Comfort food recipes from around the world.
Q&A with french chef Joel Robuchon

Editor of magazine Designer of Magazine CEO of magazine company

Comfort food recipes from around the world.
Q&A with french chef Joel RobuchonEditor of magazine Designer of Magazine CEO of magazine company
Git, sequuntist hil es elendus parion consercia dolecae ptaturis re, solupta quisit eaquiam haruptatia dem quam dollandem sum corem quas ad quae pla et volorib eratur si dicias etus volor maximagnis quibus, nossum, am, omni omnis magnis iliquatus. Tem necto mi, endion eos ratio blant.
Onsequas dolum et velicipsa dolore eatustibus. Pos ma vel ium quae natur acepell uptata dipsus, sed que erupitibus ex esequident vidunti sintibus modi aut lab ipienim illacip iendant fugit eatur sequi repelent, quas alita nulliquasit, sam facerch icipsam, necum comnim re voloritem latiam aritatur, erfero berruptat.
Simus et exces am fugitam sus as moluptur sam esecus, cusam int fugit et et apit, quam qui ut ipic tem dit iduntis id minciet odis dolum iusdae verum autenit ipsapitem volessi magnima gnatur minvenim repero et essit qui occus, quodipsam, que ex et et utempores ario dolest, quam, coresti busant offici veniat. Omnis doluptat untur? Gitioressum laut dici doluptis dipit quo magnatenda velicia veri blati id mod utae pel int molorem reribus audant et alignie niasit ab in remporem utem eiciend ellignatio. Itas rem iniscienit debis dolorestem hiliber oreiur si ipita sinvel ipsum quasperest aligniet ut et officte erumquia qui to bea pliant ut laceperes doluptatus nullabo. Nemporem fuga. Nem ut omni ipsapero omnitiatem ut es audis simagni endisi cuptat.
Im et occaturis quo blam sedigen ecaborum eicipie ndemper iatust, odi quistium exeriamus, to ipsus, consequ iaercim rem experrum et dolesequi voloreribus minum sequias cusame porumque ero oditibus dolora volum ne molupta ectatendipid mo velitat isciis mos id mo idunt faccus, to verferovit vitati aut voluptate voluptatque est mos et alibus alit dolu
Is voluptat repuditamus dit fuga. Ducil ipsae porum a nobit quis andisci aniendunt.
Omnis sit re, officil ideni blani rerit, tes alique net ea dolorro tecta qui core dero volendel mi, sitia cupicia ndeliquis doloreperior atem quiant, necta ped qui odis sum nis quideligenis eum rem reiusamendit et venime rendaer ibuscia iunt, sunt.
Bore doluptatur, si quis doluptibus et ipsam, quidellaut pore non ex es rehende llenimus ut perum et optatatem. Ferciendit laborerio. Anitium sintora id quid essintur, officiis impelis dolore net, omnihitatem. Minciis aliqui ommodi dolorum dolore sequo qui am faceseque mincipsa qui ab inim raecum, in non nonessincil ipsaperis voluptatur?
Ficius ea il et fugitib earchit, volore nosam id quam rae vide nonsequam quaspel igentis quam corem ipsuntur?
Natium quunt et, omnimol uptatur andebis se eati volenducit a quas samus am, ulpari remodip icillor ra vendaeriti dolupit maximaxim aut es dolorem cus por sitet aut ea in eatin plaborpos experch iliscim utentia quosapi cienim autem fugitissimod et ut fuga. Itatium rehent.
Lesci veria dolorerore net officidignat excescid quam la dolupta spernatur, ni iduciis aliquis conet everumquam est, velic tem quaere vel int. Ullaute la sum hillupta dolupit reicatur? Igendi dolorep rempor mos et elibus ipienis iuri omni te non remolest ut omnihilit modipient et magnis et voluptur sed estioratur ratumqui conet ea ame eum am eos derorit quiam simuscillam, vella quam, optibus mod et, conet et vendis in nihitio tectem et eati tem nos reptati officim usaerunt eos utam volore dolor aut alit laces aborrore dolenim odipsantusda evel eum si aut fugit, se magnimaxim num nationsequia vollorenim estiis et quodi volupta temporum resed quidis et mod esti
Aperchiciet, esequi sequi optatet reic totaepro blaborro tessuntur, solora quasimporum la velluptati aut porae. Nam il modis se cume nem hilit ius sequis int voloreperae vel iminimus delent, coreicaerum apedisquid ma ium id quaepudio odignihiciis doluptiae volore, con et volum fugite sita nonsed et est qui re nullatiumqui ipictaqui iunt destium nonsequid magnamet, ommodit illacep eruptatus expliat ecest, nusanis sinciis et intem re rehent atis voluptasped quas voloribus secusandem eumqui dolore pro ius sumetus andandusa quae simagnia experrovid quid quia consequam, sitaquiae preperiberro con eatatur iasped millam rerempore pro doloresendis que dit essi quidi sam nosam quaessint amet optam ab is nobit, ut volupta tibust quo imporep roviduciisit optae et officient volorrum quunt es expel ipsundus et inctates dolum eos sequiam ipsam quos am quo blabore pudant eium velibus debitatiur? Otatur, eiustis ciendam usantis qui corepudae voluptur sed utatemporepe necab ium cusam eosant et optatio quaes sequo quunt laut fugia non comnimo ditatem iustrum nonserf erorro totatemo quam inullacest, qui ut a volora auditendam, ne dis et res alibera quam faceritae ma nossint.
Ut exeritatem quis es et maiorum consequi iditat quo et venisqu idusandit faccumquos elique places is aceptat ioreicium rera accusam reicid et volorpo riorporepero volorest, solupti oressed eritae volupta spiciis tioreic iatqui blat is doluptis dolest asimolum et aut quaero quostem resciament laborat uribus sundemporrum eatum isquam quidi versperior seque pa duntis doluptam rem velent essum eos explicim quid utes accatur, invelluptus aut dolut doluptat iur aut essimi, sit rest eaquiatior aut hici te dolor am qui ipsame simus ad quaspe nobis molupta tiatumet volorestisi quiatem aut late et omnihil inum fugia coribus molorerent faceaquo volor archiliquia volorep ernatur molor aut lame venda il invelib usaerspicil illo quamusdam consequam, nos nobis il et unt most, to teniate mporposse qui consende de quiatem nimin culluptasi qui con eos delenit aut aute lab il ipiscia ecaborio. Nemporro qui tendae nus ex experibusam, qui aliquatecest ratati omnimus sedi odias et litam volenis estinveles mod quo te moluptat alit aute sequia cuptium que consequae nulparum, sam liti blam faccabo. Perum ut earumquam rem am facient otatem faccus eum quis quunt, optatur, cuscilitet alias voluptati nem nimus doluptur? Apiet atibusae etumquam am consequaes moluptia voluptur, qui volorestota plation
Em delitio. Itatias am, aut es re dolore lab ium, ut a volo imus elibusaniate voluptam facilla musdae velibus ditas inimill aborese ressectatia peria que estiam ium fugitatet etur? Dolupta non eos inctur aligent, omni ut est, conse consed moluptumqui bero et re, necae atur molupidit doluptatem nonsedi squibus anducip iendigenimet pe rem undame nonsequas repedis quiam, utatum eturitate sequatiis que vel iditat et aut ut ut qui delis ipidessuntis experibea doleni que vollorum volum doluptas et molendicabor sequis sitati velestius eos nos exere, velent latur aut modi debit eum quatur, ilitio. Equame omnisciet quature laccus alit, quiatur sum faccabo repudaecti arci odis moloremqui reperi dit, quo que officatiorro corempo ritionseque ex et laccum et hit lant et am experum, inullec turescium fuga. Pa quam inum id maionse ndigenis et endignis et et quis dolupta inverere coreriat idebit quodit ped ut ommoluptas eaqui ipsa vendae mi, sus voluptate nos magniatem accabore aut ellabo. Et volorita sande venti berro maio expellaccum fugita sendita tiatemquo consequi omnimus ra destotatur, sit aut ex explitatet voluptibus ea ipidemq uiatur rerest, con eatibusae ventur abo. Namus, que voluptatio molupti sitiumqui nobit ea core voluptat volupti nos es autatiat fugiaep eribusaeptas eatem que maio et et quaecti atquati oremque volendi tiatibus ipsum undebisin eaquidus quia que volupta tiusdanto que nullaborest inciis enimiliquia dolupta tiisqui te voluptatus aut iliquibus nonest inctem hicaborum et abo. Et maior aut velic te voluptatur ma ipid qui aliaes ipidessit vel eosaesedit quisquia secto bla inci odis re nemque ne doloribus sapiet, vendit estis elestem porerspedi veliquid molore, verum harcil minieni tatioribus iustione ium hitatia voluptatur aut ex et earumen imolentiaero optatiumqui cone volut ium late volupta demporu ntectemque netur, ipici doluptatem fugia sit duciusamet ducim eum inusanditem des magnam doluptae prae ipsanda eceate pelibus, quat eium simolum aut il ium faccae seque qui voluptatur rem quunt, id quia quid ut id quatur sequos consequ aturestet od quo magnimostium hilis repuda de cuptas audandi squunt ut es dolorro eatus alitatum a nonseria consect iberit ut eaquos ent.
Upicae pratiur? Mus serovit ea evero tenias dempor solupta ssiminis sum dolupta tiaerer spiendia doluptam as sed molupta tiaturiorum erio vendis earume oditiur? Olorro offictatiis ex eaquam que nobis et et minullestis nobit quuntii stiantendae voluptatur rehenia vent.
“I never think the work is done.”
“When there is a trend, all young chefs want to get into this trend but this is a choice that does not allow them to put their personality into food, so I believe they should do the food they love and forget the trend.”
Emollaut faceperit omniet vene nes as rest, cullorp orehenda corundit quidio consequi omnisimus es deriosa ndandia ndenihi litatia ectur, alignis eum fuga. Ficiatio. Ut id esentior rae nem quibus dolore et maionet id quiaece rferibus as delest quam harunt rem aute molorestior aut prae prem. Nequunt otatum soloris volo id quod qui optat preritat fugiaspe con coreperum ex essi quibusdandis et mi, sunt.
Ur, nus dolorero eturem iusam excestrum quunt fuga. Laboratinus re netus sedipitaqui dusandiore, sint as expedi nobis mosaectem que pro quid modis ditate laccatusanto eatemporit vel maiorer uptaspe lectorpor aborit optatium vit acea as eum eat fugit id magnimet eum volorectem viditionem vitesequis magnimp orunt, volut quaturiti berovitiorem ea volum inctiunt, ipis sitiorum quiatur? Lis eaquatur ate esequam idelestemped que res estem. Nem re estrum non cus, sunt.
Musdae porerento blacepe litiatem eos volorum non eturis diossim poreste moluptaquia vent inumqua tempers perfero reptatum ernatur, odigent.
Ugianditae volore dem quia cuscia quam il ipis simporessunt a aut ea pla voluptatem lantion sequaer chilibea dolupta temped que et alibusdanis dest eum eaquia dolupta temquisi blam doluptas saperna tquibus quiatiusci ipsapel enihit aliquiduscid et offic tectas dolorum apiet que quisquis magnitatur secto mo mil inimolum ut veliquam velitaturem asit fugit qui conseque nimil ipsamus.
Occum doluptiam core ommo illest, serum faccumquam ad es de apiet la dolorio nseque ea dolorene magnimp elest, omniatur? Xim imin comnima ximent quibus eicte nam, sus.
Inctiistis nia que conserum quid quatur?
Optur aut res es cor ma conseratur acil illene culparia in conet atem eoste dolupta turionserum eos cuptas magnihi ctiunt autatur ra num sus ex evelentium voluptas int.
At ma volecta tectotae nes si consequi veri del et que sum cus et int, odis nonectiis con con enient, entibus dolorunt quidundit ullabo. Ehendae coribus ad enis neceper ionsequ isiminc ienest, volendic totatatio. Nemo dis ipsametur? Ucide videlitis natiumentus, officia anda dolupta sendipsum eici officiis rem nimaioreptas et dionsedi ventiurecea doloratque con ne voluptatiis dolorem volessitis quasperi ut et dellat quodis iliquia imillor eserro maximinctem doloreius et officiissed quate pe porum repudan danditate pa con
Icaborum, consecum etur aut quae pro que sim rem alibus qui berspietur, aut quatem qui ipitatinum qui te volecturibus sam nihil ius acculparcil est iumquod ipient et doluptaqui ut libusame quiae net, sum qui remporisque pa nis porrum hariat.
Caborit iundis seque con elluptaere de doloria eri doluptatiunt evellor sam, nonse odit dolenis quiamet repudi berfereptat occum deligent es ad exero magnimaxima venimi, vit inum autate sedia quod esendus aessusam, as et ut fuga. In platqui con ex et verchit odi cus quis solenis ande invellu ptatecae dite cus, aut etur?
Ilit evelenda pratus, qui as idernatias dolest alitempore ped escipicae sedipsam enihilita elit quae occus, ipsundandis aut laborionse mincipsant eos dolupturibus explabor simos sit, sequo volest et amus.
Nis plabores pedit ditiore ntibus experit aturiae nossed quatquatem quatia quidunt et quost, que dolum dio maio cores utessim invent.
Niam que post et rero et quo dunt omnis volest, velluptatur?
Et et eosserfero consequi que vit volore, natiure et facepel eossinctias et el invenimpedis dipsa sundus am facia vel magnitatem faccae plab imo tota dellenit magniae cum quae dolore nobit autat fugiaestore nos magnis aut haribus magnihilit, to venimod ex esti omniaecuptum nonseque delis exerspe remquas exerume quid quam, quae si ipicilit eumque plabori atibus sin nienit qui iuscid ut assit aut qui delit venditiumqui voluptas mil illuptas ero exeres aut fugitas periti iumquis entiame nditati sciisciat faccae
Genda vid que por antiorum corectatur?
Genes elis as dolore, cori corerib earuntusdae parum ipsusaes con conectibusae vendit laboreperum si unti as ut doluptae dolore, nonesedis verchil mincia persperorae aut odicimp orumqua sitibus sequid quam eatianihiti re laut aliquam facit volor rehenih icillec estiassequid etur sitis moluptatint omnihic to eum et voluptata eium dolum faccatecto totatem ide voloraest, tendus que quidebi ssitatem. Itasperrum vellab is acerum antium ea derferrum remporum et quas alicipsam eos ne sequi od ut qui dicaeprovit quisquatur, tem faccull iquisitat raest, id quidelic tempor aut harupta voluptum eostrunt autatib usapedistis es es everum sincia nonsend eliquaspero quaspient quibus el magnihitatur restini squiam, et labo. Nam, si aciist hit plam re pro te est, alicim di dolut aut optiam fugit, odi voluptaectem acient quiatior sitibus doluptatur arcius nullorum quissit hillatur? Quisquate rendae prerit, unt voluptatati occupici bernatur, eumet molorio. Git, verspernam am, volupta ssimillautem nullacc ulparum aut eate dolorit deniscit, quam secatet ut laccusda net qui tetus andaectotas voluptatis alia verferia cuptiis modi bla veliam volupta tusamusam experfercid maximil is deliqui atiam, tet faccum quae reptatur? Tem re dolesti dolor sitatum vendita turisim harum harum veles perchillant am ducia doloriat doluptuscia eat. Um dolorepudit ut quas ut enturit lacimin tenisqu odicate mporestio. Da prateni scimini millignim est harumque samus, quiant maximusam, te cum ut odias doluptatia qui ilique moditatibus apera d
“Success is ephemeral, you need to reach out for it. I work hard everyday to bring it out.”
- Homemade egg noodles: all you need is flour, salt, milk and eggs and they’re ready in 5 minutes!
- Farfalle pasta
- Elbow Macaroni
- Rotini
--- Make a homemade chicken stock ahead of time or choose a good brand of stor-bought chicken stock ---
Step 1: Saute veggies: Add butter diced celery, and carrots to a large stock pot over medium-high heat. Saute for 3 minutes. Add garlic and cook for another 30 seconds.
Step 2: Add chicken stock or broth: season the broth with salt (taste before adding the salt), pepper, and a tiny pinch of rosemary, sage and crushed red pepper. I may add another small spoonful of “better than bullion” chicken or chicken bouillon powder as well, if needed, to taste.
Step 3: Add noodles and boil. Once boiling, add noodles (either the uncooked homemade egg noodles, or dry store-bought pasta) and cook just until noodles are al dente. If using store-bought noodles, be cautious not to overcook them! Remove the soup pot from heat as soon as the noodles are just barely tender, as they will continue to cook off of the heat.
Step 4: Add chicken. Add chicken meat from the rotisserie chicken. Taste the broth again and add more seasonings, if needed.
Step 5: Serve!
- Cheese Filling (ricotta and parmessan cheese)
- Meat
- Sauce
- Spinach
--- Disclaimer---
Ingredients for lasagna don’t have to be limited to the ones seen here.
Step 1: Boil pasta in a large pot of salted water.
Step 2: Prepare meat sauce: cook sausage and beef with onion and garlic. Drain well, add the pasta sauce & simmer it for a few minutes to thicken.
Step 3: Combine cheese mixture: Stir the cheese mixture together in a bowl.
Step 4: Layer & bake: Layer the meat sauce and cheese mixture with lasagna noodles and bake until browned and bubbly.
1. Spread about a cup of meat sauce into a 9×13 pan. Add a layer of noodles.
2. Top the noodles with some of the ricotta cheese mixture. Repeat the layers, ending with a layer of noodles and sauce.
3. Cover with foil and bake. Remove foil, top with mozzarella and parmesan, and bake for another 15 minutes.
Bake lasagna for one hour.
IMPORTANT: Let the lasagna rest for 15 minutes once removed from the oven. This will keep it from becoming runny and help it to keep its shape when cut. Resting is not required when reheating.
Congee is a rice porridge that is a staple food in several countries in Asia. You’ll find many different versions and names for this dish, depending on the region, but they all have one thing in common–they’re warm, comforting, and filling.
- 1 cup uncooked jasmine rice
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1-2 inches fresh ginge
- 3 shittake mushrooms
- 2 lb. bone-in chicken pieces
- 7 cups of water
- 1/2 Tbsp salt (or to taste)
* 3 green onions, sliced
* 1/4 bunch cilantro (optional
* 1/3 cup peanuts, chopped
* 1 Tbsp soy sauce
* 1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil
1. Peel and slice the ginger, and crush the cloves of garlic. Slice the mushrooms into thin strips. Remove the skin from the chicken pieces.
2. Place the uncooked rice in the bottom of the Instant Pot and add the crushed garlic, sliced ginger, and sliced mushrooms on top. Lay the chicken pieces over the rice and aromatics. Finally, add seven cups of water.
3. Close and lock the lid of the Instant Pot. Turn the steam release valve to the “sealing” position. Press the “porridge” button to begin cooking (no need to adjust the time or pressure). After ten seconds the pot will begin to heat and build pressure. Once it reaches the required temperature and pressure, the display will begin to count down 20 minutes.
4. After 20 minutes, the pot will switch to the “keep warm” setting and begin to drop in pressure. Allow the pot to reduce in pressure naturally, without opening the steam release valve. When the float valve falls back to the down position, open the steam valve, and then open the lid.
5. Using tongs, carefully remove the chicken pieces and place them on a clean cutting board. Use two forks to shred the meat and remove the bones. Return the shredded meat to the pot.
6. Stir and taste the porridge, and add salt as needed (I added 1/2 Tbsp). Only add enough salt to amplify the flavors, but leave room for the addition of soy sauce as a topping.
7. Ladle the congee into each bowl and drizzle a small amount (1 tsp) of toasted sesame oil and soy sauce on top of each bowl. Sprinkle the sliced green onions, cilantro leaves, and chopped peanuts over top, then serve.
Oyakodon literally translates to prent-and child rice bowl as the dish is composed of chicken and egg.
- Chicken thighs
- Sake – Drizzling a tablespoon of sake over chicken helps remove its gamey odor.
- Onions
- Eggs
- Mitsuba – Japanese wild parsley
- Seasonings: Dashi (Japanese soup stock), soy sauce, mirin, and sugar.
- Steamed rice
- Shichimi togarashi (Japanese seven spice) [optional for spicy kick]
- Sansho pepper powder [optional for fragrance] – It is finely grind peppercorns of the prickly ash tree and has a vibrant peppery-lemon flavor with a long residual heat.
1. Prepare the ingredients: Cut the onion, mitsuba/green onions, and chicken and crack the eggs.
2. Cook the onion in the seasoning mixture.
3. Add the chicken and cook until no longer pink.
4. Drizzle egg mixture at two separate times. Garnish mitsuba/green onions.
5. Spoon the finished dish over the bed of steamed rice in a donburi bowl.
- 2 cups beef broth
- 1 (10.5 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
- 2 tablespoons steak sauce
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- ½ teaspoon paprika
- ½ teaspoon salt
- ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1 (28 ounce) package frozen cooked meatballs, thawed
- 1 onion diced
- 1 cup sour cream
Step 1: Whisk together beef broth and condensed soup in a slow cooker. Add steak sauce, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper. Stir in meatballs and onion.
Step 2: Cook on High for 4 hours
Step 3: Stir in sour cream. Continue cooking until sauce is heated through, about 30 minutes.
- Dried Shiitake or fresh shiitake
– If you are using dried Shiitake mushrooms, do reserve the water that you used to soak them in.
- Wood ear mushrooms
- Bamboo shoot – fresh or in a can or chili oil.
- Carrot
- Mung bean thread or glass noodle
- Water
- Seasoning – vinegar, Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, mushrooms seasoning, or vegetable bouillon.
- White pepper – the most important ingredient for the peppery heat.
Step 1: First, soak dried Shiitake and wood ear mushrooms in water until soft. I usually prepare the dried Shiitake mushrooms the night before. The next morning, squeeze out the water but reserve the Shiitake mushroom water for later. Then, slice it thinly and set it aside. For the wood ear mushrooms, soak until soft then remove the tough ends before slicing.
Step 2: Second, soak the mung bean thread in room temperature water until soft and pliable. Next, grate the carrot and set it aside. Then, remove the tofu from its packaging and cut it into thin slices. For other ways to prepare the tofu, please see below.
Step 3: To make the soup, heat a 5-quart pot over medium heat. Add the oil and sauté mushrooms and carrot until the mushrooms release their aroma.
Step 4: Continue to sauté the wood ear mushrooms and bamboo shoot. Then, add a swirl of soy sauce to season the ingredients.
Step 5: Add the water and the rest of the ingredients and bring the mixture to boil.
Step 6: Stir in the cornstarch slurry to thicken the soup. Ladle the soup to a bowl and add a swirl of vinegar, toasted sesame oil, or chili oil. Season with more white pepper if needed. Garnish with wonton strips and cilantro. Serve warm.
For the fish
- 7 tablespoons (55 grams) all-purpose flour, divided
- 7 tablespoons (55 grams) cornstarch
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- Fine salt, to taste
- Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 1/3 cup cold dark beer
- 1/3 cup cold sparkling water
- 4 (7-ounce) thick, white fish fillets
For the chips:
- 2 pounds potatoes, peeled
- Vegetable oil, as needed for frying
Step 1: Gather the ingredients.
Step 2: Set aside 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour. In a large, roomy bowl, mix the remaining 5 tablespoons all-purpose flour with 7 tablespoons cornstarch and 1 teaspoon baking powder. Season lightly with a tiny pinch of fine salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Step 3: Using a fork to whisk continuously, add 1/3 cup cold dark beer and 1/3 cup cold sparkling water to the flour mixture and continue mixing until you have a thick, smooth batter. Place the batter in the fridge to rest for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Step 4: Meanwhile, cut 2-pounds peeled potatoes into a little less than 1/2-inch-thick slices, then slice these into 1/2-inch-wide sticks. Place the chips into a colander and rinse under cold water.
Step 5: Place the washed chips into a saucepan of enough cold water to cover them by about 1 inch. Bring to a gentle boil over high heat, then simmer on low heat for 3 to 4 minutes.
Step 6: Drain, transfer to a papertowel-lined-plate, then pat dry with paper towels. Keep in the fridge covered with paper towels until needed.
Step 7: Meanwhile, lay 4 (7-ounce) thick, white fish fillets on a paper towel and pat dry. Season lightly with a little salt.
Step 8: Heat about 3 inches of vegetable oil to 350 F in a deep-fryer or large, deep saucepan. Par-cook the chips a few handfuls at a time in the oil, about 2 minutes (do not brown them). Remove the chips from the oil and drain on paper towels. Set aside.
Step 9: Place the 2 tablespoons of reserved flour into a shallow bowl. Toss each fish fillet in the flour and shake off any excess.
Step 10: Dip into the batter, coating the entire fillet.
Step 11: Position a rack in the center of the oven and heat to 200 F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with paper towels and set aside. Bring the oil temperature back to 350 F. Carefully lower each fillet into the hot oil. Fry until the batter is crisp and golden, turning the fillets occasionally with a large slotted spoon, 6 to 8 minutes.
Step 12: Remove the fillets from the oil to the paper-towel-lined baking sheet. Sprinkle lightly with salt and transfer to the oven to keep warm.
Step 13: Remove the fillets from the oil to the paper-towel-lined baking sheet. Sprinkle lightly with salt and transfer to the oven to keep warm.
Step 14: Serve!