2010-11 UVHS Prospectus

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Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria High School A Mathematics and Computing College

Springfield Road, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0EB Telephone: (01229) 894140 & 894141 Facsimile: (01229) 483902 Email: uvhs@ulverstonvictoria.cumbria.sch.uk Web: www.ulverstonvictoria.cumbria.sch.uk

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Preparing young people for the exciting challenges of the 21st century

A Mathematics and Computing College

Ulverston Victoria High School

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It is a great honour to be the Acting Headteacher of Ulverston Victoria High School which is a well established school at the centre of the vibrant community of Ulverston The school has many excellent features and lots of students thrive here. Ulverston Victoria High School has delightful students and a very supportive and interested parent body. At the time of writing we are on a vigorous journey of self improvement and the school has a real sense of purpose which you will find when you visit us. The school has lots to offer and not least is its sense of energy, purpose and desire to change to meet the demands of the twenty first century learner. We have set ourselves a target to be ‘Outstanding’. This is an exciting time for your child to be a member of Ulverston Victoria High School. A time when he or she will benefit from the ‘buzz’ generated by our improvements but also he or she can draw from the school’s traditional strengths. The selection of a school by parents for their child is a great act of trust. I am confident you will be pleased with your decision as time unfolds.

Mr Denis Fay Acting Headteacher

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Ulverston Victoria High School is situated on an attractive, spacious site on Springfield Road. Teaching takes place in subject-specific buildings e.g. Geography, History and Modern Foreign Languages are in the Southern Block. We have a rolling programme of refurbishment and improvement and have upgraded Science laboratories and Maths classrooms. All subjects have access to IT facilities such as digital projectors and whiteboards. Safeguarding Statement Ulverston Victoria High School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children and young people in its care. All appointments to the school are subject to Criminal Record checks (CRB). The school has rigorous child protection policies and procedures in place and all interviews with prospective staff will contain questions on safeguarding children. Our Curriculum At Key Stage 3, students in Years 7, 8 and 9 follow a broad curriculum; English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, BPE, Modern Language, Design and Technology, Physical Education, Art, Music, Drama (Year 7), Citizenship and ICT. A second Modern Foreign Language or Drama is studied in Years 8 + 9. Students are placed in Sets according to ability and potential. This takes place in English and Maths from Year 7 and in other subjects from Year 8. At Key Stage 4, students in Years 10 and 11 have an element of choice in the subjects they study. There is a compulsory core of English, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, Citizenship and ICT.

Individual choices are made by students for up to four additional subjects to study to GCSE level. These can be selected from subjects previously experienced at Key Stage 3 such as Modern Foreign Languages or new subjects such as Business Studies. We also offer a range of vocational courses including the BTEC Introductory Diploma and ASDAN Youth Award. Some students also follow Diploma or Young Apprentice courses at external institutions. Full details of all courses and curriculum organisation are published annually in a separate Year 10 Options Handbook available early in the Spring Term for Year 9 students. The Sixth Form is open to all who wish to continue their education beyond the age of

16, provided they have the appropriate entry requirements. The majority of students in the Sixth Form pursue academic courses in preparation for the AS and A2 examinations. Prior to entry into the Sixth Form, students are advised on the appropriate number and combination of subjects to study. Each year around 80% of students gain entry to courses at universities and colleges to continue their education. Full details are published annually in the Sixth Form Prospectus which is available prior to an Open Evening in the Autumn Term each year.

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Ulverston Victoria High School A Mathematics and Computing College

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Ulverston Victoria High School A Mathematics and Computing College

In July 2009 we were re designated as a DfES Maths and Computing College. This means that we are an inclusive school working within a rigorous three-year development plan, designed to improve standards as a whole and to raise performance and participation in Mathematics and Computing/ICT. Teaching and Learning We are building on proven strengths to establish Ulverston Victoria High School as a centre of excellence in Maths and Computing. All our Maths/ICT rooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards. We are breaking new ground in the teaching and learning of Mathematics and Computing/ICT. We are using, developing and sharing best practice techniques for raising educational standards. We offer a wide variety of vocational and academic routes for students of all abilities, equipping them with relevant skills for the world of work.

Enrichment Our provision is enhanced to offer students enriched opportunities. We have a comprehensive programme of acceleration/enrichment for our talented students. We are involved in a range of national initiatives and competitions to

motivate, enthuse and excite students. We video-conference with students both nationally and internationally. We will be introducing an enterprise and international focus to our work wherever possible.

Community Partnerships We are active partners in a learning community, working closely with our family of schools and the wider community, sharing resources and expertise.

Uniform All our students from Year 7 to Year 11 have to wear a designated school uniform. We feel that a uniform is an integral part of school life and is necessary to maintain good and equitable standards. School uniform policy is strictly enforced and we ask all our parents to support us in this aspect. Details of the uniform and suppliers can be found in

the booklet ‘School Uniform’ that is enclosed with this prospectus.

Our Pastoral System In a caring community all teachers are concerned with the needs of the individual student and teaching is based upon a relationship between the teacher and the student. Each student is a member of a tutor group. The Tutor is the first point of contact for all students each day at morning registration where announcements are made and information is given. It is the Tutor who has an overview of the development and progress of the students through this daily contact. The tutor groups within each year come under the charge of a Pastoral Leader. It is he or she who has the overall pastoral

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responsibility for the general welfare and academic progress of all the students in his/her year group and this responsibility continues through the school with these students from Year 7 to Year 11. It is the Pastoral Leader to whom you should write or telephone if you need to contact the school about any matter concerning your son/daughter. Parents should send routine correspondence about illness and reasons for absence direct to the Attendance Officer at the school. We would be grateful if a parent informs the school by 9:30 am on the day of their child’s absence.

Learning Support

Learning Mentors

This operates in all years for students who have a statement of special educational need. It is organised through the Learning Support Department and takes the form of support in the classroom, tutorial work and curriculum modification. These students are taught alongside their peers and arrangements for tutorial work will be such that they are not prevented from participating fully in the curriculum and the social life of the school.

A small team of Learning Mentors provide additional support and guidance for students who are underachieving and/or are expecting difficulties. They use a variety of strategies for removing barriers to learning in order to promote effective participation, enhance individual learning, raise aspirations and thus enable students to achieve their full potential.

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Complementary Curriculum Over a number of years UVHS has looked to develop a curriculum which meets the needs of students in today’s world. For a small number of students we have moved away from the mainly academic curriculum at Key Stage 4 by incorporating a range of vocational programmes of study. We have further extended this by introducing the Complementary Curriculum for a number of students who would not thrive under a traditional academic system. These students follow the core curriculum of English, Maths, Science, ICT, PE and BPE along with ASDAN Youth Award, a nationally recognised qualification. Students also attend a local further education college one day per week or undertake work experience one day per week. The aim of Complementary Studies is to enable students to get a foot on the ‘employment ladder’ early to prepare them for the world of work and for life after school in general.

Victoria Outreach At Ulverston Victoria we understand that not every student will follow a wholly academic path. We recognise that some students have practical skills in other areas and as such we are keen to develop these skills which will be a real asset to future employers. Victoria Outreach develops these key skills by linking with outside agencies so students can gain work placement experience, coupled with academic studies.

Work Experience All students in Year 10 have one week of work experience in a local business or work place. In addition, students who follow vocational courses in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 may take part in work experience placements or vocationally linked visits.

Religious Education Within the Department of Belief, Philosophy & Ethics, Religious Education in school follows the Cumbria Agreed Syllabus which requires students to learn about and from major world religions. Students at Ulverston Victoria High School know RE as ‘Belief, Philosophy and Ethics’. The Cumbria Agreed Syllabus is followed through an enquiring way of learning. Students are encouraged to question and explore beliefs and values in a respectful way, listening to the views of others in order to frame and develop their own, at this important stage of life. Students can opt to follow a GCSE Religious Studies course beginning this in Year 10.

Citizenship The aim of Citizenship lessons is to encourage our students to become confident individuals and responsible citizens. This is achieved through critical thinking and enquiry. Students are encouraged to take informed and responsible action. At UVHS Citizenship is topical and outward looking with emphasis on practical, active citizenship. Students will study concepts such as democracy and justice, rights and responsibility, identities and diversity. Citizenship also covers personal wellbeing, together with economic wellbeing and financial capability (PSHEE). This will include healthy lifestyles, risky

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behaviours, and relationships (with aspects of sex education, STI’s and contraception). Each of these issues will be delivered through critical reflection and exploration of concepts and values.

medallists and numerous podium places at World Schools Championships, and both British and Cumbrian Schools winners. The club is open to any student who enjoys the physical and mental challenges that orienteering provides.

Sport and out of school activities

The Music department is excellent and in the top 10% nationally. The department has a suite of classrooms, ICT area and practice/rehearsal rooms. Over 155 of the students receive individual tuition and we now offer free instrument loans and reduced rate tuition in our partner primaries. The school runs numerous bands such as the Wind Band, Swing Band, choirs and Junior Orchestra. These perform regularly to great local, national and international acclaim.

Physical Education in school aims to provide every student with the opportunity to develop physically, socially and emotionally within an enjoyable and satisfying programme of activities. Tolerance, a sense of fair play and good sporting behaviour are considered to be essential elements of the learning process. We aim to provide equal access for all students to the Physical Education curriculum. We have a well-equipped Gymnasium to add to our facilities in the Sports Hall. Our extensive grounds accommodate pitches and hard court areas. Inter-house and inter-form competitions run in all sports throughout the year. The school offers an outstanding programme of extracurricular activities. School teams play matches in Furness and the South Lakes region. We also successfully enter teams into local and national competitions in athletics, cross-country, orienteering, rugby, soccer, golf, netball and hockey. Ulverston is the leading orienteering school in the country. We have been British Champions since 1995 and have had teams representing Britain at the World Schools Championships since 1997. In that time we have won three gold, two silver and one bronze team medals. We returned from the 2008 Championships in Scotland with a team silver medal from the Year 11 and 12 girls, and from the 2009 championships in Spain with an individual Gold medallist in Junior Boys. Orienteering is run as an extra curricular activity. We train regularly every week and attend events most weekends. The club travels all over the country and we run overseas tours every two years. Students start orienteering in Year 7, usually as beginners, and we have produced a European junior champion, gold individual

The music department also supports the drama productions when, each year, we have a musical and a pantomime. The art department has an extensive suite of rooms with ICT facilities. Regular exhibitions of work are held in school and at local venues.

Behaviour Support All students are expected to behave in an orderly and sensible way which shows consideration for others and promotes a caring and responsible school environment. Our Behaviour Support Plan both recognises and rewards good behaviour and lays out a series of consequences and sanctions which will apply when a student falls below the required standard. Parents are kept fully informed and we ask parents to support school in its efforts to deal constructively with any misconduct. To support students who may experience difficulties such as low self-esteem or attention-seeking behaviour, we operate an Engagement Centre which provides a therapeutic environment for these students. The school also employs a full-time counsellor to whom all students have access. We offer individual support and guidance for those students whose conduct is a cause for concern. Parents are always involved in such plans and are invited to contribute.

Peer Mentors An important aspect of secondary education for older students is accepting additional responsibilities. This helps develop characteristics of self-discipline, trust and reliability. To help foster this, a number of Year 10, 11 and 12 students have been trained in listening and befriending skills. These students operate a peer mentor service where any students experiencing difficulties with relationships such as bullying can discuss the problem and be given some guidance to resolve the situation. The school also employs a full-time Counsellor to whom all students have access. Our counsellor is fully qualified and has seven years post qualification experience, six of which with Ulverston Victoria High School.

Home-school links Throughout the year we have Parents’ Consultation Evenings where, during individual interviews with staff, students’ progress is discussed. In addition, on one occasion each term, we will send home a progress review for every student that will outline their target grades or levels and measure the progress made towards achieving those targets. Also included will be students Attitude to Learning grades which will indicate the levels of work in lessons and at home as well as an assessment of their personal organisation.

The School Library We are proud of our large state-of-the-art school Library which is equipped with a wide range of books, ICT facilities and up to date newspapers and periodicals to support the curriculum and also to inspire and encourage the habit of reading for both information and pleasure. Being attractively and comfortably furnished, a pleasant environment conducive to quiet study has been created - a facility which Sixth Form students in particular appreciate. The Library is staffed at all times by a fully qualified librarian and assistant librarian, making maximum access possible to this excellent facility. Researching, browsing, reading, borrowing all contribute to the total learning experience of each student.

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Careers Education & Guidance All students are entitled to a progressive programme of careers guidance beginning in Year 7 and moving through to Year 13. This includes a programme of individual interviews with members of the school guidance team as well as the Connexions adviser.

Homework & Assessment Homework is an important part of the learning experience in that it not only extends knowledge but it develops a student’s skills in independent working, research and organisation of time. It can take a variety of forms: reading, learning, coursework, writing, research or continuation of classwork. The amount of homework will vary from subject to subject and from student to student depending on the time taken to complete the task. At the beginning of the year students are issued with a planner where details of tasks set should be recorded. Every planner is checked regularly by Tutors.

Lunchtime Arrangements We provide healthy well-balanced meals of a very high quality at good prices and the majority of our students stay for school meals. We also offer breakfast at the start of the school day and a midmorning service. At the time of writing no student in Year 7, 8 or 9 is allowed to leave the school premises without permission. Parents are requested to notify their child’s Tutor in writing if they wish their son or daughter to go home for lunch or in the event of any special arrangements for the midday break. A ‘lunch pass’ is issued by the Pastoral Leader in response to these written requests. A photographic lunch pass is issued to students in Year 10 and 11 after they have signed a contract agreement with the school.

Parent Teacher Association The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an important part of our links with parents. In addition to more general meetings the PTA organises social occasions when staff and parents may meet. Through its work it raises much needed funds for several areas of school improvement. We will relaunch our PTA in Autumn 2009.

parents a voice in our development planning and the strategic direction of the school. All parents who would like to be part of this important group are most welcome to attend. Please telephone the school reception for further details.

Charging and Remission Policy The Education Reform Act, 1988 distinguishes between those activities which take place wholly or mainly outside school hours and those which take place wholly or mainly in school time. Parents will be charged for those activities and visits which take place wholly or mainly outside school hours except when the activity or visit is required as part of a prescribed public examination syllabus, in which case the charging regulations relating to school time visits will apply. Parents are under no obligation to contribute financially to activities and visits which take place wholly or mainly during school hours and students will not be treated differently according to whether or not their parents have made any voluntary contribution. Parents will appreciate, however, that without voluntary financial support such activities and visits would cease and therefore the school will continue to request voluntary financial contributions in support of any school activity, whether during or outside school hours, residential or non-residential. The school will continue to ask parents to provide or pay on a voluntary basis for ingredients, materials and equipment needed for subjects such as Design and Technology. Parents are under no obligation to make this contribution unless they wish to own the finished product. In accordance with current legislation the school has a detailed policy for charging. Parents who wish to see this should contact the school.

Personal Accident Insurance Cover Some parents wrongly assume that if a child is injured at school the County Council is held to be responsible, regardless of the circumstances and that its insurance will automatically apply. This is not so - the County Council’s responsibility is strictly limited to cases where there was negligence by them or their staff. Accidents can happen in school, on the sports field, or during school visits when the County Council or its staff are not in any way at fault and are, therefore, not responsible.

Parents Advisory Group (PAG) The Parents Advisory Group meets twice each term with the Head Teacher and other invited senior leaders. This is an informal meeting to give our

The provision of personal accident insurance is considered to be the responsibility of parents. Parents who are interested in this form of insurance

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can contact their local insurance broker, but they may be interested to know that the National Confederation of Parent-Teacher Associations has arranged a suitable policy. The address is 2 Ebbsfleet Estate, Stonebridge Road, Gravesend, Kent DA11 9DZ.

subscription criteria contained in the LEA’s General Admissions policy. Full details of these priorities should be requested from the LEA but a summary of the priorities includes:

Formal Complaints Procedure

I Children living in the catchment area who have brothers or sisters in the school (or associated infant or junior school) at the time of their admission.

If you become concerned in any way about your child’s education it is important that you tell us about this. As a first step you should discuss your concerns with your child’s Pastoral Leader. If you are still concerned you should arrange to meet with senior staff and request a copy of the complaints procedure from the school office. Parents also have the right of complaint to the Governing Body or the Local Education Authority.

Admission Policy Cumbria County Council Local Education Authority remains the Admissions Authority for Ulverston Victoria High School and the school follows the County’s policy on admissions which is summarised below. The LEA has an open admission policy irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender or ability. The school’s Racial Equality Policy reflects this and admissions will be monitored to ensure no ethnic minority group is disadvantaged or admission declined on grounds of race, ethnicity, gender or ability. Where schools are over-subscribed the LEA will prioritise applications using the over-

I Children looked after by Cumbria County Council giving priority, if necessary, to the youngest child(ren).

I Children living outside the catchment area who, at the time of their admission, have brothers or sisters in the school (or associated infant or junior school) who were directed to that school by the LEA either (a) in the absence of a place being available in the catchment area school due to over-subscription and the school was identified by the LEA as the next nearest with a place available or (b) in their Statement of Special Educational Need. I In relation to Church of England Voluntary Controlled Schools, children living in the catchment area with a parent on the electoral role of a C of E Church. I Other children living in the catchment area giving priority to those living furthest away from an alternative school where the LEA is able to determine that a place is available, measured by the shortest walking route by road. I Children living outside the catchment area who have brothers or sisters in the school (or associated infant or junior school) at the time of their admission. I In relation to Church of England Voluntary Controlled schools, children

living outside the catchment area with a parent on the electoral role of a C of E Church. I Children living outside the catchment area, giving priority to those who live closest to the school, measured by the shortest walking route by road. The above criteria will be applied to first preference applicants first. Second, and subsequent third, preferences will be considered if places remain after parents who have given a school as a higher preference have been allocated a place. Applications will be prioritised according to the above criteria. An exception will be made: I Under the Authority’s policy for the education of children with special needs (i) where a child holds a Statement of Special Educational Needs, or (ii) is currently undergoing a statutory assessment, and in either case it is considered that attendance at a particular school is necessary to meet the identified needs of that child. I In considering a parent’s second or third preference and in relation to the next nearest school with a place available where admission has been refused to the catchment area school because of oversubscription. (Such an exception would not be made if this school is also unable to accommodate its catchment area applicants). The school currently has a Published Admissions Number of 213 students per year group. The school is expected to admit students up to that number and only then may refer parents to the LEA Admissions Officer because of over-subscription.

Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria High School A Mathematics and Computing College

Springfield Road, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0EB Telephone: (01229) 894140 & 894141 Facsimile: (01229) 483902 Email: uvhs@ulverstonvictoria.cumbria.sch.uk Web: www.ulverstonvictoria.cumbria.sch.uk

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Preparing young people for the exciting challenges of the 21st century

A Mathematics and Computing College

Ulverston Victoria High School

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