Phishy Business: A Guide to Cyber Security
by Vanessa Love, Director of Education at UTS Cyber Security Society.
Our societies now run on new technological infrastructure that, if compromised, could result in frustration, extreme loss or even the destruction of our civilisation as a whole.
Beware of Phishing Emails
Phishing emails are sent by bad actors in an attempt to In this article, we’re going to teach you some basic security get you to reveal sensitive information about yourself. measures you can implement to avoid identity theft, Often these look like legitimate emails you would receive being hacked, and the loss of personal data and accounts. from companies, however, when you click on links, download attachments, or respond to these emails, you’re actually sending your data to the hackers. There are some ways to identify these emails. First, check for any common spelling mistakes. A poorly drafted email could be a phishing attempt. Second, look at the company that’s Implement 2FA sending the email and ask yourself questions. Do I have 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) is offered by most websites an account with this website? Have they ever contacted as a way to keep your account secure. This involves me before? They’re asking for my bank details; shouldn’t downloading an app on your phone and connecting it to they already have them? Third, go into the properties of your account. When you next log into your account and the email and check the address in the reply field. If the provide your password, you will also be asked for a token URL is not correct and redirects to a suspicious domain, from the app on your phone. Entering this code as a this is a phishing email. Fourth, even if you think the second method of authentication prevents bad actors email is legitimate, always go to the actual website to from being able to access your account if they crack your login as you usually would. There’s no need to click the password as they don’t have access to your 2FA token. link they provided you when you can go to the website online yourself.