Issue 24, Vol. 138

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SGA senator asks a question during a meeting in the Livak Ballroom March 22.

SOPHIA BALUNEK/The Vermont Cynic

What is SGA working on? Lila Cumming Cynic News Reporter

SGA hopes to improve transparency with the student body and further advertise their advocacy for students, said SGA Vice President Olivija Stephens, a junior. The webpage titled “What Is SGA Working On” references a 2018 survey as a cause for committee action, and quotes the SGA president and vice president of two administrations prior to the current leadership. Website updates go through SGA Office Coordinator Meg McCormack, said junior Addie Robinson, chair of the public relations committee. The administration largely controls the SGA website and has to approve of the changes, making it frustrating to get things done, said SGA President Sam Pasqualoni, a senior. “I think part of the holdup is that the University does have pretty strict policies about students not having access to the website,” said senior Sarah Plaut, chair of academic affairs. Each committee is pursuing different projects this semester that prioritize student wellbeing including gender equity, sexual violence awareness, club recognition and more, Stephens said. Committees are responsible for different aspects of the student experience, according to the SGA webpage.


The Public Relations Committee focuses on communicating to students what SGA is currently working on. The committee runs all the SGA social media accounts and handles the bi-semester newsletter, Robinson said. Senator Eli Smith, a junior, is in the process of making changes to the SGA webpage. Smith plans to update it with information consistent with current SGA projects and initiatives. The committee plans to table in April and will invite students to take a study break with a snack or drink, Robinson said. Most of the focus of the Public Relations Committee consists of reaching more students and building trust in the community, Robinson said. “I feel like people tend to think that SGA is a mouthpiece for the University for administration and that’s not always true,” she said. “I think that a lot of the time we communicate our own opinion.” The committee received just under $500 in funding for the year, according to a March 23 text message from Robinson to the Cynic.

ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE The Academic Affairs Committee addresses matters associated with academic policy, curriculum and facultystudent relations, according to the SGA webpage.

The committee plans to make a pamphlet of academic resources for students, Plaut said. Additionally, the committee works on advertising the Study Skills campaign in the Tutoring Center after finding a disconnect between students going into entry-level classes and progress in study skills. Many sophomores who should have been building study skills who are now in upper level classes don’t know how to effectively study, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Plaut said. Additionally, to strengthen the academic experience among students, the Academic Affairs Committee asks professors and administrators to post their expanded section descriptions for their classes early on in the semester, Plaut said. The committee sent out a survey to students about their experiences with professors disclosing their section descriptions, which they plan on presenting at the Faculty Senate next month, Plaut said. The committee also met with lab coordinators and different department heads to create policies for teaching assistants to grade more fairly across the board, Plaut said. The committee received no funding this year because none of their projects have required it, according to a March 27 email from Plaut.


The Committee on Legislative and Community Affairs serves as the student link between UVM and the local, state and federal communities, according to the SGA webpage. Senator Olivia Eisenberg, a sophomore, looks to provide menstrual products in all men and gender-neutral bathrooms across campus as well as working with the Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for Sexual Awareness Month in April, said COLCA Chair Sarah Wood, a junior. Wood works with the psychedelic science club with the aim of distributing harm reduction practices around Burlington, she said. “Drug use is unfortunate, it’s going to happen,” Wood said. “So we’re going to try to make it so that people have the resources that they need.” Senator Luke Michael, a senior, plans to organize a campus clean-up next month during Earth Week. Senator Troy Kane, a sophomore, collaborates with recreational staff in hopes to advertise better gym etiquette to make the recreational centers a safer space for femaleidentifying and LGBTQ+ students, she said. The committee will table April 4 and 6 in the Davis Center atrium to hand out housing resources for juniors and seniors who may struggle to find off-campus housing towards the end of the semester

to make sure all students get housing if they need it, Wood said.

COMMITTEE ON STUDENT ACTION AND WELL-BEING The Committee on Student Action and Well-Being helps students navigate campus life by advertising the resources including transportation, residential life, counseling and dining, according to the SGA webpage. “Our main focus has really been mental health and better publicizing the resources that are already available, and then fixing the ones that are there,” said CSAW Chair Maddie Henson, a senior. The committee is finalizing a mental health pamphlet specifically for BIPOC students, Henson said. Additionally, the committee worked with John Paul Grogan, director of public health outreach, on a virtual sign-in form for UVM Counseling and Psychiatry Services for students who get anxious scheduling on the phone, she said. The committee has a budget of $1,300 for the year to go towards projects like printing pamphlets and Ask an Admin, a program in which administrators and SGA senators sit in high-traffic areas on campus to answer student questions, Henson said. Read the rest of the story at

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