A Year In Review

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2015: A Year in Review


Most Improved

Why is Houston ASDA the Ideal ASDA? One of the most valued pieces of the ASDA mission statement is that it “introduces students to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry”. We believe, in order to fulfill this mission, students must see and understand the value in their membership. The students within UTSD Houston ASDA are proud of their membership. Although pride cannot be quantified, we see it everyday through attendance at events, participation in advocacy, and involvement with our officer teams and committees. We hope to use this application to illustrate that ASDA fever has spread here in Houston. As our chapter has grown, we felt that it was time to create a brand. This required an official name and logo. Our name came through fruition through several discussions with the dean of our school, ultimately deciding on UTSD Houston ASDA. We then tasked our webmaster to create several logos. In the hopes of letting members be a part of the process, we let the entire chapter vote on the top four logos. With this, we had our brand. Through the use of sponsorships, we have made shirts for all students and made banners to be displayed at our events. This branding campaign has continued all year. As an auto-enrolled chapter, one of the biggest obstacles to overcome is the ability to engage members and get them involved. This has been our organization’s primary mission in recent years and we have made the largest improvements yet. In only our second year following an organizational re-structure we have seen more and more students take active roles within ASDA. Currently, we have 60 students who serve on the UTSD Houston ASDA leadership team. These students are required to attend meetings, participate in all events, and advance the organization through new initiatives. This has proven to bridge the gap between a general membership and our highly involved officers. Allowing more opportunity through a more manageable time commitment has been the key to the success of committees.

societies. Leadership Development hosted the first Leadership Retreat over the summer in which our ASDA team and leaders of other school organizations were invited to attend. Our committee accomplishments can be found throughout this application and each has found ways to improve this year. In three years, I have seen the ASDA pride expand from those only involved as officers to our entire membership. We have made a point to look at each individual student and find something that they can find value in. In return, we believe every member has something to offer. Our team is relentless in this effort and works every single day to continue to improve. We refuse to remain complacent. We believe we are creating an environment within our chapter that truly encourages a lifelong involvement in organized dentistry. It has been an honor to serve as the President of this chapter. Our success is purely due to the efforts of each and every member. Their passion is an inspiration. Thank you for your time and consideration of this application. Sincerely, Andrew F. Naeger

UTDB Houston ASDA, President

Advocacy held its first ever Advocacy Week, which has caught the eye of the Texas Dental Association. They were so impressed that they plan to sponsor the week this year throughout all three Texas schools. In addition, Advocacy sent a busload of students to our state lobby day to advocate to Senators, which encouraged 12 of these students to attend ASDA’s National Lobby Day. Following our PreDental Gold Crown Award last year, this team continues to add events such as a webinar series and visits to local predental


Outstanding Membership and Communication

Give ‘Em Something to Talk About Encourages member involvement and has significant participation from members (including number of attendees or percentage of members in attendance is helpful). • Houston ASDA has had auto-enrollment and a chapter membership of 100% since 2003. • ASDA Point System – 100% membership involvement • Encouraged active involvement in Houston ASDA with sponsorship to ASDA Annual Session and National Leadership Conference for the member with the most collective points. • [NEW!] ASDA Week Instagram Photo Challenge • Each day during September ASDA week students were challenged to post a photo using a specific hashtag, as well as #HoustonASDA. Competitors who posted everyday were entered to win a Starbucks gift card. Organizes a successful membership drive to introduce new students to ASDA. • First Year Orientation Presentation – 100% attendance • ASDA President-Elect, Tanya Maestas (’18), and president, Andrew Naeger (’17) delivered breakfast to all 104 incoming DS1 students followed by an engaging presentation highlighting what ASDA is, the benefits of being a member, encouragement to apply for leadership positions, and upcoming events. • [IMPROVED!] Annual Welcome DS1 Happy Hour- 85% attendance - Happy hour was held for DS1 students during first week of school with Houston ASDA officers in attendance to promote involvement in ASDA and discuss benefits gained from being involved. • New Officer Informational – ASDA officers hosted our second annual informational for the first year class that elaborated on each leadership position and the duties the four-year commitment holds. • [IMPROVED!] ASDA Week - An entire week in September was dedicated to engaging and creating excitement for Houston ASDA. The week included a welcome meeting, Instagram competition, food bank service event, 7th annual Girl’s Arm Wrestling Tournament, and ADPAC drive. Recruits and engages advanced standing/IDP students at your school. • Our school has no advanced standing/IDP students in attendance. Organizes events such as Signing Day to help 4th year students transition to the ADA. • In 2015, 100% of 4th year students participated in ADA signing day. Uses the following communication vehicles: class announcements, bulletin boards, e-mail, website, Facebook, etc. • [IMPROVED!] UTSD ASDA Facebook page provides updates, events reminders, and photos https://www.facebook.com/UTSDASDA. DS1s are encouraged to “like” during orientation. • We’re currently at 713 “likes”, a 50% increase since January 1st 2015 and have made 213 updates in 2015. • [IMPROVED!] Instagram: @UTSDHoustonASDA – 132 new followers and 70 posts! • Twitter: @UTSDASDA – 21 followers and 241 posts! • [NEW!] Snapchat: @UTSDhoustonASDA - initiated in November 2015 to keep ASDA members engaged with current events and promote chapter involvement. • For each ASDA event, school-wide emails and reminders are sent utilizing digital flyers. • Houston ASDA uses bulletin boards in student lounges, lunchroom refrigerators, television screens near elevators to advertise announcements and upcoming events. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA webmasters upgraded the accessibility of our chapter’s website for both vendors and students including: • Student Organization Portal to feature collaborations between Houston ASDA and UTSD organizations. • Featured photos and videos from ASDA events such as vendor fair, family picnic, and golf tournament. • Updated Predental Portal to include VIP Spotlight, online application for Predental Liason and NLC Predental Sponsorship Award. • [NEW!] 7 minute “We are Houston ASDA” video created by chapter officers to generate excitement about local and national ASDA. https://youtu.be/NXjMCSfsCzI Publishes a chapter newsletter at least three times per school year. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA’s newsletter the “Houston Fill” created by publication editors: Laura Nelson (’16), Michelle Boecker (’17), and Kaylea Orsak (’18), published 4 newsletters throughout 2015 recapping events, informing of upcoming events, articles and interviews written by local members, and national ASDA publications.

• Editors published newsletters through ISSUU.com, creating a sleek, professional design. • Newsletter publications were sent out via email, advertised on TV screens across the building, and posted onto the UTSD ASDA Instagram account. • [NEW!] This year publication hardcopies were printed and placed in student lounges for students to browse during lunch or study time. Contributes to national ASDA publications, blog and Facebook page. • Katie Sowa (’15) 1 ASDA News publication: ““Cycle of mentorship: from mentee to mentor” • Laura Nelson (’16) 3 blog posts and 1 ASDA News publication: ““Dentists as a motivational speakers”, “Examine more than your patient’s teeth”, “Instagram for dental practice advertising and branding”, and “Dentists with dual dream jobs” • Andrea Sauerwein (’16) featured as October Member Spotlight and December ASDA News “Probing Question” • Andrew Naeger (’17) 1 blog post: “Dentistry is more than dentistry” and featured in November ASDA news “Probing Question” • Alex Barrera (’17) 1 blog post: “The dental spa: polishing or tarnishing?” • Brittany Gillard (’17) and Alex Barrera (’17) ASDA News publication: “Our service to the HIV/AIDS community through the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship” • Glennis Katzmark (’17) featured in the September publication of national ASDA Advocacy Brief • Tanya Maestas (’18) featured in October ASDA News “Probing Question” Successfully implements chapter leadership transitions through use of how-to guides, reports and retreats. • [NEW!] ASDA Summer Leadership Retreat - 30 Houston officers and committee members attended a 2 day retreat in Conroe, Texas participating in team building exercises & members presented the following topics: • Samin Huque (’18): “Integrating Technology into Leadership and Life” • Andrew Naeger (’17): President’s Update and Goals for Fall 2015 • Glennis Katzmark (’17): “How to Be and Effective Public Speaker” • Bonner Morren (’17): “Networking in Dentistry” • Alex Edgerly (’17): “Keeping Organized in Dental School” • Event Sponsors: TDA Perks and Xite Realty Representatives Kory Pippin, Blaine Dahl, and Patrick Valentz spoke about disability insurance and marketing. Creatively distributes content from district and national meetings to local membership. • [NEW!] ASDA Class Presentations - Through lunch and learns, members shared with their respective classes information, skills, action items gained at national and district meetings upon returning from conferences. • “Houston Fill” contains articles recapping national and district meetings. Uses ASDA branding (including ASDA signage, banner, and ASDA flyers) and communicates national ASDA initiatives and events to its members. • ASDA banner displayed at all events and included in photos. • [NEW!] Houston ASDA Rebranding – Collected logo submissions from Houston ASDA members and voted on a new chapter logo to make it more distinguishable to members of our school and the ASDA community. • [NEW!] Logo Pins – Our chapter distributed pins featuring new Houston ASDA logo to all committee members during fall semester, encouraging the use and recognition of our new brand. • [NEW!] Houston ASDA T-shirts - Partnered with Academy of General Dentistry to provide every ASDA member with a free t-shirt printed with UTSD school logo and Houston ASDA logo. • [NEW!] Sponsorship Banner - 22 sponsors purchased a spot on our new logo banner at $150 a piece. In addition to aiding in our rebranding efforts, we profited $3,150 from the banner fundraiser. It is displayed at all Houston ASDA events. Utilizes green and sustainable practices at ASDA events and in communications. • By primarily using school-wide emails containing digital flyers announcing our ASDA chapter events and newsletters.


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth into Legislation Holds legislative lunch-n-learns and other legislative events to inform members of ASDA’s policies on issues such as student debt, barriers to care and mid-level providers. • [NEW!] Advocacy Academy - ASDA advocacy committee conducted the first week-long series of legislative lunch and learns. Speakers and discussions included the following: • Jess Calvert: TDA DENPAC Representative - Discussed how dental students can get involved with government and legislation. • Dr. Rita Cammarata: GHDS Past President, TDA President-Elect - Emphasized importance of advocacy and how it will contribute to a successful career. • Dr. Ralph Cooley: Academy of General Dentistry Board of Directors - Discussed methods of advocating. • Dr. Dr. Duke Ho: Current GHDS President - Highlighted current issues affecting dentistry. • Dr. Adam Shisler: UTSD Alumni and ’11-’12 ASDA Past President - Presented benefits of being a dental student involved with advocacy. • [NEW!!] “Judge Judy” – ASDA advocacy committee conducted a mock Judge Judy trial in order to hype students up to become intrigued about legal issues and advocacy. The trial was adapted from a real life lingual nerve transection case. With over 70 students in attendance, the scripted suit trial was not only entertaining, but also informative and engaged ASDA members to understand that they need to become aware and part of the legal process early in order not to be taken unaware. • [IMPROVED!] - Engage Competition - Encouraged all students to use Engage to send letters to legislators. The winning class was awarded breakfast. Houston ASDA had a record high of 242 students participate! • Advocacy committee created video to promote awareness of the 3 bills students advocated for at Capitol Hill. • https://www.facebook.com/UtsdAsda/videos/1067761359940856/ Attends state or national lobby days or organizes state lobby day. • [IMPROVED!] 13 Houston ASDA representatives traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in the 2015 ASDA National Lobby Day (April 14, 2015), triple the number of students we have had participate in the past. • [NEW!] 50 Houston ASDA representatives traveled to Austin, TX to participate in the 2015 Texas Dental Association Lobby Day (February 25, 2015). Students lobbied pieces of legislation such as prohibiting mid-level providers, ensuring patients’ get the full benefit of their dental insurance, and asking for loan-forgiveness programs to be refunded. Involved with state and/or local dental society. • Texas Dental Association (TDA) Events: • Katie Sowa (’15), Graham Reed (’16), and Marcelo Uriegas (’17) served as non-voting members on the TDA House of Delegates during May meeting, and Tanya Maestas (’18) was elected as a non-voting TDA delegate. • [NEW!] 7 members attended TDA Perks symposium that covered topics such as practice real estate, marketing, financing, and insurance. • Greater Houston Dental Society (GHDS) Events: • [IMPROVED!] 77 students were sponsored to attend the GHDS October General Meeting on Legislative Affairs with keynote speaker Texas State representative Dr. John Zerwas who spoke of the importance of supporting organized dentistry and advocating for patients. • [IMPROVED!] 13 students participated in the GHDS Legislative Action Committee: • Katie Sowa (’15), Greg Stephanos (’15), Adrien Lewis (’16), Kyle Hale (’16), Graham Reed (’16), Andrew Naeger (’17), Glennis Katzmark(’17), Heather Hartline(’18), Samin Huque (’18), Lauro Tijerina (’18), Jon Vogel (’18), Meredith Williams (’18), Rana Shammas (’19) • 3 student serves on GHDS Recruitment and Retention Committee: • Adrien Lewis (’16), Marisa Zitterich, (’16), Andrew Naeger (’17) • UTSD Recruitment and Retention Committee members attended the September GHDS Tale & Ale welcoming new dentists to Houston. • 1 student attended the December GHDS Tale & Ale - round table discussions concerning various topics in dentistry. Presentations given by faculty and local dentists. • [NEW!] Houston ASDA partnered with GHDS and 6 other local dental societies for the first Houston Dental Festival at the Houston Zoo. The inaugural event hosted 300 dentists and their families enjoying food, facepainting, special encounters with wildlife, and prize drawings. The event was awarded the ADA 2015 Golden Apple Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Promotion of Diversity & Inclusion. • Adrien Lewis (’16) received the inaugural GHDS scholarship honoring one dental student who displays leadership, community service and excellent academic standing.

• [IMPROVED!] 33 Houston ASDA fourth years attended a Professional Association Liaison (P.A.L.) Mentorship social sponsored by GHDS. Students and new dentists were given the opportunity to network with practicing dentists to expand their dental knowledge and involvement with organized dentistry. • GHDS and TDA collaborated together to sponsor a lunch for DS1 students during orientation week in which incoming students learned about the value of active membership & involvement and the structure of organized dentistry. Students participated in trivia games to receive GHDS and TDA prizes. Voting representation in the state dental society House of Delegates and representation on councils. • Katie Sowa ’15 wrote a resolution with Dr. Adam Shisler to enable voting rights for students in TDA House of Delegates. Although not passed, the resolution was sent to a task force charged with resolving those voting rights. Contributes legislative articles to local or national ASDA publications or other state society publications. • [IMPROVED!] Contributed 2 articles to local ASDA newsletter titled “Update on Advocacy” educating students of current issues in dentistry, promoting involvement in dental advocacy, and donating to ADPAC. • [NEW!] Glennis Katzmark (’17) was featured in the September publication of national ASDA Advocacy Brief and presented in a national ASDA Advocacy in Action webinar in November to answer questions & help legislative liaisons plan events for their chapters. • [NEW!] Greater Houston Dental Society Student Spotlight - each month GHDS published an article acknowledging outstanding ASDA members and their contributions to organized dentistry: • Adrien Lewis (’16) was featured in both the March and August issues, discussing her passion for ASDA and her hopes to motivate other students to become involved. • Andrew Naeger (’17), current chapter president and Chair of Council on Professional Issues, was featured in the GHDS September Student Spotlight, talking of his leadership experiences at the local and national levels. • Glennis Katzmark (’17), Advocacy Chair, was featured in the GHDS both the May and November Student Spotlights, highlighting her contributions to organized dentistry and her leadership that has inspired increased advocacy involvement of Houston ASDA members. • Marisa Zitterich (’16), Events Coordinator, was featured in GHDS December Student Spotlight, discussing how her involvement with ASDA and organized dentistry has significantly contributed to her dental education. Conducts successful ADPAC drives. • Educated students on how public policy affects dentistry and the benefits of investing in your profession. Encouraged dental students to sign-up for ADPAC membership and in return received “Houston ASDA swag” including lanyard, koozie, sunglasses, drawstring bag, pen, and much more. Chapter is represented on district cabinet or involved in district activities. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA sent 9 students to the 2015 District 9 meeting in Breckenridge, Colorado (50% increase) • [IMPROVED!] 6 students hold positions on the District 9 Cabinet: • Marisa Zitterich, class of 2016, Fundraising Manager • Graham Reed, class of 2016, Membership Committee Representative • Glennis Katzmark, class of 2017, served as Advocacy Committee Chair • Andrew Naeger, class of 2017, Presidents’ Panel • Alex Edgerly, class of 2017, Predental Advisor • Tanya Maestas, class of 2018, Communications Committee Associate • [IMPROVED!] Our chapter sent 5 students to the 2015 District 9 Leadership Retreat in Wimberly, Texas. National ASDA Involvement • [NEW!] Glennis Katzmark (’17) was awarded National Legislative Liaison of the Year! • [IMPROVED!] 24 students attended 2015 ASDA Annual Session from last year’s 18. • [IMPROVED!] 22 students attended the 2015 ASDA National Leadership Conference from last year’s 10! • Houston ASDA continued Points System to help send more members to national events. Members earn points by attending local events. Points are tallied at semester end and top scoring members are fully funded to national ASDA events. After its first year of success, students have increased participation in order to gain a spot attending national ASDA events. • [NEW!] Adrien Lewis (’16) served as ASDA delegate to the 2015 ADA House of Delegates at ADA Annual Session in Washington D.C. • 3 students attended the 2015 ADA Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. • 3 Houston ASDA members hold National ASDA Positions: • Adrien Lewis, class of 2016, served as Executive Committee Vice-President • Laura Nelson, class of 2016, served as Council on Communications, Council Chair • Andrew Naeger, class of 2017, served as Council on Professional Issues, Council Chair


Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year with Fun Offers professional or educational programs that encourage interaction between students and faculty, staff and state/ local dental societies. • [IMPROVED!] Greater Houston Dental Society General Meetings - ASDA members attended 6 General Meetings throughout 2015 to learn about legislative affairs and current topics in dentistry. • [IMPROVED!] UTSD Alumni Teeth Collection Program – Houston ASDA collaborated with our alumni association to distribute 60 jars to over 50 dentists who will collect teeth on behalf of students. Jars will be retrieved in early spring and teeth will be available for DS4’s to use during their licensing exam and underclassmen to use in preclinical lab. • [IMPROVED!] Dine & Discover Event – Dr. David Rice of igniteDDS provided Houston ASDA members an exclusive and interactive CAD-CAM dentistry presentation dinner. • Dentist Secure: “True Life I’m a Dentist” Happy Hour - Houston ASDA members attended a sponsored happy hour to learn about Dentist Secure’s program, “Outside Insights for Dental Students” that opens the doors of local dental practices to students to explore the day-to-day business, observe various office layouts, and gain wisdom on what practitioners wish they would have known when they first started. • [NEW!] Aspen Dental Dinner - Dinner hosted for third & fourth years to educate them about associateship and practice ownership within the Aspen Dental network. 75 students attended • [NEW!] North Star Consultants Dinner - Luke Perry, financial planner, hosted a dinner for DS4’s to teach about student loans, contract review, risk management, retirement preparation, and savings/investments. Offers tutoring/mentoring. • DS1s work closely with DS2s and DS3s for tutoring help in beginning dental core curriculum classes, drilling/ operative and tooth-waxing. Organizes vendor fair and lunch & learns frequently. • [IMPROVED!] Vendor Fair – This is always an annual favorite, and this year we had a new record of 47 vendors attend! After classes, a record 350 students and faculty walked over to our adjoining conference center and visit with vendors, other students, and faculty. This year a photobooth complete with #ASDAfever signs was setup to add to the fun! • Houston ASDA held 27 Lunch and Learns this year. • Houston ASDA made a new partnership with Sonicare to create a yearly lunch and learn teaching first year dental students about brushing techniques and fluoride treatment, while providing free Sonicare Toothbrushes to all members that attend! 100% of first year membership attended! Provides social activities. • [IMPROVED!] Annual Welcome DS1 Happy Hour – To introduce new students to ASDA, a welcome happy hour geared directly towards first years was held with 85% of DS1 class in attendance! ASDA officers were present to answer questions and spread awareness of ASDA involvement. • ASDA Week Thirsty Thursday - Students and faculty gathered in school courtyard for a happy hour to meet members and create excitement about ASDA. • Movember Awards Happy Hour - In conjunction with Psi Omega, Houston ASDA helped sponsor a happy hour to raise money and award the students with the best moustaches grown during Movember. Organizes events/programs that promote leadership development and professional training. • [NEW!] ASDA Summer Leadership Retreat – 30 Houston officers and committee members attended a 2-day retreat in Conroe, Texas participating in team building exercises and breakout sessions involving networking, public speaking, organizational skills, technology skills, and goals of Houston ASDA for fall semester 2015. Interacts with other ASDA chapters in district. • Texas Dental Olympics - Texas dental schools (Houston, San Antonio and Dallas) annually participate in the Texas Dental Olympics, however, this year’s event was cancelled at the last minute due to unforeseen weather conditions. Houston ASDA donated $500 to UTSD Student Council for the funding of T-shirts (that were still distributed) and lunches. • [IMPROVED!] District 9 Meeting - Houston ASDA sent 9 students to the 2015 District 9 meeting in Breckenridge, Colorado (50% increase) • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA on District 9 Cabinet: • Marisa Zitterich, class of 2016, Fundraising Manager • Graham Reed, class of 2016, Membership Committee Representative • Glennis Katzmark, class of 2017, served as Advocacy Committee Chair • Andrew Naeger, class of 2017, Presidents’ Panel • Alex Edgerly, class of 2017, Predental Advisor

• Tanya Maestas, class of 2018, Communications Committee Associate • [IMPROVED!] District 9 Leadership Retreat - District 9 cabinet members joined for a weekend retreat in Wimberly, Texas. Chapters evaluated their own strengths and weaknesses and formulated methods to possibly improve their chapters. Participates in community service or outreach activities. • [NEW!] Ronald McDonald House - 10 members visited the local Ronald McDonald House and decorated tooth shaped cookies with patients and their families. • [NEW!] UT House Medics - 3 Houston ASDA members joined with UTHealth Student InterCouncil to participate in aiding to renovate Houston homes, build wheelchair ramps, and revitalize neighborhoods. ASDA members worked alongside volunteers from the medical, nursing, public health, and bioinformatics schools. • [IMPROVED!] Texas Missions of Mercy – 18 ASDA volunteers provided free dental care to those in need in Mesquite, Texas. Over 905 patients were seen by 125 dentists, with an estimated value of care provided worth $591,000! • Houston Food Bank – as part of ASDA week, 24 students helped in packaging food items donated to needy children and assisted in cleaning the facility for upcoming inspection. • [NEW!] Baylor College of Medicine Global Refugee Health Fair – 10 members provided oral hygiene instructions to 160+ refugees from Cuba, Somalia, Thailand, and more. Houston ASDA worked alongside local medical, pharmacy, and nursing schools. • [NEW!] Houston Mad Science Night - 11 members delivered oral hygiene instructions to elementary school children across the city using giant models and playing interactive games. • YMCA Octoberfest– 9 members played interactive games with kids about proper brushing and flossing while giving them toothpastes and toothbrushes to add to their treat bags. • REACH Health Fair - 9 volunteers delivered OHI and performed oral screenings for the underserved community. • [NEW!] Houston Buddy Walk - 18 ASDA volunteers participated in Houston Buddy Walk 2015, cheering on children with Down Syndrome to complete a 1-mile awareness walk. Chapter members spent the week prior painting signs of encouragement for the event. • [IMPROVED!] Thanksgiving Food Drive – all class years contributed donations to our annual food drive for the Houston Food Bank. A record total of 1,009 items were donated, weighing out to 833 lbs. of food! The class with the most canned goods won a free bagel breakfast. • [NEW!] Ronald McDonald House Trafigura Run - 2 members worked water stations and cheered on runners. • Give Kids a Smile Day - ASDA recruited members to provide free dental care to children in the Houston community. • [NEW!] “Be The Match” Bone Marrow Registration Drive - Houston ASDA partnered with Alpha Omega to encourage students to swab their cheeks to register with “Be The Match” Foundation. Over 75 students registered! Conducts health and wellness activities. • Biggest Loser Competition - Wellness representative for the class of 2016, Francisco Nieves, directed the schoolwide competition on behalf of ASDA during UTSD Wellness Week. 40 total faculty, staff, and students participated in weekly weigh-ins for 9 weeks. Prizes were awarded to the top team and winning individual. Offers events targeted at different groups, including advanced standing/IDP students, non-traditional students, etc. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA Family Picnic – our chapter’s annual spring picnic had a record of 260 attendees! Students and residents relaxed with their families while enjoying drinks, music, games, ice cream sandwiches, fajitas, and plenty of conversation. Organizes activities that are unique and original • [IMPROVED!] 7th Annual Girl’s Arm Wrestling Tournament – this lunch event brings out the competitive nature in all dental students while instilling class pride. The winner receives a trophy and free breakfast for their entire class. This year our chapter created a hype video to advertise the event. https://youtu.be/vsyFdrJ7QBY • [NEW!] Leadership Survey - school-wide survey was sent to assess how our ASDA chapter was reaching out to its members, and how our officers can better represent and involve students on the local and national levels • ASDA Annual Dodgeball Tournament - members let off some steam by plunging balls at their classmates’ faces. • Disclaimer: no students were harmed in this event.


Outstanding Fundraising

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Conducts one or more organized efforts at earning money. • [IMPROVED!] Vendor Fair • 47 vendors (including 4 platinum and 13 gold) attended the 2015 Vendor Fair, a record number for Houston ASDA! Over 350 students, faculty, and staff attended the fair enjoying appetizers, beverages and networking with leaders in dental products and technology. Vendors chose from 3 packages; Basic $600, Gold $750 and Platinum $1100. We profited over $27,000, the largest chapter fundraiser to date! • Loupes Fair • 6 companies purchased vendor tables at $600 a piece to attend the event allowing members the opportunity to try on loupes and weigh their options in loupe purchasing, including: Designs for Vision, LumaDent Inc., Orascoptics, Q-Optics, Ultralight Optics Inc., Surgitel. Our chapter profited an impressive $3,280. • [IMPROVED!] Explore UTSD Day • 102 predental students from across the state attended a Saturday full of break-out sessions, Deans’ seminars, tour of our new building, waxing and drilling exercises, and Q&A sessions with current students. National ASDA Predental members received a $15 discount on registration. At $50 a student for registration, we profited $4,911 ,making this one of our most successful events of the year! • [IMPROVED!] “The Class I Preparation: Interview Prep Day” • Dental students held mock interviews for 40 predental applicants who had applied or had plans to apply for the upcoming class. Predentals were asked to submit a surprise essay submission, which was later critiqued by UTSD students. Predentals were mock interviewed by 5 UTSD students, receiving immediate feedback, resources for their actual interview day, and were assigned a dental student mentor. Predentals paid $50 to attend, and we profited around $1,400. • Lunch and Learns • Houston ASDA held 27 Lunch and Learns this year! Speakers sign-up and pay through HoustonASDA.com and can choose from a list of lunch serving options and the class targeted. After room reserve expenses are covered, remaining profit goes toward our ASDA chapter funding (see spreadsheet). We profited close to $5,400 for the year. • [NEW!] Houston ASDA Sponsorship Banner - 22 sponsors purchased a spot on our new logo banner at $150 a piece. In addition to aiding in our rebranding efforts, we profited $3,150 from the banner fundraiser. It is displayed at all Houston ASDA events. • [NEW!] Houston ASDA T-shirts - Thanks to our generous sponsor, Academy of General Dentistry, who donated $2,600 to cover the total costs of fabricating new shirt. We were able to provide a free Houston ASDA t-shirt to every single member! We hope to wear these shirts at all our events. Efforts at raising money have increased from the previous year or successfully sustained a large budget. • [IMPROVED!] Per the previous list of events targeted towards fundraising for our chapter, Houston ASDA started the year with $20,148.26 and after revenues, expenses, and donations we ended the year with a an additional $7,370. Organizes fundraisers that are unique and creative. • [IMPROVED!] 3rd Annual Houston ASDA Golf Tournament • The Third Annual ASDA Open hosted 86 golfers competing in a 4-person scramble tournament. The event cost $50 for students and $100 for non-students. Costs of the event were offset thanks to 10 sponsors that donated prizes, beverages, and money for the golf tournament. This year Henry Schein hosted a networking happy hour the evening prior for students and sponsors. • A $1,000 donation was made to the San Jose Clinic for the 3rd year in a row. Demonstrates cost-saving measures in chapter events. • Buying supplies in bulk for serving food to members. • Inviting professors and faculty to present at Lunch and Learns to prevent reserved room fees.

• Simpler catering options for vendors and speakers reduced costs for events & lunch and learns. • Sending emails inviting vendors to participate in events instead of sending postal mail. • Using Houston ASDA webpage, social media, and television monitors displayed throughout the building to communicate with students and post event sign-ups. Specify the amount of revenue your chapter earned, the costs that your chapter incurred & the remaining net profit. • Our chapter began the year with $20,148.26. Throughout 2015 we raised a total $79,409 through fundraising efforts, allowing our chapter to send more students to national meetings, purchasing oral health screening supplies, funding Dental Olympics, Golf Tournament, other events and rebranding ourselves. Our chapter’s expenditures totaled $68,839 and our donations to allied partners totaled $3,200, resulting in the year’s $7,370 net profit. Revenue



Net Profit

Vendor Fair





Loupes Fair





Explore UTSD Day





Interview Prep Day





Lunch and Learns





Sponsorship Banner





Golf Tournament








San Jose Clinic -Houston ASDA t-shirts





Dodgeball Tournament





Dental Olympics





Movember Awards





NLC PreDental Scholarship





2015 ASDA Annual Session










Family Picnic





ASDA Rebranding





Summer Leadership Retreat











Outstanding PreDental Involvement

Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core Recruits predental members for national ASDA membership. • [IMPROVED] From expanding our Explore UTSD Day, Interview Workshop, and creating new a predental webinar series, Houston ASDA recruited a total of 94 predental students to National ASDA Membership, and 350% improvement in comparison to the previous year! This put our chapter in second place for the Predental Recruitment Incentive! Introduces predentals to dental school and organized dentistry (ASDA and ADA). • [IMPROVED!] Explore UTSD Day • Predentals from across the state attend a full day of activities at UTSD, learning about the school and dental profession. Current GHDS President, Dr. Duke Ho, presented to the predental students on the importance of organized dentistry in our profession. National ASDA leader, Adrien Lewis, presented to the predental students on the importance of an organized student voice during our time as dental students. • [IMPROVED!] “The Class I Preparation: Interview Prep Day” • Dental students held mock interviews, read essay submissions, and answered questions for 40 predental applicants who had applied or had plans to apply for the upcoming class. National ASDA Vice President Adrien Lewis (’16) delivered a presentation on the structure of ASDA and the benefits of involvement. • Houston ASDA Leadership Award - national ASDA predental members across Texas were invited to apply for the chance to attend 2015 NLC in Chicago, fully funded by Houston ASDA. • [NEW!] Predental Liaison Position - establishment of a new position on our officer team allowed a predental with excellence in academics and leadership to be involved directly with our chapter. • [NEW!] UTSD ASDA Predental Facebook - with the establishment of a separate Facebook page, predentals have direct access to all events, webinars, and publications by our Predental Committee. In 2015 alone the page gained 305 “likes” and had 22 posts including: • Chapter members contribute “Predental Pro Tips” to share with predental followers via social media, including tips on essay writing, DAT preparation, and interview advice. • [IN PROCESS!] Houston ASDA Predental Brochure - Predental Committee initiated the process of designing a brochure to hand out to attendees at predental events. It contains information on all Houston ASDA predental events and the benefits of becoming a national ASDA member. Provides leadership opportunities for predentals. • Houston ASDA offered a scholarship application to a predental with outstanding leadership qualities and involvement to apply and attend the National ASDA Leadership Conference fully funded along with our Houston ASDA members. Timothy Nguyen, Predental from the University of Texas, was the outstanding recipient and learned a great deal about leadership, ASDA and organized dentistry to bring home to his predental chapter. • [NEW!] Predental Liaison Position - Houston ASDA restructured its officer positions, allowing for a predental student to serve as a representative on the officer team. The position provides an opportunity to target future ASDA leaders, starting from the undergraduate level. • Hillary Strassner, Predental from the University of Texas, was selected in April 2015 as the first Houston ASDA Predental Liaison. Mrs. Strassner works alongside Houston ASDA Predental Committee, attends predental events, provides feedback to the committee, and aids in contributing to our new series of “Predental Pro Tips.” • [NEW!] Predental “Houston Fill” Feature - This year Houston ASDA provided predentals the opportunity to write for our chapter publication. The “Houston Fill” featured one predental each month. • [NEW!] Created “Spotlight on VIPs” column on the Houston ASDA website, showcasing outstanding predentals members. Texas predental organizations elect a member to represent their institution and each month Houston ASDA Predental Committee selects a new predental to be featured Organizes a Predental Day or workshops for predentals on getting into dental school & hands-on activities. • [IMPROVED!] Explore UTSD Day *Most successful event of the year!

• 102 predental students from 23+ schools across the state spent a full Saturday touring the new UTSD building, hearing addresses from our Dean and our Associate Dean of Student Affairs, a presentation from the current GHDS President, practiced waxing and drilling, a Q&A session featuring a panel of current students representing each class year and breakout sessions presented by UTSD students. • With a record of 42 volunteers, we were able to expand the event to include more predentals! • Due to the great success of the event in previous years, the Predental Committee worked with UTSD administration to incorporate prehygiene attendees. The event included 17 prehygiene students and 7 hygiene student volunteers. • [IMPROVED!] “The Class I Preparation: Interview Prep Day” • Dental students held mock interviews for 40 predental applicants who had applied or had plans to apply for the upcoming class. Predentals were asked to write a surprise essay submission, which was later critiqued by UTSD students. Attendees were mock interviewed by 3 UTSD students and 1 faculty member, receiving immediate feedback, resources for their actual interview day, and were assigned a dental student mentor. • With the addition of Q&A panel composed of UTSD students and Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, attendees were afforded more resources than ever before. • This year Houston ASDA added the service of taking professional headshots for predentals to later download and use in their dental school applications. Offers networking, social and community service events for predentals with dental students & local dentists. • Predental Happy Hour sponsored by Houston ASDA Chapter– 15 students from various colleges and 5 Houston ASDA members attended a social hour following Explore UTSD Day, including appetizers and concluding the eventful day with new friends. Serves as mentors to predentals • [IMPROVED!] Predental-Dental Student Mentor program - Predentals who attended Explore UTSD Day and Interview Preparation Day were assigned a UTSD student mentor as a resource for questions concerning their application and more tips for their future interview process. This year 40 additional predentals were provided mentors! • [NEW!] DAT Prep Game Show - 15 Houston ASDA members traveled to the University of Houston to host a game show night for UH Predental Society. The interactive trivia introduced predentals to various types of DAT questions and allowed UTSD students to provide advice and tips. 72 UH predentals participated and undergraduates were given prizes for every question answered. • [NEW!] “Non-Traditional Routes to Dental School” Webinar - 30 predentals tuned in to hear 3 Houston ASDA members and Dr. Phil Pierpont, Dean of Student and Alumni Affairs, share advice and personal experiences of non-standard dental school application process. • [NEW!] “VIP Workshop: Maximizing Your Dental School Application” - Alex Edgerly (’17) presented alongside District 9 Trustee at NLC 2015, providing predentals with tips regarding AADSAS and TMDSAS processes and how to best stand out as an applicant. • [NEW!] “First Impressions” Webinar - Houston ASDA collaborated with other District 9 chapters to provide advice to 32 predentals pertaining to interviewing, application tips, and highlighting what students loved about their respective schools. The webinar was created by District 9 Predental Advisor, Alex Edgerly (’17). • [NEW!] DAT Study Material Drive - members were asked to donate old DAT study materials for the Predental Committee to distribute to predental students/societies in need. Participates in national ASDA Predental Week • Adrien Lewis (’16) presented in a national ASDA predental webinar “Choosing the Right Dental School for You” during National Predental Week.


Houston ASDA

Appendix CONTENTS 1. Houston ASDA Leadership 2. Give ‘Em Something to Talk About 3. Sink Your Teeth into Legislation 4. Filling the Year with Fun 5. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6. Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core


2015 Houston ASDA Leadership

Expanding Leadership Opportunities


Outstanding Membership and Communication

Give ‘Em Something to Talk About

t n e m a n r u o T g n i l t s e r W m r A s ’ l r i G

Food Bank Volunteering

“Of all my 4 years in dental school, ASDA Week 2015 was the best I’ve ever experienced! We had more events and activities for all classes and it was advertised so well! This was the premiere week for ASDA.“ - Andrea Sauerwein (‘16)

Insta gram Chall enge


Outstanding Membership and Communication

Give ‘Em Something to Talk About We heightened our social media presence here at Houston ASDA by updating our website, increasing our Facebook and Instagram followers, and creating a snapchat account!


Outstanding Membership and Communication

Give ‘Em Something to Talk About Our new chapter logo! Created by Allison Haynie (’18)

Every student received a free Houston ASDA t-shirt!

! g n i d n a r b e R A D S A n o t s u Ho

Houston ASDA logo pins, cups, and shirts are just a few of the new “ASDA swag” items our chapter has designed! 12

Outstanding Membership and Communication

Give ‘Em Something to Talk About

We’ve had more contributions to local and national publications than ever! In addition to electronic copies, hardcopies were printed and placed in student lounge areas.


Outstanding Membership and Communications

Give ‘Em Something to Talk About

Houston ASDA wasn’t shy about “mouthing off” all across National ASDA publications! Congrats to all those who were featured!


Outstanding Membership and Communication

Give ‘Em Something to Talk About

r e m t m a e u r S t e A ASDership R d a e L

In order to shape a cohesive leadership team, ASDA officers took part in team building exercises including human foosball, constructing balloon towers using only tape, and writing team member names using strings attached to one pen. 15

Outstanding Membership and Communication

Give ‘Em Something to Talk About First Yea r

Welcom eS


Houston ASDA leadership team voted to reformat DS1 elections to allow the first semester of dental school the opportunity to serve on a committee and learn more about being involved in ASDA leadership. Elections were then held in November and track positions began for the next 3.5 years.

Prior to the beginning of the semester, ASDA updates were posted in the DS1 Facebook group, welcoming students to UTSD and Houston ASDA


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth into Legislation

Houston ASDA created a week long lunch-and-learn series in partnership with the Greater Houston Dental Society, Texas Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, and other local advocates in organized dentistry.


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth into Legislation Houston ASDA hosted their first ever “Family Feud,” challenging students on their advocacy knowledge! After a survey was emailed in advance to the entire student body, the “Amalgams” took on the “Composites” for an engaging and spirited competition that mimicked a wellknown family game show!




Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth into Legislation "I feel so honored to be involved with the advocacy aspect of ASDA. In dentistry I know that I will enjoy improving the lives of my patients one at a time, but in my activity as an advocate I have fought for legislation that will address issues for thousands.” - Glennis Katzmark (’17) As part of ASDA Week, the Advocacy Committee put on a “Judge Judy” mock trial to illustrate the dental legislative process and importance of being active in the profession. Following the trial and ADPAC drive was held to encourage student ADPAC membership. Students were rewarded with Houston ASDA “swag”.

National Legislative Liaison of the Year!!

ADA Signing Day



Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth into Legislation

National Lobby Day Houston ASDA goes to Capitol Hill for National Lobby Day

Houston ASDA partnered with GHDS to bus 50 students to TDA Lobby Day!

Texas Lobby Day


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth ino Legislation

The “Houston Fill” featured Spring and Fall Advocacy Updates, Lobby Day recaps, and student advocacy perspectives. 21

Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth in Legislation

District 9 Meeting in Breckenridge, Colorado “Attending the D9 meeting was a blast! Collaborating with fellow ASDA members in my district helped me build lasting relationships and propel the goals of ASDA forward!”- Nichole Fishbeck (’16)

District 9 Leadership Retreat

m o r f s r e ead L l a n o ! i A D Nat S A n Housto


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth in Legislation

Houston ASDA sent 24 of our members to Annual Session in Boston, a record number for our chapter! Adrien Lewis (’16) was elected as National ASDA Vice President. This was the best week ever!

Ann Sess ual i 201 on 5

Brady Atkins (’17) was the winner of our ASDA points and had the opportunity to attend Annual Session, funded by our chapter! “The trip to Annual Session was really eye-opening. It showed me how much our ASDA chapter does for us, and how much ASDA as a national organization does for dental students. I couldn't recommend attending Annual Session enough, and I left with more ASDA Fever than ever!”


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth in Legislation

Adrien Lewis (’16) presented at NLC on “Building a Leadership Legacy” and “How to Effectively Communicate with Your Patients.”

National Leadership Conference 2015

Katie Womack (’18) was the winner of our ASDA points, thus funded by our chapter to attend NLC!

“Getting involved with ASDA throughout first year was a move that I’m so thankful I made. To me, the things I took away from NLC are just as valuable if not more, as what I learn each and every day in dental school.”

Houston ASDA sent 22 of our members to NLC 2015 in Chicago! This is more than double the number we sent the previous year!


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth in Legislation

Houston Dental Festival Houston ASDA partnered with the Greater Houston Dental Society and 7 other local allied dental organizations to hold the first annual Houston Dental Festival at the Houston Zoo. Over 300 dentists and their families attended an afternoon filled with animal interactions, prizes, lunch, and face-painting provided by Houston ASDA members. 25

Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth in Legislation “P.A.L. Mentorship is awesome because you get to network with local dentists and spark new relationships that may potentially grow into associateships!” - Dealla Saab (’16)

“As part of the recruitment and retention committee this year, I have been at the forefront of creating and expanding the Greater Houston Dental Society’s member events and benefits. They value the dental student perspective and investing in the future leaders of their association.” Marisa Zitterich (’16)

y t e i c o S l a t n e D n o t s u o H r e t a e Gr

77 students attended the GHDS October Legislative Meeting with speaker Texas State representative Dr. John Zerwas who spoke of the importance of supporting organized dentistry.

Adrien Lewis (’16) was awarded the inaugural Greater Houston Dental Society Scholarship honoring one dental student with leadership, community service, and excellent academic standing.


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Sink Your Teeth into Legislation Andrea Sauerwein (’16) was invited to present a breakout session at District 2 Meeting in Buffalo, New York discussing tips to increase fundraising activity and negotiating tactics.

Adrien Lewis (’16) poses with Congressmen Dr. Gosar and Dr. Babin outside of the Texas District Caucus at ADA Annual Session. Adrien served as ASDA Delegate to the 2015 ADA House of Delegates.

t c i r t s Di

n o i t a and N

t n e m e v l o v n al I

Adrien Lewis (’16) was invited to give two presentations at Oklahoma Leadership Summit: “My ASDA Journey: Past, Present, and Future” and “What’s Ahead: Identifying Future Leaders of OU ASDA”


Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

r o f d o o F

! t h g Thou

Throughout the year, dierent allied companies have provided our members resources and information on how to succeed in the in their future dental careers. From happy hours to dinners, these events allowed for unique opportunities to grow our professional network. 28

Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

Houston ASDA Movember

ASDA Thirsty Thursday Houston ASDA collaborated with our alumni association to distribute 60 jars to over 50 dentists who are collecting teeth for students. Jars will be retrieved in early spring and teeth will be available for DS4’s to use during their licensing exam and underclassmen to use in pre-clinical lab.


Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

Ronald McDonald House

y c r e M f o n io s s i M s a Tex

s c i d e M e s u o H T U 30

Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

Houston Food Bank


Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

BCM Global Refugee Health Fair


Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

YMCA Octoberfest

Houston Mad Science Night

” h c ve t a i M r e D h T n o e i t B “ stra i g e R


Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

A total of 1,091 items were donated to the Houston Food Bank, a record for Houston ASDA!

Our Leadership Development Committee created a survey passed out to the student body to evaluate the effectiveness of our chapter’s leadership and identify students that wish to learn more about opportunities available to them.

Wellness representative for the class of 2016, Francisco Nieves, directed the school-wide competition on behalf of ASDA during UTSD Wellness Week. 40 total faculty, staff, and students participated in weekly weigh-ins for 9 weeks. Prizes were awarded to the top team and winning individual. 34

Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

y a D e l i m S A s d i K e v i G


Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

c i n c i P y l i Fam


Outstanding Activities

Filling the Year With Fun

t n e rnam


u o T l l a b ge


Outstanding Fundraising

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

t n e rnam

u o T Golf

Our 3rd Annual Golf Tournament was a big success! Our chapter donated $1,000 to the San Jose Clinic, a facility that provides healthcare to those with limited access.


Outstanding Fundraising

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

5 1 0 2 r i a F dor


Houston ASDA had a record of 47 vendors participate in our 2015 Vendor Fair! Students loved networking with vendors, getting prizes, and having fun in our new photobooth!


Outstanding Fundraising

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

u o y k n a Th r u o to ! s r o s n o p s Academy of General Dentistry donated $2,600 to cover the total costs of fabricating new shirt. We were able to provide a free Houston ASDA t-shirt to every single member! We hope to wear these shirts at all our events. We had a total of 22 sponsors donated $150 a piece in exchange for their spot on our new sponsorship banner that is displayed at all ASDA lunches and events!


s n r a e L & h 40

Outstanding Fundraising

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Houston ASDA’s Loupe Fair is a way for first year students to look a little closer into their options for magnifying loupes and interact with vendors. Companies pay $600 to reserve their spot annually.

Loupes Fair 2015


Outstanding Predental Involvement

Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core

U e r o l p Ex

y a D D TS


Outstanding Predental Involvement

Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core

“Upon leaving this event, I feel more confident in my interviewing skills, more knowledgeable about the application process, and greatly inspired by the many UTSD students and faculty that were so willing to help and give their time.” Samantha Moore, Texas A&M PreDental

y a D p e r P w e i v r e t In 43

Outstanding Predental Involvement

Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core Predental student, Timothy Nguyen from the University of Texas received our second annual Predental Leadership Award. Timothy was sponsored by Houston ASDA to attend NLC with other members of our chapter. It was our honor to fund an outstanding individual such as Timothy, for he is starting the first co-ed dental fraternity Delta Epsilon Mu at his university.

l a t n e D e Pr p i h s r e d Lea Award “There is no better opportunity as a pre-dental student to be exposed and inspired to what it truly means to be a dentist, than attending NLC. While I was there I gained inspiration, motivation, and expertise on how to get into dental school, become a dentist, and ultimately, to become a better person. From listening to keynote speakers that ranged from dentist overcoming substance abuse to the first female fighter pilot of the US Navy, the quality of lectures were exceptional.� - Timothy 44

Outstanding Predental Involvement

Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core Predental student, Hillary Howarth from the University of Texas was awarded our first ever PreDental Liaison Position. Hillary was chosen for this position based on her excellence in community service, research and outstanding academics. Hillary works alongside our Houston ASDA PreDental Committee, aiding to coordinate events and brainstorm new and creative predental opportunities. x


“As predental liaison, I have been aorded the opportunity to attend meetings with Houston dental students and provide my input to the predental committee. Serving on the committee has allowed me to experience first hand what it takes to plan and host various events as well as to be involved in ASDA. Without experiencing this process firsthand, I never would have fully appreciated the tremendous work that goes into running this group. I truly think that this position has prepared me to lead ASDA in the future, and it has set me on the path to be a voice for the dental profession for the rest of my life.â€? - Hillary

n o s i a i L l a PreDent


Outstanding Predental Involvement

Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core

n o t s u o UTSD H eDental ASDA Prbook Face The new Facebook page features PreDental Pro Tips submitted by our Houston ASDA members, as well as connects followers to all predental events hosted by our chapter.


This year the “Houston Fill” featured articles by predentals well as implemented a new “Very Important PreDental Spotlight” feature to showcase outstanding predental students.

l a t n e D e r P s n o i t a c i l Pub 46

Outstanding Predental Involvement

Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core This year Houston ASDA PreDental Committee hosted a DAT Study Materials drive, asking all students to donate leftover DAT prep books to be given to predental societies and students.

Alex Edgerly (’17), Houston ASDA PreDental Chair and District 9 PreDental Advisor, was invited to present at NLC PreDental Workshop.

Check out our new predental brochure!

l a t n e D e r P e r u h c o r B


Outstanding Predental Involvement

Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core Houston ASDA members traveled to the University of Houston to present an interactive DAT Game Show.


e m a G DAT Show

"The DAT Game night was very helpful and informative! We got to have a sneak peek to how the real DAT questions are; and for those of us who were prepping for the actual DAT, we also got to check where we stand in the prep process. I personally thought it was an awesome event that not only helped with DAT or application, but also gave attendees a chance to network and create more connections with Houston ASDA." - Jason Ma, University of Houston predental


Outstanding Predental Involvement

Building Up PreDentals, Starting at the Core

l a t n e D e Pr binar We ries Se

Adrien Lewis (’16) presented in National ASDA’s predental webinar “Choosing the Right Dental School for You” during National Predental Week.


2015: A Year In Review


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