PROGRAM Mountain Song
Sonata in G I. Preludio. Largo II. Allegro III. Alla siciliana IV. Allegro Oboe Sonata, op. 166 I. Andantino II. Ad libitum. Allegretto III. Molto allegro
Chen Yi (b. 1953) Giovanni Boni (b. Unknown-1747)
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835–1921)
Brazilian Landscapes n.1 João Guilherme Ripper Movement I (b. 1959) Movement II With Dr. Jonathan Guist, Clarinet
Solo de Concours No. 1, op. 33
Dr. Mezraq Ramli, Oboe Dr. Juan Pablo Andrade, Piano
Charles Colin (1832–1881)
UTRGV Patron of the Arts has a renewed purpose, allowing you to invest in the present and future of the Arts in the Rio Grande Valley! With your support, Dr. Mezraq Ramli proudly serves as U TARs sGi sVt a n t wPirl ol f e s sc oorn ot ifnDu oeu b l et o bring world-class Reeds p eartf o r m a n c e s a n d e v e n t s t o t h e V a l l e y and train The University of Texas at Rio f uG t ur ar en dVe aVl lael yl e ya rwt hi setrse. h e s p e c i a l i z e s in oboe and bassoon. He also
W et e aacr he e rasb cl eh a tmob ebrr imn ugs i tch, e s e a m a z i n g p e r f o r m e r s a n d f esai tguhrt e- s oi nugri nogw, na nUd TeRa G r tVr afi an c i nugl .t y a n d s t u d e n t s b e c a u s e of generous donors like you. By donating as little as $ 1D 0 r. 0 pe . R0a m l i rmm a ion n t at ihn,s yaon ua cwt i vl l e baencdo m e a m e m b e r o f t h e a ni edr e c i r c l e o f s u p p o r t e r s P adti rvoenr s eo fc at rheee rAar st sa, cohuarmpb reer m c hTeRs G t rV a l mAuRs T i cSi a. n , Wr ei tchi t a tl ihs ti s, a nmdeam r tbse r s h i p , y o u w i l l o fo r U n i sdt irsact o l O r e acdem i vi e o ru. nHt ee dp etrifcokr emtss atsoP ar ilnl coi pf a o u rb oeev ewni tths t –h et h e lle m oS roeu t hy oAus i adnoSnyamt ep ,h otnhye O gr cr heeastter ra iyn oI un rd i ad, i V s ca o u yn t ! C l i c k r c thoe sbt reac, oSm e ceo an dP O h eOr e a tbrooen woi tf ht thhee ACrl tass .s i c a l M u s i c
Festival in Eisendtadt, Austria, as well as Second Oboe and English horn with the Baroque on Beaver Music I GFN TO e sItT i vE al T i nHMEi c hAi gRaT n .SH! e JhO a sI N also p eD r fA o rY med with the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra, Middletown Symphony Orchestra, and Holland Symphony 50 % off events $10/month Orchestra. Dr. Ramli has concertized throughout South East Asia, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, 6 a0n%d ot hf e f eUv. Se. nAt. s $25/month
70 D r% . Roa fmf l ieivs etnh tes F o u n d e r a n d A r t i s t i c D i r e c t o r $o5f 0t h/ em o n t h Leland Musical Arts Celebration (LMAC), an annual
8 s0u%m m o fefr ec vo en cn et sr t s e r i e s i n L e l a n d , M i c h i g a n , w h$i 6 c h0 / m o n t h features world-class musicians from the U.S. and
9 a0b%r ooafdf. e v e n t s
Dr. Ramli earned his degrees from Texas Tech University (DMA), Miami University (MM) and Grand Valley State Univeristy (BM) where he studied oboe ? i dCi al l lal, ua ns d ! Dr. Marlen w i t h A m y A n d e r sQ o nu, eAsntdi o r enas R Vb a vurri kgo: v(a9, 5r e6s)p6 e6 c t5i v- e3l8y 8 . H i nn c ispvail l lbea:s o o5 n 6t e e r-s7 0 2 5 Edin 1 iBs rpor w (9 ) a8c8h 2 inlcude Richard Meek and John Clapp. Dr. Ramli deems his teachers: Andrea Ridilla, Barry Martin, Dr. Lindabeth Binkley, Lynn Hansen, and Elizabeth Tomnorsky Knott to be his most influential artistic influences and mentors.
BECOME A PATRON UTRGV Patron of the Arts has a renewed purpose, allowing you to invest in the present and future of the Arts in the Rio Grande Valley! With your support, UTRGV will continue to bring world-class performances and events to the Valley and train future Valley artists. We are able to bring these amazing performers and feature our own UTRGV faculty and students because of generous donors like you. By donating as little as $10.00 per month, you will become a member of the Patron of the Arts, our premiere circle of supporters of UTRGV ARTS. With this membership, you will receive discounted tickets to all of our events – the more you donate, the greater your discount! Click here to become a Patron of the Arts.
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Questions? Call us! Edinburg: (956) 665-3881 Brownsville: (956) 882-7025