Volume 39 Issue 3

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i n s i d e t h i s i s s u e :

Think outside the candy box. details on pg. 8-9

University of Maine at Presque Isle Volume 39 Issue 3

Journalism for Northern Maine

SEPTEMBER 24, 2010

Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

Musical Extravaganza Ends the Summer with a Bang

forming at the “ We ’ r e Deadman took the stage. The B a n g o r using b o r - crowd’s prior enthusiasm was Waterfront later r o w e d e q u i p - nothing compared to the excitGray skies, a chill in the air, this month. m e n t , ” t h e ed cries for the much anticipata chance of rain – yet thouTickets were also l e a d s i n g e r ed band. Performing “Bad sands were not thwarted as they given away to see s a i d . “ D e l t a Girlfriend,” “Santa Monica,” traveled to Caribou’s Spud Black Label A i r l i n e s and “Make Up Your Mind,” Speedway to take part in one of Society. a c t u a l l y l o s t among others, the band took the biggest events to hit At last, the main the Speedway by storm. Picks o u r o w n Northern Maine. event began. The were thrown into the audience e q u i p m e n t On Sept. 5, 12 Stones, Eve crowd went wild as to catch as souvenirs, and some d u r i n g t h e 6, and Theory of a Deadman, 12 Stones took the were even lucky enough to get a f l i g h t o v e r. ” along with two other local stage. Performing signature or two. It was cerbands, the Roc Dox and hits such as “Lie to “I thought the concert was tainly an Turning Point, played for nearMe,” “Anthem for awesome, really awesome.” said a s t o u n d i n g ly seven hours, entertaining fans the Underdog,” one crowd member. “I can’t moment, as of all ages. More than three “We Are One” a wait for more popular bands to not only did thousand were in attendance single from their come to Spud Speedway. the band still that afternoon, along with do an excellent Definitely worth it.” numerous vendors. Roc Dox new album “The Only Easy Day As the night drew to job, but they and Turning Point were the first Was Yesterday” a close, the energy was still showed that bands to perform, each doing a From left to right: guest Dylan Plissey and WUPIʼs and ending their palpable among the thouthey were still set of six to seven songs. Justin Stairs and Ben Pinette broadcasting live. set with the much sands of concert goers. It’s happy and willIn between sets, the audianticipated song, hard to think of a more ing to perfor m singer, spoke briefly with us. ence members were asked to “Broken,” the band certainly exciting way to have ended for their eager fans regardWhen asked why 12 Stones use their phones and text to got the crowd’s energy going. the summer, though many less of the setback. chose to come to Caribou, enter a contest to win tickets to Paul McCoy, the band’s lead would agree – tomorrow cerIn conclusion to the Maine, he replied, “We do our see Godsmack, which’ll be pertainly came too soon. night’s events, Theory of a own thing, and perform where we want to perform. We saw this event coming up and thought hey, why not?” Following 12 Stones was another much anticipated band, Eve 6. It’s band from the ‘90s known for songs such as “Inside Out,” “Promise,” and “Here’s to the Night,” all of which members played at Spud Speedway. The bandMax Collins, lead singer and bass player, Jon Siebels, guitarist, and Tony Fagenson, the drummer all flew to Maine of their own expense. At one point during the set, Collins paused the performance for any oddities in their sound. Theory of a Deadmanʼs Tyler Connolly rocks stage. Paul McCoy of 12 Stones thrilling the fans. Rachel Churchill STAFF WRITER


University Times


September 24, 2010

Dear readers,

The University Times Staff Editor Lanette Virtanen Assistant Editors Ben Pinette Sarah Graettinger Staff Writers Kayla Ames Rachel Churchill Stephanie Corriveau Stephanie Jellett Julia Lunn Mika Ouellette Ben Pinette Contributors April Flagg Dick Harrison Cameron Huston Dakota Koch Sarah Sjoberg Don Zillman Adviser Dr. J The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

The first month of classes is under our belts and now is a great time to see whatʼs going on around campus. Take the time to read the notices that are up around campus, see whatʼs going on and start to take part. Whether itʼs to watching a game, joining the gym, checking out the art gallery or seeing whatʼs going on for entertainment, thereʼs always something happening. So get out there and enjoy the fall weather. If we know anything about the weather here in Aroostook County, itʼs that itʼs never predictable. -Lanette Hello, What a busy few weeks it its been! WUPI 92.1 was recently live at Spud Speedway in Caribou for Summerfest, featuring the acts of Theory of a Deadman, Eve 6, 12 Stones and two local acts. WUPIʼs Justin Stairs and Rachel Churchill from the U Times also were there. Justin actually scored a live interview with Paul McCoy, the lead singer of 12 Stones. Weʼre definitely had a blast. Look for pictures and an article inside this issue of the U Times. Weʼre also taking some bold steps in the radio this semester. Look for a local news magazine show done by members of Dr. Jʼs ENG 212 class. This is a one of a kind local news show that hasnʼt been tried here before. It should be very exciting. Also, the U Times has some new writers. Look for their articles in our next issue tentatively out on Oct. 22. For now, take it easy and continue to support WUPI 92.1 and the U Times. -Ben Hello, Welcome to the new semester at UMPI: and now thereʼs plenty going on. Iʼm here to bring you news about whatʼs going on around the campus and community. I hope that youʼre having a great start this semester, with lotʼs of fun to follow. Keep track of whatʼs going on by reading the U Times. I hope that you have a great year! -Sarah

Oct. 4 Oct. 25

Dates for Submissions to the U Times

Nov. 8 Nov. 29

Any submissions recieved after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.


University Times CAMPUS September 24, 2010

From Don’s Desk

Be Part of the Solution

We’ve had a very successful start to the academic year. I get good reports from faculty and students about their classes. I like the energy shown at our cultural programs and athletic contests. Collaborations between campus and community go very well. This also promises to be a very vigorous political year. In early

Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

Unloading on move-in And we say hello. The classic Beatles’ song perfectly sums up the atmosphere of the freshmen move-in that took place on Aug. 26. As students and families carried

November, we’ll select a new national Congress, a new governor for Maine and a new Maine legislature. All of those decisions have an impact on our concerns about higher education as well as the broad range of challenges facing the United States and the State of Maine. I have unhappy memories of 10 years ago when I was on the Law School faculty in Portland. Numbers of my good students were persuaded that there was little difference between the candidates for

president. Bush or Gore (or third party candidate Ralph Nader) would be about the same in how they governed. I fear that many of those bright future lawyers took the election off. I wish I could survey them today and ask: “How many still think it wouldn’t have made a difference who became president in January 2001?” Happily, this election is emphasizing strong differences among the candidates. That should stimulate good discussion and debate. We should

You Say Goodbye…

boxes and totes into the dorms, they prepared their goodbyes. But the day was also filled with many “hellos” as the freshmen began forming new friendships. Cars began to arrive on campus at about 1 pm. Student volunteers in bright orange shirts greeted the families. Part of the “Destination UMPI Moving Crew,” the volunteers offered to help move the freshmen’s belongings. It didn’t day. take long for the new students to start unpacking and get settled into their rooms. Cookies and punch were served to welcome the freshmen to their home away from home.

Brianna Williams and her mom at move in.

have one Presque Isle debate among the leading candidates for governor in late October. I hope we will also have a debate between the two candidates for the United States House of Representatives and our local candidates for the Maine Legislature. Let’s be ready to ask thoughtful questions. The answers to those questions will shape the future of the State of Maine. Plan to participate. Plan to vote. Don

As time passed, the “It takes some of the worry parking lots around out of it,” Anna Landry said. Merriman, Emerson Overall, the freshmen and Park filled up. move-in was a success. It Students explored helped to get the students their new surroundrelaxed and calmed parents’ ings with excited and fears. anxious expressions “I think that having this on their faces. It program made things run seemed that the new more smoothly and a positive students had a lot of experience for everyone. Plus, the same concerns. you get to meet the people “I’m a little nervous you’re living with,” Leah about classes,” Shaina McEachern, a volunteer said. Hood said. So, to all of the freshmen: Brianna Williams welcome! Although you may shared another fear have said lots of goodbyes over that many freshmen Leah McEachern helping out. the past few months, that’s all typically have. to campus life. But after about to change. It’s the per“Being away from home,” attending sessions and talk- fect time to get to know other Williams said. ing with people from UMPI, people and start a new chapter The freshmen had many they feel more confident that of your life at the University of positive things to look forward things will be ok. Maine at Presque Isle. to, though. Many were excited to get to know other students. They also were interested in joining clubs and campus activities. “I plan to play basketball for the women’s league,” Olivia McNally said. One thing that many new students and their families noticed about UMPI is its welcoming environment. “It has a very good atmosphere,” Hood said. Parents Gordon and Anna Landry were surprised at how nice everyone on campus is. They admitted that they were concerned about how their son would adjust Shania Hood unpacking.


University Times CAMPUS September 24, 2010

Stephanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

On a very sunny, very hot August day, RAs gathered in the campus center to set up activities for the new freshmen of UMPI. Freshmen came with their teams to get ready to start the UMPI adventure! RAs had set up nine different stations around campus. They all had the teams all start at one and had them compete. The team that got the most points would win money towards a pizza party of its choice. The station activities included: horseshoes, basketball, disc golf, music video, sharp eyes, frozen socks, wind turbine mural, do you think like me? There were also various games, such as mad gab and sudoku, which took place in the Campus center. The final challenge of the day:

Julia Lunn


Feeling homesick? No need to fear; UMPI is here! To help kick things off this semester, UMPI put on a family carnival to help students get the homey feel of campus. On Wednesday, Sept. 1, UMPI invited faculty, staff, residential and commuter students and families to play games, win prizes and enjoy

Ready, Set, Go!

dive into the pool with your the next group of freshmen, way for freshmen to get to know the press got a chance to ask each other?” clothes on! Boulware’s response was, An RA for three years now, him a couple questions. “Do you think this is a good “I do. I feel like it is a good Brandon Boulware was in way to interact. charge of the years Three called, activity ago they didn’t “Do you think like have anything me?” For his like this. It’s activity, he had nice to give the five words: coffee, incoming freshUMPI sport, man something UMPI mascott, to do before water and green. classes start.” Two participants Does that would stand back mean Boulware to back, and when had nothing he said one of the like this during words, they had to his first year write down the here at UMPI?” first word that I came here in came to mind. For the spring, so no, every word they there was nothmatched, they got ing. I basically ten points. sat in my room While and waited for Boulware was c l a s s e s , “ patiently waiting in the hot sun for RA Brandon Boulware, Carolyn Heald and Renee Moore. Boulware said.

As Close as Family

free carnival food. As people entered the north entrance of the Campus Center, they immediately sensed a warm atmosphere. In the Owls Nest, there were stations where guests could make their own bracelets, get a free (temporary) tattoo, have their faces painted and enjoy some of Leo Saucier’s homemade popcorn.

The crowd enjoying the free hotdogs.

Out on the patio of the Campus Center, you could hear Buddy Robinson calling out, “Free hotdogs!” As you took a stroll outdoors, you found people gathered around enjoying their free hotdogs, graciously grilled by Buddy and Robert Marrett. There were lawn games, including horse shoes and various ring toss games. The best surprise of the event was the appearance of our mascot, the Owl. The Owl was a big hit: people loved him. Even Dean Christine Corsello got her photo taken with him! The positive, warm energy never stopped. Student Sarah Taylor said “This is really cool. All of the WOW events have been really interesting.” We hope to keep students interested as events and activities continue on campus. It’s all part of how we sustain our homey atmosphere here at UMPI.

The questions finished and the next team, the Ballerz, came by to try out the activity. Two teammates, Jake Nason and Justin Greeley, had a lot of confidence with the UMPI activities. “We won, even though we lost half of our team,“ they’d said, once they finished writing down their answers. Once all finished the stations, they made their way over to Gentile Hall and went to the pool. Many people were skeptical about jumping into the pool with all their clothes on, but after being out in the hot sun all day, all it took was one brave freshman to start and then all did it. The team that won the money for the pizza party was Doesn’t Matter. Everyone put in a lot of team effort and had a lot of team spirit. The day was a success. Now we await next year to do it all again!

Dean Corsello with UMPI mascot, the Owl.


University Times CAMPUS September 24, 2010

A Multicultural World

more colleges are going to be built- it helps out economically. ‘Twas the night of Sept. 9, Another reason is that it brings and all was not quiet in the different cultures to America. Campus Center MPR. John Not only it is a plus for us, but DeFelice stood at the podium, it is a plus for China as well. with a grin on his face, as he President Obama has said that introduced UMPI‘s first dis- in the next four years, he will tinguished lecturer of the send 100,000 American stuyear: Karin Fischer, senior dents to study in China. reporter for the Chronicle of Currently, there are 13,000 students in China. Higher Education. Fischer had lunch with a Did you know that China sends the second largest num- few of the Chinese students, ber of for students to school in who among others, go to the U.S.? You may have UMPI. She asked them why noticed-on any university they came here, and their campus-that there are a lot of response was because the students who come from education is better and will China. In 1990, 3 percent of help them get better jobs. India is the largest center of Chinese students aged 18-24 went to college, but by 2010, students who come to the U.S. there was a 20 percent to study. Indian students also increase. Chinese students go to study in Australian and who come and study in the British universities. “If you get in, you have the United States usually study sciences, business, liberal arts golden ticket,” Fischer said. Indonesia is a place people or engineering. Countries scout out talent in this country hadn’t heard. “Obama put Indonesia back in other countries to try to get students from to go to on the map,” Fischer said, Fischer talked about the their universities. “The country that gets the partnership between Obama best talent comes out ahead,” and the President of Indonesia. Obama plans to help education Fischer said. Why are foreign students by lending $165 million dollars important? With more students so that its education program coming to America, that means can become better. Right now, only 20 percent of Indonesia’s budget focuses on education. That barely covers teachers’ salaries, so there’s little left for anything that will benefit students. Studying abroad can be expensive, but is a very good experience. It makes us a more interconnected, multicultural world. The number of people studying in Asia has grown 20 percent in the last five years. If Their experiences are something that could help everyone. Karin Fischer speaking. Stephanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

Lunch with Karin Fischer

A Full Plate

StephanieCorriveau STAFF WRITER

Despite the clattering of forks against plates, it started off as a quiet lunch in the cafeteria on Sept. 9. Bonnie DeVaney kicked off the conversation with a question. “Why did you (decide to) go to college here?” DeVaney said. Many international students were seated around the lunch table. Bikram Shrestha was the first to respond. “Education here is much better,” Shrestha said. The other students joined in with similar answers. Distinguished Lecturer Karin Fischer listened to the students’ replies. When the stu-

dents were finished, Fischer thanked them for sharing their reasons with her. She said that she often has similar conversations with college students. Fischer is a reporter for The Chronicle of Higher Education in Washington, D.C. A political philosophy major from Smith College, she began writing stories on politics. Then she took on a new beat (topic) that she has had to cover. Fisher’s beat explores how education is taking more of “a global approach.” Fischer said that her beat is something she’s very much interested in. She’s enjoyed shaping the boundaries that the beat has to offer. She examines things such as how colleges are exposing their stu-

dents to a variety of cultures. Fischer is also interested in how colleges are teaching students to work with individuals from these different cultures. “Higher education is becoming so international,” Fischer said. Fischer’s interests in writing started early on. She was editor for the newspaper at Smith College. Fischer has a passion for journalism and her job. “I like how every day it’s something new,” Fischer said. As her lunch with the students c o n t i nu e d , Fischer shared more about her job and answered questions. She has a full plate on her hands and an interesting career.

Reed Gallery calls for entries

PRESQUE ISLE - UMPIʼs Reed Gallery is sending out a call to Aroostook County artists for drawing submissions. Theyʼll be considered for inclusion in a juried exhibition connected with a statewide drawing initiative. The Reed Galleryʼs call for entries is open to all established and emerging artists in Aroostook County. It is also open to local college and university students. Submission deadline is Oct. 15, 2010. All drawing media will be considered. Jurors for this project will be the faculty members of UMPIʼs fine art program. Selected artists will be notified the week of December 6, 2010. To download an entry form and detailed instructions, visit http://www.umpi.edu/just-line.pdf.


University Times CAMPUS September 24, 2010

Seeing Red

Stephanie Corriveau STAFF WRITER

O n Ju n e 2 9 , W i e d e n Gymnasium was magically transformed. Makeshift cots lined the f loors. Boxes were

stacked and ready to be packed. A canteen was even prepared with snacks and juices. As more and more people filed into the gym, pint

Julia Lunn

after pint of blood p i l e d u p. T h e U n i ve r s i t y o f Maine at Presque Isle h o s t e d t h e A m e r i c a n Re d C ro s s ’ t h i rd S u p e r B l o o d D r i ve. T h e m a i n g o a l o f this event was to bring the t o t a l amount of blood collected for t h e ye a r u p to 500 pints. As the day wore on, excitement grew as the number of pints gathered began t o a p p ro a ch the anticipated total. The drive managed to get 279 p i n t s , w h i c h r a i s e d t h e ye a rl y t o t a l t o 4 5 8 p i n t s. A l t h o u g h t h i s amount was lower than hoped, it was still a r e c o rd t o t a l . For those individuals

wh o d on at e d bl o od , t h e pride of contributing to a worthy cause wasn’t the only satisfaction they got. Donor s were able to sign up for a chance to win Red Sox Tickets, a Mojo bike or a gift certificate f ro m t h e U M P I b o o k store. Winner s of the last two pr i ze s we re C h ri st a Galipeau and Nick Davis, respectively. Each donor also got a Pizza Hut coupon, T-shirt and free

pass to a state park. Besides donating her time to the event, Re b e c c a S t e p p gave some of her President of blood. Phi Eta Sigma, Stepp served as a volunteer at the drive. “I look forward to the n ex t bl ood dri ve in th e fall, so that I can donate blood again and possibly save some m o re l ives, ” Stepp said.

Organizers of the event hope to hold another Super Blood Drive that will be just as successful as this past year’s. But in the meantime, watch for blood drives that will be taking place at UMPI on Oct. 26, Feb. 2 and June 27. Maybe this year we can achieve the goal of 500 pints of blood. The drive is a fun event that has positive benefits all around. Sometimes seeing red isn’t a bad thing.

Blood drive in full swing,

UMPI Community Band


Do you play an instrument? Maybe you used to play in your school band and you wish you had more opportunities to play it. Well here’s your chance!

Music director Kevin Kinsey assembled a community band here at the University of Maine in Presque Isle. They celebrated their 10 year anniversary last year. “We’re always looking for new members to join our UMPI band family,” Kinsey said. Currently, there are more than 50 members in their UMPI family, and still growing!

I f yo u w a n t t o j o i n the band, rehearsals are Monday at 6:30-8:30 p. m . i n t h e m u s i c r o o m

i n Wi e d e n . E v e n i f yo u haven’t played your instrument in a while, d o n ’ t w o r r y. Yo u c a n

come for a rehearsal and test the waters. Band members hope to see yo u t h e r e !

University Times CAMPUS September 24, 2010

Steve and Woody Encourage Loyalty in Us All


Everybody Dance Now Ben Pinette STAFF WRITER

After a long first week, there’s nothing better than to relax and hang out with your old friends or even some new ones. As part of Week of Welcome, a Welcome Back Dance was threw by the Kappa Delta Phi chapter here on campus. Megan Linscott, a member of the sorrority since last semester was instrumental in putting the dance on. “None of us were really informed about it until a few days before the semester started. Will Coppola went in a couple days before the semester to get his card coded in the Emerson Annex, and Jim Stepp mentioned it to him,” Linscott said. Before the dance started, there seemed to be a little confusion as to who was actually putting it on. “CAB thought we were hosting it, and we didn’t know about it. But when we saw the schedule, we thought CAB was hosting it. So it kind of got thrown

together in the space of about three days between April, me and a couple other sisters, a couple of the freshmen leaders and the two DJs, Ben Pinette and Michael Muir.” The dance officially started at 9 p.m. under the chorus of Lil’ Jon, then eventually wrapped up with an old school Backstreet Boys hit “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back).” The dance started out with just a few people, but as it gotlater, more people started showing up and getting into the music and flashing lights. There were snacks and drinks for all. In all, the dance turned out to be a great place to unwind after a long first week. Over sixty people danced their way into the night with great music, and of course memories of their first week back to last them a lifetime. “Next time we’ll have to do it a little differently. But still, we hope for great turnouts like we got at this one! What a crowd toward the end there,” Linscott said.

Dancing the night away.

It was sweltering outside the day of Sept. 1. Inside the multipurpose room of the Campus Center, however, it was cool and the atmosphere was calm. It was there that April-Sue Platt, newly appointed area coordinator of student activities, hosted a movie night for all UMPI students and their families. The first movie, “Toy Story 3” starting at 6:30 p.m. The second movie, “Date Night,” began around 8:30 p.m. “It’s part of WOW,” Platt said. “We were looking at movie options, and this was one that was recommended by the movie company based on other campuses. We’re just hoping students would come out for a night to watch a movie, relax.” Platt’s wish came true. Approximately 25 students showed up for “Toy Story,” 15 or so for “Date Night.” Most snacked on food and drinks they’d brought with them or those provided, including iced tea, candy, chips and popcorn. Platt told attendees to put chairs wherever they wanted or take a seat on the floor. All made themselves comfortable. Then the room darkened, and the first movie began. The gang is back in “Toy Story 3,” starring Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, Joan Cusack and Ned Beatty. Their kid, Andy, is now 17 and headed for college. Believing himself to be too old for the toys that made his childhood so special, Andy decides to put them in the attic, where they’ll be comfortable and safe.

Instead, they end up at Sunnyside Daycare, having been accidentally donated by his mom. Once there, the toys think they’ve found the answers to all their problems. All of them but Woody, that is, who repeatedly tries to convince them to return home to Andy. “We’re Andy’s toys!” he tells them. Jessie, Buzz and the others soon realize that Woody is right and Sunnyside isn’t what they first thought. By the end, Andy, too, has come to an important conclusion: you can never out-

grow devotion or friendship. “Now Woody, he’s been my pal for as long as I can remember.…” Andy tells Bonnie, a little girl who promises to love and play with toys when Andy is gone. “But the thing that makes Woody special is he’ll never give up on you. Ever. He’ll be there for you, no matter what.” “Toy Story 3” is about staying true to those you care about and those who care about you. Whether it be your friends, your kid or your toys, there’s nothing more important or admirable than loyalty. “Date Night” delivered the same messages, but in a very different way. Starring Steve


Carell and Tina Fey as Phil and Claire Foster, a couple with two kids and a long marriage, the movie revolves around a case of mistaken identity. The couple finds time each week for a date night, but even this isn’t enough to keep them from feeling as if they’ve fallen into a rut. Phil, hoping to spice things up, takes Clarie to a new restaurant. When they’re unable to get a reservation, they decide to pose as the Triplehorns, who are supposed to be there but haven’t shown up. It just so happens that the Triplehorns have crossed a very dangerous man and stolen something of great value. What started as a date night quickly turns into a fight to survive, but through it all the couple discovers how strong they truly are and that their love hasn’t lessened over the years. Shortly before the credits roll, Phil tells Claire, “I’d do it again, you know? Us, you, me, the kids, all of it. I’d do it again. I’d choose you every time.” As with “Toy Story,” “Date Night” sends a message about the importance of loyalty despite growing older. Like Woody and the other toys, Phil and Claire know that staying together is essential. Platt plans on hosting movie nights every Wednesday from now until the end of the semester. “Killers,” “Just Wright” and “MacGruber” have already been shown and “Iron Man 2” is scheduled for September 29. Movies play at 10 a.m., 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Be sure to look for fliers around campus and check the student activities website for updates.


University Times CAMPUS September 24, 2010

Thinking Outside

Winner Shane Smith.

Shane Smith at wo rk.

It was an event that would have made Willy Wonka proud. Eight col orful candy creations were created in the Owl’s Nest on Aug. 27 for the Food Art Contest. April-Sue Platt, the student activities coordinator, put together the event for the campus Week of Welcome. Platt brought a variety of tasty treats for participating students to use in their food art. This included gummy worms, gumdrops, mints, dried beans and noodles. At 10 a.m., students selected their supplies as the competition began. Some students had an idea of what they would make, whereas others let their imaginations roam. “It’s just progressing as I do it,” Jessalyn Chafee said. Other creative ideas included a garden, break dancer and moose. Justin Fereshetian, who was helping out with the event, took a more abstract approach. “(It’s) a little bit of abstract art. Just some geometric shapes. It’s kind of a trademark of mine,” Fereshetian said. As the hour-long time limit of the contest approached, the students began hoping they’d win the prize. In an informal ceremony in Wieden, Platt announced the lucky winner. Smith won a bowl of goodies for his design, which he called the “Manalisa.” Smith’s art depicted a man with a black bean beard, green bean hat and gummy worm lips and jewelry. His candy art, along with those of his competitors, is currently displayed in the Owl’s Nest. Photographs of the event can also be found on the University Times website at www.utimes.umpi.edu. You should try to checkout the candy art out sometime. They’re all pretty sweet. * Stephanie Courriveau - Staff Writer

University Times CAMPUS September 24, 2010

the Candy Box

da a r t s E Elena

Justin Fe reshetian

Carly La ngley an d Tricia Turner 始s work of art.

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University Times CAMPUS September 24, 2010

Ben Pinette


As part of the Week of Welcome, on Wednesday,

Mika Ouellette STAFF WRITER

Students, have you ever looked at some of the UMPI staff members and wondered if you were smarter than they? If you have, then Welcome Week 2010 gave some lucky students an opportunity to prove it last Thursday afternoon. Based on the hit game show “Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader?” “RU Smarter Than an UMPI Employee?” tested students’ trivia knowledge against a staff member of their choosing. To play the game students were selected at random from various buildings on campus, including:

WOWʼs Random Games Attract Determined Audience Sept 1., various games were on the picnic tables near the flag arena on campus from 11:30-12:30 p.m. Along with various games such as cards, marshmallow stacking, Jenga, anyone could meet some new faces. WUPI, 92.1FM, the campus radio station, was also live on location with music to entertain people as they passed by. Unfortunately, because of an unanticipated technical problem with the Internet, WUPI couldn’t go live on the air, but still provided a good mix of music to entertain. Timothy Babine, a freshman originally from Dexter, Maine was at the event. “I had a great time playing the games and listening to the station. I didn’t even know our campus had

a radio station until I met the station manager.” Babine was accompanied by a few of his friends, and the new coordinator of student activities, April-Sue Platt. Platt replaces Heidi Blasjo, who moved back to her home state of Minnesota to pursue a higher education. “I have to hand it to AprilSue. Without her, WOW would not of been possible. She’s worked very hard over the last two weeks and I think she’s done an outstanding job. I think everyone can agree

with me that she’s just amazing for doing all of this and I think that’s why WOW was a huge success,” Babine said. Babine has been a synonymous name of WOW, having hosted “Are You Smarter than an UMPI employee?” He also was active in with other WOW activities, such as the lip sync contest. “The thing I liked about the WOW program is that all of the new freshmen were greeted with a warm welcome, what with all the events taking place for everyone to

take part in. It was also a great time to meet new people and make new friends, which I think every newcomer pretty much did,” Babine said. For Babine, Week of Welcome was also about making new friends with people who are in the same shoes. “I can say for a fact that I have probably made more friends during WOW than I did my freshmen year at high school, and that’s saying something about the warmhearted people who live here.”

The questions were on different topics widely ranging from pop culture to human anatomy. The player

with the most questions correct won. The winners got to draw a prize of either DBDs for

their meal plan or a gift certificate to the campus bookstore. The losers got to pick a free UMPI T-shirt. So as student host Tim Babine said, “Either way, you’re a winner.” The game had a total of four w inner s : Chr i st ine Ne wl a nd, w h o w o n th e $25 gift certificate to the campus bookstore; Adam Tilsley, who won $25 in DB D s ; an d M e gan Li nsc ott an d J os h Mitchell, who both won $10 in DBDs. These students had very close wins, ge tt i ng on average f o ur out of five questions correct. Thus they “proved” that they’re smarter than UMPI employees.

Students Are Smarter Than UMPI Employees

Gentile Hall, Folsom/Pullen, the Library, South Hall and the Campus Center. The students then got the choice to challenge one of three staff members on a panel of UMPI employees. The staff members who took part in the game were Jim Stepp, Barb Lambert and Mary Lawrence. All players get mini white boards and markers to write their answers to five random trivia questions.


University Times COMMUNITY September 24, 2010

Community 9/11/2010

April Flagg


When I was very young, my parents and their friends would talk about where they were when memorable events occurred in our country. The assassinations of JFK, Martin Luther King, and John Lennon were always hot topics of the, “where were you when this happened” discussions that would go long into the night. I wondered if anything like that would happen in my lifetime. Would I have remember when to talk about with my friends? I didn’t have to wait long. On January 28, 1986, my entire fifth grade class at Westfield Elementary School watched with growing excitement as the Space Shuttle Challenger left earth with a teacher on board to explore space in person. We watched in horror when it exploded in the sky only a few minutes later. Many years later, on August 31, 1997, I watched the news report that Princess Diana had died due to injuries sustained in a car accident. I remember crying with my daughter in my arms. An earth angel was dead. Only four years later, I watched in horror as the second of the twin towers was struck and heard the words, “We are under attack,” coming from the television. Sept. 11 means many things to many people. I think the memories of the day in our nation’s history may be different for everyone. I remember well the sadness, the grief and the horror I experienced. The overwhelming fear is an emotion I can’t forget. I was up for hours one night after a plane flew over my sleeping household. I wondered if the plane was ours or another country’s. Where we under attack again? Along with the fear, grief,

sadness and horror though, I remember other just as powerful emotions. I felt an enormous amount of love: love for my life, my family, my country. I felt overwhelmed with the level of love I felt for the people of the United States. I watched with amazement as we stood tall together through those awful days and weeks that followed. Flags flew high, money poured in for the families of the victims and the pledge of allegiance and our nation’s anthem brought tears to the eyes of millions even the linebackers of the NFL. Nine years later, the healing continuous. Construction is underway ground zero, the field in Pennsylvania where flight 93 went down is considered hallowed ground and our vice president honors the men and women who died on that day with a name reading ceremony each year. Today 9/11 means even more to me and to the small community I teach in. For my personal life, August 17, 2010 will never be

the same. On that day, my small community almost lost one of our own. A former student and an amazing young man, Marine Shayne Hathaway, was shot four times during an ambush on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. I learned of the event through Facebook, the only way his family could find of contacting me. It was a horrible night for many of us and a long next day. Two days after I learned he was injured, Shayne called me from Afghanistan to reassure me he was all right: he called ME to reassure ME he was fine. That is the man he is today. This Sept. 11, 2010, marked another milestone memory in my life. I, along with dozens of friends, family, veterans and members of our very small community welcomed Shayne home. I saw him, I hugged him and I breathed deeply for the first time in many weeks. So now on, Sept. 11, I will remember the grief, the fear and the pride our people as a nation experienced. But I will add the

emotion of absolute gratitude for the force in the universe that protected Shayne, kept him safe, and kept him here

with those who love him. I acknowledge and re s p e c t t h at t h i s d a y f o r many people is filled w i t h g r i e f a n d p a i n . Fo r a ve r y s m a l l p e rc e n t a g e of the population, this day will add two new ve r y p owe r f u l e m o t i o n s : pride and g ratitude. After all, September 1 1 t h i s a d ay o f e n o r m o u s a n d p owe r f u l e m o tions. I think we too often focus all of our e n e r g i e s o n t h e n e g at i ve impact memories, perh a p s b e c a u s e t h e re a re s o f e w p o s i t i ve o n e s. E ve n t milestones often mark t i m e s o f i m m e n s e h o r ro r a n d g r i e f. I a m h a p py t o add one memory that i s n’t . I w i l l f i l e S e p t . 1 1 , 2 0 1 0 , a s o n e o f t h e j oy o u s m o m e n t s i n my t i ny part of the world and o n e I w i l l re m e m b e r fo r my e n t i r e l i f e t i m e.

University Times COMMUNITY September 24, 2010


Beaver Boys Bring Back the Lead Dakota Koch


T h e Wa s h b u r n D i s t r i c t H i g h S c h o o l ’s 2010 soccer season is in f u l l s w i n g ! T h e B e av e r b oy s ’ v a r s i t y t e a m i s d e f i n i t e l y t u r n i n g h e a d s. Ben Goodwin, WDHS m a t h t e a c h e r, c o a c h e s the Beaver Boys with early practices, lots of running and many of basic fundamentals with a Good win twist! Over the last three year s, Goodwin watched as the p e r f o r m a n c e l e ve l o f t h e boys beg an to spike. Goodwin says that their s k i l l l e ve l a n d h o w t h ey w o rk t o g e t h e r a s a t e a m has changed dramaticall y. T h e i r s k i l l l e ve l a n d maturity both play a h u g e ro l l i n t h e s u c c e s s experienced during this ye a r ’s s e a s o n . O ve r a l l , t h e c o a c h a t t r i bu t e s t h e i r recent success to their

confidence and their b a s i c s k i l l s. “The boys are fundamentally sound t h i s y e a r. ” G o o d w i n stated during a r e c e n t i n t e r v i e w. A t h l e t i c D i re c t o r Ro n E r i c s o n b e l i eve s t h a t t h e b oy s a r e wo rk i n g t o g e t h e r a n d re a ch i n g a p o t e n t i a l h e a l w ay s k n e w w a s t h e r e. A n t h o ny Vi o l a , Ky l e H u s t o n a n d M a s o n Tu r n e r have really tur ned heads. Ericson attributes some of the boys’ talent to their C o u n t y P hy s i c a l T h e r a py conditioning prog rams. He believes that these prog rams help signific a n t l y w i t h t h e i r p hy s i c a l maturity and strength. T h e Wa s h bu r n b oy s have been bouncing around the top three s l o t s f o r t h i s ye a r ’s f i n a l , b u t t h e Wa s h b u r n f a n s b e l i e ve t h a t o u r b oy s c a n

d o i t . T h e B e ave r s h ave not participated in the playof fs since 2005. L a r r y Wo rc e s t e r c o a c h e d t h e b e ave r b o y s t o t h e f i n a l s, w h e r e t h ey l o s t 3 4 against the Bangor Christian Patriots. C o a c h G o o d w i n b e l i e ve s the talent is there this ye a r, a n d r u m o r h a s i t h e is willing to lose a little hair for it. “I told the boys I would shave my head if we make it to the finals,” Good win said. Whether it’s shaving the coach’s head or working o u t a t C o u n t y P hy s i c a l T h e r a py, s o m e t h i n g h a s changed within the Wa s h bu r n D i s t r i c t H i g h School Beaver Den. T he playing is phenomenal, the fans are ecstatic and the Washbur n Beaver s are bringing back the lead.

Lady Beavers Having Successful Season

Sarah Sjoberg


Soccer season is just past the halfway mark, but the Washburn Lady Beavers feel as if they are just getting started. The Ladies stand at 7-1-2, with their only loss coming from a hard fought game against Van Buren at the Beaver’s home field. The current record is a HUGE improvement from last year! The Lady’s team closed the 2009 season 2-8-4. Right now the team is sitting in first place in the Eastern Maine Class D Division, followed closely by Van Buren and Central Aroostook. When asked what has con-

tributed to the Beaver’s success, senior captain Lindsey Blackstone said, “A lot of teamwork, speed up front and a strong defense. Ultimately, our success comes from our ability to work together and encourage one another out on the field. We have a strong team this year, and there will be many strong seasons ahead if they continue to work together. The ladies have many tough matches ahead including Ashland, Fort Fairfield and another faceoff against Van Buren. Please come out and support the Lady Beavers as they finish off the rest of their soccer season!


University Times COMMUNITY September 24, 2010

Cameron Huston

Starting a New Tradition


T h e 2011 edi ti on of Wa shbur n Di st ri ct High S c h o o l ’s “Northland” yea r b ook i s experi encing a yea r of g re at cha ng e. To go al ong w it h a new book n a m e, “The Northland Burn,” this yea r’s bo ok also fe ature s no t on l y th e usua l hig h s c h o o l g r a d e s, b u t w i l l a lso i nc o r p or at e the mi ddle and elementary sch o ols a s we ll a s communi t y even t s. T his w il l b e Wa shbur n’s fi r st distr ictwi d e com mun it y bo ok, i n a n attempt to b oost sa les a n d k e e p t h e ye a r b o o k prog r am al ive. In c rea si n g from 96 to 12 8 page s, n ow in f ul l c olo r, is ex pec t ed to be a c h a l l e n g e, bu t o n e t h a t t h e ye a r b o o k ’s s t a f f i s

e a g e r t o c o n q u e r. T h e sta f f con sist s of advise r A p r i l F l a g g, e d i t o r - i n chief Cameron Huston, sports editor Amanda L i bby, bu s i n e s s m a n a g e r Sa ra h Sjo berg, ph ot o g rapher C o ur t ney Tu r n er, as well as junior editors Michaela Bragg and Ke l s e y C h u r c h i l l . T h e s t a f f h a s a l s o r e c e i ve d support from m a ny ot her st u d ent s in t he fo r m of a d ve r t i s e m e n t s a l e s a n d pho tog r aphy. Advertisi n g sp a ces, on e of the mo st im p o rtant aspects o f t he yea rbook, w il l in c lu de c and i d pi ctures fro m al l ove r t he d i s t r i c t s ch o o l s a n d t h e commun i ty. Wit h o u t th e gracious assistance of m a n y l o c a l b u s i n e s s e s, small schools like Wa s h b u r n c o u l d n e v e r afford a high quality

ye a r b o o k . The team h o pe s t o se ll 84 a ds thi s ye a r t o h e l p k e e p t h e h ardc over bo ok p ri c e at $30 .0 0 . Several members o f t h e s t a f f at t e n d e d a ye a r b o o k c o n f e r e n c e i n M a d a w a s k a o n Fr i d a y, Se pt ember 1 0 , whe re t h ey recei ved a w i de ar ray o f c o m p l i m e n t s f ro m o t h e r s c h o o l s a n d ye a r b o o k adviser s o n t he p romi sin g prog ress of the book a l r e a d y. Wi t h d e a d l i n e s no t appro a ch i n g u nti l t h e e nd o f Janua r y, t h e staf f alrea dy h a s a la rge portion of the book in p r o g r e s s. A n yo n e i n t e r e st ed i n c o nt ri bu t ing p ic tures or i dea s t o th e yea rbook ne ed o n l y e- m ai l t he adviser an d/o r edi tor at yearboo k@ msad 45 .n et.

Student of the Month Nomi nati on F or m Nomination forms are due by the September 28

Name of Nominated Student________________________________________ Degree Program of Nominated Student (if known)_______________________________ In what class: senior, junior, sophomore, 1st year________________________________

Please tell us why you are nominating this student to be “Student of the Month”. Provide detail information on how the nominated student: helps other students and reaches out to our diverse campus community. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________________ contributes to student life and school pride. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________ contributes through community service. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________ serves as a positive role model for other students.

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Additional comments: _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Nominated by (student, faculty or staff member____________________________________________ Name address

phone number


Each month of the school year, one student will be chosen to represent UMPI as its “Student of the Month”. Nominations are accepted from anyone at the University. Completed forms should be submitted to the Dean of Students. The Dean and the UMPI Pride Committee will review nomination forms and select a monthly recipient.

Return completed form to Christine.Corsello@umpi.edu or drop it off at South Hall 1st floor reception desk by September 28. If you have any questions, contact Bonnie DeVaney, 768-9750, Barbara.DeVaney@umpi.edu

University Times COMMUNITY September 24, 2010

Aroostook County Hero Returns Dakota Koch


On Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010, Shayne Hathaway, WDHS class of 2006, returned to his hometown of Washburn, Maine, after being deployed a second time to Afghanistan. Hathaway was critically injured when his unit was ambushed on August 17, 2010. Hathaway, USMC CPL and the leader of a 10 man patrol on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan, sustained four gunshot wounds during the ambush. Six of his 10 men were shot during the attack. Hathaway’s injuries include wounds to the abdomen and the neck. Despite his injuries, Hathaway dragged and/or guided the men in his unit to a safe house where they continued to repel the enemy until a British helicopter was able to extract the men to safety. General Amos awarded Hathaway the Purple Heart in Ger many, where Hathaway began his long recovery. His entire unit survived the ambush. All but two, Hathaway and one other Marine, are continuing to serve overseas. Hathaway was rushed to

Ger many where three emergency surgeries were perfor med. His parents, Fred and Beverly Thompson, were flown to Ger many to be with Shayne during his medical stay. Shayne is expected to make a full recovery and is very glad to be home. On Saturday, the town of Washburn lined Main Street as the Patriot Guard, State Police and other soldiers escorted Hathaway to Washburn District High School. Hathaway was overwhelmed but very grateful to the many who gathered to honor him. He wasn’t able to stay long for the reception, but the community was able to glimpse a hero in the face of the child they once knew. One of Hathaway’s former teachers from WDHS, April Flagg, said that she believed Hathaway had a guardian angel sitting on his shoulder since the day he was born. Flagg was able to say a quick hello and hold his hand before Hathaway departed. A boy with many struggles in his young life is now a man who saves lives. Hathaway plans to stay with his family until he returns to duty in late October.


Are you planning to complete your degree requirements in December 2010? If so, please submit an Application for Graduation to the Office of Student Records NOW. Students planning to complete degree requirements in May 2011 or August 2011 must submit applications prior to November 30, 2010. Applications and futher information can be obtained at: http://www.umpi.edu/university-ofices/osr/graduation.


University Times VOICE September 24, 2010



Welcome, and Welcome Back to all new and returning students, faculty and staff. It’s been an awarding summer for the UMPI Gay-Straight Alliance: in mid-June, the University of Maine System’s Diversity Committee awarded he GSA a grant for $250 to support the second UMPI Gay Awareness Days. UMPI’s gay awareness activities reflect the UMPI Diversity Committee’s October theme, “Sexuality Awareness,” and occur following “National Coming Out Day,” an event that has been celebrated in the U.S. and around the world every October 11 since 1988. Campus events begin Monday, October 18 with a keynote address by the Rev. Al Boyce, Tuesday is Gay Blue Jeans Day: all are is encouraged to wear jeans to communicate their support of gay rights. And a film will be screened Tuesday evening. More details are forthcoming. Summer was an active news cycle in the Gay-LesbianBisexual-Transgendered / Queer world:

July 17 – The 2010 Europride celebration was held in Warsaw, Poland, the first Europe-wide gay pride parade in a former Communist bloc country. Most likely the largest gathering of its kind in Polish history, this Europride parade’s 8,000 participants made up just a fraction of the 50,000 people in last year’s parade in Zurich. The Warsaw parade went smoothly, but was met with some visible resistance. Poles continue to fear repercussions from coming out of the closet in this predominantly Roman Catholic society. In 2005, Poland’s then-president banned Warsaw’s annual gay pride parade when he was the city’s mayor. A 2007 lawsuit before the European Court of Human Rights successfully challenged the ban. Europride has been hosted annually since 1992 by a different European city. The celebration lasts for up to a fortnight and features numerous sporting and artistic events, culminating with a traditional Mardi Gras style pride parade, live music and an AIDS memorial vigil. Out of the Closet!


May - Pop singer and actor Ricky Martin, who has dodged questions of his sexuality for years, came out on his website saying, “I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.” He said the birth of his twin sons led to his decision to come out. August - Ken Mehlman, former head of the Republican National Committee and George W. Bush’s 2004 re-election campaign manager, announced he is gay in an interview in the online edition of The Atlantic magazine. “It’s taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life. Everybody has their own path to travel, their own journey. The process has been something that’s made me a happier and better person. It’s something I wish I had done years ago.” Mehlman ran the RNC from 2005 to 2007, and is the highest-profile national Republican figure to come out to date. He intends to become a gay rights advocate in his private life. Marriage Equality: June 5 – Portugal, a deeply Catholic society, legalized same-sex marriage. Two women were the first couple to wed in Lisbon: they had been fighting to marry since 2006. The Portuguese Supreme Court ruled that the constitution neither required recognition of same-sex marriage nor opposed it. In a campaign promise virtually unimaginable in the U.S., the Portuguese Prime Minister assured voters that if re-elected, he would get a bill would be introduced to legalize same-sex marriage. He won, the bill was approved by

parliament and signed by the president. As recently as 1982, homosexuality was actually illegal in Portugal. June 12 - Johanna Sigurdardottir, prime minister of Iceland, married her long time partner as a new law came into effect when Iceland’s parliament unanimously adopted legislation recognizing marriage equality. She is the world’s first openly gay head of a national government. July 15 – Argentina, a majority Roman Catholic country, became the first Latin American nation to legalize same-sex marriage and give couples equal marriage rights, including the right to adopt children. August 4 – A federal judge overturned California’s samesex marriage ban in a landmark case that should eventually force the U.S. Supreme Court to confront the question of whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to wed. Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker methodically rejected every argument posed by sponsors of the ban: “Proposition 8 singles out gays and lesbians and legitimates their unequal treatment…. “Proposition 8 perpetuates the stereotype that gays and lesbians are incapable of forming long-term loving relationships and that gays and lesbians are not good parents.” A coalition of religious and conservative groups that sponsored the ban appealed the ruling to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. August 18 – Mexico City permits same-sex marriages. In a “remarkable” series of rulings by the Mexican Supreme Court, its members voted over-

whelmingly to uphold the capital city’s equal marriage statute as constitutional, to require such unions to be recognized throughout the nation and to permit adoption. For that nation’s president and ruling conservative party, their decision to challenge the law backfired. Not only did the court reaffirm the law, the ruling could make it more difficult for states to mount challenges. The debate ignited a spat with the Roman Catholic Church; a top prelate accused the court of being “on the take.” Where in the world is marriage equality now leg al? In A rgen tin a, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, M exic o C ity, The Neth erlands, Norw ay, Po rtug al, South Afri ca, Spain, Sweden and in the U.S. states of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Ver mont, plus Washington D.C. and by th e Coquille Native Tr ibe i n O regon, which h as extended all tribal b ene fi ts o f mar riage t o same-sex couples. Same-sex marriages are recognized – but not performed – in Aruba, Israel, all Mexican states (other than Mexico City), Netherland Antilles, California (conditional), Maryland, New York State and Rhode Island. Civil unions and registered partnerships are legal in Andorra, Austria, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Greenland, Hungary, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Slovenia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay.


University Times VOICE September 24, 2010

Stephanie Courriveau STAFF WRITER

PG-13 113 minutes Beware “Twilight” fans. If you’re looking for a film w i t h t h e s a m e Ro b e r t Pattinson that you know and love from the sag a, this isn’t the one. In the movie, “Remember Me,” Pat t i n s o n’s ch a r a c t e r i s nothing like the polite (and super pale) vampire, E d w a rd C u l l e n . But, don’t despair. You should still have some hope for this movie. At the beginning of “Remember Me,” Ally Craig (Emilie de Ravin) tragically witnesses the death of her mother. The

The Reel Deal: ʻRemember Meʼ

movie then fast forwards several years. At this point, you’re introduced to Tyler Hawkins (Pattinson), who has also experienced loss in his family. Hawkins has a lot of emotional problems because of this. He manages to keep getting into trouble with the law. And one of the police officers he has an encounter with happens to be Craig’s father. To get revenge, Hawkins plans to trick Craig into falling in love with him. But of course, his plans go sour when he develops a genuine attraction to her. “Remember Me” isn’t completely a love story, though. It has a lot of drama. The film shows the hardships that are experienced with the loss of a

loved one. It may not be the best movie ever, but “Remember Me” shows how life truly has its highs and lows. And if you’re a Pattinson fan, you may agree that he plays his character quite well. Funnily enough, one of the best things about this movie is the ending. This makes it sound as if the film is so terrible, you can’t wait for it to finish. But the conclusion ties everything together in a way you wouldn’t think possible. It will leave you speechless. So, to all the “Twilight” fans: despite the fact that it’s not an “Edward versus Jacob” sort of film, it does redeem itself after all. ***1/2

Teach in Scotland or England Earn a good salary and start your teaching career in a welcoming school with a supportive staff. Ian Dutton, a former director of education in Scotland, will give two presentations and answer questions. Learn about teaching opportunities in Scotland and England.

Wednesday, Oct. 6 11 a.m. or 1:30p.m. Faculty Lounge, Normal Hall To arrange an interview with Mr. Dutton, contact Career Services at 205 South Hall, 7689750 or e-mail Barbara.devaney@umpi.edu For other information, contact Sarah Telfer – Canada@timeplan.net. Jermey Ireland

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