Houston ASDA Gold Crown Application 2015

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Gold Crown Application 2015

Houston ASDA

2015 Gold Crown Chapter Achievement Awards Application

Houston ASDA


Ideal ASDA & Most Improved

Why is Houston ASDA the Ideal ASDA? Houston ASDA represents ASDA’s core values of passion, community, engagement and

participation and prices of both our vendor and loupes fairs and the creation of our two

integrity with all of our actions over the past year. Whether through our charitable actions

new predental events.

donating the proceeds from our golf tournament to a local reduced cost dental clinic that primarily serves the poor, our school wide food drive to the Houston Food Bank to help

Lastly, I think one of the most important aspects that our chapter has improved is on our

provide food to the hungry during the holiday season, our chapters increased

predental efforts. In years past we had more or less a local vision in regards to our

involvement with predentals across the state of Texas, or our involvement with our

predental program. But this year we have truly expanded our efforts to recruit and host

schools SPEA chapter and its events to raise awareness to modern ethical issues, we

events for predentals on a statewide level. This year we hosted two incredible events that

strive to live up to ASDA’s core values both now and into the future.

were very well received by the predental students in attendance. One of these events was “Explore UTSD” where predental students were given hands-on experience on

Over the past year our chapter has made great strides to learn from past successes and

drilling on a mannequin and waxing teeth up in our simulation lab. This event was a first

shortcomings in order to ensure that students at UTSD get the most out of their

for us and I believe it will be one that continues well into the future. The other event was

membership in organized dentistry. Compared to this time last year, we have greatly

our “Interview Workshop” where predental students could bring their resumes/CVs for

improved in increasing active participation among our members, fundraising, and

review by dental students and participated in mock-interviews.

increasing our predental involvement. ~ Graham Reed, Houston ASDA Chapter President Beginning in the spring semester our executive committee responded to students’ requests to facilitate getting involved in ASDA by restructuring our leadership and forming a new committee system that would be overseen by our officer team. We listened to our members and sent out an application to the school for anyone that was interested in joining our new committees. When it was all said and done, we had added twelve new members to our leadership team. The committees include: PreDental Committee, Advocacy Committee, Community Service Committee, Leadership Development Committee, Golf Tournament Committee and Gold Crown Award Application Committee. The new leadership structure is outlined in the hierarchy below and can be found updated in our new Chapter Bylaws. Another aspect that we have been very successful at this past year has been fundraising. With the help of our wonderful events coordinators we have had our most successful fundraising effort to date. In fact the year to date value of our fundraising is over $15,000 more than where we were just a year ago. This can be attributed to an increase in


Outstanding Membership and Communication

Bridging the Gap Encourages member involvement and has significant participation from members (including number of attendees or percentage of members in attendance is helpful). • Houston ASDA has had auto-enrollment and a chapter membership of 100% since 2003. • ASDA Point System – 100% membership involvement • Encouraged active involvement in Houston ASDA with sponsorship to ASDA Annual Session and National Leadership Conference for the member with the most collected points. • [NEW!] 31 Day Instagram Photo Challenge – 80% membership involvement • Each day during May students were challenged to post a photo using a specific hashtag, as well as the #HoustonASDA hashtag. Top 3 winners received Starbucks gift cards. • [NEW!] New Officer Induction – 30 members hosted an informal and fun ceremony presenting newly elected DS1 officers a silly “token” that they are to keep on them at all times while at school. Organizes a successful membership drive to introduce new students to ASDA. • First Year Orientation Presentation – 100% attendance • ASDA President-Elect, Andrew Naegar (DS2), delivered breakfast to all 104 incoming DS1 students followed by an engaging presentation highlighting what ASDA is, the benefits of being a member, encouragement to apply for leadership positions, and upcoming events. • [NEW!] Two-Part New Officer Informational – 20% attendance • ASDA officers hosted our first annual informational for the first year class that elaborated on each leadership position and the duties the four-year commitment holds. • The second aspect involved a rotating meet-and-greet in which DS1’s met with current ASDA committee officers at respective tables to ask questions enabling them to make an educated decision for which position to apply. • [IMPROVED!] ASDA Week - An entire week in September was dedicated to engaging and creating excitement for Houston ASDA. The week included a welcome meeting, social media selfie competition, food bank service event, 6th annual Girl’s Arm Wrestling Tournament, and ADPAC drive. Recruits and engages advanced standing/IDP students at your school. • Our school has no advanced standing/IDP students in attendance. Organizes events such as Signing Day to help 4th year students transition to the ADA. • In 2014, 100% of 4th year students participated in ADA signing day. Uses the following communication vehicles: class announcements, bulletin boards, e-mail, website, Facebook, etc. • [IMPROVED!] UTSD ASDA Facebook page provides updates, events reminders, and photos https://www.facebook.com/UtsdAsda. DS1s are encouraged to “like” during orientation. • We’re currently at 453 “likes”, a 180% increase since January 1st 2014 and have made 251 updates in 2014. • [NEW!] Instagram: @UTSDASDA – 98 followers and 42 posts! • Twitter: @UTSDASDA – 12 followers and 341 posts! • For each ASDA event, school-wide emails and reminders are sent utilizing digital flyers. • Houston ASDA chapter uses bulletin boards in student lounge area and lunchroom fridges to advertise announcements and upcoming events. • Television screens across the building and near the elevators advertise ASDA news and events. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA webmasters upgraded the accessibility of our chapter’s website for both vendors and students including: • Introduction to Houston ASDA officers and their duties. • “ASDA Fever Award” page to inform members of our incentive points program.

• Predental portal including resources for applicants, testimonials, “Predental Leadership Award” application page, and electronic registration for Explore UTSD Day. • Vendor Portal added to make event details easily accessible for vendors/sponsors and allowing electronic payment for Golf Tournament, Lunch and Learns, Loupe Fair, and Vendor Fair. • Houston Pages introducing our members to what Houston has to offer (e.g. things to do, places to go, and where to eat) that have all been suggested by current ASDA members. • Links to our chapter’s social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube) • Advocacy Page outlining what is ADPAC, benefits of joining, and how to donate to ADPAC. • [NEW!] Webmaster & 2nd year, Matt Franzen won the Website Link Competition for incorporating links to national ASDA webpages and resources throughout the Houston ASDA website. Publishes a chapter newsletter at least three times per school year. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA’s newsletter the “Houston Fill” created by publication editors: Laura Nelson (DS3), Macey Cartrite (DS3), Michelle Boecker (DS2), and Kaylea Orsak (DS1), published 4 updates throughout 2014 recapping previous events, informing of upcoming events, articles and interviews written by local members, and national ASDA publications. • Editors implemented a new system of publishing the newsletter through ISSUU.com, creating a sleeker, more professional design. • Newsletter publications were sent out via email, advertised on TV screens across the building, and posted onto the UTSD ASDA Instagram account. Contributes to national ASDA publications, blog and Facebook page. • 2nd year, Andrew Naeger 2 blog posts: “Why round table discussions are the answer” and “Houstons tooth collection program that you’ll want to implement at your own chapter” • 3rd year, Laura Nelson 1 blog post: “Uncovering the truth behind ancient dental implants” • 3rd year, Adrien Lewis 3 blog posts: ”How did predental involvement impact your college experience?”, “How is your school getting involved with predental week?” and ONE UPCOMING • 4th year, Katie Sowa 3 blog posts: “Gold crown awards best article nominees”, “Is the paleo diet really all that healthy?”, and “Why are we drawn to what’s weird?” Uses ASDA branding (including ASDA signage, banner, and ASDA flyers) and communicates national ASDA initiatives and events to its members. • ASDA banner displayed at all events and included in photos. • [NEW!] Houston ASDA Rebranding – our chapter initiated the process of rebranding our chapter to make it more distinguishable to members of our school and the ASDA community. Houston ASDA chapter is currently collecting submissions from Houston ASDA members. • [NEW!] #HoustonASDA Logo Sunglasses – our chapter distributed free sunglasses to all members during spring and fall semesters that featured our chapter’s hashtag, encouraging the use of #HoustonASDA on all social media apps. Utilizes green and sustainable practices at ASDA events and in communications. • By primarily using school-wide emails containing digital flyers announcing our ASDA chapter events and newsletters.


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Advocating for the Future of Dentistry Holds legislative lunch-n-learns and other legislative events to inform members of ASDA’s policies on issues such as student debt, barriers to care and mid-level providers. • [NEW!] National Lobby Day Lunch and Learn • “Current Events in Dentistry” – educated ASDA members on dental issues such as student loans, midlevel providers, healthcare reform, and licensure. • [NEW!] “The Great Debate” – ASDA advocacy committee conducted the first interactive mock debate discussing the topics of midlevel providers and student debt. In the days leading up to the debate, the mock “senators” utilized social media to spread the word and create anticipation among the student body. With over 200 students in attendance, the scripted debate was not only entertaining, but also informative and engaged ASDA members to voice their opinions on current issues in dentistry. Attends state or national lobby days or organizes state lobby day. • [IMPROVED!] 4 Houston ASDA representatives traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in the 2014 ASDA National Lobby Day (April 14, 2014). Involved with state and/or local dental society. • Texas Dental Association (TDA) Events: • Katie Sowa, Immediate Past President, and Graham Reed, Chapter President, serve as nonvoting members on the TDA House of Delegates during May Meeting. • Greater Houston Dental Society (GHDS) Events: • [IMPROVED!] 70 students were sponsored to attend the GHDS October General Meeting on Legislative Affairs. • [IMPROVED!] 10 students were sponsored to attend the GHDS November General Meeting and Continuing Education Course on Oral Health Lesions Diagnosis & Treatment. • 4 students participate in the GHDS Legislative Action Committee. Voting representation in the state dental society House of Delegates and representation on councils. • Immediate Past President, Katie Sowa: • held voting representation on the DENPAC board. • sits on the GHDS Board of Directors as a non-voting member. • participated on the GHDS Membership Committee. Contributes legislative articles to local or national ASDA publications or other state society publications. • [NEW!] Contributed 2 articles to local ASDA newsletter titled “Update on Advocacy” educating students on current issues in dentistry, promoting involvement in dental advocacy through the use of Engage, and donating to ADPAC. Conducts successful ADPAC drives. • [IMPROVED!] “Dentistry Goes to Washington” – collaborated with the Greater Houston Dental Society and had 2 dentists reflect on their involvement with ADPAC, why and how to get involved as a student, and the benefits of investing in your profession. Presenters: • Dr. Thomas Harrison: TDA & GHDS Past President, GHDS DENPAC and ADPAC Representative • Dr. Adam Shisler: UTSD Alumni and ’11-’12 ASDA Past President. Chapter is represented on district cabinet or involved in district activities. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA Chapter sent 6 students to the 2014 District 9 meeting in Breckenridge, Colorado. • [IMPROVED!] 3 students hold positions on the District 9 Cabinet: • Marisa Zitterich (D3) served as Fundraising Chair

• Glennis Katzmark (D2) served as Advocacy Assistant Chair • Nichole Fishbeck (D3) served as Community Outreach Associate • [NEW!] Our chapter sent 5 students to the 2014 District 9 Leadership Retreat in Dallas, Texas. • This was the first year for this retreat to occur and was developed by District 9 Trustee, Chris Thorburn (D3). National ASDA Involvement • [IMPROVED!] 18 students attended 2014 ASDA Annual Session. • [IMPROVED!] 10 students attended the 2014 ASDA National Leadership Conference. • Houston ASDA instituted a new Points System to help send more members to national events. Members earn points by attending local events. Points are tallied at semester-end and top scoring members are fully funded to national ASDA events. • [IMPROVED!] 4 ASDA members hold National ASDA Positions: • Chris Thorburn (D3) served as District 9 Trustee • Adrien Lewis (D3) served as Council on Membership, Chair • Ryan Hyde (D2) served on ASDA Financial Resources Subcommittee • Andrew Naeger (D2) served as Council on Professional Issues, Council Associate • Laura Nelson (D3) served as Council on Communications, Council Associate • [NEW!] This year, Houston ASDA won District 9 Chapter of the Year! • In 2014, 100% of 4th year students participated in ADA signing day. • [IMPROVED!] 15 students attended the 2014 ADA Annual Meeting in San Antonio


Outstanding Activities

Getting into the Central Groove of ASDA Offers professional or educational programs that encourage interaction between students and faculty, staff and state/local dental societies. • TDA House of Delegates – Immediate Past President and President attended as student delegates. • [NEW!] Greater Houston Dental Society General Meetings - ASDA members attended October & November General Meetings to learn about legislative affairs and current topics in dentistry. • [NEW!] UTSD Alumni Teeth Collection Program – Houston ASDA collaborated with our alumni association to distribute jars to over 50 dentists who will collect teeth on behalf of students. Jars will be retrieved in early spring and teeth will be available for fourth years to use during their licensing exam and underclassmen to use in pre-clinical lab. • [NEW!] Ignite DDS Dinner – Founder and publisher of The Progressive Dentist magazine, Bonnie Hixson, presented a seminar at the St. Arnold Brewery with 150 students in attendance. • [NEW!] Corporate Dental Private Dinner – DS3’s and DS4’s joined Western Dental/Brident for a sponored Italian dinner while discussing what corporate dentistry has to offer. • [NEW!] Dentist Secure: “True Life I’m a Dentist” Kick-Off Happy Hour - 80 members attended a sponsored happy hour to learn about the upcoming partnership between Houston ASDA and Dentist Secure. The program, “Outside Insights for Dental Students” opens the doors of local dental practices to students to be given an idea of day-to-day business, observe various office layouts, and gain wisdom on what practitioners wish they would have known when they first started. Offers tutoring/mentoring. • DS1s work closely with DS2s and DS3s for tutoring help in beginning dental core curriculum classes, drilling/operative and tooth-waxing. Organizes vendor fair and lunch & learns frequently. • [IMPROVED!] Vendor Fair – This is always an annual favorite, and this year we had a new record of 40 vendors attend! After classes, 250 students were able to walk over to our adjoining conference center and visit with vendors, other students, and faculty. • [IMPROVED] Houston ASDA held 29 Lunch and Learns this year (a big improvement from the previous year’s 15!) • [NEW!] Houston ASDA made a new partnership with Sonicare to create a yearly lunch and learn teaching first year dental students about brushing techniques and fluoride treatment, while providing free Sonicare Toothbrushes to all members that attend! Almost 100% of first year membership attended! Provides social activities. • [IMPROVED!] Annual Welcome DS1 Happy Hour – To introduce new students to ASDA, a welcome happy hour geared directly towards first years was held with 80% of DS1 class in attendance! • [IMPROVED!] ASDA Week Thirsty Thursday - Members attended a happy hour to meet members and create excitement about ASDA. • [NEW!] Movember Awards Happy Hour - In conjunction with Psi Omega, Houston ASDA helped sponsor a happy hour to raise money and award the students with the best moustaches grown during Movemeber. Interacts with other ASDA chapters in district. • Texas Dental Olympics - Texas dental schools (Houston, San Antonio and Dallas) participated in the annual Texas Dental Olympics to compete in a variety of sports and mingle with other District 9 chapters; Houston ASDA donated $500 to Student Council for funding of shirts and lunches. • [IMPROVED!] District 9 Meeting – Houston ASDA was able to send all 6 delegates and class representatives to Breckenridge, Colorado. • [NEW!] Houston ASDA on District 9 Cabinet:

• District 9 Trustee - 3rd year, Chris Thorburn • District 9 Events Coordinator Chair - 3rd year, Marisa McKee • District 9 Community Outreach Associate- 3rd year, Nichole Fishbeck • District 9 Advocacy Assistant Chair - 2nd year, Glennis Katzmark • [NEW!] District 9 Leadership Retreat - District 9 cabinet members joined for a weekend retreat outside Dallas, Texas. Chapters evaluated their own strengths and weaknesses and formulated methods to possibly improve their chapter. Participates in community service or outreach activities. • SIGHT Health Fair – 15 ASDA volunteers delivered oral hygiene instructions to over 100 Nepalese and Burmese refugees. This health fair was in conjunction with the UT Medical School, UH Optometry and Pharmacy School. • Texas Missions of Mercy – 9 ASDA volunteers assisted in providing free dental care to those in need in Georgetown, Texas. Over 860 patients were seen by 125 dentists, with an estimated value of care provided worth $555,699! • [NEW!] ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – over 50 students and faculty (including our Dean) came together to partake in the challenge and aid in increasing awareness for Lou Gehrig’s disease. • http://youtu.be/0Ma8omYTMm4 • [NEW!] Houston Food Bank – as part of ASDA week, 30 students helped in packaging food items donated to needy children and assisted in cleaning the facility for upcoming inspection. • [IMPROVED!] Alliance Multicultural Service Volunteer Fair – 11 members provided OHI to 160 refugees living in the US less than 6 months. This was an improvement from last year due to the addition Legacy Dental Clinic representative to help schedule more patients. • [IMPROVED!] YMCA Trunk-Or-Treat – 12 members played interactive games with kids about proper brushing and flossing while giving them toothpastes and toothbrushes to add to their treat bags. • Thanksgiving Food Drive – all class years contributed donations to our annual food drive for the Houston Food Bank. A total of 446 items were donated, weighing out to 368 lbs. of food! The class with the most canned goods won a free bagel breakfast. • [NEW!] Great Ideas Webinar – Houston was privileged to be 1 of 4 schools selected to present, targeting ASDA members across the country. Marisa Zitterich (DS3) created a 15-minute presentation discussing 5 ways to increase fundraising and negotiating tactics. Offers events targeted at different groups, including advanced standing/IDP students, non-traditional students, etc. • [IMPROVED!] Houston ASDA Family Picnic – our chapter’s annual spring picnic had a ecord of 250 attendees! Students relaxed with their families while enjoying drinks, music, games, ice cream sandwiches, cotton candy, popcorn, a food truck, and plenty of conversation. Organizes activities that are unique and original • [IMPROVED!] 6th Annual Girl’s Arm Wrestling Tournament – this lunch event brings out the competitive nature in all dental students while instilling class pride. The winner receives a trophy and free breakfast for their entire class. This year our chapter created a hype video to advertise the event. • [NEW!] Officer Leadership Retreat – 20 ASDA officers and committee members took part in a ChallengeWorks Rope Course, building communication and teamwork skills through problem solving scenarios and obstacle navigation. • [NEW!] Leadership Skills Workshop – our chapter Leadership Development Committee created a short presentation for newly elected leadership to ensure they started their positions off right. Participants were divided into pairs and required to disarm a mousetrap with one partner blindfolded.


Outstanding Fundraising

Gaining Support to Help Our Chapter Grow Conducts one or more organized efforts at earning money. • [IMPROVED] Vendor Fair • 40 vendors (including 6 platinum and 13 gold) attended the 2014 Vendor Fair, a record number for Houston ASDA! Over 250 students, faculty, and staff attended the fair enjoying appetizers, beverages and networking with leaders in dental products and technology. Vendors chose from 3 packages; Basic $600, Gold $750 and Platinum $900. We profited almost $25,000, the largest fundraiser for our chapter to date! • [IMPROVED] Loupes Fair • 8 companies purchased vendor tables at $625 a piece to attend the event allowing members the opportunity to try on loupes and weigh their options in loupe purchasing, including: Designs for Vision, DentLight Inc., LumaDent Inc., Orascoptics, PeriOptix, QOptics, Ultralight Optics Inc., Surgitel. Our chapter profited an impressive $4,800. • [NEW] Explore UTSD Day • 100 predental students from across the state attended a Saturday full of break-out sessions, Deans’ seminars, tour of our new building, waxing and drilling exercises, and Q&A sessions with current students. At $100 a student, we profited $5,000 making this one of our most successful events of the year! • [NEW] Interview Preparation Day • Dental students held mock interviews for 35 predental applicants who had applied or had plans to apply for the upcoming class. Predentals were asked to submit a surprise essay submission, which was later critiqued by UTSD students. Predentals were mock interviewed by 5 UTSD students, receiving immediate feedback, resources for their actual interview day, and were assigned a dental student mentor. Predentals paid $50 to attend, and we profited around $1600. • [IMPROVED] Lunch and Learns • Houston ASDA held 29 Lunch and Learns this year, a record number for our chapter! Speakers sign up and pay through the HoustonASDA.com and can choose from a list of lunch serving options and the class targeted. After room reserve expenses are covered, remaining profit goes toward our ASDA chapter funding (see spreadsheet below). We profited close to $6,000 for the year. • [IN PROCESS] Website Advertising Packages • Our chapter is in the process of creating and implementing sponsorship packages that can be purchased on our chapter website. Vendors can choose from a number of packages to advertise their companies on Houston ASDA publications and media. Efforts at raising money have increased from the previous year or successfully sustained a large budget. • [IMPROVED] Per the previous list of events targeted towards fundraising for our chapter, Houston ASDA has been able to increase our account this year from $8,798.26 to $20,148.26, a significant increase in our account balance from the previous year! Organizes fundraisers that are unique and creative. • [IMPROVED] 2nd Annual Houston ASDA Golf Tournament • The Second Annual ASDA Open hosted 85 golfers competing in a 4-person scramble format tournament. The event cost $50 for students and $100 for non-students. Costs of the event were offset thanks to sponsors that donated prizes, beverages, and money for the golf tournament. This year Burkhart Dental hosted a networking happy hour the evening prior to the tournament for students and sponsors.

• [NEW] This year Houston ASDA allocated profit from the previous year’s golf tournament creating a $500 scholarship given to one student based on financial need. The intent of the scholarship was to aid in tuition payment for the fall semester. • [IMPROVED] A $2,500 donation was made to the San Jose Clinic for the 2nd year in a row. Demonstrates cost-saving measures in chapter events. • Buying supplies in bulk for serving food to members. • Inviting professors and faculty to present at Lunch and Learns to prevent reserved room fees. • Simpler catering options for vendors and speakers reduced costs for events & lunch and learns. • Sending emails inviting vendors to participate in events instead of sending postal mail. • Using Houston ASDA webpage to communicate with students and post event sign-ups. Specify the amount of revenue your chapter earned, the costs that your chapter incurred and the remaining net profit. • [IMPROVED] Our chapter began the year with $8,798.26. Throughout 2014 we raised a total $69,191.60 through fundraising efforts, allowing our chapter to send more students to national meetings, purchasing oral health screening supplies, funding Dental Prom, Dental Olympics, Golf Tournament and Scholarships. Our chapter’s expenditures totaled $51,441.60 resulting in an ending surplus of $20,148.26, a significant increase in our account balance from the previous year. Revenue



Net Profit

Vendor Fair





Loupes Fair





Explore UTSD Day





Interview Prep Day





Lunch and Learns





Soap Carving Day





Golf Tournament





Student Scholarship --




San Jose Clinic --




Dental Prom





Dental Olympics





Mo Awards





NLC PreDental Scholarship --




2014 ASDA Annual Session --















Outstanding PreDental Involvement

Making a Great First Impression Recruits predental members for national ASDA membership. • [IMPROVED] From Explore UTSD Day, Soap Carving & Drilling Workshop, Interview Workshop, and National Predental Week, Houston ASDA recruited a total of 27 predental students to National ASDA Membership. Introduces predentals to dental school and organized dentistry (ASDA and ADA). • [NEW] Explore UTSD Day *Most successful event of the year! • 100 predental students from 23 schools across the state spent a full Saturday touring the new UTSD building, hearing addresses from our Dean and our Associate Dean of Student Affairs, a presentation from GHDS PresidentElect, practice with waxing and drilling, a Q&A session featuring a panel of current students representing each class year and breakout sessions presented by UTSD students. [NEW] Soap Carving Workshop • Invited local undergraduate predental programs to break from the books and • join dental students for a relaxing day of soap carving and mingling, giving 35 predentals the opportunity to gain insight into the life of a dental student. [NEW] Interview Preparation Day • • Dental students held mock interviews for 31 predental applicants who had applied or had plans to apply for the upcoming class. Predentals were asked to write a surprise essay submission, which was later critiqued by UTSD students. Attendees were mock interviewed by 5 UTSD students, receiving immediate feedback, resources for their actual interview day, and were assigned a dental student mentor. • [NEW] National Predental Week (University of Houston Meeting & Webinar) • Houston ASDA officers visited with 44 predental students at the University of Houston for a pizza party and Predental Webinar viewing during ASDA ‘s National Predental Week. • [NEW] National Leadership Conference Scholarship • Opportunity was opened to all undergraduate predental societies across Texas inviting members to apply for the chance to attend 2014 NLC in Chicago, fully funded by Houston ASDA. Provides leadership opportunities for predentals. • [NEW] For the first year ever, Houston ASDA offered a scholarship application to a predental with outstanding leadership qualities and involvement to apply and attend the National ASDA Leadership Conference along with our Houston ASDA members. Devon Kooi, Predental from Sam Houston State University, was the outstanding recipient and learned a great deal about leadership, ASDA and organized dentistry to bring home to his predental chapter. • [NEW] With the restructure of the Houston ASDA officers, a new position has been created for a predental student to serve as a representative on the officer team.

Offers networking, social and community service events for predentals with dental students and local dentists. • [NEW] University of Houston Predental Webinar viewing and pizza party • [NEW] Predental Happy Hour sponsored by Aspen Dental – 32 students from various colleges attended a social hour following Explore UTSD Day, including appetizers and concluding the eventful day with new friends. Serves as mentors to predentals • [NEW] Predental-Dental Student Mentor program initiated at Interview Prep Day • Predentals who attended Interview Preparation Day were assigned a UTSD student mentor as a resource for questions concerning their application and more tips for their future interview process. [NEW] 3rd year, Adrien Lewis participated in 2 predental ASDA webinars: • • “The Dental School Experience” held during National Predental Week where she shared experience and advice on choosing a school, interviewing, selecting the right classes, and extracurricular activities. • “Preparing for the DAT” held in collaboration with Student Doctor Network where she gave advice on scheduling the DAT, overview of the four DAT sections, study tips, DAT study materials and resources and tips for test day.


Outstanding Ethical Awareness

Doing What is Right Students in your chapter are represented on ethics committees at your school. • Alden Gray (DS3) served as SPEA President this past year. • Chris Bessey (DS2) served as SPEA Vice President. • [NEW] President-Elect, Andrew Naeger (DS2) serves as Council Associate on Council of Professional Issues for National ASDA. Organizes activities focusing on ethics, such as lunch-n-learns, and involves faculty in activities. • [NEW] Houston ASDA collaborated with the Greater Houston Dental Society (GHDS) for two Lunch and Learns focused on Ethical Awareness. • GHDS officers discussed current ethical issues in dentistry and provided first hand scenarios. The topics opened up a successful Q&A session for the panel of practicing dentists. • 76 first year students participated in submissions to the ADA’s annual Ethics Video Contest in hopes of regaining the winning title. Develops resources on ethics for your chapter. • [NEW] Link to ASDA code of ethics on Houston ASDA website and featured in most recent December Houston ASDA newsletter. Has relationship with student ethics organizations at your school, such as Student Professionalism and Ethics Association. • ASDA members, faculty and alumni participate in lunch and learns and panel discussions with UTSD’s SPEA organization. Displays ASDA Code of Ethics prominently at chapter (website, newsletter, bulletin boards, etc.) and distributes Code to members of chapter. • [NEW] ASDA Code of Ethics was included in the “Houston Fill.” • [IMPROVED] Every first year is presented with a wallet-sized card containing the ADA Code of Ethics distributed at SPEA lunch and learns and white coat ceremony. UTSD Alumni, Dr. Kenneth Horwitz, delivered keynote speech at Class of • 2018 White Coat Ceremony stressing the ethical dilemmas dental students will face in school, in our future careers, and in life in general. Over 300 students, friends, family, and alumni were in attendance to hear Dr. Horwitz present.

Publishes articles focused on ethics in chapter newsletter and on website • [NEW] President-Elect, Andrew Naeger (DS2) wrote a feature for the Moral Mondays Blog for “Mouthing Off” and the “Houston Fill.” • http://www.asdablog.com/why-round-table-discussions-are-the-answer/


Houston ASDA

Appendix CONTENTS 1. Houston ASDA’s new Leadership Structure 2. Bridging the Gap 3. Advocating for the Future of Dentistry 4. Getting into the Central Groove of ASDA 5. Gaining Support to Help Our Chapter Grow 6. Making a Great First Impression 7. Doing What is Right


Section 10

Houston ASDA’s New Leadership Structure As our organization has grown in the previous years, our general members have been more and more interested in getting involved. This is a great problem to have as it has proven that we are successfully engaging our members in organized dentistry. However, this increase in passion required a massive restructure in order to allow for additional member involvement. Throughout the summer, we discussed this transition and two things were clear: 1. We needed to have distinct levels of involvement to give members the opportunity to contribute with different time commitments and lists of responsibilities, and 2. The hierarchy needed to be obvious as to who reports to whom leading all the way up to our Executive Committee. This meant we needed a clear distinction between the duties of an officer and the duties of our newly developed committee members. Eventually we developed six different committees: Community Service, Advocacy, Leadership Development, Pre-Dental, Gold Crown Award, and Golf Tournament/Special Events. These committee members were appointed late in the summer to serve until Annual Session. The Executive Committee and the Chair of each respective committee determined the appointment selections of applicants. It was our intention that each following year, appointments would last one year and the term would serve from Annual Session to Annual Session. Turnover of all positions, including our track positions, would occur at the same time.

Each committee was lead by a chair. These chairs are officers that gain position in their third year from their respective track position. These track positions are elected positions, where elections are held early in the Fall semester for the first year class. These terms span the entire four years, however, the track program allows for a slightly different job description each year with the peak responsibility being as chair in the third year. In addition to the chairs, each executive committee member would be responsible to sit on one of the committees to allow for complete transparency between all levels of our organization. Lastly, every single position within our restructure has a specific job description that requires an agreement signature to fulfill their job duties throughout the year. At turnover of our organizational positions, each person is required to review and re-sign this agreement. This allowed again for a clear transparency as to what each person is responsible for. We believed this piece was crucial, as we grew as an organization. Ultimately, we are extremely proud of the success of our restructure. We have completed an end of the year survey of our committee members and newly formed officers and the feedback has been strong. We look forward to improving on this and to continue to grow interest of our general members to get involved. ~ Chapter President Elect, Andrew Naeger


Outstanding Membership and Communication

Bridging the Gap


Outstanding Membership and Communication

Bridging the Gap



Outstanding Membership and Communication

Bridging the Gap


Outstanding Membership and Communication

Bridging the Gap



Outstanding Membership and Communication

Bridging the Gap


Outstanding Membership and Communications

Bridging the Gap

’ “


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Advocating for the Future of Dentistry


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Advocating for the Future of Dentistry ‘


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Advocating for the Future of Dentistry


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Advocating for the Future of Dentistry




Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Advocating for the Future of Dentistry

District 9 Chapter of the Year!


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Advocating for the Future of Dentistry


Outstanding Advocacy Initiatives

Advocating for the Future of Dentistry


Outstanding Activities

Getting in to the Central Groove of ASDA


Outstanding Activities

Getting in to the Central Groove of ASDA


Outstanding Activities

Getting in to the Central Groove of ASDA


Outstanding Activities

Getting in to the Central Groove of ASDA



Outstanding Activities

Getting in to the Central Groove of ASDA

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Outstanding Activities

Getting in to the Central Groove of ASDA


Outstanding Fundraising

Gaining Support to Help Our Chapter Grow



Outstanding Fundraising

Gaining Support to Help Our Chapter Grow


Outstanding Fundraising

Gaining Support to Help Our Chapter Grow


Outstanding Fundraising

Gaining Support to Help Our Chapter Grow ’


Outstanding Fundraising

Gaining Support to Help Our Chapter Grow


Outstanding Predental Involvement

Making a Great First Impression



Outstanding Predental Involvement

Making a Great First Impression


Outstanding Predental Involvement

Making a Great First Impression


Outstanding Predental Involvement

Making a Great First Impression


Outstanding Predental Involvement

Making a Great First Impression

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Outstanding Ethical Awareness

Doing What is Right

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Gold Crown Application 2015

Houston ASDA Thank you reviewing our Gold Crown Awards application. We had fun putting together all of the amazing things our chapter is doing! 2014 was a great year for Houston ASDA!

Application submitted by: Andrea Sauerwein

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