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THE DOCTORATE COMMITTEE On the proposal of the doctoral thesis supervisor(s) and after consultation with the dean of the relevant faculty, the Doctorate Board appoints the members of the doctorate committee. Besides the chairman (the Rector Magnificus or a substitute appointed by him), the secretary (dean of the relevant faculty) and the doctoral thesis supervisor, the committee is made up of professors from the University of Twente and from one or more Dutch or foreign universities. A second doctoral thesis supervisor, one or two assistant doctoral thesis supervisors, one or two external referees and an expert, can also be added to the committee. All the members of the doctorate committee judge the draft doctoral thesis and have a vote.

ASSESSMENT OF THE DRAFT DOCTORAL THESIS No later than three months before the intended date of obtaining the doctoral degree, the doctoral candidate sends a draft of his or her doctoral thesis to the members of the doctorate committee.

As quickly as possible, but no later than six weeks after receipt of the draft doctoral thesis, the members of the doctorate committee will give their judgement on the question whether the doctoral thesis has provided such proof of the competence to do independent research that the doctoral candidate can be permitted to defend his or her doctoral thesis in public. The members of the doctorate committee will inform the secretary of the doctorate committee of this in writing or via e-mail. This can be considered the approval of the thesis, since the candidate will print the final version of the thesis, as soon as the permission to defend the doctoral thesis is granted. This means that the thesis will not be adjusted after the public defence. (The name of the secretary will be mentioned in the appointment letter that external members receive from the Doctorate Board.) The members of the doctorate committee will not make any recommendations as to changes or additions to the doctoral thesis and will not attach any conditions to this end to their decision on whether or not to grant permission to defend the doctoral thesis in public. The doctorate committee decides by a majority of votes on the permission referred to above. If the votes are equally divided, the permission is deemed to have been refused. The secretary of the doctorate committee will establish the relevant information on the basis of the vote sent to him by each of the members of the committee.



The full doctorate committee must be present at least 25 minutes before the commencement of the doctorate ceremony. The members are expected in the Gown Room (Togakamer) of the Waaier building. During the consultation preceding the doctorate ceremony the chairman decides on the order of opposition. The public defence takes place in the prof.dr. G. Berkhoff-room of the Waaier building.

If a doctoral candidate has demonstrated an exceptional competence to do independent research, the Doctorate Board can grant a doctorate ‘cum laude’. The proposal to grant a doctorate ‘cum laude’ can be made by the doctoral thesis supervisor, or by a member of the doctorate committee, after consultation with the doctoral thesis supervisor. A written proposal to this end, stating reasons, must be submitted to the registry office of the Doctorate Board no later than six weeks before the date fixed for the doctorate ceremony. All parties involved will observe strict confidentiality regarding the entire ‘cum laude’ procedure.

THE DOCTORATE CEREMONY The doctorate ceremony is a public event that takes place in the presence of the doctorate committee. The defence of the doctoral thesis takes 45 minutes precisely and commences at 12.45, 14.45 or 16.45 hours. Only questions/opposition and defence (no presentation). This is the only occasion where the thesis is discussed. Persons who have a doctorate, associate professors (UHD’s) or professors who are not a member of the doctorate committee but who are present at the doctorate ceremony, are allowed to oppose, provided that they have submitted a written request to this end to the Rector Magnificus no later than one week prior to the doctorate ceremony and have obtained his permission to participate in the opposition. Defence and opposition take place in the Dutch or English language or, with the permission of the Rector Magnificus, in another language. The decision on granting the doctorate is taken by the doctorate committee in a closed session after suspension of the public session. After reopening the session the chairman announces the result of the consultation. If the doctorate has been awarded, the doctoral candidate receives a certificate in the Dutch language, signed by the Rector Magnificus, the secretary and all other members of the doctorate committee.

ATTIRE During the doctorate ceremony the chairman, secretary, doctoral thesis supervisors and members of the doctorate committee wear the following, prescribed attire: - professors: gown and cap. External professors are invited to wear their own gown and cap. - non-professors: an appropriate suit in a dark colour (dark blue, black or dark grey).

The members of the doctorate committee are informed as quickly as possible of a proposal to grant a doctorate ‘cum laude’ by the chairman of the committee. During the adjournment of the meeting after the defence of the doctoral thesis, it is decided whether the doctorate will actually be granted ‘cum laude’.

FORMS OF ADDRESS - Chairman (Rector Magnificus or his deputy): Mister Rector - Doctoral thesis supervisor: Highly learned Supervisor - Assistant doctoral thesis supervisor: Highly learned Assistant Supervisor - Professors: Highly learned Opponent - Members who have a doctorate: My learned Opponent - Doctoral candidate: Dear Opponent.

DOCTORATE BOARD The address of the Doctorate Board is: University of Twente Building Bestuursvleugel, room 108 P.O. Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands Phone number. +31 53 489 4471 or 2003 (registry office) E-mail:

September 2016

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