Volume 39 Issue 12

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inside this issue:

CSI comes to Presque Isle

Details on p. 8

University of Maine at Presque Isle

Volume 39 Issue 12

Campus p. 2

Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

On the weekend of March 18 and 19, Wieden auditorium was transformed into a winter wonderland. The stage, which was coated with fresh fake snow, was lined with pine trees also dusted in white. A gazebo was placed in the center of the stage and a park bench was off to the side. While waiting for the performance to begin, the sound of instrumental music consisting of violins, guitars and harmonicas filled the room. The calming country-themed tunes set the mood for the play. Although the performance was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., people still continued to file into the room searching for the last remaining empty seats. Finally, President Don Zillman took the stage and welcomed the crowd to the viewing of the play “Almost, Maine.” “It’s going to be a great evening of theater,” Zillman said. The lights dimmed and “Almost, Maine” began. John Cariani was one of the first actors on the stage. Cariani, who’s the author of the play, currently resides in New York City. He’s a Presque Isle high school graduate and his interest in plays first began at the school. Cariani said that when

UMPI students visit the land of fire & ice.

Details on p. 9

Journalism for Northern Maine

Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

APRIL 8, 2011 Community p. 15

Sports p. 16

Lifestyle p. 19

Carianiʼs Curtain Call he moved to New York, he began to write short scenes about northern Maine, which he described as “offbeat love stories.” He wasn’t sure if he was possibly inspired to write because he missed his old home. The scenes that he composed eventually led to the evolution of “Almost, Maine.” “My friends and I would perform these plays in small theaters in New York City,” Cariani said. Each scene in “Almost, Maine” had its own special twists. One of the play’s highlights was in scene three, “This Hurts,” with characters

Marvalyn and Steve. Steve claims he can’t sense pain, but when kissed by Marvalyn, he jokingly asks if there’s: “Any blood? Any discoloration?” Another highlight was in scene eight, which was called “Seeing the Thing.” Characters Dave and Rhonda are about to upgrade their relationship status to the next level…if they

can figure out how. These characters are dressed in full northern Maine snowmobile attire. The play wasn’t shy about bringing out some of the northern Maine winter clothing styles, from plaid jackets to hunter orange hats. “Almost Maine” was a down-to-earth play, but also very charming. It had a way of enchanting the crowd. Audience member Elza Smith enjoyed the perfor mance. “I liked it especially well because Mel Smith was in it and my daughter, Ginny White. It was nice,” Smith said. At the end of “Almost, Maine,” Cariani joined his fellow cast members on stage to take a bow. He encouraged the audience members to help out with the renovation efforts for Wieden auditorium, which was a project Zillman had discussed with the crowd before the play commenced. Zillman had said that UMPI needs to undertake a community campaign to renovate Wieden in 2011-2012. Susan Grove-Markwood, who works in UMPI’s community and media relations, shared that both evening performances of “Almost, Maine” were sold out. She said that there’s no official fundraising campaign for Wieden taking place at the moment, but she explained that by bringing people in to view “Almost, Maine,” the crowd could see that Wieden needs work. “It really has been a little bit

of an experiment,” GroveMarkwood said. Putting on the “Almost, Maine” performances at UMPI

Voice p. 23

Ladner said. Jenn Guare became involved with “Almost, Maine” when her father’s friend (an actor in the play), Jeff Ashby, asked her to be stage manager. Although she was at first unfamiliar with the play, she came to enjoy its story. “It’s wonderful. It’s just so sweet,” Guare said. Cariani had a great time putting on the play and was appreciative of the work that was put into preparing for the performances. As the crowd was leaving, Cariani took the time to personally greet and John Cariani on the shake hands with all set of “Almost, Maine.” those who came to view definitely took a team effort. his play. Cariani said that his Practices for the March per- latest work is called “Last Gas.” formances began in late When asked what advice he January. Barbara Frick Ladner, would give about writing a play, who teaches at UMPI, was the Cariani said to listen to critidirector of the play. Ladner said cism, but to not let the criticism that she’s known Cariani since stop you. he was 15. Directing the play “Be persistent and don’t take entailed depicting Cariani’s no for an answer,” Cariani said. scenes in an accurate manner. “Almost, Maine” is a play “In directing any play, about northern Maine, but you’re attempting to bring what does Cariani miss most out the ideas of the author,” about the County? Ladner said. “Winter and all the things In the end, Ladner was you can do in winter. The open pleased with the perfor- space and the people and good mances’ results and believed potatoes,” Cariani said. that Cariani probably felt Cariani’s “Almost, Maine” the same way. was a sensation. It was definite“I was very happy with ly a special treat for all those the whole production,” who attended.



The University Times Staff Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editor Ben Pinette Sarah Graettinger Kayla Ames Stephanie Jellett Staff Writers Kayla Ames Stephanie Corriveau Naima deFlorio Sarah Graettinger Michael Greaves Jordan Guy Kathi Jandreau Stephanie Jellett Steven McKenney Michael Mink Mika Ouellette Angie Paul Henry Pelletier Ben Pinette Derek Smith Taylor Ussery Lanette Virtanen Martha Franklin-Wight Contributors Chris Corsello Jim Stepp Don Zillman Adviser Dr. J The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

University Times


April 8, 2011

Dear readers, We here at the paper would like to take this time to say thanks to Ben for all the extra work that heʼs done on the paper. His help with the paper and tutoring me with how to use Quark to do the layout has been enormous. With this semester almost over, five more weeks to go, time is flying. As fast as time is going by, donʼt forget we have lots of things happening in the weeks to come. First we have University Day on April 13. Next we have Accepted Students Day on the 16. Aand donʼt forget we have the media open house on the 21. Thereʼs lots going on in the last weeks of school. Stop in and check out whatʼs going on. Hope to see you at our open house. Lanette Dear readers, Well, sometimes all good things must come to an end. Last issue, our April Fools issue, was my last issue as layout editor. After more than a year of doing both radio manager and layout editor, it is getting to be too much to handle. Radio has been sort of a passion of mine for years now; layout for the newspaper comes second nature to me. The radio station is certainly changing and evolving for the better. I want to put all my effort into radio, keeping it the voice of UMPI and the community. Iʼve been doing layout literally for six years now. I will not be going away too soon though; youʼll still see me write articles in the U Times for the next couple of years, probably. It was a really tough decision because Iʼve had so many memorable nights in Normal Hall working well past dark, insulting the editor. But as classes and life get harder, somethingʼs got to give. I leave the newspaper in the hands of three capable people: Lanette, Kayla and Steph. I have complete faith that they will continue to expand the U Times and do it justice. So so long, but not goodbye quite yet. Ben Greetings, I agree strongly with Lanette when she says that things are going by fast and many events are looming in the near future. A part of me knows I should be excited, yet all too often, I feel stressed instead. Rushing to and from classes, meetings, layout, and whatever else comes up, I can only compare myself to the White Rabbit from Lewis Carrollʼs “Aliceʼs Adventures in Wonderland.” “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” he exclaims repeatedly. I can definitely relate, and Iʼm sure some of you can, too. Just know that there are others experiencing the same emotions and remember to take it one day at a time. Set aside a few hours for fun and keep learning. Good luck with final exams! Thank you, Kayla Hi everybody! Iʼm new at the whole “letters from the editors,” so donʼt be too quick to judge! Well, I will agree that time is going by fast—but Iʼm not complaining! Iʼm really looking forward to fall semester! (And I hope you all are, too, for those coming back). Iʼm really glad I decided to do layout. So far itʼs been a great experience and I canʼt possibly imagine what this has for me in the future! But, so long for now and donʼt forget to check out our next issue! Stephanie J

D at es fo r S u b missi on s to t h e U T i me s

April 11

April 25

Any submissions recieved after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.


Univer si t y T im e s ! CAMPUS ! A p r il 8 , 20 11

From Donʼs Desk

More That Unites Than Divides

On March 30, I joined presidents of both the University of Maine System and the community colleges at the Maine House of Representatives chamber. The occasion was the presentation of speeches by the chancellor of the University of Maine System, the president of the Maine Community College System and the president of Maine Maritime Institute to both houses of the Maine Legislature. In essence, it was a state of the state’s higher education institutions occasion. With the model of the annual State of the Union address by the

that great work would continue despite the shortfall of dollars. The week before “the Kings’ speeches,” the legislative education committee met to consider a bill about the overall governance of public higher education in Maine. The bill is unlikely to move to passage in this session. But a proposal to place leadership over all campuses (university system, community colleges, Maine Maritime) in a single citizen board deserves serious consideration. That would be true even if Maine were awash in tax

revenues. It is even truer at a time when state resources are scarce: that wise “big picture” thinking is needed and that sensible coordination of educational programs is a must. The truth is that the three systems have far more in common than what separates them. The citizen board members reflect that. All are important state leaders. Almost all have bachelors or advanced degrees and distinguished professional backgrounds. They are perfectly able to converse widely on the needs of education past high school and its great significance in the lives of young Mainers and in the economic future of the state.

System, as a public institution, uses taxpayers’ money for nearly all of its expenses. That being said, the university has an obligation to Maine citizens for good quality education. Those

The final decision is made by the board of trustees. Another example of an issue that is currently arising is the creation of a new single portal website called OnlineME.

of us who have held jobs have worked to put money into this campus. Just like the roads we drive on every day, UMPI is owned by the state. But who is held accountable for where our money goes and how it is used?

Online classes are becoming more and more popular and the university is very supportive of that. Blackboard can be very unreliable at times. This new program is in the works, being created to include all UMaine

campuses in one portal. The issue is that through all the planning for this new system, faculty and students are not being included in the decision making process and many may not even have knowledge on it yet. This is something that our representatives are seeking out. The board also jointly oversees the activities of our campus. Its members represent us all as a whole, both the students and the faculty. They are the supreme governing body of this institution. They act as guardians for taxpayer money, making sure that expenditures are made in the best interest of the campus, the students, the faculty and the State of Maine. All finances are approved by the board of trustees. It makes sure that for the entire University of Maine System, good quality education is being provided.

president of the United States, pomp and ceremony reigned. Standing ovations were common. Applause lines were well scripted. And the entire event was completed in one hour. Each academic leader praised the whole and parts of their domains. Several students with atypical backgrounds and achievements were highlighted. Most campuses were given some recognition. Our renewable energy programs were the UMPI highlight. Every speaker highlighted the difficult financial times that the campuses and the state face. All were resolute in promising

Our Representatives: ‘Students Not Represented This Year’

Kathi L. Jandreau STAFF WRITER

For each of the seven universities in the State of Maine, there are three guaranteed representatives to stand for the system, the faculty and the students. This group of representatives reports any issues or problems that the members of our university have to the board of trustees. It, in turn, discusses the issues and votes on what happens next. The board of trustees is responsible for nearly every final decision that is made regarding the university. This includes finances, construction, academics, policies and more. At our campus we have President Zillman, who represents the whole UMPI system. Professor Kim-Anne Perkins is appointed by and represents the faculty. The student senate appoints a student representative. The board of trustees is a group of successful business people who have been appointed by the governor of the state to vote and make major deci-

sions for our universities. Its members listen to the concerns, ideas and plans of each university representative and weigh the pros and cons for their final decisions. Their main goal is to provide opportunity for those in Maine in need of an education and a good quality education for those enrolled. A current concern is that our student senate representative has been unable to attend BOT meetings this academic year. This has left UMPI students with no representative. This is important to note because the student representative has the responsibility of identifying student issues and academic needs throughout the year and bringing it to the attention of the chancellor and the board as part of the overarching goal of good quality education at our campus. Student issues may be left unaccounted for if further action is not pursued. “I don’t think most students realize they aren’t being represented this year” Perkins said. The University of Maine


Uni ver si t y T im e s ! CAMPUS ! A p ril 8 , 20 11

Chris’ Corner

There was a little girl sitting by herself in the park. Everyone passed by her and never stopped to see why she looked so sad. Dressed in a wor n pink dress, barefoot and dirty, the girl just sat and watched people go by. She never tried to speak. She never said a word. Many people passed by her, but no one would stop. The next day I decided to go back to the park out of curiosity to see if the little girl would still be there. Sure enough, there she was, in the exact spot where she was the day before, and still with the same sad look in her eyes and in that same dingy pink dress. But, today would be different. I was going to make my own move and walk over to the little girl. For as we all know, a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play alone. As I got closer I could see the

The Pink Dress

back of the little girl’s dress. It was grotesquely shaped. I figured that was the reason people just passed by and made no effort to speak to her. As I got closer, the little girl lowered her eyes slightly to avoid my stare. As I approached her, I could see the shape of her back more clearly. She had a gruesome humped-over shape. I smiled to let her know it was “ok.” I was there to help, to talk. I sat down beside her and opened with a simp l e, “ H e l l o. ” T h e l i t t l e g i rl a c t e d s h o c k e d , a n d stammered a “hi” after a l o n g s t a r e i n t o my eye s. I s m i l e d a n d s h e s hy l y s m i l e d b a c k . We t a l k e d until darkness fell and t h e p a rk w a s c o m p l e t e l y e m p t y. I a s k e d t h e g i rl w hy s h e w a s s o s a d . T h e l i t t l e g i rl l o o k e d a t m e with a sad face and said, “ B e c a u s e, I ’ m d i f f e r e n t . ” I immediately said, “That

you are!” and smiled. The little girl acted even sadder and said, “I know.” “Little girl,” I said, “You remind me of an angel: sweet and innocent.”

“Yes, you’re like a little guardian angel sent to watch over all the people walking by.” She nodded her head yes and smiled. With that, she

She looked at me and s m i l e d , a n d t h e n s l ow l y she got to her feet and said, “Really?”

opened the back of her pink dress and allowed her wings to spread, and then she said “I am. I’m your guardian

angel,” with a twinkle in her eye. I was speechless – surely I was seeing things. She said, “for once you thought of someone other than yourself. My job here is done.” I got to my feet and said, “Wait, why did no one stop to help an angel?” S h e l o o k e d a t m e, s m i l e d , a n d s a i d , “ Yo u ’r e the only one who could s e e m e, ” a n d t h e n s h e was gone. And with that, my life was c h a n g e d d r a m a t i c a l l y. So, as the semester winds down and things start to pile up, just remember, you’re not alone and you don’t have to be on your own. Everyone has an “angel” watching over them. Angels come in all shapes, sizes, colors and definitions. You might just have to keep your eyes open and look around to find your angel, but there are many!

Congratulations to Abdigani Ashkir, Joey Bard, Doree Bell, Lisa Bruso, James Clark, Miranda Cobb, Jasmine Cote, Courtney Gray, Mackenzie Flannery, Kaci Hudson, John Ireland, Dylan Markie, Elissa McNeil, Sarah Ames, Isaac Robertson, Rashell Saucier, Gregory Thompson, Angela Williams and Dustin Cray! O n March 31, these 19 students received grant awards from the Student Support Services Program in the

amount of approximately $600 each. This money will go toward reducing their loans and was awarded to freshmen and sophomores active in the SSS program who have completed at least one semester and are receiving Fe d e r a l Pell Grants. A total of $12,000 was awarded. Mary Kate Barbosa and Chris Bell worked together to make the selections. Great job, students! Keep up the good work!

Congratulations, Grant Aid Recipients!

Nine of the 19 recipients with President Zillman, Dean Corsello and Director Barbosa.

Univer si t y T im e s ! CAMPUS ! A p r il 8 , 20 11

The Alpha and Omega – Kathy Davis and Student Records

Martha Franklin-Wight pating in the student STAFF WRITER exchange program should check with student records to In the beginning of a stumake certain the classes dent’s college career, there’s taken while away will transKathy Davis. She is one of the fer to UMPI in an approprifirst stops on a student’s jourate way. ney to a college education. As Davis started working at the director of student the university in August of records, Davis is in charge of 2006. She spent several years a number of important roles traveling between Orono and for the student. Presque Isle to convert “We start you off and finish records from the old system you off,” Davis said. to the new Mainestreet sysBesides complying with all tem. In her work, although the federal reporting requireDavis’ roles are primarily at ments, student records is

Davis enjoys her many responsibilities as director of student records. responsible for transcripts, enrollment verification and VA benefit assistance. For transfer students, all records go through the office of student records for transfer credit. For non-degree seeking students, the office is used for enrollment in classes. And as a degree-seeking student, you can always stop in her office for assistance in signing up for classes. Also, students considering partici-

the beginning and end of a student’s career, her love of the university and the students is constant. When not at work, Davis is an avid quilter and volunteers with the Girl Scouts. She remembers fieldtrips she’s sponsored. “I liked to bring kids to campus, so it wouldn’t be so scary. It was more than just red buildings they drove by. There is just something about

this campus…it’s the opening to the world.” Ingrid Allen has worked with Davis for five years. “She has a good sense of humor and is kind-hearted,” Allen said. “She’s always dumping all the Girl Scout cookies on us!” Veteran’s benefits and questions can be answered by Allen. Under the new GI Bill, veterans can actually transfer their benefits to a child or spouse. From start to finish, veterans can receive whatever help they need from the office of student records. Veterans interested in using their benefits or getting additional information can go to www.gibill.va.gov. At the end of a student’s college career, Davis and Allen play a large role in commencement. “Commencement is like our prom,” Allen said. Both women share in the responsibilities of getting all the diplomas ready for graduation, making certain the students have met all the criteria to graduate and even go so far as assisting in making certain their caps are on straight while the students get ready to receive their diplomas. “I like student records,” Candace Rivera, a senior at UMPI, said. Rivera has frequently gone to student records for assistance. “They are helpful, friendly and cheerful. Ingrid assists with a smile even when it’s complicated and they’re busy,” Rivera said. Whether you are in the beginning of your college career or near the end, Kathy Davis and the office of student records is the alpha and omega of your student career.


UMPI Holds Annual Job & Career Fair: Over 20 Local Businesses and Merchants Participate Ben Pinette STAFF WRITER

The economy may be down, but that didn’t stop local merchants from showcasing their businesses to UMPI students on Wednesday, March 17 from 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. The fair was, once again, put on by Career Services, led by Bonnie DeVaney, as well as UMPI’s human resource management class. Some of the businesses featured included: DFAS, U.S. Border Patrol, Maine Veterans Home, Sears, U.S. Army, Key Bank, Citadel Broadcasting, Senator Susan Collins Office and many others. Many who came found the fair to be helpful in showcasing what Presque Isle has to offer, especially those like Megan Ford, who are graduating soon. “I came because I need to know what I want to do with my degree. If they’re willing to come here, then it’s a good sign that they are willing to hire,” Ford said. Fo r h e r, t h e v a r i e t y o f the businesses present m a d e i t w o r t h w h i l e.

“Yeah, there was anything from the Military to Life By Design and even Gilman’s Electrical Supply, so there’s a little bit for everyone, no matter what field you’re going in,” Ford said. Pamela Buck was one of the vendors at the fair representing the Loring Job Corp. “We have a dual purpose of being here today. At the Loring Job Corp, we have outreach for admissions, so students in our area know about our trade opportunities as well as our education, which also includes our partnership with Northern Maine Community College. Any students or staff are welcome to join,” Buck said. Within the first half hour, Buck already had a few interested applicants. “We’ve given out some information packets to students, as well as some students who have just finished high school and who are looking to go into a vocational-type school have been interested, so it’s been great,” Buck said. For more information about a job related to your field, contact Barbara DeVaney, Director of Career Services, at 768-9750.


Uni ver si t y T im e s ! CAMPUS ! A p ril 8 , 20 11


Leaving One Home ...and Finding Another

Consider where you are and what you’re doing. You may be in the cafeteria, your dorm room, in class, at home, any number of places. You’re wearing warm clothes, you know where your next meal will come from and, as bothersome as homework and studying may be, you’re probably pursuing an education. More than any of this, you don’t wake up each morning or go to bed every night wondering if someone out there wants you dead simply for the crime of existing. In other parts of the world, including Darfur, this isn’t the case. ElFadel Arbab, a survivor of the genocide in Sudan, knows this better than most. Arbab, a speaker and educator, came to UMPI on Thursday, March 10, as part of a panel presentation on immigration experiences entitled “Leaving Home: an International Journey.” He spoke from 7 to around 8:30 p.m. Another panelist named Saar Andrew Gbongbor was scheduled to speak but, unfortunately, was involved in an automobile accident shortly before the event and doctors pronounced him unfit to travel. A couple dozen people met in the multipurpose room of the Campus Center. The social work club planned and hosted the event and Shirley Rush, their advis-

er, introduced Arbab. “You will see the images of Darfur,” Arbab said. “The way it is being burned down and the way the military set it up.” He started with a slide show, calling the Darfur genocide a modern day Holocaust, during which at least 400,000 civilians have died and 2.5 million have been displaced. Shockingly, the local militia and government is believed to be responsible for an estimated 97 percent of the destruction. “Where is the Love?” by the

Black Eyed Peas played in the background: “People killin’, people dyin’/ Children hurt and you hear them cryin’/ Can you practice what you preach/ And would you turn the other cheek?” After that, Arbab began his story. He said that he was 12 years old when the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed, or

“devils on horseback,” attacked his village. Everyone was sleeping when his mother woke the family up and told them to run. They headed for the woods, Arbab the last one. He was caught by the soldiers, wounded and, as was all too typical, locked in a house that was then set on fire, one of several ways the militia killed people in their attempt to conserve bullets. “If you are an adult, you get bullets and die. If you are a child, they cut you with the machete and you die,” Arbab said. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, he managed to escape. Others, including children his age or younger, didn’t. Using smoke for concealment, climbing trees, making his own way rather than following the road, traveling during the night, pressing his ear against the ground to detect approaching footsteps and eating tree seeds allowed him to survive. Arbab made it to a town, where a merciful dishwasher agreed to give him leftover food, help him find a job and hold onto the five or six dollars he made each month. He saved enough to buy a ticket and made his way to the capital of Sudan in the hopes of finding his family. It was then that he encountered, for the first time, creatures from legend: cars, which Arbab said seemed beyond belief. One day, he met some boys who spoke the same language he did and decided to stay with them. They lived next to a

trash heap, which made it relatively easy to find food and bits of clothing, but not clean water. Resourceful as ever, the boys made a deal with some market vendors that they would give them glass and metal in exchange for money. Even after obtaining two jugs, they had to walk six hours to fill them. It was during market day that Arbab finally heard his family’s name. Thinking it too good to be true, he was hesitant to believe that it was his family of which they spoke. Yet, despite this, he found his mother and some of his siblings in a refugee camp and later discovered that a few of his brothers were in Egypt. Arbab remembers the moment he reunited with his mother vividly. “It was a good time but also a sad time. A lot of mothers lost their daughters and sons. They are praying and crying,” Arbab said. Many close family members, including Arbab’s father and brothers, ended up displaced or simply disappeared. Those he did find immigrated to the United States with him, specifically to Portland. He relived his memories of seeing airplanes and entering a hotel, all too happy to share a room with his family only to learn that they each had individual rooms and too afraid to touch anything for fear that it would break.

“I kept trying to get the words out to tell my story, but I don’t know the language,” Arbab said of his struggle to acclimate to a new culture. Snow was a foreign concept, one that he thoroughly enjoyed, at least at first. I n between working two jobs to provide for his family and keep his brother in school, Arbab slowly adjusted. His mother, on the other hand, still struggles daily with what she has been through. She keeps a bag packed by the door and can’t sleep at night, convinced the people who attacked their village will find and kill them. For some, it seems, the war is never over. When asked what others could do to help, Arbab said that people should try volunteering or becoming tutors. Writing letters to members of government can also aid in the process and donations to the cause are also appreciated. Another good idea is to try organizing events like that which took place on March 10, so that the community can learn about what’s happening in other parts of the world. For more information on how to help people like Arbab and his family, people can contact Shirley Rush or go to websites such as http://www. sudanaction.org/ and http://www.dosomething.org/

Univer si t y T im e s ! CAMPUS ! A p r il 8 , 20 11

Put Your Best Foot Forward

couldn’t come forward and would show that there are people in Presque Isle who care On March 9, several male about those who face abuse. students from the University of Although this year’s march Maine at Presque Isle slowly was less than a mile (because of inched their way toward Folsom concerns about falling and Platt Hall. Leaning on each other wanted to ensure safety), it still and fellow friends, the men helped to garner some attenattempted to maintain their baltion. About 25 people particiance and coordination. It was pated, with 13 males in clear that the group was supwomen’s footwear. porting some sort of cause “This first one is really because of the posters that the about bringing awareness, group members were holding. showing people what it’s But, why were the men having about,” such difficulty Platt said. walking? Platt said Taking a quick that there scan of the are ways to group from the e x p a n d men’s faces to upon the their feet, it event in the became apparfuture. For ent that the instance, males had an she suggestinteresting ed that the choice of m a r c h footwear: could be women’s shoes. held in The October for footwear selecDomestic tion was part of V iolence the “Walk a Awareness Mile in Her m o n t h Shoes” event. (This time April Sue Platt, UMPI students who participated in this yearʼs of year the student could also “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” march. activities coordihelp avoid nator, led the event, which she said, “was to bring awareness to viduals. French shared a story any worries about slipping on violence against women.” Platt with event attendees about the ice patches). In addition, Platt mentioned that she discovered derogatory remarks made said that there could be more the idea for this event at anoth- against females that can be involvement by having comer school. The month of heard in a single week. French munity members participate by March was selected for the walk was thankful for being invited to forming different teams. Bryan Jennings, who’s an because it was Women’s History participate in the event. UMPI pre-medical major, saw “Thank you for encouraging month. Platt said that the advertising that Platt put us to be a part of the ‘Walk a Residence Life sponsored the out about the event and decidMile in Her Shoes’ event,” purchase of the women’s shoes ed to put on a pair of black, French said. that were used for the event and boot-like shoes and be part of Karan Wotton, the criminal Marden’s provided a discount. the experience. justice advocate of Houlton for Before the march began, par“(It’s) for a good cause. I ticipants gathered in the Owl’s the Hope and Justice Project, thought it would be fun to see read a poem written by a Nest to select and put on their what girls go through when they woman that was abused by her shoes. Representatives from dress up,” Jennings said. husband, who would come Aroostook Mental Health The “Walk a Mile in Her home drunk. Before the walkCenter (AMHC) Sexual Assault Shoes” event allowed particiers left, Platt placed a pair of Services and the Hope and shoes on the stage in the Owl’s pants to put their best foot forJustice Project had tables set up Nest. She said that it would ward and take a stand for a in the room to provide handrepresent the individuals that worthy cause. Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

outs. Vicki Canales of AMHC said that her organization is trying to get more publicity for the work that Sexual Assault Services does, such as advocacy for victims and educational programs in the schools and community. She mentioned that AMHC will soon try to place posters in the dorms to raise awareness. Hope and Justice Project worker Julie French also represented her organization, which has many programs devoted to assisting abused indi-

Look Whoʼs On Facebook! Angie Paul


On Feb. 28 at 4:07 p.m., UMPI Environmental Studies and Sustainability joined Facebook. Dr. Jason Johnston administers the wall and posted, "We just joined Facebook and will soon have more photos, links and information." Within minutes photos, links and information were also posted and made available on the wall. Information on job opportunities, internships and student summer research positions in fields such as biology, GIS (geographic infor mation systems) and environmental studies student research are provided by direct links to the job description documents. There are many great opportunities posted for students who want to gain experience in a sciencerelated career. There are also a lot of cool photos from research projects, geology field studies, and GIS


mapping proects. The program’s Facebook page is an excellent resource for distributing and promoting its mission throughout the UMPI community. The Environmental Studies and Sustainability Facebook page makes contributing via "like" and "comment" to upcoming events more convenient. Johnston asked for input on a March 14 status update. "Earth Day is coming up -- Friday, April 22. Any ideas for activities to get the campus involved? I usually do an a.m. bird walk, which interests a few people. It would be nice to have some activities to engage a wide variety of students, staff and faculty. Ideas? I'd be happy to help organize a few events. Dr. Johnston." Perhaps Earth Day on campus will indeed have more activities to engage more students, staff and faculty because of comments from the social network revolution that is Facebook. So Like, Comment and Share.

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Uni ver si t y T im e s ! CAMPUS ! A p ril 8 , 20 11

Henry Pelletier STAFF WRITER

On March 15, something happened at UMPI that many may not have expected. The Presque Isle Police Department came to our uni-

CSI: Presque Isle adjacent room to view the staged crime scene. In the room, there was a man who had been stabbed lying in a bed. There was a cool breeze coming in from the open window. It was an

The staged crime scene. versity, and with the help of CAB and the criminal justice majors, a real crime scene happened here in Presque Isle. This presentation wasn’t suited for anyone younger than 16 years of age, and at first glance that was clear. After sitting in a room with a small group of people, a group of 10 moved into the

eerie sight. Attendees heard what the police first saw when they entered the room, then were set free to roam around the scene. People took notes and guessed as to what had happened to the dead man on the bed. Several minutes passed, and once everyone was ready, they listened to what had really taken place.

In a brief summary, the man wasn’t taking his medication and was depressed. He stabbed himself in the middle of the night. The evidence to show it wasn’t a homicide was that there was no forced entry, his shoes were properly placed, and the body was located on top of the sheets. These clues could have meant other mishaps as well, but they were the best clues detectives had to go off of. Quite a few people were able to figure out that it was a suicide. The group then traveled to another room and learned how to lift prints from different common objects. For example, a simple way to lift prints off of paper is to dust it with magnetic shavings. One can sprinkle the shavings onto the paper and lift them with a magnet. There’s residue that’s left behind that shows the print. Once the print was visible, tape-like tools were used to press over the print to save it and bring it back to the police station. After everyone was finished

dusting for prints, they traveled outside to see how to cast a mold for a footprint. The process is much like taking the mold of a tooth. A paste is poured into the print and left to harden for a while. The officer mentioned that, with the development of digital photography and proper measurements, a picture could be more accurate than a mold. The final trip was what Darci Faye, an UMPI student, considered her favorite part. A

Everything a lab can process can be processed in the truck, and it even has wireless capabilities. The only thing that the truck can’t do is be fuel efficient because it constantly needs to be running in order to power everything. “Yes, it was a good way to understand how it works,” said Faye when asked if she enjoyed the experience. Learning about how a crime scene is processed and the equipment used can be fun, especially if you enjoy TV programs such as CSI or Law and Order. There was a survey at the end of the journey that participants filled out. It asked for feedback and if you Maineʼs crime lab on wheels. would recompolice officer showed the mend this activity to someone group the recently purchased else. Faye and others would crime lab on wheels to explain recommend this to anyone if what it can do. Just about CAB and the criminal justice everything that can be done in majors decide to bring it back a lab can be done in this truck. next year.

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Univer si t y T im e s ! CAMPUS ! A p r il 8 , 20 11


Visit to the Land of Fire and Ice Kayla Ames STAFF WRITER

Part One: Where did you go during Spring Break? Home, to a friend’s house or maybe you hung around campus? Chances are you didn’t spend much time in Iceland, which is exactly what the UMPI geology-ecology club did with a portion of their vacation. We spent six days on the island, mostly with the intent of studying geology, but also in an

is a five hour time difference). For my sister and I, it was our first plane ride. At the Icelandic airport, we met Fred, the man who supplied us with a vehicle and drove us to where we were staying in the town of Mosfellsbaer. “Aluminum is done here because there’s an excess of electricity. Aluminum processing takes a great deal of electricity,” McCartney explained, for Iceland isn’t known only for its alternative energy and

Strokkur erupting.

attempt to gain a better understanding of the local culture. Our group started out at 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 17. Members included Professor McCartney, Michele Hersey, Gary Parent, Kassy Watson, Alanda Godbout, Sarah Ames and myself. We took an UMPI van to the Boston Logan International Airport, where we spent five hours on an Icelandair plane, arriving in Iceland around 6 a.m. their time, 1 a.m. ours (there

fish, but also as the leading exporter of aluminum. As we drove, I noted my first impressions. The air smelled of sulfur as a result of numerous geothermal plants. The area was bumpy from lava flows but otherwise flat and white with snow, bordered by ocean with mountains looming in the distance. Surprisingly few cars claimed the roads (we would come to realize that traffic was scarce and roundabouts abundant), everything

was quite compact and, despite the blustery weather, I saw one man riding his bike with an air of casualness. After inspecting our rooms and meeting the landlord, Siggi, we went to a nearby bakery. The goods in MosfellsBakari were incredible. McCartney adored the coffee and that was when we first started figuring out Icelandic currency. From there, we spoke with Helgi Torfason, Director of the Icelandic Museum of Natural History. Unable to resist, the group eagerly studied examples of tourmaline, labradorite, quartz and a geological specimen colored bright green and blue because of the copper in it. Last, the seven of us spent an hour or so in the National Museum of Iceland, where we learned more about Icelandic history, dressed up as Vikings and chatted with people from Chicago. We dedicated Saturday to geysers and Gullfoss Falls after stopping briefly in Thingvellir, where the American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet. The hike across geyser fields and to Gullfoss was very cold and windy, but worth every frigid step. Strokkur geyer, the one we witnessed erupt, is located in the Haukadalur valley, a short distance away from Geysir, the oldest known geyser. Strokkur is reliable and erupts regularly, every five to 10 minutes, setting it apart from ideal geysers, which go off infrequently and can be dormant for years at a time. Gullfoss, also known as the Golden Falls, is enormous, actually consisting of two waterfalls, the upper with an approximate 38 foot

day together, visiting a Viking archaeological site, driving past th e m agn ificen t Hallgrimskirkja Church and touring the capitol of Reykjavi k, picking up gifts and souven ir s alon g the way. During our adven tures, we saw alluvial fans (fan-shaped de po sits of w at e r- t r a n s p or t e d Hallgrimskirkja Church material), discovdrop, the lower about 69 feet. ered that black licorice is a The rock of the river bed is common flavor in Iceland believed to have been formed a nd per fect ed the tech during an interglacial period. nique known as “drive-by By then, we had come to learn photography.” just how early shops in Iceland close – around 6 or 7 p.m. – To f i n d o u t w h a t o u r and the prices we would be g r o u p d i d t h e l a s t t h r e e expected to pay, including $10 d a y s o f t h e t r i p – for a gallon of gas and much M o n d a y, Tu e s d a y a n d more than that for groceries. We d n e s d a y – c h e c k o u t Having ventured out to P a r t Tw o o f “ V i s i t t o experience the local night t h e L a n d o f F i r e a n d life, Parent , H er sey, I c e , ” w h i c h w i l l c o m e Watson an d God bout o u t i n t h e n e x t i s s u e o f retur ned to the apartment t h e U T i m e s . Fo r n o w, S unday with fi r st-h and t h a n k y o u f o r r e a d i n g knowledge on the subject. o r, r a t h e r, t a k k f y r i r ! We spent the rest of the

Gullfoss Falls


Uni ver si t y T im e s ! CAMPUS ! A p ril 8 , 20 11

What a Frenzy!

Stephanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

Elena Estrada, another participant in the Wipeout competition.

Jason Fortin taking part in the Wipeout competition.

Nicholas Johnson snowshoeing.

The sun was high up in the sky, there was a cool chill in the wind and many warmly dressed students gathered to take part in fun winter activities. This year’s frozen frenzy activities were located behind Gentile hall. The activities started at 3 p.m. and students were excited to start the games! The popular TV show “Wipeout” on ABC was one of the activities the students could participate in. To start the obstacle course, you had to pick up a shovel, then pick up an ice ball, go about 15 feet and drop the ice ball in the bucket. After that, challengers had to pick up ice chunks and try to get it in the red circle. Once they had succeed with that, they had to run and grab

a sled, go up the hill and slide down it, only to have to continue running underneath a set of ski poles, which led to a massive snow bank. Contestants had to get through the snow bank, then take the final challenge: a Wiffle ball toss into buckets. When they finished that they had to race to the finish line. The contestants were timed and whoever got the best time won a prize! Even those who just came by to check out what was going on could put their name in for a drawing to win various prizes such a: gift cards, gas cards, movie tickets, UMPI Frozen Frenzy T-shirts, sling packs and a $100 WalMart gift card! Who knew you could play soccer in the winter? UMPI

students proved it to those who thought that wasn’t possible. Two teams just kicked a soccer ball around the back of Gentile Hall. Snowshoers crested the top of the hill and started to descend. Nicholas Johnson, a first time snowshoer, had lots of good things to say about this winter activity: “I had a lot of fun. It was really a great experience!” Johnson said with lots of enthusiasm. Once the activities were over, students could warm up by the bonfire and have some hot cocoa and make some s’mores. This year’s frozen frenzy is over, but next year students will come out again and participate, have a good time and enjoy the wintertime, just like every year!

Kids having fun during Frozen Frenzy.

Univer si t y T im e s ! CAMPUS ! A p r il 8 , 20 11

Maple Taffy: The Frozen Treat Thatʼs Good to Eat!

Sarah Graettinger STAFF WRITER

Fresh snow and maple syrup combine to make mouth-watering taffy.

During the frozen frenzy, many people enjoyed the various activities all over campus. One of these included a delicious treat that left your mouth watering for more. What was this treat? Maple taffy, a candylike sugar substance that is made from maple syrup and fresh snow! Lucas Boucher has been making this taffy for a while, and gave some insight into how you prepare it.

“The first thing that you do is heat up the maple syrup to 285 degrees. Then you take the fresh snow and put the syrup on the top. You take a Popsicle stick and roll it on top of the candy that was laid on the snow,” Boucher said. When you prepare the syrup, you have to start with the maple tree. The maple tree is tapped with spits that allow the tree sap to come out. You can take buckets or attach them with tubes on the farm. When the sap is collect-


ed, you boil it to a certain consistency and allow it to thicken. Then you have maple syrup to make taffy! “This is a hobby of mine starting from when I was younger. I learned how to collect the sap and turn it into syrup. My favorite is really the taffy. It’s been a tradition for a long time,” Boucher said. Overall, it was a great time and a great part of the frozen frenzy. People all over now get to enjoy this delicious treat! Thank you!

Lindy Howe (left) and Kevin Quist (right) traveled from Stockholm with a team of their dogs from Heywood Kennels to give students a chance to enjoy the views of campus from dog sled. Thanks to the caninesʼ energy as well as Howe and Quistʼs generosity, UMPIʼs 2011 Frozen Frenzy was all the more fun and exciting!


Two items were removed from the ceramics lab last Friday: A large two and a half foot tall cookie jar of a black and white penguin holding an orange cookie (left) and a coiled green with blue wavy “rusty metal” piece that stands about eight inches tall and is one and a half feet in dimension (right). Please keep in mind that this is student work! If you have any information that can help, please contact Renee Felini at 768-9441. No Questions Asked.


Univer si t y T i me s ! CAMPUS ! A p r i l 8, 2 0 1 1

Univer si t y T i me s ! CAMPUS ! A pr i l 8 , 2 0 11



Univer si t y T i me s ! CAMPUS ! A p r i l 8, 2 0 1 1

Lanette Virtanen STAFF WRITER

There were no hoots coming from the Owl’s Nest, but oh the sounds that were coming from there on March 1! What is now being called the 7 oh 9 Coffee House was alive

Hoot Hoot!

with music by Rachel Platten and Craig Meyer. The energy that they both had was contagious, making the room seem like a miniature concert hall. Watching them you can tell that they both love what they do.

Cheryl Crowe, who was working the cash register at the Owl’s Nest that night, said: “This evening as I was coming from the cafeteria there was a wonderful sound of vocals pulling me toward her. What a special gift.”

Platten and Meyer got everyone in the room involved in the song, “Some People Don’t have a Clue,” and they divided the room in half and had them sing a section of the song to see who sang the loudest. Platten comes from New York and writes her own songs. One of her songs, “Seven Weeks,” has made it on the movie, “The Good Guy.”

Craig and Rachel performing one of their songs.

“And nothing ever happens if you stay in your room, nothing ever happens if you leave the party too soon! Never be a winner if youʼre not in the game, nothing ever happens if you always play it safe! Make a little space and get out of your own way!” -Rachel Platten, lyrics from “nothing ever happens.”

And as Platten j o k e d , “ Yo u w r i t e s o n g s a b o u t w h a t y o u k n o w, i t used to be about breaking up and getting back t o g e t h e r. ”

After laughing about that remark she told the a u d i e n c e t h at s h e w a s going to sing the song, “Don’t Wanna Be Here” and then said, “But we do want to be here!”

Platten shared that their new record comes out on April 26 and that they had just got a record label with Rock Ridge Music. After they sang their last song, the audience got them to do one more song. Platten and Meyer ended the night with a lullaby and spent some time with listeners that hung out afterwards. Then it was time for them to hit the road, but not before sharing where anyone interested could get their music: look for their website listed under the lyrics. What started out with people coming to hear Platten and Meyer, ended with people excited to have heard their music and wanting more.

Craig Meyer and Rachel Platten

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University Times

ommunity April 8, 2011

! 15

Revisiting the GM Crop Debate Michael Mink STAFF WRITER

Genetically modified (GM) crops have been becoming an increasing staple of our diets and our lives since researchers began experimenting with the idea more than 50 years ago. Today, the bulk of GM crops produced are cotton, soybeans and corn. The idea of a crop’s DNA being changed in order to increase productivity may be unsettling to some. But they may not realize just how much GM crops are used and consumed in today’s market. Farmers in the United States have become the leading proponent of using GM crops, claiming the higher price of seeds is outweighed by their increased yields and durability against pests and drought. Among experts, it is commonly accepted that between

50 and 70 percent of processed foods in the U.S. contain some form of GM food. For Americans, unless you eat strictly organic, that means foods you consume containing highfructose corn syrup have a high chance of being genetically

even consumed a GM food. “It just goes to show that with processed foods you don’t know what you’re getting,” Steven Parady, who is pursuing a nursing degree at UMFK, said. “The government should do a better job of notifying the

modified. If you’re astonished by that, you’re not alone. Of the 25 college students the University Times randomly asked around the UMPI campus, fewer than a quarter of them believed they had ever

public about the things they are consuming.” His suggestion may have some credibility, since there is an obvious ethical issue surrounding the matter. A crop is considered to be

genetically modified when, essentially, the DNA of the plant is adapted in a laboratory to increase tolerance for drought and resistance to disease and pests providing a higher yield. Criticisms that have shrouded the topic over the last 10 years have only limited scientific c r e d i b i l i t y. E nv i ro n m e n t a l i s t s claim the effects on pests could affect biodiversity, since removing a pest could influence it and its predator’s populations. Others postulate that an unknown allergy may be triggered in humans from changes made to the DNA, causing a widespread pandemic. Even without much integrity, these assertions have damaged the image of GM crops.

UMPIʼs Creative Spirit Contest

Some advocates for GM crops see another aspect altogether. They see this not only as an option to grow, but as a necessity because of food shortages in nearly 40 countries. Joseph Sears of Caribou gave an interesting take on the situation, which he has been following for some time. “People are arguing to run our vehicles on ethanol from corn when there are food shortages. Genetically engineered crops can get twice, sometimes three times the yield of regular ones. More countries have to start getting involved,” Sears said. Canada, China and Brazil, along with the United States, are among the countries putting forth the most effort into GM crops. Their governments have approved GM crops because they deem them safe until proven otherwise.

Show your creative spirit and take pictures of UMPI - the students, staff, activities, grounds, snow, buildings, etc. Select your favorite photos and enter UMPIʼs CSC. Deadline: April 22, 2011. Bring to reception desk in South Hall. Rules! Must be a current UMPI student. Must submit your own work. Photographs must be 4x6, 5x7 or 8x10. Subject must show or be about UMPI. (Students may enter up to two photos in each of the three catagories.) *Most CREATIVE UMPI photo *Having FUN at UMPI photo *Best photo of UMPI scene Photos must include your name, number and category you are entering on the back of the photo. The photograph(s) will be returned to the students. Winners will be announced at the student appreciation picnic Thursday, May 5, 2011. Sponsored by UMPI Pride Committee.


University Times

April 8, 2011 ! 16

Taylor Ussery STAFF WRITER

Megan Korhonen is a name known by students, faculty and staff on the UMPI campus. Korhonen is a senior physical education major from Littleton, Maine. Her natural talent and hard work brought her four great years of competing for UMPI in three different sports! In each season she put her whole heart into the task at hand and built lasting relationships by trusting and knowing that all her teammates would do the same. There are countless lessons to be lear ned from sports and competition. Practices call for dedication and hard work. Being a student-athlete teaches you to push through both The UMPI senior athletes of 2011 come from all over and some from just around the corner. Julie Peers from Limestone is one of UMPI’s roughly two dozen senior athletes. After taking two years off from her sport, she came back to play basketball for UMPI. With only two years left at UMPI, Peers decided to dedicate her time to basketball – time well spent because she became a crucial part of the team. Peers said, “Being able to meet people and make friends who will last a lifetime

p o r t s

Senior Profiles

physical and mental exhaustion. Team sports show you how there is strength in numbers and that the bonds for med on the court can be taken out

Megan Korhonen into the real world. When asked what she would take with her from ye a r s i n U M P I s p o r t s, Korhonen said, “Playing fo r t h e s e t e a m s m o l d e d me into a leader, player, t e a m m at e, f r i e n d a n d s h owe d m e t h at I c a n is probably the best memory I have of playing for UMPI. I’ve gained great friends as

Julie Peers

well as mental and physical strength. And I know basketball did that for me.” In May, Peers will graduate

always push one step farther, no matter what.” Though playing for UMPI provided Korhonen with endless memories, one of her favorites was beating Fort Kent at Fort Kent this year in basketball. She says her time at UMPI has flown by and that all the rough spots are really nothing when she thinks about how things are ending and how great the time was. A lot of athletes aren’t able to carry on with their sports after graduation, but Korhonen said, “Sports have been such a part of my life and I’m not ready to give that up yet.” She’ll continue to be competitive in sports as she leaves college looking for a job in physical education and maybe even coaching.

with a degree in accounting. In regards to her plans, Peers said, “I hope to join a successful company in their accounting department and make a couple million.” Like many other UMPI seniors, she looks back on her UMPI career and is glad she made the choice to come here. She recognizes UMPI as a place that gave her many opportunities in different aspects of life. Also like many other senior athletes, if she doesn’t have to, she does not plan to give up her sport simply because of graduation.

Seth Dorr

For some senior athletes, trying to pick just a single favorite memory is asking far too much. Four years playing UMPI sports leaves the seniors with a lot to talk about. A prime example of this case is two-sport senior athlete Seth Dorr. Seth played both soccer and baseball during his college career and literally had too many memories to choose from. To make it short and sweet, Dorr said, “The opportunity to

put on an UMPI jersey before every game and take to the field with a great group of guys is a feeling I’ll always remember.” Having something to be proud of is a common theme among the UMPI senior athletes. Dorr said that UMPI gave him the opportunity to play for a university that he can be proud to say he attended. In the future, he plans to teach physical education and become a well-rounded coach. In this way, he plans to continue playing sports. It’s safe to assume that the other seniors would agree with Dorr in saying, “It was a pleasure to play for UMPI and I would do it again in a heartbeat!” The memories of UMPI live on in seniors such as Dorr who are excited to root for UMPI in the future.


Univer si t y T im e s ! SPORTS ! A pr i l 8 , 20 11

Senior Profiles Brittany Humphrey Jordan Guy STAFF WRITER

Hitting home runs is no strange thing to Brittany Humphrey, UMPI’s senior short stop. Humphrey has had many big hits in her impressive four year career as an Owl. She hit a two run triple against Fisher College her sophomore year to win the Sunrise Conference. Humphrey will be graduating in the fall with a degree in business and four great years of softball memories and long road trips to always remember. When asked what she liked best about playing for UMPI, Humphrey said, “The softball team is extremely close with one another. We are like family and Coach Cummings is a great coach to play for.” Why did she choose UMPI? “I chose this college for the opportunity to play both soccer and softball while receiving a deg ree in business.” Humphrey added a season of soccer to her already impressive resume of achievements here at UMPI. She will be greatly missed, not only by her fellow classmates and teammates, but also by the university and its athletic program.

Corey Harding Matt Carrington Jordan Guy


Senior baseball and soccer player Corey Harding has had a very successful career here at UMPI. Harding has been the baseball team’s ace pitcher and also one of its most valuable offensive assets during his career. Harding’s ability to perfor m well shone not only on the baseball field, but on the soccer field as well. Harding was a part of a winning soccer program every season he played and will be missed greatly in the future. When asked what his favorite memory from UMPI sports was, he said, “The bus rides and being able to hang out with my teammates on road trips from both baseball and soccer teams. It really brings you closer together.” Harding was also a key part in something very special in the Owl’s playoff hopes in 2010. He hit a walk off double to help the Owls with their first playoff game. This was a big moment for the team and the future of the program. After UMPI, Harding plans on traveling, searching for a job and attending graduate school. He will leave UMPI with a degree in outdoor recreation and a successful athletic career as an Owl.

Taylor Ussery STAFF WRITER

There’s no doubt about all the hard work that goes into playing on an UMPI team. There are hours of practice and travelling and still being a student. Your teammates become your closest friends. Four year senior player Matt Carrington was captain of the men’s soccer team and says that good friends are one thing that he’ll take with him. Carrington remembers many games where his team members outdid themselves, but there are a few that stand out. Carrington said, “Playing Fort Kent in the 2009 playoffs was probably the team’s best game. We lost 2-0 but competed with a nationally ranked team and if luck had gone our way, we could’ve won.” He also remembers jumping into the Machias pond after beating Machias 3-2 coming back from a 2-0 deficit. This, without question, proves the heart of an UMPI athlete. Carrington said, “I enjoyed playing on a team that knew how to win while still having fun.” After graduation, Carrington plans to go to grad school at home in Australia for exercise physiology and hopes to play soccer at a semi-pro level. He also gives a quick thank you to Coach Gordon, Coach Parent and all his teammates over the past four years.

Chelsea Boudreau Taylor Ussery STAFF WRITER

Great memories seem to be a common thread among the recollections of UMPI’s senior athletes. All athletes have coaches, teammates and moments that they’ll never forget. Senior soccer player and team captain Chelsea Boudreau spent all four of her years at UMPI playing soccer. Boudreau said, “I will always have the memories gained from the past four

years playing the sport that I love. I will never forget our championship g ame this past season ag ainst Fort Kent. We didn’t reach our goal, but we definitely gave them a run for their money! Overall, I had four years of great teammates, great coaches and a winning record!” There is nothing better than being able to do what you love. Boudreau says she will definitely continue to play soccer and hopes to be able to watch UMPI soccer games as well. Boudreau thanks her teammates and coaches and everyone who contributed to her years at UMPI. She is proud of the hard work that the women put into each season and seems so overloaded with good memories that she can’t pick a favorite.

Come one!! Come all!!

3rd Annual Media Open House ! W in s om e cool p rizes! ! Ha v e a shout out on the radio! ! Enjo y som e refreshm e nts! ! M e et th e p eop le in v olv e d with b oth the U Tim e s and W UP I! CO ME J OI N US! ! A p r i l 2 1 , 4 -7 p.m. Nor m al Hal l


Un i ve r sity Ti m e s ! Sports ! A pr i l 8, 20 1 1


Corey Fournier Playing two sports in college is a usual occurr e n c e f o r C o r ey Fo u r n i e r, an outfielder for the O w l ’s b a s e b a l l t e a m a n d striker or left wing for the soccer team. It makes f o r a ve r y bu s y ye a r o f s p o r t s. T h e s o c c e r s e a s o n i s a l o t o f w o rk a n d p r a c tices over several months, while baseball h a s a ve r y s h o r t s e a s o n

Senior Profiles

bu t a l o t o f g a m e s a n d practices along with a g r e a t d e a l o f t r ave l i n g. When asked what his f avo r i t e s p o r t s m e m o r y was, Four nier had this to say: “My favorite memories would have to be our senior game in soccer wh e n a l l o f t h e s e n i o r s s c o re d . I t w a s a g re at moment. For baseball, I would have to say being on ESPN was definitely the highlight of my career as a baseball player here.” What did Four nier like best about playing here? “I really enjoyed playing with my friends from my hometown and being such a close g roup during the season and off.” Fo u r n i e r w i l l b e g r a d uating with a degree in criminal justice and furthering his career in law enforcement.

Native Appreciation Day Saturday, April 16, 2011 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. at University of Maine at Presque Isle Wieden Hall Host Drum: Windygrass Singers Master of Ceremonies: Norman Bernard

Competition Dancing in all categories and ages. There is prize money awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. All are welcome to attend! Any questions or concerns, call Nicholas Paul at (207) 325-1393, Waupi Paul at (207) 227-8715 or Glenn Bernard at (207) 227-4884

Danni Humphrey When you think leadership on and off the field, you think of senior softball catcher Danni Humphrey. She encourages her teammates on and off the field to never give up and that there is nothing that they cannot accomplish if they work together. She has been the field general for the Owls for all four years of her very impressive academic and athletic career at UMPI. When asked what she liked best about playing for UMPI, she said, “Over the past four years, the softball team has been so close. We are like family. I loved going on all the trips and being able to have a few home games.” That’s a very positive attitude considering the toll all of the road trips can take on a student athlete. Why did Humphrey play here? “UMPI provided me with the opportunity to be successful in the classroom and playing sports. They have a great physical education program.” Humphrey will be graduating with a deg ree in physical education and looking to pursue her m a s t e r ’s deg ree. She will play softball as long as she can. She will be greatly missed by her teacher s as well as her teammates and classmates.

Ben Costello

Senior soccer player Ben Costello played a key role in UMPI’s success over the past four years. Costello is one of the fastest defensive players in the conference and has a powerful foot that comes in handy in goal kicks and clearing the ball on the defensive end. Costello has been a part of a senior class that has

Chad Parker

UMPI soccer is no strange topic to this four year soccer seni o r. P a r k e r w a s j u s t a s important to his team off the field as he was on the field. Even off the field, Parker would try to keep his teammates positive and energized. When asked what his best game at UMPI was, Parker said, “I would have to say my best game memory from soccer

broken three big records at UMPI in four years. Its members broke the record for most shutouts in a single season, most career shutouts and most wins in a career in four years. This makes for a very impressive soccer career at the collegiate level. When Costello was asked why he decided to play at UMPI, he said, “I really like the coaches, the chance to meet a lot of great people and make new teammates, great athletic training program and to make some great memories.” Costello plans on attending graduate school after UMPI and becoming a physician’s assistant. He will also try to play soccer as much as he can for as long as he is able to do so. was our senior game when all eight of our seniors scored.” This was a great way to cap off his last home game as an UMPI Owl. Parker was an exceptional student athlete in his four years at the U n i v e r s i t y, r e c e i v i n g many academic awards. He is finishing out his last year with an impressive 3 . 5 G PA . Parker plans on attending graduate school to get his masters degree in athletic t r a i n i n g. H e a l s o p l a n s on playing soccer as much as he can after college. Soccer will always be a big part of h i s l i f e . We o w e h i m for many g reat years of dedication to this school and his team.


University Times

ifestyle April 8, 2011

! 19

Faculty Professor Showcases at the NYC ARTexchange Steven McKenney STAFF WRITER

It has certainly been a busy time for faculty art professor Renee Felini. Not long after her PechaKucha art exchange in Waterville, Felini had another art exchange— this time, in the one and only New York City. For those who are bit behind, Felini displayed some of her artwork at the PechaKucha event in Waterville in midFebruary. She was one of 50 artists selected for the event. PehaKucha is Japanese for “chit-chat.” The PechaKucha event, itself, was created in 2003 by Tokyo architects Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein. It’s a sort of short slideshow with commentary from the artists about their work. The events have been held worldwide in Paris, San Francisco, Beijing and Boston. Similar to the last exchange, Felini was again selected as one out of 50 artists to display some of her work. This time, the event was

organized by the College Art Association (CAA). It was its 99th annual conference. Felini had this to say about some of the similarities between

that art can have.” Still, the two events also had their differences from each other. “PechaKucha was presented

“At the ArtExchange, dialogue happened with every person who came your way. By the end of the ArtExchange, I had nearly lost my voice because so many people engaged in conversations with me.” So what was Felini’s project? “I had a book I created of my Art as My Vehicle series, which is now in its 10th year,” Felini said. “I started the series in 2001 with a piece that helped me quit smoking cigarettes. “I also had some small 3” x 4” photographs dispersed all over the area provided for me so I could string together stories for the people who came to my table. When they left, I would hand them one of the photographs. They got to keep the art I created for the event.” It was obviously a very busy

Art work created by Renee Felini.

this event and the Waterville. “Both events focus more on the community aspects of the art world and not the individual economic value

in front of a large audience,” Felini said. “There were about 200-250 people, with dialogue only occuring with people who came up to you during breaks.

turnout. Felini commented that the entire night was “quite a whirlwind.” “One of the disadvantages of the event was that I could not leave where I was assigned because of the equipment I had and it was hard to walk away from all the people interested in my work.” One of the other hurdles that Felini had to deal with was having only about 6 square feet to work with for her presentation. “It was definitely a challenge. I also had to travel to NYC with whatever art I chose to display,” Felini said. “I was able to travel without any checked luggage. I like to travel very lightly. Everything fit into a large backpack and a sling bag.” Despite the obviously hectic atmosphere, Felini feels that it was a very rewarding experience all the same. It just goes to show that great things can come out of having passion for what you do. For the proof, you can see for yourself at her website: www.reneefelini.com.


Un iver si ty Tim es ! LIFESTYLE ! A pr i l 8 , 2 0 1 1

Michael Greaves STAFF WRITER

Do you remember what it was like all those years ago when you first played Super Mario Brothers? The first time that you saw the little man running around and jumping on mushrooms and turtle shells? Now everyone’s favorite plumber is turning 25. In 1981, Shigeru Miyamoto created a game called Donkey Kong, which included a character called Jumpman, who was a carpenter with a red shirt and blue overalls. When the developers where working on the American version of Donkey Kong, they were arguing over what new name to give Jumpman. That’s when the warehouse landlord, Mario Segale, came charging in demanding rent and that is how

Super Mario Turns 25 Mario got his name. Mario returned to the arcade in 1982 when Donkey Kong Jr. came out. This is the first time that Mario appeared in a video game as a villain. In 1983 Mario Bros came out to the arcades. It is in this game that Mario changes his occupations from carpenter to plumber. This is also the first game appearance of Mario’s brother Lugi. This is a two player arcade game where you can either team up with Lugi or fight against him as you encounter a number of crabs, turtles and flies.

ʻG.I. Janeʼ Conquers All

Sarah Graettinger STAFF WRITER

Have you ever wanted to see an action-packed, motivational movie? Then “G.I. Jane” is for you. It’s about a woman who joins the Navy SEALs to promote women being in special military programs like that. Everyone expects this woman to fail yet, despite everything in her way, she succeeds. Demi Moore plays Jordan O’Neill, who is commissioned

by a senator to join the Navy SEALs. The Navy is considered gender neutral, but only allows men to join the special programs. People want to change this. The main plot of the movie is about O’Neill conquering many obstacles in order to join this program, and even, in some cases, doing better than some of the men already enlisted. Master Chief is the person in charge of training the SEALs to become the best. He’s the ultimate antagonist who becomes O’Neill’s friend in the end. What makes this movie so great? It’s the friendship between teammates that allows people to work together. Come and see this great movie and overcome all obstacles that lie in your way!

The U Times interviewed Merton Wilcox, a cashier at Kmart, who remembered his favorite Mario experience “Mario 3, when it first

came out, I played it for three days straight. On Oct. 18, 1985, Mario

came out to the game console when Nintendo released Super Mario Bros. for the NES system. In this game, Mario has to go though levels to save Princess To a d s t o o l (Princess Peach) from evil Bowser. On Sept. 9, 1988, Nintendo came out with a new Mario game called Super Mario Bros. 2, on the NES system. This is a game for which Nintendo took the story from a Japan game called Doki Doki Panic. It took the four main characters and replaced them with Mario characters.

On Feb. 9, 1990, Super Mario Bros. 3 came out on the NES. Super Mario Bros. 3 is the best Mario selling game. Every time Nintendo came out with a new system, a new Mario game was close by. When Nintendo came out with the Nintendo 64, it also released Super Mario 64, which is the first 3D Mario game. When Nintendo came out with the Game Cube, it also came out with Super Mario Sunshine. When Nintendo came out with the Wii, a number of new Mario games came out such as Super Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros. and the newest Mario game, Super Mario Galaxy 2. All in all, Mario has had a great first 25 years and is looking to add another 25 years of great games.

Dear Campus Community,

We need your help! UMPI will be having a Relay for Life Team again this year for the American Cancer Society -- the event will be held in Caribou on June 3rd and 4th. Lisa Leduc and Laurie Boucher will be co-captains of the UMPI team. We are looking for faculty, staff, students and their families to help us with this event. We need participants to help raise money and/or walk around the track. If you would like to participate on the UMPI Owl’s team with either raising money and/ or walking please contact either Lisa (ext. 9436 or lisa.leduc@umpi.edu) or Laurie (ext. 9512 or laurie.boucher@umpi.edu) and more information will be given – we do need to know who wants to participate soon, so please contact us as soon as you can. Also you can sign up for our team on the Relay For Life Web Page at: www.relayforlife.org/aroostookme - Everyone who participates with raising money and/or walking (yourself, spouse, child, friend, etc.) has to register through the website – if you need help, please see Lisa or Laurie for assistance - Once on the website, go to the right and click on Top Teams - View All - Then scroll down to the end where we are “UMPI Owls” and “UMPI Owls 2” and click on either team, it does not matter which one - Once in, you can click “Join Our Team” and get started. - It will ask you for a registration fee of $10 – just click the button that you will pay later – UMPI actually pays this fee for us because they are a sponsor of the event.


Univer sit y Tim e s ! LIFESTYLE A pr i l 8 , 20 1 1


“The Chronicles of Narnia: the Voyage of The Dawn Treader” has it all – great special effects, talented actors, a touching message and plenty of action. On Wednesday, March 2, at 7 and 9 p.m., this movie was shown to UMPI students and community members alike. It was a big deal due to the fact that people had the chance to see it before the actual release date. The University Credit Union provided beverages and snacks, working together with Student Activities and the Campus Activities Board to host an event that was popular, fun and free. “UCU has been very supportive of campus programming and in asking how they can assist at various programs in the fall and spring...so it is a nice touch to our programming on campus,” April Sue Platt said. The third movie in the Chronicles of Narnia series to be released since 2005, those familiar with the films will see some well-known faces in “Voyage of The Dawn

ʻVoyage of The Dawn Treaderʼ Takes Us on a Journey

Treader.” Lucy and Edmund Pevensie, played by Georgie Henley and Skandar Keynes, return to the magical world of Narnia in order to assist King Caspian, played by Ben Barnes. They soon discover that Caspian is on a quest for seven lost lords named Lord Bern, Octesian, Restimar, Rhoop, Mavramor n, Revilian and Argoz. Though Aslan, a pivotal figure, makes a rather spotty appearance until the end, his furry, noble face is a habitual comfort. There are some new characters as well, specifically Lucy and Edmund’s cousin, Eustace Scrubb (Will Poulter), an uptight and unimaginative boy who much prefers insects to his familial relations. Reepicheep, a Talking Mouse, was another recognizable character. He befriends and inspires Eustace, who eventually comes to accept Narnia as well as his own

extraordinary destiny. He and Aslan had some of most enlightening lines. “We have nothing if not belief,” Reepicheep says as one point. Despite a couple of the finer points being different than the book that inspired it, “Voyage of The Dawn Treader” follows

the overall plot quite closely. The Pevensies and Eustace travel to Narnia through a

painting of a ship. There they meet Caspian (formerly “Prince Caspian,” but since they were last there he has taken the throne and brought peace to his kingdom) along with his crew on a journey to the edge of the world. Along the way, they encounter slave holders, storms, a mist that swallows those sacrificed to it, dwarf-like creatures trying to escape a spell, enchanted treasure and their own demons. Lucy’s weakness is her insecurity and vanity, Edmund’s his past betrayal and desire to rule, Caspian’s his fear of not being able to live up to his father’s legacy. “To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself,” Aslan warns, and Lord Rhoop says of the mist “Do not let it know your fears or it will become them.” By the time “Voyage of The Dawn Treader” ended, the main characters had confronted both their worst nightmares and darkest wishes. Caspian knew that he has was wrong to dwell on what had been taken from him rather than what had been given while Lucy and

Edmund came to the stunning and rather sad realization that they won’t be able to return to the Narnia they know and love. Reepicheep decided that it was time to move on. It’s also hinted at that Eustace will return When asked why UCU chose to provide food and drinks for “Voyage of The Dawn Treader,” of all movies being shown throughout the semester, Platt said: “When speaking with Candace at UCU regarding potential collaborations and sponsorships between Student Activities, Campus Activities Board and UCU, we looked at events that were studentfocused, but also had a potential link to the community.” The movie did seem to draw people from campus as well as from the surrounding area. Thanks to the generosity of certain UMPI clubs and institutions, everyone had a chance to visit Narnia, ride on The Dawn Treader and see a fire-breathing dragon. Heart-warming, exciting and entertaining for all ages, “Voyage” would have been well worth the price of admission and snacks.

Morriganʼs Murder: Keeping Aroostook County Metal Alive


Metal/Hardcore band Morrigan’s Murder is doing what it can to keep metal alive and melt faces in the county. The band consists of Tom Tweedie on drums, Mitchell Nickerson on vocals, Ben Robbins on guitar and Adam Baillargeon on bass guitar. The band started with Tweedie meeting two of the would-be members at a party. They started jamming the following day and formed Afterbirth of Autumn. Just a

few months ago, Afterbirth of Autumn broke up and changed a few members to become Morrigan’s Murder. “Eventually, because of internal issues, after the second show, Ben and I decided to part ways with Matt Freeman and Nick Gilson. We then formed Morrigan’s Murder, which is a lot heavier, and now we feel like we have a better control of our portrayal and reputation,” Tweedie said. The band practices at Tweedie’s house in Easton and is currently in the process

of recording an Extended Play, which will be coming out this summer. “We’ve been recording here and there. Not sure of any

names, but we have a lot of ideas to throw around. We want to have an E.P. by this summer so we can sell it at the upcoming shows,” Tweedie said about recording. Both Robbins and Tweedie have played local shows while in Afterbirth of Autumn and plan on playing a lot this summer with the new band. “ We ’ r e j u s t o u t t o have a good time for the love of metal. Music is our passion and always w i l l b e . We l o v e , m o r e t h a n a ny t h i n g, t o s e e

p e o p l e ’s r e a c t i o n t o o u r music, whether it be old people throwing a fit or sick mosh pits and shows full of people who truly love metal,” Tw e e d i e s a i d . Morrigan’s Murder is going to be a band to look out for this summer, with their E.P. coming out and with them playing shows. Be sure to go out and watch them play, buy their music, check them out on Facebook and, as always, help support local music!


Un ive r si t y T im e s ! LIFESTYLE ! A p ril 8 , 2 0 1 1

Spring and The Northern Lights

Jim Stepp


Spring has sprung! Because the Earth’s axis is tilted by approximately 23.5 degrees, the sun appears to move higher and lower in the sky as the year progresses. This tilt of the Earth’s axis is what gives us our seasons. In astronomical terms northern hemisphere: spring (southern hemisphere: fall), begins when the center of the sun passes over the Earth’s equator heading north. This year March 20, 2011 at 7:21 p.m. marked that occasion. Along with the soon to come April showers and May flowers, there will also come an increased chance of seeing the northern lights or aurora borealis. There are two reasons for this: first, the sun is moving towards a solar maximum for sunspots and second, the Earth’s alignment with the sun is at its best. Each year near the spring and fall equinox the Earth’s axis aligns itself perpendicular towards the sun. When this occurs conditions are best for the observance of the northern lights. No one is quite sure why this occurs and some astronomers have theorized that a “rope-like magnetic connection” exists between the Earth and the sun which becomes enhanced when the Earth’s axis is perpendicular to the sun. Another event that is making this year’s chances of the northern lights greater is the fact that we are approaching a solar maximum. The level of sunspots on the sun changes over an eleven year cycle. The most recent minimum occurred in 2008-2009. The next solar maximum will occur in late 2012 or early 2013. No matter what the reason, the chance to see the northern lights is something you should not pass

up. The best place to see them is away from the city lights of Presque Isle. There are a couple of places that have been found that work well and are easy to find. The first site is near Hanson Lake. Head out towards the airport, once at the airport continue to drive north. At the end of the runway make a left hand turn. This will take you on a dirt road that will lead to Hanson Lake. The second place to go is out toward Fort Fairfield. Drive out to the mail and make a right on to the Fort road. Drive about 5 miles. This will put you past the Northern Maine Heritage

tion to be able to get exact times. The University of Maine at Presque Isle is located at 68d00m7.8s West longitude and 46d40m45.6s North latitude. To get a free sky chart go to www.skymaps.com.

* All of the times and dates below are calculated by http://calsky.com. You must do the free registration in order to get accurate times. Sun and Planet Rising and Setting 04/01 Sunrise 0612


becomes first man to go in to space. (1961)

Not visible

Jupiter Not visible

04/12 30th anniversary of the First Space Shuttle Launch (1981)

Saturn 1945 – 0518 Uranus Not visible THE NIGHT SKIES OVER AROOSTOOK COUNTY All times are listed in Eastern Time. Please add 1 hour for Atlantic Time. 04/02@0515 Moon at Apogee – Farthest from the Earth (252,733 miles or 406,647 km)

THE NIGHT SKY Through April 16 the ISS is visible in the morning sky. After April 17, the ISS is visible in the evening sky. Go to www.heavensabove.com for exact times and locations – You will need to register at this site and load your loca-


Not visible

Venus 0512 – 0612 Mars

Not visible

Jupiter Not visible Saturn 1930 – 0542 Uranus Not visible 04/15

Sunset 1919 Mercury

Not visible

Venus 0454 – 0548


04/17@0206 Moon at Perigee – closest to the Earth (222,558 miles or 358,096 km)

04/02@1400 Moon degrees north of Uranus


04/18@1942 Venus at Aphelion – farthest from the Sun (67,705,373 miles or 108,937,946 km)

04/03@1655 Mars 12.8 minutes south of Uranus

04/19 Expected launch date of the Space Shuttle Endeavour – Second to the last shuttle to be launched

New Moon

04/03@2000 Moon degrees north of Jupiter


04/04@0700 Moon degrees north of Mercury


04/06@1040 Jupiter in conjunction with the Sun 04/08@0549 Mars – Summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere 04/09@1536 Mercury in inferior conjunction with the Sun – between the Earth and the Sun 04/10@2142 Moon eclipses Mekbuda (Zeta Gemini) – eclipse ends at 21:47

Sunrise 0545

04/16@2106 Moon degrees south of Saturn


04/03@2000 Saturn in Opposition – Closest to the Earth

Sunset 1900


04/02@1300 Moon degrees north of Mars


Center. The road is lined by potato fields with a clear view of the northern sky. Pull as far off the road as you can and look for the northern lights. In order to find the best times to view the northern lights go to w w w. s p a c e w e a t h e r. c o m / . Information about the northern lights is listed on the left hand side of the page. For view pictures of the northern lights go to http://www.spaceweather.com/au rora/gallery_01mar11_page3.htm

04/12@1739 Mercury degrees north of Jupiter

04/11@0805 Moon



04/12 50th anniversary of Vostok 1 Launch – Yuri Gagarin


Full Moon

04/19@1420 Mercury 37.2 minutes north of Mars 04/20@2044 ISS close to Castor (Alpha Gemini) 0.82 degrees separation 04/22@0400 April Lyrids Meteor Shower – 6/hour 04/22@2100 April Meteor Shower Peak 04/22@2228 Venus minutes south of Uranus 04/23@0400 April Meteor Shower – 7/hr 04/24@2246 Moon


Lyrids 51.1 Lyrids quarter

04/29@0354 Mercury at Aphelion – farthest from Sun (43,391,430 miles or 69,816,812 km) 04/30@0506 Moon degrees north of Venus



University Times


Naima deFlorio STAFF WRITER

Imagine a normal work day morning, except you wake up late. As a result, you don’t have time to sit down and eat a healthy breakfast. On the way to work, you pull into a fast food drive-through to order a quick coffee on the run as well as some sort of featured breakfast item. It’s a matter of a couple of dollars. In celebration of modern day convenience, you hand over your credit card to pay. You wait. It is taking longer than usual. As you eye the clock, you are getting anxious because if they don’t hurry up inside with the transaction, you will be late to work. In your mind, you are silently grumbling, maybe even cursing the cashier for taking so long. You think your day could not get any worse. It’s bad enough to be late. In a second, you find out things just got a little bit more interesting. With a half smile the window is opened, your card handed back and you are told that your card has been declined. Impossible! You hand over another card, and that too is declined. Now you are officially late for work. Rather than call in sick and be absent from work to investigate the issue, you decide to wait till lunch and call the bank and the credit card company to see what the issue is. There are some instances

Losing Yourself

where you cannot protect yourself from identity theft. This includes when you shop at a store and then there is a security breach. Once the breach has been discovered, the credit card companies work with the company where the breach occurred. It is this type of scenario that requires the least involvement on your part. Since

they are aware of the problem, you don’t need to prove anything as they know of the issue and are already doing the footwork to take care of the situation. Most of the time, though, this is not the case: it is not a simple scenario that barely requires your involvement. In most instances, you have to be your own advocate. Some people hire legal counsel to rectify their credit. Without such professional assistance, it can take upwards of a year or more on average to correct the problem. With professional help, you can expect a

resolution within half the time. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that as many as 10 million Americans’ identities are stolen each year. This agency, as its slogan states, is “Protecting America’s Consumers.” It would be advisable to refer to their site, http://www.ftc.gov/, in the event that your identity has been compromised. Identity theft is simply explained as the unauthorized use of your personal identification information such as your name, Social Security number, credit card numbers or financial account information to gain access to financial accounts or even lines of credit. It is a federal crime and will result in jail time for the perpetrator. This does not stop thieves from committing these crimes. However, there is no sure way to prevent identity theft fully. It is possible, though, to minimize the chance of it happening. The problem with identity theft is not only in the theft but the potential for your credit score to be damaged. It’s hard enough deciphering your credit score. Local banks at least once a year hold informational sessions. At the beginning of this semester, the branch manager of the UMPI UCU (University of Maine at Presque Isle’s

University Credit Union), Candace Roy, held an information session on what your credit score means. A number of students showed up to learn more about their credit score. She indicated that similar seminars would be offered in the future. All you have to do is ask for it by calling, 1-800-322-8228 or going online to www.AnnualCreditReport.com . Many financial experts advise requesting from just one of the companies every four months so that you have a free snapshot

! 23 of your financial picture three times per year. You can pay to access your credit history more often than this or even have pay for services that monitor your credit for unusual activity. With identity fraud consistently being a concern, you can’t be too cautious. So if this gives you the greatest peace of mind, by all means, pay for such a service. Just know that having such a monitoring service does not protect you from identity theft. Check out your free report today!

Easy steps to prevent identity theft. -Protect your Social Security number and card. -Do not carry your Social Security number or anythingthat has your Social Security number in your wallet or purse. -Invest in a shredder to shred any financial documents, credit card applicatios and even medical records rather than just recycling such papers or throwing them out. -Never leave your computer or laptop unlocked in a public place. -Log off your computer when not in use. -Limit access to your computer by putting a password on it. -Purchase anti-virus software that rates highly in its effectiveness ( a good place to check for ratings would be, “Consumer Reports”). -Never respond to e-mails that appear to be from financial institutions.

-Do not give personal information such as your Social Security number just because people call and say they are with reputable financial institutions. -If a message is left to call back a particular financial institution regarding your account, refer back to the back of your credit card, financial statement or look up the number on its site. -Have unique passwords for your banking and financial accounts rather than using your maiden name. -Consider getting a mailbox at the post office as it is locked and more secure than standard home delivery. -Order your credit card report: each year you are allowed a free copy from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.


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