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If you encounter personal circumstances which may result in a study delay, please notify your study advisor as soon as reasonably possible. If your study is delayed, you might be eligible for support, facilities and adjustments to complete your study, like educational adjustments, examination facilities or financial support.

Please consult the student counsellor within three months after the personal circumstances that caused your delay. It’s important to consult as soon as possible, for example regarding the requirements of the MOMI (residence permit) or the BSA (binding recommendation). Visit the SACC website to find videos that explain these regulations: www.utwente.nl/en/ces/sacc/regulations/



Eligibility for support (also financially) is partly based on the circumstances that affected your study progress:

1. Illness, psychological problems, or pregnancy;

2. Physical, sensory, or other function disorders;

3. Special family circumstances;

4. Recognised board functions: collective fixed support to be requested by societies/ organisations or individual students;

5. Top-level sport (to be recognised by the UT sports council);

6. Top-level arts (to be recognised by the UT arts council);

7. Your study programme has insufficient educational feasibility;

8. Other circumstances not mentioned here, in which not granting financial support would be considered extremely unreasonable.

After this, you may apply for support within three months after the end of the recognised circumstance, on which your support-application is based. For more information about support (also financially) for international students or the application procedure, visit the following website, or contact a student counsellor of SACC: www.utwente.nl/en/ces/sacc/regulations/fobos/ force-majeure/


The ITC student assistance fund supports ITC students who face financial problems due to serious illness, death of a family member, or theft. You may apply for a financial contribution if your insurance or employer does not cover the costs of your claim.

This fund operates completely independently of ITC and financial problems should first be discussed with an ITC Student Affairs and Support officer. The fund board decides if financial assistance will be provided. Financial assistance will only partly cover costs.

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