprint. This consisted of many racers being allowed out of the starting point at different times. Each racer would speed around the track until the shooting range, then (s)he would lie down

or remain standing (twice for each) and take a shot at each of the five targets. If any were missed, an extra 150-meter penalty loop would need to be completed before continuing the race. At the end of the racer’s distance (7.5 kilometers for women and 10 kilometers for men) their total time would be the skier’s score. At the end of the races, many people were spilling out of the arena with smiles on their faces. When asked what his favorite part was, young Ben Duprey replied “Watching them shoot the targets.” And who could blame them. Anyone who has shot a gun knows how hard it is — and these athletes needed to shoot with a racing heart! The results for the men’s sprint were Arnd Peiffer in first with a 25:28 time, in second was Martin Fourcade with a 25:44 time and Ivan Tcherezov came in third with a 26:05 time. The first U.S. athlete to place was Lowell Bailey at 25th.

Un iver sity T i me s ! SPORTS ! Fe b r ua r y 1 8, 2 0 1 1


Wa s Wa t ch i n g

The results for the women’s sprint were Helena Ekholm in first with a time of 20:38, in second was Tora Berger with a time of 20:47 and in third was Valj Semerenko with a time of 20:58. If Berger did not get a penalty, she could have taken first place; but she did want to say “thank you” to all of herfans for supporting her. Sara Studebaker, the top scoring US racer, came in 14th for her best race so far. The second day was the mixed relay race. It’s a fairly new race that has become the favorite for many people. It involves four athletes from a single country racing to complete either 6 kilometers (women) or 7.5 kilometers while having four rounds of shooting, two prone and two standing. The first team to finish the race was the winner. As the race was on, the crowd went crazy. There was a group of boys who had no shirts on with USA written across their three chests. Every time a member of the U.S. team raced by, the audience

would chant “USA!” Deborah Shaw from North Carolina said, “We [her and her husband Hugh] are very excited to be here.” And they should be, it was a very exciting race and close race. The winning team was less than30 seconds ahead of the second place team. Almost an hour and a half after the start of the race, it was over. Germany came in first, France second and Russia third. The U.S. team came in seventh out of 12 teams. When the representative from the French team was asked a question about the stadium, she said that it was nice to be in a small stadium, and she was not the only one. Many of the competitors said the same thing when asked. Unfortunately, the U Times didn’t have someone to cover the race on Sunday morning. If you’d like to read more about the biathlon, check the 2011 E.ON IBU World Cup Biathlon official website: http://www.biathlonworld.com/en /home.html.

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