UVa-Wise Magazine, Fall 2012

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Balanced Assets

On behalf of the

Magazine staff

Dear Alumni and Friends: The University of Virginia’s College at Wise has long been known for its stringent and successful science programs, but the College also is making great strides when it comes to research. The research is not confined to scientific purposes. Students, working closely with professors, are engaged in research as varied as literature and ecology. Thanks to the generous support of foundations and individuals who fund scholarships or offer other support, some students are traveling internationally to conduct research in the fields of health care and the environment. Others are working close to campus on a partnership between the College, Dominion and the City of Norton to catalog wildlife habitats along a portion of the Guest River. The Fall 2012 issue of the UVa-Wise Magazine features examples of that research and how the hundreds of hours that students and faculty pour into projects touch lives and make a difference locally and in developing parts of the globe. Readers will also learn more about the Council of Undergraduate Research and the College’s growing role in that particular area. UVa-Wise is a proud member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges, and our campus played host last summer to COPLAC leaders from around the nation. Readers will learn more about COPLAC and why UVa-Wise benefits from membership in this unique organization. The cover story highlights the College’s accounting program for its quiet and solid success in graduating students who are in high demand in both the private and public sectors. Accounting professors Dana Kilgore and Teena Fast ’90 take real world experiences into the classroom to prepare their students for the precise world of accounting. Their former students are often heavily recruited, and they are having an impact in their communities. The success of UVa-Wise and its students depends on both the generous donations of our benefactors and the quality of time that our many volunteers and patrons give to our College. Whether it is research, academics, athletics or the entire educational experience, UVa-Wise remains unique and effective because our alumni and friends take the time to give back to our campus, and we thank you for your support. Sincerely,

Kathy Still ’84 Magazine Editor

Pam Collie ’93 Alumni Director



Undergraduate research: A growing part of the academic experience The UVa-Wise Magazine is produced by College Relations and Alumni Relations for alumni and friends of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise. EDITOR Kathy Still ’84 ALUMNI EDITORS Pam Collie ’93 Cindi L. Smoot ’09


Tim Cox: The man behind the camera


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Susan Mullins Katie Scott

Partners for research and recreation

PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY Tim Cox, Tim Cox Photo/Graphics


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Darrell Ely ’09 Teai Booher ’13

Balanced assets

OTHER CONTRIBUTORS Gina Chisenhall ’89 MAGAZINE DESIGN Lanna Monday Lumpkins

Tell us what you think about The UVa-Wise Magazine. Email your comments, story ideas and alumni submissions to magazine@uvawise.edu or contact us by mail at The UVa-Wise Magazine, 1 College Avenue, Wise, VA 24293 or by phone at 276-376-1027.


Welcome to Europe


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Headlines Athletics ClassNotes Honor Roll


Winston Ely

Health and Wellness Center

Officials and friends joined The University of Virginia’s College at Wise to break ground on a longanticipated project that solidifies the College’s commitment to supporting and encouraging health and wellness on campus and in Southwest Virginia. The $8.3 million project, made possible by a generous gift from the Richard and Leslie Gilliam Foundation, will include a new 11,000 square foot addition to the C. Bascom Slemp Student Center’s existing fitness center and the renovation of 5,833 square feet of the Fred B. Greear Gymnasium. The center will house a new exercise area, a multipurpose room for yoga, dance and other activities, two conference rooms for individual and group health advising and instruction and locker rooms. The center is slated for completion in December 2013. The facility also will support the efforts of the Healthy Appalachia Institute, a partnership between the College and the University of Virginia to promote wellness in the region.

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“Major projects like this come to fruition only with the concerted, combined efforts of visionaries and doers,” said Marcia Gilliam, a 1982 graduate of UVa-Wise and chair of the College Board. “Richard and Leslie Gilliam are doers. For many years they have made good things happen at UVaWise and in Southwest Virginia.” Leslie Gilliam said one of the primary reasons the family supports UVa-Wise is the wealth of opportunities it offeres the region and its residents. “UVa-Wise has been tremendously important to the Gilliam family,” she said. “We have not forgotten where we came from. We’re so excited about the future of UVa-Wise.” While visiting colleges with their children, the Gilliams noticed that most schools had fitness and wellness centers as a major component of campus life. Establishing the center at UVa-Wise could attract and retain students while also making a positive impact on the region’s health, she said. Supporting the work of the Healthy Appalachia Institute and its focus on the health of the region could have a lasting impact on the health of the region, she said.

Richard and Leslie Gilliam recommended the facility be named to honor Winston Ely ’61, a long-time employee of the College. The UVa-Wise College Board approved the request and dubbed the facility the Winston Ely Health and Wellness Center. “We’ve noticed through the years how much Winston Ely cares about the students,” she said. “Winston, we are pleased to honor you for your service and dedication.” Several officials from the University of Virginia also attended the groundbreaking. Leonard Sandridge, special assistant to University President Teresa Sullivan, read a letter from Sullivan offering congratulations on the groundbreaking and thanking the Gilliams for their generosity. Hunter Craig, a member of the University of Virginia’s Board of Visitors, said the Gilliams have been instrumental in the growth and success of UVa-Wise and its mission in Southwest Virginia, and have challenged the College to even greater heights of service and excellence.

David C. Gordon, co-director of the Healthy Appalachia Institute, said UVa-Wise is taking bold action to promote health and wellness on campus and in the community. “The climb to wellness begins at UVaWise,” he said. ABOUT THE GILLIAMS Richard Gilliam, a native of Wise, is a 1974 graduate of UVa-Wise, then known as Clinch Valley College. He was founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cumberland Resources, a top coal company that was purchased by Massey Energy in 2010. Leslie Gilliam is from Jonesville and is a 1982 graduate of James Madison University. She serves on the James Madison University Board of Visitors. The Gilliams are active in many business and charitable interests and are deeply supportive of Southwest Virginia and its residents. They live in Charlottesville and have three children, Baxter, Julia and Anna. ABOUT WINSTON ELY Winston Ely, a 1961 graduate of the College, started work at Clinch Valley College in 1974. He has been director of cooperative education, placement services, and adult studies and continuing education.

He retired in 1990, but has worked in the UVa-Wise Office of Development, first as director of development and as senior campaign advisor reporting to the chancellor. He has served and continues to serve on many boards, civic and church organizations.

Above, far left: the groundbreaking; above: Winston Ely ’61 with Leslie and Richard Gilliam ’74; directly above: Bill Lee,Winston Ely and Carroll Dale

Fall 2012 3

UVa-Wise ranks first for least student debt The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is the top public national liberal arts colleges whose students graduate with a low debt load, according to the latest issue of U.S. News and World Report’s annual college guide. The UVa-Wise Class of 2011 completed their degrees with less debt than students at any of the nation’s other public liberal arts colleges and third among the nation’s liberal arts colleges when private colleges are included. UVa-Wise has consistently ranked among the top in this category, according to the annual college guide. Half of the UVa-Wise Class of 2011 graduated without debt. The average amount of debt for UVa-Wise graduates who used student loans is $10,180. “With the third lowest debt among all national liberal arts colleges and the lowest debt among public national liberal arts colleges, graduates from UVa-Wise have the ability to provide for themselves and the community upon graduation instead of providing for their student loan,” said Sim Ewing, vice chancellor for finance and administration. “The efforts of the College to control costs while providing an aggressive student aid package is clearly demonstrated in the average student debt decreasing by 31.2 percent in 2011 over 2010.” Rusty Necessary ’87, vice chancellor for enrollment management, said the ranking shows a deep commitment by scholarship donors and others at UVa-Wise.

“At UVa-Wise, we are always concerned about affordability,” Necessary said. “Our financial aid team works diligently to help students cover their college expenses, looking only to borrow when all grant, scholarship and work opportunities are exhausted. Having access to a high quality academic program, dedicated faculty and staff, and first rate facilities at less than half the national average indebtedness of college graduates speaks volumes about the UVa-Wise experience.” In comparison, the average debt load for students at Burlington College in Vermont is $55,240. Burlington is the liberal arts college with the largest average student debt. “With only 1600 full-time students, small classes, an attractive residential campus, and individualized attention, UVa-Wise is a very special institution,” said Sanders Huguenin, provost and vice president of academic affairs. “Actually, there are a lot of schools in America like UVa-Wise. Unfortunately, the vast majority are pricey private institutions that are beyond the reach of many Americans. UVa-Wise combines the personalized, small college education of a private school with reasonable public university tuition and an impressive scholarship endowment. That truly makes us the small liberal arts college that anyone can afford.” In the recent rankings, UVa-Wise continues to be listed among the nation’s top public liberal arts colleges. The nation’s 266 liberal arts colleges – most of which are private – emphasize undergraduate education and award at least half of their degrees in the arts and sciences.

Starnes named Virginia Poet John C. Buchanan Laureate Professorship in Biology Gov. Robert McDonnell has named Sofia M. Starnes, a good friend and supporter of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, Poet Laureate for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Starnes was appointed to a two-year term on Aug. 3. Starnes was born in Manila and educated in Madrid, Spain. She became a citizen of the United States in 1989. She has visited campus on many occasions and was a presenter in the College’s Coffee Night event. As Poet Laureate, Starnes has established The Nearest Poem Anthology project. The anthology, which Starnes will edit, will contain between 50 and 100 poems, each selected and submitted by Virginians. She is the poetry editor of The Anglican Theological Review, an international scholarly journal of theological reflection. Starnes has received many awards for her poetry. Her book, “The Soul’s Landscape,” was selected by then U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins as one of two co-winners of the 2001 Aldrich Poetry Prize. Her full-length poetry book, “A Commerce of Moments,” won the Editor’s Prize in the 2001 Transcontinental Poetry Award competition and was subsequently named Honor Book in the 2004 Virginia Literary Awards Competition. Her collection, “Corpus Homini: A Poem for Single Flesh,” was awarded the Whitebird Poetry Series Prize and published by Wings Press in 2008. Starns and her husband, Bill, established the William H. Starnes, Jr. and Sofia M. Starnes Scholarship in 2011. 4 UVa-Wise Magazine


A generous $1 million gift from the estate of Carol Phipps Buchanan has created an endowed professorship in biology at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise. The John C. Buchanan Professorship in Biology was established in honor of her late husband, a former state senator and Southwest Virginia physician. Sen. Buchanan, a distinguished alumnus of the University of Virginia, operated a general medical practice in Wise, Va. From 1971 until his death on April 15, 1991, Sen. Buchanan represented a large portion of Southwest Virginia in the Virginia General Assembly. Notably, he sponsored the first state statute that provided workers’ compensation for black lung disease. Carol Phipps Buchanan, wife of Sen. Buchanan, was a trustee of the Columbus Phipps Foundation, which has given generously to UVa-Wise. Mrs. Buchanan was known for her strong dedication to education. A community-minded yet private person, she wanted her estate to be used to promote education. “We are deeply grateful to the estate of Carol Phipps Buchanan for the generous gift,” said Tami Ely ’90, vice chancellor for development and college relations. “Endowed professorships allow us to attract and retain excellent faculty at UVa-Wise, which enhances the educational experience for our students.”

Dedication of the

LEONARD W. SANDRIDGE SCIENCE CENTER A large crowd joined officials from the University of Virginia and its College at Wise on Oct. 8 to dedicate the science facility in honor of Leonard W. Sandridge, a longtime supporter and friend of the College. The UVa-Wise Board approved the measure naming the facility the Leonard W. Sandridge Science Center last year. Sandridge, the University of Virginia’s former chief operating officer, retired in July 2011 after serving the University for nearly half a century. He joined the University’s internal audit in 1967 and worked his way up to executive vice president and chief operating officer. He continues to work as a special advisor to President Teresa A. Sullivan. “I consider this a huge honor by any measure,” Sandridge said during the ceremony held in the atrium of the building that now bears his name. “I’m also humbled by this action.” Sandridge recalled his many trips to the Wise campus over the decades, and said UVa-Wise is an important part of the University. The crowd laughed as he recalled the time a local coal company donated a limousine to the young College, and how Joseph C. Smiddy, the College’s first chancellor, managed to convince state legislators to pay for a swimming pool on campus. “Along the way, we’ve had some fun,” he said. “It has been great fun to watch this College grow in enrollment and facilities.” Sandridge said the dedication is not about him but is about the students, faculty, donors, and those who work Top: Papa Joe Smiddy, Teresa A. Sullivan, Jerry Sandridge, Leonard W. Sandridge; lower: Sandridge accepts honor each day to support the College and its mission. He pledged to bring his family to Wise to see the campus. “You know, many people at the University can say that they have “I will explain to them how special it is, and I will tell them about had Leonard’s ear over the years, but what we absolutely know at this day,” he said. UVa-Wise is that we also have his heart,” Gilliam said. “He believes President Sullivan and Rector Helen Dragas were among the in our mission and our students. He believes in what we can do and University officials who attended the dedication. Several members will do. He believes that UVa-Wise contributes profoundly to the life of the Board of Visitors’ Committee on the College at Wise also and mission of our great University.” attended. The $13.4 million renovation of the building, which was “Leonard personifies the best qualities of our University family,” originally built in 1965, created a new wing and provided laboratory Sullivan said. ”With his sharp intellect, his business acumen, and his spaces for courses in geology, software engineering and physics. good humor, he has had a tremendous impact both in Charlottesville The facility was awarded the U.S. Green Building Council’s highest and here in Wise. All of us are grateful to him, and we’re delighted designation for sustainable design, LEED Platinum certification, to see this wonderful building dedicated in his name.” making it the second higher education construction project in Dragas outlined Sandridge’s many contributions to the University Virginia and the first building in the history of the University of and the College at Wise, including his role in helping the College Virginia to achieve the rating. at Wise garner more than $170 million during the last 12 years to Renovations to the facility were designed by VMDO Architects improve the campus. to meet the specific educational goals and teaching strategies of the “The dedication of this facility to you, Leonard, demonstrates science department. The renovations serve the programs of botany, this College’s deep appreciation of all you have done and continue ecology, earth sciences, physics, science education and software to do and stands as a testament to your extraordinary service to us engineering. With new classrooms, laboratories and equipment, the all,” Dragas said. renovated building allows students to participate in collaborative Marcia Gilliam ’82, chair of the UVa-Wise College Board, said learning, fully engaging the scientific process. the dedication provides an opportunity to honor Sandridge and to acknowledge the importance of the building to the College’s present and future. Fall 2012 5

UNDERGRADUATE A growing part of the RESEARCH academic experience

As a member of both the Council on Public Liberal Arts Colleges and the Council on Undergraduate Research, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is working collaboratively with its partner institutions to provide students with innovative research opportunities normally found only in larger universities. At the same time, it is engaged in finding and assimilating the best practices in undergraduate research through the regular sharing of methods and results between COPLAC and CUR member institutions. Use of faculty-guided individual research, an educational method once mainly limited to graduate education, is being used increasingly in undergraduate studies in small liberal arts colleges. Representatives from COPLAC member colleges meet periodically in person and via electronic technology to share updates and present results of student and faculty research focused initatives. “What could be more exciting than to combine classroom learning with a student’s particular interest to design and execute a research project?” According to UVa-Wise Academic Dean Amelia Harris, “Students become independent thinkers and learn to challenge themselves by working along side of faculty mentors. It is a valuable innovative tool that bypasses traditional methods previously available in undergraduate education. Students are engaged and are helping create their own interactive learning experiences.” Stimulating intellectual curiosity, bolstering confidence, supporting critical thinking and offering the opportunity for self-discovery are outcomes of student research. Classroom knowledge meshed with real world experiences fosters the skills sought by employers and graduate programs. “One of the reasons that undergraduate research has flourished is that we already have the small class sizes and intimate faculty/student relationships that are so crucial to facilitating collaborative research,” says John Adrian, English professor. “As a faculty mentor, I help students identify an intellectual question or problem that they’d like to pursue, and then give them the resources, framework, and prodding that allows them to meaningfully explore it. To see a student develop the confidence and tools to then begin pursuing such questions on their own is one of the greatest joys that a faculty member can have.” “I got to work side-by-side with mentors, healthcare professionals and researchers to understand the research topics and find solutions to real research questions,” says Healthy Appalachia Institute scholar and Fellowship in the Natural Sciences recipient Spencer Adams ’11. Adams spent a summer researching and implementing ways of improving rural population heath care in both South Africa and Southwest Virginia. “Learning in a research environment by interacting with the people who actively participate in addressing the research topics was exciting and cannot be matched by other methods of learning.” 6 UVa-Wise Magazine

At UVa-Wise, students receive the opportunity to engage in independent research through their majors and through programs developed for summer research. Funding provided by the Fellowship in the Natural Sciences and the Undergraduate Research Council’s Summer Stipends allows students to conduct mentored research. The Undergraduate Symposia held each spring in collaboration with Emory & Henry College and COPLAC offer students a forum in which to present the results of their research. Through these efforts and others, the College honors its commitment to the liberal arts, enhancing and expanding education through experiential learning.

Student research panelists: front row: Stephanie Cooperstein ’12, Collin Skeen ’12, Jessica Shartouny; back row: Dakota Thomas, Laura Stamper and Rachel Hensley ’12

Annual Student Research Symposium participants in science and psychology: Jessee Miles, Jessica Shartouny, Savanna Parsons ’12, Brooke Lawson ’12 and Nathaniel Robinette ’12

COPLAC members make progress Members of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges gathered at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise in June for the last workshop of a one-year project designed to strengthen undergraduate research at member institutions. The theme of the event was “Undergraduate Research as a COPLAC Distinctive.” Recognizing the importance of liberal arts and sciences education in an age of declining resources, COPLAC champions the cause of a liberal arts education of superior quality in a complex global society. The intensive workshop provided consortium members opportunities to exchange experiences and offer updates regarding undergraduate research endeavors. “The meeting at UVaWise allowed faculty members and undergraduate research directors from the 27-campus consortium an opportunity to complete a year-long project on Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research funded by the National Science Foundation and the Council on Undergraduate Research,” said Bill Spellman, COPLAC director. “The meeting also served as the kick-off for a new project in partnership with the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Over the next two years, COPLAC campuses will share regular updates on best practices in undergraduate research and report on efforts to assess the student learning outcomes of undergraduate research.” This new project is also known as the Liberal Education and America’s Promise. “In February of this year, COPLAC received a Teagle Foundation grant of $150,000 for the development of a new model of undergraduate research whereby a student in one institution may seek the guidance of a faculty member with more expertise at a different member institution using electronic technology,” said J. Sanders Huguenin, vice chancellor of academic affairs and provost. “This allows for a more individualized learning experience more often found at larger colleges and universities.” The COPLAC meeting also memorialized contributions to the advancement of the consortium made by the late UVa-Wise Chancellor David J. Prior, former president of COPLAC. The David J. Prior COPLAC Award was established for outstanding student essays on the public liberal arts experience. Two student works from consortia institutions will be chosen to receive an award of $500 each and their essays will be featured in the Spotlight section of the COPLAC website.

Workshop attendees shared student research experiences in roundtable discussions and research project reporting.

“David was passionate about the importance of undergraduate research as a bridge between college and professional life,” Spellman said. “During his career, he was very active on National Science Foundation review panels and deeply engaged in the Council on Undergraduate Research, especially during its years of formation and growth in the 1990s. This award honors David’s commitment to COPLAC and its undergraduate researchers.” Each student’s essay will highlight one or more of following features of COPLAC’s student-centered approach to teaching: emphasis on active learning, ethical reasoning, interdisciplinary approaches to knowledge, community engagement, critical and reflective skills, and connections between liberal learning and informed, active citizenship. About COPLAC Recognizing the importance of liberal arts and sciences education in an age of declining resources, COPLAC champions the cause of a liberal arts education of superior quality in a complex global society. Because of growing student debt load and a challenging economy, COPLAC institutions emphasize quality and affordability.

Fall 2012 7

Tim Cox The man behind the camera Readers often comment on the vibrant pictures that award-winning photographer Tim Cox shoots for the UVa-Wise Magazine. Tim and his wife, Angel, have photographed each magazine cover since the College published its first edition. From the stunning punt return in last season’s football game against Emory & Henry College to the smiling faces of children enjoying Homecoming festivities, Tim Cox manages to capture and preserve the perfect moment in time. He captured a moment several years ago when he noticed the soiled hands of a coal miner. Now that image has been selected to honor the miners who lost their lives in a coal mine in West Virginia. The UVa-Wise Magazine staff thought it was time to put the focus on Tim so readers see the man behind the photos. An impromptu photo opportunity 20 years ago drew Tim Cox into the story of the Upper Big Branch mine disaster in Whitesville, West Virginia. Cox, whose photography career has spanned 40 years of coal mining in the Appalachians, has seen one of his pictures become a symbol for the 29 miners who died in an explosion at the former Massey Coal mine in 2010. The Upper Big Branch Mine Memorial was dedicated in July after 17 months of fundraising, design and construction. It sits alongside a road leading to the site of the April 5, 2010 explosion that killed 29 underground miners and raised controversy over Massey’s safety practices and the effectiveness of federal mine safety enforcement. The 48 foot-long black granite memorial has the silhouettes of 29 miners on its face, while the reverse side features sections chronicling the Upper Big Branch disaster and the efforts of mine rescue first responders 8 UVa-Wise Magazine

And on a section to itself is etched a photograph that Cox shot on the spur of the moment after a day’s shoot at a coal preparation plant in early 1992. “I was finishing up my day and this guy was coming out carrying this rag,” Cox recalled. “I’d said, man I’ve been wanting to do that because I had photographed my dad before and I had done some things similar but I really didn’t get what I wanted.” That shot – done in a dark corner of the plant with a couple of lights – sat in Cox’s negative files until later that year, when Cox and his wife Angel were looking for shots to enter in that year’s Mine Expo International photography contest. At that time Cox had named it ‘Working Hands,’ but he decided on its current name in part because of his father and other mining families’ fathers. “I selected ‘Daddy’s Hands’ and put it in a portrait category because I thought it spoke like a portrait would,” Cox said. “It ended up winning first place in the portrait category and then went on to win best of show for the international competition.”

A few years later, Cox was doing some photographic work for Massey Coal at the Upper Big Branch mine, and Massey officials approached him about buying a print of ‘Daddy’s Hands’ for their offices. That print still hung a decade later at Massey when the explosion at Upper Big Branch killed 29 miners and set off a chain of events leading to federal investigation and that company’s acquisition by Alpha Natural Resources. Cox said Sheila Combs, president of

the Upper Big Branch Mining Memorial Group, remembered the photo from the Massey offices and approached him about using it as an element of the memorial. Cox agreed to donate its use to the group, and the hands and rag are now etched in one of the slabs. “It’s terribly mixed emotions,” Cox said when asked about seeing his work on the memorial. “I did photography at the McClure explosion, and I was on the property for Southmountain as well. My heart really, when it comes to the mining, it’s not the industry but the people in the industry and my heart really falls to those first responders, the mine rescue people.” Massey’s purchaser, Alpha Natural Resources, has also come to see ‘Daddy’s Hands’ as a tangible symbol of its attitude toward miners. “That picture came back to life through (retired Alpha Board Chairman) Mike Quillen,” Cox said. “As a matter of fact it is out there more in this last year than any year prior to it. They’re using that photograph as a model of how they want their employees to be. They sit on every employee’s desk in the company. It’s a reminder to that person that’s sitting at that desk who they’re working with, who they’re working for.” While the miner’s name in ‘Daddy’s Hands’ has faded from his memory, Cox said the image still reminds him of his father Claude, who worked 22 years as a miner and welder for Clinchfield Coal Company. “He was a highly skilled welder, an artist with a torch,” Cox said. “When I left to go to work for the Bristol Herald Courier, my dad took me to the company store and bought me a bed and a dresser. He said ‘Okay son, you’re out of here.’” by Mike Still ’84 Reprinted with permission of the Bristol Herald Courier

Far left: Tim Cox at work; top middle: some of his favorite magazine covers; top right: Cox at Big Branch Mine Memorial featuring Daddy’s Hands photo; middle left: original photo image of Daddy’s Hands; lower: visitors on opening day of the memorial

Fall 2012 9

s r e n t r Pa for research and recreation

It’s just an upgraded sewer line to the casual observer, but Norton City Manager Fred Ramey ’88 sees much more when he looks at the grassy woodlands that hug the banks of the Guest River. Ramey sees potential recreational opportunities for local residents, a destination for visitors to Virginia’s smallest city, and a useful outdoor classroom for the region’s students. The city manager also saw the benefits when he was approached by UVaWise about developing a unique partnership in which Dominion, UVa-Wise and Norton would work together. The project would use the upgraded sewer line area to create a River Walk from the Ramsey community to an area near Norton Elementary School. “It was just natural that something else could take place on this property,” Ramey said. “It is something we think has a lot of potential. It is a very quiet and scenic area, which could, over a long period of time, become a multi-use trail.”

10 UVa-Wise Magazine

The first phase of the project, from Norton’s perspective, is to upgrade sidewalks from the Dairy Queen and surrounding area, as part of a Safe Route to School project. The project took on a new life when UVa-Wise applied for funding from Dominion. The result is the creation of the Southwest Virginia Outdoor Classroom and the Southwest Virginia Citizen Science Initiative. “It was such a great opportunity for us,” Ramey added. “So many people will benefit from the project.” The Citizen Science Initiative is a student-led effort designed to promote the region’s biodiversity as an educational tool. The project utilizes wildlife observations of local residents to engage them in the scientific process. The focus is to emphasize the biodiversity of various rivers in Southwest Virginia. The project uses various tools, including downloadable smartphone apps and student research. The outdoor classroom uses the diversity of the Guest River, including abandoned coal mined land, deserted farmland and untouched woodland, to promote ecologyoriented education. The proposed River Walk is a key component of the project.

Wally Smith, a biology professor at UVa-Wise, said the River Walk creates educational opportunities for faculty and hands-on learning for students. The College and its faculty work with students to not only create learning experiences, but to also promote environmental education. “It opens up the door for so many things,” Smith said. “It gives a lot of our students educational opportunities that are almost at the graduate work level. It has had a huge impact on our students.” Students are doing biodiversity studies and other research with the goal of finding ways to benefit the region’s residents, the community and the area’s wildlife. Approximately 30 students have been involved from multiple disciplines. Some students take their research and findings to classrooms at Norton City Schools to educate youngsters about the diversity of the Guest River. Student Jennifer Fulton’s research of the riparian buffer zone at the Norton site compared to the riparian forest located at the Guest River Gorge is yielding interesting results, Smith said. The survey has revealed a number of species, including the long tail salamander. “She really hit the ground running,” Smith said. “I was kind of skeptical at first about what we’d find out at the site. It was pretty incredible.”

Wildlife sampling is done in seven areas during both day and night visits. Fulton has logged more than 200 hours at the site. The advanced technology she uses, which was made possible by the Dominion funds, will help Fulton in the job market, Smith said. “She found toads, snakes and other wildlife, which shows this is really a great habitat in the city,” Smith said. Thirteen species were found at the site, and one, the Southern Ravine Salamander, is unique to the Appalachians. The Guest River Gorge had more species, which was expected, but Fulton and Smith are pleased with the diversity along the proposed River Walk area. Fulton’s research shows that allowing natural forest regeneration and preservation of aquatic habitat along the River Walk site may be a win-win situation for Norton residents and wildlife. Phase two of the project, which was funded by $20,000 in additional Dominion support, allows focused research at the River Walk site. Students will use the equipment purchased with the Dominion money for years to come. “There is a ton of potential there for student research at the site,” Smith said. “Students will use smartphone technology to engage citizens in scientific research and market Appalachian biodiversity as an economic engine.”

Residents participate by snapping photographs of wildlife they encounter in the region and then by posting the photos online in a database that will map the sightings for others to see. Scientists from Southwest Virginia and elsewhere can then use these observations in their own biodiversity research. The smartphone technology will also include trail guides and other information about the region. “It could be a great tool for visitors who are coming to the region,” Smith said. “It creates a digital map of wildlife in the area. We have had 100 observations in the first three weeks since the initiative has been activated. It is a good way for citizens to get involved with science.” The smartphone technology also allows for certain historical information to be mapped as well, which is an aspect that holds a lot of promise for Norton’s tourism development efforts. Norton City Councilman Mark Caruso said outdoor recreation and tourism would bring visitors to the area. The entire project will have a tremendous impact on Norton, Caruso said. “I think it will be tremendous,” he said.

Above, left: a salamander found at the Guest River; above: looking for new species at the site; middle: research students covering new ground; lower: students involved in the project

Fall 2012 11

Alumni News

Charlotte Dison has never been one to follow a well-established path, which explains why her strides in health care, especially the nursing profession, have led to her induction in two nursing halls of fame and the inaugural award for excellence in leadership by the American Organization of Nurse Executives. Dison was a keynote speaker at the Alumni Lecture Series this fall. The trailblazing nurse built a career around the philosophy that one must plough new ground to make positive change. Although she was a registered nurse, she enrolled in the pioneer class at Clinch Valley College. Education was the pathway to gaining credentials that would make her effective in elevating the practice of nursing. She was recruited to a hospital in Norton, Va., which had a contract with the United Mine Workers to provide care to coal miners and their families. Although a recent nursing graduate, she was offered the position of night supervisor. She found herself to be the only registered nurse in the hospital on the night tour. One of her first experiences was being called to the delivery room to administer drip ether to ease the mother’s labor pains. She stopped this practice by requiring that a nurse anesthetist be available to administer anesthesia if needed. During her time in Norton, the Miners Memorial Hospital System was being built, including Wise Memorial Hospital. The purpose was to improve health care for miners and their families. It was one of the first regional hospital systems, with 10 hospitals located in Kentucky, West Virginia and Wise. The hospitals delivered a high quality of care, bringing in health care leaders, both doctors and nurses, from Harvard, Princeton and Columbia, as well as from leading healthcare institutions and the National Institute of Health. There was outreach to the mining communities, taking clinics, such as the diabetic clinic into the coal camps. Prenatal education was linked with the prenatal visits to an obstetrician. The first pacemaker in Southwest Virginia was inserted at the Wise Hospital. Although that hospital closed, the care given there made a difference in the community.


n o s i


healthcare Papa Joe Smiddy and Charlotte Dison ’56

12 UVa-Wise Magazine

It was while she was at the Miners’ Hospital, she was encouraged to pursue her education and her first step was to become a member of the pioneer class, a distinction of which she is very proud. Joseph “Papa Joe” Smiddy, the college’s first chancellor, remembers Dison well. He had no doubt that the student in his biology class had a bright future. “She was right there in the first class I ever taught. She transferred to Florida State University and I got a letter from her dean that read, ‘this is the best student we ever had at this school’.” Smiddy proudly recalls how Dison went to graduate school at Columbia University and how she was inducted into two nursing halls of fame. “We are so very proud and I believe she taught me more than I taught her,” he said. Dison said CVC was a unique place because professors and staff understood and were respectful of the Southwest Virginia culture. The faculty made it clear that the students would leave campus prepared to continue their education at the University of Virginia or other institutions. She spent more than three decades on the staff at Baptist Hospital and is president of Dison Enterprises today. She keeps current when it comes to health care. Statistics related to the number of the nation’s population with high blood pressure and diabetes come easy to Dison. “Health care is a national, regional and local issue and it is a highly personal matter,” she said. On a regional level access to health care is a big problem in this area. We have the ‘haves and the have nots’”. The success of the Remote Area Medical Clinic bears this out in terms of the huge response. On a positive note, community health centers are providing access to health care. Localized clinics, often part of a regional health system, are staffed by a team of physicians and family nurse practitioners who have access to telemedicine often in partnership with UVa. “This is a great benefit, especially to rural areas,” Dison said. Another development that has great potential is the electronic health care record that may be a microchip carried on a key chain, containing an individual’s medical history. The new technology could save lives as well as reduce cost. Social media also will help health care providers to track trends and to keep up with various medical issues. “Yes, there will be an app for that,” she said. As she concluded her lecture Dison offered a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson that has served her well. “Do not go where the path may lead you, but go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”


inning Formula

The sum of Mike Neff ’s 33-year teaching career begins with carpentry and building maintenance, divided slightly by a stint in the construction business, then multiplied many times over by college-level calculus. Now it all adds up to the Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ 2012 William C. Lowry Mathematics Educator of the Year award for the high school level. Starts by teaching carpentry and winds up teaching calculus? Yep. And the advanced level mathematics teacher at Union High School in Big Stone Gap makes it look so easy, too. The 57-year-old Neff grew up in Lee County, son of a carpenter/ builder father and a quilt-making mother, and he credits his parents for nurturing an amazing mathematical mind. “This analytical, visual mind I have comes from both parents,” he said. “My dad built schools and banks and whatever he was hired to build. I’ve built houses myself and had my own construction company for a while. And my mom is a quilter. I’ve told my mom, ‘I’ve got geometry inside of me because of all your meticulous and beautiful quilts you have sewn and built.’ ” VCTM’s math teacher of the year didn’t even graduate from high school. Not in the usual manner, anyway. Neff left Jonesville High School after the 11th grade to enroll at Clinch Valley College, now The University of Virginia’s College at Wise. He was a bit too early as an “early” high school graduate but was allowed to take an English course — the only course he lacked to be an official high school graduate — at J.J. Kelly High School in Wise to nail down a high school diploma. He went on to earn a bachelor of science degree at CVC in business and public administration/teacher education, with a mathematics endorsement, and in later years earned a master’s degree in education at Emory & Henry College and a master’s degree in mathematics at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. Neff did three years as a classroom teacher in Lee County schools, then a two-year diversion into the construction business, then taught carpentry and building maintenance at the Wise County Vocational/Technical Center, then got his full endorsement to teach math and did just that at Appalachia High School. When AHS was closed last year to merge with Powell Valley High School in Big Stone Gap, renamed Union High, Neff eased into his new teaching surroundings and opportunity to be among the first staff and students to create a new high school as eager as the students proved to be. “It is an honor to work at Union High School and the blending of these two schools, and I can’t tell you how proud I am of these students here at Union High,” he said. UHS Principal William Austin echoed those comments and added the school is mighty proud of Neff, too. “Union High School is exceptionally proud to have a teacher of Mr. Neff ’s abilities and experience. He’s a good teacher, and he works hard — real hard,” Austin said. Neff ’s best quality as a teacher rests in the fact he truly cares about his students, Austin added. “That’s the big difference with any teacher. To care. Mr. Neff wants his students to be successful, and he does all he can to inspire them. I really feel our students will graduate as well prepared for college math classes as they can possibly be.”

Mike Neff Neff says his current crop of students should claim some credit for his educator of the year award. “My math analysis students are just a joy to work with,” he said. “And my calculus students — it’s dual enrollment you know. College level. Very rigorous. And they are just an unbelievable group of students who are just remarkably successful.” Neff ’s clan of calculus junkies blew away competitors from larger high schools during a recent state-sanctioned math competition to walk off with a first-place award, he added. As for his own award, Neff is not one to toot his own horn. “I’m humbled by it. I really am,” he said, then reeled off the names of other UHS math teachers deserving of notice, too, like Tina Nunley, Brittany Bailey and Sara Mullins, just as a few. Nunley is a veteran math teacher deserving of honors in her own right, Neff said, and Bailey and Mullins bring a fresh exuberance into the school’s math department. “Always, fresh new ideas is something we can learn from our young teachers,” he said. Where Neff is reluctant, Matt Hurt, Wise County’s director of curricula and instruction, is eager to praise the school division’s award-winning math teacher. “He is always one to shoulder his responsibilities. And more,” Hurt said. “He has helped write curriculum. He is a lead math teacher. He helped design our Capstone math course. He has the best attitude of just about anybody I know. Every time there is something to be done, he always volunteers. Neff said he figures he has a reputation as a “tough teacher,” but that almost certainly has to do with the subject matter more than the personality of the man. Neff is soft-spoken and sincerely interested in all who come within his orbit. “I have high expectations of my students,” said a teacher who also, by the way, teaches other math teachers how to teach better. “I think finding sound ways — and it’s not always easy — to connect with your students and find out about their interests is very important. It has been an honor for my own lifelong opportunities to keep up with technology and learn more and more and more how students learn, to learn how children learn about math and how students have a deeper, richer understanding of math. That has always been important to me and something I truly cherish from what I do.”

by Stephen Igo Reprinted with permission by Kingsport Times News Fall 2012 13

Slemp Foundation funding keeps programs moving forward Appalachian Writing Project The C. Bascom Slemp Foundation has provided funding for projects at UVa-Wise which will foster research and enhance the writing skills of the region’s teachers and their students. The Appalachian Writing Project has been awarded $60,000 to continue its summer institute for public school teachers in the region and to continue the “Young Writers’ Camp” for middle and upper primary schools in Southwest Virginia. “We are thrilled about the opportunities this award will provide for teachers in southwestern Virginia, particularly in a time of such financial uncertainty for education,” said Professor Amy Clark ’92, director of the AWP. “Our programs are designed and taught by teachers for teachers to give them the resources and time they need to develop innovative classroom practice that works. We are particularly interested in offering more programming during our summer writing institute, as well as offering more Young Writers’ Camps throughout the region.” Founded in 2002, the AWP became a member of the National Writing Project and joined eight sites in the Virginia Writing Project network. The AWP bolsters classroom education in the area through the teacher-in-service programs and special projects geared toward students. The Slemp Foundation also provided UVa-Wise with an additional $30,000 for undergraduate research. The Foundation generously established the C. Bascom Slemp Fund for Undergraduate Research in 2011, which enabled several students to present at the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society Conference and allowed additional students to present at the Council of Public Liberal Arts Southeast Regional Undergraduate Research Conference. The funds provided for the purchase of supplies used in research and helped students complete undergraduate research projects. The most recent gift from the Slemp Foundation ensures that students receive more personalized guidance from faculty mentors and greater access to laboratories, equipment and space to complete research.

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Appalachian Warfare The generous $100,000 gift from the C. Bascom Slemp Foundation that UVa-Wise received in 2011 continues to fund the successful Appalachian Warfare program. As the Commonwealth of Virginia celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Civil War through 2015, the funds from the Slemp Foundation will allow the College to continue its series of academic and public programs that reflect the uniqueness of the region. Appalachian Warfare engages faculty, students and Southwest Virginia residents to learn more about the Civil War as it transpired in the region. During the five-year commemoration, the College will annually bring to campus preeminent scholars to discuss the lasting outcomes of the Civil War in the region. History Professor Brian McKnight ’97 has been busy leading visits to battlefields in Saltville, Wildcat Mountain, Cumberland Gap National Historical Park and Gettysburg. McKnight has lectured on numerous occasions on the topic of Appalachian warfare, and the grant allowed the College to bring lecturers from other colleges and universities to campus. “In total, I estimate that the grant reached 4,395 individuals from Aug. 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012,” McKnight said. “Through this contact, the knowledge of the nature of Appalachian warfare has been increased for those who have participated in the events sponsored, co-sponsored, or affiliated with Slemp Foundation grant.” In 2013, plans are to bring the annual meeting of the Society of Appalachian Historians to campus and to co-sponsor and develop four Civil War Trail signs in Lee County. A variety of speakers will also visit UVa-Wise to lecture on Civil War topics.

l u f s s e

c c u s A r e m m u s

Tayler Bolling ’14

The Southwest Virginia Summer Opera Company successfully concluded a run of its first full-length opera “The Tender Land” to rousing applause from audiences at various venues in Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. The production, made possible through the generosity of the C. Bascom Slemp Foundation, gave UVa-Wise students and youngsters from the Wise County Public School system an opportunity to perform in a genre that is not readily available in rural regions. Bringing the opera to several localities in the region also allowed audiences a rare chance to experience Aaron Copland’s popular work. The American classic tells the story of a farm family in the Midwest during the Depression. “The performances were extremely successful,” said David Volk, music professor at UVa-Wise. “Not only did we perform for a total audience of more than 400 in our six performances, but the performances generated good publicity for the UVa-Wise music program.” The program garnered positive publicity from a number of media sources. The public radio program “With Good Reason” featured the Summer Opera Company in broadcasts throughout Virginia. Articles in regional daily and weekly newspapers also yielded good results. Photos by Elissa Powers

“The students outdid themselves…it was some of the best singing I’ve heard from them,” Volk said. “It was nice to perform at large venues such as the Mountain Arts Center in Prestonsburg, Ky. and the Paramount Theater in Bristol.” Volk said the hard work of the students, Amber Burke, artistic director, and others involved to produce six performances of the opera would not have been possible without the support of the Slemp Foundation, James Lawson ’94 and Edward Jones Investments, and MountainRose Vineyard. “Their support permitted us to hire a professional orchestra for three of the performances as well as a full technical staff,” Volk said. “As for the region, we were able to bring a major American operatic masterwork to communities across the tri-state area, which was an important cultural opportunity for a region without many opportunities to enjoy an evening at the opera.” The Southwest Virginia Summer Opera Company is already planning its upcoming season, Volk said. Performances of two one-act children’s operas “Little Red Riding Hood” by Seymour Barab and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” by Judith Zaimont.

Fall 2012 15

The numbers add up to

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Crunching numbers is just not exciting. Unlike their colleagues in political science, accounting professors are never asked to address the news of the day. Unlike research scientists, they rarely discover something new to set the Internet abuzz. History professors garner attention if their new book unveils a revelation about a forefather, but accounting professors rarely grab the spotlight. Accounting professors rarely make news, and they normally go about their teaching careers making a huge impact on their students. Professors Dana Kilgore and Teena Fast ’90 teach a total of 10 accounting courses at UVaWise. The students who graduate with a UVa-Wise accounting degree are in heavy demand, especially in public sector jobs across Virginia and beyond. Their classroom secret is simple; use real world situations to prepare their students for the business world. It works. Together, Kilgore and Fast have made a difference in the classroom for nearly 50 years and counting. They are, indeed, balanced assets.

Fall 2012 17


ana Kilgore and Teena Fast ’90 make a good team. The two professors teach a total of 10 accounting courses at UVa-Wise, and most of their students would agree that the two instructors are valuable assets to the campus and the community it serves. Graduates who successfully navigate the rigorous program find themselves in high demand for jobs in the public and private sectors. The instructors and their students put UVa-Wise in the spotlight in 2006 when UVa-Wise emerged victorious in a competitive Goodman Accounting Challenge, a competition pitting 17 southeastern universities and college teams in an eight-hour accounting exercise in which the top four teams endure a six-hour exam featuring tough accounting and tax problems. Kilgore and Fast quietly go about their work in Smiddy Hall, rarely garnering attention, but their attention to detail, something that is vital in the accounting field, sets the program apart and prepares graduates to enter a variety of business fields. The colleagues have much in common, but are different in some ways. The Wise County natives were the first in their families to earn a college degree. Both earned master’s degrees at Virginia Tech, and each find teaching a great calling. Kilgore, a graduate of Virginia Tech, taught Fast and urged her to continue her education and to sit for the certified public accountant exam. Fast, like most of Kilgore’s former students, learned to trust her teacher’s advice, and now enjoys sharing those lessons with today’s students.

Kilgore earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a master’s degree in accounting from Virginia Tech. She earned a Certificate of Educational Achievement in Governmental Accounting and Auditing from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in 1998. She serves as a member of the Advisory Board of the Accounting Department at Virginia Tech and is an active consultant and practicing certified public accountant with more than 25 years of professional experience. Fast, who earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from UVaWise in 1990 and a master’s degree in accounting from Virginia Tech, is an active consultant and practicing certified public accountant. She teaches principals of accounting, federal tax accounting, corporate finance, governmental accounting, cost accounting and managerial accounting. The differences between the women stem from the technical aspect. Kilgore, who started work at UVa-Wise when Apple Computers started selling its first computer for home use, loves her iPad and a handful of other technical toys that would make her techie students envious. Kilgore enters her classroom carrying her iPad, which contains her textbooks. Fast, who started work at UVa-Wise when Microsoft introduced Windows 95, can be seen carrying heavy and thick textbooks that could keep many chiropractors in business. Regardless of the iPad verses textbooks, the instructors enjoy their new digs in Smiddy Hall, especially the high tech computer lab/classrooms that offer students the best possible curriculum. Both agree that their students are among the best, and they have a knack for rolling off names of graduates who finished their education years ago and now hold key positions in local governments and the private sector. Dana Kilgore

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Teena Fast ’90

“We’re very proud of them,” Kilgore said. “All of our students are important, and those who went into the public sector are making a difference in their communities. I’m really proud that they decided to go into public service.” Kilgore encourages the students to take governmental accounting, and she points out that UVa-Wise is one of the few smaller colleges that offer the courses. The veteran instructor had no intention of teaching, but a former boss volunteered her when College officials looked to the private sector for an accounting teacher. It didn’t take her long to fall in love with teaching when she noticed how her students would light up when they understood the lesson she was imparting. Star Wars was on the big screen and the World Trade Center building was completed when Kilgore began her work at UVa-Wise. Fast, who began work at UVa-Wise when Toy Story was in theaters and the U.S. Space Shuttle launched with the Russian Mir space station for the first time, said she enjoys accounting because it is precise. She enjoys watching her students enjoy forensic accounting and the thrill of finding out what is going on with numbers.

Both say they work hard to prepare their students for the workforce and encourage them to aim for the CPA exam if they want to embrace that opportunity. At their insistence, accounting majors must take 30 hours of accounting coursework, and the intermediate accounting course is split into three semesters because of the sheer importance of that particular class. “When I took intermediate accounting, we covered the whole book, but it works out better split into three semesters,” Fast said. Kilgore said she and Fast give the students what they need to start work right after graduation as well. “I was in private practice,” Kilgore said. “I know what the students need, and I know what they need to pass the CPA exam. “You’ve got to know how to do it all. You can’t say that we didn’t cover that chapter on property sales.” “The students like coming in and getting to know us,” Fast said. The new computer software the instructors use also improves teaching because the computer gives immediate results and the students put in many hours of hard work on the problems. “It takes a lot of studying, and they know they have to be prepared,” Fast said. Both agree that their students have a good work ethic. Most of their students come from working class families who know what it takes to work hard and keep a job. “They know they have to work hard to be successful,” Kilgore said. “Our students work hard and they have success to show for it.” Fast said accountants are needed in all sectors and a UVa-Wise degree opens many doors. Small businesses, large companies, churches and other organizations all need accountants. “We run into our graduates everywhere,” Kilgore said. “Our students are working their way up in the world and they are holding good jobs.”

Accounting: The language of business Ron Vicars ’94 began his studies at UVa-Wise with plans to stay two years to complete the pre-engineering major before transferring to Virginia Tech to complete his degree. His plans changed when he discovered the fascinating world of numbers. He especially enjoyed working with numbers in his accounting class. “I got into it,” the director of budget and finance for the Wise County Public School system said. “I quickly realized where I wanted to be.” He switched his major to accounting and has no regrets. Vicars, like many who find themselves eagerly embracing a career crunching numbers and categorizing liabilities and assets, realized the variety of careers an accounting degree could offer. An accounting degree was a solid foundation that would support a multitude of jobs in many sectors. “I had larger aspirations of going on and working for a major company, and I did that for a little while,” Vicars said. After graduating, Vicars grew interested in governmental accounting, so he decided to take some additional courses at his alma mater as a non-traditional student. He decided to work in the public sector, but he admits it carries more responsibility in some ways since he must keep track of taxpayer dollars. Finding ways to use the public’s money in a more efficient manner is a satisfying part of the job. “I find accounting very interesting,” he said. “Accounting is the language of business. It is a requirement today.” The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has adopted a marketing slogan that simply states that an accounting degree is “the one degree with 360 degrees of possibilities.” More government regulations, Wall Street reform, tax law changes, international business and other factors have increased the need for accountants nationwide, yet few colleges offer a specific accounting degree. UVa-Wise accounting majors and some who earned other business degrees but took a lot of accounting courses are working today as certified public accountants, certified fraud examiners, financial planners and other positions in both the private and public sectors. UVa-Wise has had 332 accounting graduates since 1993, and most quickly find out that they are in high demand, primarily because of the strong reputation of the degree program and its instructors. Professor Dana Kilgore has been teaching accounting at the campus since 1977. Professor Teena Fast ’90, Kilgore’s former student, has taught here since 1995. Their former students say the real world lessons they learned in the classroom from Fast and Kilgore had a remarkable impact on their careers. “The way Dana Kilgore taught brought a lot of real world experience,” Vicars said. “We could believe it.” Vicars said he left UVa-Wise feeling prepared for the professional world. “We had access to a lot of Dana’s knowledge, and that made all the difference,” Vicars said. Coeburn Town Manager Loretta Mays ’90, earned a bachelor’s degree in business and public administration, but she took a healthy dose of accounting courses. The combination of courses had led her to successful careers in the public sector. “Just learning the basics of accounting is helpful in life, but it certainly helps in the position I have now,” Mays said. “I rely on accounting on a daily basis.” Working on budgets, especially when it comes to public money, comes with a lot of responsibility and obligation, she said. Kilgore’s lessons are as fresh today as they were two decades ago. “When she taught me, she was still with her own private firm,” Mays said. “What we saw in class was not just a professor of accounting, but someone who owned her own business. There is a wide open door with accounting, and it has been from day one. There is an accounting component to all my jobs.” Fall 2012 19

Bienvenue en Europe Welcome to Europe

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aris and London are perennial favorites for travel, especially for nine students in 10 days. From the banks of the Seine and Stonehenge to the many sprawling gardens and museums, UVa-Wise students had the opportunity to see as much as could feasibly fit into a packed schedule. Guided by Software Engineering Professor Abrar Qureshi, who spent months planning the excursion, students were immersed in European culture that many only dream of experiencing: Westminster Abbey, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Le Louvre Museum and the Palace of Versailles, just to name a few. “I felt it was important to find the most economical means to make the trip affordable for students while providing them with a highly enriching experience,” said Qureshi. “Coordinating flight costs and schedules with hotel rates is a challenge when planning for group travel.” Qureshi, who has traveled several times to the cities, served as the group’s tour guide. “We rode the London Underground to the London Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. After walking across the bridge over the river Thames we took a few pictures and took the underground to Westminster,” wrote student Andrew Vicres in his travel journal. “Upon exiting the station, we were greeted by the British House of Parliament, otherwise known as Big Ben. Many of the buildings and train stations have stood for over 100 years.” Jennifer Castor was struck by how culture is broadly defined. “Even within Europe itself, the British and French cultures are very unique,” Castor said. “New York, for example, has a much different culture than Los Angeles just as London has a distinct culture in comparison to Paris. In Paris, the most interesting place we visited was the Palace of Versailles. It was surprising how many people waited three hours in line just to get to tour the palace. Of course there were many tourists but there were also a lot of native French speakers who wanted to get the chance to see a piece of architecture that used to be the center of their government and a large part of their history.” Castor says she now has a new love for travel and will be seeking out opportunities to travel abroad again. Olivia Stallard had a revelation while visiting the Le Louvre Museum. “I am not going to lie, I was not that excited about an art museum but after I realized what historical and brilliant pieces of artwork were located there I was ecstatic,” Stallard said. “How many people can say they have their picture with the Mona Lisa? Not many, but I can.” Megan Buchanan noted how cohesive the travelers were with one another and how smoothly everything played out. She and the rest of the students returned with an appreciation of what other cultures have to offer and learned that we share similarities. Even though we are considered diverse, we are united as one. “Today started our day at Notre Dame which is in the oldest area of the city,” she penned. “My favorite experience here was sitting in one of the pews and feeling a sense of stillness in this beautiful cathedral. After walking a little distance down the street, we stopped in a bakery. The Jardin du Luxembourg was very beautiful as well and we enjoyed relaxing there for a while that afternoon in the shade. We ended the day with a trip to Sacre-Coeur and a river cruise. These two different views of Paris, one at the highest point and the other on the heart of the city, were both great and helped me to experience it in new ways.”

Fall 2012 21



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Lights, Camer a, ! n o i Act Each year, the homecoming experience grows and this year was no exception. Under the theme, Lights, Camera, Action!, Homecoming 2012 celebrated the rich history and community that has fostered the tremendous growth and achievement of UVa-Wise. The Alumni Art Show kicked off festivities on Sept. 24. Alumni served up ice cream to students at an ice cream social while gearing up for the Meet the Cavs Pep Rally and Community Picnic at the Lawn by the Lake, where guests had the opportunity to meet the Highland Cavalier athletes and get into the spirit. The Silver Saber Spirit Award contest, a favorite among students, showcased marine building skills of student organizations worthy of enduring the lake and wet weather. The Marching Highland Cavaliers won the award for the second year in a row. Homecoming day was filled with activities for the young and young at heart. The SGA Red & Gray 5K was followed by an alumni family carnival and picnic. After the picnic, spectators headed for football action at Carl Smith Stadium. Outfitted in school gear, fans cheered the Highland Cavaliers onward in one of the most challenging games of the season against Belhaven University. The halftime show included a performance by the Marching Highland Cavaliers and the crowning of Christian Meade and Brittanie Jones as homecoming king and queen. Festivities ended with the alumni dance at The Inn at Norton and a Willie Wonka-themed dance for the student body at the David J. Prior Convocation Center. Fall 2012 23



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Fall 2012 25

UVa-Wise approved to begin NCAA membership process

Sandoval honored by Mid-South Conference


The University of Virginia’s College at Wise has been approved for the first step of a three-year process for membership in the NCAA Division II. Officials at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise learned that the school has been granted into candidacy year one membership of NCAA Division II. “The entire UVa-Wise community is pleased that the NCAA Division II membership committee has accepted us into candidacy year one,” said UVa-Wise Athletic Director Danny Sterling. “This is a testament to the hard work and vision of many people all across campus and in the community, without whom none of this would be possible. It truly is a campus-wide initiative that requires the help and support of every member of the college community.” The three-year process allows UVa-Wise to implement NCAA Division II policies while continuing to be a member of the NAIA, which includes eligibility for postseason play in the NAIA. During the process, the College will file reports with the NCAA and will host NCAA officials on campus visits to review the College’s progress. At the completion of the process, the NCAA will make a ruling on whether or not the institution is granted full NCAA Division II membership. NCAA approval would allow UVa-Wise to become a full NCAA Division II member beginning in the fall of 2015. “Everyone should join me in thanking all those involved, especially Kendall Rainey, Tom Nyman, Tom Costa and Sim Ewing, as they are truly the reason we were able to put together a successful application,” said Sterling.

Cluesman Nyman fares well in named tournament compliance

director of

Thomas Playing in her Nyman second recently became the first golf associate athletic director for collegiate tournament, compliance at UVa-Wise. Nyman freshman Mackenzie comes tofinished the College after serving at Cluesman seventh College in Massachusetts. at Merrimack the Don Bishop MidWhile at Merrimack, South Tournament thisNyman successfully led the school’s athletic week. The Jonesville, Va. department an Institutional native shot an through 81 on both SelfofStudy, while spearheading the days the tournament review of its NCAA todepartment’s become the first female Division golfer I men’stohockey program. UVa-Wise finish in Over his an career, the top 10 of event.Nyman has also Thomas Nyman spent time at NCAA Division II Institution Missouri Southern State University and NCAA Division I Institution Drake, where he worked in each school’s compliance department. Nyman accepted the position at UVa-Wise initially because of the challenge and excitement that comes with transitioning a school into NCAA Division II as well as building the department from the ground up. Nyman earned his bachelor’s degree in marketing from the University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse, he later obtained a master’s degree in education with a concentration in sport management from the University of Minnesota.

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UVa-Wise linebacker Matt Sandoval was named Defensive Player of the Week by the Mid-South Conference. Sandoval recorded 17 tackles in the game against Cumberland University, which was a career high for the freshman. The Roanoke, Va. native recorded 12 solo tackles while assisting on 10 to increase his season tackle total to 20.5. The 17 tackles were the most by a Cavalier since James Haley ’11 finished with 17 tackles against Lambuth in 2008. Sandoval’s award was the first of his career and the first by a Cavalier this season.

Matt Sandoval

Blizard finishes 8th in tournament

The UVa-Wise men’s golf team finished 10th at the Don Bishop Mid-South Conference Fall Invitational this fall with a team score of 623, finishing one stroke ahead of 11th place Georgetown College. The University of the Cumberlands won the event with a team score of 578 while Lindsey Wilson College finished second with a team score of 579. Individually, UVa-Wise was led by freshman Blake Blizard who shot one over par on day one and one under par on day two to Blake Blizard finish in 8th place with a two day total of 144. Other Cavalier golfers include: Matt Dotson, who finished 37th with a 156, Lucas Holcomb, who finished 53rd with a 160, Tyler Robinette, who finished in 68th place with a 169, and David Harvey, who finished in 74th place with a 174.

Salyer named head volleyball coach Former Cavalier standout Kristen Salyer is now head volleyball coach at UVa-Wise. Prior to accepting the position, the first year head coach served as an assistant under Kendall Rainey after earning Appalachian Athletic Conference and All-Region XII accolades as a player. Salyer also played an integral role in the school’s most successful volleyball season as she aided UVa-Wise to the Region XII crown and a trip to the NAIA National Kristen Salyer ’10 Tournament in 2007. “I am thankful for the opportunity to coach this team,” she said. “I take pride in being an alumnus of UVa-Wise volleyball and love this program.”

Lending a hand The UVa-Wise football team volunteered to help the local Remote Area Medical program prepare for thousands of patients this summer. The team helped assemble medical tents for RAM at the VirginiaKentucky Fairgrounds near Wise. Cavalier football players and staff assisted by putting flooring down for each tent, assembling the tents, constructing light fixtures inside the tents, and installing air conditioning units for each medical area.

Kunzman at helm of women’s basketball

Kristin Kunzman is in her second season as the head coach for the UVa-Wise women’s basketball team. Originally from Fairfax County, Va., the coach attended college at the University of the Cumberlands in Kentucky, but graduated with a four-year degree in communications at Millersville University in Pennsylvania. The coach was a student-athlete at both universities. While on the University of the Cumberlands women’s basketball team, Kunzman and her Kristin Kunzman teammates advanced to the NAIA National Sweet Sixteen and also claimed the Mid-South Conference Championship. After transferring to Millersville University, Kunzman was captain of the Millersville Basketball Team, a NCAA Division II Regional Participant, and in 2008 she helped the team to an undefeated regular season record and the PSAC East Division Champions. She was also a PSAC Scholar Athlete, a basketball camp and gym supervisor, and a camp counselor. Kunzman’s basketball career continued on the sidelines as she went on to get her master’s degree in business administration. From 2009 to 2010, she was the assistant women’s basketball coach at Daniel Webster College where her team set many school records and also garnered the 2010 NECC regular season championship. Kunzman assisted in coaching the team to the third winning season in school history and to the first championship game appearance in school history. She also coached and guided the 2010 NECC Player of the Year. Kunzman became the head women’s basketball coach for the 2010-2011season at Daniel Webster College. During her reign, she was awarded the New Hampshire 2011 NCAA DIII All-State Coach of the Year. She led the team to their first NECC Conference Championship and their first NCAA appearance in program history. Kunzman also led them to the 2011 Key Largo Tournament Championship, and provided leadership and guidance to the 2011 NECC Player of the Year and the 2011 NECC Tournament MVP. In addition to being both an assistant and head basketball coach at Daniel Webster College, she was also the head cross country coach from 2009-2011 and the senior women’s administrator from 2010-2011. She assisted the athletic director, helped with community service projects, and oversaw all female athletes during her position as senior women’s administrator.

Doughtery named to All-Tournament Team

UVa-Wise football team volunteers

UVa-Wise senior Robyn Doughtery was named to the All-Tournament Team for the season opening Milligan Madness Tournament held at Milligan College this fall. The senior from Nicklesville, Va. recorded 10 kills, six block assists, and two digs in the four match event.

Robyn Doughtery Fall 2012 27

Benefactor and

Volunteer of the Year Tayler Bolling ’14

The Estate of Carol Phipps Buchanan was honored as Benefactor of the Year and William J. Sturgill ’56 was named Volunteer of the Year during the 2012 Benefactors Carol Phipps and Senator John Buchanan Celebration, held on Oct. 27 in the David J. Prior Convocation Center. The awards were presented by University of Virginia President Teresa Sullivan and Leonard Sandridge, special assistant to Sullivan. Carol Buchanan, a native of Clintwood, passed away in May 2011 at the age of 86. A $1 million gift from her estate will endow a professorship in biology in honor of her late husband, Senator John Buchanan. Her husband earned a bachelor’s degree from the University in 1933 and a medical degree from the University’s School of Medicine in 1951. He served as state senator from the Wise County region from 1971 until 1991, and operated a general medical practice in Wise. He died in 1991. “Together, the Buchanans supported the College through their giving for over 20 years,” Sullivan said. “After her husband died, Carol wanted to provide funding to endow a professorship in his memory. A community-minded person, she wanted her estate to attract and retain exceptional faculty in the department of natural sciences.” The professors who fill the position will be known as the John C. Buchanan Professor in Biology. 28 UVa-Wise Magazine

William J. Sturgill was named Volunteer of the Year for 2012. Sandridge presented the award and spoke of Sturgill’s deep commitment to the College for more than 58 years. “Through his enthusiasm, hard work and expertise, he has made a significant difference in the lives of countless UVa-Wise students and in the lives of the citizens of Southwest Virginia,” Sandridge said. “Tonight we are honoring him because he is a staunch advocate for UVa-Wise, and is deeply committed to the College’s mission of academic excellence and service to the region. “ Sullivan told those gathered that UVa-Wise and the University share common interests, common commitments, and common hopes for the future. “Together we form a sort of family across the Commonwealth,” she said. “This evening I congratulate you on meeting your ‘Fulfilling the Dream’ campaign goal of $50 million. You met that goal way back in October 2010, and your gifts and pledges to the campaign now stand at more than $65 million.” Record increases in the percentage of alumni making gifts to the College, and in the total number of donors is a remarkable achievement in tough economic times, Sullivan added. The campaign’s success will leave an enduring mark on the College, she said. The president also spoke of the College’s plans for the future, and urged the crowd to envision UVa-Wise in 2020 with an eye toward what needs to be done between now and then to sustain the excellence that has been created on campus. “Over the years you have invested in the College at Wise because you have seen first-hand the value it brings to this region and its people,” she said. “As we look toward the future, I thank you for everything you have already done for UVa-Wise, and I ask for your continued support in the years ahead.”

Top: Volunteer of the Year, William J. Sturgill ’56, with U.Va. President Teresa A. Sullivan; directly above: Leonard W. Sandridge; left: overview of the Benefactors Celebration

Fall 2012 29

Class 98

Carrie Hill Smith and her husband Kyle welcomed their daughter, Virginia Anne Smith, on April 5, 2012. She weighed 6 pounds and 3 ounces. Carrie is a compliance manager with Randstad in Alpharetta, Ga.


Paul Altarez has been named vice president and general sales manager for Virginia and West Virginia regions with North American Spirits and Wine Brokerage. Paul has over 12 years of industry experience, most recently holding positions within NASWB as marketing manager, east region, and on premise manager for Virginia.

01 03

Candy Hall and Chuck Mullis welcomed their daughter, Cylie Mullis, on February 25, 2012. She weighed 6 pounds.


Samuel Jones saw a need within his community and decided to help. He founded the Tricities Diaper Ministry, a diaper bank to assist those individuals who are financially strapped and in need of diapers for their children. The Tricities Diaper Ministry is located in the Ministry Mall in Bristol. Jones began the program when he looked to see what help was available for people in need of diapers for infants. He found that many agencies provided the service, but were not coordinated for distribution. Jones created the diaper bank to provide diapers to agencies and organizations that serve those in need.

Tracie Johnson Fairchild and Robert Fairchild ’06 welcomed their daughter, Lily Ana Fairchild, on April 28, 2012. She weighed 8 pounds and 6 ounces.

Photo by Tom Netherland


Dianna CooperBolinskey received her masters of social work from Radford University in 1999. She has accepted a position of assistant professor of social work at Indiana State University in Terre Haute. Her husband, Kevin Bolinskey ’97 received his master’s degree in 2000 and his Ph.D. in 2002, both from the University of Virginia. Kevin has been awarded tenure and promoted to the rank of associate professor of psychology at Indiana State University. He has been at Indiana State University since 2004 and teaches the doctor of psychology program.

Samuel Jones

Virginia Anne Smith

30 UVa-Wise Magazine

Lily Ana Fairchild

Notes Stay in touch To submit a classnote, visit www.uvawise.edu/ alumni


Kristi F. Longworth and Chad Longworth ’09 welcomed their daughter, Audrey Katherine Longworth, on November 3, 2011. Audrey weighed 8 pounds. Together the couple purchased Sportswise in November 2010, which Chad operates. He has since opened a sports & performance center offering baseball and softball lessons to all ages. Kristi began her 8th year in the admissions office at UVa-Wise serving as the senior admissions counselor.

Audrey Katherine Longworth

Keep up with club events and alumni gatherings on Facebook... Keyword: UVa-Wise Alumni Association

Amos ’03 leads UVa-Wise Alumni Board

David B. Amos earned his Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a minor in business administration from The University of Virginia’s College at Wise in 2003. As a student, he worked in the mail services department and was active in intramurals and the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. After graduation, he moved into a temporary position in the mail services department, and became the assistant manager in 2006. Amos joined the Alumni Board in July 2005 as the parliamentarian and was elected the following year to a full seat on the Alumni Board. For more than seven years, he has been an asset to both the Alumni Board and the campus community, serving on the merchandising, homecoming, by-laws, and nominating committees. He served as the representative for the mail services department on the UVa-Wise Staff Council as newsletter chair. Amos is the assistant chapter advisor for Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and is a member of the Pi Kappa Phi-Epsilon Alumni Chapter and the Order of Omega Greek Leadership Honor Society. During his term as president of the UVa-Wise Alumni Association, Amos has set the following initiatives: to foster involvement and growth of the UVaWise Alumni Clubs; expand avenues of communication via social media and other methods with alumni; find pathways for current students to become involved in the Alumni Association. Amos is known on campus and the community for his relentless work ethic and devotion to UVa-Wise and the Alumni Association. Amos and his wife, Stephanie, reside in Wise, Va. They have three children: Owen, 5, Eliza, 3, and Layci, 1. Fall 2012 31


Audra Fritz and Eric Light were united in marriage on May 12, 2012 at the Mafair United Methodist Church. They live in Kingsport, Tenn. The matron of honor was Kyndall Watts ’09 and maid of honor was Annie Fritz ’12. The bridesmaids were Alexandra Fritz, Summer Jennings ’09, Alex Lambert and Kristen Salyer ’10. Travis B. Lee has opened a law practice in Abingdon, Va.

08 ClassNotes

Jennifer Corrine Edwards graduated magna cum laude from the Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy at ETSU in May 2012. She is a pharmacist with CVS in Raleigh, NC.

Fritz - Light wedding party

Joshua Edmond Jessee graduated magna cum laude from the Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy at ETSU in May 2012. Sondra Leann Wyatt graduated summa cum laude from the Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy at ETSU in May 2012. Joshua R. Evans and Jillian B. Evans ’10 announce the birth of their daughter, Alivia Marie Evans, born on July 23, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds and 9 ounces. Joshua graduated in May 2012 from the Appalachian School of Law and is a law clerk for Judge Henry A. Vanover ’74 in Dickenson County. Jillian has been employed as an agent with the Virginia Farm Bureau since 2010.

Sondra Leann Wyatt, Joshua Edmond Jessee and Jennifer Corrine Edwards Mo Haskins is a therapeutic day treatment specialist with Crossroads Counseling Center. He lives in Harrisonburg, Va. Mark Moss and Kimberly Hayes Moss welcomed their daughter, Rowan Harper Moss, on Aug. 18, 2011. The Moss family lives in Marion, Va.


Bryan Sexton is employed by Wythe County Public Schools as a marketing teacher. He also serves as the head varsity boys’ basketball coach, head varsity boys’ track coach and assistant varsity football coach for Rural Retreat High School.

Rowan Harper Moss

Joshua and Jillian Evans with daughter, Alivia Marie Evans 32 UVa-Wise Magazine

Bryan Sexton


Meghan Hall-Schroeter and John Lackey were united in marriage on Aug. 10, 2012 in Gatlinburg, Tenn. Meghan is a second year law student at Liberty University School of Law. John is employed by Henry County Sheriff ’s Office as a deputy. The couple live in Martinsville, Va. Sarah Smith is assistant director of student activities & recreation at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise. She serves on the UVa-Wise Alumni Associations Board of Directors.

Cindi L . Smoot Cindi L. Smoot is employed by The University of Virginia’s College at Wise as an administrative assistant in the Office of Alumni Relations. She lives in Wise, Va.


Dru Morgan is a medical student at Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Sarah Smith


Bryant Gray is a medical student at Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine in Harrogate, Tenn. Following completion of medical school, Bryant plans to specialize in emergency medicine. Bryant continues his employment with Riverside Tappahannock Hospital Emergency Department located in Tappahannock, Va. as a registered nurse.

Dru Morgan

In Memoriam

Max Jenkins ’57 passed away on July 9, 2012. He earned his Bachelor of Law and Juris doctorate degree from the University of Richmond. He started his own law practice and retired in 2009. In June, he received his 50 year service award from the Virginia State Bar. He is survived by his wife, Jimmie Vaughn Jenkins, their children and grandchildren. Charlcie M. Collins ’61 passed away on June 6, 2012. Serving as an educator for over 40 years, she taught various math courses at Middlesboro High School. She was a member of the Venture Circle of First Baptist Church of Middlesboro, Pine Mountain Dancers, Lions Club and Daughters of the American Revolution.

Denny D. Sutherland ’61 passed away on June 12, 2012. He graduated from U.Va. in 1963 and retired from McDermott International in Alliance, Ohio. He is survived by his wife, Joyce, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Helen L. Smith ’78 passed away on July 9, 2012. She earned her Master of Education from U.Va. Smith was a lifelong educator in Wise and Russell counties and retired from Honaker Elementary School. Richard C. Baker ’80 passed away on July 22, 2012. He joined the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and stayed in active duty for 26 years. Baker gave more than 30 years to the health care profession, leading and directing continuing care in retirement communities and nursing homes. He is survived by his wife, Sherry, their daughters and grandchildren. Michael Dean Childress ’86 passed away on Sept. 10, 2012. He was a former employee of the Buchanan County Animal Shelter. He is survived by his wife, Sally Smith Childress, their children and grandchildren. Robert P. Mercure ’86 passed away on May 31, 2012.

Robert G. Rose ’77 passed away on May 31, 2012. He was employed with CSX Transportation for many years and was a member of the Christian Motorcycle Association, Ray of the Son Kingsport Chapter. Donald R. Bates ’78 passed away in June 2012.

Christian S. Davis ’08 passed away on June 29, 2012. He was licensed as a certified pharmacy technician and was employed with Family Preservation Services as a qualified mental health professional. Fall 2012 33



BENEFACTORS The faculty, staff, students and alumni of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the following donors during the 2011-2012 year. The gifts listed on the following pages were made between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012.

PHILANTHROPIST SOCIETY Members of the Philanthropist Society have included the college in their will, named the college as a beneficiary of life insurance, made a gift of paid-up life insurance or deeded property to the college while retaining use of the property for their lifetime. Anonymous Luther F. Addington† Morton O. Alper† Carol Atwood† Rex Baird Sally S. Baird Jettie E. Baker Lavonne Baker ‘71 Raymond C. Bice, Jr. Glenn Blackburn Jere Noel Blackburn Hattie Bolling† Carol P. Buchanan Kermit A. Bolling† Donald W. Caudill Elizabeth G. Cauthen Jirina H. Chapin† Gertrude Cherry† Phyllis Marks Cohen† Wallace M. Cohen† Paul F. Dishner† Donna Fields ‘77 Jerry L. Fields ‘75 Kathy Sutherland Finn ‘84 Larry Fish ‘63 Sarah Elizabeth Fugate Charles I. Fuller, Jr.† Dorothy Gilley Garrison† Fay Bond Gillespie ‘70 Verta Hamilton† Robert C. Hancock† Charles H. Henderson III Mary M. Henderson Avis L. Holda† Cass Holda† James W. Holyfield Martha A. Holyfield

34 UVa-Wise Magazine

Anne Jackson† Harold C. Jackson Betty M. Johnson Elmer R. Johnson ‘56† Marguerite T. Kanto William P. Kanto, Jr. Dennis F. Kern ‘72 Charlotte King† E. Glennwood King† Mel Klein Clinton Lambert† Lucille Lambert† Gertrude Manhal† Martha Markusich† Frank B. Mayorshi ‘61 Gerry Mayorshi ‘56 Helen McFall† Leland V. McFall Virginia Irene Meador† David W. Mersereau Marianne Mersereau ‘84 Patricia I. Mersereau Wallace D. Mersereau Jean D. Moore Ronald L. Moore ‘61† Jill O’Donnell Michael E. O’Donnell Bette Patton Robert C. Patton Laura L. Peters† Eva C. Phelps ‘75 Jack C. Phelps, Jr. ‘75 Anne P. Phillips Joseph T. Phillips† Don R. Pippin ‘58 Gloria R. Pippin ‘73 Alta E. Porter† * ** *** **** †

Denotes five years of giving to the college Denotes 10 years of giving to the college Denotes 15 years of giving to the college Denotes 20 years of giving to the college Denotes the friend or alumnus is deceased

Cecil Porter† Nancy R. Pulaski Ron Redman Lelia M. Richmond† Eliza S. Rigg Kent Rigg Carson Robbins Laura M. Sage Robert H. Sage ‘79 Debra A. Sarvela ‘79 Paul D. Sarvela Ben F. Sergent Nancy H. Sergent Clyda Rae Simms ‘76† Albert Dewey Smith ‘02 Helen M. Stallard Iloe Read Stallard† Nicolas A. Starkovsky Andrew Johnson Still Delores Roark Still Kathleen Miller Strunk† Gaye Sturgill Kathleen C. Sturgill† William J. Sturgill ‘56 Farley Sutherland† Helen Jackson Sutherland James Darryl Swartz ‘01 Jennifer R. Swartz Frederick Gordon Tice† Thelma Phipps Weaver† Roy L. Wells ‘56 Ruth B. Wells Beverly G. Wendle Beth S. Wendell† Harold C. Wright† Joan M. Wright Roger E. Wright†

DARDEN SOCIETY ($25,000 & above) Anonymous**** Anonymous*** Alpha Natural Resources, Inc.** Bella Vista Foundation Estate of Carol P. Buchanan Coal Energy Resources, Inc.** Columbus Phipps Foundation*** Desert Sands Shrine Club Dominion Resources Fas Mart First Bank & Trust Company Marvin W. Gilliam, Jr. & Marcia E. Adams Gilliam ‘82*** Richard B. Gilliam, Sr. ‘74 & Leslie F. Gilliam*** James M. Gott ‘72 & Eva M. Gott**** GPM Investments, LLC Alex Jensen & Melissa S. Jensen* Estate of Charlotte King Lacy & Mattie Meador Scholarship*** Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation***** Don Nicewonder & Etta Nicewonder* Norton Community Hospital**** Pam Orcutt* Mike Quillen & Debbie H. Quillen**** Donnie Ratliff & Victoria G. Ratliff** Richard & Leslie Gilliam Foundation Scholarship America** Slemp Foundation*** James Smith & Nancey Edmonds Smith* Jim Smith & Kelly Smith* Joe Stallard & Pat H. Stallard**** Robert F. Stallard ‘76 & Jeannie N. Stallard ‘80*** Nick D. Street & Fay H. Street* Wellmont Foundation JEFFERSON SOCIETY ($10,000 to $24,999) Anonymous*** Anonymous Fred A. Bays ‘86 & Teressa Y. Bays**** Center for Scholarship Administration, Inc.* Charles G. Koch Charitable Fdn. Carroll W. Dale & Patricia S. Dale ‘58**** Estate of Larry Fish Carol Sue Gilbert ‘56**** James K. Hammond ‘72 & Angela B. Hammond*** Hampton Roads Community Foundation Billye B. Henson*** Charlie R. Jessee ‘62 & Jill Jessee ‘62 Kenneth L. Justice & Elizabeth Paxton Frye Justice Christine Stanley Kohr Massey Foundation* E. Morgan Massey & Joan Massey* William B. Massey, Jr. & Randee Massey* William B. Massey, Sr.* William E. Massey, Jr. & Rebecca C. Massey* Brenda Swindall McClellan ‘66***

Pepsi Cola Bottling Company**** Scott Perkins & Rhonda M. Perkins ‘73**** Franklin D. Robertson*** Clyde Stacy** John R. Stafford William J. Sturgill ‘56 & Gaye Sturgill**** The Justice-Frye Foundation Thomas & Kate Jeffress Mem. Trust Wilson Sales & Service Danny Wilson* Wise County Schools Educational Foundation* WASHINGTON SOCIETY ($5,000 to $9,999) Anonymous*** Mike L. Allen ‘81 & Mary Beth Allen**** Richard S. Alper & Kate A. Herrod* Blankenship/Justice Scholarship Fund* Donald W. Caudill* Charles & Lillian Chandler Memorial Scholarship Fund*** China Garden** Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region County of Wise*** Stuart M. Craig & Hunter E. Craig Dirk Paxton Davis ‘85 & Jennifer Davis** Eastman Chemical Company Environmental Monitoring, Inc.** Thomas Francis Farrell II & Anne Tullidge Farrell* Gaynell Fowler** W. Heywood Fralin, Sr. & Cynthia K. Fralin Randal Frazer & Sally B. Frazer* Don M. Green ‘61 & Phyllis Green**** Keith D. Horton & Ann N. Horton ‘81* James N. Humphreys* Kline Foundation**** Larry J. McReynolds ‘70**** Danny G. Mullins ‘70 & Kim Mullins*** Rick L. Mullins ‘91** Napoleon Hill Foundation** James L. Oleson Oliver Coal Sales** Penn Virginia Operating Co. LLC**** Anne P. Phillips*** Randall J. Porter ‘80 & Gina A. Porter ‘81** Oleg Rudnik & Tatiana Rudnik** Ervin Stiltner*** Ronald B. Sturgill ‘56 & Barbara S. Sturgill**** The Scholarship Fund of Alexandria** UVa-Wise Alumni Association*** Wells Fargo Foundation, Inc. S. Hoyt Williams & Dawneda F. Williams**** Winston Witt & Judy Witt*** CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY ($1,000 to $4,999) Anonymous**** Anonymous**** Anonymous*** Anonymous**

Anonymous** Anonymous** Anonymous* Judith P. Abbott ‘77**** Access College Foundation* ACT WAL-MART Air Force Aid Society Carolyn S. Alper* Alpha Natural Resources PAC Amvets Post No. 5 Appalachian After Hours Care PC Appalachian Health Care Associates PC Jack R. Arnold ‘58 & Darlene Arnold* Arrington, Schelin & Herrell, P. C.* J. B. Atwood, Jr. & Freda A. Atwood**** B. A. Davis III Memorial Scholarship Fund Bailey Family Foundation, Inc.* Rex Baird & Sally S. Baird ‘92**** Howard L. Baucom & Barbara Baucom** BB&T*** Belmont Ruritan Club Loretta Bolling** Morgan E. Bolling ‘58 & Betty M. Bolling ‘57, ‘70**** E. Dean Bray III** Bristol Compressors, Inc.** Lawrence Brown & Mary Elizabeth Gibson ‘89** Buchanan First Presbyterian Church* Burger King Scholars, Inc. Joseph R. Carico ‘95*** Greg Carter* Joyce R. Carter Castlewood High School* Castlewood Lions Club Elizabeth G. Cauthen**** Cavalier Pharmacy, Inc.* Ann Cawood Charity League of Martinsville* Chatham Family Charitable Trust Chester A. Reece Memorial Scholarship Terry E. Chisenhall & Gina Chisenhall ‘89* Albert Lee Clark ‘85 & Michelle P. Clark ‘87**** Clintwood High School* Scott R. Coffey & Angela Coffey David Cohn & Patricia Alper-Cohn* Colgard Outdoor Sports**** College & Career Scholarships, Inc. Bobby H. Colyer, Sr. ‘57 & Margie L. Colyer**** Community Foundation of the New River Valley Consol Energy Inc. Jack Sewell Cooper ‘60** Copper Creek Ruritan Club* Thomas M. Costa & Mary E. Martin**** Tim Cox & Angel Cox** CSE Agency, Inc.* Ralph Cummins & Carolyn Cummins**** Van W. Daniel III**** Richard Davidson & Phyllis L. Davidson**** Delta Coals, Inc.**** Fall 2012 35

Designing Smiles Cosmetic Dental Centre* Dickenson County Freewill Baptist Conference*** Dickenson Memorial/Clintwood High School Class of 1954 Robert B. DiNardo & Allison Cryor DiNardo Keith Dishner & Linda Q. Dishner ‘71**** Bernard E. Dotson, Jr.** Dragas Management Corporation Eastside High School* Education Training Vocher Program Terry W. Edwards ‘83 & Gleda A. Edwards* R. Winston Ely ‘61 & Tamara S. Ely ‘90**** Farmers & Miners Bank** Foggyboot Enterprises, LLC* Foundation for Roanoke Valley John D. Fulton & Eva Fulton* George & Frances Lambert Scholarship George Wythe High School Grand Lodge Scholarship Fund*** Fred B. Greear, Jr. & Ann Greear** Greenville Baptist Church James E. Haden & Sue E. Haden W. W. Hamilton & Sandra Hamilton* Elsey A. Harris III & Amelia J. Harris*** Michael D. Hebert & Valencia A. Hebert Charles H. Henderson III & Mary M. Henderson* Frances L. Holbrook ‘77*** William J. Hooper & Barbara Hooper**** William C. Horne ‘91 & Rebecca Horne ‘91*** Chad Horvat ‘06 Joe T. Howard & Frances F. Howard ‘70**** Huffman Family Fund Randolph H. Huffman & Lisa A. Huffman Betty M. Humphreys**** George E. Hunnicutt, Jr. ‘72 & Lotus Hunnicutt*** Robert Isaac, Sr. & Dorothy Isaac**** Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia, Inc. J. T. Minnie Maude Charitable Trust* Jack H. Gibbs Trust Fund**** James B. Plummer Memorial Scholarship Judith E. Johnson ‘94*** The Rudi Johnson Foundation K & F Venture LLC Travis Kennedy, Jr. ‘90 ** Dennis F. Kern ‘72* Kettle Run High School Robert D. Kilgore & Courtney Lynn Kilgore ‘89**** William D. Kilgore, Jr. & Christa Kilgore** William E. King Mark J. Kington & Ann A. Kington Kiwanis Club of Norton*** Knights of Pythias-Bingo John Kuczko & Donna Kuczko LabCorp Corporate Community Affairs* Steve Lawson ‘78 & Valerie S. Lawson ‘87**** Lawton Mullins Enterprises Lee Regional Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. Lewey K. Lee ‘64 & Brenda B. Lee ‘70**** Jeffrey N. Leftwich ‘89 & Barbara O. Leftwich* 36 UVa-Wise Magazine

Liberty High School Little Elam Baptist Church Louisa County Ruritan Club Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation* John C. Marion & Janet Marion John K. Matney & Becky Matney ‘84* Miners Exchange Bank**** Jean D. Moore* Timothy D. Morgan ‘76 & Donna Morgan** Morgan-McClure Chevrolet*** Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Mountain City Lodge No. 67 Mountain City Rotary Club Mullins Insurance Agency, Inc.** Freddie E. Mullins ‘71 & Karen S. Mullins ‘74*** Freddie E. Mullins ‘96 & Marnie Rae Mullins ‘97* Jettie Greer Mullins ‘97** Jillian Mullins* Kevin W. Mullins ‘93 & Maria D. Mullins ‘99*** Lawton Mullins ‘04* N. Carroll Mullins ‘70**** National MS Society Scholarship National Network of Public Health Institutes National Philanthropic Trust John L. Nau III & Barbara E. Nau New Peoples Bank, Inc.** Don Newlon & Cynthia Johnson Newlon ‘92*** J. D. Nicewonder & Lorraine B. Nicewonder* Norton City Schools* Michael E. O’Donnell & Jill O’Donnell**** Dennis R. Owens & Kathy L. Owens William H. Owens* Margaret D. Pangle* Payless Super Markets**** Richard H. Peake**** Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Chapter Don R. Pippin ‘58 & Gloria R. Pippin ‘73**** Police Association of Virginia James T. Potter, Jr. & Lauren D. Potter Powell Valley National Bank*** David J. Prior+* Merry Lu Prior* Project Discovery of Virginia, Inc. Quadrant EPP USA, Inc. Quesenberry’s, Inc.*** Ford C. Quillen Scholarship Fund*** Renata R. Quillen** Bill Ramseyer & Mary A. Ramseyer**** Rana Family Range Resources Corporation Christopher W. Ratliff ‘98 & Sonya Renee Ratliff ‘02** Regent Allied Carbon Energy, Inc.* Restoring Lives C.D.C. Richlands High School** Roanoke County Public Schools Education Foundation, Inc. J. Philip Robbins & Patricia P. Robbins* Edwin R. Roop ‘76 & Karen M. Roop****

Thurston Rose ‘63 & Mary Ann Rose ‘63**** Rotary Club of Scott County** Round Oak Baptist Church Cathy L. Sandidge ‘71**** Scott County Republican Party Scott County Retired Teachers Association* James P. Senter ‘60 & Ginger Rose Senter** Ben F. Sergent & Nancy H. Sergent** Vicki Boggs Shiner ‘76* Bobby L. Shortt & Judy D. Shortt** Norma A. Siemen ‘85**** Rabern Simmons ‘04 Eddie Skeens ‘76 & Marianne H. Skeens* Joshua Ryan Skeens ‘02** Tommy Skeens ‘72 & Linda Skeens*** Joseph C. Smiddy & Reba Graham Smiddy**** South-West Insurance Agency**** Southwest Virginia Community Foundation, Inc. Spotsylvania Career Technical Ctr. Steel Dynamics Jimmy C. Stewart & Jo Stewart ‘84**** May B. Straughan**** Michael Strouth ‘80 & Carolyn S. Strouth ‘67** Robert Stump & Alice M. Stump*** SW VA Public Education Foundation Sykes Enterprises, Inc.* The Alper Family Foundation, Inc. The Esperanza Education Fund, Inc. The Salem Educational Foundation & Alumni Association M. Bardin Thrower, Jr.+**** John D. Tickle* Kenneth J. Tiller & Gillian Huang-Tiller** Tim Cox Photo/Graphics Trade Days, Inc. UMWA Dickenson-Russell Training & Education Fund* The United Company Charitable Foundation United Negro College Fund United Southeast Federal Credit Union Roger C. Viers ‘64 & Beverly W. Viers**** Virginia Baptist Foundation, Inc.* Virginia Baptist Mission Board Virginia Electric Supply, Inc.* Virginia High School League Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute, Inc.** David W. Wall & Frances M. Wall ‘73**** Bruce Wasem**** Lewis W. Webb III & Helen E. Dragas Roy L. Wells ‘56 & Ruth B. Wells**** Sam M. Wharton ‘65 & Debra A. Wharton ‘78**** J. Clayton Willis ‘56 +**** Shirley G. Willis**** Wise Kiwanis Club**** Wolfe, Williams Rutherford & Reynolds*** Wytheville Rotary Club Cumblerland County Public Schools Foundation, Inc. Ralph Cummins & Carolyn Cummins****

FOUNDER’S SOCIETY ($500 to $999) Michael H. Abbott ‘82 & Debra J. Taylor**** Abingdon Roofing Bob Adkins & Teresa Adkins* Jimmy J. Adkins ‘04 & Pearl L. Adkins ‘04 David B. Amos ‘03 & Stephanie Amos* Greg Andranovich ‘78*** Appalachian Energy, Inc. Appalachian Production Services, Inc. H. Ross Arnold III Nell Asbury*** Wendell Barnette ‘63 & Brenda Barnette*** Bassett Kiwanis Scholarship Education Foundation Bobby Bates & Debbie J. Bates** James S. Berkman & McKey W. Berkman* Best Western Motel Brian Keith Blanton ‘92 & Daphne Dawn Blanton ‘93**** Robert A. Blevins ‘90 & Cindy L. Blevins ‘91* BPO Elks Lodge No. 2382 Todd Breeding ‘88 & Valerie Breeding John H. Brickey III ‘86 & Karen Brickey*** Lynda L. Brothers Taylor R. Burgess ‘95 & Pebbles Burgess Wesley D. Burke & Karen Y. Burke ‘84** Candace Rakes Scholarship Fund* Robert J. Cantrell ‘78 & Eileen Cantrell*** Chad J. Carpenter & Jennifer B. Carpenter Shawn Carpenter & Jonette Dixon Carpenter ‘01** Central High School* Charlotte High Alumni Association, Inc. Clinch Valley Baptist Assoc., Inc. Mike Clisso*** Pam J. Collie ‘93*** Roderick Alan Colyer ‘84 & Valeri J. Colyer ‘83*** The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region Community Foundation of the Virginias Cougars Paws Council High School Mike Craft O’Brien Craft George F. Cridlin & Karen Cridlin* Crutchfield Corporation** William G. Crutchfield, Jr.** George E. Culbertson ‘57 & Nancy B. Culbertson ‘77**** Luciano D’Amato & Janice D’Amato**** Sharon S. Daniels ‘88**** David Tipton Scholarship Fund Eric M. Dean ‘06 & Elizabeth Dean ‘05 Roger B. Dingus & Carla S. Dingus* Dominion Office Products, Inc. James W. Dotson & Sylvia J. Dotson** Drew Exposition F. Wayne Edwards ‘62 & Brenda P. Edwards**** Claude E. Elkins, Jr. ‘93 & Ruth A. Elkins**

Lu Ellsworth & Phyllis P. Hatcher ‘75*** Charles S. Elton & Maribel S. Elton Simeon E. Ewing & Glenda F. Ewing** Frank E. Page Scholarship Fund* Franklin Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Chad S. Franklin Freedom Ford** Erin Freeman David Wayne Fuller ‘89**** Gasco Drilling, Inc.* Jerry G. Gibson & Kimberly A. Gibson ‘84* Greg Gilbert & Dawn Gilbert ‘82**** Earl S. Gillespie & Sylvia Parsons Gillespie ‘58* William A. Goins & Rhonda K. Goins ‘90**** Louise Witt Good*** Srikumar Gopalan & Renu Gopalan** Grand Chapter of Virginia, Order of Eastern Star Gray Community Chest Gretna High School Bobby F. Griffin & Freda Griffin*** Hall’s Free School Foundation Judy G. Harding ‘75* Brian M. Harris ‘05 & Amanda K. Harris ‘04* Gary A. Harvey ‘91 & Melissa Harvey** A. Darrell Holbrook ‘73 & Joy P. Holbrook ‘77** Home Hardware & Furniture Company David H. Horne J. A. Street & Associates**** John I. Burton High School* Sewell F. Johnson, Jr.*** Tim Jones ‘81 & Martha S. Jones** Joy Mining Machinery* William P. Kanto, Jr. & Marguerite T. Kanto* Keokee High School Reunion* Kingsport Times News* Rob Kinman & Kathy Kinman Kirkwood Otey Chapter No. 10, U. D. C. Gregory A. Kozera & Lynnda K. Kozera Tony Lawson ‘74* LBROTHERSLAW Levi Retiree Club Stephen P. Long, M.D. & Georganne W. Long, M.D. Michelle S. Lunn M & R Vulcanizing Archie Maggard & Marsha Maggard*** Donnie Maine & Rita E. Maine** Jonathan Keith Mason ‘02* Frank B. Mayorshi ‘61 & Gerry Mayorshi ‘56**** Randy McMahon ‘80 & Laura McMahon**** Robert L. Meade, Jr. & Cristal L. Meade Preston D. Miller, Jr.* Preston W. Mitchell & Patricia Baumgartner**** Frank D. Molinary ‘72 & Constance W. Molinary ‘80** Mountain Valley Charitable Foundation Dennis W. Mullins ‘76

Mutter Insurance** NAPA Auto Parts at Wise**** Russell D. Necessary ‘87 & Martha C. Necessary*** Oscar Neece & Orana S. Neece ‘90** New Bethel United Methodist Church Norfolk Southern Good Government Fund Matching Gift Program* North Carolina Community Foundation* Northrop Grumman Corporation Information Technology Norton Insurance Agency, Inc.** Gregory Perry & Carol L. Perry* Peuther Chapel Freewill Baptist Church Jack C. Phelps, Jr. ‘75 & Eva C. Phelps ‘75** Paul L. Phipps ‘72 & Barbara R. Phipps ‘83** K. Nicole Pilkenton ‘07 Bob Pippin*** Plastic Surgery Specialists, PC Police Benevolent Foundation, Inc. Pound High School Class of 1985 Lyndon R. Powers ‘81 & Joyce Powers** The Preston D. Miller, Jr. Living Trust Marcia K. Quesenberry*** Edward A. Riner ‘79*** Robinette Steel**** Richie Rose & Kellie S. Rose ‘05 Russell County Limbhangers Sevier County High School Foundation Sherando High School Althletic Association Michael N. Smith & Catogni C. Smith Southern Steel, Inc. Southwest Storage, Inc. Southwest Surgical* St. Mary’s Health Wagon, Inc. K. Matthew Stanley ‘04 & Kimberly M. Stanley ‘06* Kathy Thacker Stewart ‘77**** Michael L. Still ‘84 & Kathy L. Still ‘84* The Chamber of Commerce of Smyth County, Inc. The Lazy Parrot Grill Thompson & Litton**** James C. Thompson & Melissa M. Thompson Thrower, Blanton & Associates, P.C.** TRANE* Trinity Life Center Union Pacific Fund for Effective Government The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Student Services** Anthony Ray VanNostrand ‘85 & Raye Jean M. VanNostrand*** Virginia Division United Daughters of the Confederacy Virginia Farm Bureau Insurance Services Virginia Golf Foundation** R. L. Wallen ‘76 & Jennifer S. Wallen* Wellmont Health System* Western Branch Athletic Club Emmet T. White & Betty Orr White ‘66* Winchester Bambino Leauge, Inc. Wise County Animal Hospital** Fall 2012 37

Wise County Family & Community Education Club Wally Witt ‘70**** Radford E. Wolfe & Shirley J. Wolfe*** Woodmen of the World Jurisdiction of Virginia* CAVALIER SOCIETY ($300 to $499) Anonymous** Anonymous** Anonymous Kevin W. Abel* J. Marty Adkins ‘85 & Marybeth M. Adkins ‘92*** Julian Adkins & Shirley Adkins Fred W. Banner ‘70 & Sue Banner** Todd Barnette & Crystal Barnette**** Martha D. Beach* Jerry C. Bentley & Karen Lynn Bentley* Pat R. Bevins ‘94** Gilmer W. Blackburn & Martha Burke Blackburn* John C. Blanton ‘62 & Judith A. Blanton ‘62*** Danny L. Breeding & Ginger T. Breeding ‘77* Byron D. Cantrell & Carmen M. Cantrell ‘81** Megan Castell Tommy N. Chester ‘73**** Dorothy Chittester* Thomas V. Clark & Mary E. Clark Rickey J. Colley ‘90 & Tina M. Colley ‘89* The James J. Collins Family**** Diane Cornett ‘88* Michael D. Cox* Kim Deel D. Michael Donathan*** David Dotson & Henrietta Dotson Douglas C. Dotson ‘76 & Betty Jo Dotson ‘81 Robert H. Easterling* Ronald K. Elkins & Katherine McDermott Elkins* Paula C. Ely Fairbanks Coal* Elsa B. Farmer ‘93* First Bank & Trust Company** James Allen Fischer ‘61 & Sue Fischer**** Jim Flanigan & Susan Flanigan* Ricky H. Fogg & Michele P. Fogg ‘80** Charles B. Foulkrod & Sarah S. Foulkrod* Freddie E. Mullins, P. C. David W. Gilbert ‘85* S. Michael Goodnough & Rita H. Goodnough* Grayson National Bank* Louella Short Greear ‘64*** Hagy & Fawbush Funeral Home, Inc.** Garland A. Hall ‘91 & Melissa Hall** Glynn Helbert & Fredia Helbert** Ron Helton & Kathy Helton** Aaron C. Hicks ‘97 & Candi N. Austin-Hicks** 38 UVa-Wise Magazine

Dennis S. Honeycutt & Mary H. Honeycutt ‘97 Nathan S. Houchins, D.D.S. Bob Howard ‘77 & Susan Howard**** Jack R. Howard & Patricia K. Howard** Fran G. Hunt ‘80 & Martha Hankins Hunt ‘81** Impressions of Norton, Inc.** David W. Jarvis & Leah J. Jarvis ‘88* Jesse Walker Foundation* James W. Joines & Drucilla Joines* Robert M. Joines & Lorene E. Joines* Homer W. Jordan ‘61* David L. Kelly & Betty Jo Kelly** Kennedy Enterprises LLC* Thomas A. Kennedy ‘92 & Natasha M. Kennedy**** Tommie D. Kennedy & Laurie M. Kennedy Nolan L. Kilgore ‘67 & Betty L. Kilgore ‘67** Randall Kilgore & Dana G. Kilgore**** KSA Events, Inc. Lawson Water Conditioning* Hettie Childress Love ‘94 & Tony Love Catherine J. Mahony* Tom McGarril & Kathy H. McGarril ‘83*** George L. McReynolds & Glenna Ball McReynolds ‘70*** Ricky Dean Meade ‘89 & Holly P. Meade**** Royce V. Meade & Linda S. Meade** James L. Miller II & Kyla Bohon Miller ‘88*** Thomas E. Neff ‘86 & Rene M. Neff* Ann Kleinhans Palmer Augusto A. Portuondo & Daisy Portuondo**** Pound Lions Club Laura D. Pritchard ‘91* Fred L. Ramey, Jr. ‘88 & Jessica Lynn Ramey ‘88**** Riggs Oil Company, Inc.** Arnie Riggs**** Frances C. Roberson**** Betty H. Roberts Monroe Robinette & Linda S. Robinette ‘72 Sara M. Roop ‘07* Danny Ray Rowland ‘84*** Samuel Hawkins Scholarship Fund Paul D. Sarvela & Debra A. Sarvela ‘79**** Maurice A. Sovern & Georgia M. Sovern** Christopher T. Starnes ‘98 & Autumn M. Starnes* Brian A. Stevens & Donna D. Stevens Edward G. Stout ‘71 & Linda D. Stout ‘72**** Tazewell County Fair Association, Inc. The Clapboard House, Inc.* Thomas E. Neff Insurance Agency* Todd’s Hair Studio** Bill Troy & Carol Troy VA-KY District Fair* Debbie Vanover* James Veenstra William D. Wendle ‘93 & Teresa F. Wendle* Joseph R. Werling & Elizabeth P. Werling ‘99** Roland M. Wheeler & Sarah A. Wheeler

Whispering Sands Resort, LLC Ann L. Williams*** Damon L. Williams ‘90 & Melanie S. Williams*** David L. Williams ‘67**** Joyce R. Winston**** Wise County Chamber of Commerce*** Joseph E. Wolfe ‘72 & Jami R. Wolfe**** Michael D. Wright ‘72 & Diane D. Wright* Terry W. Wright & Dinah J. Wright ‘84*** Randy Z. Wyatt CENTURION SOCIETY ($100 to $299) Anonymous Anonymous A & A Enterprises, Inc.*** AAUW-Norton/Wise County Branch Barbara F. Adams J. D. Adams & Sherry Adams ‘88* James W. Adams ‘94 & Stephanie R. Adams ‘92*** Adkins & Hunnicutt*** Drew Adkins Darlene Phipps Ahrens ‘78*** Edward M. Allen, Jr. & Deborah K. Allen Barry Wade Allison ‘92 & Mary Beth Allison ‘00*** Alpha Psi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International** Rick Amari & Mary Ann Amari ‘89* Ray D. Ammon & Teresa H. Ammon* Danny Anderson* Pamela S. Anderson Timothy Scott Anderson ‘05 & Alicia J. King ‘07* Appalachian Technical Services** Camden E. Arthur ‘98** Asbury, Gilbert & Kincade, P.C. C. Mike Asbury ‘73 & Sheila Asbury Donald H. Askins & Gloria Jewell Askins ‘73* Alan Atwood & Suzi Atwood* Tabby Back & Rose Back Linda C. Bailey ‘79 Jim Baird & Paula C. Baird ‘76** Brian Baker & Brenda Dolinger Baker ‘74 Caroline H. Baker ‘00 John D. Baker ‘71 & Joanna M. Baker**** Larry O. Baker ‘67 & Patricia A. Baker*** Susie Baker ‘91 Mike Bales & Drema Bales* Elena Banfi Anne Barker ‘89** Clyde Barnette Billy Bartlett & Allison Bartlett** George M. Barton ‘81 & Lisa Barton ‘81* Michael G. Basham & Betty Basham**** Terry Bass Bates Contracting & Construction, Inc. Daniel W. Bates & Nancye E. Bates John C. Bates & Andrea Waldron Bates ‘99 Charles W. Baugh & Helen J. Baugh William G. Baugh & Jacqueline A. Baugh

Earl Scott Bays Adam M. Bell ‘00 & Tammy N. Bell ‘99* Jerry Bell & Trina Bell* James W. Bellamy, Jr. ‘97 & Jacqueline Bellamy** David A. Belyea & Audrey A. Belyea Charles W. Bennett ‘58*** Bryan M. Bentley ‘11 & Sara K. Bentley ‘10 Charles David Bentley ‘70 & Katherine Sue Bentley ‘81** Paul E. Bentley & Wanda J. Bentley* Michael D. Berry ‘05 & Nicole R. Berry ‘05* Beta Sigma Phi, Virginia Alpha Phi, Chapter 3092 Herman Beverly Fred A. Bevins ‘75 Gary Bevins & Vickie Bevins* Kenneth Todd Bevins ‘90 Daniel W. Bird, Jr. Thomas B. Bishop & Kyra K. Bishop John E. Black & Rowena S. Black** Glenn Blackburn & Jere N. Blackburn**** C. R. Blair** Blake & Moody CPA’s, Inc. J. Allen Blanken & Janice Blanken* Bledsoe Law Office* Charles Bledsoe & Jearline Bledsoe* Loretta Bledsoe Dennis R. Blevins ‘90 & Shannon R. Blevins ‘91* Lowell Blevins & Rosemary Blevins*** C. L. Boggs & Loretha Boggs ‘95 Teresa Scott Boggs ** Wendell C. Boggs & Tana M. Boggs* Brandon Lee Bolling ‘98* Lawrence Bolling, Jr. ‘73 & Sandy Bolling**** Norman K. Bolling & Sandra Bolling ‘98 Wallace Bolton* Gary L. Bond ‘62**** Harold H. Booth & Carole L. Booth Robert E. Botts ‘72 & Diane Botts Ronnie F. Bowman & Darlene Bowman William E. Bradshaw & Grace C. Bradshaw* George Brady** Louise Stone Bragg* Lynn Brewer John H. Brickey, Jr. & Shirley R. Brickey* Edna Brim Don Brooks** Wilma B. Brooks* Michael D. Brown & Susan A. Brown Valerie A. Bruce** Steve Brundage & Susan A. Brundage Bryant Electric, Inc.* Buchanan Pump Service* Danny Buchanan & Treva T. Buchanan ‘72 Eddie Buchanan & Diane Buchanan** Rick Buchanan & Pam Buchanan Charles Bunch & Nancy Bunch David S. Burgess ‘94 & Rachel D. Burgess ‘06* Gary D. Burgess & Linda Burgess* Ed Burns & Julia A. Schwab Joseph L. Bush ‘76 & Elaine S. Bush* Thomas E. Butt

C & M Tire Sales C. Jeffrey Stump, CPA PC C. Paul Johnson, PLLC C. R. Pate and Company** Donnie Cagle** Jeff Cantrell A. Macdonald Caputo & Ellen Stuyt Caputo Harry B. Cardwell III & Patti H. Cardwell Ella Nora Carmony Clifton W. Carson & Regina R. Carson** Cartridge World Timothy H. Carty ‘91** Verlin K. Carty ‘79 & Dana Carty Billy Cassell Lisa Hughes Cawthorne Cengage Learning Chafin Enterprises, Inc. Terrell R. Chamberlin & Helen P. Dotson ‘75* Charles Harris Library Gallery Karen Grace Chase ‘97 Jim Wayne Childress ‘70 & Margaret Wakeland*** William P. Childress ‘03* Chilhowie Christian Church Chilhowie Insurance Agency Elijah J. Christman ‘03* Scott Church & Deidre Anne Church ‘84**** Michael L. Ciminelli Eric D. Clark ‘90 & Michelle R. Clark ‘90 Helen M. Clark*** James E. Clark & Tanya L. Clark ‘00* Charles Clarke & Carole Clarke Dean R. Clemons & Elizabeth A. Clemons Clintwood Farm Supply, Inc. Coastal Property Services & Landscaping, Inc. Cochran Family Foundation** The Honorable George M. Cochran+*** Lee S. Cochran *** Jerry C. Coger Patricia L. Coger+* David L. Cole & Diana G. Cole* Collegiate Consulting LLC James N. Collie & Sherry Collie** Wendi L. Collier ‘96 Chris H. Collins & Christi B. Collins ‘99 Robert D. Collins & Pamela Minor Collins ‘79* Robert Ronald Collins ‘59**** Steve D. Collins & Deborah Hill Collins ‘73* Mike Combs & Sheila B. Cox Combs ‘72**** Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health Professions Brett S. Compton ‘02 & Jessica B. Compton ‘03* Randy V. Compton ‘74 & Phyllis Compton** Jim Cook Joshua Cook & Sandra H. Cook ‘03+ Perry V. Cook ‘70**** Saundra P. Cook+**** B. V. Cooper & Shirley F. Cooper ‘75** Craig Copeland Jeff Copeland James E. Cornett & Sue Cornett****

Michael L. Couch ‘92 & Kimberly Y. Couch ‘86 County of Roanoke, Virginia David L. Cox ‘94 & Melissa G. Cox Michelle D. Cox Scotty L. Cox ‘90* Roy Crawford** R. Jack Cress ‘63 & Marian W. Cress* John A. Crockett ‘86 & Shelli R. Crockett** John A. Crouse Jace S. Cuje ‘88 & Nancy L. Cuje**** Eugene Carl Culbertson & Mildred W. Culbertson** Steve D. Curran ‘75**** Custom Metal Roofing, LLC Russell Cyphers & Vanessa Y. Cyphers ‘10 Stephen D. Dalton ‘99 & Christy G. Dalton ‘98 MATCHING GIFT CORPORATIONS Allstate Giving Campaign BAE Systems Matching Gifts Program Fannie Mae Pac Match Program Glenmede Trust Co. Home Depot Foundation IBM International Foundation KPMG Foundation Laboratory Corporation of America Merck Partnership For Giving Nationwide Insurance Foundation Penn Virginia Resource Partners Thompson & Litton Wells Fargo Foundation ‡About Matching Gifts Almost 1,000 corporations match gifts made by employees, board members, retired employees and spouses to their institution of choice. Matching gifts enable you to double or even triple your gift to UVa-Wise. Alumni and friends receive full credit and recognition for personal gifts as well as corporate matches. Participation is simple. Just search the HEP/CASE Matching Gift Network at www.matchinggifts.cm/rit to find out if your company matches gifts and to obtain contact information for the program manager. Please obtain a matching gift form, complete the form, submit it to your employer and watch your gift grow! Thank you for making the extra effort and for your doubled support! If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Development at 276-328-0129. Fall 2012 39

Michael D. Darnell ‘86 Elizabeth H. Davidson Susan Davidson Christopher D. Davis ‘99 & Nichole L. Davis ‘99 Whitney Davis & Kimberly T. Davis ‘92** Freddie Dean Deel Insurance Agency, Inc.** Ritchie S. Deel ‘05 & Leah D. Deel ‘05 William R. Deel ‘74* Mark DeLeon ‘08 & Melissa W. DeLeon ‘02* Shana DelForge ‘99* John D. Deviney & Mary E. Loose Deviney Deanna Dickenson** Nancy Dickenson* Allen L. Dillion & Jamie R. Dillion Dennis A. Dillow ‘04 & Vivian Dillow Cleo E. Dingus** Donald Elmer Dingus & Joetta Nash Dingus ‘57*** Jimmy Dishner & Pat Dishner*** David E. Dodson & Linda L. Dodson* Gregory A. Dodson ‘93 & Krista L. Dodson Dominion Generation Don R. Pippin Attorney at Law Cory Dotson & Ashley Dotson Roger Dotson & George Anna Dotson Robyn Dougherty Stacey K. Doyle & Fran M. Doyle ‘83 Gary L. Dutton & Gayle Sandefur Dutton ‘02* Lawrence Eagle & Ellen Elizabeth Sovern** Lee Eanes & Jina Eanes Donald E. Earls ‘61 & Sandy Earls*** Ebby’s Auto Painting & Repair Edward G. Stout, Attorney Alex Edwards ‘80* & Diana Edwards** Richard W. Edwards ‘77 & Rita O. Edwards* Jeffery L. Elkins ‘86 & Cindy A. Elkins* Doug Elosser & Bonnie Elosser* Wesley L. Elswick & Brenda K. Elswick ‘86*** Darrell-Dingus Ely ‘10 & Miranda B. Ely ‘09 Kenny W. Ervin & Sandra S. Ervin Jody Lee Evans ‘82 & Kimberly D. Evans** Michael D. Evans & Pam K. Evans Dennis S. Farmer & Patricia Elliott Farmer Kathy Sutherland Finn ‘84*** Flaming Coal, Inc. Doug Fleming & Sue Ellen Fleming*** Jackie O. Fleming & Crystal B. Fleming* Roger Mack Fleming Gary Shane Fletcher Alycia Fogle Richard A. Fogle, M. D. & Anna Sue Bennett Fogle Foundation for the Tri-State Community Inc J. Keith Fowlkes & Talitha Fowlkes J. Thomas Fowlkes & Donna B. Fowlkes* Leon R. Fox & Shirley Fox Franklin County High School* Freddie Dean, CPA Mona G. Freeman ‘75 Friendly Floral, The Flower Shop* 40 UVa-Wise Magazine

Teddy Fryatt & Tonya Fryatt* Betty Fugate Peter M. Fuller & Sarah D. Fuller Brock Anthony M. Funk ‘08 & Terri A. Hill-Funk ‘07* Fred Tiny Funk, Jr. & Roxanne C. Funk* Rick D. Galyean & Cathy L. Galyean* Thomas Galyean+* William T. Gamble & Anna B. Gamble* Garland Hall James H. Garrett* Reginald H. Garrett & Georgia Cobb Grant Stephen Garrett & Debbie Garrett ‘75** Thomas E. Gaston & Elizabeth C. Gaston ‘56* David W. Gay & Shannon Gay Bill Gembach & Rue Gembach* Bick Gibson George P. Gibson ‘67 & Sarah P. Gibson ‘65** James D. Gibson Tyler G. Giles ‘03* Kenny Gilley ‘73* Ralph B. Gilley Garnett P. Gilliam & Carolyn B. Gilliam ‘63** Gary Gilliam ‘79 & Tracey L. Gilliam ‘98 Julianne F. Gilliam Kara L. Goins ‘98* Blanche H. Graham+* Marlon A. Graham ‘78 & Tina D. Graham* Robert F. Graham & Marylou L. Graham Grand Home Furnishings H. Gaylon Greenhill & Hannah M. Greenhill James P. Grigg & Bentley Grigg Paul R. Guill & Patricia H. Guill ‘92** George H. Gumm & Rebecca T. Gumm*** Bobby L. Gunn & Virginia A. Gunn Andrew K. Gurney ‘63 & Barbara Gurney** Lena S. Haight Blake Hall & Ann Hall ‘90* Donald L. Hall ‘58 & Maurine F. Hall* Joan Roberson Hall ‘61*** Richard A. Hall ‘70 & Doris M. Hall*** Tim Hall ‘84 & Susan Hall C. Raymond Hansen, Jr. & Beverly F. Hansen Don Hanson & Jan Hanson Harold Kennedy, Inc. Robert G. Harrison & Susan P. Harrison** Barbara A. Hartnett Kirby Hearl**** Ron Heise & Julia R. Heise**** Daniel G. Helton & Debbie H. Helton* Dennis G. Hensdill & Glenna B. Hensdill ‘77*** Paul Hibbitts & Jennifer R. Hibbitts** Tabitha Hibbitts ‘00** John L. Hickman & Jennifer G. Hickman ‘83* Joyce T. Hilbert ‘75 Kevin D. Hill ‘03 & Elizabeth A. Humphreys-Hill ‘05* Larry J. Hill ‘62 & Brenda Hill**** George L. Hiller & Laura M. Hiller* James L. Hilton & Molly P. Hilton Larry G. Hobbs ‘65 & Nancy Hobbs

Roger A. Holbrook** Bill Holsclaw & Yvonne E. Holsclaw James W. Holyfield & Martha A. Holyfield Jermiah C. Hopkins ‘06 & Ann-Delyse Hopkins ‘07 Doug Horne & Sherry R. Horne** Paul O. Howard Larry Hubbard & Diane Hubbard Jim D. Hughes ‘71 & Jane Hughes*** Joshua Daniel Hughes ‘98 & Mendy Hughes** Michael H. Hughes ‘71 & Alice Hughes ‘77* Sandy Huguenin & Margaret Huguenin Joseph F. Hunnicutt ‘82* Hunt Commercial Properties Group* Innovative Graphics & Design, Inc.* James O. Ireson ‘90 & Sherri R. Ireson** Mary J. Isaac ‘73**** Iteck Solutions J & M Parts Delivery, Inc.* J&R Turner, Inc. Ronald L. Jackson & Brenda H. Jackson ‘78* William D. Jaggers, Jr. & Debra S. Jaggers Craig B. James & Sheryl T. James Donald R. Jeanes & Clarinda P. Jeanes Jeff Elkins Attorney at Law Edward L. Jessee & Ranessa O. Jessee** Roy M. Jessee & Cindy Jessee ‘98 Andy Johnson Betty M. Johnson*** C. Paul Johnson Buddy Johnston & Vicki Johnston Barbara M. Jones Betty M. Jones George D. Jones Sandra L. Jones ‘97* William H. Jones & Sibyll M. Jones ‘89 Joey Justice Joshua V. Justice ‘07* Phillip C. Justice, Jr. ‘97* Gregory Kallen** Alihan Karakartal ‘02 Gonul B. Kaya ‘03 Tim Keen David Kendall & Laura Ann Kendall ‘93** Harold Kennedy, Sr. ‘55 & Billie Pat Kennedy**** J. Jack Kennedy, Jr. ‘78*** Kester M. Kennedy ‘86 & Sue C. Kennedy ‘77** Ronald L. Kerber & Kathy Kerber Dean Kerkhoff & Robin Kerkhoff Lonnie L. Kern & Ada L. Campbell* Ronnie R. Kern & Donnese C. Kern Bobby L. Ketron & Suzan H. Ketron ‘85**** Donna T. Kilgore William E. Kimbler, Jr. ‘89 & Jennifer L. Kimbler Gary J. Kincade & Tamara K. Kincade R. Neal Kinder & Betty A. Kinder Earl Kinsler C. Scott Kiser ‘00 & Kristy J. Kiser ‘00* James A. Kiser ‘75 & Brenda W. Kiser ‘86* Joseph B. Kiser ‘00 & Selena M. Kiser ‘00*

S. Alex Knox & Deborah P. Knox**** Christopher L. Kommes ‘94 & Karen Kommes** Kranos Corporation Bobby Kyle* Kimberly L. Lambert ‘86* Michael R. Lambert ‘78** Landmark Financial Services, LLC** Chastity Hope Lane ‘95 Wayne R. Lane & Linda A. Lane** George M. Langford & Sylvia T. Langford Tommy Lee Large Larry D. Sturgill, P.C. Roy R. Laster** Charles F. Lawson** Rodney A. Lawson ‘64 Warren S. Leap III ‘00 & Lydia B. Leap ‘00* Bill J. Lee**** Dante S. Lee & Lisa S. Lee** Donald W. Lee ‘90 & Teresa G. Lee ‘90** Phil Lee Lemons Jewelry Leonard D. Rogers, P.C. Frank Leonard & Jackie Leonard Robert A. Leonard ‘57 & Robin K. Leonard**** Roy Glenn Light & Freda V. Light* Lincoln Memorial University Joseph Lipari* Lisa’s Touch Little Acorn Oil Company* Durwin Logan & Shelly Logan* Shannon Logan* Lone Pine Chapel Church Linda L. Long Erik G. Lough & Hana Zibdeh-Lough ‘02* Jeffrey D. Lucas ‘89 & Gina C. Lucas ‘89 Rexford K. Lundy L. B. Lyle & Betty Lyle*** Carla Maggard** Michael J. Maher Paul Marcum ‘61** Michael Martin & Marquerite Martin Michael B. Mason ‘72 & Teresa Stepp Mason ‘77* Christopher T. Massey ‘97 & Jenny R. Massey Joseph S. Matney ‘63 & Christinia A. Matney**** William F. Maxwell ‘59 & Marilyn Maxwell*** Kevin Mays & Loretta M. Mays ‘90* Ron D. McCall ‘72 & Linda McCall**** Donald G. McCamey & Joan B. McCamey Robert G. McCoy & Hilda S. McCoy** Steve McCoy & Wilma McCoy*** Danny C. McDaniel & Ellen B. McDaniel Rod McGinnis John Thomas McGuire ‘99 & Misty D. McGuire ‘99** Jay R. McKenzie & Patricia Farrow Sarah Love McReynolds ‘87 ** James W. Meade, Jr. ‘63 & Myra Meade* Richard D. Meade ‘71***

Virginia H. Meador**** Ronald W. Meister & Jane M. Sovern** Frank Meredith David Mersereau & Marianne Mersereau ‘84*** Wallace D. Mersereau & Patricia I. Mersereau Ronald S. Miles & Kathy S. Miles** Bill Miller Duane A. Miller ‘94*** James H. Miller & Mary Ann Miller*** John W. Miller & Barbara A. Miller Larry D. Miller & Marilyn M. Miller Shane Miller & Jennifer R. Miller**** William H. Miller ‘66 & Patricia Miller*** Daniel S. Minahan & Debra L. Minahan ‘81** Elizabeth Ann Minor ‘76 Richard L. Minter ‘04 & Marcie W. Minter ‘03 Moccasin Gap NAPA* H. Ronnie Montgomery & Sandy Montgomery** Harve A. Mooney ‘80 John Mooney Randy Moore ‘80 & Imelda Moore ‘81** Thomas Moore & Darlene H. Moore*** John W. Moretz ‘92 & Catherine Ann Moretz ‘92 Jewell B. Morgan ‘76** Roger N. Morris & Patricia E. Morris Morris Michael Mosberg & Brenda K. Mosberg ‘71*** Mountain Empire Hearing & Balance MountainRose Vineyards Mullican Flooring Andy Mullins & Abby O’Hare Bryan L. Mullins & Michelle F. Mullins* Don J. Mullins ‘56 & Cathy D. Barker*** Donnie R. Mullins ‘83 & Janie A. Mullins** Douglas R. Mullins & Cecilia F. Mullins Emory A. Mullins ‘90 & Justin M. Mullins** Fayne Mullins Jack B. Mullins*** James Ron Mullins & Nola L. Mullins ‘83* James Wesley Mullins** Mrs. Jerry L. Mullins*** Mark A. Mullins ‘96 & Robin R. Mullins Robert M. Mullins** Shelcy Mullins, Jr. & Karen T. Mullins**** Tom E. Mullins & Alma R. Mullins** Lyle C. Mutter** Mark W. Mutter** Wade H. Nairn III ‘06 Fred Necessary Eddie W. Neely & Jeni L. Neely ‘74*** Thomas L. Nelson ‘74** Rufus E. Nickles & Kimberlin Nickles* Northern Neck Berean Sunday School Convention Norton Track & Roller Inc. NRV Investments* Ronald D. Oakes & Phyllis A. Oakes* Open Gates Bed & Breakfast Dennis Orr & Mona L. Orr***

Everette B. Orr ‘76 & Linda D. Orr**** Randall Osborne & Deborah M. Osborne Markham D. Oswald & Nancy E. Oswald Michael S. Owens ‘96 Ugie Flo Pardoe Luke H. Parks ‘10 Charles H. Parsons, Sr. & Sue Parsons**** Randy Partin & Jennifer L. Partin ‘12* Ronny Patrick & Janie D. Patrick ‘90* Wesley M. Pattillo & Zelma M. Pattillo ‘58*** C. E. Pendleton & Betty J. Pendleton** PennStuart Attorneys at Law* David Perry Personalities Salon* Clarence Peters, Jr. Edwin M. Phillips ‘69 & Frances K. Phillips ‘71** Glyn R. Phillips, Jr. & Paulette B. Phillips ‘87** Ray Phillips* Jim Phipps* Sharon M. Pigeon ‘68* Joe M. Pilkenton & Janice Pilkenton**** Robert J. Pippin, Jr. & Deborah E. Pippin ‘73 Alan L. Plisko ‘72 & Valena White Plisko* Pools, Spas, Etc., Inc. Poor Farm Society Ronald L. Porter & Rita J. Porter ‘71* Robert L. Powell & Sharon A. Powell C. Michael Puckett ‘66 & Marketta H. Puckett* Phillip P. Puckett & Jeanette Puckett Thomas B. Puckett ‘95 & Rachel A. Puckett ‘91 Bob Quillen & Myrl Quillen**** B. Robert Raines ‘71 & Donna I. Raines ‘58* Charlie E. Rainey, Jr. & Sharon R. Rainey* Carol Rasnick ‘76* Joe D. Rasnick ‘82 & Glenda K. Rasnick**** Joey L. Ratliff ‘94 & Christa L. Ratliff ‘95* John D. Reed & Carolyn S. Reed Michael L. Renfro ‘73 & Diana C. Renfro P. Heith Reynolds ‘93 & Myra D. Reynolds Richard Bland College Richard Jones Family Brett Richards & Shelley Richards Larry Richardson & Betty Richardson*** Timothy J. Richey ‘07 & Christine B. Richey ‘05 Danny Rife Donnie Rife Randy Rigg & Lisa H. Rigg*** James S. Riggs*** Jason Riggs & Karen Ely Riggs Roy E. Ritzmann & Joanne Westin Walter E. Rivers & Teresa E. Rivers*** Glenn E. Roberts, Jr. & Patti Roberts ‘70** Joe H. Roberts & Lona W. Roberts**** Neal Jason Roberts ‘96 & Lori A. Roberts ‘97*** Robinson Auto Parts No. 4* Bradley D. Robinson ‘01 & Laura F. Robinson ‘01* Dennis T. Robinson Fall 2012 41

Martha F. Robinson Troy Robinson & Mary C. Robinson ‘82**** Roger’s Auto Sales & Service** Leonard David Rogers ‘85 & Donna Rogers ‘96**** Stanley Rogers & Ruby W. Rogers ‘74**** Amy C. Rolen ‘60*** Antony D. Roop ‘97 & Amy D. Roop** Glenn Rowe & Patricia Rowe Justin B. Runyon ‘98* Mark D. Russ, M.D. Jamie L. Russell ‘07 S&ME, Inc.* Robert H. Sage ‘79 & Laura M. Sage**** Chad Salyer & Breanne Dotson Salyer ‘05* Joe B. Salyer, Jr. & Nancy H. Salyer ‘80** Joe Salyers John R. Salyers+* Ruby S. Salyers ‘70 Helen F. Sandidge*** Jane Ann Sandidge*** Stanley R. Satterfield & Lou Castle Satterfield ‘58 James H. Schumacher & Kathleen A. Schumacher R. Matt Schwarz & Janice M. Schwarz ‘86** Thomas G. Selinger & Annette D. Selinger Sidney R. Sewell & Carolyn W. Sewell ‘78**** Kelly C. Shelton & Amy N. Shelton Bobby J. Short ‘90 & Angela Short**** Dawn Michelle Short ‘98* Gaylord L. Short & Margaret L. Short Charlene Shortt ‘74** Terry L. Shortt & Shelby Shortt**** Elizabeth D. Shuler ‘02 Roncie Silcox ‘70 & Lettia P. Silcox* Ronald Arthur Sinicrope ‘70 & Jeri L. Sinicrope** Jack Sizemore & Brenda Sizemore Glen Skinner & Jan P. Zentmeyer** Theodore C. Slack & Sue Barrett Slack Brack E. Slate ‘68 & Rosemary M. Slate* Sia Siahna Sloce Lane A. Smith III ‘89 & Honi Smith*** Luis J. Smith & Sarah J. Pilkenton ‘97** Richard C. Smith & Lynn Z. Smith Sarah C. Smith ‘11 Thomas E. Smith ‘83 & Page H. Smith* Walter Smith, DVM & Genie O’Neal, DVM C. Scott Snodgrass ‘89 & Elizabeth P. Snodgrass ‘88* Carl R. Snodgrass ‘58 & Louise A. Snodgrass** Jacob P. Somervell ‘99 & Cynthia E. Somervell ‘99 Southwest Disposal, Inc.** Southwest Soils, Inc. Emily C. Spillenkothen ‘10 Paul Spiro James W. St. Clair & Doris Arrington St. Clair St. Paul Builders & Supply Company** St. Paul Outreach Center Sarah Stadel 42 UVa-Wise Magazine

F. Harold Stallard ‘66 & Katherine B. Stallard ‘71** Roger Stallard** Danny Stanley Dennis F. Stanley & Teresa C. Stanley* Martin Stanley Randy Doyle Stanley ‘78 & Betsy Stanley** Rodney D. Stanley ‘97 & Laura Gail Deel-Stanley ‘98** Roy T. Starry & Georgia B. Starry ‘73**** State Farm Insurance Al Stecker & Jane B. Stecker**** Marlene M. Steele ‘04* Karen A. Steinman ‘63* Danny L. Sterling & Kimberley P. Sterling ‘97*** Dustin Steward & Melissa C. Steward ‘94 Stewart Law Office, PC* Billy J. Stewart & Louanna B. Stewart* Gregory M. Stewart & Mia Stewart*** James Stewart & Rebecca Stewart Jentlea E. Stewart ‘71*** Keith D. Stewart & Joan S. Stewart ‘99* Ted L. Stewart & Maxie R. Stewart Claire S. Stinson ‘91 William N. Stokes, Jr. ‘74 & Toni Gilliam Stokes ‘74** Clarence Stone II ‘74 & Marilyn K. Stone* Terry Strock Sturgill Funeral Homes**** Sturgill Law Office, PC** Donald B. Sturgill & Anne N. Sturgill* Jeffery Allan Sturgill ‘74 & Kathy Sturgill** Larry D. Sturgill ‘84 & Patricia Sturgill** Mark E. Sturgill ‘90 & Kimberly H. Sturgill ‘89** Robbie Dane Sturgill ‘72 & Judy B. Sturgill** Sue Baker Cox P. C. Sullivans Elementary School Richard A. Sult ‘62 & Sondra A. Sult Robert F. Summers & Twila F. Summers ‘70** James K. Surber, Jr. ‘78 & Julia A. Surber** Billy Sutherland & Erra Sutherland R. L. Sutherland & Paula Sutherland James D. Swartz ‘01 & Jennifer R. Swartz* Mark A. Szalwinski & Debra Szalwinski Richard Telfer & Veronica Telfer Tennessee Valley Healthcare Transplant Staff The Gaebler Trust The O’Quinn Law Office, PLLC Glenn R. Therrien & Paula L. Therrien Michael Thomas & Karrie M. Thomas** William A. Thompson III & Jan Chaffin Thompson*** Eleanor Thrower** Robert Tilley Timberland Express, Inc. Tom Cook Construction, Inc. Town of St. Paul* Andrew F. Traynor, Jr.* Treadstone Management LLC Trevor Supply Company, Inc.**

Turkey Gap Coal Company, Inc.** Bruce A. Turnbill, Jr. & Christina L. Turnbill Charlie R. Turner James L. Van Dyke & Gail I. Van Dyke Carl Vanover Henry A. Vanover ‘74 & Suzzanne B. Vanover ‘75 David Lee Vermillion & Mary V. Hughes Kevin G. Vernon ‘91 & Anna D. Vernon Tommy R. Vestal ‘03 Vic’s Decorating, Inc.** Eric B. Wagner & Marybeth Wagner Kevin L. Wallace & Marialice Davis Wallace Habern Wallen ‘65 & Ann H. Wallen ‘70** Waller Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Jonathan Walters & Chesney B. Walters ‘09 Wampler Appraisal Service** Russell Wampler ‘90 & Jenny Lee Wampler ‘04*** Ernie W. Ward & Debbie Ward*** Estate of Claude V. Warren Edwin D. Watson ‘76 & Debra D. Watson ‘91**** Wayne F. Watts ‘70 & Frances Watts R. W. Weaver & B. M. Weaver Wells Fargo Charles R. Wells & Anna R. Wells Roger D. Whitaker ‘70 & Brenda L. Whitaker*** James R. Wiandt & Victoria L. Wiandt Trenton Wilhelmi & Whitney A. Wilhelmi ‘07 Willis Chiropractic Offices David C. Willis & Brenda B. Willis Jerry Ray Willis & Judith G. Willis Joe Willis Johnny Willis Brian S. Wills & Elizabeth S. Wills ‘74**** David L. Wilson & Carol Russell Wilson ‘00 Steve Wilson & Kim Wilson* Wise Study Club Jerry Wayne White ‘74 & Sherry A. Wolfe* John W. Wright & Kay D. Wright**** Troy W. Wright** Bobby L. Yates & Mildred Kirby Yates ‘71** James Yates & Lisa M. Yates John P. O. Yost ‘04 & Kristen N. Yost RED & GRAY SOCIETY ($1 to $99) AARP Big Stone Gap Chapter 4455* Clara C. Adame de Heu Anna Marie Adams ‘11 Donald E. Adams James Adams & Stephanie D. Sturgill-Adams ‘00 Junior A. Adams & Mildred B. Adams Mark Addington & Lori Kay Addington ‘99 Lisa Nicole Addington-Sturgill ‘03 David J. Adkins Jeffrey W. Adkins & Lee Ann Adkins Keith A. Adkins & Cathy L. Adkins Larry D. Adkins & Sandra G. Adkins

Matthew L. Adkins ‘07* Esther S. Akoto ‘10 Linda Albert Robert E. Allen & Sherry Ann Allen ‘88 Grace M. Allio ‘70* Sherry C. Allison ‘00* Autumn A. Alvarez ‘97 John C. Anders & Stella R. Anders Mikaela R. Anders ‘12 Jacky K. Anderson & Reka Anderson Patsy L. Anderson ‘71*** Bruce F. Angell & Dana K. Angell ‘79* Santoshi Wagner Anue Daniel K. Appel & Cheryl E. Appel ‘95* Michael C. Archer ‘08 Daniel D. Armstrong ‘97** Charles S. Arnold & Healther H. Arnold ‘06 James P. Ashley & Sandra D. Ashley ‘86*** Martin Asirifi Ann Baker Lavonne Baker ‘71** Russell L. Baker ‘72 & Brenda A. Baker** Clyde F. Baldwin & Elizabeth D. Baldwin Jill C. Barber ‘09 Faye R. Barker** Katherine G. Barkley Phillip A. Barnett ‘87 & Lora L. Barnett* Ted Barnette & Karen Barnette*** John Wallace Barton ‘89 & Steven D. Vuotto Larry R. Basenback & Penny L. Basenback* Zhanna A. Bates ‘12 Mark C. Beggs & Karen Davis-Beggs ‘92* George E. Belcher & Nancy K. Belcher ‘83** Jimmie E. Belcher ‘99 Kim Belcher ‘06 Anthony W. Bell Suzanne B. Bell Gary D. Bellamy & Carol O. Bellamy ‘70* Robin Benke** Raymond E. Bennett, Jr. & Beverly Jo Bennett Bobby L. Berry Kevin D. Berry & Laura K. Berry ‘07* April Bevins P. Scott Bevins ‘89 & Becky Bevins ‘91* B. C. Bielanski Dimitri A. Bikos ‘08 & Danuta K. Bikos Mary Beth Bingman ‘66* Terry K. Bird ‘92 & Kathy W. Bird ‘93 Larry M. Bledsoe Allie M. Blevins ‘12 Christopher W. Blevins & Ruby W. Blevins Michael Blevins Raymond S. Blevins & Viola P. Blevins Daniel Garland Board ‘92 & Deanna P. Board* Garry L. Bogan, Jr. ‘04 D. L. Boggs, Jr.+* Patsy Boggs Vernon Boggs ‘66 & Linda Carol Boggs ‘67 Flaudean B. Bolling Lois R. Bolling* Mark Bolling & Geneva M. Bolling Roger A. Bolling & Janice E. Bolling ‘95* John R. Bollinger & Lorraine C. Bollinger

Timothy Scott Bourne & Lisa E. Bourne Bradford J. Bowen ‘00 & Whitney M. Bowen ‘00** Kenneth Bowling & Peggy W. Bowling* Mary B. Bowman Michael T. Bowman ‘10 & Kayla D. Bowman ‘12 Tadd Bowman & Beth Ann Bowman ‘99* Caitlyn M. Boyd ‘12 Cassie R. Bradley ‘02 Felix Don Bradley & Lois Ann Bradley ‘90** Marshell N. Bradley ‘10 Rodney Bradley James D. Branham ‘65 & Uva Branham* Travis L. Brannon ‘10 Jeffrey W. Bray ‘00 & Kelly M. Bray* Alma C. Brinkley Billy W. Brooks & Betty Jean Brooks Daniel W. Brooks & Virginia M. Brooks Bradley S. Broskie ‘95 & Jessica T. Broskie ‘93 Raymond Browder Talya K. Brown ‘98 Benjamin S. Buchanan Louis W. Buckwalter & Gloria D. Buckwalter Gordon C. Burris & Marjorie B. Burris James E. Burton & Barbara K. Burton ‘78 Samuel H. Busey & Carol F. Busey Karen V. Byrd ‘94 Michael K. Cahill & Catherine Cahill Jessica R. Cain ‘05* Jeanne V. Callaway ‘79** Rickie N. Campbell ‘83 Michael Cantor & Valerie Cantor Jeanette D. Cantrell Kayla L. Cantrell ‘08 Ralph Cantrell+* Amber M. Carter ‘12 Denzil M. Carter Larry W. Carter & Debra H. Carter Matthew A. Carter ‘04 & Susanna G. Carter Terry Carter W. Charles Carter ‘83 & Debra S. Carter David Wayne Carty ‘73 & Rebecca H. Carty ‘73*** Gabby Caruso Bobby R. Cassell & Mary A. Cassell John D. Cassell ‘63 & Janice W. Cassell* William R. Catlett & Kathy S. Catlett Daniel M. Cauley ‘04 Reagan J. Cecil ‘09 Allen Chadwell ‘83 & Tracey A. Richmond* Elizabeth D. Chappell ‘09 Charles City-James City-New Kent-York Farm Bureau, Inc. Jocelyn Cherenzia Robert L. Childers & Debborah Childers* Randy Chisenhall & Gwen Chisenhall Elaine H. Chitwood Barbara F. Church ‘08 F. Venus Clark ‘57** Mark W. Clark & Leigh G. Clark**

James Clasby & Susie Clasby ‘78* R. Michael Clemmer Earl D. Cochenour & Anna Cochenour Fred R. Coeburn, Jr. ‘93 & Hye Cha Coeburn* Carl R. Coffman & Karen E. Coffman Carl R. Coffman & Sandra Coffman Thayne R. Coffman & Mae G. Coffman Tanya F. Colbert ‘04 Richard C. Cole & Astrid Kuper Cole Tara B. Cole ‘12 Pamela L. Coleburn Tim A. Coleman & Susan E. Coleman David Collier & Pamela W. Collier Janice Collier Carter Collins ‘56 & Anna B. Collins*** Curtis C. Collins ‘90 Justin M. Collins ‘04 & Kara C. Collins Nathaniel L. Collins & April L. Collins ‘03 Thomas G. Collins & Dana M. Collins ‘90 C. Eugene Compton ‘76 & Dollie Compton ‘88 Mark A. Conner & Shannon L. Conner William B. Conner II & Cathy R. Conner Robert N. Conyers & Lori E. Conyers Brandi Cooke David W. Cooksey & Marie Estep Cooksey ‘71* Charles E. Coomer Cinnamon Justene Couch ‘01** Christopher A. Counselman Bryant Counts ‘12 Gregory K. Cox James Cox & Juanita Thompson Cox ‘99 R. Kennon Cox & Martha A. Cox Verlin T. Cox & Deanna D. Cox ‘00 Michael B. Cozzolino & Amy B. Cozzolino ‘03 Eric M. Craft Craig Master Auto Technician LLC Emily L. Crawford ‘08 E. R. Crawford, Jr. & Julia F. Crawford Arthur Curtis Gary Cutlip & Bobbie Cutlip Barry K. Cutright & Martha C. Cutright Ashley N. Cvetnich ‘12 Daedalus Used Book Shop Raymond V. Dale & Mary Alice Dale ‘70* Edward G. Dansbach & Kim M. Dansbach Theodore H. Darby, Jr. & Beverly B. Darby James L. Daugherty* James L. Daugherty ‘72 & Paula J. Daugherty* Josh Davidson & Kelly H. Davidson ‘10 Paul Davidson & Wanda Davidson Arthur B. Davies IV ‘77 & Nancy W. Davies** Greta Denise Davis ‘77* Jefferson W. Davis ‘95* Steven C. Davis ‘09 Frieda M. Davison ‘74 Harry J. Deale & Iris S. Deale Ricky L. Deale & Cyndi W. Deale Dennis Deel ‘88 & Lisa Deel William Andrew Delph, Jr. ‘97 & Kelly McBride Delph* Dale DePriest & Stephanie DePriest Fall 2012 43

Larry A. Dick & Kathleen T. Dick Linnie M. Dickson & Debra W. Dickson Jesse T. Dillard & Tammy J. Dillard Van Dillion & Terry Dillion James D. Dinsmore ‘00 & Tara Y. Dinsmore ‘03 Charlotte C. Dison ‘56** Dixon Educational Consulting Danny L. Dixon ‘70 & Maxie L. Dixon** David W. Dodson & Mistie R. Dodson Edith C. Donahue ‘03 Erin J. Dotson ‘11 Kenneth D. Dotson ‘66 & Judy H. Dotson ‘67* Robin D. Dotson ‘81 & Karen D. Dotson ‘83* Double D Horseshoeing Windell Doyle & Aileen Doyle Timothy S. Duncan & Amy R. Duncan Kendra M. Duty ‘12 Anita M. Dye ‘88 Alice F. Ealey Easterly-Coleman Furniture LLC Michael Eastman & Carol Eastman Jeanette Ecker* Donald Edwards & Angela Honeycutt ‘95 Gregory P. Edwards ‘70 & Christina Edwards ‘70 Ray Eldridge ‘83 & Norma J. Eldridge* Milton A. Ellison ‘73 & Carolyn A. Ellison ‘78** Charlotte L. Embrey Ernest H. Ern & Jeanette P. Ern* Lee W. Eschenroeder ESI, Inc.** Robert W. Espy III & Jan Espy Charlotte W. Estep ‘70* Larry Estes & Cheryl G. Estes Sandy Etter & Debra W. Etter ‘78* Euritha’s Gift Shoppe Howard M. Evans & Kelly A. Evans S. Michael Evans & Wanda R. Evans* Nicholas L. Faella & Naomi Faye Faella Timothy Fanney & Linda Fanney Kristina Feeser* Fellers Chevrolet Debora H. Fesko Brett Matthew Fields ‘01* James J. Fitzgerald Jessica A. Fleming ‘10 Randy Fleming & Linda R. Fleming ‘98 David Fletcher & Susan Fletcher Marilyn J. Fliger Charles D. Flippo & Sandra L. Flippo Emil D. Flynn & Jo B. Flynn Carolyn W. Folke Betty L. Fox ‘65 William L. Frank & Angeline W. Frank William L. Frank, Jr. & Kristina Lynn Frank Fred Arrington Trucking Co, Inc. Michael French & Colleen A. French ‘95* Cheryl A. Friend

44 UVa-Wise Magazine

Seth B. Frisby ‘11 Dennis P. Fritz ‘79 & Alice Fritz** Robert L. Frost, Sr. & Brenda A. Frost Ronald H. Fuller ‘56 & Carole Fuller* Megan L. Funk ‘12 Brian Keith Furrow ‘02 & Angela P. Furrow ‘96* Raymond W. Gallagher & Linda Hill Gallagher ‘71** Freddy M. Garay & Consuelo E. Garay Eric A. Gardner ‘02 & Katherine Gardner ‘97 Hal D. Gardner ‘71** Sherri R. Gardner ‘97* Tony A. Gardner ‘83 & Jennie Gardner 74’ William T. Gardner & Jaimee W. Gardner J. Richard Garnett, Jr. Richard Garrison ‘81 Robert M. Gaucher & Renea L. Gaucher ‘92* Doris Gibson James H. Gibson ‘62 & Lorene A. Gibson ‘57* Martha Gibson* Wendell H. Gilbert & Jean Gilberts Jerry L. Gillenwater ‘73 & Karen Gillenwater Carl Gilliam & Janet Gilliam Rick Gilliam & Sherry Gilliam ‘86 Thomas W. Gilliam, Jr. & Diane Gilliam Robert D. Gilmer & Estella M. Gilmer William C. Gipe & Stacey B. Gipe Victoria Ann Giunta ‘04* Jarred A. Glass & Carla W. Glass ‘06 Robert D. Good ‘80 & Jean Good Stepanie I. Goode ‘06 Jeanette G. Goodson Brad A. Graboyes Patricia S. Graham Sam D. Graham, Sr. & Jane O. Graham* Antwane Gravely Bryant O. Gray ‘11 Susan Graybeal Karen L. Greene ‘84 Paul L. Grinstead ‘76 & Barbara A. Grinstead Margaret M. Grove* Brian Hackney Kenneth D. Hall ‘66 & Betsy H. Hall* Robert L. Hall & Melissa Christine Hall ‘01* Carla B. Hallstead ‘87* Kenneth Hamill & Ellanora Hamill John J. Hanchak, Jr. Ray Haney & Lena Haney Josh B. Harbour ‘12 Richard T. Harrell & Shelvia E. Harrell Bill Harrick Wes Harris Charles W. Hartgrove ‘97** Jimmy Lee Hawkins ‘61* Michael Haycraft & Beth Haycraft Jewele H. Haynes ‘91* Tim Haynes & Diana H. Haynes ‘98* Deborah J. Helton ‘80 Rachel M. Hensley ‘12 Lewis Wayne Henson & Patricia M. Henson Richard L. Herron ‘82 & Victoria F. Herron ‘82

William F. Hill ‘94 & Ashley R. Hill ‘09 Marilyn A. Hilliard* Jerry L. Hobbs & Victoria Johnson Hobbs ‘83* Jerry E. Hollyfield ‘77 & Cynthia Ann Hollyfield ‘82* Elizabeth Ann Holt Bob Horne Shane Horton & Kindle B. Horton ‘01 Emmogene B. Houseright Henry G. Houston & Sharon C. Houston Bryan Hoyt D. Leon Hubbard, Jr. & Annette W. Hubbard Gene Hubbard & Martha Carol Hubbard ‘84** Shonna S. Hughes ‘12 Sandra R. Hunt Ronald G. Hunter & Dixie T. Hunter Sara D. Hurd ‘08 Cody Hutchinson & Kaylee J. Hutchinson ‘08 Richard M. Huzi, Jr. & Capri Kae Huzi Bennett E. Hylton & Dolly L. Hylton ‘00* Heath K. Hylton Walter E. Hylton & Melinda Kay Hylton ‘02* Jeff Iseminger & Susan K. Taylor Brian D. Ison & Dottie S. Ison ‘86* Clemon L. Jackson & Gloria J. Jackson ‘79 Larry W. Jennings & Cynthia K. Jennings Martha M. Jennings Jenna K. Johnson ‘09 Marcus Johnson & Amelia C. Johnson ‘12 Marvel Johnson Tivis Johnson Cathie C. Johnston Rachel L. Jonas ‘12 Jimmy F. Jones & Linda L. Jones ‘70 John W. Jones III & Betsy T. Jones* Roy D. Jones ‘72 & Vicky A. Jones*** William Jones & Betty L. Jones ‘87** Gloria Hayes Jordan ‘67 Rebecca Joyce JustGive Mary Ann Keith Larry W. Kelley & Mary E. Kelley Jim Kelly Rose Kennedy Bueford G. Ketron & Freda G. Ketron Edward R. Kicha & Kathy M. Kicha Paul Kilgore** Paul E. Kilgore, Sr. ‘56 Ann F. King Heath Kiser ‘11 Shirley L. Kiser ‘56* Samuel A. Knox IV Carolyn R. Krams* James A. Kring & Sarah Teresa Kring ‘83* S. Jason Krout & Nicole L. Krout ‘08 Paul Kuczko Thomas F. Kyllo & Julie Kyllo L. F. Addington Middle School Marie Lanningham* Francis A. Lavey & Krislyn I. W. Lavey

Brooke D. Lawson ‘12 Larry W. Lawson & Deborah J. Lawson Stephanie Lynn Lawson ‘11 Roy L. Ledbetter Jimmy Lee L. Jay Lemons & Marsha S. Lemons** Frank C. Lenski & Theresa A. Lenski Randy Lester & Debbie K. Lester Rosanne C. Letson ‘81* Robert B. Lewis, Jr. & Ruth M. Lewis Virginia S. Lewis Tracy Linkous Lindsay M. Lipps ‘08 Michael J. Lipps ‘02 & Linda P. Lipps ‘96* Peggy H. Lipps Timmy Lipps & Tammy Lipps* Danny L. Lloyd & Mary Ellen Lloyd** Brian B. Lockhart & Ellen Baldwin Lockhart ‘87* Dan A. Long ‘62 & Linda H. Long*** Chad Longworth ‘09 & Kristi F. Longworth ‘05* Jason C. Looney Lauren B. Maddox ‘12 Tommy J. Maggard & Cathy A. Maggard ‘80** Doris B. Mahan ‘72** Mark Thomas Mahoney & Samantha L. Mahoney ‘00 Robert Maier & Joan Maier Shahid Malik ‘78 & Sabiha S. Malik* Jim Manicure & Wanda Manicure Peter L. Mansfield & Julie C. Mansfield Nick Marshall ‘09 & Brittany D. Marshall ‘09 Graham A. Marsteller ‘99 & Sarah H. Marsteller* Joe Martin & Paula Martin Joseph C. Martin & Barbara C. Martin Pepper D. Martin, Jr. & Ellen M. Martin Wendy M. Martin ‘01** J. Roy Massie & Cynthia K. Massie James E. Masters & Suzanna E. Masters* Michael J. Matlock ‘05 & Julie Y. Matlock ‘05 Craig L. Matthews ‘58 & Kim E. Matthews Edward C. McAdams & Donna McAdams Kathleen McAndrews Travis B. McClain & Megan M. McClain Jack R. McClanahan, Jr. & Cathy S. McClanahan* Laura E. McClellan ‘98 W. Frederick McClellan ‘76 & Robin M. McClellan ‘77** Charlie McConnell M. Steven McKenzie ‘90 & Karyn McKenzie* Brian D. McKnight ‘97 & Pamela J. McKnight ‘99* Sean E. McNalley ‘03 & Jessica L. McNalley ‘04 Vincent T. McNeil ‘97 Michael R. McNulty & Sheila Rhea McNulty ‘88* Rickey Brien McReynolds Lorra Meade

Ruby C. Meade ‘58*** Sara Ann Meade Meadows Auto Center, Inc. Adam M. Meadows ‘07 & Crystal D. Meadows ‘07 James Meier Stacy Messer & Leigh Ann Messer James C. Michnowicz & Stephanie P. Michnowicz ‘00* Gary P. Miller & Karen R. Miller Sara Stanley Miller ‘06 & Adam Miller James Milton & Debbie Milton ‘87 Chadd Minor & Denise Minor Amber F. Minton ‘11 James E. Mitchell & Marcia Y. Mitchell Janet W. Mize Christina Mullen Molinary Earl S. Monroe & Evelyn M. Monroe John P. Montague & Sydney B. Montague James W. Moody, Jr. & Jo Moody Carl V. Moore, Jr. & Doris L. Moore Steve C. Morgan & Karen R. Morgan Denvil Mullins ‘59 & Connie P. Mullins* Doug Mullins, Jr. & Jill Mullins** Douglas S. Mullins ‘93 & Tonya M. Mullins E. Mark Mullins ‘89 & Amy Leigh Mullins ‘92 James R. Mullins Juanita B. Mullins* Larry B. Mullins & Janet M. Mullins ‘71 Larry N. Mullins ‘66 & Wanda O. Mullins* Matthew M. Mullins ‘07 & Dana Mullins Neal Mullins & Shirley Baker Mullins Nina C. Mullins Phillip C. Mullins & Patricia L. Mullins ‘98* Ralph Mullins & Saundra Mullins Randy A. Mullins Roderick A. Mullins ‘88 & Kimberly M. Mullins Rusty Mullins ‘91 & Jennifer C. Mullins Sam Mullins & Kenna L. Mullins ‘85* Shelia A. Mullins Tracy Mumpower ‘03 Mark A. Munsey, Jr. ‘56 & Jane S. Munsey ‘81** Ryan D. Murphy Walter A. Murray & Billie Hill Murray ‘95 Kevin L. Musick & Rhonda Sullivan-Musick ‘05 James C. Myers & Irene Myers Marcella G. Nash ‘76* Justin L. Necessary ‘07 & Jessica J. Necessary Samuel R. Needham & Judy C. Needham ‘96*** Michael D. Neff ‘76 Dorothy A. Nelson Charles W. Newman & Donna R. Newman Bob G. Nixon & Sharon H. Nixon* Candace Olvera Thomas C. Oneyear & Cheryl K. Oneyear Chiz U. Ononiwu ‘11 Ashley N. O’Quinn ‘07 Gene G. Orr & Frances G. Orr*

C. Cole Osborne ‘05* Jonathan B. Overdevest & Katherine M. Overdevest Billie Joyce Owens ‘86 Jared A. Owens ‘09 Joshua R. Owens & Amber L. Owens ‘08 Matthew Oyos & Cindy Wilkey* Ann S. Page Sarah B. Parsons ‘05 Lois A. Parsons-Scherdin Kierstyn Brianna Partin ‘11 R. V. Paschall & Debora Paschall Fern L. Passini Robert B. Patterson III & Amanda J. Patterson ‘07 Paula’s Flower Basket Michael I. Payne & Karen W. Payne Robert W. Payne, Jr. & Lisa W. Payne David E. Peace ‘04* Judy Ann Pearce* Pembroke Transport Robin S. Pennington ‘84 Susan C. Perkins ‘80 Clyde B. Perrigan & Eula A. Perrigan Jeff Perry ‘86 & Lisa Perry Travis Matthew Perry ‘96 & Stephanie D. Perry ‘96* Leslie Elaine Peterson ‘84 Thomas C. Peterson & Jean A. Peterson Richard F. Petit, Sr. & Margaret A. Petit John T. Petriello & Mary M. Petriello John T. Petriello, Jr. & Joanne R. Petriello Diane C. Petro ‘08 Bruce A. Phillips & Sharon L. Phillips Mark Q. Phillips, Jr. ‘11 Paul A. Phillips ‘96** Hancel Derek Phipps ‘89 & Jennifer Phipps* Joe Pippin & Cecelia Dotson Pippin ‘75** Brownie E. Polly, Jr. & Barbara C. Polly*** Esteban Ponce & Rut Roman Kevin M. Porter & Amy M. Porter ‘93 Mike Porter & Narda B. Porter ‘88 Pound Chapter #67 Order of Eastern Star Scott Powell & Jamie C. Powell Cynthia D. Powers L. Jeanne Powers ‘80*** Jennifer P. Prater Rena Pratt Shana T. Price William T. Prime & Elizabeth D. Prime Byrd M. Pritchett & Barbara J. Pritchett Roger Profitt ‘98 Nancy J. Pyanoe ‘79* Jerry Quillen & Kim Quillen Brooke V. Rafaly Betty G. Rainey Kendall Rainey ‘05 Ralph’s Styling Salon Mark Ramsey & Suzanne Adams-Ramsey ‘80** Randy Partin Construction, Inc. Augustus M. Raney & Pat Flanary Raney* Fall 2012 45

Adrian S. Rasnake & Ashley Marlana Rasnake ‘04 Christopher Rasnick & Sandra Rasnick ‘88 Luke C. Rasnick ‘12 John C. Raynor ‘92 & Desiree’ Raynor Rene V. Reams Stephen M. Reasor & Anna M. Reasor Kathy Redman Thomas M. Reed & Deata T. Reed ‘73* Mark D. Regan ‘08 Mary Elena Register ‘12 Jasper E. Reynolds ‘76 & Rita D. Reynolds ‘72* Stewart C. Reynolds ‘04 Charles B. Rice ‘76 Heather D. Richardson ‘07 Bridget L. Rife ‘01* Danny E. Rife II ‘05* Joanna M. Roberson Donald R. Roberts & Dorothy H. Roberts* Eve G. Roberts Don W. Robertson & D. Joan Robertson Allie G. Robinson ‘11 Dale Robinson & Irene Robinson Rochester High School Class of 1961 Graig M. Rockett & Brennan C. Rockett Jeffrey R. Rogers & Sarah A. Rogers Leandrea R. Romero ‘06 Andrea R. Rose ‘12 George H. Rose & Julie A. Rose Vada Rose** Larry D. Russell ‘72 & Joanie B. Russell Abe Rutherford ‘12 & Abbi L. Rutherford Caroline M. Sabo ‘74* Danielle M. Sadler ‘04* Aaron W. Sager Jonathon W. Salyer ‘08 & Britney A. Salyer ‘09 Marlene F. Salyer ‘95 Jody A. Salyers & Melissa K. Salyers Michael F. Samerdyke & Elizabeth Steele Samerdyke* Gabriel Sanchez & Ana M. Sanchez Jessee Scarberry & Margit Scarberry ‘09 Joshua B. Scarbrough ‘02 & Sarah H. Scarbrough ‘05 James G. Schneider & Angela B. Schneider Dorothy H. Schofield Billie Jean Scott* Don Scott & Peggy W. Scott ‘83**** Jason A. Scott & Julie A. Scott ‘03 John M. Seaborn & Lisa W. Seaborn Joseph J. Selinger & Margaret M. Selinger Kathy Selvage Daniel Mark Shapiro & Susan Rubio Andrew W. Sharretts ‘04 Barry Shelton & Debra Shelton David William Shelton ‘93 & Ami M. Shelton** Gregory B. Shortal & Faith A. Shortal Iris M. Shorts Larry Amos Shortt ‘70 & Katherine B. Shortt ‘75** S. Kay Shortt ‘66* 46 UVa-Wise Magazine

Stephen D. Shortt ‘75 & Margaret B. Shortt Jason S. Shuler ‘08 William Clark Siler & Carol Chamberlin Siler ‘89* D. Philip Skaer II & Jul J. Skaer Michael B. Slade & Lee Ann Slade David Sloce & Deby Sloce Kathy Sloce Christopher L. Slone & Kristin Nunnery Slone Raina Sluder Erchel Edward Sluss ‘58 & Glenda Sluss* Smith Home Improvement Adam D. Smith ‘05 & Tabitha H. Smith ‘05 David Smith & Brenda Smith Karen S. Smith ‘85* Larry L. Smith & Sandra F. Smith ‘92 Michael D. Smith Pearl M. Smith* Preston M. Smith ‘12 Stephen T. Smith & Tania-Liisa Smith Cindi L. Smoot ‘09 J. Darrell Snead & Trina Snead Donnie Sorah & Kelly R. Sorah Gregory South ‘67 & Patty South* Teddy Sowards & Nancy Sowards Spiegler & Blevins CPA’s PC Robert J. Spohn ‘91 Sportswise, Inc. Curtis A. Stacy ‘74 & Betty H. Stacy ‘73** Lindsie E. Stacy Eric N. Stallard & Heather R. Stallard Tony Stallard & Nancy S. Stallard Rebecca M. Stanley ‘08 Trudy W. Stanley ‘67** David Stearnes Debbie Steele Timothy J. Steffen & Kristina M. Steffen ‘07 John E. Steimke & Gillian A. Steimke Don Stephens, Jr. & Jonelle Stephens ‘85* John K. Stewart & Rustan R. Stewart ‘06 Sharon Stewart Jeffery Stidham & April Lynn Hayes Stidham ‘95 Marsha R. Stidham Randall D. Stidham & Vicki A. Stidham ‘79 Marlene Y. Strait Jack C. Sturgill ‘57 & Virginia Sturgill** Darnell C. Sumrell, Sr. & Annette Sumrell ‘74** Justin L. Swoope ‘12 Ronald P. Sykes Farhad Tahbaz & Dina C. Tahbaz ‘71** Foster E. Tankersley & Cynthia A. Tankersley* David A. Tarrents & Julie A. Tarrents James H. Taylor & Ann G. Taylor Joe A. Taylor, Jr. ‘07 & Candyce R. Poteet ‘07 Ken Taylor Mamie Thacker The Jade Tree The Virginian Golf Club E. J. Thomas & Pamela C. Thomas Ronald G. Thomason & Elizabeth Nesbitt Thomason ‘89*

Whitney N. Thompson Robin R. Tiller ‘10 & Kayla D. Tiller ‘10 TKB Inc.* Lloyd Tomlinson ‘12 Ralph G. Tomlinson & Glenda S. Tomlinson Jeffrey F. Topping & Susan M. Topping Armando J. Torres & Sarah D. Torres ‘01 Greg Townsend & Donna Townsend Adriana Trigiani Terry L. Triplett & Deborah L. Triplett Donald W. Trivett ‘99 & Tanessa L. Trivett ‘12 TruPoint Bank James W. Tucker & Margie A. Tucker Steven R. Tucker David Tunnell & Melissa Collins Tunnell ‘85 Jessica L. Turner ‘05 Ronny V. Turner & Gloria V. Turner ‘71*** Lucian Undreiu & Adriana Undreiu Lisa Peters Valdez ‘89 Robert VanGundy & Amelia VanGundy* David Vanover Edith B. Vanover Eric T. Vanover ‘08 Gail Vanover Jimmy Vanover, Jr. & Donna Vanover Julia Vanover ‘96 Gary Varner & Geneva C. Varner ‘77* Amy L. Varson ‘79** Joshua E. Vaughan ‘10 Margaret E. Vaughn Irene R. Vaught Mahzad Velazquez Justin B. Venable ‘09 Zay P. Viers ‘63 David P. Volk & Heather L. Volk* Juanita B. Wade ‘72* Chris Walker Geri L. Wallace ‘78** Duane Walther Nancy K. Wampler* Charles R. Ward ‘76 & Brenda H. Ward ‘76* Ashlee C. Washburn ‘12 Laura A. Watkins ‘11 Timothy J. Watkins & Karen D. Watkins ‘95* Eleanore Wattenbach Stephanie K. Weldon Barry R. Wells & Martha W. Wells ‘73* Mark Wells & Natalie J. Wells ‘96 T. Lynn Wells ‘57* Lora C. Wharton ‘06 Edwin R. White & Tracey P. White ‘84** Robert H. Whitley & Mary H. Whitley Buster Whitt Greg Whittaker & Chantale Whittaker ‘71*** Robert L. Whorley & Deborah J. Whorley ‘83 Charles F. Williams, Jr. & Phyllis D. Williams Francis W. Williams ‘65 & Ruth A. Williams ‘91* Jacqueline A. Williams Joe Williams* Kevin M. Williams ‘94 & Blairanne Williams**

Lillian S. Williams Peggy A. Williams ‘77** Robert E. Williams & Kathy A. Williams Roger L. Williams ‘72 & Lora E. Williams ‘71** Kelly G. Willis ‘92 & Diane E. Willis** Bobby J. Wilson & Carolyn S. Wilson ‘91 Cody Wilson ‘10 James H. Wilson & Jennifer S. Wilson ‘88 Louise L. Wimmer Jessica A. Winebarger ‘09 A. D. Witt & Nancy Witt Hugh E. Wolfe & Ruth C. Wolfe Witold P. Wolny Robin L. Woodard Woodrow Wilson High School Lawrence Worley & Ann M. Worley ‘73** Janet M. Worsham C. F. Wright III & Deborah C. Wright ‘97* Matthew W. Wright ‘08 Betsy L. Yates Leslie O. Yates & Anita I. Yates K. Christopher Yaw & Angela B. Yaw Maggie L. Yost ‘06 Brenda F. Young Karl G. Zahn & Doris S. Zahn Guannan Zhou Roman Zylawy & Eileen Zylawy**

Bobby H. Colyer, Sr.**** George E. Culbertson***** Joetta Nash Dingus*** Lorene A. Gibson** Robert A. Leonard**** Jack C. Sturgill** T. Lynn Wells*

GIFTS BY CLASS YEAR CLASS OF 1954 Joseph C. Smiddy****

CLASS OF 1961 Donald Edward Earls*** Roy Winston Ely**** James Allen Fischer**** Don M. Green**** Joan Roberson Hall*** Jimmy Lee Hawkins* Homer Wayne Jordan* Paul Marcum** Frank B. Mayorshi****

CLASS OF 1955 Harold Kennedy, Sr.**** CLASS OF 1956 Carter Collins** Charlotte C. Dison** Ronald H. Fuller* Elizabeth C. Gaston* Carol Sue Gilbert**** Paul E. Kilgore, Sr. Shirley L. Kiser* Gerry Mayorshi*** Don Jack Mullins*** Mark A. Munsey, Jr.** Ronald B. Sturgill**** William J. Sturgill**** Roy L. Wells**** J. Clayton Willis**** CLASS OF 1957 Betty M. Bolling*** F. Venus Clark**

CLASS OF 1958 Jack R. Arnold* Charles W. Bennett*** Morgan E. Bolling*** Patricia S. Dale**** Sylvia Parsons Gillespie*** Donald Lee Hall* Craig L. Matthews Ruby C. Meade*** Zelma M. Pattillo*** Donald Roger Pippin**** Donna Inez Ison Raines* Lou Castle Satterfield Erchel Edward Sluss* Carl R. Snodgrass** CLASS OF 1959 Robert Ronald Collins**** William F. Maxwell*** Denvil Mullins* CLASS OF 1960 Jack Sewell Cooper** Amy C. Rolen*** James Parker Senter**

CLASS OF 1962 John C. Blanton*** Judith A. Blanton*** Gary L. Bond**** F. Wayne Edwards**** James H. Gibson* Larry Joe Hill**** Charlie R. Jessee Jill Jessee Dan A. Long*** Richard A. Sult CLASS OF 1963 Wendell Barnette*** John D. Cassell*

R. Michael Clemmer R. Jack Cress* Carolyn B. Gilliam** Andrew K. Gurney** Joseph S. Matney**** James W. Meade, Jr.* Mary Ann Rose**** Thurston Rose**** Karen A. Steinman* Zay P. Viers CLASS OF 1964 Louella Short Greear*** Rodney Allen Lawson Lewey K. Lee**** Roger C. Viers**** CLASS OF 1965 James D. Branham* Betty Leffel Fox Sarah P. Gibson* Larry G. Hobbs Habern Wallen** Sam M. Wharton**** Francis W. Williams* CLASS OF 1966 Mary Beth Bingman* Vernon Boggs Kenneth D. Dotson* Kenneth D. Hall* Brenda Swindall McClellan** William Henry Miller*** Larry N. Mullins* C. Michael Puckett* S. Kay Shortt* F. Harold Stallard** Betty Orr White* CLASS OF 1967 Larry O. Baker*** Linda Carol Boggs Judy H. Dotson* George P. Gibson** Gloria Hayes Jordan Betty L. Kilgore** Nolan Lee Kilgore** Phillip P. Puckett Gregory South* Trudy W. Stanley** Carolyn S. Strouth** David L. Williams*** CLASS OF 1968 Brack E. Slate* CLASS OF 1969 Edwin M. Phillips** Dina C. Tahbaz**

CLASS OF 1970 Grace M. Allio* Fred W. Banner** Carol O. Bellamy* Charles David Bentley** Jim Wayne Childress*** Perry Vernon Cook**** Mary Alice Dale* Danny L. Dixon** Christina Edwards Gregory P. Edwards* Charlotte W. Estep* Richard A. Hall*** Frances F. Howard**** Linda L. Jones Brenda B. Lee*** Glenna Katherine B. McReynolds*** Larry J. McReynolds**** Danny G. Mullins*** N. Carroll Mullins**** Patti Roberts** Ruby S. Salyers Larry Amos Shortt** Roncie Silcox* Ronald Arthur Sinicrope** Twila F. Summers** Ann H. Wallen* Wayne F. Watts Roger D. Whitaker*** Wally Witt**** CLASS OF 1971 Patsy L. Anderson*** John D. Baker**** Lavonne Baker** Marie Estep Cooksey* Linda Q. Dishner**** Linda Hill Gallagher** Hal Douglas Gardner** Jim D. Hughes*** Michael H. Hughes**** Richard D. Meade*** Brenda K. Mosberg*** Freddie E. Mullins*** Janet M. Mullins Frances K. Phillips** Rita Jo Porter* B. Robert Raines** Cathy L. Sandidge**** Katherine B. Stallard** Jentlea Emmer Stewart*** Edward G. Stout**** Gloria V. Turner*** Chantale Whittaker*** Lora E. Williams** Mildred Kirby Yates**

Fall 2012 47

CLASS OF 1972 Russell L. Baker** Robert E. Botts Treva T. Buchanan Sheila B. Cox Combs**** James L. Daugherty* James M. Gott**** James Kidwell Hammond*** George E. Hunnicutt, Jr.*** Roy D. Jones*** Dennis F. Kern* Doris B. Mahan** Michael Bruce Mason* Ron D. McCall**** Frank D. Molinary** Shirley Baker Mullins Paul L. Phipps*** Alan L. Plisko** Rita D. Reynolds* Linda S. Robinette Larry D. Russell Tommy Skeens*** Linda D. Stout*** Robbie Dane Sturgill*** Juanita B. Wade* Roger L. Williams* Joseph E. Wolfe**** Michael D. Wright* CLASS OF 1973 C. Mike Asbury Gloria Jewell Askins* Lawrence Bolling, Jr.**** David Wayne Carty*** Rebecca H. Carty** Tommy N. Chester**** Deborah Hill Collins* Milton Alphus Ellison** Jerry L. Gillenwater Kenny Gilley* Patricia S. Graham A. Darrell Holbrook**** Mary Jane Isaac**** Rhonda M. Perkins**** Deborah E. Pippin Gloria R. Pippin*** Deata T. Reed* Michael L. Renfro Betty H. Stacy** Georgia B. Starry**** Frances M. Wall**** Martha W. Wells* Ann M. Worley** CLASS OF 1974 Brenda Dolinger Baker Larry Michael Bledsoe Randy V. Compton** Frieda Marie Davison William R. Deel** Jennie Gardner Richard B. Gilliam, Sr.*** 48 UVa-Wise Magazine

Tony Lawson* Karen S. Mullins*** Jeni L. Neely*** Thomas L. Nelson** Ruby W. Rogers**** Caroline M. Sabo* Charlene Shortt** Curtis A. Stacy** Toni Gilliam Stokes** William N. Stokes, Jr.*** Clarence Stone II* Jeffery Allan Sturgill** Annette Sumrell** Henry A. Vanover Jerry Wayne White**** Elizabeth S. Wills**** CLASS OF 1975 Fred A. Bevins Shirley F. Cooper** Steve D. Curran**** Helen P. Dotson* Mona G. Freeman Debbie Garrett** Judy G. Harding* Phyllis P. Hatcher*** Joyce Trent Hilbert James Andrew Kiser* Eva C. Phelps** Jack C. Phelps, Jr.** Cecelia Dotson Pippin** Katherine B. Shortt* Stephen D. Shortt Suzzanne B. Vanover CLASS OF 1976 Paula C. Baird** Joseph Lee Bush* C. Eugene Compton* Douglas Cliff Dotson Paul L. Grinstead W. Frederick McClellan* Elizabeth Ann Minor Jewell B. Morgan** Timothy D. Morgan** Dennis W. Mullins Marcella G. Nash* Michael D. Neff Everette B. Orr**** Carol Rasnick* Jasper E. Reynolds* Charles B. Rice Edwin R. Roop**** Vicki B. Shiner* Eddie Skeens* Robert F. Stallard*** R. L. Wallen* Brenda Harrison Ward* Charles R. Ward** Edwin D. Watson****

CLASS OF 1977 Judy P. Abbott**** Ginger Tiller Breeding* Nancy B. Culbertson***** Arthur B. Davies IV** Greta Denise Davis* Richard W. Edwards* Glenna B. Hensdill**** Frances L. Holbrook*** Joy P. Holbrook** Jerry E. Hollyfield* Bob Howard**** Alice Hughes* Sue C. Kennedy** Teresa Stepp Mason* Robin M. McClellan* Kathy Thacker Stewart**** Geneva C. Varner* Peggy A. Williams** CLASS OF 1978 Darlene Phipps Ahrens*** Greg Andranovich*** Anne Barker** Barbara Kennedy Burton R. Jeffrey Cantrell*** Susie Clasby* Carolyn A. Ellison** Debra W. Etter* Marlon A. Graham* Brenda H. Jackson* J. Jack Kennedy, Jr.*** Michael R. Lambert** Steve Lawson**** Shahid Malik* Carolyn W. Sewell**** Randy Doyle Stanley** James K. Surber, Jr.** Geri Lynn Wallace** CLASS OF 1979 Dana K. Angell* Linda Carol Bailey Jeanne V. Callaway** Verlin K. Carty Pamela Minor Collins* Dennis P. Fritz** Gary G. Gilliam Gloria J. Jackson Nancy J. Pyanoe* Edward A. Riner*** Robert H. Sage**** Debra A. Sarvela**** Judy D. Shortt** Vicki A. Stidham Amy L. Varson** CLASS OF 1980 Suzanne Adams-Ramsey** Clifford A. Edwards** Michele P. Fogg** Robert D. Good Deborah Jean Helton Fran G. Hunt**

Cathy A. Maggard** Randy McMahon**** Constance W. Molinary** Harve A. Mooney Randy Moore** Susan S. Mullins Susan C. Perkins Randall J. Porter** L. Jeanne Powers*** Nancy H. Salyer* Jeannie N. Stallard*** Michael Strouth**** CLASS OF 1981 Mike L. Allen**** George M. Barton* Lisa Barton* K. Sue Bentley** Carmen M. Cantrell** Betty Jo Dotson Robin D. Dotson* Richard Garrison Ann N. Horton* Martha Hankins Hunt** Tim Jones** Rosanne C. Letson* Debra L. Minahan Imelda Moore*** Jane S. Munsey* Lyndon R. Powers** Gina A. Porter** CLASS OF 1982 Michael H. Abbott**** Jody Lee Evans** Dawn Gilbert**** Marcia E. Adams Gilliam**** Richard L. Herron Victoria F. Herron Cynthia Ann Hollyfield* Joseph F. Hunnicutt* Joe D. Rasnick**** Mary C. Robinson**** CLASS OF 1983 Nancy K. Belcher** Geneva M. Bolling Rickie N. Campbell W. Charles Carter Allen Chadwell* Valeri J. Colyer*** Beverly B. Darby Theodore H. Darby, Jr. Karen D. Dotson* Fran M. Doyle Terry W. Edwards* Ray Eldridge* Tony Allen Gardner Jennifer G. Hickman* Victoria Johnson Hobbs* Sarah Teresa Kring* Kathy H. McGarril*** Donnie R. Mullins** Nola L. Mullins*

Barbara R. Phipps** Peggy W. Scott**** Thomas E. Smith* Deborah J. Whorley CLASS OF 1984 Karen Y. Burke** Deidre Anne Church*** Roderick Alan Colyer**** Kathy Sutherland Finn*** Kimberly A. Gibson* Karen Leigh Greene Rodney D. Hall Martha Carol Hubbard** Becky Matney Marianne Mersereau*** Robin Sanders Pennington Leslie Elaine Peterson Danny Ray Rowland*** Jo Stewart**** Kathy L. Still* Michael L. Still* Larry D. Sturgill** Tracey P. White** Dinah J. Wright*** CLASS OF 1985 J. Marty Adkins*** Albert Lee Clark**** Dirk Paxton Davis*** David W. Gilbert* Rebecca Joyce Suzan H. Ketron**** Kenna L. Mullins* Leonard David Rogers**** Norma A. Siemen***** Karen S. Smith* Jonelle Stephens* Melissa Collins Tunnell Anthony Ray VanNostrand*** CLASS OF 1986 Sandra D. Ashley*** Fred A. Bays**** John H. Brickey III*** Kimberly Y. Couch John A. Crockett** Michael David Darnell Jeffery L. Elkins* Brenda K. Elswick*** Sherry Gilliam Dottie S. Ison* Kester M. Kennedy, Jr.** Brenda W. Kiser* Kim L. Lambert* Thomas E. Neff* Billie Joyce Owens Jeff Perry Janice M. Schwarz**

CLASS OF 1987 Phillip A. Barnett* Michelle P. Clark*** Carla B. Hallstead* Betty L. Jones** Valerie S. Lawson**** Ellen Baldwin Lockhart* Sarah Love McReynolds** Debbie Milton Russell D. Necessary**** Paulette B. Phillips** CLASS OF 1988 Sherry Adams* Sherry Ann Allen Todd Breeding Dollie Compton Diane Cornett* Jace S. Cuje*** Sharon S. Daniels**** Dennis Deel Anita M. Dye Leah J. Jarvis* Sheila Rhea McNulty* Kyla Bohon Miller**** Roderick A. Mullins Narda B. Porter Fred L. Ramey, Jr.**** J. Lynn Ramey*** Sandra Gwen Rasnick Elizabeth P. Snodgrass* Jennifer S. Wilson CLASS OF 1989 Mary Ann Amari* John Wallace Barton P. Scott Bevins** Gina L. Chisenhall* Tina M. Colley* David Wayne Fuller**** Mary Elizabeth Gibson** Sibyll M. Jones Courtney L. Kilgore**** William E. Kimbler, Jr. Jeffrey Neal Leftwich* Gina C. Lucas Jeffrey Dodge Lucas Ricky Dean Meade**** E. Mark Mullins Hancel Derek Phipps* Carol Chamberlin Siler* Lane A. Smith III*** C. Scott Snodgrass* Kimberly H. Sturgill** Elizabeth Nesbitt Thomason** Lisa Peters Valdez CLASS OF 1990 Kenneth Todd Bevins Dennis Ray Blevins* Robert A. Blevins** Lois Ann Bradley** Eric D. Clark

Michelle R. Clark Rickey J. Colley* Curtis C. Collins Dana M. Collins Scotty L. Cox* Tamara S. Ely**** Rhonda K. Goins**** Ann Hall* James O. Ireson** Travis Kennedy, Jr.** Donald Wayne Lee** Teresa G. Lee** Loretta M. Mays* M. Steven McKenzie* Emory Allen Mullins** Orana S. Neece** Janie D. Patrick* Bobby J. Short**** Mark E. Sturgill** Charlie R. Turner Russell Wampler*** Damon L. Williams*** CLASS OF 1991 Susie Baker Becky Bevins* Cindy L. Blevins* Shannon R. Blevins* Timothy H. Carty* Garland A. Hall** Gary A. Harvey** Jewele H. Haynes* Rebecca Horne*** William C. Horne*** Rick L. Mullins*** Rusty Mullins Laura D. Pritchard** Rachel A. Puckett Robert J. Spohn Claire S. Stinson Kevin G. Vernon Debra D. Watson*** Ruth A. Williams* Carolyn S. Wilson CLASS OF 1992 Stephanie R. Adams*** Marybeth M. Adkins** Barry Wade Allison*** Sally S. Baird**** Terry Keith Bird Brian Keith Blanton**** Daniel Garland Board* Michael L. Couch Kimberly T. Davis** Karen Davis-Beggs* Renea Lorraine Gaucher* Patricia H. Guill*** Thomas Arnold Kennedy**** Christina Mullen Molinary Catherine Ann Moretz John Wintford Moretz

Amy Leigh Mullins Cynthia Johnson Newlon*** John Christopher Raynor Sandra F. Smith Kelly G. Willis** CLASS OF 1993 David Julian Adkins Kathy W. Bird Daphne Dawn Blanton** Jessica Thompson Broskie* Fred R. Coeburn, Jr.* Pamela J. Collie*** Gregory Alan Dodson Claude Edward Elkins, Jr.** Elsa B. Farmer* Laura Ann Kendall** Douglas Scott Mullins Kevin W. Mullins*** Amy M. Porter P. Heith Reynolds David William Shelton** Bill D. Wendle** CLASS OF 1994 James W. Adams*** Pat R. Bevins** David S. Burgess* Karen Va Byrd David L. Cox William F. Hill Judith E. Johnson*** Christopher L. Kommes** Hettie Childress Love Duane A. Miller*** Joey L. Ratliff* Melissa C. Steward Kevin M. Williams** CLASS OF 1995 Cheryl E. Appel* Loretha Boggs Janice E. Bolling* Bradley Steven Broskie Taylor Raymond Burgess* Joseph R. Carico** Elizabeth Opie Craft Jefferson W. Davis* Colleen A. French* Angela Honeycutt Chastity Hope Lane Billie Hill Murray Thomas B. Puckett Christa B. Ratliff* Marlene F. Salyer April Lynn Hayes Stidham Karen D. Watkins*

Fall 2012 49

CLASS OF 1996 Wendi Leigh Collier Angela P. Furrow* Freddie Elmer Mullins* Mark A. Mullins Judy Christian Needham*** Michael S. Owens Stephanie D. Perry* Travis Matthew Perry* Paul A. Phillips** Neal Jason Roberts*** Donna Rogers*** Julia Vanover Natalie J. Wells CLASS OF 1997 Autumn Avalon Alvarez Daniel D. Armstrong** James W. Bellamy, Jr.** Karen Grace Chase William Andrew Delph, Jr.* Katherine Gardner Sherri R. Gardner* Charles W. Hartgrove** Aaron C. Hicks* Mary Hampton Honeycutt Sandra L. Jones** Phillip C. Justice, Jr.* Christopher T. Massey Brian D. McKnight* Vincent T. McNeil Jettie Greer Mullins** Marnie Rae Mullins* Sarah J. Pilkenton** Lori Ann Roberts** Antony D. Roop** Rodney D. Stanley** Kimberley P. Sterling*** Deborah Cornett Wright* CLASS OF 1998 Camden E. Arthur** Brandon Lee Bolling* Sandra L. Bolling Talya Ka Brown Christy G. Dalton Linda R. Fleming William T. Gardner Tracey Lynn Gilliam Kara L. Goins* Diana Heath Haynes* Joshua Daniel Hughes** Cindy Jessee Laura E. McClellan Patricia Lynne Mullins* Roger Profitt Christopher W. Ratliff** Justin Blake Runyon* Dawn Michelle Short* Christopher Todd Starnes*

50 UVa-Wise Magazine 50 UVa-Wise Magazine

CLASS OF 1999 Lori Kay Addington Jimmie E. Belcher Beth Ann Bowman* Christi B. Collins Juanita Thompson Cox Stephen D. Dalton Christopher D. Davis Nichole L. Davis Shana DelForge* Graham Alexander Marsteller* John Thomas McGuire** Misty D. McGuire** Maria D. Mullins Cynthia Elaine Somervell Jacob P. Somervell Joan S. Stewart* Donald W. Trivett Elizabeth P. Werling** CLASS OF 2000 Mary Beth Allison** Sherry C. Allison* Caroline H. Baker Andrea Waldron Bates Adam Michael Bell* Bradford J. Bowen** Jeffrey W. Bray* Tanya L. Clark* Deanna D. Cox James D. Dinsmore Tabitha Hibbitts** Dolly L. Hylton* C. Scott Kiser* Kristy J. Kiser* Selena M. Kiser* Lydia B. Leap* Warren S. Leap III* Samantha L. Mahoney Stephanie P. Michnowicz* Stephanie D. Sturgill-Adams Carol Russell Wilson

Eric Allen Gardner Melinda Kay Hylton* Alihan Karakartal Michael J. Lipps* Jonathan Keith Mason* Sonya Renee Ratliff** Joshua Bentley Scarbrough Elizabeth Denise Shuler Joshua Ryan Skeens** Hana Zibdeh-Lough* CLASS OF 2003 Lisa Nicole AddingtonSturgill David B. Amos* William P. Childress III* Elijah J. Christman* April L. Collins Jessica B. Compton* Sandra H. Cook Amy M. Cozzolino Tara Y. Dinsmore Edith C. Donahue Tyler G. Giles** Kevin D. Hill* Gonul B. Kaya Sean E. McNalley Marcie W. Minter Tracy Mumpower Julie Adkins Scott Tommy R. Vestal

CLASS OF 2001 Jonette Dixon Carpenter** Cinnamon Justene Couch** Brett Matthew Fields* Melissa Christine Hall* Kindle Bishop Horton Wendy M. Martin** Bridget L. Rife* Bradley Dave Robinson* Laura Faye Robinson** Eric Nathanael Stallard James Darryl Swartz* Sarah D. Torres

CLASS OF 2004 Jimmy J. Adkins Pearl L. Adkins Garry L. Bogan, Jr. Matthew A. Carter Daniel M. Cauley Tanya F. Colbert Justin M. Collins Dennis A. Dillow Victoria Ann Giunta* Amanda K. Harris* Jessica L. McNalley Richard L. Minter Lawton Mullins* David E. Peace* Ashley Marlana Rasnake Stewart C. Reynolds* Danielle M. Sadler* Andrew W. Sharretts Rabern Simmons K. Matthew Stanley* Marlene M. Steele* Jenny Lee Wampler John P. O. Yost

CLASS OF 2002 Cassie R. Bradley Brett S. Compton* Melissa Worley DeLeon* Gayle Sandefur Dutton* Brian Keith Furrow*

CLASS OF 2005 Timothy Scott Anderson* Michael D. Berry* Nicole R. Berry* Jessica R. Cain* Elizabeth Dean

Leah Domby Deel Ritchie Scott Deel Brian M. Harris* Elizabeth A. HumphreysHill* Kristi F. Longworth* Julie Yates Matlock Michael J. Matlock C. Cole Osborne* Sarah B. Parsons Kendall Rainey Christine B. Richey Danny E. Rife II* Kellie S. Rose Breanne Dotson Salyer* Sarah Huggins Scarbrough Adam D. Smith Tabitha Hackney Smith Rhonda L. Sullivan-Musick CLASS OF 2006 Heather Honi Arnold Rachel D. Burgess* Eric M. Dean Carla W. Glass Stephanie I. Goode Jeremiah C. Hopkins Chad Horvat Sara Stanley Miller Wade H. Nairn III Leandrea R. Romero Kimberly M. Stanley* Rustan R. Stewart Lora C. Wharton Maggie L. Yost CLASS OF 2007 Matthew L. Adkins* Laura King Berry* Terri Anne Hill-Funk* Ann-Delyse Hopkins Joshua V. Justice* Alicia J. King Adam M. Meadows Crystal D. Meadows Matthew M. Mullins Justin L. Necessary Ashley N. O’Quinn Amanda J. Patterson K. Nicole Pilkenton Candyce R. Poteet Heather D. Richardson T. J. Richey, Jr. Sara M. Roop* Jamie L. Russell Kristina M. Steffen Joe A. Taylor, Jr. Whitney A. Wilhelmi CLASS OF 2008 Michael C. Archer Dimitri A. Bikos Kayla L. Cantrell

Barbara F. Church Margit Scarberry Emily L. Crawford Cindi Smoot Mark DeLeon* Justin B. Venable Brock Anthony M. Funk Chesney B. Walters Sara D. Hurd Jessica Ann Winebarger Kaylee J. Hutchinson Nicole L. Krout CLASS OF 2010 Esther S. Akoto Lindsay M. Lipps Amber L. Owens Sara K. Bentley Diane C. Petro Michael T. Bowman Mark D. Regan Marshell N. Bradley L. Brannon Jonathon W. Salyer Are you looking for a unique wayTravis to honor someone or to Jason S. Shuler Vanessa Y. Cyphers remember a friend or family member who has passed away? H. Davidson Rebecca Stanley If so, a M. tribute gift will allow youKelly to honor a special person Jessica L. Turner Darrell Dingus-Ely experiences while helping UVa-Wise improve the educational Eric T. Vanover Jessica A. Fleming of our students. Matthew W. Wright Luke H. Parks Brooke V. Rafaly Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to celebrate a birthday, CLASS OF 2009 Emily C. Spillenkothen wedding, anniversary, graduation or any special occasion. Jill C. Barber Kayla D. Tiller They serve as a thoughtful expression of sympathy by Reaganalso J. Cecil Robin R. Tiller honoring the memory of a friend or relative. Tributes or Joshua E. Vaughan Elizabeth D. Chappell memorial gifts can honor someone youWilson want to remember Cody Steven C. Davis in a meaningful way, such as an alum, a favorite professor, Miranda B. Ely aAshley mentor, a colleague, a family member or a2011 friend who has CLASS OF R. Hill made anJohnson impact in your life. Jenna K. Anna Marie Adams Chad Longworth Bryan M. Bentley Erin J. Dotson Brittany D. Marshall Seth B. Frisby Nick Marshall Bryant O. Gray Jared A. Owens Heath Kiser Britney A. Salyer


Stephanie L. Lawson Amber F. Minton Chiz U. Ononiwu Kierstyn Brianna Partin Mark Q. Phillips, Jr. Allie G. Robinson Sarah C. Smith Laura A. Watkins CLASS OF 2012 Mikaela R. Anders Zhanna Bates Allie M. Blevins Kayla D. Bowman Caitlyn M. Boyd Amber M. Carter Tara B. Cole Bryant Counts Ashley N. Cvetnich Kendra M. Duty Megan L. Funk Josh B. Harbour Rachel M. Hensley Shonna S. Hughes Amelia C. Johnson Rachel L. Jonas Brooke D. Lawson Jason C. Looney Lauren B. Maddox Kaylee A. Murphy Jennifer L. Partin*

Merry Lu Prior* Luke C. Rasnick Mary Elena Register Andrea R. Rose Abe Rutherford Preston M. Smith Justin L. Swoope Lloyd Tomlinson Tanessa L. Trivett Ashlee C. Washburn Can’t find your name? It could be because... ...we made a mistake. Every effort goes into ensuring the accuracy of this report. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our apologies and notify us to ensure our records are corrected. ...you asked that your gift be anonymous. Checking this box on the pledge card indicated to us that you do not want your name to appear in this report. ...you made your gifts after our fiscal year ended. Annual giving closes on June 30. Gifts made after that date are recognized in the next year’s Honor Roll Please call the Office of Development at 276-328-0129 if you have any concerns about your listing.

onor special people in your life

while supporting UVa-Wise

Are you looking for a unique way to honor someone or to remember a friend or family member who has passed away? If so, a tribute gift will allow you to honor a special person while helping UVa-Wise improve the educational experiences of our students. Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to celebrate a birthday, wedding, anniversary, graduation or any special occasion. They also serve as a thoughtful expression of sympathy by honoring the memory of a friend or relative. Tributes or memorial gifts can honor someone you want to remember in a meaningful way, such as an alum, a favorite professor, a mentor, a colleague, a family member or a friend who has made an impact in your life.

Tribute gifts are made through the UVa-Wise Foundation with the donor receiving an acknowledgment and gift credit. Those being honored receive a letter notifying them of the gift. For memorial gifts, the nearest family member or members are notified of the thoughtful gift. The gift amount remains anonymous. In honor of or in memory of gifts may be made by sending a check to: UVa-Wise Foundation 1 College Avenue Wise, VA 24293 For more information, please contact Valerie Lawson, director of development 276.376.4523, valerie.lawson@uvawise.edu Fall 2012 51

Alumni Events

The North Carolina Alumni Club gathering was held on Sept. 8, 2012. Alumni and friends gathered for a pre-game tailgate at Campbell University to cheer on the Cavaliers.

The Richmond Area Alumni Club gathering was held on Aug. 11, 2012 at the Omni Richmond Hotel. Those present participated in a 50/50 raffle with proceeds used to purchase back-to-school supplies for Trevvett Elementary School in Richmond.

The UVa-Wise Alumni Association Board of Directors held its annual retreat at the Meadowview Conference Center on June 15-16 in Kingsport, Tenn. Rick L. Mullins ’91 handed the gavel to incoming President David B. Amos ’03. 52 UVa-Wise Magazine

r a d n e l a C

of events for 2012-13

December 1 December 7 February 12 February 16 March 9 March 12 April 9 April 19 April 24 April 27 May 17 May 18 May 18

Cavs Trio Silent Auction at David J. Prior Convocation Center December Graduation Alumni Board of Directors Meeting Basketball Homecoming Roanoke Alumni Club Gathering Alumni Board of Directors Meeting Annual Alumni Board of Directors Meeting 18th Annual Community Spring Swing Golf Tournament Alumni - Student Picnic Hampton Roads Alumni Club Gathering Alumni / Senior Awards and Reception Commencement 27th Annual Alumni $elebration Fall 2012 53


1 College Avenue Wise, Virginia 24293

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