C YNIC !"#$%#&'()!
The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883
Rapper welcomes students back to UVM at Davis Center concert.
! ! ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ( , * " * ' & - . - / 0 1 % 2 3 4 + 5 - 6 $ 7 ) $ & 8 $ % - 9 5 - : ; < < - = - >' ? 1 & $ - < : 9 - @ 2 2 1 $ - : - . - A 1 % ? , ( B ) ' ( 5 - >$ % & ' ( )
Fogel gets $700 chair
Fire blazes on Pearl St.
1-3 LIFE
How to: go home again
Artists make art from trash
DISTRACT Cynic caption contest
ELLIOT DEBRUYN The Vermont Cynic
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Workers rally for benefits Employees hold protest outside Waterman !"#!$%&'#()**%$+ *"+)%,-./01
Slightly to the right of crazy
Stanley Cup comes to Burlington
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“I’d love to know what a $700 chair feels like.” Brandon Egan First year *12"4$ 61/,"!16$ 65),$ 12"<$ #"4"$ +"&1$ 12)!>)!0$ 5:%/1$ #2<$ 6/(2$5$(25)4$)6$!"",",M LMA*& /"@%& ,"& 1+"I& I4.,& .& 7899$(25)4$&""+6$+)>".Q$'461$<"54$ K#.+*"+&J2.+&(.)*8&L94.,A(&.&/",& "F&$"+%38&N+*&I43&)(&),&./I.3(& R%0"+SQ
Irene leaves a lasting impact Storm spares Burlington, devestates southern Vermont !"#!%,-"#./"%+ 2)).)/'$/%*"+)%,-./01
.((":).,%& @):%& 5#%()*%+,& F"#& .*$)+)(,#.,)@%& .+*& F.:)/),)%(& TG"!$ 12%/02$ =/44)(5!"$ U4"!"$ (%#@):%(=&(.)*8 I.(& *"I+2#.*%*& ,"& .& ,#"5):./& 61%4?$ #2"!$ )1$ 2)1$ V/4+)!01%!$ %!$ “We would much W/0M$ DC.$ 12"$ K!)G"46)1<$ #56$ #"++F 5#%5.#%*& .+*& ,4%#%& I.(& /),,/%& rather be planning than *.$.2%8 reacting.” KL-P6$T?"40"!(<$*3"451)%!6$ X4%/3.$ 2"5,",$ :<$ (%F(25)46$ V)++$ K.//.#*& .+*& N++)%& O,%@%+(=& I.(& Bill Ballard )+& :4.#2%& "F& $.+.2)+2& 670& Co-chair of UVM Emergency %3"451)%!6$,/4)!0$12"$"?"40"!(<M N*/4$ 34)?54<$ )!1"4"61$ )6$ Operations Group 5#",%:,)+2& ,4%& 5%"5/%=& (%:"+*& )(& 34%1"(1)!0$ 34%3"41<.Q$ V5++54,.$ M+& 5#%5.#.,)"+& F"#& M#%+%=& ,4%&
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Search goes on Final presidential candidates to be released in January !"#*+,--"#'$../%& /$%00'1.#$). "#$% &$'()#% *+(% '% ,$-% .($&/0$,1%/&%#$'1/,2%3.4% "#$% 5($&/0$,1/'6% 7$'()#% 8+99/11$$% #'&% '6($'0:% *+3,0% (+32#6:% !;% )',0/0'1$&% ',0% -/66% ,+-% <$2/,% 1#$% .(+)$&&% +*% ,'((+-/,2% 0+-,% 1#$% 6/&1=% '))+(0/,2% 1+% >'(:% ?$((=% @/)$% .($&/0$,1% *+(% $A$)31/@$% +.$('1/+,&4 B"#$($% -/66% <$% &$(/+3&6:% @'63'<6$% )',0/0'1$&% ',0% 1#$($% !"##$ %&$ '()&*$ +#&,,$ -./#"0&1$ )',0/0'1$&C=D%?$((%&'/04%
“There will be seriously valuable candidates and there will be others [less qualified candidates].” Gary Derr Vice president for executive operations "#$%,'9$&%+*%1#$%)',0/0'1$&% !"##$ %&$ 2'301&3("/#$ .3("#$ ()&$ 03/#$ 4'.*$ 2'5&$ ('$ 2/56.,$ 4'*$ /,1$(@/$-&%/,%E',3'(:=%#$%&'/04 "#$% )+99/11$$% /&% -+(F/,2% @$(:%)6+&$6:%-/1#%G&'')&+,=%H/66$(=% /$ 3/("'3/#$ &7&2.("8&$ ,&/*2)$ 0*5$ 1+%'&&/&1%1#$%&$'()#=%'))+(0/,2%1+%
!"#$%& '() !"#!$%&"#'("$) !""#"$%&$'()*"'+,#$-.
Other Crime A male went missing in the Patrick Gym on Aug. 28, but was later located. A trespass notice was issued to a UVM student on Aug. 29 because he/she was arrested in Burlington for domestic violence.
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
Theft A wallet was taken from a dorm room in Hamilton Hall Aug. 30. Clothing items and textbooks were stolen from the Christie parking lot during move-in day.
Drugs and alcohol Marijuana was confiscated from a student in Buckham Hall on Aug. 26. Students were found underage drinking in Living/Learning Center on Aug. 30. A student was apprehended in the Davis Center for public intoxication and sent to Act 1 detox on Aug. 27.
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effects of tropical storm felt throughout Vermont
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“Cracks in the roofs were easily cleaned up, no trees fell down, and there were no injuries.” Bill Ballard Co-chair of UVM Emergency Operations Group B"#$($%-'&%'%6+1%+*%0'9'2$=D% &#$% &'/04% BH:% 9+9% )'66$0% 9$=% *(',1/)'66:% 1'6F/,2% 1+% )#$)F% /*% G% -'&%\Z4D ?$,,/&[?$K(/$&% &'/0% &#$% *$61% 1#'1% 9',:% &130$,1&% /,% 1#$% IKH% )+993,/1:% '($% 3,'-'($% +*% 1#$% *366% &)+.$% +*% 1#$% &1+(9% <$)'3&$%
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Students receive fake plane tickets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Smoke fills Pearl !"#!$%&'#()**%$+ /,0.*12%()#
Logan Gregoire Junior
“We are currently working on registering students to vote in the Vermont November elections.” MICHAEL CHAUCER-TORELLO The Vermont Cynic
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A look at SGA
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“We want to make sure every time we give out money that is going to be used and used well. [It] will take a lot of work.” Robert Benner Chair of the Student Action Committee D/$," -." ,>&6" +-/*" ?&**" &'=-*=%" &'2$%/6%1" 3%%,&'+6" ?&,>" 2*)06" -'"/'"&'1&=&1)/*"0/6&6",-"1&62)66" 0)1+%,6" /'1" -'*5" /**-2/,&'+" 3-'%5".-$",>&'+6",>/,"/$%"?&,>&'" ,>%"2*)0[6"3&66&-'8">%"6/&1: ML%"?/',",-"3/J%"6)$%"%=%$5" ,&3%" ?%" +&=%" -)," 3-'%58" &," &6" 4$-3-,&'+" 6-3%,>&'+" ,>/," &6" +-&'+",-"0%")6%1"/'1")6%1"?%**8P" (%''%$"6/&1:"MhN,i"?&**",/J%"/"*-,"-." ?-$J:P R&3&,%1" .)'16" *%.," 6-3%" 2*)06" .%%*&'+" *%.," -)," */6," 5%/$8" /22-$1&'+",-"(%''%$: MR/6," 5%/$8" 0%2/)6%" -." #'/'2&/*" 6>-$,2-3&'+68" ,>%$%" ?%$%" /" *-," -." 2*)06" ,>/," .%*," )'$%4$%6%',%18P">%"6/&1: !'-,>%$" 4$-Q%2," ,>%" 6,)1%'," /2,&-'"2-33&,,%%"?&**"0%"?-$J&'+" -'" &6" 2-**/0-$/,&-'" ?&,>" YZ7" (\]bj",-"2$%/,%"/"2/*%'1/$",>/," *&6,6"2*)0"/'1"-,>%$"-$+/'&E/,&-'" 3%%,&'+68"(%''%$"6/&1: M@>%5"2/'"+-",-"/'5"3%%,&'+" ?>%'%=%$" ,>%5" ?/'," /'1" ,>%5" 1-'[,">/=%",-"0%"-'",>%"*&6,6%$=8P" >%"6/&1:"MN,"?&**"3/J%"%=%$5,>&'+" /"*-,"%/6&%$:P" 9-3%" 6%'/,-$6" 6/&1" ,>%5" /**" 6%%3" ,-" 0%" *%/'&'+" ,-?/$16" -'%" +-/*" ,>&6" 5%/$G" 0%,,%$" $%4$%6%',/,&-'" -." ,>%&$" 6,)1%'," 0-15: M@>/,[6",>%"$-*%"-."/'5"6,)1%'," +-=%$'3%',8P"(%''%$"6/&1:"Mk-)$" =-&2%"6>-)*1"0%">%/$1"/6"%/65"/6" 4-66&0*%:P
History thrives in downtown Queen City Preservation Burlington highlights forgotten stories on weekly tours $.#I,&D0))0#J,,DK0) !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&
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Go home again
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You look in the fridge expecting to find feasts of mashed potatoes and casseroles. Instead, there sits a bag of lettuce and a half a jug of orange juice. 92)& 6,(3*& %72& 6*5*& 3(0($4& #6#%& <57?& ),*+*& =*7=3*8& %72& <7547)& #33& ),*& #$$7%#$'*+& ),#)& '#?*& #37$4& 6(),& ),*& 370*& 7<& <#?(3%&),#)&#5*&.233*.&.76$&1%& ,+:R06R,+:%*F>651"*2%S6<$%0/*% <#')&),#)&%725&<#),*5&.*'(.*+&)7& 6#+,&),*&'#5&*0*5%&)(?*&%72M5*&
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Irene plows through farms Volunteers rescue crops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Brother Ali welcomes students back to Burly !"#7%**%4#8((9%* <.#$?'<%&&"/4%#2"#( Q-3)$.$61-3' $#D' #$*%&*' K78$.+7% W'*% N*-N+0% 899% $.+% K/-N% $8% C-.88'% K/#.% 8,% $.+% 9827$.% 1887% 89% $.+% Z/6*#% O+,$+7)% 5.*-.% 5/#% 0+-87/$+0% $8% (80+'% /% MQI% +6+,$;%V.+%C+?$;%`%+6+,$%5/#%?/7$% 62' *+)' QR=' 8)),' 62' 8)/567)' #?8,#87+0% 34% C*:(/% I.*% a?#*'8,% /,0%bMY%I78:7/(%K8/70%Sb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b,-'+%C/(%=800/(,J%978(% +%&'#/(17'<Q-3%&D1*)3'H$1*+;> <B'+6D)'061'/66,'#*'7)'#-3'&))'
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Movie review
An intellectual ‘Midnight in Paris’ !"#$%&'(')*'#+),-.* !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&
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brought to you by bestcrosswords.com
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53- Young roarer 54- From a French region 58- Ages and ages 59- This, in Tijuana 61- Part of LED 62- “Hard ___!” (sailor’s yell) 63- Dig like a pig 64- Ancient region of Asia Minor 65- Star-___ tuna 66- Japanese wrestling 67- Concerning DOWN 1- Winglike parts 2- Tiered shelves 3- Cross inscription 4- Life-support system 5- Pre-Easter 6- Prevention dose 7- Salt Lake City hoopsters 8- Campaigned 9- Refuge 10- Examine thoroughly 11- Rhino relative 12- Old-womanish 13- Spirited horse 21- Bit of gossip
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College Life by Rodney Rhea
A Random Day in the Life by Dana Ortiz
One Tough Weenie by Scott Womer
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“Where is my wife’s apple?” Matt Tilton Class of 2015
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Illustration by Lilly Xian
Slightly to the right of crazy
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THE VERMONT CYNIC www.vermontcynic.com 116 Dudley H. Davis Center, phone 802.656.0337 590 Main Street, Burlington Vt. 05401 ADVERTISING vcads@uvm.edu — 802.656.4412
Discovery Channelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demise
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Welcome to college, Old Sport H%>/&%F#'*/6
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Reflections, 10 years out JOSEPHINE MILLER
M,#-&()7*3#05&=%%8& D3%/#7>&.>7%-&>&4#5&7,>11%05%U& 7*33%3*/>'#05&',%&ZY',& >00#$%/->/2&*.&',%&!WZZ&'%//*/#-'& >''>78-;&&M,%&7,>11%05%&1#%-&#0& */5>0#A#05&',%&',*(5,'-&>0F& 3%3*/#%-&*.&>0&%0'#/%&7*(0'/2& >4*('&>0&%$%0'&-*&4#5&>0F&-*& (512;&& C&=>-&ZY&2%>/-&*1F&=,%0&',%& M=#0&M*=%/-&=%0'&F*=06&>0F&C& /%3%34%/&%$%/2&F%'>#1&*.&',>'& F>26&>-&C?3&-(/%&',%&/%-'&*.&2*(& >11&F*&'**;&C?$%&4%%0&',#08#05& >4*('&#'&.*/&>&F%7>F%&0*=&>0F& C&-'#11&F*0?'&80*=&,*=&'*&.%%1& >4*('&#'; C&,>$%&0*&N(>13-&>4*('& 7>11#05&',%&,#Q>78%/-&'%//*/#-'-]& ',%2&7*33#''%F&>7'-&*.&)(/%&%$#1& =,%/%&)%>7%.(1&)/*'%-'&=*(1F& )+=#%.-*!/#$3% %>%!0$%'(%1#+.20+;"#%(2%)+(#% ',%36&%$%0&',*(5,&C&80*=& ',>'&C&>3&>'&32&=*/-'&=,%0&C& >3&.%%1#05&,>'%.(1;&E('&C&>1-*& ',#08&',>'&D3%/#7>6&>-&>&0>'#*06& ,>-&/%-)*0F%F&'*&',#-&%$%0'&#0& ',%&)**/%-'6&1%>-'&7*0-'/(7'#$%& 3>00%/&)*--#41%;&& M,%&1>(07,&*.&.*/3%/& )/%-#F%0'&"%*/5%&V;&E(-,?-& GV>/&*0&M%//*/J&=>-&3#-5(#F%F& +0$%6221"4%#7#/-(#$%+0$%)+.%$-:% ',#-&7*(0'/2&#0'*&>&,*1%&=%&=#11& .6#0$%()#%0#7(%?@%4#+1.%/"',;'0:% *('&*.;&& M,%&KPD&+DMSCRM&D7'&,>-&
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Quick Opinions Max Krieger <*=&',>'&=%&80*=&:%/3*0'&#-0?'&
,(//#7>0%@)/**.6&>/%&=%&-'#11&-*&-(/%&#'?-& A*34#%@)/**.B&C&3#5,'&,>$%&'*&3*$%&>& 1#''1%&.>/',%/&0*/',;;;
Zach Despart
"#$%&#'&()&'*&+,#-,&.*/&0*'&*012& /%3%34%/#05&',%#/&/**'-6&4('&*012& -%11#05&'#78%'-&#0&)%/-*0&9&',#-&7*07%/'&#-& .*/&:%/3*0'%/-;
Sports in short !"#$%&'&#(%)'*& !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&
Fenway freezes in 2012
Field hockey captures first wins of season
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
NFL Picks Week 1 !"#+%,,#-'./0"1&2 !/%&(0'12$(%&
H)&( I5R( 8&08$/( 1&'./8( 4).8( -&&+&/3( 0/3( 4)&(,-#$.( L2$748( 8&*4.$/( .8( 80%.<04./'( 04( 4)&( D2,3D+4*$,&$%$/++:(;$'H$,&$&,,*C%((5$I%4-$/++:$*-+$3*%&&$/)(($C+$=%:)1A$*-+)2$D)4:3$%19$/+$/)(($ +&&2(470*+(4)7$:')$:4(4)&(,&07(4$(8&&(-)$('&48(4)&(;$84(*$77&*4(2.*+8?(
Green Bay Packers vs. New Orleans Saints
<' :; + 8'9 ;' #3#45)/6.&"7#809*:#;7#;<=>#9:?: $.7 '9>? / ' 5" )(%# ( ' * #$:%3( ,$:( $2&/( 4)&( 8&08$/( 4$2(!"(./(4$40%($CC&/8&(%084(,&07( &'% "'1 '!A 5% =$7 >%# ( -.4)(0(1&44&7('0;&(./(4)&(I5#`( 0/3(4)04(-.%%(%.+&%,(1&(7&2%.*04&3( ' 6 ' ; ; ') ! H)&( %084( 4-$( 4&0;8( 4$( -./( 4)&( ./(>"!!?( 5" '9=1 *'9> ( ' " L:2&7( P$-%( -.%%( 8a:07&( $CC( ./( J( 4)./+( 4).8( '0;&( .8( ;:*)( )( .)7 )&/ 2$. &"- -'? # 4)&( 8&08$/( $2&/&7( ./( b7&&/( ;$7&( .;2$740/4( C$7( I&-( $ #2 "@ ' 0 & )4 : P0,?( .2(+%13$*-%1$)*$)3$&,2$K2++1$J%;5$ $($ 44' >" 3# +$ P$4)($C(4)&8&(4&0;8()0<&(0( L+/$.2(+%13$/%3$C+%*+1$C;$
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Downing signs with Binghamton Senators 5$7;&7( ;&/K8( )$*+&,( 088.840/4( *0240./( D0*+( N$-/./'( )08( 8.'/&3( 0( $/&O,&07( *$/470*4( -.4)( 4)&( P./')0;4$/( L&/04$78( $C( 4)&( Q;&7.*0/( F$*+&,( R&0':&?( H)&( P./')0;4$/( L&/04$78( 07&( 4)&( !"#$ %&'()%*+$ ,&$ *-+$ .**%/%$ 0+1%*,23$ ,&$ 4)&( IFR?( N$-/./'( %&3( 4)&( #040;$:/48( ./('$0%(8*$7./'(%084(8&08$/(-.4)(!M(40%%.&8?( N$-/./'( 8*$7&3( MS( '$0%8( ./( ).8( !TT( *07&&7('0;&8(04(A&7;$/4(0/3(0%8$()&%2&3( 4)&(4&0;(4$(7&0*)(4)&(57$=&/(5$:7(C$7(4)&( 8&*$/3(4.;&(./(27$'70;().84$7,?( N$-/./'K8(/&-(4&0;(-.%%(1&'./(4)&.7( 3+%3,1$,1$.4*5$65
Courtesy of Athletic Communications
0(C07(-$78&(L&044%&(4&0;(./(4)&( 2%0,$CC8(%084(8&08$/(0/3(J(4)./+( 4)&,(07&(0*)./'(C$7(0(*)0/*&(4$( 7&&8401%.8)( 4)&;8&%<&8( ./( 4)&( I5#?(c)04(0(1&44&7(-0,(4$(X:84( 4)04(-.4)(0(-&&+($/&(-./($/(4)&( 7$03( -.4)( 4)&( -)$%&( *$:/47,( -04*)./'?
Baltimore Ravens vs. Pittsburgh Steelers #3#8)'.&"7#809*:#@@7#@#9:?:
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
New York Jets vs. Dallas Cowboys #3#8)'.&"7#809*:#@@7#;<=>#9:?: H).8('0;&(-.%%(1&(.;2$740/4(C$7(0(<07.&4,( $C(7&08$/8?(I$4($/%,(.8(.4(0(27.;&4.;&('0;&( 1&4-&&/( 4-$( 40%&/4&3( 4&0;8( -.4)( 2%0,$CC( -,D+3@$CB*$*-+$A%=+$/)(($C+$'((+9$/)*-$*2)CB*+3$ 4$(4)&(!"O,&07(0//.<&7807,($C(\]!!?( J(7&0%%,(*$;;&/3(4)&(I5R(C$7()0<./'(4)&( D&48($2&/(04()$;&($/(4)&(!"4)(0//.<&7807,($C( 4)&(470'&3,9($/(/04.$/0%(4&%&<.8.$/9(/$(%&88? Q8(C07(08(4)&('0;&('$&8(J(0;(2.*+./'(I&-(
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Student-athlete pop culture grid !"#$%&%'"#()&*+ !"#$$%&'(")'
Student athletes
I survived Irene by ...
Doing arts and crafts and going to the movies
On my day with the Stanley Cup I would ...
Before a game/match I ...
Eat Lucky Charms out of it
The best part of my summer was ...
Making money Look over quotes
Jill Dellipriscoli, junior Women’s soccer defender
Not going outside John Little, senior Men’s cross country
Eating a lot of chocolate and sleeping Yannick Lewis, senior Men’s soccer defender
Take the cup out to a fancy restaurant, maybe even a movie if the mood was right
Usually listen to some Modest Mouse to get my mind read for the next 25-30 minutes of pain that is to come.
Going whitewater canoeing in some New Hampshire rapids
Tie it onto a chain and wear it around my neck
My favorite songs and stretch
Being able to sleep in
The Cup travels to B-town !"#$%&'#()*+, !""#"$%&$'()*+$"',-#$*+
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UVM athlete spotlight of the week Position: Goalkeeper Height: 6’4” Weight: 190 pounds Class: Junior Hometown: Essex, Vt. High School: Essex High School Accomplishments at UVM:
Saturday 9/3
Women’s soccer vs. Iona Field hockey W 1-0 @ Hofstra W 2-1
Monday 9/5
Women’s Field hockey @ soccer @ Colgate Boston College W 2-1 (2 OT) L 5-0
Courtesy of Athletic Communications
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Illustration by Dana Ortiz
#1 Dave Ramada — men’s soccer
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Previous accomplishments:
I'/.3&Z:%*&'-.((%&'49*:%&'*,'K--%L'Q<2)'D()..9>' R*=*6*',<%6')<-'-()..9C-'&%(.&6'/.&'9%*-,'*=.3+,' ./'2.*9-'2<$%+'34'<+'*'-%*-.+'G<,)'-%$%+H'Q%'G*-' *9-.'<+'+%,'G)%+'K--%L'-%,'*'-()..9'&%(.&6'/.&' =.-,'G<+-'<+'*'-%*-.+'*,'!JH#
Women’s soccer @ Dartmouth Hanover, N.H. 7 p.m.
Friday Men’s soccer vs. Colgate Burlington 4 p.m.
Saturday 9/10 Field hockey vs. Cornell Burlington 2 p.m.