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PLACES OF INTEREST France 14 places chosen in: France, Austria, Ukraine, Netherlands, Malta, Sweden, Greece, Bulgaria, Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, San Marino
MEGALITHIC TEMPLES 35째53' North and 14째30' East.
There are nearly 33 temples in two islands of Malta and Gozo (another island of the Maltese archipelago). UNESCO classifies some of these temples as World Heritage. This temples are the older temples in the world. They are awesome. These sculptures represent the cultural, artistic and technological evolution.
There is a map of Malta. On the legend, we can see the "temples", and we can found on the map the places where the temples are located. There are many temples in the biggest island.
Bulgaria is a small country in south-eastern Europe whose population rises to 7,364,570 peoples.
The Shumen Fortress is located in the region of Shumen, Bulgaria. The ruins of the fortress are 3 km from the city centre, on the set of Shumen. Built by the Thracians, it was enlarged and remodelled by the Romans, Byzantines and Bulgarians. Taken and destroyed several times, the fortress was rebuilt each time to exist until 1444.
THE FREEDOM MONUMENT The Freedom Monument is located in Riga, in Latvia. It’s a national shrine for Latvians. They called it “Milda”. The designer was Karlis Zale. “Milda” was inaugurated in 1935. The friezes on the base represent Latvians singing, working and fighting for freedom. The three stars in the girl’s hands represent the three historical regions of the country: Kurzeme, Vidzeme and Latgale.
Latvia Latvia is located in North Europe. Her neighbors are Lithuania, Estonia, Russia and Belarus. She’s in the European Union since 1st May 2004. Her capital is Riga. There are about 2 274 735 people in Latvia. They are called Latvians.
These monasteries are at the top of rocky peaks such as the Roussanou or Great Meteor. Now, it remains only 5 in operation and 6 that you can visit; they are monasteries St-Nicolas, St-Etienne, St Trinity, of Roussanou, of Varlaam, and finally the Great Meteor. Meteors are listed in UNESCO World Heritage since 1988.
Monastery of Roussanou.
L’arc de triomphe, Paris Opened on July 30th, 1836, it is 50 meters high and 45 meters wide. It was built by the architect Jean-François Chalgrin who could not finish it. Napoleon was at the origin of the project and wanted to erect a monument in honor of the French army. Symbolically, it is the bridge to move from one era to another, it is also called the Place de l'Etoile. Baron Haussmann, was the idea of the location of the building (huge roundabout between twelve avenues)
Named “Place de l'Étoile” (Star Place) because of the star formation of three major avenues: Avenue de la Grande Armee, the Avenue de Wagram and the largest, the Champs Elysées. Since 28 January 1921, the Arc de Triomphe is the guardian of the tomb of the Unknown Soldier from the First World War. A flame burns continuously at the foot of the monument. Since February 2008, a permanent staging is exposed in the Arc de Triomphe, which has become a national symbol of unity and solidarity because it is the crossroads of the past and present.
Netherlands Netherlands are situated in the north of Belgium and west of Germany Amsterdam is the capital of this country. There are 780152 habitants in Amsterdam. There are a lot of monuments such as: the museum of Van Gogh, the scientific museum NEMO.
THE ROYAL PALACE The Royal Palace (Koninklijk Paleis) is situated on the place of Dam in Amsterdam. This is one of three palaces still used by the royal family. This palace does not serve of residence to the Queen Beatrix but is used on the occasion important official visits. Occasionally, she stays there in particular when she receives politicians. The Dutch flag is then hoisted to indicate her presence. The Royal Palace characterizes the classical architecture Dutch. This Palace is 364 years old. It was built in 1648. It was first of all the city hall of Amsterdam. It was the Royal Palace of Louis Bonaparte.
Place of Dam, Royal Palace
Austria Austria is a country in middle of Europe between Hungary, Slovenia ,Italy, Czech republic... The capital of Austria is Vienna; it is located on north-east. The official language is German.
HOFBURG PALACE Hofburg palace is a very beautiful place in Vienna, the capital of Austria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hofburgâ&#x20AC;? is the palace where the royal family resided until 1918. It was originally a castle built on the thirteen century, which was gradually into a sumptuous residence . This castle was the Habsburg dynasty seat of power Now this palace is the seat of power of republic of Austria and a art gallery We can visit many apartments and the imperial church where all of the Hasburg family has been baptized . Still today the famous little singers of Vienna sing in this church every Sundays and for all religious celebrations .
Central place of Vienna
Frontage of imperial castle
Presention of Ukraine Capital: Kiev Population: 45 134 707 hab Density: 75,7 hab./km2 Area: 603,628 km2 President: Viktor Yanukocich Language(s): Ukranian , Russian
THE â&#x20AC;&#x153;MONT- BLANCâ&#x20AC;? TUNNEL
Enter of the tunnel, French side
Some numbers and dates: The work begun in 1946, and finished in August 1965. The inauguration takes place the 16 July, and it was opening the 19 of the same month. It was the longest road tunnel. 5 engineer and 350 workers most work 4 600 000 hours. 711 tons of explosive most be used for exploded 550 000 cubic meters of storm. The inside of the tunnel
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Bridge of Mostar
The bridge of Mostar is in Bosnia and Herzegovina and it was built on 1565 by the architect Mimar Hajrudin. This stucture was called the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stari Mostâ&#x20AC;? (The old bridge). This Bridge was built for link two parts of the city. Under the Bridge there is the river Neretva. This monument was built twice because on 1993, there was a big war between Bosnia and Serbia, and the structure was destroyed. The rebuilding was very long because they wanted the same bridge. On Friday 22 July in 2004 it was the reconciliation between the two part of the city. The Stari Most was classified by the World Heritage Center, UNESCO. The capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina is Sarajevo and the president is Vjekoslav Bevanda.
Lat: 44.361562
Lon: 17.314453
Sweden Sweden is located in north, between Norway and Finland. The capital is Stockholm and they speak Swedish, but also Finnish and Sami in north. Sweden is part of the European Union since 1995, but not in the euro area.
Royal Academy of Sciences Royal Academy of sciences is one Academy of Sweden which was founded the 2th of June 1937 in Stockholm with the direction of the king Frederick the First of Sweden, received by a lot of people like Jonas Alstrรถmer, who was manufacturer. It was created to develop and make sciences, mathematics, physics... Every year, this academy distributes Nobel Prizes. The 10th of October 2012, a Nobel Prize was distributed to Robert Lefkowitz and Brian Kobilka. They were rewarded for their works on the study of G protein for improve drug development.
Sources: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Su%C3%A8de ; https://www.google.fr/search? ; http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acad%C3%A9mie_royale_des_sciences_de_Su%C3%A8de ; http://www.franceinfo.fr/liste/academie-royale-des-sciences-de-suede
France The city of sciences and of industry The city of sciences and industry is situated in Paris in France in "Parc de la Villette". it opened its doors on the 13 march 1986 by François Mitterrand, it is divided into several levels like: “Explora” which gather the principal exposition, the sciences library, the numeric “Carrefour” where there is a kiosk to use Internet..., The city of trades: this is a informatics place for the trades information, the city of health: a informatic place for the health, the city of the children (to 2 years to 12 years old ), the Auditorium, the cinema to Louis Lumiere, a planetarium is situated in the exposition, the center of “Congress”, the aquarium, the Jean Bertin room, the Condorcet place, A picnic area, The books shop and a sciences toys shop, and the restaurants.
Biomass factory of Güssing Longitude: 16°19’29,59”E latitude:47°04’08,68” N altitude:658M
1- Localisation of Güssing in Austria Güssing is a small town of 4000 habitants located in south-east of Austria, in the heart of the Austrian forest. Difficult to access, it decided, in the early 1990s, become self-sufficient in energy by plants of biofuel and biogas from the wood.
2- What biomass is ? Biomass is organic matter of vegetable or animal origin all. It covers a very wide field of materials: wood, waste wood, agricultural wastes (straw, manure...), fraction fermenscible of household waste and agroindustries, biogas of landfills or anaerobic digestion products (manure, sewage sludge, landfill...). The main forms of biomass: - Biofuels for transport (from grain, of sugar, oilseeds and oils) - The home heating wood - The burning wood or waste in power plants producing electricity or heat.
3- Why did I choose this place I chose this place because in this remote area of the Austrian forest, there are State of the art in the production of energy. I find that it is an excellent use of science in the lives of all day for all the people of this region. This is proof that renewable energy can be a solution for the production of energy in the future. But I see two problems should not be underestimated: - The use of food for energy production is not correct in a world where people are hungry. - The use of forests must be reasoned way to preserve it. They must be replanted as and measure to avoid ecological disaster.
Greece 37° 58’ 17” North 23° 43’ 36” East
The Parthenon Greece is a southeastern european country. Its area is 131 957 km2 and it have around ten millions inhabitants. Its capital is Athens and its official language is the Modern Greek. Greece is a member of European Union since 1981. Greece is one of the birthplaces of the contemporary civilization. The Parthenon is a Greek monument built between 447 and 438 before J.-C. by Ictinos, Callicratès and Phidias by order of Périclès, who then reigned over Greece. This religious building is located on the south part of the Athenian Acropolis, in Greece. It’s a Doric temple. He was dedicated to the goddess Athena, protectress of the city and sheltered her statue. The city’s money was also stored in this place. The Parthenon today
Reconstitution of the Parthenon
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