UVa-Wise Magazine - Fall 2008

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The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Fall 2008


World Beyond

UVa-Wise students broaden their scope through research and study abroad

from the

Chancellor Dear Alumni and Friends, Beyond the places we call home is a wide world full of sights and opportunities for all to explore. For students, international study can give definition to the world around them. Time spent in another country can enlighten minds, develop students’ confidence and profoundly shape their future. In this issue of the UVa-Wise Magazine, you’ll read about three extraordinary students who have chosen to embark on such journeys. Their adventures - though unique to each - have a common thread: the pursuit of knowledge through undergraduate research. Students are not the only ones traveling internationally. Faculty members have joined students on recent trips to China, South Africa and other countries. This summer, Merry Lu and I had the pleasure of joining Chancellor Emeritus “Papa Joe” Smiddy, UVa-Wise alumni and friends of the College on a wonderful tour of Ireland.

This summer, Chancellor David J. Prior and Chancellor Emeritus Joseph C. “Papa Joe” Smiddy joined alumni and friends of the College on a tour of Ireland.

Truly, the UVa-Wise family now stretches beyond regional, state and even national borders. We are global citizens, and thanks to these expanding opportunities at the College, our students can become leaders, locally or globally. Sincerely,

David J. Prior Chancellor

FA L L 2 0 0 8 • VOL . V III • NO. 1


Editor Roger Hagy, Jr. ’05 rbh8y@uvawise.edu


Assistant Editors Cassandra J. Sproles ’00 cjp2q@uvawise.edu Kathy Still ’84 kls7ad@uvawise.edu Alumni Editor Pam Collie ’93 pjc9w@uvawise.edu Pri n c i p a l Ph o t o g ra p hy Tim Cox Tim Cox Photo/Graphics Co n t r i b u t i n g Wr i t e r s Pam Collie ’93 Roger Hagy, Jr. ’05 Chris Myers Cassandra J. Sproles ’00 Kathy Still ’84 Magazine Design Roger Hagy, Jr. ’05


The World Beyond UVa-Wise students broaden their scope through research and study abroad.




Charting Her Own Course Betty Orr White ’66 left the mountains of Southwest Virginia for the sandy shores of Honolulu to embark on a career of service to young women.


The ‘Reel’ Buddy Herron ’91 How one UVa-Wise alumnus turned his love of movies into a thriving business.

DE PA R T M E DEPAR EN NTS Co n t a c t U s E-mail: magazine@uvawise.edu Phone: (276) 328-0130 The UVa-Wise Magazine One College Avenue Wise, VA 24293

Headlines @ Wise Athletics News Alumni News Classnotes Honor Roll of Benefactors

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Headlines @ Wise

Chancellor David J. Prior and Virginia Delegate Terry Kilgore ’83

$30 million convocation center to host College & community events Virginia Delegate Terry Kilgore ’83 joined Chancellor David J. Prior in July to announce plans for the construction of a $30 million convocation center for UVaWise. The convocation center, which will seat 3,000 for sporting events for concerts or convocation activities, is the largest single capital project in the College’s history. The College plans to open the center by fall 2011. Funding for the facility is a result of legislation approved unanimously by the Virginia General Assembly in April and signed by Gov. Timothy Kaine on May 29. The legislation authorizes nearly $1.5 billion in bond financing for building projects at state colleges and facilities during the next two years. “This is something that has been missing on this campus for quite some time,” Kilgore said. “This is a great day for UVa-Wise and for the entire region.” The convocation center also will give Southwest Virginia an economic boost as attendees of events patronize area businesses during visits to the facility. Economic developers and regional leaders have long expressed the need in far Southwest Virginia for a facility capable of seating large crowds. Long-range economic plans for the region generally list the need



for a convocation center as a necessary part of regional growth and development. “I’ve always said this College is an engine for economic development for the region,” Kilgore said. Chancellor Prior expressed gratitude for Kilgore and the region’s legislative delegation and noted the hard work they do in Richmond on behalf of UVa-Wise and the region. “It’s going to be a grand event center,” Prior said. “It represents a unique opportunity for Southwest Virginia.” Construction is slated to begin this spring. VMDO is the project architect, and Quesenberry’s Inc., is the contractor. The convocation center will be constructed in accordance with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) guidelines. LEED is a building certification program designed to improve performance in energy efficiency, water savings, sustainable site development and indoor environmental quality. College officials hope to use two adjacent lakes as geothermal components in the heating and cooling process for the building.


Marching band receives $1.28 million gift The Marching Highland Cavaliers at UVa-Wise will soon have new uniforms and instruments thanks to a $1.28 million gift that also creates an endowment to provide annual operational support for the band. UVa-Wise received the gift from The Hunter Smith Family Foundation, which was founded by Charlottesville resident Hunter Smith. Smith was The drumline for the Marching Highland Cavaliers performs with new named Benefactor drums during the College’s Homecoming football game. of the Year in 2007 for her generosity to the College. have the absolute best of everything. It’s “This generous endowment my goal to make sure we are second to will provide permanent support for none. The band is already a class act, but the Marching Highland Cavaliers,” this just adds to it.” said Chancellor David J. Prior. “The Galyean said the band has made endowment comes as the marching steady progress since receiving both band program is seeing steady growth enthusiastic support and start-up funds after two successful years.” from Chancellor Prior, Provost and Director of Bands Richard Galyean Senior Vice Chancellor Gil Blackburn said the funding enables the Marching and Vice Chancellor for Administration Highland Cavaliers to grow from its Gary Juhan two years ago. David Volk, initial 30 members in 2006 to 100 by coordinator of the Division of Music, 2012. then encouraged Galyean to launch the “This is the most exciting thing that band sooner than expected. Since then, has happened to me in my 25 years of UVa-Wise has added a music major. teaching,” Galyean said. “The ability “They have always had pride when to purchase what we need is a band they march out there, but now they can director’s dream. It’s breathtaking.” be really proud,” Galyean said. Galyean has ordered new uniforms, The band program has come a long silver instruments and enough drums to way since Galyean pieced together basic have a striking drumline. instruments and drums from surplus The Smith gift also includes funds equipment donated by the region’s high to start a booster club for the marching school band directors. band. Galyean said establishing a Galyean compares the first years of booster organization will offer even the band program to the genesis of UVamore support for the band members and Wise when it was founded as Clinch the program in general. Valley College in 1954: Both were the “Mrs. Smith’s gift allows us to go result of the sheer determination of a one step further,” Galyean said. “We can handful of dedicated people.

Noteworthy UVa-Wise featured among ‘Great Colleges to Work For’ UVa-Wise was named one of the nation’s “Great Colleges to Work For” in The Chronicle of Higher Education in July. UVa-Wise was recognized in four categories as one of the top colleges in the nation, offering best practices and policies in vacation or paid time off, health insurance, disability insurance and life insurance. “To be recognized in several categories is a testament to the significant work at the College and the University of Virginia,” said Chancellor David J. Prior. “With the flexibility available under Virginia’s higher education restructuring legislation, we intend to further enhance our practices and policies for the benefit of our workforce.”

College approved to offer teaching licensure for music majors UVa-Wise recently received state approval to offer teacher licensure for music majors who plan to pursue careers as music educators, band directors and choral teachers. The Virginia Department of Education granted approval on June 19 for UVa-Wise to offer teaching endorsements in instrumental music education and vocal/choral music education, both ranging from pre-K through 12th grade. “This is the most critically important step for us to meet our primary mission of training future music educators and band directors for elementary and secondary schools,” said David Volk, coordinator of the Division of Music. FALL 2008


Headlines @ Wise

Shining a light on safety Students help identify potential campus dangers during nighttime walk A small group of students and administrators gathered at the C. Bascom Slemp Student Center on Sept. 10 with a task to perform: They were looking for danger, and they braved the threat of rain to seek it. Clutching umbrellas and balancing clipboards, the group received orders from Chancellor David J. Prior. “Walk around campus and see how it feels,” he said. “If you notice a place in need of more lighting, write it down. If a certain place just feels creepy, make note of it.” The “creepy” places or potential hazards noted would be examined in the light of day to see why certain areas ratchet up the fear factor. There are often good reasons certain places raise concern, Prior said before joining the walk. A hedge in need of trimming or bad lighting can inspire fear at night. He informed the group that some problems can easily be corrected, but others could take time. A similar safety walk he participated in while serving as a provost with the University of Wisconsin system yielded good results, which is why he decided it was time for a “Blue Light Walk” at UVa-Wise. The walk takes its name from the blue lights marking the emergency call boxes located at strategic sites across campus. Participants found all the emergency call boxes in working order but noted most of the blue lights on the boxes were not working or simply did not exist. All seemed pleased that just pressing a button on the call box allowed campus police to pinpoint the location of the call. The system’s two-way communication was flawless. They were equally impressed with the parking

Above, student Naana Denning notes her observations during the Blue Light Safety Walk. At left, Campus Police Chief Steve McCoy explains the emergency call box functions to Chancellor David J. Prior and students. lot cameras that let Campus Police monitor the area. “I learned a great deal from the experience,” said student Naana Denning. “I hope this program is held often on campus to educate the student body.” Lelia Bradshaw, assistant director of the Center for Student Development, agrees. “I think the students took pride in knowing that what they were doing would contribute to the overall welfare of our campus community,” Bradshaw said. “They took the task at hand very seriously.”

University of Delaware looks to UVa-Wise for inspiration When the University of Delaware began exploring the idea of a campus expansion program, they didn’t have to look very far for inspiration. Administrators found exactly what they were looking for in UVa-Wise. UD proposes to locate a campus south of the university’s main campus in Newark much as the University of Virginia did in Wise more than five decades ago.



A yearlong analysis will determine whether UD will build a campus in Sussex County, which is already home to several UD programs. “We’re stealing shamelessly from the University of Virginia,” said UD President Patrick T. Harker in a July article in the Cape Gazette. Harker said UVa-Wise is “now a top liberal arts college in the United States with a very clear focus.” In 1954, the University of

Virginia opened Clinch Valley College (now UVa-Wise) with a mission to bring a liberal arts education and the ideals of its founder, Thomas Jefferson, to people in Southwest Virginia. Harker told the Cape Gazette he’d like to see a branch campus of UD to fulfill the needs of students who prefer a small college setting. The population of UD’s main campus topped 20,300 in 2007.

Headlines @ Wise CA AM MPAI PAIGN G N NEWS

Students to benefit from $4 million gift from Hancock estate A recently announced $4 million gift from the estate of Robert Charles Hancock will fund scholarships to benefit students in their educational endeavors at UVa-Wise. Hancock, who passed away in 2007, served the region as a pharmacist in Dickenson County for four decades and had served as a member of the College’s Foundation Board since 2005. A lifetime philanthropist who gave to many charitable and nonprofit organizations, Hancock established the Thelma Meade

Hancock Scholarship Fund in 2003 in memory of his mother, a public school teacher in Russell County. Hancock’s estate gift will fund that scholarship, which supports UVaWise students of Southwest Virginia. During a May 16 ceremony, Frank Kilgore ’77, the executor of Hancock’s will, announced the gift to Hancock’s friends and colleagues, including members of the College Board, Foundation Board and Campaign Cabinet. “Thelma Hancock and the apple of her eye, Bob Hancock,

leave a legacy of supporting higher education in the Virginia coalfields,” Kilgore said. “That legacy serves and will continue to serve many generations of students.” The new gift will add $180,000 annually to the scholarship fund. “The College is honored that Mr. Hancock chose to benefit our students with this generous gift,” said UVa-Wise Chancellor David J. Prior. “This gift should contribute to our continued reputation for graduating students with a low debt load.”

U.S. News ranking: UVa-Wise students complete degrees with least debt UVa-Wise once again tops the list of national liberal arts colleges whose students graduate with a low debt load. The UVa-Wise Class of 2007 completed their degrees with less debt than students at any of the nation’s other liberal arts colleges, according to the latest issue of U.S. News and World Report’s annual college guide. UVa-Wise ranked first among the nation’s 265 liberal arts colleges (public or private) for graduating students with the least amount of debt. Including this year, UVa-Wise has graduated students with less debt than students at any other liberal arts college (public or private) for the past four out of five years. This is the fifth consecutive year UVa-Wise has graduated students with less debt than students at any other public liberal arts college. Among the UVa-Wise Class of 2007, 65 percent accrued some student debt. Of those UVa-Wise graduates who do have student loans to repay, the average amount of debt is $9,206. That compares to an average debt load of $35,839 for students at Bennett College in North Carolina, the liberal arts college with the largest average student debt.

The U.S. News data includes loans taken out by students from financial institutions, federal, state and local governments, and from the colleges themselves. Parents’ loans are not included. The average amount of debt is the average cumulative amount borrowed by those students who incurred debt,

not the average for all students. In the recent rankings, UVaWise continues to be listed among the nation’s top public liberal arts colleges. The nation’s 265 liberal arts colleges – most of which are private – emphasize undergraduate education and award at least half of their degrees in the arts and sciences.

Fulfilling the Dream...

Campaign Update (As of November 30, 2008)


Gifts to date


$10 million

$ 18,684,482


$ 3 million

$ 2,140,882

Academic Programs

$ 4 million

$ 3,119,498


$ 8 million

$ 8,025,065

Dining Commons

$ 8 million



Residence Hall

$ 2 million



Convocation Center Project $10 million $ (Supplemental funds for Convocation Center, Greear Gym renovation)


Center for the Arts

$ 4 million

$ 4,000,300

New Initiatives & Great Ideas

$ 1 million

$ 3,563,677


$50 million

$ 39,533,904 FALL 2008


Headlines @ Wise

‘Papa Joe’ Smiddy documentary now available on DVD Chancellor Emeritus Joseph C. Smiddy reflects on his colorful life and the history of UVa-Wise in a four-disc DVD documentary now available. “Joseph C. ‘Papa Joe’ Smiddy: The Man, His Life and His Legacy at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise” is an entertaining and informative DVD collection that also features the College’s first Chancellor picking toe-tapping banjo tunes, including his signature song “Butter Beans,” in two live concerts with the Reedy Creek band and friends. Smiddy, a Virginia legend, has touched the lives of thousands through decades of work for the College and the community it has served since its creation in 1954 as Clinch Valley College. The idea to create the documentary occurred about two years ago when Chancellor David J. Prior noticed a captivated audience gathering around Smiddy as he played the dulcimer and told stories about the College’s fledgling days. “It was so compelling,” Prior said. “This storytelling and this music must be preserved.” The project preserves Smiddy’s timeless tales for future generations. Stories in the collection span the early years of the College where he taught biology after giving up

a successful career with Shell Oil. Smiddy was later thrust, THE MAN, HIS LIFE AND HIS LEGACY AT reluctantly on his THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA’S COLLEGE AT WISE part, into the role of director and later Chancellor of the University of Virginia’s only branch college. In the documentary, Smiddy says much of his work, including an occasional unconventional way of tackling college admission and registration, was designed to give others the same opportunities to obtain a college degree that he had. The DVD collection is A 4-DISC DOCUMENTARY PRESENTATION available in the UVa-Wise Bookstore for $25. A $5 shipping and For purchasing information, handling fee will be charged for offvisit the UVa-Wise Bookstore or call campus orders. Proceeds will benefit 276-328-0210. Visit www.uvawise. UVa-Wise students. edu/papajoe for a short preview.


Good receives Outstanding Contribution Award For more than 20 years Jean Good has served UVa-Wise, overseeing the campus post office and telecommunications. Her service to the UVa-Wise community has earned her the 2008 Outstanding Contribution Award. Each year one classified staff member at UVa-Wise is selected to receive the Outstanding Contribution Award along with colleagues from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. Community service is also important to Good, who works with



Relay for Life, the Keep Virginia Clean Campaign, PAWS, the Pet Smart Ink Return Charity and Cell Phones for Soldiers. Perhaps one of the things Good is best known for is her kindness. “One of my earliest memories of Jean is when she put a ‘You’ve Got Mail’ card in my mailbox,” says David Amos ’03, an administrative assistant in the campus post office. “She places these cards in students’ mailboxes when she overhears them complain that they never receive mail from anyone.”

Headlines @ Wise

Stickel named first Goodman & Company accounting fellow Suzanne Stickel is the first recipient of the Goodman & Company Fellowship, a program established by Goodman & Company for UVa-Wise accounting majors. The program encourages, supports and promotes development of exceptional accounting majors at UVaWise. Fellows receive a $2,500 scholarship each semester and earn three hours of college credit. The students receive valuable mentoring from Goodman & Company partners and managers. “We’re very excited to be partnering with UVaWise,” said Melissa Stanley, a Goodman & Company partner. Special seminars and workshops presented by Goodman & Company and UVa-Wise faculty are available for fellows. In addition, significant work experience and management training the fellows receive typically results in advanced career placement with the company upon graduation. Stickel, who hails from Springfield, recently completed an internship with Goodman & Company. She has accepted a full-time position with the company. “This is really an honor,” Stickel said. “I’m excited about working for Goodman & Company. I want to pursue a professional career in accounting because I value the importance of the job.” Robert Meixner, Jr., director of recruiting for Goodman & Company, says his organization has had tremendous success with UVa-Wise students. “The students here are being well prepared,” Meixner said. “We are confident that the Goodman & Company Fellowship program will be a great asset to future accounting students.”

The first Goodman & Company fellow, Suzanne Stickel received a business card holder with her own Goodman business cards.

Faculty & Staff Notes Michael’s latest book profiles controversial Carto Willis Carto shaped the far right’s position on immigration, globalization, multiculturalism, Holocaust denial and Middle East conflict more than any other figure, according to a new biography of the controversial man by George Michael, assistant professor of political science. In “Willis Carto and the American Far Right,” Michael says the founder of Liberty Lobby fell short of many of his goals, including a plan to create coherence for the fractured far right and a desire to sway Congress, but his influence on the movement will likely endure well into the current century

since many of the same issues that fed the movement continue today. The book is available at the UVaWise Bookstore and other retail booksellers. Clark ‘92 speaks at Appalachian lecture series Amy Clark ‘92, assistant professor of English, spoke about the literacies of Appalachian women at the John B. Stephenson Lecture Series on Appalachia hosted by Lees-McRae College in July 2007. Named in honor of a noted Appalachian and Scottish Highlands scholar, the Stephenson lecture series featured scholars whose work has

contributed to the advancement of the discipline of Appalachian studies and the region itself. Sheldon essay on Constitution published in Harvard journal A Constitution Day lecture by Professor Garrett W. Sheldon has been published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. The lecture came from Sheldon’s essay, “Constituting the Constitution: Understanding the American Constitution through the British Cultural Constitution,” which was part of a series of lectures he gave at Hertford College, Oxford, during the summers of 2004 and 2005. FALL 2008


Graduates Jerry Bentley ’08 and Ashley Reece ’08 pause for a snapshot following Commencement exercises.


UVa-Wise graduates largest class in history The University of Virginia’s College at Wise awarded bachelor’s degrees to 322 graduates on May 17, making the Class of 2008 the largest class in the College’s history. Senator John H. Chichester delivered the keynote address to the graduates and hundreds of their friends and family who gathered for the ceremony at Carl Smith Stadium. The longest-serving Republican in Virginia Senate history, Sen. Chichester challenged the graduates to take the civic spirit they have developed and embraced at UVa-Wise and apply it to all the “communities of interest” they encounter in life. “It’s no secret that our colleges produce the future leaders of this Commonwealth,” Sen. Chichester told the graduates. “You are going to be cast in that role. As a society, we need to know that future leaders will be just as devoted to the community at large as they are to their college community. The privilege of our pedigree as Virginians demands no less.” During his 29-year tenure in the Virginia General Assembly, Sen. Chichester focused attention on



public and higher education. He secured funding to advance and develop Virginia’s public schools, colleges and universities as chair of both the Senate Finance Committee and its Subcommittee on Education. He

Carlos Pereira ’08 of Arlington receives congratulations from Sen. John Chichester.

retired from the General Assembly in January. “As leaders, you will be called upon to make tough decisions from time to time,” Chichester said. “The gravity of those decisions will depend on the exact path you choose as a profession. But rest assured that whatever your career choice, the decisions that you make have implications for those of your community of interest. That fact carries a huge weight of responsibility.” UVa-Wise Chancellor David J. Prior reminded the graduates that, as educated people, they have the opportunity and responsibility to be leaders. “The complexities of our times shouldn’t discourage you, but rather should drive you to build a better world,” Prior said. The Chancellor presented each graduate with a copy of the children’s book “The Little Engine That Could” as a gift from the College and the Napoleon Hill Foundation. He challenged the graduates to read the book to a child and to thank a former teacher that had a positive impact on their lives.

The Class of 2008 processes at Carl Smith Stadium.

Helping children is what drives Sarah Hamilton ’08 While enrolled in an introductory psychology course at UVa-Wise, Sarah Hamilton ’08 knew that she wanted to pursue a career in the psychology field. However, it was when Hamilton worked with young children at Kids Central, a local Head Start center, that she honed her career plans to a fine point. “I worked with one child who had autism and had a hard time relating well to others,” Hamilton says. “I especially want to help children like that.” A native of St. Paul, Hamilton presented the “Challenge to the Graduates” at Commencement. This fall, she began a master’s program in school counseling at Radford University. She plans to pursue a career in guidance counseling and hopes to earn a certificate in autism spectrum disorders. “I hope to return to this region to work,” says the summa cum laude graduate. “There’s a large peak of autism diagnosed among children in our area, and they’re not diagnosed early enough.” For her senior capstone project at the College, Hamilton studied autism spectrum disorders and presented her findings to her peers. “UVa-Wise has actually been more than I ever expected it to be,” Hamilton says. “I didn’t expect to meet so many people who have made such a lasting impact on my life.... Plus, I’m graduating debt-free, which is so rare for students at other schools to be able to say.”

Donovan Mabe ’08 plans to support region as doctor Although his plans upon graduating from UVa-Wise will take him far away from his hometown of Appalachia, Donovan Mabe ’08 doesn’t plan to stay away from Wise County. A summa cum laude member of the Class of 2008, Mabe shared the “Moment of Reflection” with his fellow graduates during Commencement Exercises. Mabe is now pursuing his medical degree at West Virginia University with plans for a career as an orthopedic surgeon. He hopes to return to Wise County to open a practice of his own. Mabe’s interest in the medical field was sparked by a course in cellular biology. He then knew he wanted to become a pre-med student and chose to major in biology. The rest is history, and Mabe has nothing but good to say about his UVa-Wise experience. “During my first two years, I commuted to school from home, and then I decided to live on campus,” Mabe says. “That’s when I flourished as a student.” For his senior year, Mabe joined the Highland Cavaliers football team. Unfortunately, Mabe broke his leg and had to sit out the fall season – a bit of irony for a student planning a career in orthopedic surgery to help patients with muscular and skeletal injuries. “Regardless, I’d do it all over again,” Mabe says. “I had a great time.”

FALL 2008




beyond THE WORLD

UVa-Wise students broaden their scope through research and study abroad


future English teacher tracing the footsteps of authors at the University of Oxford. A native of Kenya using computer software to develop an instructional tool for teaching physics concepts. A theatre major conducting research about a theoretical concept she has coined “cathartic gawking.” Meet Jade, Shadrack and Emily, just a small sample of UVa-Wise students taking a deeper look – and a new look – at the world around them through study abroad and undergraduate research. For these three students, study abroad and research go hand in hand. Through these and other opportunities, UVa-Wise students find themselves better prepared for careers and graduate study, and some claim they are more prepared than their peers from other institutions. The stories, travels and studies of the students on the following pages reveal why.

B Y R O G E R H AGY, J R . ’ 0 5

FALL 2008


A truth

U N I V E R S A L LY A C K N O W L E D G E D . . .

Jane Austen might have written that for this scholar, “it is a truth universally acknowledged” that to find yourself, you must look outside the world you’ve always known.


er travel journal features the Eiffel Tower on the front cover, but Jade Bolling has never been to Paris. Instead, her journal features a log of her three study abroad trips to Great Britain, including her latest trip to study at Oxford University for one month. “This journal is finished now, so I guess Paris will have to wait for another travel journal,” Bolling says with a smile. As she shares stories and photos from her recent trip, it’s impossible to not share Bolling’s enthusiasm for international travel and excitement about her classes and research at Oxford. A first-generation college student and English major, Bolling had previously traveled with Mountain Empire Community College to England, Ireland and Wales for her first trip, followed by a trip to London as part of a UVa-Wise literature class taught by Assistant Professor of English John Adrian. Following those group-focused trips, she decided to pursue another program on her own. Interested in a faith-based program, Bolling’s research led her to the Best Semester program through the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Through the monthlong summer program, she enrolled in literature courses under Wycliffe Hall at Oxford. Her coursework and research involved studies of Jane Austen’s works and an examination of the relationship between literature and the Christian tradition. For one project, Bolling examined the role of mothers and marriage in Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice.” “I discussed how Austen didn’t exactly favor



women who were married,” Bolling explains. “For example, Austen once wrote to her sister that a woman loses everything when she’s married.” Another research project involved a discussion of morality in writing, using books such as Elizabeth Gaskell’s “North and South” and James Joyce’s “Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” “I argued that it’s okay for Christian writers to use vulgarity and violence in their works, as it helps to teach lessons through realism,” Bolling says. Beyond coursework and research, however, Bolling and her classmates – all from other North American institutions – were able to tour Oxford and other locales in England. Bolling visited the Jane Austen Centre and Roman Baths in the city of Bath and toured cathedrals in Winchester, Glastonbury and Wells. She had the rare opportunity to attend a summer solstice celebration at the ancient and mysterious Stonehenge, where they were able to walk up to the stones and touch them. She even walked where her favorite writers had walked, visiting the Kilns (home of C. S. Lewis) and the Eagle and Child Pub, where Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien would talk for hours with their fellow writers, dubbed “Inklings.” Bolling also toured the Oxford Museum, which Lewis Carroll visited with Alice Liddell, who inspired his “Wonderland” heroine and which houses the dodo that inspired a character in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” “Everywhere we visited always had a connection to an author,” Bolling says. “The history behind everything was amazing.” What sparked a change for Bolling the most during her trip, however, was life as a residential student in Oxford – a huge jump for the 20-year-old

Wise native who has commuted to UVaWise for her classes. “We were like a big family, cooking dinners in the kitchen and watching movies in our living room,” Bolling says of her life with classmates from other institutions. “I felt like I had known them forever. We all wanted to learn, and they were really like me, yet from totally different areas.” Bolling and her classmates were fascinated by the similarities and differences between their colleges. Bolling’s classmates were especially interested in her descriptions of student life at UVa-Wise, as she was the only student from a nonfaithbased institution. “I really want to try residence life on campus in Wise now,” Bolling says. “This trip really opened my eyes, and I made some great new friends.” Her international perspective also has changed because of her stay at Oxford. “During my first two trips abroad, I focused so much on how we were so different from those around us,” she says. “But after living there for a month, I realized how alike we are. We may have different values, but in the end, we’re still the same.” That change in perspective is why Bolling encourages everyone to study or travel abroad. “Traveling abroad helps you learn about other people, yourself and what you’re capable of,” Bolling says. “Traveling has increased my confidence completely.” And Bolling is certainly not finished with traveling or studying abroad. She hopes to someday travel to Scotland and would like to enroll in a semester-long program with Best Semester before finishing her time at UVa-Wise. “What has kept me at UVa-Wise are the people and my professors, who are so supportive,” Bolling says. “You’re never a small fish in a big pond at UVa-Wise; you have a name and a face.” Ultimately, Bolling hopes her college education and study abroad experiences will add something different to the classroom experience when she becomes an English and drama teacher after graduation. “Having visited where famous authors have been and where they’ve walked, I think I’ll be able to share that and make the reading experience more real for my students,” Bolling says. See more of Jade’s travels on her blog at www.myoxfordadventures.blogspot.com FALL 2008




With a passion for physics research, this Kenyan student has no intention of losing momentum as he pursues success in the United States.


or students, college is undoubtedly a journey like no other. And for Shadrack Nthusi ’07, going to college was quite literally a journey like no other – one that led him across the Atlantic Ocean to UVa-Wise, where he could conduct research in a field he loves before ultimately pursuing his dream career of scientific research. A native of Kenya, Nthusi dreamed of journeying to the United States to attend college. In a family of eight siblings, doing so would become the first of many challenges. “My parents were not in a good financial position to send me to college,” Nthusi says. “I didn’t know how to achieve my dreams, since I couldn’t afford college and because it was so expensive to travel to America.” While the “how” was beyond his reach at that point, Nthusi refused to rest on his laurels. He took a computer course to learn more about technology and got a job, saving his money along the way. He applied to several colleges in the United States and was accepted at Lynchburg College. Nthusi’s parents were supportive of their son’s endeavors. His father sold a piece of the family’s farmland (and only source of income) and applied for a loan to help his son realize his goal. Combining this money with the funds he had saved, Nthusi was ready to go, hopping a plane to London and then on to the States in 2004. “It was my first time on a plane, and I had no time to pack,” Nthusi says. “I grabbed three shirts, two pairs of pants and a small jacket. “I left Africa in January, where it was like summer,” Nthusi recalls with a bit of humor in his voice. “My jacket was not warm enough, and I was



freezing in London.” When he arrived in Lynchburg, classes had been in session for two weeks. Nthusi arrived late one Thursday, was taken to his residence hall room and had to immediately go to class on Friday. “I was still freezing, thanks to the air conditioner in my room,” Nthusi jokes. “And I had to take a quiz in my very first class.” After a whirlwind first semester, Nthusi’s initial scholarship was up, and he realized he had to plan his next steps. “I wasn’t allowed to work as an international student, so I had no idea how I was going to pay the bills,” Nthusi says. “Just wait and see what will happen,” said a friend of Nthusi’s roommate, who allowed him to stay at his house temporarily. Those words turned out to be quite foretelling, as Nthusi met Dr. Ed Perry, a retired dentist who hailed from the small town of Wise. “Dr. Perry wanted to move back home to Wise,” Nthusi says. “I found out about UVa-Wise, and Dr. Perry encouraged me to apply and stay in his house, free of charge. “He’s my guardian and has helped me out so much.” Nthusi transferred to UVa-Wise as a sophomore and immediately realized the benefits. “I wanted to be at a small college,” Nthusi says. “I had to work on my accent, and at Wise, it was like I had a family to talk to and learn English. At a bigger college, I wouldn’t have learned so easily.” During his time at Wise, however, Nthusi received word that his mother had been diagnosed with cancer. Since his departure from Kenya, Nthusi

had not been able to afford to return to visit with his family. “I couldn’t concentrate on anything,” Nthusi recalls. “I told one of my classmates that I really wanted to see my mother.” The classmate mentioned this to Phil Shelton, professor emeritus of biology, who surprised Nthusi with a roundtrip ticket to Kenya to visit his family during the winter break after final exams. “Dr. Shelton was a mentor to me,” Nthusi says. It’s fitting, then, that Nthusi was awarded the Philip C. Shelton Outstanding Environmental Scientist Award in 2007. Experiences like that are what made Nthusi appreciate his time at UVa-Wise. Beyond the interactions and relationships, he especially enjoyed the opportunity to conduct scientific research. Nthusi participated in the Fellowship in the Natural Sciences (FINS) program at the College, performing research with Assistant Professor of Physics Lucian Undreiu. For his research project, Nthusi used a visual programming tool called LabVIEW to “convert some simple physics problems into interactive simulations of physical phenomena described by those problems.” The goal of his study was to develop an instructional tool for teachers to more visually and simply illustrate basic concepts in physics. “The FINS program was really challenging, but I learned a lot,” Nthusi says. “UVa-Wise exposed me to research and prepared me to become a scientist in the field.” As a student, Nthusi helped other international students like him as a mentor, helping them acclimate to the local area and life in the States. Now Nthusi is back at Lynchburg College, where he hopes to earn a master’s of education degree in science. He plans to pursue a career as an environmental science researcher. Despite the distance, Nthusi still returns to Wise as often as he can to visit with Dr. Perry and others. “Being at Wise gave me a different perspective,” Nthusi says. “It exposed me to many new things. It was a really good experience.”

her stage ALL THE WORLD’S

According to Shakespeare, “All the world’s a stage,” but this young researcher and theater student is no mere player.


or Emily Witucki, life is dramatic. Of course, the key there is “drama,” which is Witucki’s passion as a theater major and budding researcher at UVa-Wise. Like any good stage production, Emily’s career as a student is storied. Scenes of her student life seem to have little overlap, but now, in what could be called her third act at the College, her experiences are hitting a crescendo where all the pieces fit together. The result is a culminating experience that exemplifies the College’s proud liberal arts tradition. A large portion of that experience is Witucki’s research as part of a new fellowship under development at the College for students not focusing on the natural sciences. In her study, Witucki examines how the relationship between audiences and performers has evolved from just “gawking” for curiosity’s sake to gawking as a facet of marketing. “Studying the grotesque and carnivalesque in my theater classes is what sparked the idea for my research,” Witucki says. For her research, Witucki evaluated the aesthetic distance between performers and their audiences. Historically, she has looked at P. T. Barnum, who “created a market for spectacular, exotic and grotesque bodies when he opened his museums and featured stage entertainment and freak shows.” According to Witucki, the gawking relationship between audience and performer changed in the 20th century from mere voyeurism to a part of mass consumerism, evidenced by the 1920s Modern Girl, “a young, independent woman with a lean figure and beautiful face.” Today, Witucki argues that advertising and reality television use “spectacular bodies” to market



a brand or attract viewers’ attention. One example is the Victoria Secret “angel,” who, Witucki argues, is no longer exotic and represent some type of reality. “We are now so bombarded by exotic and grotesque bodies that it no longer stimulates a response of fear and confusion, but rather provokes us to consider them ordinary,” Witucki says. “This merging of spectacular bodies and normalcy has made us think that we are abnormal and that we should strive to imitate these forms.” To conduct her study, Witucki examined historical forms of the performing arts and modern practices in mass media marketing – two areas in which she has impressive experience. On the media side, Witucki worked as a marketing associate for The Washington Times during the summers of 2006 and 2007, creating marketing projects to promote the organization. On the performing arts side, that’s what attracted Witucki to UVa-Wise, and vice versa. During a Virginia Theatre Association conference in Reston, the Alexandria native auditioned for the College’s theater program. After a call back and a second audition, Witucki was in and ready to delve deeply in her primary passion. “What I always liked about the UVa-Wise theater program is that I didn’t have to pick a specific discipline,” Witucki says. “The College gave me a liberal arts approach to studying theater.” Since her arrival in Wise, Witucki has learned a great deal about stagecraft, with opportunities to hone her skills through various stage productions, including “The Importance of Being Earnest,” “The Laramie Project,” “The Taming of the Shrew” and this fall’s “Alice in Wonderland.”

What’s more: She has worked with these productions in the temporary “Theater Center” across the road from campus while the former theater is under renovation as part of the Center for the Arts construction. “I’ve enjoyed the different space as a new challenge,” Witucki says. “It’s restrictive. We’re closer to the audience, and it makes us think about what we can and can’t hide. It definitely has expanded my knowledge of both the technical and design aspects of theater.” Witucki has expanded her horizons, as well. She traveled abroad for the first time in March when a group from UVa-Wise journeyed to Austria. Witucki didn’t wait for opportunity to knock twice. She toured a marionette exhibit at the fortress in Salzburg, where she also visited Mozart’s birthplace and examined set designs for some of his productions. “It’s so interesting to see how people use models to illustrate design concepts,” Witucki says. Having studied German at UVa-Wise, Witucki also made every attempt to immerse herself in the culture. “I got to explore art museums that I never thought I’d get to see, and went to open markets and restaurants where English wasn’t spoken heavily to really dive into the culture.” Thanks to her trip abroad, her research and her involvement with theater, Witucki looks forward to learning more. “UVa-Wise opened my mind to different areas of study I would have never been interested in,” Witucki says. She also appreciates her professors, especially her research mentor, Michael Hunt. “He has helped me ask questions about the world around me that I was never willing to ask before,” Witucki says. Witucki hopes to explore more of that world. She hopes to intern with Cirque du Soleil and other premier productions in Las Vegas. She also is interested in pursuing a graduate degree in theater. On her list of hopefuls are Yale University, the University of Virginia and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “I want to try whatever I want,” Witucki says. “UVa-Wise allowed me to do that, too, and it sparked my intellectual curiosity.” Read Emily’s research essay online at www.uvawise.edu/witucki.html

deeper A


The Fellowship in the Natural Sciences (FINS) has made research a reality for UVa-Wise students, as they explore scientific phenomena with faculty members.


esearch is not always possible for undergraduate students. However, one young program at UVa-Wise has made research a valuable reality for several students. Launched in 2002, the Fellowship in the Natural Sciences (FINS) has provided research opportunities to 27 students, most of whom have gone on to medical or graduate school. “FINS is an excellent opportunity for students to get their hands dirty,” says Robin Woodard, associate professor of biology and frequent mentor to FINS students. “They can see if research is something they want to pursue after graduation.” According to Professor of Chemistry Margie Tucker, the program was formed as a way for students and faculty to conduct research. However, money and time to conduct research were problems. Inspiration finally hit. The solution: Summer, when faculty and students have a lighter load. The remaining problem was that students may prefer to work in the summer to make extra money. Tucker discussed funding with Rusty Necessary ’87, vice chancellor for enrollment management, and Bill Wendle ’93, director of financial aid. “Rusty and Bill wanted to help and knew they could find funds to support our idea,” Tucker says. “They told me that if we establish a program with specific requirements, we could move forward.” Tucker took the news back to the science faculty. Associate professors of biology Kevin Jansen and Kevin Jones devised the entire program “almost overnight,” Tucker says. Now, FINS offers a $3,000 stipend to fellows for research with a faculty mentor in a 10-week period. “FINS has been a great opportunity for me to



conduct my own research,” says FINS fellow Jessica Weaver. “It has really prepared me for my future.” Friends of the College have eagerly supported the program. Ben Sturgill, the associate dean of admissions in the School of Medicine at the University of Virginia until 2003, often visited the College to advise pre-med students. When Sturgill passed away in 2004, it was revealed that he had bequeathed a house to the College. Once the house was sold, the money could be used to endow the FINS program. “I’m not sure where the FINS program would be if not for Ben’s gift,” Tucker says. “He put us on firm financial ground to keep the program steady.” Now, Sturgill’s wife Eleanore actively follows the progress of FINS students. Others have supported the program, including the Columbus Phipps Foundation and several alumni and friends. FINS has been a resounding success and has inspired a similar fellowship for students interested in topics outside the natural sciences. “I never dreamed it would turn into what it has,” Tucker says. “The program is successful FINS student Jessica Weaver because it just works.” studied cultivated herbs and maintenance of fungal diversity.




International study is at an all-time high at UVa-Wise, with students trotting the globe and discovering new cultures.


hile UVa-Wise has traditionally been situated on 367 acres in the mountains of Southwest Virginia, what many don’t realize is that the College’s campus is far larger than that today. In fact, the UVa-Wise campus is now, quite literally, the world. While study abroad has been available at the College for quite some time, those opportunities have multiplied by leaps and bounds. In the past year, study abroad has soared at UVa-Wise, with more students traveling internationally than ever before. Coupled with that is the growing diversity among international students traveling to study at UVa-Wise. “It’s very encouraging to see more and more students asking about the College’s study abroad opportunities,” says Witold Wolny, director of international programs.

On a recent UVa-Wise trip to China, (kneeling) Natasha Lowery, Diane Petro ’08, Jacob King, (standing) Morgan Meade, Oktay Duymaz, Misty Buell, Stephen Orange, Academic Dean Amelia Harris and Ed Harris visited Tian’anmen Square in Beijing.

Truly impressive is the number of destination countries now available to UVa-Wise students for international study. For the 2005-2006 academic year, only three countries on the map were available as destinations for students. The following academic year saw 11 countries available. However, in 2007-2008, the number of countries available as destinations skyrocketed to an astounding 50 countries, thanks to new bilateral and affiliation agreements with schools and programs. “Interest in study abroad is at an all-time high and continues to increase,” says Academic Dean Amelia Harris. “More students want to experience another culture firsthand, and faculty in disciplines other than the foreign language studies have begun to encourage students to study internationally.” Harris and Wolny agree that study abroad is more affordable than ever for students, as well. “Thanks to our recent agreements, students can enroll at many international institutions while only paying UVa-Wise tuition,” Wolny adds. Financial aid and scholarships further help defer the cost of tuition and students’ travel expenses. “We’re receiving more interest from donors in contributing to study abroad, and we hope that trend will continue,” Harris says. “History tells us that the impact of these contributions for students far exceeds the amount given.” Wolny, who has been instrumental in increasing study abroad opporunities at the College, hopes even more students will reap the benefits each year. “My dream is to make study abroad an integral part of all students’ education,” Wolny says. “I’d like to see the College one day send 100 percent of its students to destinations all over the world.” FALL 2008


Charting her own course

Betty Orr White ’66 left the mountains of Southwest Virginia for the sandy shores of Honolulu to embark on a career of service to young women.

BY CASSANDRA J. SPROLES ’00 couple moved to Honolulu. his summer Betty Orr Honolulu, which translates White ’66 came home. to “a place of shelter,” was a After more than 40 years, she fitting destination for White, came back to see the little who left her home in Southwest college that, as it turned out, Virginia to chart her own course wasn’t so little anymore and in life – a course that took her to reflect on the path that took to the hallowed halls of a girls her from the mountains of Lee preparatory school. County to paradise in Honolulu, White has spent 38 years at Hawaii. Sacred Hearts Academy, which is Education has always been celebrating its 100th anniversary an important part of White’s this academic year. She began life. She graduated from teaching social studies, worked Jonesville High School and then her way up to vice principal and began the two-year program at was named principal in 1992. Clinch Valley College that led More than 1,000 girls her to become an educator in Betty Orr White ’66 with husband Emmet – from junior kindergarten her own right. through 12th grade – attend the Catholic independent The choice to come to Clinch Valley College was college preparatory school. Nearly 7,000 alumnae have an easy one, White says. The closeness to her home in graduated from the century-old school and gone on to Lee County and the fact that she could actually pay for become business leaders and influential community classes on her own helped her make the decision. But members – including former Hawaiian Lieutenant there was one person who solidified the decision for Orr Governor Jean King. and her parents. Under White’s leadership, Sacred Hearts was named “There was a familiarity with the College,” White a National School of Character in 2007, a recognition says, “because Joe Smiddy (the College’s first chancellor) granted to only 10 schools in the United States. In was originally from Lee County and had worked at May, White was named the 2008 University of Mary Jonesville High School for several years. My parents felt Washington Distinguished Alumnus because of her very safe with me in ‘his’ college.” leadership skills and contributions to the education of Clinch Valley College was a “wonderful transition” girls and community initiatives. from her small high school, White says. But it also As a result of her years of preparation in college and allowed learning outside the classroom. Getting to know her hard work in the world of education, White says she other students from the area was like learning firsthand has had the “privilege of participating in the academic, about Southwest Virginia. social and spiritual growth of thousands of young “I never felt like a number, but instead knew most women, enabling them to develop a love of learning that everyone in my class and also knew most professors will continue for the rest of their lives.” by name,” she says. “I had excellent teachers like Tom She attributes these rewards to the quality of her Robinson, Clayton Willis and Judd and Helen Lewis. educational preparation. They were some of the finest teachers I have known “The goodness and quality of the education at throughout my years in higher education.” Clinch Valley has always been a subtle – yet vital With the help of a teacher’s scholarship and a library – presence in my career,” White says. “I shall always be work-study job, White finished her two-year certificate indebted to Clinch Valley and other colleges I attended in 1966. A graduate fellowship then enabled her to study for nurturing my passion for education and giving political science at the College of William and Mary. me the courage to teach and share that education in a White met her future husband, Emmet, while at wonderful place, far away from my beloved home in William and Mary. Following two years of teaching in Southwest Virginia.” Virginia and Emmet’s completion of law school, the






As Baptist Collegiate Ministries celebrates its 50th anniversary at UVa-Wise, members had the opportunity to spread some encouragement while on a historic trip to South Africa. BY CASSANDRA J. SPROLES ’00 Whitney Stiltner embraces children at the Tharollo Township Educare Center. new partnership between South Africa and the Virginia Baptist Missions Board, which governs BCMs statewide, opened the door for a six-member group to travel to the Free State and spend two weeks ministering and spreading encouragement in the poverty-stricken region. UVa-Wise Campus Minister Jim Collie and University of Mary Washington Campus Minister Rhonda Nash led the group, called the GO Team. Wise students Kelly Hunter and Whitney Stiltner joined Kevin Spurlock of Wytheville Community College and Nina Spengler, a native of South Africa and a student at UMW, on the trip. Their days were filled with visits to churches, preschools, orphanages and daycare centers, plus volunteering at a soup kitchen and a visit to the local university to discuss multiculturalism. The experience was very humbling for Hunter, who had never traveled internationally. She and her fellow travelers witnessed children living in less than poor conditions with little or no food. “We take so much for granted in the United States. Simple things like food, water and shelter are rare commodities in other countries,” Hunter says. “This trip taught me to be thankful for what I have and to use what I have been blessed with to help others.”


Kelly Hunter holds a baby who had been abandoned at the Door of Hope Ministry in Johannesburg.

While living conditions were poor, Stiltner says it never stopped people from worshipping. “Most of the churches we visited consisted of walls of tin sheets, curtains that were old pieces of cloth held up by bottle caps used as nails... yet the members of these churches were filled with more joy than I have ever seen.” Stiltner says the most heart-breaking moment of the trip came when she and Nash were speaking at a small church. The congregation twice collected offering and wanted to give it to them. “They wanted to give us their offering, this beautiful body of people who were saving for an actual building to worship in,” Stiltner says. Collie says he felt the group met a real need in the churches for encouragement and support. “We were tangible proof of the greater ‘body of Christ.’ We were privileged to see, hear and touch others’ lives.” After the trip, the GO Team found that while they had accomplished their goal of encouraging others, their trip had an unexpected effect. “The ironic thing,” Stiltner says, “is that we were supposed to be there to encourage them and we ended up being more encouraged than we could have imagined.” Children at the Lebone House orphanage watch a boy outside the barred windows. Lebone House takes in children who are orphaned or abandoned, most of whom are unadoptable due to legal issues. FALL 2008



The Buddy Herron ’91 How one UVa-Wise alumnus turned his love of movies into a thriving business BY KATHY STILL ‘84

uddy Herron ’91 had just started elementary school when his family moved from Big Stone Gap to Dunbar. The coal camp, just a leap from town, seemed a world away to the Wise County youngster. Dunbar, a neighborhood crawling with children, offered plenty for an adventurous boy, but cable television was not on the list. The Central Drive-In was nearby, but Dunbar youngsters had no easy way to get to the show. In a move that foreshadowed his future career, young Buddy and pals schemed, plotted and struck a deal with the older neighbor kids. Each youngster would pony up a dollar for any teenager willing to transport a carload of preteens to the drive-in. It was a sweet deal. A dollar was a bargain since kids under 12 were admitted free. The brave teens garnered enough cash for a movie ticket and a trip to the concession stand to scarf down Central Drive-In’s famous hot dogs and burgers. The lack of cable television faded from their minds for a few hours as the Dunbar kids enjoyed a movie under the stars. “We spent lots of time at the Central Drive-In,” Herron says. “We’d sneak in to save money when we were older, but we always spent plenty of cash at the concession stand. Looking back, it never entered my mind that one day I’d own Central Drive-In.” The real estate agent is now a local movie theater mogul. He invested a total of $2 million in his 2005 purchase of the Central Drive-In, the now-shuttered cinemas in Wise and Coeburn, and in their replacement, Cinema City, a state-of-the-art multiplex which opened this year in Norton. Business is good at both venues. The 23 workers at Cinema City serve long




lines of customers eager to catch the latest flicks and munch on fresh popcorn. Central Drive-In, one of only 400 left in the nation, draws carloads of families, teens and the elderly who have fond memories of Central’s opening day in spring 1952. Herron still hangs out at the drive-in. He mans the ticket booth since he and his wife, Paula Herron ’00, live next door. He greets customers, offers hints of coming attractions and hands the driver a tempting menu listing all the concession stand treats and goodies. The drive-in’s six-member crew handles the other tasks. “I still love the drive-in,” he says. “The opportunity to buy a successful business that has been around for more than 50 years does not happen every day. It was already successful, so all I could hope for was to grow it.” Business has thrived under Herron’s careful cultivation. It was not easy, but he says each moment was thrilling. The business ledgers were solid when he pondered purchasing the drive-in and the cinemas

in Coeburn and Wise three years ago. However, he UVa-Wise. A stint in the National Guard delayed his knew customers were driving 50 miles or more to graduation by a year, but he says it was worth it to attend comfortable, high-tech cinemas in Abingdon, serve the nation. Pikeville and Kingsport. The region needed a new His first venture into the business world came cinema. Herron was determined to make it happen. on campus while he served as business manager for “There was no reason this area couldn’t have a the “Outpost” yearbook. He sold so many ads his modern cinema,” he says. “The problem was finding first year, the yearbook staff asked him to cut back a a place to put it.” bit the next year. Herron searched for the right spot. His “The College exposed me to possibilities,” childhood memories of Central Drive-In nudged Herron says. “It gave me the spirit and courage to him toward a downtown location so neighborhood recognize a potential successful business and to take children could walk or bike to the movies. The a chance on it. I never found a real job, so I decided old Food City building just past Market Street to make it on my own.” and Kentucky Avenue seemed perfect, even if just His first real business deal was a partnership the floors and walls were salvageable. Extensive purchase of the local Pizza King franchise in 1995. It renovations and top-notch planning from general was successful, but he sold his share to his partners. manager Mike Solomon transformed the old “Pizza just wasn’t my thing,” he says. supermarket. The cinema business is a better fit. To ease the renovation cash crunch, Herron sold The recent summer blockbuster season, some vintage arcade games on eBay. He used to especially the record-breaking “Dark Knight,” has operate a small arcade in Cantrell Hall at UVa-Wise Hollywood coffers ringing. Herron and his Cinema and one at the former Kingsport Mall. A vintage City and Central Drive-In crew stay busy these days Elvis pinball machine, one of only 500 produced, sits creating and nurturing the out-of-the-house movie next to several of Herron’s movie-themed pinball experience that young Buddy and his pals enjoyed machines at Cinema City. during their Dunbar days. “Business has always fascinated me,” he says. “I played the stock market without much success. This theater venture seemed both a risk and a sure bet. People were telling me that cinemas were dead. I disagree. People want to get out of the house, watch a movie and eat some popcorn. I wanted to create an atmosphere where people could feel comfortable and have a good out-of-thehouse experience without having to drive 50 miles to get it.” Herron majored in government and minored in history at An avid collector of pinball machines, Herron shares some of his collection at Cinema City.

FALL 2008


Athletics News Lawson excels at home and abroad

Britney Lawson has logged many travel miles with the Lady Cavs, but an invitation sent the stellar left fielder packing for a trip far beyond the normal trek to regional softball diamonds. The Duffield resident found herself running bases this summer in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. The 10-day stay in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities is an adventure the senior treasures. Lawson was invited to display her fielding and hitting prowess in Prague as part of the U.S.A. Athletes International program. Her play in regional tournaments landed her the invitation and her first trip abroad. Lawson and fellow Lady Cav Mary Wilson teamed with other U.S. players to compete in the program tournament. Lawson adjusted quickly to center field while Wilson moved easily from her normal position behind the plate to third base. “Everyone was different, but we finally fit together as a team,” Lawson says. “We finished second in the tournament.” Prague’s softball diamonds were not the only places Lawson visited. She managed some sightseeing when not swinging a bat. An engaging tour guide introduced the team to historic and cultural sites. “It was nice just being in a different country,” she says. “I learned a lot about life in Prague.” The Prague trip is just one highlight of Lawson’s spectacular athletic career. Lawson participates in volleyball and softball and excels in the classroom, as well. With Lawson on the roster, the 2007 Lady Cavs claimed its second softball NAIA Region XII championship and National Championships appearance. In fall 2007, Lawson led the team’s defense



and helped the squad nab its first NAIA Region XII women’s volleyball championship and trip to the nationals. She has gained allregion, all-conference and academic all-conference acclaim in both sports. “Britney leads through example as she is a hard worker who constantly works to improve,” adds head softball coach Tori Raby-Gentry. “She is consistent, and even if she is having an ‘off’ day, she picks her head up and doesn’t change her approach.” The nonstop effort to excel appeared early on for Lawson. “I always told my dad I was going to play Brittany Lawson is a star player in both in college,” she says. “I volleyball and softball. was originally going to After three years of service on just play softball but then had the the softball team, Lawson’s name is opportunity to play volleyball. I inked all over the record book for don’t really have an offseason, but it helping the team to a 96-62 record. keeps me focused.” She stands in the top four in 11 Lawson will be listed in the career categories with the top mark UVa-Wise volleyball record books as in triples (16). Britney’s 22 home the best defensive player in program runs put her three home runs away history in the libero position. After garnering 52 digs on Senior Night on from a career record, and heading into her final year, she is 27 hits from Nov. 6, she became the first UVabecoming the third UVa-Wise player Wise player to reach 2,000 career with 200 career hits. digs. She set the season record with In the season record book, the 1,047 digs as a junior. left-handed power hitter broke her Lawson was named the own home run record of 10 in 2007 Appalachian Athletic Conference by one last spring. She had the best Libero of the Year, NAIA All-Region season slugging percentage of .759 XII tournament team and second and lined the most triples (6) as a team, All-AAC and NAIA Libero of freshman. The outfielder received the Week. Her numbers included NAIA All-Region XII status as a a 50-dig effort against rival King sophomore and All-AAC each of the College and 14 matches with at least past two seasons. 30 digs.


Kuich ’08, Lauzon ’08 earn All-AAC honors for tennis Henning Kuich ‘08 and Autumn Lauzon ‘08 wrapped up their collegiate careers with solid seasons on the tennis courts. Both Highland Cavaliers earned All-Appalachian Athletic Conference acclaim. Kuich made his third appearance on the All-AAC team. He finished his senior season with a perfect 9-0 in the top singles spot and 26-7 during his final three seasons for the Cavs. Kuich was part of the AAC All-Academic team and the VaSID All-State second team. Lauzon received the AAC’s Individual Champion of Character Award in tennis. For the second time, she received All-AAC honors and posted a 29-13 singles record during her last three seasons.

Henning Kuich ’08

Autumn Lauzon ’08


Cavs repeat deep run in region playoffs The 2008 Highland Cavalier baseball team returned to the NAIA Region XII playoffs for its second deep run season in a row. Head Coach Hank Banner’s diamond crew posted consecutive 30-win seasons. The team finished third in the Region XII playoffs. UVa-Wise won two playoff games before falling to Tennessee Wesleyan and Union College. The Cavs (31-23) improved from last spring’s fourth-place Appalachian Athletic Conference finish to third this season. Designated hitter/first baseman Brad Robbins has paced the team’s offense for the past two seasons. The sophomore led the AAC in slugging

percentage (.725), home runs (13/0.23 per game) and total bases (137/2.54 per game). The two-time All-Region XII and All-AAC player connected for 13 home runs while lining 18 doubles and driving in 49 runners. Senior shortstop Jorge Laboy was named to the All-AAC second team for the third year in a row, while infielder Matt Duffy received honorable mention honors. Laboy set UVa-Wise career records for hits (232), at bats (643) and walks (81) while hitting .405 with 43 RBI fo the season. In his first season with the team, Duffy drove in a team best 58 runs as he hit .396 and had 22 extra base hits.

Visit the new Highland Cavaliers Web site The redesigned UVa-Wise athletics Web site launched in early September. The new site is located at www.uvawisecavs.com. Featuring a Flash interface, fan polls and photo galleries, the site was designed by SIDHelp, a company that specializes in NAIA athletics Web sites. UVa-Wise joins fellow Mid-South and Appalachian Athletic Conference members Union College, Campbellsville, Lindsey Wilson, Tennessee Wesleyan, Montreat and Lambuth to sign up with SIDHelp.


Cavs fall short in bid for third national championships trip The Lady Cavs softball team fell short of its bid for a third trip to the NAIA National Championships. Under Head Coach Tori RabyGentry, UVa-Wise (29-19) completed a 13-3 AAC regular season for a runner-up finish. The team has reached the Region XII tournament for the past eight seasons.

AAC Player of the Year Shelley Newton was an All-Region and AllAAC first-team pick for the past four years. She finished her career with 11 of the Lady Cavs career records, including doubles (61), home runs (24) and runs batted in (177). Freshman Maddi Ridenour received the program’s first All-

American honors with her selection to the third team. The All-Region and All-AAC outfielder led the league in batting average (.433), runs, hits and triples. Outfielder Britney Lawson and pitcher Lauren Snead round out the four All-AAC honorees for the Lady Cavs. FALL 2008


Alumni News

Chancellor David J. Prior and Chancellor Emeritus Joseph C. “Papa Joe” Smiddy near the overlook for the Dingle Peninsula.

Alumni & friends tour Ireland Alumni and friends of UVa-Wise were given a rare opportunity in July when Chancellor Emeritus Joseph C. “Papa Joe” Smiddy led a group of 30 to the shores of Ireland. Those who embarked on the first trip hosted by the Alumni Association witnessed the melding of musical flavors as Papa Joe, Joe Frank Smiddy ’60 and F. Wayne Edwards ‘62 performed mountain tunes in locales around the Emerald Isle. The group also paid visits to Shannon, the Cliffs of Moher and Blarney Castle, where they had the opportunity to kiss the Blarney Stone. Barbara Short and her granddaughter Megan Short Fannon ‘06 enjoy the beautiful green landscape near the Muckross House.

Pam Collie ’93, Merry Lu Prior and Sabrina Wall take in the sights of Adare.



Seen here at the Ring of Kerry, the traveling group included Glenn & Jere Blackburn, Andreas & Mary Claus, Pamela Collie ’93, Eugene & Lena Corrigan, George Culbertson ’57 & Nancy Culbertson ’77, Judith Davidson,Wayne Edwards ’62 & Brenda Edwards, Ernest & Petie Ern, Megan Fannon ’06,Terri & Paul Gedmin, Carol Sue Gilbert ’56, Jim Gott ’72 & Eva Gott, Henrietta Hodge, Connie Lee, Paula Nelson, Carole Noe ’85, Gene & Mary Pawlikawski, David & Merry Lu Prior, Frances Roberson, Rose Sawyer, Pamela Shingler, Barbara Short, Joseph C. Smiddy, Joseph Frank Smiddy ’60, Hunter Smith, Paul & Chances Varson, Frances M.Wall ’73, Sabrina Wall and Brian Wills.

Chancellor Emeritus Joseph C. “Papa Joe” Smiddy and son Joe Frank Smiddy ’60 prepare to board the plane with their musical instruments.

Above, Brenda Edwards, F. Wayne Edwards ’62, George Culbertson ’57 and Paul Varson wait in line to kiss the Stone of Eloquence at Blarney Castle. Right, Chancellor Emeritus Joseph C. “Papa Joe” Smiddy and F. Wayne Edwards ’62 perform in the Hilton Hotel of Limerick for locals and tourists alike.

FALL 2008


Alumni News

Perkins ’73 named Alumni Association president Rhonda Mullins Perkins ’73 has been elected the new president of the UVa-Wise Alumni Association. Perkins previously served on the UVa-Wise Board, the Foundation Board and the Alumni Association Board. She also served on the Wise County Chamber of Commerce as president and was named the Wise County Citizen of the Year in 1995. Perkins previously served on the Mountain Empire Community College Foundation Board and was a member of the Raleigh County American Cancer Society in Beckley, W. Va. She proudly supports and participates in the Wise County Relay for Life event each year. Perkins worked as director of pension plans with Horizon Natural Resources until 2004. She served Paramount Coal Corporation and Pyxis Resources Company until 1995 as manager of insurance, employee benefits and public relations. She currently lives in Abingdon with her husband, W. Scott Perkins. They have three children and one grandchild.

Carpenter, Sage co-chairing AFCC Jonnette “MJ” Dixon Carpenter ’01 and Bob Sage ’79 have been named co-chairs of the College’s Annual Fund Class Council, created in 2003 to involve members of each graduating class in the fundraising process. “This year’s co-chairs are two dynamic individuals who have excelled in their careers and personal lives,” said Tami Ely ’90, interim vice chancellor for development and college relations. “In a time when the economy is in a downward spiral, it is even more critical that we have support from our alumni and friends. We know MJ Dixon Carpenter ’01 MJ and Bob will help us greatly this year.” Carpenter works for Pfizer as a therapeutic specialty representative in the Powers Neuro Pain Division. She lives in Roanoke with her husband Shawn. Sage is vice president of wireless sales for NTELOS Wireless in Waynesboro. He lives in Virginia Beach with his wife Laura and their three children. Bob Sage ’79



Cavs for a Cure highest fundraisers Cavs for a Cure, the UVa-Wise Relay for Life team, raised the most money in Wise County this year, with a total of more than $10,500. More than $80,000 was raised countywide. Members of Cavs for a Cure attending the Relay for Life event in July were (above, standing) Gina Chisenhall ’89, Renay Balthis, Debbie Vanover, Francene Meade, Jessica Cain ’05, Vada Lawson, Irene Johnson, Peggy Sue Johnson, Susan Herron, Steven Sproles ’00, (kneeling) Laura Pritchard ’91, Tammie Hale, Pat Bevins ’94 and Jo Stewart ’84. (Not pictured: Pam Collie ’93, Jennifer Elks, Crystal Fleming, Katherine Franklin ’03, JoAnne Harding ’76, Sydney Johnson, Linda Meade and Teresa Mutter.)

Alumni News UVa-Wise visits alumni in Richmond, Newport News UVa-Wise and Alumni Association representatives gathered with friends and alumni in Richmond and Newport News in September to update them on the College’s growth and Alumni Board activities. The gathering at the Capital Ale House in downtown Richmond drew nearly 50 UVa-Wise alumni and friends. A tailgate party the following day at the Newport News Apprentice School brought more than 70 friends and alumni together prior to the football match-up between the Highland Cavaliers and the Builders.

Director of Alumni Relations Pam Collie ’93, Eric Thomas ’00, Adam Bell ’00 and David Amos ’03 at the Cavs vs. Builders football game in Newport News.

Billy Allen,Winston Ely ’61, Adam Bell ’00 and Kaye Phillips ’71

Vanessa Mullins, Jason Mullins ’06 and daughter Halle

Eli Christman ’03, Circe Black and Jonathan Mason ’02

David Amos ’03,Tammy Bell ’99, Ian Gilliam ’98 and Nicole Gilliam ’99 FALL 2008


Where it all began...

Alumni Homecoming 2008

Alumni return to Wise for Homecoming 2008

As UVa-Wise continues to grow, so does Alumni Homecoming. This year saw several reunions, including a gathering of former UVa-Wise tennis players, the Baptist Student Union/Baptist Collegiate Ministries 50th Anniversary Celebration and the Second Annual TRiO Reunion. As always, alumni enjoyed the Homecoming picnic and football game.

Above, Jekeyma Robinson and Winter Harmon were crowned Homecoming king and queen by Provost Gil Blackburn. Above left,Tabitha Peace ’00 and John Peace enjoy Homecoming festivities with their daughter. Below, Danny G. Mullins ’70 and Kim Mullins enjoy the picnic. At left, Faye Buchanan ’58 and Dalton Graham ’57 refuse to let a little rain dampen their spirits.



At right, Audra Fritz ’07, Rhyssa Philipp ’08, Corinne Edwards ’08, Nicole Pilkenton and Autumn Lauzon ’08 catch up during the Homecoming festivities.

Below, Mo Haskins ’08 and Bob Colyer ’57 share a laugh. At left, Brian Wills and H.William Smith ’05 deliver the play-by-play for fans who enjoyed the radio broadcast of the Homecoming game.

Below, Maggie Grant, daughter of Kent Grant ’97 and Tanya Grant ’97, shows off her Cavalier spirit.

Former assistant basketball coach Ed Conley and Pam Conley ’84 enjoy the picnic while catching up with friends.

FALL 2008


Where it all began...

Alumni Homecoming 2008

Alumni, faculty, friends reunite at Crockett Hall

This year’s Homecoming celebration was a homecoming in every sense of the word with the completed renovation of Crockett Hall, “where it all began” for the College when it opened in 1954 as Clinch Valley College. Former faculty, staff and students were given the opportunity to stroll the halls while sharing memories born in the College’s iconic first building.

Above, Forest Hundley ’81 and Randy McMahon ’80 reunite to chat about the good old days. Below, Joe Frank Smiddy ’60, “Papa Joe” Smiddy and Wayne Edwards ’62 perform “The Ballad of Crockett Hall.”

Morgan Bolling ’58 and Betty Bolling ’57 stroll down memory lane in the newly renovated Crockett Hall, where Morgan proposed to Betty more than 50 years ago.They re-enacted the proposal using a rose during the reunion.

Above, former professor Stanley Botts, Sr. (joined by grandson Andrew, center) and Bob Sage ’79 were among the dozens of alumni and former professors who returned to campus to see the newly renovated Crockett Hall. At left, Glenda Ewing and Sarah Love McReynolds ’87 enjoy a tour of the renovated Crockett Hall.



Classnotes CLASS OF 1972 James Lee Daugherty retired from DeKalb Technical College in 2006 with 31 years in education at the high school and college levels. He completed two tours of duty with the U.S. Navy in Southeast Asia and one in Europe. James and his wife Paula enjoy traveling and have attended the Super Bowl, World Series and the Atlanta Summer Olympics. Susan Rakes Lust is a workers’ compensation assistant manager with Skanska USA Civil Southeast, Inc. Susan and her husband Dirk reside in Chesapeake.

2006. She is a teacher with Dickenson County Schools. Craig Runyon works for Marana Realty, LLC, as a nationwide real estate exchange broker. He cofounded the International School of Real Estate in Tucson, Ariz. Craig enjoys traveling and would love to hear from fellow alumni living in the West.

CLASS OF 1976 JoAnne Harding recently joined the Wellmont Health System Osteopathic Family Medicine Residency Program in Big Stone Gap.

Charlie released a CD in 2006, titled “Out of the Groove.” Charlie’s son Nick lives in Bristol, Va., his daughter Mariah is married with two children, and his son Isaiah is a junior at St. Paul High School.

CLASS OF 1980 Jean Maier Casner is executive director of Global Compensation and Rewards for Merck & Co., Inc. Jean and her husband Stephen reside in New Jersey. Randy “Mahone” McMahon was elevated in July to the position of Deputy G2 in the U.S. Army Material Command G2 Office.

CLASS OF 1979 CLASS OF 1973 Bill and Angela Turley are the proud grandparents of Ryan Daniel Jessee, born June 20. They live in Jonesville and are employed with Lee County Public Schools.

CLASS OF 1974 Jennifer Gardner was named head tennis coach at Tennessee High School in Bristol in December 2007. Joyce Childers Wallace taught mathematics for Wise County Schools in Pound for 31 years before retiring and was named a National Honor Roll teacher in 2005. Joyce moved to Greenville, Tenn., where she serves as an interim mathematics teacher for Greenville City Schools. She has two children, Carl Keith Wallace and Tara Lynn Wallace Maggard ’89.

CLASS OF 1975 Karen Fleming received her Master of Arts degree at Virginia Tech in

CLASS OF 1982 Charlie Engle is the branch manager of the J. Fred Matthews Memorial Library in St. Paul. He continues to tour with the Big Red Rug Band.

Greg Baker serves the College of William and Mary as a senior lecturer in law, the director of the

Rev. Ray S. “Bud” Banner, Jr. ’62 retired last year after more than four decades of service in the ministry. He lives in Columbiana, Ohio, with his wife Birgitta near their two sons and their families. Banner said the educational foundation and challenging opportunities he received at what was then Clinch Valley College were priceless and life changing. As one of the College’s first residential students, Banner stoked the coal furnace in Crockett Hall for scholarship assistance. He served as editor of the “Outpost” yearbook in 1961 and 1962. He returned to campus in 1979 to offer the baccalaureate address. The Lee County native graduated from Wheaton College in 1964 with a Bachelor of Science degree in zoology with a minor in chemistry. He received a master’s degree in divinity in 1969 from North Park Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree in 1982 from the Chicago Theological Seminary. His expansive career was primarily spent with the Presbyterian Church, but he has worked with the United Church of Christ for the past 11 years. His ministry focused on building a sense of community among people from diverse backgrounds. Mission work with American Indians in Oklahoma and Wisconsin and internationally with the Miskito Indians of Northeastern Nicaragua was a strong focus of his ministry. Banner was part of the National Council of Churches delegation invited to visit Russia in 1984 by the Russian Orthodox Church. His international work took him to Israel and Jordan, where he was co-leader of a delegation created to better understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

FALL 2008


Classnotes Therapeutic Jurisprudence Program and the director of the Virginia Bar Review Program.

at Virginia Tech, spent the summer studying in Australia and Fiji.


Tammy Reams is a 4-H program assistant with Boone County Cooperative Extension Service Office in Kentucky.

CLASS OF 1983 Tammy Collins Poole was promoted to communication specialist II in the public affairs department for the Mid-Atlantic Zone of State Farm Insurance in Charlottesville. She is editor of the award-winning “Navigator” magazine, writes speeches for two vice presidents and helps maintain the company’s intranet. Her daughter Shawna is a junior and captain of the Roanoke College field hockey team.

Jeffrey Brickett graduated in May with a Master of Science degree in environmental science and management from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pa. Jeffrey and his wife Jana Debusk Brickett ’88 live in Norton with their daughter Samantha.

CLASS OF 1986 Fletcher Dean recently earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in professional writing from Western Connecticut State University. Fletcher is director of executive communications and chief speechwriter for the chairman and CEO of Dow Chemical Company. Fletcher and his wife, Jane MeadeDean ’89, live in Midland, Mich., with their children Will, Taylor and Maggie.

Katie Honeycutt is the business market manager in building and construction for the innovation group for Eastman Chemical Company. Katie and her husband Darin live in Kingsport, Tenn., with their son Adam.

CLASS OF 1989 CLASS OF 1995 Matthew Poteet is records clerk for the Big Stone Gap Police Department.

CLASS OF 1984 Sheila Dougherty serves as an exceptional education teacher for Hardin County Schools in Kentucky, where she currently is pursuing Rank I Certification for special education director.


CLASS OF 1991 Michele Viers Bentley is a service representative with the Social Security Administration. Michele, her husband Rocky and their daughter Gracie welcomed Jacob Ethan Bentley on July 28, 2007. They live in Johnson City, Tenn. Penni Hays is employed with Flint Group, Inc. Tracy Stapleton is attending the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School in Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Maryland.



Thomas Kennedy, his wife Natasha and their son Graham (5) welcomed twins Grey Marshall Kennedy and Greer Rhiannon Kennedy on Oct. 23, 2007.

Debbie Garrett McReynolds received her MBA in 2007 and was promoted to planner with the Cumberland Plateau Planning District. Her daughter Heather holds a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from the University of Tennessee, and her daughter Savannah, a junior

Children of Thomas Kennedy ’92

Denise Rone Elkins Eaton is a special education teacher with Bath County Schools. She and her husband Jonathan have two children: Sarah Eleanor (4) and Kelsey Rone (1). They reside in Millboro. Vanessa Freeman was named District 7 outreach coordinator for U. S. Congressman Eric Cantor. She will be conducting constituent outreach in Page, Culpepper, Rappahannock, Madison, Orange, Louisa, Spotsylvania and Caroline counties. David Tucker is vice president/ investment consultant with Lee Bank and Trust. His wife Leigh Ann Tucker ’96 has been promoted to quality and assurance officer for Eastman Chemical Company. They reside in Mount Carmel, Tenn., with their sons Alex (6) and Ben (3). Joseph Andrew Wilson is an English and world history teacher at the International School of Choueifat. He also is employed at the MidEast Academy and Fastrack, two prestigious learning centers for adults in Amman, Jordan. Joseph, his wife Suzan and their son Aleczander moved to Amman in April.

What’s new? Share your alumni updates with us. E-mail news and photos to alumni@uvawise.edu.



Classnotes CLASS OF 1996 Dr. Marnie Mullins Head, Bryan Head ’98 and their 3-yearold twins Blake and Emmerson welcomed Griffin Quinn Bryan Head ’98 & Marnie Head on Head ’96 with family March 30. Marnie is a veterinarian with Scott County Veterinary Services, and Bryan is a biological products specialist for Sanofi Pasteur. They reside in Kingsport, Tenn. Lynn M. Manchester is a consulting actuary with Wakely Actuarial Services, Inc. Lynn, her partner Children of Lynn Manchester ’96 Kathy Wachala and their daughter Danni (4) welcomed daughter Carrie, born Jan. 29. The family resides in Florida.


Rebecca Lynn Hartnett Shand is a corporate trainer with Gables Residential. She and her husband Darryl live in Texas with their two children, Alison Taylor and Gavin Michael. DeAnna Williams is a child development specialist with Lancaster/Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13. She received her master’s degree from Virginia Tech in 2004. Her husband James Williams ’91 was promoted to chief warrant officer IV and works as an instructor pilot for Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa.

CLASS OF 1999 Amy Nicole Mullins Hayes has been a teacher for seven years and recently accepted a position with Smyth County Schools. She and her husband Mark have six children: Isaac (16), Tanner (13), Cory (9), Josh (8), Hadley (5) and Madelyn (5 months). They reside in Rural Retreat.

Amy Nicole Mullins Hayes ’99 with family

Curtis Bucholz is the office manager for Sinnen-Green & Associates, a residential and real estate appraisal firm. Curtis, his wife Kelley and their three children – Bryce, Bailey and Barrett – reside in Mechanicsville.

CLASS OF 1998 Lee R. Salyers, Jr. is assistant principal at Graham Middle School in Tazewell County.

Son of Joy Hurd ’99

Joy Marshall Hurd is a firstgrade teacher at Weber City Elementary School in Scott County. She and her husband Michael have one son, Elijah (2).

Want the latest UVa-Wise news? Subscribe to UVa-Wise Weekly, the College’s weekly e-newsletter. For more info, visit www.uvawise.edu/weekly.

CLASS OF 2000 Justin Carter received his master’s degree in business administration from Radford University. He is employed with Eastman Credit Union. Jonathan Gosney and Katie Tull Gosney are the proud parents of two children: Caleb (5) and Evelyn “Evie” (2). Jonathan is an exceptional education teacher at Varina High School in Richmond. Katie is a fifthgrade teacher at Varina Elementary School. Sherry L. Bishop Matney is beginning her eighth year of teaching special education at Elkhorn City Elementary. Sherry and her husband Danny live in Elkhorn City, Ky. Their daughter Amy is majoring in education in college, and their son Nathan recently married. Adam Parks is a senior special agent with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). He is currently assigned to the Office of Congressional Relations as the ICE Office of Investigations’ liaison to the United States Senate. Adam lives in Arlington with his wife Heather and their daughter Lana Leigh (18 months). Steven Sproles and Cassandra Perry Sproles enjoyed a weeklong visit to London this summer. They also took a train ride to Bath, where they visited the Jane Austen Centre and joined a tour to Stonehenge and the village of Laycock. The Sproles also enjoyed a concert of classical music in the Knave at Westminster Abbey. Steven recently was named the chair of the social studies department for Virtual Virginia, an online Advanced Placement school. Cassandra works for the offices of College Relations FALL 2008


Classnotes Runyon ’98 uncovers truth about ‘sniffing’ plant Research by Justin Runyon ’98 could give the nation’s farmers a powerful weapon against a parasitic weed that damages millions of dollars’ worth of crops each year. His work, featured in the academic journal “Science,” shows that dodder, also known as strangleweed, “sniffs” its prey. An orange, stringy weed, dodder robs its hosts of nutrients since the parasite is unable to produce its own food. He discovered that dodder favors aromatic tomato plants, but avoids wheat and grasses that contain a chemical that it dislikes. Dodder is attracted to other crops, including carrots, beets and melons. Runyon’s work could one day allow farmers to use a wheat chemical to repel the destructive dodder. Runyon, who received a master’s degree in entomology from Montana State University, was working on his doctorate in entomology at Pennsylvania State University when he was reacquainted with dodder. The Clintwood native first encountered dodder in Rex Baird’s local flora class at UVaWise. The pesky weed grew on the upper portion of campus. “I remember being amazed by it,” Runyon says. Dodder is fascinating in its simplicity. A dodder sprout has no roots or leaves, and it has about a week’s worth of food to keep it alive once it sprouts. Young dodder must quickly find a host to live, and the plant can eventually ensnare crops and host plants. “At Penn State, I could do research on anything I wanted,” he says. “I was flipping through a manual and saw dodder, which I remembered from my days at UVa-Wise.” Runyon set out to discover how dodder picks its host. Insects are attracted to some plants through volatiles, chemicals released by plants. A tomato plant changes its scent to ward off some caterpillars. Was dodder driven to plants by smell? “It seemed a real possibility,” Runyon says. “My adviser dismissed it at first, but later said I could focus on it. I was warned that my project had a great chance of failure.” He placed dodder seedlings in water. Nearly all grew toward the tomato plants he stationed nearby. “I even made some fake tomato plants, but dodder was not fooled,” he said. Runyon, not convinced that dodder was sniffing for a host, set up another experiment using aromatic chemicals. One held a tomato plant scent and the other emitted an unrelated scent. Dodder chose the real tomato scent. The next step involved giving dodder the choice between tomato plants or wheat. Once again, the tomato was the preferred prey. Runyon was now a believer. His project was a success. Further research led to his discovery that wheat has a compound that repels dodder. “That potentially has some economic benefits,” he says. “These parasite plants are some of the worst weeds we have in agriculture. It’s not easy to control this weed without hurting the crop plant. If we could use repellant compounds to repel dodder seedlings before they become attached, it would have the most benefit.” Runyon’s work received rave reviews in various scientific publications. Most noted the economic ramifications of his experiments. He spent two days talking with media after his work on dodder was published in Science. Runyon finished his doctorate in May. This summer he accepted a job with the U.S. Forest Service in Bozeman, Mont. He credits UVa-Wise for giving him the proper background for scientific study. “When I went to graduate school, I was unsure if I was cut out for it,” he says. “When I got there, I realized I was better prepared than any of the other graduate students in the department. The preparation I got at UVa-Wise put me ahead of my peers.” - Kathy Still ’84



and Special Events at UVa-Wise. Their daughter Kilmeny (5) began pre-K this fall at Wise Primary School.

Cassandra & Steven Sproles ’00

CLASS OF 2001 Trisha Anderson-Iddings and Tim Iddings ’99 just celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary and have a daughter, Becca (5), who started kindergarten this fall. Trisha has begun her fourth year teaching eighth-grade math and coaching cheerleading at Sullivan North High School. Tim is a pharmaceutical representative with Dey. Christine Plant is a deputy (first class) with the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office in Maryland. Laura Faye Robinson and Brad Robinson announce the birth of their son, Anderson Lane, born July 2 and weighing 8 pounds, 14 ounces. The family

Classnotes resides in Clintwood. Laura Faye serves on the UVa-Wise Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Aaron Buchanan and Lindsay Reynolds were married July 5. Aaron is a special education teacher at Tazewell Elementary School.

Robert Wyckoff teaches kindergarten at Daegu University in South Korea for GnB English Education Co., Ltd.

Justin Collins is a special agent with the United States Capitol Police. He and his wife Kara reside in Alexandria.

Son of Laura Faye & Brad Robinson ’01

Kaitlin Anne Scardo and her husband Eddie welcomed a son, Alexander Kane Mullins Scardo, on May 8. They reside in Rochester Hills, Mich.

CLASS OF 2002 Brett S. Compton, O.D., received his optometry degree in 2006 from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry and practices with Eye Physicians of Southwest Virginia, PC. Chandra Louise Stone is the owner/counselor for Compton Counseling Solutions in Martinsville. Chandra received her Master of Science in Education degree with a graduate certificate in addictions counseling from Old Dominion University in 2004.

Robert Wyckoff ’04

Son of Kaitlin Scardo ’04

Noor Zibdeh is attending graduate school at Virginia Commonwealth University.


Brian Patrick has received his master’s degree in education from Walden University. Brian is employed by the Sullivan County Board of Education. He and his wife Sarah reside in Kingsport, Tenn.

Tiffany Burchette received her master’s degree in Christian education from the School of Theology at Virginia Union University in May, where she now is pursuing her doctorate degree. She is an elementary school teacher with Hampton City Schools.

CLASS OF 2003 Katherine Lane is a library assistant at UVa-Wise. Katherine, her husband Kevin and their daughter Jordan welcomed new addition Peyton Lane on April 5. The family lives in Big Stone Gap.

CLASS OF 2004 Ricky Brown is a licensed CPA with Brown, Edwards & Company, LLP, in Tennessee. Ricky, his wife Rachel Brown ’04 and their daughter, Raelyn Hope, live in Bristol, Tenn.

Children of Katherine Lane ’03 Joshua Jerald Tompkins is attending Liberty Theological Seminary in Lynchburg. He and his wife Stephanie have two children: Gracie (2) and Isaiah (10 months). Tiffany Burchette ’05 FALL 2008


Classnotes Whitney Church is a job placement counselor with the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services. Whitney and her husband Anthony welcomed daughter Ryleigh on Nov. 7, 2007. Jennifer Davis is attending graduate school at Radford University, where she has received a graduate assistantship as a resident director. Pauline Fraley is an employment counselor with Frontier Health. Carrie Gerber Dean married Mike Dean ’06 on May 31 in Richmond. Matt Dean ’07 was the best man, and his wife Erin Hamm Dean ’05 assisted with wedding details. Also in attendance were Lauren Sutherland Keeling ’05 and Charles Moore ’08. The Deans reside in Charlottesville, where Mike is employed at Lexis Nexis.

Griffith ’06, (bottom row) Charles Moore ’08, groom and bride, Michael McBride ’07 and Matthew Adkins ’07. Jennifer McElroy took her first trip abroad this summer to Ireland and England. She enjoyed visiting family currently living in Dublin and also journeyed to Galway, the Cliffs of Moher and London. She wore her Erin Hamm Dean ’05 & Matthew Dean ’07 with fellow favorite UVa-Wise shirt while visiting Buckingham UVa-Wise alumni Palace in London. Jennifer recently began her fourth year as a kindergarten teacher with Lee County Public Schools. She resides in Stickleyville.

CLASS OF 2006 Mollie Rebekah Meade Berry and Michael Paul Berry were married July 22, 2007. Mollie is pursuing a master’s Jennifer McElroy ’05 degree at Radford University, and Michael is a special education teacher in Scott Serena Casteel Coe is a supportive County. living counselor with the Norfolk Community Services Board. Serena Aron Jamon Brown is a staff auditor and her husband Adam reside in for LGB & Co., LLP. Norfolk.

Carrie Gerber Dean ’05 & Mike Dean ’06 Erin Hamm Dean and Matthew Dean ’07 were united in marriage on Dec. 1, 2007, in Cedar Bluff. Matthew is employed as a staff accountant with Hantzmon Wiebel, LLP, in Charlottesville. Several alumni attended the wedding. In the photo, alumni included (top row) Jamie Lester ’04, Mallory Mullins ’07, Brandon Tester ’07, Carrie Gerber Dean ’05, Mike Dean ’06, Justin



Heather Crabtree received her Master of Arts in Public History from James Madison University this year.

Corey Day is an adjuster with Tennessee Mutual Insurance Company.

Brian Gunther and LeAnn Gunther ’07 celebrate their two-year anniversary in December. Brian is employed with INPUT in Reston, and LeAnn is a special education teacher at Stone Bridge High School. The couple resides in Ashburn.

Jacqueline Martin Emond and Joseph Emond III were married June 17, 2006, in the Betty J. Gilliam Sculpture Garden. They welcomed their first child, Gabriella Rose, on Feb. 26. Jennifer Conklin French married Josh French on March 22. Jennifer is a mathematics teacher at Gate City High School. Brandon Pilley is a funds accountant with State Street Financial.


Brianna Sheppard received her Master of Arts in Psychology from East Tennessee State University this year and is a research assistant with HepatoSys, Inc.

CLASS OF 2007 David Barnette is attending the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy. Joseph M. Calloway and Lori Michelle Blair ’06 were married July 12 at the Belmont Country Club in Ashburn. The wedding party included fellow alumni Chrissy Bowen ’05, Tabitha Hackney ’05, Michelle Brady ’07, Carlos Pereira ’08, and Christopher Sumner ’08.

Jenkins ’08 now one of state’s youngest elected officials Just days before Ashley Jenkins ’08 was set to walk across the stage and receive her diploma at UVa-Wise, she received another honor, becoming one of the youngest elected officials in the Commonwealth. Jenkins became the newest member of Gate City’s Town Council after garnering 62 write-in votes in the May 6 election. However, she won’t be alone in her endeavor: Jenkins joins her grandmother, Frances Perry, and her uncle, Mayor Mark Jenkins, on the Council. “My family is very involved in the town,” Jenkins says. “I have seen the work they put into the betterment of the town and am happy to work with them to help Gate City move forward.” Virginia Board of Elections spokesman Matt Able told the Kingsport Times-News in May that it isn’t clear whether Jenkins is the youngest person in Virginia to hold elected office. Even though that type of data isn’t tracked from year to year, Able agrees that Jenkins is one of the youngest people in the state to hold an office. A magna cum laude graduate, Jenkins earned a degree in sociology at UVa-Wise and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in human services from Liberty University. The online program allows her to continue her education while still living in Gate City and performing her duties with the Town Council. “My term began in July, and I am continuing to learn about things that are going on in our town,” Jenkins says. A recent grant for downtown revitalization has Jenkins excited about the future of her hometown. “Gate City has so much to offer those of us who live here and visitors, as well,” Jenkins says. “I’m glad to be a part of the changes that are about to take place here.” Jenkins hopes her election will help spur something within not only young people like herself, but also people of all ages. “I feel it is very important for people of all ages to be active in their communities. Interest and involvement are necessary for change to occur.” - Cassandra J. Sproles ’00

Trevor Garner is a state trooper with the Virginia State Police. He and his wife Catrina reside in Farmville. Matt Hutchings is the assistant football coach for Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C.


Emily Samples-Bush and Jay Bush were united in marriage at the Martha Washington Inn in Abingdon on Dec. 22, 2007. Emily is a critical care RN with Mount Nittany Medical Center.

CLASS OF 2008 Stephanie Austin is a mental health case manager for Wise County Behavioral Health Services.

Suzanne Reid is a disaster recovery specialist with Northwest Federal Credit Union. She and her husband Billy have one daughter, Savannah.

Myron “Mo” Haskins is a counselor and junior varsity football coach at J.J. Kelly High School. He currently serves on the UVa-Wise Alumni Association Board of Directors as a Class of 2008 representative.

Brandon Tester has completed his first year at Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic.

Sutton Polly graduated from Navy Boot Camp and is stationed at Charleston, S.C.

Sutton Polly ’08 FALL 2008


Classnotes Ben Robertson is an outside linebacker coach and graduate assistant for the Shorter College football program. He lives in Morehead City, N.C.

Amy Cooper ‘08 and Kevin Cooper ‘08 live in Princeton, W. Va., with their daughter Sarah. Kevin works as a designated assistant manager at Food City in Bluefield. Amy was the winner of the UVa-Wise Alumni Association “Stay Connected” contest announced in the spring 2008 issue of the UVa-Wise Magazine. Her prize was a free iPod nano.

Brad Schassberger is a day support counselor with Frontier Health. Dean Schwartz and Emily Ellen Phipps were united in marriage on July 19. Emily is attending pharmacy school at East Tennessee State University. The couple resides in Johnson City, Tenn.

Alumni, student return from deployment to Iraq Three UVa-Wise alumni and one student recently returned from their deployment to Iraq. In the photo (from left), Joel Williamson ’06 (assistant director of recreation and intramurals at UVaWise), Herb Watson ’07, current student Frederick Harrison Newton and T.J. Richey ’07 were deployed for one year and stationed in Baghdad with the 237th Engineer Company of West Point, Va. This was Joel and T.J.’s second deployment and the first deployment for Herb and Harrison.

In Memoriam Jacob Garland Minton passed away Jan. 31. At the time of his death, he was a senior at UVa-Wise. Jacob was an avid snowboarder and gifted guitarist. Jerry Allen Looney ’71 passed away Aug. 21, following an extended illness. While at the College, he served as fourth-year representative of the Student Council and program chairman of the Physical Science Club, secretary for the Circle K Club, and a member of the Cotillion Club and Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. He taught school at Grundy Senior High School for 12 years and



served as athletic director. Jerry was a retired pharmacist for the Veterans Administration Hospital in Richmond. Elizabeth “Liz” Ross Ward Allen ’83 passed away April 25. She received military rites, accorded by the U.S. Army National Guard Honor Team and local V.F.W. and D.A.V. organizations. Christopher A. Cline ’96 passed away Aug. 13. He was formerly employed with Peebles Department Stores, Blue Hammock Consulting Company and was a recruiter for I.T.T.

George “Bo” Patrick Willis ’98 passed away April 14. He was employed by Clinchfield Coal from 1977 until 1995. Bo was a proud union member, beginning in 1977, and former president of the UMWA Local 2274. He was appointed chief deputy director of Virginia DMME in 2002 and then director in 2006. Jeremy Allen Monk ’07 of Bridgewater passed away Oct. 9. He worked as a behavioral management counselor for Cross Roads Counseling. While at UVaWise, he was a member of the Honor Court and the Psi Chi honor society.


B E NE FAC TOR S The faculty, staff, students and alumni of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the following donors during the 2007-2008 year. The gifts listed on the following pages were made between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008.

Philanthropist Society Members of the Philanthropist Society have included the College in their will, named the College as a beneficiary of life insurance, made a gift of paid-up life insurance or deeded property to the College while retaining use of the property for their lifetime. Emma Addington† Luther F. Addington† Morton O. Alper† Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous† Anonymous† Jettie E. Baker Raymond C. Bice, Jr. Glenn Blackburn Jere Noel Blackburn Hattie Bolling† Kermit A. Bolling† Elizabeth G. Cauthen Jirina H. Chapin† Gertrude Cherry† Phyllis Marks Cohen† Wallace M. Cohen† William Cohen† Paul F. Dishner† Donna Fields ‘77 Jerry L. Fields ‘75 Kathy Sutherland Finn ‘84 Larry Fish Charles I. Fuller, Jr.† Dorothy Gilley Garrison† Sterling L. Gilliam Robert C. Hancock† Avis Holda

Cass Holda† James W. Holyfield Martha A. Holyfield Anne Jackson† Harold C. Jackson Betty M. Johnson Elmer R. Johnson ‘56† Dennis F. Kern ‘72 Charlotte King† E. Glenwood King† Clinton Lambert† Lucille Lambert† Gertrude Manhal† Martha Markusich† Frank B. Mayorshi ‘61 Gerry Mayorshi ‘56 Helen McFall L. Victor McFall Virginia Irene Meador† David W. Mersereau Marianne Mersereau ‘84 Jean D. Moore Ronald L. Moore ‘61† Jill O’Donnell Michael E. O’Donnell Anne P. Phillips Joseph T. Phillips Don R. Pippin ‘58 Gloria R. Pippin ‘73

Ron Redman Lelia M. Richmond† Eliza S. Rigg Kent Rigg Anthoney Robbins Laura M. Sage Robert H. Sage ‘79 Debra A. Sarvela ‘79 Paul D. Sarvela Ben F. Sergent Nancy H. Sergent Clyda Rae Simms ‘76† Albert D. Smith ‘02 Helen M. Stallard Nicolas A. Starkovsky Gaye Sturgill William J. Sturgill ‘56 Farley Sutherland† Helen Jackson Sutherland James D. Swartz ‘01 Jennifer R. Swartz Frederick Gordon Tice† Thelma Phipps Weaver† Roy L. Wells ‘56 Ruth B. Wells Harold C. Wright† Joan M. Wright Roger E. Wright

FALL 2008


DARDEN SOCIETY ($25,000 & above) Alpha Services* Amvest Corporation Anonymous Anonymous* Anonymous Wendell Barnette & Brenda Barnette** The Community Foundation Gaynell Fowler Marvin W. Gilliam, Jr. & Marcia E. Adams Gilliam ‘82** Richard B. Gilliam, Sr. ‘74 & Leslie F. Gilliam** Don M. Green ‘61 & Phyllis Green**** The Estate of Robert C. Hancock Napoleon Hill Foundation* James W. Holyfield & Martha A. Holyfield Massey Foundation* E. Morgan Massey & Joan Massey* William B. Massey, Sr.* William B. Massey, Jr.* William E. Massey, Jr. & Rebecca C. Massey* The McGlothlin Foundation Michael G. McGlothlin & Sandra Keen McGlothlin** Lacy & Mattie Meador Scholarship** Don Nicewonder & Etta Nicewonder Northrop Grumman Corporation Information Technology Columbus Phipps Foundation** Mike Quillen** Donnie Ratliff & Victoria G. Ratliff* Carl W. Smith†** The Hunter Smith Family Foundation Hunter J. Smith** Robert F. Stallard ‘76 & Jeannie N. Stallard ‘80** Eleanore B. Sturgill Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority Donald L. Walker & Teri Walker Wellmont Foundation Wellmont Health System Wellmont Lonesome Pine Hospital Westmoreland Coal/Penn Virginia Foundation**** Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation**** John O. Wynne & Susan S. Wynne

JEFFERSON SOCIETY ($10,000 to $24,999) Alpha Psi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International Anonymous** Barnette Enterprises, Inc.*** Ted Barnette & Karen Barnette** Todd Barnette & Crystal Barnette** Blankenship/Justice Scholarship Fund Henry D. Bruns II N. R. Burroughs Education Trust* Center for Scholarship Administration, Inc. Coal Energy Resources, Inc.*** Cumberland Resources Corporation** ECMC Foundation Ronald G. Flanary Christopher D. Freeman ‘82* Carol Sue Gilbert ‘56*** James M. Gott ‘72 & Eva M. Gott***



Martin Gott & Christy Gott James K. Hammond ‘72 & Angela B. Hammond** Billye B. Henson Harold C. Jackson Greg Jordan & Susan Jordan ‘82 Gary W. Juhan & Lynne C. Juhan** Lee & Phipps, PC* Lewey K. Lee ‘64 & Brenda B. Lee ‘70**** John Matney & Becky Matney ‘84 Norton Community Hospital**** Nova Coal Company Patrick County Education Foundation Pepsi Cola Bottling Company*** Joseph T. Phillips & Anne P. Phillips** Paul L. Phipps ‘72 & Barbara R. Phipps ‘83** David James Prior & Merry Lu Prior Franklin D. Robertson** Billy B. Rose ‘84 & Michelle W. Rose ‘86 Scholarship America* Andy Scott ‘05 & Wendy B. Scott* Barbara D. Shulhof Barbara D. Shulhof Trust Clyde Stacy* William J. Sturgill ‘56 & Gaye Sturgill**** SunTrust Bank* Special Fund #4 of The Norfolk Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Virginia Community Healthcare Association Virginia Primary Care Association Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc. Claude V. Warren & Berniece Warren*

WASHINGTON SOCIETY ($5,000 to $9,999) The Clara Abbott Foundation* Aker Enterprises* Tom Aker, Jr. & Sharon Aker* Mike L. Allen ‘81 & Mary Beth Allen*** Alliance for Emergency Medical Education and Research American Energy, LLC Anonymous*** Fred A. Bays ‘86 & Teressa Y. Bays** Bureau of Maritime Affairs - Liberia Donald W. Caudill* CGI-AMS Shared Services CGI Technologies and Solutions Inc. China Garden Dirk Paxton Davis ‘85 & Jennifer Davis** Dale C. Dunn, M.D. Jack H. Gibbs Trust Fund** Elsey A. Harris III & Amelia J. Harris** Keith D. Horton & Ann N. Horton ‘81 James N. Humphreys* Isle of Wight Academy Kline Foundation**** Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Larry J. McReynolds ‘70 & Rita McReynolds*** Mullins Insurance Agency, Inc.* The National College Access Network J. D. Nicewonder & Lorraine B. Nicewonder Oliver Coal Sales*** Penn Virginia Operating Co. LLC* Don R. Pippin ‘58 & Gloria R. Pippin ‘73****

Oleg Rudnik & Tatiana Rudnik** The Scholarship Fund of Alexandria* Daniel L. Seale, M.D. & Rita R. Seale Joseph C. Smiddy & Reba Graham Smiddy**** South-West Insurance Agency*** William H. Starnes, Jr. & Sophie Starnes Ervin Stiltner* May B. Straughan* Ronald B. Sturgill ‘56 & Barbara Sturgill Bardin Thrower & Eleanor Thrower*** UMWA Dickenson-Russell Training & Education Fund UVa-Wise Alumni Association** Bruce Wasem*** Wise Kiwanis Club*** Winston Witt & Judy Witt***

CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY ($1,000 to $4,999) Judith P. Abbott ‘77*** Access College Foundation ACT Adkins & Hunnicutt*** Carolyn S. Alper Richard S. Alper & Kate A. Herrod Altria Group, Inc. American Business Women’s Association, Virginia-Piedmont Chapter An Achievable Dream Foundation Anonymous*** Anonymous* Anonymous* Arena Fighting Promotions The Association of Ordnancemen Education Foundation R. G. Atkins Educational Trust J. B. Atwood, Jr. & Freda A. Atwood*** Khalid J. Awan & Theresa Awan* Bailey Family Foundation, Inc. Rex Baird & Sally S. Baird ‘92**** Jettie E. Baker John S. Battle High School Howard L. Baucom & Barbara Baucom* Nancy A. Belton Loretta Bolling* Morgan E. Bolling ‘58 & Betty M. Bolling ‘57, ‘70** Jean D. Bost Lucy Williams Bowman** Anthony A. Brickey ‘98 Bristol Compressors, Inc. Lawrence Brown & Mary Elizabeth Gibson ‘89 Carol P. Buchanan* Edward C. Bunch A. Macdonald Caputo & Ellen Stuyt Caputo Greg Carter Castlewood Lions Club Elizabeth G. Cauthen** Cavalier Pharmacy, Inc. Charity League of Martinsville Chemical Lime Company Chesapeake Bay Educational Foundation Cleveland Indians Baseball Company David Cohn & Patricia Alper-Cohn Bobby H. Colyer, Sr. ‘57 & Margie L. Colyer***

Mike Combs & Sheila B. Cox Combs ‘72*** Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region Nannie Ruth Cooper & Nathaniel Chatham Terry Scholarship Fund Council High School County of Dickenson County of Wise** Tim Cox & Angel Cox* G. M. Cruise Foundation Crutchfield Corporation* William G. Crutchfield, Jr.* George E. Culbertson ‘57 & Nancy B. Culbertson ‘77**** Cumblerland County Public Schools Foundation, Inc. Ralph Cummins & Carolyn Cummins** Carroll W. Dale & Patricia Dale ‘58*** Van W. Daniel III*** Richard Davidson & Phyllis L. Davidson*** Pete DeBusk DeRoyal Industries Dickenson County Freewill Baptist Conference** District of Columbia College Access Program Bernard E. Dotson, Jr.* Eastman Chemical Company Doug Elosser & Bonnie Elosser R. Winston Ely ‘61 & Tamara S. Ely ‘90*** Ernest H. Ern & Jeanette P. Ern Thomas Francis Farrell II & Anne Tullidge Farrell Fellowship of Christian Athletes First Bank & Trust Company* Friendly Christian Church Friends of Joshua Bentley John D. Fulton GFWC Virginia Greg Gilbert & Dawn Gilbert ‘82** Terence M. Gilley ‘78 Greenspring Village, Inc. Bobby F. Griffin & Freda Griffin* Andrew K. Gurney ‘63 & Barbara Gurney* Robert Hale Scholarship Fund Helen G. Hill Scholarship Fund* A. Darrell Holbrook ‘73 & Joy P. Holbrook** Noah Horn Well Drilling, Inc.* William C. Horne ‘91 & Rebecca Horne ‘91* Joe T. Howard & Frances F. Howard ‘70*** Ruth B. & George T. Huff Scholarship Betty M. Humphreys* Hunt Commercial Properties Group Fran G. Hunt ‘80 & Martha Hankins Hunt ‘81 * Institute For Cultural Exchange, Inc. Max Jenkins ‘57 & Jimmie Jenkins* Jewell Smokeless Coal Corporation*** Betty M. Johnson*** Judith E. Johnson ‘94** Sewell F. Johnson, Jr.** The Joy Foundation The Justin Foundation Thomas A. Kennedy ‘92 & Natasha M. Kennedy***

Keokee High School Alumni William D. Kilgore, Jr. & Christa Kilgore Kiwanis Club of Norton* Jim A. Knight & Jeanette D. Knight*** Knights of Columbus, Glenmary Council #7853** Lake of the Woods Lions Club Foundation, Inc. Wilma R. Lambert** Pete B. Lauzon & Patty S. Lauzon ‘76 Steve Lawson ‘78 & Valerie S. Lawson ‘87*** Lopez & Associates LLC Loudoun Education Association Loudoun Education Foundation, Inc. Martinsville Area Community Foundation Michael R. McNulty & Sheila Rhea McNulty ‘88 Preston W. Mitchell*** Frank D. Molinary ‘72 & Constance W. Molinary ‘80* Mount Vernon United Methodist Church Education Foundation Danny A. Mullins ‘89 & Amy A. Mullins ‘90* Danny G. Mullins ‘70** Freddie E. Mullins ‘71 & Karen S. Mullins ‘74* Frederick J. Mullins ‘66 & Jennifer Mullins* Lawton Mullins ‘04 N. Carroll Mullins ‘70 & Dianna Mullins*** Rick L. Mullins ‘91 & Jillian Mullins** Shelcy Mullins, Jr. & Karen T. Mullins*** National Merit Scholarship Corporation Don Newlon & Cynthia Johnson Newlon ‘92** Norton City Schools Onancock Lodge #1766 B.P.O. Elks Patrick County Public Schools Payless Super Markets*** Scott Perkins & Rhonda M. Perkins ‘73*** Philip Morris USA Inc. Phillip Morris USA TFPP Scholarship Program Powell Valley National Bank** The Charles C. Powell Foundation, Inc. Carlis Don Powers & Janis Powers Preston-McNees Specialty Woodworking, Inc. Project Discovery of Virginia, Inc. Josephine C. Propper* Quesenberry’s, Inc.* Ford C. Quillen Scholarship Fund** Rainbow Gymnastics* Bill Ramseyer & Mary A. Ramseyer*** Christopher W. Ratliff ‘98 & Sonya Renee Ratliff ‘02* Rentenbach Constructors, Inc. John or Lillian Richmond Educational Trust Fund Eliza S. Rigg**** J. Philip Robbins & Patricia P. Robbins Romak Construction, Inc.** Thurston Rose ‘63 & Mary Ann Rose ‘63*** Lonza L. Rush Scholarship Fund Ryerson Tull Foundation Jim R. Sample & Joyce C. Sample Scholarship Program Administrators*

Scott County Lifesaving & First Aid Crew, Inc. S. Buford Scott & Susan Bailey Scott * Susan B. & S. Buford Scott Trust Fund* Ben F. Sergent & Nancy H. Sergent* Bobby L. Shortt & Judy D. Shortt Eddie Skeens ‘76 & Marianne H. Skeens Tommy Skeens ‘72* Small-Alper Family Foundation, Inc. Sportswise*** State Fair of Virginia Jimmy C. Stewart & Jo Stewart ‘84*** Strongwell* Sturgill Funeral Homes*** Helen Jackson Sutherland SWCS - Wal-Mart Foundation Sykes Enterprises, Inc. Jenay Tate David L. Thomas, Sr. & Grace S. Thomas John D. Tickle Kenneth J. Tiller & Gillian Huang-Tiller Twin County Regional Healthcare Foundation United Steel Workers of America Urbanna United Methodist Church VA, MD & DE Association of Electric Company Verizon Communications Roger C. Viers ‘64 & Beverly W. Viers*** Virginia Association of Fairs, Inc. Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution Virginia Electric Supply, Inc. Virginia High School Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute, Inc. Wachovia Corporation David W. Wall & Frances M. Wall ‘73** Walton Family Foundation, Inc. Luis Warf WAVE, Inc. Weaver Popcorn Foundation, Inc. H. H. Webb & Nora Midkiff Webb Benevolent Trust Sam M. Wharton ‘65 & Debra A. Wharton ‘78*** Thelma M. White ‘73 S. Hoyt Williams & Dawneda F. Williams*** Windsor Ruritan Club, Inc. Carolyn S. Winters ‘82* Wolfe, Williams & Rutherford** The W. A. Wolfe, Jr. & Phyllis P. Wolfe Foundation Danny L. Wood ‘75 & Phyllis B. Wood ‘75** D. A. Woolfrey Jr. Foundation Terry W. Wright & Dinah J. Wright ‘84** Isam Zibdeh & Iman Zibdeh ‘88***

FOUNDER’S SOCIETY ($500 to $999) Ray D. Ammon & Teresa H. Ammon AmSouth Bancorporation Foundation Anderson Lodge #258 Greg Andranovich ‘78* Appalachian Technical Services* Nell Asbury** Auxilary to Wellmont Lonesome Pine Hospital Christopher Michael Basham ‘95 & Heather L. Basham FALL 2008


Donald P. Begley ‘59 Jerry C. Bentley & Karen Lynn Bentley Brian Keith Blanton ‘92 & Daphne Dawn Blanton ‘93** Lowell Blevins & Rosemary Blevins** Gary Dee Bolling ‘60 & Colma Bolling Bristol Junior Steer Show and Sale Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Richard D. Brumfield & Nancy H. Brumfield Cancer Outreach Foundation Robert J. Cantrell ‘78 & Eileen Cantrell* Catholic Club Charlottesville High School Jim Wayne Childress ‘70 Dorothy Chittester Albert Lee Clark ‘85 & Michelle P. Clark ‘87*** Clintwood High School Mike Clisso* Roderick Alan Colyer ‘84 & Valeri J. Colyer ‘83*** The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region Thomas M. Costa & Mary E. Martin*** County of Pittsylvania James S. Cox ‘75 & Susan Leigh Cox ‘73*** Danville Public Schools Education Foundation C. Fletcher Dean ‘86 & Jane Meade-Dean ‘89* Douglas Equipment Joseph Early & Margaret V. Early F. Wayne Edwards ‘62 & Brenda P. Edwards*** Claude E. Elkins, Jr. ‘93 & Ruth A. Elkins ESI, Inc. Simeon E. Ewing & Glenda F. Ewing** Farmers & Miners Bank* Fieldale Collinsville Rotary Club Ronald C. Flanary ‘70 & Wilma B. Flanary*** Doug Fleming & Sue Ellen Fleming* Franklin County High School Gasco Drilling, Inc. Bill Gembach & Rue Gembach Tom Gibson & Delores A. Gibson*** Earl S. Gillespie & Sylvia P. Gillespie ‘58* William A. Goins & Rhonda K. Goins ‘90* D. Craig Grabeel ‘67 & Deborah J. Grabeel Marlon A. Graham ‘78 & Tina D. Graham Grand Lodge Scholarship Fund Fred B. Greear, Jr. & Ann Greear Hamlin and Bolling Furniture Company Gary A. Harvey ‘91 & Melissa Harvey* Ron Heise & Julia R. Heise*** Henry Clay Lodge No. 280 Robert Isaac, Sr. & Dorothy Isaac** Isle of Wight Ruritan Club Jay Johnson Toyota Bob Jenkins ‘61 & Stathia Jenkins** Walton L. Jensen, Jr. & Carol R. Jensen Joy Mining Machinery Robert D. Kilgore & Courtney Lynn Kilgore ‘89***



Kiwanis Club of Big Stone Gap* Kiwanis Club of Clintwood Klockner Pentaplast of America, Inc. John Kuczko Brandy A. Lawson Lee Regional Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. Frank B. Mayorshi ‘61 & Gerry Mayorshi ‘56*** Tommy McAmis & Denese McAmis Tom McGarril & Kathy H. McGarril ‘83* Merillat Industries, LLC Wallace D. Mersereau Miners Exchange Bank**** Marjorie Epps Mitchell Richard G. Motley & Reva A. Motley Jennifer Bolling Mullins Kevin W. Mullins ‘93** Mutter Insurance NAPA Auto Parts*** Norfolk Southern Good Government Fund Matching Gift Program Michael E. O’Donnell & Jill O’Donnell*** One Life of Virginia, Inc. Orange County Education Foundation Patrick County Cougars Booster Club Wesley M. Pattillo & Zelma M. Pattillo ‘58** Brownie E. Polly III Isaac Irish Powell Memorial Scholarship Powell Valley High School Steven B. Powers ‘82 & Susan A. Powers Princess Anne High School Richard S. Prior ‘85 & Marie Prior Marcia K. Quesenberry** Norman C. Ratliffe & Mabel C. Ratliffe* Mark A. Raymond ‘99 & Miranda Raymond Regent Allied Carbon Energy, Inc. Richlands Rotary Club Betty M. Roberts Robinette Steel*** Edwin R. Roop ‘76 & Karen M. Roop*** Ross Harbour United Methodist Men’s Group Ruritan National Foundation S&ME, Inc. Robert H. Sage ‘79 & Laura M. Sage*** Parmod Sapra & Nilu Sapra Scott County Republican Party Terry L. Shortt*** Norma A. Siemen ‘85**** Joshua Ryan Skeens ‘02* Southwest Counselors Association Stafford Communications** John R. Stafford III* Kathy Thacker Stewart ‘77** J. A. Street & Associates** Stuart Rotary Student Loan Foundation, Inc. Rod Thaxton David Tipton Scholarship Fund TRANE The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Student Services Urbanna Lodge No. 38 AF & AM Anthony Ray VanNostrand ‘85 & Raye Jean M. VanNostrand* Virginia State Parks Foundation Wachovia Bank Wampler Appraisal Service*

Russell Wampler ‘90 & Jenny Lee Wampler ‘04*** Roy L. Wells ‘56 & Ruth B. Wells*** G. C. Wharton IV J. Clayton Willis ‘56 & Shirley G. Willis*** Brian S. Wills & Elizabeth S. Wills ‘74*** Joyce R. Winston*** Wise County Animal Hospital* Patrick W. Withen Wally Witt ‘70*** Radford E. Wolfe & Shirley J. Wolfe** Michael D. Wright ‘72 & Diane D. Wright*

CAVALIER SOCIETY ($300 to $499) Michael H. Abbott ‘82*** Rick Amari & Mary Ann Amari ‘89 Anonymous Anonymous Ralph E. Bandy, Jr. ‘88 & Debora D. Bandy ‘80 Anne Barker ‘89* Bobby Bates & Debbie J. Bates Martha D. Beach Gilmer W. Blackburn & Martha Burke Blackburn John C. Blanton ‘62 & Judith A. Blanton ‘62** Blessed Sacrament Church Joseph R. Carico ‘95** Shawn Carpenter & Jonette Dixon Carpenter ‘01 Tommy N. Chester ‘73*** Bill Collie & Pam J. Collie ‘93** Thomas V. Cooper & Constance S. Cooper Diane Cornett ‘88 Gary E. Crum & Millicent S. Crum Luciano D’Amato & Janice D’Amato** Sharon S. Daniels ‘88*** Clinton F. Dean & Peggy J. Dean Curtis Deel Insurance Agency* Diamond Jewelry Wholesale* Dickenson-Russell Coal Company Roger B. Dingus & Carla S. Dingus Keith Dishner & Linda Q. Dishner ‘71**** D. Michael Donathan** Edward L. Dotson ‘75 Robert H. Easterling W. C. English Foundation* Falcon Coal Corporation* Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund James Allen Fischer ‘61 & Sue Fischer** Ricky H. Fogg & Michele P. Fogg ‘80* David Wayne Fuller ‘89*** William T. Gamble & Anna B. Gamble Gap Development Corporation James B. Gilley & Irene K. Gilley Gary G. Gilliam ‘79 & Tracey Gilliam ‘98 Tracey L. Gilliam ‘98 S. Michael Goodnough & Rita H. Goodnough Grundy Wrestling Club of Virginia Donald L. Hall ‘58 & Maurine F. Hall Garland A. Hall ‘91 & Melissa Hall* Jo Anne Harding ‘76* Blake Harrison Memorial Scholarship Francis C. Hayes & Anna G. Hayes Glynn Helbert & Fredia Helbert*

Charles H. Henderson III & Mary M. Henderson Aaron C. Hicks ‘97 & Candi N. Austin-Hicks Terri A. Hill ‘07 Bob Howard ‘77 & Susan Howard** Jack R. Howard & Patricia K. Howard* Tim Jones ‘81 & Martha S. Jones* Jonesville Woman’s Club David Kendall & Laura Ann Kendall ‘93* Nolan L. Kilgore ‘67 & Betty L. Kilgore ‘67* Kimberly L. Lambert ‘86 Lancer Cheer Boosters Little City Enterprises Archie Maggard & Marsha Maggard* Dwayne E. Maggard & Carla Maggard** Brenda S. McClellan ‘66 Ricky Dean Meade ‘89 & Holly P. Meade** Anna K. Miller ‘00* Duane A. Miller ‘94* James L. Miller II & Kyla Bohon Miller ‘88** Preston D. Miller, Jr. Shane Miller & Jennifer R. Miller*** H. Ronnie Montgomery & Sandy Montgomery* Donnie R. Mullins ‘83 & Janie A. Mullins* National Group Protection, Inc. Oscar Neece & Orana S. Neece ‘90* Eddie W. Neely & Jeni L. Neely ‘74* Thomas E. Neff & Rene M. Neff New Peoples Bank, Inc.* North Carolina Community Foundation Everette B. Orr ‘76 & Linda D. Orr** Joseph C. Palumbo & Sandra C. Palumbo Richard H. Peake** C. E. Pendleton & Betty J. Pendleton John C. Pollak & Harriette Pollak Augusto A. Portuondo & Daisy Portuondo** Lyndon R. Powers ‘81 & Joyce Powers Prince William Education Association, Inc. Fred L. Ramey, Jr. ‘88 & Jessica Lynn Ramey ‘88*** Joe D. Rasnick ‘82 & Glenda K. Rasnick* Redman Family Trust Ron Redman & Carolyn K. Redman Larry Richardson & Betty Richardson* Ridgefields Country Club William Rigg & Kathy Rigg Riggs Oil Company, Inc.* Arnie Riggs* Bobby J. Ring ‘97 & Brooke Swanson-Ring ‘06 Walter E. Rivers & Teresa E. Rivers** Danny Ray Rowland ‘84** Joe B. Salyer, Jr. & Nancy H. Salyer ‘80 Cathy L. Sandidge ‘71**** H. W. Sandidge, Jr.†** Helen F. Sandidge** Jane Ann Sandidge* Paul D. Sarvela & Debra A. Sarvela ‘79**

John A. Shafer ‘86 & Patricia Susoeff Phil Shelton* Glen “Skip” Skinner & Jan P. Zentmeyer* Smile Design Cosmetic Dental Center E. O’Dell Smith & Patricia R. Smith Southwest Surgical Iloe Read Stallard* Tracy Stallard Rodney D. Stanley ‘97 & Laura Gail Deel-Stanley ‘98 Edward G. Stout ‘71 & Linda D. Stout ‘72* Todd’s Hair Studio* Lucille G. Vicars Vic’s Decorating, Inc.* Virginia Credit Union, Inc. Walling Distributing Company, Inc.

CENTURION SOCIETY ($100 to $299) A & A Employment Services, Inc. Kevin W. Abel Abingdon High School Charles A. Absher & Chollie B. Absher Don G. Adams & Anna Adams** J. D. Adams & Sherry Adams ‘88 James W. Adams ‘94 & Stephanie R. Adams ‘92** Madison Adams Bob Adkins & Teresa Adkins J. Marty Adkins ‘85 & Marybeth M. Adkins ‘92* Jimmy J. Adkins ‘04 & Pearl L. Adkins ‘04 Advantage Group Darlene Phipps Ahrens ‘78 George Aichel & Zelma M. Aichel* Bonnie M. Aker ‘73* Creed F. Alderson, Jr. & Nicola L. Alderson Roy E. Allen, Jr.† Paul D. Altarez ‘99* David B. Amos ‘03 & Stephanie Amos AMS, Inc. AmSouth Bank, N. A. Betty H. Andersen† Kathy C. Andersen ‘80* Danny Anderson & Teresa Anderson Jason P. Anderson & Kari D. Anderson Timothy Scott Anderson ‘05 Terry E. Arbogast & Odelia G. Arbogast* Jack R. Arnold ‘58 & Darlene Arnold Artesian Radiator Service Donald H. Askins & Gloria Jewell Askins ‘73 Alan Atwood & Suzi Atwood* Eddie Baker & Judy D. Baker ‘78 John D. Baker ‘71 & Joanna M. Baker Larry O. Baker ‘67 & Patricia A. Baker** Henry M. Bandy & Cita Bandy* Faye R. Barker Gary L. Barker ‘65 & Sue Anne Barker* Claire A. Barnette Michael Barnette ‘97 & Michelle H. Barnette ‘97 Billy Bartlett & Allison Bartlett George M. Barton ‘81 & Lisa Barton ‘81 Eddie Bateman & Tara M. Bateman* Frank Bates O. J. Bays Adam M. Bell ‘00 & Tammy N. Bell ‘99 Jerry Bell & Trina Bell

James W. Bellamy, Jr. ‘97* Charles W. Bennett ‘58* Paul E. Bentley & Wanda J. Bentley John J. Berchinsky & Betty W. Berchinsky James S. Berkman & McKey W. Berkman James H. Berry & Billie S. Berry Michael D. Berry ‘05 Best Western Motel Beta Sigma Phi, Virginia Alpha Phi, Chapter 3092 Jack H. Beverly, Sr. * P. Scott Bevins ‘89 & Becky Bevins ‘91* Pat R. Bevins ‘94 John E. Black & Rowena S. Black* Glenn Blackburn & Jere N. Blackburn*** C. R. Blair* J. Allen Blanken & Janice Blanken Steve N. Blankenbecler ‘86 & Lisa Blankenbecler Donald W. Blansett ‘71 & Teresa Blansett* Brandon D. Blanton & Amanda G. Blanton David A. Blevins Insurance Agency* Dennis R. Blevins ‘90 & Shannon R. Blevins ‘91 Jerry W. Blevins & Devona Faye Blevins Robert C. Bloomer ‘91 & Elise M. Bloomer David V. Body & Jaye F. Body J. E. Body, Jr. & Juanita C. Body Joseph C. Boggs, Sr. & Karon K. Boggs Teresa Scott Boggs * Brandon Lee Bolling ‘98* Claude Bolling Lawrence Bolling, Jr. ‘73 & Sandy Bolling** Wallace Bolton Gary L. Bond ‘62*** Stanley Botts, Jr. Bradford J. Bowen ‘00 & Whitney M. Bowen ‘00* Helen Bowen Rick E. Bowman ‘80 Ray Boyson & Gwen Jones Donald Bradley ‘77 & Sharon Bradley ‘78 William E. Bradshaw & Grace C. Bradshaw George Brady Louise Stone Bragg Rodney T. Branham & Delya P. Branham ‘00 William Lee Brannon & Belinda L. Brannon Danny L. Breeding & Ginger T. Breeding ‘77 Darrell R. Breeding & Mary Irene Breeding John H. Brickey, Jr. & Shirley R. Brickey John H. Brickey III ‘86** Jerry P. Broadwater & Sandy H. Slaughter** Don Brooks* Vivian Brooks** Valerie A. Bruce* Phyllis Brummitte* James W. Bryant ‘77 & Dianna Gail Bryant ‘02 Bryant’s Mine Electric, Inc.* David S. Burgess ‘94 & Rachel D. Burgess ’06 Gary D. Burgess Taylor R. Burgess ‘95 FALL 2008


Joseph L. Bush ‘76 & Elaine S. Bush* Jessica R. Cain ‘05 Bill W. Call & Betsy C. Call Gregory P. Cantrell & Patti Cantrell Wesley D. Carr & Betsy Rose Carr Carroll Engineering Company Clifton W. Carson & Regina R. Carson* Julie C. Cartagena ‘86 Cash Building Supply Company, Inc. Cattails at Meadowview Central High School, Class of ‘61 CGMW Properties, LLC Terrell R. Chamberlin & Helen P. Dotson ‘75 Lura Jo Chase William P. Childress ‘03 Terry E. Chisenhall & Gina Chisenhall ‘89 Scott Church & Deidre Anne Church ‘84*** Mark W. Clark & Leigh G. Clark* Michael W. Clark & Donna Jo Clark* James E. Clark & Tanya L. Clark ‘00 Gary L. Close ‘80 & Linda L. Close ‘80* James A. Close ‘05 Cochran Family Foundation* George M. Cochran & Lee S. Cochran * Miracle Ann Coffey ‘02 Dave Cole Colgard Outdoor Sports* Rickey J. Colley ‘90 & Tina M. Colley ‘89* Rick Collier Terry Collier* James J. Collins & Joan F. Collins** Robert Ronald Collins ‘59 & Barbara Benko Collins** Stan Collins & Barbara Collins* Steve D. Collins & Deborah Hill Collins ‘73 Colonial Heights Pharmacy Randy V. Compton ‘74 & Phyllis Compton* Computerized Vehicle Registration Richard L. Conner & Velma G. Conner Kenneth E. Cook ‘92 & Janet B. Cook B. V. Cooper & Shirley F. Cooper ‘75 James E. Cornett & Sue Cornett* Donnie Counts Insurance Agency* Michael D. Cox Otho E. Craft, Jr. & Margaret Hollyfield Craft** John W. Crawford Roy Crawford* Alexander T. Crockett & Rebecca L. Crockett* John A. Crockett ‘86 & Shelli R. Crockett* Anna Lee Culbertson** Eugene Carl Culbertson & Mildred W. Culbertson* Larry Maynard Culbertson ‘72 & Nancy B. Culbertson ‘84*** Cunningham Brothers Auto Parts Corporation, Inc. Steve D. Curran ‘75*** Curves Matthew Cusano & Jacqueline Cusano Steve Dallman Don Daniels Ethel Daniels Danville Council PTA



Dari Delite, LLC James L. Daugherty* Kevin L. Davis ‘99 W. Scot Davis & Denise S. Davis Whitney Davis & Kimberly T. Davis ‘92 Martha G. Dean Thomas W. Dean & Amy S. Dean ‘83 Mark DeLeon ‘08 & Melissa W. DeLeon ‘02 William Andrew Delph, Jr. ‘97 & Kelly McBride Delph Feng S. Din Cleo E. Dingus Donald Elmer Dingus & Joetta Nash Dingus ‘57** Jimmy Dishner & Pat Dishner*** Charlotte C. Dison ‘56* Donna’s Nails Jose Dos Santos David Dotson & Henrietta Dotson Kenneth D. Dotson ‘66 & Judith H. Dotson ‘67 Sarah F. Dotson Steven Doyle & Tonja L. Smith-Doyle ‘98 Rosalind Dreyfus Jeffrey H. Driver & Terri C. Driver ‘86* Lawrence Eagle & Ellen Elizabeth Sovern* Donald E. Earls ‘61 & Sandy Earls Terry W. Edwards ‘83 & Gleda A. Edwards Jeffery L. Elkins ‘86 & Cindy A. Elkins Ronald K. Elkins & Katherine McDermott Elkins Lu Ellsworth & Phyllis P. Hatcher ‘75* Charles S. Elton & Maribel S. Elton Environmental Monitoring, Inc. Barry A. Evans ‘91 & Marla Evans ‘92 S. Michael Evans & Wanda R. Evans Kristina Feeser Imogene O. Fields Kathy Sutherland Finn ‘84* First Southern National Bank Rose Fischer* Larry Fish ‘63* John Flanary & Judy C. Flanary ‘77** T. J. Flanary, Jr. & Alicia D. Flanary ‘00 Leslie A. Fletcher ‘92 Foggyboot Enterprises, LLC Charles B. Foulkrod & Sarah S. Foulkrod* J. Keith Fowlkes & Talitha Fowlkes Catherine Page Fraley Roger D. Fraley & Irene Foust Fraley* Sally B. Frazer Ronald Freeman & Luann L. Freeman Fresh Harvest Christian Church Friendship Home Health Teddy Fryatt & Tonya Fryatt Rick D. Galyean & Cathy L. Galyean Eric Allen Gardner ‘02 & Katherine Gardner ‘97 James H. Garrett Robert M. Gaucher & Renea W. Gaucher ‘92 Gengler HVAC, LLC Bob Gibson Photography Gilford Gibson Jerry G. Gibson & Kimberly A. Gibson ‘84 Mike G. Giles & Lisa S. Giles Tyler G. Giles ‘03* Patricia A. Gilliam ‘73

Sterling L. Gilliam* Glass Slipper Bridal Boutique, Inc.* Kara L. Goins ‘98 Frank Good† Louise Witt Good Srikumar Gopalan & Renu Gopalan* John N. Graham & Blanche H. Graham Sam D. Graham, Sr. & Jane O. Graham* Louella Short Greear ‘64*** Green & Sons Plumbing Eric T. Greene ‘91 & Kathy M. Greene Allen Gregory & Ann Y. Gregory* Dwayne A. Grimes ‘05 & Kriseda W. Grimes Charles L. Grimm & Mary P. Grimm Margaret M. Grove John E. Guy ‘87 & Gail Guy* Paul Martin Hagy Don C. Hall†* Sherlene Hall* John R. Hall & Joan R. Hall ‘61*** Robert G. Harrison & Susan P. Harrison* Charles W. Hartgrove ‘97* Bob L. Hayes ‘59 & Ella P. Hayes* Jerry F. Head & Joyce Head Kirby Hearl** Ron Helton & Kathy Helton James A. Hepner, Sr. Larry J. Hill ‘62 & Brenda Hill*** Paul M. Hogg & Sandy Hogg James E. Holbrook Roger A. Holbrook* Jerry E. Hollyfield ‘77 & Cynthia Ann Hollyfield ‘82 Alycia Fogle Holmes William J. Hooper & Barbara Hooper Jim Hopkins Davey Horner & Melissa Horner Jim D. Hughes ‘71* Joshua Daniel Hughes ‘98 & Mendy Hughes* Michael H. Hughes ‘71 & Alice Hughes ‘77** Michael R. Hughes & LeAnn M. Hughes William R. Hunt & Carene P. Hunt Impressions of Norton, Inc.* Innovative Graphics & Design, Inc. James O. Ireson ‘90 & Sherri R. Ireson* J & M Parts Delivery, Inc. Mark A. Jenkins Jennings Insurance Agency* John W. Jerrell ‘97 & Bethany H. Jerrell ‘95 Danny B. Jessee ‘72 & Rosemary B. Jessee* C. Paul Johnson Daniel A. Johnson & Joyce B. Johnson Drew Johnson ‘78 & Pamela S. Johnson ‘79 Johnston Memorial Hospital James W. Joines & Drucilla Joines Robert M. Joines & Lorene E. Joines James A. Jones & Anna R. Jones Richard E. Jones & Teresa E. Jones Sandra L. Jones Homer W. Jordan ‘61 Gregory Kallen William P. Kanto, Jr. & Barbara Newell Kanto* Kennedy Enterprise LLC Harold Kennedy, Sr. ‘55 & Billie Pat Kennedy***

J. Jack Kennedy, Jr. ‘78 Travis Kennedy, Jr. ‘90 * Lonnie L. Kern & Ada L. Campbell** Bobby L. Ketron & Suzan H. Ketron ‘85*** Michael W. Kilgore ‘86 Randall Kilgore & Dana G. Kilgore*** C. Scott Kiser ‘00 & Kristy J. Kiser ‘00 James A. Kiser ‘75 & Brenda W. Kiser ‘86 Joseph B. Kiser ‘00 & Selena M. Kiser ‘00 S. Alex Knox & Deborah P. Knox**** Christopher L. Kommes ‘94 & Karen Kommes Carolyn R. Krams Gregory Lee Kress ‘81 Bobby Kyle Michael R. Lambert ‘78 & Ginger Lambert ‘78* Landmark Financial Services, LLC* Randy H. Lane ‘92* Roy R. Laster* Brian W. Lawson & Kimberly A. Lawson Charles F. Lawson Clint Lawson, Jr. ‘76* James R. Lawson ‘94 & Lori Lawson Judy D. Lawson ‘81 Skip Lawson & Kristi Lawson* Tony Lawson ‘74* Warren S. Leap III ‘00 & Lydia B. Leap ‘00 Lee Supply Company Bill J. Lee & Mary Jane Lee*** Dante S. Lee & Lisa S. Lee* Donald W. Lee ‘90 & Teresa G. Lee ‘90 Robert A. Leonard ‘57 & Robin K. Leonard*** Troy Lester & Anna Lester J. Andrew Lewis & Becky W. Lewis* Roy Glenn Light & Freda V. Light Michael J. Lipps ‘02 & Linda P. Lipps ‘98* Little Acorn Oil Company Frederick A. Luntsford, Jr. ‘71 & Ava Gail Luntsford** Derek N. Lyall ‘02 L. B. Lyle & Betty Lyle* Charles P. Maine ‘74 & Lulia C. Maine ‘74 Donnie Maine & Rita E. Maine* Lynn Michele Manchester ‘96 & Kathleen M. Wachala James Maness* Paul Marcum ‘61* Nick Marshall & Brittany D. Marshall ‘08 Ron Marshall & Louise Marshall C. Dwayne Mason & Carol Mason Jonathan Keith Mason ‘02 Michael B. Mason ‘72 & Teresa Stepp Mason ‘77 James E. Masters & Suzanna E. Masters Joseph S. Matney ‘63 & Christinia A. Matney* Maxim Engineering, Inc.* Homer Maynard & Phyllis J. Maynard Chris McCall ‘05 & Lena F. McCall ‘01 Mike McCall & Jennifer A. McCall Ron D. McCall ‘72 & Linda McCall***

W. Frederick McClellan ‘76 & Robin M. McClellan ‘77 Carl R. McClure Dan McCoy* Robert G. McCoy & Hilda S. McCoy Robert P. McCoy & Tamara W. McCoy Steve McCoy & Wilma McCoy** William A. McDilda & Elizabeth M. McDilda John T. McGuire ‘99 & Misty D. McGuire ‘99 Monty McLaurin Randy McMahon ‘80 & Laura McMahon*** Sarah Love McReynolds ‘87* James W. Meade ‘63 & Myra Meade Royce V. Meade & Linda S. Meade* Harry W. Meador III & Andrea Meador Virginia H. Meador*** Mears & Associates, Inc. William B. Medlin Ronald W. Meister & Jane M. Sovern* David Mersereau & Marianne Mersereau ‘84 Christine J. Miles Ronald Miles** Bill P. Miller James H. Miller & Mary Ann Miller** William H. Miller ‘66 & Patricia Miller** Daniel S. Minahan & Anita Arleen Minahan* Moccasin Gap NAPA* Elbert W. Moore & M. Elizabeth Moore ‘05 Jeffrey B. Moore ‘92 & Angela G. Moore ‘93 Thomas Moore & Darlene H. Moore** Willie Moore & Barbara Moore Jewell B. Morgan ‘76 * Joe Morton & Donna Morton Morris Michael Mosberg & Brenda K. Mosberg ‘71 Mountain Cable Mountain Empire Realty, Inc. Bryan L. Mullins & Michelle F. Mullins Chris Mullins Don J. Mullins ‘56 & Cathy D. Barker* Doug Mullins, Jr. & Jill Mullins * Emory A. Mullins ‘90 & Justin M. Mullins Freddie E. Mullins ‘96 & Marnie Rae Mullins ‘97 Jack B. Mullins** James Wesley Mullins* Jettie Greer Mullins ‘97* Paula B. Mullins* Stephen M. Mullins ‘84 & Renee V. Mullins ‘99 Tom E. Mullins & Alma R. Mullins** Britt Murphree & Kelly B. Murphree ‘03 Charles E. Mutter ‘72 & Drema C. Mutter Lyle C. Mutter Mark W. Mutter National Armature & Machine, Inc. David C. Nauss & Patricia J. Nauss* Steven E. Nauss Russell D. Necessary ‘87 & Martha C. Necessary** Thomas E. Neff Insurance Agency New River Carbons of Virginia, Inc. Maurice E. Nida ‘83 & Robin Nida** Norton Insurance Agency, Inc. Ronald D. Oakes & Phyllis A. Oakes

Virginia R. O’Dell ‘70 Evelina R. Okerstrom Jeffrey O’Quinn & Dawn Allison O’Quinn ‘89 Dennis Orr & Mona L. Orr** C. Cole Osborne ‘05 & Stephanie T. Osborne ‘04 Tom Osborne Benny Owens Lesia A. Owens Michael L. Owens & Eileen M. Owens Paramont Coal Company S. K. Paranthaman & Judith Paranthaman Charles H. Parsons, Sr. & Sue Parsons*** Jennifer L. Partin C. R. Pate Trust Allen V. Patterson & Kathy Lynn Patterson Robert C. Patton & Bette Patton Norman Payne & Joyce Payne John W. Peace II & Tabitha H. Peace ‘00* Florine B. Pennington** Gregory Perry & Carol L. Perry Personalities Salon Godfrey Pestana ‘07 Jerry B. Peters Sales, Inc. Doug Phillips Edwin M. Phillips ‘69 & Frances M. Phillips ‘71* Glyn R. Phillips, Jr. & Paulette B. Phillips ‘87* Joe M. Pilkenton & Janice Pilkenton*** Bob Pippin F. Scott Pippin & Kathy A. Pippin James Poitier ‘05 Brownie E. Polly, Jr. & Barbara C. Polly** Randall J. Porter ‘80 & Gina A. Porter ‘81 Pound Veterinary Hospital Joe C. Powers & Susan R. Powers* Ricky Powers & Steffey Powers Laura D. Pritchard ‘91 C. Michael Puckett ‘66 & Marketta H. Puckett Matthew H. Puckett ‘95 & Susan B. Puckett Pulaski County High School Bob Quillen & Myrl Quillen** Kenneth J. Quillen†* Renata R. Quillen* Dennis A. Ramey Mark Ramsey & Suzanne Adams-Ramsey ‘80 Ronald S. Ratliff ‘74 & Teresa T. Ratliff ‘00 David Redwine Linville G. Reed & Barbara Ann Reed*** Thomas M. Reed & Deata T. Reed ‘73 William J. Reynolds & Linda F. Reynolds** Jim Rhodes & Cindy Rhodes William D. Ridenour & Nancy C. Ridenour Ridgeview Real Estate Randy Rigg & Lisa H. Rigg* Sutton Rigg & Tricia L. Rigg James S. Riggs** Rinco Enterprises, Inc. Edward A. Riner ‘79* Alma Jean Ringley*** Harold Ringley†** George L. Roat & Mari M. Roat William C. Robbins & Mendy Jo Robbins David D. Roberts & Beth E. Roberts FALL 2008


Harry Clifford Roberts, Jr. ‘62 & Charlotte S. Roberts** Neal Jason Roberts ‘96 & Lori A. Roberts ‘97* Bruce K. Robinette & Patsy Y. Robinette*** Robinson Auto Parts No. 4* Bradley D. Robinson ‘01 & Laura F. Robinson ‘01* D. R. Robinson Dennis T. Robinson Troy Robinson & Mary C. Robinson ‘82**** Waltine Clore Robinson* Roger’s Auto Sales* Leonard David Rogers ‘85 & Donna Rogers ‘96*** Stanley Rogers & Ruby W. Rogers ‘74*** Roma’s Pizzeria* Jeraldine M. Roop* Sara M. Roop ‘07 Tony D. Roop ‘97 & Amy D. Roop** Vada Rose* Christopher M. Ross ‘93 & Jennifer L. Davies-Ross Jerry Rowlett Mark D. Russ, M.D. Chad Salyer & Breanne Dotson Salyer ‘05* Johnny Salyers & Jenny L. Salyers Randy Sample Greg L. Sanders* Joe A. Scardo ‘63 & Gerry Scardo* Margie Schoenewald Sidney R. Sewell & Carolyn W. Sewell ‘78* Melvin R. Shelton ‘71 & Cathy Flanary-Shelton* Ricky A. Shelton* Ronald David Sheppard, Jr. & Carla D. Sheppard James W. Shiner, Jr. & Vicki B. Shiner ‘76 Dawn Michelle Short ‘98* George Short Shrader Insurance Agency Roderick D. Sinclair & Louise M. Sinclair Brack E. Slate & Rosemary M. Slate Caynor A. Smith, Jr. & Mary D. Smith ‘96 Dawn Smith H. William Smith ‘05 & Nancy Smith Lane A. Smith III ‘89 & Honi Smith** Luis J. Smith & Sarah J. Pilkenton ‘97* Thomas E. Smith ‘83 & Page H. Smith Tommy Smith Smyth Companies, Inc. Carl R. Snodgrass ‘58 & Louise A. Snodgrass* Gregory South ‘67 & Patty South Southwest Consulting & Holding, Inc. Southwest Disposal, Inc.* Patricia Spera Maurice A. Sovern & Georgia M. Sovern* Steven R. Sproles ‘00 & Cassandra J. Sproles ‘00 St. Paul Builders & Supply Company*



Addison M. Stallard & Elizabeth H. Stallard F. Harold Stallard ‘66 & Katherine B. Stallard ‘71 Joe Stallard & Pat H. Stallard*** Lee Stallard ‘69*** Richard L. Stallard & Connie A. Stallard ‘76* Mr. and Mrs. James F. Stallworth Bobby D. Stanley Dennis F. Stanley & Teresa C. Stanley Don Stanley Shane Stapleton Tracy L. Stapleton ‘91 & Wendy Kay Stapleton ‘92* Christopher T. Starnes ‘98 Mary Sue Starnes Roy T. Starry & Georgia B. Starry ‘73 David Stearnes Al Stecker & Jane B. Stecker*** Timothy J. Steffen & Kristina M. Steffen ‘07 Paul Richard Steinman III & Karen A. Benko Steinman ‘63 Stewart Law Office, PC* Gregory M. Stewart & Mia Stewart* Jentlea E. Stewart ‘71 Keith D. Stewart & Joan S. Stewart ‘99 Bobby Ray Stidham* Neal Stidham & Donna S. Stidham ‘84 Kimberly J. Still ‘82 Clarence Stone II ‘74 & Marilyn K. Stone Gary R. Stratton** Joe Gary Street Terry Strock Michael Strouth ‘80 & Carolyn S. Strouth ‘67* Robert Stump & Alice M. Stump Larry G. Sturgill Mark E. Sturgill ‘90 & Kimberly H. Sturgill ‘89 Robert F. Summers & Twila F. Summers ‘70 J. Kenneth Surber, Jr. ‘78 & Julia A. Surber* SW VA Public Education Foundation Foster E. Tankersley & Cynthia A. Tankersley* Anthony S. Taylor ‘00 Daniel H. Taylor, Jr. & Diana L. Brown Taylor Debra J. Taylor Jeffrey S. Taylor & Jessica F. Taylor Stephanie M. Taylor ‘96 David K. Thomas ‘83 & Tanya M. Thomas Michael Thomas & Karrie M. Thomas* Thompson & Litton* Anne A. Thompson William A. Thompson III & Jan Chaffin Thompson* Thrower, Blanton & Associates, P.C.* Jerry Tiller ‘58 & Linda G. Tiller ‘67* Raymond E. Toms & Patty L. Toms Trevor Supply Company, Inc. Bill Troy & Carol Troy Turkey Gap Coal Company, Inc.* Catana Turner* Valley Broadcasting & Communications, Inc. Debbie Vanover Jared Timothy Vasold ‘04

Steven L. Vest & Gayle S. Vest* Charles A. Vestal ‘92 & Lorraine A. Vestal David P. Volk & Heather L. Volk W M B Development, Inc. Richard Wacker James David R. Wall ‘93 & Sabrina G. Wall Ernie W. Ward & Debbie Ward** Patricia Ward Walter Ware & Andy Ware Edwin D. Watson ‘76 & Debra D. Watson ‘91** Beth Siphers Wendell Joseph R. Werling & Elizabeth R. Werling ‘99 Jay C. Wheeler Roger D. Whitaker ‘70 & Brenda L. Whitaker Emmet T. White & Betty Orr White ‘66 Jerry Wayne White ‘74** Damon L. Williams ‘90 & Melanie S. Williams** David L. Williams ‘67 & Ann L. Williams** Sandra E. Williams ‘58 Shirley J. Williams* Vernon Mandel Williams ‘84 & Shari A. Williams ‘85* Leo Stanley Willis & Barbara M. Willis*** Danny Wilson Ross Wilson Stan Wilson & Linda H. Wilson*** Jimmy D. Winkles & Edda L. Winkles ‘75 Ted Winslow & Brenda Winslow William C. Witt, Jr. & Kathleen A. DePonte* Joseph A. Wolfe* Joseph E. Wolfe ‘72 & Jami Wolfe** Ella Wood Mark Wooten & Susie S. Wooten ‘80 Dewey Worley & Joy D. Worley ‘76 John W. Wright & Kay D. Wright** Troy W. Wright* Randy Z. Wyatt Bobby L. Yates & Mildred Kirby Yates ‘71*

RED & GRAY SOCIETY ($1 to $99) AARP Big Stone Gap Chapter 4455 Daniel R. Adams ‘08 Gary W. Addington Marie Addington Tom H. Addington & Wanda F. Addington Destinee S. Adkins ‘07 Matthew L. Adkins ‘07 Morris L. Akers ‘92 & Donna J. Akers Jean J. Alexander All Occasion Gift Basket Irene B. Allen Kyle D. Allen ‘08 Grace M. Allio ‘70 Barry Wade Allison ‘92 & Mary Beth Allison ‘00** Melisha A. Alsup ‘07 Michael L. Amos D. E. Anders John C. Anders & Stella R. Anders Jacky K. Anderson & Reka Anderson Rachel Angel

Bruce F. Angell & Dana K. Angell ‘79 Anonymous Anonymous Whitney R. Antolick ‘07 Maria C. Aquino ‘08 Daniel D. Armstrong ‘97* Arrington, Schelin & Herrell, P. C. Camden E. Arthur ‘98 & Alida Kuhn Cassandra Y. Ashley ‘92 James P. Ashley & Sandra D. Ashley ‘86** Drew Atkins Brittany Austin ‘08 Ray Austin ‘01 & Nicole F. Austin ‘00 AutoMasters Carlton A. Baker ‘08 Lavonne Baker ‘71 Mary B. Baker ‘80 Russell L. Baker ‘72 & Brenda A. Baker Carolyn M. Baldwin ‘00 Katherine E. Baldwin ‘08 Kyle G. Baldwin & JoAnn Baldwin Rachel E. Bambarger ‘08 Lee M. Bandy ‘67 & Judy H. Bandy Bill Barber James E. Barnes & Martha Flanary Barnes ‘93 Joseph H. Barnes, Jr. Charles A. Barrett & Jane H. Barrett Larry R. Basenback & Penny L. Basenback Jarrod C. Bates ‘07 & Bonnie Bates ‘05 Terry E. Bates ‘64 & Donna Marie Lawson Bates ‘74* Jestin M. Beck ‘01 George E. Belcher & Nancy K. Belcher ‘83 Randall C. Belcher ‘97 & April D. Belcher Gary D. Bellamy & Carol O. Bellamy ‘70 Cecil T. Bennett ‘08 Ernest Bentley & Debra R. Bentley ‘77 Kevin D. Berry & Laura K. King ‘07 Robert G. Berry & Brenda Berry Gary Beverly & Jo Beverly ‘76 Jeremy W. Beverly ‘01 & Mary A. Beverly Melissa Coleen Bevins ‘01 Big Stone Gap Presbyterian Church Daniel Garland Board ‘92 & Deanna P. Board Boatyard Diner James D. Boggs ‘79 & Donna E. Boggs ‘81* Richard Boggs & Pamella Boggs Trevor H. Boggs ‘99 & Robyn Boggs ‘03 Andrea S. Bolling ‘08 Lois R. Bolling Roger A. Bolling & Janice E. Bolling ‘95 Amy C. Bond ‘75 Elizabeth “Opie” Booth ‘95 Scott Bowen & Jodie D. Kern-Bowen ‘04* Terri C. Bowen ‘07 Tracy L. Boyd ‘08 Carole E. Bradley Melissa Brady Michelle L. Brady ‘07 Jeffrey W. Bray ‘00 Michelle L. Breeding ‘03 Nancy S. Broadwater

Ron Brockman & Monnie J. Brockman ‘72* Shirley Ann Brooks Jeffery L. Brummette & Leisa D. Brummette John Bryan & Janet Gilmore-Bryan Pete Buffin & Pattie R. Buffin Kathleen D. Bunn Jonathan Burke & Sharona Burke Pamela K. Burke ‘05 Wesley D. Burke & Karen Y. Burke ‘84* Roderick Burnette ‘98 Teresa S. Burns ‘08 James E. Burton & Barbara K. Burton ‘78 B. F. Bussell, Jr. Mark A. Calhoun ‘78 & Sandy Calhoun Joshua A. Callahan ‘06 & Adrienne N. Callahan Jeanne V. Callaway ‘79* Joseph M. Calloway, Jr. ‘07 Charles N. Campbell & Jill S. Campbell Frank W. Cantone & Rosaria Sarah Cantone Franicis F. Carr, Jr. & Mary Lou Carr C. Joseph Carter ‘04 & Kristina G. Carter ‘04 Carl L. Carter ‘62 & Rita C. Carter* Clint E. Carter ‘07 Danny R. Carter ‘03 David W. Carter & Mary G. Carter Matthew A. Carter ‘04 & Susanna G. Carter Roger A. Carter John C. Cash & Laura L. Cash John D. Cassell ‘63 & Janice W. Cassell Bobby R. Caudell & Deborah M. Caudell ‘00 James A. Chapman ‘91 & Mary C. Chapman Kearby D. Chen Ian W. Chick & Bonnie Chick Robert L. Childers & Debborah Childers* Chili’s Ray A. Chitwood ‘78 Chop House Ashby P. Clanton Billy J. Clark ‘08 Helen M. Clark** Classy Pawz and Clawz Joyce Y. Clayton Greta A. Clevenger ‘07 Clinch View Farms Cochran Industries, Inc. Zachary K. Cochran ‘83 & Charlotte J. Cochran Adam Cole ‘06 & Rachel A. Cole ‘06 Courtney L. Cole ‘08 Darrell H. Cole & Judy Diana Cole ‘87 James N. Collie & Sherry Collie Larry Collins Robert D. Collins ‘88 & April D. Collins ‘93 Seth L. Collins ‘08 Shane Collins Commissioners of the Revenue Association of Virginia Amy P. Compton ‘07 Edward D. Conley & Pam K. Conley ‘84* Steven K. Cooney ‘82 & Mary D. Cooney* James D. Cooper & Patty W. Cooper Kevin D. Cooper ‘08 & Amy B. Cooper ‘08

Melanie L. Cooper ‘04 John E. Couch & Cinnamon Justene Couch ‘01* Michael Counts ‘72 & Deanna K. Counts* Cracker Barrel Danny Craft & Doris B. Craft ‘72 Justin D. Crawford ‘02 R. Jack Cress ‘63 & Marian W. Cress James H. Curry & Betty R. Curry Thomas G. Dallman, M.D. Cody S. Dalton ‘08 Mary Darcy James L. Daugherty ‘72 & Paula Daugherty Ashley R. Davenport ‘08 Christopher M. Davenport ‘08 Jack E. Davidson Billy Ray Davis Christian S. Davis ‘08 Cruce Davis & Linda C. Davis ‘84 Toni L. Davis ‘08 Gerry P. Day Paul M. Day Timothy N. Dean ‘87 & Stephanie G. Dean ‘94 Amy R. Deel ‘08 Mark Deel & Patricia C. Deel ‘95 Frank J. Delgado & Carla A. Delgado Michael V. Denmark & Tammy L. Denmark Joe E. DePriest & Brenda B. DePriest ‘86* Chad Dickenson & Susan L. Dula Dickenson ‘97 Dee Dickenson Ron W. Dickenson ‘71 & Judy G. Dickenson ‘74 Jenna P. Dingus ‘08 Doris’s Beauty Shop Denise R. Doss Maria L. Dos Santos Robin D. Dotson ‘81 & Karen D. Dotson ‘83 Darrell G. Dougherty & Valice M. Dougherty Doris Ann Dougherty Todd Carlton Dresser & Kristine Helmstetter Dresser ‘97* Bill Druschel & Stephanie N. Druschel ‘93 Raven R. Duncan ‘07 Gary L. Dutton & Gayle Sandefur Dutton ‘02 Jennifer A. Duty ‘08 Oktay Duymaz ‘08 Mirandy N. Easterling ‘07 Alex Edwards Richard W. Edwards ‘77 & Rita O. Edwards Ronald Edwards & Carol Ann Edwards John M. Egan & Alzira Egan Ray Eldridge ‘83 & Norma J. Eldridge* L. Byron Elliott & Janet Elliott R. G. Ellis & Susan R. Ellis Ray Ellis & Mary Ellis Milton A. Ellison ‘73 & Carolyn A. Ellison ‘78* Wesley L. Elswick & Brenda K. Elswick ‘86* Kenneth W. Ely ‘71 & Anna F. Ely Charlotte W. Estep ‘70 Steven Estes & Donna Kay Estes ‘78 Sandy Etter & Debra W. Etter ‘78 FALL 2008


Joshua R. Evans ‘08 Tracey D. Evans ‘07 Fairfax County Economic Development Authority Sherry L. Falin ‘08 David M. Farley & Judith G. Farley ‘65 Elsa B. Farmer ‘93* M. Shane Farmer & Jane K. Farmer Ronnie F. Farmer ‘74† Russell L. Fee & Stephanie S. Fee ‘87 John J. Ferguson & Iva M. Ferguson Kathy Ferguson Kristen L. Fields ‘08 Michael R. Fleenor & Rita K. Fleenor Jackie O. Fleming & Crystal B. Fleming Heather D. Fletcher ‘08 Roger L. Ford & Becky Ford Edsel B. Fraley ‘88 & Charlene H. Fraley* Cathy Frazier Sarah N. Frazier ‘08 Dennis P. Fritz ‘79 & Alice Fritz* Julie N. Fritz ‘08 Ronald H. Fuller ‘56 and Carole Fuller Peggy E. Funk Donald R. Furbee & Lorraine S. Furbee Brian Keith Furrow ‘02 & Angela P. Furrow ‘96 Raymond W. Gallagher & Linda Hill Gallagher ‘71 R. Garnett & Lillie J. Garnett William A. Garnett & Sammie E. Garnett ‘65 Damion T. Garrison ‘02 Christopher L. George & Carla Anne B. George ‘91 Mark Gerke & Joyce R. Gerke ‘92 Glenda Gibbons Donald E. Gibson ‘81 & Peggy S. Gibson Seth B. Gibson ‘08 Margaret E. Gilbert ‘71 Gene Giles Kenneth Gilley & Thelma S. Gilley Garnett P. Gilliam & Carolyn B. Gilliam ‘63* Ian Gilliam ‘98 & Nicole Gilliam ‘99 Thomas G. Gilliam ‘78 & Jenny B. Gilliam Janice T. Gilpin ‘72 Jarred A. Glass & Carla W. Glass ‘06 Frank Goodwin Tisa Goulding Barbara I. Gover Sadie Gover Tom Goyens John B. Graham ‘08 Grand Home Furnishings Frank W. Gravely & Australia Gravely Aaron T. Gravley ‘07 Luther B. Gray & Janice M. Gray Grayson National Bank Chuck Greene ‘78 & Mitzi Greene Charles L. Greer & Delores J. Greer W. Halliburton Greer & Ben Wyley Greer Elmer D. Griffin & Peggy Griffin Scott S. Griffin ‘08 Earl S. Groseclose & Clarice D. Groseclose* William M. Grubbs III & Audrey C. Grubbs



Andrew A. Gulino ‘93 & Allegra M. Gulino ‘93 Gina D. Gullett ‘08 George H. Gumm & Rebecca T. Gumm* Brian Gunther ‘06 & R. LeAnn Gunther ‘07 Colen Haga Chadwick L. Hagy ‘08 G. Thomas Haines & Pamela F. Haines Kenneth W. Hale & Tammie L. Hale Ashley J. Hall ‘07 Blake Hall & Ann Hall ‘90 Robert L. Hall & Melissa Christine Hall ‘01 Timothy M. Hall ‘07 Whitney B. Hall ‘08 Carla B. Hallstead ‘87 Jeffrey S. Hamilton & Carolyn Hamilton Lori A. Hamm ‘08 Jack Hammock & Patricia Hammock David K. Hampton ‘99 & Cindy C. Hampton ‘79 R. W. Harman & Susan C. Harman Benjamin F. Harmon III & Page V. Harmon Myron O. Haskins ‘08 Robert E. Hatch & Barbra L. Hatch ‘07 Ronald D. Haug & Julie A. Haug Wayne Hawkins & Bridgette A. Hawkins ‘94 Kimberly R. Hayes ‘08 Olga C. Hayes ‘08 Richard H. Hayes, Jr. ‘72 & Phroncia Hayes Diana H. Haynes ‘98 J. M. Haynes & Diane M. Haynes Jason A. Haynes ‘04 Mary E. Henderson ‘08 James R. Hennig & Laura S. Hennig Dennis G. Hensdill & Glenna B. Hensdill ‘77* Martha J. Herrick G. Adam Herron ‘97 Irvin T. Hill ‘08 Marilyn A. Hilliard Robert O. Hillman & Zora J. Hillman Brian D. Hines ‘03 Jerry L. Hobbs & Victoria Johnson Hobbs ‘83 Earnest Hodge, Jr. & Patricia A. Hodge Bobbie Jo Hodges ‘94 Matthew K. Hoffman ‘07 Debbie K. Hogg Frances L. Holbrook ‘77** Justin K. Holbrook ‘02 Larry R. Holbrook & Brenda R. Holbrook ‘90 James A. Holdway & Teresa D. Holdway Billy Holschow Angela Honeycutt ‘95 Joseph P. Honto ‘72 & Audrey R. Honto Jerry D. Hooker & Mary M. Hooker Barry W. Hoover Carmelita B. Hoover Barbara A. Hoover-Bergey Bobby R. Hopkins ‘93 Ricky Hopkins Steven K. Hotz ‘08 William R. Hubbard ‘63 Thomas Huffman & Rebecca G. Huffman ‘95

Molly A. Humphrey ‘08 Sara D. Hurd ‘08 Steve Hurst & Yvonne R. Hurst Kaylee J. Hutchinson ‘08 Walter E. Hylton & Melinda Kay Hylton ‘02 Timothy Wayne Iddings ‘99 & Trisha A. Iddings ‘01* William H. Jackson ‘83 & Jean Jackson ‘75 Ashley A. Jenkins ‘08 Bonnie M. Jessee Joshua E. Jessee ‘08 Charles B. Johnson & Lisa Johnson Lisa Johnson Nancy C. Johnson Peggy S. Johnson Christopher D. Jones & Carmen R. Jones ‘01* Larry V. Jones & Deanna J. Jones Roy D. Jones ‘72 & Vicky A. Jones* Wendy C. Jones ‘88* William Jones & Betty L. Jones ‘87* William G. Jones & Chris M. Jones Joshua V. Justice ‘07 James G. Kalanges & Susan Kalanges Thomas Kaufman & Carolyn W. Kaufman ‘56 Allison L. Kegley ‘08 Dennis L. Kennedy & Jane C. Kennedy Kester M. Kennedy ‘86 & Sue C. Kennedy ‘77 N. Brent Kennedy ‘73 & Robyn Kennedy** Richard Kennedy & Susan Gumm Kennedy John H. Kilgore, Jr. ‘85 & Rhonda A. Kilgore ‘87* Dennis King & Judy A. King Joyce N. King Mary J. Kirkley Jack Kiser & Mary B. Kiser* Jeff Kiser Matt L. Kiser ‘88 & Kim S. Kiser Wilma Kiser Joseph R. Klochak, D.M.D. Allen L. Knapp & Claudia C. Knapp ‘83 Laurie Ann Lakatosh ‘84* Larra L. Lambert ‘07 Eric N. Lane ‘99 & Misty H. Lane* Randy U. Lane & Nancy T. Lane Wayne R. Lane & Linda A. Lane* Whitney S. Lane ‘08 J. Lee Laningham ‘77 & Susan W. Laningham Michael Lary & Sharon M. Lary ‘07 Autumn R. Lauzon ‘08 James G. Lawson ‘58 & Rose M. Lawson Zachary J. Lawson ‘08 Luke R. Layne ‘07 Aaron Lee & Sheena W. Lee ‘07 James C. Lefler Rosanne C. Letson ‘81 Jason Lewkowicz & Wendy Lewkowicz Richard Light Albert W. Linkous ‘61 & Barbara B. Linkous Tracy Linkous Lindsay M. Lipps ‘08 Carol Anne Litts Danny L. Lloyd & Mary Ellen Lloyd* Jay T. Lloyd ‘08 Allen LoBiondo & Vicki LoBiondo

Amber M. Lockhart ‘07 Brian B. Lockhart & Ellen R. Lockhart ‘87 Chris L. Lockhart & Lois F. Lockhart Lone Mountain Processing Dan A. Long ‘62 & Linda H. Long Jeffrey A. Lutz ‘02 Sarah E. Lyall ‘08 Donovan L. Mabe ‘08 Heath Mabe & Wendy M. Mabe ‘01 Kenis L. Maciel ‘04 Stephen R. Madden, Jr. & Marietta A. Madden Eugene P. Maddox ‘64 & Linda L. Maddox Tommy J. Maggard & Catherine A. Maggard ‘80 James E. Mahaney & Lisa W. Mahaney ‘84 Catherine J. Mahony Lisa R. Manners ‘07 Greg Marcus ‘76 & Sharon P. Marcus* Grant Marshall Graham A. Marsteller ‘99 & Sarah H. Marsteller Les Marvin & Carol L. Marvin ‘89 Rick Mathieson & Jennifer L. Mathieson ‘86 Danny W. Matney & Sherry L. Matney ‘00 Mark J. Matney Michael G. McBride ‘07 Jack R. McClanahan, Jr. & Cathy S. McClanahan Ronald McFarland & Melissa McFarland Michael T. McGill, Jr. Preston McLain & Polly McLain Andrew W. McQuillan ‘08 George L. McReynolds & Glenna Ball McReynolds ‘70 Matthew B. Meade ‘85 & Christina G. Meade Ruby C. Meade ‘58* David R. Meredith Joseph G. Messer ‘71 & Deborah B. Messer* Faye G. Metzl ‘59 Michole’s Stepz LaRue Carter Miles Samuel J. Miles ‘00* Timothy P. Miles ‘00* Allison L. Miller ‘08 James A. Miller & Sheila M. Miller Judy Miller Interiors Randy Miller & Carol Miller Robert Miller & Judy L. Miller Ralph L. Mills, M.D. Robin M. Milton ‘08 Allen D. Mink & Kaye C. Mink ‘82* Chris A. Mitchell & Carolyn L. Mitchell ‘95 James E. Mitchell & Marcia Y. Mitchell Jeremy A. Monk ‘07 Jeffrey D. Montgomery Jeremy W. Moore ‘05 Lester I. Moore ‘75 & Carolyn W. Moore ‘75 Randy Moore ‘80 & Imelda Moore ‘81* Steven K. Moore & Suzanne R. Moore ‘93 William Moore & Sharon K. Moore

William B. Moore & Monica L. Moore William P. Moore & Rebecca B. Moore Frank E. Morgan, Jr. & Kami R. Morgan* Mary C. Morris Bethany T. Mosca ‘08 C. L. Mullins & Charlotte Mullins Gregory L. Mullins ‘00 & Leah K. Mullins ‘02 Kenna L. Mullins ‘85 Roger W. Mullins & Sue C. Mullins Theresa A. Mullins ‘78 Valerie N. Mullins ‘08 Tracy Mumpower ‘03 Mark A. Munsey, Jr. ‘56 & Jane S. Munsey ‘81 Ben Murphy & Diania Murphy John F. Murphy & Priscilla T. Murphy ‘72 Kimberly Murphy Neil H. Murray & Janet Murray Conrad M. Musick & Sue C. Musick Garnett Musick & Nita Musick Samuel R. Needham & Judy C. Needham ‘96* Jean C. Neenan John P. Nelson ‘97 William T. Nestor, Jr. Rufus E. Nickles & Kimberlin Nickles Sharon H. Nixon* NRV Investments James W. Nunley & Connie P. Nunley ‘72* Joshua L. Nunley ‘08 Mike O’Bryan & Denise G. O’Bryan ‘88* O’Charley’s Miriam L. O’Hare Ashley N. O’Quinn ‘07 Gene G. Orr & Frances G. Orr Michelle L. Osborne ‘08 Tyler E. Osborne ‘08 Craig S. Owens ‘94 Ethan A. Owens ‘07 & Larisa V. Owens ‘04 Louit W. Owens ‘64 & Mary K. Owens Patrick Owens & Glenna M. Owens ‘92 Teresa Ann Owens ‘96 Matthew Oyos & Cindy Wilkey Chester F. Palmer & Donna L. Palmer Donald Parmiter & Lynne H. Parmiter Beth W. Patterson ‘70 & Eddie Patterson Stephanie A. Paul Peary Moore Electric Jeffrey Perine & Sherry C. Perine ‘85 Perkins Resturant J. K. Perkins ‘91 & Connie J. Perkins ‘90 Randy G. Peshoff ‘97 & Ann L. Peshoff ‘97 Dennis L. Petterson II & Lori D. Petterson ‘84 Peyton Russo Scholarship Fund Paul A. Phillips ‘96 Hancel Derek Phipps ‘89 & Jennifer Phipps Sheila R. Phipps ‘91 James M. Pieper ‘02 & Angela S. Pieper ‘02 J. Freddy Poff & Regina D. Poff ‘00 Gary Potter Phillip L. Powers ‘86 Lesha Price ‘85 Lori E. Price ‘07

Jonathan T. Puckett ‘06 Anthony Pyanoe ‘79 & Nancy J. Pyanoe ‘79 Brandon M. Qualls ‘08 Donald E. Qualls & Susan F. Qualls Edward F. Qualls & Dorothy M. Qualls ‘80 Charles P. Quillen & Betty W. Quillen Charlie E. Rainey, Jr. & Sharon R. Rainey Augustus M. Raney & Pat Flanary Raney Karen Rasnake Kristin Rasnake ‘08 & Felicia A. Rasnake ‘03 Larry W. Rasnake ‘71 & Patricia F. Rasnake R. Jackson Rasnic & Carol D. Rasnic Craig S. Rasnick ‘93 & Aimee Rasnick ‘92 John D. Rasnick ‘07 Joey L. Ratliff ‘94 & Christa L. Ratliff ‘95 Catherine M. Redmon William A. Reed ‘08 John Reeves & Diane K. Reeves ‘98 Richard A. Reeves & Jessica Renee Reeves ‘01 Paul B. Reinhardt Jasper E. Reynolds ‘76 & Rita D. Reynolds ‘72 Nicole Y. Rhoten ‘05 John L. Rhoton & Beverly B. Rhoton Tyler S. Rhoton ‘07 Theron T. Richards & Tiffani S. Richards ‘93 Michael L. Richardson Rife Counseling Services, Inc. D. Doug Rife ‘78 & Michelle Boyd Rife Danny E. Rife II ‘05 Michael E. Rife ‘91 & Kelly D. Rife John M. Riley ‘08 Frances C. Roberson*** Donald R. Roberts & Dorothy H. Roberts Joe H. Roberts & Lona W. Roberts Jonathan D. Roberts & Diana O’Bryan Roberts ‘79 Lloyd Robinette, Jr. & Cecilia S. Robinette ‘75 Daniel Stuart Robinson Jekeyma O. Robinson Edwin E. Rodriquez ‘07 Rogers Veterinary Hospital Amy Rolen ‘60 George H. Rose & Julie A. Rose Randy K. Rose ‘80 & Ann L. Rose Winfield H. Rose ‘62 & Judith Rose David L. Rouse Michael W. Rowland ‘80 & Tina D. Rowland Justin B. Runyon ‘98 Michael R. Russell & Gina M. Russell Wendy Michelle Russell ‘05 Danielle M. Sadler ‘04* Frederick K. Saffouri ‘97 & Denise Lynn Saffouri ‘97 Fern C. Salyer Gary W. Salyer ‘75 & Sonia F. Salyer ‘90 Jonathon W. Salyer ‘08 Marlene F. Salyer ‘95 Phil Salyer & Tammy Salyer Donald H. Salyers, Sr. & Opal G. Salyers Paul J. Sample & Ann N. Sample David L. Sanders ‘84 & Brenda Sanders Jean D. Sanders Kenneth C. Sanders ‘84* FALL 2008


Susan Moon Sanders Tiffany Sanders Michael Sandt & Lori A. Sandt ‘96 Joel Sanford & Jennifer M. Sizemore-Sanford ‘90 Donnie W. Saylor ‘75 & Ginger Sharon Saylor ‘78 Brad K. Schassberger ‘08 R. Matt Schwarz & Janice M. Schwarz ‘86* John C. Schweingrouber ‘96 Billie Jean Scott Grace S. Scott William D. Scott & Peggy W. Scott ‘83** Jimmy Seay L. Sexton & J. V. Sexton Charles T. Shates ‘76 & Susan Shates David William Shelton ‘93 & Ami M. Shelton* Shining Star Sunday School Class Barbara M. Short Bobby J. Short ‘90 & Angela Short* Larry Amos Shortt ‘70 & Katherine B. Shortt ‘75 Tony Cardell Shortt ‘70 & S. Kay Shortt ‘66 Jason S. Shuler ‘08 Silver Lake Golf Course Rabern Simmons ‘04 Amanda W. Sims ‘08 Roberta Pope Smallwood Dorsey W. Smith Ella M. Smith ‘04* George H. Smith & Richardine E. Smith Karen S. Smith ‘85 Pearl M. Smith Robert N. Smith III ‘08 Soft Cloth Car Wash Justin W. Sorensen ‘08 Michael P. Sowdon ‘07 & Darci B. Sowdon Sparks Equity LLC Marsha Stacy Alisha Stallard Elizabeth G. Stallard ‘57* Anthony Stanley Jay Patrick Stanley ‘96 & Aleasha Stanley Randy Doyle Stanley ‘78 & Betsy Stanley* Rodney L. Stanley ‘66†* Trudy W. Stanley ‘67* Brittany L. Starnes ‘08 Robert P. Starnes ‘94 & Rebecca R. Starnes ‘94 State Farm Insurance Companies Steele Exterminating, Inc. John C. Steffey & Shannon Steffey Danny Sterling & Kimberley P. Sterling ‘97** Ashley N. Stewart ‘08 Eula Mae Stidham Robbie Stinson E. Clifton Stone & Elizabeth B. Stone Christopher J. Stout ‘08 Sharon Stratton Russell J. Street ‘03 & Charlotte Street Jeff Strouth & Sherry L. Strouth ‘07 Greg Sturgill Shelby Summers Susannah M. Suppey ‘08



Kenneth M. Sussman & Gertrude H. Sussman Frank L. Sutherland & Rose Sutherland James D. Swartz ‘01 & Jennifer R. Swartz Yvonne K. Sweeney ‘71* Reuben J. Swindall ‘08 Melvin O. Taasaas & Betty L. Taasaas Farhad Tahbaz & Dina C. Tahbaz ‘71* Janet I. Tate Roderick L. Tate† Rachel Tighe Kenny Tipton Adam L. Tolbert ‘06 Armando J. Torres & Sarah D. Torres ‘01 Deborah H. Travis Andrew F. Traynor, Jr. Raymond Trent Jacky W. Troutman & Marsha E. Troutman Ronny V. Turner & Gloria V. Turner ‘71** Wiley Arthur Turner & Lorraine C. Turner ‘71 Brook Vance Eric T. Vanover ‘08 Gary Varner & Geneva C. Varner ‘77 Robert Russell Varner & Lisa H. Varner ‘93 Amy L. Varson ‘79* Santana L. Vasquez ‘07 Mari Vaughan Tim E. Vicars & Caramalita Vicars Sharlene L. Viers Virginia Economic Development Partnership Walter D. Vliet & Molly Day Vliet ‘56 Matthew C. Waclawski ‘08 Juanita B. Wade ‘72 Hannah S. Walker ‘96 Geri L. Wallace ‘78 Terry J. Walters Nancy K. Wampler Tiffany J. Ward ‘08 Timothy J. Watkins & Karen D. Watkins ‘95 Randy M. Watson & Deborah C. Watson Bill C. Wells & Patricia P. Wells ‘81 Lynn Wells ‘57 Mark Wells & Natalie J. Wells ‘96 Savannah L. Wells ‘07 Valerie A. Whaley Roland Wheeler Edwin R. White & Tracey P. White ‘84* Greg Whittaker & Chantale Whittaker ‘71* Allen S. Whitten ‘08 Jim Whittington & Donna Whittington Kevin D. Williams ‘99 & Tonya W. Williams Kevin M. Williams ‘94 & Blairanne Williams* Peggy A. Williams ‘77 Jeffery L. Willis & Jeannie M. Mullins-Willis ‘98* James M. Wilson ‘01 & Jessica A. Wilson ‘01 R. M. Wilson Robert C. Wilson & Katherine A. Wilson John C. Wolfe, Jr. Wanda F. Wolfe Wood Plus Hardwood Flooring LLC

Derick C. Wood ‘08 Robert Woodward & Shirley Woodward* Ronald E. Woody ‘76 & Glenda S. Woody* Buford H. Wright ‘67 & Carolyn S. Wright* C. F. Wright III & Deborah C. Wright ‘97 Tim Wright & Ellen Wright Amber L. Wurschmidt ‘08 Anthony K. Yates & Carol R. Yates ‘76 Don Yates Donald Young & Malissa A. Young ‘05 Peter J. Yun ‘08 Whitney Brook Zirkle

Gifts by Class Year Class of 1955 Harold Kennedy, Sr.*** Class of 1956 Charlotte C. Dison* Ronald H. Fuller Carol Sue Gilbert*** Carolyn W. Kaufman Gerry Mayorshi*** Don J. Mullins* Mark A. Munsey, Jr. Ronald B. Sturgill William J. Sturgill**** Roy L. Wells*** J. Clayton Willis*** Class of 1957 Betty M. Bolling** Bobby H. Colyer, Sr.**** George E. Culbertson**** Joetta Nash Dingus** Max Jenkins* Robert A. Leonard*** Elizabeth Genette Stallard* Molly Day Vliet Lynn Wells Class of 1958 Jack R. Arnold Charles W. Bennett* Morgan E. Bolling** Patricia S. Dale*** Sylvia P. Gillespie* Donald L. Hall James Glenn Lawson, Sr. Ruby C. Meade* Zelma M. Pattillo** Don R. Pippin**** Carl R. Snodgrass* Jerry Tiller* Sandra E. Williams Class of 1959 Don Begley Robert Ronald Collins** Bob L. Hayes* Faye G. Metzl Class of 1960 Gary Dee Bolling Amy Rolen Class of 1961 Donald E. Earls Roy Winston Ely****

James Allen Fischer** Don M. Green**** Joan C. Hall*** Bob Jenkins** Homer Wayne Jordan Albert Walker Linkous Paul Marcum Frank B. Mayorshi*** Class of 1962 John C. Blanton** Judith A. Blanton** Gary L. Bond*** Carl L. Carter F. Wayne Edwards*** Larry J. Hill*** Dan A. Long Harry C. Roberts Jr.** Winfield H. Rose Class of 1963 Wendell Barnette* John D. Cassell R. Jack Cress Larry Fish* Carolyn B. Gilliam* Andrew K. Gurney* William Roy Hubbard Joseph S. Matney* James W. Meade, Jr. Mary Ann Rose*** Thurston Rose*** Joe A. Scardo* Karen A. Benko Steinman

Linda G. Tiller* David L. Williams** Buford H. Wright* Class of 1968 Brack E. Slate Class of 1969 Edwin M. Phillips* Lee Stallard*** Class of 1970 Grace M. Allio Carol O. Bellamy Jim Wayne Childress Charlotte W. Estep Ronald C. Flanary*** Frances F. Howard*** Brenda B. Lee**** Glenna Ball McReynolds Larry J. McReynolds*** Danny G. Mullins** N. Carroll Mullins*** Virginia R. O’Dell Beth W. Patterson Larry Amos Shortt Tony Cardell Shortt Twila F. Summers Roger D. Whitaker Wally Witt***

Class of 1966 Kenneth D. Dotson Brenda Swindall McClellan* William H. Miller Frederick J. Mullins* C. Michael Puckett S. Kay Shortt F. Harold Stallard Rodney L. Stanley†* Betty Orr White

Class of 1971 John D. Baker Lavonne Baker Donald W. Blansett* Ron W. Dickenson Linda Q. Dishner**** Kenneth W. Ely Linda Hill Gallagher Margaret E. Gilbert* Jim D. Hughes* Michael H. Hughes** Frederick A. Luntsford, Jr.** Joseph G. Messer* Brenda K. Mosberg Freddie E. Mullins* Frances M. Phillips* Larry W. Rasnake Cathy L. Sandidge**** Melvin R. Shelton* Katherine B. Stallard Jentlea Emmer Stewart Edward G. Stout* Yvonne K. Sweeney* Dina C. Tahbaz* Gloria V. Turner** Lorraine C. Turner Chantale Whittaker* Mildred Kirby Yates*

Class of 1967 Larry O. Baker** Lee Michael Bandy Judith H. Dotson D. Craig Grabeel Betty L. Kilgore* Nolan L. Kilgore* Gregory South Trudy W. Stanley* Carolyn S. Strouth*

Class of 1972 Russell L. Baker Monnie J. Brockman* Sheila B. Cox Combs*** Michael Counts* Doris B. Craft Larry Maynard Culbertson*** James L. Daugherty Janice T. Gilpin

Class of 1964 Terry E. Bates* Louella Short Greear*** Lewey K. Lee**** Eugene P. Maddox Louit W. Owens Roger C. Viers*** Class of 1965 Gary L. Barker* Judith G. Farley Sammie Ella Garnett Sam M. Wharton***

James M. Gott** James K. Hammond** Richard H. Hayes, Jr. Joseph P. Honto, Jr. Danny B. Jessee* Roy D. Jones* Michael B. Mason Ron D. McCall*** Frank D. Molinary* Priscilla T. Murphy Connie Parsons Nunley* Paul L. Phipps*** Rita D. Reynolds Tommy Skeens* Linda D. Stout* Juanita B. Wade Joseph E. Wolfe** Michael D. Wright* Class of 1973 Bonnie M. Aker Gloria Jewell Askins Lawrence Bolling, Jr.** Tommy N. Chester*** Deborah Hill Collins Susan Leigh Cox*** Milton A. Ellison* Patricia A. Gilliam A. Darrell Holbrook** N. Brent Kennedy Rhonda M. Perkins*** Gloria R. Pippin**** Deata T. Reed* Georgia B. Starry Frances M. Wall*** Thelma M. White Class of 1974 Donna Marie Lawson Bates* Randy V. Compton* Judy G. Dickenson Ronnie F. Farmer† Richard B. Gilliam, Sr.** Tony Lawson* Charles P. Maine Lulia C. Maine Karen S. Mullins* Jeni L. Neely* Ronald S. Ratliff Ruby W. Rogers*** Clarence Stone II Jerry Wayne White*** Elizabeth S. Wills*** Class of 1975 Amy C. Bond Shirley F. Cooper James S. Cox*** Steve D. Curran*** Edward L. Dotson Helen P. Dotson Phyllis P. Hatcher* Jean Jackson James A. Kiser Carolyn W. Moore Lester I. Moore Cecilia S. Robinette Gary W. Salyer Donnie W. Saylor Katherine B. Shortt

Edda L. Winkles Danny L. Wood** Phyllis Wood** Class of 1976 Jo Beverly Joseph L. Bush Jo Anne Harding* Clint Lawson, Jr.* Greg Marcus* W. Frederick McClellan Jewell B. Morgan* Everette B. Orr** Jasper E. Reynolds Edwin R. Roop**** Charles T. Shates Vicki B. Shiner Eddie Skeens Connie A. Stallard* Robert F. Stallard** Edwin D. Watson*** Ronald E. Woody* Joy D. Worley Carol R. Yates Class of 1977 Judy Abbott*** Debra R. Bentley Donald Bradley Ginger Tiller Breeding James W. Bryant Nancy B. Culbertson**** Richard W. Edwards Judy C. Flanary** Glenna B. Hensdill* Frances L. Holbrook** Joy P. Holbrook* Jerry E. Hollyfield Bob Howard** Alice Hughes** Sue C. Kennedy J. Lee Laningham Teresa Stepp Mason Robin M. McClellan Kathy Thacker Stewart*** Geneva C. Varner Peggy A. Williams Class of 1978 Darlene Phipps Ahrens Greg Andranovich* Judy D. Baker Sharon Bradley Barbara Kennedy Burton Mark A. Calhoun Robert J. Cantrell* Ray A. Chitwood Carolyn A. Ellison* Donna Kay Estes Debra W. Etter Terence M. Gilley Marlon A. Graham Chuck Greene Drew Johnson J. Jack Kennedy, Jr. Jane C. Kennedy Ginger H. Lambert* Michael R. Lambert* Steve Lawson*** Theresa A. Mullins D. Doug Rife FALL 2008


Ginger Sharon Saylor Carolyn W. Sewell* Randy D. Stanley* J. Kenneth Surber, Jr.* Geri L. Wallace Debra A. Wharton*** Class of 1979 Dana K. Angell James D. Boggs* Jeanne V. Callaway* Dennis P. Fritz* Gary G. Gilliam Cindy C. Hampton Pamela S. Johnson Dennis L. Kennedy Anthony Pyanoe Nancy J. Pyanoe Edward A. Riner Diana O’Bryan Roberts Robert H. Sage*** Debra A. Sarvela** Amy L. Varson Class of 1980 Suzanne Adams-Ramsey Kathy C. Andersen Mary B. Baker Debora D. Bandy Rick E. Bowman Gary L. Close Linda L. Close Clifford A. Edwards Michele P. Fogg* Fran G. Hunt* Catherine A. Maggard Randy McMahon*** Constance W. Molinary* Randy Moore* Randall J. Porter Dorothy M. Qualls Randy K. Rose Michael W. Rowland Nancy H. Salyer Jeannie N. Stallard** Michael Strouth* Susie S. Wooten Class of 1981 Mike L. Allen*** George M. Barton Lisa Barton Donna E. Boggs* Robin D. Dotson Donald E. Gibson Martha Hankins Hunt* Tim Jones* Gregory L. Kress Judy D. Lawson Rosanne C. Letson Imelda Moore* Jane S. Munsey Lyndon R. Powers Patricia P. Wells Class of 1982 Michael H. Abbott*** Steven K. Cooney* Christopher D. Freeman* Dawn Gilbert** Marcia E. Adams



Gilliam*** Cynthia Ann Hollyfield Kaye C. Mink* Steven B. Powers Joe D. Rasnick* Mary C. Robinson**** Kimberly J. Still Carolyn S. Winters* Class of 1983 Nancy K. Belcher Zachary K. Cochran Valeri J. Colyer*** Amy S. Dean Karen D. Dotson Terry W. Edwards Ray Eldridge* Victoria Johnson Hobbs William H. Jackson Claudia C. Knapp Kathy H. McGarril* Donnie R. Mullins* Maurice E. Nida** Barbara R. Phipps*** Peggy W. Scott** Caynor A. Smith, Jr. Thomas E. Smith David K. Thomas Class of 1984 Karen Y. Burke* Deidre Anne Church*** Roderick Alan Colyer*** Pam K. Conley* Nancy B. Culbertson*** Linda C. Davis Kathy Sutherland Finn* Kimberly A. Gibson Laurie A. Lakatosh* Lisa W. Mahaney Marianne Mersereau Stephen M. Mullins Lori D. Petterson Billy B. Rose Danny R. Rowland** David L. Sanders Kenneth C. Sanders* Jo Stewart*** Tracey P. White* Vernon Mandel Williams* Dinah J. Wright** Class of 1985 J. Marty Adkins* Albert Lee Clark*** Dirk P. Davis** Suzan H. Ketron*** John H. Kilgore, Jr.* Matthew B. Meade Kenna L. Mullins Sherry C. Perine Lesha Price Richard S. Prior Leonard David Rogers*** Norma A. Siemen**** Karen S. Smith Anthony Ray VanNostrand* Shari A. Williams*

Class of 1986 Sandra D. Ashley** Fred A. Bays** Steve N. Blankenbecler John H. Brickey III** Julie C. Cartagena John A. Crockett* Clinton Fletcher Dean* Brenda B. DePriest Terri C. Driver* Jeffery L. Elkins Brenda K. Elswick* Kester M. Kennedy, Jr. Michael W. Kilgore Brenda W. Kiser Kim L. Lambert Jennifer Lynn Mathieson Thomas E. Neff Phillip L. Powers Michelle W. Rose Janice M. Schwarz* John A. Shafer Class of 1987 Michelle P. Clark*** Judy Diana Cole Timothy N. Dean Stephanie S. Fee John E. Guy* Carla B. Hallstead Betty J. Jones* Rhonda A. Kilgore* Valerie S. Lawson*** Ellen Renee Lockhart Sarah Love McReynolds* Russell D. Necessary** Paulette B. Phillips* Class of 1988 Sherry Adams Ralph E. Bandy, Jr. Robert D. Collins Diane Cornett Sharon S. Daniels*** Edsel B. Fraley Wendy C. Jones* Matt L. Kiser Sheila Rhea McNulty Kyla Bohon Miller** Denise G. O’Bryan* Fred L. Ramey, Jr.*** J. Lynn Ramey*** Iman R. Zibdeh** Class of 1989 Mary Ann Amari Anne Barker* P. Scott Bevins* Gina L. Chisenhall* Tina M. Colley* David Wayne Fuller*** Mary Elizabeth Gibson Courtney Lynn Kilgore*** Carol Lee Marvin Ricky Dean Meade** Jane Meade-Dean* Danny A. Mullins* Dawn Allison O’Quinn Hancel Derek Phipps Lane A. Smith III Kimberly H. Sturgill*

Class of 1990 Dennis Ray Blevins Rickey J. Colley* Tamara S. Ely**** Rhonda K. Goins* Ann Hall Brenda R. Holbrook James O. Ireson* Travis Kennedy, Jr.* Amy A. Mullins Emory Allen Mullins Orana Sharon Neece* Connie J. Perkins Sonia F. Salyer Bobby J. Short* Jennifer M. SizemoreSanford Mark E. Sturgill* Russell Wampler*** Damon L. Williams** Class of 1991 Becky Bevins* Shannon R. Blevins Robert C. Bloomer James A. Chapman Barry A. Evans Carla Anne B. George Eric T. Greene Garland A. Hall* Gary A. Harvey* Rebecca Horne** William C. Horne** Rick L. Mullins** J. K. Perkins Sheila Rae Phipps Laura D. Pritchard* Michael E. Rife Tracy L. Stapleton* Debra D. Watson* Class of 1992 Stephanie R. Adams** Marybeth M. Adkins* Morris Lane Akers Barry Wade Allison** Cassandra Y. Ashley Sally S. Baird**** Brian K. Blanton** Daniel Garland Board Kenneth E. Cook Kimberly T. Davis Marla Evans Leslie A. Fletcher Renea W. Gaucher Joyce R. Gerke Thomas Arnold Kennedy*** Randy H. Lane* Jeffrey B. Moore Cynthia Johnson Newlon** Glenna Mae Owens Aimee Rasnick Wendy Kay Stapleton* Charles Anthony Vestal Class of 1993 Martha Flanary Barnes Daphne Dawn Blanton** Pamela J. Collie*** April Dawn Collins

Stephanie N. Druschel Claude Edward Elkins, Jr.* Elsa B. Farmer Allegra M. Gulino Andrew A. Gulino Bobby R. Hopkins Greg Jordan Laura Ann Kendall* Angela G. Moore Suzanne Renee Moore Kevin W. Mullins** Craig S. Rasnick Tiffani S. Richards Christopher Matthew Ross David William Shelton* Lisa H. Varner James David R. Wall Class of 1994 James W. Adams** Pat R. Bevins* David S. Burgess Stephanie G. Dean Bridgette A. Hawkins Bobbie Jo Hodges Judith E. Johnson** Christopher L. Kommes James R. Lawson Duane A. Miller* Craig S. Owens Joey L. Ratliff Rebecca R. Starnes Robert P. Starnes Kevin M. Williams* Class of 1995 Christopher M. Basham Janice E. Bolling Elizabeth “Opie” Booth Taylor Raymond Burgess Joseph R. Carico** Patricia C. Deel Angela Honeycutt Rebecca Greear Huffman Bethany H. Jerrell Carolyn Leigh A. Mitchell Matthew H. Puckett Christa B. Ratliff Marlene F. Salyer Karen D. Watkins Class of 1996 Angela P. Furrow Linda P. Lipps* Lynn Michele Manchester Freddie E. Mullins Judy Christian Needham* Teresa A. Owens Paul A. Phillips Neal Jason Roberts* Donna Rogers*** Lori Anne Sandt John C. Schweingrouber Mary D. Smith Jay Patrick Stanley Stephanie Muncy Taylor Hannah S. Walker Natalie J. Wells

Class of 1997 Daniel D. Armstrong* Michael B. Barnette Michelle H. Barnette Randall C. Belcher James W. Bellamy, Jr. William Andrew Delph, Jr. Susan L. Dula Dickenson Kristine Helmstetter Dresser Katherine Gardner Charles W. Hartgrove* G. Adam Herron Aaron C. Hicks John W. Jerrell Sandra L. Jones* Jettie G. Mullins* Marnie Rae Mullins John P. Nelson Ann Livingston Peshoff Randy G. Peshoff Sarah J. Pilkenton* Bobby J. Ring Lori A. Roberts* Tony D. Roop** Denise Lynn Saffouri Frederick K. Saffouri Rodney D. Stanley Kimberley P. Sterling Deborah C. Wright Class of 1998 Camden E. Arthur Brandon L. Bolling* Anthony A. Brickey Roderick Burnette Ian Gilliam Tracey Lynn Gilliam Kara L. Goins Diana H. Haynes Joshua D. Hughes Jeannie M. Mullins-Willis* Christopher W. Ratliff* Diane K. Reeves Justin B. Runyon Dawn M. Short* Tonja L. Smith-Doyle Christopher Todd Starnes

Adam M. Bell Bradford J. Bowen* Whitney Minor Bowen Delya P. Branham Jeffrey W. Bray Deborah M. Caudell Tanya L. Clark Alicia D. Flanary C. Scott Kiser Joseph B. Kiser Kristy J. Kiser Selena M. Kiser Lydia B. Leap Warren S. Leap III Sherry L. Matney Samuel J. Miles* Timothy P. Miles* Anna K. Miller* Gregory L. Mullins Tabitha H. Peace* Regina D. Poff Teresa T. Ratliff Cassandra J. Sproles Steven R. Sproles Anthony S. Taylor Class of 2001 Ray Austin Jestin Michael Beck Jeremy Wade Beverly Melissa Coleen Bevins Jonette Dixon Carpenter* Cinnamon Justene Couch Melissa Christine Hall Trisha A. Iddings* Carmen Robertson Jones* Wendy Martin Mabe Lena F. McCall Jessica Renee Reeves Bradley Dave Robinson† Laura Faye Robinson† James Darryl Swartz Sarah D. Torres James M. Wilson Jessica A. Wilson

Class of 1999 Paul D. Altarez* Tammy Nelson Bell Trevor H. Boggs Kevin L. Davis Nicole Gilliam David K. Hampton Timothy Wayne Iddings* Eric N. Lane* Graham A. Marsteller John Thomas McGuire Misty D. McGuire Renee Vanessa Mullins Mark A. Raymond Joan S. Stewart Elizabeth R. Werling Kevin D. Williams

Class of 2002 Dianna Gail Bryant Miracle Ann Coffey Justin David Crawford Melissa Worley DeLeon Gayle Sandefur Dutton Brian Keith Furrow Eric Allen Gardner Damion T. Garrison Justin Kyle Holbrook Melinda Kay Hylton Michael J. Lipps* Jeffrey A. Lutz Derek N. Lyall Jonathan K. Mason Leah A. Kiley Mullins Angela S. Pieper James Marcel Pieper, Jr. Sonya Renee Ratliff* Joshua Ryan Skeens*

Class of 2000 Mary Beth Allison** Nicole Fleming Austin Carolyn M. Baldwin

Class of 2003 David B. Amos Robyn Boggs Michelle L. Breeding

Danny Rha Carter, Jr. William P. Childress III Tyler G. Giles* Brian D. Hines Tracy Mumpower Kelly B. Murphree Russell J. Street Class of 2004 Jimmy J. Adkins Pearl L. Adkins C. Joseph Carter Kristina L. Carter Matthew A. Carter Melanie L. Cooper Jason A. Haynes Jodie D. Kern-Bowen* Kenis L. Maciel Lawton Mullins Kimberly Murphy Stephanie T. Osborne Larisa V. Owens Danielle M. Sadler* Rabern Simmons Ella M. Smith* Jared T. Vasold Class of 2005 Timothy Scott Anderson Bonnie Bates Michael D. Berry Pamela K. Burke Jessica R. Cain James A. Close Dwayne A. Grimes Chris McCall Jeremy W. Moore M. Elizabeth Moore C. Cole Osborne James Poitier Nicole Y. Rhoten Danny E. Rife II Wendy Michelle Russell Breanne Dotson Salyer Andy Scott* H. William Smith Malissa A. Young Class of 2006 Rachel D. Burgess Joshua A. Callahan Adam Cole Rachel A. Cole Carla W. Glass Brian Gunther Jonathan T. Puckett Brooke Swanson-Ring Adam L. Tolbert Class of 2007 Destinee S. Adkins Matthew L. Adkins Melisha A. Alsup Whitney R. Antolick Jarrod C. Bates Laura King Berry Terri C. Bowen Michelle L. Brady Joseph M. Calloway, Jr. Clint E. Carter Greta A. Clevenger FALL 2008


Amy P. Compton Raven R. Duncan Mirandy N. Easterling Tracey D. Evans Aaron T. Gravley R. LeAnn Gunther Ashley J. Hall Timothy M. Hall Barbra L. Hatch Terri Anne Hill Matthew K. Hoffman Joshua V. Justice Larra L. Lambert Sharon M. Lary Luke R. Layne Sheena W. Lee Amber M. Lockhart Michael G. McBride Jeremy A. Monk Ashley N. O’Quinn Ethan A. Owens Godfrey Pestana, Jr. Lori E. Price John D. Rasnick Tyler S. Rhoton Edwin E. Rodriquez Sara M. Roop Michael P. Sowdon Kristina M. Steffen Sherry L. Strouth Santana L. Vasquez Savannah L. Wells Class of 2008 Daniel R. Adams Kyle D. Allen Maria C. Aquino Brittany Austin Carlton A. Baker Katherine E. Baldwin Rachel E. Bambarger Todd Bennett Andrea S. Bolling Teresa S. Burns Billy J. Clark Courtney L. Cole Seth L. Collins Amy B. Cooper Kevin D. Cooper Cody S. Dalton Ashley R. Davenport Christopher M. Davenport Christian S. Davis Toni L. Davis Amy R. Deel Mark DeLeon Jennifer A. Duty Oktay Duymaz Joshua R. Evans

* ** *** **** †


Sherry L. Falin Kristen L. Fields Heather D. Fletcher Sarah N. Frazier Julie N. Fritz Seth B. Gibson John Blake Graham Scott S. Griffin Gina D. Gullett Chad L. Hagy Whitney B. Hall Lori A. Hamm Mo Haskins Kimberly R. Hayes Olga C. Hayes Mary E. Henderson Taylor Hill Molly A. Humphrey Sara D. Hurd Kaylee J. Hutchinson Ashley A. Jenkins Joshua E. Jessee Allison L. Kegley Autumn R. Lauzon Zachary J. Lawson Lindsay M. Lipps Jay T. Lloyd Sarah E. Lyall Donovan L. Mabe Andrew W. McQuillan Allison L. Miller Robin M. Milton Bethany T. Mosca Valerie N. Mullins Joshua L. Nunley Michelle L. Osborne Tyler E. Osborne Jenna M. Powers-Dingus Brandon M. Qualls Kristin Shawn Rasnake William A. Reed John M. Riley Jonathon W. Salyer Brad K. Schassberger Jason S. Shuler Amanda W. Sims Robert N. Smith III Justin W. Sorensen Ashley N. Stewart Christopher J. Stout Susannah M. Suppey Reuben J. Swindall Eric T. Vanover Matthew C. Waclawski Tiffany J. Ward Allen S. Whitten Amber L. Wurschmidt Peter J. Yun

Denotes five consecutive years of giving to the College Denotes 10 consecutive years of giving to the College Denotes 15 consecutive years of giving to the College Denotes 20 consecutive years of giving to the College Denotes the friend or alumnus is deceased


Matching Gift Corporations ‡ Allstate Giving Campaign Bank of America Bank of America Foundation Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation GEICO Corp. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation KPMG Foundation LabCorp Corporate Community Affairs Lexis-Nexis Merck Partnership For Giving Merrill Lynch & Company Nationwide Foundation R. J. Reynolds Foundation VF Foundation Wachovia Foundation ‡About Matching Gifts Almost 1,000 corporations match gifts made by employees, board members, retired employees and spouses to their institution of choice. Matching gifts enable you to double or even triple your gift to UVaWise. Alumni and friends receive full credit and recognition for personal gifts as well as corporate matches. Participation is simple. Just search the HEP/CASE Matching Gift Network at www.matchinggifts.com/ rit to find out if your company matches gifts and to obtain contact information for the program manager. Please obtain a matching gift form, complete the form, submit it to your employer and watch your gift grow! Thank you for making the extra effort – and for your doubled support! If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Development at 276-328-0129. Can’t find your name? It could be because… …we made a mistake. Every effort goes into ensuring the accuracy of this report. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our apologies and notify us to ensure our records are corrected. …you asked that your gift be anonymous. Checking this box on the pledge card indicated to us that you do not want your name to appear in this report. …you made your gifts after our fiscal year ended. Annual giving closes on June 30. Gifts made after that date are recognized in next year’s Honor Roll. Please call the Office of Development at 276-3280129 if you have any concerns about your listing.

Send us your alumni news & photos! We welcome your news for Classnotes. Please e-mail news of your personal and career achievements and service to alumni@uvawise.edu, or use this form and mail news to: Office of Alumni Relations, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, One College Avenue, Wise, Virginia 24293. Full Name (include maiden name) ________________________________________________________Class Year __________ Home Address _____________________________________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________ City________________________________________________________________ State _________________ Zip ______________ Home Phone ( ) _____________________________________ Cell Phone ( ) ______________________________ Employer ______________________________________________ Job Title ____________________________________________ Work Phone ( ) _____________________________________ Work E-mail Address _____________________________ Spouse Name (include maiden name) __________________________________________________________________________ UVa-Wise Class Year ______________ Children’s Names & Ages __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ News ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am interested in assisting with the development of a UVa-Wise alumni club in my area: __________ Yes __________ No

Upcoming Events April 29, 2009

Student-Alumni Picnic May 9, 2009

23rd Annual Cavalier Alumni $elebration May 16, 2009

Commencement Personalized Crockett Hall bricks now available The newly renovated Crockett Hall has started a new chapter in its venerable life. The building that originally served as classrooms and a residence hall is once again serving students, but this time it houses the offices of admissions, financial aid, registrar, cashier and advising, retention and assessment. Crockett Hall has returned as the focal point of campus. The historic structure captures the spirit of UVa-Wise and its students. The Crockett Hall Future Fund Tri-Chairs and the Twinleaf Society are promoting a personalized brick project to memorialize the spirit and rich history of Crockett Hall and the College. The bricks will be placed at the base of the Twinleaf Society’s clock that stands adjacent to Crockett Hall. A limited number of bricks are available for $500. Your gift may be made in four equal installments. Please complete your order by April 15, 2009. For additional information, call 276-376-4523. Please make checks for this project payable to “UVa-Wise Foundation” and mail to: The Office of Development and College Relations UVa-Wise One College Avenue Wise, VA 24293

One College Avenue Wise, Virginia 24293

The Center for the Arts is beginning to take shape on campus.The facility, which will bring the visual and performing arts under one roof for the first time, is expected to be completed in August 2009.

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