Catalyst Spring 2020-2021 - COS

Page 12

UTSA | Catalyst 2020-2021

Counting on Student Success New initiatives change the structure of how mathematics is taught at UTSA By Robert Salinas

The Department of Mathematics is transitioning to an

A weekly earnings summary issued by the U.S. Bureau of

evidence-based approach of optimal instruction. The

Labor Statistics in October showed that full-time workers

department looked at patterns taken from UTSA student

holding at least a bachelor’s degree earned an average of

data, including every single student and course for the

$664 more per week than high school graduates without

past 10 years. This data showed the department what

a college degree.

direction to take to generate the highest rates of success for students by pinpointing what works and

The value of mathematics is tied not only to career

what does not.

success—it can substantially improve everyday life and mental wellness. Math is used when comparing prices at

Research demonstrates that mathematics is the single

a store, calculating a tip, and budgeting our finances.

largest point of failure for most university students.

Math also makes cooking easier when converting units

Students who fail or have difficulty passing math courses

or changing a recipe serving amount.

are substantially more likely to drop out or change majors. The inverse is also true: Students who are successful in

Dr. Juan Gutiérrez, chair of the Department of Mathematics,

foundational math courses are most likely to graduate in

has begun the process of rolling out new initiatives aimed

any given major. Ultimately, mathematics is the driver for

at creating an environment more conducive to success in

student degree completion, which has repeatedly been

math and, by extension, success in all other subjects and

shown to improve students’ employment prospects and

degree completion. These initiatives can be categorized

increase their earning potential.

as the vertical alignment of the curriculum and course coordination.


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