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Suite 2 .112, Lee Hage Jamail Student Center Phone: (409) 747-9055 Fax: (409) 747-2527 www.utmb.edu/studentservices

Helping Fulfill Your Dreams for the Future University Student Services at UTMB offer a full range of services and programs to help ensure your success while you’re in school and well into the future . Our number one mission is to help students fulfill their dreams of improving the health of society . Each student arrives at UTMB with an array of experiences, perspectives, and talents . We work to provide meaningful, relevant services to help students succeed academically, personally, and professionally . Our range is as diverse as our student body . From Records and Enrollment, Student Financial Services that include Financial Aid and Scholarships to Student Health and Wellness, or Leadership and volunteer opportunities through Student Life, Student Services makes every effort to take a personal approach to build a community that promotes health, involvement, leadership, and compassion . Education happens in and outside the classroom, and it doesn’t stop once you graduate . We want to forge a strong, lifetime relationship with you—as a student and later as an alumnus—so that we can continue to improve our campus, our offerings and your ability to have a fulfilling career in services to others .

Enrollment Services https://www.utmb.edu/enrollmentservices (409) 772-1215 Student Health https://www.utmb.edu/studenthealth (409) 747-9508 Student Health Counseling https://www.utmb.edu/caps (409) 747-9508 Office Student Life https://www.utmb.edu/studentlife (409) 772-1996 ENROLLMENT SERVICES

301 University Blvd, 2 .206 Ashbel Smith (Old Red) Galveston, TX 77555-1305 (409) 772-1215 https://www.utmb.edu/enrollmentservices

Enrollment Services provides essential financial and records services from a student’s first contact with Admissions counselors until the final details of graduation . Our departments include Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Scholarships, Records & Registration, and Student Accounts . The Office of Enrollment Services is responsible for applicant admissions documents, student registration, student records, veteran’s services, international student services, student financial aid, endowed scholarships, and tuition and fees .

Records And Enrollment 301 University Blvd, 2 .206 Ashbel Smith (Old Red) Galveston, TX 77555-1305 (409) 772-1215 https://www.utmb.edu/enrollmentservices/ resources/studentaccounts

The Records and Enrollment Team is committed to providing quality service and personalized support to students, alumni, faculty, and other constituents throughout the university . As a primary resource for enrollment and student records related activities, personnel within this section are pleased to assist with the following services: • Transcript Requests • Verification of Enrollment • Legal Name Changes • Graduation Processing • Class Schedules • Coordination of Registration • Degree Audits • Grading Practices • Certification of Diplomas • Completion of Licensure Forms

MySTAR enables students to accomplish the following records and enrollment related actions/activities: • Request an official transcript • View/print an unofficial transcript • View account holds • Update demographic information • Enter diploma name information • View class schedule • View final grades • View expected graduation term and general academic information • Add or drop a class (depending on school/program specific registration procedures) • And…much more!

Records and Enrollment staff are available Monday through Friday from 8 a .m . to 5 p .m . Please feel free to visit us if we can be of assistance . We may also be reached via the Enrollment Services main number at (409) 772-1215 or by email at Enrollment.Services@UTMB.EDU Contact information for specific personnel can be found on our website: https://www.utmb.edu/enrollmentservices/ resources/student-records . We are delighted to that you have chosen to attend UTMB and look forward to working with you to provide any needed support and assistance throughout your educational experience! STUDENT OMBUDSPERSON

(409) 747-9055 http://www.utmb.edu/ombudsman The primary role of the Student Ombudsperson is to provide students and academic leadership with a resource to assist them in resolution of areas of concern or conflict . The Ombudsperson is a resource and a champion for fair processes while remaining neutral and considering all sides of a question in an objective and impartial manner . The Student Ombudsperson has no other titles, academic roles, or administrative affiliations . Additional duties include but are not limited to:

• Adheres to the ethical principles of the University and

College Ombudsman Association . • Assists in clarifying issues that have created conflict or concern . • Explores and analyzes concerns and means for resolving issues . • Provides information regarding available options and resources . • Facilitates informal meetings and mutual resolution of concerns • Maintains confidentiality and impartiality . • Develops and promotes positive, informal problemsolving methods . • Provides follow-up to the appropriate stakeholders . • Educates the UTMB community by promoting awareness of services and ongoing issues . • Makes recommendations for the continuous improvement of communication at all academic levels . • Adheres to internal controls and reporting structure .

Students may contact Dr . Blankenship at any time via email jeblanke@utmb.edu or telephone (409) 747-9055 to arrange a meeting . For further information please refer to: http://www.utmb.edu/ombudsman.


Ashley Thibodeaux, JD Executive Director of Internal Investigations and Title IX Compliance 2 .318 Rebecca Sealy Building (409) 772-2112 Title.IX@utmb.edu www.utmb.edu/studentservices/titleix.asp

Please contact the Title IX Office as soon as possible for questions or to report a Title IX incident involving: • sexual violence • sexual harassment • dating or domestic violence • stalking • gender discrimination • retaliation UTMB is committed to maintaining an environment that is safe and that supports equity in educational and professional pursuits .

Safety is a shared responsibility–ACT Assist them directly (if safe); Call the police or law enforcement; Get someone nearby to assist you; and Tell someone when you return to UTMB if the person is still at risk, there is a threat or there are continuing effects .

Please report incidents of sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, or stalking immediately to law enforcement and then the Title IX Office (409) 772-2112 or Title.IX@utmb. edu upon returning to school or work . If an individual is suicidal, please call 911. UTMB has many resources available to provide assistance . HAZING VIOLATIONS REPORT

The University of Texas Medical Branch (“UTMB”) is committed to providing a safe educational environment for everyone and does not tolerate hazing by any group or individual affiliated with the University . In alignment with state law, and to inform students in their choice to join student groups, UTMB publishes and distributes a report of hazing violations and any corresponding disciplinary action . Please find additional information regarding “Hazing” and UTMB’s hazing report at https://www.utmb.edu/studentservices/hazingviolations-report .


UTMB INSTITUTIONAL ADA OFFICER Lela V . Lockett-Ware, OT, CDMS OTR/Certified ADA Coordinator (409) 747-4818 adastdnt@utmb.edu Lee Hage Jamail Student Center, Room 2 .118 Office Hours: Mon . – Fri ., 7 AM – 5:30 PM

The UTMB Institutional ADA Officer assists employees and students during the interactive process to determine what, if any, reasonable accommodations can be provided . If you require assistance please contact Lela V . Lockett-Ware to schedule an appointment . The University of Texas Medical Branch in coordination with the Institutional ADA Office and the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Health Professions, and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences are committed to providing a supportive and challenging environment for students with disabilities who choose to attend UTMB . Please contact the ADA office with any questions regarding accommodations at adastdnt@utmb.edu .

ADA Amendments Act of 2008

As stated in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a person with a disability is defined as having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one of more major life activities; a record of such impairment; or being regarded as having such impairment .

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