mesa magazine no 1

Page 1

volume 1 nummer 1 2012

magazine Bridge between groups Towards a healthier agri-sector COMAT: super-cool apparatus from Twente

Brush maker Nanoprof with mega potential Blowing microbubbles

preface I MESA+ MAGAZINE 03

How is it possible to improve echoes with bubbles? What on earth can a cow do with nano足 technology? What drives a young professor? Read all this and more in the first issue of MESA+ magazine! MESA+ magazine provides a wide public with information about nanotechnology and the passion that drives people


Bridge between groups............................................................................................................. 4 MESA+ schedule 2012................................................................................................................ 7 MESA+ NanoLab........................................................................................................................... 8 Towards a healthier agri-sector.........................................................................................10 COMAT: super-cool apparatus from Twente..............................................................12 MESA+ Graduate School for Nanotechnology.........................................................15 Brush maker....................................................................................................................................16 Nanoprof with mega potential............................................................................................18

engaged in this line of work. MESA+ magazine will be published twice yearly. If you wish to be kept informed (and also have digital access to the magazine) become a member of the MESA+ group

Blowing microbubbles............................................................................................................ 20

on LinkedIn.

Thin film growth at high temperatures........................................................................22

Ir. Miriam Luizink, technisch-commercieel directeur

Colofon............................................................................................................................................. 23

Prof. dr. ing. Dave H.A. Blank, wetenschappelijk directeur



“I see myself as the bridge between groups.” Pepijn Pinkse, program director of Applied NanoPhotonics comes straight to the point. “And I always make certain that young researchers work not only in one but in two groups. That’s how you teach them to work with multidisciplinary skills.”

Bridge between groups Applied NanoPhotonics is one of the five strategic Research Orientations in which MESA+ has organised its research. A Strategic Research Orientation (SRO) is a new field of research which is being investigated and developed, and has links with several of the institute’s research groups. Pepijn Pinkse is pleased with these Strategic Research Orientations: “Collaboration is second to none here; there is no ‘pushiness’ and no ‘own territory’ to defend. MESA+ers are not selfish people. If I happen to need a laser costing a hundred thousand euros, I can just borrow it. That was out of the question when I was in Garching.” Pepijn Pinkse conducted research in Germany for eleven years and returned to the Netherlands in 2009: “As program director it is my job to act in the common interest. The fact that I’m from somewhere else, that I’m not from one of the research groups here, certainly helps. I am impartial.” Pinkse organises monthly meetings for the eighty or so researchers in the five Applied NanoPhotonics research groups. Two researchers give lectures, and when they have finished some of the researchers sit at tables with small posters while others circulate to discuss with and help the others. Pinkse is proud of his meetings: “They are attended by a loyal group of forty, fifty people and often result in unexpected teamwork. Walking around I maybe hear someone say: “Hey, are you looking for a spectrometer? I have one for you in the basement.” That’s quite fantastic, don’t you think?” Technology from the one group and knowledge from the other In the room occupied by Pepijn Pinkse, program director of Applied NanoPhotonics, we see two experiments that say everything about his field of study. The first experiment is a windmill positioned inside a glass bell that runs on light. And yet it turns in exactly the opposite direction you might expect at first sight. Pinkse explains with enthusiastic gestures that two processes counteract and that the one ­process defeats the other: “I am driven by curiosity. If there’s something I don’t understand I need to figure it out and then share that knowledge with others.” The second experiment shows powdered milk floating in a rapidly alternating electrical field. Pinkse: “By the way, that powdered milk is much larger than nano; more micro. Yet it does illustrate what we want to achieve on the nano scale: to allow nano particles to float so that we can study them better.”

research I MESA+ MAGAZINE 05

Name: Pepijn Pinkse (1970) Position: Program Director Applied NanoPhotonics at MESA+ Previously: Studied physics in Leiden, obtained his doctorate from the University of Amsterdam and was senior researcher at the German Max-Planck-Institut für

Quantenoptik MESA+... ‘is a condensation nucleus for talent’ Als... ‘my children are older we will be able to go on fantastic treks through the mountains’

“Getting nanoparticles to float - that’s what I want to achieve.”



In actual fact the word nanophotonics – nano and photonics – seems to be a contra­ diction. Photons move at wavelengths of hundreds of nanometres and according to some definitions you may not refer to that as nano. Pinkse neither agrees nor disagrees. “The most interesting effects occur if you confront light with its own scale. Here at MESA+ we are engaged in investigating a slice of crystal with holes that are so small that light is reflected back and forth inside them and even stands still. That photonic crystal immediately becomes a perfect example of multidisciplinarity. The research involved combines technology from the one group and knowledge from the other. MESA+ makes this combined research possible.”

Strategic Research Orientations MESA+ has organised its research in Strate-

gic Research Orientations, SROs. These are new fields of research that are being investigated and developed and have links with other research groups within the institute. Over the period 2009 - 2014 the institute has and will be working with the following five SROs: 1. Applied NanoPhotonics. 2. NanoMaterials for Energy. 3. Enabling Technologies. 4. Nanotechnology for Innovative Medicine. 5. Risk Analysis and Technology Assessment.

schedule I MESA+ MAGAZINE 07

MESA+ schedule 2012 Date JULy August









Pieter Moonen


Jurriaan Huskens


Ceyda Sanli


Detlef Lohse


Alexander van Rhijn


Jennifer Herek


Tak Shing Chan


Detlef Lohse


Remco Verdoold


Vinod Subramaniam


Felicia Ungureanu


Vinod Subramaniam


Omar Valsson


Claudia Filippi


Chung-Yul Yoo


Arian Nijmeijer


MESA+ meeting 2012


MESA+ technical colloquium


Laura Agazzi


Markus Pollnau


René Houben


Detlef Lohse/Frits Dijksman


David Lopez Penha


Bernard Geurts


MESA+ colloquium


Chunlin Song


Arian Nijmeijer


MESA+ technical colloquium


Rerngchai Arayanarakool


Albert van den Berg/Jan Eijkel


Mudassir Iqbar


Jurriaan Huskens


David Fernandez Rivas


Han Gardeniers


Jealemy Galindo Millan


Jeroen Cornelissen


MESA+ colloquium


MESA+ technical colloquium


Edward Bernhardi


Markus Pollnau


Kazem Yazdchi


Stefan Luding


Imran Akça


Markus Pollnau


Igor Santos de Oliveira


Wim Briels


MESA+ colloquium


Vijay Anuganti


Jeroen Cornelissen


Thomas Denis


Klaus Boller


MESA+ technical colloquium


Edit Kutnyanszky


Julius Vancso


Stefan von Kann


Detlef Lohse



MESA+ NanoLab MESA+ NanoLab is the state-of-the-art research facility that can boast an absolutely first-rate cleanroom and advanced analysis possibilities. The laboratory is freely accessible to researchers and entrepreneurs. More than 400 people use the laboratory every year, and almost 40% of its turnover is generated by the dozens of businesses engaged in research and development or smallscale production in the MESA+ NanoLab. This is indisputably a high-tech infrastructure which is of importance to both the economy and innovation. MESA+ NanoLab is part of the national NanoLabNL facility and is included in the Dutch Roadmap for Large-scale Research Facilities. For more information go to:




No laminate or carpeting on the Blue4Green office floor but artificial grass. This MESA+ spin-off manufactures self tests to help vets keep cows healthy. Founder Erik Staijen: “It is our intention to make the veterinary sector more sustainable.”

Blue4Green: Towards a healthier agri-sector Blue4Green started four years ago with a lab-on-a-chip,

Why doesn’t everyone use Blue4Green’s products?

a small block the size of a matchbox that was developed

Staijen: “Many people think you immediately become

by Albert van den Berg’s BIOS group at MESA+. This lab-

rich if you have a technology like our lab-on-a-chip. But

on-a-chip takes only three minutes to produce a reading

it doesn’t work like that. Future users must have faith in

of the calcium or magnesium content of blood after a

the product, and that faith needs to be fostered. They

drop of a cow’s blood has been applied to the block. If a

have to be able to see the value of the new technology

cow has too little calcium in its blood it can become sick,

and you have to prove that it works.”

and before such a situation arises a farmer can decide

Staijen and his team have carried out field tests over

whether to give the cow rest or supplement its feed.

the past few years with innovative dairy farmers and

While many cattle farmers do administer antibiotics

vets in the Enschede district. Staijen: “We can now really

to their animals as a precautionary measure, it does

show dairy farmers that they can save € 20,000 a year,

give rise to resistant bacteria that can pose a threat to

and that they can keep their livestock healthier and yet


administer less medication. At the same time we have been able to adapt our product to meet the wishes of

Erik Staijen: “We must become aware of the fact that you

cattle farmers.”

cannot see animals and people as separate beings. The term ‘One Health’ is becoming increasingly important.

And what is the next step? Staijen: “We have now

One Health. The health of animals and humans is inter­

developed a ‘lab-book’. This is a tablet computer you


can plug the chip into. Using this lab-book means you can then send the data to a website where you compare

What started four years ago with a lab-on-a-chip has

the measurements taken on different days and carry out

now been developed into a complete system comprising

analyses. Vets in the district will use these lab-books and

a chip, a chip reader and an Internet site that provides

advise farmers. Our goal is to provide more insight into

cattle farmers with insight into the health of their stock.

animal health and thus create a sustainable agri-sector.”

spin-off I MESA+ MAGAZINE 11

NamE: Erik Staijen (1981) Position: Founder and technical director of Blue4Green Previously: studied electrical engineering at the University of Twente MESA+... ‘can give just that little push a spin-off needs’ In four years’ time... ‘there will be a healthier agri-sector thanks to Blue4Green’

Global Shaper “While you tend to depend on older people, the leaders, you can also take command yourself.” Erik Staijen is one of the eighteen young Dutch men and women the World Economic Forum has nominated as Global Shapers. This forum is well-known for its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, where world leaders meet to network and discuss world issues. Staijen: “Those world leaders are all above the age of 45. We form the young generation; the generation that can shape the world for future generations. I am absolutely driven by technology. I want to use my brain and technology to create a better society.”

“One health’ is becoming increasingly important”



In September 2012 Josée Kleibeuker will go to Cambridge University to continue her research. In Cambridge she will focus on improving the magnetic properties of materials by manipulating their structure and composition on the atomic level.

COMAT: super-cool apparatus from Twente The MESA+ NanoLab is a room which – from a dis-

heads, seven long rods and numerous cables. There

tance – looks like any other. However, appearances

is a constant hum and whirring in the background.

can be deceptive. This is the home of COMAT...

“That’s the cooling, the laser and the vacuum pumps,” says Josée Kleibeuker. Kleibeuker works with COMAT

Above the glass door of room NL1037 we see a danger

almost every day. She has now finished her doctoral

sign: ‘Beware laser’. Josée Kleibeuker, researcher in

thesis and obtained her doctorate cum laude in March,

the Inorganic Materials Science group of professors

just one week before her contract finished. “I told my

Dave Blank and Guus Rijnders, opens the door with

supervisors that I wanted to be finished within four

a key card. This is it then... the COMAT, the Complex

years. And I did.”

Oxide MATerials system. Or to give it its Twente pet name: Kats Onmeunig Mooi App’raat oet Twente,

Kleibeuker started her research in 2008; the year

or freely translated: ‘super-cool apparatus from

in which COMAT had just reached completion. The


apparatus cost € 2.5 million and is unequalled in Europe. Guest researchers visit MESA+ regularly

The eight by eight metre room is virtually completely

to use this apparatus. Today a visitor from Italy and

taken up by a sort of shiny metal octopus with four

recently a scientist from Japan.

research I MESA+ MAGAZINE 13

NamE: Josée Kleibeuker (1984) Position: Trainee research assistant

(obtained her doctorate on 23 March 2012) with the

Inorganic Materials Science group Previously: Studied chemistry at the University of

Groningen, preferably wants to carry out research abroad after obtaining her doctorate MESA+... ‘has fantastic facilities. That’s one of

the reasons why I wanted to do research here’

“The COMAT allows us to make completely new materials” Laser bombardment

a small piece of the block locally to approximately

How does COMAT work, what kind of apparatus is

40,000 degrees resulting in a small piece of the

it? J­ osée Kleibeuker, researcher at MESA+, explains:

oxide being vaporised. The vapour then precipitates

“This apparatus can make extremely thin layers of

on the substrate, a tiny vitreous sheet the size of a

metal oxide and analyse them in detail. I can stack

little finger nail. In other words, the researchers have

atoms on top of each other, layer by layer, and then

made a layer of oxide on the substrate, the thickness

examine what happens at the interfaces of those

of a single atom.

layers. Highly unexpected things can sometimes occur. For instance: I have placed one insulating

If we wish to add another layer we shoot the laser

material on top of another, and yet exactly at the

at the block a second time. This vaporises more

interface of the two materials they apparently

oxide that precipitates on top of the first layer. We

conduct electricity. There are different opinions as

can also use another block with a different oxide. In

to how this is possible.”

this way we are able to build up layers of different materials and produce completely new materials

In other words, COMAT is able to stack atoms on top

with astonishing properties. And we can also study

of each other layer by layer. To do this the researchers

those properties with COMAT.

bombard a block of oxide crystal the size of a one euro coin with a laser. This laser bombardment heats



Porthole COMAT consists of five ‘chambers’, shiny metal globes, each fitted with a small window resembling a porthole. Each chamber has a different function. Chambers 1 and 2 are used to make the layers. Chamber 3 is where the oxide blocks and newly produced materials are stored. Chamber 4 houses an Atomic Force Micros­ cope that can explore the surface, atom by atom. And finally, chamber 5 houses a roentgen photo-emission spectroscope which is able to measure which atoms are on the surface and in what state. All five COMAT chambers are inter­connec­ ted. This means that the material need not be removed from the apparatus and this offers many advantages. There is a controlled vacuum area in COMAT and if the material is exposed to the atmosphere it will start to oxidise or can become conta­ minated. Moreover, it costs a great deal of time and energy to create a vacuum in the apparatus once it has been opened. The researchers can move the material from chamber to chamber through long rods with the assistance of magnets and pincers. Fundamental and applied research Josée Kleibeuker’s research into new mate­ rials is primarily fundamental by nature. But new materials also result in new appli­ cations. For instance, the researchers at MESA+ are engaged in work on piezo mate­ rials that can change shape accurately on command. Materials such as these are used for example in loudspeakers, inkjet printers and electron microscopes.

MESA+ graduate school for nanotechnology I MESA+ MAGAZINE 15

MESA+ Graduate School for Nanotechnology The MESA+ Graduate School for Nanotechnology is part of the Twente

formally accredited as a research school by the Royal Netherlands

Graduate School (TGS) at the University of Twente. The MESA+ school

Academy of Arts and Sciences. Currently the MESA+ Graduate

covers the scientific field of nanotechnology.

School for Nanotechnology involves graduate research programmes

The Institute’s mission is to excel in research, to educate re­searchers

on nanofabrication and self-assembly; nano-photonics; nanofluidics;

and engineers, to commercialize research results, and to initiate and

biological aspects of soft matter, molecular and cellular biophysics;

participate in fruitful national and international cooperation. The

surfaces, interfaces, and interactions; building blocks and synthetic

Institute plays a leading role in national research programmes on

methodology; theory, modelling, and simulations; and technology



MESA+ strongly values teaching and training, with 350 of the

For undergraduate students, MESA+ organizes the Nanotechnology

employees are PhD candidates or post-doctoral fellows. MESA+ is

MSc program, and participates in many other BSc and MSc programs.



Yin and Yang To explain the research he is engaged in, polymer

From top to bottom counterclockwise.

chemist Xiaofeng Sui draws a diagram consisting

1. Individual polymers.

of a circle divided into eight segments. In the middle

2. Polymer brushes.

of the circle is a Yin and Yang symbol. Xiaofeng Sui:

3. Mixed polymer brushes.

“I chose the Yin and Yang because it’s a symbol

4. Polymer brushes with typical patterns.

that represents dynamism, movement, reaction and

5. Gel polymer brushes.

counter-reaction. My polymers are just that. They can

6. Macroscopic gel networks.

change shape, change colour and can even change

7. Mixed gel networks.

their solubility. They adapt to their surroundings and

8. Microspheres and nanospheres of gel and

are constantly in motion.’


research I MESA+ MAGAZINE 17

NamE: Xiaofeng Sui (1983) Position: Trainee research assistant (defence ceremony on 29 June 2012) at

Nano polymer brushes, polymer brushes attached to spheres, polymer brushes that collapse on command. Young polymer chemist Xiaofeng Sui knows all there is to know on this subject. “I hope to become a professor in ten years’ time.”

the Materials Science and

Technology of Polymers department Previously: obtained his master’s diploma in polymer chemistry at the University of Tsinghua in China in 2008, has already been awarded several ­prizes during his study, and was presented with an ‘award for outstanding selffinanced students abroad’ by the Chinese Government in 2010 MESA+... ‘is collaborating: I have

Brush maker

In the trainee research assistants’ room of Julius Vancso’s MESA+ department of

worked together with other MESA+

Materials Science and Technology of Polymers, Xiaofeng Sui pushes a collection of

groups on all my publications’

publications towards me. They are his publications. Quite an impressive collection for someone who has only been engaged in research for three and a half years. Why are you conducting this research? “Because I find research into polymers and polymer brushes one of the most interesting areas of science.” You can vary the size of polymers, you can use polymers separately or as gel, you can attach them to small spheres, and you can manipulate them. This research also leads to some amazing applications.” What sort of applications? “For instance, I have made polymers for use in cell cultures. In other words my polymers can be used as a substrate for cell cultivation. I have also made polymers that can be used to deliver medicines.” Polymers that deliver medicines? “Yes, we can make spheres from polymers and have them burst open at exactly 37 degrees or at a certain acidity level. You can place medicine inside it or attach the medicine to the outside of one of these spheres and when ingested by the patient you can have it burst open at the exact place where you want the medicine delivered.” You have also made antibacterial polymers. Why? “You can use our antibacterial polymers to promote bone material growth for example, and subsequently introduce that bone material into a patient’s body. You don’t want bacteria to grow through it because that would obviously infect the patient. These polymers contain nano silver particles that ensure the antibacterial effect.” What do you hope to have achieved in ten years’ time? “I hope to have become a professor by then. I certainly want to continue my career in the scientific world. First as a research student and then as the leader of a small research group, then a professorship. But first things first – I have to defend my PhD thesis in June!”



Name: Wilfred van der Wiel (1975) Position: Professor of nanelectronics Previously: Studied and obtained his doctorate at Delft, was awarded a Vidi Grant by NWO, is a member of KNAW’s The Young Academy and recently received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council to expand his research group, has been a member of the Global Young Academy since 2012 MESA+... ‘is the biggest family in Enschede, personal contacts here really do give added value’

Spinning electrons Lying on the table is a snazzy 3D drawing from Wilfred van der Wiel group’s most recent publication: ‘Tunable doping of a metal with molecular spins’. This article can be read in the April issue of leading magazine, Nature Nanotechnology. The researchers here have developed a method that can provide non-magnetic materials with magnetic elements in a highly controlled manner. Van der Wiel: “While our method is ‘slap happy’, it works much better that the method followed by researchers using complex, expensive apparatus. Now that we have developed this method things are starting to become really exciting. We can now begin to manipulate physics and make semiconductors with magnetic properties for instance. That’s something that up to now has only been the dream of many physicists. These semiconductors can take care of both memory storage and data processing.” Research with spinning electrons has not only been conducted by the scientists in Van der Wiel’s group. In addition to his research group, NanoElectronics, a contribution was also made by Molecular Nanofabrication and Biomolecular Chemistry. Van der Wiel: “You can hardly force scientists to work together. That has to grow from the base. They are just like nanostructures.”

research I MESA+ MAGAZINE 19

Wilfred van der Wiel, professor of nanoelectronics has a wide field of interest. A chat about young talent, about making money and obviously about spinning electrons.

Nanoprof with mega potential Wilfred van der Wiel (1975) is one of the rising stars of

much more spacious. I would like to produce teaching

MESA+. He graduated cum laude from Delft University

material that shows that you can indeed solve problems

of Technology in applied physics. After that he obtained

by using scientific methods.”

his doctorate – also cum laude – in electron transport in quantum dots at Delft before leaving the Netherlands

And what’s the situation regarding JA@UT, the Twente

for a few years to work in Japan. In 2005 he returned

variant of The Young Academy?

to the Netherlands, to MESA+. In 2006 he received a

“The rector asked Jennifer Herek, Hans Hilgenkamp

Vidi Grant from research-funding organisation NWO

and myself to develop a Twente variant of The Young

(the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)

Academy. We can provide University of Twente policy-

and became a member of KNAW’s The Young Academy

makers with advice – both requested and unsolicited

in 2007. On 1 October 2009 the University of Twente

advice. A sort of ‘kick the system’. We have drawn up a

appointed him as professor and a day later he received

list of criteria the members are required to meet, and

a sizeable grant from the European Research Council

will soon start to contact potential members and get

to enable him to expand his research group. In 2012

the academy up and moving.”

he became a member of the Global Young Academy, a worldwide think tank of young researchers.

Very nice, all those extracurricular activities, but how do you justify them?

What is your contribution to the Global Young Academy?

“You have to find a balance between science and extra­

“I hope to bring more talent into the scientific community

curricular activities. Each year I take my seat opposite

by bringing children into contact with science as early

the dean and the scientific director who primarily take

as primary education or at the beginning of secondary

a look at whether I have my finances in order. And up

education. As members of The Young Academy we travel

to now there’s been no problem in that respect. When

by coach around primary schools in the Netherlands.

I wake up in the morning I think: ‘Where can I make some

This concept cannot be implemented throughout the

money today?’ My group has meanwhile developed

whole world. Take a country like Senegal. Senegal is

into a group of 27 people. This means that in less than

far less densely populated, has fewer scientists and is

eighteen months we have doubled our numbers.”



One of the youngest spin-offs of MESA+ has been established at a

From idea to product

location between the university campus and the FC Twente football

Wim van Hoeve completed his doctoral re-

stadium. Tide Micro-fluidics. A microbubble-blowing company.

search into microbubbles in March 2011, and in September of that year he founded Tide Microfluidics. Between obtaining his doctorate and starting up his business he was a guest of the University of Seville and pharmaceutical company, Bracco Suisse.

Blowing microbubbles

Van Hoeve: “In Seville I was able to improve by

Hanging on the wall in Wim van Hoeve’s office, the founder of Tide Microfluidics, is a photo­

size. He did this at the Physics of Fluidics re-

graph that has all the appearances of a doormat consisting of black rubber rings. Taking

search group of Detlef Lohse and Michel Ver-

a closer look we see that they are not small rubber rings but minuscule, five micrometre

sluis. Van Hoeve: “I wanted to commercialise

bubbles. Van Hoeve: “My intention is to develop a bubble generator that can produce bubbles

my method and it was then that I was given the

for the pharmaceutical industry and chip manufacturers. These bubbles can improve

opportunity to work on a temporary basis for

ultrasound examinations and can be used to clean computer chips.”

Bracco. It was at Bracco that I saw how high

method, and in Switzerland I was able to see how a pharmaceutical company uses these bubbles. I also had the opportunity to speak with many people and tell them about my plans.” During his doctoral research at MESA+ he developed a method to produce hundreds of thousands bubbles per second, all of equal

the demand is for my bubble method. That was

Improve ultrasound examinations by blowing bubbles?

when I decided to set up my own company. I

“Look, here you have an injection needle and a small bottle containing bubbles produced

discussed my plans with MESA+, took part

by the competitor. These bubbles are used as contrast fluid for ultrasound examinations.

in their workshop on early business develop-

So while there are bubbles on the market, they are by no means as constant as mine. If all

ment, and submitted an application to STW for

bubbles are of an equal size the ultrasound is reflected much better and consequently you

funding to carry out a feasibility study.

obtain more well-defined results. For instance, you can make much better ultrasound photos

He received that Valorisation Grant from STW

of small organs, the prostate for instance, and that makes it possible to detect prostate

in October 2011. Van Hoeve: “That was abso-

cancer at an earlier stage.”

lutely super. The € 25,000 grant allows me to carry out research for six months into whether

And using bubbles as a cleaning agent for computer chips? How does that work?

my product is technically feasible and whether

“The process involved to produce a chip consists of five hundred steps, and ten per cent of

there is a commercial market for it.”

those steps are cleaning processes. Chips are highly sensitive to grime, while at the same time they are also vulnerable to cleaning brushes. My bubbles can be made to vibrate on

To date everything looks fine for Van Hoeve:

command and therefore rinse away the grime particles. In this respect all the bubbles must

“I attended the European ultrasound confe-

be equally small given that large bubbles can burst and damage the chip surface.”

rence in Rotterdam in January and it was apparent that there certainly is a high demand

How did you come up with the name Tide Microfluidics?

for accurately produced microbubbles. Not

“Microfluidics stands for the method to make microscopically small bubbles on a small

only for carrying out ultrasound examinati-

scale and tide is just what it says: tide. I love sailing, and that implies that you always have

ons but also therapeutic applications and new

to take the tides into account – low tide and high tide. And whichever way you look at it there

imaging techniques using bubbles. The only

is always a tide. It is constant. That’s how I want my bubbles to be: of a constant size, and a

thing now is to make a prototype.”

constant supply. Like the tide. Hence Tide Micro-fluidics.”

spin-off I MESA+ MAGAZINE 21

NamE: Wim van Hoeve (1980) Position: Founder of Tide Microfluidics (September 2011) Previously: Studied physics at the University of Twente and obtained his doctorate at the beginning of 2011 in Twente with Spinozalaureaat and MESA+er Detlef Lohse MESA+... ‘motivates’ In a year’s time: ‘I want to be able to place a small bottle containing tailor-made bubbles on someone’s desk and then say “how many would you like?’

“My bubbles make sharper ultrasound images and cleaner computer chips”


MESA+ MAGAZINE I thin film growth at high temperatures

Thin film growth at high temperatures At process temperatures of 500-1200 degrees Celsius it is possible to grow ultrathin layers; from a few nanometers up to a few micrometers. Some of these layers can be used as a mask material; for their optical properties and mechanical properties. Furthermore there is still a lot of study necessary to understand the properties and possibilities of different grown layers with this technique.

Colophon I MESA+ MAGAZINE 23

July 2012 - volume 1 - number 1

MESA+ Magazine is published by MESA+, Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

Editors: Miriam Luizink, David Redeker, Annerie Heesink , Myrthe Swaak Photography: Eric Brinkhorst Graphic design and realisation: WeCre8 creative communication, Enschede

MESA+ Magazine is published twice annually. Circulation: 1.000 copies More information is obtainable from Annerie Heesink, tel.: +31 53 - 489 3803.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whatever form without the prior written permission of the publisher and other copyright owners.

This publication has been compiled with the greatest of care. Nevertheless, the publisher is not liable for any inaccuracies in this publication or for the unforeseen consequences of any errors.

MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology I P.O. Box 217 I 7500 AE Enschede I the Netherlands I I

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