Volume 41 Issue 13

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inside this issue:

University of Maine at Presque Isle

MAY 10, 2013

Volume 41 Issue 13


Owls Fly High! Details on page 30

Journalism for Northern Maine

Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

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Kelsey Wood

UMPI Quitting the Habit


After a long, hard battle, UMPI has final “reinvented itself” into becoming a tobacco free campus. The university senate has agreed to get on board with other campuses from the University of Maine System to join the tobacco free train. Anything with tobacco has been banned from campus, taking effect June 1. This includes cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars and even e-cigarettes because they are not FDA approved and still cause health risk. Originally the tobacco free campus rollout was planned on a longer timeline. Things are moving at a faster pace due to the agreements not just in the university senate, but the student senate as well. The general student population agreed that adjustments to the campus would be a benefit. “For most, college is the place they pick up the habit,” Dan LaLonde, the university senate president, said. “We are hoping that over time, there will


be fewer young people picking up the habit.” For most present students, coming back next semester won’t just feel different, but look different as well. The “butt huts,” as everyone calls them, will be gone and signs in areas all over campus will remind students, faculty, staff and visitors that any tobacco products on campus are not allowed. This includes in any vehicles on campus property. This ban affects Skyway and the Houlton Center for Higher Education, as well as the main campus and the sidewalk in front of campus along Main Street. There is a bill in the Maine Legislature that will ban smoking on all Maine campuses. “We wanted to get on board before we were told what rules to follow by the state,” Fred Thomas, head of security, said. There will be a grace period, from June 1 to Oct. 1, during which anyone caught with tobacco on campus will be reminded of and/or warned about the ban. After Oct. 1, the progressive behavior actions

will take effect. It will not just be for the students, but the campus employees as well. The policy that the university senate

wrote will be available to everyone around campus. The student specific portion will be put in the student handbook.

A big concern for those involved in helping the campus quit the habit was that they didn’t want to spring it on students. It is not meant as a surprise to those it affects, but to alert them. They want to get everyone prepared for the big healthy change taking place. Some students, even smokers, are OK about the policy and understand the actions. “I’m not liking it,” Dimitry Herrington, a smoking student of UMPI, said. “But it has to happen because all other universities in New England are doing it.” Because of the majority support of the students, no one expects much trouble next semester. It will be hard for a while getting used to the tobacco free campus, but the changes will be worth it. There will be cleaner air in front of Folsom and Pullen, the Campus Center and Emerson Circle. The campus will bloom into something stronger and more united. The only smoke in the sky will be from the tobacco free train taking over the campus.

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The University Times Staff Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editor Kayla Ames Stephanie Jellett

Staff Writers Kayla Ames Chris Bowden Nicole Duplessis Stephanie Jellett Elissa McNeil Mika Ouellette Lanette Virtanen Kelsey Wood

Contributors Sarah Ames Ethan Campbell Chris Cosenze Dena Dudley Kathi Jandreau Nicole Moore Ray Rice Meagan Royer Jessica Stepp Jim Stepp Lisa Van Pelt Bonnie Wylder Adviser Dr. J The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu


ampus University Times

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May 10, 2013

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Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

Jim’s Journal


The Move to a Tobacco-Free Campus



Recently, the University Senate approved a proposal to finish UMPI’s move toward a tobacco- free campus. We and other officials decided to undertake this change in order to promote the health of all members of the UMPI community. When I began working at UMPI in 1995, all of the buildings on campus—with the exception of the residence halls—were smoke-free. At that

time, we permitted smoking in the residence hall as long as the smoker’s door was closed. Secondhand smoke tended to spread throughout the hallways of the residence halls and many of our students with breathing issues found it difficult to live there. In the fall of 1997, UMPI reduced the smoking permitted areas of the residence halls to just the third floors. This

change permitted those students who wanted to live in a smoke-free environment the opportunity to do so. In the spring of 2001, several residents came to me and asked if the residence halls could become smoke-free. They requested this because the smoke from the third floors was still making its way to the other floors. People were concerned for the health of all the residents. Residence halls students had the chance to vote on this change in policy. Nearly two out of three of the residents voted in April of 2001, with 73.7 percent of those who voted wanting the residence halls to go smoke-free. In the fall of 2001, UMPI banned smoking in the residence halls and asked smokers to smoke at a designated door in each residence hall. In 2002, the University Senate’s Smoking Committee recommended that the University purchase gazebos and place them in areas where

they could be used by smokers. This provided them with a somewhat protected area in which to smoke. At this time, smokers had to smoke only in the gazebos and not on the walkways around campus. The new tobacco-free policy will take effect on June 1, 2013. At that time, all members of the University community, as well as all campus visitors, will not be permitted to use tobacco products on campus. This policy will be in effect on all University-owned or-leased property, including the Houlton Higher Education Center, Skyway Housing Complex and the UMPI campus. This policy will also be in effect in the parking lots and on the sidewalks adjacent to these sites. Beginning June 1, officials will inform violators of the policy and ask them to stop their use of the tobacco product. Beginning Oct. 1, students who violate the tobacco policy will go through the University’s

Presque Isle: 260 Main Street, 764-5500 Caribou: 556 Main Street, 493-3030 HOURS: Sun - Thurs: 10:30 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri - Sat: 10:30 a.m. - Midnight FREE DELIVERY TO UMPI CAMPUS!

Pizza, Subs, Salads

conduct code process. Faculty and staff members who violate the policy will be subject to disciplinary action through our Human Resource policies. Visitors who violate the policy will be asked to stop and may be asked to leave campus. In order to help tobacco

users with this policy, information on how to stop using tobacco and other resources will be available in the Health Center in Emerson Hall or through the Maine Tobacco Helpline at 1800-207-1230.


Un i ve r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

Remembering Bev

Ray Rice


From the first, Bev McAvaddy tried very hard to make me a chair. In all honesty, I had no idea what a chair did when I became one, and I certainly had no idea what to do with an administrative assistant or even

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ty much answered my own phone (as I had when I was “merely” an English professor), kept my own calendar (when I could figure it out) and scurried to and from meetings. Bev would call me when she needed my signature and I would make my way down the four flights of stairs of Normal Hall, over to

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why I might need one. Years later, Bev would joke that she wouldn’t see me for days on end those initial few weeks, which was perhaps more accurate than fair. And, in fact, for the first few months, I pret-

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South and up to her office, where she would place orders and receipts in front of me and tell me, respectfully, which I needed to approve, sign or request more information on before doing anything at all.

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Other than that, I pretty much pretended that my life was the same before I had an administrative assistant. But, after a while, she wore me down. First, she started answering my phone when I wasn’t in (which proved to be quite often, as I was usually in a meeting of some form or another somewhere in the state), leaving me messages, giving me advice of when to send (or not to send) e-mails and letting me know just what was really happening on campus. And that’s when I started to realize what a good administrative assistant did and, if you were smart enough, how much you should listen to her. Because Bev knew everything that happened, everything and everyone, and pretty much every reason someone would do anything. And, just like a great administrative assistant, she would tell me what I needed to know (even when I didn’t want to know it) and, even more important, not tell me what I didn’t need


to know (even when I did want to know it). And that’s when I started to learn the secret of being a chair...it was the administrative assistant who really ran everything. No one was more generous or welcoming than Bev McAvaddy. Her office was a veritable way station of faculty and staff members between meetings and classes and office hours. People were constantly stopping in to find out what was going on, to tell Bev what was going on elsewhere, to learn when something was happening or something should happen, and to just generally feel better about the place they worked at and the job they did. Bev had a gift for making you feel that she cared about you as much as she did about



her own family. When I told my son, now 15, that she had passed away, he said immediately, “She loved her hugs.” And she did. I think Bev was as excited about the birth of our daughter as Rachel and I were. She was never happier than when Naomi would come to South Hall to visit. And she was shrewd enough to bribe a 1-year-old with an innocent piece of candy to help make her more susceptible to those hugs that she loved so much. By the end of that first year, South Hall felt like a place where I belonged, the College of Arts and Sciences felt like a real college, and I felt (often enough) like a chair. And it was Bev who made that possible.

Uni ve r si t y T i m e s U-DAY M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

A Campus Filled With Spirit



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Every day we have the opportunity to express ourselves. There is one day, however, that allows our expression to be seen in unique and creative ways. University Day at the University of Maine at Presque Isle is just the place to allow your expression, creativity and passion to be displayed for everyone to see, hear or read. This year’s theme was “Linking Generations Through Teaching and Learning.” It took place on Wednesday, April 10, 2013. There’s a standing invitation that’s open to not only students, but the public as well. This fun-filled day gives students and community members the chance to see what the students have been accomplishing throughout the year. Posters, presentations, culture fest, raffle (items such as a Kindle or gas card), food and speakers fill the University of Maine at Presque Isle Campus from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Why wouldn’t you want to go? The poster session displayed the research that students have compiled on majors that range from physical therapist assistant to environmental studies. The students discussed and answered questions that anyone could have. After the poster session, the lectures began. Lectures ranged from connecting the UMPI campus with the Carleton Project to aquatic therapy. There was something there that could spark whatever interest you have. It was quite joyous to walk around a campus that was filled with a large amount of spirit. It was a wonderful way to fill your Wednesday! There were also University Day Committee members walking around campus wearing yellow T-shirts. They were there to direct or answer any questions you may have had. Whether you just walked around the campus or attended a presentation, it was still a great display of what the University of Maine at Presque Isle truly has to offer. From remarkable students with their creativity on display to distinguished lectures, University Day was quite a showcase. Students, staff, faculty and community members really appreciated the many offerings. UMPI physical therapist assistant student Josh Churchill, who attended a few lectures, said, “I highly enjoyed University Day. The subjects that were available to choose from were great. The different subjects kept the classes interesting.” The in-depth and enjoyable lectures and the displayed creativity of students made coming to University Day at the University of Maine at Presque Isle extremely worthwhile. Intriguing enough to attend next year’s University Day? You bet.

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U n i ve r si t y T i m e s U-DAY M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

A Whole New World

Nicole Duplessis STAFF WRITER

On Wednesday, April 10, Sha Liu, a member of the International Students Club here at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, introduced many students to her culture and customs. Liu is from China, and she briefly discussed the differences between living there compared with the United States. She set up clothing, cutlery and artifacts in the front of the room for anyone interested in taking a peek. “It’s nice to see diversity in students on campus,” Abigail Poole, an attendee of the event, said. The event was highly attended by many students on campus. The connection between Liu’s culture and all the other cultures present was amazing. She also set up a PowerPoint in

case people had difficulties understanding her. Liu, however, discussed many different aspects of her culture very well. For instance, China’s population is roughly 1.35 billion and its territory is 9.6 million square kilometers. Its money is known as “Renminbi,” and Liu passed around examples during the presentation. China also consists of 23 provinces, four municipalities and five different regions. Liu also discussed religion. China has three main religions: Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Confucianism is not a real religion, but an ethical philosophical system that developed from Confucius, who was a great educationalist and ideologist in China. Confucianism is now treated as a kind of belief to educate common people. Taoism pur-

sues immortality and preservation of health. The utmost goal of Taoism is to become an immortal being. Buddhism, however, is the most important religion in China. “If you want more, you have to suffer more,” Liu said in relation to the Buddhist religion. In Buddhism, the purpose of life is to end suffering. The Buddhist god, known as the Buddha, taught that humans suffer because we continually strive after things that do not give lasting happiness. Relationships are highly valued. Chinese care more about social relationships than commercial relationships. They care about the trustworthiness of individuals. “Lian,” which means giving respect, is of great importance within the Chinese culture. Wine has a close connection with relationships, as well. If individuals are very close, then the saying “bottoms up” while drinking is in full effect. If individuals are unfamiliar with one another, however, only a sip or two are acceptable. The gift-giving tradition differs greatly from that of the

United States. Knives, scissors or letter openers cannot be given as gifts because they will

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also may refuse gifts three times before finally accepting them. Older Chinese usually refuse a gift the first time to be polite. Other helpful hints about Chinese gift giving are to never give a Chinese man a green hat, because this indicates that his partner is being unfaithful to him. Also, don’t wrap gifts in white, blue or black. White is used in funerals and blue and black also symbolize death. “It was a wonderful presentation and an eye-opener to different cultures,” Poole said. An eye-opener it was indeed. From learning that older people eat before younger people when dining, to not to stick your chopsticks vertically into food and that martial arts is a famous Chinese form, everyone was truly fascinated with this massive amount of new information. Learning about a new culture isn’t always something that people look at as a beneficial experience. Becoming familiar with the different customs of those who surround you, however, is a great way to become a part of their world: which is actually our world, as well.

Unive r si t y T i m e s U-DAY M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

Some Days You’re the Statue


Going into the woods early in the morning may not seem like fun. But UMPI student Scott Belair and Professor Jason Johnston went out into the woods on many mornings. Why you ask? Well, they wanted to track birds and see what kind of bugs they were attracted to. What the birds ate and how the birds adapt to certain areas intrigued them. They first decided that they wanted to track the bugs and get a count as to what the birds had on the menu. In order to track the bugs, they had to come up with a contraption to catch them. They used several bottoms of plastic bottles that had to be specifically made to meet their bug catching requirements. The bottles had to have a wide base. They had a hard time with this because bottles that are made now are too skinny to

catch the bugs. They dug holes into the ground for the traps. They filled the traps with RV nontoxic antifreeze, which the bugs loved. They had 40 pitfall traps that were in the ground and 10 traps that were spaced 50 meters apart in each site on top of the soil. “We would go in and collect them every week, and then bring whatever bugs we caught back to our lab space to count,” Belair said. Even though they attracted bugs, that wasn’t all they caught. They could not count the wildlife that wasn’t birds that would eat the bugs: bears and whatever else that came across the pits because of the sweetness of the antifreeze. Every week the men had to replace the traps: sometimes even more often. Spiders, ants and carabid beetles are what defined the population of bugs in the forests being tested. Carabid beetles

are sorted by their size: small ones are out during the day, but bigger ones are out at night. To catch the birds, Belair and

end of the semester, students pick a specific topic to study in the next semester.” The first group presented a wide topic of propaganda in genocide. Propaganda is the manipulation of information to yield a chosen perception. This is an instrumental tool in starting a genocide. Without this, genocide would have a hard time even starting. It would be like trying to start a fire without any wood.

Presentation two was about the psychology behind genocide. The question of why is a common one when contemplating genocide and this is what the students examined. To give a real life example in their presentation, group two showed a clip of the psychological experiment where a group of students took the roles of prisoners and guards. The experiment didn’t last long because the roles took over the personalities and ethics of the participants in a negative way. Group three took the Holocaust and went in depth about it. Group four took a similar approach by examining the Armenian genocide. Both of these presentations were more focused than the first two that tackled broad topics. Some genocides, as explained during the presenta-

Johnston built nets that looked like enlarged volleyball nets. This made a canopy so that they could study the birds.

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“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” Belair said. They had caught a younger bird and ended up with its parents, too. In order to see what kind of bugs the birds were eating, they had to take fecal samples from the birds. Although that may sound gross, they could see bug parts and could test which birds ate what type of bug. They found a lot of different bugs such as spiders, pieces from different larva and beetles. They were trying to catch a bird in the net, but it was being stubborn. It was nesting above Belair in a tree, and he felt something wet on his head. Looking over at his partner pointing to his head, he yelled, “I got the sample!” Getting a sample seemed important to them, even when it meant getting feces on their own foreheads.

Genocide: Linking Generations

Ethan Campbell CONTRIBUTOR

On the UMPI campus, during University Day, a class of honors students contemplated genocide. Dr. John DeFelice’s World Civilization II honors class gave four presentations about genocide. This was a special topic that the students chose at the end of their World Civilization I class. DeFelice said, “Toward the

tion, are only given a half page and an emotive picture or two in most textbooks. Without proper coverage, acts such as this throughout history have a chance of repeating themselves. DeFelice had this to say about the connection of contemplating genocide and the theme of University Day, which was “linking generations.” “Historians, that’s what we do or else they’re forgotten. We do it to hopefully teach a collective understanding so it doesn’t happen again.” Genocide is a controversial topic that affects multiple generations. As such, this topic causes certain reactions. Just the smallest misspoken phrase could cause a negative response from the audience. Going into the presentations, the students were aware of this. Taking this into consideration, the groups


were able to responsibly handle questions from the audience. Genocides are topics that not everyone likes to talk about. Sometimes, as the students said in the presentation, people actually refuse to admit to or acknowledge their existence. The Armenian genocide suffers from such ignorance. In a former DeFelice class, the students wrote letters to senators Snowe and Collins asking them to advocate for the acknowledgment of the Armenian genocide. The senators wrote back and agreed to try to get the state of Maine to acknowledge the genocide. By the end of it all, Maine became one of the 23 or 24 states in the U.S. that acknowledge the Armenian genocide. That’s a powerful lesson that, when it comes to genocide, each of us can make a difference.


U n i ve r si t y T i m e s U-DAY M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3


University day was full of excitement and knowledge. You could feel it flowing from every event down every hall. One event was so full of knowledge it needed multiple teachers-to-be involved. The campus’ Student Education Association of Maine members organized and led an international debate between themselves and a small group of students from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, using polycom technology. The discussion was based on the differences and similarities between the education systems at the university level. From UMPI, there were five students taking part in the discussion. On the Polish side, there were four. Leah Rodriguez, also the SEAM president, was the main voice of the debate. Mindy Hitchcock, Brett McPhail, Gregory Beasley and

It’s a Small World…

Jacqueline Garrity joined her. pay for schooling and pay our teacher’s normal hours. “I didn’t participate last year, loans back. One similarity that the although I was in attendance. In Poland “Education is groups discussed was the reaThis year I feel that we really free,” Tomasz Herzog, UMPI sons to go to college. These had a good discussion,” professor of education and were mostly the same: they go Rodriguez said after the debate. SEAM adviser, said. to further their education so “Sometimes it was difficult to hear exactly what the responses were. But overall, we had good questions and answers and I was very pleased with our responses and responders.” The topics they covered ranged from the reasons that they go to college, to qualifications to graduate, all the way to partying. There were jokes and laughs along with : ;*+4:9 ,853*'3/ )1/+= /+@"4/ <+89/:?/4 5@4'4 serious discussions about the differences 52'4* between the school The only time students in that they can achieve what they systems. One of the differences is Poland have to pay is for week- want. Many of the debaters how people pay for school. end classes and online classes want to become teachers. Once the debate had ended, Here in the States, we have to because these are outside of the

Herzog talked with his students. He clarified certain things they hadn’t understood and answered some questions they hadn’t gotten to ask. He was and is very proud of AMU and was happy to talk about the Polish education system. “The debate went OK,” Herzog said. “It’s a different group of students every time, so it’s a new debate every year. There are new people in attendance, so there is no repetition.” With another debate under his belt, Herzog plans to keep them going for as long as he can. The year before, SEAM won a certificate of excellence for cultural diversity. They hope that this year they will achieve the same. To see more on the debate or learn more about AMU, you can check out these two websites: international.amu.edu.pl or wnip.amu.edu.pl. It’s an experience worth having every year.

Baby, Got Back Problems?

thing so important in our lives cause many people trouble? More than 100 million The back: it’s something Americans suffer from chronic that’s a major part of our lives. back pain at a cost of around Without it we would be jelly and unable to walk. How can some- 600 billion dollars a year in medical treatments and lost p ro d u c t i v i t y, according to a report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM). On University Day, Shawn Berry and Chris Jackson wanted to share some simple things that we all could implement in our lives to help .8 /9')1954 '4* .'=4+8 8? prevent or limit Christopher Cosenze CONTRIBUTOR

such problems. Living in Maine, it’s safe to assume that shoveling the massive amount of snow we get is a leading contributor to back pain. Berry offed some tips on how to keep you back safe while shoveling that pesky snow. “When lifting, keep weight close, your torso vertical and have a wide stance. Don’t forget to use legs for power,” Berry said. A little known fact about lifting is that you should limit the weight you’re lifting to about 1/3 of your body weight. Anything over that is considered excessive weight. Something that also affects back pain and other joint pain is ergonomics. OSHA defines ergonomics as the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population.

Professionals who work desk jobs are the people who can most benefit from proper ergonomics. They are also the ones who have the highest amount of back pain due to constant sitting and poor ergonomics. Jackson, who is an ergonomic expert, said, “Stretch every half hour. You should get up and stretch if you are at a desk all day.” This one simple thing can help limit the damage to your back. If you look around a college campus, you will most likely find that many students do not sit properly or that the desks are not set up right for them. “Classroom desks are not properly set up for students. Students should have their arms at 90 degrees, at about

belly button height and arms should be on the table. If your arms are below the table, then you are not sitting correctly,” Jackson said. If you are stuck at a desk all day, there are some things that you could do to limit the stress on your joints. “Your arms should be like TRex arms, close to the body and about mid-torso level. Keep reaching to a minimum,” Jackson said. Chiropractors make their living with people who suffer from back pain. Some cannot be prevented. When your back starts to hurt, keep in mind these simple little things that could help your back and make your life better. That’s a good way to keep your money in your pockets and not in their pockets.


Uni ve r si t y T i m e s U-DAY M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3


If you’ve ever found yourself saying, “Oh, my aching back!” you should have been at University Day, April 10, to hear Rachel Tomlinson and Janet Grivois talk about Back to Basics. It was all about how to best use a backpack. There was a great turnout, and everyone seemed to be interested in what they had to say. Forty million children carry backpacks per year, and most of them tend to overfill their bags and pack their things incorrectly. Not carrying your bag correctly can lead to back pains, neck pains and shoulder pains. In 1997, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that 3,300 children aged 5 to 14 were treated in emergency rooms due to back

Back to Basics

pains. In 2006, the CPSC reported double the injuries caused in 1997. “In order to make sure that you avoid back pain, you should try to better your backpack selection” Tomlinson said. A 60 pound child can carry the maximum weight of five pounds. With age and an increase in weight, the appropriate maximum weight of your bag would increase: 60-75 pounds = 10 pounds 75-100 pounds = 15 pounds 100-125 pounds = 18 pounds 125-150 pounds = 20 pounds 150- 200 pounds = 25 pounds

“No one should carry more than 25 pounds in a backpack,” Grivois said. Fifty percent of weight should be put in first, with the

remaining objects last. Frame size can be a beneficial factor

tant to look for your measurements. If you don’t know what your measurements are, it’s easy to find that out. You’d want to measure from the broad of your back to the small of your back. “Every backpack typically has the measurements on the tag,” To m l i n s o n said. It’s also said that backpacks can cause scol').+2!532/4954' 4*'4?8 iosis: curvawhen choosing the right back- ture of the spine. Scoliosis can pack for your back. It’s impor- be caused by many things such

as genetics, but most commonly by improper backpack use. To avoid having this happen to you, you want to make sure that you use both of the straps provided on your backpack. Distribute your weight evenly, because this can ease tension on your lower back. Wear the pack over your mid back, and make sure to tighten your straps for that extra support. If you use a shoulder bag or a purse, make sure you switch shoulders often and carry them only when necessary. Also, when you go to put on your pack, be sure to have a buddy. Bending over to put on your backpack can be tiresome and hard on your shoulders and lower back, as well. So have someone there to help you or place it on a desk and just slip it on. Happy Backpacking!

Aroostook County’s goal for the Special Olympics had participated in them herself. “I participated in the Special Olympics in high school,” Kaitlyn Wells said. “I participated in the equestrian events. My disability is that I am partly deaf.” The Special Olympics is set up by county. So those with disabilities from Van Buren, Caribou, Presque Isle and other neighboring towns in Aroostook County all compete in the same games. Some of the events even take place on campus. In contrast, Kennebec County summer

described the website referenced in the flier that would instruct people how they could get involved. It does not need to be anything large to participate. “Just being a fan. A lot of Olympians just need a fan,” Bouchard said. “They love hearing their name being cheered.” Group members referred to Steve Richards, a Special Olympics volunteer coordinator, as the one to go to for more information. The website is http://www.specialolympicsma ine.org. His contact information can be found there, along with the Special Olympics upcoming schedule. Volunteering for the Special Olympics will change your life. Even just one time volunteering will make you want to go back and do it again. Get involved and become a fan for life!

Aroostook County’s Goal for Special Olympics


The Special Olympics occurs every year, for the winter and summer games. It’s set up to be similar to the original Olympics. There are events such as basketball, track and field, swimming and more. The Special Olympics is geared toward those with mental and

physical disabilities. Not every participant needs to have a visible disability. Although many people know something about the Special Olympics, there are often gaps in their knowledge. A presentation at UMPI’s University Day, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, set out to change this. One of the five presenters who spoke of

games take place at UM. The presentation told the audience members about the Special Olympics, they can get involved and how they plan to inform the rest of the county. Jenna Bouchard, Deavin Gustafson, Emily Brown, and Stacy Bernier also presented. They are all education majors with concentrations in special needs. For their presentation, they created fliers that they hope to distribute throughout the towns to get community involvement in the Special Olympics. “We are trying to get them into grocery stores,” Brown explained. “Put one in every grocery bag.” By distributing fliers, group members hope to bring awareness to the community in order to get more volunteers for the Special Olympics. They


U n i ve r si t y T i m e s U-DAY M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

Help Make a Brighter Tomorrow Kayla Ames


Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re somehow connected to the University of Maine at Presque Isle. Maybe you’re a student, one of the faculty or a staff member. Maybe you’re a part of the surrounding community or you know someone who attends or works here. Either way, because of this connection, you have a very important role to play in higher education. What is this role you play? Dr. Richard Keeling has the answer to that question. Keeling spoke on Tuesday, April 9, as part of University Day and the Distinguished Lecturer series. His presentation, entitled “We’re Losing Our Minds: Rethinking American Higher Education,” started at 7 p.m. in the Campus Center. He recently wrote a book with the same title. President Linda Schott introduced him and the hot topic his talk was centered around. We hear about it on talk shows, discuss it in classrooms. At one point or another, you’ve probably seen books on it: the current state of education, its likely future, what we’re doing right and what we’re doing wrong. “It fits with what you see almost every day in the news...lots of argument about

all these things,” Schott said. Citizens and professionals alike have been wrestling with this topic for a long time. Often, people end up blaming each other. That wasn’t the purpose of Keeling’s presentation, nor does he try to do that in his books, the latest of which was co-authored by Richard Hersh. We can all do more to make sure students are truly learning and gaining useful skills, true enough. Schott said that faculty, Student Affair professionals and coordinators of co-curricular activities can deepen what’s happening in the classroom. But that doesn’t let students and higher-up administrators off the hook. For one, we have to ask some hard questions and figure things out for ourselves. Consider, for example, why you came to college. What do you hope to get out of it? Are you working as hard as you can, absorbing as much as possible? If you’re struggling, why do you think that is? What do you hope to do in the future? How can higher education help with that? The world is changing, and institutions such as UMPI are changing with it. Every year, schools

incorporate more technology into their programs. Student bodies become more diverse. Needs differ accordingly. “We now have to answer those questions in a world

where education is much more diversified,” Keeling said. One aspect that he says should never change, though, is quality. Too many people see college as a process, at the end of which you get a stamp of approval, a quick ticket to that next goal. We survive, but get nothing more out of it. This is likely due, at least in part, to our nation’s fixation on money, sta-

tistics and testing. Many students put jobs before further education because they’re trying to repay loans. Our minds and experiences are boiled down to a grade, a ranking, which comes with an understandable amount of pressure and discouragement. When that happens, higher education lessens in significance and worth. Keeling wants to put a stop to that. “The problem is not price. It’s value,” Keeling said. Among other things, students should leave college with the ability to assess themselves, think critically and creatively, write well, take on the mindsets of others, respond to success and cope with failure. They should be able to make decisions and manage their time wisely. This requires considerable effort. They have to be ready and willing to work for their education. Professors can help with this, though it may require great change on their part. They have to hold students to a higher standard, expect more, make them uncomfortable even when it means they won’t get a “thank you.” “Well, that’s the challenge. That’s also the opportunity,” Keeling said. During the question and

answer portion, Keeling talked about alternatives to traditional colleges and how to increase the likelihood of getting a job. He also discussed how to cope with unmotivated students and the downfalls of today’s standardized assessments. He asked plenty of questions himself throughout the presentation and at the end, giving attendees lots to think about. “I think it’s important because many students don’t work in their field of expertise when graduating college because they’re not getting the right education. His students need to be interested in learning. Curiosity, for the win!” Eric Edgecomb, an UMPI student, said. Edgecomb touches on something important. In order to get all we can out of a truly valuable education, in order to make brighter tomorrows, we have to achieve and maintain a balance. The responsibility does not fall solely on the shoulders of students, administrators or professors. Rather, like members of an enormous group project, we’re going to have to work together. Instead of pointing fingers, each of us should take time today and in the days to come to think about our place in the future promise that is higher learning.

It’s All About Telling Stories

Christopher Bowden STAFF WRITER

Telling a good story is hard, but it all starts with a good hook. That’s something you could have learned on University Day. There were many good presentations on University Day. But one of the ones that took the honor of being a top presentation was Dr. Jacqui Lowman’s PCJ 493 Communication Capstone class. The students put on an absorbing presentation during their time. They explained

their journey through the professional communication and journalism program. It was very well organized as the students two at a time presented their work. They explained three of the PCJ classes: PCJ 180, PCJ 315 and PCJ 318. The students took turns by having two students present each class through a PowerPoint. Each team of two had 10 minutes to present their PowerPoint. Each presentation explained one of the three classes. Starting with the

basics, in PCJ 180 you get your introduction to professional communication and journalism. It explained the process in which you learn to write for a paper, along with the basic communication required to become a journalist. PCJ 315 covered the concept of professional communication, including how to conduct focus groups and write complex reports. And PCJ 318 helps teach you how to work with evolving media, from blogs and websites to wikis, Linked-

In, Facebook for businesses and Twitter. Each team did very well keeping on schedule with a little help from Dr. J. Along with the PowerPoints, the students showed examples of their work, which included newspaper articles that appeared in the very paper you’re reading: the University Times. They talked about the focus groups that they did for real world clients. And the final group shared a video made that displayed some of the essence of

Aroostook County. Overall, it was a great presentation. Whether you’re a rookie or expert about communication and journalism, there was something new to be learned. You could get ideas ranging from basic journalism advice to expert tips about how to design a project for the rapidly changing media in our world. People say you learn something new every day. With this presentation, however, you learned multiple new things.

Uni ve r si t y T i m e s U-DAY M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

Wanna Have A Good Time? Mika Ouellette STAFF WRITER

On University Day, you probably ran across an interesting title on your schedule. One of the sessions was called “Something for Everyone.” You probably wondered what kind of presentation it was and what “something for everyone” meant. The answer to your question is that everyone can find something to do at the Nordic Heritage Center, a local outdoor sports center that Dr. Jacqui Lowman’s Advocacy class is partnering with for their service learning project. “Nordic Heritage is not just for skiing. Nordic has something for everyone,” Lanette Virtanen, a student in the class, said. Virtanen was right about the variety of activities at Nordic. Most people think of Nordic Heritage Center as a ski area and the site of the World Cup Biathlon. All of these things do happen at Nordic, but there’s so much more. Nordic also offers hiking, biking, geocaching, picnics and children’s activities. As a part of their project, the class is trying to make this better known by creating various marketing tools, including websites, brochures, a mascot and even a children’s book. “The Nordic Heritage Center is Aroostook County’s best-kept secret,” Martha Franklin-Wight, another member of the class, said.

Along with revealing Aroostook County’s best-kept secret, the students are also working to increase the number of members in this organization. Along with marketing the sports center, they’re partnering with the Maine Adaptive program to make Nordic more accessible to people with disabilities. To do this, they’re writing grants for renovations to the sports center and working with the staff to increase the number of activities available for people with disabilities. The students in the class are just as varied as the different areas of this project that they’re working on. The class members are: Penny Kern, Kathi Jandreau, Carlos Villoria, Martha Franklin-Wight, Taylor Ussery, Katie York, Lanette Virtanen and Brianna Williams. Each person is working on their own area of the project, which will come together and help this organization by the end of the semester. Overall, the presentation had a good turnout. People interested in learning more about this organization filled the classroom of Folsom 203. Some members of the audience were involved with Nordic but others were just learning about it. They got direct proof that there truly is something for everyone at Nordic by listening to the students talk about their project, a rewarding endeavor that has required teamwork, a lot of effort and plenty of creativity.

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Zebra Fish: Swimming in a Stream of Memories Ethan Campbell CONTRIBUTOR

Zebra fish are the stars in an experiment held in the UMPI campus GIS lab during the 2013 spring semester. Students in the Bio 480 class used research methods they’ve been learning to study the behaviors of zebra fish. The experiments with these fish were also designed to look at the effects of brain trauma on these fish and the regenerative capabilities they have when their brains are damaged. Under the guidance of Dr. Rachael Hannah and a sponsorship by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, the students began with 10 zebra fish. They then removed a portion of the brain responsible for balance from six of these fish. It was after the surgeries that the students observed the fish and their behavioral patterns. The primary observations were made 12 and 24 hours after the initial surgeries. From that point, the students made other observations five, 10 and 30 days after the surgeries. There was also a twice weekly meeting between the students to further collaborate on the experiment. Hannah, who teaches biology, explained why the zebra fish were the choice for such an experiment. “The zebra fish are used because they’re easy for undergrads to work with and learn research methods.” In addition, Hannah explained that zebra fish share a similar genetic makeup to humans. With one of the primary goals of the research being the study of brain trauma and recovery, it makes sense for something similar in

design to humans to yield results. The zebra fish, like the human liver and the starfish or salamander, have an innate ability to regenerate. A more popular route for research is to experiment on rats and mice. Why zebra fish are the ones under the spotlight for this experiment is the ease of taking care of them.

Additionally, the zebra fish are much quicker to operate on. According to Hannah, “Surgery on the rats takes about three hours.” The experiment group was able to perform surgery on six fish in one day. Overall, for the rats and mice it takes about a week to be able to really see the full behavioral changes and pat-

terns. Because of the zebra fishes’ genetics, they are able to yield plenty of results in a short amount of time. You could probably fit three different experiments into the time span of what a lab rat would take for just one. Currently, the bulk of experiments in brain trauma are performed on humans. Hannah also said, “Most research is on humans because it pops up the most.” Thanks to things such as car crashes, construction work incidents or even biking or sporting related injuries, humans exhibit most cases of brain trauma. Adding to this the decay of the mind due to age in humans and other factors, and brain trauma and injury is a relevant issue that we all have to deal with. Research such as Hannah’s in the field of brain trauma and recovery is important to everyone and may yield some game changing results. So, thanks to a couple of little fish, memories and lost ideas may come swimming back to us.

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12 Christopher Bowden

U n i ve r si t y T i m e s U-DAY M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

Hiking for Homeless, Jogging for Justice.


In Maine as of 2010, there were 1,320 homeless people throughout the state. It’s something that the state is trying to work on. In Aroostook County, there is an increasing effort to help the homeless. Along with homelessness, Maine also has a domestic violence problem. Every 96 minutes there is a domestic assault reported to police. During one of the many great presentations of University Day, a group of students from the criminal justice program presented the Safe Homes Aroostook – MOVE to End Homelessness project. They were in partnership with the Hope and Justice Project and the Homeless Services of Aroostook, along with businesses from around the community. The presentation contained information on domestic violence and homelessness in Aroostook County, a growing problem. The students hope to help raise awareness and raise money by starting the Hiking for Homeless, Jogging for Justice Project. The students gave a very good presentation while doing a great job explaining all the aspects of their project. “It will bring money and raise awareness to those in need,” D.J. Conley, a criminal

8 /3/ 4' 2;9: /)+9:;*+4: 968+9+4:+* :.+ ',+ 6850+): justice major who helped with the project, said. The Hiking for Homeless, Jogging for Justice Project was a fundraiser walk that took place on Sunday, April 28, 2013. It started at the Presque Isle Riverside Recreation building. It continued along the walking routes on the bike path. People could choose to walk or run up to two, three or four miles. After the event, Dr. Lisa Leduc reflected on its success. “The inaugural Safe Homes Aroostook - MOVE to End Homelessness event was a great

success. With 145 registered walkers and more than 15 sponsors, we raised more than $6,000 to benefit both Homeless Services of Aroostook and the Hope and Justice Project. My honors Domestic Violence class organized this event in just six weeks as a service learning project. They were also helped by volunteers from MSSM and staff from both agencies. Walkers, many with kids, strollers and dogs in tow, enjoyed beautiful sunshine on Sunday, April 28 and walked two, three and four mile routes

53+98559:551#: along the bike path. We also had teams representing local churches, banks and schools. All participants received pedometers and water bottles, with top fundraisers getting bigger prizes. Organizers plan to make this an annual event. For more information, they can contact me at Lisa.Leduc@umpi.edu or visit www.safehomesaroostook.org. Part of the fundraiser was obviously to raise funds by getting donors to pledge money to benefit the project. As mentioned, there were prizes for the top fundraisers,

54*53+2+994+99 which included a tablet, an iPod, sneakers, a quilt and a lobster dinner. Those involved in the project include Jaron Gray, Jordan Perry, Nick Reid, Claudette Welton, Skylah Gendreau, Eric Cone, Richard Clavette, Tim Chase, Madison Willette, Audrey Pictou, Rich Landry and, of course, Conley and Leduc. It’s projects put on by people like this who help make Aroostook County better for everyone.

on finishing another semester!

Uni ve r si t y T i m e s U-DAY M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

Bringing the World Closer Kayla Ames


You’ve probably used an elevator at some point, or the buttons around campus that automatically open doors, or even a bathroom stall meant for people with handicaps. These are all forms of accommodations for people with disabilities, which was the topic of a University Day presentation on Wednesday, April 10. The presentation, entitled “Accommodations and Services for Individuals with Disabilities,” started at 10 a.m. and lasted half an hour. The presenters were Danielle Grenier, Patti McIsaac, Angela Perlupo, Greg Sheppard and Victoria Tracy from Professor Bill Breton’s EDU 387 class. What they had to say is very important and relevant to everyone. Whether you realize it, whether you have a disability, it has a role in your life, not to mention the lives of people you care about. To gather information, Grenier, McIsaac, Perlupo, Sheppard and Tracy interviewed staff as well as current and former students with disabilities. They hoped to get a sense of what it’s like to be them, including the limitations they encounter. Then the group studied the budget and talked to the director and assistant director of Support Services. This allowed them to assess what accommodations and services are available here at UMPI. They imagined a world in which money was no object. After that, the students scaled it back, looking at what was possible. “At UMPI, there’s a financial barrier, so we can’t do everything we want to do,” Tracy said.

Some current accommodations include tutoring services, assigned note takers, amplifiers, recording devices and quiet or longer test times. Based on

feedback from interviewees, the bathrooms on campus are a high point in accessibility. There are aspects in need of improvement, though. As proof and in order to humanize the discussion, Tracy shared her personal story. She experienced a traumatic brain injury that now affects her motor skills. She has problems with her short-term memory, meaning she often has to reread text in order to process it. “Generally, you have more trouble learning and remembering things,” Tracy said. A professor and former student, both in wheelchairs, say that people with their disability can have difficulty standing up for themselves. Sometimes, it leads to social isolation. Field trips aren’t always accessible, they can’t go to certain meetings on particular floors and walkways often aren’t clear enough in the winter. One student heard about something on another campus that could combat the latter problem: heated walkways. In an ideal world, perhaps UMPI

would have these. Its students might also be able to benefit from computer-aided transcription, one-handed desks and keyboards along with apps that make carrying textbooks unnecessary and other assistive technology. But these are expensive. “They can go from a couple hundred of dollars to a couple thousand dollars, or even more than that,” Granier said. As for realistic tools they would like to see implemented, talking calculators, predic-

tion software, grippers, electronic reading pens and more tutors or interpreters are all viable options. Toward the end of the session, McIsaac showed a video featuring Sam Graves, a college student and active blogger with cerebral palsy. His boundless optimism and resourcefulness was a testament to what a person can do, especially with a little bit of assistance. The goal of this project and presentation was to increase awareness. McIsaac said that she and the other groups members wanted to shed light on this very important but possibly overlooked matter. In other words, they’re taking some of the first steps toward implementing devices and programs that would make the campus more comfortable and accessible for all UMPI students, fac-


ulty and staff. “The leaders have to work with the people who have problems. If people aren’t working together, then it becomes very difficult,” Tracy said. Collaboration is key, and it wouldn’t simply be for the sake of legislation. UMPI is required by law to accommodate all its students, but there’s a more ethical purpose behind this venture. Everyone should have equal access to education. People with disabilities often don’t feel disabled, and they shouldn’t be restricted or distressed because they have them. UMPI has proven itself willing and capable, but there’s still more we can do. As long as there are people like these students from EDU 387, though, we needn’t worry. We can definitely expect a brighter, more accessible future.

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Un i ve r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3


A survey of works from 1985 through 2013; Reed Gallery from April 22-June 8 By Anderson Giles

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Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

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University Times


May 10, 2013


Pelkey:Putting Down the Books for Good Christopher Bowden STAFF WRITER

If you go to UMPI, then you’ve more than likely needed to get a book from the campus bookstore. While at the bookstore, you probably needed help getting a book. There has always been one person willing to help. Doug Pelkey, book manager, was there to help you and has been there to help students for 40 years now. But after 40 years of working in the bookstore, Pelkey is retiring from working at UMPI. Many with past and present connec-

tions to UMPI will miss him. . Pelkey starting working at UMPI in June of 1973, back when Ronald Reagan was president and the Watergate scandal was starting to uncover. Gas cost 40 cents a gallon. The most popular video game back then was Pong. Greg Doak, bookstore manager, has worked as Pelkey’s coworker for five years now as they help run the bookstore together with help from workstudy students. He has enjoyed every moment of it. “He’s always been very

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organized and very methodical. He’s worked the same job for 40 years and has watched the job change over 40 years,” Doak said . It’s easy to see that things have changed quite a bit since that time. One thing that never changed, though, was Pelkey’s attitude toward his job. “It has been enjoyable. I’ve never dreaded a day at work,” Pelkey said It’s pretty obvious that Pelkey has seen and done a lot when it comes to the bookstore. As Doak stated, Pelkey has watched the job change for 40 years now. It has changed its location three times since he started. It started in Preble Hall, then moved to Normal Hall and is now located in the Campus Center. Now that he’s retiring, Pelkey has things to do and will still be very busy. He has a lot of work to do the around the house, along with doing some traveling to visit family members. He also has plans to pick up a part-time job down the road to pocket some extra cash. When asked what he was going to miss about UMPI, Pelkey had a few things. “The people and staff and, of course, the students,” Pelkey said. On behalf of everyone at UMPI, we wish you a happy and safe retirement and hope to see you again.

UMPI Student Senate Nickel Carnival for the Community!

May 11, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Gentile Hall Supports My Friends’ House and All About Me Programs in Fort Fairfield. Event is free and open to the public. All carnival games will be a nickel and there will be a prize booth where participants can redeem tickets for prizes. Carnival food such as, cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn and candy will be available to purchase for $1 each as well. My Friends’ House is a community project created and run by UMPI student Angela Williams. It runs solely on donations and includes programs specificially designed for women and youth. For more information, contact UMPI’s Student Senate office at 786-9561. For more information about My Friends House, contact Angela Williams at 493-2011.

Unive r si t y T i m e s CAMPUS M ay 1 0 , 2 0 1 3

“All My Relations,” In One Way or Another Kayla Ames


If you walked through the Campus Center on Thursday, April 17, between 1:30 and 5 p.m., you probably would have seen, smelt and heard something pleasant and different. You would have seen people gathered in the Owl’s Nest, some in traditional Native American attire, some not. You would have smelt smoke and sweetgrass as well as heard drumming and singing. That was all thanks to the sixth annu-

resonating music filled a room that already brimmed with conversation and laughter. Craftspeople covered tables and lined racks with everything from baskets and beads to drums and clothing. In this part of the room, along a front and back wall, attendees could also get their first glimpse of some very important baskets unlike any others there. These baskets are 150 years old, from a time before Washington was even a state. J.G. Swan, a famous pioneer historian from the 1800s, col-

These baskets ended up somewhere truly special, though. After being transported to the Portland Museum and, upon its closing, arriving at UMPI, they sat in the attic of Normal Hall until just a few weeks ago. Now, finally, they are going home to the Makah Museum in Neah Bay, on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington. “They’ve been asleep some place, and now it’s time for them to come back into a place with Grandfather Sun,” Joseph Davis, also known as Many Horses, said.

properly conserved and curated. Since the Makah Museum has that capability, it seems most proper to send them back to the Makah people, whose ancestors made them,” David Putnam, professor of anthropology here at UMPI, said. After that, anyone interested could take part in a HealingTalking Circle. More than a dozen people gathered on the second floor. Bunny McBride, an anthropologist, author and that night’s Distinguished Lecturer, even honored the group by participating. Ennis, a

Davis, along with elders Dan Ennis and Pat Paul, performed a return ceremony. It involved prayer, smudging the baskets with sweetgrass and a song from the women’s drumming circle. “These baskets are quite valuable – as examples of traditional Makah work. UMPI has no staff or facility to care for these things properly. It’s our responsibility to see that they go somewhere where they’ll be

Maliseet or Walustuqwiyik, officiated the Circle, opening and closing it with a song. He and Paul, from Tobique First Nation, explained what would happen and its purpose. Healing-Talking Circles are a way to unite spirits or energies. They’re also a method of self-expression. People sit in a circle and talk about their problems, ask for prayers and blessings, offer thanks and acknowledge their ancestors, all without

!. += 53+4C9*8 ;33/ 4-)/)2+ al Native American Appreciation Day. In years past, this event has taken place in the Wieden Gymnasium. This time around, however, organizers didn’t have the same budget, so all the performers and vendors came as volunteers. Fewer people attended and no dancing contests took place, making it a more casual and intimate affair. Toward the beginning, women formed a drum circle. Their

lected them. He was deeply curious about the Native Americans living around him, so he became very involved in their way of life. Though he was also a lawyer, judge and customs agent, Swan’s greatest contributions to history were his personal journals and discoveries such as these baskets, which rightfully belong to the Makah. Swan has artifacts in some of the best museums in the world, including the Smithsonian.


fear of judgment. Anyone holding the Talking Stick has the floor and everyone else listens. No one rushes them. When they’re done, they pass it to the next person, saying “All my relations” as a way of inviting in those who have passed on and who can provide further support or wisdom. “I was nervous at first,” Sarah Ames, an UMPI student and participant, said. “I wasn’t sure what to say. As soon as we began, though, I felt this calmness come over me. It was extremely therapeutic. I was amazed to learn that Circles such as these can go on for hours, even days.” Ames wasn’t the only attendee to have a wonderful time. “It was fun and pretty cool to see the Makah basket return ceremony, which my grandfather, Pat Paul, and uncle Dan Ennis performed....The event was lively and I was glad to meet some new people and celebrate native culture. I’m already looking forward to next year’s Native Appreciation Day,” Angie Paul, another student and a Maliseet from Tobique First Nation, said. She makes an excellent point. On the one hand, the event was fun and cheerful. Children played together. Everyone had the chance to enjoy some refreshments. Those more familiar with the customs, particularly drumming and dancing, wore bright outfits or earth-toned skirts. On the other, parts of it were serious and spiritual. People went quiet at a moment’s notice, obviously thoughtful and respectful. At its heart, though, Native American Appreciation Day served as an enlightening opportunity, a way to remember and reconnect as well as learn something new.


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May Art Be Nicole Duplessis STAFF WRITER





The bright lighting in the Pullen Art Gallery accented the beautiful work hung along the walls. A crowd gathered inside the small room, and students waited in anticipation to talk about their artwork. This artwork belongs to senior art students, all of them to hold or having held their own individual shows to showcase their work. On University Day, however, all senior art students had the opportunity to speak about their work for a few minutes at a time. Angel Cray has a film and photo focus. She was the first to speak about her work. Her collection was based on actual life experiences and memories. She explained that her work was done in the darkroom. In most darkrooms, an enlarger, similar to a slide projector, projects the image of a negative onto a surface of choice. The photo can be enlarged or shrunk and the intensity and duration of the light is used for printmaking. Cray said that one of her final prints took her nearly four hours to produce in the darkroom. Once the photo was successfully printed on to the paper, she covered it with wood stain and dirt to add effect. Rob Miller, also with a film focus, named his collection Forgotten Landscapes. He had a collection of photos that he also developed in the darkroom. They were black and white photos, focused mainly on aspects of nature. He spoke of how many people take for granted what we are surrounded by on a daily basis. Miller wants viewers to be able to explore the scene within each of his photographs. Lanette Virtanen, the third student to present, based her collection on memories. She presented two photographs out of her collection. The photos are from where she grew up and of trees that her father and son, Josh, planted: hence the name of her collection, Josh’s Trees.


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With You “Taking photos for me isn’t about the camera I use, it’s the memories behind it,” Virtanen said. The trees are now enormous, and it was amazing to see the emotional connection she was able to make with the photos. Corey Levesque and Karrie Brawn were the final two students to present. Levesque considers himself a mixed media artist. His work appeared in small frames behind glass, and the paintings almost appeared to jump out at you. They were very cartoon-like, yet it still felt as though they were places he was able to connect with his life. “My work represents places in life that held some sort of magic,” Levesque said. The work truly did look magical. Karrie Brawn displayed large paintings. Her goal was to successfully render human form. She talked about her process of discovering the right model, and finally realized that the best model she could find would be herself. She talked about how knowing your emotions, facial expressions and feelings was all a part of being able to successfully render human form. Brawn talked about how always being with yourself contributes to how easy it was for her to portray human form in her paintings. She is comfortable with herself, which is important in making a successful piece of work. As the presentations came to a close, viewers strolled around the room to take in the different artwork. Students remained to speak to anyone who had questions. Everyone who attended looked very impressed, and students seemed satisfied and happy to have shared their work.

Legend: A, B: Angel Cray. C, D: Robb Miller. E, F: Lanette Virtanen. G, H: Corey Levesque. I, J: Karrie Brawn.







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2013 Awards Convocation HonorsProgram Awards

Student Senate Awards Craig Pullen Logan Lockhart Mercedes Dobay Leah Rodriguez Catrina Comeau Jeff Rhoads Jessica Stepp Timothy Babine Melanie Ward Andrew Seeley Jeff Jamieson Jason Fortin Patrick Manifold Mike Muir Elizabeth Keagan Scott Robinson

ThomasGryl ka JustinF ereshetian DylanH ackworth AshleyMurra y Erica KaylynHe mphill GabrielleM cCausland Carly Langley TaylorD wyer DavidHunt ley ElizabethBousque t ElizabethJ. Day BrandonBonne y MakailaL eeannBourgoine KelseyM ae Churchill AshleyChri stie Meagan Brissette JessicaS tepp AshleyD rost

Who’s Who

Molly Lindsey Carly Langley Bradley Trask Elizabeth Bousquet Bryan Jennings Kathleen Christoffel Sarah McGlinn Cooper Plaisted Joshua Conroy Courtney McHugh Courtney Cray Cassandra Davenport Emily Pelletier Cassandra Green Cole Dumonthier Patrick Manifold

All Other Awards Sarah Pickering-Ames, Alan Arman Scholarship Rowena Forbes, Art History Award Justin Howe, Daniel Patterson Scholarship Kayla Ames, English Book Award Kayla Ames, Film Scholar Award Angel Cray, Fine Art Talent Award Karrie Brawn, Fine Art Talent Award Hilary Saucy, General Biology I Award Hilary Saucy, T.W. Morrison Scholarship Lanette Virtanen, University Times Advisor Award Stephanie Jellett, University Times Advisor Award Joshua Stahl, Outstanding Recreation Major Award Cooper Plaisted, Outstanding Recreation Major Award Christina Wall, Outstanding Social Work Student Award Alexander Jardine, Ruel Parks Memorial Scholarship Ghazaleh Sailors, Steven Eagles Memorial Scholarship

Dylan Markie, Humanities Scholarship Award Bethany Millet, John K. Steinbaugh Scholarship Shawna McDonough, Math-Science Scholarship Anthony Corbin, Math-Science Scholarship Angela Williams, Monica G. Gilbert Memorial Scholarship Lanette Virtanen, Outstanding Achievement in Professional Communication and Journalism Robb Miller, Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Accounting Patrick Manifold, Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Business Management Kyle Corrigan, Outstanding Achievement in the Field of MIS Emily Pelletier, Outstanding Athlectic Training Major Award Joshua Conroy, Outstanding Criminal Justice Major Award Chelsie Hawkins, Outstanding Elementary Education Major Katie Ouellette, Outstanding Elementary Education Major Cody Pond, Outstanding History Major Award Desiree Smith, Outstanding Physical Education Major Award Margaret Selig, Outstanding Post-Baccalaureate Education Student

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