UT SELECT Hinge Health 2021-2022

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Conquer back or joint pain wit hout drugs or surgery You and your eligible family members get f ree access t o Hinge Healt h?s programs for back, knee, hip, shoulder, or neck pain, which include: - A free t ablet comput er and wearable sensors - Unlimit ed 1-on-1healt h coaching - Personalized exercise t herapy Over 150,000 members have joined our programs so far, and cut t heir pain by over 60%! Eligibilit y: Employees and dependent s 18+ enrolled in a BCBSTX UTSelect medical plan.

To learn more call (855) 902-2777, or apply at :


What is Hinge Healt h? How does t he program work? Hinge Healt h is an exercise t herapy program designed t o address chronic back, knee, hip, neck, or shoulder pain. It 's convenient and fit s your schedule ? it can be done anywhere, at any t ime.

What does t he program include? 1. Personalized exercise t herapy t o improve st rengt h and mobilit y in short , 15-minut e sessions. 2. 1-on-1 healt h coaching t o provide mot ivat ion and support via t ext , email, or call. 3. Int eract ive educat ion t o t each you how t o manage your specific condit ion, t reat ment opt ions, and more.

What result s do part icipant s see? - 60%average pain reduct ion - 2 out of 3 surgeries avoided

What is a healt h coach? A healt h coach is an account abilit y part ner. They will work wit h you t hroughout t he program t o help you creat e and st ick wit h your goals.

How much does t he program cost ? It ?s f ree for eligible part icipant s. This includes t he Hinge Healt h kit , which you can keep forever.

Who is eligible? Employees and dependent s 18+ enrolled in a BCBSTX UTSelect Medical Plan are eligible.

How do I apply? Take a short online quest ionnaire following t he link below, t elling us about your pain. No referral or diagnosis needed from a doct or.

What ?s inside t he Hinge Healt h kit ? You?ll receive a free t ablet and wearable mot ion sensors t hat give you live feedback during exercises.

To learn more call (855) 902-2777, or apply at :


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