The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB)
2017 Annual Fire Safety Report
(2014-2016* On-Campus Student Housing Fire Statistics) Provided by the UTMB Department of Internal Investigations
Introduction The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB) is concerned about the safety and welfare of all UTMB campus members and guests and commits itself to promoting a safe and secure environment. UTMB has developed a series of policies and procedures designed to ensure an appropriate level of precaution is taken to protect the campus community. The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) amended the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). The Clery Act and its accompanying regulations have established requirements for colleges in the area regarding fire safety and reporting. All Title-IV eligible institutions that participate in Title-IV programs and maintain on-campus student housing facilities are required to publish an Annual Fire Safety Report that outlines the fire safety-systems, policies, practices, and statistics of the university. Colleges must report only those fires that occur within an on-campus student housing facility. Colleges may not simply report all fires that occur anywhere on campus. Colleges must report on the number of fires (if any) that occur in on-campus student housing facilities, the cause of each fire, the number of persons who received fire-related injuries that resulted in treatment at a medical facility, the number of deaths related to the fires (including someone who dies within a year from injuries sustained), and the value of fire-related property damage. The United States Department of Education (ED) regulations and commentary indicate that both the Clery Act Annual Security Report and the Annual Fire Safety Report can be distributed to the campus community in a single document or in separate documents. If reported separately, each report must contain information on how to directly access the other. The UTMB Department of Internal Investigations creates the Annual Security Report and the Annual Fire Safety Report for UTMB. The Annual Security Report and the Annual Fire Safety Report can be found within the offices of the Department of Internal Investigations: Rebecca Sealy Bldg., 404 8th Street, Suite 2.302, Galveston, TX 77555-0134, or UTMB’s Police Department: Rebecca Sealy Bldg., 404 8th Street, Room 2.712, Galveston, TX 77555-0101. These reports can also be accessed on the following websites:
Legal Requirements Regulations regarding the Annual Fire Safety Report state an institution that maintains any on-campus student housing facility must prepare an Annual Fire Safety Report that contains, at a minimum, the following information: 1) Fire statistics for each on-campus student housing facility for the three most recent calendar years for which data is available. 2) A description of each on-campus student housing facility fire safety-system. 3) The number of fire drills held during the previous calendar year. 4) The institution’s policy on portable electrical appliances, smoking, and open flames in a student housing facility. 5) The institution’s procedures for student housing evacuation in the case of a fire. * The information in this report is categorized by calendar years.
6) The policies regarding fire safety education and training programs provided to students and employees. In these policies, the institution must describe the procedures that students and employees should follow in the case of a fire. 7) For purposes of including a fire in the statistics in the Annual Fire Safety Report, the policy must contain a list of the titles of each person or organization to which students and employees should report that a fire occurred. 8) Plans for future improvements in fire safety, if determined necessary by the institution. UTMB is also required to maintain a written and easily understood fire log that records fires reported in any on-campus student housing facility. This log must include the nature of the fire, the date the fire was reported, the date and time the fire occurred, and the general location of each fire. For more information on the fire log, please contact UTMB’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department (1302 Mechanic St., Materials Management Warehouse - UTMB building 28, Room 2.112, Galveston, TX 77555-1111) during normal business hours Monday – Friday. For directions, contact: 409-747-0515.
Reporting Fires Students/employees should report fire occurrences to the following: • UTMB Campus, UTMB Police Dispatch Office - On-Campus Galveston locations dial 2-1111, From an off-campus location (including UTMB facilities not located on the Galveston Campus) and personal cellular telephones dial 409-772-1111, or 409-772-1511 • UTMB Campus, Galveston Fire Department - dial 911 or 409-797-3850 • UTMB Campus, Galveston Fire Marshal - dial 409-797-3870 • UTMB Campus, Jack D. Tarpley, Assoc. VP, EHS, dial 409-772-8136, • UTMB Campus, Charles Carlisle, Program Dir., EHS - Safety and Fire, dial 409-747-0514, • Ferry Road Apartments - Janelle Achord, Coordinator I, dial 409-750-9792, • UTMB Dormitories and Apartments- James Stephenson, Clerk III, dial 409-772-1898,
Fire Safety Statistics UTMB maintains a Fire Log. The Fire Safety Statistics tables below contain a compilation of actual fire statistics for the three most recent calendar years for UTMB on-campus student housing obtained from the UTMB Fire Log. The fire safety statistics tables (below) include statistics outlining the number of actual fires, the cause of each actual fire, the number of injuries and deaths related to actual fires, and the value of property damage related to actual fires for UTMB on-campus student housing. For a fire to be reportable for Clery Act purposes, it must be an actual fire and it must meet the federal definition of a fire. The regulations define a fire as “[a]ny instance of open flame or other burning in a place not intended to contain the burning or in an uncontrolled manner” (34 CFR §668.49(a)).
On-Campus Student Housing Facilities & Fire Safety Systems Facilities are equipped with fire extinguishers in common areas. Fire safety systems are inspected and tested in accordance with National Fire Protection Association codes and standards at the time intervals required by those codes and standards. All fire extinguishers are inspected on a monthly basis by a certified contractor and are on six year maintenance schedule and schedule for hydrostatic testing or recharging, when needed.
Table-1: Vinsant Hall (Bldg. #34), 428 Texas Ave. Year
Sprinkler or Fire Suppression System (Yes/No)
Heat &/ Fire Alarm Strobe or Smoke (Yes/No) Lights Detector (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
2014 2015 2016
Not utilized as student housing Not utilized as student housing No Yes Yes
Number of Mandatory Supervised Fire Drills Each Year
Students Trained # of to Evacuate Bldg./ Fires & Meet at Assembly Causes Areas (Yes/No)
# of Fire Related Injuries
# of Fire Related Deaths
Value of FireRelated Property Damage
Table-2: 410 Market St. Dorm (Formerly Phi Delta Epsilon) (Bldg. # 76), 410 Market St. Year
Sprinkler or Fire Suppression System (Yes/No)
Heat &/ Fire or Smoke Alarm Detector (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
2014 2015 2016
Not utilized as student housing Not utilized as student housing Yes Yes Yes
Strobe Number of Lights Mandatory (Yes/ No) Supervised Fire Drills Each Year
Students # of Trained to Fires & Evacuate Bldg./ Causes Meet at Assembly Areas (Yes/No)
# of fire # of related Fire Injuries Related Deaths
Value of firerelated property damage
Table-3: 401 Mechanic St. Dorm (Formerly Phi Beta Pi) (Bldg. #128), 401 Mechanic St. Year
2014 2015 2016
Sprinkler or Fire Suppression System (Yes/No)
Heat &/ Fire Strobe or Smoke Alarm Lights Detector (Yes/No) (Yes/ No) (Yes/No)
Number of Mandatory Supervised Fire Drills Each Year
Students # of Fires # of fire # of Trained to & Causes related Deaths Evacuate Bldg./ Injuries Related Meet at Assembly to fire Areas (Yes/No)
No No Yes
Yes Yes Yes
1 1 1
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Table-4: Student Residence (Bldg. #155/155A), 624 Church St. Year
2014 2015 2016
Sprinkler or Fire Suppression System (Yes/No)
Heat &/ or Smoke Detector (Yes/No)
Fire Strobe Number of Alarm Lights Mandatory (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Supervised Fire Drills Each Year No Yes No No 0 No Yes No No 0 Not utilized as student housing
Students Trained to Evacuate Bldg./ Meet at Assembly Areas (Yes/No) No No
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
# of Fires # of fire # of & Causes related Deaths Injuries Related to fire 0 0
0 0
0 0
Value of firerelated property damage $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Value of firerelated property damage $0.00 $0.00
Table-5: Ferry Road Apts. (Bldg. #88B), 710 Ferry Rd. Year
Sprinkler or Fire Suppression System (Yes/No)
Heat &/ Fire Strobe or Smoke Alarm Lights Detector (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Yes
Number of Mandatory Supervised Fire Drills Each Year 0
Students # of Fires # of fire # of Trained to & Causes related Deaths Evacuate Bldg./ Injuries Related Meet at Assembly to fire Areas (Yes/No) No 0 0 0
Table-6: Ferry Road Apts. (Bldg. #88A), 810 Ferry Rd. Year
Sprinkler or Fire Heat &/ Suppression or Smoke System (Yes/No) Detector (Yes/No)
Fire Strobe Number of Alarm Lights Mandatory (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Supervised Fire Drills Each Year
Students # of Fires # of fire # of Trained to & Causes related Deaths Evacuate Bldg./ Injuries Related Meet at Assembly to fire Areas (Yes/No)
2014 2015 2016
No No No
Yes Yes Yes
No No Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Value of firerelated property damage $0.00
Value of firerelated property damage $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Table-7: Ferry Road Apts. (Bldg. #88C), 910 Ferry Rd. Year
Sprinkler or Fire Heat &/ Suppression or Smoke System (Yes/No) Detector (Yes/No)
Fire Strobe Number of Alarm Lights Mandatory (Yes/ No) (Yes/No) Supervised Fire Drills Each Year
Students # of Fires # of fire # of Trained to & Causes related Deaths Evacuate Bldg./ Injuries Related Meet at Assembly to fire Areas (Yes/No)
Table-8: Ferry Road Wardens House (Bldg. #88), 624 Ferry Rd.
Value of firerelated property damage
Sprinkler or Fire Suppression System (Yes/No)
Heat &/ or Smoke Detector (Yes/No)
Fire Strobe Alarm Lights (Yes/ No) (Yes/No)
Number of Mandatory Supervised Fire Drills Each Year
Students # of Fires # of fire # of Trained to & Causes related Deaths Evacuate Bldg./ Injuries Related Meet at Assembly to fire Areas (Yes/No)
Table-9: 301 Post Office Dorm (Formerly Alpha Kappa Kappa) (Bldg. #79), 301 Post Office
Value of firerelated property damage
Sprinkler or Fire Suppression System (Yes/No)
Heat &/ or Smoke Detector (Yes/No)
Fire Strobe Alarm Lights (Yes/ No) (Yes/ No)
Number of Mandatory Supervised Fire Drills Each Year
Students # of Fires # of fire # of Trained to & Causes related Deaths Evacuate Bldg./ Injuries Related Meet at Assembly to fire Areas (Yes/No)
Value of firerelated property damage
Fire Drills Supervised Fire Drill Procedures • When the UTMB on-campus student housing facilities fire alarms are activated, the residents are to exit the nearest exit and assemble away from the building, upwind of any fire and away from any emergency crews. • Residents at facilities are to meet at pre-determined assembly areas as instructed in annual supervised fire drills. • Assembly areas are subject to change. However, depending on the circumstances related to the fire, UTMB on-campus student housing facilities residents are required to immediately evacuate the student housing facility that is in alarm by following the fire drill procedures outlined in the UTMB on-campus student housing facility rental agreement. Students who fail to vacate the building during a fire alarm are reported to the dean of the UTMB school they are registered with for disciplinary action. NOTE- An on-campus student housing facility rental agreement is provided to students by the UTMB Auxiliary Enterprises Department. If you have any questions about the student housing facility rental agreement, please contact: Dormitories and Apartments - Mr. James Stephenson,, 409-772-1898 or Ferry Road Apartments Ms. Janelle Achord,, 409-750-9792.
Auxiliary Enterprises Contact Information Office - 409-772-1939, fax - 409-772-3440, Location – room #1.106, UTMB Moody Medical Library building, or contact Mr. Jussi Tinnemeyer: 409-772-1895,
Auxiliary Enterprises Website
Evaluation of Fire Drills UTMB’s annual supervised fire drills at above listed on-campus student housing facilities are evaluated by UTMB’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department in respect to the following criteria: • Was the total time to respond to the alarm and to exit building done so in a timely manner? • Did the police/fire department arrive in a timely manner? • Did all persons exit in an orderly fashion? • Did all persons assemble at the designated rally point for assembly away from the building? • Were interior doors and exit doors properly shut? • Did all alarms and emergency lights work properly?
Fire Safety Policies and Procedures Information concerning UTMB fire safety can be found by reading UTMB’s Institutional Handbook of Operating Procedures (IHOP) Policy 8.1.5: Fire Alarm and Incident Response Policy, which is available online at: and_procedures/IHOP/Health_Safety_and_Security/IHOP%20-%2008.01.05%20-%20Fire%20Alarm%20and%20 Incident%20Response%20Policy.pdf. Also, IHOP Policy 8.1.19: Portable Heating Devices can be found online at: https:// Portable%20Heating%20Devices.pdf. IHOP Policy 8.1.19 states that the use of any portable heating devices is expressly prohibited in all buildings owned or leased by UTMB. Any planned deviation from this policy requires prior approval by Environmental Health and Safety – Occupational Safety and Fire Prevention. This policy does not apply to coffee makers or laboratory areas utilizing typical standard laboratory equipment which is also a heat producing device (e.g. Bunsen burners and lab hot plates) for institutional purposes. As indicated in IHOP Policy 8.1.20: Open Flames Prohibited, the use of open flames is expressly prohibited on properties owned or leased by UTMB. This policy is not intended to restrict the use of laboratories, facilities maintenance, or food services equipment used in normal operations. Any planned deviation from this policy will require prior approval from Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) – Occupational Safety and Fire Prevention. The policy also recognizes various exemptions in which the use of open flames in university approved situations is permitted: (1) open flames used in routine religious/institutional ceremonies in chapels and public assembly halls must have prior approval from EHS and comply with the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 101/13.7.2 and 13.7.3; (2) food service operations, food preparation and food warming supplies (portable cooking equipment): food warmers must be placed on a non-combustible surface. Chafing dishes must be maintained with proper water levels; (3) birthday cakes presented in public assembly halls with the advance approval of EHS; (4) welding and associated work: must obtain a hot work permit; (5) laboratory operations are excluded as long as precautions are taken to ensure safe operation during experiments and other related procedures; and (6) gas or charcoal barbecue grills are permitted at approved UTMB functions but must be located at least 30 feet from the exterior of any building. Propane tanks should not be stored inside buildings or within ten feet of any building egress. IHOP Policy 8.1.20: Open Flames Prohibited can be found online at: and_Security/IHOP%20-%2008.01.20%20-%20Open%20Flames%20Prohibited.pdf. IHOP Policy 8.1.14: Decorations Safety Policy ( Health_Safety_and_Security/IHOP%20-%2008.01.14%20-%20Decorations%20Safety%20Policy.pdf) provides guidelines for decorations in an effort to improve safety at UTMB and to meet the requirements set forth by the National Fire Protection Association, the Underwriter’s Laboratories and the Joint Commission. Information on dormitories and the UTMB Bulletin of Policies, which includes fire safety and the electrical appliance limits on page seven, can be found online at:
Electrical Appliance Limit • Flammable liquids, such as gasoline and hazardous materials and items, are not to be brought into the rooms and apartments. • Candles, incense, toaster ovens, hot plates, crock pots, space heaters and other open element/open flame/coil appliances are strictly prohibited. • One of each of the following are the only electrical appliances allowed in your room: a) radio b) small stereo c) typewriter d) small television set e) small computer f) hand-held hair dryer g) small clock h) small microwave oven • Wires may not be placed across floors or in front of entrances. • The use of multiple electrical adapters, extension cords and overloading of circuits is prohibited. • Power strips, limited to one per electrical outlet, are acceptable but are not to be plugged into each other. • Air conditioner vents should not be blocked. Window units should only be used for temperature adjustments and should never be turned off. Turning off window units will have a detrimental air quality impact. • Hallways, stairwells, laundry rooms and exits are to be kept clear of items at all times. • Tampering with fire equipment is prohibited. • Tenants shall not disconnect or intentionally damage a smoke detector or remove the battery from a smoke detector without immediately replacing it with a working battery. • Tenants are not allowed to install locks and security devices to the inside of their dorm or bathroom doors in order to ensure that there is egress in case of fire or other emergency for all suite mates. This includes deadbolts, chains, latches, or any other kind of lock not authorized and installed by the university. • Students who violate housing policies and procedures are reported to the dean of the UTMB school they are registered with for disciplinary action. Information concerning UTMB fire safety can be found by reading UTMB IHOP Policy 8.1.5: Fire Alarm and Incident Response Policy. This can be found online at: -%20Fire%20Alarm%20and%20Incident%20Response%20Policy.pdf. Also, UTMB Policy 8.1.19: Portable Heating Devices contains relevant information. This can be found online at: -%20Portable%20Heating%20Devices.pdf.
Website Information
UTMB Auxiliary Enterprises Contact Information
Questions about Dormitories? Contact: James Stephenson at or 409-772-1898 or 409-266-ROOM
Questions about Ferry Road Apartments? Contact: Janelle Achord at or 409-750-9792
Policies Regarding Smoking In accordance with UTMB’s policies, for health and safety reasons, all tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, are prohibited on all campus grounds, in on-campus buildings and in off-campus buildings owned or leased by UTMB. Limited and appropriate individual exceptions, particularly a medical exception in clinical treatment situations, may be considered by the President of the institution or by the President’s designee. More information can be found in the following policies: IHOP Policy 3.7.6: Tobacco Free Policy and IHOP Policy 9.7.1: Hospital and Ambulatory Services Visitation. Relevant policies can be found online at: IHOP%20-%2003.07.06%20-%20Tobacco%20Free%20Policy.pdf and and_procedures/IHOP/Clinical/Visitor_Information/IHOP%20-%2009.07.01%20-%20Hospital%20and%20 Ambulatory%20Services%20Visitation.pdf.
Fire Safety Education and Training UTMB has, in conjunction with the State Fire Marshal’s Office, rolled-out the “Have an Exit Strategy” (HAES) program. This program is directed at the students, staff and visitors at each university. It is designed utilizing multi-level instruction to introduce and reinforce the message, “Have an Exit Strategy.” The concepts of “be aware of your surroundings” and “locations of exits where you live, work and play” are the primary themes. The HAES program can be found online at: Fire safety is discussed during the required annual compliance trainings and is also available on request by contacting 409-747-0515. In addition, training videos can be found online at: firesafety. Specifically, there are training videos available on responding to a fire, including how to use a fire extinguisher and how to utilize won-doors (accordion fire doors). The UTMB Safety Manual also has chapters related to fire and electrical safety. This handbook can be found online at: Training/section5/CHAP5_converted_2015.asp.
Procedures to Follow in the Case of a Fire The following outlines instructions to follow in the event a UTMB on-campus student housing facility resident discovers a fire: 1) If a fire is noticed, leave the hazard area. Also, keep aisles and walkways clear to permit evacuation. Do not risk a life by remaining in the unsafe building. 2) If operating a heat source or flame, please extinguish it before exiting the building, if possible. Do not risk a life by remaining in the unsafe building. 3) Fire extinguishers and hoses are located in the hallways. Only use a portable fire extinguisher to control a small fire or assist yourself or someone else in evacuating the area. Remember, not all fire extinguishers are effective on all types of fires; so do not try to extinguish the fire unless you have been properly trained. Do not risk a life by remaining in the unsafe building. 4) Do not fight the fire if it is already beginning to spread beyond the location where it started. Also, you should not fight a fire with your back to an exit or if a fire can block your only exit. Do not risk a life by remaining in the unsafe building. 5) On the way out of the building, pull a fire alarm system pull station (if one is easily located and does not place you in danger). It may be necessary to break the glass or raise the pull station cover in order to pull the alarm. Also, call the Fire Department. Do not risk a life by remaining in the unsafe building. 6) When an alarm sounds, occupants of the building are notified of a fire hazard and should evacuate the building using the nearest exit. Evacuate using the assigned evacuation route for your building. Also, do not use elevators, use stairwells instead. If exits are blocked, you may use the window ledges to exit. Do not risk a life by remaining in the unsafe building.
Be familiar with the R.A.C.E. concept:
Rescue anyone in immediate danger. Alarm the building occupants and UTMB Police by calling the fire phone at extension 21211 and activating the closest fire alarm pull station (located by each stairwell entrance door or exit door). Be prepared to give your name, title, extension number, location and the extent of the fire.
Contain or confine the fire or smoke by closing the doors and windows. Do not lock the doors. Extinguish or evacuate the building. To use a fire extinguisher, use the P.A.S.S. concept:
Pull the pin. This unlocks the operating level and allows you to discharge the extinguisher. Aim low. Point the extinguisher nozzle or hose at the base of the fire. Squeeze the level below the handle. This discharges the extinguisher agent. Sweep from side to side, moving carefully towards the fire. Keep the extinguisher aimed at the base of the fire and sweep back and forth until the flames appear to be out. Watch the fire area to see if the fire reignites. For more information, see IHOP Policy 8.1.5: Fire Alarm and Incident Response Policy ( policies_and_procedures/IHOP/Health_Safety_and_Security/IHOP%20-%2008.01.05%20-%20Fire%20 Alarm%20and%20Incident%20Response%20Policy.pdf).
Being Prepared for an Emergency You can’t rely on other people or institutions to protect you from a fire. When entering any building, here are a few things to look for: • EXITS: Make a mental note of where the exits are located, including lighted exit signs, and if you’re on the first floor, windows as well. • DOORS: Are they blocked or locked? Sometimes, restaurant and retail store managers lock or barricade back doors to keep people from sneaking in or out. Musicians stack equipment cases in hallways. Club employees stockpile empty beer bottles and trash in front of back doors. If you ever see a hallway or door blocked, call it to the attention of the manager and the local fire marshal immediately. • CROWDS: Clubs, restaurants, and concert venues all have capacity limitations. If people are jammed in like sardines and make you uncomfortable, move to an exit. If hallways and doors are also packed, report it to the fire marshal. • CROWDS 2: New Year’s Eve, Fourth of July, weddings, birthdays, sorority and fraternity parties - When people get together to celebrate, especially when alcohol is involved, safety goes out the window. If indoor fireworks, pyrotechnics, loosely strung halogen lights, hot plates, or space heaters are part of the crowd, maybe you shouldn’t be. • FIXTURES: Paper and cloth decorations hanging from ceilings and walls, posters next to hot light fixtures, unstable lit candles on tables, electric sockets jammed with extension cords - Don’t look now, but you just walked into a firetrap.
Plans for Future Fire Safety Improvements UTMB strives to maintain facility compliance with all applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes and Standards. On-going daily efforts focusing on campus fire safety are designed in to all repairs, renovation upgrades and new construction. The Environmental Health and Safety Department coordinates with numerous regulatory oversight agencies and groups, including the Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office, The Joint Commission Life Safety Chapter, and local fire authorities. EHS completes annual internal inspections of all owned facilities to identify and remedy fire safety improvement opportunities. Also, at the request of the Texas State Fire Marshal, UTMB will be posting evacuation maps in each room. These maps will show the location of the room and the evacuation route. They will also include other fire protection features, such as fire extinguishers and pull stations.
Questions about Fire Drills, Fire Extinguishers, or Fire Procedures? Contact: Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) via phone at 409-772-1781 or in person at: 1302 Mechanic St., (Building 28) Room 2.112, Galveston, Texas 77555-1111. Information can also be found online at: Safety and environmental concerns can also be reported online at: giflynn/app/_L7nbAFj1EeaBHLdY7npNjA/formtype/_4sGAAKIPEeaLX9oY3z7cWQ/popupform.