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Horoscopes Keeley McAlinden


Keeley McAlinden @keeley_mca


What does your Horoscope have in store for you this year? Find out below!

Aries 21 March - 19 April This year you are in the front-seat, Aries! you spend the last twelve months embracing new opportunities in your work and social life, and now it’s tiem to prove that you can handle them all. Ease back on accepting more responsibility at this time, as the last thing you want is to overload your plate. A new year always brings an air of change, and your impatience will make you want to seize every new thing coming your way but try not to ram into new situations- take a breath and focus on what you already have in front of you!

Taurus 20 April - 20 May This year you will feel a definite change in the air! With Uranus in retrogade over your sign, you will find yourself shaking up that old routing.

Unfortunately, this will be rather tricky, as you have the tendency to be quite stubborn in your own ways. So, with 2019 almost over, it’s time to loosen those reigns, Taurus, and allow yourself to have some fun! You may do or say things that you haven’t before but embrace these changes and you will find this year to be one of liberation!

gemini 21 May - 20 June On the surface, gemini, you have a reputation for being quite inconsistent. But what most people don’t know about you is that you are also an incredible curious and affectionate person! This year it’s time to show these traits to the world. Open yourself up to concept of the “new”, whether that be new friends, new relationships or even new career opportunities. Prove to those naysayers that your inconsistency is actually adaptability- this is what will make you shine in professional environments.

cancer 21 June - 22 July Do social situations seem to be quite overwhelming right now? Whether it be complications at work, with friends or even in relationships, you seem to be stuck in the middle of some serious drama. Understandable, as your high level of emotional sympathy leaves people running to you for help and guidance.

This year remember not to scuttle too close to battles that you don’t need to be a part of. Lend an ear, but not your heart, dear Cancer, and 2019 will promise to not get the better of you.

leo 23 July - 22 August You are known in public for being a confident and cheerful individual, but this year it’s time to work on things closer to home. While you continue to be social throughout the first half of the year, keep in mind that your family takes priority. Perhaps it’s time to work on deepening those familial connections and addressing any issues that may be standing in the way of these. By doing this, Leo, you’ll find that the support from your Pride will only boost that confidence ten-fold.

virgO 23 August - 22 September This year, confidence is key! While you remain a very loyal and reliable person amongst your friends and work colleagues, you still need to practice standing up for yourself in times of conflict. Sometimes it may feel like your own self-criticism stops you from expressing your opinions in tricky situations. Remember that these negative thoughts are all in your head. 2019 is your time to shine, Virgo, so let those worries blow away in the summer air!

libra 23 September - 22 October Last year was a difficult one for you, Libra. You may have found yourself relying on others to get you through tough times, with self-pity getting the better of you here and there. But that all changes in 2019! This year is the time for you to reset the scales and claim that power over yourself. Embrace the concept of self-care by treating yourself to luxuries but remember not to over-indulge. Keep that balance of work and play!

scorpio 23 October - 21 November You know that saying, “Out with the old in with the new”? This is your 2019 in a nutshell, Scorpio, so channel that inner Marie Kondo when it comes to matters of renewal. Spring Cleaning in the latter months is a good start, but when that’s done start looking at ways to rid yourself of unnecessary emotional baggage as well. Remember that old conflicts need to be let go.

Your natural wilfulness and passion can sting others in arguments, but by letting this go, you will be recognised for the true friend that you are.

sagittarius 22 November - 21 December This year is going to test you, and here’s how to get ready for it! Your generous, sociable and humorous personality makes you appear invincible to hardships, but unfortunately 2019 may leave you feeling down on your luck. Karma is working against you this year, so don’t leave important decisions to chance. Give your life a little bit of that extra structure by making a timetable of your commitments, so when difficult situations arise you can shoot through them like an arrow!

capricorn 22 December - 19 January 2019 is going to be a busy year for you! With Saturn AND Pluto in retrograde under your sign, it looks like Karma is going to have a very big role in your relationships. This may throw a curveball into your routine, as your usual responsible and disciplined self will be tested by these planets’ affects. This year will also test the power dynamics of your friendships, so stay true to yourself and the ones who value you the most will continue to do so.

aquarius 20 January - 18 February As an Aquarius, it is clear that you think with your mind. Independent? Check! Progressive? Of course! Original? You know it! But this year, try thinking not with your mind, but with your heart. A new year brings the promise of new relationships, and this is definitely something you need to work on. Try practicing more empathetic approaches to problem-solving, as a little kindness will go a long way. Do this, Aquarius, and you’ll find new doors opening in the social areas of your life.

pisces 19 February - 20 March For you, a new year calls for a deep reflection of self. With Neptune in retrograde under your sign, you should feel a calling to find a deeper understanding of your own identity. If you are currently spending your efforts helping those around you, it is now time to put your own needs first. Take a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and try to make time for meditation and contemplation. Your natural compassion will work wonders for self-recognition; you’ll take to meditation like a fish to water!

Nick Gregson @nickgregson14

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