ASDA Newsletter-September 2013

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The Houston Fill The Houston Fill, Issue #3

September 2013

ASDA Week 2013 Welcome to the American Student Dental Association newsletter. We hope you join us for all of the exciting activities that will be happening during ASDA Week. Mark your calendar for Sept. 9th – 13th!


Join ADPAC Today! Help give power to those advocating for our profession! Continue reading to learn how you can help give a voice to individuals in dentistry!


Questions For The Dean Have you ever wondered how Dean Valenza would respond to some of your most burning questions? Well now we have the answers documented. Keep reading to see what he’s thinking!

Welcome Back! 6

UT Houston’s ASDA chapter would like to welcome each of you back for this exciting new semester, and would like to offer a special welcome to the new DS1’s to the UTSD family! We look forward to an exciting new year in ASDA advocating for our profession and networking with dental professionals nationwide! Please browse through The Houston Fill for more information on how you can become more involved in your ASDA chapter at both a local and national level!

Editors: Laura Nelson and Macey Cartrite

The Houston Fill, Issue #3

The University of Texas School of Dentistry American Student Dental Association Officers President: Katie Sowa ‘15 President-elect: Graham Reed ‘16 Immediate Past President: Sam Carrell ‘14 Treasurer: Hunter Owen ‘15 Historian: Khushbu Patel ‘14 Outreach Coordinators: Tim Woernley ‘14, Kelsey Edmonson ‘15, Shivani Patel ‘16 Legislative Liason: Bryce Gates ‘14, Kyle Hale ‘16 Events/Meetings Coordinator: Aaron Menchaca ‘14 & Andrew Smith ’15, Marisa McKee ‘16 Pre-Dental Coordinators: Iliana Saavedra ‘15, Paola Salazar ’16, Chris Thorburn ‘16 Publication Editors: Laura Nelson ‘16 & Macey Cartrite ‘16 Website Manager: Andre Ngyuen ‘15

American Student Dental Association Executive Committee President: Jiwon Lee, Columbia ‘14 Vice Presdient: Martin Smallidge, Pittsburgh ‘14 Vice President: Tyler Rumple, Washington ‘14 District 9 Trustee: Daryn Lu, Oklahoma ‘15

September 2013

Letter from the President By: Katie Sowa, ‘15 During orientation, I had the chance to meet a number of the first year class through our annual ASDA presentation. I learned that people really don’t like donuts, but love dunkin donuts coffee. I also learned that no matter how awesome your prezzi presentation is, first years still don’t really understand what ASDA is all about. That’s where ASDA week comes in. Our goal for ASDA week is to introduce students to all aspects of our organization. From community service to political events to social events, we really do have “something for everybody”. This is an aspect of our organization that has grown since my first year. Since we are an auto-enroll school, we feel the need to accommodate the interests of all students. Late in the summer, we conducted an online survey. We asked you what events you like to see more of and what tangible benefits you want. We’re pleased with the feedback we received. Some of you would really like more of a chance to network with dentists or have round-table discussions. This is something we will work hard to implement in the coming year. Others of you just want free lunch and a free t-shirt, which is also something we will work on. The latest addition to our ASDA Chapter is the ASDA Points system. At the ASDA General Assembly, you will learn all about the system and how you can earn a paid trip to Anaheim for ASDA Annual Session. Last year, we brought 11 UTSD officers to ASDA Annual Session. Every student came away from the meeting with a new appreciation for organized dentistry and definitely caught ASDA Fever. We want to spread this fever with those who care enough to be involved on the local level, even without holding an officer position. We’re proud of our ASDA chapter here at UTSD and want to continue to be one of the best in the country. In order to do that, we need YOUR feedback. Feel free to suggest events and ideas to any of the officers in your class and those in other classes. After all, we have to make that guy hanging on the wall outside of 4310 proud.

All views in this newsletter are those of the authors and not necessarily of the American Student Dental Association or The University of Texas School of Dentistry.


The Houston Fill, Issue #3

September 2013

From dentist to lawyer: an expert in both fields Christine Lucachick, Minnesota ’16 This article has been reprinted from summer 2013 Mouth with permission from the American Student Dental Association.

Uncomfortable with his own lack of business experience and an absence of good legal advice available to dentists, Dr. Boyd Shepherd took matters into his own hands. With two years of dental practice under his belt after graduating from the University of Texas Dental Branch in Houston in 1988, he returned to school for a law degree at the South Texas College of Law. Since graduating from law school in 1994, Dr. Shepherd has practiced law exclusively, providing legal services and counsel to Texas dentists on a wide range of issues and needs. He has found that many dentists lose sight of the law when they are primarily focused on accomplishing their business goals: building a practice and attracting a patient pool. Dentists have little to no legal training and many unintentionally end up breaking rules in advertising, patient communication and record keeping. Dr. Shepherd also offers his vast legal knowledge when he helps dentists with contract reviews, sale of practice issues and state board matters. Outside of the dental legal issues, he also assists his clients with wills, family law and criminal law matters. Dr. Shepherd is trying to help the next generation of dentists be more informed prior to obtaining their license. He directs five courses at the University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston, including Ethics, Communications, Law & Regulations and two courses in Practice Management. When asked what is his best advice to dental students and new dentists, he provided a two-part answer. First, stay current on the laws and legal information presented to you in dental school. And second, create a strong relationship with an attorney whom you trust. All dentists should have a lawyer they can turn to at any time for a constant relay of information. Dr. Shepherd says this is just as important as having a knowledgeable accountant, but that most dentists lack a go-to lawyer. While it is not essential to have a lawyer that is also a dentist, like Dr. Shepherd, he said that most large cities have a handful of such

specialists, with 10-15 in the Houston area alone. Working with someone who understands the stresses of practicing dentistry and issues facing dentists may help to increase communication and positive legal outcomes. In addition to directing coursework, Dr. Shepherd co-directs the Professional Resource Center (PRC) at the University of Texas School of Dentistry. The PRC provides student counseling and career planning resources to all dental, dental hygiene, graduate students and alumni of UTSD at no charge throughout their careers. Few other dental schools throughout the country provide similar services to their students, but Dr. Shepherd strongly encourages students to take advantage of these resources if they are available. Dr. Shepherd has taken great steps in providing easy-to-understand accessible legal counsel. His website,, features short YouTube videos and podcasts on common issues that dentists face, ranging from titles such as “Patient Abandonment” to “Why Informed Consent in Texas.” He also maintains an app for iPhone and iPad that contains essential day-to-day legal information needed in dental practices. Although he no longer practices dentistry, Dr. Shepherd maintains his Texas dental license. In dental school, he was a four-year member of ASDA. After graduation, he continued his involvement in organized dentistry, transitioning to membership in the ADA and Texas Dental Association. He is also a member of the Greater Houston Dental Society, within which he serves as legal counsel to its board of directors. While dentists and dental students tend to be driven and independent people, these attributes can get them into trouble when faced with issues about which they are inadequately educated. Don’t go it alone. Make a lawyer part of your dental team.


The Houston Fill, Issue #3

September 2013

ASDA Week 2013 By: Chris Thorburn ‘16

Join ASDA for many fun activities throughout the week. From bar tabs, to arm wrestling, to supporting the troops, there will be something for everyone!

Monday, Sept. 9th •

ASDA General Assembly

4310, 12 noon

Lunch will be provided.

Tuesday, Sept. 10th •

Toothpaste/Toothbrush Drive for the Troops

4320, 12 noon

Dessert provided, with a donation.

All donations will go to the Red Cross.

Wednesday, Sept. 11th •

Lunch and Learn with TDA Financial

4310, 12 noon

Lunch will be provided.

Thursday , Sept. 12th •

Girl’s Arm Wrestling o

4330, 12 noon

Thirsty Thursday o

Cooley patio, 5pm

Friday, Sept 13th •

ADPAC Lunch and Learn

4330, 12 noon

Lunch will be provided.

My first ASDA Week came at a time when I was still trying to become accustomed to life as a dental student. The pressure to be a professional student and the rigors associated, such as memorizing every word every professor uttered and making sure my scrubs were always tucked in (the latter of which can be much more difficult than the former at times), were beginning to build up already. At this time I felt pressured to present myself a certain way and I had yet to “let my hair down” as some people might say. That is to say at this point as a DS1 I didn’t yet feel like UTSD was my home… and then I was invited to the event “Girls Arm Wrestling and Thirsty Thursday”. ASDA Week serves as an introduction to organized dentistry for student dentists and predental students. This phrase is often used by the ADA, ASDA, and administrators and might have little meaning to a newly matriculated DS1 trying to keep their shirt tucked in but over time it becomes apparent just how important cohesion is for our profession. US News ranked dentistry the #1 profession in America for 2012 putting us in the spotlight and bringing notoriety to the newly implemented industry differences between medicine and dentistry following the Affordable Care Act. Needless to say, the dentists that came before us students have worked hard to organize themselves, build, and then protect what is now being called the best profession in the entire country. So how do we, the students, fit into political machine? For new first years the answer is to begin building relationships with your colleagues. Attend lunch and learns, go to DENPAC/ADPAC happy hours, and begin to forge relationships with the people you will work alongside the rest of your lives. The beginning of a school year is a busy time but the rest of our lives will be busy from here on out. While not everyone is going to get involved in lobbying or awareness campaigns for ASDA it is important to be cognizant of industry news and trends while showing a unified front to the outside world. We are all in a great situation and now it’s our turn to begin protecting what others have built.


The Houston Fill, Issue #3

Why Join ADPAC? What is ADPAC? The American Dental Political Action Committee is the voice of dentistry on Capitol Hill. ADPAC works to elect congressional candidates who understand the importance of dentistry and the link between oral health and overall health. Regardless of party affiliation, ADPAC supports candidates who will be strong advocates for dentists and the patients they serve. Why join ADPAC? When friends of ADPAC are defending dentistry on Capitol Hill they are often asked how many dentist and/or dental student they represent. The only way a dental student can be counted is by making a $5 donation to ADPAC. That $5 is barely enough to cover the administration cost to process your information but ADPAC knows that representation equals power on Capitol Hill. FACT: Most politicians do not know dental school is a four-year program! How to join ADPAC? If you know your ASDA Member ID you can go to the ADPAC website ( If you do not know your ASDA Member ID or if you have questions you can email

ADPAC: American Dental Political Action Committee Do you have a voice for your profession? Become a member of ADPAC (for only $5) and YOU can represent dentists all over the country.

September 2013

Upcoming Events September • ASDA Week o Sept. 9 – 13th, 2013 o UTSD October • ASDA Golf Tournament o Oct. 5th, 2013 o Herman Park Golf Course o 2155 N. MacGregor, Houston, TX 77030 o Tee Time 8am o Registration: http://houstonasda. com/playerregistration/ November • National Leadership Conference o Nov. 15 - 17th, 2013 o Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza o Chicago, Ill. • Loupes Fair o Nov. 14th, 2013 o 4:30 – 7:30pm • Movember o TBD February • ASDA Annual Session o Feb. 26 - March 1st, 2014 o Anaheim, Calif. March • Pre-dental Day o March 8th, 2014 o UTSD April • National Dental Student Lobby Day o April 7 - 8th, 2014 o L’Enfant Plaza Hotel o Washington, D.C. 5

The Houston Fill, Issue #3

September 2013

Question For The Dean 1) 2)

3) 4)

“Dean Valenza is an outstanding leader who has already brought much success to the Dental Branch - including the implementation of an innovative new curriculum and expansion of the school’s clinical enterprise,” said Giuseppe N. Colasurdo, M.D.


What is your favorite place to eat in Houston? I have several, ranging from several hamburger “joints” to the Black Walnut in the Village (love their Creole Bowl, which is now off the menu but still available!). 7) If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint? Oh gosh, that’s tough. I think the Grand Canyon would have to be high on the list, or perhaps Lake Tahoe or San Francisco Bay 8) If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be? Hmmm…I think it might be my dental school years, which were four great ones, so about 25. 9) If you could choose anyone (past or present), who would you pick as your mentor? Hands down, that would be my dad. He was definitely my hero, and the nicest, kindhearted person anyone could ever meet. 10) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? U.S. history intrigues me, so I think it would be the writing of the U.S. Constitution, to hear all the discussions about the vision for our country before it was put down on paper. 11) If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I’ve always wanted to play the piano! I did briefly take accordion lessons as a young kid, but never stayed with it. 12) If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be? As many know, I’m keenly interested in clinical simulation, and I have a concept for a new high tech virtual simulator that I’d love to collaborate with other experts on to try to develop.


What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? It changes from month-to-month. Right now it’s Rock This Town by Stray Cats What is one of your favorite quotes? “A good man always knows his limitations”, by the character Harry Callahan (played by Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies) What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity? Outdoor is golf and walking/jogging. Indoor is watching a good movie. What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year? I’m definitely an early morning person! Sunday is probably my favorite day of the week (outside, of course, from weekdays at the SOD). My favorite month is probably April when we have some glorious spring weather in Houston. What is your favorite vacation spot? Could be a toss-up between Colorado in the summer, or Niagaraon-the-Lake in Ontario, Canada where I visited this summer for an annual US Deans meeting.

13) If you were immortal for a day, what would you do? Fly a helicopter! In general I’m not a big fan of flying, but have always wanted to fly one of those whirlybirds! 14) If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to? Giovanni, of course! 15) If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? I think Thomas Edison was amazing as an inventor, and would love to meet him. But if I did, would want to be sure I bring my iPad, iPhone and a few other 21st century items to share with him! 16) If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Take a vacation, probably to Europe where I’ve only been once and would especially visit Italy, where there is a town named Valenza! 17) If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? That’s easy, it would have to be Superman (as many know I am a huge fan of)! 18) What would you name the autobiography of your life? How about, “Bark Before You Bite”? 19) What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life? In no particular order, a few I would choose include Spirit of the Season (Alan Silvestri), Piano Man (Billy Joel), That’s Amore (Dean Martin), Relay (The Who), You Raise Me Up (Secret Garden/Josh Groban), Even in the Quietest Moments (Supertramp), Linus and Lucy (Vice Guarldi), Keep Your Hands to Yourself (Georgia Satellites), Traffic Jam (James Taylor), Theme to Superman, and of course, Texas Fight (UT Band)

UT Houston School of Dentistry 7500 Cambridge St. Houston, TX 77054

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