Volume 39 Issue 14

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University of Maine at Presque Isle

Volume 39 Issue 14


Journalism for Northern Maine

MAY 6, 2011

Flood Season Has Begun At UMPI down to the science lab and then to the student lounge, water came through the ceilings onto whatever was underneath. As McCartney’s students left the building to wait out the storm by the dolphins

Fire alarms were ringing and the sprinkler was splashing out water as students just began to take Kevin McCartney’s energy test. At 6 p.m. Thursday, April 28, students taking a test ended up doing a fire drill. The fire alarms were sounded as sprinklers went off in the geology lab on the top floor of Folsom. McCartney recalled his first thoughts when the sprinkler went off. “I was cool, calm and collected and told students ‘we have to leave this room and go out to where the dolphins are,‘” McCartney said. Isaac Robertson, in the room next to Folsom 302, was sent to physical plant to round up the troops to stop the sprinkler when they couldn’t be reached by Some of the damage caused phone. For a total of by the flood. about 15 minutes the sprinkler gushed out water, and then out to the gazebo, which proceeded to leak water puddled out of the down through the second and classes into the hallways. As first floor ceilings. Right soon as the sprinkler with the

broken head was stopped, clean-up began. People were busy wet vacuuming rugs and furniture, mopping and pushing computers and furniture out of the way. Physical plant workers said the sprinkler head, which had been replaced just a couple years ago, had apparently broken on its own. Charlie Bonin, vice president of administration and finance, said that the estimated cost of damage has not yet been fully determined. UMPI is waiting for the 20 cases of ceiling tiles to arrive and be put in by contractors. There’s also overtime for the UMPI crew to factor in. Bonin said, “We’ve notified insurance. Next week is graduation so the crew will be working on preparing for that, until the following Monday. Then hopefully we can get the contractors in to

put up the new ceilings.” On a similar note, the

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out of control at Folsom that evening. McCartney’s

One of the rooms that was flooded. sprinkler had been set off in Wieden just two weeks ago when a baseball went through the net and hit the sprinkler head, causing it to go off there. Though McCartney’s schedule ended up getting messed up, the test scores turned out pretty well considering all the trouble that surrounded the energy test that evening. Everything was under control almost as quickly as it had gone

energy class was moved to Nor mal Hall to do the test, as the physical plant staff worked on cleaning up. By the following Monday, students were back in the lounge on the fur niture that had dried out considerably well. The other two affected areas, the chemistry and geolog y labs, made it out pretty decently, with minimal damage with the exception of the ceiling tiles.



The University Times Staff Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editor Kayla Ames Stephanie Jellett Sarah Graettinger Staff Writers Kayla Ames Stephanie Corriveau Naima deFlorio Sarah Graettinger Michael Greaves Jordan Guy Kathi L. Jandreau Stephanie Jellett Steven McKenney Michael Mink Angelic Nicholson Mika Ouellette Angie Paul Henry Pelletier Ben Pinette Taylor Ussery Lanette Virtanen Martha Franklin-Wight Brianna Williams

Contributors Chris Corsello Jim Stepp Don Zillman Adviser Dr. J The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

University Times


May 6, 2011

Dear readers, This is our last paper for this semester. With all of the stories from University Day in this issue, it’s also our biggest paper of the semester. Finals for some of us are starting this week, while the rest of finals are the next week. Good luck to everyone! Summer vacation, for me, means taking the European tour to Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. This trip will be special as I’m going with my family. My sisters, Lisa and Lana, along with her partner Jill will be going and I can’t wait to share this experience with them. I’ll have a new camera and I’ll be sure to come home with lots and lots of photos. So whatever you’ll be doing this summer, enjoy your time and I’ll see you around campus next semester. Have a great summer! Lanette Greetings, This year has been very eventful and beneficial. Amid classes and homework, I also started doing layout, and, despite the subsequent decrease in free time, I’m learning a marketable skill as well as beginning to understand the rewards that come with hard work. Looking back, I find I will miss the late nights here in Normal Hall, the sound of Ben and Lanette arguing in the background and the laughter that results from a particularly clever or passionate insult or threat. Henry David Thoreau said “Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance. They make the latitudes and longitudes.” It certainly feels this way for me. Soon enough, though, I know we’ll be back here, working hard to put together a paper that entertains and informs. With that, I will bid you adieu and wish everyone a pleasant summer! For my last literary reference of the year, I will quote The Bard himself (William Shakespeare, my hero): “Farewell, thee sister [or brother, depending], fare thee well./ The elements be kind to thee, and make/ Thy spirits all of comfort: fare thee well.” Thank you, Kayla Hi Everybody! Jeez, this semester sure did fly by fast! I can’t believe that we only have exam week left. This semester has not only been very busy but also a very great experience here at the U Times office. I can’t say I enjoyed staying till past midnight on Tuesdays, but I did enjoy all the good laughs and conversations with Lanette, Kayla and Ben. I don’t know about you, but my summer really isn’t going to be a summer. I’ve gotten an internship at The Victoria Star in Grand-Falls, NB, plus I’ll still be working at Wal-Mart. I’m looking forward to it and I know it’ll be a worthwhile experience! Well, I’ll see most of you back again this fall! Make the most of the sunny days and have a great summer! J And don’t forget to pick up the U Times issues once school is back in this fall! -Stephanie I’m back! Well, I’m back… for the time being. I got a desperate message from Lanette that I should come back and help out for the last issue’s MONSTOROUS layout, just this once. This is one of my favorite U Times issues, because we truly get to sharpen all our skills as reporters during University Day. We had a reporter at nearly every single event and more on April 13. I urge you to keep reading the U Times and to continue to support us next year. You never know what we’ll have in store for next year. And while you’re at it, continue to listen to WUPI 92.1 for today’s best music. We have special surprise inside here as well, so keep reading! Ben


Un ive r si ty Ti m es ! CAMPUS ! M ay 6 , 2 011

From Don’s Desk

We are three weeks from Graduation as I write. YIKES!! Where did this year go? I’m excited about how much we have accomplished. I’m equally excited about what remains to challenge us in summer and next fall. Here would be my 10 wishes, David Letterman style, for things I’d like to see happen in “the quiet months.” 1. I’d love to see an on-time, on-budget completion of the Pullen Hall renovation this summer. Skeptics note, this seemed an impossible promise in summer 2008 and yet we had Folsom Hall renovated and ready for fall classes. Let’s count on the same careful planning and skillful work to complete our classroom renovation project that seemed an impossible dream when some of our graduates were just freshmen at UMPI. 2. I want to see excellent progress on our planning and fundraising for our next major renovation—the Auditorium in Wieden Hall. The terrific success of March’s performances of John Cariani’s play, Almost, Maine (930 in attendance in three nights) also highlighted how badly a major makeover is needed in one of our major public spaces. 3. I look forward to excellent progress on our proposed

My 10 Wishes

Physical Therapy Associate program. This can begin with a renewal of System funding for our exploratory and accreditation work on the program. The hiring of a Program Director will move the program from the “planning and dreaming” stage to the “it’s going to happen” stage. This new venture meets a statewide need for more health care professionals. 4. I’m likewise looking forward to the continued growth of our on-line programs in an increasing number of disciplines. Last Friday, I had double good news. Arts and Sciences Chair Ray Rice announcing growth in both summer and fall enrollments generally, and on-line, in particular. Professional Programs Chair Clare Exner reported we are close to reaching an agreement with the Lertlah School in Thailand for an online program for educators currently teaching K-12 in

East Asia. Kudos to Barb Chalou for helping to launch this very creative venture. 5. Speaking of Asia, Mike Sonntag and Zhu-Qi Lu continue to recruit excellent students from China to UMPI. They and others have several

other exciting connections to China that are in early stages of cultivation. I’d love to see this move ahead. 6. New initiatives driven by Chris Corsello and Erin Benson are boosting overall recruitment for all facets of UMPI. It was a delighted to see a filled multi-purpose room in the Campus Center for our recent Accepted Students Day. A small indica-

tor of the success of the day was the sale of over $2000 in UMPI clothing and memorabilia at the bookstore. In addition to our new students, I’m hoping that mom, dad, and younger sisters and brothers will also be wearing UMPI blue and gold this summer and fall. 7. A very pleasurable part of recruiting involves the recruiting of student-athletes. I’ve gotten very encouraging reports from the athletic department. We expect there will be many more “signings” before the first day of classes. Congratulations to the iron triangle of Admissions officers, faculty members and coaches who make the successful recruitments of the students who we expect to win both academic honors and athletic laurels in the years to come. 8. I’m very pleased to report the reception of two substantial gifts to the Wanbaugh Prize. The Prize annually recognized

the outstanding work by a senior art student with the purchase of a work of that student for permanent campus ownership. Visit some of the Senior Shows in the Reed Gallery over the next few weeks. Try to identify the winning work. 9. If you are around Presque Isle this summer, consider joining the inaugural Ride Aroostook. RA is a two day recreational bicycle ride around some of the County’s spectacular scenery. UMPI is the host for cyclists coming from around Maine and over the Canadian border. The dates are July 1517. We want to make this a big success that both raises money for charity and shows off the County to those who have always wanted to see Aroostook, but have never had the proper excuse to come here. 10. Lastly, I want to get our faithful wind turbine out of its sophomore slump (we lost substantial great wind days when we were down for repair this winter and spring) and back to maximum performance. Go Green UMPI! My thanks to everyone who has had a past, present, or future role in making these dreams come true. I’ll give a progress report when we return in the fall. Don

Please Donate Your Books! Do you have books that you’d like to get rid of, but don’t know where you could bring them? Phi Eta Sigma will take them! From April 25 to May 16, Phi Eta Sigma will be holding a book drive. Be on the lookout for green collection boxes that will be distributed around campus. Please leave your donated books (that are still in good condition) in the boxes or bring them to the residence life office. These books will be sent to the Better World Books organization, which donates them to charities conducting “literacy projects.”Also, Phi Eta Sigma raises money for their organization with each book that’s collected. Thank you for your help! For more information, contact Rebecca Stepp at rebecca.stepp@maine.edu or visit www.betterworldbooks.com.


Un ive r si ty Ti m es ! CAMPUS ! M ay 6 , 2 0 1 1

Chris! Corner Wrapping It All Up WOW…it’s hard to believe another academic year is coming to a close…time really does fly when you’re having fun! As we wrap up this academic year, I’d like to ask that you reflect on what you have accomplished and what lies ahead. One of the greatest gifts you have is the opportunity to pursue your dreams, passions and abilities by receiving a quality education. I’d like you to ponder four words that I have for you as you live out your professional as well as your personal life. The first word is responsibility. “Responsibility” comes from the Latin root, respondere, which means “to promise back.” I prefer to divide the word into two parts, “response” and “ability.” Perhaps you can think of it as Eugene Peterson in “The Message” paraphrased it: “Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!” The ability to respond to the needs of our world is a gift. By virtue of your educational pursuits, you have been given a great privilege and opportunity, more than some young adults in

our world. What is your “response ability” to look beyond yourself and act for the good of our planet, advocate on behalf of those afflicted by war, poverty, disease and be a catalyst for systemic change? The second word is wonder. It’s always amazing to see young men and women and their sense of curiosity about the world. One of my favorite quotes comes from E.B. White, “Every morning I awake torn between a desire to save the world and an inclination to savor it. This makes it hard to plan the day. But if we forget to savor the world, what possible reason do we have for saving it? In a way, the savoring must come first.” Everyone here teaches me a lot about savoring. Sometimes, I’m pretty serious and intense and often need to lighten

up. That’s exactly why I love to see students laugh, joke around, enjoy friends and have fun. You have taught me to savor the world at the same time as I seek to save it. Never lose your sense

Ben Pinette

92.1 open house on April 21 from 4 to 7 p.m. Like in years past, food and drinks, scavenger hunts and prizes—which ranged from a fleece blanket to a basket


Students and faculty were on hand at the 3rd Annual University Times and WUPI

of wonder and joy. Keep learning. Keep searching. Love life. Enjoy every minute. The third word is persistence. Those graduating understand persistence because you are looking for a job. It can be demoralizing to be ready to enter the work world as an adult but have to spend day after day networking and searching for employment opportunities. Yes, a good educa-

tion is the key to finding meaningful work. Well, be assured that you will eventually find a job. But also know that this will not be the only time you are tested in life. Rejection and failure are as common as affirmation and success. I wish for you a mental toughness that takes intelligent risks and bold action and will never give up. Remember that nothing worthwhile comes easily. You may think this odd, but I hope that you can embrace adversity when it comes. May you choose to gain wisdom through the struggle, for life is a constant process of growth, stretching, death and rebirth. What will help you move through the difficult times is a supportive network of family and friends. Doors that close can open up new worlds that help us to grow stronger and more confident. It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who pointed out, “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.” The fourth word is integrity. The root word for integrity comes from the Latin word integritas (integer), which means “whole,”

“complete” or “undivided.” If your inner and outer lives are integrated, you will never act in a way that is contrary to the truths you have been taught and know about yourself. The characteristics of an integrated life are honesty, compassion, fairness and the courage to find your own voice in this world. I call it “leading from the heart,” which is nothing more than integrating the physical, relational, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of your personality into a coherent whole. You have seen and experienced the world. Now find your place in it. You have discovered your voice. Now let it sing. As we near the end of this year, I hope you take some time to cherish the friendships formed, the memories made, the challenges which made you stronger, the battles fought and won, those not fought and, most of all, the blessings in front of you and those still to come! My congratulations and best wishes to our graduates! For those returning to us – have a great summer and see you in the fall!

full of $25 worth of prizes. The first three people to show up were given door prizes. Kamrynn Thyng was one of the students who happened to just to stop by for some fun. “I came here because I saw it in the newspaper. I went to it last year and remember some of the cool prizes that were being given away, so I figured to just come on out.” At the end, Thyng actually went away with a water bottle by guessing a correct song on “name that song,” which took place on 92.1 FM around 6:45 p.m. “I’ll take it. It’s actually a really nice water bottle,”

Thyng said. Students and faculty members had the chance to go on an Easter egg hunt around Normal Hall. Forty-two eggs were hidden in various places in the building, including plants, on top of exit signs, behind posters, inside vases and even in microwaves! Inside each Easter egg contained a piece of paper that said: “sorry try again!,” “you’re a winner!” and some eggs included a clue to finding a certain U Times issue also hidden around the building. Some of the donated prizes given away included: three Sears t-shirts, five $10 Big Cheese gift cards and an UMPI sweatshirt from the UMPI

bookstore. Other prizes were: two fleece throws, two water bottles, a car visor, three iTunes gift cards and two grand prize baskets. The baskets were awarded to Caitlin Ballard and then Bradd Gustafson, Steve McDougal and JD Haddad teamed up to win the other. “We are very grateful to all the people who showed up,” Lanette Virtanen, editor of the U Times, said. “We were happy to give away so many great prizes.” Along with winning prizes, people had the chance to meet some of the writers of the University Times and two DJ’s from WUPI.

A Splendid Affair

Attendees of the 2011 Media Open House.


Un ive r si ty Ti m es ! CAMPUS ! M ay 6 , 2 011

And the Award Goes To... Lanette Virtanen STAFF WRITER

There was no red carpet, but there might as well have been. Sunday, April 10 was the day that was set aside for UMPI students, family members, friends and faculty to get together and celebrate great accomplishments. The awards convocation program started at 1 p.m. and they took a couple hours to hand out. As Mike Sonntag said, “This is the student’s day.” Sonntag was followed by Don Zillman who said, “This is a wonderful day to honor our students.” Zillman also talked about

the upcoming events on cam- they teach. The students were ballot about Sebold were that pus and how much there is to even reminded to put down she was passionate with her students and more than a profestake advantage of. Zillman their awards on their resume. The distinguished teacher’s sor more like a friend. then turned the podium over to Samuel Bill Brenton who Johnson, who started off the awards gave out the and the scholarships award for distinthat were to be given guished teacher, out. As each presenter said, “Our took their turn giving teachers are so out the awards to connected to deserving students for our students. their achievements, Zillman you got the sense of wrapped up the the pride that was felt ceremonies with by those professors. People at the reception following the awards ceremony. a few pieces of Each presenter talked about their students in such a award was given out this year to advice and the one that made way, that you knew that they Kimberly Sebold. Some of the number one on his list was, to cared about the students that remarks that were put on the be very careful what you put on

2011 Awards Convocation Recipients Sunday, April 10, 2011 1:00PM College of Education Outstanding Elementary Education Major: Michelle Ferry & Chelsea Glovins Outstanding Secondary Education Major: Megan Linscott Outstanding Fitness & Wellness Major: Matthew Carrington Outstanding Physical Education Major: Danielle Humphrey & Seth Dorr Ruel Parks “Rising Star” Memorial Award: Nicole McQuade College of Professional Programs Outstanding Athletic Training Major: Shanin Cote Outstanding Social Work Student Award: Nicole Alison Michaud Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Accounting: Tonya Corriveau Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Business Management: Casey Egan Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Management Information Systems: Lenka Rambouskova Outstanding Social Work Student Award: Nicole Alison Michaud College of Arts & Sciences General Biology I Award: Stuart Cougle Mathematics-Science Award: Stephanie Corriveau Outstanding History Major Award: Catherine Kelly & Thomas Pinette Art History Award: Kathleen Christoffel & Justine Cyr

Film Scholar Award: Kimberly Laura Pratt Fine Art Talent Award for Outstanding Studio Achievement: Dione Skidgel & Sean Smith English Book Award: Kimberly Laura Pratt Humanities Award: Cassandra Green Distinguished Teaching Award Kimberly Sebold AFUM Scholarships Daniel Patterson Scholarship: Ashlee Pryor John K. Steinbaugh Scholarship: Nolan Gagnon Student Senate Scholarship Recipients Alan Arman Memorial Scholarship: Carly Langley Monica G. Gilbert Memorial Scholarship: Karrie Brawn Steven Edward Eagles Memorial Scholarship: Kelsey Albert T.W. Morrison Scholarship: Elizabeth Bousquet University Times Advisor Award Lanette Virtanen Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges Abigail Atcheson Chelsea Boudreau Tamara Dayringer Hannah DeFelice Seth Dorr Justin Fereshetian Cassandra Green Patrick Manifold

facebook, it can come back to hurt you. With a special thanks to the donors for the scholarships and with the awards all handed out and photos taken, the only thing left was the reception that was held afterwards in the cafeteria. As students, faculty, friends and family made their way over to the cafeteria, they were congratulating the winners and talking about what was happening in the weeks to follow. Going to the awards gives you not only a look into what the students are accomplishing at UMPI, but it also shows you that opportunities are there if you go out and look for them.

Keren Morin Danielle Pelkey Amrita Rijal Bikram Shrestha Jacqueline White Students Active in the University Honors Program Andrew Bellamy Christina Booth Elizabeth Bousquet Tyler (Mark) Cavanaugh Jessalyn Chafee Stephanie Coriveau Angel Cray Gwendolyn DeFelice Hannah DeFelice Michael DeWitt Justine Fereshetian Samuel Johnson Gabrielle McCausland Leland McDougal Samuel Picard Nathan Smith Jessica Stepp Student Senate Timothy Babine Emily Bartlett William Coppola III Naima DeFlorio Teresitia Hamel Robert Healey Samuel Johnson Robert Marrett Michael Muir Salvadore Portera Jessica Stepp Adam Tilsley


Un ive r si ty Ti m es ! CAMPUS ! M ay 6 , 2 0 1 1

One World, One Obligation Kayla Ames STAFF WRITER

Look outside and you will see a variety of plants and animals. This is an example of biodiversity, or the variety of life on Earth. You might not be familiar with the concept because it’s easy to take ecosystems and organisms for granted. Climate change, on the other hand, is something we seem to hear about every time we turn around. So how are the two connected? According to Maine state climatologist Dr. George Jacobson, climate variability has noticeably altered Maine as well as northeastern ecosystems over the past 20,000 years, and changes are likely to take place in the future that will influence our landscapes. On March 29, Jacobson gave a lecture entitled “Climate Variability and Biodiversity – Past and Future.” One of several questions presented and explored during his lecture was “What is the natural variability of the earth’s climate and what are underlying mechanisms?” This is important because, even though Jacobson’s research

applies mostly to Maine, both have worldwide applications. “We’re doing research well beyond Maine...To understand the variability of Maine, we have to understand the global circumstance,” Jacobson said. After distinguishing between weather and climate, he began to show various maps and charts. One detailed the anomalies of last winter, from January to February 2010, as compared to figures from 1950 until 1995. Maine and other northwest states became warmer while southeastern ones turned quite cold. Of course, earth’s climate varies continually and at several different time scales, which has been happening for thousands of years. The earth underwent its most recent glacial maximum, or ice age, 20,000 years ago. Jacobson pointed out that, even though we have experienced some record low temperatures in the last few years, the last 100 have been comparatively warm. With regular ice ages characterizing the past 2.6 million years, Jacobson thought it was important to investigate the

effects on migratory pathways. Despite drastic changes, species seemed to adapt. Through geological records and other means, climatologists such as Jacobson have also

this matter?” This matters because, using a model of moderately increasing carbon dioxide levels, Jacobson foresaw a warmer, wetter Maine. Beyond that, he thinks other areas could experience a 20 percent increase in precipitation and five to 10 degree rise in overall temperature. Based on other models, changes like this could lead to different plants being able to grow here, earlier spring runoff and lakes becoming ice-free sooner. Jacobson provided startling predictions of rising carbon dioxide levels. It’s believed that the Dr. George Jacobson amount will have doubled detected an increase in carbon by 2050 and maybe even tripled dioxide over the past 420,000 by the end of the century. years, which has lead to irreguDespite this, Jacobson seems lar warming and cooling. In to think that projections con2005, the carbon dioxide level cerning future Maine needn’t was around 378 ppm (parts per worry us as much as the million), versus 390 ppm in July changes other parts of the 2010. As you can see, there has world will face. been a significant increase. “This configuration isn’t that “It’s going up fast, as we much different than a normal know. That doesn’t surprise Maine winter. We are much anybody,” Jacobson said. more threatened by the rest of “The question is, what does the world’s change than our

own,” Jacobson said. Environmental and seasonal issues are only two of the consequences. expected Problems of national security are also likely to come up as a result of climate variability. At the same time plants and animals feel the effects, so will people all across the world, including Maine. Jacobson discussed topics such as the hardiness of local species, what will happen to people when sea levels rise, the changes happening to an Atlantic ocean current known as the Gulf Stream and other significant sources of carbon dioxide, including melting permafrost. Jacobson said that, in a way, it’s already too late to “stop the train.” Even if someone came up with a solution, it would take time to really lower carbon emissions. He meant his report to be more about adaptation than the avoidance of consequences. In the end, Jacobson believes we must always remember that this attempt to reduce our environmental impact is the moral obligation of every human being.

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Un ive r si ty Ti m es ! CAMPUS ! M ay 6 , 2 011

A Collection of Memories Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

Fo r t h o s e wh o a re g r a d u a t i n g, t h e e n d o f the spring semester can be an especially bitters we e t t i m e t o re m e m b e r a l l o f t h e m e m o r i e s f ro m time spent at the U n i ve r s i t y o f M a i n e a t Presque Isle. Andy Pa r k e r, w h o ’ l l g r a d u a t e t h i s M a y, h a s o n e ve r y s p e c i a l m e m o r y t o s h a re. H av i n g b e g u n at U M P I in the fall of 2005, Pa rk e r re c a l l s t h e o p e n ing of Gentile Hall in 2 0 0 6 . A s D i c k G a r d i n e r, w h o s u p e r v i s e d Pa rk e r i n the complex, will point o u t , Pa rk e r i s p ro b a b l y part of a small handful o f s t u d e n t s re m a i n i n g a t UMPI to have experie n c e d t h i s e ve n t . P a r k e r, w h o ’s f r o m Wa s h b u r n , i s c o m p l e t i n g his physical education teaching certification. When he first started his education at UMPI, he worked in the fitness center that was initially located in Wi e d e n . Parker said that people were excited about Gentile Hall being built s i n c e t h e Wi e d e n f i t n e s s area was often war m and because of this unpleasant condition, was underused. Fo l l o w i n g G e n t i l e ’s o p e n i n g, P a r k e r r e c a l l s the complex being packed with students. “Yo u c ou ld b are ly m ove a roun d,” Parker sa id. Several changes have taken place in Gentile H a l l s i n c e i t s o p e n i n g. Parker has noticed dif fere n c e s re g a rd i n g t h e f i t ness center, the lighting and the pool cover. He also notes that Gentile

Hall has impacted the c a m p u s a n d c o m mu n i t y by g i v i n g i n d i v i d u a l s a place to workout and participates in activities. “It’s definitely helped people get more active,” Parker said. Parker’s favorite thing about the complex is that he can partake in many dif ferent things, such as

the Belay certification to supervise the rock wall. “ H e ’s a lw ay s ve r y w i l l i n g t o h e l p o u t a ny t i m e, a n y w h e r e, ” G a rd i n e r s a i d . Gardiner shared that he could always depend on Parker to show up on time. “He’s been a g reat coll e a g u e a n d c o - w o rk e r, ”


Hard Work Can Go a Long Way

March’s Student of the Month: Stephanie Corriveau Ben Pinette STAFF WRITER

blood drive last summer and writes up public service announcements for the U Times. She has also decorated the Presque Isle Nursing & Rehab Center this past Christmas. On top of all that, she has been writing for the U Times since 2009. Corriveau also had a very unique experience last summer using her major to her benefit. “I worked at the Mini Medical School at the Maine Medical Center in Portland. I did a bunch of different activities such as shadowing physicians, writing a research project and even being a shadow in an operating room,” Corriveau said. Family and friends of Corriveau’s gathered in the Kelly Commons cafeteria to talk about Corriveau’s successes. Among those speaking in her behalf were Dean Corsello, Bonnie Wood, Meg Lightbown, and Don Zillman, and others. A cake donated from Governor’s Restaurant was cut in celebration of her fine achievements. “We are proud to have you in our UMPI family,” Corsello said in her final remarks.

There are a few words that come to mind when talking about Stephanie Corriveau: hard working, dedicated and generous with her time when it comes to the community. Corriveau was chosen as March student of the month, which came to her as a complete surprise. Among those who nominated Corriveau were Peng Peng Yu, Bonnie Wood, Dan Sheffield, Emily Bartlett, and Dr. Lowman. “I was surprised at how many people actually either wrote in a nomination, or contributed in some way,” Corriveau said. Corriveau is a junior at UMPI, originally from Van Buren. She is a biology/premed major who plans on going to medical school after UMPI. “I want to become a Pediatrician. I’ve always wanted to be one. I’ve applied at places such as Dartmouth, Tufts, UNE, and UVT,” Corriveau said. Left to right: Dick Gardiner and Corriveau is very active in Andy Park in front of Gentile Hall. the UMPI community. She is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, swimming in the pool and Gardiner said. Parker is planning for where she has sold tickets to a lifting weights, while all by humane society, organized a i n t h e s a m e bu i l d i n g. p o s t - g r a d u a t i o n He’s said that there are searching for a job openn o t m a ny p l a c e s w h e r e ing and has said that later in life he wishes to move you can do all of that. It should be noted that to South Carolina. But, Parker has had an impact it’s not goodbye just yet. on the campus a n d Parker plans to retur n to Gentile Hall. Parker said visit. He said that he’ ll t h at h e w a s t h e h u d d l e miss Gardiner, his fellow leader for the Fellowship Gentile Hall worker s and of Christian Athletes and also “the tight knit comh a s a c a m p u s c r u s a d e s mu n i t y t h a t ’s U M P I . ” p ro g r a m c a l l e d “ B i b l e Cong ratulations to Parker Blitz.” As a work-study o n h i s a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s student in Gentile Hall, and may he always conG a rd i n e r ex p l a i n e d t h at tinue to have fond memoParker worked at the front ries of Gentile Hall and desk. He also has a life- the Univer sity of Maine Left to right: Don Zillman, Stephanie Corriveau, g u a r d c e r t i f i c a t i o n a n d at Presque Isle campus.

and Chris Corsello


Un ive r si ty Ti m es ! CAMPUS ! M ay 6 , 2 0 1 1

Speaking Up at UMPI

Kathi L. Jandreau STAFF WRITER

As students in the United States, we are some of the luckiest people in the world. We all know that there are many countries where not many are given the chance to be educated at all, let alone pursue a career in anything they could possibly dream of through a college education. For those of us who keep up with the current issues in our country, through news and other networks, we know that things are changing. Things are always changing. Perhaps now, more than ever, is an important time to let our voices be heard. Many people often overlook the freedom we have to speak up and voice our opinions. We all have the opportunity, right here, right now at UMPI, to start doing just that. Here at UMPI, we have student government and political programs you are welcome to get involved in if you are interested in voicing your concerns on campus and being a part of the solution. There is the Student Senate, College Republican and College Democrat groups. If you are interested in leadership, government or politics, or just making a difference, these are some groups that may interest you

in the coming fall. The student senate is the governing body of all student organizations and clubs at this university. It consists of four committees: the Student Affairs Committee, the B u d g e t Committee, the C a m p u s Activities Board and the Election and Constitution Committee. The student senate allocates funds to group and organization budget requests. These funds come from the student activity fee we all pay as part of our tuition. It also decides what new groups are formed on campus and addresses student issues. “We want to be the voice of the students,” Jeff Rhoads, president of student senate, said. Whether the issues are big or small, students should know they are welcome to voice their concerns to the student senate. That’s what its members are here for. “Students may not know where to go,” Rhoads said. “We

try to put the picture out there that they can come to us.” Student senate gets together once a week. Right now it is every Tuesday afternoon at 12:40. Although the discussions vary from week to week, it is

mainly budget related. This is along with the starting of new organizations on campus and their constitutions, getting reports from committees, policies for the university and their own constitution and amendments. The Democrat and Republican groups are great if you are interested in poli-

tics and want to voice your opinion. They get involved in the community, raise awareness of current issues and discuss politics and have debates. Whatever your political affiliation, it is nice to debate with someone who has different views, as it can be interesting and informative. If getting involved in UMPI organizations doesn’t seem legitimate or important, maybe because you think, “It’s just UMPI after all,” educating yourself on what they actually do and the differences they can make may help change your mind. If you are a c o l l e g e Republican or Democrat, you are a Maine Republican or Democrat. “It’s actually part of a much larger organization,” Jessica Smith, president of the College Republicans, said. “If you are involved at the UMPI level, you can be part of the state level, and even move up to the national level.”

The political groups here at UMPI support local candidates and members even become local candidates themselves. Through being involved at the college level, you are opening doors to perhaps an even better job afterwards. There is much interaction with business owners and members of the groups have gotten great internships through the connections made from being involved. Even if you are not a political person, it can still open doors for you and lead to real world knowledge. It is extremely important to know what is going on around us, in our country and in our world. After all, it is our future, and our children will bear the consequences-- bad or good— for what we do to it. Although things often seem out of our control, it is very important to stay informed and know what your rights are and to use them. As summer approaches and we crawl to the finish line of the spring semester, let’s keep in mind that it goes by fast and it’s a good idea to start thinking about fall sooner than later. Whether you are studying to be a writer or an athlete, to work in management or public service or anything in between, extracurricular involvement in your college and community will always be useful and marketable.

I Lead and Hit the Hill Jordan Guy


Junior athletic training student Cody Closson was selected to attend a national athletic training conference in Washington, D.C., along with 160 students from 42 other states. This was a big honor and a great opportunity for Closson to grow as an AT student, but also to see important pieces of American history. While in D.C., the athletic training students met with rep-

resentatives to try to get the concussion act passed. The concussion act requires more athletic trainers at each high school sporting event. This is to help prevent athletes from getting career and life-affecting injuries. While at the conference, Closson got to meet up with two other AT students from Maine. One was attending the University of New England and the other was attending the University of Maine.

Closson got to participate in a number of activities and tests to help him with future skills he will need to become the best athletic trainer that he can be. He also, in his free time, got to take a number of pictures of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, the White House and the Capitol Building. Closson had a slide show to give students and community an idea of all the great things he got to see and just how

many student trainers were there. This was a major opportunity for Closson and will look extremely good for him in his future as an athletic trainer at whatever level that may be. UMPI gives many great opportunities to its students to excel. There are a number of great programs.

Cody Closson

Un ive r si ty Ti m es ! CAMPUS ! M ay 6 , 2 011

UMPI Owls Recognized


Special Awards 2010-2011 Male Athlete of the Year Kyle Corrigan Female Athlete of the Year Megan Korhonen Al Arman (Make a Difference) Award Paul Rucci Al Arman (Make a Difference) AwardVera LeAnn Abbott Donald N. Zillman Character Award Desiree Smith Ruel Parks Coaches Award Kayla Fleming Stanley H. Small Coaches Award Megan Korhonen Donald N. Zillman Character Al Arman Make A Difference Award Athletic Training Rising Star Peter Desmond Award From left to right: Paul Rucci, Tricia Pelkey (presenter), Athletic Training Student of the Year Paul Rucci L-R: Desiree Smith, President LeAnn Abbott and Barb Blackstone.

Don Zillman.

Rookie of the Year 2010-2011 Men’s Cross Country Women’s Cross Country Golf Men’s Soccer

Stanley Small Coach!s Award From left to right: Barb Blackstone, Megan Korhonen and Sharon Riox.

Women’s Soccer Volleyball Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Men’s Nordic Skiing Women’s Nordic Skiing Baseball Softball

Zachery Barnes Carly Langley Michael Balmer Kyle Corrigan Joshua MacKinnon Susan Lavertu Amanda Moore Aaron Hutchins Rashell Saucier Richard Landry Vera LeAnn Abbott Carlos Villoria Krista Coffin

Most Valuable Player 2010-2011 Men’s Cross Country (Runner) Justin Fereshetian Women’s Cross Country (Runner) Kathleen Christoffel Golf (Golfer) Michael Balmer Men’s Soccer (Player) Matthew Carrington Women’s Soccer (Player) Chelsea Boudreau Volleyball (Player) Karen Creighton Men’s Basketball (Player) Christopher Coffin Clifford McDonald Women’s Basketball (Player) Emily Pelletier Men’s Nordic Skiing (Skier) Wellington Ramsey Women’s Nordic Skiing (Skier) Justine Cyr Baseball (Player) Corey Harding Softball (Player) Brittany Humphrey Danielle Humphrey

Ruel Parks Coach!s Award L-R: Abigail and Deb Parks (presenters), Kayla Fleming (recipient) and Tracy Guerrette (WBB Coach).

Most Inspirational Player 2010-2011 Men’s Cross Country (Runner) Samuel Johnson Women’s Cross Country (Runner) Alessandra Pizzuti Golf (Golfer) Randy Whitmore Men’s Soccer (Player) Seth Dorr Women’s Soccer (Player) Kellie Peers Volleyball (Player) Megan Korhonen Men’s Basketball (Player) Kyle Corrigan Women’s Basketball (Player) Renee Moore Men’s Nordic Skiing (Skier) Justin Fereshetian Women’s Nordic Skiing (Skier) Kathleen Christoffel Baseball (Player) Jacob Fillebrown UMPI Male Athlete of the Year Desiree Smith L-R: Kyle Corrigan and Softball (Player Dean/AD Christine Corsello

! ! 10 The Science Behind the Symposium Un ive r si ty Ti m es

Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

On the cold, sunny morning of April 15, an UMPI van pulled out of campus and departed for Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory. This location was hosting the 38th Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium. Attendees at the event included Dr. Bonnie Wood, Dr. Rachael Hannah, and students Dan Sheffield, Taylor-Jo Quint and Stephanie Corriveau. The MBMSS, which began early Friday afternoon and extended into Saturday afternoon, offered a chance for researchers of different ages to showcase their work. Participants gathered in MDIBL’s Maren Auditorium to listen to a variety of fifteen minute presentations. These presentations were grouped into 4 sessions: molecular genetics, general biology and ecology, developmental biology and physiology. Hannah was one of the individuals to speak during the physiology session and was introduced as a “new Maine investigator.” She

Kathi L. Jandreau STAFF WRITER

As students at a public university, we often overlook certain aspects of what goes on behind closed doors. Just as we have our student senate, our own assembly and informative meetings, so do our instructors. When we look at the governance of our university and those at the top who make the final decisions, we can’t forget those whom we rely on, the ones who make all of these decisions possible and able to be played out. It is the members of UMPI’s faculty who play the most important role of all. They are the ones who carry out the duty of providing great quality education in their daily work of teaching, tutoring, listening and more. They are our leaders


M ay 6 , 2 0 1 1

shared her work in a talk titled, “Dynamic regulation of cerebral arteriole diameter by potassium channels; the difference between life and death.” With a doctorate in anatomy and neurobiology, Hannah is highly knowledgeable about her specialty in brain blood flow and how it’s controlled in this organ. Hannah will be conducting research at MDIBL this coming summer regarding what she describes as the creation of a central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) injury model. Wood, who was chair for the physiology session, had proposed the possibility of having Hannah as a presenter at the MBMSS. As a member of the organizing committee and IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) committee, Wood also attended a meeting before the symposium actually began. (INBRE funds were used to pay for the students’ costs of attending.) She said that it was very useful to interact with other committee members and develop plans. Another important part of the MBMSS was the poster ses-

sions, which allowed symposium participants to browse through areas filled with posters and ask presenters questions. Sheffield, Quint and Corriveau displayed their poster titled “Exploring bioinformatics with single nucleotide polymorphisms of CYP2C19 and ACTN3: an INBRE UMPI/UMFK bioinformatics & molecular biology short course.” The poster highlighted research that the students completed at MDIBL during their fall break. Hannah, who was instrumental in gathering the students’ information and Left to right: Dan Sheffield, Stephanie Corriveau, Dr.. creating the poster (with the Rachael Hannah and Taylor-Jo Quint help of printing by Dr. rooms, instead of one, for the Quint said that she enjoyed Chunzeng Wang), said that the poster sessions. She also said learning about the broad areas students’ presentation went that she thought MDIBL did a that are currently under study well. Wood was also pleased good job with handling the and would most likely attend with viewing both the students’ amount of people that go to the the next symposium. poster session and also event. Along with Wood, “If it’s offered, I probably Hannah’s talk. Hannah also plans to attend will,” Quint said. “I think the most enjoyable next year’s MBMSS. She Overall, the symposium thing was seeing UMPI so well enjoyed getting to know other was an interesting and informrepresented,” Wood said. researchers. ative event that gave the This was the second sympo“(My favorite part was) meet- UMPI participants a greater sium that Wood has attended. ing everyone and getting to knowledge of the work that’s She explained that it seemed to know what opportunities are currently taking place and of be larger than the previous out there to guide undergradu- what the future of scientific year’s event and there were two ates,” Hannah said. research holds.

throughout our college career. On the first Friday of each month the members of the faculty gather together as a whole for what is called “faculty assembly.” Deborah Hodgkins makes this possible as the chair of the faculty assembly. Barbara Blackstone serves as vice chair. The top four administrators of UMPI are there as well. Each member has the chance to speak up on any issues arising and also to update all members on new and exciting things happening at the university. “My job is to put together the agenda and run the meeting,” Hodgkins said. Before the actual meeting, the top administrators report. Don Zillman, president, Michael Sonntag, vice president for academic affairs, Chris

Corsello dean of students, and Charlie Bonin, vice president for administration and finance, all report. There is always a lot going on at the university and much included outside of it that has a direct effect on our college experience. “We discuss old business and new business,” Hodgkins said. “We recently discussed policy on missing classes due to athletics.” Other things that have recently been discussed at the faculty assembly are the hiring of a new physicist instructor from MSSM, the China trip where they did some recruiting, shooting for a better retention rate at UMPI, Strategic Investment Fund dollars, softball, the boiler replacement and asbestos removal in Wieden, and much more. This was also

Meeting of the Minds

the first year textbooks were offered through rental at UMPI and it was reported by Charlie Bonin that 83 students took advantage of that. Many students may not know that they are welcome to sit in on the first portion of this meeting, when the administrators report. After the first portion, however, students are asked to leave, mostly due to privacy issues. The faculty assembly may also appoint special committees to carry out specified tasks. These committees report back to the faculty assembly and recommendations are forwarded to the administration. After the first portion of the assembly, the faculty members get reports from these committees, the senate and the board of trustees.

They also vote on catalog changes and policies. When asked what is most important about the faculty assembly, Professor Kim-Anne Perkins, former chair of faculty assembly, replied, “We make decisions about curriculum. That’s probably the biggest thing. It really does shape what we offer the students.” This time gives the faculty a chance to discuss concerns and ask questions, prepare for new challenges and exciting changes. This assembly is an important part of keeping faculty on the same page. Faculty Assembly helps faculty members with their primary responsibility for the university’s curriculum. Perkins summed it up this way: “It helps us speak with one voice.”


Un ive r si ty Ti m es ! CAMPUS ! M ay 6 , 2 011

Always On Duty Jordan Guy


Seeing service dogs and knowing some of the things they can do can help you appreciate the benefits they add to their owners’ experiences. Still, many questions remain, including, “Is it okay to pet a service dog?” Last semester, Jacqui Lowman, a professor at UMPI, got a service dog named Saint. She got her at the very end of August 2010 from a nonprofit called NEADS. The purpose of the service dog is to assist her. In order to get a service dog, you have to have a significant, life-altering disability. Service dogs do a number of things that you can’t do for yourself in these situations, including retrieving dropped objects, opening doors, turning lights on and off and helping their owners dress or undress. A current trend is that people go to their doctors for anxiety or different things that they feel and say that they’d be more comfortable if their dogs could be with them. With a note from their doctors, they’re able to take their pets into stores. They’re not really service dogs or, rather, they’re

not trained to be service dogs. Others instead buy service dog gear for their pets. They appear to be service dogs, but are actually not. So: faux service dogs. “Who would know? It never occurred to me that somebody would do that, “Lowman said. They’re not socialized to be around situations. It can get uncomfortable at times because the dogs when they see Saint, for example, get wild. “It’s also difficult with people because people often don’t realize that she’s working, although she has a little vest that she wears that says ‘Please don’t pet me, I’m working.’” People are conditioned and respond differently when they see a dog. Lowman had a colleague who, one day, decided to lie down beside Saint, which was sort of a curious thing. “Saint wasn’t comfortable with it because Saint was like, ‘I’m on duty,’ and she actually gave a bark,” Lowman said. So a service dog isn’t a pet. You don’t have to stay in petfriendly hotels. You can’t be legally denied service if you have a service dog. People are usually very good

Example of what a Service Dog can do.

about asking. They come up to Lowman and say, “Is it okay for me to pet her?” If they’re somewhere and Lowman is parked in her chair, Saint will be lying beside her. “It’s a good time to ask,” Lowman said. If Saint’s not in the process of doing something for Lowman, that’s a good time to ask as well. Sometimes, people will come up while Saint is doing something. Maybe Saint is retrieving something for Lowman. “Or, we’re going somewhere, we’re going across campus, and people will come up and all I can think of is they come up and accost us,” Lowman said. They’re taking her off task, she explained. That prevents Saint from doing something she needs to do. “I’m sure people don’t mean any harm by it. They just don’t realize, when she’s with me, she’s always on duty,” Lowman said. “That’s what Saint is trained to do, [to help Dr. Lowman] and it confuses her. It’s kind of disturbing for Saint. Some classmates, some of the people who have gone through NEADS, don’t have the badge on the vest that says, ‘Please don’t pet me, I’m working.’ I got them for Saint because she’s out and about so much, but if you have her in the home mostly, you don’t need that.” Being in stores and around children, she’s overheard young mothers speaking with their children. On many occasions, the women said to the children: “Now you mustn’t distract the dog, she’s working. You see? So, we don’t want to bother the dog.” This tells Lowman that there are obviously people who do get it. “It’s more of a problem, really, with adults usually than children. It’s never wrong to ask. Most people will say that’s fine, if they can. When someone says it isn’t a good time, well, don’t take it to heart. Try again the next time, but the dog may actually be on duty and doing

Dr. J and her Saint. something. So, you can’t take a dog off task,” Lowman said. Saint’s on a very strict diet. She’s only supposed to eat certain things because she has to stay lean to do her tasks. Feeding a service dog without permission is definitely not a good idea. The owner is supposed to do all of those things. It’s part of bonding with the dog. All these actions confuse them in terms of what they’re supposed to be doing. The dog gets everything from its owner: shelter, food, warmth and bathroom breaks. As Saint’s handler, Lowman is not so proprietary that she won’t allow people to pet Saint. But all of Saint’s needs are supposed to be fulfilled by Lowman. Saint’s not supposed to be fed by someone else. She’s not supposed to be taken away or outside by someone else. It definitely confuses her. That’s not what she’s been trained for. Food as treats is a rewardbased system within the training given on a one-third basis. Praise is one element of it, physical contact such as pet-

ting her and snuggling with her is another third. About every third time, Saint gets a treat. Lowman has a little bag of kibble and Pup-Peroni, which is the best thing in the world to Saint. It’s kept in her pocket at all times so that Lowman can give her a treat. The tasks are games. Service dogs want to please their owners, they want to do the right thing. So their owners have to give them something back for it. The one-third is not scientific. Sometimes, a treat isn’t given until after five tasks. Still, food is something that says you’ve been good. To ask to pet a service dog is okay, but understanding its role is critical to respecting the service dog and its owner. So the challenge is remembering that a service dog is always on duty. Being on task to meet the owner’s needs is essential to providing continued independence and freedom for the owner. Without service dogs, many things would not be possible for Lowman and others like her. They truly give their owners their lives back.

! ! 12 Drums, Demonstrations and Dancing: U ni ver sit y T i me s


M ay 6, 2 0 11

Fourth Annual Native Appreciation Day Had It All!


Smoke drifted through the air, strong and sweet. The sound of pounding drums filled the room, reminiscent of a human heartbeat yet so powerful it could have belonged to the earth. It was accompanied by penetrating, passionate chanting as well as the occasional voice or bout of laughter. These were just a few sights and sounds associated with the fourth annual Native Appreciation Day, held on Saturday, April 16, in Wieden Hall. There were handfuls of people from campus, the community and afar gathered to honor, observe and enjoy Native American traditions. Members of Native Voices, a student organization here on campus, sat at the doorway and offered tickets to anyone who entered. Ticket buyers could participate in a

50/50 raffle and enter to win a hand-made quilt or an assortment of door prizes. Project Compass also sponsored this year’s Native Appreciation Day. The event officially began in the gymnasium at 9:30 a.m. and ended at 7 p.m., with registration taking place from 9:30 a.m. until noon, at which point the Gr an d Entr y an d o pen ing c ere mon ies began. Grand Entry, during which no one could take pict ures o r vid e o, consisted of three songs. Participants filed in, some d ancing e nthusiastica l l y while others were a little mo re conse rvati ve. Veterans of various wars car r ied multi p l e f l a g s, including one fo r th e United States, Canada and Prisoner s of War. Later, eve r yone stoo d a nd listened to what sounded like a prayer in a native lan-

One of many to honor Native Appreciation Day.

g ua g e, fa cin g and bright yellow. c ardina l each Several participants direction. incorporated feathAround that ers, such as those same time, in the belonging to hawks music room, attenand turkeys, into their dees could have wardrobe, along with taken part in a beads. Some were basket making shockingly colorful demonstration and ornate, others with Donna simpler but equally Sinapass, which attractive. One man started at10 a.m. danced with what and also lasted appeared to be an until noon. A stointact wing. Another rytelling session carried something was scheduled like a staff, at the botfrom 2 to 3:30 tom of which was the p.m., but storyfoot of a bird of prey. teller John Bear When people Mitchell was weren’t busy watching unable to make it contestants dance or due to car trouble. enjoying the drums In addition, the and chanting, they schedule listed tracould visit any of the ditional social booths set up around dancing with the gymnasium. Items Brenda Lazoda as for sale included taking place everything from baked between 3:30 and goods, clothing and 4:30 pm., with dinjewelry to snow shoes, ner lasting from 5 Two tradtionally dressed participants baskets and dream to 6 p.m. catchers, most of dancing. The rest of the which was hand-craftBarbara Ames, a firsttime went towards dance time attendee, liked that ed and made with pieces of contests and awards. There people of so many ages had nature, including turtle shells were nine dance categories: decided to take part. and antlers. Children walked tiny tots, senior women’s “I was invited by my around with painted faces, at (traditional and jingle), sen- granddaughters, who attend one point partaking in an ior men’s (traditional and UMPI,” she said. “They activity where they danced to grass), junior girl’s (tradi- knew I had an interest in music and picked up candy. tional and jingle), junior Native American traditions. L o n g after the dan c i ng boy’s (traditional and grass), I enjoyed the entire event. I w a s ove r a n d t h e a u d i teen girl’s (traditional and was very impressed with the enc e go n e, anyone im a gjingle), teen boy’s (tradition- dance and traditional dress in in g h ard e n ough c o ul d al and grass), women’s (tra- even though I didn’t under- st i l l h ave h e a rd r at t l i n g ditional and jingle) and stand the difference in bea ds a n d soul ful ch a nt imen’s (traditional and dance steps and movement. ng i n Wie de n Hal l g ymgrass). When the dance floor The drums were magnifi- n a s i u m . Ju s t a s s w e e t wasn’t occupied by contest- cent, as were the chants. I sm oke a n d echo i ng dr ums ants, children took full noticed as well that all gen- ling er, so do th e me moadvantage, running back erations were included.” ries that make up the and forth among family annual Native Outfits ranged from tan f o u r t h members and friends. and brown to pink, purple A p p reci at i o n D ay.


U ni ver sity T i me s ! UNIVERSITY DAY ! M ay 6, 20 1 1

What Happened to Little Girls? Naima deFlorio STAFF WRITER

Imagine you’re three years old, you’re playing with your stuffed animal and a television ad comes on. This ad comes on multiple times a day. Bright colors and the characters having fun make you want to get up and dance to the music — but wait, you can’t have that fun unless you have what? SKETCHERS Shape-ups advertised to little girls who, only a year or so ago, were toddlers. Media do make it easier to shop for kids. Toddler bra and panty sets and pageants may not mark the end of the world. Parents face these decisions and more. Little girls on YouTube shake hips and shimmy when once they wiggled and twirled. Little girls don’t learn how to move that way unless an adult teaches them to. Dance lessons begin, they join dance teams and may mimic the moves of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” while wearing burlesque-like attire. This brings into ques-

Steven McKenney STAFF WRITER

There are always at least a few kids in school who have a hard time fitting in. It can be in a lot of different ways. They just don’t make friends easily, they are shy, or just “weird,” as some would crudely put it. It’s a frustrating idea to think of how hard it would be to fit in when you’re just different. So imagine the struggle for kids who have a hard time because of their cultural background. At this University Day, there was a session that covered cultural influences on students in school. Basically, it was about children of different cultural or ethnic backgrounds and the challenges that face them when they enroll in American schools and somewhat assimilate into

tion if children’s rights ever were restored. Children are marketed today for how advertisers want them to be tomorrow, attempting to capture all children as new customers for a lifetime, creating lifelong brand users. What’s marketed today as popular may very well play a part in how little girls grow up to see themselves. Little girls and females appear to be targeted more than men. The common belief is that women make most household financial decisions. Viewing of more media marketing is made possible by cell phones, TV, radio and magazines. Hidden ad sources are on the rise because technology is more affordable. Something in our faces every day makes us think the latest thing will

make us happy, popular or successful. In such a retaildriven society, it’s not often

that media examples are collected together to show what drives marketing.

Such an opportunity presented itself at UMPI’s most recent University Day. Keren Morin, an UMPI student majoring in social work, took a personal soapbox topic and turned it into her senior thesis project: “Media Frenzy: Exploring How the Sexualization of Females in Advertisements Impacts Body Dissatisfaction Among Female Adolescents.” Morin conducted research on how media affected 20 girls ages 7 to 11 years old. A kind of game she came up with involved imagining what was being sold in ads. Overloaded with ads, girls aren’t really sure of the root of their negative self images. Certain models and celebrities have become the foundation of what is believed to be beautiful. Still searching for the perfect lips or eyebrows,

these girls find, to their disappointment, that it doesn’t exist. These images tell girls from the youngest age what is normal in terms of femininity. Ads per pet uate ide as of how wom en sh ou l d lo ok, d r e s s a n d a c t . Wo m e n d i s p l a ye d a s p i e c e s o f me at, su ch a s P E TA po r t r a y s, marginalizes women. Altered images ref l ect a co nc e p t of bea uty that doesn’t exist . To c o nfor m , one a do lescent girl subsc ri bed to “Seventeen” magazine seven yea r s be fo re sh e h i t that ag e in an e f for t to ma ke su re sh e knew h ow to dress, act an d t hink i n order to be ac ce pt ed. “Ac c e pt an c e.” T h is wo rd o pen ed up a num ber of most ly f emal es i n the a udie n c e of var yi ng a g e s . I t ’s a s e n s i t i v e to pic , i f o n l y be c ause l i t t le gi rl s g row t o b e a dolesc en t s a n d then wom en who still may not see the ir true val ue.

Culture Clash our culture. The goal was for all of the participants to get an idea of how and why cultural differences can pose a struggle and possible ideas of how schools and teachers can help. The class was split up into three groups, each one given a different child with a different ethnic background to discuss. There was one group about a young Muslim girl, one about a Korean child and one about a Native American boy. All were different in how their cultures influenced their behavior, but all had similar problems, including gender roles, religious practices and race. The room was quickly filled with enthusiastic conversation. Each group was kicking around a lot of truly good ideas. Even though the three

kids in the discussions were of different races, everyone managed to come up with similar explanations and solutions. One of the biggest reasons, though, is the pack mentality that comes with kids. They can be like dogs. You get a whole bunch of them together and they rile each other up. Other reasons include ignorance and the inability to recognize ethnic differences. That’s not to say that kids are dumb, they just don’t know any better. The common solutions were that teachers should always be open minded, there needs to be plenty of awareness brought to the attention of students and that one-on-one time between these students and their teachers never hurts. It can be quite intimidating for ethnic children

to have several new customs thrown at them at once. Extra help is never a bad idea. One example of this was a little girl named Fatima, the Muslim child. She was about 10 years old and read far above her grade level. She was, however, very reluctant to do anything else. This included socializing. A lot of this was probably because that was all she knew in uncomfortable situations. Therefore, one-onone time can be what the child needs to break the tension. When the session neared its end, the three groups all came together for a final discussion with the

same enthusiasm as earlier. The final thoughts included how important teaching tolerance and coping methods are. The trouble that kids have fitting in isn’t going away anytime soon, but every little bit counts. As they say, the journey of a thousand miles always starts with the first step.


U ni ver sit y T i me s ! UNIVERSITY DAY ! M ay 6, 2 0 11

The Justice System Gives a Hand Brianna Williams STAFF WRITER

Ma ny peo pl e in th e U. S are har med by do me stic vi ol enc e. When these people gather the c ourage t o get hel p, th e police will step in. Students in the Honors D o m e s t i c Vi o l e n c e c l a s s at UMPI began the p ro c e s s o f l e a r n i n g t h e steps to helping people

dealing with domestic vio lenc e. L isa L edu c, th e professor teaching the c la ss, to o k on e h ou r wit h h e r 13 stu de nts and creat ed a presentation for Un iver sity D ay i n Fo l som H a l l, roo m 20 6 . The presentation beg an by explaining just what the class was. Leduc then had the students introduce themselves and s a y c l a s s t h ey w e r e i n . Students went a few at a time to explain a slide or two about different aspects of domestic violence and how the criminal justice system deals

with situations. Students in HDV read “Rural Women Battering and the Justice System” to lear n about what the justice system does to help people in need of assistance. T his book helped t h e st u d e n t s b e g i n t h e i r 1 4 w e e k p ro j e c t w i t h a c o m mu n i t y p a r t n e r. Students were trying to hold a training sessions for nur ses or doctor s to help them identify if someone has been in a n a bu s i ve re l a tionship. S a mu e l Jo h n s o n , a s e n i o r, s a i d , “ Yo u know the most important thing about this project is raising awareness where it needs to be the most. Healthcare professionals really are the fir st responder s in this case because they have to deal with the bruises, the scar s and the b ro k e n bones before police are even aware that it’s a problem. T he dif ficulty there is that medical provider s are always dealing with patients and may b e o bl i v io u s u n l e s s t h ey know what to look for.” Overall, the presentat i o n w e n t ve r y w e l l . S t u d e n t s p re s e n t e d t h e i r slides quite well and with e n t h u s i a s m . L e t ’s h o p e they can get as many people trained to help domestic violence victims.

Stop Bullying Michael Greaves STAFF WRITER

Have you ever been bullied by anyone? On University Day, four education majors had a presentation on how to stop bullying. There are all different kinds of bullying. There’s physical bullying, where the bully threatens to beat someone up. There’s a new type of bullying that’s starting to become a problem. It’s called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is where someone goes on a social network, such as Facebook, and calls a person names or starts rumors or other things. There is sibling bullying, where two siblings fight each other. Bullying can happen anywhere to anyone at anytime. In Novacoha, Canada a boy in the ninth grade wore a pink shirt to school and everyone made fun of him. An upper-

classman saw this and emailed all his friends and the next day everyone wore pink shirts to school. But it’s not just boys who bully. Girls can bully, too, by gossiping with other girls or

spreading rumors. Adults can bully kids. Bullies are usually bullied themselves, so they take it out on others. Bullies can also be kids who grew up in violent homes where the parents were fighting each

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other. Harm to the victims of bullying doesn’t stop when the bully leaves. Victims of bullying have a hard time creating a long-term relationship because they’re worried about being hurt again. 50 percent of bully victims have thought about suicide and 20 percent have tried suicide. 40 percent of victims who report bullying will report more than one incident. Victims can suffer from fear of the bully, depression, loneliness, anxiety or low self-esteem. They are also likely to call in to school sick. You can stop bullying by either being a friend, watching for signs of bullying and reporting bullies to either a parent, teacher, coach, group leader, police or other adult.

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U ni ver sity T i me s ! UNIVERSITY DAY ! M ay 6, 20 1 1

World Cup Jordan Guy STAFF WRITER

Chad Parker, Ben Costello, Lindsay Cote, Nichole McQuade, Chelsea Boudreau, Peter Desmond and Kayla Flemming were the group of junior and senior athletic trainers who met with students and the community on University Day to make a presentation on what they did at the biathalon and to give people an idea of why they had to be there for the athletes and community. There was a slide show presentation for those who did not get a chance to attend the biathalon, to give them an idea of the atmosphere and

what exactly was going on. Some of the athletic trainers, such as Kayla Flemming, were given the task of testing for blood doping on t h e biathalon athletes. Blood doping is a form of testing for performa n c e enhancing d r u g s . Each trainer who performed this test was assigned to an athlete of the same sex and they were

instructed to follow the athlete from wake up to when they set foot on the course to make sure, that they do not

The people whom the athletic training staff most generally had to worry about were not necessarily the athletes, but the spectators and the media that were also at the event. Photog raphers and reporters would get hurt while trying to get the perfect picture opportunity. The trainers also had to follow a strict set of rules and guidelines while at the event. If athletes go

down or get injured, often they would have there own personal physicians, if our UMPI trainers had helped without per mission of the athletes or physicians first, then the skiers could be disqualified. T his World Cup Biathalon will now be a part of UMPI and the city of Presque Isle’s culture. T he athletic training prog ram is ver y g rateful for this o p p o r t u n i t y. Division I schools and other major AT schools in the country would not have the same opportunity to work with Olympic and world class athletes.

Capone. The penitentiary N o r t h A m e r i c a , Te r ro r t h ey d i s c u s s e d s o m e o f is also known for allowing behind the Walls. Terror t h e i r h i g h l i g h t s o f t h e Hollywood films, such as behind the Walls is open h a u n t e d h o u s e. S eve r a l Transfor mers: Revenge of every day in October, rain ag reed that watching oththe Fallen (2009) and 12 or shine. After the crimi- ers with them and other Monkeys (1995), to film nal justice club members a ro u n d t h e m g e t s c a re d there. With many highlights showing off the history of the penitentiary, the criminal justice club was able to experience several of the different tours that are offered to t o u r i s t s . “My favorite part was the Eastern State during the day, when we got to explore the entire thing, and it was pouring so it was pretty creepy,” Ashley Estabrook, CJC member. “We learned a lot about the prison itself before the actual haunted house,” Josh Conroy, CJC member. Students and Professor Lisa Leduc discussing One of the highlights their adventures in Philadelphia. o f f e re d w a s o n e o f t h e m o s t re c o m m e n d e d , t o p told the audience about w a s ve r y e n t e r t a i n i n g. members we re ranked haunted houses in the scenery and costumes, O t h e r

pleased with the creativity and the extreme measures t h at t h e a c t o r s we n t through to frighten others. “T h e h a unt ed h o use itself was amazing because of the a moun t o f t ech n o l og y an d staf f t hat th ey u s e d , ” Jo s h C o n r o y s a i d . I f yo u wo ul d l ike more infor mation about the haunted house or the other tours that Easter n State Pe n i t e n t i a r y h as to o f fe r, yo u ca n vi si t th ei r website at w w w. e a s t e r n s t at e. o rg. T h e c r i m i n a l j u st i c e club would highly recommend that if yo u a re ever aroun d Philadelphia, go and ex pe ri en ce t h e h i sto r y behind the penitent ia r y, esp ec ially i f yo u’re in th e a rea in Oc t ober.

take anything or do anything that may give them an illegal edge on the other athletes.

Criminal Justice Club May Be Just a Tad Scary

Angelic Nicholson STAFF WRITER

When you think of Philadelphia, you probably think of the history like the Liberty Bell or the P h i l a d e l p h i a F l ye r s i f yo u ’re a h o c k ey f a n . I f you were one of the criminal justice club members you might be thinking of the above and then some. O n A p ril 13, 20 11, t h re e UM P I stud ent s a nd their advisor joined in Fo l s o m t o d i s c u s s t h e i r a d ve n t u r e s down to Philadelphia in October a s t h e i r U n i ve r s i t y D ay pre se nt ati on . T he present a t i o n r e vo l ve d a r o u n d the main highlight of t h e i r t r i p, t h e E a s t e r n State Pe n i t e n t i a r y. The Eastern State Penitentiary is known for housing notable inmates such as Frederick Tenuto and Alphonse “Scar Face”


Un ive r si ty Ti m es ! CAMPUS ! M ay 6 , 2 0 1 1

Discovery and Mapping of ‘Snips’ Help Make the Pieces Fit Michael Mink STAFF WRITER

researchers to improve the quality of life as we know it. DNA has been known as the building block of life and bioinfor matics is dedicated to uncovering the mysteries associated with the sequencing of the nucleotide chains of adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine (A, C, G and T, respectively). Over the last few decades, bioinformatics has come to the point where, along with the advent of technology and computers, scientists are able to unveil a wealth of biological data concealed in the bulk of DNA structure and sequence. Some UMPI and UMFK students were able to find out its potential ben-

gained from these studies can help with future research. Computers give the ability to store and analyze genetic information at a rate that humans can’t.” Obtaining a clearer insight into the fundamentals of biology in living things can aid in the area of medicine by helping to produce customized medicines based on patient’s needs to treat diseases. The participating students studied how some people are genetically engineered for physical activities such as sports because they have different patterns on the ACTN2 and ACTN3 active sites of DNA,

Have you ever noticed that the negative side effects of medicines sometimes seem worse than the afflictions they are meant to heal? A better cure may be available in the near future, one designed for you based on your DNA to reduce the side effects that afflict some people more than others. A University Day presentation entitled “‘Snips of Your Life: Solving the and ulcer medicines can difPuzzle Pieces of DNA,” by fer from person to person Stephanie Corriveau, based on their DNA Taylor-Jo Quint and Dan sequencing. When a person Sheffield, brought to light is born, they obtain one set to a large crowd of UMPI of alleles from each parent. students and faculty the When they receive two of opportunities available the same alleles to students looking for from each parent, field experience in they are considered molecular biolog y. homozygous, and T hey, along with when they received underg rads from two different alleUMFK, went to the les, they are hetMount Desert Island erozygous. DNA Biological Laboratory, was taken and with the help of the replicated from the UMPI Biolog y students using Department, for a polymerized chain short course on bioinreactions and sepafor matics from Oct. 8 rated using electo 12 with Dr. Charlie trophoresis. To test Ray. There, they were a specific area of shown how to navigate the DNA, they web-based biological used a technique databases, search gene called restriction files for the genes used enzyme digesting in their research and use the infor mation to Left to right: Dan Sheffield, Taylor-Jo Quint and Stephanie so they can cut the DNA and test a cerdraw conclusions based Corriveau in front of their presentation. tain section. on their research. efits firsthand. which result in the efficiency Dan Sheffield said The science of bioinforStephanie Corriveau of fast and slow twitch muspatients can “search for matics has been increasing ly used among said, “People don’t realize cles. They also studied how issues when they take medihow much the information the effects of certain heart

cine. A person with a heterozygous gene will have a slower metabolism. This means a heterozygous person is more immune to metabolize the enzymes in Plavix and Prilosec.” Single nucleotide polymorphism, called “snips” for short, is a change in one of the bases in the n u c l e o t i d e sequence and sometimes has a mutation and would therefore have a problem processing certain medicines effectively, running the risk of blood levels getting so high they’re toxic. UMPI is scheduled to offer the chance to attend another bioinformatics short course at the MDIBL within the next year. The Maine Idea Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) is a program made to strengthen Maine’s ability to perfor m National Institute of Health types of research. Room and board are free thanks to a grant, of which UMPI is a recipient. The prerequisites for the last short course, according Dr. Bonnie Wood, are: “At least completion of General Biology I and II or several chemistry or math courses.” With the more people that are interested and willing to get involved now, UMPI hopes to gain more similar opportunities in the future.

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