8 minute read

ooiand Tricks) Mental Health First Aid Action Plan


This app is helpful for university students before stressful times like exams or presentations, when you’re feeling anxious and need to take a few moments to calm down. It uses simple visuals to slow down your heart rate and reduce the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety.



When a worrying thought comes to mind, use the app to record your worries so you can get on with your day and return to it later. This enables you to take some control over upsetting thoughts, so they can be less disruptive throughout the rest of your day. The app is helpful in allowing you to notice patterns and address recurring themes on your mind.


This app offers a personalised six-week program that aims in improving your general health and wellbeing. It focuses on improving mood, energy and wellbeing. It involves a morning, afternoon and night check to rate your sleep quality, mood and energy, and log the amount of exercise you've done during the day.

S S M M I I L L I I N N G G M M I I N N D D S S : :

Smiling Mind guides you through simple meditation exercises to get you started on your mindfulness journey and bring balance into your life. The app uses engaging illustrations and short meditation sessions to train you to become more aware of your breath and senses when dealing with the pressure, and challenges of daily life.

mental mental well-being well-being guide guide 2020

How How to to make make your your space space mentally mentally healthy healthy (tips (tips and and tricks) tricks)

Whether you share your home with a roommate, living with your family and pets or have your own space, there are some actions you can put into practice to make your space a place to relax and recharge those wellbeing batteries.

Creating your own space is a good opportunity to check-in on your wellbeing and motivate yourself to keep on track of your goals and tasks. Your space could be your bedroom, a study room or even a spot in your backyard where you can clear your head, get creative and feel comfortable.

D e c l u t t e r D e c l u t t e r D e c l u t t e r

A cluttered space makes for a cluttered mind. Clutter can distract us from what we should be focusing on, resulting in feelings of anxiety. Therefore, revitalise your space to ensure nothing can hinder your ability to get those creative juices working.

Ensure to create airflow in your space, this can be done by simply opening a door or window. If you have the chance, walk outside to clear a foggy mind. Indoor plants also provide a number of benefits for health and wellbeing, including decreases in illness symptoms, enhances in cognitive performance and memory, and increases in work performance.

F r e s h a i r + s u n s h i n e

M o v e y o u r M o v e y o u r M o v e y o u r b o d y

Exercise is the best medicine not only for our bodies, but also for our brains. It improves our health, cognition and mood and effectively allows us to maintain focus for the rest of the day. Optimize the brain's ability to learn and help regulate emotions, and improve motivation.

A little time out every now and then is a good opportunity to check in with yourself. It's okay if you feel like you need some privacy to remain undisturbed for a few minutes.

P e a c e + q u i e t

MENTAL MENTAL HEALTH HEALTH FIRST FIRST AID AID ACTION PLAN ACTION PLAN This action plan has been adapted from Mental Health First Aid Australia.

These steps provide an action plan on how to assist a person in a mental health crisis or developing mental health problems. Whilst the action of assisting with a crisis is the top priority, the other actions in the Mental Health First Aid Action Plan may need to be taken first. Therefore, these actions do not have to be followed in a fixed order, it is more so to help with remembering them.

ACTION ACTION 1: 1: APPROACH APPROACH THE THE PERSON, PERSON, ASSESS ASSESS AND AND ASSIST ASSIST WITH WITH ANY ANY CRISIS CRISIS The first action is to approach the person, monitor for any crises and offer assistance in how to deal with them. The key points for the first aider are to:

Approach the person about their concerns. Find a suitable time and space where both people feel comfortable. Respect the person’s privacy and confidentiality.

In a situation involving a person with a mental health problem, the possible crises are that:

The person may be at risk of self-harm, e.g. by attempting suicide, substance abuse, or engaging in non-suicidal self-injury. The person experiences extreme distress, e.g. a panic attack, a traumatic event, or a severe psychotic state.

ACTION ACTION 2: 2: LISTEN LISTEN AND AND COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE NON- NON- JUDGMENTALLY JUDGMENTALLY Offering undivided attention, actively listening, and communicating are all very important when assisting someone. It is important to set aside any judgment made about the person in the situation and to avoid expressing those judgements.

When listening and communicating, the first aider must use skills that: Allow them to truly hear and understand what the person is saying, and make the person feel as comfortable as possible to let them freely express their problems without fear of judgement.

Most people who are experiencing distressing emotions and thoughts want to be listened to empathetically before being offered resources that might help them.

ACTION ACTION 3: 3: GIVE GIVE SUPPORT SUPPORT Once the person with a mental health problem has felt AND INFORMATION AND INFORMATION listened to, it can be easier for the first aider to offer support and information. Such support includes:

Emotional support, such as empathizing with how they feel and providing hope for recovery. Offering practical help with tasks that may seem overwhelming at the moment. Ask the person whether they would like some information about mental health problems.

A Practical example in the university setting

Ifthe stress and workload ofuniversity is negatively impacting someone's mental health, a practical method could be offering to meet up once a week in a comfortable setting to work through university work together. This is a mutual way ofstaying on top ofwork, as well as creating a way to check in weekly with the person.

ACTION ACTION 4: 4: ENCOURAGE ENCOURAGE THE THE PERSON PERSON TO TO GET GET APPROPRIATE APPROPRIATE It is important to recognise tha PROFESSIONAL HELP PROFESSIONAL HELP t you, as a university student may not always have all the resources that are needed to help. It is often an extremely heavy load for you to take on, especially if the person is a close friend to you.

Therefore, the first aider can also tell a person about the options available to them for help and support. A person with mental health problems will generally have a better recovery with appropriate professional help. However, they may be unaware of the various options that are available to them, including:

m e d i c a t i o n , c o u n s e l l i n g , p s y c h o l o g i c a l t h e r a p y , s u p p o r t f o r f a m i l y m e m b e r s , a s s i s t a n c e w i t h e d u c a t i o n a l g o a l s , a n d a s s i s t a n c e w i t h i n c o m e a n d a c c o m m o d a t i o n .

ACTION ACTION 5: 5: ENCOURAGE ENCOURAGE OTHER OTHER SUPPORT SUPPORT Whilst you may not have the professional training to offer the assistance of the likes of a psychologist, you can encourage them to use self-help strategies and to seek the support of family.

Likewise, if you or someone you know has dealt with mental health problems, by offering personal advice and strategies, it can also provide valuable help in the person’s recovery.

An Important Note

This Wellbeing guide only offers a brief explanation for the application of Mental Health First Aid. For a detailed explanation of applying the Mental Health First Aid Action Plan to developing mental health problems and crises, please visit: www.mhfa.com.au

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