UTNCA 100M P.24
As the summer season draws to a close, discover the diverse landscapes of the Nice Côte d’Azur metropolis over four distances. Whatever your level, set off to conquer the most beautiful Mediterranean views, between the sea and the mountains.
From the highest peaks of the Southern Alps to the panoramic views of the Côte d’Azur, via a finish in the heart of the city of Nice on the world-famous Promenade des Anglais, this extraordinary adventure will take you beyond your limits to reveal the extraordinary in you!
« Once again, this legendary event is set to take place in our superb region organised by the world leading UTMB Group. It promises to be an extraordinary sporting challenge in an exceptional setting. In recent years, Ultra Trail has established itself as the ultimate challenge for all sport and nature lovers. It is now raising the bar by offering a top-quality world circuit for the world’s best specialists.
« Cʼest une épreuve mythique qui sʼannonce sur notre superbe territoire. Un défi sportif hors normes dans un cadre dʼexception. LʼUltra Trail sʼest imposé ces dernières années comme le challenge ultime pour tous les amoureux du sport et de la nature, et voici lʼheure de franchir une nouvelle étape en offrant un circuit mondial de grande qualité pour les meilleurs spécialistes de la planète.
Knowing that the Nice Côte d’Azur metropolis is at the heart of this ambition alongside 36 other events in the UTMB® World Series 2023 is a great source of pride. Above all, it confirms that our region lying between the sea and the mountains offers unique sporting conditions in an unspoilt natural environment with enormous biodiversity. Starting in d’Auron or Roubion, Saint-Jean-CapFerrat or Menton, and finishing in Nice, our aim is to demonstrate, through four events of 20, 50, 100 and 165 km, that there is a sporting challenge for everyone – whatever their level or age –and that by showcasing this exceptional landscape we can promote respect for the environment and raise awareness of an area of exceptional natural beauty that needs protecting.
Savoir que Nice Côte dʼAzur est désormais au coeur de cette ambition, parmi les 25 épreuves mondiales de lʼUTMB World Series 2022 est une grande fierté. Cʼest la confirmation surtout que notre territoire offre des conditions de pratique uniques, entre mer et montage, dans une nature préservée. Au départ de Menton ou dʼAuron, de Villefranche-sur-Mer ou de Roubion, et jusquʼà lʼarrivée à Nice, notre volonté est de démontrer à travers quatre épreuves de 20, 50, 100 et 165 km, que le défi sportif est lʼaffaire de tous, quelque soit son niveau ou son âge, et quʼil peut aussi se conjuguer avec le respect de lʼenvironnement en mettant en valeur des terres dʼexception quʼil faut protéger en les faisant mieux connaitre.
The first edition last year was an important test and despite the difficult weather conditions, the event confirmed the unique nature, diversity and beauty of the routes. This 2nd edition of the Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB® will take things to the next level, offering participants a unique experience and an even higher standard.
Une semaine après le rendez-vous slovène de Kranjska Gora, un mois avant celui de la Transvulcania aux Îles Canaries, aux côtés de sites aussi emblématiques que les Chutes de Tarawera en Nouvelle-Zélande, les Montagnes Bleues de Nouvelle-Galles-du-Sud en Australie, le Val dʼAran en Espagne, la Squaw Valley en Californie ou le Massif du Mont-Blanc, notre métropole sʼimpose ainsi comme un territoire incontournable pour ce type dʼépreuve qui a définitivement imposé sa griffe dans le calendrier des grands événements sportifs internationaux.
To all the organisers, volunteers and participants, welcome to Nice and to our magnificent region. A superb sporting challenge awaits you. I have no doubt that it will live up to your expectations!. »
Je veux donc remercier toute lʼéquipe de lʼUTMB World Series pour avoir fait le choix de notre territoire pour organiser cette étape azuréenne que nous voulons exemplaire et qui, jʼen suis sûr, marquera les esprits par son originalité, sa diversité et sa beauté. »
Reach new peaks of performance with propulsive carbon plates.
Uniting the sport’s biggest stars and amateur runners through the best, leading international events in the most stunning locations, the UTMB World Series gives all trail runners the chance to experience the UTMB adventure across the world, and gain access to the UTMB World Series Finals at the pinnacle UTMB MontBlanc.
Uniting the sport’s biggest stars and amateur runners through the best, leading international events in the most stunning locations, the UTMB World Series gives all trail runners the chance to experience the UTMB adventure across the world, and gain access to the UTMB World Series Finals at the pinnacle Dacia UTMB Mont-Blanc.
Celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year, the mythic Dacia UTMB Mont-Blanc is the world’s most well-known and revered trail running event on the globe. In the heart of the Alps, the prestigious UTMB World Series Finals is held in 3 categories: the OCC (50K), CCC(100K) and UTMB (100M) every year at the end of August in Chamonix, France.
Celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year, the mythic UTMB Mont-Blanc is the world’s most well-known and revered trail running event on the globe. In the heart of the Alps, the prestigious UTMB World Series Finals is held in 3 categories: the OCC (50K), CCC(100K) and UTMB (100M) every year at the end of August in Chamonix, France.
Three UTMB World Series Majors, are held each year across the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Collect double the amount of Running Stones compared to other UTMB World Series Events for the UTMB World Series Finals lottery. In total 225 runners are also granted automatic qualification for the UTMB World Series Finals through each Major. This includes age-group category winners and the top 10 male and female runners in the 100M, 100K and 50K categories.
Three UTMB World Series Majors, are held each year across the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Collect double the amount of Running Stones compared to other UTMB World Series Events for the UTMB World Series Finals lottery. In total 225 runners are also granted automatic qualification for the UTMB World Series Finals through each Major. This includes age-group category winners and the top 10 male and female runners in the 100M, 100K and 50K categories.
Get the UTMB experience closer to home. Built on a passion for the mountains with sustainability at its heart, UTMB World Series Events gives all trail runners the chance to experience the UTMB adventure at 35 events around the world. Begin your quest to UTMB Mont-Blanc and the UTMB World Series Finals.
Get the Dacia UTMB Mont-Blanc experience closer to home. Built on a passion for the mountains with sustainability at its heart, UTMB World Series Events gives all trail runners the chance to experience the adventure at 36 events around the world. Begin your quest to Dacia UTMB Mont-Blanc and the UTMB World Series Finals.
Get the Dacia UTMB Mont-Blanc experience closer to home. Built on a passion for the mountains with sustainability at its heart, UTMB World Series Events gives all trail runners the chance to experience the adventure at 38 events around the world. Begin your quest to Dacia UTMB Mont-Blanc and the UTMB World Series Finals.
You can only collect Running Stones by finishing races in the 20K, 50K, 100K or 100M category at a UTMB World Series Event or UTMB World Series Major.
You can only collect Running Stones by finishing races in the 20K, 50K, 100K or 100M category at a UTMB World Series Event or UTMB World Series Major.
Only 1 Running Stone acquired in the past two years is mandatory to enter the lottery. Running Stones are cumulative, have no expiration date, and each Running Stone gives you an additional chance to be drawn in the UTMB World Series Finals lottery.
Only 1 Running Stone acquired in the past two years is mandatory to enter the lottery. Running Stones are cumulative, have no expiration date, and each Running Stone gives you an additional chance to be drawn in the UTMB World Series Finals lottery.
The UTMB Index is calculated for each of the 4 UTMB World Series race categories: 20K, 50K,100k and 100M.
The UTMB Index is calculated for each of the 4 UTMB World Series race categories: 20K, 50K,100k and 100M.
Trail runners are also given a General UTMB Index calculated by combining results from all race categories. A valid UTMB Index is mandatory to enter the UTMB World Series Finals lottery, along with a minimum of 1 Running Stone.
Trail runners are also given a General UTMB Index calculated by combining results from all race categories. A valid UTMB Index is mandatory to enter the UTMB World Series Finals lottery, along with a minimum of 1Running Stone.
- See your Running Stones count
- Check your UTMB Index
- See your Running Stones count
- Check your UTMB Index
- View your race results
- View your race results
- Get detailed performance statistics
- Get detailed performance statistics
- See your upcoming race registrations
- See your upcoming race registrations
- Share your results with your friends
- Share your results with your friends
Istria 100™ by UTMB®
Transvulcania by UTMB®
Ultra-Trail Snowdonia by UTMB® Wales
Trail Alsace Grand Est by UTMB®
Trail du Saint-Jacques by UTMB®
mozart 100™ by UTMB®
La Sportiva® Lavaredo Ultra Trail® by UTMB®
Trail 100 Andorra™ by UTMB®
Val d'Aran by UTMB®
Restonica Trail by UTMB®
Trail Verbier Saint-Bernard by UTMB®
Eiger Ultra-Trail™ by UTMB®
KAT100™ by UTMB®
Dacia UTMB® Mont-Blanc
France, Italy, Switzerland
Julian Alps Trail Run by UTMB®
Wildstrubel by UTMB®
Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB®
Kullamannen™ by UTMB®
Tarawera Ultramarathon™ by UTMB® New-Zealand
Ultra-Trail Australia™ by UTMB® Australia
Ultra-Trail Kosciuszko™ by UTMB® Australia
Desert RATS Trail Running Festival™ by UTMB® USA
The Canyons Endurance Runs™ by UTMB® USA
Valhöll Argentina by UTMB® Argentina
Western States® 100-Mile Endurance Run USA
Speedgoat™ Mountain Races by UTMB® USA
Paraty Brazil by UTMB® Brazil
Grindstones Trail Running Festival™ by UTMB® USA
Kodiak Ultra Marathons by UTMB® USA
Puerto Vallarta México by UTMB® Mexico
Mountain Ultra-Trail™ by UTMB® South Africa
Amazean Jungle Thailand by UTMB® Thailand
Ultra-Trail Ninghai by UTMB® China
TransJeju by UTMB® South Korea
Ultra-Trail Mount Yun by UTMB® China
TransLantau™ by UTMB®
Hong Kong
Doi Inthanon Thailand by UTMB® Thailand
Dacia, partenaire automobile officiel de l’UTMB® World Series
* AVERTISSEMENT: ces horaires sont indicatives et pourront varier de manière importante en fonction des aléas de l’organisation.
As the event organiser, the Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB has developed several actions aimed at preserving the natural environment and raising the awareness of all those involved. It is a collective action that includes the organisation, the local authorities, the runners and supporters, such as the partners, the service providers and the volunteers.
During the Ultra Trail Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur, you will be crossing the heart of the Mercantour National Park.
In this area, as everywhere else, we ask you to pay special attention to the environment around you. The park enforces specific regulations to protect its fauna and flora, and you will find below a reminder of some to be respected:
• Do not take your dog with you for the protection of the wildlife;
• Stay on the paths and avoid noise in order to limit trampling and disturbance of the fauna and other users;
• Do not pick flowers or plants to allow everyone to admire them;
attention à l'environnement qui vous entoure. Le parc impose un règlement spécifique pour protéger sa faune et sa flore, et vous trouverez ci-dessous un rappel de quelques consignes à respecter :
nʼemmenons pas notre chien pour la tranquillité de la faune;
• Do not use drones or any other noisy flying objects that could disturb the wildlife;
restons sur les chemins et évitons le bruit afin de limiter le piétinement et le dérangement de la faune et des autres usagers;
• Take away your waste to keep the area clean;
ne cueillons ni les fleurs, ni les plantes pour permettre à tous de les admirer;
n'utilisons pas de drône ou tout autre objet volant bruyant qui pourrait déranger la faune; remportons nos déchets pour conserver la propreté des lieux;
• Do not camp or light fires to avoid leaving traces of your visit.
Find all the details and rules of conduct in this exceptional Natural Park by clicking HERE:
ne campons pas et ne faisons pas de feu pour ne pas laisser de traces de notre passage
Retrouvez tous les détails et les règles de conduite dans ce Parc Naturel exceptionnel en cliquant ICI :
More plastic for less waste. Runners, supporters, volunteers, organisation, everyone is called to act in the most responsible way possible
In order to reduce the consumption of plastic by runners and volunteers, and thus limit the event’s carbon impact, the organisation does not distribute any single-use tableware (cutlery, cups, bowls) at the race bases and refreshment stations. Each participant in the race is therefore invited to bring their own cutlery if they wish to eat at the refreshment posts.
Moreover, small trash bags will be given to the participants when they pick their race numbers. These bags will be used to put used toilet paper as well as any dirty waste such as open gels or cling film that may have contained food. We ask each runner to keep their waste with them between refreshment stations, including fruit peels. Dedicated bins are available at each feeding point to ensure waste sorting. The last bin is located approximately 100m after the feed station (clearly marked with a sign).
Runners are encouraged to use rechargeable batteries and, if this is not possible, to keep their used batteries before disposing of them in the special containers available at the feed stations or at the finish.
At the heart of the event, with its Ultra Trail Village and the nish line of all distances on the Promenade des Anglais, Nice will welcome you with open arms to make you live the Mediterranean experience in all its splendour.
These two mountain villages, hosting the starts of the 100M and 100K, provide a gateway to the hinterland of Nice and the Mercantour massif oering breathtaking experiences between rocky landscapes and green mountain pastures.
Auron, an ex-alpine village in the Haut Pays Niçois, was once the granary of SaintÉtienne-de-Tinée. Today, it is a dynamic winter and summer resort in the heart of the Mercantour massif.
Roubion dominates the Tinée valley and flirts with the Mercantour mountain pastures, at the foot of the Mont Mounier.
Menton, a seaside town just a few kilometres east of Nice, offers a unique blend of town and country. It hosts the start of the 50K, offering trail enthusiasts an exceptional experience between the sea and the mountains.
Situated between Nice and Menton, Saint-JeanCap-Ferrat is a coastal town with a unique setting. The peninsula welcomes runners for the start of the 20K, between land and sea.
For the 100M, you can find the race tracking schedule HERE :
For the 100K, you can find the schedule of the race follow-up here HERE :
The organizers of the Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB® have been committed to limiting the environmental impact of the event as much as possible. This is why, transport shuttles have been set up to limit the use of individual cars.
Runners, supporters, use the shuttles of the organization to go to the start of the 100M and 100K, or the train to reach Menton and SaintJean-Cap-Ferrat.
Supporters on the 100M and 100K can also follow their runner at several points of the course.
Booking is required to use the shuttles.
For the 50k, 4 TERs depart from Nice: one at 05:40 arriving in Menton Centre at 06:12, one at 06:03 arriving in Menton Centre at 06:35, one at 06:20 arriving in Menton Centre at 06:52, or one at 06:58 arriving in Menton Centre at 07:30.
For the 20K, 3 TERs depart from Nice, one at 05:40 arriving in Beaulieu at 05:50, one at 06:03 arriving in Beaulieu at 06:13, or one at 06:20 arriving in Beaulieu at 06:30. You’ll need to walk 3km along a coastal path to reach the start of the race in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat.
The TER tickets are free for the runners, a bracelet allowing access to the train will be given to you when you collect your bib.
Consignes sur le parcours :
vous rappelons que vous devez être en possession d’une assurance individuelle accident couvrant d’éventuels frais de recherche et d’évacuation en France. Tous les ans, des coureurs se font piéger faute d’avoir été suffisamment prévoyants. Une telle assurance peut être souscrite auprès de l’organisme de votre choix. Depuis 2022, UTMB Group propose sa propre assurance rapatriement, disponible à ce lien :
Quelques rappels de bon sens pour faire face à une météo difficile :
- Anticipez aussi bien le froid que la chaleur extrême
Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB® races all take place in mountainous terrain, with some remote areas (no telecommunications...) and weather conditions which roads or can change very quickly (snow, hail, fog, heat (>30°) or intense cold (<-10°), violent wind).
- Ne vous changez pas en plein vent : anticipez ou attendez d’être à l’abri
- Protégez-vous du soleil
Advice along the route :
- Do not stop at high peaks.
- If you can’t see any way-marker: turn around and go back to the previous marker.
- Follow the marked paths.
Some common sense reminders for facing difficult weather conditions:
- Anticipate the cold as well as extreme heat
- Don’t wait to shiver before covering yourself up
Bâtons : prenez garde à l’utilisation de vos bâtons, surtout dans la première partie de la course lorsque le peloton est dense. N’enfilez pas les dragonnes dans les descentes : en cas de chute brutale, ils vous empêchent de vous rattraper convenablement sur les mains (lésions aux épaules, poignets, avantbras... ou au crâne).
- Don’t change in full wind: anticipate or wait to be sheltered
- Protect yourself against the sun
L’hydratation et les apports énergétiques doivent être adaptés aux conditions météo et enrichis en sel tout au long de l’effort. Maintenez un bon équilibre entre les sucres lents et les sucres rapides.
Walking poles: watch what you do with your poles particularly at the beginning of the race when there is a high human density. Do not wear the wrist straps on the descents: in case of a rough fall wrist-straps prevent the suitable use of the hands (injuries to shoulders, wrists, forearms or more seriously the head).
Hydration and the consumption of energizing snacks must be adapted to the meteorological conditions and enriched in salt throughout the effort. Keep a good balance between slow and rapid release sugars.
Rest areas are available at aid stations for a few moments of sleep. It is dangerous to stop to sleep alone in open country. Fatigue and the lack of vigilance can cause an accident. Run within your limits (above all over the first part) saving your energy for later to surmount difficult situations which may arise, such as a sudden change of weather conditions.
by LiveTrail®, indispensable pour votre sécurité. Pour les coureurs qui vont passer plus de 15h en course, il est conseillé d’emporter une batterie externe. Vérifiez que le N° d’appel en cas d’urgence que vous avez indiqué est bien celui de la personne de votre entourage qui doit être alertée en cas de problème.
In order to take the start of your race with peace of mind, we remind you that you must have personal accident insurance to cover any search and rescue costs in France. Every year there are runners who do not have sufficient provision. Such insurance can be taken out with the insurance company of your choice.
Since 2022, the UTMB Group has offered its own repatriation insurance, which you can take out at the following link: https://utmb.assurinco. com/
L’application est une interface de référence pour votre sécurité, tout en vous apportant des informations de courses précieuses (suivi en temps réel de votre course et de celle vos amis). En cas de SOS, l’application vous permet d’envoyer directement par texto votre position GPS à l’organisation. Cela représente un gain de temps précieux pour votre prise en charge. Attention cependant, elle ne se substitue pas à un appel au PC Course. Un téléphone mobile fonctionnant en France et opérationnel pendant l’événement est obligatoire. Ne mettez en aucun cas votre téléphone en mode avion car nous devons pouvoir vous contacter avant, pendant et après la course. Les smartphones sont fortement recommandés pour utiliser l’application LiveRun
IT IS COMPULSORY NOT TO LEAVE A PERSON IN DIFFICULTY ALONE. points des réseaux routiers, télécommunication…).
Très important : Pour améliorer votre prise en charge en cas d’incident, vérifiez que vous avez renseigné sur votre espace coureur, votre numéro de téléphone pendant la course. Vous pouvez le mettre à jour jusqu’au départ de votre course. IL
The application is a reference interface for your safety, while providing you with invaluable information about the competition (real-time tracking of your race and that of your friends). In the event of an SOS, the app lets you text your GPS position directly to the organisers. This saves precious time when it comes to taking care of you. Please note, however, that it is not a substitute for a call to Race HQ. A mobile phone is compulsory with the international option activated during the race, and with a working battery. Under no circumstances should you put your phone in aeroplane mode, as we need to be able to contact you before, during and after the race. For runners who will be spending more
than 15 hours on the trail, it is advised to bring an external battery. Check that the emergency number you have given is the contact information of the person in your entourage who should be alerted in the event of a problem. Very important: To improve your care in the event of an incident, check that you have entered your contact number for the duration of the race in your runner’s area. You can update it up until the start of your race.
PC COURSE N°D’URGENCE 09 72 16 67 25
departure, please save emergency numbers in your cellphone HTTPS://UTMB.ASSURINCO.COM/
- En cas de perte du balisage faites demi-tour pour retrouver la dernière balise
- Restez sur les chemins
A mythical course that will take you through the most beautiful trails of the Mercantour and the Nice region, among rocky landscapes and shady forests, before returning to the spectacular Mediterranean scenery for the delight of all fans.
The 100M will start from Auron and will quickly reach the highest point of the course at more than 2,650 metres above sea level: the Rabuons and its unique rocky landscapes along the way of energy. After crossing chestnut forests and the winding Tinée river several times, you will be treated to the beauty of the Mercantour massif and then to fine ridges at the halfway point at an altitude of over 2,000 metres. A final effort to negotiate the 4 mounts: Mont Leuze, Mont Vinaigrier, Mont Alban and Mont Boron, and at the bend of a steep ramp, you will reach the coast, an amazing landscape so different from anything you have ever seen, before reaching the Promenade des Anglais!
Race number collection :
- Thursday 28 September from 4pm to 8pm in NiceQuai des États-Unis
- Friday 29 September from 8am to 11.30am in Auron - Race starting location
Strating waves : Find your starting wave HERE
Prize-giving ceremony : - Sunday 1st October from 12.00 am
Shuttle buses will be provided by the organisation to enable runners and accompanying persons to get to the start.
All the info can be found HERE
The race bib can be picked up at one of 2 locations : Nice and Auron.
Race-bibs are given to each runner upon presentation of:
- A valid photo ID
- The backpack that you will be using during the race, so that we can attach the gps tracker to it. The race-bib must be worn on the chest or stomach and must remain permanently and completely visible during the whole race. It must always be placed on top of all clothing and must not be positioned on a leg or on the pack. The runner’s name and partner’s logos must not be altered or hidden. The bib is the pass to access the shuttles, buses, aid stations, medical points, rest rooms, showers, bag drop-off or pick-up areas... The bib is only withdrawn if the runner refuses to comply with the race director’s decision. If the runner abandons the race, the bib is cut and deactivated.
It is wonderful if you are, but you can only display sponsors on your clothes and equipment used during the race. No flags in the name of X, or banners for Y.
Each runner will be supplied with 2 electronic chips and a bracelet. Certain check points are automatic, others are manual. Unexpected controls will be carried out by the organization. Runners who are not permanently in possession of their chips and wrist-bands will be penalized.
Help us to conserve the natural surroundings; do not drop your litter along the race route. We all share the responsibility of keeping our play-ground clean. Do not forget to carry a bag in which to put your rubbish between two rubbish-bin points.
Designed to avoid the waste of disposable cups throughout the race, each runner must provide their own, with a minimum capacity of 15cl. PLEASE BE AWARE, gourds/water bottles or water flasks with screw/clip top are not accepted as cups!
The organization will not distribute any disposable cutlery, beakers/cups or bowls at aid stations and refreshment posts. You are asked to carry your own utensils if you wish to eat hot food (soup, pasta).
1 bag for personal belongings in Saint-Sauveur-Sur-Tinée and in Levens.
During the race, it is mandatory to retrieve your bag in aid station and then drop it off again in the appropriate area before leaving so that it can be returned to Nice. Neither walking poles, nor fragile or valuable objects, are to be placed in these bags. Only the bags provided by the organization will be allowed. Any delay in their repatriation is due to logistical constraints. A bag can be returned after the runner arrives, in particular in the case of abandonment early in the race. Thank you for being patient and respecting the work of the volunteers.
As in previous years, the volunteers are there to help you, but also to ensure that the rules are respected. Among them are the Commissaires de Course (race stewards). Some of them have specific duties concerning the immediate application of real-time penalties if the rules are not respected. It is important to understand that the penalties incurred during the race will require runners to pause and wait until the added time penalty has been fulfilled! For the race leaders, this represents a possible descent in the ranking, and for the slowest runners this could mean missing the next time barrier. The Race Stewards have the right to check your mandatory equipment at the start and at any point along the route. If you are missing an element of the mandatory safety equipment (no minimum water reserve of a minimum of 1 liter, no waterproof jacket with hood, no torch, no survival blanket, no mobile/cell phone) you will be immediately disqualified. To know more about the penalties, read the complete regulations on
In case of exceptional or specific cases, penalties will be decided with the race directors.
Only runners wearing a visible race number on their chest or stomach, their wristband and their chip on their rucksack will have access to the aid stations. Organisers will only provide still water or energy drinks for filling water bottles or water bags. All other drinks are to be consumed on site only.
3 types of refreshment points are available:
- Drinks only: still water, sparkling water, Näak Ultra Energy drink, cola, coffee, tea, vermicelli soup.
- Full feed: drinks (as above) + cereal or energy bars, Ultra Energy Näak bars and waffles, sweet cakes, chocolate, bananas, oranges, sultanas, savoury biscuits, cheese, sausage, bread.
- In addition, a post-race meal is served in Nice.
Unless you are injured, you must not leave the trail other than at a checkpoint. In this case, you MUST notify the checkpoint supervisor, who will permanently cancel your race number and collect your rucksack chip.
The runner must keep their cancelled race number as it serves as an access pass to the shuttles, buses, meals and treatment rooms. Repatriation will be decided in consultation with the station manager, in accordance with the following general rules:
- Buses are available at certain feed stations indicated by a “bus” pictogram on the timetable for runners who have abandoned the race and want to return to Nice.
- Runners who abandon the race at another aid or feed station, but whose state of health does not require them to be evacuated, must return to the nearest repatriation point as quickly as possible and by their own means.
- In the event that a runner abandons the race before a checkpoint, it is imperative to return to the previous checkpoint and report withdrawal from the race to the station manager. If, while returning to the previous checkpoint, the runner encounters sweepers, it is the sweepers who will cancel the race number. The runner is then outside the organisation’s area of control.
New: for better feedback, you can also declare your withdrawal on the LiveTrail application. Please note, however, that the withdrawal procedure described above also applies to runners that have the application.
LIVETRAIL®These are calculated to enable participants to reach the finish in the maximum time allowed. They are indicated on the various documents provided. The cut-off time indicated is the deadline by which competitors must leave the checkpoint. The organisers may modify the cut-off times for safety reasons. Runners will be notified by SMS and/or email. No runner will be allowed to leave a checkpoint behind the sweepers.
The organisation does not provide repatriation by car or 4x4 (except for medical reasons and on the decision of the medical officer or head of station). Runners who abandon at a mountain station must return as quickly as possible and by their own means to the nearest repatriation point where the organisation’s buses are available.
You can only take a hot shower at the finish. On the course, showers are only available on medical advice.
For better night vision, the route markers have a yellow reflective element that will illuminate when your headlamp shines on it.
CAUTION: if you no longer see the route markers, turn back! Out of respect for the environment, no paint will be used on the trails.
From the mountains with their beautiful forests to the typical garrigue of the Nice backcountry and the sparkling waters of the Mediterranean, the diversity of the landscapes encountered on the 115 km long route and the 4,800 metres of positive elevation gain will be forever in your memory. Roubion, a small village in the south of the Mercantour National Park built on the side of a cliff, will be the starting point. After a few kilometres you will move to ridges located between the valleys of the Tinée and Vésubie which offer a superb view of the Alps and the main peaks of the Mercantour. You will then plunge southwards towards the Mediterranean via the 4 mountains and along the coastline to celebrate your arrival on the Promenade des Anglais.
Race numbers collection:
- Thursday 28 September from 4pm to 8pm in NiceQuai des États-Unis
- Friday 29 September from 10am to 8pm in NiceQuai des États-Unis
Prize-giving ceremony :
- Sunday, 1st October 10 am
Shuttle buses will be provided by the organisation to enable runners and accompanying persons to get to the start.
All the info can be found HERE
Book your shuttle in the online runner’s area. You will need to walk 1.5km between the Buisses parking lot (shuttle drop-off point) and the center of Roubion (race starting point).
A picturesque and authentic village will welcome the start of the 100km which promises to be an extraordinary adventure through the most beautiful paths of the Mercantour area. 100km of fun to discover the Mediterranean and its surroundings.
The race bib can be picked up at Nice. Race-bibs are given to each runner upon presentation of:
- A valid photo ID
- The backpack that you will be using during the race, so that we can attach the gps tracker to it. The race-bib must be worn on the chest or stomach and must remain permanently and completely visible during the whole race. It must always be placed on top of all clothing and must not be positioned on a leg or on the pack. The runner’s name and partner’s logos must not be altered or hidden. The bib is the pass to access the shuttles, buses, aid stations, medical points, rest rooms, showers, bag drop-off or pick-up areas... The bib is only withdrawn if the runner refuses to comply with the race director’s decision. If the runner abandons the race, the bib is cut and deactivated.
It is wonderful if you are, but you can only display sponsors on your clothes and equipment used during the race. No flags in the name of X, or banners for Y.
Each runner will be supplied with 2 electronic chips and a bracelet. Certain check points are automatic, others are manual. Unexpected controls will be carried out by the organization. Runners who are not permanently in possession of their chips and wrist-bands will be penalized.
Help us to conserve the natural surroundings; do not drop your litter along the race route. We all share the responsibility of keeping our play-ground clean. Do not forget to carry a bag in which to put your rubbish between two rubbish-bin points.
Designed to avoid the waste of disposable cups throughout the race, each runner must provide their own, with a minimum capacity of 15cl. PLEASE BE AWARE, gourds/water bottles or water flasks with screw/clip top are not accepted as cups!
The organization will not distribute any disposable cutlery, beakers/cups or bowls at aid stations and refreshment posts. You are asked to carry your own utensils if you wish to eat hot food (soup, pasta).
1 bag for personal belongings in Levens. During the race, it is mandatory to retrieve your bag in Levens and then drop it off again in the appropriate area before leaving so that it can be returned to Nice. Neither walking poles, nor fragile or valuable objects, are to be placed in these bags. Only the bags provided by the organization will be allowed. Any delay in their repatriation is due to logistical constraints. A bag can be returned after the runner arrives, in particular in the case of abandonment early in the race. Thank you for being patient and respecting the work of the volunteers.
As in previous years, the volunteers are there to help you, but also to ensure that the rules are respected. Among them are the Commissaires de Course (race stewards). Some of them have specific duties concerning the immediate application of real-time penalties if the rules are not respected. It is important to understand that the penalties incurred during the race will require runners to pause and wait until the added time penalty has been fulfilled! For the race leaders, this represents a possible descent in the ranking, and for the slowest runners this could mean missing the next time barrier. The Race Stewards have the right to check your mandatory equipment at the start and at any point along the route. If you are missing an element of the mandatory safety equipment (no minimum water reserve of a minimum of 1 liter, no waterproof jacket with hood, no torch, no survival blanket, no mobile/cell phone) you will be immediately disqualified. To know more about the penalties, read the complete regulations on
In case of exceptional or specific cases, penalties will be decided with the race directors.
Only runners wearing a visible race number on their chest or stomach, their wristband and their chip on their rucksack will have access to the aid stations. Organisers will only provide still water or energy drinks for filling water bottles or water bags. All other drinks are to be consumed on site only.
3 types of refreshment points are available:
- Drinks only: still water, sparkling water, Näak Ultra Energy drink, cola, coffee, tea, vermicelli soup.
- Full feed: drinks (as above) + cereal or energy bars, Ultra Energy Näak bars and waffles, sweet cakes, chocolate, bananas, oranges, sultanas, savoury biscuits, cheese, sausage, bread.
- In addition, a post-race meal is served in Nice.
Unless you are injured, you must not leave the trail other than at a checkpoint. In this case, you MUST notify the checkpoint supervisor, who will permanently cancel your race number and collect your rucksack chip.
The runner must keep their cancelled race number as it serves as an access pass to the shuttles, buses, meals and treatment rooms. Repatriation will be decided in consultation with the station manager, in accordance with the following general rules:
- Buses are available at certain feed stations indicated by a “bus” pictogram on the timetable for runners who have abandoned the race and want to return to Nice.
- Runners who abandon the race at another aid or feed station, but whose state of health does not require them to be evacuated, must return to the nearest repatriation point as quickly as possible and by their own means.
- In the event that a runner abandons the race before a checkpoint, it is imperative to return to the previous checkpoint and report withdrawal from the race to the station manager. If, while returning to the previous checkpoint, the runner encounters sweepers, it is the sweepers who will cancel the race number. The runner is then outside the organisation’s area of control.
New: for better feedback, you can also declare your withdrawal on the LiveTrail application. Please note, however, that the withdrawal procedure described above also applies to runners that have the application.
LIVETRAIL®These are calculated to enable participants to reach the finish in the maximum time allowed. They are indicated on the various documents provided. The cut-off time indicated is the deadline by which competitors must leave the checkpoint. The organisers may modify the cut-off times for safety reasons. Runners will be notified by SMS and/or email. No runner will be allowed to leave a checkpoint behind the sweepers.
The organisation does not provide repatriation by car or 4x4 (except for medical reasons and on the decision of the medical officer or head of station). Runners who abandon at a mountain station must return as quickly as possible and by their own means to the nearest repatriation point where the organisation’s buses are available.
You can only take a hot shower at the finish. On the course, showers are only available on medical advice.
For better night vision, the route markers have a yellow reflective element that will illuminate when your headlamp shines on it.
CAUTION: if you no longer see the route markers, turn back! Out of respect for the environment, no paint will be used on the trails.
Starting with a vertical kilometre towards the Col du Berceau, runners will be able to appreciate the pretty Borrigo waterfall before crossing the medieval village of Sainte-Agnès to reach the Cime de Baudon, the highest point at 1266 m, which offers a 360° view from which you can see Corsica and the Mercantour peaks. After several kilometres on the ridges via the Fort de la Revère and the Mont Bataille, a plunge towards the Mediterranean for a spectacular finale on the Promenade des Anglais.
Race numbers collection:
- Thursday 28 September from 4pm to 8pm in NiceQuai des États-Unis
- Friday 29 September from 10am to 8pm in NiceQuai des États-Unis
- Friday 29 September from 2pm to 8pm in MentonPlage des Sablettes
Prize-giving ceremony :
- Saturday 30 September at 5pm for the scratch race and 9pm for the other categories
For the 50k, 4 TERs depart from Nice:
- one at 05:40 arriving in Menton Centre at 06:12, - one at 06:03 arriving in Menton Centre at 06:35, - one at 06:20 arriving in Menton Centre at 06:52, - or one at 06:58 arriving in Menton Centre at 07:30.
Each runner will be able to obtain a free ticket with his or her number, a voucher will be distributed together with numbers. Accompanying persons will be able to buy their ticket directly at the station ticket office.
Please note there will be no parking available on site. Access to the start of the race will be by train and/or on foot.
A superb route on the cliffs of the Riviera guaranteeing breathtaking views and Mediterranean scented paths!
The race bib can be picked up at Nice or at Menton. Race-bibs are given to each runner upon presentation of a valid photo ID.
The race-bib must be worn on the chest or stomach and must remain permanently and completely visible during the whole race. It must always be placed on top of all clothing and must not be positioned on a leg or on the pack. The runner’s name and partner’s logos must not be altered or hidden. The bib is the pass to access the shuttles, buses, aid stations, medical points, rest rooms, showers, bag drop-off or pick-up areas... The bib is only withdrawn if the runner refuses to comply with the race director’s decision. If the runner abandons the race, the bib is cut and deactivated.
It is wonderful if you are, but you can only display sponsors on your clothes and equipment used during the race. No flags in the name of X, or banners for Y.
Each runner will be supplied with 2 electronic chips and a bracelet. Certain check points are automatic, others are manual. Unexpected controls will be carried out by the organization. Runners who are not permanently in possession of their chips and wrist-bands will be penalized.
Help us to conserve the natural surroundings; do not drop your litter along the race route. We all share the responsibility of keeping our play-ground clean. Do not forget to carry a bag in which to put your rubbish between two rubbish-bin points.
Designed to avoid the waste of disposable cups throughout the race, each runner must provide their own, with a minimum capacity of 15cl. PLEASE BE AWARE, gourds/water bottles or water flasks with screw/clip top are not accepted as cups!
The organization will not distribute any disposable cutlery, beakers/cups or bowls at aid stations and refreshment posts. You are asked to carry your own utensils if you wish to eat hot food (soup, pasta).
1 bag to be left near the start in Menton and collected in Nice on arrival.
Neither walking poles, nor fragile or valuable objects, are to be placed in these bags. Only the bags provided by the organization will be allowed. Any delay in their repatriation is due to logistical constraints. A bag can be returned after the runner arrives, in particular in the case of abandonment early in the race. Thank you for being patient and respecting the work of the volunteers.
As in previous years, the volunteers are there to help you, but also to ensure that the rules are respected. Among them are the Commissaires de Course (race stewards). Some of them have specific duties concerning the immediate application of real-time penalties if the rules are not respected. It is important to understand that the penalties incurred during the race will require runners to pause and wait until the added time penalty has been fulfilled! For the race leaders, this represents a possible descent in the ranking, and for the slowest runners this could mean missing the next time barrier. The Race Stewards have the right to check your mandatory equipment at the start and at any point along the route. If you are missing an element of the mandatory safety equipment (no minimum water reserve of a minimum of 1 liter, no waterproof jacket with hood, no torch, no survival blanket, no mobile/cell phone) you will be immediately disqualified. To know more about the penalties, read the complete regulations on
In case of exceptional or specific cases, penalties will be decided with the race directors.
Only runners wearing a visible race number on their chest or stomach, their wristband and their chip on their rucksack will have access to the aid stations. Organisers will only provide still water or energy drinks for filling water bottles or water bags. All other drinks are to be consumed on site only.
3 types of refreshment points are available:
- Drinks only: still water, sparkling water, Näak Ultra Energy drink, cola, coffee, tea, vermicelli soup.
- Full feed: drinks (as above) + cereal or energy bars, Ultra Energy Näak bars and waffles, sweet cakes, chocolate, bananas, oranges, sultanas, savoury biscuits, cheese, sausage, bread.
- In addition, a post-race meal is served i
Unless you are injured, you must not leave the trail other than at a checkpoint. In this case, you MUST notify the checkpoint supervisor, who will permanently cancel your race number and collect your rucksack chip.
The runner must keep their cancelled race number as it serves as an access pass to the shuttles, buses, meals and treatment rooms. Repatriation will be decided in consultation with the station manager, in accordance with the following general rules:
- Buses are available at certain feed stations indicated by a “bus” pictogram on the timetable for runners who have abandoned the race and want to return to Nice.
- Runners who abandon the race at another aid or feed station, but whose state of health does not require them to be evacuated, must return to the nearest repatriation point as quickly as possible and by their own means.
- In the event that a runner abandons the race before a checkpoint, it is imperative to return to the previous checkpoint and report withdrawal from the race to the station manager. If, while returning to the previous checkpoint, the runner encounters sweepers, it is the sweepers who will cancel the race number. The runner is then outside the organisation’s area of control.
New: for better feedback, you can also declare your withdrawal on the LiveTrail application. Please note, however, that the withdrawal procedure described above also applies to runners that have the application.
LIVETRAIL®These are calculated to enable participants to reach the finish in the maximum time allowed. They are indicated on the various documents provided. The cut-off time indicated is the deadline by which competitors must leave the checkpoint. The organisers may modify the cut-off times for safety reasons. Runners will be notified by SMS and/or email. No runner will be allowed to leave a checkpoint behind the sweepers.
The organisation does not provide repatriation by car or 4x4 (except for medical reasons and on the decision of the medical officer or head of station). Runners who abandon at a mountain station must return as quickly as possible and by their own means to the nearest repatriation point where the organisation’s buses are available.
You can only take a hot shower at the finish. On the course, showers are only available on medical advice.
For better night vision, the route markers have a yellow reflective element that will illuminate when your headlamp shines on it.
CAUTION: if you no longer see the route markers, turn back! Out of respect for the environment, no paint will be used on the trails.
The most accessible course of the weekend, the 20K offers a rolling route that combines roads and trails with breath-taking views of the Mediterranean and a rewarding finish in Nice with your feet in the water!
Set off on a nearly complete tour of the peninsula, starting from the port of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, before climbing towards the Chapelle Saint-Grat. From there, head towards the Plateau St Michel, offering a breathtaking view towards Cap Ferrat and then to Col 4 Chemins. After a beautiful passage along the Mediterranean trails, you’ll descend back towards the coast. A final short climb up the Château hill will reward you with a view of the Bay of Angels before you cross the finish line on the famous Promenade des Anglais.
Race numbers collection:
- Thursday 28 September from 4pm to 8pm in NiceQuai des États-Unis
- Friday 29 September from 10am to 8pm in NiceQuai des États-Unis
- Saturday 30 September from 3pm to 8pm in NiceQuai des États-Unis
Prize-giving ceremony :
- Sunday 1st october at 12.30 pm
For the 20K, 3 TERs depart Nice, - one at 05:40 arriving in Beaulieu at 05:50, - one at 06:03 arriving in Beaulieu at 06:13, - or one at 06:20 arriving in Beaulieu at 06:30.
You’ll need to walk 3km along a coastal path to reach the start of the race in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat.
Each runner will be able to obtain a free ticket with his or her number, a voucher will be distributed together with numbers. Accompanying persons will be able to buy their ticket directly at the station ticket office.
Please note there will be no parking available on site. Access to the start of the race will be by train and/or on foot.
The race bib can be picked up at Nice. Race-bibs are given to each runner upon presentation of a valid photo ID.
The race-bib must be worn on the chest or stomach and must remain permanently and completely visible during the whole race. It must always be placed on top of all clothing and must not be positioned on a leg or on the pack. The runner’s name and partner’s logos must not be altered or hidden. The bib is the pass to access the shuttles, buses, aid stations, medical points, rest rooms, showers, bag drop-off or pick-up areas... The bib is only withdrawn if the runner refuses to comply with the race director’s decision. If the runner abandons the race, the bib is cut and deactivated.
It is wonderful if you are, but you can only display sponsors on your clothes and equipment used during the race. No flags in the name of X, or banners for Y.
Each runner will be supplied with 2 electronic chips and a bracelet. Certain check points are automatic, others are manual. Unexpected controls will be carried out by the organization. Runners who are not permanently in possession of their chips and wrist-bands will be penalized.
Help us to conserve the natural surroundings; do not drop your litter along the race route. We all share the responsibility of keeping our play-ground clean. Do not forget to carry a bag in which to put your rubbish between two rubbish-bin points.
Designed to avoid the waste of disposable cups throughout the race, each runner must provide their own, with a minimum capacity of 15cl. PLEASE BE AWARE, gourds/water bottles or water flasks with screw/clip top are not accepted as cups!
The organization will not distribute any disposable cutlery, beakers/cups or bowls at aid stations and refreshment posts. You are asked to carry your own utensils if you wish to eat hot food (soup, pasta).
1 bag to be left near the start in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat and collected in Nice on arrival.
Neither walking poles, nor fragile or valuable objects, are to be placed in these bags. Only the bags provided by the organization will be allowed. Any delay in their repatriation is due to logistical constraints. A bag can be returned after the runner arrives, in particular in the case of abandonment early in the race. Thank you for being patient and respecting the work of the volunteers.
As in previous years, the volunteers are there to help you, but also to ensure that the rules are respected. Among them are the Commissaires de Course (race stewards). Some of them have specific duties concerning the immediate application of real-time penalties if the rules are not respected. It is important to understand that the penalties incurred during the race will require runners to pause and wait until the added time penalty has been fulfilled! For the race leaders, this represents a possible descent in the ranking, and for the slowest runners this could mean missing the next time barrier. The Race Stewards have the right to check your mandatory equipment at the start and at any point along the route. If you are missing an element of the mandatory safety equipment (no minimum water reserve of a minimum of 1 liter, no waterproof jacket with hood, no torch, no survival blanket, no mobile/cell phone) you will be immediately disqualified. To know more about the penalties, read the complete regulations on
In case of exceptional or specific cases, penalties will be decided with the race directors.
Only runners wearing a visible race number on their chest or stomach, their wristband and their chip on their rucksack will have access to the aid stations. Organisers will only provide still water or energy drinks for filling water bottles or water bags. All other drinks are to be consumed on site only.
2 types of refreshment points are available:
- Drinks only: still water, sparkling water, Näak Ultra Energy drink, cola, coffee, tea, vermicelli soup.
- Full feed: drinks (as above) + cereal or energy bars, Ultra Energy Näak bars and waffles, sweet cakes, chocolate, bananas, oranges, sultanas, savoury biscuits, cheese, sausage, bread.
Unless you are injured, you must not leave the trail other than at a checkpoint. In this case, you MUST notify the checkpoint supervisor, who will permanently cancel your race number and collect your rucksack chip.
The runner must keep their cancelled race number as it serves as an access pass to the shuttles, buses, meals and treatment rooms. Repatriation will be decided in consultation with the station manager, in accordance with the following general rules:
- Buses are available at certain feed stations indicated by a “bus” pictogram on the timetable for runners who have abandoned the race and want to return to Nice.
- Runners who abandon the race at another aid or feed station, but whose state of health does not require them to be evacuated, must return to the nearest repatriation point as quickly as possible and by their own means.
- In the event that a runner abandons the race before a checkpoint, it is imperative to return to the previous checkpoint and report withdrawal from the race to the station manager. If, while returning to the previous checkpoint, the runner encounters sweepers, it is the sweepers who will cancel the race number. The runner is then outside the organisation’s area of control. New: for better feedback, you can also declare your withdrawal on the LiveTrail application. Please note, however, that the withdrawal procedure described above also applies to runners that have the application.
These are calculated to enable participants to reach the finish in the maximum time allowed. They are indicated on the various documents provided. The cut-off time indicated is the deadline by which competitors must leave the checkpoint. The organisers may modify the cut-off times for safety reasons. Runners will be notified by SMS and/or email. No runner will be allowed to leave a checkpoint behind the sweepers.
The organisation does not provide repatriation by car or 4x4 (except for medical reasons and on the decision of the medical officer or head of station). Runners who abandon at a mountain station must return as quickly as possible and by their own means to the nearest repatriation point where the organisation’s buses are available.
You can only take a hot shower at the finish. On the course, showers are only available on medical advice.
For better night vision, the route markers have a yellow reflective element that will illuminate when your headlamp shines on it.
CAUTION: if you no longer see the route markers, turn back! Out of respect for the environment, no paint will be used on the trails.
Looking for a team challenge? Choose your partner and get ready for an unforgettable adventure! The day before the start of Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB, join us at the Promenade des Anglais for a night relay.
Strat : Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 8:00 pm
Where : Promenade des Anglais
What is a night relay?
American style relay
Teams of 2 runners
8 laps per team
4 laps per runner
The relay course is designed to be short and fast, both fun and physical. It’s a great opportunity to challenge yourself, support your partner and enjoy a team sports experience.
Bib collection:
- Thursday 28/09 - from 19:00 to 20:00 - Nice
This year, kids will also be in the spotlight of Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB! Thanks to the “youth races”, children and teenagers can take on the challenge at the famous Promenade des Anglais.
Start : Saturday, September 30 at 9:00 am. Where : Promenade des Anglais.
Categories : Poussins (10-11years), Benjamins (12-13years), Minimes (14-15years). Distances : Poussins (1.5 km), Benjamins (3 km), Minimes (4.5 km).
Registration is free of chargeand includes a post-race snack and a finisher gift. Join us for an unforgettable family day at the heart of Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB!
Bib collection : - Saturday 30/09 - from 08:00 to 09:00 - Nice
The LiveTrail APP: a complete experience on a single platform!
The Dacia UTMB Mont-Blanc is an event to be experienced and shared in real time. In order to offer a complete experience on a single platform, the LiveTrail application now incorporates the functions of the LiveRun and LiveInfo applications.
For the public:
Search for your family and friends and track their progress, speed, their last crossing point and the estimated time to the next crossing point
Get your bearings on the route, view all the routes, with cut-off times, and launch GPS navigation to a waypoint to get there
Access general information about the event (maps, timetables, parking, transport, programme, etc.)
Live or relive the excitement of the race using LiveCams at various points of interest along the route
Create a list of favourites, select several runners to follow and keep up to date with their progress using automatic notifications
Get information on the runners taking part in the event (UTMB Index, runner achievements)
For the runner:
Prepare for your race using the virtual runner feature. Estimate your progress at the various checkpoints based on your target time or your UTMB Index
For your safety, report your withdrawal from the race, send an SOS or call Race HQ
Discover the upcoming important checkpoints with the estimated time to get there
Follow your friends, compare your progress with them and receive notifications of their passage through the various intermediate points
Use your smartphone as a GPS beacon so that the public and Race HQ know your position in real time
The Ultra-Trail® Village is an open-air event in the heart of Nice and is a must for all trail-running enthusiasts. Product tests, signing sessions, previews, come and discover the biggest brands and exchange with the specialists of the discipline over 4 days.
Equipment manufacturers, coaches and local stakeholders will be delighted to present their latest innovations and to help you discover the trends to come! The Village is also an opportunity to meet the favourites and future great champions. On the programme: signing sessions and surprise events.
Great meetings in store. See you at the Quai des Etats-Unis, don’t miss anything of the Ultra-Trail Village.
Whether it’s for a night or a week, enjoy a unique experience in the heart of the city of Nice or in the villages of the hinterland: activities, restaurants, accommodations, and Base Camps during the event, find out everything you need to know HERE!