Fame The Musical Program

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The University of Texas at Austin Department of Theatre and Dance

the musical Conceived and Developed by David De Silva Book by Jose Fernandez

Lyrics by Jacques Levy

Music by Steve Margoshes

November 21-December 6, 2014 B. Iden Payne Theatre

the musical Conceived and Developed by David De Silva Book by Jose Fernandez

Lyrics by Jacques Levy

Music by Steve Margoshes

Directed by Jerry Ruiz Title Song “FAME” written by Dean Pitchford and Michael Gore

November 21, 22, December 3–6 at 7:30 pm November 22, 23, December 6 at 2:00 pm

B. Iden Payne Theatre F. Loren Winship Building

utexas.edu/finearts/tad THIS PRO DUC TION WAS CREATED IN COLL ABORATION w i t h t h e f oll o wi ng ARTISTS (IN ALPHAB ETIC AL ORDER):

Lawrence Bennett – Technical Director • Charlotte Campbell – Stage Manager Natasha Davison – Choreographer • Lauren Gallup – Lighting Designer Billy Henry – Sound Designer • Lyn Koenning – Music Director • Michael Krauss – Scenic Designer Patrick Lord – Projection Designer • Casey McCool – Costume Designer • Jerry Ruiz – Director

FAME Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 Phone: 212-541-4684 Fax: 212-397-4684 www.MTIShows.com Originally Produced at the Coconut Grove Playhouse, Arnold Mittlemen, Producing Artistic Director.

The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.

cast Tyrone Jackson �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Stephen Anthony Mr. Sheinkopf ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Connor Barr Schlomo Metzenbaum ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Trey Curtis Goodman “Goody” King �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� J. Dylan Gibson Serena Katz �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Caroline Kinnamore Carmen Diaz �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Leslie Ann Leal Grace “Lambchops” Lamb �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Breanna Lind Nick Piazza �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Christopher Montalvo Mabel Washington �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Jessica O’Brien Ms. Greta Bell ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Tori Robertson Iris Kelly �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Cara Smith Miss Esther Sherman �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Lilly Lane Stafford Joe “José” Vegas ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Max Torrez Mr. Myers �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Daniel West



Toni Baker Mandy Foster Emily McIntyre Devin Medley

Lauren Beausoleil Johnny Chatman II Lily Amelie Hayes Christian Henley Rishi Iyer Nicholas Kao Danielle LoPresti Kevin Poole Laura Rogers Liza Wilk

band Conductor/Keyboard �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Lyn Koenning Drums �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Mike Koenning Trumpet ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Kurt Kumme Guitar ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Bob Overton Bass �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������JJ Plasencio Piano ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Ellie Jarrett Shattles

The Department of Theatre and Dance is a world-class educational environment that serves as the ultimate creative incubator for the next generation of artists, thinkers and leaders in theatre and performance.


Stephen Anthony

Toni Baker

Connor Barr

Lauren Beausoleil

Johnny Chatman II

Trey Curtis

Mandy Foster

J. Dylan Gibson

Lily Amelie Hayes

Christian Henley

Rishi Iyer

Nicholas Kao

Caroline Kinnamore

Leslie Ann Leal

Breanna Lind

Danielle LoPresti

Emily McIntyre

Devin Medley

Christopher Montalvo

Jessica O’Brien

Kevin Poole

Tori Robertson

Laura Rogers

Cara Smith

Lilly Lane Stafford

Max Torrez

Daniel West

Liza Wilk

creative team Law r en c e Be n n e t t (Technical Director) hails from Houston, Texas by way of Chicago, Illinois. He received his B.F.A. from the Conservatory of Theatre Arts at Webster University and his M.F.A. from The University of Wisconsin in technical direction and theatre technology, respectively. Lawrence has been the technical director and lighting designer for the University of WisconsinRiver Falls, as well as the technical director at the University of South Florida. He has also worked in a variety of Summer Stock productions across the country, including Williamstown Theatre Festival, Utah Shakespeare Festival, and the Opera Theatre of Saint Louis. This is his first production at The University of Texas at Austin. Ch a r l o t t e C a m pb e ll (Stage Manager)

is a third-year B.A. Theatre and Dance major with a focus in stage management. Last spring she was an assistant stage manager for In the Heights at The University of Texas at Austin. She spent the past summer as a production intern with the Houston Ballet and she is thrilled to be assisting with their upcoming production of The Nutcracker this winter. Upon graduating, she plans to move to New York City to work as a stage manger. Nata s h a Davi s o n (Choreographer) has over 25 years of experience in performing, choreography, theatrical production, television production, broadcasting, writing, and directing. Career highlights include the national tour of Cats, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, as well as the MGM Television series, Fame. Natasha has choreographed numerous stage productions, music videos, and commercials both locally and nationally. She choreographs and teaches in the Department of Theatre and Dance at The University of Texas at Austin and is the artistic director of New Musical Development for Texas Musical Theatre Workshop (TXMTW). Through this program, she has recruited Tony, Oscar, and Emmy-

winning creative teams to campus for the development of new musicals. (AEA, SAGAFTRA, SDC, NAMT, MTEA.) Laure n Ga llup (Lighting Designer)

began designing in high school in the Houston area. Most recently, she was the assistant lighting designer for Dead Man’s Cell Phone at The University of Texas at Austin. After graduating in May with a B.A. in Theatre and Dance she plans to pursue a career in lighting design. Lyn Ko e nning (Music Director, Conductor/ Keyboard) is an award-winning director, vocal arranger, and voice and acting coach with nearly 30 years of experience teaching, conducting, and performing. Lyn heads the Musical Theatre Program at The University of Texas at Austin and teaches courses in musical theatre auditioning and performance skills. She also works with creative teams to develop new work for musical theatre. An accomplished pianist, she has extensive performing credits as a collaborative pianist for solo vocal and instrumental music, cover and pop bands, musical theatre, and opera. Lyn is a member of the Musical Theatre Educators’ Alliance International and a lifetime member of the Texas Exes. Mi cha e l Krauss (Scenic Designer) is a second-year graduate student pursing his M.F.A. in Scenic Design. Hailing from North Carolina, he received his B.F.A. in Theatre Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He discovered his love for scenic design through teaching technical theatre and has been fortunate enough to earn opportunities to learn more about his craft through designing shows for local theatres. He is currently the scene designer for Refugia and Enter a Woman, Pretty Enough within the Department of Theatre and Dance. Patri ck L o rd (Projection Designer) is is a third-year graduate student pursuing

creative team his M.F.A. in Integrated Media for Live Performance. Previous work includes Still Now with Shrewd Productions, and Dead Man’s Cell Phone at The University of Texas at Austin. This spring he will see the launch of his thesis, The 5th Wall Project, which bridges projection art with youth communities and education to create new work. He also works as a scenic designer. patrickwlord.com Ca sey M c C oo l (Costume Designer) began participating in theatre in high school in the El Paso area. Most recently, she worked as the costume designer for The University of Texas at Austin Dance Repertory Theatre’s Clear the Air and as a costume design assistant for Our Country’s Good.

Je rry Rui z (Director) recently directed

Mala Hierba by Tanya Saracho at Second Stage Theatre, In the Heights at The University of Texas at Austin, Basilica by Mando Alvarado for Rattlestick Playwrights Theater, and Philip Goes Forth for the Mint Theater Company. Prior New York City credits include Enfrascada by Tanya Saracho (Clubbed Thumb), The King is Dead by Caroline V. McGraw, and Rattlers by Johanna Adams. Regional credits include Waiting for the Hearse (Mixed Blood Theater), and Twelfth Night (Chalk Repertory Theatre). Ruiz has developed work at Second Stage Theatre, Playwrights Horizons, SoHo Rep, The Public, The Atlantic, and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. He is a recipient of the 2009-2011 NEA/ TCG Career Development Grant. Member of SDC. M.F.A.: UCSD. B.A.: Harvard.

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cast Step h en A n t h o n y (Tyrone Jackson) is

a third-year B.F.A. Dance major. He began performing with Dancin’ Jazzi Dance Studio in Austin, Texas at the age of 12. His most recent performances include the role of “Graffiti Pete” in The University of Texas at Austin’s production of In the Heights, and as a dancer in choreographer David Justin’s piece Quiver, showcased in the National American College Dance Festival at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. After Fame The Musical, Stephen plans to finish out the academic year performing with Dance Repertory Theatre. To n i Ba k e r (Ensemble) began performing in the second grade in Houston, Texas. Most recently, she performed in ECLIPSED as “The Girl” and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast as “Belle.” After graduating in 2018 with a B.A. in Theatre and Dance she plans to continue to pursue acting on-camera as well as a career in music. Co n n o r Ba r r (Mr. Sheinkopf) is a recent graduate of the McCallum Fine Arts Academy in Austin, Texas. He is currently pursing a B.A. in Theatre and Dance with a focus in musical theatre. Most recently, he was seen in Zilker Hillside Theater’s production of Oklahoma! Other credits include “Jean Valjean” in Les Misérables (MacTheatre), “Buck” in Bonnie and Clyde: A New Musical (MacTheatre), and “Soloist” in Swing! (Summer Stock Austin). Lau r en Be aus o l e i l (Dancer) is a thirdyear B.A. Theatre and Dance student with a focus in acting and dance. Most recently, she performed in the production of The Who’s Tommy at ZACH Theatre and Still Now at The University of Texas at Austin. Joh n n y C h at m an II (Associate

Choreographer, Dancer) began dancing at the age of four in the Greater Houston Area. As a third-year B.F.A. Dance scholarship student, he performed in works by David Justin, Yoav Kaddar, Millicent Johnnie, Merce Cunningham, Mark Morris, and Christian Von

Howard. After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in the commercial dance industry and perform on Broadway. Tre y Curti s (Schlomo Metzenbaum) is pursing his B.F.A. in Acting at The University of Texas at Austin. This is Trey’s second year in the department and his second main stage production. Most recently, he portrayed “Usnavi” in In The Heights last spring. He looks forward to continuing to perform after graduation and pursuing a career in the performing arts. Ma ndy Fo st er (Ensemble) started

performing at age six. She is a third-year B.A. Theatre and Dance major with a focus in musical theatre and is a proud member of Alpha Psi Omega. While at The University of Texas at Austin, she is also pursuing a Business Foundations Certificate and is part of organizations like Sigma Phi Lambda and Alpha Lambda Delta/Phi Eta Sigma (ALDPES). Recently, she has been seen in Side Show at Casa Mañana, In the Heights at The University of Texas at Austin, and various independent film projects in the Austin area. J. Dyla n Gi bson (Goodman “Goody” King) is excited to be making his debut on The University of Texas at Austin stage. He began his acting career in the Dallas area, performing in 26 productions across the metroplex. Some of his favorite rolls include “Leo/Maxine” in Leading Ladies, “Lumière” in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and “Sir Robin” in Monty Python’s Spamalot. Li ly Ame li e Hayes (Dancer) received

10 years of classical training at Ballet Austin Academy. Her musical theatre credits include In the Heights at The University of Texas at Austin, as well as High School Musical and Seussical at ZACH Theatre. Her television credits include an MTV video ad campaign and ABC’s The Lying Game. She has performed with Dance Repertory Theatre in Grand Duo, Raw, 3D [Embodied],

cast Promenade, (Re)Singing, Minus 16, Rite, Young Tanzsommer Tour of Austria, and Ears, Eyes, + Feet. Lily is a senior B.F.A. Dance and B.A. Geography/Environmental Studies major with a minor in geology. Ch r is tia n H e n l e y (Dancer) is proud

to be one of the first 20 students selected for the revival of The University of Texas at Austin’s B.F.A. Acting program. She is a dean’s list student and multi-talented artist with an extensive background in both dance and acting. She has appeared in several television commercials and performed in the Department of Theatre and Dance’s production of In the Heights last spring.

Thoroughly Modern Millie as “Millie Dilmount,” The Addams Family as “Wednesday Addams,” Grease as “Sandy Dumbrowski,” and Hairspray as “Penny Pingleton.” Le sli e Ann L eal (Carmen Diaz) is a firstyear student in the Department of Theatre and Dance pursuing a B.A. in Theatre and Dance with a focus in musical theatre. Leslie began performing in high school in Edinburg, Texas, located in the Rio Grande Valley. Most recently, she performed in Carrie: The Musical as “Carrie” and as “Adela Barrios” in Zoot Suit where her high school received second place at the Texas University Interscholastic League (UIL) One-Act Play competition in the spring of 2014.

R is h i I ye r (Dancer) began performing

bollywood dance at the age of five with the Mona Khan Company in Sunnyvale, California. His most notable bollywood performances with the company have been America’s Got Talent, the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival, the Golden State Warriors’ halftime show, and the Indiaspora Presidential Inaugural Ball at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, D.C. In his freshman year of high school he joined Teen Dance Company, where he studied ballet, jazz, contemporary, hip hop, and modern. He is currently a freshman at The University of Texas at Austin and is pursuing a B.S.A. in Computer Science. He plans to continue his dance endeavors after graduating in May of 2018. N ic h o l as Kao (Dancer) began dancing

in middle school in the North Dallas area. Most recently, he performed in Awake and Ascend with the Collin Dance Ensemble. After graduating in May 2017 with a B.F.A. in Dance, he plans to perform with a touring dance company/theatre/collective. Ca r o l ine Ki n na m or e ( Serena Katz)

is excited to appear in her first show at The University of Texas at Austin as a freshman B.A Theatre and Dance major with a focus in musical theatre. Previous credits include

B re a nna Li nd (Grace “Lambchops” Lamb) began performing in her hometown of Seguin, Texas. Most recently, she performed in Texas Musical Theatre Workshop’s Princesses, Untitled Zombie Musical, and in City Theatre Austin’s production of Grease as “Patty Simcox.” After graduating in May of 2016 with a B.A. in Theatre and Dance and a focus in musical theatre, Breanna hopes to move to the Big Apple to pursue a career doing what she loves. Da ni e lle L oPrest i (Dance Captain,

Dancer) began dancing at a young age, training at The Walnut Hill Ballet Academy in Massachusetts. She is currently pursuing a B.B.A. in Marketing and a B.F.A. in Dance from The University of Texas at Austin. She is also a member of The Roustabouts Dance Company. During the fall 2012 semester, she worked in entertainment at Walt Disney World and hopes to pursue a career with the company after graduating. Em i ly McInt yre (Ensemble) is a freshman B.A. Theatre and Dance student with a focus in musical theatre. Her stage credits include The Sound of Music as “Maria,” Into the Woods as “Little Red,” and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast as “Belle,” for which she received a

cast nomination for the 2012 National High School Musical Theatre Awards. At the Lyric Stage in Irving, Texas, she was in The Sound of Music as “Liesl Von Trapp” and in The Human Comedy as “Helen Eliot.”

directing. His most recent performances include The Sparrow as “Albert” and Impact as “Ralph.” He also performed in Dance Action’s S.E.E.D. and choreographed for Thomas Was Alone with Uh Theatre Company.

D ev in M e dl e y (Ensemble) has been

To ri Ro be rt son (Ms. Greta Bell) began performing as a child in the Houston area. Most recently, she performed in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast as “Belle.” After graduating in May of 2018 with a B.A. in Theatre and Dance and a Business Foundations Certificate, she plans to continue performing while pursuing a law degree to become a practicing attorney.

singing and dancing since she was three years old, performing in her first play at the age of six. She continues to perform in musicals and plays, most recently appearing in Zilker Hillside Theater’s production of Oklahoma! and The University of Texas at Austin’s UTNT (UT New Theatre) dramatic play, Impact. After graduating in 2017, Devin plans to pursue her passions for musical theatre and history.

Laura Ro g ers (Dancer, Understudy - Iris Ch r is top h e r M on ta lvo (Nick Piazza)

is a second-year musical theatre ambassador from the Rio Grande Valley. He was most recently seen in The Who’s Tommy at ZACH Theatre in the ensemble as “Male Swing” and as a member of the ensemble in The University of Texas at Austin’s production of In The Heights. He is relatively new to dance and is looking forward to expanding his dance repertoire by continuing dance classes including, but not limited to, ballet, jazz, and tap.

Kelley and Ms. Greta Bell) is a fourth-year B.A. Theatre and Dance student. She began performing at age eight in East Texas, where her path led her to Los Angeles before coming to The University of Texas at Austin. Most recently, she performed in The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood as “Will Scarlet” and narrated Or, The One with the Dogs at The University of Texas at Austin. After graduating in May, she plans to dance on cruises and see the world. Ca ra Smi th (Iris Kelly) started training

Je s s ic a O ’ B r i e n (Mabel Washington) is

a first-year B.A. Theatre and Dance student with a focus in musical theatre at The University of Texas at Austin. Most recently, she performed in Summer Stock Austin’s productions of Footloose as “Vi” and in Chicago: The Musical as “Matron ‘Mama’ Morton.” Last spring, Jessica was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her role as “Sarah” from Cedar Ridge High School’s production of Ragtime: School Edition at the Greater Austin High School Musical Theatre Awards and was a member of the Select Ensemble at The Long Center for the Performing Arts. K ev in P o ol e (Dancer) is a second-year Theatre and Dance major with a focus in

in dance and vocal performance at a young age and began her career in theatre as a sophomore in high school. Some of her favorite roles include “Mrs. Lovett” in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, and “Little Sally” in Urinetown. After graduating, Cara looks forward to discovering where performance will take her. Li lly La ne Stafford (Miss Esther

Sherman) is currently a B.A. Theatre and Dance major with a focus in musical theatre in the Department of Theatre and Dance. Recent productions include In the Heights, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, The American Clock as “Rose Baum,” and Legally Blonde: The Musical as “Paulette.”

cast M a x T o rr e z (Joe “José” Vegas) was last seen in The University of Texas at Austin’s production of Esperanza Rising as “Tio Luis.” His past credits include “Star Cat” in Psycho Beach Party, “Sonny” in In the Heights, and “Perchik” in Fiddler on the Roof. Max will graduate in May of 2017 with a B.F.A. in Acting. Da n iel W e s t (Mr. Myers) is a freshman

in the B.A. Theatre and Dance program with a focus in performance. He has performed in several theatre productions in his hometown of Houston, Texas. His most recent performances include Cinderella as “The King,” and Blithe Spirit as “Madame Arcati.”

Li z a Wi lk (Dancer) is a senior B.F.A. Acting student. She received an acting scholarship to Oklahoma City University and has transferred to The University of Texas at Austin in order to complete her degree. She has appeared on Country Music Television, ABC Family, commercials, Indie films, and a recent lead role for an Austin Film Festival project. She has danced professionally for Mary Kay Cosmetics, Dallas Repertoire Ballet Academy of Dance Arts’ The Nutcracker, and has trained/danced in New York City, Canada, and Dallas. Liza Graduates in May 2015 and will be moving to Los Angeles to pursue her career in film.

DIRECTOR’S COUNCIL The Department of Theatre and Dance Director’s Council is a premier volunteer group designed to foster strong and collaborative connections between The University of Texas at Austin and the local community by supporting initiatives in marketing, public relations, student recruitment and development. As advocates for the department, this group of alumni, parents and fine arts supporters play a key role in continuing to build a professional theatre and dance training program serving thousands of talented Texans for generations.

2014–2015 Director’s Council Members: Carol Smith Adams Francesca Brockett and Jim Pedicano Barrett Bruce Jean Cheever Joanne and Jack Crosby Dee Dawson Gary Farmer JoLynn Free Debbie Oliver Pam and Edmund McIlhenny

Annie McKinnon Miriam Relyea Russ Sartain Nancy Scanlan Marc Seriff Laura Sheffield Karen Skolnik Leah Stolar Sharon Watkins

UTNT cUrATeD By By sTeVeN sTeVeN DIeTZ DIeTZ & & cArA cArA pHIpps pHIpps cUrATeD


By Patrick By PatrickShaw Shaw

Directed by Tamara Carroll December 3 at 7:30 pm December 6 at 2:00 pm

HolD Me Well By Eva Me Suter HoLD WeLL By Eva Suter

Directed by Katie Bender

December 4 at 7:30 pm GooD DAy

December 6 at 11:00 am

By Diana Lynn Small

GooD DAy

By DianascHool Lynn Small lylA Directed by Pirronne Yousefzadeh

By Brian Kettler December 5 at 7:30 pm December 7 at 2:00 pm

( UT New Theatre)

LyLA scHooL By Brian Kettler

Directed by Jess Hutchinson December 6 at 7:30 pm December 7 at 5:00 pm

In the Lab Theatre

December 3–7, 2014 The University of Texas at Austin

Department of Theatre and Dance

The University of Texas at Austin

Tickets: 512.477.6060

Department of Theatre and Dance

Tickets: 512.477.6060

JoinTheDrama.org JoinTheDrama.org


THEATRE AND DANCE STUDENT LIGHTING CREW ERICA AYALA TYLER BROWN TAYLOR EISENBERG DAKOTA SALZAR ALLIE VAN NIMAN theatre and dance student rigging crew sloan buffum-robbins jessica forte joseph heike julie maury victoria solorio nolan thomas kyle winKelman LIGHT BOARD OPERATOR EMMA CENTER AUDIO SUPERVISOR MIKE MALAK ASSISTANT AUDIO ENGINEER JASMINE GROFF AUDIO board operator addie arnold media board operator aaron schulze spotlight operator ROCKET THRALL kevin jacaman integrated media engineer RYAN BELOCK DESIGN ADVISOR BARBARA POPE STAGE MANAGEMENT ADVISOR RUSTY CLOYES LIGHTING DESIGN ADVISOR MICHELLE HABECK integrated media advisor sven ortel SCENIC DESIGN ADVISOR WILLIAM BLOODGOOD




PHOTOGRAPHER lawrence peart



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