Volume 38 Issue 10

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University of Maine at Presque Isle

Volume 38 Issue 10

MARCH 18, 2010

Journalism for Northern Maine

Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

Junior Olympians, “You Are...a Shining Star” Rene Steele


Gentile Gymnasium was more than packed as nearly 400 spectators came out for the opening ceremony of the 2010 Junior Olympics taking place the following week at the Nordic Heritage Center in Presque Isle. As spectators filed into their seats, the Micmac Red Smoke Singers and Wendy Grass Drum Group entertained us. The opening ceremony highlighted Aroostook County and its heritage as the theme of the 2010 Junior Olympics is: “The Maine Event.” The ceremony began as the Loring Job Corps Honor Guard led in 10 teams of Junior Olympians (ages 15-20). Broken out by geographical region - Team Alaska, Far West, Great Lakes, High Plains, Intermountain, Mid Atlantic, Midwest, Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountain and New England – all were led in by children from the community holding the respective banners. You could see the passion and excitement of all the athletes as they proudly wore their matching team jackets and hats as their teams were announced. When asked about this experience, Jack Heggman, a 15year-old member of Team New England, said, “I’ve been to Maine before, but never for anything like this.” Heggman’s brother competed in the junior biathlon, and that’s when he became interested in the sport. As the 10 teams, about 400 athletes total, took their seats, the opening ceremony contin-

ued with Annie Charles of Limestone singing our national anthem. Following the anthem, the athletes got the first of two surprises of the afternoon. County native Brian Moser performed a song he’d written especially for the athletes titled, “Shining Star.” Its encouraging words and catchy beats helped the athletes and crowd all enjoy the ceremony so far. Then came a special welcome from UMPI President Don Zillman. He welcomed

everyone to Presque Isle. “Presque Isle knows snow,” Zillman said. Event director Tim Doak took the stage to thank the generous sponsors that make an event like this possible. He also described the process in which Presque Isle was chosen for such an event. The Nordic Heritage Club, consisting of all volunteers, put in a bid nearly five years ago for this event. It built up its volunteer committee of nearly 400 people as the

bidding process went on. It finally found out it had won the event and the planning began from there. He also thanked all of the volunteers for their time in planning such an amazing event. Staying in theme, some of Aroostook County’s finest singers and dancers entertained us. Particular crowd favorites were the Moon Dance Studio Troop who got the athletes and crowd on their feet. Another amazing performance was by 8-

year-old Chloe Wheeler, who sang “Folsom Prison Blues” made famous by Johnny Cash. The athletes gave this cute and bouncy little girl the only standing ovation of the ceremony. Event director Tim Doak returned to the stage to give a few closing remarks and also to present the second special surprise to the athletes. The U.S. Ski Team had prepared a special home video message for all of the athletes, encouraging them to work hard as they expect to see some of them at the 2014 Winter Olympics. The Junior Olympians cheered as their favorite athletes flashed across the screen with words of encouragement. Doak closed by wishing them all the best of luck as they are “truly the future of this sport.”


University Times


The University Times Staff Co-Editors Lanette Virtanen Landon York Assistant Editors Sarah Graettinger Ben Pinette Staff Writers Kayla Ames Stephanie Corriveau Alicia Fournier Sarah Graettinger Angel Hammond Daniel Jackson Stephanie Jellett Mika Ouellette Justin Pelkey Ben Pinette Alyson Robitaille Steve Straight Rene Steele Lanette Virtanen Landon York Contributors Bhava Albert Christine Corsello Rachel McGlinn Jim Stepp Don Zillman Adviser Dr. J The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus community. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

March 18, 2010

Next week Iʼll be going on a trip. The UMPI Owls baseball team is going to Pennsylvania for a week of games. Iʼll be going along with the team members as their manager. Iʼll also be writing while Iʼm there, sending updates to the Web site and keeping notes for a full write-up for when I get back. This is an exciting adventure for the University Times. Sending updates from the field to the Web site will give a kind of coverage that we have never been able to give and that the baseball team has rarely received. So while youʼre home on break, remember to check out http://utimes.umpi.edu to keep up with your UMPI Owls baseball. Until next time, Landon We want to thank the UMPI community for coming out to help us and for showing their support for our open house and for our student media in general. It reminds us how great it is to be a part of the community. Weʼd also like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff who not only made the open house possible, but the student media possible as well. Thereʼll be a story in the next issue about the open house. In the meantime, we hope you have a great break! Lanette

Dates for Submissions to the U Times Monday, March 29 Monday, April. 12 Monday, April. 26

Any submissions recieved after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745


University Times CAMPUS March 18, 2010

From Don’s Desk

The last two weeks have been rich in good news about UMPI’s work on campus, around the community and around Maine and beyond. Let me try to pack in as many items as possible. I would bet we set a record as the only campus in Maine, public or private, to have two campus events serve as the basis for the Bangor Daily News’ daily opinion poll. One day the question drew on our Planet Head Day activities. I’ll assume you all know about the annual recognition of outer space projects and cancer research. The question asked was whether you would have your head shaved for a good cause like cancer research. The majority of respondents said YES. The next day the work that Leah Fennemore and Dr.

UMPI Pride

Anja Whittington are doing for the Maine Policy Scholars Program on wilderness rescues and who should pay for them was featured as the question of the day. A majority of the voters opposed a mandatory plan for outdoors people to buy insurance to cover the costs of rescues. That isn’t Leah’s proposal, but it does indicate the significance of the topic and the relevance of UMPI research. Meetings with Lumus Contractors and Honeywell, Inc., have brought us very near to having full access to data from our wind turbine. We

access to the information for people assessing a wind power venture. Gentile Hall played host to 1,000 athletes, coaches, parents, friends and supporters of Nordic sport for the opening of the Nordic Junior Olympics. Presque Isle is delighted to host this nationwide gathering of young, Olympic caliber athletes. UMPI is delighted to show off our Nordic program to potential recruits and their parents. Many people on campus have been involved for several years in planning for this event. I can’t thank all volun-

teers by name here, but I offer a special thanks to Mary Lawrence, Erin Benson, Nancy Fletcher and Alexei Sotskov for their organizational and promotional work and to all of our physical plant staff for the set up and take down work all over town to make this great event seem so effortless. Following the “it takes a village” theme, my thanks to everyone involved in a fine and successful recruitment effort for our newest faculty member, Professor Charles Johnson. Charles was a prized recruit— multiple skills, sought by other schools, no prior connection to Aroostook County. Students, staff, faculty and community members made the sale in superb fashion. Thanks to all.

You Too Can be a Planet…

to affirm both identities. They could “be a planet” and support STAFF WRITER local cancer awareness group If you’re a citizen of the solar Caring Area Neighbors for system, you more than likely Education and also have a loved one who’s a Cancer Recovery or CANCER: and victim of cancer. At the have a great time, to boot. At University of Maine at Presque this event, participants could Isle and the Northern Maine Museum of Science’s fourth either shave their heads or, if annual Planet Head Day, Feb. they weren’t as brave, could don 27, people had the opportunity a latex bathing cap. From there, the participant’s cap or head would be painted to look like a planet from the solar system of their choosing. To participate in Planet Head Day, you could either give a donation at the door or obtain sponsors to fund your new “hairdo.” Three local hairdressers — Amanda Durost, Donna Raymond and Dr. DeFelice getting his head painted. Mika Ouellette

have promised the UMPI web site will regularly tell all visitors more than they want to know about wind speeds and directions, electricity generated, turbine operation, greenhouse gases avoided, etc. The potential for student and faculty research papers is tremendous. The same is true for community

Denise Young — donated their services to shave participants’ heads. The haircuts gave some participants another opportunity. If their hair was long enough (around 10 inches from root to end), they could donate it to Locks of Love, a charity that makes wigs for cancer patients out of people’s donated hair. Members of the campus community showed their support for this charitable event including UMPI history professor Dr. John DeFelice. He was undecided between Neptune and Pluto at first, but decided to be Pluto because despite its recent demotion, he said, “it’s still a planet.” DeFelice has participated in Planet Head Day every year for the past four years with the support of his wife, Gwen. “I would have participated myself since I normally do. I just opt for the cap, since I’m not brave enough to shave my head. But I didn’t have time to collect

sponsors this year and decided instead to contribute by supporting John,” Gwen DeFelice said. The DeFelices’ participation, much like many other participants’, was in honor of a loved one who has been a victim of cancer. Since so many people today have been affected by cancer in some way, Planet Head Day was a ver y successful event with the entire lobby of Gentile Hall already full by noon, one hour after the event began. According to the event’s coordinator UMPI science professor, Kevin McCartney, there were around 60 participants, half of whom shaved their

heads, raising more than $3,500 for CANCER. Despite the negative effects that cancer has, this event provides a positive way to support those who are going through such tragedy while having some fun learning about the solar system at the same time.

Itʼs Pluto, can you see the resemblence?


University Times CAMPUS March 18 2010

Chris’ Corner What Matters in Sport, Matters in Life

As many of you know, I’m an avid sports fan…sports of all kind. Suffice it to say that this is a very exciting month – March – because it’s March Madness time. In fact, my alma mater, the University of Northern Iowa, has another NCAA tournament (basketball) appearance. I love athletic competition, not just for the sport, but because of what sport and competition can really teach us: invaluable lessons; sometimes subtle, sometimes not! Unfortunately, it’s very easy to lose track of those lessons in the

heat of competition. This story might help remind us.... Some people understand life better than others. And they call some of these people “retarded”…. At a Special Olympics event, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100-yard dash. At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to finish and win. All, that is, except one little boy who stumbled on the

asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and began to cry. The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. Then they all turned around and went back – every one of them. One little girl with Downs syndrome bent down and kissed the boy and said, “ T h i s w i l l m a k e i t b e t t e r. ” Then, all nine linked arms and walked together to the finish line. Everyone in the stadium stood. The cheering went on for several minutes. People

who witnessed this are still telling the story….Why? Because deep down we know this one thing: what matters in this life is more than winning

for ourselves. What matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course.

We would like to thank the following businesses for contributing to our open house: BIG CHEESE PIZZA THE SANDWICH SHOP SLEEPERS OF CARIBOU STAR CITY IGA/HILLSIDE IGA/MARS HILL IGA UMPI BOOKSTORE

Thank You!

University Times CAMPUS March 18, 2010

UMPIʼs Version of March Madness

One of the dogsledding dogs at Frozen Frenzy. Stephanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

When people mention the month March, the most popular thought that comes to mind is spring break. But not for UMPI! From March 2 to 4, Dean Corsello and the UMPI Pride Committee put on Frozen Frenzy! During the three day period, many people participated in the variety of scheduled events. On Tuesday, March 2, there were a snowshoe scavenger hunt, tubing and an ice chunk throw. There was also the first Canada versus America broomball challenge. There were also prizes for these events: the first 15 students to arrive would receive an UMPI neck gaiter. On the very beautifully sunny-day of Wednesday, March 3, there were dog sled rides. You had to pay $2 to go for a roughly minute-and-a-half ride. Also that day, people made maple syrup candy. About 150 students showed up and tasted the delicious candy! There was an obstacle/relay race that took place by Gentile Hall. That night, the second Canada versus America challenge took place, but this time it was soccer, and Canada took the win. A van took students up to Bigrock Ski Area for free skiing

and snowboarding. The UMPI versus the Wild hockey game was a success as many students went out and cheered on our team as they battled to stay in the playoffs. The final event for Wednesday was the movie showing of “Cool Running” in the MPR. The final day of the Frozen Frenzy kicked off with rides to the Forum for skating. The last of the Canada versus America challenges took place as students played ultimate Frozen Frenzy Frisbee at the tennis courts. The night wound down, and students gathered at the library parking lot to enjoy a nice campfire, roast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate (donated by Tim Hortons). Matt Carrington, a Frozen Frenzy participant who played in the Canada versus America soccer challenge and scored the winning goal, said, “It was good. It was nice to see people who were not on the soccer team this year come out and play.” Carrington also participated in the indoor obstacle course. “The obstacle course was fun, too. It was something different, which made it work,” Carrington said. Overall, Frozen Frenzy was a success. But from a lot of people’s perspective, the dog sled

rides were the most successful event. Lindy Howe brought down 10 of her Alaskan huskies from her kennels in Stockholm to give a third of a mile ride. The ride went from behind the tennis courts, up to the soccer field and back down through the woods to the starting area. The dogs would get a rest and while resting would get lots of water and treats of haddock and liver. Why? Because they’re low in fat and that would make the dogs more energized. Regular chicken or beef are very high in fat and would make the dogs lethargic. The dogs have a very strict diet. They eat food that can only be bought in Canada: it’s very high in fat. They also get lots of minerals, vitamins, fats, protein, meat, fish and dried eggs. If normal house dogs got this diet, they’d just get very fat. But the sled dogs don’t, because they burn off everything they eat. Howe has many dogs. But she “brought her most people friendly ones,” which consisted of two different kinds: nine Alaskan huskies and a German shorthaired pointer. All the dogs have a double layer of hair to keep them nice and warm. The youngest dog that was there was 2, and the oldest one was 10. To train a sled dog is a hard task. Training starts in August, and 12 dogs actually pull an ATV! They also do a 100 mile ride at Eagle Lake. In total, by December the dogs should have about 800 miles on them. “It helps build muscle strength,” Howe said, w h i l e ex pla in ing the training they go t h r o u g h . There are also different positions for the dogs. The lead dog has to listen for specific comands, such as

“gee” which is right and “haw” which is left. In the middle there are the team dogs that just run along with the rest. Then there are the wheel dogs, which are the biggest and strongest and are located at the back. About 75 students and peo-


even won prizes! Jacob Paradis won an UMPI hat, Ryan Van Buskirk won an Eagle Creek travel blanket, Angel Hammond and Harry Fan won UMPI sling packs, Mathieu Bourgeois won a TOKO hat, Brian Korhonen won a $10 Big

Amanda Morin with dogs. ple from the community came out and got a dog sled ride. Tim Garraty, who didn’t want to go for a ride but watched as many others did, said, “I feel too heavy. I feel as if we should put them in there and pull them.” It was a good tur nout this year for Frozen Frenzy. Lots of people participated in the events, and people

Cheese gift card, Aaron Schmersal won a $10 Mai Tai gift certificate, Taylor Hutchinson won a free meal of choice from the Northeastland Hotel. The grand prize winner of the $100 LL Bean gift certificate was Megan Korhonen. Cong ratulations to all! Let’s hope everyone participates again next year!

View from dogsled at Frozen Frenzy


University Times CAMPUS March 18, 2010

La Vie En Roseʼ: Art from Pain Sarah Graettinger CONTRIBUTOR

‘ On March 3, people were crowded into Folsom 103 to see a movie that the French Club put on. All ages were invited to see this movie that won multiple awards, including an Oscar. Edith Piaf was a singer whose life was shrouded in mystery. Her life had many twists and turns that she had to deal with. Piaf died at a young age after living a hard life. As a child, she was very sick and raised by her grandmother. After that, her father came and took her to a circus where her father worked. Piaf then did chores in order to stay while her father treated her unfairly. “This movie was really sad in the different ways that she had to live,” Amanda Harrop a French class member said. After arguing with the leader of the circus, Piaf and her father left. Then her father started performing on the streets of Paris. When her father was performing, people in the crowd started asking for Edith to do something. She sang “La

Marseillaise,” which is the French national anthem. Everyone clapped, and she now officially was a singer at age 9. “It’s sad how Edith was her father’s slave. She did everything for him, and yet he didn’t deserve it,” Harrop said. After singing in the streets of Paris, years later Piaf got a job in a factory. She earned extra money singing in the streets of Paris so that she’d have enough to eat. She met Louis Leplee and he helped Piaf start her singing career. “There are so many twists and turns in the movie. It’s really interesting that her life was tragic. But you can’t help wanting to find out what’s going to happen next,” Harrop said. After some time Piaf had an affair with Marcel Cerdan, who is a French national boxer competing for the world title. Cerdan is married and ran a farm with his wife. After a performance, Piaf asked Cerdan to come see her. Cerdan got on a plane that was headed to Paris. The plane crashed, and everyone on the plane died. Piaf is distraught and started to overdose on morphine. “It’s so hard to believe that her life was hard, now it’s even harder,” Harrop said. “La Vie En Rose” is a really good movie and really thought out. It’s worth seeing over again, and not just because of the awards it has won. The French Club has done it again with a wonderful movie to share culture with the campus and beyond.

What a Splash!

Staphanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

Students made a spalsh when they participated in the pool party that the dorm resident assistants put on at Gentile Hall pool, Thursday, March 4, 7-9 p.m. Students competed at different activities for an assortment of cool prizes. The night started off with multiple belly flops, canon balls and dives from the diving board. Once more people showed up in their bathing suits, Jared Monahan gave the announcement that the pool party was officially starting. There was the biggest splash competition. Everyone had only one jump from the diving board. The top three biggest splashers were Josh Stahl, Chris Moore and Buddy Robinson. “The loudest cheer wins!” Monahan said, once the top three were announced. Chris Moore has definetely got a huge fan base, since he had the loudest cheering section. Once that was done, Monahan went and got balls that sank to the bottom of the pool. What the participants had to do was with one breath of air, gather as many balls as they could. Moore, feeling triumphant from his last win, got a total of 11, while Craig Moody managed to get nine, right as Bryan Jennings tried to dump Kathy Kilfoil into the water. Monahan thought ahead and pushed both of them

in, clothing and all! Roughly 30 people showed up, and the pool seemed crowded. They all swam and splashed around, while some tossed a football back and forth. Others played with a beach volleyball, and some just leaned against the side to watch. Moore and Jennings launched Hanad Ashkir into the air, which got a lot of laughs. It also started a trend: more people got launched into the air, as well. The smell of hotdogs and hamburgers cooking on the grill caught the attention of many, as the pool area started to fill with smoke. All the students got out

to enjoy some food, talked and listened to some good ol’ country music. There was also a pinata that people had a chance to hit, as soon as they dried off. There was a raffle drawing. The winners from that included Hanad Ashkir, Jessica Kinney, Hannah Chenney, Erica Ouellette and Josh Stahl. Everyone seemed to enjoy their night at the pool party. It was an entertaining evening for all. The RAs did a good job of putting on such a fun time! Once over, with their stomachs full, the students went back to the dorms and hung up their bathing suits—until next time.

Pool party in Gentile Hall pool.

University Times CAMPUS March 18 2010


Professor David Hobbins spoke of an invasion on Friday, Feb. 26. This invasion is quiet, widespread and dangerous. It’s also relatively unknown: something few of us are aware of. It’s the invasion of species: in particular, species that don’t belong and can therefore harm our society as well as the world around us. Hobbins, having come from Fort Kent, spoke in the GIS lab in Folsom Hall. President Zillman offered a few words of introduction, welcoming Hobbins as a familiar friend. A screen served as a backdrop behind them, part of Hobbin’s upcoming presentation. People drifted in as they spoke and afterward, until 25 or so filled the room. Outside, it was snowing heavily. Inside, those interested in science or in hearing Hobbins speak waited. Hobbins passed out laminated cards and vials containing preserved specimens. The cards contained information on several invasive species, including the Asian longhorned beetle, the emerald ash borer, the sirex woodwasp and the hemlock woolly adelgid. All four attack trees, from maple and ash to pine and spruce. The cards also said what to look for in terms of identifying or locating these invasive insects and what actions to take if found. The vials held a hemlock woolly

The Invasion is Here!

adelgid, an emerald ash borer and the larvae form of an Asian longhorned beetle. Invasive species are, according to Hobbins, “of serious concern to all of us in biology and related disciplines.” Invasive species, defined as non-native species, have spread through a number of ways. Some have been carried in on products, introduced intentionally, carried in on plants or soil or carried in by domestic animals. A lawn mower and firewood are good examples of carriers. Often foreign soil, plants or insects attach themselves to parts of a lawn mower or pieces of firewood. We then sell them or take them across various borders, spreading the non-natives. Some species are carried in on ships, as in the case of the zebra mussel, while still others are spread by wind currents or migratory birds. “To stress,” Hobbins said, “It’s mostly a cultural problem.” We have helped worsen the problem for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways. One of many invasive species is white pine blister rust, a disease that devastated the western pine. European starlings, a type of bird, were purposely introduced to New York City. Once only 100 in number, their population is now closer to 200 million. They compete with our own bird species, threatening our local ecosystem. Purple loosestrife came in on ships and wool, originally imported as an ornamental plant. Gypsy moths, however, spread by accident. As Hobbins said, “It only takes two to tango,” and gypsy moths reproduced explosively. A notable case study of Hobbins’ involved the American chestnut tree. It’s decline showed how invasive species can affect various aspects of society and nature. Animals and humans alike used

the chestnuts as a food source. Besides that, the bark was important to the tanning industry and the wood to the lumber industry as well as to house construction because it resists decay. Due to chestnut blight, this valuable tree began dying. The consequences of such were economic, ecological and environmental. This is so with many invasive species. There is, nevertheless, hope. “There are things we can do to keep some of these species from getting worse,” Hobbins said. Pest management schemes include eradication, prevention, suppression and education. Maine is concentrating on quarantine and detection and response besides. Another good way to prevent the spread of invasive species, according to Hobbins, is to post watchers at toll booths. These watchers could keep track of items moving between borders, paying attention to anything that could be used to transport non-native species. There are many opportunities out there for graduate students in the areas of management and assessment. During the question and answer portion of the lecture, Dr. Chunzeng Wang, a member of the audience, posed the question of whether humans should be considered an invasive species. After all, we have spread all over the world and hurt various societies and ecosystems in doing so. Whether you agree with this comparison, one thing remains certain: invasive species are everywhere, primarily thanks to us, and they almost always bring harm. There are ways to help our environment, to help ourselves, but we must first accept responsibility. From there, we must take action. By doing this, we make our world –natural and personal– significantly better.



University Times CAMPUS March 18, 2010

Molding Talent

Justtin Pelkey STAFF WRITER

Professor Renee Felini is leading the Gifted and Talented program for local high school students interested in art. Five local high schools will be participating: Mars Hill, Fort Fairfield, Washburn, Van Buren and Limestone. Felini has fourteen students enrolled in the program this semester. Last semester she had only 8. “Word of mouth has gotten around,” Felini said. The program will meet 6 times through the months of March and April. The students meet each Friday morning from 8 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. in the Wieden Hall. Felini explained that the students have to make up the class time they would miss by coming to her gifted and talented program. “That`s why I like it,” she explains. Only the students who are dedicated to art will sign-up. Felini explains that the students will be working with ceramic clays and plaster pieces. They will be turning a

2-dimensional drawing into a 3-dimensional carving. This is a representational exercise. Turning a flat image into one with depth. The students will be carving plaster molds for their second project. Beyond working on their art projects, Felini hopes this will help the students open up to their peers. At anytime the students can walk around and critique the works of their peers. “I hope students will see what the art department has to offer,” Felini said. When the projects are finished, the students will have them on display at the Caribou Performing Arts Center. It will be open to the public. It`s a chance for the students to share their work with the public and their family. This is all a great experience for the students. Getting to meet others with similar interests, working hands-on, receiving and giving critiques as well as experiencing what it is like to display your work.

University Times CAMPUS March 18 2010


“The College Experience?” Alyson Robitaille STAFF WRITER

One drink won’t hurt you, right? But what happens when one turns into two, then four, then you vaguely remember your night. Ya right, that won’t happen to you. But what happens when it does, what happens when one does turn into six or seven? What happens when you jump into your car after you just had a “few”? Most people think of binge drinking as being related to alcohol poisoning or alcoholism. But when asked, Linda Mastro, director of health services at UMPI, had this to say. “Binge drinking is drinking in excess, becoming intoxicated,” So does that mean if you drink every Thursday but don’t get drunk, then you aren’t binge drinking? No, drinking “every Thursday” is also considered

binge drinking, Mastro said. Whether you get drunk isn’t the point. You’re consuming alcohol every week on a set day. So, all you “ Thirsty Thursday” drinkers might want to rethink all those Thursdays and maybe focus on your Friday classes more. Because those drinks from Thursday make your Friday classes a fog. Mastro also said, “ Even if you get up and go, you’re there in body, spirit and mind, but not getting the full knowledge.” Drinking may seem like nothing to you and many other people, but in the long run, it can affect you in more ways then one. Both Jim Stepp (assistant dean and director of residence life) and Mastro pointed out that one long-term effect of binge drinking is poor grades. There are also short- and long-term

effects of liver disease, loss of getting a job, poor GPA, hangovers and alcoholism. When first asked what shortand long-term effects binge

drinking had on people, Mastro said, “Death,” without any hesitation at all. Don’t believe her? Did you know that an estimated 300,000 of today’s college stu-

dents will eventually die of alcohol related causes? So is that the way you want to end up? Do you want to be one of those 300,000: drinking yourself to alcohol poisoning and then death, driving yourself drunk into a tree or maybe you want cirrhosis of the liver? If drinking has such horrible side effects, then why is it that so many students drink? Mastro said that one possible reason is, “ increased stress level. Therefore, people tend to get in the habit of using substances to relax or be sociable.“ One good thing about binge drinking on UMPI’s campus is that the percentage of it has decreased since 15 years ago. Stepp said, “We had to change all the policies in 1998. That took a couple years from planning to happening.”

Stepp also said that when they write people up, it isn’t because RAs are trained to smell out alcohol. It’s because students such as ourselves make it obvious by being loud and stumbling through the halls. Stepp added that one student in 30 years had thanked him for writing him up. So after hearing all of these effects and thinking about your future and your past, will you be the next person to thank your RA or even Jim Stepp for writing you up? Is it really worth all of the health problems and legal issues just to a have a “few” drinks? Do you really want to be one of the 300,000 alcohol related deaths? Or maybe you’re just one of those people that who thinks that they’ll get their act together after college. Little do you know your act during college will effect your future forever. Think about it.


University Times CAMPUS March 18, 2010

Lanette Virtanen

A Colorful look at Northern Maine


Glance in the door of the Reed Art Gallery, and you see an abundance of colors that draw you in to see just what it is that’s on the walls. For the next month, you can go in to see the artwork of Tim Finnemore. The opening took place March 7, with family members, friends and locals coming to see his work. The first thing that you would have seen at the opening when you came down the hall was a table set up with cheeses, crackers and other appetizers. There was a large painting on the wall behind them that gave you a taste of what was inside. The next things you would have noticed were the people who were trying to squeeze in to see the art work in the Reed Fine Art Gallery. The gallery filled up fast, and there was a steady flow of people trying to get in a good spot to stand and take the time to really look at the paintings. Debbie Sirois, who donated the paintings that she had of Finnemore’s, said, “It’s wonderful to see all of these paintings here. It’s like you can feel him in the room.”

Finnemore, born and raised in this area, got his degree here at UMPI, coming back here to teach art classes, as well. When deciding to pull his paintings together, Cathy, his wife, said, “I pulled the pieces that I had and decided to use some of the ones that weren’t framed and had them framed so that people could see them, too.” Finnemore’s works consisted of many different styles. On the walls of the gallery, you can see many examples of the different types of pieces that he did. He worked with acrylic, watercolors and pen and pencil on paper. Some of his paintings are done right on wood. But Finnemore did much more than just paintings. He also did wood carvings. Showcased are three that he did of chickadees that gave away for Christmas presents to family members. Finnemore’s son and daughter were also there. Finnemore’s son, Luke, said, “My dad thought of his work as telling a story.” When asked what his favorite piece was, he replied, “I like them all and I can’t really pick a favorite. But if I had to say, it would be his sketchbooks.” One of Finnemore’s sketch-

books was there on display, opened up to show a bit of his work. Finnemore’s painting will be in the gallery for a month and should be seen to be

appreciated. Even if you’ve already gone in once, take the time to go in again and look at the works again. You might notice something that you hadn’t seen before. When looking

at his art you can’t help but notice how much Finnemore was influenced by his surroundings and how much he loved the area that he was from.

Art work done by Tim Finnemore.

Listen to the brand-new WUPI 92.1 “THE OWL” for these shows: M-F 12-1 p.m. “’80s Lunch with Ben Pinette”

All ‘80s Requests at 768-9711 from the days of Pac-Man, Madonna and The Breakfast Club

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Tuesdays 1-3p.m. We Salute You w/ “The Trooper”

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Want to rock? Hear Trooper’s deep music playlist in action. Call him at 768-9711 for requests!

Tuesdays 4-6:00p.m. “Adam & Ryan versus the World of Sports”

Saturdays 6:30-11:30a.m. Dan’s Country Show

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Want to be a part of WUPI-92.1?

Come to our meetings every Thursday from 12:30-1p.m. in Normal 102

Painting done by Tim Finnemore

and find out how can have your own show!


University Times CAMPUS March 18 2010

Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

Proceed with caution into the office of Dr. Michael Amey. When you open his closet door, you’ll find silvery swords (unfortunately, not protruding from a stone). But of course, these swords are purely for use in the upcoming Medieval Faire. Amey, who’s been working on the project with Dr. Kim Sebold, has an interest in medieval affairs. He especially loves the tales of King Arthur and is quite passionate about British literature. Amey even claims to have met this famous king at a conference that he once attended. But he attempts to explain, with one of his witty comments, that despite this exciting encounter, conferences were quite solemn affairs. “Usually, conferences were more serious. You know, we talked about ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail,’” Amey said. Raised the son of missionaries, Amey lived in Africa, where his parents worked. Because of the availability of British works in this country, Amey’s interest in British literature first developed. While attending Andrews University in Michigan, he majored in both English and German. Amey also completed a double concentration in literature and writing and minors in history and education. At the end of his undergrad-

Camelot in the Classroom

uate years, Amey was still considering what he’d do with his future. He decided to join the Peace Corps and requested that he wouldn’t be sent to an area that has cold weather. Unluckily, he landed in the frigid climate of Mongolia. During the two years that he was there, he taught English to future teachers. “In spite of the weather, I think every Peace Corps director develops a lovehate relationship for the country they work in,” Amey said. Following Mongolia, Amey again served as a Peace Corps volunteer, this time in Niger. Amey spent his time there working with the African f a r m e r s . Although it was a d i f f i c u l t lifestyle—he lived in a mud hut— Amey passed the time by reading literature. Amey considered whether he would attend graduate school after finishing his work with the Peace Corps. He admits that he was reluctant to pay the required application fees. But once he discovered that some United Kingdom

schools didn’t request these fees, he decided to apply to them. After applying to several wellknown schools, he was accepted at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Amey then completed both his master’s and Ph.D. Although Amey has been teaching at UMPI since 2006,

he initially instructed high school classes in Haverhill, Mass. Dr. Ray Rice, chair of the College of Arts and Sciences, says Amey received awards for his work in the secondary school. Rice also has high regards for Amey’s work at UMPI.

“He (Amey) is tireless in his energy toward bettering UMPI as an educational institution, serving on multiple committees simultaneously, developing classes and programs and assisting in the planning of multiple events,” Rice said. Dr. Jacquelyn Lowman, who is one of Amey’s co-workers, also points out Amey’s work with various activities on campus. “Last year, he was a huge part of the 1968 Re t ro s p e c t i ve, which wasn’t really his area. He has good org a n i z at i o n a l skills. He sees a need and he’ll fill it,” Lowman said. Amey’s students also have great respect and appreciation for him. Biology major Emily Bartlett feels that although she was initially somewhat hesitant about the class, she ended up really liking Amey’s course. “I started to enjoy English for the first time. He helped me to open up and share my views. I like him. He’s a good guy,” Bartlett said. Megan Pryor, a history

major who’s taken several of Amey’s classes, also feels that Amey welcomes discussions. “He’s a good teacher. He really likes to hear student’s opinion. He likes conversations in his classes and encourages it,” Pryor said. Dr. Amey clearly enjoys his students and his job. “I hate grading, but I love teaching and working with texts,” Amey said. When offering students advice, he uses the age-old “make lemonade from lemons” philosophy. He encourages students to make the best out of courses that they may be required to take. “You can’t always choose your classes and instructors, but you have to find something (in the class) that you’re passionate about,” Amey said. Besides working with his courses, Amey has other projects in the works. He’s researching both the potential downfalls of King Arthur along with dystopian (the opposite of a utopian or perfect society) literature and families. Recently, he’s given a presentation on “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” Overall, Amey’s a committed professor with a sense of humor. He aims to make his class a place where a variety of topics can be explored and open discussion can take place. It’s almost like a type of Camelot in the classroom.


If you are eligible for federal student aid - and have not done this for next academic year, please go on-line and fill out a 2010-2011 application at: www.fafsa.gov DO NOT WAIT- APPLY TODAY!! (If you wait...you could lose out on some financial aid assistance.) Any questions, feel free to stop by the Financial Aid Office, located on the top floor of Preble Hall.


University Times COMMUNITY March 18, 2010

From the County to the Big Apple Angel Hammond STAFF WRITER

On Friday, Feb. 12, adviser Shirley Rush and a group of 10 social work students boarded a bus to begin their nearly 14 hour trip to New York City. The Student Organization of Social Workers’ NYC trip explored the issues of immigration and refugees. The diversity and history New York City has to offer made it the obvious choice. The U.S. Bureau of the Census estimates that 19.6 percent of the population of New York is foreign born. The first night in the city, the group exited the subway. Each had a load of luggage. As a whole, they stood out like a sore thumb. They traveled a few blocks through muck and slush in the wrong direction. Realizing something was up, they asked for directions and made it to their hotel in Jersey City. “We got acclimated pretty fast and by the time we left, we were operating like a well-oiled machine,” Rush said about navigating through the city. From reading street signs or using the subway, the group members took the city in their stride, taking in what the entire city had to offer. Reflecting on the trip, the students had a lot to say. “You got to see in per-

son a lot of the concepts you hear about in class,” Jared Carter said. “It was really interesting to see what they learned valued and the faith it must have taken to make that trip.” Carter also spoke of how humbling the experience was and how the recognition of consumerism is ever present in New York City. Whether it be experiencing the wonder of Ellis Island or touring the Tenement Museum, New York continued to show them its many faces. “I loved all the different food and the chivalry, especially when we went to the Italian restaurant. They take your coats off for you, pull out your chairs,”Angela McGillivary said. The streets of New York are full of vendors and street sellers. “ You need to have tunnel vision to get through them” Deena Corbett said. The overwhelming experience of Times Square was echoed by all, from the whole store devoted to M&M’s to the Toys “R” Us with a Ferris wheel inside that few could pass

up a chance to ride. The group members made sure to balance their experience with education and fun. They were sure to leave their mark on the big city, as well. When they left Maine, each carried a Maine Potato pin. Along there trip they each gave their pin to someone who

had helped them along the way. They also gave away their metrocards, which is the payment form used for the subways, to strangers. Shirley Rush had this to say to the group: “I was so proud of all of you. You all represented UMPI in the best manner possible. The whole

trip was problem free.” All took away something different from the trip, from conquering the fear of escalators to realizing that the world is a little smaller than they had originally thought. No one walked away empty handed and all took with them memories that will last a lifetime.

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