The Vermont Cynic issue 6

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!!(@&#<(0.47#(A&)(B23:,-4#4-,.(@&#<(A#8("&7&!! SECOND AGENDA AT THE RADIO BEAN


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No backpacks allowed Harris Millis policy fixes theft problems !"#*+(,-(#./$0122AB&%=*A)##,.?)&4,&(


Lessons learned in aftermath of storm

Disaster relief effort offers education !"#3$45,#.(,6(+(05( AB&%=*A)##,.?)&4,&( =/))%.*&3, X)3&3, :3093#, %00/'()*(3, 2/'(, :+>, A/0&3)*803, '+$3, )3'%#3&(', .*&, 83E, 8/(, -+), 9)+-3''+), +-, '+.%+0+41, "0%.3, e+(:3)4%00E, %(, 83.*$3, *&, +99+)(/&%(1, -+), :3), '(/#3&(', (+, 7)'"# -$.&()"3# %;8%$'%"+%# !"# #%'*'(3),)30%3-5, e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e+(:3)4%00,'*%#5 M", 0+(, +-, (:3, )3'%#3&.3', -330, 0%Q3, (:3%), A+%.3', *)3&H(, 83%&4, :3*)#EN, ':3, '*%#5, MR:3)3, %', *, 0+(, +-,#%'9/(3,+&,:+>,*%#,':+/0#,83, #%'()%8/(3#, *&#, )3'%#3&.3', #+, &+(, -330, 0%Q3, (:31, *)3, 9*)(, +-, (:3, )3.+A3)1,9)+.3''5N, e+),(:3,0*'(,'3A3)*0,>33Q3&#', '(/#3&(', :*A3, 4+&3, (+, ;3)0%&, >:3)3, (:31, :*A3, :3093#, (:3, )3'%#3&(', +-, T3'(+&H', G+8%03, =+$3, Y*)QE, >:%.:, '/--3)3#, 3d(3&'%A3,#*$*43,-)+$,(:3,'(+)$E, e+(:3)4%005,@(/#3&(',:3093#,.03*&, /9, #38)%'E, '+)(, +/(, 830+&4%&4'E, '*0A*43,93)'+&*0,830+&4%&4',*&#, 3A3&,)38/%0#,:+$3'5, MX(, %', A3)1, (*d%&4, >+)Q5, P+(, 2/'(, 9:1'%.*001E, 8/(, *0'+, 3$+(%+&*001EN, '3&%+), XA*, ;/4833, '*%#5, Mh+/, *)3, :309%&4, '+$3+&3, (:*(,:*',0+'(,3A3)1(:%&4,(:31,:*#5, R:3%),'(+)%3',*)3,*00,(++,)3*05N, @(/#3&(', >3)3, )3b/%)3#, (+, >3*), $*'Q', -+), 9)+(3.(%+&, -)+$, (:3,$+0#,%&,(:3,>*(3),83.*/'3,%(, >*', (+d%., c, .+&(*$%&*(3#, >%(:, +%0,*&#,'3>*435,, @+$3, '(/#3&(', >:+, :3093#, #%'()%8/(3, .0+(:%&4, (+, (:+'3, )44%+&%3#,1#&(%#<!!3#.)'3#&()&#&(%# -$.&()"3# %;8%$'%"+%# 0).# 2%$1# )3>*)#%&45 Mh+/,'%$901,.*&H(,3d93)%3&.3, (:%', -)+$, %&'%#3, *, .0*'')++$EN,

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“This is our opportunity to rebuild better and safer infrastructure, to increase community engagements, to make communities safer.” Alice Fothergill Professor of sociology MR:3'3, *)3, 93+903, (:*(, :*A3, 0+'(, .+&()+0, +-, *, 0*)43, 9*)(, +-, (:3%), 0%A3'E, (:31, >3)3, +-(3&, )30/.(*&(, (+, 4%A3, /9, *&1, $+)3, .+&()+0EN, ;/4833, '*%#5, M;/(, (:3, $+'(,)3>*)#%&4,9*)(,+-,(:3,>:+03, 9)+.3'',>*',>*(.:%&4,(:3%),4/*)#, '0+>01,.+$3,#+>&5N, e+(:3)4%00, '*%#, (:*(, (:3, *-(3)$*(:,+-,X)3&3,>%00,*00+>,-+), .:*&43,(+,83((3),F3)$+&(5, MR:%', %', +/), +99+)(/&%(1, (+, )38/%0#, 83((3), *&#, '*-3), %&-)*'()/.(/)3E, (+, %&.)3*'3, .+$$/&%(1, 3&4*43$3&('E, (+, $*Q3, .+$$/&%(%3', '*-3)EN, ':3, '*%#5, MR:3, $+)3, A+%.3', (:*(, *)3, :3*)#, %&, (:3, 9)+.3'', >%00, 83, (:3, Q31, (:*(, >%00, 8)%&4, 0+&4L(3)$, )3'/0(',c,>:3)3,93+903,-330,9*)(, +-, (:3, +/(.+$3, %', (:3, #%--3)3&.3, 83(>33&,'/..3''5N X-, '(/#3&(', >+/0#, 0%Q3, (+, :309E, (:31, .*&, A%'%(, :((9g<<>>>5 A3)$+&(.-5+)4<#%'*'(3)L)30*(3#L 4%A%&4<,

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)34%'()1, #3'Q, /9'(*%)'E, ./88%3', )%4:(, +/('%#3, (:3, :*00, >3)3, 9)+A%#3#, -+), '(/#3&(', (+, 03*A3, (:3%), 93)'+&*0, 830+&4%&4'E, :3, '*%#5, @(/#3&(',*)3,'(%00,3&.+/)*43#, (+, 8)%&4, (:3%), 8++Q'E, 0*9(+9'E, Q31'E, >*003('E, '$*00, 9/)'3', *&#, 3A3&, (:3%), 0+&4, 8+*)#', %&(+, (:3, #%&%&4, :*00E, 8/(, %(, %', (:3, 0*)43, 8*.Q9*.Q',(:*(,*)3,&+(,*00+>3#,*(, (:3,'(/#3&('H,(*803'E,:3,'*%#5, R:3, 8%443'(, >+))1, +-, e+&#*Q+>'Q%, *&#, :%', '(*--, *(, (:3,=*))%',G%00%',#%&%&4,:*00,>*', 83%&4, *803, (+, 9)+A%#3, 3A3)1+&3, >%(:, (:3, '*$3, '3)A%.3, *&#, -++#, +9(%+&'E,e+&#*Q+>'Q%,,,,'*%#5 MV;3-+)3, (:3, 8*&WE, >3, >3)3, )/&&%&4, +/(, +-, +/), e)%#*1,

':%9$3&(, 81, @/&#*1, *-(3)&++&EN, :3,'*%#5 e+&#*Q+>'Q%,'*%#,:3,>*',*0'+, .+&.3)&3#,-+),(:3,&3>,0*(3L&%4:(, 9+0%.1, %&, >:%.:, '(/#3&(', 9/00%&4, *00L&%4:(3)', :*A3, 833&, *803, (+, A%'%(, (:3, #%&%&4, :*00, 83(>33&, SK, 95$5,*&#,Sg_K,*5$5, R:3,(:3-(,+-,-)/%('E,8*430',*&#, 83A3)*43',>3)3,.)%990%&4,(:3,0*(3, &%4:(,9)+4)*$E,:3,'*%#5, @+$3,'(/#3&(','*%#,(:31,>3)3, >*)1, +-, (:%', &3>, 9+0%.1, >:3&, %(, -$.&#)88%)$%3/#,5&#.)'3#&()&#&(%1# *)3,&+(,(:*(,.+&.3)&3#,*&1$+)35 MX(, :*'&H(, *--3.(3#, $3, *(, *00EN, 2/&%+), R34*&, a:*>0*, '*%#5, MX, #+&H(, :*A3, $1, 8*.Q9*.Q, >:3&, X, 4+,(+,3*(,*&1>*1'5N,

Pre-Ban Post-Ban

Powerade 12 oz. cups consumed per day

Apples consumed per week



3,000 ~1,500


50##%.67%$$%.*4%&,#.*#,8)9,*(:%,#*90$"0;$,.*<#)8*(:,%#*;0=>?0=>.* ;,<)#,*$,09%&'*(:,8*)"(.%4,*(:,*4%&%&'*:0$$*,&(#0&=,*$0.(*2,,>@*

Union announces impasse

Faculty calls in federal mediator over benefits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`K, $*%&(3&*&.3, >+)Q3)'E, :*', 833&, %&, %$9*''3, +A3), .+&()*.(, &34+(%*(%+&', >%(:, (:3, *#$%&%'()*(%+&, '%&.3, Z/&3, *&#,'/99+)(',B"H',#3.%'%+&5 MB&%(3#, \03.()%.*0, '(*&#', %&, '+0%#*)%(1, >%(:, B&%(3#,

".*#3$%.'EN, Y)3'%#3&(, +-, B\, a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b/3373, (:3, -*./0(1,*&#,'(*--,+-,(:3%),3*)&%&4', %',)%#%./0+/'5 MX(H', 8/00':%(, (:*(, V(:%', %', :*993&%&4W, 83.*/'3, -*./0(1, *&#, '(*--, *)3, >:*(, :+0#, (:%', /&%A3)'%(1, (+43(:3), c, &+(, (:3, *#$%&%'()*(%+&EN,]3%'%&4,'*%#5




searches for values Director under Board Open forums were held for staff and students fire for opiates Assistant abused powers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

!"#$%& '() !"#!$%&"#'("$) !""#"$%&$'()*"'+,#$-.


Copper wire and pipes were taken from the Redstone Lofts construction site on Sept. 27. A tire was taken from a student’s mountain bike near the Living/Learning Center on Sept. 26. Copper pipe was taken from the Aiken Center construction site on Sept. 26. A person who is not a student was arrested and jailed for stealing from a UVM student’s car parked in the Converse lot on Sept. 24.


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

“I had no reason to think these students were doing anything but taking their medications.” Peter Nobes Former physician assistant R5(# $%&'()*&+,# *+0%.*# &%# *B223)+# 34# G)7# ;3)+()# 0%.# 50*# /3%/()%*# 3'()# +5(# &-21&/0+&3%*# +50+# +5(# /0*(# -0,# 50'(F# NV"W# *+0+(.7 ;<')57$'6)$'=6/"%6'>".*,$.>$' 0%.# *3# .3(*# $9:# &%# 5&*# /1&%&/01# *B2()'&*&3%FM#*0&.#"%%&(#X+('(%*F# 0**3/&0+(# '&/(# 2)(*&.(%+# 34# /0-2B*# 0%.# *+B.(%+# 1&4(7# KG)7# H3%#;3)+()#)(23)+(.#+5&*#5&-*(14# 0*# *33%# 0*# 5(# =(/0-(# 0>0)(F# *3# >5,# >3B1.# +5(# =30).# +5(%# +B)%# 0)3B%.#0%.#+),#+3#/10&-#+50+#G)7# H3%#;3)+()#50*#-&*/3%.B/+7M

Alcohol/drugs A UVM student was sent to detox in the Christie Wright Patterson complex, brought to the hospital and then ACT 1 on Sept. 25. Drug paraphernalia was confiscated from UVM students in the woods near University Heights on Sept. 22. A UVM student was sent to detox in Coolidge Hall, brought to ACT 1 and then the Correctional Center on Sept. 23.

Suspicious events A person that is not a student was found sleeping in the Ira Allen Chapel on Sept. 26. After skateboarding down a hallway in Mason Hall, a UVM student was hospitalized because their arm went through a door window on Sept. 23. An unknown group of people attempted to pull the fire alarm in Jeanne Mance Hall on Sept. 25.

Last week’s story “DJ duo talks dubstep culture” was written by Hannah Klein, not Sarah Stickle

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UVM Community

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Getting down to business Sanjay Sharma wants to make BSAD ‘fresh’ !"#0&1,-#2)')34&%)* !()**'+&$("& `$00" %,&)" %,2$$" #+)%,0" /)%+" %,$" B+8@" &)5" W&)B&H" W,&2#&@" -$&)" +(" %,$" W*,++'" +(" D40/)$00" !5#/)/0%2&%/+)" aDW!-b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“I am hopeful that we will begin to attract the resources from our alumni and the business community to build excellence at this school.” Sanjay Sharma BSAD Dean


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Positive language prevails in English

Troy Davis: reactions

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Trip unfazed by scam

China trip continues after incident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“I remember after that night a lot of kids on the trip were saying [Corrigan] didn’t give a very good vibe. A lot of the kids didn’t like her or trust her.” Brady Shwartz Senior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


Executed man causes stir on campus 9/+:#Y-D.$C#-#2-)#$()%()5('# %+# '(-%,# .)# Z(+/*.-# 4+/# %,(# =&'8/'( %E( 7( ?%5( *1( !LKL6( 470( /I/?&,/8( %1( M/5,-( "!( 7,( !!NOK( 0828# [(5-)%('# %($%.2+).($# -)'# -# 0(/5(.D('# 6-57# +4# (D.'()5(# 5-&$('# -# */(-%# 5+)%/+D(/$:# -/+&)'# %,(# 1+/6'C# -44(5%.)*# =713(%E(,$%0/(*1(.&'2*1+,%1-( G%&'()%$# -)'# 4-5&6%:# D+.5('# %,(./# +0.).+)$# %+# 89,* 34&%5C# 1(.*,.)*# .)# +)# %,(# 0+6.%.5-6C# (%,.5-6#-)'#$+5.-6#-$0(5%$#+4#,.$# 5+)D.5%.+)8 PHOTO ILLUSTRAION BY FRANKIE PONDOLPH The Vermont Cynic

“When I first heard of the execution of Troy Davis I was shocked and very disappointed in my country. I just don’t understand how the court could put a possibly innocent man to death. We need higher standards of proof for the death penalty.” Rory Kirby Sophomore

“This is simply the case of a citizen betrayed by his government.” Zachary Kanner First year

“If the victim was a black man, the story would be completely different — Davis could still be alive. Amnesty International has statistics indicating that murderers with white victims are more likely to get the death penalty.” Jamie Pospishil First Year

“In terms of political ramifications, the United States is one of the only modernized countries to still practice capital punishment.” Harold McCann Sociology professor

“Davis’ death is another innocent casualty of a failed policy — the death penalty is barbaric and outdated.” Brian LaMoine First year




Nor’easter hits Burlington waterfront Festival offers celebration of outdoors for community members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

MAX LANDERMAN The Vermont Cynic

./0'1)2&344)(1$5&6$1)(&+)(7'(8*&'#&-9)&:;(5$#<-'#&=>-)(7('#-&7'(& -9)&?@AA&B'(C)>*-)(&D)*-$1>5&'#&E)+-F&?GF&.6$<9-2&/5*'&>-&-9)&7)*-$1>5H& >&+'(->05)&%5$80$#<&=>55&5)#,*&$-*)57&-'&5'%>5&)#-9;*$>*-*F& "$41!&)$2+ 1-+ 15$+ 4$'/'#&)*+ -6+ /-34+ ,1!)2!42+ #!1$?+ "!&)18+ M,+ &1+ .,% '(E(-3#7,% $(,&)2% .&% 57,&% 4)% 2&,"-,$2+ -6+ ,!6$#/+ !)2+ "4-"$4#/8+ >5$+ 9CJQ+ .#1$4,+ 15$+ "!&)1+ 1-+ 7!($+&1+$)=&4-)7$)1!##/+64&$)2#/+ (/3%,)**,%)(1'%4(&1'%(&%&')%-(&)%#6% &$#%0(**#/,%6#-%*),,%&'(/%`NJ9% >-+<4&)*+7-4$+#&6$+1-+15$+"!41/:+ 73,&'!#+"$46-47!)'$,+</+I8+;-=$+ (/3%&')%:8)1.(*%:(71)2%=aWN%(/3% <DD)-+.*% =.+)-% 1(--.)3% &')% +.4),% &'-#70'%&')%/.0'&,9% 9-773)&1/+ 7$7<$4,+ 0$4$+ &7"4$,,$2+ </+ 15$+ ,3''$,,+ -6+ 15$+ 6),&.+(*9% GU%&'./D%&')%#+)-(**%.3)(%#6%(/% )+)/&% *.D)% &'.,% .,% 0-)(&2I% ;/3-)$% B(&(-#/.,%,(.39% B')% ,'#$% $(,% (/% (**R(0),% )+)/&9% C),&.+(*0#)-,% 6-#5% ,5(**%

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@#7/&(./%:8#-&,9 @#--)**% ,(.3% ')% .,% *##D./0% &#% '.D)% @#7/&% b.*.5(/?(-#% ./% &')% /)(-% 67&7-)9% ;6&)-% 1#/371&./0% 571'%-),)(-1'%#/%&')%5#7/&(./2% 5$+ ,!/,+ 5$+ 5!,+ #$!4)$2+ -6+ 15$+ 5#7/&(./Q,%8#-&)-%,)-+.1)9%

G;% 5#7/&(./% 8#-&)-% .,% ,#5)#/)% $'#% (,,.,&,% (% 1*.54)-% 78% &')% 5#7/&(./2I% @#--)**% ,(.39% F>5$/+ -61$)+ 2-+ )-1+ 5!=$+ ,5-$,+ #/9I%

Apples fall on Queen City

Dreams vie in talk

Local farms, markets share their varieties

US and Europe clash in lecture

!"#,0**-'"#10*2(% E->77&I($-)(

!"#,-%%-.#/**)-% E->77&I($-)(

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KATIE KIELY The Vermont Cynic

/&7)*-$1>5<')(&%;-*&$#-'&>#& >++5)&%()+)&>-&E9)50;(#)& D>(8*&$#&E)+-F

-6+ !)1&-?&2$)1,:+ E&1!7&)+ 9+ !)2+ 2&$1!4/+.<$48+>5$/+!4$+!#,-+*--2+ 6-4+ /-34+ 5$!41+ !)2+ '!)+ 5$#"+ 8-)+)/&%1)-&(./%D./3,%#6%1(/1)-,2% ,(.3% @./0-7#% T7#2% 8-#6),,#-% #6% /7&-.&.#/%(/3%6##3%,1.)/1)9 B')-)%.,%,#5)%*#,,%#6%/7&-.)/&,% &'(&% #117-,% #+)-% &.5)2% ,#% &')% 64$,5$4+ 15$+ !""#$:+ 15$+ 7-4$+ /-3+ 0(./%6-#5%&')%(88*)2%T7#%,(.39% F>5$/+ ,!/+ !)+ !""#$+ !+ 2!/+ ($$",+ 15$+ 2-'1-4+ !0!/+ G+ 15&,+ &,+ "4-<!<#/+143$:H+I3-+,!&28+

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




Meathead Films show off their chops

Northeastern film tour begins with hometown hype and fundraising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

-0+9)1)-0'$ ;%1$ 1#%#,7$ %1Q$ ?OC+$ 3).$ #0,$ .+80#$ .,%1)&1$ %&7$ 9)*,$ 9+3,5B @,#,.$N%;C1/$3%#0,.$)3$M'%&/$ ,R-.,11,7$ 8.%#+#27,$ #);%.7$ #0,$ 4.,%#).1$ )3$ #0,$ ,*,&#$ %&7$ #0,$ -,)-9,$ %#$ >%7$ M+*,.$ K9,&/$ #0,$ N+80$ <+*,$ S.8%&+T%#+)&$ %&7$ HI>$OOA$;0)$0,9-,7$4.,%#,$#0,$ <9'+&=$M'%&$<)2&7%#+)&5 ?6#=1$:,,&$%$EF/B$N%;C1$1%+75$ ?6$ 0%*,$ &)#0+&8$ :2#$ .,1-,4#$ 3).$ #0,$ ;%'$ ;,=*,$ :,,&$ #.,%#,75$ >,%#0,%71/$1%(,$#0+&85B$

“Every single yound, East Coast skier’s dream for the past 10 years is to be able to film with part of the Ski The East Crew.”! Phil Bruno UVM SSC D0,$ ,*,&#$ ;%1$ ,1#+(%#,7$ #)$ 0%*,$ %:)2#$ UFF$ +&$ %##,&7%&4,/$ :2#$ 3%.$ ,R4,,7+&8$ #0,$ VFFG-,.G 1)&$ 1,%#+&8$ 4%-%4+#'$ )3$ #0,$ K.%&7$ >%-9,$ P%99.))(/$ 1%+7$ "R$N%'11,&/$1,&+).$%&7$OC+$D0,$ W%1#$ %&7$ >,%#0,%7$ <+9(1$ +&G #,.&5$$ ?X,$ ;,.,$ 1)$ -2(-,7$ #)$ 1,,$ 1)$ (%&'$ -,)-9,$ 4)(,$ )2#$ %&7$ 12--).#/B$N%'11,&$1%+75 D0,$-.,(+,.,$;%1$)&,$)3$#0,$ 9%.8,1#$(%&'$%##,&7,,1$0%7$,*,.$ :,,&$#)5 ?W%40$ ',%.$ %#$ #0,$ 6&#,.&%G

Cynic Video

Emma Hansen presents: BTV Beats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Band creates genre harmony

Burlington’s Second Agenda fuses hip-hop and rock

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

“Politically and socially aware and angry, Second Agenda is all about hope, compassion, and standing up for what they believe in.” M5/;0$'3'1( ;%( *0*/3+$/( &,$3;+1( ;%( *0*/3+$/( -;''( ;%.( ;( .+,4( E$38( N$3#(;%2(5%*(5B(3#*(4*4-*+'( 4$''$%&1( 3#*( -;%.( )5,0.( '5,%.(

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SARAH STICKLE The Vermont Cynic

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Fat and pregnant, but not yet Experienced local singer-songwriter shares personal knowledge with students in her songwriting class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`%( >5%.;21( 6*738( ]a1( J02%%( );0E*.( $%35( 3#*( J02%%67;/*1( $%( .5)%35)%( =,+0$%&35%1( 35( 3*;/#( ;( '5%&)+$3$%&( /0;''( Y( 3#*( ';4*( 70;/*( )#*+*( '#*( /5$%/$.*%3;002( #*;.0$%*.( ;( '50.C5,3( '#5)( 0;'3( 45%3#8( Gb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Wolfgang’s ‘Weekend’ brings infectious beats Debut LP exemplifies best of electronic music, also adds unexpected elements !"#.-//)*%#$*'0%&(1 #!"#$$%&'(")'

SARAH STICKLE The Vermont Cynic

57'8(,/"+,%2(,/)'E2+,/6'(")'%AD'#%F8D,,%0+2)2%(,%-+6,"+6,% 57'8(,/"+,%+,%!)0"9%:G9 '5%&)+$3$%&1K( ;( '4$0$%&( J02%%( 350.( #*+( /$+/0*( 5B( '3,.*%3'8 `%*(/5,0.(#*;+(7*%'(45M$%&( ;/+5''( 7;7*+( $%( 3#*( -;/E&+5,%.( 5B( 3#*( *%3$+*( /0;''( ;'( J02%%P'( 7,7$0'(#,%&(5%35(#*+(*M*+2()5+.8( GLP4( ;( 02+$/;002( -;'*.( ;+3$'3( )#5( 0$E*'( 35( E**7( 3#*( 4,'$/( #*;M2( ;%.( 3#*( 455.( 0$&#31K( J02%%( ';$.( 5B( #*+( '5%&)+$3$%&1( O,53$%&( ;%53#*+( =,+0$%&35%( 4,'$/$;%1( c;/E( .,?5%38( L%( ;%( #5,+( ;%.( ;( #;0B( J02%%( *I70;$%*.( 3#*( B5+4,0;( 5B( ;( '5%&( 35( ;( &+5,7( +;%&$%&( $%( ;&*( B+54( +5,&#02( ]d( 35( e_8 J02%%(/+*;3*.(;(05)C7+*'',+*( *%M$+5%4*%31( ;%( ;77+57+$;3*( ;345'7#*+*( ;%.( 4*%3;0$32( B5+( ;%2( 0*M*0( 5B( '5%&)+$3*+( 35( 7,+',*( ;( %*)( )+$3$%&( 7+5X*/38 G>,'$/( $'( ',-X*/3$M*( ;%.( )*(

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Book review


Fantasy flourishes in ‘Game of Thrones’ MAX LANDERMAN The Vermont Cynic

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Music fans flock to records Classic medium draws music enthusiasts to vinyl sale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The reader is helpless as Martin plucks heartstrings and twists words.

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Zeds Dead bumps dubstep beats at first Burlington show !"#/%**%0#1(')* >2(EE%!0.2/0

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Spectacle !"#$$%"&'($)*'"&'+"#+,-

Rock climbing enthusiasts show off their skills on a portable climbing wall as bands like Project Organ Trio (Top Right) and Barika (Below) perform on the Burlington waterfront for the 2011 Nor’easter Festival last weekend. PHOTOS BY MAX LANDERMAN





Camp Morning Wood by Scott Womer

Cat Tales by Emma Cipriani Camp Morning Wood by Scott Womer

Wonderland by Alice Tonry

College Life by Rodney Rhea


brought to you by

ACROSS 1- Effluent system 6- Boyfriend 10- “Believe” singer 14- Singer Lopez 15- Tombstone lawman 16- Composer Schifrin 17- Naïve 20- Fuzzy buzzer 21- Florence’s ___ Vecchio 22- Neighborhoods 23- Garden pest 24- Hail, to Caesar 25- Extremely tender 32- Fleet 33- Distribute cards 34- Singer Shannon 35- Type of gun

36- Inexpensive 38- Atlantic mackerel 39- Convert into leather 40- Oz creator 41- Somewhat 42- Comprehensible 46- Obtain, slangily 47- Adjutant 48- Sound of a bagpipe 51- Located 53- Singer Torme 56- Think about 59- Greek temple 60- Pulitzer winner James 61- Paris end 62- Epic narrative poem 63- Roseanne, once 64- Fool

DOWN 1- Stump 2- Fish-eating eagle 3- Learned 4- Brian of Roxy Music 5- Made little waves 6- Entities 7- 3:00 8- Commedia dell’___ 9- News letters 10- Dry red table wine 11- Detest 12- Zeno’s home 13- Fishing gear 18- It may be happy 19- Trivial objection 23- Whirl 24- Quickly, quickly 25- Old Nick 26- Flip over 27- Accumulation of fluids 28- PBS benefactor 29- Model 30- Piece of poetry 31- “The Time Machine” race 32- Queue after Q 36- Dramatic troupe 37- Humble dwelling 38- Raise to third power 40- Edible European flatfish 41- Libyan chief of state since 1969 43- Exit 44- Jaw 45- Mon ___! 48- Cosecant’s reciprocal 49- Sack starter 50- Langston Hughes poem 51- Nintendo rival 52- Bakery worker 53- Prefix for small 54- Pinza of “South Pacific” 55- For fear that 57- Test area 58- Cover


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Unsigned editorials officially reflect the views of The Cynic and its staff. All signed opinion pieces and columns do not necessarily do so. The Cynic accepts letters in response to anything you see printed as well as any issues of interest in the community. Please limit letters to 350 words. Send letters to

THE VERMONT CYNIC 116 Dudley H. Davis Center, phone 802.656.0337 590 Main Street, Burlington VT 05401 ADVERTISING — 802.656.4412





UVM Staff deserves a union Respect keeps the classrooms classy '()&4+@)(/,23)+0'*)@<&U4*& ()/)+*&)E)+*0&2'>)&;*&/:)'(&*$'*& 789D0&.4@-)*&3(,.:)20&'()& +,*&@4)&*,&'&:'/>&,B&2,+)%F&.4*& .)/'40)&*$)&2,+)%&;0&'33'::;+-:%& 2;02'+'-)@<&


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We have chosen to affiliate with the Vermont [National Education Association (NEA)], the largest and strongest union in Vermont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Vermont Yankee should be updated and made more secure by modern standards, but kept open. Q4/:)'(&3,1)(&;0&,+)&,B& *$)&/:)'+)0*&3,1)(&0,4(/)0&1)& /4(()+*:%&$'E)F&0$,(*&,B&1;+@&'+@& 0,:'(<&R+@&0;+/)&0,:'(&;0&0:,1&*,& /'*/$&,+&;+&'&.;-&1'%F&'+@&1;+@& B'(20&'()+D*&.);+-&.4;:*&'(,4+@& $)()&*,&3()0)(E)&*$)&+'*4(':& .)'4*%&,B&*$)&0*'*)F&1)&+))@& 0,2)*$;+-&.)**)(&*$'+&.4(+;+-&

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Hey opinionated people! The Cynic is looking for a conservative columnist to balance out our commentary. Interested? Shoot an email to

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The Complacent Nation: the decay of Boston fandom

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What was once a proud, extremely knowledgeable fan base — united by a single region and team in each major sport — has become a nation that has been fattened with greed by championships and a lack of urgency for more. K3%&3+'=$+%'8$5)';)>39)' P$+G))%'=$+%'$&'8)$6&0'A+,'&:9)' $'O)7'W+@4$+*'&)$9':%'>6:&:>:Z)*' 36'$6@<)*'$@$:+%&-'&8)'*)>$*)' 3='*39:+$+>)'$6@<9)+&':%'<%)*' :+'$'5):+'$&&)9/&'&3'9$%G'&8)' :9/)6=)>&:3+%'3='&8)'+370 J8:%'*)>$*)'3='*39:+$+>)' 9:+*%)&'$4%3'9$+:=)%&%':&%)4=' 78)+'V<%&:=,:+@'=$:4<6)'7:&8:+'&8)' :+*:5:*<$4F%'37+'9:+*0'(8)+'

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McGill tops Vermont in women’s hockey exhibition 04/%$' 5A)/.&6' /,' )' S=S' /.%' .&' /2%.$' 5%)5,&' ,3%&%$' )6).&5/' 91)$A5,&H' U%$-,&/' 4%11' /,' +%4%&+.&6' 9)&)+.)&' ?2)-3.,&5' M?#.11' .&' 8,-%&G5' 2,?A%*H' S=EH' .&')&'%P2.D./.,&'6)-%',&'C?/:'!:' U"#& =+!+3*-4!(& (!%-89& '%(!&

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Men’s soccer earns shutout over Binghamton ,#4$*%& J*#& Q*($#%& (8*%#2& !/*& *-!& *:& !"#& !"%##& 7*+0(& !"+!& !"#& =+!+3*-4!(& (8*%#2& $4& +& ^WB& ("-!*-!&G$8!*%1&*G#%&.$47"+3!*4& C?/:'!:' Q*($#%& (8*%#2& "$(& '%(!& 7*+05& +42& !"#& '%(!& 7*+0& *:& "$(& 8+%##%5& ,&' )' 3%&)1/*' A.?A' .&' /2%' !T/2' 3$4-!#>&U"#&_WB&0#+2&0+(!#2&-4!$0& /2%' 5%?,&+' 2)14' ,4' /2%' 6)-%:' I,5.%$G5'5%?,&+'6,)1'?)-%')/'/2%' `a!"&3$4-!#&/"#4&"#&*4#W!$3#2& !"#&6+00&$4!*&!"#&4#!>&,#4$*%&J-+4& ?#%+0!+& '4$("#2& *::& !"#& ("-!*-!& 8./2' 2.5' 5%?,&+' 6,)1' ,4' /2%' *%)$' $4&!"#&TC!"&3$4-!#>& U"$(& /+(& !"#& '%(!& E3#%$8+& O)5/' 6)-%' ,4' /2%' 5%)5,&' 4,$' /2%' =+!+3*-4!(5&+42&!"#1&4*/&6#7$4& /2%' 0-%$.?)' O)5/' 3,$/.,&' ,4' /2%' 5%)5,&' 8./2' )' 53,/1%55' !=>=>' $%?,$+:' U%$-,&/' )15,' .-3$,@%5' /,'Y=S=>',@%$)11:


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New England Patriots vs. New York Jets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Atlanta Falcons vs. Green Bay Packers #3#4)'.&"5#61*7#85#?:@A#=7>7


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Logo illustrations by Rodney Rhea and Stephanie Feinberg




UVM to skate on frozen Fenway Park !"#-./*#0%1'2 011(1+,'+$*23/+1$45(+3/


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So go out and buy your tickets before they run out — you might as well support some team at Fenway now that the Sox are out of the picture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Field hockey vs. New Hampshire Burlington Men’s soccer @ Stony Women’s soccer 3 p.m. Brook vs. Maine Stony Brook, N.Y. Burlington Women’s swimming 7 p.m. 3 p.m. and diving @ Army West Point, N.Y. Women’s hockey 5 p.m. vs. Renssalaer Women’s swimming and Polytechnic diving vs. Boston College Institute West Point, N.Y. Burlington 7 p.m. 5 p.m.

Thursday 10/6



ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic

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Saturday 10/8 Cross country at New England Championship Franklin Park-Boston 11 a.m. Women’s hockey vs. Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute Burlington 4 p.m.



Women’s soccer vs. Albany Burlington 2 p.m.

Monday 10/10 Men’s soccer vs. Boston U Burlington 3 p.m.

UVM athlete spotlight of the week #8 Joe Losier — men’s soccer Position: Defense Height: 6’1” Weight: 180 pounds Class: Senior Hometown: Glastonbury, Conn. High School: Glastonbury High School


Illustration by Dana Ortiz

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Accomplishments at UVM:

Previous accomplishments:


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