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Opening Up to Friends & Family

OPENING OPENING UP UP TO TO FRIENDS FRIENDS AND AND WHY SH FAMILY FAMILY OULD I SPEAK UP? WHAT IF THEY Talking out loud about your mental health is a AREN'T HELPFUL? great way to process what you are actually WHAT SHOULD I SAY? Wait for the right time to begin the conversation, perhaps a place where there will be no interruptions. You could begin by saying: "I don’t really know how to say this and I’m finding it difficult to talk about what I’m feeling." my best to explain." “I’m having a bit of a tough time at the moment; do you mind if I talk about it with you?” “I haven’t been feeling like myself lately, it has been affecting me quite a lot” feeling, while also releasing the burden of You need to keep in mind that the person you have keeping those feelings/thoughts a secret. It also opened up to may not know exactly what to say, as informs others that you may need checking in on we all process news and information differently. now and then when there is a time of need you The important thing is that you are taking the first can feel less alone. step towards getting help and you have given them the opportunity to be there for you. If your family/friends cannot give you the support you



"This isn’t easy for me to talk about…I will do

need we have other resources who can! If someone opens up to you about their mental health and you aren’t too sure what to say, first of all –don’t beat yourself up, it can be hard to know the perfect thing to say on the spot. All you can ask of yourself is that you listen openly and do not judge them. After they have finished talking you could then respond with something like:

“I’m not sure what to do but I’m sure we can figure it out together” “What can I do to help? Just tell me how” “I am glad that you have told me, I hate the thought of you dealing with this alone” “I know it doesn’t feel like it now but there is hope that things can get better” “Do you feel like doing something together to help take your mind off things?”

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