A Hypothetical Pitch for a Script | Alexia Walz Imagine I pitch you an idea for a script. It’s fairly brief. No intense monologues or unnecessary dialogue. It’s about a couple who are in that awkward, Often undocumented phase of their relationship But they still have flirty, made for television fun. They tease without realizing and Feed off of the sexual tension in the air. They laugh until they cry together. They can’t get enough. But then they go home. And he replays each interaction To see if he pushed the other person’s buttons in just the right way Or if he said the exact formula of words In the right order and the right tone To make someone fall in love with him Then he examines the actions of his *friend **He calls the person “friend” to avoid having a certain conversation too early and accidentally expediting the reaction that he knows is coming but doesn’t want to hear and in turn lose his reason to replay those interactions that give him so much solace from his sorry version of what he considers a life. So, he replays the time when she listened intently To words that don’t need to be intently listened to And he replays the time that she made a bit too much eye contact Or touched his shoulder in just the right way And he replays the time that she said:
Just the right words In just the right order And just the right tone And just the right formula Then he repeats the process Right before bed as his nightly routine Just in case he got it wrong