2014 UWA Student Guild Election Broadsheet

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uwa student guild elections 2014 broadsheet


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04 - guild president 07 - guild treasurer 09 - education council president 10 - public affairs council president 12 - societies council president 14 - enviroment officer 15 - international student services' director 16 - welfare officer 17 - women’s affairs officer 18 - oridinary guild councillors 72 - senate representative 73 - sports representative 75 - national union of students delegates

guild elections The Guild Elections are an annual event to elect the official Office Bearers and Ordinary Guild Councillors for the following year (December – November). Annual Elections for delegates to the NUS National Conference are held at the same time. The election of a student member of the University Senate is usually held every 2nd year. These Elections are conducted by Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) and governed by the UWA Guild Election Regulations, NUS Rules and Senate Standing Orders. All students are entitled to vote in elections. 2014 WAEC Returning Officer Name: Mary Petrou Phone: 0414 895 196 e-Mail: marypetrou2@bigpond.com regulations Regulations pertaining to the election of Guild Council, National Union of Students delegates and UWA Senate Representative are available on the UWA Student Guild website: bit.ly/guildelections14 polling dates and times Oak Lawn: Monday 22 to Thursday 25 September, 10am - 5pm Reid Library: Monday 22 to Thursday 25 September, 10am - 5pm Nedlands Campus: Monday 22 September, 11am - 3pm Business School: Tuesday 23 September, 11am - 3pm Oral Health Centre: Wednesday 24 September, 11am - 3pm QE II Medical Centre: Thursday 25 September, 11am - 3pm

© 2014 UWA STUDENT GUILD. All right reserved. Disclaimer: the views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the UWA Student Guild.

guild president over the years. I’ve watched as the current Guild has spent more time renovating their offices and waving signs in the city rather than actually fulfilling their promises.


3rd Year Science/Commerce 2014 Science Union President 2014 Guild Councillor 2014 Board of Studies Representative 2014 Science Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee 2013 Education Vice-President Science Union 2012 Science Union Fresher Rep I chose to come to UWA after hearing about their amazing courses, the relevant practical learning experience, and the incredible social life. It is why I enjoy coming to campus every day! In my first year at UWA I had the time of my life; I went on 3 orientation camps, joined almost every club and became a fresher representative for the Science Union. I also got involved in Guild elections, and ran for Liberty. I chose to run for Liberty because I knew then, and still believe now, that Liberty can create the best campus experience for students. Liberty is committed to standing up to the University on educational matters, creating a diverse and fun-filled campus, improving the learning experience, and ensuring all students feel safe at University. This is my third Guild election, and over the years I’ve seen tickets promise and fail to bring food outlets onto campus, increase lecture recordings, provide a safer campus, offer better orientation events, and numerous other undelivered polices


As your Guild President, I commit fully to delivering Liberty’s policies. We will bring new food outlets onto campus to improve the quality, variety, and price of food. We will work with the extensive and talented range of clubs to allow them to deliver a fun campus that students will engage with. We will work for easy learning, with better Wi-Fi, more online resources, and class times that actually work for students. A vote for Liberty is a vote for a diverse group of students, from every part of the University. We have a capable, motivated, and dynamic team, and are committed to improving the Guild and delivering for students. Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President Vote 1 Liberty

together the finest Daves that could be found to work for you. Dave believes in an open and transparent guild and will campaign for all people. For after all, it is not about the name on your birth certificate but the name on your heart.


Left Action believes that students need fighting organisations that will stand up against against attacks from both the Liberal government and the university administration. Students have come under assault from all angles in the last year, with the Abbott government taking a swipe at our welfare, healthcare and education. Students, especially the poorest among us, could be hit by multiple changes at once; losing a disability pension, paying $7 to see the doctor and suffering under a massively increasing HECs debt.


There are many people that attend the University of Western Australia named Dave and Dave Thomson is one of them. Since 2010 Dave has wanted to run for guild politics but after countless rejections from the major parties he has decided to take a stand and campaign about the important issues under his own ticket. The newly formed DAVE Party has brought

To have any hope of defeating this class-war budget, we need a National Union that will mobilise students across the country to fight for their own interests. This means the union should be comprised of real activists, not politicians-in-waiting. On a local level, we need a student guild that will do the same, and not bow down to the University or the government, Any guild which purports to represent students should not limit

itself to issues of education, but should take up all the problems faced by students; racism, sexism, homophobia, poverty, with gusto. There are students from refugee backgrounds, Muslims, LGBTI students, women and many others, who suffer from discrimination and disadvantage. It is the guild’s responisbility to actively defend and support all students, and this means taking up the broader political issues that affect these groups. Student unions are significant organisations with serious weight in society, and what they do matters. Students have a proud history of standing up for social justice in campaigns like those against South African Apartheid and the Vietnam War. For the past 5 years I have campaigned around education issues, same-sex marriage, refugee rights, women’s rights and freedom for Palestine. We need activists to lead the UWA guild and to represent students at NUS.

2013 NUS State Education Officer 2013 Guild Councillor When I enrolled at UWA, I thought University was about getting your degree and then getting out into the ‘real world’. I’ve come to realise that it is your on-campus experience that is truly unique to UWA. I believe that the Guild exists to foster this fantastic student experience. I want to lead a Guild that provides a thriving campus life at UWA. STAR has a vision and a plan for a stronger orientation period with a better O’Day and Returners’ week alongside an improved UniMentor program involving Faculty Societies. Engaging with students is what we’re all about. Our new MyGuild app will be a one stop online destination to connect students with the Guild, clubs and societies. Students will be able to join clubs, buy tickets, apply for loans, view their new Guild Transcript, and much more. STAR has a long-term plan to improve both the Guild’s online resources and catering outlets, and I have the vision and experience necessary to see these huge changes through. As a student representative, I have consistently prioritised your education. I have been heavily involved in working towards a better education for all students through my roles on the Education Council and as a student representative on Academic Board.


5th Year Bachelor of Arts/Science 2014 Education Council President 2013/2014 Strategic Resources Committee Member 2013/2014 Academic Board Representative 2014 NUS National Executive Member 2013 Education Council VP / Treasurer

I have the experience, knowledge and strong relationships with the university executive to ensure the smooth transition to new courses, push for teaching quality to be the top priority of this University, and for a strong student voice on changes that will affect students. The STAR team is made up of the most active and passionate students from all areas of campus life. We’ve developed our vision for the future of the Guild and we have the experience and leadership to carry it out. It’s up to you to let us do this.



THE STUDENTS’ ALLIANCE It’s time for change! I am your presidential candidate from The Students’ Alliance, and I appeal for your vote. Never has a time where the guild needs a shake up more than now! It’s time for change! I will not just merely give you, The Students of this university, a bland politician’s promise but pledge with BLOOD and IRON to fulfil this vision: 1) No more payments to the National Union of Students, with savings being funnelled towards more programs for International and Country Students 2) 2) A vision to make the lives of students easier by introducing a bicycle rent scheme within campus. There will also be a feasibility report on possibly introducing a $1 buggy/ tram system within the university 3) Electoral reform: by dividing the student body into separate faculty constituencies instead of electing councillors at-large, not only ensuring smaller ballots but also representation for underrepresented faculties. There will also be increased regulation on the election process to ensure a smoother and annoyancefree electoral process. 4) To aim for the introduction of an Albany Representative into the guild council and for further


attention given by the Guild to UWA Albany campus with the aim of merger of with the Albany Student’s Association. 5) Increased restrictions on the activities of groups like the Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative with the proceeds of any fines/ permits of those intransigent groups to be funnelled towards more productive means. These groups will also be defunded and disassociated from the Guild so that money that is taken from YOU is used for the betterment of ALL. Vote 1 for Kallen M. White for President, NUS delegate & Ordinary Guild Councillor! Vote 1 for Luke Marshall for Treasurer & Guild Councillor! Vote 1 for The Students’ Alliance! You Vote Arrow, Arrow Vote You!!!


guild treasurer more independent and financially secure. As a member of two Faculty Societies, I believe in the importance of furthering the support that clubs and societies can receive from the Guild. I will push to revamp the second-hand bookshop, incorporating the current system online and utilising the extra space for society merchandise.


2nd Year Commerce 2014 ECOMS Vice President (Education) 2014 Arts Union Senior Social Officer 2013 ECOMS Fresher Rep


To improve Catering services for students, I will ensure that more microwaves are installed, that the Ref is kept open longer, and that there is a healthy and ‘dirt-cheap’ meal option for students who are doing it tough. I want to see tangible savings on campus and more students receiving catering discounts. The Guild always needs alternate sources of revenue. Bar Pop and the upcoming CoLab festival are great initiatives by the Guild in 2014. By investigating new ways for the Guild to acquire funds, we can become

The Guild needs to stop seeing students as customers, and should start representing them. We don’t need any more bureaucrats who are just running to further their career prospects. What we need now is activists willing to stand up, represent and defend students, and that is what Left Action will do. No US-style education system Free speech on campus A guild with a social conscience Rebuild the guild Vote 1 Left Action Vote 1 Emma Norton for NUS delegate & guild councillor

The Guild is run by students, for students, and should be committed to a culture of accountability. I believe in a transparent Guild that accepts responsibility for its financial actions and funding allocated to departments. As the Ed VP on ECOMS, I’ve experienced the importance of precise record keeping and budgeting in order to run successful events, provide services for students, and to contribute to a successful society. As the Guild Treasurer, I will oversee the drive to make the Guild’s back of house services more efficient so that the Guild can allocate more student money to making their front of house services more accessible.

the food is so bad; for them it’s not about making good quality food for students, it’s about seeing students as customers and squeezing as much money out of them as possible. As long as I’ve been here, no matter how many promises are made, the quality of Guild catering has never, ever improved.


The Student Guild is more than just an organisation on campus that runs the cafes, manages clubs, hosts events, etc. The Guild is a union body that represents students, and is supposed to stand up and defend student rights. And what a year it has been for attacks on students and their rights! The Liberals have launched an onslaught of attacks against our education, healthcare, welfare, and our overall standard of living. But if you were expecting the Guild to stand up and lead the fightback against these attacks, you’d be wrong. Because right now the Guild is run by bureaucrats, not activists. For them, being elected to the Guild is just another line on their C.V. They see the Guild as a business, which seeks to profit off students rather than represent them. That’s why


THE STUDENTS’ ALLIANCE Do you desire a new, dynamic, and idea-rich leadership team for the Student Guild this coming term? Do you want new ideas and a fresh outlook on student policies? Do you have little interest in actual politics and aren’t a fan of the extreme left or right? Then The Students’ Alliance is the party for you! I’m a Bachelor of Science studying Chemistry and Geology; my team


leader, Kallen ‘Martin’ White studies Economics and Chinese. Together, we form a team whose interest is focused on the students, rather than the politics, and whose only priority is you. The students.

should be fostering by increasing funding to clubs and societies to a point substantially above the current $62,000. Under the current Guild, funding on a ‘per-club’ basis has decreased where it should be, at least, staying on par with previous years. Liberty are committed to delivering a fun campus, in which clubs will all see substantial increases in funding as well as reductions in the red tape associated with running club events. This year, use your vote for positive change on campus!


2nd Year Bachelor of Commerce Business Law/Finance Sober? General Committee Member Hi, my name is Miguel Forjaz and I am running for Treasurer with Liberty this year. I have chosen to run with Liberty because I believe the current Guild lacks the inherent motivation and ability to ensure that students receive the best possible experience from this university. I also believe that the current Guild’s financial policies and standards are irresponsible and unsustainable given the forecast $109,000 budget deficit upon review in June. As a finance student I am vehemently opposed to the lack of fiscal responsibility shown by the current Guild and as Treasurer I would ensure that the Guild finances are managed efficiently and transparently. To that end, Liberty strongly believes in the policy of Guild not government. Such a policy ensures that student funds are not misdirected to causes that do not directly benefit the student experience. At UWA we have a club culture unlike any other university in the state and that is something that we



education council president A positive and constructive dialogue with the university is how we as students can achieve tangible improvements to issues like the confusing maze of websites connected to UWA and our education, continued increases in the quality and uptake of lecture recordings, or greater accountability in how the university spends our fees.



Tom Beyer Education Council President 3rd Year Arts 2014 Arts Union Education VicePresident 2013 Arts Union Senior Education Representative Sure, it’s an obvious point, but education is the crux of why universities exist, and that’s why it will always be my top priority. I believe in a Guild which reflects and defends the values of accountability, quality and accessibility in our education, and I’m committed to ensuring UWA students have access to a world class education based on those values, and will always defend your rights as students. Many students aren’t aware of their rights or where to turn for help when they’ve received an unfair mark or need help with special consideration. I believe student representatives should always strive to better engage those who they represent. That’s why as Arts Union Education VicePresident I’ve actively reached out to represent faculty related clubs and support these students in dealing with the many issues that arise in their time at university. Next year I will take that culture of representation further by giving student representatives from all sections of UWA a direct line of communication with the university executive.

Next year I will work with Lizzy O’shea as strong, independent representatives to deliver for the students of UWA. Vote 1 Tom Beyer for Education Council President! Vote 1 Lizzy O’Shea for Guild President! Vote 1 STAR!

During my time on the Education Council, I have represented and advocated for the students of my Faculty Society by getting more lectures recorded, addressing educational issues that many have raised and helping students to make lasting connections with experts in the industry. As Education Council President, alongside Millie Dacre, I will fight for better online resources, including all lectures being recorded, and relevant use of Guild finances to be spent on your education, not on protest rallies. We will also introduce quarterly surveys for you to inform the Guild of what is of concern to you. As Education Council President, it is my utmost priority to listen to you and walk beside you for a better education experience at our incredible university. A Liberty led Guild has a strong track record of delivering for the students of UWA. We will fight for your rights on campus. We will deliver our policy platform to ensure your educational experience at UWA is the best it can possibly be. We understand that we are running for the guild, not the government.


2nd Year Science/Arts 2014 SNAGS Education Council Representative 2014 President of SOC/PAC Club 2014 UWACS Committee UWA PICSE Ambassador UWA is a top 100 university, which is why we UWA students deserve a world-class educational experience. The role of an Education Council President requires a person of broad experience with ability to get students’ voices heard. As someone who truly understands the variety of students and their educational needs, I believe I am the best candidate for the job.


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public affairs council president can stand up for social justice and education, vote Left Action. No US-style education system Free speech on campus A guild with a social conscience Rebuild the Guild Vote 1 Left Action Vote 1 Emma Norton for NUS delegate & guild councillor


Over the past year we’ve seen the Liberal government attempt to carry out severe attacks on the right to quality, affordable education. They’ve tried to see through fee deregulation, the abolition of student start-up scholarships and savage changes to Newstart and Youth Allowance.



This is a US model for education.


It’s about creating a system that only benefits the rich and that cripples the rest of us. While the Liberals have been on the offensive it has been so important for student organisations to stand up against them for student rights. Unfortunately Guild this year has not.

2nd Year Economics/Politics Student 2014 Politics Club President 2014 Relay for Life Team Coordination Chair 2014 Blackstone Pre-Law Committee Chair 2013 Politics Club Fresher Rep Full Time Badass.

Left Action is a ticket of student activists who have been committed to building the fightback against the budget all year round. We are the students who have been leading this highly successful student campaign both nationally and at UWA. Our protest on Q&A, chasing down of Liberal ministers, and the big rally right after the budget have made national news and had an impact on the politicians. All the opposition parties say they’re going to block these attacks in the Senate, and according to polls, only 17% of people support fee deregulation.

I’m Danica Lamb and I’m running for the position of PAC President with LIBERTY! Being involved in numerous PAC clubs, and running one of the largest of them in 2014, I know what PAC has to offer but also what it needs moving into the future.

Left Action is also for a guild with a social conscience and will stand with Palestinians, refugees, for Aboriginal rights and against queerphobia and sexism. If you’re for a guild that

Clubs on campus are being strangled by guild restrictions and administration. Liberty will revive campus culture by making it ridiculously easier to get CAMPS

The reason I’m with running with Liberty is because of their policies on new food, a Guild (not government) focus, easy learning and A FUN CAMPUS - page through these statements and you’ll see that our candidates, policies and experience are the best you’ll find at UWA.

approved and fixing those dastardly Event Management Plans to encourage clubs to hold fun events on campus! LIBERTY WILL INCREASE CLUB FUNDING. WE DESERVE IT! There are changes that need to happen in PAC to make running a club, managing a committee and hosting slamin’ events the easiest it can be. I’m just like you- I know what it’s like to try and achieve all these goals from the outside of Guild. It’s frustrating. Because I know EXACTLY how you feel, I’m the best candidate to make sure Public Affairs Council doesn’t become complacent with candidates from within the Guild running it. Serious changes need to be made, and I will make them. VOTE 1 DANICA LAMB FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS COUNCIL PRESIDENT VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR GUILD PRESIDENT VOTE LIBERTY #1!


2nd Year BPhil (Psychology) 2014 PAC Secretary 2014 Arts Union Senior Equity Officer 2014 French Club OCM It’s more than just academic and research prowess that make UWA a great university. For me, it’s our Uni’s diverse and vibrant campus. I am running for Public Affairs Council (PAC) President with STAR because I believe it is the multicultural, performance, faith related and social justice PAC clubs that set us apart. Throughout my time at UWA, I’ve

been involved with many different PAC clubs and have also been a member of this year’s PAC Executive. I have helped oversee a number of PAC projects and events, including Summer Nights Festival, Faith Week and Fringe Festival. In doing so, I’ve gained a great appreciation of the role PAC clubs play in cultivating a diverse and vibrant student community. STAR will promote the talents of both clubs and individual students. If elected, I will do this through a brand-new PAC Blog and more online engagement. PAC Club of the Week will feature PAC clubs to maximise student awareness. STAR will facilitate more collaboration between clubs by establishing PAC Forums - an opportunity for networking, discussion and collaboration. Clubs will be able to extend their network and help build a PAC identity. I want all students to feel engaged with everything PAC, so STAR will achieve better engagement with our pals over at Nedlands Campus and QEII. Nedlands Campus Market Days and ALVA student exhibitions will be fab. I will achieve all this and more, as I truly care about PAC clubs and student experience on campus. VOTE 1 CHARLIE VISKA FOR PAC PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


societies council president need. 3. Increase the exposure and publicity that clubs are able to receive through the Guild. Your vote can do a lot of good for a lot of people, don’t waste it. Help me make our campus fun again. You won’t regret it.



Don’t want the guild run by bureaucrats?

2nd Year Commerce 2014 ECOMS Senior Social Officer 2014 Leisure General Representative 2013 Leisure First Year Representative


Want a guild that actually fights for students’ rights? Well look no further than Left Action! We are the political activists on campus: we have fought and continue to fight for things like freedom for refugees, freedom for Palestine, equal marriage, and of course for student rights and against Abbott’s savage attacks on higher education. At the last student protest against the budget in the city, only one of the guild office-bearers attended. However, several posed for the photo op at the university. The President of the guild, did not attend. Students have always been the source of change in society, and the students at UWA deserve more than this disconnected guild. What we need is to rebuild the guild. We need student representatives who are fighting for student interests, not just polishing their résumés. Vote 1 for Left Action, we are experienced activists with a social conscience, with the courage to act on that conscience.




Undeniably the best part of being a student at the University of Western Australia is the wide range of clubs and societies available to enrich the lives of all students. Liberty believes in a fun campus, and so do I. This fantastic culture is unparalleled anywhere else in WA, and as your 2015 Societies Council Present, this culture is what I will actually strive to preserve. Being on the committees of Leisure and ECOMS, I have had first-hand experience in planning and running some of the most successful events on and off campus. And while historically the Guild has supported all clubs in planning and running events, the last two years have been characterised by heavy increases in the restrictions placed on our clubs to run even the most trivial of events. Liberty believes that the best events are run by clubs, not by the Guild. But these clubs still need the support of the Guild to run the best events. That’s why as your 2015 Societies Council President, I will 1. Remove the superfluous restrictions placed on our clubs to run events for students. 2. Actually increase amount of funding that clubs receive, giving them the financial support they may


3rd Year Engineering Science 2014 President of DESI Student Society 2014 Societies Council Committee (SOC) OCM 2014 Guild Student Services OCM 2013 Treasurer of DESI Student Society 2013 Dance UWA OCM Greetings, my name is Nevin and I am STAR’s Societies Council Presidential Candidate for 2015! With my experience on the Societies Council, and being the 2014 President of DESI, I know first-hand what makes a successful club, and the steps to take to better support our clubs and make UWA’s social scene simply the best! I believe Uni can be the best time of your life, and to support clubs better in their vital role of fostering the best possible student experience, I plan to:

Introduce world-class club facilities right next to Oak Lawn, a better club equipment hire system, marquees and improved stall support, and assistance with equipment transportation. Help clubs generate revenue, and support them better by restructuring grants and introducing new event funding and more hands-on financial advice. This means mo’ money for you! Introduce a fresh and fully-sick “My Guild” club Website and App with online club registration, online ticketing, subscribable event calendar, extensive club resources and online training modules. This will help SOC streamline all club procedures, making it clearer, simpler and quicker to get your events approved. Provide more promotional opportunities within quieter areas around UWA, including colleges. Establish a roaming club merchandise and ticket stall as an alternative outlet for ticket sales with EFTPOS capabilities. For a killa #unilyf experience … VOTE 1 NEVIN JAYAWARDENA FOR SOCIEITES COUNCIL PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


enviroment officer a uni student- Rest assured that I really do want what’s best, relax knowing that I have the competence, commitment, ability and passion to get the job done. If you want to change up your campus for the better; vote for Liberty, myself and Millie Dacre! Cheers!



2nd Year Science/Commerce 2014 WASAC Secretary Hey friends! My name is Jannika Jacky and I’m running for OB: Environment. I’ll keep this simple because there’s really only three super important tidbits of information everyone needs to know: 1) Liberty listens to your wants and needs. 2) Liberty has your best interests at heart and that’s why they star in our policies. 3) Liberty is more of the ‘getting it done’ type, meanwhile track records indicate our competition is well…not so much. Every year we’ve run in these elections with the freshest and best of ideas because hey, we’ve actually listened to what you want and we think that what you want is pretty cool and we’d like to see it happen too. Our competition seem to think are ideas are pretty great as well seeing as they adopt our policies the next time elections come around. Truthfully we’re pretty chuffed by their support but the main difference between us and our competition is that we will actually get the job done. As your environment officer I personally guarantee you that I will work towards a more sustainable and accountable campus. As someone who studies environmental science, has lived on campus for a majority of her undergraduate studies, and (at this rate) will probably be forever


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issues, not a Guild of bureaucrats whose voices have been absent from the Education Campaign. We need a fighting Guild, one that stands with students and is able to take a leading role in the fight for education and in the battle against environmental devastation. The Abbott Government’s attacks on students and the environment in the latest budget effect all students and should be taken-up by organisations meant to represent our interests. The government plans to deregulate university fees and cut down student welfare, when Youth Allowance is already considerably below the poverty line! Alongside this the government has pushed to give mining companies exemptions from the fuel-excise tax, while lumping higher costs on ordinary students and workers. The government that backs big-business has supported proposals backed by Gina Rhineheart to dredge a hole through the Great Barrier Reef so that they could decrease the costs of shipping coal. The Guild needs to take-up these issues and rally with the campaign that has already been spear-headed by activists in student guilds across Australia. Come along to the National Day of Action on the 16th of October to join the fight to defend our education. No US-style education system Free speech on campus A guild with a social conscience Rebuild the Guild Vote 1 Left Action Vote 1 Emma Norton for NUS delegate & guild councillor


The Guild should be an organisation that stands-up against the Abbott government of climate-change deniers and fights for students’ right to education! Now more than ever we need a Guild of activists who are willing to take a stand on political

international students' service director for first year’s in University Hall.


In 2015, ISL will push for even greater engagement with on campus international students, extending this program to all the colleges. In 2015 ISL will also work to transform the International Students Services into a ‘Safe Haven’ for international students, where they can bring their issues, questions, whether big or small and where they can receive proper support and guidance from people who understand.


Third Year, Arts (Media & Communications) 2014 National Union of Students (WA) International Representative 2013 University Hall Residents Club Secretary 2012 Currie Hall (University Hall) Residents Club Arts and Culture Representative Hey guys! My name is Sean Matjeraie and I’m running for the position of International Students’ Service Director with ISL! With my experience in various positions within the University Hall Residents Club, a residential college known for its diverse population and as the NUS West International Representative I believe that I possess the capabilities required to represent the international students in UWA. The focus for ISL in the 2014 election is to solve the un-proportional representation of international students on the Guild Council. We have over 5000 international students in UWA however in 2013 there was only one International student on council. In this election ISL has set out to resolve this lack of representation on the Guild and to achieve this ISL has recruited OGC candidates of various nationalities to represent the diverse international student community.


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In 2014, ISL pushed to create more engagement with international students living on campus, through the “international welcome” program


welfare officer

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Left Action is a ticket of political activists. We are passionate about education and social justice. It was us who have put in the countless hours to build the education campaign on campus. And it will be us, who again put in the hard yards to build for the next national day of action on October 16. We believe that the guild should be a fighting union, and that this is only possible when it is run by activists, not bureaucrats. So vote 1 Left Action for a fighting Guild that: • Fights for free speech; • Says no to a US style education system; • Fights for social justice; • And to rebuild the Guild Vote 1 Emma Norton for President, NUS and Guild Council


The Student guild should be a union that fights for students, taking on the Liberals and their budget. Instead it is run like a business, plagued with bureaucrats, whose love for the rules and authority is equal only to their desire for a pretty CV. The Liberal’s budget threatens to gut our education system as well as student’s standards of living. What has the UWA guild done in response? Absolutely nothing. Instead of fighting back, the guild has instead attempted to silence and punish the activists who worked hard to build the education campaign. The forces mobilised for these elections show what should have been mobilised for the education campaign taking place nationally. The fact that they are only willing to mobilise now show where their priorities lie.



The best way to sound like you know what you’re talking about is to know what you’re talking about. Lucky for you, I know what I am talking about when it comes to student welfare! Student welfare at UWA is something that I am extremely passionate about, as I worked to correct a number of student problems and coordinate events throughout my time in the Guild last year. After almost three years at our great uni, I have been faced with my fair share of student welfare related problems. Coming from a regional town, I understand the difficulties that many students face when it comes to University. From organising

relocation and getting a job, to pondering why some lecturers still refuse to record lectures, I believe that we need a welfare department that can make a difference. A strong system of support and student advocacy is vital in the university environment. That is why if elected I will make the welfare department a more accessible place in our bid to help greater support you. Vote 1 Darcey Duncan for Welfare Officer Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President Vote 1 Liberty

women's affairs officer for women on campus, focusing on encouraging women’s creative expression, supporting women in non-traditional careers and working towards building a more diverse, intersectional Women’s Collective.


2nd Year, Political Science and International Relations (Assured Law) 2014 Education Council Secretary 2014 Member of the UWA Women’s Collective 2014 Social Vice-President UWA Politics Club 2014 UWA Debating Union Externals Vice-President 2013 Fogarty Scholar The role of the Women’s Affairs Officer is to represent the issues that affect women at university. I am particularly passionate about safety on campus, as 76% of Australian women students report feeling unsafe on campus at night and 1 in 10 women students have experienced sexual violence while at university. It is also important to address issues that affect women’s academic and working life, including the gender pay gap and the glass ceiling. It is essential to have a strong and passionate Women’s Officer in order to ensure that important issues like these are represented at university and that women students are provided with specific support and opportunities. As Women’s Officer, I will prioritise expanding the reach of the Women’s Department through increased engagement with Clubs, Faculty Societies and Colleges and also by making the Women’s room more visible and accessible. I will work to introduce more fun initiatives

By introducing fixed patrol areas, more help points and better lighting, combined with campaigns about the important of consent and sexual health, STAR will work towards improving safety on campus for all students. For a strong, inclusive and diverse Women’s Department: VOTE 1 EMMA BOOGAERDT FOR WOMEN’S OFFICER! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

I feel Liberty are an excellent group to run with in that they are heavily motivated and self-driven to improve the university life of all students and to create change in the way social events and academic support systems are run. The members of Liberty are competent, confident and capable in bringing positive changes to the campus with no voice unheard. Vote Millie Dacre for President #1 Vote Liberty #1


My name is Ilma Amin, and I’m a second-year commerce student at UWA. I’ve always been very keen to be more involved with the university and its faculties but as a first year, I did not know where to start and who to talk to! However this year I have managed to meet so many people who are very active members in both social and academic forte at UWA and have had the opportunity to nominate myself for the position of woman’s affair. I have chosen to run for this position because as a university student, I want my fellow peers and mentors to feel they are receiving a university life of quality and equality.


ordinary guild councillors

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3rd Year Architecture 2015 SONA National Vice-President 2014 ALVA Student Society President 2014 SONA UWA Representative

3rd Year, Commerce (Accounting & Marketing) 2014 President UWA A.S.I.A

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Take a knee, fellow students! My name is Cale Black and I’m running for Guild Council with STAR, because I’m passionate about improving your university education. This year I have been fortunate to be President of the ALVA Student Society. In this position, I have worked alongside STAR Presidential Candidate Lizzy O’Shea to resurrect, and effectively manage the FacSoc. I am a strong advocate for students within ALVA and also with SONA – the peak national body for architecture students in Australia. I have also been elected the National VP of SONA for 2015, and I will continue to advocate for the rights of tens of thousands of architecture students around Australia. I am passionate about improving the university experience for UWA students; as someone who essentially ‘lives’ on the Nedlands Campus, I know the difficulties that students away from Crawley face with accessing university support services. It is my goal to continue working towards better off-campus engagement.


This is why I’m running with STAR. I would love your vote and the opportunity to represent you on education/experience. VOTE 1 CALE BLACK FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


Hello! I’m Fred Effendi, you may have seen me around as the blonde Asian guy ordering a chai latte at Reid, or entering your tutorial room 15 minutes late… This year, I’m beyond excited to be running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR. As A.S.I.A.’s 2014 UWA President, I’ve experienced the improvements made to clubs and society life and would continue forward in bettering this aspect to university next year. I’m also dedicated to making orientation and Guild-related events bigger, better and more enjoyable than ever – university should be more than just about studying but also about creating those fun memorable moments (or not memorable … wink). In 2014, STAR dedicated a whole week to Returners, highlighted by a music festival. In 2015, we will also launch an all-new online “Club Hub”, where buying event tickets and club merchandise would all be under one place. But don’t fear, we haven’t forgotten about holding music festivals, parties and games to relieve the pressures and stress of University study. I’m keen to inject the FUN into Guild and club life! (And more Chai Latte flavours). VOTE1 FRED EFFENDI FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

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1st Year, Arts (Philosophy and Law and Society) 2014 Ignite Committee Member 2014 Arts Fresher Rep 2014 Labor Fresher Rep 2014 Winthrop Singers 2014 UWA Debating Union

First year Arts Student

1st Year Arts

After spending a semester studying Law at another university, I came to UWA expecting a lively campus and club scene. What I didn’t expect was the current overcomplicated orientation process and a complete lack of club presence. In addition the current educational facilities are outdated and complex. That is why I am running as an Ordinary Guild Councillor with Liberty. We need a Guild that cares about first year students, a guild that wants a fun campus and a guild that will create easy and understandable learning facilities for all students.

Hi my name is Somya and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR. Travelling over 80kms everyday to get to Uni has not only given me an extensive understanding of the inner workings of Transperth, but also the importance of education and accessibility for regional students. I will work with Tom Beyer, Education Council President, to ensure support is provided to those who have to relocate or travel long distances to attend Uni.


Please give me your vote I will promote all the good things. One of my top priorities will be to promote the incredible volunteering opportunities on campus. During my last two semesters I have loved mentoring with Ignite at Balga Senior High School and would support all volunteering programs available. Being involved in the UWA Winthrop singers I have been blown away by the exciting musical opportunities available and would be an active promoter of the arts at UWA. I would work hard to maintain the incredible diversity of clubs at UWA along with advocating student travel opportunities through clubs and the study abroad office. If you read this far I congratulate you on your perseverance. You are the real MVP. So in summary… pls… VOTE 1 THEO STAPLETON FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


I was further disgusted to see OUR guild and OUR student representatives are using OUR money to fund government related causes. This is not what the guild was intended for! I am a firm believer in “guild, not government!” As it is the duty of UWA guild is to address our issues and needs, not that of external political parties. Liberty will ensure an active Guild that will address student issues, create a fun campus, improve learning and upgrade the current food facilities. UWA needs change! Liberty is love, Liberty is life. Vote 1 Jack Barlow for Ordinary Guild Council Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President Vote 1 for Liberty


I am passionate about ensuring that the transition from high school to university runs as smoothly as possible for first years. STAR understands that Uni can be both confusing and intimidating, and as such, will work hard to enrich the orientation experience. Furthermore, I also plan on working with Women’s Officer Emma Boogaerdt to create a diverse and safe environment for women as well promoting female representation and support in the various faculties and societies. One of the fab things about UWA is that students are given the opportunity to have a say in how their university experience plays out, so don’t miss out on this chance to better your student life; VOTE 1 SOMYA RAJAWAT FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!



SSAF expenditure, is something that should always be spent in a way that benefits all students. I am running because I believe strength comes not from the complacent collective but from the hungry individual. UWA you deserve better and its time you get what you deserve! VOTE 1 CHRIS BILLINGTON OGC VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY


2nd Year Arts (Political Science & Marketing) 2014 University Hall Resident’s Club Executive (Head Events Manager) 2014 Vice-President of UWA Italian Club 2014 Multicultural Week Marketing Associate 2014 UWA Business School Undergraduate Students Advisory Council Hi my name is Carlo and I am running for Guild Council with ISL. With my experience as the Head Events Manager of University Hall, I know what to do to create a positive multicultural environment for UWA students, especially reaching out to International students. I’m passionate about International student’s community and will strive to improve the network between the international students and the Guild, and I will work hard along with ISL to improve the student experience. ISL will work to improve the welfare of International Students. In 2014, ISL pushed for greater engagement with international students in colleges through the launching of a new “International Students Welcome” at University Hall, and in 2015 ISL plans to extend this engagement to all the colleges to create an improved network within the international students living on campus.



1st Year Law and Society and Economics Student. Hi! My name is Chris Billington and I am writing this to explain my reasons for nominating to run as an Ordinary Guild Council candidate for Liberty in the 2014 Guild Elections. To me Liberty represents a stronghold that fights for the values of individualism, accountability and freedom. Liberty understands that organisations like our great University can only reach their full potential when they are allowed to operate without the hindrance of regulation and never ending political bias. Without these hindrances we can fix your food, unleash your UniFi and create a more vibrant campus. You deserve better coffee, better internet and a better campus! Beyond this Liberty understands the need for accountability, especially in regards to the expenditure of the SSAF. I am a passionate believer that money is a resource that must never be wasted and in the case of


1st Year, Bachelor of Commerce (Economics and Political Science & International Relations) 2014 Arts Union Fresher Rep Bonjour/Greetings/Salutations all! My name is Lucy and I am running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR for 2015! I’m über passionate about education and recognising student voice in education because we really do have power to shape how we want our education to be delivered. I’m also passionate about inclusivity on campus for under 18 year olds; a groovy O-Week and Returners’ Week filled with fun activities in a safe environment, as well as a consistent flow of events throughout the year for under 18 year olds. This year I’ve had my chance to represent the freshest kids on the block and I hope to build on that if I’m elected for next year. I will work with STAR to fight for student input

in what values are prioritised when choosing tutors and with SOC, PAC and clubs to expand their reach and engage more people the fab events that clubs offer through greater promotion across the campus. I’ll bring enthusiasm, humour and student voices to Guild Council. And sass. Lots of sass and happiness. VOTE 1 LUCY MOYLE FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

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announced this year. A Guild that doesn’t take a strong stand to defend the living standards of its own students is failing to do its basic job - and sadly for UWA students this has been the case. Instead, it has fallen on committed student activists who now run the Left Action ticket to seriously organise and promote the campaign against the Liberal attacks on our university system, rather than the bureaucrats who have squandered their control of the guild and failed to step up and defend students against higher fees and attacks on student welfare. Our guild needs to be run by activists who will put in the dedicated effort to defend students that should be expected of elected positions, rather than careerists seeking an addition to their CV elected through cynical campaigns and ever-elusive promises of better food on campus that have consistently failed to materialise. No US-style education system Free speech on campus A guild with a social conscience Rebuild the Guild

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Vote 1 Left Action Vote 1 Emma Norton for NUS delegate & guild councillor



Those elected to the Guild should be the most willing and active in fighting for the interests of UWA students, especially following the shockingly anti-student Liberal budget

2nd Year, Arts (Gender Studies) 2014 – UWA Student Guild Public Affairs Council Vice President 2014 – Arts Union Vice President (Equity)



2014 – UWA Debating Union OCM 2013 – Arts Union Social Fresher Rep Hello! My name is Alex and I’m running for Guild Council this year with STAR! I have been involved in the Guild, Arts Union and a bunch of clubs since I started uni, and I am committed to making the UWA student experience Flawless. I, for one, am Crazy in Love with representing arts students at UWA, and would love to work with Ed Council Presidential Candidate Tom Beyer to ensure you aren’t left asking UWA, Why Don’t You Love Me? Whether it’s aiming for full tute participation marks and being unable to Check On It at the end of semester, that a unit reader is The Best Thing (you) Never Had, or huge tutes are leaving you full of Resentment, I will make sure Work(ing) It Out is more that just a Sweet Dream(s). Vote for me for Guild Council and I will endeavour to be as amazing as the Beyoncé songs referenced in this. xoxo VOTE 1 ALEX HAMILTON FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!



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2nd Year Studying Politics and Economics VP Policy: UWA Politics Club VP Activities: BPhil Union Vice President: UWA Catholic Society

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incredibly important when trying to create a safe and civil environment for students to engage in their surroundings, which is why I would endeavour to deliver the results that you, UWA students, the users of Guild facilities, want. In addition, I’d like to continue building a solid community, where people from different backgrounds and faculties can receive necessary support and participate in inclusive events. My personal investment in the Guild and determination in regards to voicing the opinions that need to be heard are key components as to why I would like to run for OGC.

Hi guys! My name’s Liam and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor for Liberty this year! Liberty is easily the most talented ticket on campus – when it comes to our candidates, our beliefs and our policies, there’s no doubt about it. I absolutely love being a student at UWA, and have been lucky enough to spend the year working with a series of clubs, including my role as Vice President of the UWA Catholic Society, VP Activities of the BPhil Union and VP Policy of the UWA Politics Club. Seeing the role that these groups play in supporting students has left me in no doubt that Liberty is the only real choice for UWA students seeking a truly fun campus. Only Liberty will guarantee increasing funding for clubs across campus, and will ease the excessive Event Management requirements which make it so difficult to plan good events at UWA. So if you’re keen for stronger clubs, bigger events and a healthier campus culture, please chuck us your vote! VOTE 1 LIAM STALTARI FOR OGC VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY



2nd Year Bachelor of Arts Majoring in Political Science and International relations, and Business Law Running for Ordinary Guild Councillor University is not simply a place for people to get their degrees and move on with their lives. It is a place where memories are made, friendships are formed and character is built. Yet many people have expressed discontent at the difficulty of making friends and discontent with the facilities. There is undoubtedly a lack of satisfaction when matters, such as guild catering and representation in the Guild, are involved and I’d like to try and amend that. Openness to new ideas and transparency of policy is



2nd Year Public Health Student 2014 Science Union Sports Rep 2014 Sponsorship officer Science Union 2013 Red Party subcommittee Going to the University of Western Australia is great. I love the fact that when I walk between classes, there will always be a friendly face to greet me and I can cure loneliness by finding company on Oak Lawn. Sadly, this is not the reality for every UWA student. There are many students that go their whole degree without being involved. I have many friends who ask me how to be involved and the sad thing is, the only reason I am was by luck. Luck does not happen to every one and as a Liberty candidate

I believe two major things need to change, the process of planning events and increased exposure for clubs and faculty societies. I have had personal experiences planning events and the process of constantly filling in paper work is smothering UWA’s unique culture. Our clubs need more exposure and more support. Liberty is looking at bettering the arduous process of planning events and increasing the publicity of clubs, meaning it will allow our once vibrant University life to return. VOTE 1 CHARLOTTE SCHIEFLER VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY

Campus experiences. Whether it be bringing new food on to campus or making sure that their are bigger and better parties, I am confident that Millie Dacre and Liberty will ensure that you enjoy yourselves in 2015. Something that I am extremely passionate about is food. There’s nothing I hate more than coming to uni, and just wanting something healthy or at least good quality to eat. Currently, unless the food trucks are here, there is nothing. I know that Liberty and Millie Dacre, if elected, will fix this problem, so that you and I no longer have to go off campus

I would love to work with STAR, and particularly SOC Presidential candidate Nevin Jayawardena to make sure that both O-Day and Club Carnival are huge, well-attended, fun and successful! I’m also really keen on sports and I think it would be great if more UWA students got involved in Inter-Faculty sport. I’d love to see clubs, societies and faculties have the ability to run more inclusive and fun sports, like futsal and dodgeball! Thanks for reading! Please vote for me!  VOTE 1 HAYLEY LIM FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


• 4th Year Commerce/Arts Student 2014 ECOMS Senior Education Officer Hi Everyone, My name is Leticia and I’m a fourth year Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Commerce student at UWA, studying Accounting, Finance, Italian & Chinese. Currently, I’m the senior education officer at ECOMS and I am extremely excited for what Liberty can do if elected in 2015. Having a huge interest in Education, I’m excited to see Liberty help improve your educational experience at UWA, make sure that everything is running smoothly and that you as a student get the best education available. I am also very happy to see that Liberty working to improve your on


2nd Year, Arts/Commerce (Law and Society/Business Law) 2014 MSU Head of Cultural Affairs Hello! My name is Hayley Lim and I’m running for Guild Council with STAR! I have been on the MSU committee for two years and in this time I have been involved in and contributed to social events, charity, sporting and cultural activities! This is what maintains our lively club culture in UWA, and this is what makes our university experience more valuable. My goal is to promote clubs and their events/activities so that students have a greater awareness of all the clubs on campus, and so that everyone has the opportunity to participate and get involved!


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1st Year studying Politics and French. UWA Politics Club Fresher Rep

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Secondly, it is priority for me to have more quality food in the Tav. Finally, if elected, I’ll strive to ensure that the priorities and voices of Commerce Students are heard. I want to see tutorial material; increased availability of online resources and improved assessment feedback so that commerce students are ensured that their education is not compromised. VOTE 1 AARAHNAN RAGURAGAVAN FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

Hi guys! My name is Olivia de Koning and I am running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor for Liberty this year! 2014 has seen to the fantastic start of my university experience: I’ve had a lot of fun studying French, law and society, and politics; meeting new friends; and getting involved in all aspects of university life. Highlights include becoming the UWA Politics Club fresher rep, joining UWA’s mixed social soccer competition, volunteering for ICUR and TLG and joining Liberty. Liberty won me over with its vision, policy and the people it involves, including the amazing Millie Dacre! I am a keen learner who thrives on new experiences and education, and as such I believe that a university’s primary interest is that of its students and their education. This means that the Guild should always look for ways to facilitate students in their academic endeavours, including more comprehensive recorded lectures and better wifi. So for a Guild that prioritises UWA’s students and wishes to enrich your university life, vote for Liberty and together we can continue a fantastic university experience! VOTE 1 OLIVIA DE KONING FOR OGC VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY




3rd Year, Economics and Law & Society 2014 Marketing Committee Member, Multicultural Week Hey guys! My name is Aarahnan Raguragavan and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR! Over the course of my time at uni, I have always wanted to contribute to make your university experience better. If elected, I will be your voice in continuing to strive to achieve this promise! For STARters, I want to keep improving Society and Club activities on campus. Student clubs are the lifeblood of the vibrant culture at UWA and I think a bigger and better O-Week, more collaborative events, greater promotion of Multicultural Week and greater support in training to help ensure everyone graduates from UWA with more than just a piece of paper.


4th year law student All-round ladette How’s it going y’all? To cut a long story short I’ve been at this university for 4 years now and in that time I’ve enjoyed the social life UWA offers. Lately however I’ve noticed a bit of a decline which seems to have stemmed from the gradual reduction in club funding per club over the last couple years, as well as an increase in red tape and regulation on events. It’s going to be alright though, because Liberty will fix this next year – but we can only do that with your vote. So, make sure you get down and put a little number 1 next to Millie Dacre and vote for the rest of the Liberty team too, so we can do cool stuff. Bon-bon out




1st Year Neuroscience 2014 EMAS Committee Member 2014 Clarinettist in UWA Wind Orchestra Administrator of UWA Hotties Ultimate Frisbabe

1st Year, Bachelor of Arts (Political Science & Inernational Relations) 2014 Arts Union Equity subcommittee member. 2014 Women’s Collective Member

Postgraduate Medicine (MD) 2014 WAMSS Code Green Committee 2014 WAMSS Red Party Committee 2012 RA St George’s College 2012, 2011 Arts Rep St George’s College


Hey! My name is Ella Maughan and I’m running for Guild Council with STAR, because I’m passionate about improving the student experience and education. This year I have been fortunate enough to be involved with the 2014 EMAS committee, as well as performing with the UWA Wind Orchestra. This has given me insight into the importance of advocacy for UWA students, and I now want to join the student guild to further this passion. I am ardent about improving the overall student experience at UWA, and determined to better programs for students who are disadvantaged. As a student who commutes over an hour every day, I relate to students from rural and outer-regional locations, and I endeavour to improve support and services for these students. Thanks for reading about why I’m running for STAR, and I would love your vote so I can represent you for education and your student experience in 2015. VOTE 1 ELLA MAUGHAN FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


Holla! I’m Laura and I’m running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR for 2015. I’m enthusiastic about getting amongst Guild and all the happenings at UWA, and I’m mega keen for other students to do the same. I want to make getting involved at UWA easier and very worthwhile. I will work with STAR to build an inclusive Guild that reflects student input from all faculties and caters to the diverse student body. I will work with PAC President Charlie Viska to make clubs more visible and accessible, with greater student membership and presence on campus. I will also focus on women’s issues with Emma Boogaerdt and the Women’s Department. I will strive make your time at UWA as fab as possible. I know I’ve had some struggles: how do I print? Why is timetabling so hard? Will I ever get my exam results? Where is a microwave? etc. For such issues and any others, Lizzy O’Shea, the STAR crew, and I have got your back. So… VOTE 1 LAURA MWIRAGUA FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR! (please)


Hi, my name is Bec and I’m running for Guild Council with STAR! I like to make the most out of university life. Starting out at St George’s College I participated in/ ran countless charity, environmental and mentoring projects/programs, as well as academic and social events. I helped with Oaktree, True Blue Dreaming and Special Olympics. This has given me effective advocacy skills and wide-ranging committee experience. My passion is student health and happiness, and this year commencing postgraduate medicine I’ve rechannelled my enthusiasm from the College-bubble to the Med-bubble through participation in DrYes, TeddyBear Hospital, CodeGreen, RedParty and VampireCup. I try to foster true UWA student and medical student spirit in everything I do. I think now is time for a new opportunity and challenge. I’m down to earth, approachable and keep my finger on the pulse of what’s happening. As Guild Councillor I think these attributes will help me link all these wonderful people, opportunities and ideas together to enhance the student experience and wellbeing at UWA. VOTE 1 BEC CIVIL FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!





2nd Year Politics and Economics 2014 UniSkills Leader 2014 UniMentor Leader

4th Year, Arts (Psychology) 2014 Arts Union President 2013 Arts Union Social VicePresident

2nd Year Design (Architecture) 2014 NAAUC State Conference Attendee 2013 Trinity Academic Award Trinity Resident


I love our great university and the great atmosphere that exists here, part of this is having a fun campus. The Guild needs work hard to foster and support this. Clubs and societies need more support from Guild and not bureaucracy, which limits the variety and events of our awesome clubs. Part of what makes UWA special is college life, I have been at St Thomas More for close to two years and I believe that we need to increase intercollege events and achieve better integration with the University. As a 2015 Guild Ordinary Councillor I will work towards achieving what UWA needs, better college relations, accountability for SSAF expenditure so that it doesn’t get wasted on niche political protests and finally on bringing you the student the most awesome university experience at the most awesome university. Only a Liberty Guild will deliver better food, a fun campus and a better university experience. VOTE 1 ALEXANDER LAWRIE FOR GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 LIBERTY VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT



Henry-Henry-Let’s-All-Vote-ForHenry! Hey buddy! I’m Henry and this year I did a thing where I was the President of the Arts Union. Balancing writing an Honours thesis and leading a Faculty Society has taught me many important things about my education and university, and these have prompted me to run for Guild Council with STAR. Anyone noticed bike-racks disappearing on campus?! If you want to put your vote towards safer and more convenient areas to lock up your environmentally-friendly pedal vehicle, then put it here. Or in the ballot box I guess, but with my name on it.


Hey everyone, I’m Pat, and I’m running for Guild Councillor with STAR. I like smooth jazz, books and coffee. As a resident of Trinity College (on the very end of college row) and a second year Architecture student, I know lots about being at Uni heaps and depending on the facilities here. In between playing saxophone with my band ‘George and The Biddies’ and spending too much time at ALVA, I have a passion for the environment, and how better design can make things work better.

OLCR is k I guess, but the fact that I tear large clumps of hair out every time it asks me to enter 8 preferences for a tute and then logs me off before I finish definitely isn’t. If you look in the bottom right-hand corner of the website it says it was last updated in 2005 which is almost 10 years ago which is 60 cat years, meow! Our timetabling process could be made easier. Put a number one in ma box!

As a second year college resident, one of my biggest concerns is making sure college kids know about all the amenities, procedures and parties that are available just across the road. I want to ensure the Guild continues to work at connecting with off-campus students, especially those less than five minutes away at the Nedlands campus, to ensure they get the same opportunities as at Crawley. I also want to help the Guild continue and expand on its ace communication of creative events and happenings around UWA! Cheers for reading! Pat




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4th Year Law/Science (Psychology Major) 2014 Blackstone Senior Education Representative 2013 Blackstone Mental Health Officer


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Hi I’m Aleks Miller. I am running for Guild Council with STAR. I plan to work on Guild mental health projects and become Deputy Welfare Officer (Mental Health) in 2015. Almost half of Australians will experience a mental illness during their lifetime. Around 200 suicide attempts occur in Australia each day. Education is the solution. Let me ask you, if a friend told you they were suicidal, would you know what to do? If elected, I will ensure that UWA students WILL know what to do, and more. I am passionate and experienced. As Blackstone’s Mental Health Officer I organised free Mental Health First Aid training, created posters, helped organise a mental health quiz night, ran Stress Less Week, and ran stalls for World Suicide Prevention Day and RUOK?Day – all to reduce stigma, bust mental health myths and promote student wellbeing. Now, I have teamed up with Youth Focus to create a mental health video, so look out for me on YouTube later this year! If you want a Guild that actively promotes mental health and fights stigma:

As an Ordinary Guild Councillor, I wish to extend the opening hours in the Tav as well as food outlets to provide students the ability to stay on campus either for study or social purposes. In doing so, I intend to grant students with external food outlets providing actually tasty and edible food and being able to do so on a student’s income. The purpose of education is to learn and guarantee students receive a successful job hence with Liberty, lecture recordings will increase and tutorial sizes decrease therefore giving students the most out of their education at UWA. VOTE 1 BIANCA SHARPE ORDINARY GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY

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Being in my fifth year at UWA, I understand what students want and need and ensure that when elected, Liberty and I will achieve these necessities by providing UWA with a more social, educational and yummier environment on campus in 2015. Providentially my time at UWA has provided me with being active on campus with involvement in a range of social clubs and attending many joyful events. Liberty, when elected will continue making UWA a student friendly campus with increase funding and encouragement of clubs to hold more events for you.


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2nd Year, Science (Geology) 2014 French Club Vice-President 2014 Red Cross Representative 2013 French Club First Year Representative

5th year Psychology/Commerce

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When I first started at UWA two years ago I was determined to make my university years the best of my life. I had one motto: do absolutely everything. From sports to clubs and volunteering, I have been an over enthusiastic first year rep, a clueless goal shooter, a hopeless squash player, a frustrated Vice-President, a nervous Quiz Master and probably baked more than my weight-worth in cakes!

In my five years at UWA I have been on the executive of four clubs (Psychos, UWANCA, UWC and Rotaract) working towards a fun campus. The best thing about my time has been the variety of fun club events happening every week. Unfortunately events have run into barriers this year in the form of draconian event approval regulations. Even meetings have required approval and anything more has required obscene amounts of time to be approved. If elected I will work with Liberty’s SOC President candidate Rhys Tucker to ensure that this does not happen in 2015. Combining this with increased club funding will result in UWA’s campus culture moving forwards to glory.

Now it’s time I share my own experiences as a student and friend, to make the Guild the best it can be. UWA has so much to offer its students from the broadest of interests to the small, niche clubs. I want to be on the team that makes a difference, whether it’s helping clubs get the best support, financial, mentoring or otherwise. I will assist students to achieve what they want from UWA, be it education, representation or just a really, really good time.

Campus is also in need of some serious new food. I’m sick of having to walk to Broadway for a reasonably priced and tasty lunch. Liberty made significant progress on this in 2012 with the introduction of Rocketfuel, Charlie’s Pizza and the upgraded Business School Café. Guild food has its place but students deserve variety and if elected I will work my Liberty colleagues to deliver a variety of quality independent outlets on campus.



Hello! My name is Kimberley Warrand and I’m proud to be running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR!





5th Year Environmental Engineering 2014 Sustainable Energy Now President 2014 University Engineers’ Club Environmental Engineering Representative 2013 Sustainable Energy Now VicePresident 2013 Liberty Environment Officer Candidate 2011-2012 Engineers Without Borders Committee Member Coming in to write this broadsheet, I was determined to not be negative. After spending time in and around the Guild this and last year, it’s just too hard to be positive. I’ve had to watch while people less qualified and less committed “run” Guild offices, using all methods of manipulation to achieve what they want.

I’ve had to watch the social life around UWA decline to the point of relative non-existence, due to massive club regulations and reduced funding. I’ve had to watch the teaching standard and lecture availability decline while the Guild wastes their time on pointless protests with “one police officer per protester,” using student money. YOUR money.

Over the last 2 years it has been disappointing to see a significant reduction in club funding. This year in particular there has also been decrease in the support offered to clubs. The tedious forms and hoops to jump through are making it harder and harder to run events. UWA is unique in the experience it offers with its clubs and under the current guild a lot of clubs are suffering.

Liberty will work to remove the regulations around events and will focus on your educational needs. Because we’re a Guild, not a government.

I believe Liberty are the only team ready to take a stand and commit to their policies. With Liberty I will work to make the campus at UWA more enjoyable and engaging to all students.


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Vote 1 Phillip Hancock for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 Liberty

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3rd Year Commerce/Arts 2014 Multimedia Officer at TLG 2014 Director WASTV

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My name is Phillip Hancock and I am running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with Liberty. If elected I want to work with Millie Dacre and Liberty to change the opening hours of the Guild cafes. So many students stay on campus studying, socialising or attending to club commitments well past 4pm and have nowhere to go. The food debate has been a topic of the guild elections for many years and still hardly anything has changed.



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1st Year Arts 2014 Fresher Rep UWA JTC

Hi, I’m Roman, and I’m running for ordinary guild councillor. I am a second year Arts student majoring in Political Science & International Relations and History.

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My name is Jordan Tate and I am running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with Liberty. I thought coming to UWA would be easy, having everything you need for the day right on campus. However, I find I spend most of my time trying to avoid staying on campus too long. The food at Guild is a joke. All the cafes serve the same expensive and low quality food. If elected, I would work with Liberty to ensure that the cafes are diverse, with a range of different meals, cheaper prices and brands we can trust. I would also work with Liberty to ensure that clubs and societies are given the funding and support they deserve, making it easier for them to run their events. Without the severe restriction put on clubs these last 2 years, they would be free to engage many more students. With Liberty, I plan to ensure that the Guild that represents all students remains politically neutral, and focus on real campus issues. Fixing the online resources, Wi-Fi, library study spaces and tutorial sizes is more important than rallying against the government. Vote 1 Jordan Tate for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 Liberty



I am passionate about improving student life at UWA, by increasing student’s involvements in clubs and societies. I strongly believe UWA stands out for its strong club culture, and I want this to improve under a Liberty run Guild. I also want to improve Guild catering, by offering a wider-range of options for students to choose from. I want the Ref to be a true food court style eatery, whilst also improving key cafes in subject libraries. By doing this, I want to continue to improve student life here at UWA as catering is an important issue for a lot of students! I believe Millie is the most qualified candidate to be Guild President due to her involvement in a wide range of clubs, taking on leadership roles, all the while being a full-time student. Vote 1 Roman Konig for Ordinary Guild Councillor! Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President! Vote 1 Liberty!


FIRST YEAR COMMERCE As a fresher, I’ve noticed so many things the Guild can do to improve university life and our campus culture. Our Uni experience is so much more than education. With active faculty societies like ECOMS and clubs like Leisure we meet great mates and get the help we might need from time to time. That is why it’s so important to have a Guild that supports clubs. When Liberty was running the Guild, we doubled club funding! We believe in a vibrant, fun campus. After all, Our Guild should be focused on supporting awesome social parties and events; not spending money sending empty buses to lame protests! Liberty will ensure the

Guild focuses on improving your Uni experience. Vote Ben Martin for OGC, Vote Millie Dacre for President, Vote LIBERTY!


I want to work with STAR to reinvigorate orientation events for the wider student population next year. VOTE 1 OSCAR MORLET FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!



2nd Year Biochemistry and Molecular Biology student 2014 Science Union OCM 2014 Science Union Education Officer 2014 CHeMnBIO OCM Through my 2 years of studying science at UWA, I’ve had a fantastic time on campus with the various clubs, faculties and societies. The campus culture really is what makes UWA stand out amongst it’s peers, not just as an internationally envied place to study, but a place where you can have the experience of a lifetime. In 2012 while Liberty was in power, we brought new, better food onto campus with places like Rocketfuel, increased club funding across the board to boost campus culture, as well as negotiating with the University to Keep the SSAF the same (and taking a financial hit ourselves, so you didn’t have to) All of this was achieved with a dedicated and passionate team heading the guild, and the likes of which hasn’t been seen since. At this years guild election we’re looking to change it for the better once again, that’s why I’m running with Millie Dacre and Liberty for Guild in 2015.

• 5th Year Medicine 2014 Guild Education Council Vice President 2013 Guild Education Council Ordinary Executive Member 2013 WAMSS Med Camp Director 2012 WAMSS Undergrad Communications Officer (UCO) 2011 WAMSS Social Representative Sup buddies! I’m Oscar, and I’m running for the position of Guild Councillor with STAR. As a Med student I’m used to studying hard and partying harder, something that I’ll bring to the Guild in 2015. I’ve had a broad range of experience in both education issues and social events. My work as Vice President has allowed me to run campaigns helping students on both a campus & a federal level. I’ve also been able to provide a voice for off-campus students on many issues, in addition to my work as WAMSS’ inaugural UCO, a position designed to reflect the changing nature of UWA’s courses and their effect on FacSocs that cater to professional degrees. As a previous UWA fresher camp Co-Director, I am passionate about supporting successful non-alcoholic orientation event that are both inclusive and raucous.





Hi, I’m Matthew Milenkovic and I’m a first year commerce student who mistakenly thought University was nothing more than a stepping-stone to a career. This could not be further from the truth. After joining the ECOMS committee in first semester I have discovered a myriad of clubs, societies and events that I may not otherwise have had the privilege to be a part of.

3rd Year, Science (Genetics and Physiology) 2014 Science Union Welfare VP 2013 Science Union Volunteering Co-ordinator


This year, I also met the Liberty team. Their passion for the wellbeing of all UWA students was insurmountable and I couldn’t help but jump on board. I have decided to run for a position on the guild council, as quite simply, I want to make a difference. I want to change the ref so students actually WANT to eat there, not because they have to. I want to help restore the Tav to its former glory and make it the envy of students around the country. Similarly, I want to improve the sporting programs between faculties and make it a more enjoyable experience for a larger number of students. I believe Liberty is the most capable and most enjoyable to facilitate these desires. Vote 1 Matthew Milenkovic for Guild Council Vote 1 Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 Liberty



Hello hello! I am Gemma Peagno and I am running for Ordinary Guild Councillor 2015 with STAR. I am exceptionally passionate about student welfare and your happiness, and my welfare-y positions on Science Union have allowed me to understand what it is that students want and need! UWA has many hidden *stars* on campus just waiting to show off their hidden artistic talents, and STAR supports giving these artists the chance to shine through assorted Public Associates Council (PAC) events, through the revival of pop upPAC showcases and student busking. YES! I also want women-identifying students to feel safe and part of an autonomous community, something which STAR started doing in 2014. In 2015, STAR will see better lighting across campus and more events that embrace intersectional groups and activities, such as a “Feminists of Faith” discussion. STAR has a constellation of fab policies and ideas for 2015, so jump aboard the STARship for smooth sailing in 2015 (We promise many more STARtling and cringey puns).



2nd Year Science (Engineering & Zoology) 2014 Trinity Resident’s Club Secretary 2014 Trinity College Red Frogs Coordinator 2013-2014 Trinity College Lip-Dub Committee Hi all, I’m Emily and I’m running for Guild Council with STAR! I’ve been at Trinity College for two years and I love the community spirit that comes with living at college! As Secretary of Trinity Residents’ Club, I have seen the beauty of being part of creating/running great events! I want to use this experience to help STAR run wicked Guild events next year! I’m really keen to get college students more involved with Guild, in a way that benefits both sides. I would love to help run events targeted at integrating college and day kids. Having successfully run O-Week, I would love to play a part in organising O-Week and Returner’s week at uni, using this as an opportunity to include our college and non-college students! I’m also interested in helping out regional students (not just college kids!), as they move into the big bad

city. I’m keen to organise a pop-up Centrelink, for students who aren’t certain of the kinds of financial assistance they are eligible for. VOTE 1 EMILY BARNES FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

campus even more extraordinary, and a vote for myself and Liberty will bring us one step closer. VOTE 1 ALEASHA HALDEN FOR ORDINARY GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 LIBERTY VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT

a brand new MyGuild website. If you want more than a dry degree from university… VOTE 1 OLIVIA JO FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


2nd Year Pharmacology and Physiology Hi guys, I’m Aleasha and this year I am running with Liberty for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor. The Guild was established way back in 1913, and is supposed to be your voice on campus, run for the students and by the students. At the moment though, endless amount of our SSAF money is being wasted on things that are not benefitting the students at all, and it’s simply not good enough. Student’s needs should be top priority, and this is where Liberty comes in. Liberty and myself promise to give the students what they want, by acknowledging that the guild is not eh government, increasing academic support, providing better food options, and making campus fun! As a 2015 Ordinary Guild Councillor I will make sure that your voices are heard, and the compulsory money you hand over gets put towards making this campus a better place. We have the potential to make this


3rd Year Science (Physiology and Anatomy & Human Biology) 2014 Korean Cultural Club President 2012/2013 World Vision Youth Support Worker 2011 WAMSS Teddy Bear Hospital Hi, my name’s Olivia Jo and I’m running for Guild Council with STAR. When I first started uni, I was told to embrace everything Guild offers. As a “wise” fresher I listened. Since then I’ve met a parade of quirky (awesome) people, made important connections and had much Guild support. I wouldn’t be able to say my uni life would be as vibrant without being apart of club culture, events and discounts (being a typical poor uni student). I have represented over 1000 members as the President of the Korean Cultural Club. I have seen the achievements STAR has brought about as the leading ticket for Guild this year. As a candidate for Guild Council I offer vast experience and a voice for all affiliated clubs. I will be standing for world-class club facilities in the Guild Village, I will support clubs to run better events and I will oversee the introduction of


4th Year Dentistry 2014 Ordinary Guild Councillor 2014 University Dental Students’ Society President 2013 University Dental Students’ Society Third Year Representative 2012 University Dental Students’ Society Second Year Representative Hi, my name is Jonathan Lo, and I’m running for Guild Councillor with STAR. In 2015 I’ll be entering my final year and am keen to continue working with STAR to improve the overall experience for students studying on and off the main campus. I’m interested in ensuring that all students receive the best quality education possible. I believe this is attainable through prominent representation, easing the accessibility to online learning materials and maintaining the smooth transition into new courses. VOTE 1 JONATHAN LO FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!





2nd year science student

1st Year Arts 2014 WADL Adjudicator 2014 UN Youth State Conference OC Member and Communications 2IC


New kid on the K block I’m all about being the friendly new face around the place. It’s just what I do. People warm to me naturally, they can’t help it, it’s just animal magnetism – even when I don’t get their in-jokes, there’s just something about me that tells people that I’m not a bad dude. I’m a good guy. That’s why I’ve put my name down for Liberty. I didn’t fully understand it at the time, but I just jumped in and scrawled my signature and now you’re reading my broadsheet statement. Life works in funny and mysterious ways right? Anyway, I mainly did it to help a friend out, because I believe in my friend and that they want what’s best for students – and that friend believes in Millie Dacre and Liberty. As your Guild President next year, she’ll do what’s best for students across the board – because she has the right inclination and the necessary experience to do it. So make sure you vote 1 Millie Dacre, and 1 Liberty. Do it for yourself. Do it for your friends. Do it for your university. Do it for your country. Do it for the Kanye.


Hi everyone! My name’s Ben Manifold and I’m running for a Guild Councilor position with STAR. I’m passionate about ensuring students have avenues to express any issues they face during their university experience and that’s why I think the Guild and STAR running the Guild is hugely important. From my experiences with student representation at high school and involvements in many clubs and groups such as UN Youth, WADL and UWA Arts Union I have been motivated to get more involved in student life and just generally make Uni a lot more fun and worth coming in for. With Charlie Viska as PAC President, we will create social justice initiatives and collaborations both on and off campus that will enhance Uni lyf and be heaps of fun. I am also super keen on education and with Tom Beyer as Education President we will increase lecture recordings for students. Finally, with Nevin Jayawardena as SOC President we will create better promotion for clubs and societies through developing a brand new Guild App.




4th year medical student Expert in romance/martial arts As a medical student, I appreciate the necessity of effective representation. WAMSS does a great job of advocating for UWA medical students, but to ensure that medical students’ voices are heard at the maximum volume, I’m running for Guild Council and Cam Payne is running for Senate Representative – having a med student on both the governing bodies of the Guild and the University would be pretty cool for representation. We also understand the issues that off-campus students face, particularly with regards to getting value out of the SSAF, and so we’re committed to finding ways to ensure that all students benefit from the fee they pay. #getkeen #gethype #wemss Vote 1 Millie Dacre Vote 1 Liberty

3rd Year Arts 2014 Public Affairs Council President 2014 Chair Equity Diversity Committee 2013 PAC Vice President, SJC Chair



2nd year Engineering Science 2014 UEC Merchandise Officer

2nd year business student All-round good guy

Hi, my name is Lucas Testar and I am running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR.

Curtis Butcher is running for Guild Councillor because he wants to achieve good things for UWA students, and he knows the Liberty are the people to do that. This year he has encountered difficulties in dealing with the university on educational issues – when he went to the Guild for help, he received no assistance.


As an engineering student and a member of the UEC committee I am passionate about seeing education representation by the Guild and facilitation of the great club and society culture that this campus has. If elected, I will work with STAR Education Council President candidate Tom Beyer to ensure that we lobby the university to universally ensure that students experience no hidden surprises once semester starts. We will push to ensure that all unit info is available, including information about ancillary costs and whether lectures are recorded. Having been involved with the UEC since starting at university, as well as being a regular attendee at other club events around campus, I am very excited about STAR Societies Council President candidate Nevin Jayawardena’s plans for the year ahead. In particular, I am keen to work with Nevin to see the Guild launch MyGuild and a Guild app, better connecting students with clubs and events on campus, with online sign-ups and a personalised event calendar. VOTE 1 LUCAS TESTAR FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


Curtis knows that Millie Dacre and a Liberty Guild next year will fight tirelessly to improve education at UWA, as well as all other aspects of uni life, such as wifi and food in the Ref, where he enjoys spending much of his time. Vote for Curtis, Millie and Liberty this year to improve UWA for all.

Change is an inevitable part of life. Since my initial orientation at UWA, I’ve seen the University evolve in many positive ways. I believe that these great changes have come as a result of fantastic policies STAR candidates have developed and most importantly, implemented. I’m passionate about engaging everyday students and providing them with a world class experience inside and outside of the classroom. Our stellar PAC team this year produced more avenues for students to showcase their talents and engage with the community. The introduction of the Summer Nights Festival instalments and reinvigoration of Fringe Festival encouraged students to engage with local artists and develop a creative working relationship within the UWA community. I believe that this year’s PAC candidate, Charlie Viska, not only has the experience, but the passion and drive to take these initiatives further. With my experience within the Guild, I believe that I’d also be an ideal candidate to voice the concerns of my fellow students at a national level as an NUS Delegate. VOTE 1 HONNY PALAYUKAN FOR GUILD COUNCIL AND NUS REPRESENTATIVE! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!




Vote 1 for Matthew Blake as OGC Vote 1 for Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 for Liberty


1st Year Arts (Political Science and International Relations; Communications and Media) 2013 UWA Labor Fresher Rep Hey everyone, my name is Rachael and I’m running for Guild Council with STAR, because I’m passionate about improving the UWA student experience! I want to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all students, especially women-identifying students. I’ll work with STAR Women’s Office Candidate Emma Boogaerdt to build a stronger and more representative Women’s Collective, and run fantastic campaigns like the gender pay gap and careers glass ceiling. I want to make sure clubs and faculty societies are running events and focussing on representation for first year students. As a student involved in club committees, it is important to me that all students have the same opportunities to get involved. I’ll also work with STAR’s PAC Presidential Candidate Charlie Viska to organise pop-up performances by different UWA clubs to showcase all the diverse and talented groups we have on campus. I would love the opportunity of joining the PAC committee to be involved with expanding the Social Justice Collaboration at UWA. If you too want to see more support for clubs, first years and women …



First Year Commerce Hi I’m Matthew Blake and I’m running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with Liberty. Here at UWA we have access to an extraordinary campus, a great education and an incredibly atmosphere with amazing people. Even though UWA posses these great qualities, the university experience is still far from being perfect. The food provided by UWA can be improved as well as offering a wider variety of food. Being a first year I hear the older students reminisce about the events and camps that were run at UWA by the guild and clubs. By being on the council I aim to increase the number of events that are being run as well as the quality of these events. To achieve both of these objectives, Liberty aims to increase the time the tavern, and other eateries, on campus are open till to encourage students to socialise and become involved with the social side of University life. By being a part of the Guild council I will strive to give UWA clubs and societies more freedom to run the events they want to as they provide the events the students love.


3rd year B.Phil.(Hons.) 2014 Guild Councillor 2014 Guild Discipline Committee 2014 Guild Governance Committee 2014 ECOMS Business VP 2013 Rotaract Treasurer 2013 Politics Club Treasurer 2013 Guild PAC Committee In December 2013, I started my term as a Guild Councillor with high hopes. Last year a lot was promised by the current Guild: a Subway on campus, better Wifi, to lobby the university on lecture capture and to manage the Guild’s Finances responsibly. 10 months later I’m disappointed. There is no Subway. The Wifi hasn’t improved. There has been no improvement on lecture recordings. The Guild’s budget was not released to students until seven months after it was adopted. And tens of thousands of dollars was wasted paying for affiliation to the National Union of Students, some of which was spent on violent rallies. Every dollar that was wasted on NUS in Melbourne is a dollar that could be spent here at UWA. This year, vote for positive change on campus.


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3rd Year Economics Politics 2014 – UWA Student Guild Councillor 2014 – University Libertarian Society President 2014 – ECOMS Treasurer 2014 – Republican Club Ordinary Committee Member 2013 – ECOMS Sports Representative 2013 – Sustainable Energy Now Secretary 2013 – Politics Club Ordinary Committee Member 2013 – Rotaract Committee Member As a Guild Councillor in 2014 I was lucky enough to really see how our Guild works. However, the absolute waste of student money saddened me. The 2014 Guild did not spend all its money directly on UWA students; rather it sent money, yet again, to the eastern states to the National Union of Students, which has not made any substantial change for students at UWA. I will not support this as a Guild Councillor in 2015. This is why I support Millie’s plan of Guild not Government. Liberty will focus our time, energy and money on the things we can change, here at UWA. Liberty can bring new food to campus. Liberty can provide more funding for clubs to create a fun campus. Liberty will provide a better Guild in 2015. VOTE 1 FRANCOIS SCHIEFLER FOR ORDINARY GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR GUILD PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY


4th Year Science 2014 UWA Mathematics Union President 2014 ECM Education Committee Undergraduate Representative 2013 WASTV UWA Treasurer Hi, I’m Melissa Lee and I’m running for a Guild Councillor position with STAR. I’m a 4th year Mathematics student and I’m really passionate about making sure all students have the best quality education possible. I started the UWA Mathematics Union at the start of this year to improve representation and student advocacy for mathematics students, and build a community of people interested in mathematics. If elected, I will work with STAR’s Education Council President Candidate Tom Beyer to ensure that you are better represented and have decisions made in your best interests, no matter what degree or major you are studying. I want to hold faculties to account for missing unit outlines and unspecified assessment because all students deserve to make educated decisions when choosing their units. I also hope to improve feedback channels for students so that your units can improve while you are studying them, not just for the next cohort. I will also campaign for more recognition for outstanding lecturers and units to create a culture of teaching excellence. VOTE 1 MELISSA LEE FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


UWA at the Marle-vellous 55th AMSA National Convention, and attending the majority of smaller social events in the UWA Calendar. Outside of university, I’m an involved community member, volunteering for St John’s Event Health Services, the National Heart Foundation and many more.


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If elected as Guild Councillor, I intend to enforce adequate assessment feedback and appropriate timetabling, extend/improve student facility access and strengthen interdisciplinary ties for the budding Health Professionals. Whether an on-campus pre-clinical student, an off-campus clinical student or an undergraduate student, this Guy will represent and advocate for both you and QEII drink fountains. Feel free to check-out, question and debate my plans, and; VOTE 1 GUY ARMSTRONG FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


Postgraduate Medicine (MD) 2014 UWANCA Vice-President 2014 PROSH Head Medic 2013 WASTVolunteers CEO 2012 UWA Rotaract Secretary

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Hey, I’m just that Guy who’s running for Guild Council this year with STAR! Throughout my 4 years at UWA, I’ve immersed myself in the variety of spectacular educational and social events, thereby making me a passionate ambassador of mentoring and integration, student support and welfare, mental health and educational representation. My university experiences include administrating the groundbreaking, campus-wide games of Humans vs. Zombies, recruiting Medics for PROSHer safety, representing



Second Year Arts/Commers ECOMS Female Sports Rep 2014 Hey cool person reading the Guild Election broadsheet, yes you! Congrats to you on taking an interest in your how your guild is run *claps* My name is Bec and I’m running with LIBERTY and MILLIE DACRE for Ordinary Guild Councillor. I’m going to keep this pretty short and sweet but if you’ve ever wanted better education, better food on campus or a better campus life you should know it is possible and that Liberty and Millie are the people for you. Vote 1 Bec Didcoe for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President Vote 1 Liberty xoxo


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5th Year HR and Management student

2nd Year Architecture/Landscape/ Integrated Design UniHall Resident

2nd Year Commerce 2014 AISEC committee


Hi all, My name is Keenan Klassen and I’m running with Liberty in 2014 for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor! Having been a student at UWA for many years now, it has become extremely clear to me that this last year has seen a huge amount of pressure put on the clubs and organisations which you and I all love. From restrictive event red tape through to lower per-capita funding, it’s my firm belief that UWA’s clubs are in need of greater support from our Student Guild, and I’m proud to say that Millie Dacre and her Liberty team have a plan to do just that! Liberty recognises that it’s individual clubs and committees, and NOT the Guild, which run the best events and do the most to create an engaging campus community. As such, Liberty commits to easing this burdensome red tape, while promising increased per-capita funding to these vital clubs. Studies are important, but it’s a truly fun campus which forges the memories that you and I will take with us forever. VOTE 1 KEENAN KLASSEN FOR OGC VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY


Living between UniHall and the ALVA Campus, I don’t really have a reason to come onto main campus. I also find that the guild neglects the little community that we have over at Nedlands and we are often forgotten until the election comes along. I’m running with Liberty because, if elected I plan to branch the Guild out to the colleges and other campuses from the beginning of the year. I want to ensure that our concerns and issues are heard and addressed. I’ll also work with Liberty and Millie Dacre to make the main campus more engaging, giving students a reason to come to university everyday. Basic policies, like refurbishing the tavern and implementing new and diverse food into the cafes will give more students an incentive to come and stay on campus. I’ll also with Liberty to make sure the collaborative events between Guild, Colleges and other campuses are more successful and better attended. It’s important to remember there are more than 25,000 students enrolled at UWA, yet only a small proportion actually engage. I believe Liberty can change this. Vote 1 Greg Naylor for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 Liberty


Hi, my name is Amy Pham and I am running with Liberty this year because I believe that they are the only ticket that can deliver on their promises and deliver positive change on campus in 2015. Being on AISEC committee I am particularly committed to the policy of fun campus and ensuring that the club culture on campus is fostered. It is all too often that clubs like AISEC and Profectus get the raw end of the deal when it comes to Guild-club relations. Aside from the problems with a diminishing pool of funding, we also have to contend with tougher and more stringent restrictions for the planning of our events. This inhibits our ability to build up networks, something that UWA clubs have generally always been good at. Furthermore, the Guild should give students more opportunities to enhance cultural experiences through clubs like AISEC, who need the Guild’s support to truly realise their potential. At the end of the day, a vote for Liberty is a vote for clubs, which desperately need more attention and more support from your student Guild. Vote 1 Amy Pham for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President Vote 1 Liberty I’m Pham-tastic



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1st Year Arts (Gender Studies and History) 2014 Arts Union Equity Fresher Representative 2014 Women’s Collective Member 2014 NUS Education Conference Secretariat


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My name is Lizzie and I am running with STAR as an Ordinary Guild Councilor candidate. I am passionate about making UWA a more diverse and inclusive environment that represents ALL students from an equity and social justice perspective. I will work with Women’s Officer candidate Emma Boogaerdt to maintain an autonomous, safe space that represents women on campus. I am passionate about working towards a more inclusive space for minority women’s issues. I will work with Welfare Officer candidate Rida Malik to ensure women’s safety on campus, as 76% of women feel unsafe at night. I am also keen to help start ‘WelFAIR’ (a collaborative De-stress Week fair between faculties and societies) and the Welfare Pantry. I also want to help with mental health issues and awareness on campus. Lastly, one of my focuses will be working with Charlie Viska and the Public Affairs Council. Being a part of the logistics for Social Justice Collaborations is an integral part of my involvement in the equity and cultural diversity on campus.



If elected I will dedicate my time and passion into protecting majors, securing important university funds and progressing the ability for online learning to support students working, with families and Other things keeping them from being on campus to learn in an engaged environment all the time. A strong focus will also be the incorporation of a more active and vibrant university by arranging more cultural events that reach out to all corners of the university. Overall I sincerely hope that you will consider preferencing myself or my fellow STAR members as we believe that we can make a real change that really contributes to an already astounding university. VOTE 1 ANTONIO LUMLEY FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


1st Year Commerce (Business Law) Hey there, my name is Antonio Lumley and I am running for 2015 Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR. Although I have only begun my UWA experience I have quickly come to the realization that the Student Guild is a vital forum for all students on and off campus. Ensuring emergency loans, organisation of student resources and improving the standard of learning and activities for all those attending UWA is something I very much desire to be involved in.

3rd Year Science – Physiology, Law & Society 2014 Science Union Vice-President (Education) 2013 Physiology, Human Biology and Anatomy Club President Hi! My name is Cam Halvorson and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR! It’s important to me that the education we receive at UWA is of the highest quality and I’m pretty sure it’s important to you too!

Vote STAR for accountability, quality and accessibility in your education! Science students and their interests are something very close to my heart! As Education-VP of the Science Union, I’ve had the chance to talk to numerous science students and hear what they want from their education. STAR and myself will continue to work with the university to improve the quality and turn around time of assessment feedback and increase the quality of labs because they’re super important to our science education! I also want to make sure everyone has the chance to get more involved in the vibrant student culture at UWA! Greater support for smaller clubs who run fantastic events is at the top of my to-do list! Thank-you for reading and don’t forget to… VOTE 1 CAM HALVORSON FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

2013 WAMSS Sports Rep G’day friends, my name is Cam Payne and I’ll keep this short and sweet for y’all. Essentially Liberty is the best party because a) we like to party, b) we know how to party and c) we want to help you party too. Year after year we run in these elections with the best ideas – don’t take my word for it, why else would our competition copy them every time? This wouldn’t be a bad thing because if you lose an election but your ideas get done you’re really winning, except the other guys never seem to follow through, sadly. The take-home message is that we are the people who have the right ideas, and we are the right people to get them done. Just have a read through the statements of our team here. They’re competent, confident and committed to improving UWA for students. To do that though, we need your help. Do yourself and UWA a favour, and take 5 minutes to vote for Liberty and Millie Dacre. Onya champ.

2012 Platoon Sergeant Singapore Army Hi there, I am Timothy AJ and I’m running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with ISL. With the fortunate experience I have had with organizations in University and the market place I will strive to meet the needs and desires of the student body. Firstly I would like to ingrain the concept that International Student Community is a safe haven for all issues pertaining to International students. A dedicated platform will offer a space to discuss the wide range of issues from housing rights to competitive university fees. I want to put pressure on UWA to improve the IT systems like Echo and various online educational resources. The compulsory recording of lectures is a must for STAR and ISL, and together we will push to achieve it. Last but not least, I want to see an increased engagement between international students with the rest of the student body. This network of friends would transcend nations. VOTE 1 TIMOTHY AJ FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 SEAN MATJERAIE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT’S SERVICE DIRECTOR! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 ISL AND STAR!


2014 Convention Turbo Award Recipient 2014 University Hall VP 2014 UWA Republic Club VP 2013 Convention Turbo Award Recipient 2013 Guild Councillor 2013 Statutes Committee Member 2013 UWASS VP 2013 UWA Republic Club OCM


2nd year, Commerce (Finance, Accounting) 2014 Student Managed Investment Fund Advisor and Trader 2013/2014 Manager of the Real Estate Group





3rd Year Engineering Science

2nd Year Arts/Commerce 2014 Deputy Welfare Officer (Programs) 2014 Arts Union Senior Education Representative 2014 Debating Union Vice President (Internals) 2014 Politics Club Secretary


2014 Societies Council Secretary 2014 Guild Corporate Services Committee and Guild Governance Committee 2014 Science Union Committee (IT Officer) 2013 University Computer Club President As the Societies Council Secretary this year, I have pushed for the better promotion of clubs on campus with the organisation of two Clubs Carnivals for the first time in 2014. Serving on two Guild Committees this year I have been actively involved in shaping the future of the Guild. I have assisted in developing the MyGuild student user interface, which will incorporate parts of the clubs’ dashboard and events system to allow all students to join clubs and sign up for events online as well as providing a one-stop-shop for club management. The Guild Masterplan Project Design Group, of which I am a member, is planning the construction of the awesome, new Club Facilities Hub above the Guild Student Centre. With planned construction in early 2015, this modern facility will provide an expansive, collaborative space for all clubs and societies so they can provide even more awesome events and activities for students on campus. I am passionate about making this happen, so please:




3rd year business student Prince of Rio Tinto Hugo’s the name, money’s the game. As a man of means, I understand the necessity of managing your funds in an effective, efficient manner. Sadly, the UWA Student Guild have, as of late, failed to maximise returns on their investments (financial and temporal), and their utility has declined as a result. With a Liberty guild in power next year, the Guild’s finances will be revived through intelligent allocation of resources, and utilisation of additional sources of revenue that also benefit students through increased number and quality of front-line services, namely independent catering outlets. For these reasons and the many others that we are putting forward as not just policy but promises to you, it is of paramount importance that you allocate 5 minutes to vote for Millie Dacre, Liberty and myself. You will find it both a prudent and worthwhile investment. Vote 1 Liberty Vote 1 Millie Dacre

Hey!! My name is Katy Morrison and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR. The years you spend at university should give you so much more than just a degree. With STAR’s help, I want to make the UWA experience as fun-filled and fantastic as it can possibly be. I want to improve campus social life so that all students have an opportunity to enjoy all the fun on offer! I want to see increased support of UWA clubs and facsocs so that they can continue to offer more and better opportunities, giving you the best partying, debating, politics-ing, sporting, even medieval re-enacting, experience possible! Fun and games aside, I am also committed to helping you get the best education at UWA. STAR is dedicated to providing better resources to students, whether that is ensuring access to all lectures and course materials online, or supplying vital (but easily forgotten) calculators, lab coats and other essentials during exam period.


We are also committed to ensuring your SSAF fees are well spent with a Guild not Government Policy. Your hard earned money should go straight into improving your campus experience! A Guild with real policies that improve your student life is long overdue! VOTE 1 STEPH MUNRO FOR OGC VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY

the University to improve UWA advertising abroad, increasing the number of exchange places for local students. For incoming exchange students, I’m passionate about creating a buddy system and increasing exposure to the guild to help integrate new students into UWA. I’ve learnt the value of a great orientation and want to work with Nevin Jayawardena, SOC President candidate, to make orientation and returners week even better. VOTE 1 KAREN BROMLEY FOR GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT VOTE 1 STAR!


2nd Year Engineering/Business Law Hi there, my name’s Steph and I’m excited to be running with Liberty for OGC this year!! Running between business school and the rest of campus got you feeling down? Like so many others, going from faculty to faculty is a part of my life. To keep your energy levels up, Liberty is committed to new, better, cheaper food on campus! Who could say no to that!? Struggling with time? Liberty is committed to easy learning– this means more lectures recorded and better WIFI coverage. Under Liberty, the surveys you complete to procrastinate from exams, will be processed faster with the results translated into student friendly education. With more time up your sleeve comes the opportunity to be more involved in the vibrant campus culture! Liberty supports a fun campus with guaranteed increases to club funding, ease the regulatory burden faced by event planners when organising student events.


3rd Year Science (Anatomy Human Biology and Economics) 2014 Participant in UWA Exchange Program 2013 Social Officer, St George’s College Club 2013 Head of Fogarty Futures Hey! I’m Karen Bromley and I’m running with STAR to be one of your Guild Councillors in 2015. As someone who’s been highly involved in St George’s College, I’ve cherished the chance to organize events and create opportunities. In 2014, I experienced what it was like to be a new student on campus again as a Study Abroad student in Exeter. I can therefore combine these two experiences to make help student life the best it can be. I want to assist in expanding opportunities for UWA students to go abroad by lobbying for more funding and scholarships; and working with


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3rd Year Commerce (Accounting/ Finance) 2014, FAWA - Secretary 2013, FAWA – Committee Member and regular pleb fresher.

Left Action believe that the Guild should be a fighting body to defend students when they come under attack from the government and university establishment. It should be run by dedicated activists motivated to fight against the government’s attacks on students and stand against oppression and injustice – not careerists motivated by an impressive CV.

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Have you ever been wet? I mean really, really wet. I have. Just walking from Octagon to Business school in those 15 minutes between classes is an ordeal, but in the rain it’s a nightmare. What if you could hire SuperSTAR Borris Johnson-esque bikes and umbrellas, to get you to those essential classes on time and bone dry, all with just a swipe of your Campus Card? This is just one of the plethora of ideas that Star has to offer, along with funkyfresh beats on oak, FREE MOVIE SCREENINGS and HOT WATER. Imagine dancing like a wilder women as you juggle glasses of free hot water. Talk about living the dream. In all seriousness though, these may sound like brush off ideas to you now but it’s these little changes that I’m working together with Star to improve the quality of our University experience. We’re all here together and want to make the most of what we will later to refer to as “the good old days”. So don’t take a backseat in this election and…




This year the Liberals want to attack students, proposing a complete deregulation of fees which will allow universities to charge whatever they want for a degree. Their ultimate goal is a two-tiered system where rich students get a high quality education and poorer students are left with underfunded universities. We need a Guild that will fight these attacks, not silence those who are actually attempting to fight this budget. Every year, the main thing on the agenda is food. Not only does it never get better, but it shows motivation for running the Guild like a business. This is not what a Guild is supposed to be. No US-style education system Free speech on campus A guild with a social conscience Rebuild the guild! Vote 1 Left Action Vote 1 Emma Norton for NUS delegate & guild councillor



1st Year, Science (Pathology & Laboratory Medicine) 2014 MSU Ordinary Committee Member Hey Hey! My name is Michael Kabondo and I am one of the fresh(er) faces at UWA. I’m running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR for 2015! This being my fresher year at UWA I’ve engaged and enjoyed the various aspects of uni life. However I believe that uni can be even better for us all! Which is why I’m working with STAR and its candidates to make the campus even better for all students next year. Firstly, I have thought of ideas to improve orientation for students. I want to work with STAR to make the orientation experience better. This means a bigger and better

O-week, with more fun filled events and support for everyone, enabling a smoother transition into the first semester. I am keen to work with the SOC President Candidate Nevin Jayawardena on the student club policy. Clubs are something I’m passionate about at UWA, as they contribute to the diverse university culture we have. We’d like to make it easier for club registration and for them to run events and camps!!! For an awesome university experience… VOTE 1 MICHAEL KABONDO FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

comprised of a great group of varied people from a number of different places, cultures and backgrounds. Thus, we need a student guild that understands the diverse range of problems faced and upholds the needs of every student on campus. We at Liberty support the needs and difficulties faced by every student on campus. If elected I will work to ensure a better UWA for all of us. Vote 1 Darcey Duncan for Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President Volt 1 Liberty

because I know that they will work as hard as they can to integrate college students more fully into what campus life can offer them. I want to see a guild that is focussed on working hard for students and making student life as easy as possible- I want new food, strong clubs, a vibrant culture and fun college life. If you want this too, Vote #1 Jesse Parmer for OGC Vote #1 Millie Dacre for President VOTE #1 LIBERTY!

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1st Year Juris Doctor Student


Hi, I’m Darcey and I am a third year student studying Science and Commerce. Throughout my time at UWA, I have come to learn the importance of a successful student guild in order to maximize the enjoyment and learning of every student on campus. Whilst working as part of the guild last year, I have gained a keen interest and understanding of the workings of the student guild and the importance of good student representation on campus. From the classroom to the Tav, UWA is

I am running with Liberty because I think that they are the best people to be managing student life at UWA. I want to see a guild that doesn’t waste students’ money on counterproductive protests in the city or affiliating to a national union when student life on campus is dying. It doesn’t cost the guild anything to lobby the uni to protect students’ scholarships or courses, but it costs us tens of thousands every year to send delegates to NUS. I am running with Liberty because we will spend UWA money on UWA students and work on improving student life, working towards a fun campus and easy learning. After living at college, I am really happy to be running with Liberty




3rd Year Science (Anatomy & Human Biology) 2014 UWA Student Exchange Participant 2013 St George’s College Club (Intercollege Representative) 2013 Residential Students’ Department (Treasurer)


THE STUDENTS’ ALLIANCE See policy statement under President.

Hey guys! My name is Jane Bromley and I’m thrilled to be running for Guild Councillor with STAR. I’m a college veteran of three years but still have great passion for anything college-related. I understand how much college does for students, yet there is always room for improvement. STAR’s goal isn’t to interfere with the amazing services and activities that Res-Clubs already provide, but to work with individual colleges to fill the gaps where needed. Initiatives such as increased promotion of Guild services, career events, and chances for on-campus groups to liaise directly with colleges right from O-Week are just the STARt of what STAR can do for colleges! Exchange gave me the experience of being the newbie on campus all over again, renewing my desire to work alongside SOC President Nevin Jayawardena to make O-Week even better! STAR hasn’t forgotten the rest of the year either – clubs are the lifeblood of UWA, and STAR has the ideas and experience to support them best in 2015.


which have the goal of promoting education, I know just how important it is and have several ideas on how to make the process for students more accessible, more accountable and of greater quality. For example, I would love to promote even greater cooperation between faculty societies. This leads me onto my other passion, which is for the UWA clubs and societies themselves! I’ve experienced firsthand already how involving oneself in the many clubs and societies around campus enriches your experience of university. Therefore I would look to help promote greater participation in these clubs and societies, as well as advocate for greater support for those wanting to create their own club or society. VOTE 1 THOMAS COLTRONA FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


1st Year Arts (Law and Society, and Business Law) 2014 Fogarty Scholar 2014 UN Youth Executive Member – Crisis Point Competition Convenor 2014 UWA Basketball Club


Grace Allen First Year Commerce Guild Councillor

Hey everyone, my name is Thomas and I’m running for the position of Guild Councillor with STAR.

Hi, I’m Grace Allen and I’m running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with Liberty.

The biggest area of passion that I have is for Education, and I feel that this area is one in which I could have the most impact on if elected. Having been part of several organisations

At UWA, we are all lucky enough to be studying in one of the top 100 universities with an education standard that is respected globally.

Not only are the education facilities world class, UWA also happens to have the most active Guild in Australia. Liberty believes in keeping the Guild fun and vibrant for all students by increasing the funding towards the Guild so that it can hold more enjoyable events. We, at UWA do not want to see our hard earned money being wasted on increasing SSAF fees, nor do we want to spend this money on campus food that is not enjoyable. The only way this will change is if your vote is with Liberty. In 2012, Liberty introduced Rocket Fuel into the ref which significantly improved the quality of the coffee at UWA. We believe the same must be done with the food standards by introducing private food sectors. Guild not government. VOTE 1 GRACE ALLEN FOR GUILD COUNCIL VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY


1st year, Science (Neuroscience) 2014 Fresher rep, Psychos Hey! My name is Alexiea and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR! As a keen first year student, I want to contribute in making student life even better next year. For STARters, I want to keep improving student experience on

campus, to give UWA/Perth survival guidance for first year, transfer, international and exchange students and give them an easier start at UWA.

3) Liberty is more of the ‘getting it done’ type, meanwhile track records indicate our competition is well…not so much.

I want to keep the Guild focussed on improving LMS, StudentConnect and OLCR. Making enrolment, timetable clashes, exam time easier to grasp for new students and pushing for improved release of marks, because the current situation just isn’t cutting the muSTARd.

Every year we’ve run in these elections with the best ideas because hey, we’ve actually listened to what you want and we think that what you want is pretty cool and we’d like to see it happen too. As your OGC I will strive to help create a more inclusive and cohesive campus, an enriched campus lifestyle, a better environment with improved resources to help you out during your studies and most importantly, I’ll help provide you with the most majestic, memorable and worthwhile student experience, that you deserve to have.

Finally, I believe that the students make up their own university experience, so I would make it easier to start new clubs and improve the funding system; to provide the students a better platform to share their passions and knowledge. So, for your, my and everyone’s sake. VOTE 1 ALEXIEA LI FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

So if you’re sick of the same ol’ and want to change up your campus for the better, then vote Liberty! Cheers! VOTE 1 JANNIKA JACKY FOR OB ENVIRONMENT VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESDIENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY


2nd Year Science/Commerce 2014 WASAC Secretary Hey friends! My name is Jannika Jacky and I’m running for OGC. I won’t prattle on because there’s just 3 important things you need to know: 1) Liberty cares enough to have listened to what students want and need. 2) Liberty has your best interests at heart and that’s why they star in our policies.


2014 Science Union First Year Representative 2014 Science Union Social Officer


As a new student to UWA this year, I came expecting wild parties and fun events constantly After my first semester at UWA I’ve come to find this wasn’t the case, with clubs weaker than ever, no camps, and mountains of red tape that needed to be passed to run a single Guild approved event. The current guild has cut funding to clubs, who are the life blood of the social scene at uni.

Postgraduate studying Arts. Hi all, My name is Chris, and I’m a postgraduate student currently finishing a Master of Arts at UWA. I’m very interested in providing stronger representation to postgrad students on campus and particularly when it comes to Guild decision making. If elected as an Ordinary Guild Councillor, I will work hard to give postgrads a voice and to ensure that Guild funds are committed to useful projects on campus, rather than being wasted on other endeavours which deliver no tangible benefits for students.

As a guild councillor I would look to increase the Guilds support for clubs, as well as focusing on issues that really concern students, such as catering on campus, instead of misusing money on federal issues. I believe that these reforms can be made in 2015 under a Liberty guild, headed by Millie Dacre. In 2012 Liberty doubled club funding, only to have the current guild decrease funding per club over the last two years. If Liberty win funding for all clubs will be increased further. This doesn’t just benefit social clubs, but all guild affiliated clubs, such as sports clubs, faculty societies and more.




Liberty 1st year Engineering/Science student


Vote 1 Julian Bocking! Vote 1 Liberty! #LibertyisloveLibertyislife


First Year Science Hi, I’m Michael Barblett and I’m running for Ordinary Guild Council with Liberty.

At UWA we are among some of the luckiest students within Australia as we are given the opportunity to attend a university that is respected worldwide. UWA thrives not only through its fantastic education opportunities but also through its amazing and diverse social life and the most active student guild within Australia. However, there is room for improvement to encourage a better life in the coming years. It goes without saying that we need better food on campus because, as it stands, there aren’t many fantastic options while on campus. Furthermore it’s imperative that guild takes a step back and recognises what it has done to uni events as far as over regulation. As a firstyear I have been put through the daily torture of hearing how “back in my day” these events were so much more fun. And why can’t they be now? “Liberty and Millie Darce are the only way ensure that our university has the ability to build upon its already strong student base and grow towards a better and more prosperous future. VOTE 1 MICHAEL BARBLETT FOR GUILD COUNCIL. VOTE 1 MILLIE DARCE FOR PRESIDENT. VOTE 1 LIBERTY.



3rd Year Arts Hey, I’m Maddy and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild

Councillor with STAR. I believe that, as students of UWA, we are in a unique and privileged position. UWA has a rich student experience, with the student-run Guild and societies playing a vital role in this.

2014 WASTV UWA Treasurer 2014 TLG UWA Treasurer 2014 Enactus UWA Committee Member 2013 WASTV Committee Member 2013 TLG Committee Member

STAR is also a strong believer in the power of clubs and societies. We believe that a stronger online presence for clubs and societies, as well as the Guild itself, is important. This will be achieved through the development of an online registration system for club membership. Other policy ideas include Urbanspoon for clubs, a ‘featured club of the week’ system and an online calendar that displays all upcoming club and Guild events. Secondly, we believe that the construction of a club store that sells different club merchandise would be an amazing way to strengthen the relationship between students and clubs.

Hi, my name is Uday and I am running for Ordinary Guild Councillor. When I joined UWA two years ago, I indulged into this vibrant campus culture which enriched my student life. It’s time to give back!

Lastly, STAR is investigating a Guild App, as an extension of MyGuild, which could include features such as an in-built lost on campus feature, discounts and offers, gnews, a calendar of events and a societies feature. VOTE 1 MADDY RICE FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

Being on the committees of WA’s fastest growing charities, I have gained invaluable experience in developing solutions to critical problems. I have chosen to run as OGC because I believe I can improve the quality of life of students at UWA and to run with Liberty because it is the most talented ticket on campus. Our policies and beliefs are tailored according to the preferences of UWA students. That’s why as your 2015 OGC, I can promise that: There will be new food at campus. There will be a fun campus. There will be easy learning. Faculty societies and clubs will have more funds. 60,000$ will be taken from NUS and given to clubs. There will be a Guild and not a government. Every voter will gain LIBERTY.

I’m John and I’m a fourth year Bachelor of Commerce & Economics student, studying Finance, Economics & Chinese. Currently, I’m the Senior Business Officer with ECOMS, and an OCM of the UWA Politics Club. I am enthusiastic about all that Liberty has to offer UWA this year. I’m very excited about the prospect of Liberty bringing more food choices to UWA. Currently catering at UWA is largely overpriced, and choice is scarce. Other Universities across Australia have unique mixes of different flavours and options, with excellent results for students. This is what Liberty wants for UWA. The promise by Liberty to introduce trusted names with more choice means that a vote for Liberty is a vote for more affordable, better quality, and a larger range of food. I’m excited for Liberty to improve your educational experience at UWA, so that you get the best education you can. Not to mention the promise for more flexibility for student clubs, to make sure you have fun and get the most out of UWA. But all of this can’t happen without you, vote for quality food and education, vote for choice on campus, and vote 1 Liberty!



Third Year Engineering/Economics






3rd Year Finance and Engineering student. President: UWA Catholic Society Hello! My name is Alexander Woloszyn, and I’m extremely proud to be running with Millie Dacre and Liberty in 2014. While I enjoy my studies and the interesting topics that I cover from day to day, it’s my strong belief that the real university experience is forged by what fills those times between classes – quick coffees and lunches with mates.

1st year, Arts (Psychology & Law)

I have just been told that I need to write a broadsheet for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor as well. As I introduced myself in the president section I will instead outline the names I will respond to. Dave, David, Davey, D, DT. Thank you for your time.


In light of this, I am a strong believer that the quality of the food and drink available at UWA is a vital factor affecting the student experience. Given this fact, I have no doubt at all that choosing Liberty was the correct decision! In just three months, the 2012 Liberty-majority Student Guild delivered RocketFuel, by far the most popular and successful food outlet on campus. Likewise, in 2014 Liberty continues its passionate support for new food and independent catering – not just in one building, but right across UWA. So if you’re a student looking for cheaper, tastier food offered with more variety, please make sure to get behind Liberty this year! We’ve done it before, and we will do it again!




Hi everyone. My name’s Emily and I’m running for Guild Council with STAR. In my first year, I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of opportunities UWA had to offer! But for me it made the transition to University all the more frightening. The Guild is really important in encouraging students to take part and get involved, because it makes sure that student’s needs are constantly put first by the university. If elected STAR will continue to hold your education as its number one priority, making the university more accountable for providing lectures and tutors with the support and resources they need to deliver greater units and greater education. The online aspect of UWA can be a nightmare. Countless confusing websites exist throughout the university, which can be extremely frustrating. STAR will work with the university to simplify the enrolment and unit selection process on Student Connect and OLCR. STAR will push for all unit outlines to be available on LMS and to integrate CMO and LMS. STAR is here to better your education and your experience at University. VOTE 1 EMILY HARRISON FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


1st year Management and Political Science Hey, I’m Steph and I’m running for Guild because I believe it’s time for a change around here. While UWA has a thriving campus culture, Guild regulation is an ever-increasing burden for the clubs and societies that run the events that make our campus fun. Only a Liberty Guild will reduce the burden of red tape for clubs on campus.



2nd Year Politics & English 2014 Public Affairs Council OCM

5th year engineering student Weightlifter extraordinaire

My name is Chad Bensky and I am a Pisces. I don’t need to fill this sheet with self-praise, just go to your local church and you will see many of my great deeds highlighted in print. I went to the doctor the other day and he revealed to me that I am actually composed of 91.2 percent hydrogen, 8.7 percent helium, 0.078 percent oxygen and a pinch of sugar. So I guess I am a STAR. Jokes aside you should elect me to the guild. Okay now let’s get to the facts. The people of UWA need a real representative voice in the Guild. How many lawyers, women studies students and B-Phil majors can a single organization take.

As those of you who know me may know, I enjoy my food. Particularly given my propensity for lifting heavy objects repeatedly, I require food that is both inexpensive and energydense, as well as tasty to enable easy eating of large quantities. Sadly, the food outlets on campus do not fulfil these requirements for me. Liberty is dedicated to providing cheap, quality and delicious food options for students. We are also committed to improving the standard of education offered at UWA – 1 out of 5 stars for teaching quality is not acceptable (according to the West Australian, Aug 2014) and with your help, we will try to improve this next year. But we can only do this if you take 5 minutes to vote 1 Liberty, and vote 1 Merrick.


We as a student body need at least one thoroughly mediocre, apathetic committee member, who speaks for the common man.


I am also passionate about improving the quality of guild catering and also seeing a refurbishment of the Tav; a place dear to my liver. If elected, I will campaign for more efficient use of student funds rather than see them used for political activism in the eastern states. The Guild should instead focus its efforts on making UWA great and maintaining the best university culture in the state. VOTE 1 TAV VOTE 1 STEPH HILL FOR GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 LIBERTY VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT

xoxo Big Country

To the great unwashed masses who do readings once a month max. Who treat Reid Library as the physical embodiment of Pirate Bay and who were outsmarted by a riled up peacock. Chad Bensky is the ball of flaming hydrogen gas for you. VOTE 1 CHAD BENSKY FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!







2nd Year Arts 2014 Politics Club Ordinary Committee Member 2014 UniSkills Leader UWA has one of the best uni cultures in Australia, and as a student I am passionate about having a fun campus – I believe that our Student Guild should do everything that it can to support this. Like many others, I have benefitted greatly from the great events run by clubs and societies at UWA, but the everincreasing burden of Guild red tape is making it harder for clubs to run the great events that we know and love. As a resident at St Thomas More College, I am passionate about maintaining the college experience whilst encouraging better integration of the Colleges, both with each other and with the wider campus community. As a Guild Councillor in 2015 I will be a strong voice for students and collegians on Guild Council and ensure that UWA students really do get value for money out of their SSAF payments, rather than see it flow east to obscure political causes. Only a Liberty Guild will deliver Better Food, a Fun Campus and a better uni experience! VOTE 1 MICHAEL HEYDON FOR GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 MICHAEL HEYDON FOR NUS DELEGATE




2nd year science student New kid on the K block I’m all about being the friendly new face around the place. It’s just what I do. People warm to me naturally, they can’t help it, it’s just animal magnetism – even when I don’t get their in-jokes, there’s just something about me that tells people that I’m not a bad dude. I’m a good guy. That’s why I’ve put my name down for Liberty. I didn’t fully understand it at the time, but I just jumped in and scrawled my signature and now you’re reading my broadsheet statement. Life works in funny and mysterious ways right? Anyway, I mainly did it to help a friend out, because I believe in my friend and that they want what’s best for students – and that friend believes in Millie Dacre and Liberty. As your Guild President next year, she’ll do what’s best for students across the board – because she has the right inclination and the necessary experience to do it. So make sure you vote 1 Millie Dacre, and 1 Liberty. Do it for yourself. Do it for your friends. Do it for your university. Do it for your country. Do it for the Kanye.

1st Year Science (Sports Science) 2014 St George’s College Resident 2014 NAAUC Delegate Hi guys! I’m Liam and I’m really excited to be running with STAR for Guild Councillor. I just moved into college this year, and I know that STAR are really excited about the idea of getting more involved in the colleges, filling in services which colleges can’t offer themselves. With college liaisons (like me, hopefully!) the 2015 Guild can offer more career events and increase college interaction with numerous on-campus groups. I believe these can truly add to the already extraordinary experience college offers. Being involved with all kinds of college events, especially InterCollege, I have developed a number of contacts and friends at each college who I look forward to personally working with to achieve better incorporation between colleges and Guild. I am also excited for a further improved university O-Week in 2015 as planned by SOC President Nevin Jayawardena. VOTE 1 LIAM TAPSELL FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

passion to represent and advocate for every single student on campus.

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and competition. Vote 1 Joel O’Mara for Ordinary Guild Councillor! Vote 1 for Millie Dacre for Guild President! Vote 1 LIBERTY!


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2nd Year Commerce- Economics and Finance Treasurer of University Libertarian Society Treasurer of UWA Republic Club


5th year Law/Commerce 2014 Guild Treasurer 2013 MSU President I urge you all to vote STAR and Lizzy O’Shea for Guild President, not because of any student politics, but because the Guild needs someone who has experience in issues that matter to students. As a member of the Guild executive this year I have realised that there is no substitute for experience. As someone who has no interest or tolerance for student politics and politics in general, I understand that what differentiates Lizzy and STAR from other tickets is this experience and the passion to represent the Guild. Her time on the Guild as Education Council President, and the level of involvement she has had this year and in past years is a testament to both her work ethic and

My name is Joel O’Mara and I’m running for Ordinary Guild Councillor. My time so far at UWA has been an awesome experience, learning a lot whilst soaking up all that student life has to offer. I’m currently serving on two committees and have attended numerous social and educational events offered by clubs at UWA. I’d like to do my part to improving the life of all students on campus, and I believe LIBERTY is the best group that can offer this. As a councillor I will fight for a fun campus, by improving the social scene with the return of first year camps. I will work to implement the new camp regulations to ensure they are safe and responsible. Additionally, I am passionate about bringing new food to campus. Our previous initiative, Rocket Fuel, has improved the quality of coffee on campus, and we aim to do the same with food by bringing more food outlets to campus to improve quality





Student Guilds are supposed to be representative bodies who stand up and help fight for students when they are under attack by the university or by harsh government reform. The current UWA Student Guild is not this. The UWA guild clearly has no interest in fighting for students against the recent, tyrannical federal budget. Despite this horror budget being one of the worst attacks on students in decades, from university deregulation to cuts to welfare, the guild has done nothing or the bare minimum to contribute to the fight back.

2nd Year Economics and Finance student. 2014 EM Recruitment Teach Learn Grow 2014 Pre-Law Blackstone Committee Member

3rd Year Science 2014 Guild Enviro Officer 2014 Trinity C&S Resident Advisor 2013 AYCC OCM


Now, more than ever students need a guild that can actually function as it is suppose to. University deregulation, HECS interest hikes and general attacks on welfare and healthcare are all factors that affect students directly, apart from many of the guild members who seem to be cruising through the storm with prepaid degrees. Therefore, it is now, more than ever that we need a left wing guild that supports and is involved in activism. Left Actions stands for: • No US style education system • Free speech on campus • A guild with a social conscience • Rebuilding the Guild Vote 1 Left Action Vote 1 Emma Norton for NUS delegate & guild councillor



Hi guys! My name is Ishaa Sandhu, and I am thrilled to be running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor for Liberty this year! From the moment that I set foot on James Oval at last year’s O-Day, I’ve been exposed to an amazing array of people, and have taken part in a wide variety of clubs and student organisations. As a ticket which exists solely for the purpose of improving the UWA student experience, only Liberty has a proven record when it comes to putting the concerns of its students at the front and centre. It’s for this reason that I’m very proud to run with Liberty, and to support Millie Dacre for Guild President, given her many years of experience as a passionate advocate for the student needs. This year, Liberty is committed to promoting easy learning and new food across campus, stressing higher quality wifi, more comprehensive Lecture Capture services, and much more! If you’re looking for a Student Guild which says what it means and does what it says, vote Liberty in 2014! VOTE 1 ISHAA SANDHU FOR OGC VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY


Hi, my name is Bryn Howells and I am running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR. As a 3rd year student and active member of Trinity College for the past three years, I understand the needs of college students. In 2015 STAR will facilitate greater CollegeGuild engagement and ensure colleges receive the support they need to successfully run events and support their residents. During my time as the 2014 Guild Enviro Officer I have been directly involved in getting students excited about sustainability on campus e.g. Keep Cups, Urban Orchard/ Veggie Garden and Conservation Volunteering, plus much more! In collaboration with the 2015 Enviro Officer, Jess Cockerill, we will ensure students are given the opportunity and support to continue being sustainable on campus, while lobbying the Guild and the University to become more sustainable. VOTE 1 BRYN HOWELLS FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

experience at UWA, there is still so much potential to be unlocked, and with the Student Guild being the key to this, it may just be these ‘two little words’ that make all the difference!


THE STUDENTS’ ALLIANCE Do you desire a new, dynamic, and idea-rich leadership team for the Student Guild this coming term? Do you want new ideas and a fresh outlook on student policies? Do you have little interest in actual politics and aren’t a fan of the extreme left or right? Then The Students’ Alliance is the party for you! I’m a Bachelor of Science studying Chemistry and Geology; my team leader, Kallen ‘Martin’ White studies Economics and Chinese. Together, we form a team whose interest is focused on the students, rather than the politics, and whose only priority is you. The students.

Throughout my years at uni I have been lucky enough to sit on a number of executives and committees, from faculty societies to sporting teams and social clubs. From such roles and experience, the Liberty team has been able to understand the needs of students and provide policy to cater for them... From Liberty’s continual positive impact on CATERING following the overwhelming success of Rocketfuel, to the extremely important portfolio of EDUCATION and
our commitment to once again lobby to increase recordable lectures and address continuing concerns over teaching quality. From spending student’s funds on issues that are actually relevant to UWA by directing them to the pockets of your CLUBS & SOCIETIES,
to bringing back the fun and increasing the number of responsible orientation CAMPS for a greater integration of all students into the Guild; this is what we will deliver! VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY

2012 Leisure First Year Representative This year it was disappointing to see student money spent on Government rallies that attract around 0.2% students. Unfortunately, the repeated attendance at these events has blurred the line between benefiting students and achieving personal political gain. Given that UWA Social Clubs can attract up to 6% of students to their events, this student money would be much better spent on Clubs or FacSocs that provide events for a larger proportion of students #funcampus and tend to the needs to these students. Although Federal politics impacts the University, the student Guild was voted in on policies covering food and Wifi, not on which side of politics people sit on. At Liberty, we want to separate Guild from Government, and bring the focus back to students #studentsforstudents. This year Liberty wants to bring you: New Food! Guild, Not Government! Easy Learning! Fun Campus! Vote 1 Alyssa Baker for Ordinary Guild Councilor! Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President! Vote 1 LIBERTY! No Millie? That’s Silly!


Guild. Elections. Two little words that can cause even the most involved of university students to go into hiding. While all of
us have had an incredible


3rd Year Science, Psychology doublemajor. 2013 Leisure Publicity Officer 2013 Science Union OCM


long term projects that have been making leaps and bounds in the last few years, and I’d like to make sure that they continue with even more momentum in future years.

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Transparency and sustainability are two very major priorities for me. They are necessary for all financial, environmental and social goals to succeed! I want to make sure that you get the most value out of your SSAF fees by prioritizing, sustainable long term projects to benefit future students.

With Millie Dacre at the helm, Liberty 2014 is proud to continue fighting for independent catering on campus, and ultimately for new food that every student can look forward to buying between classes. So if you’re sick of the status quo and feel that it’s time for change, please chuck Liberty a vote – I promise, you won’t regret it! VOTE 1 HENRY LAMBERT FOR OGC VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY





5th Year Engineering/Commerce 2014 SOC Treasurer 2014 President of Unigames 2014 Treasurer of AYCC After 5 years at UWA, I’ve come to think of the uni as my second home. Clubs and Societies, particularly the ones in Cameron Hall, have made these last few years the best of my life. I’m running for Guild Councillor with STAR to support all clubs, and make sure students enjoy their degree. Clubs and Societies are what have made my time at UWA enjoyable and as SOC Treasurer I’ve been working to ensure that clubs have every opportunity to grow. The clubroom Masterplan and plans to improve guild banking and better online support for clubs are



2nd Year Zoology and Marine Science student Hi guys, I’m Henry Lambert and I’m super excited to be running for the position of your Ordinary Guild Councillor, with Liberty in 2014! When it comes to following through on promises, you can always count on Liberty. As someone who is constantly underwhelmed with the poor quality, lack of variety and high price of centrally-produced Guild food, seeing the success which followed Liberty’s introduction of RocketFuel to campus really inspired me to do my bit.

2nd year Psychology 2014 Psychos Volunteering and Careers Officer 2014 ChemnBio Ordinary Committee Member Hi, I’m Michael and my passion is eating. Coming into university I immersed myself into not only my studies, but campus life and culture. I thoroughly enjoyed the activities and events held throughout UWA but there was an issue constantly in my mind. Food. Food is important. It feeds and nourishes body and mind. But equally as important, it gives us a chance to catch up with mates or indulge ourselves. Everyone enjoys chatting over a tasty meal or simply diving into it solo. This is why I believe it is essential that we, the students, get more choice in what we eat.

I am campaigning this year to bring a greater quality and variety of food to this university. My hope is that every student can enjoy the meals they buy on campus. Liberty will privatise Guild catering and introduce a variety of new and delicious options. Not only will this satisfy everyone’s palate, it will increase affordability for current Guild subsidised food. A vote for Liberty is a vote for great food, great company, and fair costs.

to continue to provide a meeting ground for all students. VOTE 1 RACHEL ASQUITH FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

my lecture on LCS. I want a Guild that’s focused on UWA students, and I believe Millie Dacre and Liberty can do an amazing job. #guildnotgovernment Love Kaylin

Vote 1 Michael Duan for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 Liberty


3rd year Pathology student


3rd Year, Agricultural Science and Management 2014 SNAGS Vice President Hi, I’m Rachel Asquith I’m running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR to give a voice to Natural science students and to boost the connection between students and their representatives. Throughout my first 2 years at UWA I found it hard to locate and get involved in the clubs that interested me, this past year I have been trying to engage natural science students with their faculty society. Next year, as a Guild Councillor, I am hoping to bridge the gap and help students get involved in their clubs, have their voices heard, and get the most out of their time at UWA. STAR is the #1 choice if you’re interested in your social connections and making sure the social clubs and faculty societies have the support

Hi everyone! This is my first year in Guild politics. If you’d told me back in first year that I’d be harassing students outside Reid I would have laughed. However, though we’re inclined to write off student politics as an annoyance during September, when you strip back the politics and the posturing there’s a few things our Guild has control of that have a huge effect on all of our university experiences: food, clubs, and a portion of the SSAF. I’m a simple kind of girl. I’m not interested in burning cut-outs of political figures or threatening members of parliament. What I want from my Guild is tasty, cheap food, awesome social events, and a strong educational structure making sure lectures are recorded and I get assistance when I need it. What I’ve seen instead is money funnelled into endless political rallies and dressing up the Ref with a tiny Ben and Jerry’s fridge and a new paint job. Making it shinier doesn’t make it taste better, and waving placards in Forrest Chase doesn’t get


important issues on campus like improving online resources.


2014 - ECOMS Education Officer - UWA Politics Club OCM - Welfare and Advocacy Guild Subcommittee - Catering and Tavern Guild Subcommittee - Republican Club Secretary When your money is being spent on poorly-attended political rallies, when you still can’t connect to wifi, and when the social life at UWA is quickly depleting… You know its time for change. That’s why I’m running for Councillor with Liberty this year. The last time Liberty ran the Guild we saw the establishment of RocketFuel, Charlie’s Pizza and an independent Business School Cafe. Liberty gets things done. Sure, you could promise bouncycastles or kittens - or you could stand for real significant and positive changes at UWA. This means that you get the Guild you deserve one that acts on their promises. Guild Presidential Candidate Millie Dacre and the Liberty ticket are some of the most experienced students on numerous clubs and committees. A vote for Liberty means an experienced Guild that can represent your views and get things done. Liberty will bring new food on campus. Liberty will make your uni life more fun by helping clubs run better events. Liberty will focus on



Hey friends – David here. I’m running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with the DAVE Party. You can confirm this because my name is actually David. (See? It says so right here!) I love coffee and being able to connect to Unifi. While recent improvements in guild coffee have enabled my coffee “enthusiasm” (I CAN STOP ANY TIME OKAY), Unifi is still an infuriating bucket of misery. If you know who I am, have some vague idea of who I am, or simply remember me from that time I spent three days in the MCL without going home then chuck a vote my way! (Also vote Dave for Pres, you’d make him so happy).


3rd Year Commerce/Arts UWA AUJS President WA AUJS Treasurer

As a regular student, uninvolved in guild and university issues, I always took the student guild for granted. They were this group of people who I didn’t know that got me slightly cheaper, albeit average, coffee. They are also the ones with promises to fix food and Unifi. It wasn’t until this semester, ironically, my first semester of third year when I began to see the importance of the student guild. Not only are they all of the aforementioned things, but they’re also the people who protect the students. I was fortunate enough to meet Millie through a variety of different circumstances, and she expressed to me the importance of Liberty and the vision that she had for the future of UWA. Although I may be nearing the end of my undergrad, I think that it’s of supreme importance to make the university the best place it can be for the future students. Liberty, in my humble opinion, has the student’s best interest at heart, both from a point of improving their learning, but also from the point of improving their whole experience at UWA. Vote 1 Aimee Bricker for Guild Council Vote 1 Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 Liberty


Second year Commerce student Arts Social-Sub Committee

In 2015, I hope to see Liberty improve orientation as well as reviving campus culture. By making it easier to get camps approved and fixing EMPs to encourage clubs to hold more events, I would like to see a greater engaged first year cohort. Furthermore, I would also like to continue my brothers’ work with the tavern refurbishments, as well as extending opening hours to encourage students to stay on campus and socialise. I am running for LIBERTY and Millie Dacre because they have a record for delivering for students. If elected, I will be committed to lobbying for increased lecture capture and smaller tutorial sizes. Like Liberty did in 2012, I will also ensure there is a better quality of food on campus at a more reasonable price. Vote 1 Alex Colalillo for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President

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2014 Bachelor of Science, Engineering Science

UWA is one of the most prestigious universities in Western Australia, however there is always room for improvement. I’m passionate about seeing improvement in the quality of education. More specifically, I’ve noted that class sizes are already too large, reaching more than 30 students per tutor in some units. Unfortunately, this results in not enough seats and a struggle to have questions answered due to their tutors over-divided attention. Furthermore, the availability of online materials such as lecture recordings could be significantly improved.


2014 EMAS Fresher Representative As a first year student I was excited for the University experience ahead of me. Having just moved from South Africa my friend base was limited. UWA does have a few good programs for easing international students into their lives at UWA, however are limited. Fortunately being involved in Clubs allowed me to experience an excellent social experience. I owe my happiness in Perth to the clubs and the social life they provided. However, the Guild imposes unnecessary restraints on clubs and I keep hearing about the ‘good old days’ of Camps and Fresher events. Far too many students come to University every day, attend their lectures and then go home hereby missing out on all that University Social life has to offer. We aim to challenge the unnecessary constraints placed on students in order to ensure that students continue to share their stories of why their years at UWA were the best years of their lives. Help us restore UWA’s culture to that of a socially accommodating nature. Vote 1 Chels Kneale for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President Vote 1 Liberty


I’m running for Liberty because I strongly agree with their policy and values. I would like to see the allocation of SSAF focus on the issues directly affecting students’ education, and not political issues. I would also like to see restrictions on clubs relaxed in order for them to run the events that students want. I strongly believe that voting for Millie Dacre and Liberty is a step in the right direction to seeing these changes happen. Vote 1 Tyler White for Guild Council! Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President! Vote 1 Liberty!


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The role of the Student Guild is to support and fight for students rights. Over the past year we have seen that the current Guild has been more interested in careerist opportunities, such as photo shoots instead of rally attendance. By doing this they have failed to protect students’ rights, instead they have actively tried to discipline students who do stand up and fight for their own humanity. Rebuilding the guild with activists is a priority. We stand with students in all struggles including freedom of speech, marriage equality, Palestinian liberation, racism, sexism, and continue the fight against the Liberals horror budget unfair attacks on students. With the anti-budget campaign so far, the current Guild has revealed that they will not give resources in support of the student movement and have done the bare minimum, or nothing at all, to build the demonstrations. Left Action is dedicated to talking to students, making sure that their voices are heard in opposition to the US-Style university system, which will be the result of the Liberal budget. We oppose fee-hikes, deregulation or welfare cuts that will make students lives increasingly difficult.

1st Year, Arts (History and French)

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Rebuild the Guild Support a guild with a social conscience. Vote 1 Left Action Vote 1 Emma Norton NUS delegate and guild councilor.




2014 UWA Knitting Club President 2014 Arts Union Social SubCommittee Member Hi, my name is Tessa Maxwell and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR. I am passionate about improving the experience of clubs and societies at UWA. This year I started my own club. Going through the process of affiliating with SOC and running my own events has given me a strong appreciation and understanding of the role of the SOC and the different issues that clubs and societies deal with. I feel like I can use this experience to help improve the functionality and effectiveness of the Societies Council.


I would like to work on simplifying some of the processes that clubs and societies encounter. One way I would like to improve this by helping to produce an online resource that complies relevant information in one easy to access place. I feel like this will help clubs by making it easier for them to provide events and opportunities for the students of UWA.

Hey! My name is Megan Lee and I’m running for Guild Councillor with STAR. This year, I have been inspired by the passionate dedication of the UWA Guild towards improving student life. I intend to keep the passion for improving the student experience bright and alive, focussing on creating an increasingly inclusive student experience.


As member of the women’s collective, as well as being a selfconfessed Tav enthusiast, I hope to incorporate an awareness of the issues facing women today in a social setting; from women’s safety on


1st Year Political Science and International Relations and History of Art 2014 Women’s Collective Member 2014 Self-Appointed Tav Enthusiast

campus to the death of the useless fake pockets.

assistance required to cultivate and grow the diverse array of clubs on campus.

I hope to help first year women adjust to campus life and promote the role of the women’s department by creating a women’s guide to university and fresher social events. If elected, I wish to help create and facilitate an inclusive space for women to socialise and learn. By running more women orientated social events such as cocktail nights and creative events, in conjunction with Emma Boogaerdt, I hope to continually engage students, in the Women’s Department.

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3rd Year Engineering and Finance


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Hi, I’m David and I’m a third year Engineering and Finance student. I am committed to improving education and helping to provide the best experience to students as possible. I believe that STAR is best placed to act in students interest. A passion of mine is to provide Engineering students a platform where they can voice their concerns and improve the new Engineering programs. UWA offers an unrivalled amount of clubs which give students amazing access to many different opportunities. After being heavily involved in many guild clubs such as UWA International Relations Society, I believe that STAR will provide the





3rd Year Studying Anatomy & Human Biology and Management TLG Executive Member WAMSS Pre-Med Associate Member.

2nd Year, Commerce (Management and Finance) 2014 Academic, Social and Events manager at INDOSS UWA


Hi guys!

Halo! My name is Shadrina and I am looking to run to be your Guild Councillor with ISL.

1st Year, Commerce (Business Law & Management)


My name is Pramod Vasantharao and I am running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor for Liberty this year! During my years at UWA, I have been involved in a wide range of activities and clubs and subsequently have met some amazing people who are committed to truly improving the UWA student experience. It is no surprise that an increasing number of these individuals choose to run with Liberty as it has a strong reputation for being the only party that places the concerns of its student as its main priority. I am proud to run for Liberty and to support Millie Dacre for Guild President, given her vast experience of supporting student rights. This year, Liberty is committed to stressing higher quality WiFi, more comprehensive Lecture Capture Services, promoting easy learning , new food around campus and much more! So if you want a Student Guild that prioritises your student experience and strives to live up to its promises, vote Liberty for 2014! VOTE 1 PRAMOD VASANTHARAO FOR OGC VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY



I am very passionate about the livelihood and welfare of all students. I am now involved in INDOSS UWA (Indonesian Student Society) and taking charge of events for the Indonesian community and people interested about Indonesia here in Perth. Most particularly, I am also very passionate about the international students’ community. If I get elected, I will undertake steps in order to better enhance the lives of international students here in UWA by listening to their concerns and rights. Things such as housing, academic, social, representation, and general wellbeing are what ISL and I will advocate for. I would also like to see a more unified community, where UWA and the Guild act as the best representations for international students and the whole student body. “We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond.” – Gwendolyn Brooks VOTE 1 SHADRINA DENAYA FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 SEAN MATJERAIE FOR


2014 DESI Student Society: Managing Director of Promotions and Marketing 2014 EMAS: Promotions Representative 2014 SOCieties Committee: Ordinary Committee Member Such Guild. Most impress. Many vote. Wow. I am a STAR candidate running for the position of extraOrdinary Guild Councillor in 2015. This year I coordinated the promotions of both EMAS and DESI, whilst aiding ASIA and MSU, as we launched a major collaborative event. In 2015 I will focus on club marketing by: providing a platform for clubs to promote themselves to school students, prior to TISC submissions, by approaching schools in the hope of being given the opportunity to pitch UWA’s club culture; assisting new students with the transition into university life, by incentivising club contributions and social interactions within the university and;

guiding affiliated clubs towards creating a positive reputation amongst the internal and external UWA community by preparing tailored promotions and marketing training, workshops and advice. With a focus on SOCieties, I will be aiding Nevin Jayawardena as he provides essential support to clubs to ensure students are provided with an enriched co-curricular experience to compliment their university lifestyle. VOTE 1 KIERAN NATALWALA FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

If elected, we will increase club funding to ensure that affiliated clubs have the best resources to host great social events. We understand that students have varied pressures. We have to balance our uni commitments with work, as well as trying to find time to catch up with mates where possible. Getting to every lecture and every tutorial is not always possible. Only LIBERTY will strongly advocate for greater online resources. We have a visionary plan to improve campus life, but we won’t be able to implement these without your support. Vote Josh Dolgoy for Ordinary Guild Councillor. Vote Millie Dacre for President. Vote LIBERTY!

As a Health Science student, I hope to be a voice for my peers and develop a better relationship between the undergraduate health related majors and the Guild through the provision of more academic services and a greater range of social events. With STAR, I know we can provide a greater representation for those students who in the past may have lacked the opportunity to make their opinion heard. STAR will be an incredible advocate for students and I would like to have the chance to be part of this in 2015. VOTE 1 STEPHANIE ENKEL FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


It’s Guild election week – time for you to make an important decision about the future of student life here on campus. Elections are always about choices, and at this election, the choice could not be clearer. The current Guild is controlled by a team who cares more about sending near empty buses to silly protests in the city than improving campus life. They always put themselves before you. LIBERTY is a strong, united and proven team who understand what YOU want at uni. We get the importance of clubs and faculty societies. When we last controlled the Guild – we doubled club funding!


3rd Year Science (Population Health) 2013-2014 Health Students Society Committee Member Hey there, I’m Stephanie Enkel and I’m running for the positon of Guild Councillor with STAR. It’s really important that students feel connected with day to day university events, especially if they are studying at the Nedlands and Claremont campuses and QEII facilities. With STAR, I hope to be able to bring common lunch hour events to these students and ensure they don’t miss out on all the fun that happens on the Crawley campus.





2nd Year Geology 2014 Leisure Committee 2013 Science Union Fresher Rep

First Year Commerce 2014 ECOMS First Year Representative 2014 Leisure First Year Representative

1st Year Politics and International Relations


I chose to come to UWA after hearing about the amazing degrees it offered and a social scene to match. In first year I got involved in a bunch of clubs and societies, and it was the best decision I made. Running parties, pub-crawls and quiz nights is a lot of fun and good way to take your mind of studying. Unfortunately, I’ve watched over the last 2 years as support for clubs has dropped and how their events have been impacted. I’ve also watched as the guild has spent their time and resources on unsuccessful and poorly attended government rallies. If elected, I’m going to work with Millie Dacre to bring the guild back to the students. I want to simplify the event approval process, increase funding to clubs, introduce new cheaper food and remove federal politics from the Guild. I’ll work with Liberty to create a campus culture that all students will want to get involved with. Liberty is the only team committed to students. Liberty is love; Liberty is life. Vote 1 Chris Argile for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 Liberty


Getting involved at uni in my first year is one of the the best decisions I have ever made. Furthermore, getting introduced to Liberty has opened my eyes to the potential our university has to offer. Recognized as one of the best universities in the world, not only does UWA have a stirling educational reputation, but it also has a rich campus culture with countless great clubs and societies supported by our student Guild. However there is a lot that can be done to improve our university experience. A vote for Liberty is a vote towards an a better student life. We need less restrictions placed on clubs to help them run the best possible events. We need better food, and Liberty will bring more food outlets that everyone knows and loves. We need a Guild that lobbies the University, not the Government, to try to make a positive difference to students’ lives. I know Liberty is the best choice for students and will give them what they want. VOTE 1 SOFIE O’MARA FOR ORDINARY GUILD COUNCILLOR. VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR GUILD PRESIDENT. VOTE 1 LIBERTY.


Much of first semester of First Year University is devoted to trying to figure out how university works. What took me by surprise was the diversity of clubs and societies offered at UWA. I’ve joined some of these, and honestly, it has added so much colour to my experience at university so far. Some are fun and great for meeting people, while others are of the more thought-provoking nature. Now that we’re through most of the year, I’ve discovered more about the Guild- and it’s responsibility to support these clubs. More specifically, club funding is integral to running a club and it needs to go up, not down. As a Guild Councillor, I will make this happen. Liberty will make this happen. I have also noticed that the Guild wastes time and money on political issues it cannot change, blurring the line between SSAF used to benefit students and SSAF used for political gain. Liberty will refocus the Guild, firmly believing in Guild not Government. We will lobby for tangible outcomes – such as increasing the number of recorded lectures and decreasing tutorial size. Vote 1 Reilly Thomas for Ordinary Guild Councillor! Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President! Vote 1 LIBERTY!

should feel that language studies are beyond them. As Guild Councillor I will push to increase support for Peer Tutoring within all languages units, to keep language tutorial sizes viable as a time to practice language skills and to help the Guild provide strong advocacy for any unfair or problematic assessments.


See blurb under Sports Representative.

Finally, I would be focussed on promoting clubs. Clubs are fundamental to student lifestyle on campus, providing not only great events, but also act as catalysts for friendships and advocacy in their faculty. I would promote club collaboration and increased support for club management. VOTE 1 JACK LOOBY FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

Now in my second year, I know one of my biggest motivations for attending University is the diverse opportunities to engage with other students through social events, particularly my club. If elected, I would love to advocate for more social events from an assortment of backgrounds to provide students with more lively and fun life on campus. After all, university shouldn’t be just work, it’s also play! Secondly, I am interested in the dining experience on campus. I believe that students’ deserve a more healthy range as well as more variety when it comes to selecting a snack/ meal on campus. I would like to pursue, and see, a new variety of food and drinks be introduced into cafes and the Tavern to create a healthy, happier dining experience! So, VOTE 1 VICTORIA CHANG-LENG FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


2nd Year, Arts (Politics and International Relations) 2014 Japanese Studies Society (JAPSSOC) President 2014 Welfare Department Publicity Officer 2013 JAPSSOC OCM Hello everyone! My name is Jack Looby and I am running with STAR for Ordinary Guild Councillor. As JAPSSOC President this year, I know that language studies are uniquely structured, from both the type of assessment through to the varying study requirements. We need to be encouraging students to shoot for the STARs and take languages with all the opportunities and benefits it offers and no student


2nd Year Science – Zoology/ Conservation Biology 2014 Zoology Club President 2013 Zoology Club First Year Representative Hi, I’m Victoria, and I’m running for a Guild Councillor position with STAR. I am passionate and enjoy advocating for a better student experience on campus and so I have bitten the bullet and will be running for Guild Council in my second election.



to commit to these ideas. Vote 1 Naomi Read for Ordinary Guild Councillor Vote 1 Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 Liberty

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4th Year Arts (Political Science & Psychology) 2014 Women’s Affairs Officer 2014 NUS Delegate 2013 Vice-President of the Republic Club 2013 President of the Feminist Action Network This year I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as the Women’s Affairs Officer in 2014. In 2015, I would love to continue to serve UWA students as a Guild Councillor. As Women’s Officer, I have revived the Women’s Department and increased its accessibility compared to past years. I have run events with women studying in male-dominated degrees, held regular Women’s Collective meetings and have relaunched the Department’s annual publication ‘Damsel’. If elected to Guild Council, I will support STAR Women’s Affairs Officer candidate Emma Boogaerdt to broaden the reach of the Women’s Department in 2015 through making the Women’s room more visible and accessible to women students. At its core, the Guild is about student representation at all levels. It is about ensuring that students are able to access the services they need on an individual basis. The Guild is about ensuring student groups’ educational concerns are dealt with. I will strongly advocate to ensure that students from marginalized groups have an equal university experience.



3rd Year Commerce 2014 ECOMS Activities VicePresident 2013 ECOMS Accounting Representative UWA is unique in the experience you obtain, with the world-class degrees and amazing social scene. This year I’ve had the amazing role of organising social and orientation events for ECOMS. This includes running the biggest university ball in the southern hemisphere. However, despite ECOMS having a legacy of running amazing events, this year has been tough. The massive restriction put on clubs and societies this year has impacted the way most clubs run events. I am running with Liberty because I believe they are the only team that can deliver on the policies they put forward. If elected, I’ll work with Millie Dacre to ensure clubs get a fair go, with more support and funding, and many less tedious forms. I’ll also work with Liberty to ensure that on campus issues are addressed. Improving food, online resources and campus atmosphere is more important that useless rallies against the federal government. Liberty is in the position and has the team ready



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Angus Pyle 1st Year Engineering Student 2014 Leisure First Year Representative Being in my first year of university I’ve noticed a few things. The first thing is that Guild food tastes horrible and costs a ridiculous amount. Secondly, the Guild spends a lot of money on political issues that I either disagree with or just don’t care about. Thirdly, classes are over filled and too many lectures aren’t recorded and uploaded. Finally, many clubs have had unnecessary

restrictions placed on them that have made it much harder for them to run events. I am running with liberty because I think that with Millie Dacre as guild president that the campus will be a much better place for all students. VOTE 1 ANGUS PYLE FOR ORDINARY GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR GUILD PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY

Another key aspect of university life that Liberty will be focused on is the club culture at UWA. The current Guild has neglected clubs throughout their term with club funding stagnating despite the number of affiliated clubs increasing this year. We will be committed to increasing funding to clubs to ensure that more events can be run for the benefit of all students. VOTE 1 MADELINE AVIS FOR ORDINARY GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY

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2nd Year Bachelor of Commerce Accounting / Business Law FAWA committee member 2014


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Hi, my name is Maddie Avis and I am running with Liberty this year because I believe that the current Guild has become stagnant in their policies and have begun to neglect students and their experiences while at UWA. With Liberty I hope to achieve a more inclusive student experience through enhancements to club culture and the educational policies on campus. As a part time student with full time employment I am sometimes put at a disadvantage through inflexible class options and lecturers failing to record lectures. In 2015 Liberty will be committed to delivering easy learning arrangements by negotiating with lecturers and faculty staff to increase the number of lectures that are recorded.

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2014 Guild Welfare Officer 2014 Academic Board 2014 BPhil Board of Studies 2014 VP Admin: UWADU 2013 Education Council Secretary 2013 Treasurer: Everything My name’s Max and I’ve been really proud to serve as your Welfare Officer in 2014. We’ve done a lot of good stuff over the past year. We’ve made Student Loans easier to get. We’ve increased Mental Health Grants to help clubs run great events. We’ve tripled regular attendance at Welfare events like Guild Yoga, and started fun new events like Tai Chi. We’ve made Welfare Week bigger and better, and brought free breakfasts to students on campus. It’s been challenging, it’s been rewarding, and I’ve enjoyed every minute on it. As Guild Councillor, I want to keep pushing for our Guild to be stronger and better. I want to see us make the Tavern the best student entertainment facility in WA. I want to see us helping out New Courses students by making sure we have special funding for Pre-Law and Pre-Med programs, and better representation for BPhil Students. Most of all, I want to see us helping students out with Legal Aid, and improve food choice on campus. VOTE 1 MAX RILEY FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


if I’m elected on council.

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I will work with the Public Affairs Council to increase the visibility of PAC clubs on campus so students from a variety of backgrounds have places to go to where they can feel comfortable and protected in a safe space. I will also work with the Education Council to establish a more userfriendly online student enrolment system so freshers have a less stressful time choosing their unit at the beginning of the year. VOTE 1 JESSE MARTINO FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

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1st year, Bachelor of Arts (Political Science & International Relations) 2014 Politics Club Fresher Rep 2014 Blackstone Pre-Law Rep Hey everyone! My name is Jesse Martino and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR for 2015!


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Hey! I’m Izzy and I’m running for the position of Guild Councillor with STAR. I’m passionate about creating an environment where everyone is able to initiate change. UWA has an incredibly diverse and unique student body, and I intend to protect and promote the equitable representation of all views and opinions. My involvement with various clubs around campus has given me the opportunity to initiate change. This year, I have been involved with Arts Union’s Black Tie in Shanghai Charity Event and have contributed to the women-run campus magazine, Damsel. If elected, I want to provide a voice for a diverse range of students, and ensure that we are all equally involved in creating social and educational change. I will work with STAR Public Affairs Council Candidate Charlie Viska, as well as Women’s Officer Candidate, Em Boogaerdt, to ensure that no student is made to feel voiceless. Furthermore, following student protests against the national Budget, I intend to work with Ed Candidate Tom Beyer, to ensure that student voices are also heard at a national political level. VOTE 1 IZZY WILSON FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

I’m super passionate about social equality and ensuring all students have a safe space to chill out and feel like they can be themselves on campus. I’m also passionate about education because all students deserve a great education and the voices of students on education issues should be heard. This year I’ve worked as Politics Club fresher rep and I hope to continue to represent the interests of first years

2014 UWA Arts Union Equity SubCommittee Member 2014 Women’s Collective Member


1st Year Arts

I also want to push for more course materials to be made available online and run more welfare de-stress events at exam time.


See blurb under Guild President.

I’m passionate about clubs and faculty societies! I’ve had the opportunity, this year with Arts Union, to collaborate with ECOMS to organise a fab new orientation program for students doing majors in multiple faculties. I’ll work with clubs and fac-socs to encourage collaborative events and promotion through weekly promotion of lesser-known clubs, as well as making event planning easier with streamline automated EMP’s. VOTE 1 HARRIET CALVERLEY FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!

community together and make it easier for clubs to book venues and submit their forms. I want to see more first years get involved, by improving Orientation to make it a seamless and enjoyable experience, and giving them better support with degree study plans and choosing majors. As a student from two faculties, I’m also passionate about addressing the common hardships faced across the spectrum. I want to endeavour to see fair mark allocation for all students and issues raised in-group work situations are easier to reconcile. I also want to help students access more practical experience through internship-style units, stronger Career Centre and more Public Lectures. So if you like the sound of this... VOTE 1 CHARLOTTE KING FOR GUILD COUNCIL! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


2nd year, Arts (Political Science and International Relations) 2014 Arts Union Admin VP 2014 UniMentor 2013 Arts Union Fresher Rep Hello! My name is Harriet Calverley and I’m running for the position of Guild Councillor with STAR! The STARt of uni is time for fun and making friends! STAR will revitalise orientation with the revival of safe, inclusive camps and a STARstudded orientation program to help students immerse themselves in the amazing campus culture at UWA. I want to make studying less stressful, especially for students with outside commitments who can’t always attend class, by pushing for lecture recordings to be an opt-out system, rather than opt-in.

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4th year, Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing, Financial Accounting) & Bachelor of Communications (French Studies) 2014 UWA French Club Secretary 2013 Dance UWA Head of Marketing 2013 UWA French Club OCM


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Hiya! My name is Charlotte King and I’m running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor with STAR! As Secretary of the UWA French Club this year, I’ve been involved in event organisation. I want to encourage inclusive events to bring the UWA





Science Union Committee 2014 ! This is my fourth year at UWA but my first in getting involved in Guild elections, so let me introduce myself.

Like Liberty, I am passionate about enhancing all aspects of student life at UWA. This is why I would like to be your ordinary guild councillor. Liberty endeavours to create a fun campus by changing opening hours in the tav and food outlets to encourage and facilitate more socialising on campus. We will revive the vibrant student culture that defines UWA by increasing funding to clubs. In doing so, clubs could host more events and provide all students with more opportunities to socialise, meet new people and turn student experiences that you dream of, into a reality. There is not much worse than having a long break between classes and paying too much for very ordinary food at Guild. We all love student prices and good food so Liberty will fulfill this desire by bringing in external food outlets to provide students with better quality and food for better prices. Our focus is to make positive changes on campus that will directly benefit YOU. Liberty will strive to make your experience as a student the best it can be. Now we all need is your vote.

2014 UWA Republic Club President 2014 University Libertarian Society Vice President 2014 Profectus UWA Secretary 2014 The Civil Society Secretary 2014 UEC Equity Officer 2014 Guild Equity and Diversity Committee Member 2014 Relay@UWA Marketing Team Member 2013 UEC Fresher Rep 2013 UWA Nationals Treasurer 2013 UWA Republic Club OCM


My name is Alex Moir and I’m a Botany/Engineering student. In 2014 I have been lucky enough to be involved with the Science Union as Volunteering Coordinator. This position has allowed me to put my love of student welfare and volunteering to good use. I can easily say that seeing students make friends, learn something new and have fun all while sacrificing their own time to help others is so inspiring. ! Being on committee has really allowed me to experience everything that this great University can provide to students. Whilst UWA is a recognised top University, there is so much more that can be done to make University life better for all students, irrespective of background. I am running for Ordinary Guild Councillor with Liberty because I believe I can make a difference to improve students University experience. I support Liberty in their aim to make University life fair and equal for everyone. Liberty is love, Liberty is life. ! Vote 1 Alex Moir for Ordinary Guild Councillor. Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President. Vote 1 Liberty.



Vote 1 Lauren Pienaar for Guild Council Vote 1 Millie Dacre for President Vote 1 Liberty


Over the past two years I have been largely involved with various clubs and societies. It is through those involvements that I have gained a solid understanding of the challenges clubs constantly face. These include insufficient funding, excessive red tape and difficulty in communicating their messages to the average students. These are things I intend to address as a Guild Councillor in 2015, through working closely with SOC council, the University and UWA Security. I also intend to give engineering students a true voice in the Guild. I’m running with the passionate LIBERTY team. Liberty wants to make real changes to the Guild, including improving food on campus, and making the Guild more accountable to the students. The Guild should be focused on what it can do: serve UWA students, rather than trying to change Federal Government policy. THE GUILD IS NOT THE GOVERNMENT.



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The Guild exists to serve you. If the Guild is to be a credible representative of the student body, then it needs to focus less on rallies and more on delivering tangible benefits to its members. It’s for this reason that I am extremely proud to run with Liberty, and to support Millie Dacre for Guild President. Liberty is committed to taking the government out of the Guild and, instead, focussing on promoting easy learning and new food. So for a Guild that prioritises UWA’s students and wishes to enrich your university life, vote for Liberty and together we can continue this fantastic experience!

As a councillor this year, I was disappointed to see a huge number of promises from the 2013 election not be fulfilled. A year later, there’s still no Subway, no improvement in wifi, no increase in club funding, no benefit from NUS and no TED talks. I am running for Liberty because I know that Millie will make the welfare of UWA students her top priority. Liberty supports easy learning, which is why we support better wifi and better online resources for all students. Liberty also supports bringing new food on campus. We won’t abolish guild catering, but we will introduce other, permanent food outlets.

2nd Year Politics and Economics student Hi there! My name is Timothy Gosling and I am running for the position of Ordinary Guild Councillor for Liberty. Being a Fresher at university has been a great experience for me – I came from a small school and was one of only two students in my grade to choose UWA, and I have not regretted it. Between studying both Politics and Economics I’ve made many new friends, joined some fantastic clubs, and have gotten involved in all aspects of university life.

2013 BPhil Union Education VicePresident 2013 BPhil Union Outreach VicePresident St Catherine’s College Resident

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I am also proud to be a college student supporting Liberty. Liberty have a plan for a fun campus- we want to reinvigorate UWA by engaging colleges better in our sports programs and extending the opening hours in the tav. Vote #1 Rebecca for OGC! Vote #1 Millie for President! VOTE #1 LIBERTY!

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2014 Guild Councillor



superior policy to the table, and with this year’s diverse, talented and supremely competent group of candidates, you can be sure that they will not only keep their promises, but go above and beyond in their roles next year to deliver for UWA students. But to do that, they need your vote. It’s up to you. Make the right choice this year, and vote for Liberty and Millie Dacre.


As your representative on the Senate, UWA’s governing body, I will be proud to work with Millie to achieve excellent outcomes on behalf of and for UWA students.


5th Year Law/Commerce 2014 Guild Societies Council President 2013 Guild Secretary and Councillor 2013 Finance and Planning Committee Member 2013 Guild Tenancy Committee Chair 2013 Sober? President I believe that being a member of senate is an enormous responsibility because it requires a student to act for the university community while brining their unique perspective as someone elected by students. I believe that my experience as a Guild executive member, as a president of the societies council and as someone who has built relationships with a number of high level university staff will hold me in good stead for the enormous challenge of making a substantial contribution, being well-respected and effective as a member of the governing board of the university. I have taken a lot of time to study the university’s strategic plan and future direction and I believe that it is incredibly important that the board of our university understand a student perspective in determining what is in the best interests of UWA. This includes ensuring that education is accessible in an era of deregulated fees, maintaining and expanding a commitment to a quality of access and ensuring that no student is left behind. I will also stand up for what I believe is necessary to facilitate a thriving club culture.



4th year medical student 2014 University Hall Residents’ Club VP 2013 Guild Councillor Hello again friends! I know there’s a lot of these statements here with a lot of people saying all sorts of things, but I hope you’ll take the time to read these few short words from me. UWA is an excellent place to learn, play and live. I have greatly enjoyed my time on campus. The Guild and the clubs it supports are one of the important factors that has made the university experience for myself and so many others a fantastic one thus far. That said, there is a huge amount of potential to make uni life even better, for even more students. The current Guild has shown an unwillingness or inability to achieve excellence for the students they represent, and the failure by many office-bearers to keep promises they made in last year’s election has been disappointing to see. It’s time for a change. Millie Dacre and Liberty are the team to make this change happen. As always, Liberty is bringing

sports representative student involvement with sport as a result, helping students with their health and fitness goals. I can guarantee you that Liberty has the candidates who will see these aims come true and actually improve the sports system. Vote 1 Pritam Patil for Sports Representative! Vote 1 Millie Dacre for Guild President! Vote 1 LIBERTY!


2014 – Guild Sports Rep 4th year Engineering 2014 University Gym Volunteer 2014 Dance UWA Media rep 2014 University Motorcycle Club Committee Member 2013 Executive Advisor UWA Young Engineers 2013 Media Rep WASTV UWA 2012 President UWA Young Engineers When I first came to UWA I wanted to be an active member of UWA sports. It was really exciting to see all the facilities we have and the capability we have to achieve at sports. However, these facilities haven’t been used to their maximum potential. This year with Liberty, I want to make changes to the way sports and recreation activities take place at UWA. We will deliver free selfdefence classes for students, to make for a safer university environment. We will get better social sport timetables by having a college vs faculty league, as well as making the normal social leagu available to social groups who want to play. We will increase the number of sport events around UWA and help raise awareness about the importance of sport and fitness. Lastly, we will make booking the ovals easier by co-ordinating it with the UWA Sports Admin. I believe that we will bring real change to UWA sport and get more

bigger, better, and more spectator friendly. Inter-faculty sports has huge potential to further improve the already vibrant campus culture that UWA has. I’d like to help see the inter-fac competition reach its full potential and continue to build up the friendships and friendly rivalries that faculties share with each other. As the 2015 Guild Sports Rep I will assess the feasibility of an 18+ viewing area at inter-faculty events. I’d like to create a more spectator friendly atmosphere and further increase the size and intensity of the competition. Sports is a valuable opportunity for students not only to socialise and get to know each other, but also to take a break from their study and de-stress. VOTE ONE LARA BROMFIELD FOR SPORTS REPRESENTATIVE! VOTE ONE LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE ONE STAR!


2014 UWA Sports Council OCM 2014 UWA Arts Union Sports Rep 2014 UWA Volleyball Club Secretary 2nd Year BA I like sports – throughout my life I’ve been heavily involved in both club and social sporting competitions. The same is (or should be) true of many other people attending UWA. My aim is to make inter-faculty sports events as fun and accessible as possible – in 2015 I will work closely with UWA Sport and Recreation Association (UWASRA) in order to achieve this. I will also continue to work with the UWA Sports Council to get UWASRA affiliated sports clubs more involved in the inter-faculty competition. My time on the UWAVC committee and on the Sports Council has given me great insight into just how much students can get out of the many sporting opportunities offered at UWA. By co-operating with sports clubs we can make the inter-faculty sports


We need a Guild that is willing to actively stand up for the rights and interests of students both on and off the sporting field. With the Liberal governments recent federal budget that threatens to massively increase the costs of degrees and cut welfare in general, this is the case now more than ever. Especially so here at UWA, where prices are likely to soar and with some reports suggesting that degrees could up to treble in price. Left Action has the politics and principles to be this active element on campus that would use


its position in the Guild to campaign against attacks on students such as these. The Guild has a commitment that ‘all students should have an opportunity to participate in sporting programs regardless of their financial situation’. However, much of the on campus sport and fitness facilities and functions are beyond the financial reach of many students. A Universities Australia report in 2013 showed that two-thirds of university students live below the poverty line. Meanwhile, a Regular Fitness Membership at the UWA Recreation and Fitness Centre costs students upwards of $600 a year, or $400 per semester. The UWA Guild needs to not only tackle issues like this on campus that will make life more affordable for students, but actively campaign for better student welfare on a national level, including larger and increased access to Centrelink Youth Allowance Payments and against the Liberals budget that threatens to massively increase HECS debts. Left Action stands for: No US-style education system Free speech on campus A Guild with a social conscience Rebuild the Guild Vote 1 Left Action Vote 1 Emma Norton for NUS delegate & Guild councillor


national union of students delegates Last year, I went to NUS National Conference representing UWA – and what I saw disgusted me. Some students used needless violence in protests. Some representatives were silenced and bullied for their opinions. Worst of all, I watched as delegates betrayed UWA students by not supporting a motion that would lead to cheaper textbooks.


In short, NUS is a mess – and UWA needs Liberty delegates who will clean up that mess.

3rd year B.Phil.(Hons.) 2014 Guild Councillor 2014 Guild Discipline Committee 2014 Guild Governance Committee 2014 ECOMS Business VP 2013 Rotaract Treasurer 2013 Politics Club Treasurer 2013 Guild PAC Committee In December 2013, I started my term as a Guild Councillor with high hopes. Last year a lot was promised by the current Guild: a Subway on campus, better Wifi, to lobby the university on lecture capture and to manage the Guild’s Finances responsibly. 10 months later I’m disappointed. There is no Subway. The Wifi hasn’t improved. There has been no improvement on lecture recordings. The Guild’s budget was not released to students until seven months after it was adopted. And tens of thousands of dollars was wasted paying for affiliation to the National Union of Students, some of which was spent on violent rallies. Every dollar that was wasted on NUS in Melbourne is a dollar that could be spent here at UWA. This year, vote for positive change on campus.

the NUS West Education Officer in 2013, working to revive the State Branch so that UWA students saw more benefits from their affiliation to NUS. This year I have sat on the NUS National Executive, ensuring that UWA students have a say in the strategic direction of their national union. Following in the footsteps of current Guild President Tom Henderson, who was on the National Executive in 2013, I have continued to ensure that UWA has an active voice in conversations about the operations of NUS. I have been a part of the National Conference Reform Committee that seeks to improve some of the major problems with the NUS National Conference, which is seen by some to be the biggest issue with the organisation. STAR will work towards a better NUS that achieves better outcomes for UWA students. VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS’ REPRESENTATIVE! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


5th Year Bachelor of Arts/Science 2014 Education Council President 2014 NUS National Executive 2013/2014 Academic Board Representative 2013 NUS State Education Officer 2013 Education Council Vice-President and Treasurer 2013 Academic Board Representative 2013 Guild Councillor I believe that national representation is incredibly important for UWA students. The National Union of Students (NUS) is the peak representative body for tertiary students in Australia, making sure their voice is heard at a Federal level. I believe that given the current political climate, it is incredibly important for students to have their say in national issues. I have been working towards a better NUS since 2012, where I moved policy at the NUS National Conference stood up for the rights of UWA students. I was




One of the most important roles of the Guild is to advocate for change and to continuously find ways to improve their educational and social experiences throughout their time at University. I believe this can be achieved through three tiersIndividual Faculties/Societies, Guild and at NUS. Educational reforms can be effectively addressed through Faculty Societies and the Education Council, but I strongly believe that representation at a National level is an important means of voicing student concerns. Through my experience with working within the Guild and Faculty societies, I believe that I have a great understanding of many of the issues students face across many different disciplines. I am passionate about ensuring that as Student Reps, we are constantly and actively trying to find ways to better the quality of education we are receiving in classrooms, as well as ensuring that the welfare of students is not compromised at a time of major compromises in University funding from the Government. If you want change you can believe in, then:


Only a Liberty Guild will deliver a better uni experience, less waste and a strong voice for students! VOTE 1 MICHAEL HEYDON FOR NUS DELEGATE VOTE 1 MICHAEL HEYDON FOR GUILD COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 LIBERTY VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT

HONNY PALAYUKAN 3rd Year Arts 2014 Public Affairs Council President 2014 Chair Equity Diversity Committee 2013 PAC Vice President, SJC Chair

will always vote to ensure that the NUS spend student money wisely and prevent its hijacking by fringe groups for their own political ends.


Michael Heydon 2nd Year Arts 2014 Politics Club Ordinary Committee Member 2014 UniSkills Leader G’day, I’m Michael and I’m a second year arts student who is passionate about fighting for students, and ensuring the proper and effective use of student funds. As a SSAFpaying student I am appalled to see the Guild spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on NUS affiliation, an organisation which is used shamelessly to further the interests of a fringe minority of students. As a UWA delegate I will fight on behalf of all UWA students for the proper use of student money by the NUS to achieve fair and balanced representation for all students. As a compulsory fee for all students, it is unfair that SSAF funds be used by the Guild or the NUS for political campaigns characterised by poorly attended rallies and pointless stunts such as the burning of effigies. As a National Union of Students delegate in 2015 I will be a strong voice for UWA students on the national stage and ensure that UWA students really do get value for money from their SSAF payments. I


See blurb under Guild President.


2nd Year Studying Politics and Economics VP Policy: UWA Politics Club VP Activities: BPhil Union Vice President: UWA Catholic Society Hi guys!

inclusive forum for all students to raise their concerns to do with tertiary education. At the NUS National Conference I will vote as an independent, based on how policies will affect UWA students.

My name’s Liam Staltari and I’m running as your Liberty NUS Representative for 2014! Having been lucky enough to serve in roles on the BPhil Union, UWA Politics Club and the UWA Catholic Society this year, I’m in no doubt as to how important it is that our campus culture is backed by a Guild which understands our clubs and societies. It’s for this reason that I’m outraged to see tens of thousands of student dollars being wasted on affiliation with the National Union of Students each year. The NUS focuses on issues which are far removed from everyday students like you or me, and all too often fails to fairly represent the views of those which it claims to stand up for. At a time when the current Guild is ripping funding out of our clubs, and when club funding per-student is declining markedly, it’s my belief that your money shouldn’t be flowing towards obscure and radical political campaigns unfolding on the other side of the country, as a portion of this money does. The UWA Student Guild is NOT the Government, and Liberty believes that our student leaders and reps should commit their time and energy to projects which make a tangible difference to their fellow students. No rallies, no protests, just a genuine focus on building a fun campus and promoting easy learning. VOTE 1 LIAM STALTARI FOR NUS VOTE 1 MILLIE DACRE FOR PRESIDENT VOTE 1 LIBERTY



2nd Year, Political Science and International Relations (Assured Law) 2014 Education Council Secretary 2014 Member of the UWA Women’s Collective 2014 Social Vice-President UWA Politics Club 2014 UWA Debating Union Externals Vice-President 2013 Fogarty Scholar Not only is it important to have strong representation at a university level but also at a national level. The NUS is a cross-institutional body with a greater federal lobbying power than the Guild, through which we can advocate for the unique issues of UWA students. Fee deregulation could see postgraduate law fees increase by 30% at the Group of 8 Universities. As someone who intends to do the Juris Doctor degree, this is quite frightening. With the addition of real interest being charged on HECS this policy change will have a massive impact on students, particularly those from low-SES backgrounds. One of the important elements of NUS is the ability to lobby the federal government and other significant bodies on a national level. Without this representation UWA wouldn’t be able to provide a strong platform to express student concerns, particularly those unique to UWA students. In the future I would like to work towards making NUS a more


UWA. Vote #1 Rebecca for NUS! Vote #1 Millie for President! VOTE #1 LIBERTY!

tailored to benefit the students. Universities aren’t just an institution where you go to pursue your tertiary education and obtain a degree; it should develop and shape students to become leaders of tomorrow. If you share the same views as I do and want to see improvements in UWA’s student policies, please: VOTE 1 JIMSON TAN FOR NUS REPRESENTATIVE! VOTE 1 LIZZY O’SHEA FOR GUILD PRESIDENT! VOTE 1 STAR!


2014 Guild Councillor 2013 BPhil Union Education VicePresident 2013 BPhil Union Outreach VicePresident St Catherine’s College Resident As a councillor this year, I was disappointed to see a huge number of promises from the 2013 election have not been fulfilled. A year later, there’s still no Subway, no improvement in wifi, no increase in club funding, no benefit from NUS and no TED talks. If I am elected as an NUS delegate I will not spend $100,000 on NUS. Having attended two NUS conferences in the past, I can tell you that no ordinary student receives any kind of benefit from going to a NUSaffiliated university. As a councillor, I will fight to ensure UWA stops paying ridiculous fees to NUS.



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3rd year, Commerce (Economics & Finance) 2014 President – University Hall Residents’ Club 2013 Vice President – University Hall Residents’ Club Hey everyone, my name is Jimson Tan and I’m running for the position of National Union of Students Representative with STAR in the 2014 Guild Elections. I am running for this position to be an advocate for the students of UWA at the National Union of Students conference that is held at the end of this year.

As an NUS delegate, I will write to the guild requesting that they do not fund the delegates’ flights or conference fees from now on, because I don’t believe that everyday students should be forced to pay for me, or anyone, to attend counterproductive and wasteful conferences.

At the end of last year, I was elected as the President of the 2014 University Hall Residents’ Club Committee. In my time as President, I have worked hard to maintain positive ties with student administration as well as fostering relations across Colleges and Guild affiliated Clubs & Societies. Being an international student, I can bring a wide range of experience and a different viewpoint to the team.

I am running for Liberty because I know that Millie will make the welfare of UWA students her top priority. That’s why she won’t support funding the NUS any more, and we will spend UWA students’ money, at

As a NUS Candidate, I want to be a voice for the students of UWA and ensure that our concerns are raised and heard at the conference. I believe that education is of utmost importance and as such should be


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affiliation to promote those values or improving NUS in a positive and constructive way. When attending National Conference I believe it’s important for UWA delegates to sit as Independents and vote for what’s best for UWA. It’s these values and approaches that are why I’m passionate about representing UWA Students as an NUS Representative.


In 2014, the Guild paid less than $1 per student, or less than 1% of the yearly budget, in affiliation to NUS. When we’re facing the prospect of $100,000 degrees and funding slashed across the board, I think that less than $1 is good value-for-money to have a peak body advocating for UWA students. No organisation is perfect and I am passionate about making NUS as effective and efficiently run as possible because we need a strong and clear voice representing students now more than ever. To do this I will take part in a positive and constructive dialogue that offers real and genuine improvements so that UWA Students get the most out of our peak body. This year STAR set KPI’s tied to our

For more information see policy statement under President.

Vote 1 Tom Beyer for NUS Representative! Vote 1 Lizzy O’Shea for President! Vote 1 STAR!

3rd Year Arts 2014 Arts Union Education VicePresident 2013 Arts Union Senior Education Representative Students are facing an uncertain future, with enormous changes to higher education looming, under the current Federal Government. The only way for UWA students to have their voice properly represented on these crucial issues is to engage meaningfully and effectively with the peak representative body for university students, the National Union of Students (NUS).

You Vote Arrow, Arrow Vote You!!!


See blurb under Ordinary Guild Councillor.


THE STUDENTS’ ALLIANCE I believe that the NUS are inherently unrepresentative of the students they claim to represent. Furthermore, I personally believe that unionism, while providing an important input into society, has no right to play politics. Thus I am running as a NUS delegate because I primarily don’t believe protest and militancy is the answer, but rather “nudging”, compromise and collaboration is the key to achieving more tangible benefits to students rather than the selfcongratulatory and self-indulgence of the approach more radical factions inside the NUS are pushing for. Vote 1 for Kallen M. White for President, NUS delegate & Ordinary Guild Councillor! Vote 1 for Luke Marshall for Treasurer & Guild Councillor! Vote 1 for The Students’ Alliance!


I do not want NUS to be a breeding ground for politicians. Instead, I want a peak national body where experienced leaders from campuses around Australia may meet, network, share ideas and vote on the issues that really affect students. I believe that students should not represent a political party, but should stand as independent delegates and vote for whatever will best benefit UWA students.


4th Year Science 2014 Guild Secretary 2014 National Association of Australian University Colleges (NAAUC) Executive 2014 Chair of Guild Student Services Committee 2014 Guild Executive Management Committee; Guild Strategic Resources Committee 2013 Trinity College President Hey everyone, I’m Sam and I’m running for the position of National Union of Students (NUS) Representative with STAR! As Guild Secretary, I have had the opportunity to get involved in every aspect of the Guild and I have a strong understanding of how the Guild operates. This year I have also been a National Executive member of NAAUC – the peak representative body for uni students living at college in Australia. As such, I understand the need for strong representation at a national level. I am running for NUS Representative, as I believe that NUS should advocate and achieve tangible results for students. This year, STAR voted to set KPI’s for NUS, in order to promote accountability, transparency and value-for-money. This is what I stand for, and this is what I want to see more of when we affiliate to NUS.




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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.