Vermont Cynic Issue 18

Page 1




The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883


Study abroad student returns from Egypt



! ! ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ( , * " * ' & - . - /0 $ 1 2 3 + 4 - 5 $ 6 % 0 3 % + - 7 8 4 - 9 : 7 7 - ; - <' = 0 & $ - 7 9 > - ? 1 1 0 $ - 7 @ - . - A 0 % = , ( B ) ' ( 4 - <$ % & ' ( )

1-5 ,-.


Club 590 opens in Brennan’s



Local sculptor Kat Clear recognized for work



Look through the lens: Bearquarium


COMICS “Rugged Boy”



Message from Sen. Bernie Sanders

12-13 SPORTS

Men’s basketball


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Trustees postpone budget increase Decision to raise tuition 5.8 percent will wait until May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Mensah tries to veto censure !"#456-#2,''*01 /$%00'1.#$).

ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic

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Smoke bomb sparks disturbance in Simpson Fire marshal labels crime as arson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UVM dean appointed to national task force !"#+%),#(),-.,'/ /$%00'1.#$).

D#%$++'+& "/BB+.;& *+#$& -3& (4+& O-BB+1+& -3& F*)9#(/-$;& 2#'& #00-/$(+*& <%& (4+& 5#(/-$#B& C''-9/#(/-$& -3& >(#(+& 7-#.*'& -3& F*)9#(/-$& (-& '+.@+& -$& #$& +*)9#(/-$& (#'6& 3-.9+;& #99-.*/$1& (-&#&0.+''&.+B+#'+= K4+& .+'0-$'/</B/(/+'& -3& (4+& (#'6&3-.9+&#.+&(-&#''+''&+*)9#(-.& (.#/$/$1& #$*& +@#B)#(/-$'& #'& 2+BB&

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!"#$%& '() !"#!,01"#2%",3 /$%00'1.#$).

@+(-&(4+&'+$#(-.]'&9+$').+=&& QR>0+#6+.& O4+@./+.V& *-+'& 4#@+& (4+& 0-2+.& (-& /$(+.0.+(& (4+& 9-$'(/()(/-$;& #$*& /3& S& #:& /$& (4+& 2.-$1& /$& @+(-/$1& (4+& :-(/-$;& (4+$&S&#0-B-1/A+&3-.&(4#(;X&"+$'#4& '#/*=&QS&2#'&)$*+.&(4+&/:0.+''/-$& 3.-:&B#'(&%+#.&(4#(&S&9-)B*=X

“The constitution mentions nothing about vetoing a motion because the right does not exist.” Claire Chevrier Speaker of the Senate K4+&(./@/#B&0.-9+*).+'&-3&(4/'& :-(/-$& 4#@+& 3-.9+*& '+$#(-.'& (-& <+9-:+& #2#.+& -3& (4+/.& 9-$'(/()(/-$#B& *)(/+'& #$*& 4#@+& #B'-& '+(& #& '(#$*#.*& -3& 3)().+& 2-.6&+(4/9;&>?C&>+$#(-.&"/94#+B& [4/(+&'#/*=& Q"-@/$1&-$&/$(-&(4+&3)().+;&2+& #.+& 1-/$1& (-& <+& '(.-$1+.;X& [4/(+& '#/*=&QS]:&'-..%&/(&4#00+$+*&(4/'& 2#%;&<)(&/(&4#'&4#*&1--*&.+')B('=X "#$%& -3& (4+& '+$#(-.'& '#/*& (4+%&.+9-1$/A+*&(4#(&"+$'#4&*/*& <.+#94&(4+&9-$'(/()(/-$&#$*&(4+%& 4#*& (-& 3-BB-2& -)(& (4+& 9+$').+&

There was attempted vandalism to a motor vehicle on Feb. 4, but no damage was found. A person received odd, unfamiliar text messages in Wright Hall, on Feb 5. A pole was knocked down during snow plowing on Feb. 3, according to the UVM Police Services crime log.

0.-9+*).+'=& QS& 9#$](& '/(& 4+.+& #$*& @-(+& #1#/$'(& (4+& 9-$'(/()(/-$;X& >?C& >+$#(-.& S#$& ?--*$-2& '#/*=& QS3& S& @-(+& #1#/$'(& 3-BB-2/$1& (4+& 9-$'(/()(/-$;&24#(&#:&S&'#%/$1bX M+.:-$(& >(#(+& 8+0=& c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

The word “life” was written on a bathroom door in the first floor of Billings Center. A non-affiliate was charged with leaving the scene of a motor vehicle accident on Feb 8. There was an issue between two dining hall employees at Simpson dining hall, but it was resolved internally.

Getting naked for a price Costs of University bike ride amounts to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

>+.@/9+';& >()*+$(& P/3+& #$*& (4+& 0,&()#1)2'3-,(')41/$,")$#5,+)&(6) B+3(-@+.&9-'(';&'4+&'#/*=& Y-2+@+.;& (4+& 5#6+*& 7/6+& 7%-,)%")(#')&()#1/$%&8)3(%5,+"%'69 '0-$'-.+*& +@+$(;& '-& )$/@+.'/(%& &-:%(%"'+&'%5,) #1/$,") $&((#') <)*1+(&3-.&/(;&>(+@+$'&'#/*=&&

“It’s definitely worth the money, because it is a UVM staple.” Elizabeth Williams Sophomore O-$(./<)(/-$'& 3.-:& &-:%(%"'+&'%5,) #1/$,") &+,) :&-,) 2/(4&#$%&').0B)'&3)$*'&(4#(&(4+%& 4#@+& #(& (4+& +$*& -3& (4+& %+#.;& '4+& '#/*=& S$& (4+& 0#'(;& (4+.+& 2#'& (#B6& #<-)(&+$*/$1&(4+&5#6+*&7/6+&8/*+& *)+&(-&4#.#'':+$(&'4-2$&(-2#.*& 0#.(/9/0#$(';& B/6+& (4.-2/$1& 9#$'& #$*& <-((B+'& #(& (4+:;& W/.+9(-.& -3& >()*+$(&P/3+&N#(&7.-2$&'#/*=&& K-& 9-$(/$)+& (4+& +@+$(;& #$&

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United Academics proposes University faculty increase Administration says student-faculty ratio is lower than peer schools and changes need to be made !"#$%&"#'(&)*+,/,0.*12%()#

ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic


Board of Trustees approves $4 million Redstone repairs !"#!,)-1(&#'+22)3)/+ 3(455*6#%(,#

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“The core academic mission, which is still an undergraduate mission, is being shortchanged. We will be proposing more faculty, attention to faculty security and improvement in the quality of our professional lives.” David Shiman United Academics President 6() -.$30#*-.8) '/0) #7+%.') +C) C#$%&'(9) ?U4) <+%&,) F0) %*-.8) !"#$% "&% '()% *+,+-',.% /012$(% ("% *%55+3') #.,) -753+20) #$#,07-$*9) /0)*#-,= Z.)JKK[9)'/0)?.-203*-'()*50.') [L=P) 503$0.') +C) '/0-3) F%,80') +.) #$#,07-$*) </-&0) -.) JKLK9) ?U4) *50.')PX=S)503$0.')+.)#$#,07-$*9) #$$+3,-.8) '+) '/0) ?.-203*-'() +C) U037+.')F#*0)F%,80'=) H/0) %.-+.) F0&-020*) '/#') #*) '/0)?.-203*-'()*50.,*)&0**)7+.0()

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Faculty have modified their teaching to deal with increased class size by: ![c

Having less discussion Having less one-onand interaction in class one time with students



Giving fewer or shorter writing assignments


Changing homework or exam structure

1+%3$0d)?.-'0,)@$#,07-$*)"#$%&'()1%320(9)105'07F03)JKLK LY!)C#$%&'()30*5+.,-.8

UVM among top Peace Corps contributors !"#$%&(#.&(/0(,1 3(455*6#%(,# ?U4) -*) #7+.8) '/0) '+5) J[) %.-203*-'-0*) </+*0) *'%,0.'*) 8+) +.) '+) *0320) -.) '/0) ;0#$0) W+35*9) #$$+3,-.8)'+)#)530**)30&0#*0= ?U4) <#*) 3#.D0,) .%7F03) L!) +.) '/0) &-*') +C) 7-,,&0R*-]0,) %.-203*-'-0*=))H/0)?.-203*-'()<#*) #&*+).%7F03)L!)&#*')(0#39)#&'/+%8/) '/0) .%7F03) +C) 2+&%.'003*) C3+7) ?U4) /#*) -.$30#*0,9) '/0) 530**) 30&0#*0)*'#'0,=

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Class councils will merge this spring !"#/*))"#6'*30 /(011*2#%(,#

JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic


Evolution fuels robot research Professor and team create walking machines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“I hope that this helps to advertise that computer science is not just about programming. It’s about exploring the world, as well as creating the future.”

?F( "*/&4( "*,"( /"( )/33( -%,33:( *%3;( #'( 1+8#'( +&( 9,4/&0( ./00%-( ,&$( .%""%-( %2%&"'( "*,"( )/33( *%3;( !"#$%&"'( )*+( ,-%( ./0( 1,&'( -%/&1+-8%("-,$/"/+&'(+&(8,9;#'7D( +1( %2%&"'( 3/4%( "*%( 5/&"%-( 6,337( C%-2/'(',/$= 5%38+9%( 5%%47( !%&/+-( 5%%4( ,&$( *+9%8+9/&0( 9,:( ),&"( "+( “By combining the ;-%;,-%( "*%9'%32%'( 1+-( ./00%-( class councils, the ,&$(.%""%-(%2%&"'(&%<"(:%,-=( >*%( 1+#-( 83,''( 8+#&8/3'( new organization will -%;-%'%&"/&0( %,8*( +1( "*%( 83,''%'( ,-%( 8+9./&/&0( "+( 8-%,"%( +&%( be able to focus on !"#$%&' ()!"(#*+' ,*-..' ,)!"(#*' their core mission ,$2/'%-(!,-,*(!#-0,3,(',/$=( ?6:( 8+9./&/&0( "*%( 83,''( which is educating 8+#&8/3'7( "*%( &%)( +-0,&/@,"/+&( undergraduate )/33( .%( ,.3%( "+( 1+8#'( +&( "*%/-( 8+-%(9/''/+&7()*/8*(/'(%$#8,"/&0( students about the #&$%-0-,$#,"%( '"#$%&"'( ,.+#"( "*%( /9;+-",&8%( +1( ,( 3/1%3+&0( imporance of a lifelong -%3,"/+&'*/;()/"*(ABC7D(!#-0,3,( relationship with ',/$=( >*%(8*,&0%(/'(0+/&0("+(,33+)( UVM.” 1+-("*%(8+#&8/3'("+(8+9./&%("*%/-( -%'+#-8%'7( )*/8*( )/33( ,33+)( 1+-( "*%9("+()+-4(+&(9+-%(3,-0%E'8,3%( Sarah Surgala %2%&"'7('*%(',/$=( >*%( 8+#&8/3( '"-#8"#-%( )/33( Class Council adviser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

Dr. Josh Bongard Computer Science professor ?F"(-%,33:(;+/&"'(#;("*%(8-%,"/2%( ;+)%-(+1(%2+3#"/+&7(-%0,-$3%''(+1( )*%"*%-(%2+3#"/+&(/'()+-4/&0(+&( <#)*);#(-*' )1;-"#.6.' )1' -1:#$(#-*' 9,8*/&%'7D(6+&0,-$(',/$=

Trustees discuss work study funding cuts and job challenges on campus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“I’m staying hopeful. If I can’t find something on campus, then there’s always Craigslist.” Andrew Cialek Sophomore ?F( *,$( )+-4( '"#$:( 3,'"( :%,-( ,&$( /"( ),'( 0-%,"7D( '+;*+9+-%( ?"&1%0',#-*%I'.-#&='KD!:'0B%"'A' 3++4%$(,"(9:(,/$(;,84,0%(1+-("*/'( :%,-(,&$(',)(/"(),'(0+&%7(F(*,$(&+( /$%,(*+)(F(),'(0+/&0("+(0%"(,(H+.=D(

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MARY DONOVAN The Vermont Cynic

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UVM scores new arena Nine proposals received for sports arena !"#-&.&'#/0*1*+20. /(011*2#%(,#

B/8%( V-%'/$%&"( +1( !"#$%&"( ,&$( ,-6/!.' 7#2%' 8)6' 9!.:-2.)"' O/&%(;-+;+',3'()%-%(-%"#-&%$( ',/$= .%1+-%( "*%( P,&=( LQ( 8#"+11( $,"%( 1+-( 8+&'"-#8"/+&( /$%,'( 1+-( ,( &%)( “The arena would seat 9#3"/;#-;+'%(,-%&,7(,88+-$/&0("+( "*%(!"#$%&'()&*+#,,*-#,..= 6,500 for hockey and >*%( ;-+;+',3'( 8+&",/&%$( 7,500 for basketball.” /&1+-9,"/+&( ,.+#"( "*%( &#9.%-( +1( ;%+;3%( "*%( .#/3$/&0'( )+#3$( *+3$7( "*%( %'"/9,"%$( 8+'"( +1( 8+&'"-#8"/+&( ,&$( )*+( )+#3$( Tom Gustafson ;,:( 1+-( "*%( 8+&'"-#8"/+&7( "*%( Vice President of Student !"#$%&'()&*+#,,*-#,..('","%$= ?F1(,;;-+2%$7("*%(,-%&,()+#3$( and Campus Life '%,"( R7SMM( ;%+;3%( 1+-( *+84%:( ,&$(T7SMM(1+-(.,'4%".,337(8+'"/&0( !/0-1&.')2'345'6#**#)"'$"-"(%&' ?>*%( ;-+;+',3'( W)/33X( &+"( .:( ;-/2,"%( ;,-"&%-'*/;'7D( "*%( .%( 9,$%( ;#.3/8( #&"/3( ,1"%-( !"#$%&'()&*+#,,*-#,..*'","%$= ,$9/&/'"-,"+-'( $%8/$%( +&( )*/8*( U+)%2%-7( "*%( ;-+;+',3'( )/33( ;3,&("+(;#-'#%7D(I#'",1'+&(',/$= &+"(.%(9,$%(;#.3/8(#&"/3(C,-8*7(




Student surrounded by revolution

Senior witnesses historic uprising while studying abroad in Egypt !"#$%&"#'(&)*+,%#&-$./+0()

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“The entire community just came together to protect themselves and protect each other. Egyptians have such a strong sense of community and duty. It was so inspiring to watch.” William Roman Senior





Burlington journalists give a voice to local military heroes

Writers travel abroad to interview Vermont National Guard


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Farmers fill Davis Center Annual Winter Conference draws about 1,400 !"#1)0'%#23) 8&1,9+,0)#$,.!67&)*$

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Performing for a cause Student-athlete council hosts benefit for Special Olympics Vermont !"#*)-.)#/)00' 3..&.)0')!4,5.!67&)*$


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Brennan’s serves taste of downtown

Davis Center hosts Club 590 party despite heavy snowstorm outside !"#$%&'(#)*+(,*-. /*011$2&-*#&

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Burlington arts council recognizes sculptor and UVM graduate Kat Clear !"#$%&'(')*'#+),-.* !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&

MARY DONOVAN The Vermont Cynic

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illustration by Andrrew Becker


The Roots will perform at Springfest 2011


Friendship before social status I# ,!3# )$$;*"<# %$5,!5+# -$# 3((*"<# HW.(# D*"<J3# 02(('.K# :('!13(# -.(# '!3-4# !)$"<# ,*-.# -.(# *+(!# $%# !# ;*"<# 3-51<<)*"<# ,*-.# !# 32(('.# *62(+*6("-4# *"-5*<1(+# 6(7# 8.$# +$(3"J-# ,!"-# -$# 3((# !# &)6#!:$1-#!#5$/!)J3#.16!"*-/d HW.(#D*"<J3#02(('.K#25(3("-3# -.(# 3-$5/# $%# D*"<# a($5<(# QI# $%# >5*-!*"# !"+# .*3# 31++("# !3'("3*$"# -$# -.(# -.5$"(# :('!13(# $%# .*3# :5$-.(5J3# ea1/# Z(!5'(f# !:+*'!-*$"7# P")*;(# .*3# :5$-.(54# .(# .!+# -.(# "('(33!5/# ;"$,)(+<(# -$#%1)&))#-.*3#("$56$13#-!3;7#W.(# $"(#$:3-!')(#<(--*"<#*"#-.(#,!/#$%# .*6#(N25(33*"<#.*3#*+(!3#*"#%5$"-# $%# .*3# 2($2)(# *3# !# %(!5# $%# 21:)*'# 32(!;*"<7 W.(# 5$)(# $%# D*"<# a($5<(# :5$1<.-# @$)*"# X*5-.# !# a$)+("# a)$:(# %$5# >(3-# ?'-$57# W.(#

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Singer/songwriter shares words of wisdom

Justin Levinson talks about navigating the music business '(&0122&345.,.678* *)+,,-./')0/

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Spectacle !"#$$%"&'($)*'"&'+"#+,-

The funky jams of Bearquarium soothe the soul at Club Metronome on Thursday, Feb. 3. Bearquarium will be playing at Club 590, located in Brennan’s, on Saturday, Feb. 26. The event will be hosted by UVM Student Media. PHOTOS BY Max Landerman



brought to you by


ACROSS 1- Rescued 6- Like grass in the morning 10- Ovid, e.g. 14- Self-respect 15- Switch ending 16- Actress Anderson 17- Corrodes 18- Kind of cod 19- Sponsorship 20- Forewritten 23- Paving material 24- Hi-___ monitor 25- Attila, e.g. 26- Loss leader? 27- Somite 32- “___ quam videri” (North Carolina’s motto) 35- Like some bears and icecaps 36Cutting tool 37- Make urban 41- It’s past due 42- ___ Janeiro 43- Belgian river 44- Barbarity 46- Flightless bird 48- Bambi’s aunt

49- Hwy. 50- Baseball stat 53- One purpose of a driver’s license 58- Derrick 59- Ancient Athens’s Temple of ___ 60- Oil source 61- Cross inscription 62- Songbird 63- Cessation 64- Greek goddess of the earth 65- Start of a counting rhyme 66- Brewer’s need DOWN 1- Herring type 2- Island off Venezuela 3- Shield 4- 1999 Ron Howard film 5- Barren place 6- Strikes out 7- “___ Brockovich” 8- Habit 9- Meditator 10- Full assembly 11- Formation of the ovum 12- Children’s author Blyton 13- ___ the season... 21- Cry ___ River 22- Butler’s love


26- ___ Lingus 27- Like old bread 28- “Night” author Wiesel 29- Make lace 30- Bring down 31- Large jug or pitcher 32- CPR experts 33- Antitoxins 34- Unload a ship 35- Wanting 38- Church instrument 39- Filled pastry crust 40- Big Apple sch. 45- Hemoglobin deficiency 46- And so on 47- Contemptibly small 49- Hazardous; 50- Lasso 51- Lump of chewed food 52- All thumbs 53- New Rochelle college 54- Story 55- Dies ___ 56- Frond plant 57- How you used to be? 58- Large

No Good Reason by R. Valenti

Rugged Boy by Nick Carr

The Adventures of Joel and Chris by Andrew Becker





Stop avoiding student voice !"#$%#&'()!


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A marked mistake JEFF BARBIERI

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— Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, discussing the atmosphere of the courtroom and why he hasn’t spoken in a court argument in five years.

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Quick Opinions

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Decade of dominance: part 1 !"#$%&'(#)*+, !"#$$%&'(")'

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Illustration by Dana Ortiz



UVM athlete spotlight of the week

Sports in short !"#$%&'#()*+, !"#$$%&'(")'

Quote of the week


Garnett needs to calm the f*ck down.


— Spike Lee

!"#$%&'#()*+, !"#$$%&'(")'

Filmmaker Illustration by Dana Ortiz

#32 Evan Fjeld — Men’s basketball Position: Forward Height: 6’ 8” Weight: 215 Class: Senior Hometown: Durham, N.C. High school: Durham Academy

Courtesy of Athletic Communications

Coach’s Take: “[Evan] is a very coachable young man that does so many things that help you win games.” — Mike Lonergan Accomplishments at UVM: Fjeld scored his 1,000th career point in Sunday’s game versus Stony Brook, making him the 30th Catamount in team history to reach that milestone. This achievement tops off a great final season at UVM, as he is averaging 15 points, six rebounds, two steals and one block per game. Fjeld was honored with a placement on the 2010 America East Preseason All-Conference Team, in addition to being named an America East Player of the Week this season. Previous Accomplishments: As a senior at Durham Academy, Fjeld averaged 22 points, 14 rebounds, four assists and three blocks per game, while representing his team as their captain. Fjeld was named to all-conference and all-state as a senior, as well as gaining a nomination to play in McDonald’s All-American high school all-star game.


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Boss of the week: Aaron Rodgers

Goat of the week: Cleveland Cavaliers

#$%& '()*+& ,-./& 0(12*+%3& 45& -6& 78& )9%%*%& :-1)/*;*<& 6-+& 7=5& >9+<%?& ;@+**& ;-(:@<-.0%?& 90<& 0-& $0;*+:*);$-0%A& & ,*6-+*& ;@$%& %*9%-0?& B-<C*+%& 9))*9+*<& $0& -0/>& -0*& )-%;%*9%-0& C91*& 9%&>*9+&96;*+&>*9+&@*&%9;&2*@$0<& D9E+*?&.9$;$0C&6-+&@$%&:@90:*A&& F0& ;@*& 1-%;& :/(;:@& )*+6-+190:*&-6&@$%&/$6*?&B-<C*+%& /*<&;@*&G9:H*+%&;-&9&'()*+&,-./& !"#$%&'( )%&( $*+( ,&-$( $".+( -"/#+( D9E+*&<$<&$;&$0&!88IA&B-<C*+%&<$<& .@9;&D9E+*&0*E*+&9::-1)/$%@*<& J&@*&*9+0*<&KLG&@-0-+%&;--A&

M%& 1(:@& 9%& F& @9;*& ;-& C$E*& 0+1&%/( 23-$",#4$"%/( )%&( *"-( :@-$:*& ;-& /*9E*& ;@*1?& ;@*& N9E%& O(%;& %(:H& .$;@-(;& @$1A& M6;*+& <+-))$0C& ;@*$+& 4";@& %;+9$C@;& ;-& ;@*& K9E%& -0& K-0<9>?& D*2A& "?& N/*E*/90<&%*;&;@*&P,M&+*:-+<&6-+& 1-%;&:-0%*:(;$E*&/-%%*%A&& '-++>& Q90& R$/2*+;?& 2(;& $;& /--H%& /$H*& >-(+& :@90:*%& -6& .$00$0C&9&:@91)$-0%@$)&2*6-+*& ;@*&ST$0CU&<-*%&19>&2*&9&2$;&-6& 9& /-0C& %@-;A& K9>2*& 0*V;& >*9+3&& G+-292/>&0-;A&W@&>*9@?&;@*&0*V;& 0$C@;& X91*%& C9E*& ;@*& #*9;& 5!& )-$0;%&90<&!7&+*2-(0<%A&Y@9;&9& <$:HA

UVM men’s lacrosse ranked fifth in preseason poll

UVM ski team wins third straight carnival

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Cynic power rankings of the week !"#-%..#/,01'"2)& !*+'",%-.("+'


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Men’s hockey goes goal crazy, scoring eight times during double-header

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Catamounts rally for strong weekend against Providence !"#$%&'&#(%)'*& !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&

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DAN EVANKO The Vermont Cynic

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Fjeld hits goal, breaks 1,000-point mark !"#+,-,."#/&-01 !()**'+&$("&


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Men’s basketball @ Maine Orono, Maine 7:30 p.m.

JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic

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Women’s basketball vs. New Hampshire Patrick Gym 7 p.m.

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Men’s hockey vs. New Hampshire Gutterson Fieldhouse 7:30 p.m. Skiing @ Middlebury Carnival Middlebury Snowbowl/ Rikert Touring Center 7:30 p.m.



Men’s basketball @ College of Charleston Charleston, S.C. 5 p.m. Men’s hockey vs. New Hampshire Gutterson Fieldhouse 7:05 p.m.

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Women’s ice hockey @ Providence Providence, R.I. 1 p.m. Men’s Lacrosse vs. Colgate Burlington 1 p.m.

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