The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883
NEWS Meet Interim President Bramley
BARLEY BELTS IT UVM student Devon Barley. a recent contender on “The Voice” performs with the Top Cats
! ! ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ( , * " * ' & - . - / 0 1 % 2 3 4 + 5 - 6 $ 7 ) $ & 8 $ % - 9 5 - : ; 9 9 - < - =' > 1 & $ - 9 : ? - @ 2 2 1 $ - 9 - . - A 1 % > , ( B ) ' ( 5 - =$ % & ' ( )
Hurricane Irene sweeps Burlington
page 5
The Princeton Review ranks UVM
Flood waters roar down the Winooski River near the downtown bridge on Monday, Aug. 28.
Grace Potter performs at Grand Point North
SPECTACLE Week of welcome festivities
OPINION Fogel’s tarnished legacy
12-13 DISTRACT A day in the life
Looking ahead at fall season
JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
President steps down Outgoing pay sparks outcry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
Fogel resigns after scandal
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JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
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see FOGEL on page 5
Interim president steps in Schultz resigns amid controversy
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UVM Police prepares for return of students
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“We aren’t here just to be the bad guy. We care about student safety and are here to help.” ! Sue Roberts UVM Police officer IK4# ,# "$%&'($O"# +/.'# /"# '>'1# "$*2'(8#$6'#"'1/,2#(%=+'1#/"#>'17# 6'2<4%2# 4*1# $6'# <*2/-'# &%1/(3# ,(# /(>'"$/3,$/*(8J#"6'#",/&@# P6/2'# "$%&'($"# $,.'# <1'-,%$/*("# $*# ,>*/&# $6'4$# ,(&# "$,7# ",4'# $6/"# "'='"$'18# H*+'1$"# 5'2-*='"# $6'=# $*# ",7# 6'22*# $*# 9:;# <*2/-'# *4C-'1"# ,1*%(&# -,=<%"@ IP'# ,1'(O$# 6'1'# Q%"$# $*# +'# $6'#+,&#3%78J#"6'#",/&@#IP'#-,1'# ,+*%$#"$%&'($#",4'$7#,(&#,1'#6'1'# $*#6'2<@J
High expectations for Redstone Lofts Construction underway for new student housing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“I think the main thing that would draw me to them is the option of a single apartment while still living close to friends and classes.” ! Shelby Deaton Sophomore Q#1-) %,$9-',%) %0&9) ,"-/) *--3) ,"0,) ,"-) G'&2-+%&,/) %"#$39) *#7$%) 1#+-) #') 9#+1&,#+/) "#$%&'() >-*#+-) 3-0%&'() (+#$'9) %<07-) ,#) >$&39) $<<-+730%%1-') 0<0+,1-',%5) KU)9#'W,),"&'4)&,W%)*0&+),#)(&2-) ,"-)$<<-+730%%1-')1#+-)"#$%&'() #<,&#'%;) -%<-7&033/) ?"-') U) ,"&'4) #*) 033) ,"-) *#+7-9) ,+&<3-%) ,"0,) ,"-) *+-%"1-')"09),#)3&2-)&')30%,)/-0+;L) %#<"#1#+-)I0+&)Q,#4-%)%0&95 :-0%&'() 0'9) #,"-+) &'*#+10,&#')&%)020&30>3-)0,)???5 +-9%,#'-3#*,%57#15
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Week of Welcome planned for students Events headlined by Brother Ali !"#$%&'(#)*+,, !"#$$%&'(")' "#$%&'#() *&#$*'+',) #-) (./--0) 1-*2) #/+() 1&&2) 345) /46&) #-) 4%7$(#)#/&+*)(./&%$0&(8 9/&) :'+6&*(+#5) +() ;04''+',) 4) (&*+&() -<) &6&'#() #-) 1&0.-3&) (#$%&'#() =4.2) #-) .43;$() 0+<&>) 4..-*%+',) #-) #/&) :?@) =-*&%) 1&=(+#&8 "-3&) -<) -<) #/&) 1&&2() 4.#+6+#+&()+'.0$%&)4)#*4'(<-*3+',) -<)#/&)A46+()B&'#&*)+'#-)4)%4'.&) .0$=>) 4) C-*#/) D&4./) =4*=&E$&>) 4'%) 4) .-'.&*#) =5) 4*#+(#) D*-#/&*) F0+>)4..-*%+',)#-)#/&):?@)D-*&%) 1&=(+#&8
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'%" !% !"#$ #()" %% *# ##*% #" '& *'!* Meet the class !"
Total incoming class size
!"#$% States represented
In-state students
Out-of-state students
Average scholarship/ grant amount per student
Percent receiving financial aid
Countries represented
ALANA students
Professors seek housing !"#!$%&'#()**%$+ !"#$%&'()*+
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JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
Convocation canceled
,*+-"+%.+"$('"/)%01/("2%31+4%,*5"2%$6"14$%#()7%)7"%8)9'"/)%:*;"+/-"/)%<$$*=(1)(*/%(/%)7"%01;($% >"/)"+%21$)%$6+(/5?
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...continued from page 1
!"#!$%&'#()**%$+ !"#$%&'()*+
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Severance package ruffles feathers
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
Irene comes to UVM
JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
A9++(=1/"%B+"/"%$*14$%$)9'"/)$%1$%)7"C%)+1;"2%1=+*$$%<)72")(=%>1-69$%89/'1CD%<95?%EF?%% !"#!$%&'#()**%$+ !"#$%&'()*+ =F1)4&2)/((0)1&&05)<(*)"*)/&C) ./0)%(*2%/)*&)4&2%)%&&#86 ELM)-*20(/*-)C(%().0'"-(0) *&)%(#."/)"/0&&%-)3.-*)72/0.4) .-)*%&$",.3)-*&%#),&/0"*"&/-)3(0) *&)1.33"/<)*%((-)./0)$&C(%)&2*U .<(-)"/):2%3"/<*&/5)*+():%&.0U ,.-*)S(/*(%)-*.*(08 ELM),3&-(0),3.--(-)M&/0.4) "/)./*","$.*"&/)&1)*+()-*&%#-) 0.#.<()./0)$&C(%)&2*.<(-5) .,,&%0"/<)*&)E/"'(%-"*4)S&#U #2/",.*"&/-8)
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9+()S.*I3(%*)-4-*(#)"-) 0(-"</(0)*&)/&*"14)-*20(/*-) &1)"##(0".*()*+%(.*-)*&)*+("%) +(.3*+)&%)-.1(*45).,,&%0"/<)*&) S.*I3(%*B-)C(;-"*(8) 9+()-4-*(#)"-),.$.;3()&1) -(/0"/<)(#."35)*(H*5)./0_&%) 3#)5,%0#-).5(-)#04/% 7&#()-*20(/*-)-."0)*+.*) *+(4)1(3*)*+().3(%*-)C(%().)3"**3() #2,+8) =F)2/0(%-*./0)C+(%()*+() E/"'(%-"*4)C.-),&#"/<)1%&#56) K2/"&%)V"33)J2%-*)-."08)=:2*) *+().3(%*-)C(%()(H,(--"'()./0) 0%.#.*",86
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=F*)-+&C(0).)3.,D)&1)-(/-"*"'"*4) C+(%() *+() -*.11) "-) ,&/,(%/(05) (-$(,".334).*).)*"#()C+(/)C()C(%() *&30) *+(%() C&230) ;() /&) -.3.%4) "/,%(.-()/(H*)4(.%56)+()-."08 7&#() -*20(/*-) .3-&) (H$%(--) ,&/,(%/) 1&%) *+("%) $%&1(--&%-) ./0) -."0) *+.*) ?&<(3B-) ,&#$(/-.*"&/) $.,D.<()"-)0"-$%&$&%*"&/.*(8 =9+(%() .%() #./4) 0(-(%'"/<) ELM) -*.11) #(#;(%-) *+.*) C"33) -(() /&) $.4) "/,%(.-(56) K2/"&%) :%(() I3'.%.0&) -."08) =F*) "-) N2"*() 2/1&%*2/.*(86
"*;:$ 7%*,/9%'$ &1-+*$ %&9$ -1'.*&#$"!$;"+3$1"36&)$&:.-5-.;$ "!$ %&.:/-14$ ./*$ *1.-3*$ (3'.$ '*&'"1$ "!$ 0+!!;$ ./*$ ^&6,-3*$ 70%')/$ %&9$ -)**1&-$ 6/,2E:$ "!$ ."3.-))&$ :/-,'$ &))$ "5*3$ ;"+3$ E)98$'(,/$#/1)&9$9/%-:$'(,$*($%$ /"+'*$ ,&3.;C$ "./*3%-'*$ =1"%1$ &'$B""J*E-1#+:*#$/*))@$ KATIE IDA
!"#$%"& MICHAEL CHAUCER-TORELLO The Vermont Cynic
?*-$%6,,01%@/$@'/$%6,/-%3,/3*(('%3'6,1%;,/%4"-9/A%#*-$/1%,-%B"$1#'A%-*943%'3%),-%&$#/,C1%B'D"$/*'E%34$% ('3$13%'##*3*,-%34$%/$13"/'-3%16$-$%*-%<*-,,10*>%
Another Mexican restaurant? Sí!
Don Pedro’s hopes to overshadow the competition for Mexican food in Burlington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At first, when you descend down the steps, which look questionable at holding your weight, you think that the pipes from the ceiling are leaking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b5*1.+&));C$ ;"+$ #3&4$ ;"+3$ #/1)&9$ #/(2$ *+)$ +(,:)8$ =+($ -'$ ,3".*'.-14$ _B+.$ /*]'/*$ :))2)9$ /)%00'$ &16)8H$ %&9$ +)%9$ /"6*@$ 2"+$ &3*$ :"5*3*#$ -1$ "./*3$,*",)*9'$'%*&.C$B**3$&1#$ :+%2)D$$ 2"+$ /&5*$ '+::*''!+));$ &..*1#*#$&$/"+'*$,&3.;@
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Groovy UV measures up
The University’s national rankings surprise some students !"#$%&'())(#*%%'+() !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("& "#$ %&'()*$ )*+,-./$ 01-23$ 41+.4*2$ +)*$ %&'$ +00*.,$ 01*$ 5601$ 7-//*20$ 8+)0%$ 241&&93$ )+.:*,$ 7%$ ;1*$ <)-.4*0&.$ =*>-*?@$ ;1-2$ -2$ A'20$ &.*$ &#$ 01*$ 9-202$ 01+0$ BCD$ +88*+)2$&.$#&)$01*$EF55$%*+)$01+0$ 1+2$20',*.02$&.$4+G8'2$0+9:-./@$$
Rankings The Princeton Review
s #20 BirkenstockWearing, Tree-Hugging, Clove-Smoking Vegetarians s #19 Party Schools
s #31 College that helps grads get top salaries
U.S. News s #94 on the national university ranking H#0*)$2')>*%-./$&>*)$5EE3FFF$ 20',*.023$ ;1*$ <)-.4*0&.$ =*>-*?$ 4+G*$ &'0$ ?-01$ 01*-)$ 4&99*/*$ )+.:-./2$ #&)$ EF55@$ H2-,*$ #)&G$ 7*-./$ I&@$ 56$ &.$ 01*$ 8+)0%$ 241&&92$ 9-203$ BCD$ +92&$ )+.:*,$ 1-/1$ #&)$ =**#*)$ D+,.*22$ J5FK$
+.,$ L-):*.20&4:MN*+)-./3$ ;)**MO'//-./3$ P9&>*MQG&:-./$ C*/*0+)-+.2$JEFK@ N1-9*$ 01*2*$ )+.:-./2$ G+%$ 2')8)-2*$ 2&G*3$ +.,$ 7*$ .&0$ 2&$ 2')8)-2-./$ #&)$ &01*)23$ 01*2*$ +)*$ .&0$01*$&.9%$9-202$01+0$BCD$?+2$ 8+)0$&#$01-2$8+20$%*+)@$$ QG+)0D&.*%$ 4+G*$ &'0$ ?-01$ +$ R8+%7+4:S$ 2')>*%$ &#$ TF$ 0&8M 8)-4*,$ 241&&92$ -.$ 01*$ 4&'.0)%@$$ N-01$01-2$9-203$01*%$G+,*$+$9-20$&#$ 01*$2+9+)-*2$&#$+9'G.-@$ ;1*$8&-.0$&#$01-2$?+2$0&$21&?$ 01*$4&..*40-&.3$&)$-#$01*)*$-2$&.*3$ 7*0?**.$ /&-./$ 0&$ +$ 0&8M8)-4*,$ 241&&9$ +.,$ 01*$ 2+9+)%$ %&'$ ?-99$ 8)*2'G+79%$7*$G+:-./$+#0*)$%&'$ /)+,'+0*@$$ N-01$ 01*$ QG+)0D&.*%$ )+.:-./3$ 01*$ )*2'902$ ?*)*$ 7+2*,$ &.$ )*4*.0$ /)+,'+0*2$ 01+0$ ?*)*$ &'0$ &#$ 4&99*/*$ #&)$ +.$ +>*)+/*$ &#$ 0?&$%*+)23$+.,$G-,4+)**)$+9'G23$ &'0$5T$%*+)2@$$ ;1*$ )+.:-./$ &#$ 01*$ <+%7+4:$ Q4&)*$-2$+.$+>*)+/*$&#$01&2*$0?&$ /)&'82($ 4'))*.0$ -.4&G*@$ $ BCD$ )+.:*,$I&@$U5$&.$01-2$9-203$9*+>-./$ G+.%$ 20',*.02$ G&)*$ *V4-0*,$ +7&'0$01-2$)+.:-./$01+.$01*$&01*)$ 8)*>-&'29%$G*.0-&.*,$)+.:-./2@ H.&01*)$ 8&2-0->*$ )+.:-./$ 9-20$ 01+0$BCD$+88*+)*,$&.$?+2$B@Q@$ I*?2($9-20$&#$01*$7*20$'.->*)2-0-*2$ -.$01*$4&'.0)%3$?1*)*$BCD$?+2$ +0$I&@$6W@$
Student reactions “I am surprised that UVM is not ranked higher in the Birkenstock-Wearing category. Judging from a routine walk through campus, it seems like the majority of students are the ‘crunchy’ stereotype and there is nearly always some sort of campaign to reduce bottle usage on campus or some other effort to recycle. UVM dining services always have good vegetarian options too. One statistic that I am surprised about is that we are No. 19 party school in America. After The Princeton Review was released, friends and I were very shocked about this particular ranking. This is shocking because come January, it seems that many students choose to stay indoors and do not leave their residence halls or own apartments due to
the frigid weather.” Kate Woodcome Senior “I almost think the image UVM tries to portray creates these stereotypes about the student population that are true, but not necessarily for as large a portion of the student body as it would seem. There are definitely a lot of wannabe hippies at UVM, but there are also a lot of preppy suburbanites and jocks. In some senses I feel like the image UVM tries to create for its student body just makes outsiders looking in just see that part of the “UVM culture,” while also allowing the students who don’t fit those stereotypes to almost feel as though they do. I would actually think that the “reefer madness” one would be higher. I
know very few people here who don’t smoke at all, and regardless of those people, weed seems to be an ever-present part of the social scene here. I guess I don’t k n o w about everywhere else, but from what I’ve seen when visiting friends at other schools, I think UVM takes the cake in having the most consistent weed culture.” Alyssa Bucci Senior It’s nice to know that UVM was ranked high on the list of top salaries after graduating. Being a senior it’s only natural to worry about my future so seeing UVM on the SmartMoney list is comforting. It’s nice that UVM is getting recognition. Isaac Geltzer Senior
UVM student sings among the stars Devon Barley works with celebrities on NBC’s ‘The Voice’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“Michicant” proves Bon Iver’s true talent for crafting spare arrangements that tug on your heartstrings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
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals rock Grand Point North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Spectacle !"#$$%"&'($)*'"&'+"#+,-
Top Left: Ryanhood plays to a packed house at Brennan’s Pub on Monday, Aug. 29 as part of Program Board’s Week of Welcome. Top Right and Bottom: Students dance to the sounds of Groove Boston on the botton floor of the Davis Center on Saturday, Aug. 27.
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Personal rankings beat Princeton Review
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Rodney Rhea
A legacy tarnished ZACH DESPART
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— Rachel Kahn-Fogel, excerpt from letter sent to Michael Schultz, associate vice president for development and alumni relations, published by Seven Days.
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We are all children of the Renaissance — we attend the same college as John Dewey. We ought to value learning for learning’s sake, because all knowledge is good knowledge and will allow us to better our world and ourselves. M:&"1%?,$:"--$,-%2"2+;5&"%&8"% ,%*#)7118)23)*9622-)#2)*:1--./5)
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Quick Opinions We asked the Cynic editors to explain what they would do with $27,000 a month.
Brent Summers A02%*('%&8"%/$6+"%,+98&-%&$%&8"%@$9"#%
-;5125#%-&$,'%512%&8"1%9"&%P(22%G?5&$.% &$%2+,";&%+&3
Matt Kuperman
+)72$-&)0$')")6$51)H"#*9%11/)#1-1;.*.2/) 512%5%1".%B5;*$$<%I,$)%&8"1%-+&%$1%/'% ;$(;8%512%/(1;8%$(&%$1%U8""KCA&-%512% U8":%R$'5,2""%5##%25'3
Natalie DiBlasio A02%*('%5%/+##+$1%8",/+&%;,5*-3 Julia Wejchert
A%.$(#2%8+,"%5%/5+2)%5%?",-$15#%;8":%512% 5%-">'%;5*515%*$'%&$%<""?%/"%"12#"--#'% -(??#+"2%.+&8%/$E+&$-3%A%.$(#2%#$6"%&$% .5&;8%8+/%/(22#"%&85&%/+1&3
brought to you by bestcrosswords.com
ACROSS 1- Poultry enclosure 5- Defunct airline 8- Metric unit of mass 12- Living in flowing water 14- Norse god of thunder 15- Prego competitor 16- Writer Loos 17- Goes off-course 18- Mideast gulf 19- Tubular pasta 21- Refluent 23- Flight formation 24- Article in Le Monde 25- Siouan speaker 26- Pantry 30- Club alternative 32- Chose 33- Insipid 37- Christmas 38- Embankment 39- “Hard ___!” (sailor’s yell) 40- Assertion without proof 42- Episode 43- Old Nick 44- Midday nap 45- Cornfield sound 48- French possessive 49- ___ who?
A Random Day in the Life by Dana Ortiz
Night at the Fleming Museum by Emma Cipriani
Submit a caption for this illustration to: cynic.caption@gmail.com
We will feature the winner in our next issue.
50- Hindu incarnation 52- Island off the E coast of Africa 57- First name in fashion 58- Gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans 60- Unfettered 61- Polynesian carved image 62- Small children 63- Broke off 64- Billy ___ had a hit song with “White Wedding” 65- Clean air org. 66- Mariners can sail on seven of these DOWN 1- A type of bake 2- Mrs. Chaplin 3- Auricular 4- Falafel holder 5- Baht spender 6- Exclamation of surprise 7- Certain salt 8- Seize 9- Electromagnetic telecommunication 10- Cause 11- Reused wool
13- Graven 14- Actress Daly 20- Not ‘neath 22- “Venerable” English monk 24- Overturn 26- Actress Anderson 27- For one 28- Numbered rds. 29- Strikes out 30- Eurasian juniper 31- Delight 33- State not to “mess with” 34- Some Ivy Leaguers 35- Dispatched 36- Bristle 38- Able to read and write 41- Group of individual facts 42- Crackle 44- DC bigwig 45- Desert bloomers 46- Evade 47- An eccentric person 49- Back talk 51- Labor 52- Epsilon follower 53- Charged particles 54- Portend 55- Between ports 56- Cincinnati club 59- Explosive sound
NFL preview 5 bold predictions
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Catamount to kick it in Finland
Stanley Cup comes to Burlington
Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s soccer ties home opener
U(1)' /@),2)$*7&' X' ?1*&&' 50' J!!' X' $*&' &%=7)4' *' 6+50)&&%57*1' &5??)+' ?57,+*?,' 3%,$' DA( E,3-( E-%!/( -%( F-%72%&?/( ."/*( &-G-/-#%'(( S%&' ?57,+*?,' =5)&' ,$+5@=$' ,$)' +)&,' 50' ,$%&' &)*&57'*74'$*&'*7'56,%57'05+'7)I,'&)*&578'' /@),2)$*7&' 3*&' *' ,)*;' ?*6,*%7' 1*&,' &)*&57'*74'3*&'7*;)4',5',$)'E;)+%?*'<*&,' H770I#%:,",%8,(A,8#%&(;,23'((
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Looking ahead to fall ’11 !"#$%&'#()*+, !""#"$%&$'()*+$"',-#$*+
Women’s soccer
Men’s soccer
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DAVID DYKE The Vermont Cynic
12.'3*4.&5"'"*66.+'$.%4'7*"$'89:'$*' ;%(%77.'*&'!<=>':?@':ABA> 3'4*2
BOBBY SUDEKUM The Vermont Cynic
CDE')7%F.-'($%&/*+-'(.)$>'B@':ABA@' %&-'3*&':9B'#&'*G.+$#4.'%$'2*4.> !+**+52
BOBBY SUDEKUM The Vermont Cynic
12.'H%$"'7*"$':9A'%=%#&"$'(#.&%'%$' 2*4.'*&'(.)$>'BI@':ABA>
Cross country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
Local skier wins spot on U.S. freestyle team Bryan Zemba new junior world champion
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