Careers Guide 2019

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GUIDE 2019

UTS Law Students’ Society



DEAN OF UTS LAW Professor Lesley Hitchens



Dean’s Welcome


President’s Foreword


A Greeting from the Careers (Publications) Director



How to Get Started!


01 Government Jobs 02 Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities


2019 CAREERS (PUBLICATIONS) SUBCOMMITTEE Aryan Golanjan Lara Czysnok Emil Obaid Kimberley Ching Derick Luong

03 Judges Associateships and Court-Based Work


04 Alumni Experiences




Thanks to Our Sponsors

PHOTOGRAPHY All photos from Sean Pollock Dylan Gillis Dogancan Ozturan Yifei Chen


UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide



DEAN’S WELCOME Professor Lesley Hitchens

Ben Fong

The UTS LSS Careers Guide provides a valuable insight into

Welcome to our 2019 Clerkship Guide. The Guide is

the range of careers available to a law graduate.

an invaluable companion to your law degree. In creating

There is no comprehensive data on career paths pursued by law graduates and employment outcomes. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that there are only a few ways to use our law degree. Because some career paths have an obvious recruitment pathway like clerkship rounds, you might be concerned that your employment opportunities are limited. But, you would be wise to remember this statistic: in NSW, firms with more than 20 partners account for only 0.8% of all firms (as at October 2016). Understanding career and employment prospects is not helped by superficial media reporting about employment in the legal sector that frequently fails to give the full picture about available career paths. However, you should be encouraged by the knowledge that law graduates nationally have one of the highest employment outcomes for all graduates, and UTS: Law graduates have full-time graduate employment outcomes of 91% (2017). The Guide with its coverage of private and corporate and non-commercial careers will be valuable in making you aware of some of the variety of opportunities available. The 2016 National Profile of Solicitors Report (June 2017) indicates that the number of practising solicitors has grown between 2011 and 2016 by 24%. Whilst the majority continue to work in private practice (69%), there has been a significant shift in other sectors: the number of solicitors working in the corporate sector has increased by 59% and 34% 3

in the government sector. These increases outstrip the increase of 17% in the private sector. However, these figures don’t capture the careers of law graduates who are not practising as solicitors or barristers. We know from other statistics that many of you will decide not to practise as solicitors or barristers, or will move out of practice after a few years. You will be using your law degree in a wide variety of positions. A law degree can be a good foundation for these other career paths, whether you are based locally or internationally. The LSS Careers Guide will be an important source of information here also. I regularly receive feedback from law firms, lawyers, judges and alumni about the quality of UTS:Law graduates. Work-ready; practicallyorientated; commercially-focused; articulate; and good team players are common descriptions. This feedback indicates the value of a UTS:Law degree which focuses on rigorous legal knowledge and professional skills. Not all graduate employment will be found through a clerkship round; you may actively seek out the opportunities but the resilience and initiative you demonstrate in that process will be valued by future employers

this guide, the UTS Law Students’ Society endeavours to show you the incredible diversity of careers available to law graduates. It is never too early, or too late, to start considering your career choices. This Guide is filled with handy tips and tricks for how to work today for the career you want tomorrow. While this Guide is a good starting point, it is by no means exhaustive. There are plenty of resources (some of which are linked throughout the Guide), that will enable you to make informed decisions about the path you want to pursue.

for his assistance in liaising with our esteemed sponsors to gather their contribution for this edition of the Guide. Last and in no way least, I thank our Vice-President (Careers), Sara Pacey, for her leadership and diligence in managing the Careers portfolio of 2019. I wish you every success in your legal careers.

On behalf of the Society, I thank our Careers (Publications) Director, Ryan Machado, for leading the Careers (Publications) Sub-Committee, comprising of (Emil Obaid, Derek Leung, Kimberley Ching and Lara Czysnok), in creating this publication and commend their efforts in extending the guide with the authoring of several all-new articles for 2019. I also thank our sponsors, whose support and contributions to this publication yields immense benefit for our law student community. I sincerely thank our Vice-President (Sponsorship), Art Honeysett,

So review the options and think carefully about how you might want to use your law degree, and know that you will be well-equipped for your chosen path. UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide




Welcome to 2019 Careers Guide! The guide is a useful tool that you can use to consider the career pathways available to you both whilst and after completing your law degree. Whilst the legal market will always be a competitive one, it should be noted that there are in fact a variety of career pathways available to you upon the competition of your law degree. Most industries in this day and age have competitive markets, so it is essential that you find what interests you as soon as reasonably possible and work towards achieving your goals. This can be done in more ways than one can count, so I encourage you to use this guide as a tool to help you identify your passions and build upon it accordingly. I sincerely thank the Careers (Publications) Subcommittee, comprising of Emil Obaid, Derick Luong, Lara Czysnok and Kimberley Ching for their hard efforts in helping me develop, edit, and produce the guide. I would also like to thank Sara Pacey (Vice-President of Careers), Art Honeysett (Vice-President of Sponsorships), and Ben Fong (President). I am also very grateful to our sponsors who ensure the continuity and function of the UTS Law Students’ Society as a whole.

insight into what life is like within the prestigious organisations you all come from. Lastly, to those of you who are taking the time to read this guide, thank you. It has been an amazing and educational experience for me to develop this guide and serve you as your Careers (Publications) Director. Thank you for trusting me with the opportunity to be part of this journey. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Yours sincerely, Ryan Machado Careers (Publications) Director of the UTS Law Students’ Society

To be able to practice in New South Wales, you must hold a practising certificate. For this, you are required to make an application to the Law Society of NSW. If you intend to practice outside of New South Wales, you are required to contact the local regulatory authority of the respective jurisdiction. The Legal Profession Admission Board of New South Wales governs admissions for the legal profession in New South Wales. In order to be admitted as a lawyer in New South Wales, you must: • Have successfully completed a tertiary academic course in Australia which: • Includes the equivalent of at least 3 years of full-time study of law; • Is accredited by the Legal Profession Admission Board; and • Provides appropriate understanding and competence in each element of the academic areas of knowledge set out in Schedule 1 of the Legal Profession Uniform Admission Rules 2015 • Have successfully completed the practical legal training pre-requisite: • In New South Wales, this requirement can be satisfied by successfully completing a practical legal training (PLT) course conducted by a provider accredited by the Legal Profession Admission Board • Be a fit and proper person to be admitted to the Australian Legal Profession, and • Take an oath of office, or make an affirmation of office, in the form required by the Supreme Court of New South Wales There are a number of accredited providers for Practical Legal Training. A list of these accredited providers can be found on Practical Legal Training provides you with the foundations of the practical legal skills that admitted lawyers require to function on a daily basis. A common provider of Practical Legal Training is College of Law. Students who undertake Practical Legal Training on a full-time basis will be able to complete their training in 15 weeks. Students who undertake Practical Legal Training on a part-time basis will be able to complete it in 30 weeks. For more information on the College of Law Practical Legal Training course, visit

I also wish to convey my sincere gratitude to the distinguished individuals who have agreed to have their experiences featured as part of this guide. Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to provide us students with an 5


UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide


Government Jobs



The Attorney General’s Department strives to offer

The Administrative Appeal’s Tribunal (AAT) carries out

challenging and rewarding work in pursuit of their mission —

independent merits review of administrative decisions made

achieving a just and secure society.

under Commonwealth laws. It falls within the AttorneyGeneral’s portfolio.

Policy and program areas you could work in include: • • • • •

Civil justice Family law and legal assistance Criminal justice Law enforcement National and protective security

• • • •

International law Native title Corporate services Graduate program

As a graduate in the Attorney-General’s Department (AGD) 2020 Graduate Program, you will have experience a range of challenging and exciting opportunities to help develop your career in one of their two streams — Policy or Legal Practice (Australian Government Solicitor).


As a policy graduate, you can expect to work on a variety of thought-provoking and challenging work, such as improving the family law system’s response to domestic violence, working to better protect children or older Australians from abuse and collaborating with the private sector, states and territories and international partners to improve community safety and national security. Your role may include: • Contributing to the development and implementation of legislation, policies or programs • Undertaking analysis, research and critical thinking • Preparing written briefs, submissions, reports and ministerial correspondence

The AAT reviews decisions under more than 400 Commonwealth Acts and legislative instruments. It is split into the following divisions: • • • • • • • •

Freedom of Information Division General Division Migration & Refugee Division National Disability Insurance Scheme Division Security Division Social Services & Child Support Division Taxation & Commercial Division Veterans’ Appeal Division


Members of the Tribunal are statutory office holders appointed by the Governor-General. The Tribunal also employs Commonwealth public servants who perform a range of duties including: • • • •

Management of the AAT’s registries Conducting conferences Legal research Provision of client services and support services to Members.

They have offices in all states of Australia and the Australian Capital Territory. LEGAL PRACTICE STREAM — AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT SOLICITOR (AGS)

The AGS work in government and public law and specialise in constitutional and legislative interpretation. AGS has an unmatched High Court practice and also provides extensive commercial law services to government. The Legal Practice stream is a 12-month development opportunity with rotations across a number of the practices, a client placement and a part-time pro bono placement. As a graduate you will work on a variety of interesting and important policy issues and legal matters, often in unique and precedent-setting work of importance to Australia. You will interact with real clients, the Australian community, key stakeholders and other government jurisdictions to help achieve the Australian Government’s policy and legal objectives.


Government Jobs

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

The AAT is an equal opportunity employer which upholds the Australian Public Service employment principles and actively encourages a diverse and inclusive workplace. The AAT does not have a formal graduate program. For more information about working at the AAT, visit

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Government Jobs




The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is

The Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC)

an independent statutory body responsible for enforcing the

is an independent statutory body responsible for regulating

Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and promoting fair trade

Australia’s corporate, markets, financial services and

and competition in Australia.

consumer credit regulator.


The Summer Internship provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in a professional workplace. The work undertaken at the ACCC have far-reaching consumer, legal and industry repercussions. Regular training and seminar events are included in the program.

ASIC is responsible for: • Maintaining, facilitating and improving the performance of the financial system; • Promoting confident and informed participation by investors and consumers in the financial system; and • Administering the law effectively and with minimal procedural requirements.

More information:



Government Jobs

Graduates take part in three rotations, each lasting 14 weeks. The purpose of the program is to provide graduates with a coherent combination of on-thejob learning and formal training events and other development activities.


The program offers four, 4-week rotations designed to build skills and knowledge to become an effective regulator.

Key tasks may involve: • analysing key market sectors assisting in assessing applications for collective bargaining, authorisations and notifications • the economic regulation of network infrastructure • investigating complaints from business or consumers about possible breaches of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

The application involves: 1. Online application form • Resume and educational details 2. Video interview and online psychometric testing 3. Assessment Centre • Full day session involving a number of activities designed to assess capabilities. • Includes face-to-face interview 4. Offer

Dates for the 2021 Graduate Program have yet to be released.

Applications for 2021 Graduate Program open in March 2020.

More information:

More information:

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Government Jobs




The NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office (CSO) is the

The NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)

largest legal service provider to the NSW

prosecutes indictable offences, all NSW child sexual assault

Government and its agencies.

offences and criminal cases against NSW police officers on

Their expertise spans across 11 practice groups, operating as a full-service legal business, including: • • • • • • • • • •

Government law; Constitutional & Administrative Law; Child Protection; Commercial Law; Property & Native Title; Criminal Law; Employment Law & Industrial Relations; Inquiries; Torts Law (Justice / Law Enforcement Agencies); and Torts (Service / Regulatory Agencies).

The CSO supports the NSW Government on matters at the forefront of legal developments with important implications for the State of NSW. These matters are complex, varied and are often aligned to current developments in the Australian politico-legal landscape including major infrastructure projects such as the Westconnex motorway and final recommendations on the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.


behalf of the community. Matters are referred to the DPP from NSW Police and other investigative agencies, including the Independent Commission Against Corruption. These matters are prosecuted subject to public interest and available evidence.


The DPP employs recent legal graduates into their Legal Development Program. This program offers graduates the opportunity to obtain paid practical legal experience in criminal prosecutions for a period of up to 12 months. Graduates will work closely with senior lawyers and Crown Prosecutors on challenging work that make a community difference. To be eligible for the program, graduates are required to have completed the coursework component of the College of Law’s Practical Legal Training Program and be currently undertaking or yet to complete the coursework component of the same program. Positions are advertised seasonally.

The CSO offers a two-year graduate program for legal graduates comprised of four, six-month rotations across various practice groups alongside comprehensive development programs. All Graduate Solicitors assist senior solicitors in the conduct of legal matters including advice, transactional and litigation. To be eligible for the program, the CSO accepts recent graduates who have less than two years of law experience. Vacancies for the CSO Graduate Solicitor Program are advertised seasonally at workingwithus/cso2_current_vacancies.aspx


Government Jobs

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Government Jobs


THE AUSTRALIAN DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE The Australian Department of Defence administers the Australian Government’s defence policy in order to defend Australia and its national interest.

Estate and infrastructure • Maintenance and development of a large and diverse real estate portfolio • Engaging and managing contractor teams for projects involving aircraft hangers, ship repair facilities, military training facilities, as well as specialised research and technical facilities • Property acquisitions, leasing, disposal and management of estate related native title, offshore mining and petroleum exploration • Program: 12 months (3 x 4 rotations) • $67,100 pa + 15.4% superannuation. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will advance to $73,256 + 15.4% superannuation.

Ministers and authorised Defence employees may exercise decision-making powers that is aided and advised upon by the Department. Matters dealt with by the Department include: • • • •

International defence relations and defence co-operation Defence scientific research and development Defence procurement and purchasing Defence industry development and co-operation

Defence policy • Policy development, planning, and government-based advice • Analysis and assessment of capability development proposals • Development and maintenance of relationships other nations • Informing Defence’s participation in and contribution to national security deliberations and decisions • Program: 12 months (3 x 4 rotations) • $67,100 pa + 15.4% superannuation. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will advance to $73,256 + 15.4% superannuation


Procurement and contracting • Developing commercial options and procurement planning • Preparing tender documentation • Contract management and internal process development • Risk assessment and evaluation • Program: 18 months (3 x 6 rotations) • $67,100 pa + 15.4% superannuation. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will advance to APS 5: $73,636 pa + 15.4% superannuation

AUSTRALIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION The ALRC offers internships to students in their penultimate or final year of an undergraduate or graduate law degree, from any university including overseas institutions. An internship at the ALRC provides professional development opportunity for students to increase their awareness of law reform processes and improve their research and writing skills, while contributing to an ALRC inquiry. Interns join a team for a current ALRC inquiry and are supervised by the Commissioner in charge and/or legal officers. Internship with the ALRC are highly sought after and the ALRC has a competitive selection process that includes a formal application and interview. The number of interns accepted at any one time depends on the current work program of the Commission. Interns get involved in a range of ALRC activities, including attending consultation meetings with inquiry stakeholders, Advisory Committee meetings and inquiry team meetings.


Government Jobs

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Government Jobs



Corporate Management • Financial and asset management • Media • Human Resources • Procurement & Contract Management • Records Management • Overseas Property Management • Consular and passport services • ICT & Cyber Security

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) provides foreign, trade and development policy advice

After you have successfully completed the program, you will be promoted to an ongoing APS 4 position in Canberra. You will also be eligible to apply for positions in one of our overseas posts, although you can expect to work in Canberra for at least a couple of years building your knowledge and expertise before being ready to take up a position overseas.

to the government. It is the lead agency managing Australia’s international presence. Some of its principle tasks involves developing and implementing foreign trade and development policy, negotiating international agreements, delivering an effective aid program, and providing high quality consular assistance. DFAT is looking for candidates who are curious about the world and interested in taking up a challenge. You will have a strong record of academic achievement with at least a credit average as well as extracurricular interests. You may have work experience, paid or unpaid, from any background, but you will have a genuine interest in Australia’s foreign, development and trade policy interests, including in the international and domestic policy contexts. CORPORATE MANAGEMENT

During the course of these programs, you will undertake a tailored learning package delivered through the Diplomatic Academy. You will develop a broad knowledge and understanding of the Government’s foreign, trade and aid policy priorities and the department’s financial and corporate context. You will also complete four work placements, giving you first-hand experience of the department’s diverse range of priorities, including: Policy • • • • • • • • • Government Jobs

The DFAT welcomes candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds. Each year, the DFAT select a mix of fresh graduates and graduates with several years of professional experience under their belt. DFAT places no limits on the age of candidates. The graduate programs take on candidates looking for a career as a policy officer as well as those keen to work in corporate management roles.

DFAT is seeking outstanding graduates who want a diverse career in corporate management and are interested in contributing to the management of DFAT’s corporate enabling services and service delivery. You will have a strong record of academic achievement with at least a credit average in disciplines with corporate management skillsets such as project management, communications, finance and human resource management. You may have work experience, paid or unpaid, from any background, but you must have a genuine interest in corporate management. You will be a forward thinker and have sound judgement with the ability to problem solve and be a logical decision-maker. More information will be available in the relevant position descriptions when applications open.



For the 2020 program, DFAT is also focusing on graduates with strengths in: • economics, international development and law • language skills particularly in Asian and Indo-Pacific languages • corporate management disciplines such as management and human resources, finance, accounting, business, and marketing.


You must meet DFAT’s eligibility requirements to apply for the 2020 graduate program. In addition to these requirements: • You must be an Australian Citizen at the time of application; • You must have finished at least a bachelor degree by 31 December 2019, with at least a credit average or higher; and • Your most recent degree must be no more than five years old on the date you lodge your application.

Bilateral economic and political relations International trade negotiations, investment and economic analysis Humanitarian assistance International development and aid program management International security Public diplomacy Commercial, administrative and international law Multilateral and global issues Consular and passport services UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Government Jobs




We are looking for individuals who like being a part of the big picture and are committed to their following their field of study from the lecture hall and into the workplace. If you like using your skillset and technical expertise to achieve outcomes and drive high quality services, you will be drawn to the Corporate and Government Stream.”

The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet offers a flexible 12-month program. The Department itself is responsible for supporting the Prime Minister, Cabinet and Portfolio Ministers and Assistant Ministers.


While the Program sets a structure for rotations, graduates will be able to: • Choose from the Generalist Stream — where you will be provided the tools to test all areas of the Department before determining which area you would prefer to work in after the Program. • Major in one of the other two streams; Indigenous Affairs or Corporate and Government — where you will complete rotations within your stream, complete a ‘Minor’ rotation outside of your stream to complement your skills, and you will then work within your stream after the Program.


The Program will be based in our National Offices located in Canberra, with rotations on offer across a range of business areas, including our Regional Network.


We are looking for individuals from a range of academic disciplines to contribute to the development and implementation of important policies and programs. If you like managing complex challenges, identifying emerging opportunities, working with a variety of people — the Indigenous Affairs stream may be for you.”

“The Generalist Stream is for the curious mind, those who do not have the end goal in sight, but who seek to be inspired on their journey of discovery. You will be drawn to the Generalist stream if you have an open mind and are interested in discovering where you can best leverage your strengths. You seek to learn and understand the Department and are humble yet tactical in your pursuit. You want to work at PM&C because you believe that there is no greater vocation than the APS.”

To be eligible to apply, you must: • Have completed at least a three-year undergraduate bachelor degree obtaining a credit average within the last eight years. All degrees must be complete by 31 December 2019 and be recognised in Australia; • Be able to obtain and maintain an Australian Government security clearance to a minimum of Baseline level; and • Be an Australian citizen by 30 June 2019. You will need to provide evidence to verify impending citizenship.

“Our own range of programs contribute to closing the gap in disadvantage between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Australia. We also work across governments, both Commonwealth and states and territories, to influence programs and services that impact economic and social opportunities for First Australians. Through our Regional Network, we work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to identify and support locally-driven solutions. Working with local communities ensures Indigenous Australians have a genuine say in the services that are delivered.

“This is all supported by the Department’s enabling functions, and are critical to the Department and government’s operation. Corporate and Government areas cut across legal policy, parliamentary, cabinet and ministerial support, protocols and international visits, human resource management, communications and media, ICT and financial management.

As all positions are located in Canberra, you must also be willing to relocate to participate in the program.


The application and assessment process of candidates applying for the 2020 Graduate Program will include the following: • Submission of an online application, including your resume with referees and academic transcript • Online cognitive ability testing • Online video interview • Assessment Centre ​Offers are made shortly after the Assessment Centre, with commencement in February 2020. If you are rated suitable but unfortunately do not receive an offer for the Graduate Program, you may be considered by areas of our Department to join their team directly as an APS 3 employee.


Government Jobs

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Government Jobs




The 2019 – 2020 Summer Clerkship Program is now open.

The NSW Ombudsman is an independent and impartial body

A summer clerkship with the Policy, Reform and Legislation Branch provides a unique opportunity to be involved in formulating government policy, law reform and Parliamentary practice. You will have hands-on involvement in a range of projects from civil to criminal law policy and legislation development. Some of the tasks you may be expected to complete include: • Preparing briefing notes for the Attorney General and other Strong Communities cluster Ministers; • Liaising with stakeholders; • Conducting in-depth analysis on proposed Bills or policy reform from other Ministers; • Writing speeches; • Attending meetings; • Working with other Government Departments; and • Conducting research.

responsible for the oversight of most of the public sector and some private sector agencies within the state. Their role is to ensure that these agencies and their staff are functioning properly and meeting their responsibilities to the community. The NSW Ombudsman improves the conduct and decision-making of these agencies by: • Managing complaints in relation to public sector agencies, public interest disclosures and local councils • Monitoring and reviewing community services • Supporting the child death review team • Monitoring and assessing Aboriginal programs • Reviewing the situation of individuals in care

A summer clerkship with the Policy, Reform and Legislation Branch is suited to students who enjoy working in a fast paced and dynamic workplace, have excelled in a variety of academic and non-academic fields, and are interested in pursuing a career in government or public policy.

The NSW Ombudsman occasionally accepts requests for students to undertake their compulsory work experience placement at its office, but only when its work allows us to provide the appropriate level of support and guidance to students.

Applicants are required to be in their penultimate or final year of their law degree.

Any request for a work experience placement should include a statement of support from your university.

Your application should include: • A covering letter addressing all the selection criteria • A CV • An academic transcript • Contact details for at least two referees.

The NSW Ombudsman does not have a graduate recruitment program but it encourages university graduates to apply for advertised vacancies.

The formal selection criteria used to assess summer clerkship applications includes: 1. Interest in, and an understanding of, the work of the Department of Communities and Justice; 2. Experience, gained through paid or voluntary work and extracurricular activities, that would enable you to contribute to the Department; 3. Good communication and interpersonal skills; and 4. Strong academic record. Submit your application via email at


Government Jobs

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Government Jobs


Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities



The New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL)

The Aurora Project works on Indigenous Legal Issues such as

is one of the Australia’s leading human rights and civil

native title, land rights, advocacy, social welfare, human

liberties organisations.

rights and environmental policy.

The organisation monitors and fights against the infringement of such rights and abuse of power by the government, its agencies and other entities.

Aurora provides internships, training and professional development and scholarships to support lawyers working in the native title sector.

The organisation attempts to influence public debate and government policy on a range of civil and human rights issues by securing amendments to laws or changes in policy where civil liberties are not fully respected. The NSWCCL is a non-sectarian and non-party political that undertakes tasks such as:

The Aurora Project’s Internship Program places students and graduates with backgrounds in law (including some business), anthropology, some social sciences (including archaeology, community development, cultural heritage, environmental management, education, history, human geography, Indigenous studies, media/communications and sociology) as well as health science and social welfare (including social work and psychology) and at Indigenous sector organisations involved in native title, land rights, justice, policy and community development, health, social welfare and research, Australia wide.

• Preparing submissions to government • Conducting court cases defending infringements of civil liberties • Engaging in public debate, producing publications and community outreach The NSW Council for Civil Liberties regularly hosts students for placements and internships. Students come from various countries, including France, Germany and the USA, as well as Australia, and the internship experience suits a variety of courses, including law, political science and communications. The length of internships and placements vary, depending on the student’s requirements. They generally last between 20 days and 6 months. Student placements and internships with NSWCCL often fulfil the requirements for a university program. NSWCCL will enter an agreement with the student’s university to formally record the internship or placement. Some universities have particular requirements for the status of the hosting organisation for internships and student placements. NSWCCL is a not-for-profit non-government organisation in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, by resolution 2006/221 (21 July 2006). Students get involved with a variety of activities with NSWCCL. Activities typically include researching civil liberties and human rights issues, writing submissions to government inquiries, preparing information for media releases and comment, drafting responses to complaints about breaches of civil liberties, assisting asylum seekers and refugees, and attending meetings and conferences. Interns are generally placed in the office of one of NSWCCL’s executive office-holders. Student placements and internships are unpaid.

The Aurora Project continues to focus on supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and graduates via funded internships as pathways to jobs in Indigenous organisations and other organisations working in the Indigenous sector. The Commonwealth will provide financial support via scholarships for Indigenous interns under the Program. To date the Program has had only small numbers of Indigenous candidates due to us being unable to offer financial support. The Program places Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous students and graduates (including mature aged) in full-time unpaid 4 to 6-week internships, at over 200 organisations Australia-wide, all with an Indigenous focus, working in the area of: • • • • • • • • •

Native title Land rights Policy development Advocacy Justice Health and Social welfare Human rights Community development Environmental policy.

The Program offers candidates an opportunity to gain professional work experience and improve career opportunities available at native title and other Indigenous sector organisations. It is aimed at candidates who are seeking work experience and have a keen interest in the sector. An internship is a great way to gain exposure into the professional work environment and develop workplace skills. Placements are available in all major cities and some remote/regional areas of Australia.

To apply for an internship or student placement, please send your CV and a covering letter explaining your interest in civil liberties and human rights to


Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities




The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) tackles social

The Refugee Advice and Casework Service is one of

problems that impact the lives of everyday people. The Centre

Australia’s leading refugee legal centres. It provides

provides legal assistance, policy advice and training to

free, specialist legal advice to asylum seekers and

those who are marginalised and disadvantaged.

refugees looking to reunite with their family.

The Centre’s litigation team looks for cases that either individually or as part of a broader campaign bring about change for people facing disadvantage or improve the enjoyment of rights within the community. The Centre also provides advice and representation to those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

The Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS) seeks dedicated law students to join its team of committed human rights lawyers as Legal Volunteers. There are multiple positions available.

The Public Interest Advocacy Centre is currently recruiting for Practical Legal Training (PLT) placements. The placements are unpaid but reasonable travel costs are reimbursed. PLTs are supervised by a Senior Solicitor within the strategic litigation team, and have an opportunity to work with lawyers and policy officers across our organisation. The major projects currently being undertaken by PIAC with a strong legal component include the generalist strategic litigation practice and the Indigenous Justice Program.

You will receive training and supervision. Responsibilities include research, form-filling, assisting with client enquiries, scheduling client appointments and various other administrative and legal tasks. You will be able to demonstrate a commitment to human rights and social justice, an understanding of the issues that affect asylum seekers, and a capacity to problem-solve. You will have administrative and organisational experience and have the ability to communicate with a wide range of stakeholders in a confident and a respectful manner. You will also need initiative and a sense of humour. In return, RACS offers a vibrant and supportive working environment, an induction program and range of experiences in a community legal centre.

PIAC’s strategic litigation team conduct high impact strategic litigation that achieves positive outcomes for significant groups of disadvantaged people.

These are unpaid positions.

The Volunteer PLT Placements will contribute to the provision of a successful, innovative, and responsive legal practice through assisting with PIAC’s telephone information and advice service and with PIAC’s litigation and associated policy and law reform, training and administrative work.


PIAC accepts students who have completed or are close to completion of their law degree, and the Centre generally asks PLTs to commit to a minimum of 3 days per week, for a minimum of 60 days in total. However, PIAC is open to requests for flexible working arrangements. PIAC particularly encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to apply for these positions. Placements commence: late November 2019


You must be willing to commit to at least one full day (9:30am-5:00pm) per week for a minimum period of three months and be in your second year or above in your university program.

To apply, please email a cover letter setting out your interest in working at RACS and your CV to Vicky Chen at with subject “Volunteer Application”. Please include your availability and state when you are available to start. Please also note in your application if you speak a second language. For more information please phone (02) 8317 6500. Important: As RACS receives a high volume of applications only successful applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application.


Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities




Salvos Legal is a social enterprise firm providing expert

Justice Action is a community-based advocacy group that

and practical legal advice in the areas of commercial law,

supports criminal justice and mental health reform.

immigration and citizenship, property, not for profit law, wills and estates.

Justice Action provides a watchdog function, overlooking authorities with a focus on criminal justice and health systems. Justice Action aims to improve the social and mental health of prisoners and involuntary patients by providing prisoner, mental health and court support.

The firm works mostly with governments, not for profit organisations, small to medium size enterprises, and individuals. All the profits from Salvos Legal is used to fund Salvos Legal Humanitarian, which is a free law firm for people who need help the most, those who do not qualify for any government funded legal assistance. Salvos Legal and Salvos Legal Humanitarian are both wholly owned by The Salvation Army.

Justice Action offers voluntary, unpaid internships to students. During the internship, students will increase their awareness of criminal justice and mental health issues and develop their research, writing and communication skills. Interns receive supervision and undertake work such as preparing tribunal and court cases, contributing to media releases, writing correspondence, and assisting in policy work.

Practice Areas: • Migration & Refugee Law • Criminal • Family & Children’s Law • Housing • Centrelink • Bankruptcy • Corporate Advisory • Commercial Property • Residential Conveyancing • Wills & estates • Banking & Finance • Migration

Interns are given the opportunity to work from one a week up to a full-time capacity, both during the semester and in the holidays, however, applicants should be available to work at least one day per week a minimum. To apply, applicants can email their CV and cover letter to the Justice Action Assistant Coordinator at

Salvos Legal is looking for bright, hardworking and dedicated law graduates and solicitors who are keen to gain experience and contribute to a firm with a purpose. The firm accepts applications from solicitors, graduates and PLT students.


Contact the Volunteer Coordinator for specific opportunities (

The National Justice Project (NJP) is a not-for-profit legal service that acts for advancing human rights by representing those who are unable to find legal representation. Through court work, research, training and strategic advocacy, the NJP aims to build a fairer justice system and more equitable society. The NJP does not receive government funding and advocates for the development of law by taking on challenging cases concerning human rights. The NJP offers volunteer opportunities for current law students who can demonstrate a keen interest to work in the social justice sector and advocate for disadvantaged members of the community. Applicants can apply directly at


Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities




Redfern Legal Centre RLC) provides confidential legal advice

Legal Aid NSW is a state-wide organisation

and casework, delivers community legal education and engages

responsible for providing legal services to

in law reform.

socially and economically disadvantaged people

Matters RLC advises upon include tenancy and housing, health justice, employment law, money problems and consumer complaints, financial abuse, discrimination and human rights, police and government complaints, and family law matters. The Centre provides assistance based on eligibility in a designated catchment area and to international students in Sydney. Redfern Legal Centre regularly recruits volunteer legal interns. Duties that such interns undertake involve: • • • • •

Community engagement and referrals; Client intake and interviewing; Drafting correspondence and legal documentation; Legal Research; and Administrative duties.

across New South Wales. The organisation deals with matters concerning criminal law, family law and civil law. Applications are done through Jobs NSW, and generally involve producing a CV and cover letter and answering targeted questions to determine your suitability toward a role. More information can be found at

Volunteer Legal Assistants must work one half-day shift per week, for a minimum of twelve months and must possess the following requirements: 1. Completion of at least two years of an undergraduate law degree, or accepted into a graduate law degree, or relevant experience. 2. Demonstrated understanding of and commitment to social justice causes and volunteering in the community. 3. Demonstrated understanding of legal ethical issues affecting community legal centres 4. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including a) dealing with people who are very stressed; and b) precise communication of detailed information. 5. Available as required by the specific intake. Applications can be sent online (when available) via

“For students interested in in-house legal work, if there’s an opportunity open to you I really can’t recommend it enough. A piece of advice I would have for people interested in in-house legal work is to have a genuine interest in the business’ product and their mission.” — Catherine Thomas, UTS alumni


Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities




The Aboriginal Legal Service (ALS) does legal work in criminal

The Arts Law Centre of Australia (ALCA) is a community

law, children’s care and protection law, and family law.

legal centre which works directly with Australian artists

The ALS assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men, women and children through representation in court, advice and information, and referral to further support services. The ALS is a community organisation that refers clients to secondary services as required. The Aboriginal Legal Service recruits volunteers as part of its “Student Legal Volunteer Program”: In this program, student legal volunteers work closely with ALS Solicitors and staff to understand the workings of a Criminal law or a Children’s Care and Protection Law practice in an Aboriginal community organisation setting. Student legal volunteers receive good hands-on training in: • Legal research • Drafting submissions • Drafting letters and Court documents • Attending Court with Solicitors • Preparing briefs for Counsel • Instructing in trials • Administrative tasks • Paralegal tasks including preparing matters for Supreme Court bails The ALS Criminal Law Practice and the Care and Protection / Family Law practice manages the Student Legal Volunteer Program.

and art organisations. ALCA provides free and low cost specialised legal advice, and also provides education and resources legal and business issues. ALCA commonly deals with contracts, intellectual property, business structuring, insurance and employment law issues. The Arts Law Centre of Australia regularly recruits student volunteers: Student volunteers play a valuable role supporting the solicitors in the provision of legal advice. They are the first point of contact for clients and are tasked with providing information and taking accurate legal instructions. Volunteers may also conduct legal research for the solicitors, get involved with advocacy projects, sit in on legal advice sessions as note-takers, as well as assist with the general administration of a legal centre.



Volunteers must commit to working at least one day per week at Arts Law’s Sydney office for a minimum period of 6 months. Eligibility for a PLT placement will only be considered on a case by case basis after completion of the minimum 6 month commitment.

• Be in at least the third year of study towards a law degree (essential) • Have completed intellectual property or media law subjects (essential • Have a strong interest and/or experience in the arts (desirable)

All ALS offices have the capacity to manage Student Legal Volunteers. Information on how to apply can be found at: support/volunteer/

More information can be found at


If you are interested in volunteering at Arts Law, please fill out the volunteer application form at Arts Law accepts volunteer applications all year round. People with a disability or people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or CALD communities are highly encouraged to apply.


Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Civil Liberties, Social Justice, and Volunteering Opportunities


Judges Associateships and Court-based Work

TIPSTAFF AT THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES The Supreme Court offers a number of tipstaff positions each year. Tipstaves are employed as part of the personal chambers


The Chief Justice seeks applications for research positions in the Chief Justice’s chambers in October each year for the next following year. For example, in October 2015, applications are sought for the commencement of Law Term 2017. An advertisement will be placed on the Court’s website to advise law graduates that the Chief Justice is seeking applications for these positions. The Chief Justice also writes to the Deans of all law schools across Australia to request that students be informed that applications are being sought for the these positions.

court duties and other support for that judge.

In relation to tipstaff positions for judges, applications should be made at the beginning of the year before the appointment is to take effect. Each judge’s chambers operates individually. Applicants are strongly recommended to contact the chambers of individual judges for specific information relating to applying for the tipstaff position with that judge.

Tipstaff positions are generally not advertised, and the selection of tipstaves is conducted directly by the judge(s).

Positions as tipstaves or researchers are extremely popular and are therefore highly competitive. Candidates applying for positions are expected to display the following skills and abilities:

staff of a particular judge. They provide legal research, in-

Generally, tipstaves are employed at the Supreme Court on a non-ongoing, contract basis for up to 12 months, usually commencing at the beginning of the law term, but may also be engaged at other times throughout the year. Legal tipstaves provide a high level of legal research and administrative support to judges in the Equity and Common Law Division and to judges in the Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court also employs eight legal researchers on an annual basis.



Legal tipstaves and researchers in the Supreme Court of NSW conduct often complex legal research on behalf of judges. This would generally involve a detailed analysis of case law and an examination of legal developments in areas where precedents may not be well defined. These skills may be used in drafting background papers and assisting judicial officers in their work.

• • • •

Law graduates applying for tipstaff or researcher positions are expected to have a strong academic record in their law studies. Highly developed legal research skills and involvement in extracurricular activities or voluntary work in legal areas are also highly desirable. If you wish to apply for a position as a tipstaff or researcher generally, rather than to any particular chambers, please forward a covering letter (outlining your interest in the role) accompanied by your Curriculum Vitae and academic results addressed to: J​ udicial Staff Coordinator Supreme Court of NSW Law Courts Building, Level 4 184 Phillip Street Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 3 Sydney 2001

The day to day functions of the modern Supreme Court of NSW are fast paced and demanding. Tipstaves will be expected to possess highly developed communication and interpersonal skills, proficiency in the use of IT and be able to professionally display tact, confidentiality and confidence in their interactions with court users, practitioners, the judiciary and other court staff. Tel:




Salary and other terms and conditions of employment are determined by the Attorney General of NSW.

Highly developed legal research, conceptual and analytical skills Excellent organisational skills Strong interpersonal skills High level computer and keyboard skills.

(02) 9230 8100

E-Mail: (Attn: Judicial Staff Coordinator)

Tipstaves are generally appointed for a period of one year.

Judges Associateships and Court-Based Work

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Judges Associateships and Court-Based Work




The associate position provides broadly based executive

The Federal Court offers a number of associate positions each

support to enable the judge to meet obligations both within

year. Associates are employed as part of the chambers staff

the court and to external stakeholders, including legal

of a particular judge. They provide legal research, in-court

practitioners, litigants in person and members of the public.​

duties and other support for that judge.

Associate positions are generally not advertised, and the selection of an associate is conducted directly by the judge(s).

Associate positions are generally not advertised, however some Judges of the Court provide information about the status of their recruitment, i.e. which year they are seeking associates for (often recruitment occurs 1–2 years in advance of the start date) and the specific requirements they may have for associates working in their chambers. Where such information exists, it can be found under the profile of the individual Judge.

Generally, associates are employed at the Supreme Court on a 12-month contract, renewable on an annual basis following approval from the judge. Opportunities for these positions can p ​ resent at any time throughout the year. If you wish to apply for a position as an associate, please forward a covering letter (outlining your suitability for the role as a legal PA) accompanied by your Curriculum Vitae addressed to:


Associates are employed on a non-ongoing contract at the Federal Court Staff Level 5 for periods of approximately 12 months. In many registries, the associate roles commence early in the last term, although placements may commence at other times throughout the year in other registries

J​ udicial Staff Coordinator Supreme Court of NSW Law Courts Building, Level 4 184 Phillip Street Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 3 Sydney 2001

To apply for an associate position, please submit a cover letter addressed to the judge, your curriculum vitae and a copy of your academic transcript directly to the chambers of the judge or to the National Judicial Registrar & District Registrar in the appropriate registry.

(02) 9230 8100

Any queries regarding Associate placements should in the first instance be directed to the registry in which you are seeking a placement. Relevant enquiries will then be forwarded to chambers for response.

Judges of the court conduct the processes associated with the recruitment of associates for their chambers.

E-Mail: (Attn: Judicial Staff Coordinator) Please note that unlike other federal courts, associate placements in the Federal Court are not advertised in the APS Gazette.


Judges Associateships and Court-Based Work

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Judges Associateships and Court-Based Work


Alumni Experiences



Special Counsel Chambers Russell Lawyers

AREAS OF PRACTICE My areas of practice are predominantly dispute resolution and litigation in the areas of strata, building defects, deceased estates, personal injury, procedural fairness investigations, discrimination and general advice work.

A DAY AS SPECIAL COUNSEL Law firms use the title of Lawyer the same, but the title of Special Counsel can mean different things at different firms. Special Counsel can mean a step before partnership, a step for someone never becoming partner or a retirement step after being partner. I fall into the first category. A typical day as Special Counsel involves desk work, document review and advice writing. It involves more regular and more significant client contact/meetings, disputed court attendances and representing the firm at client and industry functions. It also involves supervision, training and overseeing of junior and intermediate staff and increased involvement in business activities such as marketing, article writing, staff management and additional non-legal requirements of the business.

CHALLENGES WITH COMPLEX AND SENSITIVE CLAIMS Challenges with complex claims includes the ability to step back and observe how current challenges fit the bigger picture of a claim and how the strategy, timing, and method of completing current tasks will affect later tasks. I periodically discuss the general strategy and direction of files with other senior staff to see if a set of fresh eyes might have further insight or suggestions. Challenges with sensitive claims can include modifying the style, language and delivery of advice so it is accessible to a sensitive client. Identifying when to spend extra time ensuring the client understands and is comfortable with the legal process. You also need to self-reflect and consider when you might need your own debrief counselling to help deal with vicarious trauma that can otherwise go unaddressed. Actively considering emotion in-self and others helps, but also listening to concerns expressed by others and warning signs if you or the client experience changes in diet, habit, patience, sociability, demeanour, sleep, etc.

“The benefits [of volunteering] have included unparalleled access to events, introductions, information, training, and personal contacts that I would never have had access to outside the role.” 43

Alumni Experiences

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

It is very important to develop a network of people you can talk to in your workplace, the wider profession, and outside the profession. Speaking with others can give you different perspectives and keep you grounded. Others may share or explain different experiences or views and you may be open with struggles you are experiencing. Sharing ‘war stories’ can be common, but regard should be had not to further or re-traumatise yourself or others by a further focus on distressing information.

be treated as badges of honour. Extreme work should be the exception to an otherwise hard working but reasonable work week in which you maintain life appointments and spend time with important people and interests outside of the law. That is a badge of honour, to continue to strive towards successful management of a challenging work life and a fulfilling non-work life.

While you will find a standard lawyer response is how busy they are and how much overtime they are working on nights/weekends, these should not

REWARD OF EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS In order to build my networks, create opportunities and give back to the legal and broader community, I volunteer my time to several organisations in the legal community. The primary gateway to my networks and opportunities has been NSW Young Lawyers, an organisation with automatic membership of all law students and all lawyers up to 36 years or older if still in their first 5 years of legal practice. My various roles have contributed to my extensive network of friends, colleagues, administrative and judicial staff, senior barrister and executives, authors, media and political contacts. I am currently an Executive Councillor of NSW Young Lawyers and I help to determine strategic, event, policy, submissions and other decisions on behalf of the 15,000 members between the mid-year and end of year member assemblies. I also assist to progress and implement ideas that arise from member input at these assemblies/conferences. The benefits have included unparalleled access to events, introductions, information, training, and personal contacts that I would never have had access to outside the role. These people will be the next generation of law firm partners, corporate legal heads, senior barristers and political advisors, and judicial decision makers. UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

I sat on the Law Society Indigenous Issues Committee and I sit on the Law Society Ethics Committee. I was initially the Young Lawyer representative but I am now appointed directly by independent application. These committees more regularly consider wider reaching policy and practice issues within the state, across states, enquiries from solicitor members, consultation with legislation drafters, heads of enquiry, public comment and considering the impact of developments in the law for all NSW solicitors. The benefits have included access to past and current highly experienced practitioners and decision makers with understandings and experience developed over many decades of practice. Those people were and are those who have seen, shaped and continue to shape the current practice of law. I have been on the board of a not-for-profit charity and am currently on the board of a benevolent society. My role has been to direct, advise, and administer funds, projects, opportunities and relationships with key stake holders. The benefits have included giving back to the community, upskilling in those roles and experience to open up further opportunities for more advanced versions of these roles in the future.

Alumni Experiences




Junior Research Assistant

Family Lawyer

Edmond Barton Chambers

Edwards Family Lawyers By way of background, the practice of family law involves dealing with property and parenting issues that ensue after the break-down of a relationship; issues such as division of assets, spouse maintenance, child support, parenting arrangements, and, of course, divorce proceedings.



I’ve worked at a few law firms throughout my legal career and working in a barrister’s chambers greatly differs from the previous experiences I’ve had. Work at chambers is more hands on, in the sense that you are working directly with a barrister and assisting with the drafting and preparation of legal documents. Whilst at law firms I’ve previously worked at, it has been more general legal work rather than focusing on specific issues that a barrister needs assistance with. I personally have like working at chambers a lot more, as it is more personable and you are able to see the end result of the work you are doing.

The most challenging aspect is ensuring that the research is correct and making sure all the barristers’ questions are answered. Sometimes the scope of the can be very niche and requires searching quite a few databases and it can really put your research skills to the test. However, it is all very rewarding seeing your research being used by a barrister and presented in court is a very rewarding experience. It has also enabled me to fine tune many of my legal skills and I have had the opportunity to help strategies on many cases and really help clients.

As a graduate/junior family lawyer, you will quickly get involved in almost all aspects of conducting a matter, such as attending initial consultations alongside the experienced lawyers at the firm, drafting correspondence, preparing different court documents such as applications and affidavits, preparing briefs, and supporting other lawyers within the firm.



You will also attend different court events such as mentions, directions hearings, divorce hearings and conciliation conferences.

There not really an average day, normally I go into chambers and I see what is happening with all the barristers for the day, It involves making sure trolleys for court are prepared and ready to be taken and ensuring that barristers have all the necessary documents with them.

I would day to definitely take the opportunity! Working at chambers helps you immensely throughout your law degree, you are able to practice the theoretical skills you’ve learnt in class and further you knowledge of the law. You are also exposed to so many areas of law and you are bale to see what areas you would potentially like to practice in. I highly recommend working at chambers, it has been extremely beneficially for me to developing my skills and furthering my legal future.

The rest of the day is spent researching, I work for all 50+ barristers on the floor, they all specialise in different areas of law ranging from criminal, commercial and family. So the research I do really can vary from finding cases, to preparing legal brief to drafting affidavits. There is quite of research involved in diligence is required in order to make sure all the information I provide is the most accurate and updated precedent. 45

Alumni Experiences


WHAT MAKES FAMILY LAW SPECIAL? One aspect of practice of family law, which I personally enjoy the most, is the fact that you are continuously learning. There always seems to be a question, almost on a daily basis, that you do not know the answer to and you are required to do research for. This is besides knowing the general legal concepts, which makes the practice of family law a lot more intellectually involved, compared to other areas of law where, for example, the final determination of the case can be more predictable due to a more readily conclusive evidence (or lack thereof) or a more process-driven system. Another aspect of practice of family law, which is most exciting to me, is court advocacy. While some lawyers (like myself) find court attendance to be exhilarating, others have a different view on it and consider it to be a source of anxiety and distress.

“One aspect of practice of family law, which I personally enjoy the most, is the fact that you are continuously learning.”

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Alumni Experiences


A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE CURIOUS ABOUT THE ROLE OF “EMOTION” IN FAMILY LAW, BEING AN AREA OF LAW THAT HAS THE CAPACITY TO EXPOSE YOU TO EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES. WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON THIS? HOW YOU DISTINGUISH “EMOTION” FROM “EMPATHY” IN YOUR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE?’ This is a very good question and one that goes to the heart of practice of family law. Being constantly exposed to the emotional experiences that the clients are going through can be quite taxing. This is in addition to other stressful aspects of our job as lawyers in general such as ensuring an excellent quality of work, looking out for the economic aspects of running the case, client satisfaction and making a good name in the industry. In the first instance, I distinguish empathy from sympathy. I believe when practicing family law you need to have empathy, meaning being able to understand a particular situation from your client’s point of view. Sympathy, on the other hand, meaning feeling pity or sorrow for the situation your client has found themselves in, is what the client should expect from their close friends and/ or maybe from a counsellor.

From a professional point of view, it is important to draw a clear line between how you feel in contrast to how you run the matter. It is considered unprofessional to display too much emotion and to allow your personal perspective affect the way you interact with the other party and with the court. All of this is easier said than done, of course. You will, hopefully, learn to stay neutral and not get emotionally involved in the cases you handle, the same way medical practitioners become accustomed to the sight of blood after a short while.

WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE CONSIDERING A CAREER IN FAMILY LAW? Family law, more so than any other areas of law, requires a great deal of integrity, commitment, and dedication. If you are someone who prefers a standard 9–5 job, reconsider your options. If you are someone who enjoys different benefits and perks of a job, reconsider your options. If you are someone who needs validation and encouragement from peers and mentors, again, reconsider your options. As a family lawyer you are constantly in contact with people whose worlds have turned upside down, usually for the worst, affecting their means of dealing with lawyers. Handling such instances in general can be quite challenging. This is in addition to other factors that can make the job more difficult; for example couples at the start of the process usually show less flexibility in their approach while they are still dealing with the separation and they are distressed, emotional, vengeful, confused or overly defensive towards their assumed position, the length of the relationship (whether it was a long-term or a shortterm one), or whether they have young children, or whether they have children with a disability, or if one of the parents intends to live, for example, in a different town or even another country.

I believe it is crucial that you, as a family lawyer, show empathy and to assure your clients that you understand them; whether you agree with them or not, is not the point, and whether you judge them or not because their actions have been questionable is also beyond the point. This, however, is my personal view.

Not only is handling the clients is a big challenge but also guiding them and obtaining instructions from them in the conduct of the matter is a big task. Therefore, you need to be a people person. Family law can otherwise be extremely draining if you are not able to provide an all-time excellent service to usually distraught clients, the majority of whom are going through an adjustment phase.

“I believe when practicing family law you need to have empathy, meaning being able to understand a particular situation from your client’s point of view.”


Alumni Experiences

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

More often than not, there are interruptions throughout your working day for a variety of reasons such as talking to clients over the phone to give them advice, drafting urgent correspondence and court documents and dealing with other time sensitive issues. Therefore, it is important to

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

have strong time management skills, and more importantly, to be uninterruptedly motivated to do a great job. In short, there is rarely a simple and straightforward solution to a family law case. There are many things that can go wrong in running any family law matter. You have to be constantly thinking and consider the logistics and ramifications of any given proposal or next step, checking and doublechecking the details. You have to be able to think critically and deal with problems on the spot. Having good time management skills, being motivated to keep on top of the work and being able to build good rapport with the clients for a young lawyer can be a challenge, and this very nature of family law practice causes many young lawyers to struggle at the start, until they develop professionally and learn to navigate their way and find their voice and deal with conflicting emotions. This is where a good mentor is priceless and pivotal in shaping you as a lawyer and your future career. Do not take the task of picking your place of work lightly because it is at the start where you will develop good habits and rid bad ones. In terms of career progression, you could potentially start as a family lawyer, and develop professionally to become a partner, or open your own practice, or study for the bar and become a barrister. Whether it is better to start your career at a larger firm or a smaller firm is arguable, but eventually it largely depends on what positions and opportunities are available at the time. In NSW, experienced family lawyers can apply to the Law Society of NSW to be assessed and accredited as specialists in the area of family law. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you wish to have a more in-depth conversation about practicing family law. I am always contactable via email at

Alumni Experiences



WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE CONSIDERING PURSUING CAREERS IN NEWLAW FIRMS THAT ARE FOCUSED ON INNOVATION? I feel as though the term ‘innovation’ is loosely thrown around these days, but the implementation of the concept is truly integral to what NewLaw firms stand for and what enables them to disrupt the legal services market.

Paralegal LegalVision

PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR DAILY DUTIES AS A PARALEGAL IN A TECHNOLOGY-FOCUSED COMMERCIAL LAW FIRM. WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGING AND REWARDING ASPECTS OF YOUR ROLE? I’ve had the pleasure of working as a paralegal at LegalVision over the course of the last 12 months, and in this period I’ve had the incredible opportunity to work across a number of practice groups, including the firm’s reputable Intellectual Property, Disputes and Franchising teams. The rotating nature of the role is exciting as it has enabled my daily duties to differ tremendously month-to-month. Whilst such changes have inevitably come with the challenges of learning new skills, processes and team dynamics, it has effectively enabled me to develop interest and knowledge in areas that I had not previously had exposure to.

Whilst it feels almost cliché to reverb the oftenheard statement that ‘no two days at work are the same’ — in my experience, this is the best and only way to accurately describe the role of a paralegal in a NewLaw firm. For instance, whilst I may start a day assisting in the drafting of a Board Recommendation for a national franchise, the same day might also involve the preparation of letters of demand for debt recovery clients, before delving into in-depth research on unjust enrichment. Whilst managing tight deadlines and jumping across various aspects of commercial law can at times prove challenging, the variety in work is highly rewarding and never ceases to offer learning and development in a practical setting.

The reason that NewLaw firms such as LegalVision are increasingly able to accumulate market share is because of their investment into and adoption of technological processes which not only minimise repetitive processes by way of automation, but also those which enable clients to utilise platforms to track their projects and refine their needs in a manner that is both cost effective and timely.

In order to help decide whether you should pursue a legal career in the NewLaw space, I urge you to not only develop an understanding of what innovation looks like in the legal context, but to also decide whether you want to work in a firm that prides itself on its focus on practicality above all else. Ultimately, a career in the NewLaw space is ideal if you are not set on pursuing the traditional legal career path, and have an interest in exploring the opportunities that technology can offer the modern lawyer.

WHAT SETS WORKING IN LEGALVISION APART FROM OTHER FIRMS? IS THERE A PARTICULAR FIELD THAT YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN? WHAT GENERATED YOUR INTEREST IN THE FIELD, AND WHY DO YOU FEEL THAT THE FIELD IS IMPORTANT? LegalVision sets itself apart from many traditional commercial law firms by focusing heavily on both the implementation of technology in the provision of legal services, as well as best understanding the needs of its end-users. This client-centric approach helps ensure that the firm is constantly redefining its strategy in order to best deliver legal services in a manner that is both efficient and cost-effective.

of commercial law. In particular, I have gained an appreciation for the valuable offering that litigators bring to the profession. Not only are lawyers in this field expected to be technically excellent and wellversed in preparing court documents and following strict processes, but they are also expected by clients to be able to clearly and succinctly explain complex and often foreign legal concepts, often with minimal notice.

In working as a paralegal in LegalVision’s Disputes team, I have unexpectedly developed an interest in disputes and commercial litigation, despite initially assuming that my studies in Finance would make be better-suited to the transactional-side 49

Alumni Experiences

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

“Whilst it feels almost cliché to reverb the often-heard statement that ‘no two days at work are the same’ — in my experience, this is the best and only way to accurately describe the role of a paralegal in a NewLaw firm.”

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Alumni Experiences


SANJAY SWAMINATHAN Summer Clerk Gilbert + Tobin

PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR DAILY DUTIES AS A LAW CLERK IN A COMMERCIAL LAW FIRM. WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGING AND REWARDING ASPECTS OF YOUR ROLE? Every day was different. In my first rotation through Banking I was going doing a lot of Due-Diligence, preparing securities reports on the PPSA, and attending the cricket! December was a very busy period and I had a lot of work to do. Where work was a bit lighter, I had the opportunity to do some research on niche issues. Towards the end of the month though, everyone sort of let their hair down and there was a lot of partying and games. While rotating through IP in January, I was doing something totally different. Day to day, I would be doing research, dissecting counterfeit products, preparing reports and doing detective work on the internet. The nature of being a clerk was generally being available to everyone so as long as I kept my hand up, I had a great variety of work across a lot for different areas landing on my desk. The

most challenging aspect of the role was that I knew nothing at all. For all my years of legal education, I really had no idea to do the first practical thing. When a piece of work landed on my desk, I would read through it and realise I had no idea how to even begin. This was of course stressful at first, but I soon began to realise how things worked, and my own ways of researching and starting a document. This in turn became the most rewarding aspect of the experience, as by the end of the summer, I was able look at a problem and have a few options at my fingertips. Also, through pure chance, I was able to bring in some business to the firm and introduce the clients to a partner. That was pretty fun and a taste of some of the business aspects of being in a commercial law firm, not something you would usually get in a clerkship.

IS THERE A PARTICULAR FIELD OF COMMERCIAL LAW THAT INTERESTS YOU? WHAT GENERATED YOUR INTEREST IN THE FIELD, AND WHY DO YOU FEEL THAT THE FIELD IS IMPORTANT? I really enjoyed my rotation through Intellectual Property. I found I had hands-on experience with real legal issues and learnt a whole lot of substantive law. There was a great variety of work but what was even more interesting is what I learned about the future of the field. IP right now has a real mix of work. There is a lot of litigation but not in the traditional sense. As a developing field so much of the protocols and processes are unwritten, so IP is in the process of figuring that stuff out right now. You might find yourself in a room with opposition lawyers in a negotiation, without any real rules about how to proceed. While daunting, this opens up so much opportunity to get creative and in 51

Alumni Experiences

fact develop some of these processes throughout your career. I heard a lot of stories about movielike negotiations and even funny incidents like a firm sweating the opposition out of negotiation by turning off the air-con! I’m sure everyone reading this knows that in this increasingly digital and globalised world, IP rights are huge for most companies and often are the most important rights in dealing overseas. Debate about trade deals like the CPTPP and RCEP revolve around IP rights and the work in this field is only sure to grow. IP lawyers will likely be at the cutting edge of the medical, entertainment and tech industries in the decades to come. UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE CONSIDERING A CAREER IN COMMERCIAL LAW? I don’t think there is really anything you can do as a student to ‘prepare’ for career in commercial law. Sure, keep up with the business news and do your research on the firms but all law students do this anyway! Give it a shot and don’t go in with too many expectations. I don’t mean this in a negative way, I think it’s best to just go in with an open mind. I really had no idea what to expect and so everything I was asked to do during my clerkship was new and fresh and enjoyable. Pay attention to your supervising lawyers and see how they are during their day. I was fortunate enough that all the junior and senior lawyers I worked with genuinely enjoyed their work and this was reassuring as a clerk. There’s no other way to know if you’ll like it than to try it, and when you’re finished, go with your gut feel.

“I really enjoyed my rotation through Intellectual Property. I found I had hands-on experience with real legal issues and learnt a whole lot of substantive law.”

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Alumni Experiences


CATHERINE THOMAS In-house Paralegal at an ASX-listed Medical Device company (name omitted)



I’ve always had in interest in science that just happened to come second to my desire to study law. I also was always very interested in what an in-house role could offer me because working in house opens up a broader variety of businesses I could potentially work with. For those reasons, my current position basically ticked all my boxes — I feel really lucky to be able to work for such a great company.

Like most roles, I feel like every day is different in my job. It’s obviously influenced massively by what major projects the business is working on.

HOW WOULD YOU SAY WORKING “INHOUSE” DIFFERS FROM WORKING IN A TRADITIONAL LAW FIRM? The biggest difference is that I only have one client, and I work with that client every single day. For this reason, you get to know all aspects of the business really well. I also feel like because we’re a small team, in a big business I get a lot of direct exposure to a massive variety of matters which is especially valuable while I’m still studying. But I feel like those are the only differences. Otherwise, the work we do is much the same as a traditional law firm, especially since a lot of law firms now seem to be moving into a more advisory role.


Alumni Experiences

One of the key aspects of my role is supporting the solicitors with contract review, and our interaction with external parties generally. This also involves providing advice on how best to proceed with these interactions from a legal standpoint. The medical device industry is, rightly, a very heavily regulated one — you only have to go as far as looking at the Therapeutic Goods Act to find this out! So, much of my job is supporting the legal team with advising the business on compliance matters. This means that a big aspect of my role is legal research. I have to look into a range of legislation to help advise the business, which I really enjoy. One of the really cool aspects of my role is that my team services all of Asia Pacific (or APAC) so more often than not I’m looking into foreign legislation. I really love this aspect of my job because in university we’re often only looking into NSW or Commonwealth legislation which doesn’t always translate into the reality of modern legal practice. Australia is a global citizen, so many Australian businesses are operating in different jurisdictions. It’s great to get an opportunity to engage with foreign legislation in a meaningful way.

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ARE THE CHALLENGING AND REWARDING ASPECTS OF YOUR ROLE? WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE CONSIDERING WORKING “IN-HOUSE”? I think the most rewarding aspect of my role is being part of a business that produces a product that has helped so many people’s lives. From a more legal perspective, as I discussed earlier getting to engage with different jurisdictions to help advise the business is also really exciting to me on a personal level. Another really rewarding aspect of my role is getting to interact with so many different and wonderful people. The company is so diverse, and getting to learn about the intricacies of different business functions through my work from people who are experts in their field is really valuable.

However, being a multinational business can also be one of the biggest challenges in the role. Language barriers can add a layer of complexity to our work but not one that is insurmountable. Regulation isn’t uniform across the region either, which can also make things more difficult. For students interested in in-house legal work, if there’s an opportunity open to you I really can’t recommend it enough. A piece of advice I would have for people interested in in-house legal work is to have a genuine interest in the business’ product and their mission. Remember, you only have one client and you work with them every day — you can’t just ignore their emails!

“...the most rewarding aspect of my role is being part of a business that produces a product that has helped so many people’s lives.”

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

Alumni Experiences


KEN WU Solicitor Danny Eid Lawyers

WHAT PROMPTED YOUR INTEREST TO WORK IN CRIMINAL LAW? My interest in Criminal Law came through two separate ways. Firstly, was exposure to the court process through my current boss who I spent some time shadowing to see whether I wanted to go down that path. After experiencing a few hearings (and one murder trial) it helped cement my interest in the area. Secondly, my experience in witness examination and doing submissions on my feet as well as generally appearing in court appealed to me greatly. It really did sway me over the line in terms of my practice area and what I wanted to do.

WHAT WOULD YOUR AVERAGE DAY LOOK LIKE AS A SOLICITOR IN CRIMINAL LAW? My days are quite varied. Half the time I will start my day at one of the Local Courts around Sydney to mention a matter or to complete a sentence before heading back to the office.

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ARE THE CHALLENGING AND REWARDING ASPECTS OF YOUR ROLE? POTENTIAL CHALLENGES Level of detail Large briefs often mean large amounts of evidence, not all of which is relied upon. However, it needs to be studied properly to ensure both myself and the barrister are across the brief to best advise the client moving forward and to act on their instructions. Briefs can encompass anywhere from 100 pages up to 4–5 storage boxes, and you need to make sure you won’t miss any evidence that may be crucial to clients. Similarly, interlocutory orders or challenges to law may require extensive research and knowledge on how to search and be thorough in legal drafting. How to deal with it? Detail is somewhat ingrained, you have to practise it. Do competitions like Witex or mooting, where you have to dissect and take apart statements or legal arguments to hone your skills.

Occasionally I may be involved instructing in a trial or a hearing which will involve me spending a full day at court with the client.

Alumni Experiences

How to deal with it? Expose yourself early to the court system before you decide it as your practise area. Sit in the Downing Centre (Museum Station), Level 4/5 for Local Court, Levels LG – 3 for District Court and attend the Supreme Court King Street Court as well (St James Station). Once you start getting some exposure to the material you’ll know whether it is an area that you can work in without getting swayed. REWARDING ASPECTS The clients One of the more common questions I get asked (as a Criminal Defence solicitor) is how I can represent innocent people. It’s often easy to demonise an accused but in reality they are all normal people who may have just made a mistake and it often means that they feel grateful for your assistance. Clients may panic (especially during their first time at court) and guiding them through the process and assisting them is incredibly rewarding. The challenge Each case is incredibly different. The facts, witnesses, evidence available will mean that each case is decided differently and one of the most rewarding aspects of my job is being able to critically analyse each case on its merits and run the arguments that would best put forward my client’s position and instruction.

When I’m back at the office I can spend one day studying a single brief of fresh charges or across multiple briefs chasing up evidence or communicating with clients on their instructions.


Content A majority of cases won’t shock or horrify you but might be a bit off putting. The work will range from everything like simple traffic matters/bar fights up to child grooming or sexual assault cases. This means you must know how to be stoic and objective when reviewing evidence to make sure you can draw decisions that are logical and correct at law. Clients may also be incredibly emotional (or witnesses in the courtroom), and your ability to maintain a clear mind during any emotional argument is incredibly important. It doesn’t mean you can’t be empathetic, it just means you have to know how to be objective.

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

UTS Law Students’ Society 2019 Careers Guide

WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE CONSIDERING A CAREER IN CRIMINAL LAW? Advocate. Get involved in competitions like witness examination or mooting, where you are required to speak and think on your feet. It’s important because often simple mentions may change quickly. As a Criminal Defence Solicitor or Prosecutor, you will be doing lots of appearances and often be starting from day 1 after admission. Get Exposed to court: Contact your local solicitor and just ask if you can shadow and follow just to get experience. Yes it will be unpaid (since you’re just going along and listening) and yes it will take time for someone to be willing to take you along to court but even if it is for a half day sitting in a hearing you’ll learn whether you like the court process quite quickly. If it is your area, then you can apply to clerk at various firms or assist in legal research. You can also go along to different courts and ask the court staff if you are looking into getting exposure to a range of matters. Criminal procedure is a different beast (and one they don’t teach you at uni) and if you have spent some time in court you will be ahead of other applicants. Be different: Don’t just focus on academics, while that may be important for large commercial firms, often principals at firms look at how well you are able to connect with clients, speak or work with others. Participate in competitions and do extracurricular/voluntary work to show you know how to manage your time, to multitask and to show you are more than just every other uni grad.

Alumni Experiences


Great change is here.

Are you ready? At Allens, we’re focused on equipping our people with the skills and experience they need to be the lawyers of the future. We’re ready to define tomorrow. Are you? With us, you’ll be more than a lawyer. Our people are technical experts, but they’re also trusted business advisers who think bigger, more broadly and more strategically. Together, we solve complex legal challenges, and collaborate across practice areas and disciplines to guide our clients.

Clerkship program

We work across borders too, thanks to our alliance with Linklaters. This provides opportunites for our firm and our people, including annual rotations in Linklaters London, Hong Kong and Singapore being available to our graduate lawyers.

> run from three to 10 weeks;

A clerkship at Allens is the first step in a rewarding legal career, and will give you invaluable insights into our work and culture. With support from a buddy and development supervisor, you’ll work on real matters for real clients and be involved in a variety of projects. The programs: > are available at our Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney offices; > feature ongoing support, including a buddy system; and > include exposure to one or two practice groups.

An early legal career at Allens includes highly tailored training through the Allens Academy. Developed in partnership with the Australian National University, our Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice will help you transition from law graduate to legal expert and trusted business adviser.

In a rapidly changing world, we seek opportunities to innovate, embracing creative thinking, new approaches and emerging technology. We don’t just seek opportunities to benefit ourselves and our clients, we believe strongly in driving positive change to do right by our community too, as demonstrated through our strong pro bono practices.

Our teams are open, inclusive and encouraging, giving you the opportunity to learn and grow while feeling supported. You’ll have the flexibility to drive your own career, and we’ll recognise your achievements and hard work as you progress through the firm. Are you ready to begin?

Graduate program In each rotation, you’ll gain a depth of experience that comes from seeing matters through to the end, and get exposure to stimulating legal challenges. At Allens, we don’t work in silos, meaning you won’t be limited to working with only one partner or by your practice areas. You’ll work alongside a range of partners and lawyers, giving you exposure to a wide variety of tasks. Working with different teams and leading organisations, you’ll grow a solid skills base and develop the agility needed to thrive in our ever‑changing world. The programs include: > two 12‑month rotations in your areas of interest; > secondment options in London or Asia, via our alliance with Linklaters; > ongoing supervision, coaching and mentoring; > completing a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (via Allens Academy); and > a 12‑month weekly legal seminar series (Cornerstone Program).

Find out more at Allens is an independent partnership operating in alliance with Linklaters LLP.



From Day One you’ll experience what it’s like to work at Maddocks




You will have challenging, meaningful work, gain exposure to clients, work in a supportive and collaborative environment and have access to partners. Join our clerkship program and access real client work for high calibre clients, outstanding training and development and become part of a firm where you’re involved from Day One. Find out more at

Engage with UTS Careers

At UTS Careers we help to equip law students with the employability skills, confidence and advice to achieve their career goals. Working closely with graduate recruiters, the faculty, and industry leaders, we also offer a variety of services and resources to help law students bridge the gap between university and taking that next step towards a successful career. From events and workshops, to digital resources, in-person career consultations and more – we’ve got your back!

Events & Workshops •

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UTS Building 2, Level 4, Room 221.

Professional Mentoring Platform

10am-12pm (no appointment necessary)

Connect with industry professionals, UTS alumni and staff, at the click of a button on the UTS Professional Mentoring Platform.

From the classroom to the courtroom Complete your Practical Legal Training at UTS Alumni discount and credit

Study that fits around your life

Get 10% off course fees with the UTS Alumni Advantage. Plus, all LLB and JD students receive an automatic 6cp exemption and only pay for 3 subjects (18cp). FEE-HELP available.

Flexible delivery, with three intakes per year; on-campus or online study.

Work-based assessments


No exams and assessments based on real legal scenarios e.g. practice files, will drafting, court appearances, client interviews, file notes

1:30pm-4:30pm (appointments are bookable via Check our Facebook page for the most up-to-date opening hours.

Contact Careers 9514 1471

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LPAB accredited

You can begin your PLT early, when you have completed all core law subjects and have no more than two law electives remaining (with written consent from LPAB).

UTS PLT fully accredited by the Legal Profession Admission Board (LPAB)




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