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(Sponsorship) Address


The Sponsorship Portfolio has enjoyed a fruitful first half of the 2022-3 tenure, generating $115,390.00 in revenue as of 31 May 2023 The first three months of the tenure saw the preparation and circulation of the Prospectus. The Prospectus targeted a range of both new and existing sponsors across the corporate and non-corporate space. As is customary each year, the Portfolio re-evaluated the price of each item based on the value the initiative brings to both students and sponsors. Notably, the Prospectus also introduced the concept of ‘Flagship Partners’, earned by sponsors that support one of the LSS’ Flagship Events. Flagship Partners were introduced to encourage sponsorship events that the Portfolio considers central and unique to the LSS Over 60 items were listed in the Prospectus, with almost all picked up for sponsorship


So far this tenure, the LSS has coordinated 34 sponsors and 30 sponsored initiatives In addition to staple sponsored events (including the Clerkship Seminar Series and Clerkship Networking Evening), the LSS introduced new events to the sponsorship calendar, including the LinkedIn Photoshoot

The Portfolio received incredibly positive feedback from firms regarding the quality of events, a testament to the dedication of all Councillors involved in running sponsored initiatives 2023 has also seen an increase in the extent to which sponsors are actively involved in the initiatives, with more events being hosted in-house by firms and more firm representatives attending those events held on campus.

In addition to industry sponsors, the Portfolio also focused on exploring new relationships and strengthening existing relationships, with relevant brand partners. The Portfolio assembled approximately 250 tote bags filled with brand merchandise and samples, which were disseminated to students during Orientation Week.

Looking to the future, the Portfolio will continue to assist with planning and executing the remaining sponsored events in the UTS LSS calendar The Portfolio looks forward to continuing to provide value to both LSS members and sponsors throughout the remainder of the tenure

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