The University of Texas Medical Branch
Research Innovation and Scientific Excellence Center 2022-2027
Introduction The future of health care is full of challenges and opportunities; changing demographics, complex technology, new health care settings, and shifts in interprofessional care models. As the largest group of healthcare professionals, nurses are ready to take on new roles as health care providers, researchers, and leaders of the healthcare transformation. To respond to these challenges, the UTMB School of Nursing (SON) created the Research, Innovation, and Scientific Excellence (RISE) Center, which supports faculty and SON Graduate students in all stages of the research process, from conceptualizing the research idea and study design through obtaining funding, implementing the research project, data analysis, and publication of findings. In addition, the RISE Center provides opportunities for students to engage in research and scholarship through mentoring. The UTMB School of Nursing RISE Center has identified five major priorities to enhance high impact research and develop a reputation as a top-tier research center. n Build a Culture of
Scholarship n Recruit and Retain
Top-Tier Talent n Strengthen Research
Support Infrastructure n Facilitate
Interprofessional Collaborations n Target and Grow
Research Clusters As we execute the strategic plan over the next five years, the RISE Center will create solutions to the most pressing healthcare challenges and health-related barriers through our community, state, and nation. The RISE Center will set national standards for innovation, evidence-based practice, nursing and healthcare systems, and wellness initiatives to impact healthcare outcomes while training the next generation of independent nurse scientist leaders.
Mission, Vision & Values Mission
The Mission of the School of Nursing’s Research Innovation and Scientific Excellence (RISE) Center at UTMB is to support and facilitate the development of faculty and their research. Vision
The Vision of the Nursing Research Innovation and Scientific Excellence (RISE) Center is to be a leader in research that optimizes health across the spectrum, from discovery to translation. Values
We align ourselves with the Values set forth by UTMB School of Nursing: n Compassion n Integrity n Respect n Diversity & Inclusion n Lifelong Learning n Accountability
The RISE Center focuses on six key areas that concentrate on optimizing health across the spectrum, from discovery to translation. Each of these areas provides a platform for building research profiles and connectivity within the scientific community. Researchers will use resources from each to augment their expertise. These areas’ essential underpinnings include exploration across the age continuum in all types of populations and communities. Educational Scholarship Integrate the use of holistic and integrative care to improve the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities and achieve optimal health outcomes at all stages of life and across diverse populations and settings.
Integrative Health Critical evaluation of large and complex data, “omics” research platforms such as genomes and exome sequencing, and their future clinical applications to assess, predict, and facilitate clinical decisions tailored to each person’s individual makeup.
Precision Healthcare Identification of biobehavioral, sociocultural, environmental, and political factors that lead to chronic disease and disability, with the goal of developing personalized strategies for symptom and self-management, reducing health disparities, and improving quality of life.
Innovative Interventions
Create an evidence-based foundation to guide educators in the training of undergraduate and graduate nurses, as well as to guide the development of future nursing education initiatives that supports best teaching and practices.
Population Health Utilize multidisciplinary translational teams to explore health care models in a variety of contexts, advance health science, and enhance patient-centered care and health outcomes by designing and evaluating innovative health initiatives and interventions.
Chronic Disease & Self-Care Use of community engagement and interdisciplinary collaborations to explore the strengths and needs of local, regional, and global populations in order to improve health and preventive care.
Services The RISE Center offers services that support faculty and students in their research pursuits. These services range from consultations for grant funding to statistical support for faculty and students. Regardless of the need, the RISE Center will support faculty and students in pursuing research endeavors.
Consultation Services We offer a wide variety of consultation services that support our faculty and students, including grant funding opportunities and how to disseminate their research.
Grant & Publication Preparation We provide grant preparation services that assist our faculty and students with every part of the development process from idea to award close out gathering for both internal and external grant applications.
Mentoring We provide mentoring to our junior and pre-tenured faculty members on the development and implementation of their innovative research and education programs of research.
Collaborations & Partnerships We assist in the coordination of interprofessional research collaborations between SON faculty, other departments and universities, and community stakeholders.
Statistical Support We provide statistical support for faculty and students, including analysis required in grant applications, IAUC and IRB Protocols, presentations and publishing scholarly work.
Priorities & Initiatives At the heart of the RISE Center’s strategic plan are our SON six major priorities. These priorities will guide our mission and vision and the foundation over the next three to five years. As we move forward with these goals, we may find opportunities to change our course, but they will not deter us from our overall Mission. School of Nursing Priorities
Advance Innovation
5 – Year Priorities
Build a Culture of Scholarship
Recruit and Retain Top Tier Talent
Strengthen Research Support Infrastructure
Recruit and Retain Top Tier Talent
Target and Grow Research Clusters
Short – Term Initiatives Create a system of awards that recognize the accomplishments of faculty and staff. Expand mentoring programs that provide coaching and support for faculty and staff. Create an innovation café that encourages research and support staff to share ideas and experiences. Establish a “gap in skills” training for faculty and students to further their skill sets.
Hire seasoned researchers with productive programs and role models for scholarship in an interdisciplinary environment.
Increase the number of training and research grant proposals and other sources of external funding applied for by SON faculty.
Retain top tier faculty that align with SON research priorities and initiatives.
Recruit research administration experts to assist in research and grant support, IRB review, budget review and other technical support.
Enhance productive programs of research and make scholarly contributions to the discipline. Create a framework that provides faculty, staff and students with a clear path for advancement in research and scholarship.
Establish adequate classroom, seminar, and laboratory space and facilities. Secure resources that support and reward faculty and student scholarship and role preparation.
Identify partners and collaborative entities to further research efforts of the center.
Identify and align competitive assets and advantages of the RISE Center.
Initiate dialogue with current partners and expand scope of projects.
Develop partnerships w/ public – private organizations to grow research clusters.
Establish networks of researchers with diverse backgrounds and intellectual perspectives within and outside the SON.
Utilize cluster diagnostics to define growth strategies.
Metrics of Success The RISE Center will track specific metrics that are tied to the long-term priorities. These metrics will be used to determine the RISE Center’s progress in achieving its strategic and operational goals. n Faculty publications, research funding and scholarly productivity n Community, national and global partnerships and collaborations n Recognition of faculty, students and staff accolades n Recruitment and retention faculty and staff n National and global research rankings n Fundraising, development, and alumni engagement
Stakeholders and Support Structure We acknowledged that we could not move forward throughout the strategic planning process without our internal and external stakeholders. The RISE Center will capitalize on its community partnerships and academic institution connections to ensure we exceed in achieving our goals to further our mission.
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