The Vermont Cynic Issue 5

Page 1




Mac Miller and The White Panda rock Patrick Gym

The University ofVermont’s independent voice since 1883

NEWS Vermont Yankee on trial

1-4 LIFE

! ! ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ( , * " * ' & - . - / 0 1 % 2 3 4 + 5 - 6 $ 7 ) $ & 8 $ % - 9 : 5 - 9 ; < < - = - >' ? 1 & $ - < 9 @ - A 2 2 1 $ - B - . - C 1 % ? , ( D ) ' ( 5 - >$ % & ' ( )

Damage bill reaches $1M

Presidential mansion needs extensive repair !"#$%&%'()#*(''(%+,-# /0&%1*/)##,.2)&3,&(4* .%"/%#01234)5&,-#/0&%1* /)##,.2)&3,&(

Shelburne finds old roots in fall fest

!"#$ %#&$ '(#)*+#%,-)$ ./01#$ 123/+$3)#$)24#$&2(56 !"#$ 789$ .(#)*+#%,*0/$ 40%)*2%:$ ;%</#)=>$ ?23)#:$ (#@3*(#)$ AB$ 4*//*2%$ *%$ (#.0*()$ =#C2(#$ ,"#$ %#D,$ .(#)*+#%,$ 10%$ 42E#$ *%:$ )0*+$ F*1"0(+$ G0,#:$ E*1#$ !"#$%&#'()*+),'-'.#$/)


“The angst people feel about the possible renovation is because it’s a residence, and not a building for students. However, just because it is not a student building, doesn’t mean it is not part of the campus infrastructure.”


DJ duo talks dubstep culture


DISTRACT Camp Morning Wood



Bake sale way off the mark

12-13 SPORTS

Pop culture grid



Richard Cate Vice president of finances

PHOTOS BY JAMIE LENT For The Vermont Cynic

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Trustees attend retreat UVM 12 Discuss budget and presidental search !"#!)16"#7%"), 5..%.(6&(*7,8.*93%()#

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for ’12

UVM ranks 82 !"#.)8(/#9%5%+4)'%, :(6;;*<#%(,# 7%*E#()*,>$ .3=/*1$ (#/0,*2%)$ 40>$"0E#$0$(#0)2%$,2$1#/#=(0,#6$ [%$ ,"#$ NKBN$ #+*,*2%$ 2C$ 76W6$ `#&)$d$_2(/+$F#.2(,$(0%5*%<):$ ,"#$ 7%*E#()*,>$ 2C$ 8#(42%,$ (2)#$ BN$ ).2,)$ ,2$ 124#$ *%$ 0,$ ON:$ ,"#$ =*<<#),$\34.$2C$0%>$)1"22/$*%$,"#$ %0,*2%0/$ 3%*E#()*,*#)$ 10,#<2(>$ #D1#.,$ 2%#:$ 0112(+*%<$ ,2$ ,"#*($ &#=)*,#6 789$)"0(#)$*,)$%#&$.2)*,*2%$ 6%(5),?#)*(5#")$.5**2$)%'.27&%'1) S4#(*10%:$ S3=3(%:$ 90(@3#,,#$ 0%+$ L#%E#(:$ 0)$ &#//$ 0)$ W7`^$ G2//#<#$ 2C$ ;%E*(2%4#%,0/$ W1*#%1#$0%+$M2(#),(>6$ !"#$ 76W6$ `#&)-$ /*),):$ &"*1"$ &#(#$ (#/#0)#+$ 2%$ W#.,6$ BI:$ 0/)2$ ./01#$,"#$7%*E#()*,>$0,$Ie$042%<$ DEF)!732%.)7'%?#"$%(%#$>),?#)$!*($) "*<"#($,"0%$/0),$>#0(-)$(0%5*%<6$ P_#$ )"23/+%-,$ 3)#$ a(0%5*%<)b$ ,2$ /*4*,$ ),3+#%,-)$ )#0(1":R$$+*(#1,2($2C$0+4*))*2%)$ Q#,"$ _*)#($ )0*+6$ P!"#(#$ 0(#$ :-'4)?%"(7#$)-'&)3#'#,($)*+)-') %'$(%(7(%*'>)$7.5)-$),(>)(5-().-'=() =#$10.,3(#+$*%$0$(0%5*%<6R$ G%'.#) %($) ,"$() "-'9%'1) %') !""#./01203#()#*+,"#-




Making sensors that think

Professors study the effects of data overload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

“[There are] all those sensors out there that are providing us with huge streams of information, but 99 percent of the information that’s coming back is not useful.” Joshua Bongard Computer science professor

...continued from page 1 ^aJXCXXXC#-$&*#2$!7, E].# 7*(!2!."# 5$2# F**"# /$7*# #5),5)'%$'%/$,%,5)*)%')/$A+,.$/*% $%*# +.!"+# &.# F*(./*# $# %*$)!&<CH# 5*# 2$!7,# ER5*# F.$%7# !2# +.!"+# &.# 7*(!7*# 1)&!/$&*)<# !3# !&# !2# !"# &5*# F*2&#!"&*%*2&#.3#&5*#I"!6*%2!&<#&.# %*31%F!25#c"+)*2F<,H "5)% 6$+'7% $(% "'1*,))*% 5+*% (1%%*"&)<# %$!2*7# &5*# !221*# .3# 0.22!F)<# %*d1!%!"+# 0%*2!7*"&2# !"# &5*# 31&1%*# &.# )!6*# !"# c"+)*2F<C# -$&*#2$!7, A./*# 2&17*"&2# 2$!7# &5*<# $%*# ".&# (."6!"(*7# &5*# F1!)7!"+# !2# ?.%&5#&5*#/."*<, ER5*%*#$%*#/$"<#.&5*%#!221*2# ."#($/012#&5$&#&5*#/."*<#(.1)7# +.# &.CH# ;1"!.%# \!(5$*)$# :*%%!"# 2$!7,# EA&17*"&2# 3**)# /."*<# $&#

JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic

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“[The Delta Psi house] is beautiful, has an interesting history and is in a great location. I can’t imagine a better meeting spot for visiting alums.” Jeffrey Newton Class of ‘79 >"5)% B)3,+% E*.% 5$1*)% .*% +% 0*%3*(&#(5.!(*,#N&#!2#F*$1&!31)C#5$2# $"#!"&*%*2&!"+#5!2&.%<#$"7#!2#!"#$# +%*$&# ).($&!."CH# ]*?&."# 2$!7,# EN# ($"G&# !/$+!"*# $# F*&&*%# /**&!"+# 20.&#3.%#6!2!&!"+#$)1/2,H

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US News and World Report

...continued from page 1

Renovations will renovate the 120-year-old building 81'')/,% +/7% (1,1')% +31-/.% ?!))# 2.."# 5$6*# $# "*?# 0)$(*# &.# %*(.""*(&#?!&5#.)7#()$22/$&*2, "5)% ($'-)'% B)3,+% E*.% 3%$&*%"!&<# 5.12*# ."# A1//!&# A&%**&# ?!))# F*# %*".6$&*7# $3&*%# 31"7%$!2!"+# !"# .%7*%# &.# F*# &5*# "*?#8)1/"!#U.12*, E8)1/"!# U.12*# ?!))# F*# $# 0)$(*# &5$&# $)1/"!# ($"# 12*# $2# $# 5)+7F1+',)'*% ($'% +//1+3% )A)/,*% )!@*# 9*1"!."C# U./*(./!"+# $"7# V$/!)<# T**@*"7CH# $((.%7!"+# &.# I"!6*%2!&<#-.//1"!($&!."2, N"# 4*(*/F*%# WXXYC# &5*# I"!6*%2!&<# 01%(5$2*7# &5*# JWXB<*$%B.)7# Z1**"# 8""*# 0%.0*%&<# &5$&# 0%*6!.12)<# 5.12*7# 3%$&*%"!&<#/*/F*%2, R5!2# !2# $)2.# &5*# '%2&# I[\# 0%.;*(&# &5$&# ?!))# F*# '"$"(*7# *"&!%*)<# F<# 0%!6$&*# 31"7!"+C# $"7# &5*#5.12*#5$2#$)%*$7<#%*(*!6*7#$# +!3&#3.%#$#"*?#)!F%$%<, E]$/*7# !"# %*(.+"!&!."# .3# $# ^WLXCXXX# +!3&# 3%./# A(5..)# $(% 61*./)**% =7-./.*,'+,.$/% $)1/"12# _*33%*<# ]*?&."C# ()$22# .3# GYKC# &5*# ]*?&."# `!F%$%<# !2# *Q0*(&*7#&.#F*#$#(*"&%$)#+$&5*%!"+#

Presidential mansion in disrepair


UVM constructs Alumni House !"#/)')0#1&,2,-.&' !()**'+&$("&


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Shumlin seeks innovator in UVM’s next president !"#340--"#(&'',56 !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("& I[\G2# "*Q&# 0%*2!7*"&# /$<# /$,%/))7%-13,.&3)%7)0'))*%,$%0),% !"&.#.3'(*, f.6,# :*&*%# A51/)!"# +$6*# $# 20**(5#&.#&5*#:%*2!7*"&!$)#A*$%(5# -.//!&&**# 7*2(%!F!"+# ?5$&# 5*# &5.1+5&# ?$2# "**7*7# .3# I[\G2# "*Q&#0%*2!7*"&,# >"5.*% .*% ,5)% ,.-)% ,$% 5+A)% F.)7# )*$7*%25!0C# ".&# "*(*22$%<# (%*7*"&!$)# )*$7*%25!0CH# A51/)!"# 2$!7,# EN3# <.1# ($"# +*&# F.&5C# &5$&G2# +%*$&,H# I51-3./% +*2)7% ,5)% (.//!&&**# &.# &5!"@# F%.$7)<# $F.1&# &5*# d1$)!'($&!."2# .3# &5*# "*Q&#0%*2!7*"&,# EN# 1%+*# 12# &.# F*# )*22# 51"+# 10# ."# (%*7*"&!$)2C# $)&5.1+5# (%*7*"&!$)2#($"#F*#5*)031)C#$"7#&.# F*#/.%*#?!))!"+#&.#&5!"@#.1&2!7*# &5*#F.QCE#5*#2$!7,#EN#?.1)7#%$&5*%# 5$6*#$#F%!+5&#0%*2!7*"&#&5!2#&!/*# '+,5)'% ,5+/% *$-)$/)% #.,5% +% :5,4,H I51-3./% *+.7% 5)% #+/,*% +% 0%*2!7*"&# &5$&# ($"# 2&%*"+&5*"# &5*#I"!6*%2!&<G2#%*)$&!."25!0#?!&5# [*%/."&# $"7# 0$%&"*%# ?!&5# ;.F# (%*$&.%2,# EI[\# !2# &5*# %*2*$%(5# 1"!6*%2!&<# 3.%# &5*# 2&$&*# .3#

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Vermont Yankee on trial

Stipends addressed


!"#*("+,-#.,/$) /$%00'1.#$).

Future of the nuclear power plant uncertain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

!"#$%& '()

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

“Even if we have to pay a little more for electricity, what good is paying less if you’re putting people in danger?” Jeremy Ebelt Junior ?.$,)-.*&#+6+-5&+-&`$(#+-5.3-& /01& -3.& >))#& .7)& )>>)4.*& 3>& R)(/3-.& T0-;))J*& '3.)-.+0#& 4#3*+-5&0.&0##8 H<)& L`$(#+-5.3-& ]#)4.(+4M& 706)-J.& ()4)+6),& '32)(& >(3/& R)(/3-.& T0-;))& *+-4)& FGGF=I& *0+,& :0(1& ?$##+60-=&& 43//$-+40.+3-*& 433(,+-0.3(& >3(& `$(#+-5.3-& ]#)4.(+48& H?3& .73*)& *.$,)-.*& #+6+-5& 3>>& 40/'$*& +-& .7)& 4+.1& 3>& `$(#+-5.3-& 2+##& -3.&

Drugs/alcohol UVM students were caught in posession of alcohol near Patterson Hall on Sept. 22. Drug-related objects were confiscated and destroyed near University Heights woods on Sept. 22.

Vandalism !"#!$%&"#'("$) !""#"$%&$'()*"'+,#$-.

Suspicious events UVM students were caught attempting to go on the roof of the Cook Physical Science Building on Sept. 21. A person was found sleeping on the front porch of the John Dewey Building on Sept. 20. UVM students were caught attempting to go on the roof of Christie Hall on Sept. 23.

A window was smashed out on the second floor stairwell of Jeanne Mance Hall on Sept. 23. Graffiti was drawn with a black marker on the third floor stairwell of Billings on Sept. 21.

Rescue calls A person fainted and received medical assist in the Rowell Building on Sept. 22.

Theft An iPhone was stolen in Billings on Sept. 22. A bike tire was stolen from the University Heights North bike rack on Sept. 22.


Last week’s ediorial cartoon was incorrectly attributed. The illustrator was Lilly Xian. In distractions, College Life by Rodney Rhea is the bottom left comic, while Camp Morning Wood by Scott Womer is on the bottom right.

%)& 0>>)4.),& %1& .7)& 4#3*+-5& 3>& R)(/3-.&T0-;))8I @#.73$57& *.$,)-.*& ()*+,+-5& +-&`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

SGA questioned on payment policy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

13$&4(),+.M&%)40$*)&.70.J*&)N04.#1& 270.& KJ/& ,3+-5=I& A3#>0(+-+& *0+,8& HO32)6)(=& 5+6+-5& *.+')-,*& .3& '()*+,)-.*& 23$#,& %)& .33& '(+4)1& >3(&.7)&P-+6)(*+.18I& B7)& ,)4+*+3-& 3-& *.+')-,& 0/3$-.*& 0-,& 27+47& 4#$%& '()*+,)-.*& 23$#,& %)& ()4)+6+-5& *.+')-,*&+*&4$(()-.#1&$-,)4+,),8 HB70.& 23$#,& 706)& .3& %)& *3/).7+-5& .70.& 2)& 23$#,& 4(3**& .70.& %(+,5)& 27)-& 2)& 53.& .7)()=I& A3#>0(+-+&*0+,8&H:+;)&70*&0&*.(3-5& +,)0&%$.&KJ/&-3.&*$()&.7)&#35+*.+4*& 0()&0##&23(;),&3$.8I


“The way we compensate people is inherently that we value SGA chairs more than the [club] presidents.” Mike White Junior




Lockheed goes, Sandia will stay !"#877'+,#)0390&0 !"#$$%&'(")' ^/3.1&&%) ;*+#,') 1*() @$--&%) /$#) /6) *) 3*+?/'G+&%$3#,/') @*+#'&+(1,@) 0,#1) #1&) 9,#5) /6) N$+-,':#/') ?$#) 1*() +&4*,'&%) *3#,2&) *#) B\;) #1+/$:1) #1&,+) ($?(,%,*+5) 3/4@*'5) "*'%,*) ^*?(A)*33/+%,':)#/)\8X,::&+7/+:7 =) 9,#5) 9/$'3,-) 2&#/) 4*5) 1*2&) 3/'#+,?$#&%) #/) ^/3.1&&%R() %&3,(,/') #/) &_,#) N$+-,':#/'A) *33/+%,':) #/) ;*5/+) N/?) d,((R) 2&#/)4&((*:&7

“Lockheed and Sandia Co., it represents things that promote violence.” Nate Palmer Senior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ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic


City’s food ranks high

Wins award in Huffington Post ranking !"#1-2'3#40&056-70( !"#$$%&'(")' [#)*@@&*+()*()#1/$:1)#1&)+&(#) %/'.6"'#-.$%#'$!'0#-++1'7$!,%8"&$#9' 01*#) B\;) (#$%&'#() 1*2&) *-0*5() .'/0') `) N$+-,':#/') ,() *) :*(#+/'/4&R()@*+*%,(&7) :6"' ;)/0#9.%#' <%!.' 6-!' @-*3&%)N$+-,':#/')*#)P/7)C)/'),#() SKF)9/--&:&)8/0'()T,#1)81&)N&(#) <//%U)+*'.,':(7) =#' .6"' >)"!.' /%&' 0#7$#9' 3/--&:&()0,#1)*)S+&-,*?-5)%&-&3#*?-&) ,)+$#-&1' !,"#"2?' .6"' ;)/0#9.%#' <%!.' *+%99"7' -*%).' .6"' 0#"&' @/,'#() /6) N$+-,':#/'R() 6//%) (3&'&A) :,2,':) (@&3,*-) *##&'#,/') #/) -/3*-) 6*2/+,#&() -,.&) =4&+,3*') <-*#?+&*%A) a&%) J',/') *'%) #1&) Z&''5)9-$(&)9*6b7) N$+-,':#/') ,() ,') ://%) 3/4@*'5) /') #1&) -,(#A) V/,',':) 0&--G&(#*?-,(1&%) 3/--&:&) #/0'() -,.&) N&+.&-&5A) 9*-,67A) ='') =+?/+A) ;,317A)Z+,'3&#/'A)P7O7)*'%)91*@&-) >,--A)P797)6/+)#1&)#/@)+*'.,':(7) T1,-&) *) (,4@-&) 0*-.) %/0')

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We ask: Students’ favorite eats - Red Onion - The Skinny Pancake - Bolocco -Trattoria Delia - Bueno Y Sano

- Kountry Kart Deli - Henry’s Diner - Penny Cluse Café - Asiana House - Three Tomatoes

Fletcher Allen offers public education Community Medical School to promote new lecture program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“We hope to bring the wonder of science to the community in lay terms and with provocative issues.” Jennifer Nachbur Senior public relations officer of the College of Medicine




Shelburne finds old roots in fall fest

Farm hosts 33rd annual Harvest Festival for community members !"#$%&'()*#+),-./( !"#$%&!'(()*+'#,)#-

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Dr. Judith Christensen Festival director


D$,*&+10"&'#&40";01)*&0-&-4)& >0(/)*-&.)*-$/01&%)1);(0-$'#&0-& :4)1;9(#)&.0(6*&:)+-B&?CB

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Caffeine, cycling mix at Maglianero Café promotes sustainability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KATIE KIELY The Vermont Cynic

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Trance-dances connect to roots

Infused yoga unleashes spirit !"#$%&'(')*'#+),-.* !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&

SHERRY ZHAO The Vermont Cynic

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Wings fight with fire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A celebration of sustainablity

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KATIE KIELY The Vermont Cynic

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v e rsion: 1pg:1

11-SMR -0461




The scantily clad march for message

SlutWalk protests gender violence and victim blaming in Burlington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“Regardless of the way that a person is dressed, they were never asking to be raped.” ! Liz Roskey SlutWalk participant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DJ duo talks dubstep culture

Zeds Dead prepares to liven up B-town music scene

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Photo Courtesy of Zeds Dead

8$464%"64%#468"2+%"9'4#89%)>%28%8$"8% H)+U8%/"98%>)64*46C%/2N4%"+.%54+64@ 1*2/&-! "#$%! &'()*#'+,! 5)2+5% 8)% 4*)/*4@ ./,0-%T8U9%5)2+5%8)%4*)/*4C%8$4% 64"//.% $"6,% 987>>% '6)3"3/.% H)+U8% /"98%>)64*46C%8$4%64"//.%64"//.%#6"^.% 987>>%8$"8%'4)'/4%/2N4%+)H@%T8%H2//%

Band brings metal to VT The Sword hosts a rare performance 3*(3"&(3#/6&7'"+& AB&%C(A/..*#8/&4*&$ A$4% 91"//C% 825$8(N+28% R76/2+58)+% 148"/% #)117+28.% #"14% )78% 2+% >7//% 9862,4% )+% M4'8@% a?% 8)% 944% A$4% MH)6,C% 8$4% :a98% #4+876.% S6486)(148"/V% 5),9% >6)1% F7982+C% A4["9@ A$4% MH)6,% W% >64Z74+8/.% /"34/4,% "9% S6486)(148"/V% >)6% 8$426% 9)7+,% 8$"8% '".9% $)1"54% 8)% 8$4% 1"62b7"+"(2+,7#4,% $4"*2+499% )>% R/"#N% M"33"8$% "+,% 8$4% 3/749.% $"6,% 6)#N% )>% c4,% !4''4/2+% "+,% A$2+% c2^^.% W% "64% 9)1482149% "##794,% )>% 921'/.% 62''2+5%)>>%8$426%#)+841')6"6249@%

“The Sword are the sound of awesome. Inexplicably catchy, consistently impressive, always identifiable yet willing to evolve — they are a rare, indomitable force.” Matt Longo The Sword fan R78% 8$4% :;;% )6% 9)% '4)'/4% H$)% 9$)H4,% 7'% 8)% 8$426% $4",/2+2+5% 9$)H% "8% G25$46% O6)7+,% W% 2+#/7,2+5% 8$)94% '4)'/4% H4//% 2+8)% 8$426% <;9% "+,% 4*4+% d;9% 8$"8% W% 8)548$46C% 1",4% 7'% "% '64,)12+"+8/.%

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‘Our Idiot Brother’ shows ignorance is not bliss Film highlights emotional adult struggles 3*(8$+2*(3/#'#/& A/2"1&%#$ J$)% H)7/,% 4*46% 8$2+N% 8$4% H)6,9% S94+9282*4CV% S$4"68H"612+5V% )6% S41)82)+"/V% H)7/,% 34% 794,% 8)% ,49#6234% "% 1)*24% 98"662+5% ="7/% &7,,I% A"N2+5% )+% "% #)1'/484/.% +4H% 6)/4% 2+% SP76% T,2)8% R6)8$46CV% &7,,% '/".9% _4,C% "+% 4"9.( 8)(/)*4% 1"+% H28$% "% 325% $4"68% "+,% "/1)98% #$2/,/2N4% +"2*484@% A'&$%! *))78')8'! (/%#! /4",9% $21% "986".% H$4+% $4% 94//9% H44,% 8)% "% 7+2>)614,% ')/2#4% 7<(8'/1! +2)&*)?! 6*-! *)! B2*+=!

“Our Idiot Brother” brings attention to the flaws that adults develop as defense mechanisms, tools to success or ways to cope with their own unhappiness.

&4/4"94,% 4"6/.C% $29% "8841'8% 8)% 1)*4% 3"#N% 2+% H28$% $29% 4[( 526/>624+,% W% '/".4,% 3.% E"8$6.+% G"$+% W% 29% 9')2/4,% H$4+% $4% 2//*0'%1! 7)+,! #7! ()&! 2)7#6'/! 1"+% $"9% 8"N4+% $29% '/"#4@%

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Fleming Museum reception showcases vibrant fall lineup Four new exhibitions cover the walls of art gallery !"#$%&%'()#*'%+, !"#$%&!'(()*+'#,)#-

SARAH STICKLE The Vermont Cynic

!'?+)-$#;&;71**:7'9)(&9'(3*&'#&1&+$+)&1-&A0)&B)(#&C177)("& '#&D)+-<&EF<&A0)&B)(#&C177)("&0'7,*&1#&1##617&+$+)G:7'9$#;& %'?+)-$-$'#&$#&,'9#-'9#&B6(7$#;-'#<&

Artists blow pipes, battle turns heads Annual contest sets standard !"#-.'(%#/)0+1)2& .(-*&/,$-'(

/(7+&7.&?@'7'3.%-,"9/'#"+(%/(7+(' <)"' 3."1%//,"+7::0' 4"%/' =0' B7:(' /7,&C' 56(' 7::' #"8%/' =7#$' ("' ()%' )*&..$%&4',4,$%4$%$4'8.$('.3-.-$ 17,.+%//C@ =:"<(".#)%/?' #.71(,+4' 4:7//' ,+' 7+' 7((%83(' ("' 87$%' ()%' =%/(' “These guys are 19+#(,"+7:'3,3%',+'ND')"9./C )*.$ 2.&#$ N%33.&($ *5,4.-$ career artists. They ()%' Z,3%' L:7//,#' [6' /(7.(,+4' :7/(' \"+&70?'<,()'7.(,/(/'<".$,+4'"+' all see themselves as ()%,.'3,%#%/',+'()%'47::%.0'()."94)' artists who see the V.,&70' 7+&' 7+' 79#(,"+' "1' ()%' A+,/)%&'3,3%/'"+'B7(9.&70C pipe as the canvas.” J)%' #"83%(,(,"+?' /(7.(%&' ,+' ?@@@1$ %##+%33($ >&'#0,$ '#-+,4&($ 7.(,/(/' 1."8' 7::' "-%.' ()%' *CBC' ("' #"83%(%C' J),/' 0%7.?' #"+(%/(7+(/' Tito #78%'1."8'/%-%+'/(7(%/?'.7+4,+4' Bern Gallery co-owner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`Ua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`DU?EEE' ,+' ("(7:' F+%' "1' ()%' 8"/(' &,/(,+#(,-%' (),/' 0%7.C' R,4)(0' 3%.#%+(' "1' ()%' 1%7(9.%/'"1'J)%'Z,3%'L:7//,#',/'()%' 3."#%%&/' <%+(' ("' ()%' 7.(,/(/?' NNH8%8=%.'37+%:'()7('#)""/%/'()%' ()%' "()%.' DE' 3%.#%+(' <%+(' ("' <'##.&$ %#-$ 8%'#4%'#,$ 6%'&#.,,$ /933".(,+4'()%'#"83%(,(,"+C'J)%' ()."94)"9('()%'#"83%(,(,"+C <,++,+4'3,%#%'<7/'79#(,"+%&' "11' J)*.$ 4*'#0$ %>5+4$ )*.$ I'E.$ 1".'`a?EEE?'7##".&,+4'("'J,("C L:7//,#',/'()7('()%0'$,+&'"1'/%('()%'

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MEGHAN PRIOR The Vermont Cynic

/-0$'+$1#&1(-$*-&2'*)#)&2'(3)&4'*('5&6*)*&1%("7$%&(),*8&90$-)*&1#,& :71%3&-'&,)+$%-&/-0$'+$1#&0$*-'("8&%67-6()&1#,&71#;61;)<&4'*('5=*& 9'(3&91*&,$*+71"),&,6($#;&-0)&>7)?$#;&@6*)6?=*&5177&'+)#$#;< &%#0'#0$'#$-%4.$6&58$4*.$AKL@,$45$ ()%'%7.:0'NO()'#%+(9.0C' 2:=.%#)(' PQ.%.?' <,&%:0' #"+/,&%.%&'()%'4.%7(%/('%+4.7-%.' '#$ 4*.$ *',45&($ 56$ %&41$ ',$ M+,4$ 5#.$ 56$ 8%#($ 8%,4.&,$ 56$ .#0&%/'#0$ ,+#:9&%&',+'(),/'%;),=,(C F()%.' .%#%+(' %;),=,(/' %3,5$ -&.<$ 4*.$ %44.#4'5#$ 56$ 4*.$ "=/%.-%./' 7(' ()%' .%#%3(,"+C' F+%' <7/' 7' #"::%#(,"+' "1' 7#.0:,#' "+' #7+-7/' 37,+(,+4/' =0' R(),"3,7+H =".+'7.(,/('S"/%+%'S".$%'T"/."1' ()7('"3%+%&'"+'B%3(C'NUC S"/%+%' 9/%/' 7' -,=.7+(' #":".' /#)%8%',+'89#)'"1'),/'<".$?'=9(' %3,5$+4'3'G.,$4*.$.=E&.,,'/.$E5<.&$ "1'/,83:0'9/,+4'=:7#$?'<),(%'7+&' .%&C' G,/' <".$' ,/' .,#)' <,()' ()%' #9:(9.%' 7+&' ),/(".0' "1' R(),"3,7'

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Miller, Panda turn up the heat

Fall Fest fills Patrick Gym with enthused, sweaty fans !"#$%&''(#!)*+,)',% !"#$$%&'(")' !"#$%&'() *') +*'&,$-) ./0#*1 (,20) *&%) 2(2*33/) 4""56) 2(2*33/) 7*$-%5) *#5) *38*/() (8%*'/9) :*(') ;&,5*/<() ;*33) ;%(') 8*() #") %=$%71 ',"#9 >?%) '?,&5) *##2*3) ;*33) ;%(') @&"24?') ?,4?3/) *#',$,7*'%5) 7%&1 A"&0*#$%() @/) >?%) B?,'%) +*#5*6) '?%) !?,$*4") @*(%5) CD) 0*(?27) 52")*#5)+,''(@2&4?)7&"5,4/)E*$) E,33%&) F) *) &*77%&) 8?") ?*() @%%#) 0"G,#4) *') A233) (7%%5) '"8*&5) *) $*&%%&),#)?,71?"76)*#5)3*@%3%5)*() HH:<()I;&%(?0*#)!3*(()"A)JKLLM9) IN>?%) (?"8) ("35O) P6JKK) ',$-1 %'(6) 0*-,#4) ,') "#%) "A) '?%) @,44%(') $"#$%&')(%&,%(),#)QRE<()?,('"&/6M) QRE) $"#$%&') @2&%*2) 0%0@%&) S%#,).2%#5%3)(*,59 QRE) +&"4&*0) T"*&5) UQ+TV) 73*##%5) *#5) QRE) !"#$%&'() T21 &%*2)?"('%5)'?%)("35)"2')$"#$%&'9 IW'<() 4&%*') '") (%%) '?%) Q#,G%&1 (,'/) *#5) ('25%#') $32@() (277"&') ,#5%7%#5%#')*&',(')*#5)'?%)%#'&%1 7&%#%2&()%#5%*G"&(6M)X2#,"&)Y*$?) :3"/5)(*,59 D2(')*A'%&)LLZPK)79096)'?%)#,4?') %#5%5) 8,'?) ('25%#'() *#5) Q+T) ('*AA) 0%0@%&() 3%A') @2(/) $3%*#1 ,#4) '?%) 7&%'%&#*'2&*3) 5%@&,() "A) (0*(?%5)73*(',$)@"''3%(6)'&*073%5) !"#$!%#&' ()*' *"&+(,*-*' +.%/0")1' *#5)2#5%&4*&0%#'()"AA)'?%)$"2&') !%%,'%2'3(/,"+4'567)(&"879':0-' "#3/) %G,5%#$%) 3%A') @%?,#5) "A) '?%) "G%&8?%30,#4) (2$$%(() *$?,%G%5) *') '?%) ;*33) ;%(') (?"8) 8*() '?%) 02(-/) (0%33) "A) @"5/) ?%*') *#5) 7%&(7,&,#4)8*33(9 [%8,#59) >?%) #,4?') @%4*#) *') \ZL]) 79096) 8,'?) ('25%#') %*&() 4&%%'%5)8,'?)'?%)%$$%#'&,$),#('&21 0%#'*3) ("2#5() "A) '?%) HH<() ("#4)


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brought to you by

Camp Morning Wood by Scott Womer


Wonderland by Alice Tonry

College Life by Rodney Rhea

1- Purim month 5- Inquired 10- Quick look 14- Draw near 15- Singer Cleo 16- In a bad way 17- Corp. VIP, briefly 18- Examines closely 19- Make-up artist? 20- Electric generator 22- Hawaiian guitar 24- Sun. talk 25- Hazard 26- Confine 30- ___-ski 35- Man-mouse connector 36- Code-breaking org. 37- Biblical verb

38- Bitter derision 41- Connect with 43- Begin 44- ___-Tiki 45- Indian holiday resort 46- Ancient region of Asia Minor 47- Bursting forth 50- First name in country 53- “The Matrix” hero 54- Permanently attached, to a zoologist 58- Move slowly 62- O.T. book 63- Iraqi port 66- Clock face 67- Baltic capital 68- Eight singers 69- Grandson of Adam 70- “We’re all in the same _____” 71- Large marine mammal


72- Tabula ___ DOWN 1- Scored 100 on 2- Mistress 3- “So be it” 4- Overhaul 5- Losers 6- Pouch 7- Sephia maker 8- Affectation of sophisticates 9- Student tables 10- Tablet 11- “Night” author Wiesel 12- Airline since 1948 13- Combustible heap 21- Debussy subject 23- Edict of the czar 25- Genetic material 26- Martini’s partner 27- Muse of lyric poetry 28- It’s a wrap 29- Belief system 31- 21st letter of the Greek alphabet 32- Extent 33- Singer John 34- Brown ermine 39- Dernier ___ 40- Pong maker 41- Rocky hilltop 42- Deluge 44- Mauna ___ 48- Cry ___ River 49- Pulverize 51- Arm joint 52- Expanse of sand 54- Balkan native 55- Pinza of “South Pacific” 56- Nintendo rival 57- Card game for three 59- Actress Merrill 60- Neighbor of Cambodia 61- Designer Schiaparelli 64- RR stop 65- Fam. member







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Illustration by Cate Elliot


Qualified Female Presidential Candidates in 2012? Nada =1..%1.-%:1219%Y1(;.5% A2;.*)5% 6+8$%.'+%+91+%+9)4%12)%3'+9% &'.$)2B1+;B)5%6%-'%.'+%M,-*)% &1.-;-1+)$%31$)-%'.%+9)%>12+;)$% +9)4%2)>2)$).+/%3)&1,$)%9'.C )$+(4/%3'+9%>12+;)$%12)%$;=>(4%1% =)$$5%O91+%3'+9)2$%=)%13',+% @1&9=1..%1.-%Y1(;.%;$%+91+% +9)4%$14%13$'(,+)(4%;.$1.)% +9;.*$%1&&;-).+(4%1.-%*)+%>2)$$% &'B)21*)5


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!"#$%&'#&(%%&)#*&'"%+%&,&-.&)#*&/#01'&2#3%4&)#*1+%&5&+52-('67& —Excerpt from the Facebook page created by the University of California Berkeley Republicans advertising their bake sale, where students’ race determined how much they paid for treats.

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THE VERMONT CYNIC 116 Dudley H. Davis Center, phone 802.656.0337 590 Main Street, Burlington VT 05401 ADVERTISING — 802.656.4412





SFI is a lie, get out of Vermont! Get over the spending Z#.5$#8-1&5@ )#%#/1'7$1"#5#^0$,##/$.$ 4211($'(/2-3$'50&'(?(,%<,+$!33=( KLM(?(!4&20(!'(&-5!'$1!0$&'( %.''#8$1"#$M+01.-/.,'#$d&5B #0157$V/-1-.1-9#>$V;$7&+$".9#/^1$ "#.58$&;$1"#=$7#1@$7&+5$-/-1-.'$ 5#.%1-&/$:-''$*5&,.,'7$,#$.'&/($ 1"#$'-/#0$&;c$X?#''$:"7$-0$1"#5#$ !(4211(!4&20(%&#,06$'5(06!0( 0&+/80$0&$#%&'&(-%.'$;5-#/8'7[Y$ ?#''@$7&+^5#$:5&/(O$4#%.+0#$ MdV$-0$1"#$;+51"#01$1"-/($;5&=$ ;5-#/8'7$./8$#%&'&(-%.'>$MdV$ +3!$#%(0&(4,(!('&0J)&-J<-&*0(&-B 5!'$1!0$&'(06!0(%<,E%($0%(4,3$,)%( &/$5#0*&/0-,'#$#/9-5&/=#/1.'$ ,#".9-&5>$I&:$:".1$#`.%1'7$ 8&#0$1".1$=#./[$ !"#7$0.7$1"#7$*.51-%-*.1#$ -/$1"#$*5.%1-%#$&;$0+01.-/.,'#$ ;&5#0157@$.0$-;$:#$%&+'8/^1$1#''$ ,7$1"#-5$/.=#@$&/$.''$1"#$'./80$ 1"#7$=./.(#>$V;$,7$=./.(-/($ 1"#7$=#./$%'#.5B%+11-/($.%5#0$ &;$,#.+1-;+'@$"#.'1"7$;&5#01$1&$ (5-/8$"+/85#8B7#.5B&'8$&.60$ -/1&$*.*#5@$1"#/@$7#0@$1"#7$=./B .(#>$ 4+1$8&/^1$:&557O$!"#7$1.6#$ *.51$-/$15.-/-/($'&((#50$./8$;&5B #01#50$-/$=./.(#=#/1$*5.%1-%#0$ ./8$'./8&:/#5B&+15#.%"$*5&B 5-!#%C(N-8(#&-,(4-$,>=8(06,=( '#(.''7$*+5%".0#$'./8$-/$8-;;#5B

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SFI claims to be a notfor-profit organization that spews its beliefs on responsible environmental behavior. e9#/$=&5#$-/1#5#01-/($-0$ 1".1$1"#$A=#5-%./$d&5#01$f$S.B *#5$A00&%-.1-&/$3&=*./7$%5#B .1#8$MdV>$AdfSA$-0$.$/.1-&/.'$ 15.8#$.00&%-.1-&/$5#0*&/0-,'#$ ;&5$NF$*#5%#/1$&;$1"#$2>M>$*+'*$ ./8$*.*#5$-/8+0157@$.0$:#''$.0$ *5&9-8-/($:&&8$;&5$,+-'8-/($ =.1#5-.'>$ I&$:&/8#5$T#5=&/1#50$ .5#$0&$./(57$,#%.+0#$MdV$-0$ *'.//-/($&/$=.6-/($.$8#.'$-/$ 4+5'-/(1&/$1&$%'#.5B%+1$0#%1-&/0$ &)(06,(%0!0,@%()&-,%0%C(.2%0(06$%(

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Bake sale way off the mark


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Zach Despart

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Bianca Mohn V$ 1"-/6$ -1$ :&+'8$ ,#$ K+-1#$ 0.1-07-/($ 1&$ 5+/$ &9#5$ .$ '&/($ ,&.58#5$ :-1"$ .$ ,-6#>$ O&(E!0+6(06,#(>=(06-&256(06,(!$-($'(!( =.J#01-%$.5%>>>

Hey opinionated people! The Cynic is looking for a conservative columnist to balance out our commentary. Interested? Shoot an email to




The weekly recap !"#+)2%&#$3",!()**'+&$("&

Boss of the week:

Goat of the week: Fernando Torres

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Drew Brees

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

Quote of the week

!"#+,-,."#/&-01 !()**'+&$("&

Stephanie Zygmunt Sophomore goalkeeper Field hockey

Haley Marks

Dave Ramada

Sophomore forward Women’s soccer

Junior goalkeeper Men’s soccer

The toSTUDY studyISis THEbest BEST time TIME TO When I have no distractions — no music, no food, no friends, no other work to do.

In the hotel on away trips

In the morning

If I could have one pet it would be

I don’t sleep very well after any game. When you lose, and you lose the way that we lost, it’s a tough one to swallow.


Pop culture grid

A Lion cub. And I would name it Simba.

Chocolate or Yellow Labrador Retriever


Tom Brady

H)60")I"B)J$-'4$!)K4&7%*&1)L.47&"7+43G=)1/"4G%$-)&*)7"/*7&"71) 49&"7)0%1)9*.7)%$&"73"/&%*$1)0"'/"!)4''*B)&0")M%''1)&*)/.'')*99)4$) %$37"!%+'")NOPNQ)./1"&)'41&)F.$!4(5)

German Shepherd

Singing. Ask my teammates, all I do is sing.

Peanut M&Ms




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The lake. Oak Ledge and the waterfront top my list of favorite hot spots.

American Flatbread

Souza’s Brazillian Steakhouse

Cynic’s sports in short !"#$%&'&#(%)'*& !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&

Field hockey beats Siena 4-1 >*.7) !%99"7"$&) Z"78*$&) /'4("71)13*7"!)%$)&0")-48")4$!) 3*$&7%+.&"!) &*) &0%1) 3*$,%$3%$-) B%$)*,"7)F%"$4)*$)F"/&5)[O5)60%1) B41)4)0*8")-48")4$!)$*B)&0") &"48) 041) B*$) &0"%7) '41&) &07"") -48"1)/'4("!)4&)0*8"5) F"$%*7) F4740) M"3L."=) #71&) ("47) \$$4) X74$"=) 1*/0*8*7") F4''() F$%3G"$+"7-"7) 4$!) 1"$%*7) \''%1*$) M47$4+() 7"3*7!"!) &0") -*4'1) 9*7) &0") ;4&48*.$&15) Z"78*$&) !7484&%34''() *.&P10*&) F%"$4)NAPO)%$)&0")-48"5) Z"78*$&) 1*/0*8*7") -*4'&"$!"7) F&"/04$%") ](-8.$&) 84!")&B*)14,"1)3*8/47"!)&*)QO) 9*7) F%"$4R1) M"&0) D"("715) ^%&0) &0") B%$=) &0") ;4&48*.$&1) 1"") &0"%7)7"3*7!)3'%8+)&*)@PO)*,"74''5)

Men’s soccer drops two on the West Coast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`.$%*7) a4,") b484!4) 04!) &07"") 14,"1) %$) &0") -48")4$!)Z"78*$&R1)7"3*7!)9"'')&*) @PN)*,"74''5

Men’s lacrosse raises money for cancer research 60")[AQQ);4&48*.$&);'411%3) P) :437*11") 9*7) 4) ;.7") B%'') &4G") /'43")*$)c3&5)d5)F%2&""$)a%,%1%*$) Q) &"481) B%'') /47&%3%/4&") %$) &0") +"$"#&=) 97*8) B0%30) /7*3""!1) B%'') -*) &*) 1.//*7&) 34$3"7) 7"1"4730) 4&) &0") a4$4P>4+"7) ;4$3"7)C$1&%&.&")%$)M*1&*$5) 60") ;4&48*.$&) ;'411%3) B%'') 3*$1%1&) *9) "%-0&) 8"$R1) 137%884-"1)4$!)"%-0&)B*8"$R1) 137%884-"1) 4$!) B%'') +") /'4("!) 4&) 604("7) \34!"8() %$) D411430.1"&&15) :41&) ("47) &0") +"$"#&) 74%1"!) ?Ne=AAA) 9*7) 34$3"7) 7"1"4730) 4$!) 3'*1") &*) ?QAA=AAA)041)+""$)74%1"!)%$)&0") &07"")("471)&0");'411%3)041)+""$) /'4("!5) 6"481) /47&%3%/4&%$-) %$) &0") +"$"#&)4'*$-)B%&0)EZD)%$3'.!") M7*B$=) M*1&*$) E$%,"71%&() 4$!) M7(4$&5) Z"78*$&) 0"4!) '437*11") 3*430) b(4$) ;.7&%1) %1) 4) 3*P 9*.$!"7)*9)&0")","$&5



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Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Houston Texans #3#45()-"6#7,89#:6#;#<9=9



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Oakland Raiders vs. New England Patriots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Baltimore Ravens vs. New York Jets 12


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Must-see games College football: Oct. 1

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No. 14 No. 13

A%B#(*& Y(.$+1& ,$"$+1$& #/(#& (*H-1#&5B(%(+#$$1&(&*-11>& P"&;76)&D(+5-*,&,-$1+@#&6-H$& A(6)&/$(*#/43&P&%$(**4&/(.$&(&/(%,& #7H$&F76)7+5&#/$&0$#1&7+&#/$&2()$& -"&#/$7%&*7"$*$11&*-11&#-&'()*(+,>& I%-.$& H$& 2%-+53& ;$2& [-%)3& AB#& P& \B1#& 6(+@#& 1$$& 4-B& 2(*)7+5& -B#&-"&<(*#7H-%$&27#/&(&27+>

No. 3

Texas A&M @ Arkansas – 12 p.m. Clemson @ Virginia Tech – 6 p.m. Alabama



No. 18 No. 11 No. 12

– 8 p.m.

No. 8




– 8 p.m.

No. 7




Sports Snapshot




Thursday 9/29 Women’s soccer @ Boston U Boston 7 p.m.



Cross country @ Paul Short Invitational at Lehigh Bethlehem, Pa. 10 a.m. Women’s hockey vs. Clarkson Burlington 3 p.m.

Saturday 10/1

Men’s soccer vs. Binghamton Burlington 1 p.m. Women’s hockey vs. McGill Burlington 4 p.m.

Sunday Field hockey @ Boston U Boston 3:30 p.m.


Women’s soccer @ UMBC Catonsville, Md. 1 p.m

Tuesday 10/4 Men’s soccer @ Dartmouth Hanover, N.H. 7 p.m.

Field hockey @ Harvard Cambridge, Mass. 2 p.m.

UVM athlete spotlight of the week #3 Ellie Mills — Women’s soccer

Position: Forward Height: 5’5” Class: Sophomore Hometown: Arlington, Va. High School: Washington-Lee High School Accomplishments at UVM: #$%%&'&()*+,'-.+')/%0'1)2%'$/'2'!34'&.5-)5-')6+*' !"#$%&'(##)&*$&"+,&-(."&/01,&#2&3,0/4,&530%&!,5"6& 786&9+*.&*.&+,(&.,:#$;&/#03&#2&"+,&.,0.#$&0$;&#2&+,(& :0(,,(6&&

Previous accomplishments: <$&+,(&+#1,"#=$&#2&>(3*$/"#$?&@0?6&A*33.&,0($,;&

Illustration by Dana Ortiz

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