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Alumni Newsletter UVA BLSA 2012-2013
Letter from the President Greetings Lawhoos! My name is Amanda Turner and I am pleased to serve as BLSA President for the 2012-2013 school year. I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting some of you, but I look forward to the opportunity to do so over the next year.
Stay Connected with UVA BLSA We are excited to announce the re-launch of our website at www.uvablsa.org. There you can read more about BLSA news, learn about events at the law school, and connect with our Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, YouTube, and LinkedIn pages. Through our LinkedIn page you may network with alumni and current students. Please use our resources and stay connected with UVA BLSA!
Save the Date! Alumni Dinner Fall 2012 A chance to return to Charlottesville and dine with BLSA members!
Black Alumni Weekend April 6, 2013 Return to Charlottesville to reconnect with former classmates and current students during an amazing weekend!
As a rising 2L it is easy to see that BLSA’s dynamic alumni are our most valuable resource. We look to you for academic and professional advice and we learn from your enthusiasm about BLSA and your genuine interest in helping us succeed that UVA Law’s spirit of collegiality extends far beyond our three years on Grounds. This newsletter is one of several methods we will use next year to keep you informed and involved in our future programming. We plan to send one newsletter each semester. Please enjoy reviewing our summer issue and do not hesitate to send me suggestions. Amanda Turner BLSA President