The University of Virginia's College at Wise Magazine, Fall 2014

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GEOGRAPHICAL DIVERSITY Reaching across Virginia and beyond.


Dear Alumni and Friends, Southwest Virginia just experienced another glorious fall. In fact, this fall marks 60 years since our College opened its doors to more than 110 enthusiastic students, many whom had returned from the Korean War eager to try out their GI Bill education benefits. The pioneer class at then-Clinch Valley College wrote its own story, a tale that is legend today. In turn, each class added its own colorful chapter to the UVa-Wise story, making our robust College the institution it is today—60 Years Strong. We will celebrate our sixth decade all year with a variety of events. The Student Government Association started the party with a birthday cake at the September 13 football game, and we will host a holiday celebration at the refurbished Inn at Wise, the place where the idea of our College was hatched by a determined group of local leaders. We will make the 2014-2015 academic year one to remember.

Chancellor Donna P. Henry

Our campus has evolved since that crisp fall day in 1954. The majority of the first students called Southwest Virginia home, and all college activity took place in Crockett Hall. Today half of our more than 2,000 students hail from the region and half come from other parts of Virginia and beyond. The geographical diversity benefits both groups, and it adds cultural value to our campus. We’ve added 150,000 square feet of building space to campus in the past 10 years alone. Our new six-story library will open in 2016, and we are seeking funds to build a new performance hall to showcase our talented students. In other news, we are in the third and final year of our transition to NCAA Division II athletic competition. NCAA officials feel that UVa-Wise will be a role model nationally for other colleges that make the move toward Division II. The 2014 Benefactor’s Celebration brought dozens of our friends and alumni to campus where we expressed our deep appreciation for their support. Through your efforts, UVa-Wise awarded $3.4 million in scholarships last year and raised a record $13.2 million in private support. UVa-Wise is a young institution that has thrived because of the support it receives, and I want to thank each of you for your part in building a strong foundation that has allowed our College to grow strong and prepare for the next 60 years. Sincerely,

Donna P. Henry




Combining technology and the environment

Geographical diversity

Community education, along with promoting ecological tourism in Southwest Virginia, has been the driving force behind some recent student projects in the environmental sciences.

When the College entered its fifth year of operation, only eight of its 100 freshmen were from outside of Southwest Virginia. A lot has changed since then.

The UVa-Wise Magazine is produced by College Relations and Alumni Relations for alumni and friends of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise. EDITOR Kathy Still ’84 ALUMNI EDITORS Pam Collie ’93 Cindi L. Smoot ’09 EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Susan Mullins Sean Matthews PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY Tim Cox, Tim Cox Photo/Graphics CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dalena Adams Tanner Clark Darrell-Dingus Ely ’10 Allie Gibson ’11 Kathy Still ’84 SPORTS EDITOR Darrell-Dingus Ely ’10 MAGAZINE DESIGN Lanna Monday Lumpkins INTERNS Dalena Adams Morgan Day


Study Abroad The Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Paris and Luxembourg are just a few of the destinations study abroad students have ventured to during the past several months.

8 Shelf expressions 2 6 20 24 28

Headlines Features Athletics Homecoming Class Notes

MAGAZINE ADVISORY BOARD: Tarah Kesterson Allie Gibson ’11 Shelly Richards Greg Edwards ’70 Tim Cox Angel Cox

athink about The UV Tell us what you ail your comments, Em Wise Magazine. to umni submissions story ideas and al .edu or contact us by ise magazine@uvaw Magazine, 1 College ise mail at The UVa-W 293 or by phone at 24 VA , ise W , ue Aven 276-376-1027.


Marchant finds calling in television Heather Marchant landed a job last summer as a production assistant for a Los Angeles-based company that came to Southwest Virginia to pursue a potential reality series for network television. The junior theater major is not allowed to give many details of her stint as a production assistant, but her first exposure to television series work gave her a career boost. The series could appear on a major cable television network if the project gets a Heather Marchant green light. Marchant learned of the opportunity when the production company approached some faculty and staff about the need for a production assistant. She decided to give it a try. “I was offered the position,” she said. “They were looking for a film student, which we do not have at UVa-Wise, but they also were considering someone who was passionate about theater work and entertainment. That’s how I ended up getting the job.” Marchant worked hard while the production company was in the region, but the difficult hours were worth it. “It was one of the best experiences I’ve had,” she said. “My job was to do anything they needed me to do. I would run errands, get food for the crew, help with equipment and respond to bizarre and crazy things.” One memorable task she was given by the company was to find an animal that had been stuffed by a taxidermist. She and the crew spent a lot of time finding locations for filming and it helped that she knew her way around the region. “I learned a lot,” the Marion, Virginia resident said. “Most

people think that people from Hollywood are pretentious, but they were all down to earth. It was great to work with them.” Marchant honed her skills during the shoot, and she especially learned a lot about film. She is experienced with stage work and the equipment that goes along with theater production, but working with cameras and television equipment opened up a new world. “I learned the names for different cameras, when they were needed at different times,” she said. “I’m used to working a lot in theater and with ProArt, and that experience helped prepare me for this job.” The production company was impressed with her work ethic and skills. She was offered a job if the reality show makes the cut and goes to full production. Marchant came to UVa-Wise when she was a high school student and was selected to attend the Governor’s School, a performing arts program for the best students in the region’s secondary schools. She said being involved in college theater productions was much more comprehensive than high school theater. “In high school, there was not a community feeling in theater,” she explained. “Everyone would do their own part. Some would just act and others would do technical work, but when I got to Governor’s School, we all had to work together to put on a performance.” Marchant plans to pursue graduate studies in fine arts in the technical direction, but she has not decided on a school. In the meantime, she waits to hear if the project she worked on last summer will be approved for a season. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience, especially for a college student,” she said. “It was really cool.”

Dominion Foundation grant jumpstarts research field station A grant from the Dominion Foundation will boost UVa-Wise’s efforts to convert a campus house to an environmental field station designed to enhance student and faculty research. The $25,000 grant will help the College turn the house, located on what was once called “faculty row,” to the field station. Preston Sloane, manager of Dominion’s power plant near St. Paul, said his company views the grant and the project as good ways to give back to the community. “It’s something we take very seriously in many ways,” Sloane said. “We are very excited about this particular project.” UVa-Wise Chancellor Donna P. Henry said the research station will be a strong addition to the growing campus. The facility will be dedicated to the research that faculty and environmental science students are 2 UVa-Wise Magazine

doing on campus and in the surrounding region. Henry, a biologist, said the support from Dominion will jumpstart the project and help the College get the technology it needs for the facility. Professor Wally Smith said science students are already using the nearby wetlands on campus for research purposes. However, the Sandridge Science Center is located on the opposite end of campus, making it difficult to collect samples, race back to the science center and continue with the research on the samples. Having the research station adjacent to the wetlands will give students and faculty more time to spend on the research and on classroom learning. “It will be a huge asset,” Smith said. “Students can meet here, do the data

collection and the professors can do the instruction here. It will enhance what we do.” The rooms in the house will be converted to classroom space, office space, storage areas for equipment and other uses. The outdoor area behind the facility will also be used as well. The research center will also help local public schools that already send groups of students to UVa-Wise to study the wetlands, Smith added. “Without Dominion, we wouldn’t be able to do this at all. This will have relevance not only to our College, but to the local community as well,” Smith added. The Dominion Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Dominion Resources. Dominion is a large diversified energy company based in Richmond, Virginia.

Pi Kapps celebrate 35 years

Pi Kappa Phi supports community ties

Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity is celebrating its 35th year on the UVa-Wise campus. The fraternity, which was chartered at Clinch Valley College on March 1, 1980, was the second national fraternity established on the campus. Today, Epsilon Epsilon Chapter is the senior Greek letter fraternity on campus. Currently under the leadership of Archon Dakota Hill, the active chapter boasts an undergraduate membership of more than 30 brothers plus associate members. Over its 35-year history, the Chapter has initiated into its ranks 467 men, including 27 alumni initiates. Eight members of the UVa-Wise faculty and staff are Pi Kapps, and 11 currently serve on the UVa-Wise Foundation Board, the UVa-Wise College Board and the Alumni Association Board. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, through its Alumni Initiate program, is one of the few national fraternities to seek advice and counsel from members of the College and community. Each chapter has a local alumni Council of Advisors whose sole function is to advise in regard to organization and social responsibility. The COA includes Travis Kennedy ’90, David Amos ’03, Josh Vaughan ’10, D. Michael Donathan, Jack Mullins, Mike Glovier ’96, David Belcher, Wesley Mullins and Sharon Daniels ’88. The COA at UVa-Wise is one of the few chapters with a female member. Daniels has been active with the Chapter from its beginning. Epsilon Epsilon Chapter has established a strong presence in Wise and Norton through its work with disabled children, with Martin Luther King Day events, local fairs and other civic events. In addition, the Active Chapter has received numerous national awards over the course of its history, Donathan received the Merit Citation given by the Supreme Chapter for his service, and Kennedy received the Chapter Advisor of the Year award. The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Hawpe-Donathan Alumni Scholarship was established in 2010 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Chapter. To date more than $40,000 has been donated to support the scholarship.

College shares economic development grant with Micronic Technologies The University of Virginia’s College at Wise and Micronic Technologies were awarded a $2 million grant from the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. Micronic Technologies, a water treatment technology company, will operate in an expanded wing of the Appalachian American Energy Research Center in the Lonesome Pine Technology Park. Until the permanent facility is complete, the Wise County IDA facilitated a temporary move into OptaFuel’s facility in Norton. “The entire region is especially supportive of our development efforts and understands industrial product development and manufacturing substantively more than the investor ecosystem in the Washington, D.C. area, where most investments are IT centric,” said Micronic Technologies CEO Karen Sorber. “We have relocated five employees to launch our product development pilot program in an ecosystem that is truly supportive of R&D startups. Customers, partners and educators alike are already supporting our transition.”

Micronic moved its corporate headquarters and R&D operations from Sterling, Virginia to Wise County in June 2014 to create greater alignment of its mission to partner with UVaWise. Wise County’s support of the company’s efforts to develop stronger ties to the local industrial customers and partners in the region was also a factor in the company’s relocation decision. Company officials visited Southwest Virginia in December 2013 and immediately evaluated the benefits of relocating operations to the region. Understanding the capacity of existing regional manufacturers, the supportive business environment and the expertise available at UVa-Wise, the company decided to move its entire corporate operations, headquarters and all pilot execution programs to Wise County. This included all senior management. “Micronic’s engineering and the College’s environmental, computer and mathematical capabilities make the relationship very synergistic,” Sorber said. UVa-Wise Chancellor Donna P. Henry said the College strives to be an economic development engine for the region. “The College is committed to economic development in Southwest Virginia,” Henry said. “Our collaboration with Micronic Technologies is a model for how local government, local colleges and a high growth company can work together to benefit a region. UVa-Wise will always work hard to promote our region and to improve economic prosperity of Southwest Virginia.” Fall/Winter 2014 3


A passion for

the arts

Julia Lange Sturgill is a young woman with a defined career path and a detailed plan to keep things moving in the proper direction. The junior from Wise wants a career in the entertainment industry, but she has not limited herself to performing. She is pursuing an interdisciplinary studies major combining English, business and communication courses with a few art classes added to the mix. Although she hopes to perform or sing, she is leaving her options open for possible careers as a talent agent or in advertising. “I want a well-rounded business degree,” she said. “The written word is so important in persuasion. You are always trying to persuade someone of something, especially in business. You have to know English and the meaning of the words you use.” Sturgill took to heart some academic advice from Neva Bryan, Photo by Tim Cox assistant director of professional and career development. “She said we need to stress that it’s not really about your major, Photo from Julia Sturgill’s upcoming demo CD. but more about your skills and what you can do for a company,” Sturgill said. “If you invest time and energy in what you are interested in and what you are studying, you will find that there is a job out there for you.” The 20-year-old has always been interested in forensics and drama, and she credits mentors Jan Thompson and Mark Salyers for encouraging her during those early high school years. Both helped her understand and gain the stage presence that she uses today when she does a presentation or finds herself in the spotlight. She used the skills she has honed since eighth grade last summer when she landed the role of June Tolliver in the popular “Trail of the Lonesome Pine Outdoor Drama” in Big Stone Gap. The play, based on the John Fox Jr. novel of the same name, tells the story of June, the young mountain girl who falls in love with a mining engineer from Kentucky. Sturgill received accolades for her portrayal of June, and the audience responded to her acting and singing talents. A woman named after the character of June attended a performance and sent Sturgill a nice letter filled with compliments. “I fell in love with the cast,” Sturgill said. “We were like family.” Not one to wait until she earns her degree to begin her future, Sturgill found sponsors to invest in a demo CD of five original country songs that include the theme of how troubling situations can make a person grow stronger. She wrote the lyrics and will sing on the recordings. Her plan is to land a recording contract. “It made me feel that people believed in me, and that was so much more valuable to me than the money,” she said. Photo by Tim Cox A UVa-Wise education will mean that she graduates with little or no Julia Sturgill plays June Tolliver in the “Trail of debt because of scholarships and other funding sources. Sturgill said the Lonesome Pine Outdoor Drama.” that will be valuable as she pursues a career without having to worry about the burden of high student loan debt. “It is a great school and it is affordable, and that is important to me,” she said. “My family is a coal mining family. My dad worked on a strip mine but he was laid off. Scholarships became a significant factor in my college education. Debt is so dangerous when you first get out of school.” Sturgill received the Farley Sutherland Fund scholarship. She is searching for an internship for next summer, but she wants one that will further her career goals for the entertainment field. In the meantime, she will participate soon in a 48-hour film project that pits several teams in a contest to write, produce and edit a movie in three days. If that is not enough to keep her busy, Sturgill enjoys writing in her spare time. She favors science fiction and fantasy literature that features strong female characters. “We live in a society that subliminally oppresses women,” she said. “I want to overtly uplift women.”

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Irshad Manji touts moral courage, curiosity during visit Reformist Muslim Irshad Manji discussed her own brand of moral courage at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise on Wednesday, Sept. 24 and encouraged others to experience the liberation that comes from doing the right thing in the face of fear. “Moral courage is a tool of liberation for the people who practice it,” the Canadian resident said to the crowd gathered in the David J. Prior Convocation Center. “Moral courage is the secret to being a gutsy, global citizen.” Irshad Manji Manji, the director of the Moral Courage Project, is outspoken in her belief that there is an overwhelming need for reform in her Muslim faith. Her frankness and thought-provoking debate have made her a target of some extremists. Her talk, part of the Colgate Darden Lecture Series, began with a mesmerizing account of how her healthy curiosity and dogged determination to find answers resulted in her expulsion from a British Columbia madrassa, an Islamic religious school, at the age of 14. Her transgression was to question the teacher’s instructions that a Muslim could not befriend a Jew or a Christian. The crowd quietly listened as Manji recalled how she pondered her instructor’s ultimatum to accept his teaching or leave the school permanently. Her favorite teachers in her regular school were of the Jewish and Christian faith, and her experiences with them caused her to reject the madrassa teacher’s lesson. It just did not add up, she said. “I’m not proud of it, but I kicked open the metal doors and screamed ‘Jesus Christ’ as I walked out,” she said. “I didn’t know that Jesus was a Jew. I thought he was a Christian.” Her mother was upset, but Manji explained to her that she was not rejecting Allah or her Muslim religion. Manji merely planned to study Islam on her own, and what she found led to her own moral courage and understanding. “A lot of people when faced with a particular dilemma decide that is easier not to do anything,” Manji told the crowd. “It is actually not easier. It eats away at you. It takes a lot of energy to stifle what you

know is the truth.” Manji spent Saturdays at the public library studying all aspects of her religion. She discovered many fascinating things in her study. “I discovered my faith of Islam has a progressive tradition of independent thinking,” she said. ”It’s called ijtihad and it means to struggle with the mind. It means I can be thoughtful and faithful, and when you bring them together, you get integrity.” Manji later landed her dream job as a television producer, and all was well until the September 11 terrorist attacks. Realizing that more than 3,000 people were killed by a group using Islam as a reason caused Manji to make another tough decision. She quit her producer job and wrote her critically acclaimed “The Trouble With Islam” book. She has spent more than 10 years advocating the need for reform in Islam. “It would have been easier to sit on my hands and do nothing,” she said. “I decided the stakes were too high. We had to let fresh air in.” Manji’s contends in the book that the problem with Islam is Muslims, and she backs up her claims. Islam has the raw material to be tolerant and open, she said, but the problem is not Islam the faith, but the way the believers are practicing it. She discussed recent events related to the Islamic State, or ISIS, and the atrocities the extremists are carrying out against others, including the beheadings of American journalists. “The Islamic State has interpretations of Islam that come directly from Saudi Arabia,” she said. “They are manipulating religion.” According to Manji, the extremist Muslims are the problem, but so are the moderate Muslims who do not speak out because of fear of being accused of being a lackey for the West. She wrapped up her talk by taking questions and comments from the audience. One of her final messages was to urge those attending to refuse to keep quiet, remain curious, ask questions and to embrace their own form of moral courage.

Myers speaks on Civil War guerrillas The Confederate Congress approved the 1862 Partisan Rangers Act with the intention to ease the way for more southern men to join the Confederacy’s Civil War efforts, but it quickly got out of control and created many unintended consequences, said Barton A. Myers, a history professor at Washington & Lee University. Myers, a leading authority on guerrilla warfare during the Civil War, said the Partisan Rangers Act became a Frankenstein’s monster that was undisciplined, uncontrollable and brought harsh retribution toward Confederate civilians. “It constituted a self-inflicted wound on the Confederate body politic,” Myers said in Sept. 26 lecture in the Sandridge Science Center. In his talk, Myers said the hit-and-run tactics of guerilla warfare were viewed initially by the Confederate War Department as a solution to manpower problems. Southerners often wanted out of the regular army because of unfamiliar cold weather, poor leadership and outright boredom. The Partisan Rangers Act create a new military force that capitalized on individual service that was home front based, he explained.

“It was a popular type of service in border territories,” Myers said. The repercussions were devastating, and actions taken by the units did little to convince West Point-trained Confederate leaders that the Partisan Rangers Act would work, Myers added. Despite the fears of the Confederate officers, the petitions from communities to have the units operate in localities continued to arrive. According to Myers, there were many reasons why the Act did not work, including the uncertain legal standing about whether captured soldiers in the ranger units were to be treated as prisoners of war or whether the Union could just execute them. In addition, the deceptive tactics used by the guerillas ended up endangering civilians in the communities they were intended to protect. Myers, author of “Executing Daniel Bright: Race, Loyalty, and Guerrilla Violence in a Coastal Carolina Community, 1861-1865” and “Rebels Against the Confederacy: North Carolina’s Unionists,” presented his lecture as part of the Appalachian Warfare Lecture Series, sponsored by the Slemp Foundation. Fall/Winter 2014 5

FEATURES Tools of the trade

COMBINING Technology and the Environment


by Allie

ommunity education, along Gibson ’11 with promoting ecological tourism in Southwest Virginia, have been the driving forces behind some recent student projects in the environmental sciences. One of them involves inviting folks to take a float down the Clinch River in an inner tube, toes in the water. As you float, you might start to wonder about the flora and fauna, or rock formations and towns, around you. So you pull out your phone — or tablet, borrowed from Terri Anne Hill-Funk ’07 at Clinch River Adventures, where you rented your tube—and look it up, using an application crafted by UVa-Wise students. “We’ve incorporated science with going out there and having fun,” said Skyla Slemp, a biology major who helped build the digital guide to the Clinch River. “The big picture is economic growth in the outdoors, and incorporating the beauty of the region.”

Skyla Slemp measures the distance from a tree to potential salamander habitat.

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The Clinch River is one of the most biodiverse spots in North America, home to rare freshwater mussels and unique amphibians. The student group, led by Wally Smith, associate professor of biology, created the app with a $2,000 grant from the Appalachian Prosperity Project and in partnership with the Clinch River Valley Initiative, a regional effort to promote tourism along the river. So far, some 300-400 people have used the app, Smith said. A local narrator tells about different aspects along the river— the hellbender salamander, karst formations, different towns—to the backdrop of bluegrass music. “We tried it on the river and it tends to work,” Smith said. Added Slemp: “If you’re listening, you can look around and see what’s going on.” It’s been an exciting year for the environmental sciences programs at UVa-Wise—in October, the Dominion Foundation gave a $25,000 grant to the College to convert a house into an environmental research lab. The lab is located in a former faculty house, right near the campus lake and wetlands. “I’m glad we have the site,” said Conner Stanley, a biology major. Stanley said it will help give attention to ecology programs at the College.

Wally Smith looks for salamanders in rock crevices.

Conner Stanley sights the horizon to mark out a grid to check for salamanders.

“With our program building more interest from ecology students, it will be good to have a place where that can be housed,” Smith said. “We’re in an area unlike a lot of colleges our size, because we can go 10 or 15 minutes and sample in the field, or do it right on campus. It’s right outside the back door.” Stanley and Slemp are both students in the College’s Fellowship in the Natural Sciences program, which offers a $3,000 stipend to students who wish to spend 10 weeks on student research. On a recent foggy fall morning, both were out with Smith at Flag Rock Recreational Area in Norton, looking at rock formations for rare green salamanders, continuing the research of FINS students Melissa Blackburn ‘14 and Jack Wayland ‘13, who studied the types of habitats conducive to the small critters. Slemp and Stanley were studying those types of habitats to find out if the other students were correct—and so far, it appears they were. “Before the [student] project, there were only 10 known localities of the salamander across the state,” Smith said. “They’ve found 15-20 new populations in two or three counties. They’re kind of rewriting the natural history of this species.” Stanley said it is important to map the species throughout the area­­—from Flag Rock to the Clinch. “The Southern Appalachians are a diversity hotspot for amphibians and mussels,” he said. “It’s important we get these gaps filled so we know how to manage [the species] well.” A screenshot of the Clinch River app

Fall/Winter 2014 7





A series that offers a glimpse of the treasures and trinkets found in faculty and staff offices

A mentor and a coach

by Dalena Adams Chris Davis ’99 spends much of his time walking through the David J. Prior Convocation Center making sure that everything is running as smoothly as possible for the increasingly popular venue. He has spent most of his life around sports and has made that one of his many passions in life, but nothing he has experienced so far compares to sharing his love of athletics with his beloved son, Landon. Davis has been heavily involved in Landon’s athletic activities the past few years. He’s coached his son’s flag football team for the past two years, one as the assistant and this past year as the head coach, he was also the head coach of Landon’s basketball team and his t-ball team. In his office he keeps sports memorabilia from different times in his life, but the most precious to him is a plaque he was given last year while coaching Landon’s basketball team. “It was the first time I was the head coach of one of his teams,” Davis said. At the end of the season the team presented Davis with that photo and plaque and it says, ‘Thank you for all of your hard work and we appreciate you’ Wise PTA basketball green team 2014, and it’s presented to coach Chris. “I think that’s why it means so much to me is because I had so many parents come up to me at the end of the year Landon and Chris Davis ’99 and present me with the plaque, and I had one parent get me a thank you card with a gift card for Applebee’s to take Landon and Nichole out for dinner one night. All the note said was, ‘You took care of our kid like he was your kid thanks for being so kind, you helped him, you talked to him and he had fun playing.’” Davis is happy to spend time with Landon and be a part of this aspect of his life because sports were a big part of his life. As a parent, Davis said he understands how beneficial it can be to Landon. 8 UVa-Wise Magazine

Hale sets sail

by Kathy Still ’84 Tammie Hale is a fixture in the Office of Advising and Retention. The Wise County resident is often one of the first smiling faces that students and visitors see when they enter Crockett Hall. She gets to know the students, and they rely on her throughout the year for good advice and a little pep talk every once in a while. She is known for her dependability and her willingness to pitch in when other departments need a pair of extra hands. Hale truly loves her work, but she also understands the importance of getting away from it all, and that’s where her glass blowfish comes in handy. “My blowfish is a little item I acquired while on a Caribbean cruise vacation,” Hale said. “He was an irresistible purchase.” Hale and her husband, Ken, love to cruise. They go at least two times a year on the allinclusive cruises. According Tammie Hale and her blowfish to Hale, cruising is the perfect vacation to get away without having the bother of making too many plans along the way. Exploring the ports of call also add the right amount of adventure to a Caribbean jaunt. She has been on nine cruises, and she enjoys kayaking in the different bodies of water at the ports of call. “I am all for the concept of ‘work hard, play hard,’ and vacations are important to me and my family for that reason,” she said. The blowfish reminds her to take time for a little recreation. “When I walk around my desk at work and look on my shelf and see my blowfish, it is as if he is saying to me that ‘it is time to plan your next cruise vacation,” she said. “I have him on the shelf not so much for memory’s sake, but as a reminder that sh blowfi Hale’s my next vacation is only a Tammie plan away.”

Transitional reminders

by Dalena Adams Eric Smith, as both a professor and an artist, is thought by many to be extremely thoughtful and intelligent. At times it seems he is a “Superman” on campus. However, Smith hasn’t always been as strong and spry as he is today. A few years ago Smith learned he had aplastic anemia and treatments seemed ineffective on his weakened body. A year before the diagnosis, he had donated bone marrow stem cells in an attempt to help a roommate who had been diagnosed with leukemia. He wasn’t able to help his friend but was able to help a 23-year-old man from Memphis, Tennessee. After Smith was diagnosed, he received a call from the donation center telling him that due to his size he actually produced twice the amount of bone marrow as other people, which meant there was some left that could help save his own life. During the bone marrow transfusion, Smith had been going through chemotherapy and didn’t remember that his father had taken a picture of the procedure. That Christmas, Smith’s father gave him the framed picture. Smith hung it on the same wall as his diplomas.

Motivation from mom by Dalena Adams Disney movie posters, Scooby-Doo figurines, coffee mugs and communication books all line the walls of Professor Rachel Tighe’s office in Zehmer Hall. While the room is full of interesting memorabilia from her life, the most personal and influential object in her office sits just above her desk. After receiving her Ph.D. from the University of Georgia, Tighe’s mother presented her with a collage containing an interesting assortment of things they collected throughout her journey into the world of teaching. It contains one of her high school graduation pictures, a letter she once wrote to a dear friend during her early undergraduate career where Tighe tells her friend that she believes she is not cut out for college because no matter how hard she tries she is unable to get above a “C” on anything she does, her Ph.D. graduation announcement and a picture of her in her Ph.D. graduation regalia. This collage is important to Tighe because it is “the quintessential teachable moment.” The combination of these items tells the story of what brought Tighe to this college and why she is always a “counselor” of sorts for all of her students.

Eric Smith and his chemo photo

“I have that up on my wall,” Smith said. “I keep it with my degrees because, at least, to me, it’s as important of a transitional moment in my life as the moments where I confirmed a certain level of development as a person, and it was transformative,” Smith said. “I’ve been there…I wasn’t technically a first generation college student,” she said. “My father has a college education, but I grew up in a household with my mom and my stepdad who both didn’t have their college degrees so they didn’t know how to help. They didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t really talk to my dad so I understand going through that struggle of ‘I don’t belong here.’ ‘What am I doing,’ ‘I can’t do this,’ ‘I don’t fit in.’ ” She uses her life experience as motivation for students who struggle with the same issues. “It’s also the other side of that coin, which is you can do it because I did it and you can make it all the way through not just the undergraduate degree but you can go on to do more,” Tighe said, “That is the story of why I’m here and why I’m at a small college where I can actually help people one-on-one and have an impact on those people’s lives.”

Rachel Tighe and her collage

Fall/Winter 2014 9



Geographical diversity Much can change over six decades. A person born in 1954 is likely to have raised a family and have a grandchild or two to enjoy. A child of the 1950s experienced life before man landed on the moon and went from using telephone party lines to carrying a high tech mobile phone. Much can change at a college as well. This year, UVa-Wise is celebrating its 60th year, but that still makes it relatively young when compared to most colleges and 10 UVa-Wise Magazine

universities in Virginia and beyond. Clinch Valley College has transformed from a fledgling two-year school with one building to a thriving four-year liberal arts institution that has experienced significant growth in its 60-year span. It continues to fulfill its mission to provide access to affordable education in its core Southwest Virginia region. It embraces its roles as an engine for economic development and a model for cultural and civic engagement.

Destiny Allen Chester, Virginia

But something happened gradually over the six decades that transformed UVa-Wise in a particular way, and that change has brought greater understanding between Southwest Virginia, the rest of Virginia and beyond. The population of the student body gradually shifted from primarily residents of Southwest Virginia to one with a more diversified enrollment. Statistics show that enrollment today is made up of about 50

percent from Southwest Virginia and 50 percent from outside the core region. It took a while, but the shift has changed the campus in many positive ways, and most expect the trend to continue for years to come. A look at the geographic make up of the pioneer class in 1954 illustrates the significance of the shift. According to the first edition of “The Outpost,” the College’s yearbook, Clinch Valley College served the seven county area and its population of 253,552 in the counties of Wise, Lee, Scott, Dickenson, Tazewell, Buchanan and Russell and the city of Norton. The 110 students in the pioneer class commuted a total of 1,800 miles each day. The College’s second year saw enrollment grow to 160. “The Outpost” proudly states that those students came “from as far as Pennington Gap, Clinchco, Richlands and Jewell Ridge.” The enrollment in 1956-57 was 177 students,

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and they traveled a total of 3,700 miles each day to attend class. The average student traveled 24 miles to and from the College, but the longest distance traveled was 45 miles each way. When the College entered its fifth year of operation, only eight of its 100 freshmen were from outside of Southwest Virginia. Of the eight, most were from neighboring Letcher County, Kentucky. Only one was from the area known today as Northern Virginia. Word about the quality of education offered by the College gradually spread outside the region as the success of the early students served as the best marketing tool. By the early 1970s, students from Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads were arriving in greater numbers. Fran Hunt ’80 was one of those students, and he remembers that time fondly. Hunt describes himself as a Hampton Roads military brat who came to the College to play basketball. It didn’t take him long to realize that life in Southwest Virginia was a bit different from Virginia Beach, but he said different can be a good thing. “I would be walking through town in Wise and all these people would be waving at me,” he said. “It took me a while to figure out that they were just being friendly. People didn’t wave to strangers where I came from.” Hunt became active in campus life and made lifelong friends. He admits that being from Hampton Roads made him stand out more than some students, but he also recalls a student from Vermont stood out more. “It was a lot of fun meeting different people with different backgrounds,” Hunt said. “I moved around a lot growing up. The College and Wise County soon felt like home.” Hunt remembers when the College was more of a commuter campus. Weekends would see the residence halls mostly empty, but those who stayed over the weekends ended up developing strong friendships that remain today. Hunt embraced the region and its people. He married Norton native Martha Hankins Hunt ’81 and they have been together for 33 years. He returns to campus often to rekindle friendships and to help his alma mater in many ways. He recently was appointed to the UVa-Wise Foundation Board.

“I got to know the people here and it did not take me long to fall in love with the place,” Hunt said. “I am glad to see enrollment grow from areas outside the region. It’s good for Virginia and it’s good for the College. I’m glad the message about the College is getting out and that others know there are a lot of good things going on at UVa-Wise.” Rusty Necessary ’87, vice chancellor for enrollment management, is keenly aware of the geographic shift, first as a student and as head of admissions. Necessary, a former Student Government Association president, said the make up of the student body was still primarily from the traditional service region when he was a student. The trend continued when he came to work for the College in 1988. “Things started to change about 10 years ago,” Necessary said. “Demographics shifted and the population in Southwest Virginia declined.” Necessary believes the College’s name change from Clinch Valley College to UVaWise was a factor in the geographical shift.



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FEATURES “It ties in with the name change, and we began to see it when we became known as The University of Virginia’s College at Wise,” he said. “I think it has really increased the geographical diversity and the cultural diversity of not only our campus but our region. This fall we have the most diverse class we’ve had.” Necessary also sees a shift happening in the College’s mission area. He maintains that the primary service area has expanded widely. “This year the freshmen from Southwest Virginia increased, but not from our primary service area of the traditional coalfield counties,” he said. “We’ve expanded that mission to accommodate other parts of the state.” According to Necessary, the College is seeing enrollment growth in the Interstate 81 corridor from Abingdon to Roanoke. “The diversity has been a good thing,” he said. “It is a two-way street because people with different backgrounds are interacting with each other. I think our College has been a catalyst of change in our region.” Chancellor Donna P. Henry is a strong

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12 UVa-Wise Magazine

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supporter of the diversified student body. The College’s Envisioning 2020 strategic plan outlines the need for geographic diversity. “Envisioning 2020 outlines how UVaWise plans to continue our efforts to create a diverse, supportive and healthy community,” Henry said. “Our commitment to the citizens of Southwest Virginia is steadfast, but we also have committed ourselves to creating a more geographically diverse student body to enrich our community and our students’ educational experience.” Henry often points out that some veteran employees tell her that it used to be that geographic diversity meant having students from Roanoke. “Today, over half of our Virginia students come from east of Roanoke,” Henry said. “UVa-Wise also enrolls students from 14 other states and has welcomed students from 11 foreign countries.” Amelia Harris, the academic dean, works closely with international students. She is a firm believer that exposure to different cultures results in a more rounded college experience. Some UVa-Wise students will

participate in study abroad programs, but the majority will be unable to do so, Harris explained. “We bring international students to campus because it gives all our students the opportunity to get to know other cultures,” Harris said. “We want our students to learn what is important to other cultures.” Harris said the geographic and cultural diversity has made a difference and will continue to do so in the future. “The population is changing all the time, and this gives us more opportunities to meet students from all over the world,” she said. “It changes the flavor of the whole campus community.” Students today hear stories from alumni about campus life in the early and middle years of the College’s history, but it is hard for the latest crop of scholars to understand what UVa-Wise was like without people from all parts of the world. However, they are still experiencing the benefits of blending culture differences through friendship. Shannon Walker, president of the Student Government Association, remembers how wonderful it felt to make

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new friends once she arrived in Wise. “My best friend at UVa-Wise was a local,” the Lovettsville, Virginia native said. “Through our friendship, I have been exposed to a whole different culture than what I was used to. She taught me about the meaning of certain phrases and had to explain to me that in Southwest Virginia when someone here says ‘I don’t care to do that’ really means ‘of course I will help you.’” Walker also learned quickly how to properly say Appalachia and how to drive the mountainous roads of Southwest Virginia. “I have been in stores that I would never have wandered into on my own,” Walker said. “I have learned how to be properly prepared for the cold weather our region brings us.” Walker readily states that she would have eventually figured out most of the treasures and tidbits of Southwest Virginia on her own, but the importance of connecting with people from other regions gave her comfort and confidence to ask questions. “It is also important for those from this region to interact with those from other

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parts of Virginia and other places because they may have had limited experiences with large areas or urban regions,” Walker said. “It is much easier to exchange advice when you are exchanging it with someone you are now close to and can call a friend.” Walker leads the SGA charge when it comes to the town and gown relationship between Wise and surrounding municipalities. She is convinced that the College and the communities depend on each other, especially in trying economic times. “UVa-Wise has such a important role in economic development and quality of life in the region,” Walker said. “What makes the College strong also makes the community strong. We learn from one another and we support each other, and that is what makes a difference in the long run.” Grundy, Virginia native Jordan Viars, the student member of the UVa-Wise Board, said those from the region and outside the coalfield region learn from one another. “Hailing from Southwest Virginia, I have had a multitude of opportunities to learn from my friends that come to UVa-Wise

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from the Northern Virginia region,” Viars said. “I believe that we have developed a somewhat symbiotic relationship with one another. This has developed because students from Northern Virginia rely on the friends they make from this region to educate them on the ins and outs of Appalachian culture.” Viars said his friends tell him that their friends from our region have helped acclimate them to Southwest Virginia. “On the other side of this relationship, it is important to identify Southwest Virginia as a relatively traditional community that prides itself in keeping conventional values close to heart,” he said. “When students from this region come to UVa-Wise, their friends from Northern Virginia and other regions are likely to challenge their world views. It shows how traditions and cultures differ by a mere nine-hour drive.” Viars finds that both groups rely on one another, which he feels makes the UVa-Wise experience a one-of-a-kind opportunity. Geographical diversity has made UVaWise strong, and most expect it will only make the College and the region even stronger in its next 60 years. Fall/Winter 2014 13


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Sixteen students, faculty, staff and alumni traveled to the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in October for an extensive tour of historic and cultural sites. The group landed in Shannon and set out for Doolin and the Dingle 2014 Peninsula, visiting beach towns such as Lahinch along the way. The early Ireland days of the jaunt included uncharacteristically warm and sunny weather. The tour included stops along the way to explore beehive stone houses Work ing t built in the prehistoric era and to enjoy the coastal scenery of the Wild Atlantic he sh eep Way. The Burrens featured beautiful but rocky scenery and the magnificent Cliffs of Moher. The gang was treated to a sheep dog demonstration and got to meet Leigh, Rose and Sallie, three working canines who kept sharp eyes on the A tour of a 5,000-year-old passage livestock. tomb in Newgrange was a highlight of the A visit to the birthplace of Irish freedom fighter Michael Collins trip. The tomb is older than the Egyptian and later to Kilarney was followed by three nights in Dublin. In pyramids and many of its features remain a Dublin, the group toured Kilmainham Gaol, the prison and mystery to researchers. execution site for the 1916 Easter Rising leaders, a botched The trip to Northern Ireland featured a uprising that eventually led to the Republic of Ireland’s hike to Giant’s Causeway, home of 40,000 independence from the British. interlocking basalt columns that are the The gang took a guided tour of Tara and result of an ancient volcanic eruption. The Newgrange, two sites of both cultural and day trip to Northern Ireland gave the group archeological importance. The tour was led a chance to experience a bit of the United by Michael Gibbons, one of Ireland’s Kingdom. leading archeologists. Gibbons Study Abroad Ireland 2014 was declared explained that research teams have a success by those who participated. Most discovered that Tara has layers plan to visit again soon. of history from the Stone Age and beyond.

14 UVa-Wise Magazine


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Patton’s grave

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The Wise Guys and the Bluegrass Band traveled to the University of Luxembourg to perform at the third annual Transatlantic Dialogue Conference, held at Neumunster Abbey, June 4-6. In addition to taking part in sessions that focused on examining the critical role of culture and broad education for developing students who think broadly, recognize and respect cultural diversity and heritage, and whose engagement in the arts serves as a conduit to personal authenticity and innovation, the students and Richard Galyean, instructor of music and director of bands, learned they were in the right city at the right time. “Being at the American Cemetery and General Patton’s grave was quite possibly the best part of the trip,” Galyean said. “We were there on the anniversary of D-Day at which time there was a ceremony commemorating D-Day. “The ceremony consisted of laying a wreath at General Patton’s grave and the playing the Star Spangled Banner and the Luxembourg national anthem. More than a few of us had tears in our eyes.” The students spent time in Paris to visit places that Ernest Hemingway favored so they could get a true flavor of the city during that era. “I feel as though everyone had a great time,” Malachi Phillips said. “The trip gave us a better understanding of culture in other parts of the world, especially in Europe.”


Fall/Winter 2014 15

s r o t c a f e n e b r u o g in t a r b e l e C BENEFACTOR’S CELEBRATION

Carol P. Buchanan

UVa-Wise thanked its generous friends at the annual Benefactors Celebration. Chancellor Donna P. Henry announced that the College posted an institutional fundraising record for 2013-14. The previous record was $11.1 million, but the figure leaped to $13.2 million for the record-shattering year. Gifts for the year included the establishment of 21 new endowed scholarships and several endowed funds in support of academic enhancement, athletics and campus beautification. As a result the College’s endowment totals more than $73 million. In addition, $3.4 million in scholarships were awarded last year. Henry also shared the College’s progress on its Envisioning 2020 strategic plan’s fundraising efforts. “The goal consists of raising an additional $17.2 million in endowed funds to provide steady income for scholarships, professorships, athletics, academic enhancement and unrestricted funds,” Henry said. “As of June 30, gifts total $10.1 million toward our $17.2 million goal. At 60 years strong, our College has never been stronger than it is today, and it is strong because of our mission and strong because of the dedication and financial support of our generous benefactors.”

16 UVa-Wise Magazine


Chancellor Donna P. Henry, Brian Blanton ’92, Jeff Sturgill ’74, Bill Sturgill ’56, Chancellor Emeritus Joseph C. Smiddy, George E. Culbertson ’58, Don Green ’61, Marcia Adams Gilliam ’82 and John D. Simon

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The University of Virginia’s College at Wise named the Estate of Carol P. Buchanan the 2013-2014 Benefactor of the Year. The award was given during the annual Benefactors Celebration, held in the David J. Prior Convocation Center on Saturday, Sept. 20. UVa-Wise, Mountain Empire Community College and Southwest Virginia Community College shared equally in a $12 million award Jeff Sturgill ’74 and Bill Sturgill ’56 from the estate in May. Mrs. Buchanan, a native of Clintwood who lived most of her life in Wise, died three years ago at the age of 86. She was a trustee on the Columbus Phipps Foundation, an educational foundation that bears the name of her grandfather. She was a firm believer in education and used her wealth to ensure the region’s residents had access to higher education. “UVa-Wise is honoring her generosity and devotion by creating the Carol Phipps Buchanan endowment, which will support our greatest needs and the bold initiatives in Envisioning 2020, our strategic plan,” said Chancellor Donna P. Henry. “UVa-Wise will work hard to be good stewards of her incredible generosity.” The estate was also named Benefactor of the Year in 2012 after a previous gift created an endowed professorship in biology in honor of Mrs. Buchanan’s late husband, Senator John C. Buchanan.

Marcia Adams Gilliam ’82

The University of Virginia’s College at Wise has named George E. Culbertson ’58, an alumnus and retired administrator, its 2013-2014 Volunteer of the Year for his lifetime commitment to the public liberal arts college. Culbertson’s association with the former Clinch Valley College began two years after it opened its doors in 1954. He completed his two-year degree and went on to earn a bachelor’s of science, master’s degree and doctorate degree in mathematics from Virginia George E. Culbertson ’58 and Chancellor Donna P. Henry Tech. After a stint as a math instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy, Culbertson was recruited to teach mathematics at what is now UVa-Wise. In 1971, Culbertson became registrar and later served as dean, provost and interim chancellor. He spent 32 years working at UVa-Wise and continues to volunteer and promote the College. “George retired from the College in 2002, but his enthusiasm never waned,” said Chancellor Donna P. Henry. “He has continued to be involved as past president of the Highland Cavalier Club, former treasurer of the UVa-Wise Foundation, a member of the Poor Farm Society, and was instrumental in the founding of the College’s Twinleaf Society.” Culbertson is responsible for sparking the establishment of the Fred and Anna Lee Culbertson Emergency Fund, the Twinleaf Clock Project, the Wise Kiwanis Club Fund, the Circle K Collie Low Fund, the Twinleaf Society Scholarship and the newly established Kline Foundation Scholarship. “Each of these initiatives brought new donors into the fold and made possible additional resources to benefit students,” Henry said. “We are honoring George for his deep commitment to the College’s mission of academic excellence and service.”

Jessie O’Quinn

UVa-Wise Foundation President Don M. Green

Ryan Blevins


George E.Culbertson Alumnus

Fall/Winter 2014 17


Winston Ely

Health and Wellness Center dedicated The University of Virginia’s College at Wise formally dedicated its Winston Ely Health & Wellness Center on Monday, Oct. 27 before a crowd of students, campus officials and the community. The state-of-the-art facility was made possible by an $8.3 million gift from the Richard and Leslie Gilliam Foundation. It includes an 11,000 square-foot addition to the C. Bascom Slemp Student Center’s existing fitness center. In addition to new exercise equipment, the center includes a multipurpose room for group exercise and dance, conference rooms for individual and group health advising and locker rooms. Memberships are also offered to the public, which was something the Gilliam Foundation feels strongly will improve the quality of life in the region. “Richard, our family and I are very pleased to be able to provide the resources for this facility,” Leslie Gilliam, president of the Richard and Leslie Gilliam Foundation said. “We continue to believe that having good fitness facilities helps attract and retain students and provides them with some incentive to stay in shape and live a more balanced life.” Mrs. Gilliam said she and her family are pleased to know that both students and members of the community are already benefiting from the use of the facility, and that it is generating revenue to offset operating expenses.

“This is a very good example of a positive outcome for publicprivate partnership,” she added. Chancellor Donna P. Henry said the generosity of the Gilliams has made an extraordinary difference to the College and Southwest Virginia. It has given the students, employees and region’s citizens a reason to recommit themselves to health and Winston Ely ’61 with commemorative plaque wellness, she added. Walker also thanked the Gilliams for “Their generous $8.3 million gift, the choosing to honor Winston Ely for his largest gift in our history, built this health dedication and service to the College and its and wellness center and renovated over students. 5,800 square feet of the Fred B. Greear Richard and Leslie Gilliam asked that Gymnasium,” she said. “Their generosity the facility be named in honor of Ely, a has united us and spurred our efforts to longtime UVa-Wise employee. The Lee create a healthier College and community.” County native began working at the College Shannon Walker, the Student in 1974. He was director of cooperative Government Association president, thanked education, placement services and adult the Gilliams for making the facility possible. studies before he began work with the She said the facility would tighten the Office of Development and College College’s relationship with the community Relations in 1990. it serves. “Winston really managed to engage us in “By opening it up the expansion of this school,” Mrs. Gilliam to the community, our said. “It’s no secret to most of you here students can interact with that the Gilliam family has a long history, community members, many connections to, and a great love for whether they are racing this school. Winston knew that we had a and being chased by heart for this school and has cultivated our dragons on bicycles, or interest over and over.” by interacting in one The Gilliams also funded the Gilliam of our fitness classes,” Center for the Arts, the Betty J. Gilliam Walker said. “There is no Sculpture Garden and numerous greater way to help build scholarships funds that support academic a community and to truly enhancement and athletics. build that town and gown relationship.” Leslie Gilliam, Richard Gilliam ’74, Winston Ely ’61, Tami Ely ’90 and Chancellor Donna P. Henry

18 UVa-Wise Magazine

Visitors tour the health and wellness center

Winston Ely ’61 considers taking a spin on Jacob’s Ladder

Mrs. Gilliam said she and her husband have always been impressed with Ely’s knowledge of the school and his personal interest in the lives of so many students. “We have felt that his contributions to the growth and success of UVa-Wise should be acknowledged and never forgotten,” she said. Marcia Adams Gilliam, a 1982 graduate of the College, also thanked her brother-inlaw and sister-in-law for their generous gift

to her alma mater. Marcia Gilliam serves as chair of the UVa-Wise College Board. “You have been one of the College’s biggest champions, challenging us to greater heights,” she said. Leonard Sandridge, senior advisor to the University of Virginia’s Board of Visitors, offered greetings from the University and the BOV. After the dedication, some in the crowd toured the facility and enjoyed a reception.

ABOUT RICHARD AND LESLIE GILLIAM Richard Gilliam, a native of Wise, is a 1974 graduate of UVa-Wise, then known as Clinch Valley College. He was founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cumberland Resources, a top coal company that was purchased by Massey Energy in 2010. He served on the Johnston Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees, the Virginia Oil and Gas Board, the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the Center for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia Board, as well as other civic and business organizations. Leslie Gilliam is from Jonesville and is a 1982 graduate of James Madison University. She serves on the James Madison University Board of Visitors. She is a trustee of the Barter Theatre Foundation. In addition, she served on the Women’s Committee for Martha Jefferson Hospital, a member of the Executive Board for the Paramount Theater of Charlottesville, and has volunteered for various community organizations. The Gilliams are active in many business and charitable interests and are deeply supportive of Southwest Virginia and its residents. They focus their work on healthcare, the arts, and education. The Gilliams live in Charlottesville, Virginia and have three children, Baxter, Julia and Anna. Fall/Winter 2014 19


Three alumni inducted into the Hall of Fame

by Darrell-Dingus Ely ’10

Kendall Rainey ’05, Randy Hippeard ’09 and Ra’Shad Morgan ’08 are the three newest members of the UVa-Wise Athletic Hall of Fame following their induction this fall. The trio is now among 48 past studentathletes, coaches, administrators, and contributors who make up the Hall of Fame, an exclusive club that began in 1998. A Glade Spring, Virginia native and 2005 graduate of the College, Rainey is a former softball and volleyball player who spent three seasons as the head coach of the volleyball program. On the diamond, Rainey was a four-time All-Appalachian Athletic Conference selection, a three-time All-Region XII honoree, the 2005 Region XII Player of the Year, and a two-time NSCA All-American. Rainey finished her softball career with a .358 batting average, 203 hits, 157 runs scored, and 87 stolen bases. Her 157 runs scored are the most in program history while her stolen base total ranks second in school history and her .358 batting average is third best in Cavalier history. Rainey’s best athletic year as a Cavalier was her senior campaign in 2004-05. She began her senior year with All-AAC and All-Region XII accolades on the volleyball court as the Cavaliers won 15 consecutive matches and 40 consecutive sets that fall en route to a share of the AAC Championship and a regional tournament berth. She finished her volleyball career as the school’s all-time leader in assists with 3,431. Her strong play continued in the spring as she posted career bests in runs scored, hits, doubles, extra-base hits, RBI and stolen bases as she aided UVa-Wise to its first ever Region XII Championship and a berth in the NAIA World Series. She returned to UVa-Wise in 2009 as the school’s volleyball coach. Under Rainey’s watch, the program transitioned from the AAC to the Mid-South Conference and made the move from Greear Gymnasium to the David J. Prior Convocation Center. UVa-Wise Magazine 20 22 UVa-Wise Magazine

Under Rainey’s guidance, the volleyball program improved its win total by two wins each season over her last two campaigns. In addition to her on the field accomplishments, she was a two-time NAIA Academic All-American, a member of the UVa-Wise Darden Honor Society, and the Appalachian Athletic Conference 2005 Champion of Character Award recipient. Rainey graduated from the College with honors Suma Cum Laude before later adding a master’s degree and a Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee. Today, she serves as the associate director of athletics for academics and student-athlete success and senior woman administrator at the College. One of the more prolific passers in NAIA history, Randy Hippeard’s jersey number (number one) could very easily be used to describe the former signal caller’s rank among quarterbacks in the history of the football program at UVa-Wise. By the time his career concluded, Hippeard held a combined 24 single-season and career school records, 23 of which still stand. His 11,640 career passing yards are the fourth most by any player in the history of the NAIA and in 2008 Hippeard spearheaded a passing attack that led the NAIA in passing yards per game at 346.5. Hippeard started eight games as a freshman in 2005 and passed for 1,448 yards. While the Cavaliers posted just a 4-7 record that season, Hippeard’s potential for excellence was on display in his first start at Carl Smith Stadium. On that day, he passed for 381yards and three touchdowns on just 20 attempts as UVa-Wise built a 35-7 halftime lead en route to a 54-20 victory over Chowan College. Over the next three seasons, Hippeard would start every game under center as the Cavaliers would post a 25-8 record and claim a share of the 2007 Mid-South East Championship as Hippeard and the team

Randy Hippeard ’09, Kendall Rainey ’05 and Ra’Shad Morgan ’08

continued to pile up record-setting offensive numbers. As a sophomore, Hippeard would establish new school single-season records for completions, yards, and touchdowns as the Cavaliers posted an 8-3 record, the most by the school since 1996. As impressive as his sophomore campaign was, his junior and senior seasons were even more impressive as he tossed for a combined 7,092 yards and 75 touchdowns in his final two seasons. The strong-armed quarterback also broke his own single-season completions, yards, and touchdowns records in each of his final two seasons.

Ra’Shad Morgan ’08

Hall of Fame induction luncheon and ceremony

Randy Hippeard ’09

A current member of the Orlando Predators in the Arena Football League, Hippeard has played and coached football since his collegiate career came to a close. He joined the AFL as a member of the Tampa Bay Storm a year ago and his knack for impressive debuts continued as he threw for 315 yards and six touchdowns. Ra’Shad Morgan finished his Cavalier career as Virginia’s top small-college football player, a conference champion, a schoolrecord holder, and an All-American. After a redshirt season in 2002, Morgan appeared in all 11 games during a 2003 campaign that saw him score five touchdowns and average five yards per carry. The tailback sat out the 2004 season before returning in 2005 to score six touchdown and average six yards a carry. Morgan’s breakout season came in his junior campaign of 2006 when he set the single-season rushing record at UVa-Wise with 1,657 yards. In establishing the new single-season record, Morgan broke the old record by more than 200 yards. He also ran for 25 touchdowns that year and averaged 150.6 rushing yards per game. The touchdowns and average rushing yards per game were also single-season school records. A year later, he broke his own singleseason touchdown record with 27

Hall of Fame program

touchdowns, the last of which tied the all-time rushing touchdowns record at UVaWise with 62. The Cavaliers gained a share of the Mid-South East Championship that season as he aided the offensive to a NAIA best 49.5 points per game. Morgan finished his career with 4,432

Eddie Rainey, Hall of Fame inductee Kendall Rainey ’05 and Sharon Rainey

rushing yards, 62 rushing touchdowns, 990 receiving yards, and three receiving touchdowns. His 1,657 rushing yards in 2006 led the NAIA and his 174 points as a senior landed him the NAIA scoring title. He was a two-time All-Mid-South honoree, the 2006 Mid-South Conference Player of the Year, a two-time AFCA All-American, and became the first Cavalier to ever earn the Dudley Award which is awarded annually to the state’s top small-college football player. Upon graduating, Morgan began working with adolescents in the field of behavioral health. He currently resides in Hampton, Virginia. Spring/Summer Fall/Winter 2014 21 23


In it for the long run Professor Donald Leech has been a part of the history and philosophy department at UVa-Wise for six and a half years. Although his research specialty is medieval history, Leech is a professor of European, Medieval and early modern history. A respected member of the UVa-Wise community, Leech just received tenure. However that is far from the extent of his career. Due to lung and breathing problems at age 11, a physician recommended Leech take up an exercise. After choosing running, he fell in love with the sport and chose to do it every chance he had. Leech moved from England to the United States while in high school and competed as a cross-country runner. After high school, he went on to complete his undergraduate studies at the University of Arizona and Wayne State University. Donald Leech trains regularly He called himself an “average runner” and said due to the size of the college, the competition forced him to stop running competitively for his school. In his second year at UVa-Wise, he was approached by several of his students who had heard he was a runner and they asked if he could help their cross country team since their previous head coach left. Leech spent one year as a volunteer assistant coach and was asked to take over the cross country programs. He is in his fifth year as head coach and continues to be an avid runner. Due to his responsibilities as a head coach in the fall, his personal running competition is limited to spring and summer races. He trains hard during the winter to come into the spring season in good shape. After the spring, he competes aggressively in the summer road races in various local towns and fundraising events. This past year, while in Michigan with his wife’s family, Leech competed in the Charleveoix Marathon in a small town on the shore of Lake Michigan. Leech thought very highly of this course. “It is a beautiful course up and down on the lake shore. Between the woods and the lakes, it was absolutely gorgeous,” said Leech. “It was a small race so you’re not overwhelmed by a big crowd of runners and it just seemed like an ideal place to go.” In the past, when he had a more substantial amount of time

by Tanner Clark

to train, Leech had attempted to qualify for the Boston Marathon only to miss qualifying by around five minutes each time. Finishing a marathon takes a lot of training, but to finish with a respectable time required more training than Leech felt he had the time for, so he planned to get quite a bit of training in for the Charlevoix Marathon, finish with a decent time, and end his marathon career on the shores of Lake Michigan. “Turns out everything went perfectly right, the training was excellent, and the race conditions Leech teaching one of his history classes were excellent on the day,” he said. Leech finished that race in more than enough time to qualify for the Boston Marathon. He finished the race in three hours and 24 minutes. The required time was three hours and thirty minutes. As a coach, Leech has both the men’s and women’s cross country teams off to excellent starts this fall. The men’s team has already won an event while the women’s program has a runner-up finish under its belt.

Wilkins named MEC Runner of the Week For the second time in as many seasons Shaquon Wilkins took home the individual title at the 6K men’s cross country meet hosted by the University of Charleston on Sept. 27. The sophomore was recognized for his accomplishment by the Mountain East Conference by being named Runner of the Week. The award was the second of the career for the sophomore as he ran a 19:34 in taking home the individual title. Wilkins’ finish was the third consecutive top five finish in as many races this fall as he aided the Cavaliers to the team title. Shaquon Wilkins

22 UVa-Wise Magazine

One step away from becoming a full NCAA Division II member Chancellor Donna P. Henry and Director of Athletics Danny Sterling were informed that the Cavaliers have been approved for their provisional year in the NCAA Division II membership process. The provisional year is the third year of a three-year transition process toward full NCAA Division II membership. “At UVa-Wise, our pursuit of NCAA Division II status has afforded us the opportunity to improve our strategies in athletics,” said Henry. “Our student-athletes are successful on the field and in the classroom. I am proud of the UVa-Wise athletics department staff for their commitment to becoming a full NCAA Division II member and for making such a smooth transition throughout the process.” A successful provisional year would allow UVa-Wise to become a full NCAA member for the 2015-16 academic year. Per NCAA guidelines, the provisional year requires UVa-Wise to function like an NCAA Division II institution. While not previously mandated, the College has already been adhering to all NCAA rules and regulations, including recruiting and other compliance guidelines. “The membership committee’s decision to move us into the provisional year is a testament to all the hard work of the coaches, students, staff in the athletic department and the many people involved across campus,” said Sterling. “We are truly grateful for the leadership and support of Chancellor Henry as well as the dedication and tireless work of Tom Nyman and Kendall Rainey through this transition.” UVa-Wise began its second season as members of the Mountain East Conference this fall. The school recently started a women’s lacrosse team and the program will compete in the MEC this spring. In addition to women’s lacrosse, the College fields teams in men’s and women’s basketball, football, baseball, softball, men’s and women’s golf, men’s and women’s cross country, volleyball and men’s and women’s tennis. “The Mountain East Conference is thrilled to congratulate The University of Virginia’s College at Wise for its advancement to the provisional year of the NCAA Division II candidacy process,” said MEC Commissioner Reid Amos. “UVa-Wise has diligently tackled every expectation of the NCAA membership process and is making every effort to become a model Division II athletics department. UVaWise has a terrific combination of outstanding facilities and programs led by outstanding people, which has made it a terrific fit with the Mountain East. We look forward to continuing to support UVa-Wise as it takes the final steps toward becoming an active NCAA Division II member over the next 12 months.”

Richard and Leslie Gilliam Athletic Scholarship Fund The University of Virginia’s College at Wise athletics program received a significant boost from the Richard and Leslie Gilliam Foundation. A recent gift to create the Richard and Leslie Gilliam Athletic Scholarship Fund will provide scholarship assistance to student athletes at UVa-Wise. The gift will help meet a challenge match made by the Hunter Smith Foundation. The gift will provide much-needed support for the College’s Envisioning 2020 strategic plan goal of increasing athletic endowment funding. The scholarship fund will help efforts to secure the necessary financial boost to meet the needs of the growing athletics program and its transition to NCAA Division II competition. “The generous gift from Richard and Leslie Gilliam will allow Highland Cavalier Athletics to continue to develop its programs,” said UVa-Wise Athletics Director Danny Sterling. “It will greatly benefit our goal to be a successful part of NCAA Division II as we work to expand opportunities for our student-athletes.” UVa-Wise offers more than a dozen intercollegiate team sports since it added women’s lacrosse in fall 2014. Richard Gilliam, a native of Wise, is a 1974 graduate of UVaWise. He was founder and chief executive officer of Cumberland Resources, a significant coal producer, and is currently president and chief executive officer of Cumberland Development Company, LLC. Leslie Flanary Gilliam is from Jonesville, Virginia and is a 1982 graduate of James Madison University. She is vice president of Cumberland Development, LLC, and manager of the Gilliam’s charitable foundation. Both serve on several boards and civic organizations.

Allen named MEC Player of the Week UVa-Wise’s Karley Allen has been named Mountain East Conference Player of the Week after helping the Cavs to a 3-0 record for the week of October 13 – 19. Allen, a sophomore from Lanexa, Virginia, averaged 4.3 kills and 4.8 digs per set for the Cavs. After a nonconference win against Virginia Union in which she hit .353, she tallied 13 kills, 12 digs and two blocks against Karley Allen West Virginia State. She wrapped up the week with 23 kills and 22 digs in a win over Charleston. The outside hitter has already amassed over 700 kills and over 500 digs and is on pace to record 1,000 kills and 1,000 digs in her career. Fall/Winter 2014 23




Cavs on the move

elebrating “60 Years Strong” this fall brought alumni “Through the Decades” for a variety of activities on campus. Activities began with the Staff Council picture contest depicting the College through the decades. The Center for Student Development emerged as the victor followed by the Education Department and the Office of Alumni Relations. The alumni art show in Gallery 121 in the Gilliam Center for the Arts had beautiful artwork and showpieces. Red and Gray day glowed with Cavalier Pride as the Class of 1964 held its 50th reunion luncheon. Students and alumni had an opportunity to hear successful UVaWise graduates talk about their careers and how networking had played an important role at the Building Better Connections Alumni Panel. Tabitha Smith ‘05 and Daniel Stanley ‘05 gave insight and encouragement to the students, faculty and alumni in the audience. The Meet the Cavs Pep Rally, co-sponsored by the Student Government Association, brought together students, faculty, alumni and the community for an evening of food, music and fun. The Silver Saber Spirit competition was as popular as ever as more than a dozen student organizations participated in a Cavs Cheer-Off, Dance-Off and Boat Contest. Following the pep rally students and alumni danced the night away at a SuperHold concert, an ‘80s pop and rock cover band from Roanoke, Virginia. Homecoming morning started with a bang as the SGA Red and Gray 5K Run paced over 25 runners and walkers from all parts of the region and generations. Participants toured campus taking in popular spots such as Crocket Hall, Lila Vicars Smith House, Leonard W. Sandridge Science Center to the Lawn by the Lake and pushing through the finish line at Carl Smith Stadium. Festivities continued as the Slemp Center welcomed nearly 50 alumni and their families to the Alumni Leaders in Action, showcasing how one person can make a difference. This event is the kick-off to the 2014-2015 Annual Fund campaign. The Alumni Family Carnival and Picnic followed featuring arts and crafts for children of all ages. Sand-art, foam door hanger decorating, temporary tattoos, games and inflatables kept everyone coming back. At halftime of the UVa-Wise vs. Notre Dame College football game, members of the 2014 Homecoming Court took the field along with Chancellor Donna P. Henry and Allen Henry. Congratulations to the 2014 Homecoming King Jordan Viars and Homecoming Queen Alexzandrea Hickson. After the game, alumni and their guests joined together for the Alumni Dance at the Quality Inn in Norton, Virginia.

Rebecca Horne ’91 and her horse, Chance, lead the Cavaliers

Allen Henry and Chancellor Donna P. Henry with Homecoming Queen Alexzandrea Hickson, Homecoming King Jordan Viars, Ashley Pannell ’14 and Jessie Henry

Playing the national anthem

24 UVa-Wise Magazine

Tailgate fun

It was exciting to see all of the decades of our alumni base represented at the homecoming events. Homecoming brings everyone on campus together.

Tyler Giles ’03

Allen Henry and Chancellor Donna P. Henry with the 2014 Homecoming Court

Alicia Dales Flanary ’00 and T. J. Flanary and family

The Marching Highland Cavaliers Kim Stanley ’06, Matt Stanley ’04 and daughter McKenzie

Fall/Winter 2014 25




he Class of 1964 held its 50th Reunion luncheon at the Lila Vicars Smith House on Oct. 3, 2014. Several members from the classes of 1956 to 1964 joined the celebration, reminiscing and sharing time together. While reviewing the Outpost yearbooks, many shared stories about former classmates and professors. Chancellor Donna P. Henry welcomed them back to campus. Henry and Chancellor Emeritus Joseph C. Smiddy presented the Class of 1964 with 50th medallions. Pictured below are “Papa” Joe Smiddy, Edward Shepherd ’64, Louella Greear ’64, Chancellor Donna P. Henry, Roger Viers ’64, Billie Sue Harris ’64, Walton Meade ’56, Wayne Edwards ’62, Lewey Lee ’64, Terry Bates ’64, Roy Wells ’56, and Dalton Graham ’57.

26 UVa-Wise Magazine

Boat race from the Silver Saber Competition

The Marching Highland Cavaliers

Cavalier spirit

SGA president Shannon Walker at Alumni Leaders in Action

Homecoming is a great opportunity for alumni to visit campus to explore the growth of the College while sharing memories from years past.

The band SuperHold

Kasi Clifton ’11

Fall/Winter 2014 27


Incorporating a work ethic into alumni philanthropy

Brian Blanton earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from The University of Virginia’s College at Wise in 1992. While Blanton was in college, he was a member of the baseball team, Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, a resident advisor, life guard and peer advisor. He did internships with local accountants and received the Joseph Scolnick Sr. Memorial Pre-Law Award. Upon graduation, Blanton started working as an accountant and eventually became partner at Thrower, Blanton & Associates, P.C. in 1995. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accounting and Society of CPA’s in both Tennessee and Virginia. Blanton takes pride in offering internship positions to UVa-Wise students and has some alumni employed with him today. Blanton learned in late May that the College was working hard to increase the percentage of alumni giving and needed to receive gifts from slightly more than 50 alumni before June 30 to meet its goal. During the Alumni Board of Directors retreat, Blanton stepped forward and challenged board members to encourage fellow alumni to make a gift. Blanton talked with the director of development that following week and expanded his challenge to include a monetary pledge of $10 for every alumni gift made through June 30. That challenge quickly developed into the “Rise Up, Be Counted” challenge, which was communicated with alumni through email and various social media sites. Not only did the College meet the goal, it exceeded it with more than 60 alumni rising to the challenge. Blanton has supported the College by serving on the UVa-Wise Foundation 28 UVa-Wise Magazine

Daphne Blanton ’93, son Evan Blanton, Fran Hunt ’80, Brian Blanton ’92, Chancellor Donna P. Henry and Kim Stanley ’06 with alumni association members

Board, its Athletic Committee and the Alumni Association Board of Directors. He has also supported the Miners’ Family Scholarship Fund, the Hawpe-Donathan Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Scholarship Fund and the College’s Dug Out Club, which is a fundraising arm of the baseball program. In 2001, he was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame for his outstanding achievements on the baseball field. During his term as president of the UVa-Wise Alumni Association, Blanton has set two initiatives; to work to increase the alumni giving percentage and to be a force behind continual growth of UVa-Wise within the surrounding communities. He wants to establish incentives to keep students in the area after graduation. Blanton is known on campus and in the community for his relentless work ethic and devotion to the College. During his free time, Blanton loves to golf, hunt, fish and spend Brian Blanton ’92 and Daphne Blanton ’93 time with family and friends. Blanton and his wife, Daphne Blanton ’93, reside in Big Stone Gap, Virginia with their son, Evan, 13.




Marianne Laws Mersereau published a children’s book, “The Green Lake Gifting Game.” She is a recipient of the Lois Lowry Award for Superior Achievement in Language Arts and Children’s Literature and is the author of a book of poetry and numerous articles and essays. Marianne and her husband, David, live in Lake Forest Park, Washington.

Elizabeth Stanley retired from Crowell & Moring LLP as a lead receptionist. Since her retirement she has volunteered with the Ralph Stanley Museum and does heritage and tourism work for Dickenson County and the Virginia Historical Society, Health Wagon, and Remote Area Medical. She dances at many different Pow Wow events to honor her Native American Shawnee and Cherokee heritage. Elizabeth and her husband have five children and nine grandchildren. She is a member of the Overhill Cherokee Nation of Descendants in Tellico, Tennessee, Beloved Woman and Wolf Clan. Elizabeth and her husband live in Roanoke, Virginia.

Vanessa Freeman Zerhusen and Leo Zerhusen welcomed their son, Baker Thomas Zerhusen, on April 10, 2014. He weighed seven pounds and two ounces. Baker has an older sibling, Gabriel, age 3. They live in Fort Gordon, Georgia.

Zerhusen family

1998 Justin Runyon was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in Washington, D.C. in April 2014. It is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. Justin is an entomologist with the U.S. Forest Service in Bozeman, Montana, focusing on chemical ecology of plant-insect interactions and the taxonomy of flies.

Marianne Laws Mersereau ’84

Terry Lambert Franchi is employed with RLM Consulting, a government contracting firm. She and her husband, Ralph, have three sons Zack, Joey and Jacob. Zack is currently a freshman at UVa-Wise. The family lives in Centreville, Virginia.

Elizabeth Stanley ’89

Justin Runyon ’98

2003 Franchi family

John Daniel Fairchild

Tracie Fairchild and Robert Fairchild ’06 welcomed their son, John Daniel Fairchild, on May 8, 2014. He weighed nine pounds and one ounce. He has an older sister, Lily Ana Fairchild. They live in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Fall/Winter 2014 29




Daniel D. Stanley has been named the 2014 Deputy Treasurer of the Year by the Treasurer’s Association of Virginia. He is employed with the Wise County Treasurer’s Office. Daniel lives in Wise, Virginia.

Brandon Honaker and Elizabeth Honaker ’08 welcomed their son, Brody Andrew Honaker, on May 13, 2014. He weighed seven pounds and eleven ounces. They make their home in Richlands, Virginia.

Matthew Maness and Kate Daub Maness ’07 are both employed with the state of Alaska. Kate is an accountant for the department of transportation planning division and Matt is a criminal justice technician for health and social services. They enjoy climbing glaciers and the wildlife of Alaska.

Daniel D. Stanley ’05

Kristi Foster Longworth and Chad Longworth ’09 welcomed their son, Marshall Bennett Longworth, on Jan. 31, 2014. He weighed eight pounds and ten ounces. He was welcomed by older sister, Audrey Longworth. Kristi is employed with UVa-Wise as the assistant director for retention and student success. They live in Wise, Virginia.

Brody Andrew Honaker

Matthew Hutchings is employed with Stevenson University as a linebacker coach. Matt and his wife, Carol, live in Henrico, Virginia.

Matt Maness ’08 and Kate Maness ’07

2009 Kelly White and Josh Robinett were united in marriage on Nov. 10, 2012 and live in Richlands, Virginia.

Mallory Mullins Hubbard and Jerrett Hubbard welcomed their daughter, Hillary Kate Hubbard, on April 9, 2014. Hillary weighed eight pounds and one ounce. They reside in Kingsport, Tennessee.

2006 Leandrea Romero is a full time faculty in counseling at New Mexico Highlands University. She earned her master’s in professional counseling in 2008 and a PhD. in counselor education and supervision in 2014. Leandrea lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Aimee L. Baldwin and Tim Baldwin welcomed their son, Cooper Grant Baldwin, on April 2, 2013. He weighed seven pounds and nine ounces. They live in Glade Spring, Virginia. Hillary Kate Hubbard

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Mr. and Mrs. Robinett

Veteran educator pens children’s book Sandra Birchfield ’72 grew up in Virginia in the 1950’s and 60’s when racial segregation was in full force. The Scott County native’s family often relied on public transportation to get around the Gate City community and to visit nearby Kingsport, Tennessee. It was during those trips that young Sandra noticed that her African American friends and their families were always sitting in the back of the bus. It puzzled the youngster because she and the other children often played together, especially when she was visiting her grandmother’s house. The memory stuck with her over the years as she graduated from then-Clinch Valley College and began a successful career in public education. But the birth of her grandson spurred her desire to write a children’s book, and she decided to use her experiences on the bus and her confusion about the segregation as a theme. The result is a colorful picture book called “Who Are Those People Back There?”

Sandra Chapman Birchfield ’72 at a book signing event

Julie Birchfield Gentry ’07 with son, Levi Franklin Gentry, the author’s grandson, to whom the book is dedicated

Sandra Chapman Birchfield ’72

“It’s a true story that places emphasis on a part of history that took place in those days,” she said. “I was a young girl who was sheltered from many things that took place during this time. I had friends that were black but did not realize that they were limited in their activities because of a prearranged world.” Birchfield recalled how it hit her hard when she realized that the color of her friends’ skin limited their activities. “They had to use different facilities, could only get their food from the back of a restaurant, or they had to sit in the balcony of movie theaters,” she said. Birchfield wanted to stress that people can live in a world without prejudice, and that children need such a world. The book, she hopes, will help educate people about the need to eliminate prejudgment. “Lines should no longer divide black and white,” she said. Her daughter, Julie Birchfield Gentry ’07, did the illustrations for the vivid picture book. The book is published by Xlibris.

Sandra Chapman Birchfield ’72, author, and Julie Birchfield Gentry ’07, illustrator

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2010 Brittany Maxwell and Garett Kiley were united in marriage on April 26, 2014 at Emory & Henry College in Emory, Virginia. The maid of honor was Emily Maxwell and the best man was Ridge Kiley. Brittany earned her master’s degree in coaching and athletic administration from Concordia University-Irvine and is employed with the Ames Community School District. They live in Ames, Iowa.

Jason Ingles and Christina Ingles ’11 welcomed their daughter, Zoey LeeAnna Faith Ingles, on Feb. 6, 2014. She weighed eight pounds and two ounces. Christina is employed with Wise County Public Schools as a science teacher and Jason is employed with CGI as a consultant. They live in Big Stone Gap, Virginia.

Alice Pack and Matthew Whitt were united in marriage on July 26, 2014 at the Hanover Tavern. They reside in Mechanicsville, Virginia.

Mr. and Mrs. Whitt

Ingles family


Mr. and Mrs. Kiley

Marissa Wilder received her Master’s of Arts in English Literature from Radford University in 2012. She is an instructor of composition at Virginia Tech and also teaches at Radford University. Marissa and her husband, Joseph, welcomed their son, Noah, on Sept. 5, 2013. They live in Radford, Virginia.

Wilder family

Allie Robinson and Curtis Gibson ’13 were united in marriage on July 20, 2013 on the campus of UVa-Wise. The maids of honor were Sarah Robinson and Jeanne Robinson. The bridesmaids were Shamerine Barber, Chelsea Davis, Tara Milligan, and Lauren Whitlow. The best men were Ryan Gibson and John Gibson. The groomsmen were Ben Harding ’10, Justin Bongard ’11, Kyle Posey, and Michael Ebbert. Allie is employed with the Bristol Herald Courier as a reporter. They live in Abingdon, Virginia.

Robinson - Gibson wedding party

Congratulations! John Lackey ’10 winner of the 2014 Red & Gray Tailgating Package 32 UVa-Wise Magazine

Evan Nunery is employed as a music teacher and is a member of the alumni board of directors as an at-large member. He lives in Richmond, Virginia.

2014 Jordan Childress is employed with Union College (Kentucky) as the assistant director of sports communications. He lives in Corbin, Kentucky.

Jordan Childress ’14

In Memoriam Margaret V. Vance ’58 passed away on Aug. 3. 2014. She retired from Coeburn Middle School after 40 years in the school system. In her retirement, she served as a volunteer usher at the Barter Theatre in Abingdon, Virginia and enjoyed tending to her flower garden. Margaret is survived by daughter and son-in-law Janie and Paul Perrone, her grandson, Luca Perrone, her sister, Billie Jordan and nephew, Reggie Jordan. Jim L. Willis ’58 passed away on May 21, 2014. Jim is survived by many family members and loved ones. Janice Fay Collins ’59 passed away on July 6, 2013. She worked 42 years in the health information management and medical staff services fields. Janice spent 34 years with the Lee County Regional Medical Center in Pennington Gap, Virginia. She was a member of the East Stone Gap United Methodist Church. Janice is survived by her grandson, Max Collins and many loved ones and special friends. Frank B. Mayorshi ’61 passed away on April 15, 2014. He retired after 31 years as a partner of the Roanoke office of KPMG Peat Marwick. Frank served on the Pamplin Advisory Committee, YMCA Roanoke Chapter and Bontex Advisory Board. He received many awards including Lion of the Year, Remington Rand Trophy and Lewis Gale Volunteer of the Year. Frank is survived by his wife, Frances Mayorshi, children, Scott and Susan and many special loved ones. Orville P. Jones Jr ’72 passed away on June 22, 2014. He is preceded in death by his father, Orville P. Jones Sr. and son Orville P. Jones III. He is survived by his wife, Carol Jones, son, Matthew Jones, stepson, Barry Hayes and many loved ones. Betty J. Elkins ’77 passed away on May 9, 2014. She taught and retired from the Russell County school system and was a member of Claypool Hill Church of Christ. Betty is survived by her husband, James M. Elkins, son, James E. Elkins and many other loved ones. Glenn T. Mooney ’78 passed away on Jan. 28, 2014. He spent most of his career teaching and coaching baseball in the Dickenson County and Greene County school systems. Glenn completed his teaching career at St. Anne’s Catholic School and was a consummate teacher in all aspects of life. He was a natural at recognizing the teachable moment and delivering it with just the right amount of humor. He humbly shared his knowledge through teaching and coaching. Glenn is survived by his wife, Donna Mooney, children, Britt Mooney, Will Mooney, Allison Mooney and many other loved ones.

Loretta Bartley ’80 passed away on May 15, 2014. She taught nursing, DECA, marketing and 4-H in the Dickenson County school system. Loretta also taught at Mountain Empire Community College. She is survived by her daughters, Tammy Stanley and Pam Fuller, son, Eddie Fuller, brothers, Bob Mullins and Jerry Sutherland and other loved ones. Rickie N. Campbell ’83 passed away on Sept. 8, 2014. He was employed as information technical director at Mountain Empire Community College and was a member of Andover United Methodist and Experimental Aircraft Association. Rickie is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Campbell, daughter, Emily Campbell and loved ones. Kelly J. Greer ’94 passed away on Aug. 30, 2014. He was of the Methodist faith and was preceded in death by his father, Charles Greer and his grandparents. He was survived by his mother, Delores Greer, son, Peyton Greer, fiancé, Angela Mullins and loved ones. J. Scott Hay ’85 passed away on May 10, 2014. He was a teacher and librarian in the Washington County School System for 29 years and was the librarian at Valley Institute Elementary School at the time of his death. Scott was a member of the National Education Association, the Virginia Education Association and the Washington County Education Association. Scott is survived by his father, James Hay, sisters, Mary Jane and Vickie Hay, the love of his life, Kingston Hay and other loved ones. Hope C. Shortridge ’85 passed away on May 2, 2014. She was a member of the VEA and NEA teacher associations, recipient of the Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2012 and was an employee of the Buchanan County school system for 30 years. Hope loved to spend time with her grandchildren, traveling and was of the Christian faith. Hope is survived by her father, H.B. Shortt, her husband, Belfred Shortridge, sons, Kevin and Nick Shortridge and other loved ones. Michael E. Hutchinson ’86 passed away on May 2, 2014. He was employed as a D.A.R.E. officer with Russell County Sheriff ’s Office and most recently as an investigator at Wallen’s Ridge State Prison. He was of the Baptist faith. Michael is preceded in death by his father and grandparents. Michael is survived by his mother, Anna Hutchinson, wife, Arlene Hutchinson, daughter, Brittany Ortiz, son, William Hutchinson, grandchildren and many other family members.

Fall/Winter 2014 33


BENEFACTORS The faculty, staff, students and alumni of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the following donors during the 2013-2014 year. The gifts listed on the following pages were made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.


Members of the Philanthropist Society have included the College in their will, named the College as a beneficiary of life insurance, made a gift of paid-up life insurance or deeded property to the College while retaining use of the property for their lifetime. Anonymous Anonymous Luther F. Addington † Morton O. Alper † Estate of Carol Atwood Rex Baird Sally S. Baird ’92 Jettie E. Baker † Lavonne Baker ’71 Raymond C. Bice, Jr. † Glenn Blackburn Jere Noel Blackburn Kermit A. Bolling † Estate of Roger Ray Brooks Estate of Carol P. Buchanan Donald W. Caudill Elizabeth G. Cauthen Jirina H. Chapin † Gertrude Cherry † Estate of Phyllis Marks Cohen Estate of Wallace M. Cohen Clinton Fletcher Dean ’86 Jane Meade-Dean ’89 Estate of Paul F. Dishner Donna Fields ’77 Jerry L. Fields ’75 Kathy Sutherland Finn ’84 Estate of Larry Fish Sarah Elizabeth Fugate Charles I. Fuller, Jr. † Estate of Dorothy Gilley Garrison Fay Bond Gillespie ’70 † Leslie F. Gilliam Marcia Adams Gilliam ’82 Marvin W. Gilliam, Jr. Patricia A. Gilliam ’73 Richard B. Gilliam, Sr. ’74 Sterling L. Gilliam † David F. Guza Sarah Guza Estate of Verta Hamilton Estate of Robert C. Hancock Judy G. Harding ’75 Charles H. Henderson III 34 UVa-Wise Magazine

Mary M. Henderson Avis L. Holda † Cass Holda † James W. Holyfield Martha A. Holyfield Estate of Anne Jackson Harold C. Jackson † Betty M. Johnson Elmer R. Johnson ’56 † Marguerite T. Kanto William P. Kanto, Jr. Dennis F. Kern ’72 Charlotte King † E. Glenwood King † Mel Klein † Estate of Clinton Lambert Lucille Lambert † Estate of Gertrude Manhal Martha Markusich † Estate of Frank B. Mayorshi Gerry Mayorshi ’56 Helen McFall † Leland V. McFall † Estate of Virginia Irene Meador David W. Mersereau Marianne Mersereau ’84 Patricia I. Mersereau † Wallace D. Mersereau Duane A. Miller ’94 Jean D. Moore † Ronald L. Moore ’61 † Cecilia F. Mullins Douglas R. Mullins, Sr. Jill O’Donnell Michael E. O’Donnell Bette Patton Robert C. Patton Estate of Laura L. Peters Eva C. Phelps ’75 Jack C. Phelps, Jr. ’75 Anne P. Phillips Joseph T. Phillips † Don R. Pippin ’58 Gloria R. Pippin ’73 Alta E. Porter †

Cecil Porter † Nancy R. Pulaski Ron Redman Estate of Lelia M. Richmond Eliza S. Rigg † Kent Rigg Carson Robbins Bruce K. Robinette Laura M. Sage Robert H. Sage ’79 Debra A. Sarvela ’79 Paul D. Sarvela Ben F. Sergent Nancy H. Sergent Clyda Rae Simms ’76 † Albert Dewey Smith ’02 Helen M. Stallard Estate of Iloe Read Stallard Nicolas A. Starkovsky † Andrew Johnson Still Delores R. Still Estate of Kathleen Miller Strunk Gaye Sturgill Estate of Kathleen C. Sturgill William J. Sturgill ’56 Estate of Farley Sutherland Estate of Helen Jackson Sutherland James Darryl Swartz ’01 Jennifer R. Swartz Estate of Frederick Gordon Tice Estate of Claude V. Warren Estate of Thelma Phipps Weaver Roy L. Wells, Jr. ’56 Ruth B. Wells Estate of Beth Wendell Beverly G. Wendle Estate of Harold C. Wright Joan M. Wright Roger E. Wright † Estate of Evelyn D. Wyllie * Denotes five years of giving to the College ** Denotes 10 years of giving to the College *** Denotes 15 years of giving to the College **** Denotes 20 years of giving to the College † Denotes the friend or alumnus is deceased

DARDEN SOCIETY ($25,000 & over) Anonymous ***** Anonymous Anonymous Richard S. Alper & Kate A. Herrod * Estate of Carol P. Buchanan Greg Carter ** Ann Cawood † * Estate of Ann Cawood Center for Scholarship Administration, Inc. ** David Cohn & Patricia Alper-Cohn * Columbus Phipps Foundation *** Carroll W. Dale & Patricia S. Dale ’58 **** Marvin W. Gilliam, Jr. & Marcia E. Adams Gilliam ’82 **** Richard B. Gilliam, Sr. ’74 & Leslie F. Gilliam *** James M. Gott ’72 & Eva L. Gott **** Don M. Green ’61 & Phyllis Green ***** Hunter Smith Family Foundation ***** Alex Jensen & Melissa S. Jensen * Kline Foundation ***** Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation ***** Marcia & Marvin Gilliam, Jr. Foundation Napoleon Hill Foundation *** Don Nicewonder & Etta Nicewonder * Norton Community Hospital-MSHA ***** James L. Oleson Pam Orcutt * Richard & Leslie Gilliam Foundation Richard Alper Revocable Trust D. Rabern Simmons, Ph.D. ’04 * Slemp Foundation *** James Smith & Nancey Edmonds Smith * Jim Smith & Kelly Smith * Joe Stallard & Pat H. Stallard *** Robert F. Stallard ’76 & Jeannie N. Stallard ’80 **** Andrew J. Still & Delores R. Still Virgil E. Straughan & Sylvia H. Straughan Nick D. Street & Fay H. Street * Virginia Electric Supply, Inc. ** Wellmont Lonesome Pine Hospital * Wise County Schools Educational Foundation * Estate of Evelyn Dollens Wyllie JEFFERSON SOCIETY ($10,000 to $24,999) Anonymous **** Anonymous **** Alpha Natural Resources PAC * Alpha Natural Resources, Inc. ** Christopher Michael Basham ’95 & Heather L. Basham * Nancy H. Brumfield *** Richard D. Brumfield † *** Kevin Crutchfield Gaynell Fowler † *** Fay Bond Gillespie ’70 † ** Hampton Roads Community Foundation * Keith D. Horton & Ann N. Horton ’81 **

George E. Hunnicutt, Jr. ’72 & Lotus Hunnicutt *** Lacy & Mattie Meador Scholarship *** Massey Foundation ** E. Morgan Massey & Joan Massey ** William B. Massey, Jr. & Randee Massey ** William E. Massey, Jr. & Rebecca C. Massey ** Larry J. McReynolds ’70 ***** Oliver Coal Sales *** Penn Virginia Operating Co. LLC **** Pepsi Cola Bottling Company ***** Richard W. Price & Doris J. Price William Prince & Gena J. Prince ’79 Nancy R. Pulaski Donnie Ratliff & Victoria G. Ratliff **** Franklin D. Robertson *** Scholarship America ** H. A. Street * Eleanore B. Sturgill * William J. Sturgill ’56 & Gaye Sturgill ***** UVa-Wise Alumni Association **** Mark G. White & Elizabeth H. White WASHINGTON SOCIETY ($5,000 to $9,999) Anonymous *** Anonymous David Addington Mike L. Allen ’81 & Mary Beth Allen ***** Rex Baird & Sally S. Baird ’92 ***** Blankenship/Justice Scholarship Fund * Estate of Roger Ray Brooks Roger Brooks † Buchanan First Presbyterian Church * Donald W. Caudill * Cavalier Pharmacy, Inc. ** Charles & Lillian Chandler Memorial Scholarship Fund *** Jay Cheong China Garden *** Coal Energy Resources, Inc. ** Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region * Conyers Caritas LLC Thomas M. Costa & Mary E. Martin **** County of Wise **** Kevin R. Crystal Van W. Daniel III ***** First Bank & Trust Company Paul Fletcher & Ruble Fletcher Randal Frazer & Sally B. Frazer ** Allen Henry & Donna Price Henry Frances L. Holbrook ’77 *** James N. Humphreys ** K & F Venture LLC Thomas A. Kennedy ’92 & Natasha M. Kennedy ***** Christine Stanley Kohr Estate of Frank B. Mayorshi Frank B. Mayorshi ’61 † ***** G. Gilmer Minor III & Charlotte M. Minor Rick L. Mullins ’91 *** Scott Perkins & Rhonda M. Perkins ’73 *****

Anne P. Phillips **** Powell Valley National Bank **** Wayne Rader Reida A. Rankin Living Trust Oleg Rudnik & Tatiana Rudnik *** Southwest Virginia Angus Association Ronald B. Sturgill ’56 & Barbara S. Sturgill **** The Scholarship Fund of Alexandria ** Tulsa Community Foundation Washington, D.C. Regional Advertising Association, Inc. CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY ($1,000 to $4,999) Anonymous **** Anonymous **** Anonymous *** Anonymous ** Anonymous Judith P. Abbott ’77 **** Bonnie M. Aker ’73 **** Edward M. Allen, Jr. & Deborah K. Allen * Carolyn S. Alper * Amherst Woman’s Club Appalachian After Hours Care PC Appalachian Health Care Associates PC Jack R. Arnold ’58 & Darlene Arnold ** C. Mike Asbury ’73 & Sheila Asbury * ATCB Alumni Association J. B. Atwood, Jr. & Freda A. Atwood **** Steve Banner & Rita Jo Banner ’74 ** Ted Barnette & Karen Barnette **** Todd Barnette & Crystal Barnette ***** Wendell Barnette ’63 & Brenda Barnette *** John Wallace Barton ’89 & Steven D. Vuotto Fred A. Bays ’86 & Teressa Y. Bays ***** Belcher Insurance Agency The Ben D. Conley Charitable and Educational Foundation Jerry C. Bentley & Karen Lynn Bentley * Tony Bentley & Patricia Bentley Michael D. Berry ’05 & Nicole R. Berry ’05 * Best Western Motel * Morgan E. Bolling ’58 & Betty M. Bolling ’57, ’70 **** E. Dean Bray III ** Todd Breeding ’88 & Valerie Breeding * Bristol Compressors, Inc. *** Buchanan Pump Service * Eddie Buchanan & Diane Buchanan *** C-Health Foundation Robert J. Cantrell ’78 & Eileen Cantrell *** Joseph R. Carico ’95 *** Joyce R. Carter Castlewood High School * Elizabeth G. Cauthen **** Chateau Morrisette, Inc. * Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Albert Lee Clark ’85 & Michelle P. Clark ’87 **** Clarke County Farm Bureau Fall/Winter 2014 35

HONOR ROLL OF BENEFACTORS Clarke County Retired Teachers’ Association Robert J. Clemens Clintwood High School * Mike Clisso *** Colgard Outdoor Sports **** Bobby H. Colyer, Sr. ’57 & Margie L. Colyer ***** Comanche Nation Commonwealth Catholic Charities Community Foundation of the New River Valley County of Dinwiddie * Tim Cox & Angel Cox ** Mark H. Crawford & Jean B. Crawford * Crutchfield Corporation *** William G. Crutchfield, Jr. *** George E. Culbertson ’57 & Nancy B. Culbertson ’77 ***** German P. Culver, Jr. Carolyn P. Cummins **** Ralph Cummins † **** CVS Caremark Charitable Trust Dairy Queen Richard Davidson & Phyllis L. Davidson ***** Dirk Paxton Davis ’85 & Jennifer Davis *** Designing Smiles Cosmetic Dental Centre * Dickenson County Freewill Baptist Conference *** Robert B. DiNardo & Allison Cryor DiNardo Roger B. Dingus & Carla S. Dingus ** Eastman Chemical Company * Eastman Credit Union Eastside High School * F. Wayne Edwards ’62 & Brenda P. Edwards ***** Terry W. Edwards ’83 & Gleda A. Edwards ** R. Winston Ely ’61 & Tamara S. Ely ’90 ***** Environmental Monitoring, Inc. ** Ernest H. Ern & Jeanette P. Ern * Barry A. Evans ’91 & Marla Evans ’92 ** Thomas Francis Farrell II & Anne Tullidge Farrell * Fas Mart * Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary Florida Prepaid College Board Foggyboot Enterprises, LLC * Frank E. Page Scholarship Fund * G/S/A, Inc. Gene H. Garrett ’78 & Bonnie Garrett **** German P. Culver, Jr., CPA, PC Patricia A. Gilliam ’73 ** GPM Investments, LLC * Great Aspirations Scholarship Program Greater Lynchburg Community Trust Fred B. Greear, Jr. & Ann Greear ** Hall’s Free School Foundation Mary D. Hancock Hantzmon Wiebel, LLP Brian M. Harris ’05 & Amanda K. Harris ’04 * 36 UVa-Wise Magazine

Elsey A. Harris III & Amelia J. Harris *** Gary A. Harvey ’91 & Melissa Harvey *** Haysi High School * Charles H. Henderson III & Mary M. Henderson * Charles W. Henderson Don W. Henderson HOPE Christian Community Foundation William C. Horne ’91 & Rebecca Horne ’91 *** Betty M. Humphreys † **** Joseph F. Hunnicutt ’82 ** Hunt Commercial Properties Group ** Fran G. Hunt ’80 & Martha Hankins Hunt ’81 ** International Longshoremen’s Association International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. * Jack H. Gibbs Trust Fund **** Judith E. Johnson ’94 *** Kahn and Garrett DDS * Terence Kam William P. Kanto, Jr. & Marguerite T. Kanto ** N. Brent Kennedy ’73 & Robyn Kennedy ** Travis Kennedy, Jr. ’90 ** Keokee High School Reunion * Dennis F. Kern ’72 ** Kilgore Law Office Robert D. Kilgore & Courtney Lynn Kilgore ’89 ***** Terry G. Kilgore ’83 & Debbie Kilgore *** William D. Kilgore, Jr. & Christa Kilgore *** Kollmorgen Corporation K-VA-T Food Stores, Inc. * Steve Lawson ’78 & Valerie S. Lawson ’87 **** Lewey K. Lee ’64 & Brenda B. Lee ’70 ***** Little Union Baptist Church Lopez Wealth Management, LLC Jeffrey D. Lucas ’89 & Gina C. Lucas ’89 * Catherine J. Mahony * Russell H. Malone III & Beth J. Malone Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation * Mark Van Meter Scholarship Fund ** Jonathan Keith Mason ’02 * David B. Mattern & Charlotte H. Crystal Eileen M. Mayer ’98 McConnell & Related Family Clans * Rod McGinnis & Sharon L. McGinnis * Mercy Ambulance Services Miners Exchange Bank ***** Mission of Hope, Inc. Douglas M. Mitchell & Lisa Mitchell Preston W. Mitchell & Patricia Baumgartner **** Timothy D. Morgan ’76 & Donna Morgan ** Morgan-McClure Chevrolet **** Mountain Valley Charitable Foundation Mullins Insurance Agency, Inc. *** Danny G. Mullins ’70 & Kim Mullins **** Freddie E. Mullins ’71 & Karen S. Mullins ’74 ***

Freddie E. Mullins ’96 & Marnie Rae Mullins ’97 * Lawton Mullins ’04 ** N. Carroll Mullins ’70 ***** NAPA Auto Parts at Wise **** Russell D. Necessary ’87 & Martha C. Necessary **** New Peoples Bank, Inc. *** Don Newlon & Cynthia Johnson Newlon ’92 *** North Carolina Community Foundation * Michael E. O’Donnell & Jill O’Donnell ***** Optimist Club of Greater Vienna Payless Super Markets ***** Richard H. Peake ***** Gregory Perry & Carol L. Perry ** Peuther Chapel Freewill Baptist Church Paul L. Phipps ’72 & Barbara R. Phipps ’83 **** Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Chapter Police Association of Virginia Poplar Springs Baptist Church Randall J. Porter ’80 & Gina A. Porter ’81 ** James T. Potter, Jr. & Lauren D. Potter Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation Merry Lu Prior ** Josephine C. Propper **** Michael Propper Quesenberry’s, Inc. *** Christopher Michael Quillen & Jennifer L. Quillen ’01 * Mike Quillen & Debbie H. Quillen **** Renata R. Quillen ** Bill Ramseyer & Mary A. Ramseyer **** Christopher W. Ratliff ’98 & Sonya Renee Ratliff ’02 ** Regent Allied Carbon Energy, Inc. * P. Heith Reynolds ’93 & Myra D. Reynolds * Richlands High School ** J. Philip Robbins & Patricia P. Robbins * Thurston Rose ’63 & Mary Ann Rose ’63 ***** Rotary Club of Scott County ** Round Oak Baptist Church Roger W. Rutherford ’80 & Doris Rutherford ** Ruby S. Salyers ’70 * Scott County Retired Teachers Association James P. Senter ’60 & Ginger Rose Senter *** Ben F. Sergent & Nancy H. Sergent *** Phil Shelton *** Vicki Boggs Shiner ’76 * Bobby L. Shortt & Judy D. Shortt ’79 ** Norma A. Siemen ’85 ***** Sinking Spring Presbyterian Church Tommy Skeens ’72 & Linda Skeens *** Meredith Mitchell Skelton Joseph C. Smiddy & Reba Graham Smiddy ***** Carl Smith Donor Advised Fund of The Community Foundation *

Richard C. Smith & Lynn Z. Smith South-West Insurance Agency ***** St. Charles Alumni Scholarship Fund St. Mary’s Whitechapel Church Clyde Stacy ** Steel Dynamics Roanoke Bar Division Jimmy C. Stewart & Jo Stewart ’84 **** Kathy Thacker Stewart ’77 **** Ervin Stiltner **** May B. Straughan **** Strongwell ** Sturgill Funeral Homes ***** Suncoke Energy Jewell Coal **** Sunnyside Communities Sunset Digital Communications, Inc. Brenda Swindall ’66 *** Sykes Enterprises, Inc. ** The Alper Family Foundation, Inc. * The Clapboard House, Inc. ** The Trust Company of Virginia John D. Tickle ** Kenneth J. Tiller & Gillian Huang-Tiller *** Tim Cox Photo/Graphics TKB Inc. * UMWA Dickenson-Russell Training & Education Fund * Uncle Fred’s Gas & Grub LLC Union High School Union Pacific Fund for Effective Government United Negro College Fund VA High School Coaches Association VALS/The Association for Legal Scholarship Fund William P. Varson & Chances Varson Veterans of Foreign Wars Men’s Auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4667 VHS Athletics Booster Club Roger C. Viers ’64 & Beverly W. Viers ***** Virginia 529 College Savings Plan Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute, Inc. ** VMD Association Educational Scholarship Foundation W2C Wise LLC Wadlow Gap Ruritan Club Ron Wallace & Naomi Lee Bloom Bruce Wasem **** Lewis W. Webb III & Helen E. Dragas Wellmont Health System ** White Stone Baptist Church White Stone United Methodist Church William C. Horne, Jr., D.D.S., P.C. S. Hoyt Williams & Dawneda F. Williams ***** Vernon Mandel Williams ’84 & Shari A. Williams ’85 *** Leo Stanley Willis & Barbara M. Willis **** Steven Winters & Carolyn S. Winters ’82 * Winston Witt & Judy Witt *** Wolfe Williams & Reynolds **** Joseph E. Wolfe ’72 & Jami R. Wolfe ****

FOUNDER’S SOCIETY ($500 to $999) Anonymous *** Anonymous * Michael H. Abbott ’82 & Debra J. Taylor ***** Access College Foundation * American Legion Auxiliary Post 72 Amherst County Farm Bureau Ray D. Ammon & Teresa H. Ammon * David B. Amos ’03 & Stephanie Amos ** Greg Andranovich ’78 *** Ashland Kiwanis Charitable Foundation Fred W. Banner ’70 & Sue Banner ** Bassett Kiwanis Scholarship Education Foundation * Bobby Bates & Debbie J. Bates ** Bethel-Emmanuel United Methodist Church Clifton P. Bishop & Sara A. Bishop * Brian Keith Blanton ’92 & Daphne Dawn Blanton ’93 **** Jon Bowerbank Conrad Brandts & Dorothy Brandts Brown, Edwards & Company, LLP Lawrence Brown & Mary Elizabeth Gibson ’89 ** Valerie A. Bruce ** George S. Burgan ’89 ** C. R. Pate and Company *** C. S. & S. Coal Corporation Candace Rakes Scholarship Jamboree * Shawn Carpenter & Jonette Dixon Carpenter ’01 ** Jim Wayne Childress ’70 & Margaret Wakeland *** Terry E. Chisenhall & Gina Chisenhall ’89 ** Clarke County Education Foundation Clinch Valley Community Action, Inc. Clintwood FFA Alumni Coeburn Civic League *** Pamela J. Collie ’93 *** Roderick Alan Colyer ’84 & Valeri J. Colyer ’83 ***** Community Foundation of the Virginias Contracting Enterprise, Inc. Council High School Mark P. Cronin ’81 & Kelly Downing Cronin Jeffrey B. Culbertson & Alise M. Culbertson Cutting Edge Dermatology PLLC Sharon S. Daniels ’88 **** David Tipton Scholarship Fund * Lloyd H. Davis III ’81 Eric M. Dean ’06 & Elizabeth Dean ’05 * Keith Dishner & Linda Q. Dishner ’71 ***** Don R. Pippin, Attorney at Law Double T, LLC * DuPont Community Credit Union Lawrence Eagle & Ellen Elizabeth Sovern *** ECMC Foundation * Education and Relief Society

Elko Middle School PTA Lu Ellsworth & Phyllis P. Hatcher ’75 **** ESI, Inc. ** Simeon E. Ewing & Glenda F. Ewing *** Farmers & Miners Bank ** Fauquier Retired Teachers Association Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund First Century Bank Jerry G. Gibson & Kimberly A. Gibson ’84 ** Greg Gilbert & Dawn Gilbert ’82 **** Earl S. Gillespie & Sylvia Parsons Gillespie ’58 *** William A. Goins & Rhonda K. Goins ’90 **** Louise Witt Good **** Robert F. Graham & Marylou L. Graham Grand Chapter of Virginia, Order of the Eastern Star * Grundy High School David F. Guza & Sarah Guza Garland Hall State Farm Insurance Garland A. Hall ’91 & Melissa Hall ** Josh M. Hamm ’05 & Jamie D. Hamm ’04 * David Hansel Judy G. Harding ’75 * Michael D. Hebert & Valencia A. Hebert Mark E. Hemphill & ChiaYee Ang Hillcrest Baptist Church A. Darrell Holbrook ’73 & Joy P. Holbrook ’77 **** Honaker Lions Club Horsepasture Ruritan Club Frances F. Howard ’70 **** Joe T. Howard † ***** Huddle House, Inc. Robert Isaac, Sr. & Dorothy Isaac **** Sewell F. Johnson, Jr. *** Mary Crawford Katz ’82 ** Kilgore For Delegate Kimberly Jones Foundation, Inc. Rob Kinman & Kathy Kinman Kiwanis Club of Council KPMG Foundation L & D Well Service, Inc. Landmark Financial Services, LLC ** Lawson Water Conditioning * Lawton Mullins Enterprises Lebanon Baptist Church Lebanon Memorial United Methodist Church Bill J. Lee **** Liberty High School Lindsay M. Lipps ’08 * Michael J. Lipps ’02 & Linda P. Lipps ’96 ** Lonesome Pine Realty * R. Bruce Lowe ’77 & Charlotte Lowe LPI Inc. John C. Marion & Janet Marion Shannes A. Marion ’12 Randy McMahon ’80 & Laura McMahon **** Fall/Winter 2014 37

HONOR ROLL OF BENEFACTORS Rick D. Meade ’89 & Holly P. Meade **** Royce V. Meade & Linda S. Meade ** Ronald W. Meister & Jane M. Sovern *** Frank D. Molinary ’72 & Constance W. Molinary ’80 ** Bobby G. Morrison & Georgeanna B. Morrison ’03 Jettie Greer Mullins ’97 ** Mutter Insurance ** Lyle C. Mutter ** Mark W. Mutter ** Thomas E. Neff ’86 & Rene M. Neff * New River Community Action, Inc. Norfolk Southern Good Government Fund Matching Gift Program * Norton City Schools * Timothy C. O’Day & Martha Stallard O’Day Michael S. Owens ’96 * Randy Partin & Jennifer L. Partin ’12 * Robert C. Patton & Bette Patton ** Don R. Pippin ’58 & Gloria R. Pippin ’73 ***** Marcia K. Quesenberry *** Ford C. Quillen Scholarship Fund *** Kendall Rainey ’05 * Danny Rife & Janice F. Rife Edward A. Riner ’79 *** Roanoke County Public Schools Education Foundation, Inc. Frances C. Roberson **** Robinette Steel **** Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Edwin R. Roop ’76 & Karen M. Roop ***** Rotary Club of Floyd County Cathy L. Sandidge ’71 ***** Felix E. Shepard, MD Sherando High School Althletic Association Michael L. Shortridge & Judy Copenhaver Shortridge * Joshua Ryan Skeens ’02 & Cecille Lawson Skeens ** Matthew Slemp ’05 Snyder Nursing Home Foundation Estate of Minnie B. Snyder South Star Distributors Southern Steel, Inc. Southwest Regional Recreation Authority Maurice A. Sovern ** Bradley P. Sowden ’89 & Kimberly Sowden St. Mary’s Health Wagon, Inc. * Jean M. Stallard Christopher T. Starnes ’98 & Autumn M. Starnes * Michael L. Still ’84 & Kathy L. Still ’84 * Strasburg American Legion Aux. Unit 77 Strasburg High School Athletic Association Robert Stump & Alice M. Stump *** Dennis Sturdavant & Frances M. S. Sturdavant The Art League of Marion The Chamber of Commerce of Smyth County, Inc. * 38 UVa-Wise Magazine

Thompson & Litton **** William A. Thompson III & Jan Chaffin Thompson *** Todd’s Hair Studio ** The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Student Services ** UVa-Wise Student Government Association Robert VanGundy & Amelia VanGundy * Anthony Ray VanNostrand ’85 & Raye Jean M. VanNostrand *** Varina Episcopal Church Varina High School PTSA Virginia Lottery David W. Wall & Frances M. Wall ’73 ***** Walton F. Mitchell Scholarship Fund David E. Wampler & Vickie Wampler * David H. Wampler & Linda S. Wampler * Wells Fargo Bank Roy L. Wells ’56 & Ruth B. Wells ***** William D. Wendle ’93 & Teresa F. Wendle ** Sam M. Wharton ’65 & Debra A. Wharton ’78 **** Emmet T. White & Betty Orr White ’66 * William Byrd Football Club David L. Williams ’67 **** James M. Wilson ’01 & Jessica A. Wilson ’01 * Wise County Animal Hospital *** Wise County Family & Community Education Club * Wise Kiwanis Club **** CAVALIER SOCIETY ($300 to $499) Bob Adkins & Teresa Adkins ** Erin M. Anderson Appalachian Ironworks, Inc. Larry O. Baker ’67 & Patricia A. Baker **** Anne Barker ’78 *** Barnette Contractors Michael G. Basham † **** Martha D. Beach * Santana T. Bishop Gilmer W. Blackburn & Martha Burke Blackburn ** John C. Blanton ’62 & Judith A. Blanton ’62 *** Blake Bruner & Jennifer Bruner Braxton F. Cann, Jr. Central High School ** Tommy N. Chester ’73 ***** Dorothy Chittester * Clarke County High School Teri S. Coffey H. Fred Colley & Juanita G. Colley Rickey J. Colley ’90 & Tina M. Colley ’89 ** The James J. Collins Family **** Robert Ronald Collins ’59 **** Cornerstone Pharmacy LLC Diane Cornett ’88 ** W. Scot Davis & Denise S. Davis * C. Fletcher Dean ’86 & Jane Meade-Dean ’89 **

Shana D. DelForge ’99 * Dale DePriest & Stefanie DePriest Frank A. Dickenson & Phyllis Dickenson D. Michael Donathan **** Douglas C. Dotson ’76 & Betty Jo Dotson ’81 * Double D Horseshoeing Edward G. Stout, Attorney Paula C. Ely * First Bank & Trust Co. Jim Flanigan & Susan Flanigan * Doug Fleming & Sue Ellen Fleming *** Freedom Ford ** G. W. Carver High School Alumni Association Bill Gembach & Rue Gembach ** Louella Short Greear ’64 *** Hagy & Fawbush Funeral Home, Inc. ** Francis C. Hayes & Anna G. Hayes * Aaron C. Hicks ’97 & Candi N. Austin-Hicks ** Bob Howard ’77 & Susan Howard **** Jack R. Howard & Patricia K. Howard ** Joshua Daniel Hughes ’98 & Mendy Hughes ** Homer W. Jordan ’61 * Joshua V. Justice ’07 * David L. Kelly & Betty Jo Kelly ** J. Jack Kennedy, Jr. ’78 *** Tommie D. Kennedy & Laurie M. Kennedy * Nolan L. Kilgore ’67 & Betty L. Kilgore ’67 *** Christopher L. Kommes ’94 & Karen Kommes ** Michael R. Lambert ’78 ** Tony Lawson ’74 ** Lemons Jewelry Archie Maggard **** Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund Matthew Jessee Chiropractic William F. Maxwell ’59 & Marilyn Maxwell **** Tom McGarril & Kathy H. McGarril ’83 *** Richard D. Meade ’71 *** James L. Miller II & Kyla Bohon Miller ’88 **** Elizabeth Ann Minor ’76 * H. Ronnie Montgomery & Sandy Montgomery ** Douglas R. Mullins, Sr. & Cecilia F. Mullins * Kevin W. Mullins ’93 **** Tom E. Mullins & Alma R. Mullins *** Oscar Neece & Orana S. Neece ’90 ** New Clothes for Kids Inc. William G. Olinger ’76 & Robin D. Robinson Olinger ’77 Wesley M. Pattillo & Zelma M. Pattillo ’58 *** Jack C. Phelps, Jr. ’75 & Eva C. Phelps ’75 ** Augusto A. Portuondo & Daisy Portuondo **** Laura D. Pritchard ’91 ** Fred L. Ramey, Jr. ’88 & Jessica Lynn Ramey ’88 ****

Joe D. Rasnick ’82 & Glenda K. Rasnick **** Randy Rigg & Lisa H. Rigg ** Riggs Oil Company, Inc. ** Arnie Riggs **** Bradley D. Robinson ’01 & Laura Faye Robinson ’01 ** Stanley Rogers & Ruby W. Rogers ’74 **** Romak Construction, Inc. ** Sara M. Roop ’07 * RPC Rentals, LLC Saint Paul Baptist Church Helen F. Sandidge *** Jane Ann Sandidge *** Paul D. Sarvela & Debra A. Sarvela ’79 **** Donald E. Sharitt & Cindy D. Sharitt Dawn Michelle Short ’98 ** Southwest Storage, Inc. Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center Southwest Virginia Veterinary Services K. Matthew Stanley ’04 & Kimberly M. Stanley ’06 * Edward G. Stout ’71 & Linda D. Stout ’72 ***** The Dickenson Family Living Trust Thomas E. Neff Insurance Agency ** TRANE * James W. Tucker & Margie A. Tucker * Bruce A. Turnbill, Jr. & Christina L. Turnbill ’14 * Jack C. Turner & Joyce L. Turner Charles A. Vestal ’92 & Lorraine A. Vestal * Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc. * Randy L. Wampler & Yvonne G. Wampler ’86 Whispering Sands Resort, LLC Damon L. Williams ’90 & Melanie S. Williams **** Wally Witt ’70 **** Radford E. Wolfe & Shirley J. Wolfe *** Terry W. Wright & Dinah J. Wright ’84 **** Simona A. Zduoba CENTURION SOCIETY ($100 to $299) Anonymous **** Anonymous ** Anonymous ** Anonymous A & A Enterprises, Inc. *** AAUW-Norton/Wise County Branch Kevin W. Abel * J. D. Adams & Sherry Adams ’88 ** James W. Adams ’94 & Stephanie R. Adams ’92 *** Sam Adams * Donna Roberts Addington ’67 David J. Adkins ’93 & Kara G. Adkins ’98 ** J. Marty Adkins ’85 & Marybeth M. Adkins ’92 *** Jimmy J. Adkins ’04 & Pearl L. Adkins ’04 * Darlene Phipps Ahrens ’78 *** Aire Serv

Elizabeth Smith Alford Danny Anderson * Frederick J. Anderson & Kathryn M. Anderson Glenn T. Anderson & Kathleen M. Anderson Stephen Grant Anderson ’01 & Amanda L. Anderson Timothy Scott Anderson ’05 & Alicia K. Anderson ’07 * Vincent Anderson ’13 Daniel K. Appel & Cheryl E. Appel ’95 ** Arlie Kenneth Spence Memorial Scholarship Arrington, Schelin & Munsey, P. C. * Camden E. Arthur ’98 ** Asbury & Gilbert, P.C. Tommy Asbury Donald H. Askins & Gloria Jewell Askins ’73 ** Alan Atwood & Suzi Atwood ** Linda C. Bailey ’79 * Brian Baker & Brenda Dolinger Baker ’74 Donald Baker & Martha A. Baker Eddie Baker & Judy D. Baker ’78 ** John D. Baker ’71 & Joanna M. Baker **** Mike Bales & Drema Bales ** Gary L. Barker ’65 & Sue Anne Barker **** Jessica L. Barnett ’04 Dennis Barnette Michael R. Barnette Billy Bartlett & Allison Bartlett ** George M. Barton ’81 & Lisa Barton ’81 * Greg Barton & Laura E. Barton ’82 ** Randy E. Batson & Eva E. Batson Sam Beaty & Sue Beaty George R. Becerra ’95 * Jestin M. Beck ’01 * Cathleen I. Bell Gary D. Bellamy & Carol O. Bellamy ’70 * David A. Belyea & Audrey A. Belyea Charles W. Bennett ’58 **** Bryan M. Bentley ’11 Charles David Bentley ’70 & Katherine Sue Bentley ’81 ** Paul E. Bentley & Wanda J. Bentley * James S. Berkman & McKey W. Berkman * Marshall Kent Bevins, Jr. ’01 & Ashley Reba Bevins ’01 P. Scott Bevins ’89 & Becky Bevins ’91 ** Pat R. Bevins ’94 ** Bibliographical Society of UVA Mary Beth Bingman ’66 * Daniel W. Bird, Jr. Hans Bitter Nick Bitter & Karen Bitter John E. Black & Rowena S. Black ** Glenn Blackburn & Jere N. Blackburn ***** Melissa N. Blackburn ’14 C. R. Blair ** Blake & Moody CPA’s, Inc. * J. Allen Blanken & Janice Blanken ** Brandon D. Blanton & Suzanne Blanton *

Charles Bledsoe & Jearline Bledsoe * Dennis R. Blevins ’90 & Shannon R. Blevins ’91 * Lowell Blevins & Rosemary Blevins **** Phillip L. Blevins, Jr. ’13 Robert A. Blevins ’90 & Cindy L. Blevins ’91 ** Bob Cole, CPA & Associates, PC Bob’s Market C. L. Boggs & Loretha Boggs ’95 * Teresa Scott Boggs ** Brandon Lee Bolling ’98 ** James E. Bolling ’74 & Nancy B. Bolling ’71 Patrick S. Bolling & Jill Opalesky Gary L. Bond ’62 **** L. J. Boothe ’07 C. Stanley Bowles ’94 & Victoria K. Bowles C. Ray Bowling & S. Darlene Bowling Ray Boyson & Gwen Jones Travis L. Brannon ’10 * William Lee Brannon & Belinda L. Brannon * John H. Brickey III ’86 & Karen Brickey **** MATCHING GIFT CORPORATIONS Allstate Foundation Battelle-Columbus Division GlaxoSmithKline Home Depot Foundation Laboratory Corporation of America Merck Partnership For Giving Nationwide Insurance Foundation Penn Virginia Resource Partners Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Procter & Gamble Fund Securian Foundation United Technologies Verizon Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation ‡About Matching Gifts: Almost 1,000 corporations match gifts made by employees, board members, retired employees and spouses to their institution of choice. Matching gifts enable you to double or even triple your gift to UVa-Wise. Alumni and friends receive full credit and recognition for personal gifts as well as corporate matches. Participation is simple. Just search the HEP/CASE Matching Gift Network at www. to find out if your company matches gifts and to obtain contact information for the program manager. Please obtain a matching gift form, complete the form, submit it to your employer and watch your gift grow! Thank you for making the extra effort and for your doubled support! If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Development at 276-328-0129. Fall/Winter 2014 39

HONOR ROLL OF BENEFACTORS John H. Brickey, Jr. & Shirley R. Brickey ** Don Brooks ** Wilma B. Brooks * Bradley S. Broskie ’95 & Jessica T. Broskie ’93 * Michael D. Brown & Susan A. Brown * Ricky Lee Brown ’04 & Rachel W. Brown ’04 * Sean Andrew Brown ’94 * Thomas C. Broyles & Betty Broyles Jack D. Brummett Frank Bucca, Jr. & Connie T. Bucca Jonathan Buchanan & Samantha Buchanan Charles Bunch & Nancy Bunch David S. Burgess ’94 & Rachel D. Burgess ’06 ** Gary D. Burgess & Linda Burgess ** Taylor R. Burgess ’95 & Pebbles Burgess * Wendel S. Burke & Rachel O. Burke Wesley D. Burke & Karen Y. Burke ’84 *** C. E. Guest, DDS C. Paul Johnson, PLLC Donnie Cagle ** Joseph Cano Byron D. Cantrell & Carmen M. Cantrell ’81 *** Harry B. Cardwell III & Patti H. Cardwell * Kayla G. Carey Sarah Smith Carlson ’11 Clifton W. Carson & Regina R. Carson ** John Carter Mark A. Caruso & Carol B. Caruso * Cassels Electric Cedar Hill Ladies Golf Association Central Baptist Church * Century 21 Homeland Real Estate, Inc. Terrell R. Chamberlin & Helen P. Dotson ’75 * Joe L. Chase & Susan N. Chase ’74 Tee Ean Cheng Jeau Jye Cheong Elijah J. Christman ’03 * Clintwood High School Class of 1988 Clintwood High School Class of 1989 Chuck Clisso Photography Church Hill United Methodist Church Scott Church & Deidre Anne Church ’84 ***** Mark W. Clark & Leigh G. Clark ** Stephen Clark & Amy Clark Charles Clarke & Carole Clarke Dean R. Clemons & Elizabeth A. Clemons Clinch River Plant F. Jeff Cline & April B. Cline John E. Clogston & Reita R. Clogston * Jerry M. Cluesman & Donna J. Cluesman Makenzie B. Cluesman Cochran Family Foundation ** Lee S. Cochran **** Carl R. Coffman & Karen E. Coffman Billie Jean Cole ’86 * Bob Cole

40 UVa-Wise Magazine

David L. Cole & Diana G. Cole * Wendi L. Collier ’96 * David Collins Mark J. Collins ’12 Robert D. Collins & Pamela Minor Collins ’79 * Steve D. Collins & Deborah Hill Collins ’73 * Kenny Combs & Deb Combs *** Mike Combs & Sheila B. Cox Combs ’72 ***** Brett S. Compton ’02 & Jessica B. Compton ’03 * Randy V. Compton ’74 & Phyllis Compton *** Stephen Conte & Ilona Conte B. V. Cooper & Shirley F. Cooper ’75 ** James E. Cornett & Sue Cornett **** Gary W. Counts ’96 & Gina D. Counts Andy Cox & Valerie Cox James S. Cox ’75 & Susan Leigh Cox ’73 *** Scotty L. Cox ’90 * Mike Craft * O’Brien Craft R. Jack Cress ’63 & Marian W. Cress * George F. Cridlin & Karen Cridlin * Critter Sitter John A. Crockett ’86 & Shelli R. Crockett ** Kenneth L. Crowder & Norma Crowder ’83 Jace S. Cuje ’88 & Nancy L. Cuje **** Steve D. Curran ’75 ***** D. W. Adams Trucking, Inc. Luciano D’Amato & Janice D’Amato **** James L. Daugherty ** Richard A. Davidson ’89 & Jodi Davidson Chick Davis & Dee Dee Davis Christopher D. Davis ’99 & Nichole L. Davis ’99 Whitney Davis & Kimberly T. Davis ’92 *** Deel Insurance Agency, Inc. *** William R. Deel ’74 ** Brenda A. Delaney Mark DeLeon ’08 & Melissa W. DeLeon ’02 ** Daryl Roger Delp ’74 & Susan Delp Ron W. Dickenson ’71 & Judy G. Dickenson ’74 *** Allen L. Dillion & Jamie R. Dillion Cleo E. Dingus ** Derrick S. Dingus & Jenna Powers Dingus ’08 Darrell-Dingus Ely ’10 & Miranda B. Ely ’09 Disability Claims Service Jimmy Dishner & Pat Dishner * Charlotte C. Dison ’56 ** David E. Dodson & Linda L. Dodson ** Gregory A. Dodson ’93 & Krista L. Dodson Phyllis Jean Dorton Bernard E. Dotson, Jr. ** Cory Dotson & Ashley Dotson * David A. Dotson & Henrietta M. Dotson * James W. Dotson & June Dotson *** Roger Dotson & George Anna Dotson Bill Dotten & Kaye Dotten

Stacey K. Doyle & Fran M. Doyle ’83 * Gary L. Dutton & Gayle Sandefur Dutton ’02 * Carla Mueller Duy Donald E. Earls ’61 & Sandy Earls *** Alex Edwards ’80 & Diana Edwards ** Richard W. Edwards ’77 & Rita O. Edwards * Jeffery L. Elkins ’86 & Cindy A. Elkins ** Ronald K. Elkins & Katherine McDermott Elkins * Doug Elosser & Bonnie Elosser ** Catherine W. Evans Jody Lee Evans ’82 & Kimberly D. Evans ** Daniel W. Fast & Teena M. Fast ’90 ** Tim Ferrell Jennifer Lynn Ferry Fields Restaurants, LLC Judy Finkel & Jan Finkel Diane Fischer James Allen Fischer ’61 & Sue Fischer *** Terry Fitzer Fleming Law Office PC Jackie O. Fleming & Crystal B. Fleming * Roger Mack Fleming & Susie F. Fleming Gary Shane Fletcher Sue Stockton Fletcher Ed Franks ’94 & Shannon C. Franks ’94 * Freddie E. Mullins, P. C. Francis M. Frey & Marcy Schnitzer Friendly Floral, The Flower Shop ** Teddy Fryatt & Tonya Fryatt * John D. Fulton & Eva Fulton * Randall L. Gabbert Rick D. Galyean & Cathy L. Galyean * Hal D. Gardner ’71 ** William T. Gardner ’98 & Jaimee W. Gardner Stephen Garrett & Debbie Garrett ’75 *** Robert M. Garrigan George P. Gibson ’67 & Sarah P. Gibson ’65 ** Carol Sue Gilbert ’56 ***** Mike G. Giles & Lisa S. Giles Tyler G. Giles ’03 ** Kenny Gilley ’73 * Garnett P. Gilliam & Carolyn B. Gilliam ’63 ** Hayward Gilliam & Nancy Sorah Gilliam Glass Slipper Bridal Boutique, Inc. ** Fernande Gontier Good Shepherd Catholic Church S. Michael Goodnough & Rita H. Goodnough * Srikumar Gopalan & Renu Gopalan ** Dalton P. Graham ’57 & Wilma Graham Debbie Graham Patricia S. Graham ’73 Sam D. Graham, Sr. & Jane O. Graham * John F. Grant & Carolyn Grant Kent Matthew Grant ’97 & Tonya L. Grant ’97 * Paul R. Guill & Patricia H. Guill ’92 *** George H. Gumm & Rebecca T. Gumm ****

Andrew K. Gurney ’63 & Barbara Gurney ** Donald G. Gurney & Linda R. Gurney Lena S. Haight G. Thomas Haines & Pamela F. Haines * J. C. Hale & Donna G. Hale ’71 * Blake Hall & Ann Hall ’90 * Brett Hall ’14 Donald L. Hall ’58 & Maurine F. Hall * Joan Roberson Hall ’61 **** Joseph E. Hall & Jean D. Hall Richard A. Hall ’70 & Doris M. Hall *** Hank Hankins & Mary N. Hankins *** Leton L. Harding, Jr. ’78 & Tammie Harding * Dwayne Harkleroad & Jo-Ann Harkleroad Richard Harris Robert G. Harrison & Susan P. Harrison ** Charles W. Hartgrove ’97 & Marcy S. Dunn *** Bob Hartley Gary L. Hartsock ’73 & Deborah M. Hartsock ** Mo Haskins ’08 Dennis W. Hawk Hawkins Bingham & Miller, PC Jerry B. Hayes ’76 & Carol W. Hayes Kirby Hearl ***** Ron Heise & Julia R. Heise **** Glynn Helbert & Fredia Helbert *** Dennis G. Hensdill & Glenna B. Hensdill ’77 **** Heritage Hall-Wise Paul Hibbitts & Jennifer R. Hibbitts ** Tabitha Hibbitts ’00 ** John L. Hickman & Jennifer G. Hickman ’83 * Joey S. Higgins Larry J. Hill ’62 & Brenda Hill ***** Matt Hlebinsky & Sheena Strouth-Hlebinsky ’09 Larry G. Hobbs ’65 & Nancy Hobbs * Roger A. Holbrook ** Bill Holsclaw & Yvonne E. Holsclaw Home Hardware & Furniture Company * David H. Horne Doug Horne & Sherry R. Horne ** Steve Horton & Margie N. Horton Chad Horvat ’06 Judith A. Hounshell Leon Howard & Christine Hansen Charles Huff & Julie D. Cartagena ’86 Sheryl J. Huff ’01 Thomas Huffman & Rebecca G. Huffman ’95 James D. Hughes ’01 & Amanda G. Hughes Michael H. Hughes ’71 & Alice Hughes ’77 **** Sandy Huguenin & Margaret Huguenin Zantonio Hung Charles D. Hunt ’64 & Rosalind W. Hunt * Hunter, Smith & Davis David Husak & Lori K. Husak Impressions of Norton, Inc. ** Insurance Professionals of Central Virginia

Greg Ireson & Kathy H. Ireson ’99 Paul R. Ison ’71 & Jessie Ison ** J&R Turner, Inc. J. C. Driskill, Inc. Jack Kennedy LTD Joan S. Jackson Craig B. James & Sheryl T. James * Jeff Elkins Attorney at Law Don Jensen Janet Miller Jensen ’75 * Danny B. Jessee ’72 & Rosemary B. Jessee ** Roy M. Jessee & Cindy Jessee ’98 C. Paul Johnson Duane L. Johnson & Elsa B. Farmer Johnson ’93 ** Drew Johnson ’78 & Pamela S. Johnson ’79 *** James W. Joines & Drucilla Joines * Robert M. Joines & Lorene E. Joines * Joanne L. Jones * Sandra L. Jones ’97 ** Tim Jones ’81 & Martha S. Jones *** William H. Jones & Sibyll M. Jones ’89 * William R. Jones & Pauline G. Jones Daniel W. Jordan & Gloria Hayes Jordan ’67 Phillip C. Justice, Jr. ’97 * Gregory M. Kallen *** Alihan Karakartal ’02 * Ernest Keeling & Mary J. Keeling Dolores Kemp Kennedy Enterprises LLC * Ernest R. Kennedy Margaret Kennedy Lonnie L. Kern & Ada L. Campbell **** Ronnie R. Kern & Donnese C. Kern Bobby L. Ketron & Suzan H. Ketron ’85 **** Eddie Kilbourne & Cheryl Kilbourne Randall Kilgore & Dana G. Kilgore ***** Gary J. Kincade & Tamara K. Kincade C. Scott Kiser ’00 & Kristy J. Kiser ’00 * Joseph B. Kiser ’00 & Selena M. Kiser ’00 ** Kiwanis Club of Clintwood Michael Klaiber & Shelby W. Klaiber Greg Klassen & Vivian Klassen Bobbie June Knoll Kranos Corporation Gregory Lee Kress ’81 & Tracy Kress * Bobby Kyle & Barbara Kyle * Wayne R. Lane & Linda A. Lane ** Nate Large ’14 Ronnie Large & Jane Kilgore Large Charles F. Lawson ** Claude Lawson & Navada H. Lawson Clint Lawson, Jr. ’76 *** Luke R. Layne ’07 Warren S. Leap III ’00 & Lydia B. Leap ’00 ** Lebanon Insurance Agency, Inc. Lebanon Lions Club Dante S. Lee & Lisa S. Lee ** Donald W. Lee ’90 & Teresa G. Lee ’90 ** Erin Taylor Lee

Phil Lee & Valerie Lee L. Jay Lemons & Marsha S. Lemons *** Len-Wolf Ltd. Robert A. Leonard ’57 & Robin K. Leonard **** Franklin E. Lewis & Carolyn B. Lewis * Roy Glenn Light & Freda V. Light * Thomas E. Lighton & Sharon V. Lighton Joseph Lipari, Jr. * Little Acorn Oil Company * Walter D. Littrell ’83 & Pamela S. Littrell Shannon Logan * Erik G. Lough & Hana Zibdeh-Lough ’02 * Donnie Maine & Rita E. Maine ** Nick Marshall ’09 & Brittany D. Marshall ’09 * D. M. Wendy Martin ’01 ** Lloyd C. Martin, Jr. & Joyce A. Martin * Timothy D. Martin & Paula Susie Martin ** Michael B. Mason ’72 & Teresa Stepp Mason ’77 ** Joseph S. Matney ’63 & Christinia A. Matney **** Homer Maynard & Phyllis J. Maynard * Benjamin R. Mays ’85 & Kim Mays Cathy Joann Mays Chris McCall ’05 & Lena F. McCall ’01 Ron D. McCall ’72 & Linda McCall **** Donald G. McCamey & Joan B. McCamey * Robert G. McCoy & Hilda S. McCoy *** Brian B. McDavid & Jennifer T. McDavid McDonald’s of Big Stone Gap Robert McEachern & Virginia McEachern McElroy, Hodges & Caldwell John Thomas McGuire ’99 & Misty D. McGuire ’99 ** Brian D. McKnight ’97 & Pamela J. McKnight ’99 * Alan R. McMurray ’70 & Diana McMurray * David McPheron & Michelle S. McPheron ’98 Virginia H. Meador **** Merck Foundation Frank Meredith David Mersereau & Marianne Mersereau ’84 *** Michael H. Abbott, Attorney at Law Ronald S. Miles & Kathy S. Miles *** Duane A. Miller ’94 *** James H. Miller & Mary Ann Miller *** Sol Miller & Shirley Miller Daniel S. Minahan & Debra L. Minahan ’81 ** Moccasin Gap NAPA ** James A. Monahan & Margaret T. Monahan James W. Moody, Jr. & Jo Moody * Carol Moore Randy Moore ’80 & Imelda Moore ’81 *** Thomas Moore & Darlene H. Moore *** Jewell B. Morgan ’76 ** Stephen E. Morgan & Beverly G. Morgan Morris Michael Mosberg & Brenda K. Mosberg ’71 **** Rory Moseley & Annette Moseley Fall/Winter 2014 41

HONOR ROLL OF BENEFACTORS Mountain Empire Hearing & Balance Mountain Energy Resources, Inc. * Mullican Flooring * Bradley “Hoop” Mullins & Melissa A. Mullins Bryan L. Mullins & Michelle F. Mullins ** Chris Mullins & Victoria J. Mullins * Donnie R. Mullins ’83 & Janie A. Mullins *** Elizabeth Mullins Emory A. Mullins ’90 & Justin M. Mullins ** James Wesley Mullins ** Mrs. Jerry L. Mullins **** Michael T. Mullins ’75 & Jeanne Mullins ** Robert M. Mullins *** Scott Mullins & Suzan E. Moore Shelcy Mullins, Jr. & Karen T. Mullins *** Reginald Mungrue Mutual of Omaha NALS, Inc. Natural Resource Services, Inc. David C. Nauss & Patricia J. Nauss ** Steven E. Nauss * Joe R. Necessary ’12 Eddie W. Neely & Jeni L. Neely ’74 *** Thomas L. Nelson ’74 ** NRV Investments ** K. Ryan Nutter ’07 * Oak Crest Vineyard & Winery, Inc. Ronald D. Oakes & Phyllis A. Oakes * Dennis Orr & Mona L. Orr ** Everette B. Orr ’76 & Linda D. Orr **** Edward T. Overton, Jr. Tony Owens & Nancy Owens Pal’s 21 Luke H. Parks ’10 Charles H. Parsons, Sr. & Sue Parsons ***** Mrs. James N. Pate Elwood B. Patterson, Jr. & Lisa W. Patterson Thomas R. Peake & Peggy A. Peake Jeff Perry ’86 & Amy Perry Personalities Salon * Jacqui W. Petch Clarence Peters, Jr. Edwin M. Phillips ’69 & Frances K. Phillips ’71 ** Glyn Phillips, Jr. & Paulette B. Phillips ’87 ** Jim Phipps * Joe M. Pilkenton & Janice Pilkenton **** Bob Pippin *** Joe Pippin & Cecelia Dotson Pippin ’75 *** Pizazz Unlimited Alan L. Plisko ’72 & Valena White Plisko ** Poor Farm Society * Mike Porter & Narda B. Porter ’88 Ronald L. Porter & Rita J. Porter ’71 ** Hannah R. Powers ’13 Lyndon R. Powers ’81 & Joyce Powers ** Steven B. Powers ’82 & Susan A. Powers * Ronald L. Prewitt & Dixie R. Prewitt Roger Profitt ’98 C. Michael Puckett ’66 & Marketta H. Puckett * 42 UVa-Wise Magazine

Matthew H. Puckett ’95 & Susan B. Puckett * Thomas B. Puckett ’95 & Rachel A. Puckett ’91 * Queens Borough Public Library Bill Quillen & Darlene Quillen Bob Quillen & Myrl Quillen **** B. Robert Raines ’71 & Donna I. Raines ’58 * Charlie E. Rainey, Jr. & Sharon R. Rainey * Mark Ramsey & Suzanne Adams-Ramsey ’80 ** Karen Rasnake T. Allen Rasnick David Redwine John M. Reinhardt ’84 Michael L. Renfro ’73 & Diana C. Renfro * W. Rhudy Renfro Larry Richardson & Betty Richardson **** David L. Ridenour * James S. Riggs *** Jason Riggs & Karen Ely Riggs * Rinco Enterprises, Inc. Bobby J. Ring ’97 & Brooke Swanson-Ring ’06 * Walter E. Rivers & Teresa E. Rivers *** Gary Robbins & Donna Thacker Robbins * Betty H. Roberts Betty M. Roberts ** Glenn E. Roberts, Jr. & Patti Roberts ’70 *** Bruce K. Robinette **** Michael Robinette & Contessa B. Robinette ’06 Robinson Auto Parts No. 4 ** Martha F. Robinson * Troy Robinson & Mary C. Robinson ’82 ***** Roger’s Auto Sales and Service *** Jeraldine M. Roop ** Rory Moseley Well Service of Virginia Danny C. Rose ’78 *** Vada Rose ** Danny Ray Rowland ’84 **** Justin B. Runyon ’98 ** Russell County Farm Bureau Ben Russell & Debbie Vanover ’13 * Ryan Sabin & Twila G. Williams-Sabin Robert H. Sage ’79 & Laura M. Sage ***** Salena Felty Insurance Agency Fern C. Salyer Joe B. Salyer, Jr. & Nancy H. Salyer ’80 *** Royal Ines Salyers Samuel Pressure Vessel Group, Inc. Sarah Sandidge Stanley R. Satterfield & Lou Castle Satterfield ’58 * Gordon D. Scott & Sherry R. Scott S. Buford Scott & Susan Bailey Scott ** Bernie Sergent Settle & Associates LLC Richard L. Settle, Jr. & Janet S. Settle * The Seven Cs Sidney R. Sewell & Carolyn W. Sewell ’78 *** SFC Screenprinting

Mel R. Shelton ’71 & Cathy Flanary-Shelton ** Ronald T. Short ’71 & Joan Boyd Short Charlene Shortt ’74 ** Terry L. Shortt & Shelby Shortt ***** Shrader Insurance Agency Jeffery A. Shupe ’96 & Elizabeth N. Shupe ’96 Roncie Silcox ’70 & Lettia P. Silcox ** Eddie Skeens ’76 & Marianne H. Skeens * Glen Skinner & Jan P. Zentmeyer ** Brack E. Slate ’68 & Rosemary M. Slate * Smith Consultants, Inc. Adam D. Smith ’05 & Tabitha H. Smith ’05 * Danny R. Smith Ella M. Smith ’04 * Greg W. Smith & Sandra R. Smith * Justin Todd Smith ’04 Lane A. Smith III ’89 & Honi Smith *** Megan E. Smith Preston M. Smith ’12 Thomas E. Smith ’83 & Page H. Smith * Cindi L. Smoot ’09 J. T. Smoot Michael A. Smoot & Carinne M. Smoot Glenn Snead Carl R. Snodgrass ’58 & Louise A. Snodgrass ** Jacob P. Somervell ’99 & Cynthia E. Somervell ’99 * Gregory South ’67 & Patty South * Southwest Surgical ** Solomon C. Speers & Sadie Speers Ben F. Spradlin ’78 & Angela Spradlin Stewart Randall Spradlin ’92 * St. Paul Builders & Supply Company ** Addison M. Stallard & Elizabeth H. Stallard F. Harold Stallard ’66 & Katherine B. Stallard ’71 ** Heather M. Stallard ’14 Roger Stallard *** Tracy Stallard ** Darren Stanley & Kristin Ely Stanley Louella Stanley Randy Doyle Stanley ’78 & Betsy Grossman ** Rodney D. Stanley ’97 & Laura Gail Deel-Stanley ’98 ** Tracy L. Stapleton ’91 & Wendy Kay Stapleton ’92 ** Roy T. Starry **** Georgia B. Starry ’73 † **** Al Stecker & Jane B. Stecker ***** Timothy L. Steele ’77 & Mitzi B. Steele Howard T. Steffey Karen A. Steinman ’63 ** Danny L. Sterling & Kimberley P. Sterling ’97 *** Billy J. Stewart & Louanna B. Stewart * Jentlea E. Stewart ’71 *** Kimberly J. Still ’82 *** Claire S. Stinson ’91 * William N. Stokes, Jr. ’74 & Toni Gilliam Stokes ’74 *** Gary R. Stratton ***

Walter J. Strength Fred Strouth & Rebecca Jane Strouth ’92 Michael Strouth ’80 & Carolyn S. Strouth ’67 **** C. Jeffrey Stump Sturgill Law Office, PC ** Jeffery Allan Sturgill ’74 & Kathy Sturgill ** Robbie Dane Sturgill ’72 & Judy B. Sturgill *** Sunny Day Landscaping and Lawn Care Susan B. & S. Buford Scott Trust Fund * Harry M. Sydow ’86 & Debbie L. Sydow ’85 Janet I. Tate Brandon P. Tester ’07 & Elizabeth D. Shuler ’02 * Richard Timbers & Jennifer Timbers David E. Tipton Jason E. Tipton & Mary E. Tipton Tom Cook Construction, Inc. * Andrew F. Traynor, Jr. * Trevor Supply Company, Inc. ** Tri City Security Co., Inc. Turkey Gap Coal Company, Inc. ** Charlie R. Turner ’90 Wiley A. Turner UVa-Wise Bookstore UVa-Wise Business Department Faculty Eric Valdez ’87 David Vanover VASFAA, Inc. Santana L. Vasquez ’07 Vic’s Decorating, Inc. *** Bob G. Viers ’64 Lewis V. Walker Patsy J. Walker James David R. Wall ’93 & Sabrina G. Wall ** Habern Wallen ’65 & Ann H. Wallen ’70 ** R. L. Wallen ’76 & Jennifer S. Wallen * Waller Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Gregory N. Walters Wampler Appraisal Service ** Russell Wampler ’90 & Jenny Lee Wampler ’04 **** Charles R. Ward ’76 & Brenda H. Ward ’76 ** Ernie W. Ward & Debbie Ward **** Ashlee C. Washburn ’12 Edwin D. Watson ’76 & Debra D. Watson ’91 ***** Burt Waycaster Jessica D. Weaver ’10 Janice L. Welker Barry R. Wells & Martha W. Wells ’73 ** Mark Wells & Natalie J. Wells ’96 * Wendwise Corporation Joseph R. Werling & Elizabeth P. Werling ’99 ** Pat Whitaker & Bettye F. Whitaker Roger D. Whitaker ’70 & Brenda L. Whitaker *** Jerry Wayne White ’74 & Sherry A. Wolfe **** Greg Whittaker & Chantale Whittaker ’71 *** James R. Wiandt & Victoria L. Wiandt * Marion M. Wiles ’92 *

Kevin M. Williams ’94 & Blairanne Williams *** Sandra E. Williams ’58 ** Willis Land & Goat Company Johnny Willis * Jerry Ray Willis & Judith G. Willis Brian S. Wills & Elizabeth S. Wills ’74 ***** Charles J. Wills ’05 & Karrie Wills M. Blake Wilson, Jr. & Nita H. Wilson Steve Wilson & Kim Wilson ** A. Garland Wiltshire, Jr. & Jennifer N. Wiltshire Wise Lumber & Supply, Inc. William C. Witt, Jr. & Kathleen A. DePonte *** Matthew Tripp & Christy D. Wolfe ’96 * Willis E. Wood, Jr. & Ida L. Wood John W. Wright & Kay D. Wright **** Troy W. Wright ** Wrightway Cleaning Bobby L. Yates & Mildred Kirby Yates ’71 *** Guy E. Yates & Barbara A. Yates B. Susan Yeary Edward Young & Susan D. Young Edmund Zduoba & Zita D. Zduoba Roman I. Zylawy ** RED & GRAY SOCIETY ($1 to $99) Anonymous * Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Clara C. Adame de Heu Adams & Co., P.C. Adam’s Friendly Tire Service Junior A. Adams & Mildred B. Adams Norma J. Addison ’09 Julian Adkins & Shirley Adkins Advantage Group Philip L. Agee & Anna G. Agee Morris L. Akers ’92 & Donna J. Akers ** Karley L. Allen Alpha Psi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International ** Brittni L. Altmann Gaylon W. Anderson and Mrs. Gaylon W. Anderson Patsy L. Anderson ’71 **** Warren G. Anderson & Grace D. Anderson Stanley L. Andrews, Jr. & Wanda C. Andrews Dana K. Angell ’79 * Annette’s Dari-Barn Appalachian Officials Assoc. (Football) Reynesha A. Archer Daniel D. Armstrong ’97 ** Byron A. Arnold & Marilyn S. Arnold Nell Asbury ****

James P. Ashley & Sandra D. Ashley ’86 *** AutoZone Brandi E. Bailey ’14 Charles Malloy Baker ’01 Danny Baker ’97 & Anne Marie Baker ’86 Lavonne Baker ’71 ** Mary H. Baker Matthew L. Baker & Sheila A. Baker Albert W. Ball & Sue Ball Bank of Marion Clercy C. Banks Charles W. Banner II ’86 & Paula A. Banner ’87 * Faye R. Barker *** Purcell L. Barrett ’81 Larry R. Basenback & Penny L. Basenback * Arlie Bates & Judy Fletcher-Bates Terry E. Bates ’64 & Donna Marie Lawson Bates ’74 ** BB&T Sarah L. Beamer Jeremiah Bean & Nephateria Bean Trevor Bean & Candy Bean Donnie Jack Begley Danny Belcher * George E. Belcher & Nancy K. Belcher ’83 ** Kim Belcher ’06 James W. Bellamy, Jr. ’97 & Jacqueline Bellamy ** Beth Bentley Clara June Bentley Mark G. Bentley ’91 & Janet L. Bentley Alvin Berkompas & Joy M. Berkompas Kevin D. Berry & Laura K. Berry ’07 * Betty F. Strider Trust Big A Toastmasters Steven D. Bishop & Lisa F. Bishop Donald R. Blackburn & Lisa M. Blackburn Ronald L. Blanton Ernest Kent Blevins & Pamela Jean Blevins Tina J. Blevins Garry L. Bogan, Jr. ’04 * James Boggs & Lois D. Boggs ’89 * Brian Bolling & Jennifer H. Bolling ’01 Mark Bolling & Geneva M. Bolling Roger A. Bolling & Janice E. Bolling ’95 ** Bonanza Family Restaurant ** Harold H. Booth & Carole L. Booth G. Rosa Bott ’05 K. Wayne Bott ’76 & Gwyneth M. Bott ’79 Andrew Botts ’10 & Sara Botts Robert E. Botts ’72 & Diane Botts Stanley Botts, Jr. & Robbin Arnold * Bradford J. Bowen ’00 & Whitney M. Bowen ’00 ** Gary M. Bowen & Carolyn M. Bowen ’90 Kenneth Bowling & Peggy W. Bowling * Mary B. Bowman Terry L. Boyd & Teresa T. Boyd Marshell N. Bradley ’10 John C. Brake & Margo S. Brake Fall/Winter 2014 43


Charlotte M. Branner Scott Branson & Christi M. Branson ’03 Billy W. Brooks & Betty Jean Brooks Steve Brooks & Diane Brooks Brugh’s Mill Country Store James W. Bryant ’77 & Gail Bryant ’02 ** Danny Buchanan & Treva T. Buchanan ’72 * Rick Buchanan & Pam Buchanan Lucy D. Buchholz Susanne H. Burbage Gordon Burr & Wendy Burr Rodney L. Bush Tim D. Bush ’12 & Jaclyn Bush Buy The Season Jessica R. Cain ’05 * Jeanne V. Callaway ’79 *** I. B. Campbell & Sybil Campbell Gregory S. Cannon & Shannon D. Cannnon Zachary A. Canter ’14 Gregory P. Cantrell & Patti Cantrell * Joe Carey & Shirley R. Carey Paul D. Carico & Lucille C. Carico Lief E. Carroll & Deborah L. Carroll Matthew A. Carter ’04 & Susanna G. Carter * Beverly L. Caruso ’09 John D. Cassell ’63 & Janice W. Cassell ** Jimmy Caudill & Wanda B. Caudill ’74 Reagan J. Cecil ’09 CGI James A. Chapman ’91 & Mary C. Chapman ** Raymond E. Chaput & Cynthia B. Chaput Thelma B. Chestnut Jordan S. Childress ’14 Barbara J. Childs-Barber ’14 Autumn C. Chisenhall ’13 Hugh Chisholm & Kathy Chisholm Doron L. Claiborne & Kathee T. Claiborne Carlie L. Clark Evan M. Clark F. Venus Clark ’57 ** James E. Clark & Phyllis J. Clark Jonathan Clark Todd Clendenon & Angela S. Clendenon ’00 Zachary Clifton ’12 & Kasi E. Clifton ’11 Delynn Cline & Melissa Cline Frank E. Cline & Ellen A. Cline Margaret Alford Cloud Carl R. Coffman & Sandra Coffman Kelly Coffman Tanya F. Colbert ’04 & Carol Ayotte Barbara G. Collins Carter Collins ’56 & Anna B. Collins *** Justin M. Collins ’04 & Kara C. Collins Mingkwan Collins Nathaniel L. Collins & April L. Collins ’03 * Lydia Colvin Faye Combs Robert K. Combs & Shelia L. Combs Commercial Bank 44 UVa-Wise Magazine

James I. Compton ’56 & Louise B. Compton Larry B. Compton & Judy Compton Candace Conley Edward D. Conley & Pam K. Conley ’84 *** Bayes Connelley & Tina R. Connelley Mark A. Conner & Shannon L. Conner William B. Conner II & Cathy R. Conner Steven K. Cooney ’82 & Mary D. Cooney ** Scott V. Cooper ’82 & Julie C. Cooper ’85 ** Alexa Ann Cornett Larry L. Costine & Kristina Feeser * Dale Couch & Rebecca L. Couch ’73 Jeannie Cowden Brenda Cox James Cox & Juanita Thompson Cox ’99 W. Eugene Cox & Joyce Cox Michael B. Cozzolino & Amy B. Cozzolino ’03 Jim Crabtree & Pamela Crabtree Brenda Craft Gary L. Crawford & Katrina W. Crawford Bruce G. Creel & Eva S. Creel Linda Crenshaw P. E. Crenshaw III & H. M. Crenshaw Paris E. Crenshaw, Jr. & Betty G. Crenshaw Barbara A. Crim Otis O. Crowder Becky Curtis * Russell Cyphers & Vanessa Y. Cyphers ’10 Vincent Dale ’99 & Christy M. Dale ’00 * J. C. Daniels & Patricia B. Daniels W. E. Dansey & Debra J. Dansey Dari Delite LLC James L. Daugherty ’72 & Paula J. Daugherty ** Davidson & Associates Joshua L. Davidson & Kelly H. Davidson ’10 Greta Denise Davis ’77 * Jarrod D. Davis ’99 & Heather D. Davis ’02 Jefferson W. Davis ’95 * Steven C. Davis ’09 & Julie S. Davis ’09 Frieda M. Davison ’74 Harry J. Deale & Iris S. Deale Timothy N. Dean ’87 & Stephanie G. Dean ’94 Mark Deel & Patricia C. Deel ’95 * Delta Kappa Gamma XI Chapter Susan M. Dethlefs Clifton S. Diaz ’12 Larry A. Dick & Kathleen T. Dick Brianna C. Dickerson ’14 Jason M. Dingus & Jenni L. Dingus ’04 * James D. Dinsmore ’00 & Tara Y. Dinsmore ’03 Amy Disney Terry Disney Robert Elijah Dixon & Lindsey N. Dixon ’11 Gene C. Dobbs & Martha F. Dobbs Ronald R. Dollins & Charlotte W. Dollins Donna’s Nails

William B. Dorough & Doris E. Dorough Denise R. Doss Jeffery W. Dotson & Mary K. Dotson Kenneth D. Dotson ’66 & Judy H. Dotson ’67 ** Robin D. Dotson ’81 & Karen D. Dotson ’83 ** Doug Campbell Body Shop Chelsie M. Dubay ’06 Paul M. Dyer, Sr. Raymond C. Earles & Angela J. Earles Jeanette Ecker * Joshua C. Edney ’10 Dale L. Ellis & Debra W. Ellis Wesley L. Elswick & Brenda K. Elswick ’86 *** Dalton Emershaw Charlotte W. Estep ’70 ** Sandy Etter & Debra W. Etter ’78 ** Euritha’s Gift Shoppe S. Michael Evans & Wanda R. Evans * Mark Failor & Shannon Staufer-Failor Matthew O. Faircloth ’10 David M. Farley & Judith G. Farley ’65 * Farmer Pediatric Dentistry, PSC Robert L. Farmer ’90 & Anita Farmer James J. Faulkner, Jr. & Lisa L. Faulkner Brett Matthew Fields ’01 * Oscar Fields, Jr. & Charlene Fields Jordan T. Fifer ’13 George M. Fischer Rachel A. Fischer Fishtales Fitness Five Ms. Madeline K. Flannery ’82 Charles L. Fleenor, Jr. Charles L. Fleenor, Sr. & Margaret C. Fleenor David Fletcher & Susan Fletcher Charles D. Flippo & Sandra L. Flippo John Ford & Kathleen Ford ’64 Thomas J. Foy & Emma M. Foy Thomas R. Foy & Cathleen B. Foy Catherine Page Fraley Edsel B. Fraley ’88 & Charlene H. Fraley *** Samuel J. Freccero & Dawn E. Y. Freccero Michael French & Colleen A. French ’95 * Dennis P. Fritz ’79 & Alice Fritz ** Timothy L. Fryman & Jo Anna Fryman Miriam M. Fuller ’60 Ronald H. Fuller ’56 & Carole Fuller * Randy Fultz & Nancy Fultz Raymond W. Gallagher & Linda Hill Gallagher ’71 ** Eric A. Gardner ’02 & Katherine Gardner ’97 * J. Richard Garnett, Jr. & Lenoir R. Garnett Robert M. Gaucher & Renea L. Gaucher ’92 * Curtis M. Gibson ’13 & Allie R. Gibson ’11 Carl Gilliam & Janet Gilliam Rick Gilliam & Sherry Gilliam ’86 Robert S. Gilliam III & Erica S. Gilliam

Jarred A. Glass & Carla W. Glass ’06 * Hugh M. Godsey & Nancy D. Godsey Cheryl Goodman Frank D. Greear Joan M. Greear Margaret M. Grove ** John Habbert & Helen B. Habbert Marty Hagy & Mary Lee Hagy ’89 ** Stephanie B. Hagy ’07 John G. Hair Kenneth W. Hale & Tammie L. Hale Ronald V. Hale ’87 & Tempi H. Hale * Danny V. Hall & Nancy W. Hall Jonathan Hall Kristina N. Hall David C. Hamilton & Ginger G. Hamilton Maya G. Hamlett C. Raymond Hansen, Jr. & Beverly F. Hansen Happiness Nails LLC Richard T. Harrell & Shelvia E. Harrell Rae Harrelson Richard W. Hartless & Irmgard R. Hartless H. Edward Harvey, Jr. & Ellen G. Harvey Matthew E. Harvey ’06 Kermit Hatmaker, Jr. Rosa Lee Hawes Toby Hawkins & Victoria Stinson Hawkins ’09 Rachel Elaine Hawks ’14 Jewele H. Haynes ’91 * Hazard Plumbing Services, LLC Ron Helton & Kathy Helton ** Mike Hendrickson & Ann Settle Hendrickson ’76 Patricia B. Henry Makenzie L. Hensley Tiffany Hernandez Robert E. Herron ’91 & Pauline E. Herron ’00 * Edward Hess & Pamela D. Hess ’73 *** Lacie D. Holmes ’05 Brandon A. Honaker ’07 & Elizabeth T. Honaker ’08 Gene Hubbard & Martha Carol Hubbard ’84 ** Larry Hubbard & Diane Hubbard Nicholas A. Huckaby & Alicia P. Huckaby Billy Huddleston & Diane Huddleston Ashante S. Humphries Carolyn Hunsucker Joan Huntington Cody Hutchinson & Kaylee J. Hutchinson ’08 * Bennett E. Hylton & Dolly L. Hylton ’00 * Walter E. Hylton & Melinda Kay Hylton ’02 ** Timothy Wayne Iddings ’99 & Trisha A. Iddings ’01 ** Innovative Graphics & Design, Inc. * Mary J. Isaac ’73 **** Kaytlin Joiner Ivey Clemon L. Jackson & Gloria J. Jackson ’79 *

Kenny Jackson Doyle James, Ph.D. & Reba B. James Debbie Jessee Tammy Jessee Betty M. Johnson *** Gregory W. Johnson ’95 & Kathy B. Johnson ’96 Jenna K. Johnson ’09 Kelly Johnson & Nora Johnson Lola Johnson Lannie Ann Johnston Daniel L. Jones ’11 Jeffery A. Jones ’98 & Alicia C. Jones ’10 Kelly Jones & Barbara Jones William Jones & Betty L. Jones ’87 ** Juste Music Joseph P. Kane & Joli A. Kane Bridget V. Kargbo Linda Keck James S. Kennedy ’67 & Cheri Kennedy Kevin G. Kennedy & Barbara A. Kennedy Martin Kennedy Sue C. Kennedy ’77 ** Dean Kerkhoff & Robin Kerkhoff * Timothy W. Kettlewell & Brenda L. Kettlewell Jospeh A. Keyes & Kathy P. Keyes Steven E. Keysar & Karlene B. Keysar Bradley S. Keyser & Lisa L. Keyser Andrianah J. Kilgore ’14 Paul Kilgore ** Garry L. Klaiber & Vickie R. Klaiber Edward R. Klopf & Edna M. Klopf S. Jason Krout & Nicole L. Krout ’08 Donald L. Kuchenbuch Kristin Kunzman Steven Kussin & Sharyn Kussin James T. LaForce Laurie Ann Lakatosh ’84 ** Otis Lamb, Jr. & Bobbie Jo Hodges-Lamb ’94 ** Kathy Lambert Ronald W. Lambert & Linda G. Lambert William E. Landay III & Teresa B. Landay Sharon M. Lane Rob Laney & Gequetta B. Laney ’96 Taylor E. Lankford Sara Marie Lanningham ’80 * Richard J. LaViolette & Katherine Marie LaViolette Donald E. Lawson ’76 James R. Lawson ’94 & Lori Lawson * Larry W. Lawson & Deborah J. Lawson Ron R. Lawson & Suzanne W. Lawson Lebanon Life Saving Crew Monti A. Lee & Sabrina B. Lee Erik L. Lemley ’06 & Amanda L. Lemley ’09 Gary B. Leonard ’70 & Teddy Leonard Katelyn J. Lester Randy Lester & Debbie K. Lester Rosanne C. Letson ’81 ** Helen Matthews Lewis

Joanna E. Lewis ’11 Charles E. Lex III & Sarah F. Lex Daniel R. Lilly III & Carolyn G. Lilly Tracy Linkous * Keith E. Linville ’14 Dwayne Lipe Brenda P. Lipes Little Caesars Pizza Larry E. Locke & Debbie V. Locke Brian B. Lockhart & Ellen Baldwin Lockhart ’87 ** Chris L. Lockhart & Lois F. Lockhart * Luke Logan ’11 & Mikaela R. Logan ’12 Longworth Sports Group, Inc. Chad Longworth ’09 & Kristi F. Longworth ’05 * George E. Loving Dan R. Lowe & Wanda L. Lowe John R. Lowe & Dorothy K. Lowe Gary T. Lowery Lowe’s of Wise County Thelma F. Lucas Lucy D. Buchholz Rev. Trust Richard H. Lunsford, Jr. & Barbara B. Lunsford Frederick A. Luntsford, Jr. ’71 & Ava Gail Luntsford **** Jeffrey A. Lutz ’02 & Loretta J. Lutz * Martha S. MacLeod Peter R. MacMahon Alfred E. Maddox & Nancy M. Maddox Danny S. Maggard & Margaret S. Maggard Tommy J. Maggard & Cathy A. Maggard ’80 ** Doris B. Mahan ’72 ** Elaine Mahoney Lann Malesky Shahid Malik ’78 & Sabiha S. Malik ** Michael D. Mann & Karen R. Mann Sarah Agnes Marshall Bradley J. Mason & Pamela K. Mason Rebecca A. Massie ’91 James E. Masters & Suzanna E. Masters ** Mary Beth Masters ’88 Laura E. McClellan ’98 Steve McCoy & Wilma McCoy *** Tina McCoy Michael McCurdy & Carla R. McCurdy ’00 Victor B. McIntosh M. Steven McKenzie ’90 & Karyn McKenzie * Erika L. McLaughlin Sean E. McNalley ’03 & Jessica L. McNalley ’04 Charles E. McNew, Jr. & Trudy L. McNew Sarah Love McReynolds ’87 ** Francene Meade ’11 Lorra Meade Mi Finca Mexican Restaurant James C. Michnowicz & Stephanie P. Michnowicz ’00 * Fall/Winter Spring 2013 2014 37 45

HONOR ROLL OF BENEFACTORS LaRue Carter Miles Samuel J. Miles ’00 ** Timothy P. Miles ’00 ** Deborah C. Miller James D. Miller & Bonnie Miller Judy W. Miller James Milton & Debbie Milton ’87 Allen B. Miner & Vivian E. Miner Angela S. Minter ’02 * Richard L. Minter ’04 & Marcie W. Minter ’03 * Misty Mountain Snacks Dana Mitchell & Heather Mitchell Christina M. Molinary ’92 * Monterrey Mexican Restaurant Stephen D. Mooney ’83 & Jennifer L. Mooney ’83 Steven K. Moore & Suzanne R. Moore ’93 * Frank E. Morgan, Jr. & Kami R. Morgan ** Morgan-McClure Chevrolet GMC, Inc. Brad L. Morris ’14 Joe Morton & Donna Morton MountainRose Vineyards Bill Mountsier Mr. Gatti’s Rudy W. Mueller & Mary R. Mueller Burma Mullins C. L. Mullins & Charlotte Mullins Denvil Mullins ’59 & Connie P. Mullins * E. Mark Mullins ’89 & Amy Leigh Mullins ’92 Gregory A. Mullins ’97 & Stephanie G. Mullins ’99 James Ron Mullins & Nola L. Mullins ’83 * Jessica D. Mullins ’09 Juanita B. Mullins * Kelly Mullins Larry B. Mullins & Janet M. Mullins ’71 * Norma Mullins Sam Mullins & Kenna L. Mullins ’85 * Steven B. Mullins & Suzanna B. Mullins ’02 Susan Mullins John F. Murphy & Priscilla T. Murphy ’72 *** Joseph D. Murphy & Sandra C. Murphy Kevin L. Musick & Rhonda Sullivan-Musick ’05 * Justin L. Necessary ’07 & Jessica J. Necessary

46 UVa-Wise Magazine

Samuel R. Needham & Judy C. Needham ’96 *** Dorothy A. Nelson Bob G. Nixon & Sharon H. Nixon ** Alaina M. Noland ’10 Norton Cinema City Chiz U. Ononiwu ’11 Jim Oppy & Andrea R. Oppy Frances G. Orr * Charles W. Pangle & Rhonda Pangle ** William J. Paolozzi Sarah B. Parsons ’05 Fern L. Passini Pat McCracken Memorial Fund Stephen C. Patrick Janice M. Patrylak Mark J. Patrylak Elwood B. Patterson, Sr. David E. Payne Robert W. Payne, Jr. & Lisa W. Payne David E. Peace ’04 * Judy Ann Pearce * Pembroke Transport Scotty J. Pendergast & Debbie M. Pendergast William L. Perrill & Lavada Perrill Paul A. Phillips ’96 ** Piggy Went-a-Smokin F. Scott Pippin & Kathy A. Pippin ** J. Freddy Poff & Regina D. Poff ’00 Kenzie M. Poindexter Charles Lendon Pollard Patti A. Porter Dorothy J. Powers L. Jeanne Powers ’80 *** Brett E. Price ’07 & Emily Price Prime Sirloin Family Steakhouse Nanci Pristou Donald K. Purdie Quantum Health Care William Rajca & Wanda Rajca Cynthia E. Rallis Jaime E. Ramos & Joyce T. Ramos Augustus M. Raney & Pat Flanary Raney * Larry W. Rasnake ’71 & Patricia F. Rasnake ** Eugene Ratliff Thomas M. Reed & Deata T. Reed ’73 * Richard A. Reeves & Jessica Renee Reeves ’01 * Stewart C. Reynolds ’04 * Rhonda’s Hallmark Steve E. Rice & Carrie D. Rice Nicholas W. Richards ’06

Ronald K. Richardson & Willie J. Richardson William A. Richardson ’76 & Sandra C. Richardson ’76 Charles R. Riedhammer & Erin R. Riedhammer Danny E. Rife II ’05 * Catherine C. Rigg Alma J. Ring Kyle A. Roach & Jennifer T. Roach Joanna M. Roberson Don W. Robertson & D. Joan Robertson Jeanne Robertson Dale Robinson & Irene Robinson * Kelly A. Robinson Michael B. Robinson ’03 & Tamara S. Robinson ’93 Kaitlyn G. Rochelle Amy C. Rolen ’60 **** Roma’s Pizzeria * Kristina A. Romualdo ’14 Antony D. Roop ’97 & Amy D. Roop *** Justin M. Rose & Leah N. Rose ’10 Kenneth Rose & Joe Ann Rose ’63 ** Christopher M. Ross ’93 & Jennifer L. Davies-Ross * Michael W. Rowland ’80 & Tina D. Rowland *** Russell County Medical Center Angela G. Ryan ’93 * Ashley L. Ryan ’11 R. S. Sabin & Martha W. Sabin Frederick K. Saffouri ’97 & Denise Lynn Saffouri ’97 * Chad Salyer & Breanne Dotson Salyer ’05 ** Gary W. Salyer ’75 & Sonia F. Salyer ’90 ** Jonathon W. Salyer ’08 & Britney L. Salyer ’09 * Marlene F. Salyer ’95 * Phil Salyer & Tammy Salyer David R. Samuels Veronica M. Sanchez John P. Sanders ’64 Megan R. Sanders ’09 Taylor L. Sandidge Joel Sanford & Jennifer M. Sizemore-Sanford ’90 * Joshua B. Scarbrough ’02 & Sarah H. Scarbrough ’05 Mitch Schlesinger & Beth Schlesinger James G. Schneider & Angela B. Schneider Dorothy H. Schofield

R. Matt Schwarz & Janice M. Schwarz ’86 *** Billie Jean Scott * Don Scott & Peggy W. Scott ’83 **** Shannon C. Scott ’71 & Shari Scott ** Don W. Sexton, Sr. & Shirley Sexton Sexton’s Flowers Garrett W. Sheldon & Elaine E. Sheldon Cliff Shell & Karen Jordan Shell ’89 David William Shelton ’93 & Ami M. Shelton ** Edward Shepherd ’64 & Karin Shepherd Robert R. Shepperson & Filomena Essig Shepperson Richard W. Shiflett Kevin D. Shinn & Teah Webb Shinn ’91 ** John D. Shockey ’61 & Judy Y. Shockey ’61 Barbara M. Short * John Short & Shelia C. Short ’97 Iris M. Shorts Larry Amos Shortt ’70 & Katherine B. Shortt ’75 ** S. Kay Shortt ’66 ** Donald W. Shrum & Linda N. Shrum James D. Shuler ’73 & E. Karen Osborne Shuler ’75 William Clark Siler & Carol Chamberlin Siler ’89 * Rick Sizemore & Melissa S. Sizemore Vicky Sizemore Michael B. Slade & Lee Ann Slade Andrew C. Slemp ’08 & Cara Nicole Cooper Slemp ’10 Kathy Sloce Jimmy Smallwood & Roberta Pope Smallwood Smith Home Improvement Albert D. Smith ’02 * Kyle Smith & Carrie A. Smith ’98 * Joseph Smith Kelsey L. Smith Larry L. Smith & Sandra F. Smith ’92 Pearl M. Smith ** Randy Smith & Connie Smith Robert S. Smith & Victoria L. Smith Thomas A. Smith & Kathy K. Smith ’06 Douglas A. Snead &

Theresa C. Snead Sonic Drive-In Donnie Sorah & Kelly R. Sorah Jonathan M. Springer & Lenora M. Springer Steven R. Sproles ’00 & Cassandra J. Sproles ’00 * Curtis A. Stacy ’74 & Betty H. Stacy ’73 ** Jay Patrick Stanley ’96 & Aleasha Stanley ** Trudy W. Stanley ’67 ** Karin Ficus Stapleton ’79 * Dave Steanes Erik Steele & Maggie Y. Steele ’06 * Don Stephens, Jr. & Jonelle Stephens ’85 ** Wilson N. Stone Sean Strait & Danielle M. Strait ’04 ** Gennett Strength ’64 Betty F. Strider Mark E. Sturgill ’90 & Kimberly H. Sturgill ’89 ** Moe Sturgill Jerry W. Summers & Joyce D. Summers Rose Sutherland Ron Swindall & Vickie L. Swindall ’76 Jonathan D. Sykes ’97 & Heather M. Sykes ’97 T Anderson Enterprises Tan Land James C. Tanner & Yolanda D. Tanner James M. Tester & Joann Tester The Hanger Grill The Stone Cottage Ronald G. Thomason & Elizabeth N. Thomason ’89 ** Andy Thornton & Judy R. Thornton John W. Thurston Isaac Tobin & Brandy S. Tobin ’05 Jeffrey F. Topping & Susan M. Topping Town of Wise ** Tracy’s Salon Morgan A. Trent ’13 TruPoint Bank Timothy L. Tuggle, Jr. & Tara L. Tuggle Ronny V. Turner & Gloria V. Turner ’71 *** Marlene Tweedy Yasmine M. Tweedy Two Sisters Catering Ugly Mug

Lisa Peters Valdez ’89 * Marina Vandervort ’12 Andrew K. Vanover ’13 Eric T. Vanover ’08 * Jimmy Vanover, Jr. & Donna Vanover Gary Varner & Geneva C. Varner ’77 ** Amy L. Varson ’79 ** Joshua E. Vaughan ’10 Margaret E. Vaughn Richard L. Vaughn & Susan A. Vaughn Justin B. Venable ’09 Greg Vicars Ethan C. Viers ’13 Zay P. Viers ’63 Walter D. Vliet & Molly Day Vliet ’57 * Alexis J. Waddell Juanita B. Wade ’72 * Walker Funeral Home, LLC Brie-Anna N. Walker ’14 Hannah S. Walker ’96 * Mary Vicars Walker Suzanne Walker Geri L. Wallace ’78 ** Daniel L. Wallen ’66 **** Jariel M. Walton ’10 Michael K. Wampler ’97 & Wendy Clark Wampler ** Walter Ware & Andy Ware Daniel M. Washburn & Ann Mullins Washburn Ronald T. Wassel & Karen A. Wassel Charles Watkins & Paula Watkins Timothy J. Watkins & Karen D. Watkins ’95 * Wayne F. Watts ’70 & Frances Watts * Benjamin L. Weaver & Laurie A. Weaver R. W. Weaver & B. M. Weaver Jerry Webb & Florence Ann Webb William Bruce Webb & Joyce K. Webb Diane L. Weber Charles G. Wells & Audrey Wells Corine P. Wells T. Lynn Wells ’57 * C. Rex Whaley & Marcia Whaley Jessica L. Whaley Roy C. Whaley, Jr. & Mary A. Whaley Michael W. Wheatley & Jessica D. Wheatley Roland M. Wheeler & Sarah A. Wheeler * Edwin R. White & Tracey P. White ’84 **

Jonathan C. White G. Roger Whited ’90 Darran D. Whitlock & Michelle R. Whitlock Robert L. Whorley & Deborah B. Whorley ’83 Trenton Wilhelmi & Whitney A. Wilhelmi ’07 * Amy S. Williams Charles F. Williams, Jr. & Phyllis D. Williams Donald Williams ’13 Joe Williams * Peggy A. Williams ’77 *** Robert L. Williams Shirley J. Williams ** Sidney L. Williams & Darlene R. Williams Anna R. Willis Kelly G. Willis ’92 & Diane E. Willis ** Cody Wilson ’10 * Danny Wilson ** Justin W. Wilson ’13 & Stephanie Lynn Wilson ’11 Michael Wilson & Lindsay Rutherford Wilson ’04 Raymond L. Wilson & Amy L. Wilson Sarah E. Wiltshire ’14 Wise Book Club Wise Furniture and Appliance Witold P. Wolny James E. Wood & Leithia S. Wood Kim C. Wood Robin L. Woodard Jesse Woolum Steven P. Woolum & Rebecca J. Woolum James Worley & Jewell B. Worley ’76 Buford H. Wright ’67 & Carolyn S. Wright * Matthew W. Wright ’08 Steve Wright & Tammy Wright Jaime Yates Gerald E. Young & Phyllis E. Young Roselyn Faye Todd Yourish Allyssa P. Zebrowski ’14 Tom Ziemba & Toni Ziemba Jonas Zilevicius & Nida Zilevicius Olivia Zonga GIFTS BY CLASS YEAR CLASS OF 1954 Joseph C. Smiddy***** CLASS OF 1956 Carter Collins***

James I. Compton Charlotte C. Dison** Ronald H. Fuller* Carol Sue Gilbert***** Gerry Mayorshi**** Ronald B. Sturgill**** William J. Sturgill***** Roy L. Wells, Jr.***** CLASS OF 1957 Betty M. Bolling**** F. Venus Clark** Bobby H. Colyer, Sr.***** George E. Culbertson***** Dalton P. Graham Robert A. Leonard**** Molly Day Vliet* T. Lynn Wells* CLASS OF 1958 Jack R. Arnold** Charles W. Bennett**** Morgan E. Bolling**** Patricia S. Dale**** Sylvia Parsons Gillespie*** Donald L. Hall* Zelma Mullins Pattillo*** Don R. Pippin***** Donna Inez Ison Raines* Lou Castle Satterfield* Carl R. Snodgrass** Sandra E. Williams** CLASS OF 1959 Robert Ronald Collins**** William F. Maxwell**** Denvil Mullins* CLASS OF 1960 Miriam Morris Fuller Amy C. Rolen**** James P. Senter*** CLASS OF 1961 Donald E. Earls*** Roy Winston Ely***** James Allen Fischer**** Don M. Green***** Joan Roberson Hall**** Homer Wayne Jordan* Frank B. Mayorshi+ John Douglas Shockey Judy Y. Shockey CLASS OF 1962 John C. Blanton*** Judith A. Blanton*** Gary L. Bond**** H. Fred Colley F. Wayne Edwards***** Larry J. Hill***** Fall/Winter 2014 47

HONOR ROLL OF BENEFACTORS CLASS OF 1963 Wendell Barnette*** John D. Cassell** R. Jack Cress* Carolyn B. Gilliam** Andrew K. Gurney** Joseph S. Matney**** Joe Ann Rose** Mary Ann Rose***** Thurston Rose***** Karen A. Steinman** Zay P. Viers CLASS OF 1964 Terry E. Bates** Kathleen Ford Louella Short Greear*** Charles D. Hunt* Lewey K. Lee***** John P. Sanders Edward Shepherd Gennett Strength Bob G. Viers Roger C. Viers***** CLASS OF 1965 Gary L. Barker**** Judith G. Farley* Sarah P. Gibson* Larry G. Hobbs* Habern Wallen** Sam M. Wharton**** CLASS OF 1966 Mary Beth Bingman* Kenneth D. Dotson** C. Michael Puckett* S. Kay Shortt** F. Harold Stallard** Brenda Swindall*** Daniel L. Wallen**** Betty Orr White* CLASS OF 1967 Donna Roberts Addington Larry O. Baker**** Judy H. Dotson* George P. Gibson** Gloria Hayes Jordan James S. Kennedy Betty L. Kilgore*** Nolan L. Kilgore*** Gregory South* Trudy W. Stanley** Carolyn S. Strouth** David L. Williams**** Buford H. Wright* CLASS OF 1968 Brack E. Slate* CLASS OF 1969 Edwin M. Phillips** 48 UVa-Wise Magazine

CLASS OF 1970 Fred W. Banner** Carol O. Bellamy* Charles David Bentley** Betty M. Bolling**** Jim Wayne Childress*** Charlotte W. Estep** Ronald C. Flanary**** Fay Bond Gillespie+ Richard A. Hall*** Frances F. Howard**** Brenda B. Lee**** Gary B. Leonard Alan Rhea McMurray* Larry J. McReynolds***** Danny G. Mullins**** N. Carroll Mullins***** Patti Roberts*** Ruby S. Salyers* Larry Amos Shortt** Roncie Silcox** Ann H. Wallen** Wayne F. Watts* Roger D. Whitaker*** Wally Witt**** CLASS OF 1971 Patsy L. Anderson**** John D. Baker**** Lavonne Baker** Nancy B. Bolling Ron W. Dickenson*** Linda Q. Dishner***** Linda Hill Gallagher** Hal Douglas Gardner** Donna Gail Hale* Michael H. Hughes**** Paul R. Ison** Frederick A. Luntsford, Jr.**** Richard D. Meade*** Brenda K. Mosberg**** Freddie E. Mullins*** Janet M. Mullins* Frances K. Phillips** Rita J. Porter** B. Robert Raines** Larry W. Rasnake** Cathy L. Sandidge***** Shannon C. Scott** Mel R. Shelton** Ronald T. Short Katherine B. Stallard** Jentlea Emmer Stewart*** Edward G. Stout***** Gloria V. Turner*** Chantale Whittaker*** Mildred Kirby Yates*** CLASS OF 1972 Robert E. Botts* Treva T. Buchanan Sheila B. Cox Combs***** James L. Daugherty** James M. Gott****

George E. Hunnicutt, Jr.*** Danny B. Jessee** Dennis F. Kern** Doris B. Mahan** Michael B. Mason** Ron D. McCall**** Frank D. Molinary** Priscilla T. Murphy*** Paul L. Phipps**** Alan L. Plisko** Tommy Skeens*** Linda D. Stout*** Robbie Dane Sturgill*** Juanita B. Wade* Joseph E. Wolfe**** CLASS OF 1973 Bonnie M. Aker**** C. Mike Asbury* Gloria Jewell Askins** Tommy N. Chester***** Deborah Hill Collins* Rebecca L. Couch Susan Leigh Cox*** Kenny Gilley* Patricia A. Gilliam** Patricia S. Graham Gary L. Hartsock** Pamela D. Hess*** A. Darrell Holbrook**** Mary J. Isaac**** N. Brent Kennedy*** Rhonda M. Perkins***** Gloria R. Pippin**** Deata T. Reed** Michael L. Renfro* James Dennis Shuler Betty H. Stacy** Georgia B. Starry †**** Frances M. Wall***** Martha W. Wells** CLASS OF 1974 Brenda Dolinger Baker Rita Jo Banner Donna Marie Lawson Bates** James E. Bolling Wanda B. Caudill Susan N. Chase Randy V. Compton*** Frieda Marie Davison William R. Deel** Daryl Roger Delp* Judy G. Dickenson** Richard B. Gilliam, Sr.*** Tony Lawson** Karen S. Mullins*** Jeni L. Neely*** Thomas L. Nelson** Ruby W. Rogers**** Charlene Shortt** Curtis A. Stacy** Toni Gilliam Stokes*** William N. Stokes, Jr.***

Jeffery Allan Sturgill** Jerry Wayne White**** Elizabeth S. Wills***** CLASS OF 1975 Shirley F. Cooper** James S. Cox**** Steve D. Curran***** Helen P. Dotson* Debbie Garrett*** Judy G. Harding* Phyllis P. Hatcher**** Joyce Trent Hilbert Janet M. Jensen* Michael T. Mullins** Eva C. Phelps** Jack C. Phelps, Jr.*** Cecelia Dotson Pippin*** Gary W. Salyer** Katherine B. Shortt** E. Karen Osborne Shuler CLASS OF 1976 K. Wayne Bott Douglas C. Dotson* Jerry B. Hayes Ann Settle Hendrickson Clint Lawson, Jr.*** Donald E. Lawson Elizabeth Ann Minor* Jewell B. Morgan** Timothy D. Morgan** William G. Olinger Everette B. Orr**** Sandra C. Richardson William A. Richardson Edwin R. Roop***** Vicki B. Shiner* Eddie Skeens* Robert F. Stallard**** Vickie L. Swindall R. L. Wallen* Brenda H. Ward* Charles R. Ward** Edwin D. Watson***** Jewell B. Worley CLASS OF 1977 Judy P. Abbott**** James W. Bryant** Nancy B. Culbertson***** Greta D. Davis* Richard W. Edwards* Glenna B. Hensdill**** Frances L. Holbrook*** Joy P. Holbrook*** Bob Howard**** Alice Hughes* Sue C. Kennedy** R. Bruce Lowe Teresa Stepp Mason** Robin Diane Robinson Olinger Kathy Thacker Stewart**** Geneva C. Varner**

Peggy A. Williams*** CLASS OF 1978 Darlene Phipps Ahrens*** Greg Andranovich*** Judy D. Baker** Anne Barker*** R. Jeffrey Cantrell*** Debra W. Etter** Gene H. Garrett**** Leton L. Harding, Jr.* Drew Johnson*** J. Jack Kennedy, Jr.*** Michael R. Lambert** Steve Lawson**** Shahid Malik** Danny C. Rose*** Carolyn W. Sewell**** Ben F. Spradlin Randy D. Stanley** Geri L. Wallace** Debra A. Wharton**** CLASS OF 1979 Dana K. Angell* Linda Carol Bailey* Gwyneth M. Bott Jeanne V. Callaway*** Pamela Minor Collins* Dennis P. Fritz*** Gloria J. Jackson* Pamela S. Johnson*** Gena J. Prince Edward A. Riner*** Robert H. Sage***** Debra A. Sarvela**** Judy D. Shortt** Karin Ficus Stapleton* Amy L. Varson** CLASS OF 1980 Suzanne Adams-Ramsey** Clifford A. Edwards** Fran G. Hunt** Sara Marie Lanningham* Cathy A. Maggard** Randy McMahon**** Constance W. Molinary** Randy Moore*** Randall J. Porter** L. Jeanne Powers*** Michael W. Rowland*** Roger W. Rutherford** Nancy H. Salyer** Jeannie N. Stallard**** Michael Strouth**** CLASS OF 1981 Mike L. Allen***** Purcell L. Barrett George M. Barton* Lisa Barton* K. Sue Bentley** Carmen M. Cantrell***

Mark P. Cronin Lloyd H. Davis III Betty Jo Dotson* Robin D. Dotson** Ann N. Horton** Martha Hankins Hunt** Tim Jones*** Gregory L. Kress* Rosanne C. Letson** Debra L. Minahan Imelda Moore*** Gina A. Porter Lyndon R. Powers*** Timothy Lindsay Steele Mark White CLASS OF 1982 Michael H. Abbott***** Laura E. Barton** Steven K. Cooney** Scott V. Cooper** Jody Lee Evans** Madeline K. Flannery Dawn Gilbert**** Marcia E. Adams Gilliam**** Joseph F. Hunnicutt** Mary Crawford Katz** Steven B. Powers* Joe D. Rasnick**** Mary C. Robinson***** Kimberly J. Still*** Carolyn S. Winters* CLASS OF 1983 Nancy K. Belcher** Geneva M. Bolling Valeri J. Colyer**** Norma Crowder Karen D. Dotson** Fran M. Doyle* Terry W. Edwards** Jennifer G. Hickman* Terry G. Kilgore*** Walter D. Littrell Kathy H. McGarril*** Jennifer L. Mooney Stephen D. Mooney Donnie R. Mullins*** Nola L. Mullins* Barbara R. Phipps*** Peggy W. Scott**** Thomas E. Smith* Deborah B. Whorley CLASS OF 1984 Karen Y. Burke*** Deidre Anne Church*** Roderick Alan Colyer***** Pam K. Conley*** Kimberly A. Gibson** Martha Carol Hubbard** Laurie Ann Lakatosh** Marianne Mersereau*** John M. Reinhardt

Danny R. Rowland**** Jo Stewart**** Kathy L. Still* Michael L. Still* Tracey P. White** Vernon Mandel Williams*** Dinah J. Wright**** CLASS OF 1985 J. Marty Adkins*** Albert Lee Clark**** Julie C. Cooper** Dirk P. Davis*** Suzan H. Ketron**** Benjamin R. Mays Kenna L. Mullins* Norma A. Siemen***** Jonelle Stephens** Debbie Lynn Sydow Anthony Ray VanNostrand*** CLASS OF 1986 Sandra D. Ashley*** Anne Marie Baker Chuck Banner* Fred A. Bays***** John H. Brickey III**** Julie D. Cartagena* Billie Jean Cole* John A. Crockett** Clinton Fletcher Dean** Jeffery L. Elkins** Brenda K. Elswick*** Sherry Gilliam Kester M. Kennedy, Jr.** Thomas E. Neff* Jeff Perry Janice M. Schwarz*** Harry M. Sydow Yvonne G. Wampler* CLASS OF 1987 Paula A. Banner Michelle P. Clark**** Timothy N. Dean Ronald V. Hale* Betty J. Jones** Valerie S. Lawson**** Ellen Baldwin Lockhart** Sarah Love McReynolds** Debbie Milton Russell D. Necessary**** Paulette B. Phillips*** Eric Valdez CLASS OF 1988 Todd Breeding* Shelia L. Combs Diane Cornett** Jace S. Cuje**** Sharon S. Daniels**** Edsel B. Fraley*** Mary Beth Masters Kyla Bohon Miller****

Narda B. Porter Fred L. Ramey, Jr.**** J. Lynn Ramey**** CLASS OF 1989 John Wallace Barton P. Scott Bevins** Lois D. Boggs* George S. Burgan** Gina L. Chisenhall** Tina M. Colley** Richard A. Davidson Mary Elizabeth Gibson** Mary Lee Hagy Sibyll M. Jones* Courtney L. Kilgore***** Gina C. Lucas* Jeffrey Dodge Lucas* Rick D. Meade**** Jane Meade-Dean** E. Mark Mullins Karen Jordan Shell Carol Chamberlin Siler* Lane A. Smith III**** Bradley P. Sowden Kimberly H. Sturgill** Elizabeth Nesbitt Thomason** Lisa Peters Valdez* CLASS OF 1990 Dennis Ray Blevins* Robert A. Blevins** Patrick S. Bolling Carolyn M. Bowen Rickey J. Colley** Scotty L. Cox* Tamara S. Ely**** Robert L. Farmer Teena M. Fast** Rhonda K. Goins**** Ann Hall* Travis Kennedy, Jr.** Donald W. Lee*** Teresa G. Lee** M. Steven McKenzie* Emory Allen Mullins** Orana S. Neece** Sonia F. Salyer** Jennifer M. Sizemore-Sanford* Mark E. Sturgill*** Charlie R. Turner Russell Wampler**** G. Roger Whited Damon L. Williams**** CLASS OF 1991 Mark G. Bentley Becky Bevins** Cindy L. Blevins** Shannon R. Blevins* James A. Chapman** Barry A. Evans** Garland A. Hall** Fall/Winter 2014 49

HONOR ROLL OF BENEFACTORS Gary A. Harvey*** Jewele H. Haynes* Robert E. Herron* Rebecca Horne*** William C. Horne*** Rebecca A. Massie Rick L. Mullins*** Laura D. Pritchard** Rachel A. Puckett* Teah Webb Shinn** Tracy L. Stapleton** Claire S. Stinson* Debra D. Watson*** CLASS OF 1992 Stephanie R. Adams*** Marybeth M. Adkins*** Morris Lane Akers** Sally S. Baird***** Brian K. Blanton**** Carol B. Caruso* Kimberly T. Davis*** Marla Evans** Renea Lorraine Gaucher* Patricia H. Guill*** Thomas Arnold Kennedy***** Christina Mullen Molinary* Amy Leigh Mullins Cynthia Johnson Newlon*** Stephanie P. Shell* Sandra F. Smith Stewart Randall Spradlin* Wendy Kay Stapleton** Rebecca Jane Strouth Charles Anthony Vestal* Wendy Clark Wampler Marion Marshea Wiles* Kelly G. Willis** CLASS OF 1993 David J. Adkins Daphne Dawn Blanton*** Jessica Thompson Broskie* Pamela J. Collie*** Gregory A. Dodson Claude Edward Elkins, Jr.** Elsa Farmer Johnson** Suzanne Renee Moore* Kevin W. Mullins**** P. Heith Reynolds* Tamara S. Robinson Christopher Matthew Ross* Angela Gale Ryan* David William Shelton** James David R. Wall** Bill D. Wendle** CLASS OF 1994 James W. Adams**** Pat R. Bevins** Charles S. Bowles Sean A. Brown* David S. Burgess** 50 UVa-Wise Magazine

Stephanie G. Dean Ed Franks* Shannon Christine Franks* Bobbie Jo Hodges-Lamb** Judith E. Johnson*** Christopher L. Kommes** James R. Lawson* Duane A. Miller*** Kevin M. Williams*** CLASS OF 1995 Cheryl E. Appel** Christopher M. Basham* George R. Becerra* Loretha Boggs* Janice E. Bolling** Bradley Steven Broskie* Taylor Raymond Burgess* Judge Joseph R. Carico*** Jefferson W. Davis* Patricia C. Deel* Colleen A. French* Rebecca Greear Huffman Gregory W. Johnson Matthew H. Puckett* Thomas B. Puckett Marlene F. Salyer* Karen D. Watkins* CLASS OF 1996 Wendi L. Collier* Gary W. Counts Kathy B. Johnson Gequetta Bright Laney Linda P. Lipps** Freddie E. Mullins* Judy Christian Needham*** Michael S. Owens* Paul A. Phillips** Elizabeth Nicole Shupe Jeffery A. Shupe Jay Patrick Stanley** Hannah S. Walker* Natalie J. Wells* Christy D. Wolfe* CLASS OF 1997 Daniel D. Armstrong** Danny Baker James W. Bellamy, Jr.** Katherine Gardner Kent M. Grant* Tonya L. Grant* Charles W. Hartgrove*** Aaron C. Hicks** Sandra L. Jones** Phillip C. Justice, Jr.* Brian D. McKnight* Gregory A. Mullins Jettie Greer Mullins** Marnie Rae Mullins* Bobby J. Ring* Antony D. Roop*** Denise Lynn Saffouri*

Frederick K. Saffouri* Shelia C. Short Rodney D. Stanley** Kimberley P. Sterling*** Heather M. Sykes Jonathan D. Sykes Michael K. Wampler** CLASS OF 1998 Kara G. Adkins** Camden E. Arthur** Brandon L. Bolling** William T. Gardner Joshua D. Hughes** Cindy Jessee Eileen M. Mayer Laura E. McClellan Michelle S. McPheron Roger Profitt Christopher W. Ratliff** Justin B. Runyon** Dawn M. Short** Carrie A. Smith* Christopher Todd Starnes* CLASS OF 1999 Juanita Thompson Cox Vincent Dale** Christopher D. Davis Jarrod D. Davis Nichole L. Davis Shana DelForge* Timothy Wayne Iddings** Kathy H. Ireson John Thomas McGuire** Misty D. McGuire** Pamela J. McKnight* Stephanie Gail Mullins Miss Maria D. Sikes Cynthia Elaine Somervell* Jacob P. Somervell* Elizabeth P. Werling** CLASS OF 2000 Bradford J. Bowen** Whitney Minor Bowen* Angela S. Clendenon Christy M. Dale* James D. Dinsmore Pauline E. Herron Tabitha Hibbitts** Dolly L. Hylton* C. Scott Kiser* Joseph B. Kiser** Kristy J. Kiser* Selena M. Kiser** Lydia B. Leap** Warren S. Leap III** Carla R. McCurdy Stephanie P. Michnowicz* Samuel J. Miles** Timothy P. Miles** Regina D. Poff Cassandra J. Sproles* Steven R. Sproles*

CLASS OF 2001 Stephen Grant Anderson Charles Malloy Baker Jestin Michael Beck* Ashley Reba Bevins Marshall Kent Bevins, Jr. Jennifer Hill Bolling Jonette Dixon Carpenter** Brett Matthew Fields* Sheryl J. Huff James D. Hughes Trisha A. Iddings** D. M. Wendy Martin** Lena F. McCall Jennifer L. Quillen* Jessica Renee Reeves* Bradley Dave Robinson** Laura Faye Robinson** Eric Nathanael Stallard James M. Wilson* Jessica A. Wilson* CLASS OF 2002 Gail Bryant** Brett S. Compton* Heather Dawn Davis Melissa Worley DeLeon** Gayle Sandefur Dutton* Eric Allen Gardner* Melinda Kay Hylton** Alihan Karakartal* Michael J. Lipps** Jeffrey A. Lutz* Jonathan K. Mason* Angela S. Minter* Suzanna B. Mullins Sonya Renee Ratliff** Joshua Bentley Scarbrough* Elizabeth Denise Shuler* Joshua Ryan Skeens** Albert Dewey Smith* Hana Zibdeh-Lough* CLASS OF 2003 David B. Amos** Christi M. Branson Elijah J. Christman* April L. Collins* Jessica B. Compton* Amy M. Cozzolino Tara Y. Dinsmore Tyler G. Giles** Sean E. McNalley Marcie W. Minter* Georgeanna Beth Morrison Michael B. Robinson CLASS OF 2004 Jimmy J. Adkins* Pearl L. Adkins* Jessica L. Barnett Garry L. Bogan, Jr.* Rachel W. Brown* Ricky Lee Brown*

Matthew A. Carter* Tanya F. Colbert Justin M. Collins Jenni L. Dingus* Jamie D. Hamm* Jessica L. McNalley Richard L. Minter* Lawton Mullins** David E. Peace* Stewart C. Reynolds* D. Rabern Simmons* Ella M. Smith* Justin Todd Smith K. Matthew Stanley* Danielle M. Strait** Lindsay Rutherford Wilson CLASS OF 2005 Timothy Scott Anderson* Michael D. Berry* Nicole R. Berry* G. Rosa Bott Jessica R. Cain* Elizabeth Dean* Breanne Dotson Gentry* Josh M. Hamm* Brian M. Harris* Lacie D. Holmes Kristi F. Longworth* Chris McCall Sarah B. Parsons Kendall Rainey* Danny E. Rife II** Sarah Huggins Scarbrough Matthew Slemp Adam D. Smith Tabitha Hackney Smith* Rhonda L. Sullivan-Musick* Brandy S. Tobin Charles J. Wills CLASS OF 2006 Rachel D. Burgess* Eric M. Dean* Chelsie M. Dubay Carla W. Glass* Matthew E. Harvey Chad Horvat Erik L. Lemley Nicholas W. Richards Contessa B. Robinette Kathy K. Smith Kimberly M. Stanley* Maggie Yost Steele* CLASS OF 2007 Alicia K. Anderson* Laura King Berry* L. J. Boothe Stephanie B. Hagy Brandon A. Honaker Joshua V. Justice* Luke R. Layne Justin L. Necessary*

K. Ryan Nutter* Brett E. Price Sara M. Roop* Brandon P. Tester Santana L. Vasquez Whitney A. Wilhelmi* CLASS OF 2008 Mark DeLeon** Jenna Powers Dingus Mo Haskins Elizabeth T. Honaker Kaylee J. Hutchinson* Nicole L. Krout Lindsay M. Lipps* Jonathon W. Salyer* Andrew C. Slemp Eric T. Vanover* Matthew W. Wright CLASS OF 2009 Norma J. Addison Brittney B. Boothe Beverly L. Caruso Reagan J. Cecil Julie S. Davis Steven C. Davis Miranda B. Ely Victoria Stinson Hawkins Jenna K. Johnson Jeffery A. Jones Amanda L. Lemley Chad Longworth* Brittany D. Marshall* Nick Marshall* Jessica D. Mullins Britney L. Salyer* Megan R. Sanders Cindi Smoot Sheena Strouth-Hlebinsky Justin B. Venable CLASS OF 2010 Sara K. Bentley Andrew Botts Marshell N. Bradley Travis L. Brannon* Vanessa Y. Cyphers Kelly H. Davidson Darrell Dingus-Ely Joshua C. Edney Matthew O. Faircloth Alicia C. Jones Alaina M. Noland Luke H. Parks Leah N. Rose Cara Nicole Cooper Slemp Joshua E. Vaughan Jariel M. Walton Jessica D. Weaver Cody Wilson*

CLASS OF 2011 Bryan M. Bentley Kasi E. Clifton Lindsey N. Dixon Allie R. Gibson Daniel L. Jones Joanna E. Lewis Luke Logan Francene Meade Chiz U. Ononiwu Catherine C. Rigg Ashley L. Ryan Sarah C. Smith Stephanie L. Wilson* CLASS OF 2012 Tim D. Bush Zachary Clifton Mark J. Collins Clifton S. Diaz Bridget V. Kargbo Mikaela R. Logan Shannes A. Marion Joe R. Necessary Jennifer L. Partin* Merry Lu Prior** Preston M. Smith Marina Vandervort Ashlee C. Washburn CLASS OF 2013 Vincent Anderson Cathleen Irene Bell Phillip L. Blevins, Jr. Autumn C. Chisenhall Jordan T. Fifer Curtis M. Gibson Hannah R. Powers Morgan A. Trent Andrew K. Vanover Debbie Vanover* Ethan C. Viers Donald Williams Justin W. Wilson CLASS OF 2014 Brandi E. Bailey Melissa N. Blackburn Zachary A. Canter Jordan S. Childress Barbara J. Childs-Barber Brianna C. Dickerson Brett Hall Rachel E. Hawks Andrianah J. Kilgore Nate Large Keith E. Linville Brad L. Morris Kristina A. Romualdo Heather M. Stallard Christina L. Turnbill* Brie-Anna N. Walker Sarah E. Wiltshire Allyssa P. Zebrowski

Honor special people in your life while supporting UVa-Wise Are you looking for a unique way to honor someone or to remember a friend or family member who has passed away? If so, a tribute gift will allow you to honor a special person while helping UVa-Wise improve the educational experiences of our students. Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to celebrate a birthday, wedding, anniversary, graduation or any special occasion. They also serve as a thoughtful expression of sympathy by honoring the memory of a friend or relative. Tributes or memorial gifts can honor someone you want to remember in a meaningful way, such as an alum, a favorite professor, a mentor, a colleague, a family member or a friend who has made an impact in your life. Tribute gifts are made through the UVa-Wise Foundation with the donor receiving an acknowledgment and gift credit. Those being honored receive a letter notifying them of the gift. For memorial gifts, the nearest family member or members are notified of the thoughtful gift. The gift amount remains anonymous. In honor of or in memory of gifts may be made by sending a check to: UVa-Wise Foundation, 1 College Avenue, Wise, VA 24293 For more information, please contact Valerie Lawson, Senior Director of Development, 276.376.4523, Can’t find your name? It could be because... ..we made a mistake. Every effort goes into ensuring the accuracy of this report. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our apologies and notify us to ensure our records are corrected. asked that your gift be anonymous. Checking this box on the pledge card indicated to us that you do not want your name to appear in this report. made your gifts after our fiscal year ended. Annual giving closes on June 30. Gifts made after that date are recognized in the next year’s Honor Roll. Please call the Office of Development at 276-328-0129 if you have any concerns about your listing.

Fall/Winter 2014 51



Dec. 2 – Crockett Hall lighting, 6 p.m. Dec. 5 – December graduation, 1 p.m., David J. Prior Convocation Center Dec. 8 – “A Tapestry of Carols,” 7 p.m., David J. Prior Convocation Center Dec. 8-12 – 3rd annual Art Bazaar, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Gilliam Center for the Arts


Feb 28 – Basketball Homecoming, 2-4 p.m., David J. Prior Convocation Center March 28 – Eastern Kentucky Alumni Club gathering April 11-12 – Washington D.C. travel April 17 – 20th annual Community Spring Swing Golf Tournament April 25 – Hampton Roads Alumni Club gathering May 9 – Commencement, 11 a.m. May 16 – 29th annual Cavalier Alumni $elebration Dec. 14-18 – Cruise to the Bahamas 52 UVa-Wise Magazine


Travel opportunities

Washington, D.C., Cherry Blossom Festival and Baltimore Game - April 2015 April 11-12


Photo by Ron Engle

Photo by Buddy Secor

Includes: • Hotel (double occupancy) • Bus travel • Admission to Baltimore Orioles game • Cherry Blossom Festival • U.S. Capitol building tour • Memorials For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 276-328-0128. RSVP by March 2.

Bahamas Cruise - December 2015 Dec. 14 – Dec. 18 (4 nights) Itinerary: Departing Port Canaveral, Dec. 14 Nassau, Bahamas Coco Cay, Bahamas Returning to Port Canaveral, Dec. 18

$375.37 for cruise only $475.37 for bus & cruise

Each cabin includes: • $75 on-board spending credit • A complimentary dinner for two in a specialty restaurant • A coupon booklet ($400 value) • Free EFFY jewelry set • A surprise gift from Cruise Planners $200 deposit per cabin Travel on the bus from UVa-Wise is $100. (Bus will depart Dec. 13 at 8 p.m. from Greear Gym at UVa-Wise.) Contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 276-328-0128 or register at The pricing & promotions listed on this advertisement are being included by the travel agency and are not the responsibility of Royal Caribbean International or its parent company or affiliates. Contact your travel agency for more information. All itineraries are subject to change without notice. ©2014 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Ships’ registry: The Bahamas.

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