Greening Your Workplace

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Greening Your Office: Practical Tips for Reducing Your Environmental Footprint Presenters: Erica Spiegel, Corey Berman University of Vermont Recycling Program, Physical Plant Department

Campus Environmental Footprint* Tons of solid waste sent to landfill - 1,748 tons  Cost of Landfill Disposal - $157,000  kWH used on campus – 59,268,484 kWH  Cost of Electricity bill – $7,268,108  Cubic Feet of Natural Gas – 605,864 MCF  Cost of Natural Gas bill - $3,836,487  Gallons of Fuel Oil – 209,000 gallons  Cost of Fuel Oil - $355,000 

*2008 data

We all contribute to the Campus Environmental Footprint… …and we are all part of the solution. Individual staff members and departments are needed to help the campus reduce its collective environmental impact. The daily actions and decisions made by individuals on behalf of the institution will determine whether UVM lives up to its “environmental” reputation and name.

Tour of the Workplace    

Recycling & Reuse Special Items to Separate Food and Lunchtime The “Paperless” Office Copier Machine Computers and Printers Fax machine Publications Mail & Sharing Information

    

Green Meetings Energy Use Computer Use Purchasing Transportation & Commuting

Recycling: What goes in the bin? (a.k.a. “All In One” or “Zero Sort”)

Bottles & Cans Glass bottles & jars Plastic bottles Steel cans Aluminum cans Aluminum foil

Office paper Newspapers Magazines “Junk mail” Envelopes Boxboard Cardboard

Recycling: many additional materials are accepted in the mix Plastics # 1 – 7  Dairy Tubs  Plastic ‘Take-Out’ Boxes  6-pack and 12-pack beverage cartons 

Visit for complete UVM guidelines or for a printable poster.

Special Items to Separate    

Household-Type Batteries Ink Jet Cartridges CFL or Fluorescent Bulbs “Techno Trash” (cell phones, CD’s, etc.)

These items are collected in special “Techno Trash” stations located in each Residence Hall, in the Davis Center, the Library and other locations. Visit for a list of locations.

More Special Items to Separate OSCAR: Office Supply Collection And Reuse program - located in Billings Center building. Drop off or pickup gently used office supplies! ďƒœ

Overhead Transparencies Recycling - Send through Campus Mail: Recycling, 284 East Ave

Other Materials are Recycled “Behind the Scenes”         

Wood Pallets Scrap Metal Grease/oil from kitchens Used Motor Oil Electronics Waste or “e-waste” Surplus furniture and equipment Appliances Food Waste (for composting) Vehicle Tires

Lunch Time: What does YOUR lunch look like?       

Pack lunch in reusable containers. Avoid disposables and single-portion packets. Keep plate, utensils & cloth napkin in your desk. Buy juice or beverages in larger bottles; more product, less package. Choose “Local Foods” Eat “lower on the food chain” “Less packaging” usually equates to “better nutrition”


If you choose “take out” on campus, choose Eco-Ware     

Eco-Ware is a reusable take-out program sponsored by University Dining Services (UDS). Eco-Ware can be purchased and used at most retail dining areas on campus. Use Eco-Ware and get 15 cents off your meal! Turn in your Eco-Ware and UDS will wash it and provide you with a tag for your next use. Visit for more info.

“One Less Cup” Program    

Use a reusable mug, get a discount! Coffee and soda refills cost less at all UDS retail locations. Challenge your co-workers to carry their own cups. Help advertise the campaign – give decals to co-workers.

“One Less Bottle” Program Annually in U.S.   

Total plastic for bottles ... 900,000 tons Total CO2 produced ... 2.5 million tons Total oil used to produce ... 17 million barrels Burlington Tap Water is a safe, healthy and economical alternative. Stop buying bottled water for yourself and for your departmental meetings!

The Paperless Office Are we there yet? Soon.    

Most University business processes are now done on-line. (payroll, hiring, room scheduling, catering) Increase use of document scanners to make digital copies instead of paper ones. Convert documents to PDF format to easily send and store. Devise an organized file management system on the network that everyone in department can use.

Copying & Printing          

Avoid copying in the first place! Before you print, ask “is it necessary?” Use two-sided (duplex) “Shrink image” to fit page (e.g., 2-up) Use one-sided leftovers for scrap paper or make notepads Use a password/copier code to control amount of printing Edit & spell check on screen Use “Print Preview” Format documents to fit one page Visit

Publishing & Sharing Information         

Publish newsletters online or design them to minimize paper use. Choose recyclable bindings & coatings. Use recycled-content paper. Minimize the number you distribute. Target your mailing list. Route items using a “check off” sheet. Reuse campus mailing envelopes. Reuse large envelopes by placing new address label over used one. Reduce unwanted “junk” mail. Share journal subscriptions or subscribe on line.

Green Your Meetings Hold “virtual” meetings on line, avoid travel  Send agenda by e-mail  Remind attendees to bring own mug  Facilitate carpooling or shuttle  Reusable nametags, dishes, cups  Minimize or avoid printed handouts  Have recycling bins available for attendees 

(be sure to request these through Scheduling system)

Make “Greener” Choices through University Catering Services     

Request “Local Foods” if available. Choose reusable/china service (if budget allows) Request paper or compostable serviceware. Avoid individual bottled beverages. Notify Catering Staff of your “environmental” goal, and they can help in making decisions about your event.

Energy Saving Tips         

Turn off lights, Enjoy natural light Put a timer on shared Copier and Printer Choose Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL’s) Install “Occupant Sensor Lighting” (Ask UVM Energy Manager if your dept is eligible.) Turn down heat before leaving Close storm windows in office Report temperature problems to “SOS” Pull window shades closed at night Buy energy efficient equipment and appliances– look for “Energy Star” rating.

Green Computing Tips 

Set computer to “sleep” mode. Screen savers do not save energy!

Turn off components when not in use, especially the monitor!  Use a power strip to easily turn off all components at once.  Avoid battery operated mice and keyboards.  Or, choose a wireless mouse that has an “OFF” switch to conserve the battery. 

Green Purchasing Tips Avoid buying stuff in the first place.  Specify “green” products  Buy recycled-content products  Choose products with minimal packaging  Buy used furniture  Seek out non-toxic alternatives  Look for reusable or refillable products  Buy recycled content copier paper – UVM Contract for 100% recycled chlorine-free paper 

Transportation & Commuting 

Walk or bike around campus

Use campus shuttle buses

CATMA Ride Share program

CATMA “Rewards Cards”

UVM staff and students ride CCTA buses for free. Just show your Cat card ID.

Questions or Comments Contact Us: Erica Spiegel Corey Berman UVM Recycling Program

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