The innerworkings of student government affairs
SGA members “blindsided” by recent committee dissolution
See pages 06 / 07 for details

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New UT textbook initiative sparks challenges for professors, students
In the fall of 2024, VolBooks launched Total Access, a program charging a flat fee for primarily digital access to undergraduate student course materials at the University of Tennessee. An evolution of Inclusive Access, which provided individually-priced digital textbooks, Total Access is supposed to improve affordability, sustainability, equity and accessibility.
However, the new program, which provides digital materials by default, has led to complaints from both students and professors in the Department of English at UT. While students are able to opt out of Total Access for a refund before the add/drop deadline, doing so means they forfeit access to course materials for all of their classes. This all or nothing approach has put professors and students who prefer physical books for English courses in a bind.
Urmila Seshagiri, an English professor, voiced several concerns about the impact of Total Access on the classroom environment and her ability to teach course materials effectively. Acknowledging the advantages of digital materials for certain disciplines, Seshagiri emphasized that English professors do not seek the nostalgia of fully-stocked university bookstores or library reserves, but the ability to choose the materials that will allow them to best teach their classes. She stressed that physical books are not obsolete and are a crucial element of Eng-
lish pedagogy.
“An e-book, a PDF read on a screen, a digital transcription of published literature — they are not equivalent to or interchangeable with a print book,” Seshagiri said. “This is not a value judgment, it’s a fact.”
Insisting that she and her colleagues must be allowed to exercise their own judgement as experts in their field, Seshagiri is adamant that physical books provide her students with the best comprehension of course materials.
“I believe that my students need to read literature in printed-book form,” Seshagiri said. “When this doesn’t happen, there are entire domains of knowledge that get lost.”
Sarah Thacker, a senior double majoring in English and psychology, affirmed that reading physical books improves her learning experience.
“It sounds a bit silly, but I feel more connected to being an English major with physical books,” Thacker said. “I become more immersed in what I’m reading if I have an actual book in front of me, and it’s also easier to highlight and take notes on what I find interesting.”
Seshagiri also explained the dangers of alterations to texts in digital forms, which she characterized as an act of violence to the original works.
“The e-book does not accurately represent what the printed page looks like,” Seshagiri said.
“This all or nothing approach has put professors and students who prefer physical books for English courses in a bind.”
Fulton Staff Writer
Seshagiri provided an alternate scenario where science, math and engineering textbooks are riddled with errors and fail to effectively teach the materials.

“It would be chaos,” Seshagiri said. Preferring a screen-free classroom, Seshagiri believes that exclusively digital course materials make for a less productive classroom environment. With physical books, her students are more focused in class and can better absorb new information, a practice Seshagiri says her students are grateful for. Thacker spoke about similar sentiments.
“I feel like having digital materials keeps students on their devices more and creates more room for distraction,” Thacker said.
Among English majors, one of the biggest concerns of Total Access is the financial impact. With many English professors preferring physical copies, English majors end up spending more money, making Total Access less costeffective for them.
Rachel Mekdeci, a senior English major, has little preference about e-books compared to physical copies, but takes issue with the cost.
“I’m literally paying for books twice,” Mekdeci said.
Seshagiri noted the financial ramifications as well, explaining that she has had to ask students to purchase physical copies but that not everyone can afford the extra expense.
“Because the library doesn’t have multiple copies of the editions I’m using, students tend to read confusing or error-filled versions of literature on the internet,” Seshagiri said. “I waste a lot of class time getting everyone on the same page.”
Fulton shares her hardcopy textbooks she bought instead of the online textbooks. Friday, Jan. 24, 2025. Samantha Fulton/ The Daily Beacon
Vol Dining unveils new Chick-fil-A, Orange Acres Cafe
A familiar sight for all UT students is the absolutely packed Student Union. It is not uncommon to wait longer than 30 minutes for your Chickfil-A during the lunchtime rush. In an effort to address this issue of capacity, Vol Dining has recently announced the planned opening of two new locations throughout campus.
The first site will serve as campus’s third Chick-fil-A. Opening on Cumberland Ave., it will take the spot of the former Raising Canes and Panda Express combo. However, Amanda Hough, director of Vol Dining, explained that it is not just another Chick-fil-A, but instead it has unique features students should be excited about.
“We’ll be one of the only locations to be cobranded, and that’s huge,” Hough said. “Chickfil-A has very strict brand standards, so it’s really exciting for us to be a part of that and be able to bring some Rocky Top to Chick-fil-A — It’s not going to be your average Chick-fil-A.”
Students can expect the Chick-fil-A to have splashes of orange and nods to UT. The location separates itself from the others on campus by offering extended hours and a complete menu, including special seasonal items and soups.
Another reason Vol Dining chose Chick-fil-A for the location is because catering is currently not possible through the two existing locations. This location will be able to provide catering throughout campus.
A main goal of both projects is to provide options for dining to the periphery of campus. The Chick-fil-A on Cumberland will better serve students living in Fort Sanders and off campus. The second project, Orange Acres Cafe, aims to fill a hole on the Agriculture Campus.
Currently, the Agriculture Campus only has Mabel’s as far as dining options. Adding Orange Acres in the new Agriculture and Natural
Resources Building will provide students and faculty on the Agriculture Campus with another convenient option.
“Orange Acres offers a unique opportunity for us to build a custom menu,” Hough said. “That gives us a lot of creativity as well. With that creativity we sat down with our team and our partners at Aramark and thought what can we do to make this location unique and what are we lacking on this side of campus.”
Orange Acres will encompass some concepts seen at other UT original dining locations, such as the use of UT beef already seen at the Big Orange Grill in the Student Union. The menu at Orange Acres will include burgers, hot sandwiches and salads, including the ability to turn any burger into a salad. Orange Acres will also serve coffee and breakfast, offering a new morning option for those on the Agriculture Campus.
Orange Acres will also serve as a pilot location for a new concept in Vol Dining — food lockers.
“When we’re looking at what we need to do next or should prioritize next, efficiency is extremely important,” Hough said. “Those food lockers will be imperative to timeliness.”
Students and faculty will be able to order on their phones through Grubhub and pick up their food from a locker, all without entering the dining space.
For both projects, sustainability remains front of mind for Vol Dining, as Rebecca McKnight, assistant director of marketing for Vol Dining, elaborated.
“We’re still working on it, but our aim is to open Orange Acres with a compostable option in the front of house,” McKnight said. “Right now we do all composting through the back of house. We’re trying to make that more forward focused to customers and students.”
For students looking forward to the new dining options, both are scheduled to open sometime this spring. Vol Dining has stated that the date is fluid and subject to some change.
1 Karate move
5 Farm implement
9 Retro hairdo
13 Wrangler rivals
15 Jackie Chan's "Rush ___"
16 Within view
17 Construct
18 Leaving no will
20 Possible, as a plan
22 Audiophile's setup
23 Quiet
24 Rating unit
25 Fall guy
28 Honey bunch?
32 Suffers from
33 Outback dog
34 Quebec follower in the NATO alphabet 35 Creative pursuits
37 Image Awards
"Frasier" and org.
Loamy fertilizer
Hangs onto 64
Common sense?
1991 film, "Cape "Maude", e.g.
Sets as a price ___"
Grave danger

Margie E. Burke
What environmental policies will look like under fossil-fueled second Trump administration
LOUIE PERRY Staff Writer
Hours after President Trump took office this past Monday, Jan. 20, he signed a variety of executive orders ranging from immigration and ending birthright citizenship to requiring a full-time return to in-person work for federal employees.
Moreover, President Trump declared a national energy emergency, voicing his support for an expansion of domestic fossil fuel production and a turn away from the green energy emphasis seen in the last administration.
During his campaign, his supporters chanted “drill, baby, drill,” which Trump also quoted in his inauguration speech after taking the oath of office for the second time. Many Americans dealt with high prices on household goods, including gas, and throughout the campaign, Trump pledged to harness domestic energy on American soil to bring down costs.
However, Dr. Charles Sims, a professor specializing in environmental and natural resource economics at The Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs, says that more drilling on federal land, which Trump has pushed for, may not make as much of an impact on domestic oil prices as what the current administration is saying.
Many oil and gas companies aren’t interested in investing in federal land as “one administration imposes restrictions and the next removes them,” Sims said, which means that that investment wouldn’t be stable.
“The U.S. is producing record amounts of oil and gas already. The biggest limit to more production is global demand, not restrictions on federal lands. There may be a specific example or two where we see increased drilling activity on federal land thanks to the executive order,” Sims said. “But that additional supply is small relative to our total domestic supply and the global supply, so don’t expect prices to drop because of it.”
One of Trump’s first executive orders was to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Treaty. Two hundred countries have signed the treaty to tackle climate change since 2015, and its goal is to prevent global temperatures from rising above pre-industrial levels as well as to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
During Trump’s first term, he pulled out of the deal, favoring fossil fuel energy consumption. However, when former President Biden took office, he re-pledged his support for the environmental treaty.
In addition, President Trump also paused the leasing of land for offshore wind farms in federally owned U.S. water. Today, wind farms provide 10% of electricity to the U.S.,
one of the largest renewable energy sources. Trump has been an outspoken critic of wind farms, and this executive order is just another step in confirming this.
A memo posted on the White House website on Monday evening after the executive order was signed said, “This withdrawal temporarily prevents consideration of any area in the OCS (Offshore Continental Shelf) for any new or renewed wind energy leasing for the purposes of generation of electricity or any other such use derived from the use of wind.”
The nominee for interior secretary, former governor and former presidential candidate Doug Burgum (ND-R) said at his confirmation hearing that the projects are already in place and that the projects that make sense would continue regardless of the executive order.
Similarly, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which “enhanced or created 20 tax incentives for clean energy and manufacturing,” according to the U.S. Treasury Department’s website, will not be affected by Trump’s actions.
This means that some of the green policies put in place by the past administration will not be touched or removed until congressional action is enacted. One part of the IRA that could be impacted by the new administration is the funds that have not already been allotted. At the moment, those funds are on pause.
“They (Biden era environmental poli-
cies) have already had an impact and will continue to have an impact (on the environment). The expectation is that the Trump administration will redirect some of the funding for renewable energy technologies,” Sims said. “This will limit some of the short-run effects of policies, particularly those designed to incentivize businesses and individuals to adopt certain technologies. However, a lot of the funding in these policies and executive orders was directed at research and development and building infrastructure.”
Sims says that many of the policies and investments of the past administration will, in his words, “live on.”
One significant incentive for everyday Americans in the IRA was solar energy investment, and at the moment, Trump has not explicitly taken action on this renewable energy source. However, during a presidential debate in September, he voiced his support in favor of it.
Another Trump secretary appointment, Christ Wright, nominee for energy secretary, comes into the administration with a heavily pro-fossil fuel energy background. He served as the CEO of a major fracking company based in Colorado. Under the Biden administration, their policies danced around fracking. They never outright banned the practice but instead pushed for more green energy actions. However, Trump has taken full-fledged support and will harness the natural gas through the
fracking process, which has its own environmental implications.
Although Wright is heavily pro-fossil fuel, he’s also been an outspoken supporter of nuclear energy and geothermal energy, two renewable energy sources. Geothermal energy makes electricity 24/7 by using the natural heat from the Earth and creating steam that can spin a turbine.
It thus reduces the need for power plants and fossil fuels to power said plants. Emphasizing nuclear energy could have its only implications for Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the home to the first operational nuclear reactors some 80 years ago. It sits just 30 minutes from UT campus and could offer new opportunities for expanded nuclear energy use.
On the flip side of renewable energy, however, President Trump has ended an order by former President Biden to push a goal that by 2030, half of all cars sold will be electric vehicles. In Trump’s eyes, he’s promoting consumer choice, not a government-decided decision. However, it puts another green energy policy on the back burner.
President Trump has done exactly what he pledged to do in the campaign – to pull back a variety of green energy policies and, in turn, implement pro-fossil fuel practices. For climate change advocates, it’s a confusing and disappointing action. However, it’s an encouraging era for the oil and gas industry.

Weekly Campus Crime Log
Driving While Liscence Revoked
Public Intoxication x2
Violation of Order of Protection
Public Intoxication
2024 was hottest year on record: Here’s what UT’s environmental scientists have to say
The matter of climate change is hanging in the balance right now as global negligence continues to harm the planet and foreboding circumstances lie in wait. And with a record average temperature of 67.4 degrees Fahrenheit, 3.4 degrees above the 20th century average, 2024 represents an ominous new chapter in the saga of human ecological disturbance.
Michael McKinney, professor and director of environmental sciences at UT, said the data trends are extremely worrying and suggest that a negative turning point is approaching. He said that unusual weather phenomena are markers of severe climate change.
“Most modelling shows that we have kicked the can down the road as long as we can, and we’re going to reach an inflection point in the next 20 or 30 years that will see things digress heavily,” McKinney said. “Storms and weather catastrophes are becoming much more prevalent as time goes on, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
McKinney said that debates no longer take place over whether or not hurricanes are caused by climate change. Warming ocean waters lead directly to the formation of cyclones, and the dryness caused by warming air temperatures are the culprit behind wildfires. Both of which are seeing increases in frequency and severity right
Linda Kah, associate professor of earth and environmental sciences at UT, said that the leading contributor to climate change are greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide accounts for over 50 percent, followed by methane and others. Automobile emissions, industrial activity and natural emissions are the three leading producers of the gases.
“They let heat into the Earth system, but then trap it inside. Like a greenhouse roof, these gases are critical to maintaining warm temperatures on Earth, but they can also be detrimental to life on Earth when they trap in too much heat.”
Kah also said that milder effects will be seen as climate change progresses. Droughts and periods of rain will increase in duration, which will affect farming, and the poles will get colder as the equator gets warmer.
The rising temperatures have severely impacted other corners of ecological and urban stability. McKinney said invasive species and city air conditions are becoming more problematic.
“Most people don’t consider that, but right now we’re getting many more invasive species as a result of rising temperatures,” Mckinney said. “Most invasives are tropical or subtropical, and the rise in temperature allows them to migrate up here from southern regions.”
And on the matter of urban disturbances, McKinney said breathability and temperature spikes are huge causes for concern as cities already struggle with such issues.
“We have the principle of urban heat concentration where we see cities running about 5 to 10 degrees hotter than the surrounding rural areas, and with that in mind it’s important to think about what climate change can do,” Mckinney said. “Then considering the breathability, it’s important to think about what we can do.”
McKinney specializes in mitigation, meaning he and his colleagues are tasked with slowing down climate change. UT’s Office of Sustainability’s mitigation measures include using LED lighting in all buildings, converting its coal steam plant to natural gas, employing mass transit, building green spaces and obtaining Leed Certification for all buildings.
“Green infrastructure utilizes renewables wherever it can to decrease our footprint and we try to practice what we preach here on campus,“ McKinney said. “In fact, our new Animal Re-
sources building on the Agriculture Campus employs a green roof with vegetation that absorbs emissions.”
Beyond just the infrastructural measures put in place, though, Kah said that individuals like students need to get involved wherever possible. She said that the fix to climate change is complex and long-term if possible and does not come down to any one solution like driving electric or curtailing industry.
“The most important thing for all of us, I think, is to recognize the complexity and learn enough to question the full range of our actions (or the actions of our politicians),” Kah said. “Climate change occurs over the long-term, and the “fix” will be long-term as well. We cannot permit our natural desire to “just get through” a semester, or a year, or an election cycle to think that any of this has a quick fix.”

“Blindsided”: Restructuring of Student Government Association leads to confusion, irritation between members
Students express concerns over committee, branch dissolutions, replacements
SHELBY WRIGHT Editor-in-Chief
McKay Cariño-Kocol, a senior member of the Student Government Association, was looking forward to the annual trip to Nashville with her fellow committee members of SGA when she received in early January a heartbreaking and abrupt email — her committee was to be dissolved, “effective immediately.”
The Government Affairs Committee of SGA, consisting of about 25 members, spends time researching legislation that would positively impact the university and its students each fall semester. Then, in March of each spring semester, the committee members go to Nashville, where they meet with Tennessee state representatives and advocate for the needs of students.
“The most important part of the Government Affairs Committee is our impact on the university,” Cariño-Kocol said. “In my opinion, of all the SGA committees, government affairs has the strongest external influence and most significant impact on students’ lives.”
The Government Affairs Committee has been a branch of the University of Tennessee’s SGA for the last 40 years, until this semester, according to Cariño-Kocol.
The trip to Nashville offers networking opportunities and real-world experience in lobbying, not to mention the potential to change and improve the lives of students and faculty on campus.
Cariño-Kocol said there were many things that Dante Grayson, SGA student body president, was trying to change about SGA, which she did not initially have a problem with. However, as time went on, she couldn’t help but feel that all his restructuring was doing more harm than good.
“My thinking was that he wants to make a change, and he wants to be remembered, which I think is fine. I just don’t think that he’s doing it in the right way,” Cariño-Kocol said.
To make matters worse, according to Cariño-Kocol, halfway through last semester, select members from the Government Affairs Committee received an email from Grayson stating that they had been chosen to be part of a subcommittee within government affairs — these members would be the ones to lobby for legislation in Nashville come March.
However, this was done without the knowledge of Cariño-Kocol or her co-director, and they were also left off the email list.
Zoe Zwickey, a sophomore public affairs major, was one of the Government Affairs Committee members chosen to be part of the research subcommittee. Zwickey told the Beacon that she didn’t understand why she was selected, as she had just joined the committee.
Zwickey came to UT with high aspirations and embarked on the competitive and lengthy application process to be an SGA associate justice and serve as part of SGA’s Judicial Branch during her freshman year.
After a few months of interviews, Zwickey was finally granted the position. However, her excitement for her new role, which guaranteed life tenure until she graduated, was cut short when it was announced at the branch’s end-of-year banquet that the Judicial Branch was being dissolved.
These were direct orders from Grayson, according to Zwickey.
“We were just quite confused and honestly blindsided,” Zwickey said. “From the discourse of the Government Affairs Committee I can say similarly that people are upset and lost as to why the decision had been made in the manner it had been done.”
Zwickey has now been selected to serve as a senator for the Bakers School of Public Policy and Public Affairs, and she hopes to help reinstate the Government Affairs Committee in a constructive way.
“I feel like the opportunities he’s dissolving are really hurting people like me who want to be involved in things that are good for their future and good for students’ future,” Zwickey said.

According to an email sent by Grayson that established the subcommittee, the people selected were chosen because they have “consistently shown participation in our meetings and (have shown) interest in the material.”
After much back-and-forth, however, the Government Affairs Committee members convinced Grayson to dissolve the subcommittee and let it function as usual and previously planned.
However, a lot of damage had been done to their relationship with Grayson and the “Top Five,” according to Cariño-Kocol, and her codirector decided to resign from her position on the committee because of all the issues from Grayson and his Top Five team.
Cariño-Kocol explained that the drama that all this restructuring had created made everyone’s experience concerning this committee, especially hers, “a nightmare.”
“I had (a meeting) with Dante where he was not only 30 minutes late, but spent an hour explaining that he felt he was entitled to do anything he pleases due to his role as student body president, expressed his lack of respect for me and threatened to report me if I discussed our conversation with anyone,” Cariño-Kocol said.
According to Cariño-Kocol, Grayson made it really hard to communicate and didn’t show any consideration or care for what she or her fellow previous co-director wanted to do.
Cariño-Kocol told the Beacon that suddenly, at least one of the executive members from the Top Five executive team, including the SGA student body president, vice president, treasurer and student services director, were required to sit in on their meetings.
Also, Grayson asked her to see her presentation slides beforehand for the first meeting and changed everything in them without her permission. After this meeting, he would ask to see her slides and only changed things in moderation.
Cariño-Kocol inquired as to why she felt like she was being “babysat” by the Top Five, and the only response she was given was a laugh.
She explained to the Beacon that none of the members of the Top Five have ever been a part of the Government Affairs Committee and, therefore, do not know what decisions would be best for the committee.
Sarah Hutchison, junior business analytics major and former member of the Government Affairs Committee, also expressed concern about forming this subcommittee and all the new rules Grayson and the Top Five have created for her committee.
“These people that have never had anything to do with government affairs basically came in and restructured it however they wanted, even though it was perfectly fine,” Hutchison said.
This past year, Grayson and his team have also made other changes to how the SGA Senate functions. They amended parts of the SGA constitution and created new guidelines for Senate and executive elections, which will enter the test phase this year. Also, the Speaker of the Senate will run on a campus-wide ballot for the first time.
Previously, the Speaker of the Senate was consistently voted upon by the SGA Senate members, similar to how the House of Representatives at the federal level votes for a
House Speaker.
Not all Senators are 100% on board with this idea, but Senators like Jordan Sloan are trying to keep an open mind.
“I feel like that position, you kind of need that experience, and also you kind of need the judgment of other legislators or student government legislators, on who would be the best for that position,” Sloan said. “(But) whoever wins that position, we’re gonna wish them the best and that they do the best job for the University of Tennessee.”
After the dissolutions of the Judicial Branch and Government Affairs Committee, Grayson established the Department of Justice Board and created a new SGA initiative advocating for the student body with Tennessee legislators.
Zwickey was also told that as a former associate justice, she would be given priority to the selection of the two new justices that were to survive on the Department of Justice Board. However, she never heard anything nor saw an application until after the two new justices had been appointed.
The new Department of Justice Board will be “Addressing all grievances which may be brought before the Board through hearings, which may end in grievance resolution, member probation or member impeachment. To make decisions regarding the Constitutionality of passed legislation, including the Election Rules and Procedures, at their discretion. To serve as the Ethics Committee as defined by the Election Rules and Procedures,” according to the SGA fall 2024 semester report.
Zwickey said this new board does the same

thing the old Judicial Branch did.
Similarly, the new SGA initiative advocating for the student body with Tennessee legislators will consist of a team of 15 individuals led by student body vice president Kenzie West “to develop and present legislative solutions during a meeting in Nashville this spring” and “She will also determine the policy priorities for advocacy, with input from the selected Government Relations Team,” according to emails sent to Cariño-Kocol by West and Grayson.
When Grayson decided to dissolve the Government Affairs Committee after the resignation of the external affairs director, he offered Cariño-Kocol a secured spot on the trip. However, she declined the spot as she believed that West had been given her old position over her and did not think it was fair.
“I still have not heard anything from Dante regarding the situation,” Zwickey said. “And I just think it’s quite odd that in both cases, Dante has been the executive force and voice to dismember two different branches but (has created replacements that) continue on with their intended purpose.”
While it is within Grayson’s power to dissolve and reorganize committees, according to the SGA constitution, members are still concerned with what they say is an overstep of power.
“Everyone in the group is not happy,” Hutchison told the Beacon. “(This committee is) very niche and small, and a lot of people don’t see this going on, but I feel like it plays a really big factor in setting people up for internships and other things and advocating for students.”
Since the start of their term, the Top Five have followed their “One UT Strategic Plan” to ensure their efforts align with the student body. This plan aims to bridge the gap by strengthening connections with the university community, increasing awareness by enhancing transparency and communication, optimizing resources and ensuring students have the tools and opportunities they need to succeed.
The Beacon requested an interview with Grayson, but he gave a statement on behalf of all SGA administrators instead.
“In alignment with this vision, we prioritized restructuring our organization to increase clarity, accountability and inclusivity,” Grayson told the Beacon. “Shortly after the 2024 SGA Elections, we began working to update the SGA constitution to reflect these priorities. The revised constitution provides greater transparency and emphasizes our mission: ‘Everyone’s a Member.’ This phrase emphasizes our commitment to fostering a space where every student at UT feels empowered, included and valued.”
While much has changed within SGA, Grayson ensures it’s all for the betterment of the organization and the student body.
Naturalists Club photo gallery pictures intersection between fun, conservation
The Naturalists Club, a recognized student organization of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, has curated a photo gallery that students can visit for free in the Mary Greer Room of Hodges Library.
The gallery, which will have an opening reception Monday, Jan. 27 at 1 p.m., contains a selection of pictures taken by staff and students of the club during the numerous events the club has sponsored.
Laura Russo, an assistant professor in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department and faculty mentor for the club, described the photos featured in the gallery.
“The gallery is a collection of photographs from and by club members,” Russo said. “Some of it is me taking photographs of students in the field, and some of it is students taking photos themselves at all the events we do.”
Benvy Kelly, a senior in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department and president of the club, touched on how the process of creating the gallery has helped the club’s members.
“A lot of the photos in the gallery are from different events we have had,” Kelly said. “It’s been a really amazing outlet to allow students to explore different areas of ecol-

ogy, or nature in general, so they can pinpoint what excites them the most.”
The club hopes that the photo gallery can help break down some of the barriers that have developed between people and nature and inspire students to remain cognizant of their own impact on the environment.
Russo spoke more about what the club’s intention was when planning and executing the photo gallery.
“My intention is just to make nature more accessible for everybody. We can find beauty in something as humble as a snail, it can be in our backyard or in the Smoky Mountains,” Russo said. “From my perspective it’s really just about showing the beauty of nature and showing the students enjoying the beauty of
Kelly explained how the gallery showcases the exciting aspects of the club and how the events help students who attend.
“The photo gallery really showcases the fun that we have in the club,” Kelly said. “Academics can be stressful, but the club is a really good outlet for students who want to get involved in something.”
Russo also explained the genesis of the photo gallery and what inspired the department to plan the event.
“The gallery was the idea of the dean, Dr. Beauvais Lyons. He comes from an art background,” She said. “His idea was that we could include a gallery from the naturalists club and enjoy nature as part of that, because
nature is just so photogenic.”
The club has been a part of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department for some time, and has been making a comeback in recent years after a decline during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Russo explained what her priorities have been since taking over as the clubs faculty mentor.
“My main goal for the club is that it’s really accessible for anyone,” Russo said. “The undergrads are really guiding the nature of the events we do.”
Membership is open to students of any major, though students in the environmental sciences will find their mentorship programs and networking opportunities extremely beneficial.
Kelly spoke about her personal experience with these programs and how they helped her during school.
“One of the first events I attended when I joined the club was an EEB mentoring event. It helped me so much by letting me talk to upperclassmen about classes I should look into.” Kelly said.
The club intends to host a number of events this semester, and information on how to access the club’s GroupMe will be available at the gallery.
Students who wish to attend the gallery and want more information should look at the event page on the campus event calendar.
UT CHAARG promotes fitness, fosters community for young women
JAXSON BERG Staff Writer
CHAARG is a national health and wellness organization spread throughout 110 universities across the United States. In 2021, UT CHAARG was established and began their mission at the University of Tennessee, according to UT ambassador of CHAARG, Brooke Jansen, a senior studying human resource management. This organization provides a fun way for young women to workout for all its members. These include attending places like CycleBar, Landing Health & Performance, Neighborhood Barre and many more all around the Knoxville area.
“I got involved with UTK CHAARG my sophomore year in 2022 and since then, UTK CHAARG has achieved increased visibility of our organization on campus,” Jansen said. “This is my 2nd year on the exec team plus we have definitely had an increased interest in joining our organization by reaching more people than we have before, mostly through social media.”
CHAARG at UT also fosters the same mission as the national organization, which is to bring women together that share an interest in fitness and wellness. Jansen said this has only become stronger each semester since she joined.
Students interested in joining are able to receive a membership on the national website, which includes a fee to join.

However, at the beginning of each semester, the organization holds a recruitment period for three weeks that allows students to try a workout before joining. If paying for a membership is an issue, they also offer scholarship funds for those who still want to join but may not be able to afford a membership.
They also provide small groups, made of five to 10 members, who come together at the same time and day each week to help build a sense of community within the organization. On top of the small groups, social events are held for members of the organization throughout the semester to help members connect with each other outside of working out.
“In our chapter, one of our biggest goals is creating an inclusive, supportive community of members who are interested in living an active lifestyle and want to try new workouts,” Jansen said.
Students have been enjoying their experiences with CHAARG, including Elaina Ross, a sophomore studying kinesiology.
“I joined CHAARG because I was a freshman, 15 hours from home, looking to try new things and meet new people,”
Ross said. “After seeing their flyer in my dorm, I thought that this would be a good group of girls who would enjoy similar activities as me.”
She continued by reflecting on what a positive experience joining CHAARG has been for her, and the impact it has had on her college experience. She also said that joining this organization has grown her out of her comfort zone and allows her to experience one new thing every week. She is able to explore more of Knoxville and try different workouts that she would not normally do on her own.
“These girls foster an encouraging team environment that always gets me excited for what we are doing next,” Ross said. “I always recommend joining CHAARG.”
CHAARG takes pride in creating a positive environment for young women at UT and allows them to try unique workouts and meet new people that they may not have met otherwise. For more information you can follow their Instagram or take a look at their website.
UT CHAARG members at a workout class. Jan. 25, 2025. Courtesy of Brooke Jansen
Students studying in front of photos from the Naturalist Club Photo Gallery in Hodges Library. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025. Ericksen Gomez-Villeda / The Daily Beacon
Guest cellist Sarah Rommel delivers powerful performance maximizing capabilities of her instrument
On Thursday, Jan. 23, Sarah Rommel visited the Powell Recital Hall of the Natalie Haslam Music Center to perform a repertoire composed of various composers and styles. It was a lineup that required full mastery of the cello to perform properly — a mastery that was well-delivered by Rommel.
In the crowd, a preamble of excited chatter preceded the appearance of Rommel and her co-performer, cellist Wesley Baldwin, when lights dimmed to leave only those at the base of the semicircular stage glowing.
Sparing no time, the two laid out chairs, set up their sheet music and filled the cavernous hall with sound.
A Luigi Boccherini piece called “Sonata in E-flat Major, G. 10” was up first — a composition that was steadily rhythmic and legato in nature. Rommel provided the melodic components of the sonata that floated over the rhythmic assistance of Baldwin’s section, an arrangement that continued through much of the repertoire.
The sound in the hall felt larger than what two instruments should have produced as they were played with intense expressions, visible on the faces and in the movements of the performers.
Attendee Dylan Jowell, a secondyear master’s student of cello at UT, spoke of the transcendent abilities of the instrument.
“There’s a common sentiment among both the music populace and the general population that the cello is one of the most expressive instruments because it is very similar to the range of the human voice,”
Jowell said.
“The cello allows many to speak what cannot be said otherwise, and that’s what allows it to breathe with this sound.”
Between each song, the artists would leave the stage — a common practice in the world of classical performance — and Rommel delivered a quick speech on her return from the first break.
She spoke of the upcoming song that she would perform alone, “The Falling of a Leaf” by Imogen Holst, and the composer’s background as
the daughter of famous composer Gustav Holst.
The structure of the composition was also detailed as being a musical palindrome. That is, it had a defined theme that stood on either side of a pizzicato interlude.
The technique employed in this section was most impressive both for the jumping arpeggios and the quality of the transitions between bowing and plucking.
The theme was serious and somewhat eerie in nature, while the interlude was bounding and frantic in a way that befits a song about a leaf carried by the wind.
It was impressive also to avoid the pitfall of becoming lost in technicality, overplaying the standout aspects of the pieces to a point that drowns out enjoyability.
Showgoer Jackson Sharpe, a junior studying finance and cello at UT, said this was something he often focuses on and appreciates when the balance is struck right.
“I like to take the performance as a whole and see it as the performance of an expressive piece rather than a technical collection,” Sharpe said. “There are so many technical aspects
that it can be easy to bury the beauty of the piece, and I think she avoided that very well.”
Near the middle of the show, and for the finale, pianist Katherine Benson joined the two cellists onstage, shifting the performance to a structure of call and response. In the final piece — Francis Poulenc’s “Cello Sonata” — the piano followed circular chord progressions that the cellos navigated between, and the dynamic range expanded the sound further.
Sharpe recalled this section as his favorite part of the performance, praising the synergy of the performers.
“Poulenc’s one of my favorite sonatas ever and one of the core tenets of cello repertoire,” Sharpe said. “The performance was so profound and well-delivered that it connected with me personally, and I think with everyone else in the audience as well.”
At the end of the night, a long applause rang through the hall as a testament to the performers skillful delivery of the challenging repertoire. It rubber-stamped the success of Rommel and her constituents, crowning the vibrant show with a unanimous display of support.

Cellist Sarah Rommel performed inside the Powell Recital Hall at the Haslam Music Center. Rommel is accompanied by Wesley Baldwin. Thursday, Jan. 23, 2024. Harrison Ing / The Daily Beacon
Opinion: When fashion makes a statement: Inauguration day

Opinions Editor
The inauguration of the 47th president, Donald Trump, was this past Monday, and it is safe to say that he wasn’t the only topic of discussion. Ironically, as this day was centered around the initiation of Trump and his new vice president, J.D. Vance, the fashion choices of certain attendees and celebrities sparked a buzz.
The most obvious and seemingly scandalous was Melania Trump’s towering hat. The hat she wore appeared to cover almost half of her face — something that could nearly seem inappropriate to wear during her husband’s inauguration. First ladies are more often than not viewed to stand proudly in support of their newly partnered president, so wearing something that shields parts of one’s face might be sending a message.
Nonetheless, this would not be outlandish speculation for Melania, as her attitude and support of her husband, or alleged lack thereof, has been a buzzworthy subject during this past election. In all of her undeniably fashionable outfits, Melania has been pictured multiple times showing looks of dismay or disappointment when standing alongside her husband. She has even stated in interviews that sometimes she has disagreed with her own husband on certain topics despite being a public figure alongside him during this time.
In an interview with Fox & Friends, she said, “Maybe some people, they see me as just a wife of the president, but I’m standing on my own two feet, independent.”
However, this is all merely speculation and maybe just a bad photo that was taken. This might not have been Melania’s intention at all, and only in the name of fashion.
In fact, hats are very fashionable for first ladies. Previous iconic first ladies like Nancy Reagan and Michelle Obama certainly set a precedent for first lady fashion. They were also a subject of conversation during their terms for their high-end style.
Melania’s stepdaughter, Ivanka Trump, wore a beret-type ivory green hat with a matching drape and jacket. Indeed, Melania was not the only direct family member to wear a head covering inside the Capitol. Nevertheless, Melania might have been the first, first lady

to wear a hat of that magnitude. Coincidentally, at the initiation of her husband.
However, a hat is not the worst thing to wear to an inauguration.
Lauren Sanchez, the stunning fiancee of Amazon CEO and multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos, made a particularly noteworthy fashion choice on this patriotic day.
Sanchez donned a sharp white blazer with just enough of a v-cut to expose what appeared to be a white lacy bra. The undergarments Sanchez chose to wear were no crime, but being painfully visible at a presidential inauguration is.
While there is no question that she looked incredible, this, unfortunately, falls under the category of fashion don’ts. No matter the candidate, a presidential event is supposed to be graceful and sophisticated, and the least one can do is try to stick to business casual attire. While she was maybe trying to make a subtle gesture, it is clear her outfit did not fly under the radar.
This certainly gained attention, thus causing a viral video to circulate of her outfit- or rather the outlandish reactions she got from it. Zuckerberg, a fellow bil-
lionaire and Meta CEO, was sitting close by Bezos and Sanchez, peaking at Sanchez’s outfit during the inauguration.
This was such an awkward occurrence for many reasons. The first, and probably most relevant, was that Mark Zuckerberg is a married man. To make matters more interesting, his wife, Priscilla Chan, was also in attendance at the inauguration, sitting on the other side of him and Sanchez. For what it’s worth, Chan was beautifully dressed in a Bottega knit set, undoubtedly outshining what lingerie couldn’t pull off in accordance with appropriateness.
In the midst of these fashion features, there is one attendee’s attire that has been brought to light in her new role as second lady, Usha Vance. Usha, who’s typically not been one for the direct spotlight, absolutely exceeded fashion expectations as the newest second lady. Showing class, elegance, and grace, her rosy pastel Oscar de la Renta coat was a given eye-catcher. This girly and chic fashion choice was definitely one for the books and sets high expectations for her ensembles to come for her many important events ahead.
As something as historical as the inauguration of our 47th president, I am certain that this generation has once again proved how unserious they are. Specifically, how much more the fashion drama centered around it, and the attendees in question seemed to be more interesting than the inaugurated officials. It also puts into perspective what the media is feeding us and what they are not, however monumental or minuscule. It is almost as if we cannot get enough.
But hey, I am guilty of this too, or I wouldn’t be writing this article.
Columns and letters of The Daily Beacon are the views of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Beacon or the Beacon’s editorial staff.
Ansley Graves is a junior at UT this year, studying journalism. She can be reached at agrave24@vols.utk.edu.
Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, the women seen at President Donald Trump’s Inauguration stole the show and made quite the statement with the outfits they chose to wear to the historic event. Ansley Graves / The Daily Beacon
Lady Vols tennis defeats Ohio State, wins ITA Kickoff Weekend
Vanessa Suarez dropped the next point on Court 5 against Ohio State’s Nao Nishino, 6-1, 6-3.
Lady Vols tennis earned a spot in the ITA Indoor Championship, defeating Ohio State, 4-3.
The No. 18 Lady Vols (4-0) win ITA Kickoff Weekend at Goodfriend Tennis Center with the win over the No. 15 Buckeyes (3-1).
Elza Tomase and Elim Yan, made quick work of the Buckeye duo of Dani Schoenly and Sydni Ratliff, 6-2, to kick off doubles play for the Lady Vols.
The two were quickly joined by Court 2’s Leyla Britez Risso and Catherine Aulia, who downed Luciana Perry and Teah Chavez 6-3 in an impressive win for the two juniors.
The final match on Court 3 did not need to be completed. The Tennessee tandem of Maeve Thorton and Vanessa Suarez was well on their way to joining the winners, holding a 5-3 lead when the round was called.
Singles play started off with a much different tone as the Buckeyes came out swinging. They earned the first three points off the board during the round of singles.
Chavez kicked off the run with an impressive 6-2, 6-2 win over Aulia. The loss is Aulia’s first singles defeat of the season.
Court 3 saw Thorton drop her match 6-2, 6-3 to Ohio State’s Shelly Bereznyak. She pushed the Ohio State lead to 3-1.
“Ohio State came out massive after that doubles point,” assistant coach Elizabeth Scotty said. “And really just took us all back, so for the team and for us to rally behind one another and slowly inch our way back into it, it was incredible.”
Ohio State’s 3-0 singles run put them ahead of the Lady Vols 3-1 despite Tennessee’s impressive doubles win. The Lady Vols were one point away from seeing their ITA Indoor National Championship chances end.
No. 10 Tomase began to turn the tide after defeating No. 8 Perry in just two sets, 6-3, 6-4. Tomase is 4-0 in singles matches this season, all coming on Court 1. Tomase remains Tennessee’s centerpiece and has set the tone for all underclassmen joining the squad this season.
“I feel like my level of tennis wasn’t the best,” Tomase said. “But I tried to find a way, emotionally and physically, to stay in the game and to fight for every single point.”
Britez Risso grabbed the point on Court 4 in an intense battle with No. 84 Ratliff in three sets, 6-3, 3-6, 6-2. After being down two, the Lady

Vols moved the game back to even, and all eyes then turned to Court 6.
Despite the difference in ranking, Conley Raidt put up an impressive counter as she took the first set, 6-1.
No. 46 Audrey Spencer responded with a 6-4 win in the second set, setting up a third set, which went to a tiebreak. Raidt started hot, winning the first five points, before Spencer responded with five points of her own.
Raidt anchored down to win the final two points, clinching the victory for the Lady Vols while earning her first clincher with the team.
“I think overall, that was my best win, best everything,” Raidt said. “I mean, with this being my first college match at home, playing on Rocky Top, the fans, my teammates, the people in the stands, it is unmatched. To get to play in front of all these banners and all these people, I do it for them.”
Kim Caldwell returns to Lady Vols in loss to South Carolina
before Monday’s game against South Carolina.
Kim Caldwell was welcomed back to Food City Center with a standing ovation Monday night.
The first-year Tennessee head coach gave birth to her son, Conor Scott Caldwell, just a week prior. She returned to practice Friday
When Caldwell heard the cheers from the 12,033 fans in attendance, she knew she made the right choice to return as quickly as possible.
“I definitely wasn’t expecting it,” Caldwell said. “I try to sneak in. That’s why I sneak in the back. I always try to go unnoticed, but it made it worth it. It made coming back worth it.”

Caldwell’s return came in a 70-63 loss to South Carolina, Tennessee’s third straight defeat. The No. 2 Gamecocks led by as many as 22 in the fourth quarter before Tennessee made a push back, but it wasn’t enough to avoid another loss to a currently ranked team.
The physical demands of coaching a 40-minute basketball game worked against Caldwell, but she was able to power through. Part of that was due to her players, and part was due to her assistant coaches.
“I can move around okay, but it’s hard for me to yell,” Caldwell said. “So just having the players repeat things, having my staff repeat things, having them be able to just go up and call some plays when I need to sit.”
Caldwell’s return motivates her players into giving their all for both Tennessee and their head coach. Her presence is a reminder to the Lady Vols that she exhibited toughness in a way no player could on the court.
“It’s just good having her here with how hard she worked to get baby Conor into the world,” Tennessee guard Samara Spencer said. “It’s a blessing that she’s able to be here with us for our games.”
Despite having a pregnancy during the entirety of non-conference play and the start of SEC games and giving birth just a day after coaching at Memorial Gymnasium, Caldwell only missed one game. In her place, Jenna Burdette served as acting head coach, leading
Tennessee in the loss at Texas.
Caldwell’s return is expected to be permanent. With a trip to Missouri coming up Sunday, Caldwell will do everything possible to be coaching in Columbia.
“I love this team,” Caldwell said. “I ask a lot from them, so I’m going to give them everything I have.”
After Missouri, Tennessee plays another difficult two-game stretch. It starts with hosting No. 6 Connecticut before an attempt to defeat No. 7 LSU in Baton Rouge.
With Caldwell sacrificing time with her son to coach the Lady Vols, Tennessee’s players don’t have any other option but to do everything they can.
“Of course we have to give our all for her,” Tennessee forward Jillian Hollingshead said. “She gives her all for us, so we just have to have each other’s back.”
Several coaches have recognized Caldwell’s strength to give birth during the season. LSU head coach Kim Mulkey brought Caldwell a gift, and Texas head coach Vic Schaefer recognized her in his postgame press conference.
No coach was more succinct in describing Caldwell’s achievement as South Carolina head coach Dawn Staley.
“Women have the strength of 10 men,” Staley said. “No doubt about it.”
THEO COLLO Contributor
Assistant Sports Editor
Elza Tomase during a match against Texas Tech at Goodfriend Tennis Center. Friday, Jan. 24, 2025. Cambree Gliessner / The Daily Beacon
Head coach Kim Caldwell takes on South Carolina at Food City Center. Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. Cole Moore / The Daily Beacon
‘T-Credit’ roundup: Games to watch in Tennessee athletics during week of Jan. 29
It’ll be a big week in Tennessee athletics, highlighted by a rematch between basketball teams. The Lady Vols also get a break in the action after a rough start in conference play.
Here’s a look at the action this week.
Jan. 31: Track and field at Razorback Invitational and Bob Pollock Invitational
Track and field will start the week off, splitting up to travel to Fayetteville and Clemson for a pair of meets. Tennessee had a nice outing last weekend at the Orange and Purple Invite, setting a new program record.
Senior Sarah Schmitt set a record, clearing 4.36m on the pole vault to beat Hannah Jefcoat’s 4.34 record. The jump was the second-best in the SEC this year, and ninth in the NCAA. Cade Gray took home a win in the men’s pole vault, clearing 5.52 to tie his PR.
Jan. 31: Swim and dive at Duke Swim and dive will travel to Duke after splitting wins against Georgia last time out. Senior Day could have gone better for the Vols, falling 155-144 in a tight loss to the Bulldogs. The Lady Vols, on the other hand, decimated Georgia for their Senior Day. They swam away with a 209-91 domination to move their SEC dual meet win streak to six.
Jan. 31: Men’s Tennis vs Michigan State – 1 “T-Credit” opportunity
The No. 14 Vols (4-2) will be back in action, taking on the No. 17 Michigan State Spartans (4-1) at home. Both teams are coming off losses in the ITA Kickoff Weekend Finals, Tennessee to Michigan and Michigan State to TCU. This will be another tough match in a brutal stretch the Vols are in, and they need to get back on track here. They’ve now lost three straight doubles points, which is incredibly uncharacteristic of the Vols. They’ve also lost their two ranked matches by a combined score of 8-1 but expect better of this team of newcomers.
Students can earn 1 “T-Credit” for attending this match.
Feb. 1: Men’s basketball vs. Florida
Likely the game of the week for Tennessee athletics, the No. 8 Vols get a shot at redemption against the No. 5 Gators. When the Vols went to Gainesville for

the last meeting, they sat at the top spot in the AP Poll. As soon as the game tipped off, Tennessee certainly didn’t look like the best team, falling behind 34-15 in the first half en route to a 7343 thrashing.
This time, the Vols are at home. After a tough loss to Auburn on the road, Tennessee may be even more motivated to decimate the Gators. The main key in this game is offensive efficiency, as the Vols haven’t been able to churn out points in big games. In the loss to Auburn last week, the Vols only connected on 17 of their 54 shots, including a measly 4-of-22 from beyond the arc.
The Vols are 81-60 against the Gators all-time, including a stellar 51-18 record at home.
Feb. 2: Men’s tennis vs. TCU – 1 “TCredit” opportunity
The Vols will have another home game, this time hosting the No. 2 ranked TCU Horned Frogs (5-0). TCU has been dominant this season, taking down both of their ranked opponents easily. Singles will be a big uphill climb, as
the Horned Frogs are led by Pedro Vives and Lui Maxted who are both top-12ranked players. A win over TCU would be perhaps the biggest of the year for Tennessee, showing that they can come together and play well as a team in big moments.
Students who attend this match can earn 1 “T-Credit.”
Feb. 2 Women’s basketball at Missouri
The No. 18 Lady Vols (15-5, 3-5 SEC) only have one game this week, but it’ll be a big one. Tennessee is amidst a rough stretch of ranked opponents, but they will get a much-needed break against the unranked Missouri Tigers (12-10, 1-6).
After a fantastic start to the season, the Lady Vols have fallen just short in conference play, sitting two games below .500 coming into this matchup. Meanwhile, the Tigers have failed to produce in the win column, picking up their first win of 2025 over Mississippi State at the last second.
The Lady Vols boast a 15-3 record over
Missouri and have taken the last seven meetings between the two. Tennessee’s last trip to Columbia ended in a nailbiter, with the Lady Vols squeaking out a 68-65 win.
Feb. 5: Men’s Basketball vs. Missouri
The Vols round out the week at Thompson-Boling Arena at Food City Center, hosting the No. 20 Missouri Tigers. The Vols haven’t had much time for rest amidst a brutal schedule, with their next game being the first of the last six games against an unranked opponent.
The Tigers have performed well this season, winning key games such as their manhandling of Florida in Gainesville. They now get a chance for another top-10 win, as the Vols are sitting pretty in the No. 8 spot.
The series between the Vols and Tigers has been sparse, but it has also been back and forth. Tennessee currently leads 12-10, as well as 5-4 at home. The series has been almost perfectly split in the last 10 matchups, as the Vols are 6-4 since 2018.
Tennessee Volunteers warm-up chant before their next set at Goodfriend Indoor Tennis Center. Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025. Michael Gouveia / Contributor