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Postgraduate Representative Address


Hello Postgraduate students!


I hope you’ve all had a marvelous first semester of 2023. It’s been a wild year, filled with events, studies, social activities and challenges you’ve overcome - congratulations!

This semester we have run a number of events including TWO Juris Doctor Careers Networking & Panel events, the JD Writing Workshop, hosted a collaborative review of the electives offered to JD students, we launched our new Postgraduate lounge, offered plenty of extracurricular activities on our PG facebook group and have put a call out for students who are interested in a Yoga & Breathwork workshop and a Mini Moot competition - both to be hosted in July

I will post the links to register on our facebook group if you’re interested in partaking in those during the Semester breaks!

In Semester 2, starting in August, we will have a number of exciting opportunities So please, stay tuned and get engaged!

Should you have any questions or suggestions, as always, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Have a fantastic break and be seeing you all soon!

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