Volume 39 Issue 1&2

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University of Maine at Presque Isle

Volume 39 Issues 1 & 2

AUGUST 26, 2010

Journalism for Northern Maine


Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

University Times



August 26, 2010

Italy: Not Just a Dream Anymore

The University Times Staff

Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editors Ben Pinette Sarah Graettinger Staff Writers Kayla Ames Rachel Churchill Stephanie Corriveau Sarah Graettinger Stephanie Jellett Julia Lunn Mika Ouellette Ben Pinette Lanette Virtanen Contributors Christine Corsello Jim Stepp Don Zillman Advising Center Staff Athletics Campus Activities Board Career Services Staff Computer Services Staff Counciling Services Staff Dining Services Staff Financial Aid Staff Health Service Staff International Students Services Library Staff Native Education Center Residence Life Student Exchange Staff Student Records Staff Student Support Services Testing Services Staff Upward Bound Staff Adviser Dr. J The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus community. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

Well it’s almost time for school to start back up and I, for one, can’t wait. For those of you joining us for your first semester, I say welcome. For those of you who are coming back, I say welcome back and I hope you all enjoyed the summer. I did. The spring semester seemed to fly by and before you knew it, it was time for the summer break. I had more than the normal reason to be looking forward to summer: I was heading to Italy. If you never thought that you’d have a chance to travel somewhere exotic, think again. My trip to Italy was with a group put together by Professor Boudman. It was a chance to see a part of the world that I never dreamed I’d have the chance to see. But see it I did. It was absolutely stunning. We went to see places such as Rome, Venice, Assisi and Florence. We visited the Colosseum, Pompeii, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and a beautiful ride in a gondola around Venice. For me it was the perfect place to use my camera and take as many shots as I could. It was also a chance to eat the food, listen to the language and see the culture of Italy. Not only did I get a chance to see the places that everyone knows Italy has, but there was so much more. My art history class this coming semester will be more interesting to me now that I’ve actually seen some of what I’ll be learning about. I also realized that I’m very interested in the architecture of Rome. I can’t wait to see what Boudman puts together for a trip next year. Who knows where you might end up? The trip is just one of the many things that you can look forward to here at UMPI. You never know who’ll be here for musical guests. There’s always something going on in the Reed Art Gallery as well as the art gallery on the third floor of Pullen Hall. Take the time to read the fliers that are around campus. See what’s going on right here. Take advantage of what else UMPI has to offer. You’ll have an opportunity to hear different forms of music as well as see different forms of art. Who knew that getting an education could be this much fun? As they say in Italy, “A presto!” (See you soon!! -Lanette

Sept. 13 Oct. 4 Oct. 25

Dates for Submissions to the U Times Nov. 8 Nov. 29

Any submissions recieved after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.


University Times WELCOME August 26. 2010

From Don’s desk

UMPI: Success Despite Challenges

We’ve had a very productive summer at UMPI. As the president, I have the privilege of leading a wonderful group of faculty, staff and students. It’s relatively easy to have a good year when times are good. The real test of an institution is how it handles tough times. The last two years have been very challenging. Money is in short supply. Tuition is a challenge for our students. The University System has been demanding and needed to be. Despite this, we’ve responded splendidly. Here’s my assessment of the very good news we take into the fall semester of 2010-11. —We’ve added some superb new faculty and coaches to the UMPI community. I won’t name them all here. You’ll see their biographies elsewhere. —They join a strong return-

ing team. I’ve had the fun of following their academic research and leadership during the summer. Three examples, out of many more, make my point of UMPI’s worldwide reach. Professors Chunzeng Wang and Dave Putnam visited

ago. Professor Kim-Anne Perkins organized and hosted a marvelous world wide gathering of rural social work experts on the UMPI campus. A guest from South Africa and one from Qatar in the Middle East vie for the title of farthest from

campus. Our fall enrollment numbers have been strengthening by the week. —The system’s Strategic Investment Fund program was very generous with UMPI. We received substantial funding for both our enrollment and mar-

rural China doing path breaking geological and anthropological research. Professor Andy Giles led a trip to the Pacific islands from which the atomic bomb flights to Japan 65 years

home. —The growth of our online course offerings allowed us to brag of the greatest increase in summer attendance of any University of Maine System

keting programs and for our initial steps to begin the System’s only Associate degree in Physical Therapy, an important growth area in health care in Maine.

From the Financial Aid Office Dear UMPI Students, The Financial Aid Office welcomes you to the new 2010-2011 academic year! We hope to assist you with your financial aid concerns throughout your time here at UMPI. Here is some important information to keep in mind: Notify the Financial Aid Office of any changes in your enrollment status, for example adding/dropping classes. All students receiving a Direct Stafford Loan or Perkins Loan must complete a promissory note and entrance counseling in order to ensure disbursement to your account. Notify the Financial Aid Office about any other educational assistance you may receive that is not listed on the award letter, such as outside scholarships or outside agency payments.

If you’re taking a course(s) at another institution, make sure you visit the Office of Student Records and receive an Away Form so that your

financial aid can be used toward those courses. Check the MaineStreet Message Center regularly. The Financial Aid Office, as well as other administrative offices, will provide important information there. The message center is located on the front page of the student center within student

self-service. In addition, continue to check your UMPI e-mail account for important updates as well. If you’ve been awarded federal work study, then you must meet with the assistant director of human resources, Jennie Savage, in 126 Preble Hall the FIRST week of classes. Please keep an updated address with the Student Records Office and with the Financial Aid Office to ensure that you will receive vital financial aid and billing information and documents. The Priority Deadline for filing the 2011-2012 FAFSA is April 1, 2011. You must file the FAFSA every year. We wish you the best of luck in the coming year.

—Last, it’s good to look around campus and see a variety of improvements. The attractive University Credit Union office in the Campus Center at one corner of campus is matched by the improvements in Normal Hall on the other. The blacktop has improved the look and the safety of half a dozen walkways and the perimeter road. And what a change we see from the old hand-lettered sign board at the north entrance to campus to our new electronic sign. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the new sign allows rapid posting of emergency notices at the most visible entry spot for campus. Welcome back. A rich year awaits us. Don

Welcome New Students! From the Advising Center The Advising Center is:

Kathryn Higgins, administrative assistant Lorelei Locke, director of advising Most of you met us through the SOAR program this summer. If you didn’t get to meet us then (or even if you did), please come by our offices in 215 and 217 South Hall and say hi. We’re here to help you with all things advising including: ? Who is my adviser and how do I find him or her? ? How do I add a class or drop a class? ? How do I know what classes I should be taking? ? Can I retake the placement tests? ? What if I’m not sure I’m in the right major? ? What if I need to withdraw from a class or from the university? We can help you with MaineStreet, with university policies and procedures, with understanding your degree program. We can put you in touch with others who can provide valuable assistance or information, too. Your Success is our goal!


University Times WELCOME August 26. 2010

Chris’ Corner

Welcome from the Dean of Students! Welcome to another exciting year at UMPI - it promises to be a great one! This issue of the U Times is filled with exciting updates and important information for all students; new or returning. Please read the information in this issue thoroughly as it is intended to lighten the uneasiness of any new academic year by keeping you informed of important happenings here at the university. The faculty and staff are excited to begin a new year and are eager to assist you in any way they can. Our goal is simple provide you with a wonderful university experience – in and out of the classroom. As we kick off a new academic year, I’d like to take this opportunity to share my thoughts on what lies ahead. I suspect everyone has heard of Harvard University? Well, having previously lived in Boston for 20 years, I had several opportunities to stroll through the grounds and buildings of Harvard. I grew up in a small town in Iowa and being in the big city of Boston was a daily adventure. When I moved to Boston, I was a relatively young professional and simply loved walking through the hallowed grounds of Harvard University – there was always something surreal and special about doing so. Let me tell you a little something about Harvard that you probably didn’t know. From the perspective of Harvard’s 370 plus year history, the gates in and around the campus are a relatively new phenomenon.

For more than two-thirds of its existence, Harvard had nothing more to guard its perimeter than a low postand-beam fence. When the Johnston Gate - the initial component of the presentday enclosure - went up in 1889, many decried its towering piers and elaborate ironwork as a pretentious imposition on the school’s austere Puritan heritage.

the street, from the street to the Yard. Of course, that is essentially what a gate is. But the Harvard gates are more than that. Each has its own story to tell - some simple and straightforward, others complex and ambiguous, some embodying the notions and values of another age, others enshrining the ideals and aspirations of today. One of my favorite gates is

President Charles William Eliot, that make it my favorite. One on the outside reads, “Enter to grow in wisdom.”The other is on the inside: “Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind.” Isn’t this what education is all about? Growing in wisdom, serving others – whether that be serving oneself, one’s community, country – simply serving. College will open

If anything, the gates have become such fixtures in the Harvard landscape that they verge on invisibility. To hurried, preoccupied pedestrians, their details and decorations fade and blur, their inscriptions go unread. They are reduced to mere function, a passageway from the Yard to

the Dexter Gate. It was a gift of Mrs. Wirt Dexter in memory of her son Samuel, class of 1890, who died in 1894. The gate wasn’t erected until 1901, and leads into one of the arched passageways that cut through Wigglesworth. It is because of the two inscriptions on the gate, by

for you an unbelievable range of opportunities to explore diverse fields of knowledge, along with a variety of activities that will help you grow personally and socially. Although you could educate yourself outside the college environment, it’s much more expedient and satisfying to

learn with other students and from teachers who are committed to creating an environment that supports learning. This is truly what lifelong learning is all about…becoming aware of all that education has to offer. Education means challenging yourself, trying new things, enrolling in courses and reaching beyond what may have been your original goals. In college, you’ll have the time and freedom to delve into many areas of interest that you may not have explored. You’ll also be exposed to areas of the human experience that you didn’t know existed. Just imagine! In a relatively short span of time, you can acquaint yourself with a wide range of human knowledge and experience. At no other time in your life will you have such a concentrated opportunity for learning. In college, although some majors are more rigidly structured than others, you have freedom to pursue your personal interests. You’re in control of your own learning. Whatever your choices, remember the inscription on the Dexter Gate. It’s not just for Harvard attendees, it’s for all who pursue education. Enter to grow in wisdom; depart to serve better thy country and thy kind. Let each new day be the beginning of your quest. I wish you much success in the year ahead! Christine L. Corsello Dean of Students 100 South Hall christine.corsello@umpi.edu 768-9615

University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010


Have a Voice & Get Involved Chris Corsello CONTRIBUTOR

As the Dean of Students, I continue to be very interested in creating opportunities to keep the lines of communication open to and from students. I want to make certain students have a forum to become aware of upcoming projects, new initiatives, participate in decision making and to voice your concerns. With this in mind, here are some things I will be doing to make myself available to listen to you. Enhancing Communication and Participation in Decision Making As always, I am available for appointments throughout the week. I understand, however, that sometimes students have a quick question for me. So please know that you DO NOT need a scheduled appointment! Just stop by my office (100 South Hall) and pop in. If the door is open and I’m not in a meeting, you can see me! If you want to make certain I’m here and available, then I suggest scheduling an appointment by contacting my assistant, Marjorie McNamara, at 768-9615. Another way to stay connected is by attending “Coffee with the Dean” and “Town Meetings” with the dean. These events take place monthly and are open forums for students to discuss areas of concern with the dean or to simply stop in and say hello. Please

watch e-mail and the electronic bulletin boards for dates and times – come join me! DDN – Dean’s Daily News Speaking of e-mail….watch for daily e-mails from my office entitled the DDN – Dean’s Daily News. These once-a-day e-mails will be loaded with announcements, important dates to remember, daily and upcoming events and general happenings about campus. Dean’s Advisory Council I’m looking for approximately 25 students, from all class years and all degree programs, to serve as an ad hoc group. The Dean’s Advisory Council is extremely helpful in providing input into important campus decisions and providing feedback to the administration. This group meets periodically throughout the year and will continue to lend guidance and advice to the dean of students on upcoming issues and decisions affecting the student body. The commitment is limited, as there will be no set meeting times (except for one initial meeting), but rather it will meet periodically as issues arise and decisions approach. The more students involved the better! To sign up, please contact me at christine.corsello@umpi.edu or my assistant, Marjorie McNamara, at 768-9615 or email marjorie.mcnamara@umpi.edu. Pride Committee As dean of students, I remain committed to improving school spirit and pride on the UMPI campus. Teaming up the dean of students and members of the student affairs staff, the Pride Committee exists to explore ways in which to build a sense of pride within all UMPI students and increase students’ overall satisfaction

with the UMPI experience. To keep the efforts going, we need more student representatives on the committee! The committee will meet on a regular basis throughout the school year, evaluating their success and planning events. Students interested in joining this committee are urged to contact Bonnie DeVaney, chair of the Pride Committee, by calling 768-9750 or e-mail barbara.devaney@umpi.edu.

Student of the Month program

Hand in hand with the Pride Committee, I’m excited to announce that we’ll continue our efforts to recognize the contributions made by students with the Student of the Month award. Each month of the school year, one student will be chosen to represent UMPI as the Student of the Month. Nominations will be accepted from anyone at the university and are due the 20th of each

month. Completed forms should be submitted to the dean of students. The dean of students, along with members of the Pride Committee, will review nomination forms and select a monthly recipient. The selected students will receive their awards at various events and will be announced in the U times and other university publications. Nomination forms can be found on the Web and will be distributed the middle of each month over e-mail. Here are a few things we will be looking for in a Student of the Month recipient: students who exhibit dedication to UMPI and its mission; who go out of their way to help other students; who contribute to school pride, unity and student life; who serve as positive role models for other students; who embraces diversity and are open to all students.

From Dining Services Aramark would like to welcome all University of Maine at Presque Isle new and returning students. Below is important information regarding your dining options here on campus. There are three eateries available to you: The Kelley Commons, located on the second floor of the Campus Center. Monday – Friday Breakfast: 7 – 9 a.m. Lunch: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Dinner: 5 – 6:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Brunch: 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. The C3 Store, located on the first floor of Folsom Hall, across from the Whooo’s Hut. Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Late Night Dining in the Owls Nest on the first floor of the Campus Center. Sunday – Thursday: 7:30 -10:30 p.m.


University Times WELCOME August 26. 2010

Itʼs All Here at Emerson Annex

Mika Ouellette STAFF WRITER

As a new student to campus, you may have many things that you need to get in order to be a full-fledged member of UMPI. You need an ID card, a dorm assignment if you’re staying on campus, a parking permit for your car if you have one and the list goes on. You’re probably wondering where you can get all of these things. The answer is quite simple: Emerson Annex - or the Annex as it is commonly referred to. Emerson Annex is a small building attached to the side of Emerson Hall. It houses four important offices for a student

to be familiar with: Residence Life, Campus Security, Health Services and Student IDs. As a new student, you’ll deal with all four of these offices in order to prepare yourself for the new academic year. The first office, Residence Life, is especially important to those living on campus. Director of residence life Jim Stepp’s office is located in the Annex as well as area coordinator Jannie Durr’s office. Whether you need help with your housing arrangements or even roommate conflicts, the Residence Life staff members will be glad to offer their assistance.

The next important office located in the Annex is that of Greg Daniels, the coordinator of campus safety and security. Besides dealing with parking tickets and crime on campus, the Campus Security office is where students go to obtain their campus parking permits for their cars. Compared to other campuses, UMPI’s parking permits are inexpensive at $10 per year for the first car and only $2 extra for each additional car. At the beginning of the semester, new students to campus have about two weeks to obtain parking permits, so come to the Annex unless you want a parking ticket. The third office is that of

Health Services. UMPI is fortunate enough to have its own nurse practitioner, Linda Mastro, hold office hours every afternoon during the school week. The Health Services office does more than just care for students who have become ill or injured on campus. It also deals with immunization records as well as the immunizations themselves. Last but not least, is the one office located in the Annex that every new student absolutely needs to visit, Student IDs. At UMPI, you need your student ID to do everything from borrow library books to even eat in the cafeteria. Luckily, your ID card is free unless you lose or

destroy it. In that case, you must return to the Annex to get a new one and pay either $15 upfront or have $25 added to your account. But regardless of how much the ID costs, it gives you benefits: many businesses off-campus offer discounts to students who show their IDs for everything from haircuts to gas to even dinner out. Emerson Annex is the one building on campus that is most important to new students. Almost everything that a new student needs is in the Annex. If something isn’t, the staff of the Annex will point you in the direction you need to go.

Welcome from Testing Services

Testing Services extends our best wishes to you for a great year! Whether you’re beginning your first year or preparing for graduation, we’re here to help you with your professional testing needs. We offer on-campus paper and computer based testing for credit by examination (CLEP), teacher certifi-

cation (PRAXIS) and graduate school admission (GRE, LSAT, MCAT and MAT). Additionally, the University of Maine at Presque Isle has partnered with Prometrtic, a global provider of comprehensive testing and assessment services, to offer a Prometric computer-testing center on campus. Located

in the basement of South Hall, room 16, it provides convenient testing by appointment for professional, academic and licensing exams. For more information, please visit us at 122 South Hall or contact us via e-mail at john.harrington@umpi.edu or 768-9589.

University Times WELCOME August 26. 2010


Myth Buster: Busting Myths of College Life Julia Lunn


What if I walk into the wrong classroom? Do the professors actually care about me and my future? Many of these (sorts of) questions are bound to cross your mind upon your arrival at college. It happens to everybody. It’s a new environment. You’ve been told many different stories about college. But are they true? Does the cafeteria food actually suck? Will I be able to get work done in my dorm, or will the noise blow my concentration? Will I get hazed?! Unfortunately, I never got my questions answered my freshman year. But lucky for you, I am here to provide you with the truth. I will make sure I can bust any of those myths that may be running through your head this very second! Myth #1: College food is disgusting. It is all greasy and processed food. FACT: Lucky for us, we have a lot of great variety served at our cafeteria. Sure there are those days that you go and you don’t find anything appetizing. That’s the great thing about having variety on the menu. We always offer the standard “American” food – your hamburgers, french fries, pizza, etc., lunch and supper time. There’s also a healthy meal layout. Here there’s usually some form of grain, such as rice or pasta, a vegetable of some sort and some form of meat. Then, the best part (to some) is the cooking stations, where you get to choose what you want in your meal and watch it being cooked right in front of you. These options are usually very healthy. And during lunch and supper hours, there’s always the choice of the salad bar. If there’s absolutely nothing you desire off the main menu, always take the healthy route and eat your greens. Make Mom proud.

Myth #2: Professors could care less about the students. FACT: False, false, FALSE! Professors are there to help you out. They do care about you, and they want to see you succeed in your desired major. That’s also why you have advisers. They’re there to give you sound advice about the choices you make for your future. You’re blessed to be a part of a small college, where you can get to know your professors personally and get their advice and opinion on education matters. I came to campus with the predisposition that the professors wouldn’t care about me. Boy, did they prove me wrong by the end of my first semester!

Myth #3: You won’t be able to get any work done in the dorms. There’s too much noise and distraction. FACT: The freshmen dorms are much quieter than Emerson. Go over to Emerson, and yeah, it may be a little harder to study with the noise. But in the freshmen dorms, it is much quieter and easier to get work done. Quiet hours begin at 10 p.m. every night. You’ll find that quiet time during the day when you can work peacefully. You’ll have distractions with friends and such, but that’s why our campus built a lovely building called the library. Maybe you’ve heard of it; maybe you’ve even walked past it. But go inside, and it has a wonderful, peaceful atmosphere where you can enjoy the silence. It’s a great place to go to get work done when you really need to buckle down and concentrate. Don’t avoid it: take advantage of it! Myth #4: Party, party, PARTY!

FACT: Freshmen dorms are dry dorms. You party, you’ll get caught and written up. It’s always safer to stay away from alcohol and not drink until you’re of age. It’s not funny

getting caught and then having to talk about it one-on-one with the head personnel of the dorm. Also, like I said previously, quiet hours do commence at 10 p.m. every night, so too much noise, and any partying that was going on, will be stopped. Take college as a serious step into your future. You don’t want to waste it your first semester, get a 2.0 GPA, and have to find out how many A’s it takes to get it back up to a decent GPA. Myth #5: “I heard UMPI doesn’t offer many activities during the year.” FACT: Every semester, there are a ton of ways you can get involved, support and have fun with on-campus activities. You have the sports: volleyball, soccer, basketball, cross country and baseball/softball. Go to some games and show your UMPI spirit! There are also a copious number of art events you can go to watch. Once in a while, we’ll have a guest come up and put on a show for the campus. The best part is, usually it’s free admission if you bring your UMPI ID! We also offer open mic (microphone)

nights to those who are brave and want to show off their talent or to simply sit back and enjoy hearing other people’s talents. All you have to do is watch for the signs. I’m not

talking about those magical epiphanies that involve the clouds opening up. I’m talking about actual signs that will be posted on every bulletin board that you pass on campus in Folsom, Pullen, Normal, South, the student center and in every dorm. Myth #6: “Am I going to get hazed? I’ve heard stories and I’ve seen TV shows…” FACT: There is to be no hazing. You honestly do not have to worry about that at all. Myth #7: You can’t escape the “Freshman 15.” FACT: It’s very easy to avoid the freshman 15. The freshman 15 occurs when you become lazy and only eat the traditional American food our cafeteria has to offer (pizza, hamburgers, french fries, etc.). If you watch what you eat, or just eat less of those fatty foods, you can easily avoid the freshman 15. Also, don’t become too lazy during the year and eat out at fast food restaurants just because it’s “convenient.” That is a fast way to gain the freshman 15 and more! If you find that you’re on the

fast track to gaining the freshman 15 and want to kill off a few pounds, our campus has a facility that can help you shed some pounds. Our facility, Gentile Hall, offers plenty of variety to get you exercising and staying in shape. It has an indoor pool, an indoor track, a large multipurpose gym (the size of two full basketball courts), a rock wall and a fitness center containing $100,000 worth of equipment. Yeah – that’s intense. It’s a lot of fun and simply going for a half an hour every day can easily whip you back up to shape in no time. Just don’t get lazy. Myth #8: “I’m going to end up walking into the wrong classroom.” FACT: You can easily avoid this dilemma. Follow these few steps, and you’ll be walking into the correct classroom for sure. 1. Double-check where your rooms are located online at Main Street. Print out your schedule if you haven’t already, so that you can carry it with you. 2. Take a stroll down to the buildings in which your classes are located. Familiarize yourself with the area, room numbers, etc. Find out what classrooms you will be going into. 3. Outside of every classroom, there’s a schedule of classes that will be meeting in that room. Locate yours and make sure it’s right. 4. Upon your arrival at the classroom for your first day of classes, confirm it with the other students who may be in the room as well. Better safe than sorry. There you have it. I hope that I made your life easier by sharing some insight with you. If you have any more questions, or any more myths you’d like busted, feel free to talk to any upper classmen, or send in your questions to us at: utimes@maine.edu. Have a great first semester!


University Times WELCOME August 26. 2010

Being in the Thick of Whatʼs Happening How writing for the University Times is the way to go.

Ben Pinette


OK, let’s be honest here. How many of you have wished to see your name on the front page? Besides making news yourself, the best way to make the front page of the paper is to write the news yourself. Instead of groaning, why not take a chance and try it? The University Times (or U Times) is our student-run newspaper. We put out an issue every few weeks. We try to be as close to the voice of UMPI as possible. If you like being at the heart of what’s happening, this is the club for you. Most of our reporters have gotten free passes inside some great events and shows in the past. Besides writing about newsworthy events on campus, we always like hearing about

what’s happening in the community of Presque Isle. If you commute from another local town, we’d love to feature your town as well! The possibilities

are so endless here at the University Times. Have an opinion on something? Don’t know a way it could be heard? Then share it

with the U Times. It’s a great way to be heard. It’s your voice: use it to your potential. If you’re not into writing but are interested in the technical

aspects of a newspaper, we’re the place for you as well. Anyone with an interest in layout, Web design, or just design in general is encouraged to join our staff. On layout nights, the editors work late into the night compiling the issue. We actually have a lot of fun doing it. The University Times wants you, regardless of your experience. If you have the interest and desire, we’ll work with you. Become the first to what’s happening by covering it yourself. For more information on joining, you can contact our adviser, Dr. J. at jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu, or 768-9745. You can also stop by our office in 102 Normal Hall to get a brochure or to tour our facility. If you want to be a part of a rewarding club on campus, U Times is for you!

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University Times WELCOME August 26. 2010


Rachel Churchill STAFF WRITER

Welcome back! Returning to school for some is always an adventure. There’s excitement to start new classes, see old friends and get back into the general swing of things. For others, there’s the dread of leaving long summer days behind, homework and starting a new chapter of life with new people. For those in the latter category, there are ways to beat the gloom and have a spectacular college experience. First, come to college with an open mind. For those of you attending college for the first time, be sure that you keep yourself open to new ideas and experiences. UMPI offers a wide array of classes and activi-


ties to help you follow your particular path of interest. Keeping an open mind will help you get the most out of your college experience. Join a club—or several. UMPI offers many different clubs and sports that are sure to grab your eye. This will help you meet new people and form new, important connections. Your college experience will be more enjoyable than if you were to only focus on schoolwork. It’s also been shown that those who participate in clubs and sports have a better GPA, so it’s a win-win for you. Pay a visit to the campus library. Almost everything you need for any papers, projects, or simply personal interests can be found or gotten for you here. With a computer lab,

along with computers on the library’s first floor, a wide array of books and a vast selection of online resources, the library is a great place to start your studies. It also has a wonderful view, so you can study while enjoying the silence and scenery. Gentile Hall is also a great place to spend some time. With its basketball court, indoor track, pool, weight room and rock wall, Gentile is a great place to go with friends when you have some extra time to just take a break and relax or if you’re looking to get into shape. The Writing Center, located in South Hall, is also a wonderful resource. You can go in at a broad spectrum of times to make an appointment with a tutor or to meet


Gentile Hall offers an array of activities to do when your bored, including climing a 37 foot high rock wall.

with someone to discuss any papers you may be in the process of writing. Here they’ll help you hone your writing skills so that you can produce the best possible piece of writing for any class. In any event, be sure not to

sweat the little things. You’ll soon find that it’s really not worth the extra stress. Instead, focus on your strengths and use the resources available to help better yourself and your college experience.


“SPUD’S SUMMERFEST” Featuring live music from Theory of a Deadman, Eve 6, 12 Stones and two other acts! And WUPI 92.1 will be there broadcasting live!

Why go to the concert when you can hear it live right here?

Join WUPI DJs Ben Pinette, Justin Stairs and Adam Tilsley as they broadcast live from Spud’s Speedway in Caribou.

Sunday, Sept. 5 4-8 p.m. WE ARE WUPI 92.1 FM THE OWL.


University Times WELCOME August 26. 2010

Welcome from International Students Services

Bienvenue, Swagatam, Dobre Doshal, Huan Ying, MarHaban, Bienvenidos! WELCOME in French, Nepalese, Bulgarian, Chinese, Sudanese and Spanish, the home languages of some of our current students. International Students Services, located in South

Hall, welcomes you to campus. Bonnie DeVaney and John Harrington are here to answer your questions and assist you with any concerns you may have regarding your student visa, getting settled in, banking, life at UMPI, employment, etc. Remember, as an interna-

Emergency Notification System As a reminder - the university has an emergency notification system for all faculty, staff and students. Under this system, if there is an emergency, you’ll be notified about the situation immediately - no matter where you are geographically - on your mobile phone, through e-mail, and/or on your pager. Examples of emergency notifications may include university closings or changes in hours, weather emergencies, power failures, bomb threats, campus violence, etc. YOU MUST SIGN UP TO RECEIVE THESE N O T I F I C A T I O N S . Simply go to our home page http://www.umpi.edu and click on the e2campus box at the bottom of the page. This takes you to the sign-up form, which takes less than a minute to complete. You will be asked to agree to the terms. THERE IS NO CHARGE TO SIGN UP OR USE THIS SERVICE. But consult your cell phone and Internet (etc.) service provider(s) for any applicable charges. This service is convenient, easy to use, fast and accurate. After signing up to receive these messages, you’ll receive

tional student, you must check in with International Students Services twice during each semester. At the beginning of each semester, you need to complete the check -in form at South Hall or online at http://www.umpi.edu/current -students/international-students/check-in-form. Then at

the end of each semester, you need to have your I-20 signed by John Harrington or Bonnie DeVaney both located in South Hall or Jessica Blackstone in Admissions. If you need help, come to South Hall or call 207-7689750 or 207-768-9589 or email

Important Information a confirmation text message or e-mail message – you’ll then need to VALIDATE your account. Once you receive the validation code (on your phone or via e-mail), you’ll need to log in once again, unless you’re still logged in. Once logged in, you should see a screen that has the following options: Dashboard, Services, Groups and Account across the top. To change phone numbers/e-mail addresses or to validate your account, choose the Services option. Then enter the code into the field provided online to complete the validation. This is an important step in the process! It confirms that you’re a live person, not a computer generating erroneous messages. Should you have any questions or concerns about our emergency alert system, please feel free to contact the dean.

Student Absences As always, class attendance is expected of all students. We realize, however that “life events happen” and sometimes you’re unable to attend class due to illness, medical emergencies, a death in the family or other life events. If you’ll be absent from class—for one day or multiple days—you should contact the Dean of Students at 7689615 or 768-9601. She’ll then assist

Barbara.DeVaney@umpi.edu or John.Harrington@umpi.edu. For more information, check out the international website at http://www.umpi.edu/current -students/international-students.

you by notifying all your professors. This streamlines the process for students by only requiring you to make one call!

Consideration Please Please DO NOT use our campus sidewalks as roadways or block entrances to campus buildings with vehicles and/or equipment. These activities pose a hazard to our entire campus community, especially those individuals who may have mobility issues or have visual impairments. Not only is this an ADA issue, but it’s also a simple matter of consideration for our students, staff and faculty. Many thanks in advance for your attention to this matter.

Emergencies I n th e event of a med ica l emer gen cy o r lif e- thr eaten ing s ituatio n, pleas e call 8 - 9 11 ( f r om a campu s ph on e) . P leas e be cer tain to giv e th e 911 o per ator s p ecif i c ins tru ctio ns /inf or mation on w h er e y ou a re. A lso be s ur e to call th e f o llo w in g in div idu als to no tif y them o f the si tuat ion : Ch r is tin e Cor s ello , dean of s tuden ts ( 76 8- 96 01 ) ; G r eg D an iels, coo r d inator of s ecur ity & saf ety ( 76 8- 95 80) ; Lin da M as tro , dir ecto r of h ealth s er v ices ( 76 8- 95 86) .

University Times WELCOME August 26. 2010


Welcome to the World of College Sarah Graettinger STAFF WRITER

Many people are walking through the doors of UMPI for the first time. There are many things to see and do. It can be overwhelming. But getting through just takes one step. One of the great things about the small college is that there is a good teacher to student ratio. You can learn on a level that is great for you, and you can have fun doing it. Another great aspect is the library. That’s where new students get their identification and

password to use campus computers. You can gather books online without taking one step into the library. The program is called URSUS, and it’s very useful. Many don’t even realize that it’s one of the best tools around. Walking into the campus center is also another great adventure. You find all sorts of people who just like to talk to one another and chill out. The commuter lounge in Folsom hall is also a great place to meet people: you can talk and sit on very comfy couches. If you like sports and can’t

wait to see what they’re like, come to Gentile Hall. That’s where all of the exercising takes place with various activities: rock wall climbing, swimming, basketball and numerous other things. You can do a lot there: just ask someone at the desk. What’s good about UMPI is that you can get help with classes if you need it. South Hall offers a plethora of things that can help you with essay papers, classes and getting information about the campus. Tutoring is available for students who want the help.

You Are Not Alone Stephanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

people who are going into their first year of university. The RAs—resident assistants—on your floor plan activities so everyone is involved and also so you can get to know people on your floor. Sometimes RAs from other dorms plan with your RAs and have combined activities. These activities range from pizza parties to

Excitement, fear and adrenaline take over your body as you and your parents pull into the red dorm building called Merriman Hall. This is the first major time in your life that you’ll be by yourself. You are a freshman. You start to wonder: will you make it out of your first year alive? Many first year students feel excited to leave home and go to college. Then reality sets in that you’re on your own and that your parents are not there to help guide you. This sometimes overwhelms new students. New friends getting ready for But resident life and the various campus activimovie and game nights. ties do their best to help you UMPI always has events avoid that. going on all year. They are “I came to UMPI only usually free (or are very low knowing one person. That cost) for students and are also took a lot of courage on my open to the community. part. Now I have met new UMPI is a place where you friends and am part of the can feel at home because of school newspaper,” is someits great understanding of the thing that I have told many

different interests of its students. There are various programs and clubs you can get involved in, such as: OAPI (Outdoor Adventure Program International); U Times (school newspaper); WUPI (school radio station); sports teams such as soccer, basketball and volleyball; clubs tied to specific fields such as criminal justice and social work. If there isn’t a club available, you can talk to the student senate so it can help you set one up and get it started. You’ll always be busy and your homesickness will fade away as prom. you keep your nose in the books and have fun with the new friends you’ll meet. UMPI will become your new home until summer, so make the most of it. Just remember, you aren’t the only one who has gone through this: you are not alone.

There are also counseling services. At UMPI, help abounds. Wieden Auditorium is great and offers so many of things also. The community band meets there on Mondays and Wednesdays. The band is made up of people from around the area who come and play their instruments. Also included here is a gym that the UMPI sports teams practice and, in the case of basketball play in. The food on campus is supplied by ARAMARK. It runs the cafeteria in Kelley Commons, and late night

dinning in the Owls Nest. They provides breakfast, lunch and dinner in the cafeteria and snacks in the C3 store and Owls Nest. One of the greatest aspects of UMPI is the wind turbine. You can see it all over town, and it’s one of the best things about the campus. Take a trip to see it sometime: it’s a nice thing to do. If you tried to go over, the things that make UMPI g reat, one couldn’t list them all. Welcome all students to a great new year!

YOU and Your Career

Greetings from Career Services! You’ll have many opportunities to maximize your potential at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. One way to do this is to make career planning an integral part of your education. Career Services can assist you whether you are a first year student, sophomore, junior or in your final year. Not sure what to major in? Career Services can help you identify your abilities and interests, explore career options and define your career goals so that you can select the right major for you. Looking for career related experience? The best way to gain experience is through part-time and summer employment, internships and volunteer activities. Career Services can provide you assistance in finding these opportunities. When you’re ready for your job search, you should start at Career Services to get help in writing a dynamic resume, develop your professional portfolio, learn job search strategies, get

employers’ contacts and information on job postings. Some employers provide students the opportunity to have preliminary interviews right on campus. Career Services offers many programs to help you succeed in entering the job market and maximize your potential in your future career. Look for information on these programs throughout the school year Club & Community Fair, Etiquette Event, Career & Job Fair, Suits for Students, workshops and information tables on Writing Resumes and Cover Letters, Job Search and Interview Skills and Graduate and Professional School Admissions. Let Career Services help you develop your career plan. Contact Career Services at 205 South Hall, 207-768-9750, B a r b a r a . D e Va n e y @ u m p i.edu and check out our website at h t t p : / / w w w. u m p i . e d u / c urrent-students/careerservices.




University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010

From the Office of Student Records

The primary purpose of the Office of Student Records is keeping and maintaining student records. This includes registration for non-degree students, grading, academic transcripts, transfer credit evaluation, enrollment verification, veteran’s benefits and biographical information. The schedule of classes for each academic term is processed by this office. At the end of each academic term, the Office of Student Records processes and reports grades. The director of student records evaluates the academic progress of all students applying for graduation. All requests for academic transcripts are processed by this office. The director of student records evaluates transfer credit from other institutions of higher education and from within the University of Maine System for possible posting to a student’s academic record. The office staff provides verification of student enrollment for loan deferments, health insurance, scholarships, etc. The Office of Student Records also administers veteran’s certifications and other services related to veteran’s benefits. The official method for communicating with students is the @maine.edu e-mail address assigned to each stu-

dent. It’s imperative, however, that students keep their biographical information, including student addresses, current in MaineStreet. Staff in the Office of Student Records can assist in updating this information, if necessary. Keeping addresses current ensures the proper delivery of information— including academic information and other important notices— from all university offices to students. Information is kept confidential in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Selected Web addresses Academic Calendar: http://www.umpi.edu/academ ics/calendar. Application for Graduation: http://www.umpi.edu/universi ty-offices/osr/graduation. Transcript Request: http://www.umpi.edu/universi ty-offices/osr/transcriptrequests. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): http://www.umpi.edu/universi ty-offices/osr/ferpa. Release of Non-Directory Information: http://www.umpi.edu/unive rsity-offices/osr/ferpa#nondirectory.

FALL 2009 Academic Calendar Classes begin

Monday, Aug. 30, 2010

Labor Day no classes. offices closed

Monday, Sept. 6, 2010

Last Day to Add a Class

Friday, Sept. 3, 2010

Last Day to Withdraw

Wed., Sept. 8, 2010

Last Day to Request Pass/Fail Option

Monday, Sept. 13, 2010

Fall Break begins

Monday, Oct. 11, 2010

Classes resume

Monday, Oct. 18, 2010

Mid-Term Grades due

Monday, Oct. 25, 2010

Last Day Friday, Nov. 5rh, 2010 to Withdraw (With “W” Grade) Veterans Day no classes, offices closed

Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010

Advisement & Registration for Spring 2011 Begins

Tuesday Nov. 16, 2010

Advisement & Registration for Spring 2010 Ends

Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Vacation begins

Wed., Nov. 24, 2010

Classes resume

Monday, Nov. 29, 2010

Last Day of Classes

Monday, Dec. 14, 2010

Reading Day - no classes

Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2010

Final Examinations begin at 8 AM

Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010

Final Examinations bend at 5 PM

Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010

University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010

Greetings from UMPI Campus Activities Board

Student Activities has yet another exciting year planned for the students, staff and faculty of UMPI. Whether you’re a new student or returning for your fourth year, there are benefits in keeping up-to-date on the events hosted by UMPI’s Campus Activities Board. From school sporting events to dances and free movies, there is always something to do throughout the school year. If you’re new and don’t know what the Student Activities Office or Campus Activities Board does, here’s the best way to think of us: entertainment gurus! Our mission is to bring students free events that will keep you excited and entertained throughout the entire school year. Participation with this group will help you make many connections with your UMPI welcome. Whether it’s a coffee house, magician, hypnotist, band, comedian, dance, or something you’d never imagine. we bring it all to you! CAB works hard for you, the student. Therefore, it’s very important for you to tell us what you want us to bring to campus. The Student Activities office is located in the Campus Center, Room 105 and there’ll always be a helpful, smiling person to greet you and answer all of the questions you may have. You can contact the student activities office via phone at (207) 768-9582 or you can check out our Facebook page on the web! Another great way to get involved at UMPI is to join one or more of the 30 clubs and organizations which UMPI has on campus. From the UTimes (school newspaper) to OAPI (adventure club), there’s something for everyone when it comes to campus clubs and organizations. If you don’t see an organization that you’re interested in joining, start one! It’s a very simple process and will give you great leadership experience that will look great on any resume. The annual

Club and Welcome Fair is planned for Wednesday, September 15, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., in the Multi Purpose Room in the Campus Center. Come have fun at the fair and speak with the different organizations that are here for you! To get your entertainment adventure started, here’s a list of some of the events that will be taking place this fall semester:

-Welcome Back Dance on September 3 at the MPR, Campus Center, from 9 p.m. to Midnight. - Motor Booty Af fair (live band/dance) on Sept. 18 at the Wieden Gym starting at 8:30 p.m. - Bongoball on Sept. 24 at Gentile from 3 to 9 p.m. - Open Mic Night & The Billies on September 30 at Wieden Audiorium from 6 to 9 p.m. - Jay Mattiola (magician extraordinaire) on Oct. 26 at Wieden Auditorium from 6 to 9 p.m. - All campus turkey hunt starting on Nov. 8. - Billizard of Bucks on Nov. 10 at the MPR, Campus Center, from 7 to 8 p.m. -Winter SemiFor mal Dance on Dec. 9 at the MPR, Campus Center, from 9 p.m. to midnight. As you can see, there’s no reason to be bored! T he student activities of fice and UMPI CAB want to make your experiences here at UMPI complete. Remember, university isn’t all about studying and taking tests. Don’t miss out on the total university experience!

Welcome to UMPIHome of the Owls On behalf of the Athletic Department, we all welcome you and are pleased you’ve chosen UMPI to attain your academic goals. The university has much to offer you academically, socially and athletically. Whether you’re interested in clubs, intramural sports or varsity level athletics, it can all be found here. Get involved in all you can while you’re here. Your next four years will go by quickly and it will be a time in your life that you’ll always remember. We hope that even if you choose not

to participate in our intercollegiate athletic program, you will become a member of the Blue Crew: students who support our teams at home games. They receive a tee shirt and have their own bleacher section at the home basketball games. We began our Blue Crew Pride, a few years ago and hope to increase the number of students who want to join in the fun. You’ll here more about this as time goes along. The department offers 12 varsity sports with open tryouts for all teams. If you


have questions or are looking for more information about our teams, please feel free to stop by the Athletic Office located in Wieden Hall. Our first home soccer contest will be on Sunday, Sept. 5 when both the men and women play Unity College. Games begin at 1 p.m. Come out and cheer on your teams and become part of UMPI athletics. You can find all of our teams’ schedules as well as rosters on the w e b s i t e at www.umpi.edu/athletics.

Welcome from the admissions crew. Your futureʼs so bright here, we have to wear shades!


University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010

Welcome from Project Compass

’Cipokehtuwal/Pjila’si! The Native Education Center staff welcomes our new and returning students. We look forward to meeting you in the coming days and working collaboratively with you. Our mission is to support your education achievements and to provide you with an inviting

academic and social environment. We do this by providing individual student advising, an aboriginal reference library, a computer lab and laser printer and a lounge area. The NEC provides a campus safe haven. The NEC also supports three relevant campus communities. (1) Native Voices Student Organization promotes Native awareness within and outside the institution and provides Indigenous students with a community support system

that facilitates personal, traditional, and academic success. (2) Native Advisory Council, develops and strengthens tribal-university relationships and enhances American Indian/First Nation student success through sustained dialogue and engagement. (3) Project Compass advances Native education and minority/majority student retention and degree attainment

through innovative institutional programs and strategies . Our

programs blend respect, excellence, integrity, advising and advocacy to strengthen student and community success. If you have any questions and/or want to get involved, visit us in South Hall 311 or call 7689792. Woliwon/Wela’lieg!

Love music? Love to talk?

WUPI 92.1 wants you!

We’re looking for dedicated individuals to further broaden our program format in the new year. We’ll take you in with a broad range of formats!

Just a FEW of the formats you could play:

-Rock (including modern/classic/indie) -Pop -Country -Country -Classical

- Jazz -Dance -Sports -News/Talk -International

Come to our meetings, Thursdays 12:30 p.m., in Normal 102, to get started. It’s that easy!!

University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010

Library Information

The library staff has been working hard this past year to offer you a great selection of print and electronic resources that will help you with your courses and research. The first thing you might notice is a new look to our library Web page. What this means for you is a new, more powerful interface to search for books and other resources in this library and the University of Maine System libraries. It’s now easier to check to see what your professor has placed on reserve at the circulation desk (you can search under the professor’s name or by the course title/number). Our system also lets you manage your own library account by being able to display what books you have checked out and when they are due. We’ve also added a chat service to our page if you need to ask a question or chat with one of the library staff. Our goal is to ultimately be the place to go to for information on all of the libraries’ print and electronic resources. Have you checked out the libraries’ Web page lately? Almost 90 percent of our journals are available electronically by our web page from any location you are presently. You’ll also find other resources

on doing research and how to document your evidence. In addition, we have links to other local libraries and libraries within the state. Our reference collection In addition to our growing electronic collections, the librarians have been hard at work updating our reference collection. This collection provides you with a core group of books covering all the disciplines taught at the university. Leisure reading collections If you’re looking for a break from studying, please visit our leisure reading collection located next to the entrance. That’s where you’ll also find a small collection of popular magazines and newspapers for relaxation. Need an article or book that isn’t available at UMPI? You can request of books and articles from any location. Check out links to My Interlibrary Loan on the library Web page. It typically takes just a few days to receive the items you request from other locations and they’re free of charge. Library Hours Library hours during the academic year are Monday— Thursday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.,

Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday noon to 4:30 p.m., and Sunday 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Also available during the same time are computers located in the ground floor computer lab of the library. The Future We’ve done some rearranging this summer to provide you with more comfortable study and new opportunities for group interactions. Our goal is to make the library into a great place to do research and a comfortable environment to study with new furniture and a lot of natural light coming from large windows on all sides of the building. We’re here to help! The library staff is here to help you with your research needs. Please stop by the reference desk for assistance and information. You can also call or email us with questions at Ask a Librarian on the library page or use the chat service. Please visit our web page for phone numbers, complete library hours and lists of all our resources. A great way to keep up to date with new services or features at the library is to check out our Library blog at http://wp.umpi.edu/library/ Best wishes for a successful new academic year!


From the Student Exchange Office

UMPI offers a variety of student exchange opportunities for students. If you’re interested in a semester (summer, fall or spring) for a national or international, we should have a program that will work for you. The National Student Exchange (NSE) gives you the opportunity to choose to attend more than 200 campuses in the U.S., U.S. territories and Canada. You paying either UMPI home campus tuition or in-state tuition at the host campus (whichever works best for you), while using your financial aid to cover all your expenses. Course work is pre-approved and transferred back into your current program at UMPI. NSE is a wonderful opportunity for students to diversify their academic and life experiences, break out of their comfort zone and experience life from a new perspective. Applications for the following year are due in February of each year. The College Consortium for International Studies offers students the opportunity to study abroad. Financial aid can be used to cover costs for this program. Students work through a partner campus to select classes and prepare for a semester or year abroad. More information on this program can be obtained through the student exchange office in South Hall. Project Maine France (PMF) is an exchange program between the University of Maine’s seven-campus system and six universities in France. Tuition and fees are paid to the student’s home campus. Financial aid can be used to cover the cost of room, board, flight, books and expenses while on exchange. Students must

have a minimum of two years of French to be eligible for this program and should apply early in the spring for the following year. The New England Board of Higher Education offers many exchange programs to students to study at universities in Quebec and Nova Scotia as well as other New England universities at a reduced tuition rate. We’ve had students take advantage of the tuition-free 12-week intensive French programs in Quebec over this past summer. This program requires language proficiency with a minimum of two years of French. You can get information on these programs can be obtained in the student exchange office. You can obtain information and applications about the George J. Mitchell Peace Scholarship through this office, as well. UMPI is the proud home campus of the 2010-11 recipient of the Mitchell Peace Scholarship and will have a student attending Cork University in Ireland for a semester with tuition and housing paid, as well as travel and living expenses. The student exchange office is also the home of information on the Marshall Scholarship and the Rhodes Scholarship. Don’t miss out on great opportunities that are available to you just by stopping by and asking. Where do you want to study next year?


University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010

A New Beginning Juila Lunn


Anticipation was building inside the Wieden gymnasium. Seats began to fill at 9:15 a.m. The gym was filled with the hustle and bustle of people within an hour. Conversations were circulating through the air of people meeting friends and family members. Soon all would be crowded and anticipating their eventual escape from the stuffiness and heat that would soon take over. Finally, at the strike of the first chord, the familiar tune “Pomp and Circumstance” told everyone to rise. The crowd turned around and cameras rose. Silence flooded the room. All you could hear was the violinist, Anatole Wieck, professor of music at the University of Maine, and the piano accompanist, Carmen Rodriguez-Peralta, chair for the department of music at Middlesex Community College in Bedford, Mass. Cameras continually flashed as more than 180 students marched in with big smiles lighting up their faces. You could read the audience’s expressions as well: you knew they were proud. Following the students were faculty and staff members of UMPI, with President Donald Zillman, and the platform party bringing up the back. When the marching stu-

dents, faculty and staff finally stood in front of their seats, everybody stayed standing through the beautiful renditions of America and Canada’s national anthems. 2007’s Aroostook Idol winner, Annie Charles, delighted the audience with her performance of “The Star Spangled Banner,” and a 2003 graduate from UMPI, David Ferrell, sang “O’ Canada.”

made by Barry McCrum, a member of the Board of Trustees for the University of Maine System, and Richard Pattenaude, Chancellor of the University of Maine System. McCrum commended the “care and dedication from the faculty and staff for the students’ success,” here at UMPI. Pattenaude spoke after McCrum and said, “Thank you for sharing part of your

her speech, she brought in some comic relief, which was nice to hear. She reconnected with her past during her speech because she grew up in Caribou and comes home when congress is not in session. “For me coming home, it is more than just reconnecting with family and friends. I am reconnecting with values: values that shaped me growing up, and values that are still shaping me today.” She also recognized our wind turbine on campus, as she said, “it plays a key role empowering civilization,” and we can look at it as a symbol on our campus of something great and powerful. Finally, Collins ended with this statement: “Stay in Maine! Apply talent, energy and enthusiasm in this great state,” she continued. “Maine needs what you have to offer. Serve your community.” With that appeal, she concluded with, “Congrats grads and God speed.” The gymnasium overflowed with the sound of applause.

UMPI Class of 2009 marching in. By the last clap from the audience for the soloists, everyone was seated, and Zillman welcomed everybody to the University of Maine in Presque Isle’s graduation of 2010. Said welcomes were

life’s jour ney with us.” Following these welcomes, Zillman introduced the commencement speaker, Senator Susan Collins. She opened with, “What an honor it is to be with you today.” Throughout

Before the students would go up on stage for their long awaited reward, Zillman presented three honorary degrees to David and Roberta Griffiths and Collins. To add a special touch, Zillman asked Collins’ parents to come up to help her receive her academic hood. After their short thank you speeches, Dr. Michael Sonntag, vice-president of academic affairs, got up and announced the candidates for each degree. Zillman, Dean Christine Corsello and Collins stood to shake hands and congratulate the graduating students of 2010. Once the final people were called and walked back to their seats, President Zillman announced the conferral of their graduation official. “You may move your tassels to the other side.” In closing, alumnus and director of alumni relations, Keith Madore, left some final thoughts for the graduates. “I urge you to be those leaders. Make your community a better place.” With that, Annie Charles stepped up to the microphone once more and performed the song “Hallelujah,” by Leonard Cohen. With the applause that followed, everyone rose yet again to watch the proud graduates of the University of Maine in Presque Isle walk out toward their new beginning.

University Health Service

The Student Health Service is located in Emerson Annex. During t h e s e m e s t e r, a r e g i s t e r e d nurse practitioner holds office hours Monday t h ro u g h Fr i d a y ( e x c l u d i n g h o l i d a y s ) , 1 t o 5 p. m . All UMPI students are welcome to utilize the campus health serv-

ice. Services available include physical exams, laboratory tests, treatment for routine health problems and immunizations. Health education infor mation on many health topics is available. The health service staff would like to

welcome all new and returning students. We wish you a healthy and successf u l y e a r. Linda Mastro, CRNP D i r e c t o r, Health Service (207) 768-9586 linda.mastro@umpi.edu

University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010

A Dose of Medicine: Injecting Inspiration

Stephanie Corriveau

School gave him options and ideas about his career path. “I no longer look at my path First, you see the small head. toward the health professions as Next, you notice the tiny arms only one choice, but as many that are wiggling about. And possible routes to the same outwithin a few minutes, you hear come. This week provided the cries. As you observe this many opportunities toward my scene, you experience a rollerpursuit of becoming a doctor. I coaster of emotions. After all, highly recommend it to anyone it’s not every day that you get to else considering the see a birth. medical professions,” For doctors, this is Varney said. only a small dose of After reading about their daily life. But no all of the benefits of matter what type of sitthe Mini-Medical uation they face, they School, you may still most definitely experihave some concerns ence a wide range of about applying. For emotions. If you’re instance, you might interested in a medical ask: What if I’m not career, then you may sure that I want to be curious to see just become a doctor? what their day-to-day What if I’m not a preactivities are like. With med major? These the help of a special questions are the program, you just answers to why you might get the opportushould apply to the n i t y . program! By witnessThe Mini-Medical ing hospital life, you School program gives can get an idea of students the chance to whether you’d enjoy a watch and learn from medical career. physicians at Maine Jennifer Baum, an Medical Center in education major at Portland. By completthe University of ing a Mini-Medical Maine at Farmington, School application, has planned to you could be selected become a science to participate in a variteacher. After taking ety of medical activiStephanie Corriveau in her scrubs. different science classes, ties. To give you a taste of what you might encounter, could practice sewing surgical however, she has gained an it’s possible that you may be stitches just like medical school interest in medicine. Baum lucky enough to see a birth. Or students get to do. One place of hoped that the Mini-Medical if you’re not a fan of witnessing interest that you may tour is School could help her decide Medical Center which field she should choose. C-sections, you could get an Maine “(I wanted) to get a taste of adrenaline kick by shadowing in Research Institute. It’s at this the Emergency Department. facility that you’ll hear about the different fields of medicine The program is filled with research opportunities and get that are available. I’m still on many shadowing activities, to witness the lab work that’s the border. I just want to keep place. my options open,” Baum said. whether they’re in pediatrics, taking If you’re interested in learnThe entire Mini-Medical cardiology, internal medicine, oncology or even the operating School experience injects inspi- ing more about the MiniSchool, visit room. The entire experience is ration. It offers you the oppor- Medical exciting from observing the tunity to explore the different h t t p : / / m m c . o r g / doctors’ work to putting on a specialties in medicine. It can meded_body.cfm?id=5593. If pair of scrubs. also help you get on the right you participate you’re guaran“The best part of the week is track towards medical school by teed to be left with memories shadowing the physicians and learning about the application that you won’t forget. So apply seeing how in different disci- process. Warren Varney, a and try out a dose of medicine. plines they have different skills. University of Maine student, It might just be good for you. It’s interesting to learn about the felt that the Mini-Medical STAFF WRITER

physician-patient relationships,” Jana Sacco, a University of Southern Maine student, said. The Mini-Medical School, which lasts a week, also includes presentations, projects and visits to other MMC facilities. For instance, you may get to listen to a traditional medical school lecture and take notes. Or you


Preperation for University Life and Learning Program in Merriman and Park Halls The PULL program is created by students for students with the ultimate goal of bonding students and providing them with access points to the tools and resources they need to succeed here at the university. PULL stands for Preparation for University Life and Learning. This program is offered throughout the fall semester to our first-year students and is coordinated by two upper-class students who live in Merriman Hall and Park Hall with you. The transition to campus can be difficult and being a part of these activities will offer you social outlets and helpful connections to the university culture. The PULL programs are convenient to you and are offered in Park Hall or Merriman Hall TV lounges. The events are focused on fun and engaging activities that try to connect all personality types and interests. Here’s a look at what they have in store for you. September: Tug-of-War: The challenge begins early. Test your muscles against upperclassmen and faculty to see if your incoming class or which residence hall will be the new reigning champs! Class Photo: Join us and pose with your class for both serious and silly photos. Soccer Spirit: Get in the spirit! Join your friends for some fun face-painting to prepare to cheer on our soccer teams! Club Day: Get Involved! Here’s your chance at prizes, give-aways, food, and fun. Club day is a great time for all. Join us in the Campus Center and explore your options. October: First year Bingo: Win prizes! Test your first year knowledge to be the class

champion. Silliness is to be expected! Midnight Madness: We’ll be continuing our face-painting tradition and offer prizes for most artistic face painting. We provide the paint, you provide the creativity. Halloween in the Halls: We invite area families to bring their children into our decorated halls for a fun night of spirited trick or treating. Decorating contests, pizza, and prizes….plus candy galore! November: Hockey Spirit: Let’s cheer on our hockey team with another round of face painting and prizes! Registration Help: We take the confusion out of this process and show you the simple way to complete the registration process. Pizza & Condoms: Everything you wanted to know about sex, lubricant, latex prophylactics. And we provide pizza, too! December: Apples-to-Apples: UMPI students are competitive when it comes to this game, often resulting in laughter. Take a break from studying and relax as you play. Final Party: Close out the semester with the final drawing of prizes, relax, and enjoy some pizza. We raffle off $100 gift certificate to the bookstore, which is a blessing when you buy books for the next semester! If you have questions or suggestions about the PULL program, please contact Jannie Durr via email: jannie.durr@umpi.edu. If you’d like to become a PULL coordinator, you can apply to Jannie Durr during the spring semester.


University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010

Residence HallsFor Commuters and for Residents

The “typical” dorm room. Welcome to UMPI. My name is Jim Stepp and I am the assistant dean of students/director of residence life. The title of this article may seem confusing to you, but it is accurate. The resi-

dence halls are for commuters as well as residential students. The residence halls offer opportunities for programming and learning for residential and commuting students. The residence

halls also may be used for emergency housing for those students who commute. In a separate article in this edition of the University Times, Jannie Durr describes some of the activities available in the residence halls to aid new students in their adjustment to college life. This series of activities are part of the Preparation for University Life and Learning (PULL) program. Although these programs take place in the residence halls, they are open to all students. The programs are designed to help you meet

Student Support Services Welcomes You

Concerned about your grades? Organizationally challenged? Having difficulties due to a documented disability? Have questions about with whom to speak about a problem? Our friendly crew would like to meet you, so please come visit us at Student Support Services in South Hall for assistance. Seek help the minute you experience a problem! Our tutor coordinator will speak with you about your academic struggles and arrange for a FREE tutor for your academic classes or to help you structure your class work and supplies. Please call 768-9614. Mary Kate Barbosa, the director of student support services, encourages students with documented disabilities to seek appropriate accommodations on campus. Each stu-

dent requesting services must provide appropriate documentation. Contact her at 7689613 or mary.barbosa@umpi.edu to arrange an appointment, obtain the appropriate forms and request accommodations. In addition to these important areas, we are also happy to provide personal,

new people, learn important skills needed for college, and are just plain fun. Watch future editions of the University Times to find out more about these programs. Another area where the residence halls may be useful to the commuting student population is for emergency housing. As you might have guessed, it does occasionally snow in Northern Maine. If school is canceled and you feel it is unsafe to drive home, please feel free to contact me. If you do not have a friend in the local area to stay with, I should be able to find a place for you to stay. Remember, your safety is very important to the university. In my role as the director of residence life, my staff and I work with the residential students to help you succeed in college. There are two full-time professional area coordinators

who live and work on campus. Jannie Durr lives in Emerson Hall and April Platt lives in Park Hall. Jannie works closely with the resident assistants. April Platt’s main focus is campus activities, but she’s also involved in the residence halls. If you have any concerns about living in the residence halls, please feel free to stop by the Emerson Hall Annex and speak with me. I may also be seen eating most of my meals in the cafeteria, feel free to sit down with me, have a meal, and chat. As the assistant dean of students, I work with many other people on campus to help students stay in school. If you feel you’re having problems with your grades or with any other situation, I may be able to help. If I can’t help, I’ll be able to assist you in getting to the right person for who can.

The Residence Advisory Council

The Residence Advisory Council began at the request of the assistant dean of students/director of residence life in fall 2009. The RAC was developed to provide residential students with a stronger voice in their living experiences on campus. The RAC became an outlet for opinions and programming opportunities. RAC members consist of students who live in the residence halls and possess a passionate and empowered spirit. financial and career counNot only do the RAC memseling help and referrals for bers provide opinions, but students needing these serv- they take action! Their goals ices. We work directly with for the pending 2010-2011 Counseling Services, academic year will be to write Financial Aid, and Career their constitution and become Services to most effectively fully recognized by the student serve you. senate. Following this official recognition, the RAC expects to be actively involved in

improving residential living on campus. The RAC executive board consists of four upper-class students: Lizzie Bousquet, Amanda Harrop, Buddy Robinson and Carolyn Tuck. RAC members have volunteered to assist first-year students move into the residence halls during WOW week. They are excited to meet the new class. Members from the RAC will be at the Club and Community Fair in September if you want to learn more or join this council. If you have questions or suggestions about the RAC, please contact any of the above executive board members, the RAC Facebook page or their adviser, Jannie Durr, via e-mail: jannie.durr@umpi.edu.

University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010

Back to School Help From the IS Help Desk The IS (Information Services) department will have extra help the first two weeks of school to help people get connected to the university network. Please stop by our office located on the ground floor of the library between 8a.m. and 5p.m. The IS department provides the following service to students: An e-mail account including 7GB of storage Three PC labs and PC classrooms More than 100 publicly available computers in the labs and other locations Wired connectivity to the Internet in dorm rooms Wireless connectivity (802.11B) in 100 percent of buildings, including the dorms The IS department will ensure a data drop is working correctly in each dorm room. Documentation on the correct network setup (and other topics) can be found at the IS Help Desk and http://www.umpi.edu/it-services/resnet The IS department will service students’ personal equipment such as desktop PCs, laptops, printers. If you want to register your gaming system (e.g., XBOX), please bring it to the IS department in the library basement office with all the cables. Please check the IS policies for proper use of the campus network http://www.umpi.edu/it-services/forms-policies . E-mail Accounts: Students access their e-mail by visiting http://mail.maine.edu. All UMS student e-mail accounts will be with Google


Apps, Google’s worldrenowned, Web-based e-mail, calendar and documents software. This will allow you to access your e-mail, calendar and documents from a Web browser, to share and collaborate in new ways, and to store large amounts of information at Google. These new options result from a recent partnership between the University of Maine System and Google. Google Apps offers: - A robust, Web-based interface for mail, calendars and d o c u m e n t s . - A large and expanding quota for storage - currently 7GB. - Personal, shared and public calendars. - Integrated chat. When your account is migrated to Google Apps, the mail on our UMS mail server will be transferred to Google. Your email address won’t change as a result of this change to Google Apps. And you’ll continue to log into your mail with your UMS username and password. Any e-mail forwards you have set will not be affected, nor will your access to MaineStreet. Final plans are being put into place, and you’ll receive more information as these plans are finalized. Updates will also be posted on the Web and are a v a i l a b l e from http://mail.maine.edu. Docs: Create and share your work online Welcome to the University of Maine System documents and spreadsheets program, powered by Google. Get started creating new documents, or upload your existing documents. The familiar desktop-

feel makes editing easy, and the sharing tools make it easy to choose who can edit or view your files. - Keep your documents current. It’s easy to make sure everyone sees the most updated version of your file, every time. When there are multiple people editing at once, we’ll keep a record so that you can see who added and deleted what, when. - Edit your documents and spreadsheets from anywhere. All you need is a Web browser-your documents and spreadsheets are stored securely online. To work on documents offline or distribute them as attachments, simply save a copy to your own computer in the format that works best for you. - Share changes in real time. Invite people to your documents/spreadsheets and make changes together, at the same time. Your sharing tools are integrated with your Gmail contact list, so it’s easy to invite new collaborators and viewers

within an organization. Mail: Less spam, plenty of space and access from anywhere Welcome to your e-mail for the University of Maine System, powered by Google, where e-mail is more intuitive, efficient and useful. - Keep unwanted messages out of your inbox with Google’s powerful spam blocking technology. - Keep any message you might need down the road, and then find it fast with Google search. Send mail, read new messages and search your archives instantly from your phone. - Calendar: Organize your schedule and share events with ease Welcome to your calendar for University of Maine System, powered by Google, where managing your time is easier than ever. - Share events and whole calendars with other people you need to stay in sync with.

- See your own agenda next to calendars shared with you to see the big picture. - Stay on schedule when you’re on the go with mobile access and even SMS appointment reminders. Forwarding e-mail to an alternate account Students who want to have their e-mail forwarded to another outside account such as Yahoo, Hotmail, etc., need to see the IS department and fill out an E-mail Forwarding Form. This process takes 48 hours. All new mail will be forwarded. Old mail will remain in the UMPI account. If later you want to stop forwarding your e-mail, stop by the IS department and fill out another e-mail forwarding form. Again this will take 48 hours. Individual students are responsible for all announcements sent to them via e-mail, regardless of any problems with an alternate account such as Yahoo or Hotmail. Again, please check the policies on the website.


University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010

Kayla Ames

What You Might Note Have Known You Needed to Survive


College, especially the first year, can be a hectic time, to say the least. While it’s a time when you young adults gain independence, it’s also a time you learn responsibility. This independence and responsibility starts early and plays a part in everything from choosing the college to packing for freshman year. In the chaos that comes before it, you might forget some things and not even think of others. This list, “What You Might Not Have Known You Needed to Survive,” is a less conventional look at what you’ll more than likely need to get through your first, second, third and fourth years. Quarters— Quarters are mainly for laundry, whether you clean your clothes in the dorm facilities or a laundromat. If not laundry, for those lucky enough to have helpful parents and their washing machine/dryer close by, then they can be used to buy latenight snacks when you stay up studying. Painkillers and similar supplies— Tylenol can help with headaches brought on by hangovers or a combination of stress and sleep deprivation. Cold medicine and disinfectant are also a good idea, because if one person gets sick in a dorm, everyone gets sick. Strong self-awareness— This might not seem necessary, and many aren’t sure at first if they’ve brought it along, but you need to know your habits and your limits. Know what you can tolerate and what you can’t. If you know you’re a procrastinator or that you won’t be able to concentrate with loud music, make a plan to avoid pitfalls and obstacles that could result in an awful year. Winter gear— To those who

don’t know or haven’t heard, Presque Isle is cold. Some might think they can tough it out, but it’s better to wear a puffy jacket that makes you look like a marshmallow than get sick and miss so many classes that you fall hopelessly behind. Proper gear would include a jacket, preferablythough many opt for thick sweatshirts-boots and gloves, if not a hat and scarf as well. Shower supplies— Some of these are obvious (shampoo,

IPod/headphones/earplugs — As annoying and inconsiderate as it is, people will play music, and they will play it loudly, usually the very music you hate more than any other and right when you’re studying or trying to sleep. Either way, there’s going to be someone who makes a lot of noise. Having an iPod, headphones and earplugs will allow you to concentrate and, hopefully, keep you from killing anyone. A business outfit— Good for

The typical college survival kit.

soap, etc.), but you should also know that flip flops are a must. Handfuls of people use those showers every day, and you can bet there are germs, even if the water does smell like bleach. Get a strong pair of flip flops and wear them, not only in the shower, but in the bathroom. Go with thin towels over thick and fluffy. Thin towels dry faster and if you don’t feel like doing laundry every night, they’ll be ready for use the next day. Also, bring something to carry everything in since you’ll probably have quite a few items and the shower might be a little too far to carry an armload of stuff.

interviews or important events, even if you don’t think you’ll ever attend anything professional. They might be unpleasant, but they help you make a good impression. While T-shirts and jeans are infinitely more comfortable, you’re in college now. College is all about taking responsibility and, yes, sometimes doing things you don’t want to do. This might be one of them. Outdoor game equipment— Winters in Presque Isle bring plenty of snow, and if you like skiing, sledding or skating, you’re almost guaranteed to find a spot where you can do it. Besides that, when it

warms up, you won’t want to be cooped up inside. Playing a game outside with friends is a great way to pass the time. A football, Frisbee and just about anything else you can think of will be welcome - not to mention probably bring you instant popularity. Important information such as IDs, Social Security card, birth certificate and medical information such as your health insurance card— You’ll probably be asked for these at some point, and t h e y could be essential if you have a medical e m e r g e n c y. Plus, job interviews m i g h t require identification. It w o u l d also be a good idea to buy a lanyard to carry things on (available at the UMPI bookstore). Extension cord(s)— You’ll have a lot of stuff to plug in, and you don’t want to overload the circuits. An extension cord with surge protection would be ideal. Bedding— Pillows and blankets are obvious, but if someone told you college dorm beds were comfortable, they were mistaken. Though not nearly as bad as they could be, they won’t be anything like your bed at home. A mattress pad and eggcrate or small memory foam mattress will keep the bed springs from digging into your

hip and allow you to sleep relatively comfortably. Miniature vacuum— If you don’t bring your own vacuum, you’ll have to share one with everyone on your floor. This means it could take a while before you’re able to clean your room, and if you’re trying to clean up before friends or mom and dad arrive, this delay becomes all the more annoying. Buying a small vacuum to keep in your room will guarantee near-instant cleanliness and no long waits. Hangers— The smallest and most important things can slip your mind when it comes to packing for college. Chances are you can’t fit all your clothes in the bureau, or you’ll have another use for it, which means you’ll need hangers to keep your clothes off the floor and somewhere near orderly. Safe box— With all the money and the important information (above) you’ll have around, you might want a way to keep everything secure. Buying a cumbersome, heavy safe box is a good way of doing so. You should keep it in an inconspicuous place, keep its presence a secret and carry the key on your person so that there’s no other way to get in. Connection to home— This isn’t a conventional item to bring along by any means, and for the first few weeks, you might not miss home. But most of you will with time. Even commuters who live fairly close might long for the way things used to be. For those in dorms, bring something that reminds you of home. Whether this is pictures, home-cooked food, posters from your old room or a phone to call your family with, it will help keep you sane and remind you what you came here to do.

University Times WELCOME August 26, 2010


TRiO Upward Bound in the Summer: A Great Place to Work

The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s TRiO Upward Bound (UB) program celebrated another successful summer program. TRiO Upward Bound, a federally funded program, began in 1964 as part of Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty and has been operating at the UMPI campus since 1980. In 2006, an additional grant was awarded that resulted in satellite offices at the University of Maine at Fort Kent and the Houlton Higher Education Center, enabling the program to serve 119 students in 16 Aroostook County high schools. Designed for first generation, economically disadvantaged high school students who aspire to attend college, the program provides academic year services, including academic counseling, college visits, cultural events and various UB sponsored events. The cornerstone of the program is the six-week summer residential component that provides students with the opportunity to hone their academics, learn the balance of working hard and playing hard, and experience a taste of residential life. This year the morning curriculum was redesigned to better suit students’ wide variety of academic needs with more choices in the areas of English, mathematics and science. Mathematics saw a range of classes from algebra 1 through calculus, English classes covered reading comprehension through honors English, and science covered biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology and a new class called BiomedicineWorks. Biomedicine training and curriculum was provided by the Foundation for Blood Research, which also provided some funding for the endeavor. UB received a grant from the National Girl’s Collaborative Project to assist with travel expenses associated with a fieldtrip to the Maine Medical Center in Portland. The BiomedicineWorks curriculum used a hands-on approach for students, including specific case management techniques and clinical trials, encouraging youth to pursue various fields in the sciences.

In the afternoons, underclassmen studied Latin and also had the choice of outdoor exploration, yearbook, art, music and creative writing as afternoon electives. Students with a high enough GPA could instead opt to take a college statistics class in the afternoons, thus finishing the summer with three college cred-

assistants for faculty members during the day. They accompany students on college visits, white water rafting and fieldtrips. They live with, work with and mentor students throughout the summer. TRiO Upward Bound has always been fortunate to have high quality staff. Led by veteran Upward Bound

In back from left: Michaele Black, Rachel McGlinn, Megan Flannigan, Michelle Morneault. In front: Paul Rucci, Douglas Miles, Seth Dorr, Andrew Gendron. its. Upperclassmen had the option of taking afternoon electives or could participate in the work experience program that placed 27 students this year in various businesses in the Presque Isle area. Student placements try to mirror what students would like to pursue once they begin their college career so that they can get a better understanding of the field they would like to study. Some of the placements this summer included Congressman Mike Michaud’s office, the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce, Presque Isle Police Department, Wintergreen Arts Center. Many students were placed in various departments at The Aroostook Medical Center. Several UMPI campus offices hosted students as well. The success of the summer program rests largely on the caliber of the summer staff hired as counselor/tutors (C/Ts). Counselor/tutors must have completed at least two years of higher education and maintained at least a 3.0 GPA. They serve as RAs for students in the residence halls and are teaching

Resident Director Tammy Smith, this year’s staff was also outstanding. Douglas Miles – Assistant Resident Director Douglas begins his senior year at UMPI this fall majoring in business MIS and accounting, with a minor in history. This is Douglas’ second year with UB and some of his favorite moments have been the UMFK college visit, white water rafting and van rides. When asked what impact the program has had on him, Douglas said, “I learn a lot more from the students than I could ever hope to teach them.” Michaele Black – Bridge/Floater C/T Michaele is a graduate of NMCC and will start her junior year at the University of Southern Maine in music education. She’s also a veteran summer staff member, coming back for her third year “to get a new perspective.” When asked about her experiences, Michaele said, “The students never cease to amaze me. I love watching them get excited about life

and cherish the looks on their faces when they accomplish something they believed to be impossible. It reminds me how important every breath really is.” Paul Rucci –Biology/Anatomy/Biom edicineWorks C/T Paul is entering his senior year at UMPI studying athletic training. One of the reasons he took the position with Upward Bound was that it fit in so well with his summer plans of an early class, leading into an internship in the fall. Paul was pleasantly surprised that students were better behaved than he anticipated. “I thought I’d have to do a lot more policing in the classroom than has actually happened.” Another surprise was how much students looked up to C/Ts and wanted to share their successes with them. Michelle Morneault – Chemistry C/T Michelle is entering her junior year at UMPI pursuing a degree in special education. She also works at Ashland Community School during the academic year in the special education department. Michelle took this job because, “I wanted an experience with kids outside of a traditional school setting.” Michelle was surprised to find out how much sleep she actually needs when dealing with teenagers 24/7! What was her favorite part of the program? “Getting to know all of the students and their personalities.” Andrew Gendron – English C/T Andy has an associate degree in Audio Engineering from Johnson State College and is entering his junior year at Sierra Nevada College this fall for a degree in ski area and resort management. He found the amount of academics students dedicate themselves to over the summer break astounding. “I’ve enjoyed this summer program because it’s been a great opportunity to meet and

work with youth in Aroostook County. I’ve also developed lasting friendships with my fellow C/Ts with whom I’ve worked through this experience.” Seth Dorr – Mathematics C/T Seth is entering his fourth year at UMPI pursuing a degree in physical education. Seth, an alum of Upward Bound, said,” I took this position as an opportunity to give back to a great program that aided me in furthering my education.” When asked about his best experience in the summer program, Seth said, “Sharing many lasting memories with students from a variety of backgrounds.” Rachel McGlinn – Mathematics C/T Rachel graduated from UMPI with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education with a concentration in special education. She recently was hired as the special education teacher at Connor Elementary School and will start her new position in the fall of 2010. Rachel took the position with the UB summer program because, “I saw the job as an opportunity to work with and learn from local youth in both an academic and social setting.” She sums up her positive experience with, “I have had a stellar summer with the UB students! It still amazes me how close we have all become.” Megan Flannigan – English C/T Megan holds a degree in public relations from Mount Saint Vincent University and will attend UMPI in the fall for teaching certification. Her reasons for working with UB this summer included the opportunity to work with high school aged students. But it was more than that. “Upward Bound is a fantastic program that helps these students ensure a further education through hard work, guidance, and a little fun!” Her most rewarding experience was “really connecting with the kids and seeing them grow and learn together and seeing how much they really want a better future for themselves.”

Kick Off The School Year Right! Go To The Campus Club & Welcome Fair Wednesday, Sept. 15 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. In The Campus Center MultiPurpose Room

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