1 minute read
Fragile Utopia
By Lindsey Papasian
Upon thinking about the theme of fragility the first thing that came to mind was the current state of our ecosystems and the species within them. Biodiversity loss is a tremendous threat to local and global ecosystems. This piece is a tribute to some of the threatened species of Vermont, every plant depicted in the landscape is currently threatened or endangered. Some of the plants illustrated are Jack Pine, Arethusa, Flowering Dogwood, Wild Senna and more. I wanted to portray a Utopia of biodiversity where each of these species are thriving and coexisting. I’d like to create a sense of hope with this piece. H
Have you ever stopped To notice how Heavily you tread water, How your steps Send minnows into frenzy, How your shadows Invite attack from the Green crabs At your feet? These days, My brain sits Unnatural in my soft skull. I learned the word Anthropocene And now it won’t stop spilling From my mouth. In a dream, I see gills And razor clams. I wake, And my teeth are Just as dull As before.
There are lobster traps On the beach. When I touch them, A thousand little corpses Fall out. H