Pelican Volume 92 Edition 1 2021 - Re/fresh

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Re/fresh 92.1

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The UWA Student Guild wants to complete our collection (back to 1930) because there are gaps. If you, or your parents, or even your grandparents have copies stashed away – before you throw them away, please consider donating them to the Guild Archive! Please contact the Guild Archivist, FULLY Melissa Hetherington for further information. FUNCTIONAL GYM +61 6488 2832 2


What’s up fellow youth! Welcome to the next big chapter. You may or may not be feeling excited to start Uni. Chances are if you are bothering to read this, you are. In which case, let me lay down my two cents of wisdom. University is a real opportunity to look at yourself and your life with a pair of fresh eyes. Take on that hobby or sport you’ve always wanted to try and give things an honest crack. Let go of high school you! Secondly, no matter what you study, join a club! Not in the sense of putting the sticker on your student card and never seeing that nice person at the stall ever again; actually attend the events! Make time to talk to people in your tute classes and at events. Uni feels big, but it can be a really small place. If you see me around campus, please stop to say hi!

What’s cooler? Conditioned air or conditioned pelicans? Considering we’ve only had success in training our pelicans to press the F5 key this summer, I’m inclined to say air. But re/fresh they both have done and re/fresh our theme shall be. Our first edition looks a little different…re/freshed one might even say – can you put a finger on it? If you’re holding this, chances are you’ve noticed. This year, Riley and I are looking to re/fresh on multiple levels – from multimedia, to more development workshops, and club collaborations – and we’d love to have YOU on board. So whether you’re a (re/) fresher, a re/turner, a re/ader, or anything in-between and beyond, this is the place to be! We’re excited you’re here!

How do you get refreshed? Splash cold water on your face? Eat a mint? Have a coffee? For me, after a long day’s work or a hard game of hockey, there’s nothing more refreshing than putting my feet up and cracking open an ice-cold edition of Pelican. Try it; you’ll never need coffee again! It’s been a crazy year, full of unexpected challenges and terrible hardship for people around the world. And, coming out on the other side, we can’t just have a reset, a simple return to the old ways. No, we need a re/fresh, a circuit breaker, to rethink our world and place in it. We hope this edition of Pelican might help kick-start that re/fresh for you.


Contents ARTS


On Trend or Cake - Cj Fletcher | Page 6

Fresh Economics - Linda Pickering | Page 44


Column- The Theory of Model Sentiments - Charles Fedor | Page 46

Out with the Old, In with the New Thomas Paparo | Page 10 COMEDY

Five Things I’m Leaving in 2020 Megan Rundle | Page 12 Column- Letters to the Editor - Various | Page 14

Cartoon - Holly Turner and Tom Rundle | Page 34 DIVERSITY

The Stars that Guide Me - Izabela Barakovska | Page 24 FILM

Possessor: the Best Horror Film of 2020 Rachel Denham-White | Page 20 Fresh Films of 2021 - Ben Nixon | Page 22


New Year’s Delusion - Stephanie Carmichael | Page 48

A Recipe to ‘Refresh’ - Courtney Withers | Page 50


cyclical - Ellie Fisher | Page 29 The Lifelong Love Story of a Table and His Owner - Jas Saunders | Page 32 Tonight I’ll be Reading: Fever Pitch (Nick Hornby) - Mikey Isitt | Page 41 Why 2021 is the best time to read Frank Herbert’s Dune - Rachel Denham-White | Page 42


Refresh! At The Disco - Ellie Fisher | Page 8 re/ invention - Saul Revell | Page 52

The views expressed within this magazine are not the opinions of the UWA Student Guild or Pelican Editorial Staff but of the individual artists and writers. The Pelican team acknowledges that the UWA Campuses are located on the lands of the Whadjuk and Mineng peoples of the Noongar nation, the original and continuing storytellers and custodians of their lands. These lands were stolen, and sovereignty was never ceded. How can YOU get involved? Join our Pelicreators 2021 Facebook group, or email the Editors at 4

Sub-Editors ARTS - Matt Bryan & Natasha Brandon CAMPUS AFFAIRS - Thomas Paparo


COMEDY - Charlie Mills & Faisal Hamza

‘Pop and Politics: A So Fresh Look at AusPol’ - Luke Barber | Page 56

DIVERSITY - Amman Bari & Cleo Robins

‘Column: politicontiki’ - Phoebe Levin |

FASHION - Emma Forsyth


Recreational Sleep Deprivation: And Other Fun Activities - Paris Javid and Jack Logan | Page 60


FILM - Amy Papasergio & Boa Antahputro ECONOMICS AND FINANCE - Brook Lewis & Charles Fedor

Page 16

LIFESTYLE - Courtney Withers & Jacob Cerin


LITERATURE - Campbell Williamson & Elena Perse

2020: Winners and Losers - Joe Dawson |

Whatsapp’s Signal: A Fresh Frontier in the Privacy Wars - Ahmed Suliman | Page 38

A Gaming Convert - Luke McPherson | Page 58


Untitled - Gal Krajnc | Page 35 Untitled - Hnin Ei Kyaw Win | Page 36 Re/Fresh - Pauline Wong | Page 63 PHOTOGRAPHY

Parks on a Pedestal - Ashley Browse | Page 30

MUSIC - Jack Meakins & Lachlan Hardman POLITICS - Luke Barber & Maddi Broad SPORT - Nicholas Warrand & Lulu Suleski SCIENCE - Jack Logan & Paris Javid TECHNOLOGY AND GAMING - Ahmed Suliman Pelican Editors 2021 Riley Faulds & Millie Muroi Magazine designed by Xander Sinclair

For Pelican this year, we’re having an all-new ‘Pelican Plus’ section online for each issue. Wherever you see this little tech-whiz pelican, there will be illustrations, diagrams, further content or exciting ideas related to that page/section. Go online to au to see all the bonus content for this issue.


On Trend or Cake CJ Fletcher

Setting New Year’s resolutions and hitting the reset button always ends with promises of exercising, cutting back on treats, starting new diets, and reinventing your look. However, this year, I think it’s time those resolutions had a refresh. If the year 2020 hasn’t taught you that there are more important things than your appearance and how you appeal to society’s newest body trend, then this is your wakeup call. Understanding how society makes us feel about our own bodies, allows us to avoid giving power to social anxieties and ego, and give more energy to appreciating our health and spending time with loved ones. This New Year let’s make sure hitting the refresh button and setting new goals includes educating ourselves about how our society treats female body types as a trend. To do this, let’s examine the changing representations of women’s bodies in art.

Body Trends Throughout History:

Between 1400 and 1700, during the Renaissance period, women were often depicted with large breasts, cellulite, round stomachs, and wide hips. This is evident in 6

the art piece The Three Graces by Peter Paul Ruben, which exposes three naked women with curvy plump figures, surrounded by nature. Moving on to the Victorian era between 1800 and 1900, Franz Xaver Winterhalter’s portrait of Queen Victoria displays a prominent body trend of the period. This painting presents a female with large breasts, a plump frame, and cinched waist, wearing a laced-up corset in line with fashion trends of the time. Then, a more drastic change occurs in the roaring 20s, where the latest fashion included flapper dresses that were tight against the figure. This is featured in Russel Patterson’s work, Where there’s smoke there’s fire, which displays a woman with a boyish, petite figure, flat chest and flat stomach. These trends have continued to develop through to the modern day. The new trend is having a flat stomach, big bum and breasts, tanned skin, a thigh gap, and hairless body from the neck down. This, of course, does not preclude shaping your eyebrows, having perfect skin and conforming to the ‘no-makeup’ makeup look.

PROSH is Pelican with less syllables/brain cells

Modern day art/social media:

Of course, in today’s society, the expression of art has changed vastly from painting, tending more towards photography which can be widely spread via different social media platforms. We can view the ‘ideal’ body type, an hourglass skinny figure, anytime and anywhere on all our mobile devices. How exciting!


I’m not sure why we treat our bodies like they are trends that constantly go in and out of fashion. The expectations to wear a bra, shave your legs, and exercise in accordance to the latest workout can start to feel like a neverending source of exhaustion. If you’re over being on-trend, exploring the art of Florence Given might be the breath of fresh air you’re looking for. The illustrations in her book, Women Don’t Owe You Pretty, explore different styles that are considered to challenge the societal norm. The artwork shows women with hairy arms, hairy legs, and naked bodies.

We see racial difference, bodies of all shapes and sizes, with only one thing in common: every single one of these drawings depicts a badass woman who looks powerful, bold, and desirable. The artworks feature traditionally feminine colours, along with quotes of female empowerment. When I compare these pieces to real women and then to the beautiful realist paintings of the past, I notice that they capture the true visual of females; they don’t exclude a shape, size, or style, instead including all female forms. So, for this year’s resolutions, I don’t want to be on-trend. I want to eat cake, dress comfily and not wear a bra. Ultimately, it’s about choice. Whether you shave, what you eat, and how you exercise are your decisions only. So, instead of allowing trends to dictate these decisions, let’s refresh the new year with the art of being inspired by those who simply don’t give a fuck about what’s on trend.

There are two beehives on campus. One is filled with jelly beans.


Ellie Fisher

Refresh! At The Disco 8

The soundtrack to the start of any new year – be it annual or academic – is incredibly important. Were you bemused, ashamed, delighted, or downright flummoxed by your Spotify Wrapped? Well, now is just the time to clear out your old music habits! This is my personal soundtrack to get your vibe revamped, refurbished, and refreshed. 1. ‘It’s All So Incredibly Loud’, Glass Animals (2020). Ah yes, Glass Animals. The psychedelic pop band from Oxford whose delicate yet whimsical notes got me through lockdown last year. Not to mention their brilliant Triple J Hottest 100 victory (my condolences, Spacey Jane fans). ‘It’s All So Incredibly Loud’ is one of the quieter songs – from their Dreamland album – which grows in breathless intensity and emotional significance as you listen, whilst also being a bona fide earworm. 2. ‘Chemtrails Over The Country Club’, Lana Del Rey (2021). New Lana? Or same aural aesthetic, same fiery debate revolving around race and feminism? To be honest, it’s too hard to resist her seductive vision of an America that never was, to be too bothered by this. 3. ‘All I Need – Franky Wah Remix’, Jake Bugg/Franky Wah (2021). Bugg is the definition of re/fresh, having altered his style considerably over the past year. This has both delighted and horrified his fans. Is he a sell-out, or is he – in the opening lines of this single – “Cynical, but original / Tryin’ to fit into a world that’s so digital”? Scrolling through the YouTube comments certainly proves that the new Mr. Bugg is a huge hit in South America, if nowhere else. 4. ‘Californian Soil’, London Grammar (2021). The watery notes of this song – paired with frontwoman Hannah Reid’s haunting vocals – send you to a world of cool, refreshing shades and tones. Dive in.

French people are sexy and eat cheese. Therefore, [redacted]

5. ‘Ribs’, Lorde (2013). A fine piece of vintage Lorde. Nothing is more invigorating than injecting a soupçon of her tousle-haired lyricism into your bloodstream. Old soul meets germinal wild child in this youthful lament. 6. ‘Love Is Back’, Celeste (2020). I only recently discovered Celeste over Christmas. Her voice is a wistful mix between powerful and fragile. It transports me to an imaginary life where I’m sitting in a smoky French café in the mid-twentieth century, writing an oblique novel on an old typewriter and drinking coffee. 7. ‘Revolution’, The Beatles (1968). This was a monthsold recommendation from a good friend of mine, who in fact put me onto The Beatles in the first place. I returned to it in the light of Trump’s delicious slide from power. It felt like the perfect vibe; something hopeful, defiant, and refreshing, despite being over fifty years old. 8. ‘Inflorescence’, Retraset (2018). An electronic pick that presented itself serendipitously – from a local WA artist. As the title suggests, a budding, building track that slowly revitalises your brain cells. 9. ‘Cigar’, Tamino (2018). Tamino is the epitome of refreshing old traditions and styles, with Egyptian musical royalty in his blood. His hypnotic tones are the natural successor of Leonard Cohen’s golden voice. I love how this song is a reimagining of van Gogh’s 1885-86 painting, Head of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette. 10. ‘Black Dog’, Arlo Parks (2020). Arlo Parks is young, black, bi, and wonderfully tender. What more could you ask for?! This track is full of poetic lines and half-silences, narrating a carefully-observed study of depression, delicately told. Bonus pick that circles back to the start of my playlist? Glass Animals’ refresh of ‘Tangerine’ featuring Arlo Parks. For another re/freshing playlist recommendation from Alicia Harrop, go online!


Out with the Old, In with the New James Greenbriar

Peruse the 2021 UWA handbook and you will quickly become aware of major changes to the University undergraduate degree structure. No longer are we greeted by an undergraduate structure of five specific Bachelor degrees and one concurrent diploma option. Instead, we see a substantial departure from the post2012 established precedent. The University has opted to expand undergraduate offerings with the addition of seven new Bachelor programs, fourteen Combined Bachelor and Master’s (CBM) degrees, twenty-seven new major sequence variants, and thirty-six minors. Whether these changes will result in increased student satisfaction, better employment outcomes for graduates, a stop to haemorrhaging of future students, or a reduction of UWA’s $70 million structural deficit is yet to be seen; however, it will certainly be interesting to see the outcomes of these changes. These significant changes to undergraduate degrees at UWA primarily arose out of an increasing awareness of incoming student preferences for ‘job-ready skills’. Communicating to University staff in late 2020, Vice-Chancellor Amit Chakma recognised the limitations of generalist 10

undergraduate degrees which, he said, resulted in UWA being outcompeted by other universities with “more straightforward offerings”. He said such broad undergraduate degrees resulted in UWA losing a considerable share of the state’s post-secondary students. The roots of UWA’s 2012-2020 undergraduate degree structure lie in changes made between 2008 and 2012 at the University. Following a two-year-long internal University review – which was summarised in the Education for Tomorrow’s World report – the UWA Senate approved the Future Framework in 2008. The most important element of this report was the recommendation that UWA follow the University of Melbourne in introducing a streamlined undergraduate degree structure – dubbed the “Melbourne Model”, which it adopted in 2012. This model is a standardised academic structure that operates broad three-year undergraduate courses which are followed by more specific and job-directed two-year postgraduate programs. At UWA, this meant the twenty-seven Bachelor degree variants were reduced to only five, resulting in many degrees – including the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), and Bachelor of Laws (LLB) – moved to postgraduate alternatives.

‘Read Library’?! What’s next? ‘Sports Oval’???

It also saw some degrees – including the Bachelor of Engineering – broken into a combined undergraduate-postgraduate format. At the time of its introduction, then UWA Vice-Chancellor Alan Robson noted that the Melbourne Model “is a better way to do [double degrees] in sequence.” In reality, the Melbourne Model is just an Australian manifestation of the ‘Bologna Model’ for tertiary education (a three + twoyear configuration) or the North American Model (a four + two-year configuration). The Melbourne Model initially channels high-school leavers and enrolling students through a generalist undergraduate degree, which is complemented by breadth subjects (or broadening units, as they are referred to at UWA). Students then have the option to enter the workforce or progress to specialist graduate programs. In the case of UWA, these graduate programs include law, engineering, medicine, dentistry, translation, social work, architecture, and teaching, among others. Moving into 2021, the University and its executive have made the decision to broaden the undergraduate offerings at UWA. Under these changes, the pre-existing five Bachelor degrees will be supplemented by Bachelors of: Automation and Robotics;

Music; Business; Environmental Design; Philosophy, Politics and Economics; Advanced Computer Science (Honours); and Economics. There will be fourteen combined Bachelor and Masters degrees introduced, which will allow students to complete both degrees in a reduced timeframe of four years. There will also be twenty-seven new major sequences – many of which are incorporated within CBMs. Though not clearly articulated within the UWA 2021 handbook, there will also be an additional 36 minors – which will include offerings such as Active Citizenship, Women’s Health, and Curatorial Studies. While UWA is not making a full reversion back to its pre-2012 structuring of degrees, the 2021 expansion does allude to an increasing realisation that the generalisation experienced within the Melbourne Model is not necessarily the solution for all institutions and environments. It demonstrates that the University is, at least in part, concerned about its competition with other Perth universities and their offerings. And, more importantly, it reflects a concern for the job-readiness, employment outcomes, and undergraduate satisfaction levels of student at the University.

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to cry.


Five Things I’m Leaving in 2020 By Megan Rundle

I’m not one to change much when a new year begins. If you were shit last year, you’re probably going to be shit again this year; taking up Reformer Pilates isn’t going to make you a better person. But for some reason, this idea of just leaving things in 2020 strikes a chord. Like leaving an empty drink bottle in my car. Once it rolls under the seat, it’s not my problem anymore. So, this year, I’ve decided to leave 5 things under the seat of my car, and I’d advise you do the same. 1. Rockmelon. The shittiest fruit, in my opinion. I don’t know why, but every time there’s a fruit platter I tend to pick it up, because I think it’ll be like watermelon but it’s not. It’s rockmelon. Nanna must think it’s the GOAT fruit because she offers it to me every time I’m at her house and I always eat it. Not in 2021 though. Rockmelon, I’m letting you go. 2. Saying “how are you?” I keep asking it and people keep saying “yeah good thanks” back. It’s not a question that encourages an interesting response, so please don’t message me it to me on Tinder. I will not reply. I’ve decided to ask more interesting questions after saying the initial “Hello” this year. Here are some examples: “Hello, what’s your favourite physical feature about me?”; “Hi, which is Lady Gaga’s best VMA performance*?”; and, lastly, “Hello, what’s your trauma?”


The Agriculture building has more wings than a flock of pelicans.

3. Twitter. In theory, it’s a brilliant platform. In practice, it’s a soul-crushing social media app designed to remind me that I’m not funny and no one cares. I tweeted nearly every day of 2020 and still, I am in Perth, and I am not famous. I could tweet a photo of my boobs and still, it wouldn’t get a single like**. Bye twitter, you’re dead to me. 4. The left side of my face. I just don’t care for it. From now on I will demand that photos are taken only of my right side. If someone posts a photo of my left side, I will report them to the Instagram officials, and they’ll be locked up in social media prison. I’m considering getting large curtain bangs but just for my left side. Are they still curtains then? Is it a large sheet? A sheet bang? Okay, that sounds dirty. LEFT SIDE BE GONE! 5. My degree. After three years, I’ve learnt that a double major in marketing and communications and media is definitely the least employable degree offered at UWA and that all the people that take it are just as dumb as me. I probably have a better chance of making money by stealing my parents’ old crap and selling it on gumtree. When I graduate, I’ll take that piece of paper, write “marketing is a scam” on it, put it in an empty bottle from under my car seat and throw it off into the ocean***, for a castaway to find on a random desert island. They will probably have better use for it there. *2009 **I swear I haven’t tried this, I’m not on porn twitter yet. ***I do not endorse plastic bottles being thrown into oceans, or thrown anywhere for that matter.

After the 2020 audit, the only profitable department at UWA was UWA Parking.


Letters to the Editor Esha Jessy, Jessica Carbone, Grace Armstrong, Megan Rundle, Faisal Hamza, Charlie Mills Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

This is the year I’m going to stop catching feelings. I’ve started to catch feelings for everything and everyone, including Joshua Bassett from High School Musical: The Musical: The Series. I don’t think I have much dignity left. It’s mortifying. Please, make it stop.

This is the year I’m going to start using my first name for coffee orders, rather than my surname.

Kind regards, An Emotionless Robot

Regards, Kjendoqejbcoubc Brady Dear Me, Stop shaking your leg.

Dear Editor,


So apparently you are meant to drink two litres of water a day? This year, for my New Year’s resolution, I’ve decided to go above and beyond that, and drink four litres of water a day! However, I’m starting to think that I might be going a little overboard.


Kind regards, A Grown Man Who Just Peed in the Adventure World Pool

Dear Editor, I am looking for girl bosses! You know who you are my hustling queens. I’m starting an amazing new business called EnnobraTM, where all you business babes can earn big from the comfort of your own home! All you have to do is recruit ten new Girl BossesTM every month to try our deluxe range of skincare and cosmetic products. Then, those Girl BossesTM will recruit even more Girl BossesTM and you can triple


The Pelican editor pay rate is set at the poverty line to prepare editors for a career in journalism.

your income! To join us, simply upload a #startupselfie with your credit card number, fingerprint scans, and a signed Deed of Transfer to our Girl Boss Blog at www. Sincerely, Your #1 Girl BossTM *Editor’s Note: Pelican found no legal trademark matching this description.

Dear Editor, After seventeen years in hiding, I have decided that now is time I re-emerge into society. Maybe I was too much to handle. Maybe I ruined too many friendships. But alas, it’s 2021 and I. AM. BORED. The pot needs a stir. So, step aside Whatsapp! “Yeet” outta here Insta! “Gtfo” Snapchat!

To Whom it May Concern, Please advise the relevant authorities that from here on out, I would like to be considered as ‘Diesel’ in casual social situations. I have chosen to adopt this nickname as I have realised this previous year that my personality lacked a certain machismo. All too often, my friends and acquaintances have effortlessly walked over me, such as the time when my ex-girlfriend slept with her new “lover” (who is also my intern) leaving me to sleep on the floor, as the couch was already taken. It is my hope that this new and improved nickname will deter such scenarios. Sincerely, Diesel (formerly known as Turbo)

Mumma’s home.

Dear World,

Yours truly,

On January 1st, 2021, I undertook the gruelling and thankless task of moving my queen bed half a foot, so it no longer sits impotently in the corner of my room, but rather shines centre stage in my room. This has not only improved the quality of my sleep but has actually made me an astoundingly better person.


Dear Editor, I’ve decided to start the new year without my nut allergy. It’s been holding me back for the last 20 years, but not 2021. New year, new nuts. These Maccas Nutella hot cakes are just the start.

The good news is, you too can achieve this change, for only a nominal fee. Please contact me for a free quote at thenewyou@


Kind Regards,

An Ex-Anaphylactic

The (Now) Best Person in the World

The study assist number has recently changed to 13 00 6 555 06


2020: Winners and Losers Joe Dawson 2020 was, to say the least, a dramatic year for sport across the globe. Fans, coaches and athletes faced adversity never seen before in the form of delays in competitions, along with the detrimental economic impact of the shutdown of sport upon the hundreds of professional and amateur sporting bodies and competitions across the world. Those sports that did go ahead faced an array of challenges

which took form as hubs, bubbles, and border restrictions, with leagues being at the mercy of government policy which had the potential to change at any minute. All those involved in sport were forced to adapt. The year 2020, while like no other, still produced winners and losers, with some seeing their stocks soar, whilst others sunk to seemingly record lows.

Winners: - Lebron James The jury is still out on the GOAT debate, and there will always be a percentage of the population who will believe that the gap between Michael Jordan and Lebron is insurmountable. However, 2020 saw Lebron win his fourth ring and fourth finals MVP, finish second in regular season MVP voting, lead the league in assists, all at the age of thirty-five, and in his seventeenth season. Lebron became the first player to win finals MVP with three different franchises, and his leadership during a period of great civil unrest was vital in allowing the NBA season to continue.


Lebron arrived at a Lakers outfit that was in disarray; there were feuds among ownership, Magic Johnson had been driven out of the organisation, Kobe had passed away, and a whole city was in mourning. Lebron was the general manager, head coach, and franchise player of this team, and the Lakers can thank him solely for putting them on his back and carrying them to a coveted sixteenth title. Lebron’s stocks just seem to keep soaring, and this current Lakers unit is the red-hot favourite to take out the title again in the 2021 season. An amazing role model and an out-of-this-world athlete, don’t take what we are seeing for granted as it won’t be around for too much longer.

It is customary to clap at the end of the first lecture of a unit.

- Patrick Mahomes Mahomes’ 2020 might just be the tiniest glimpse of a career that would see him take rightful part in the GOAT conversation. The superstar Kansas Chiefs Quarterback cemented his spot as a great at the young age of twenty-five, by winning his first super bowl MVP and delivering Kansas City their first Super Bowl since 1970. What is perhaps more eye catching though, is the ten-year, $500 million contract he signed in 2020, being the largest in sports history by a considerable amount. Mahomes is a

generational quarterback who has the pieces and coach surrounding him to build a dynasty in the NFL. The question seems to be not if Mahomes will win more Super Bowls, but when, and how many? What makes Mahome’s 2020 season even more remarkable, was that his team was trailing in every single playoff game by at least ten points, and he willed on his team in an inspired campaign. His contract is expensive, but Kansas City fans think he is worth every cent.

- Dustin Martin The Richmond Tigers superstar can now rightfully be considered the greatest finals player ever, after having won his third Norm Smith medal, overtaking Andrew McCloud who had long had the previous best with two. Trailing by over three goals early in the game, Dusty willed his team back in with pivotal goals which went completely against the flow of play and kept the Tigers in it. Then the sealer and icing on the cake were with his third and fourth goals capping off a stunning twenty-disposal, four-goal game. While he may not have reached the heights of his 2017 season, Dusty’s achievements in 2020 add to a resume that increasingly looks like it belongs in the AFL hall of fame with legend status attached.

When comparing Dustin Martin to other great players currently in the competition, there is one key thing that separates him. It is impossible to remember a big moment or big game where he went missing. His home and away season might have been sub-par by his incredible standards, but when it really counted, he was the one dragging Richmond over the line. In twenty years’ time, AFL fans will be walking along Punt Road to the mighty MCG, with a bronzed statue of Dusty stiff arming all supporters who come his way, and aren’t we lucky to be witnessing it now.

The ‘kookaburras’ that steal food at Reid and Barry are actually government drones


Losers: - Novak Djokovic If, as an athlete, you are making Nick Kyrgios look good, you know that you have seriously had a year to forget. While still maintaining his ranking as the number-one tennis player in the world, Djokovic held a friendly tennis tournament in Croatia during the height of the pandemic, which was followed by mass partying and benders galore. Safe to say that everybody there contracted coronavirus, and he was slammed by tennis fans and media outlets around the world.

Adding to that, he was kicked out of the American Open in its early stages, after hitting a lines-woman with a tennis ball in the throat during a match. The ‘Joker’ was also blasted for sending Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews a list of demands for tennis players in quarantine, some of whom had tested positive for Covid. Novak hasn’t done himself any favours in 2020, with his 2021 start not looking great either.

- Sporting Leagues Professional sporting leagues around the world were hit hard by the pandemic, with the loss of games meaning that broadcast revenue dried up around the world, leaving them scrambling to find any way possible to make the season go ahead without compromising the safety of players, officials, and referees.


Leagues like the AFL, NBA, NRL and NFL saw their profits dry up, to the point where many sporting bodies were making losses. Thousands of staff were laid off as the corporate sports world looked towards ways of cost-cutting so that competitions could go ahead.

The Great Pelican-Peacock War of 1982 was short but bloody. Few peacocks survived.

- The Fans The millions of fans who could no longer attend their favourite teams’ games look to be the most obvious losers from the impact that the pandemic had on sport in 2020. In Australia and New Zealand, we were incredibly fortunate that fans were able to attend games due to the hard work that went into strict lockdowns. The NBA took place in DisneyWorld, where a bubble was created, and players played their hearts out to a few members of the media. The NFL had a more relaxed approach with a small number of

fans being able to attend games. However, Covid clusters among teams were not uncommon, putting games at risk. If there is anything good to take away from 2020, it is that sports fans will never take for granted things like the roar at the MCG on Grand Final day, or the electric atmosphere at Optus Stadium. Conversely, when the world is back to normal, coaches and players alike will be eternally grateful, and never take the most important thing that sport has, the fans, for granted ever again.

The grass at James Oval is actually just boujee astroturf. True!



The best horror film of 2020 Rachel Denham-White Brandon Cronenberg, the son of the legendary David Cronenberg, is already making a name for himself in the horror history, as his newest film Possessor is one of the most original horror movies I’ve ever seen. Taking place in an alternate 2008, Possessor stars Andrea Riseborough, Christopher Abbott, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Sean Bean. The story follows Tasya Vos (Riseborough), a contract killer who inhabits the bodies of victims through a brain implant and forces them to assassinate valuable targets. When she is tasked with killing a multi-millionaire CEO, she hijacks the unsuspecting Colin Tate (Abbott), but encounters enough resistance to start a disturbing downward spiral of melded minds and lost identity. This film is genius at exploring its central idea. We’ve had plenty of body-swapping narratives before; from Face/Off to The X-Files to 2020’s Freaky (another underrated horror gem). However, they never seem to go into this level of detail. Tasya’s possession of Colin illustrates just how alien it would be to inhabit another body, having to deal with differences in height, strength, health, balance and even tone of voice. Also, the alternate reality of the film is very engaging. With subtle differences in technology and the way this affects everyday life, it’s just another element that makes Possessor so inspired!


The story isn’t as fast-paced as your average horror movie. Possessor starts off very slow, but the plot builds and builds with minimal dialogue or explanations, letting the visuals and the atmosphere tell the story. Tiny details are manipulated or warped, while inconsequential scenes are brought back in big ways. All of this lets the audience figure out the plot for themselves, a breath of fresh air compared to the typical structure of ‘tell, don’t show.’ Thanks to Karim Hussain’s incredible cinematography, this film is a visual spectacle. The use of colour was a big standout; the screen was often saturated with vibrant primary colours, or refracted and distorted by mirrors and reflections, giving us a host of trippy visuals. The camera work was inventive and full of variety. In moments where we experience possession, the camera pulls into an uncomfortable closeness, giving us an invasive look into this strange process. But in the more fast-paced moments, the screen distorts with lens flares and bright flashes of colour, barraging us with auditory and visual disorientation. Everything from the pounding electronic score to the hyperactive editing creates a true assault on the senses. In this way, watching Possessor becomes an experience.

Pelican is the 2nd-oldest and 2nd-most nutritious student magazine in Australia!

Riseborough (Black Mirror, Nocturnal Animals), is absolutely incredible as Tasya and may be the highlight of the movie. Her acting is deeply understated; she has a way of manipulating her face and voice to show no emotion. This is perfect for the vulnerable Tasya, as years of duplicating the mannerisms of other people has chipped away at her own identity. The lack of discernible characterisation holds interesting and terrifying implications, as you begin to question whether her own impulses are bleeding through the possession. Christopher Abbott, (Girls, Vox Lux) has an even harder job, as he’s faced with playing the dual roles of Colin Tate, and Tasya inhabiting Tate’s body. However, he pulls it off with a great and nuanced performance. The actors in the smaller roles are just as memorable. Sean Bean plays the most insulting, entitled billionaire you’ll ever set your eyes on and Jennifer Jason Leigh brings an air of quiet menace to her role as Girder, the mastermind of the assassination bureau.

realistic, ranging from intense medical scenes, to bloody torture and disfigurement. And for the body horror connoisseur, the practical effects are astonishing! Furthermore, the film is riddled with abstract and psychedelic imagery. The mind-melding scene where Tasya first inhabits Colin’s consciousness is the standout of the movie, as the two characters literally ‘melt’ and reform in a horrifying, waxy fever dream. Perhaps the best part of Possessor is its mark on horror itself, as it brings the relatively new sub-genre of ‘techno-horror’ into the limelight. We’re used to seeing technology rebelling against the human body in a science fiction setting, but with disturbing visuals and buckets of blood, these ideas combine to create a truly unforgettable horror experience. With great acting, impressive cinematography and an inspired concept, Brandon Cronenberg’s Possessor has a strong claim to the title of the best and most original horror film of 2020.

However, all things considered, how does Brandon Cronenberg compare to his dear old dad in the horror department? Well Possessor is absolutely, teeth-clenchingly, stomach-churningly gory. While not as showy as the tentacles and ooze of previous Cronenberg films, this gore is disturbingly

The PROSH editors are Pelican sleeper agents


Fresh Films of 2021 By Ben Nixon

2020 was a bit barren for the movie industry. Many big releases were delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic and cinemas around the world closed or are now in danger of closing. Many movies managed to find success on streaming platforms, which may very well be the future of movie distribution. However, there is high hope this year that more movies will be released in cinemas. So, here are some to get excited for:


A Quiet Place Part II

If you keep up to date with current directors, you might have heard of Denis Villeneuve. He has made Oscar-calibre dramas for many years and my personal favourite movie of all time, Blade Runner 2049. Dune is an adaptation of a popular science-fiction novel by Frank Herbert. It revolves around a futuristic world where one man must keep the most precious element in the galaxy safe. First helmed by David Lynch in 1984, this remake is said to be epic, dramatic and visually spectacular! With an acclaimed director and an all-star cast, featuring Timothée Chalamet and Oscar Isaac, I am hoping for this to be the same thought-provoking and characterdriven sci-fi film that Blade Runner was!

While the first movie wasn’t perfect, I loved the originality of A Quiet Place and the tension built around the need to not make a sound in a world of sound-hunting monsters. Whilst I didn’t think a sequel was necessary, early reviews for Part II were very positive and the trailer showed some captivating scenes that grabbed my attention. The movie was originally scheduled for release in April last year; however, we will hopefully get to see it this year and jump out of our seats in fright!

Last Night in Soho Another long-delayed film from 2020, Last Night in Soho is a horror film centred around the London fashion industry during the 1960s. It’s directed by Edgar Wright, who has made a string of successful, hyper-coloured comedies including The Cornetto Trilogy and Baby Driver. Although he’s worked with horror-comedy in Shaun of the Dead, pure horror is a very different avenue for him. Can he do it? No matter what, this movie will be intriguing to see and will surely contain his signature fast-paced editing style.


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Don’t Look Up

Don’t worry! This is not another live-action Disney remake. This Pinocchio movie is being directed by Guillermo Del Toro, the film maker behind Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy, Pacific Rim and the overrated The Shape of Water. While I’m not the biggest fan of Del Toro’s work (hence the comment on The Shape of Water), I admire his distinct style and fantastical creatures. What’s most compelling about this is that it is a stop-motion film. I’m a huge fan of stop-motion and the idea of a well-known director stepping into animation is intriguing. This will be one to watch!

Although we have been given very little information so far, from what we know, Don’t Look Up is a science fiction comedy about a group of astronauts as they try and find a way to warn Earth about an approaching meteorite. Directed by Adam McKay of Anchorman and The Big Short fame and starring Leonardo Dicaprio, Jennifer Lawrence and Timothée Chalamet among many others, this movie has caught my attention.

The Matrix 4 The Matrix is one of my favourite science fiction movies and Lana Wachowski, the original creator, is back. However, I’m not so sure about this one. I haven’t loved any Wachowski movies outside of the first Matrix. Cloud Atlas is okay, but I found the Matrix sequels themselves slow and overly philosophical. Very little about the plot has been revealed but at least this will allow us to reminisce about the original film. I’m not super excited, but I am very curious.

While there are many films to look forward to, there is still one big question. Will these films debut on the big screen or will streaming releases be the future of the movie industry? Personally, I don’t have a problem with streaming being a dominant platform for movies. I have been watching them at home for a long time. However, I have always enjoyed movie premieres and midnight screenings. There is always a fun sense of anticipation watching films at the cinemas. Event movies in particular, like Marvel and Star Wars, are a joy for me. Seeing everyone in costume and immersing myself in the cinema experience is always something I will love. Still, the current state of the world doesn’t leave much space for that. Hopefully, things will get better soon, but if not, we should count ourselves lucky to be able to watch them in the comfort of our home.

Pelican Magazine 2021: As Seen On TV?


The Stars That Guide Me A Refreshing Reflection on Growing up Diverse in Australia Izabela Barakovska Tucked away behind the white picket fence and rosebushes of suburban Australia, warm and timeless, lay my Baba and Dedo’s home. The two-tone colouring wrapped around the red brick facade of the seventies architecture, casting a simple backdrop to the cluster of olive trees in the front yard. By following the cream-tiled road of the veranda to the front door, one would meet a kaleidoscopic vision of glazed green and yellow glass. This sat adjacent to a plastic doorbell that was as incongruous and temperamental as my grandfather’s home renovation pursuits. Behind the home was a backyard that did our European heritage justice. It was on a hilltop, blessed with old-school corrugated iron, glass tables and matching mesh chairs that hosted weekend suppers and memorable conversations. This set-up faced the green and orange swing set my cousins and I loved. At the apex of a swing, one could look beyond the intertwined grapevines of white and red, onto a patch of Dolce & Gabbana coloured foods and a rotating clothesline of pastels and prints. In contrast were my grandfather’s monochromatic wardrobe choices that 24

helped him - a painter by trade - blend into the patterns of Australian working life. The bafcha - a blanket term for the garden, which was half the size of the block and fed my grandparents’ souls and time – and, of course, my insatiable stomach - was filled to the brim with red, green and yellow capsicums, tomatoes, mandarins, apricots, onion, garlic, grapes and lemons. It was accented with bundles of parsley, mint, and basil, and dried, roasted red peppers strung up on every conceivable corner of the red brick façade, lighting up the area like a runway to Saint Nik at Christmas time. The path led to the most non-mundane of pet projects: my grandparents’ prize pigeons. I remember Dedo whenever I see one in mid-flight. The house was a home to our family, ethnicity and culture. Similar to the form of my favourite childhood dish, kifli – filo pastry wrapped into a spiral, filled with feta cheese, and topped with sesame seeds – it was what (and who) was inside the home that counted the most.

The Guild Designer, Xander, has arcane powers.

I remember sitting on the oval dining table, watching over the glistening sea of the white plastic doily tablecloth on dark brown wood, that made the patterns on the doily twinkle like constellations. Looking to the benchtop covered in dustings of flour, my Baba was behind it cooking up her classic heartful – and stoveful – of tradition, with my younger sister propped up on a chair ‘helping’ shape, twist and pack dough. Beneath the guidance and giggles, you could hear the Macedonian TV in the back, with news, television shows or songs narrating every moment. The old home phone on the wall, and the stainlesssteel fridge covered in photos of all children and grandchildren – I watched the youngest and eldest knead tradition into the family. It was a residential haven far from familiar Europe, but it was home. It was the baby goat from one neighbour, cheese from another, olives from a third, and strawberries from the fourth. It was a community of mixed ethnics trying to support one another. This, my first childhood home, was where I learned my mother tongue – before AustralianEnglish began dominating my thoughts,

conversations and accents. My grandparents, Ordan and Zagorka, carefully wove curated elements of Anglo-Australian and Eastern European culture into their homes and diets. My grandparents and my mother, Katarina, moved to Australia in 1988 from what was then Yugoslavia, leaving Macedonia behind in pursuit of a better life. I grew up on stories of how Mum ‘didn’t know E from the English language’ when she moved to Perth, and tales from the difficult upbringing of a migrant kid who grew up to become a parent to two adults in a foreign land. Blessed to have never faced this kind of adversity, I’ve only ever loved and been proud of being Macedonian. There is so much beauty in growing up with one foot in each culture; the food, music, history and language are all as intoxicating as the potent, home-distilled alcohol that marks Balkan nations. It comes, however, with the strain of existing between worlds. Not feeling like either identity, but feeling the unspoken demand to choose for the sake of stability, and a sense of self.

Scott Morrison seems really scared of Arts students...


I have always felt too ethnic for my ‘Australian friends’ and also not ethnic enough for my Macedonian friends.

I keep thinking about my family’s tales of adversity, and the tone that carries memories when stories are sung in dinner table conversations. If I personally had not experienced alienation and xenophobia – the kind that slaps you like the freezing water of a lake on Vodici in the Macedonian Orthodox Church – then what is the story I want to tell, and is it worth sharing? For a kid that enjoys talking – in both languages, might I add – I was taken aback by the difficulty of identifying and articulating my experience. A great deal of the mental tennis match I played in my mind was between the signposts of two identities. I have always felt too ethnic for my ‘Australian friends’ and also not ethnic enough for my Macedonian friends. As an ‘Aussie ethnic kid’, born to Macedonian parents and raised in Perth, I’m inclined to look widely at the world around me. Travelling back to Macedonia to visit family and friends was sometimes disillusioning. It highlighted the disparity, as vast as the 26

river Vardar, in the education, healthcare, political transparency, gender equality, access to resources and overall quality of life. Little things like saying going back to Macedonia, in spite of never having lived there, always raised eyebrows around me. Existing in this limbo of identity marked in badges and photos framed on household walls, and living between histories and identities, has become commonplace. The struggles of minds, memories and traditions across the high number of first- and second-generation migrants in Australia have been displaced over time; the difficult balance of trying to assimilate to a new identity and protect the one you already have, unrecognised. Bridging the gap between cultures hasn’t been easy. I ate traditional foods at school that didn’t fit the classic cut-outs of lunchboxes, or the party world of fairy bread and party pies. Like in a movie, I had to explain to other kids that kifli weren’t French croissants. It was easy to get frustrated and flustered like a red piperka when multiculturalism was discussed more in the schoolyard than in class.

The moat was constructed in 1932 to defend against emus in the Great Emu War

One exception I recall was a Harmony Day project in year five. Each student was given a chain of plain doll-like figures cut from solid, glossy white paper. Inspired by traditional Macedonian dress, I coloured my paper dolls like little linked narodni Makedonski folk dancers and stuck them to the pinup board dividers of my classroom. They reminded me of the piperki my grandparents hung in their bafcha; elevated, glowing red against the oversized beige bricks behind it. I took vulnerable steps out of my comfort zone to put my heart out on my sleeve and share and promote the culture that shaped me like my Baba shapes kifli. At my high school, student leaders were the patron saints framed by halos of glowing badges on blazers. I never saw myself in our student leaders and sought to change that in my bid for a position: “Zdravo, jas sum Izabela Barakovska. Aside from Macedonian, the answer to what that sentence was, is – unique. The direction of this quite ethnic analogy is simply – ‘unity in diversity.’”

To speak my truth in front of the school that helped define me was a profound moment in my adolescence. Although I’d been surrounded by brilliant young women, I’d never had anyone to idolise as a strong, proud, multicultural student leader – someone who understood what drove me as a bicultural kid. I didn’t realise I’d found my footing until I went on the Young Diplomats Tour with United Nations Youth Australia in 2019. It took me literally flying to the Hague, to have one of my most memorable conversations ever; and at the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals of all places, speaking to a half Croatian, half Serbian evidence librarian, in Macedonian. Having my minority language recognised and valued at an international institute I dreamed of working at one day was truly awakening. That tour helped me find and share my voice. I also realised that although my individual story was unique, my experiences were common to others growing up in Australia, Canada, America and beyond. Multicultural nations are unconventional, and my Yugoslav

Campus Kebabs now has a monopoly on kebab production


heritage lies in a country that no longer exists because of the ethno-cultural tensions that tore it apart. The trials I faced growing up were not the stark struggles that are associated with words like racism, xenophobia or prejudice – but I was still influenced by the shadow of these experiences in past generations. Macedonia, one of the smallest and most geopolitically contentious regions in Europe, proudly - though exhaustedly - fights for its right to sovereignty, history and identity. I pray it doesn’t face the same fate as its Yugoslavic parent - a country that now only exists in the liminal space between its descendants and their living memory, not on the maps they read or the passports they hold. To simultaneously grow up feeling so proud and connected to my nationality, culture and its people, but to also feel perplexingly, uncomfortably different – it’s almost amazing. In trying to channel a pen mightier than Alexander’s armies, I fight – through my writing, my diaspora, my love of sharing


Makedonska cultura - with the same pride and determination. Much like how the glittering Australian sun against the glass of my grandparent’s front door, illuminated the entrance like stained glass light onto a weathered, familiar pew; it is at the interaction of disjointed, seemingly incompatible cultures and elements that something bright and eye-catching is created. And it’s in that glimmer of multicoloured, fragmented light, that one finds oneself. Dr. Michael Novak dubbed Australia a “community not of sameness, but of differences.” Growing up with one foot in each world taught me the beauty of championing rich cultures and histories. In the absence of an Alchemist to direct me to the threads of my cosmic tapestry of purpose, I’m guided by the light of two sets of stars the Southern Cross, and the Vergina sun or Kutlesh star - and their patterns of blue and red, to define myself.

Always address your professors by their research topic, never first name

cyclical Ellie Fisher

circling i am a river. there is a force within me, water-sharp, quiet. perilously strong. cyclical endings uncurl themselves. time runs against the current, arrows of glass. we orbit. you live a life of stasis, bell jarred & close doored. frozen, stilled. the rushing water pulls you along, unexpected thrill. inexperienced limbs struggle in the depths. not a strong swimmer. you’re unsure, quavering. adhering to a past whose image has fallen away. nothing. fear of the newborn and raw. crossed boundary lines, crossed wires. this internalised silence that lids the eyes, quietens the tongue. so many endings, roses browning to sourness. yet outside, there is the quiver of expectant air, an abundance of buds. so many beginnings. circling



Where’s the most refreshing place near UWA? I would have to say Cottesloe Beach. My aim this year is to bring you some stunning shots of all the best parks close to UWA – and beaches too I guess – and I just haaave to start with Cott. The glassy clear water, sea breeze, and great cafes are the height of refreshing. I suggest getting down while it’s still warm – and keep an eye out for seals!

With Ashley Browse

Parks on a Pedestal


The Lifelong Love Story of a Table and His Owner Jas Saunders

I am a table. Welcome to the room. Please, take a seat on the sofa across from me.

But then again, we’ve gone through so much together.

If it helps, put your coffee mug upon me, but please, use that coaster!

This stain? A reminder of your 3rd exboyfriend. You told him that it wouldn’t work, it wasn’t his fault, but yours. He didn’t really understand. He spilt his drink over me when he waved his arms. Yelling that he had tried, oh so hard, to make it work.

Tell me stories. About you. Your childhood? What was it like? Your first kiss? It warms my heart to hear you tell that story. But it hurts to know that you’re sharing these stories with other people. Not me. I’m just a dinky little table, a remnant of your university years.


You cried when he left. You knew why you didn’t love him. The fact he didn’t understand tore you apart.

The business school’s lift goes allll the way down

He could be nice, smothering me with bouquet after bouquet. But when he left, all that remained were tissues. But he didn’t stop you. You went out and brought others home to me. You’d giggle on the couch, but it’d happen again.

I guess I should say I was lucky to watch you grow. Before officially moving into the house, the couch was sold. I hope her new owners love her as much as you did. She was a present from your mother. The TV and the stools left too.

Love just wasn’t working for you, back then. But I was there for you, at the end of the night, whether you remember it or not. Through the good and the bad, when your housemate announced her engagement. When she finally moved out, the apartment felt twice as large. Trust me. I felt the same. I would’ve comforted you if my four wooden legs could move.

I was the sole survivor. You kept me for so long. Through your wedding day and till the birth of young Joey, your third child. But I shouldn’t call him young Joey now, as he’s left to university and your daughter is a mother.

But I never doubted you. You would find someone who loved you. Someone who made your eyes light up. Or make you smile the smile you’ve always hated because you feel insecure about your teeth. Or make you feel as good as you did when he used to dance in the room with you. He did that a lot. Your vinyl-player or radio on my chest. You’ve always loved your classical music. It’s grown on me too. I was right, though. You let one last person enter the door to your lonely, dark apartment without Kelly or housemates. You used to be so alone. But he filled your once empty home. Laughter echoed in the newly painted rooms. The couch got new cushions. But you two wanted a real house, not an apartment.

I watched a heart attack take your husband. He toppled but never hit the ground - I was there to catch his final fall. Arms spread across me, I heard him take his last breaths a rattling farewell, a goodbye hug telling me to look after you. But how can I? I’ve found myself at your yard sale. “Mummy,” A little girl stands before me. “Yes, Delia?” The mother places an arm on the girl’s shoulder. “Can we have that table?”

For free food, knock on the Italian Department’s door and say ‘PIZZA PASTA’


Qanon Supporters be like: Bottom Text Drawing Credit: Holly Turner Drawing Credit: Holly Turner

Caption Credit: Tom Rundle Caption Credit : Tom Rundle


Pelicans sharpen their beaks on the bones of PROSH

Art by Gal Krajnc

Words by Jacob Cerin This Refresh Mint will pump you up to leave behind all the toxicity. Freshen up your day. Go to Italy. This mint will kick you into being a hard worker, but stay humble, punk. Be the best version of yourself and beat your competition to a pulp. But at the same time, this mint will help you and it’s not about the race, man. The raspberry flavour is about peace, and just vibes. You don’t need to succeed or anything, just have vibes. But hustle that dough, punk. Let your victories scream out online. But stay humble, and it’s not about the prize. Live, laugh, love xx. Grind-time prime-time. Get that dough but spread love and don’t worry about money or stuff. Taste this mint ASAP. Be a role model to your peers and don’t stop until you know you are. But, like, don’t worry about what other people think.

I was always told: “The more A’s, the better. Thus, A5>A4.



Art by Hnin Ei Kyaw Win

Art by Hnin Ei Kyaw Win


Whatsapp’s Signal: A Fresh Frontier in the Privacy Wars Ahmed Suliman

Art by Pauline Wong It is safe to say that the start of 2021 has not been a pleasant one for Silicon Valley’s social media giants. The fallout of the US election put them (Facebook and Twitter in particular) on the centre stage of global public debate once more. Decisions around everything from election ad policies to banning the (now former) US President inflamed already deep divisions around who 38

can and should have access to a platform on these private yet seemingly omnipresent forums. From a policy perspective, the EU has set its sights on, more broadly, examining the power of these companies to make such pivotal decisions in the first place, and is considering various measures to limit their influence.

I attended a lecture in person once. Elon Musk was there!

You would think that this would be enough trouble for a lifetime, but in early January Facebook decided to throw fuel on the flames of yet another highly contentious issue: privacy. The company announced that from February 8th, the userbase of its subsidiary Whatsapp would no longer be able to opt out of having their data collected and sent to the parent business. This elicited outrage from many quarters, and was widely seen to be a betrayal of the more than two billion Whatsapp users worldwide. To understand this reaction, some context is needed. Whatsapp’s early days as a small independent company centred around developing a robust messaging tool that provided private and encrypted communication over the web to anyone with a mobile number. This vision was incredibly successful in acquiring users since the app’s launch in 2009. It attracted tens of millions of new downloads every month, which were supported by fewer than 60 staff. However, it soon became clear that there was a key issue: there was no obvious way to make money. Personalised advertising, the ever-favoured business model of most online platforms, would require a degree of data collection that would have undermined faith in the company’s curated public image. Attempts to charge users nominal fees either as a one-off or on a subscription basis proved unpopular, and were eventually dumped entirely.

In the end, Whatsapp decided to kick the revenue can down the road, and relied on venture capital dollars to pay costs and maintain growth. This continued until Mark Zuckerberg, of Caesar haircut and The Social Network fame, acquired the messaging startup for a whopping US$19 billion in 2014. Zuckerberg’s juggernaut, unlike Whatsapp, had no qualms about making advertising the centrepiece of its business. It didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to decipher why Facebook would pay an equivalent of the GDP of Bosnia and Herzegovina to acquire a company that made no money. Data is the name of the game, and Whatsapp has plenty of it. Facebook strenuously denied having any plans to integrate Whatsapp with its core business at the time. This all changed with a Whatsapp announcement in 2016 introducing new data-sharing arrangements, which tried to soften the blow by allowing users to opt out. This last saving grace was formally removed from the privacy policy in the latest January announcement. Facebook has nonetheless worked hard to downplay the changes. If you are one of those odd souls who follow Facebook PR executives on Twitter, you might have come across strong assertions that “the policy update does not affect the privacy of your messages with friends or family in any way”.

Hot Tip: Latvia will win the World Cup


Suggesting that Facebook is not snooping on your messages is little relief. The policy allows for the collection of metadata including phone numbers and usage details, which can be personally identifiable. Given that Whatsapp is often used by dissidents in authoritarian countries, and by many journalists to communicate with their sources across the globe, the company’s deteriorating regard for privacy has the potential to create devastating real-world impacts. That is not to say, of course, that privacy is only the domain of people with things to hide. The push for privacy online has been a longrunning counterculture to the ubiquity of both governments and businesses collecting vast amounts of data on ordinary people — permission optional. So what’s the alternative? In the weeks following the Whatsapp announcement, tens of millions began downloading rival messaging apps Signal and Telegram. Telegram’s founder — rather boastfully — called it “the greatest digital migration in history”. A friend of mine, long disillusioned with Facebook’s empire, has been vigorously promoting the gospel of Signal recently. Signal is open source (i.e., its code is freely available for examination and improvement), run by a non-profit foundation, and is resolutely committed to privacy and an adfree experience. What’s not to love? Within a few days he convinced a few of our friends to move our group chat to the platform. Sadly, It 40

quickly became apparent that Signal lacked many of the features of Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp, and it took some time getting used to. Worse still, it soon crashed under heavy demand, forcing us to temporarily migrate back to Messenger for the day. This is not a critique of Signal, but it’s an indication of the difference in scale. While Facebook generated over US$70 billion of revenue in 2019, Signal relies on donations and its last available figures show that it brought in a mere US$609,365 annually. Signal does have support from Whatsapp cofounder Brian Acton in the form of a US$50 million loan, but it is nowhere near enough to effectively manage the growth that Signal has achieved so far, and will likely continue to have over the coming years. It is clear that the only way privacy-first apps can succeed is if the public supports them, not only in terms of sustained use, but also financially. If Whatsapp’s experiments with charging a small fee per download or annually had succeeded, the sequence of events leading up to its latest policy changes would likely have never occurred. To this end, I have chosen to make a small donation to the Signal Foundation, and I encourage you to support privacy-centric technology in whichever ways you are able.

Bitcoin weighs less than many, many five-cent pieces. Boo crypto!

Tonight I’ll be Reading: Fever Pitch

(Nick Hornby) Mikey Isitt

By pure chance, little Nick Hornby’s father takes him to an Arsenal game, and a lifelong obsession is born. Fever Pitch is the memoir of Hornby’s life set alongside Arsenal football club, chronicling his ups and downs ‘game-by-game.’ The author finds meaning in unconditionally loving his (mostly disappointing) team, and has important things to say about sport culture, hooliganism, and middle-class life in general. Fever Pitch is like a nice chat with a mate. It’s an easy-to-read exploration of a sport fan’s mind. Why are we so invested in something we have no control over? Why do we let these games have a say in our emotions, our thoughts, and our social lives? Why do we idolise athletes who’re just getting a pay check? These are questions every fanatic with two brain cells asks themselves at some point. As an Arsenal fan, I enjoyed relating to the disappointment, the pain, the depression ‘the Gunners’ have caused over the years. It’s like they said in the movie Two Hands: when a writer describes the exact same shit you’re going through, it’s a nice feeling. Hornby says towards the end “I have begun to relish

the misery that football provides,” because it makes the good times that much sweeter. Although Hornby’s constant self-deprecating style is tiresome at points, he gives sobering reflections about hooliganism and England’s similar drinking culture to Australia. He recalls times he’s tried to act tough; a time he got jumped after a game; and a time he looked at the TV in shame during a disaster in Belgium, in which English hooligans caused the deaths of thirty-eight people. Escapism, one of the key benefits of sports, is a central theme of the book. Escapism is normally something I’m wary of. We need to focus on the real world, the things that really matter, but indulging in a little bit of fantasy is fair enough. If I had to live in England, I’d need a distraction too. Fever Pitch is required reading for any sport fanatic, and non-sport lovers – who might have a partner who can’t shut up about the cricket, or a family who shout at the telly – should find it educational.

Everyone is always having a minute’s silence on third floor Reid


Why 2021 is the best time to read Frank Herbert’s Dune Rachel Denham-White

“Arrakis – Dune – Desert planet.” An iconic line from an iconic book.

Frank Herbert’s Dune, written in 1965, is a sprawling science fiction story set on the planet Arrakis, an arid desert world also known as ‘Dune’. The planet is the sole source of ‘The Spice,’ a drug secreted by giant sandworms, which causes long life, prophetic visions, superhuman intelligence, and is the main resource for interstellar travel. It is the most valuable substance in the entire galactic empire. Above all things, ‘The Spice’ must flow. Dune is a series that spans six main instalments, myriad prequels, sequels, graphic novels and film adaptations, but it’s always the first book that I keep returning to. What makes this book so enduring? And why is 2021 the perfect time to take a step into the world of Arrakis? Here come some mild spoilers. Well, for obvious reasons, ‘cause there’s a film adaptation on the way! Originally intended to come out in 2020, but delayed due to Covid, Denis Villeneuve’s take on Dune remains my most anticipated movie of 2021. Villeneuve has already proved he can handle a big blockbuster adaptation, as Blade Runner 2049 captured the true spirit of the original and was a beautiful looking film to boot. I can already predict this movie will be a hit thanks to its all-star cast, (including Timothée Chalamet, Oscar Isaac, Rebecca Ferguson and Zendaya), but it’s always a good idea to get a handle on the story before going to see a movie adaptation. My stance on the original book has always been, ‘if Star Wars is a Broadway musical, Dune is the Wagner opera.’ This is some seriously hard sci-fi. The story spans many thousands of 42

The clock tower only rings during exams

years and involves a complicated hierarchy of great houses. Herbert pulls my favourite trope in literature, and uses a combination of invented and Arabic words to create a whole new language within the book. What makes the story even harder to follow is that not only do some characters live for many hundreds of years, the in-universe world has perfected cloning, so a lot of the same characters turn up throughout the series. After they’ve already died. Sometimes multiple times. When looking back on the first Dune novel, it’s truly astonishing how much this book has contributed to science fiction literature. Fans of The Wheel of Time series will notice similarities, and George Lucas borrowed a lot from Herbert when creating the Star Wars universe. By the same token, Game of Thrones can definitely be called a ‘medieval fantasy version’ of Dune, with its sweeping prophecies, Machiavellian characters and complex feudal system. But what makes 2021 a particularly apt year to read Dune? Well, after a tumultuous 2020, which many of us may consider the most divisive and unpleasant year in living memory, it’s even more apparent that the themes in Dune are just as important today. With a limited supply of spice fuelling the universe and the importance of water in the ruthless desert environment, Dune paints the picture of a looming climate crisis. One of the book’s main themes is the danger of following charismatic leaders, as Paul’s reign starts a vicious jihad that spreads throughout the galaxy. After four years of Trump, and the unbelievable division of the 2020 election, we’ve been witnessing for ourselves how charismatic leaders and devoted followers can cause upheaval and devastation. Or take my favourite subplot in Dune, how Paul becomes the messianic “Muad’Dib” thanks to an ancient prophecy. The catch? The prophecy was seeded on Arrakis thousands of years before, as Paul’s rise to power was planned from the start. The story deals with the way information can be planted and interpreted, the way ideas can change over time until no one really knows or questions how the idea originated. Considering how fast information travels online and how easy it is to spread misinformation in our modern world, this sinister subplot always feels disturbingly relevant whenever I read the book. Dune is a novel that almost prophetically captures the upheaval, uncertainty and divided nature of our modern world. It’s no secret that Dune is a challenging read. You’ll have to battle with Taoist philosophy, questions of free will, religion, destiny, prophecy and betrayal before you can get to the swordfights and giant sandworms. But no matter how dense this sci-fi doorstopper is, Dune endures for its creativity, its relevance, its timelessness and its pure innovation. For any fans of the genre or those who want to explore a new series in 2021, I couldn’t recommend it more. But good luck with the pronunciation. Kwisatz Haderach is still giving me one hell of a headache. All group projects are projected at Somerville Auditorium on Wednesday evenings


Fresh Economics Linda Pickering

As with all academic disciplines, economics is constantly re-inventing itself. This could not be more prevalent than during a global pandemic! The discipline has traditionally subscribed to linear models, whereby a good is created, then purchased, and finally consumed. More recently, models which hold

Doughnut Economics Whilst it might sound like a tasty snack, Doughnut Economics is actually a revolutionary way of conceptualising economies. Developed by Kate Raworth, Doughnut Economics seeks to balance the social needs of people as well as respecting the environment. It reimagines what economic success looks like. Instead of focusing on what a country’s Gross Domestic Product might be, Raworth would instead be interested in whether an economy sits within the ‘green doughnut’.

a more holistic view are rising in prominence. I believe this is largely due to the planet’s ever-depleting resources; namely, the push towards more environmentally conscious forms of production. Two such models which are gaining traction are Doughnut Economics and the Circular Economy. By now you’re probably feeling a little hungry and wondering where you can get one of these green doughnuts from. The green doughnut sits between the planet’s ecological ceiling and the social foundation. Shortfalls in the social aspect and overshoots in the ecological aspect are shown in red (climate change, nitrogen & phosphorous loading, land conversion, and biodiversity loss for those of you reading this in print). So, an economy which doesn’t deplete its environment and ensures its people are looked after would sit within the green doughnut. And it’s not just a fantasy; Amsterdam has committed to using Doughnut Economics, working with Raworth herself. The city also aims to become a fully circular economy by 2050. It would be exciting to see more economies take on this initiative.



Get a free ticket AND free parking when you park at uni without paying

The Circular Economy

The Pandemic as a Catalyst?

The Circular Economy is the synthesis of several economic schools of thought which have gained traction since the late 1970s. It essentially aims to cut out waste in our economies. Similar to Doughnut Economics, the Circular Economy requires an economy to make profound changes. This involves changing our methods of production and consumption. The economy could be viewed as more of a closed system with resources being reused and re-introduced into the economy instead of creating negative externalities such as landfill, or using more raw materials. It includes some revolutionary prospects, such as leasing a good from the manufacturer instead of purchasing it so that the manufacturer refurbishes it once it reaches the end of its shelf life.

The economic crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in numerous changes in how people view economics. Due to high unemployment, governments strengthened their welfare policies. This has shifted the Overton window, allowing for more discussion on Universal Basic Income and other policies. The pandemic also revealed drawbacks of growth-based economies, which are more acutely vulnerable to negative shocks. This is because they have been streamlined so that resources are allocated towards the highest profit, creating greater profits in the short term, but making the economy weaker in terms of mitigating crises. It’s unreasonable to expect endless growth to be sustainable or without consequence. Models such as Doughnut Economics and the Circular Economy create more resilient and sustainable economies. This type of thinking looks to the future rather than the short-term thinking of linear economics. With these cracks being exposed, we should all expect changes in how we structure our markets.

We also might see more of the Circular Economy in the mainstream. The investment management company that Brian Deese has been working for has a “Circular Economy Fund”. This could indicate that, as Joe Biden’s most senior economic advisor, he will emphasise this way of thinking. I’m sure I don’t need to emphasise how significant it will be having one of the world’s most influential economies taking on this model.

For the full article with diagrams go online:


The Theory of Model Sentiments:

Wien will I see you again? Charles Fedor Are you sick of being told “The freer the market, the freer the people” by an R.M Williams-toting business school student? Do you want to flex some economics knowledge without enduring three years of maths and calculus? Well, you have come to the right place! This is the “Theory of Model Sentiments”: an economics column that provides you with simple explanations of economic theories that you can use to punish a political science major with, or buy yourself time when your date is going very poorly. Our first edition takes us to Austria, the birthplace of Haydn and homeland of Sigmund Freud. The “Austrian School” of economics is an extremely old school of thought that originated in 19th century Wien (Vienna). Its founder was Carl Menger who published the seminal work Principles of Economics in 1871. The work was supposed to be a direct rebuttal of Adam Smith and David Ricardo’s cost of production theory. Cost of production theory conceptualised the value of a good as a direct mathematical expression of variable (labour, capital, or land) costs and fixed costs. Essentially, the price of the good is determined by firms calculating the cost of production and then tacking on the markup. The essential end result of this is that the value of a good is empirical and does not vary based on supply levels. Menger rejected this assertion and introduced us to the theory of marginality. This is where 46

the value of a good is determined by the marginal utility (usefulness) of the good. Essentially the value of a good is high if it is useful to the person and once this need is filled its value declines. For example, a really thirsty person may pay $30 for the first sip of water; however, after their first sip this price may decline as they need the water less and less. This theory tries to push economics away from becoming an offshoot of Mathematics to instead be treated as a subjective science. In addition, Menger argued that money has always existed in some form and developed out of the system of barter. That barter created a hierarchy of goods based on their “saleability”. Saleability is a measure of how likely it is that the other party in a transaction would value the good/service highly. The more “saleable” the good, the

Barter occurs in the trading room during business hours

more likely it is considered valuable by the general population. An example of a nonmonetary but highly saleable good would be bread. Money is naturally a good that has near perfect saleability because people have accepted it as a store of value.

Austrian Thought: In Short •

Famous Moment: Being used to introduce the idea that the Great Depression was somehow caused by too much government

What is fascinating about the Austrian School is the idea that individuals are the most important actors in the economy. For Austrian-School economists, individuals can determine the value of goods and also act rationally. The involvement of the government is seen as destabilising and interfering with the natural operation of markets. As a result, the school is generally aligned with libertarians and provides a theoretical justification to block government intervention during crises and savagely cut the welfare state. If you have heard the crazy ramblings of libertarians screaming about the dangers of ‘big government’ and banks you can thank the Austrians for that.

Most Likely Use: Reciting Menger’s theory of value to your partner is considered extremely erotic foreplay in many Libertarian circles. If you are particularly kinky, reciting it in German is a solid option.

Biggest Theoretical Whoopsie: Creating the assumption people are rational while people were still being tried as witches.

FMK: The Poor, Pseudo-Anarchic Capitalism, and The Government


New Year’s Delusion Stephanie Carmichael

Ah, New Year’s Eve. The night has not gone as you planned; your best friend is blackout drunk on the couch before 10pm, you haven’t found yourself a worthy mate for a midnight kiss, and you’re dreading the $140 Uber home. The minutes are counting down and all you and your friends can think is, ‘surely next year will be better.’ That’s when you all decide in a sacrificial-type bond to make New Year’s Resolutions.

I don’t hate resolutions, but there are two things that bother me; firstly, your habits are not going to change at the stroke of midnight (the same way that the problems of 2020 are not going to be magically fixed in 2021). This is why many people give up on their resolutions – because they don’t see instant results. Secondly, most people’s resolutions are health-based or about ‘fixing’ something, which SUCKS.

Those pesky resolutions. You delude yourself that you’ll stick to them. The dusty pink 2021 diary from Kikki-K has arrived at your door, and you write your resolutions on the fresh new front page.

We see dieting and exercise advertisements after Christmas and get the idea that we were doing something wrong in December. This needs to stop because when the time comes for me to eat cheese, I’m gonna eat that cheese.

You’ll feel so motivated on day one, ready to conquer the world with your new, fresh, and healthy self. Your friends will ask you how your new vegan diet is going, and you’ll respond, ‘SooOoO great! I don’t miss cheese boards at all.’

So, with this in mind, here are my top 4 tips to stick to your resolutions!

You stone-cold liar!

We see dieting and exercise advertisements after Christmas and get the idea that we were doing something wrong in December. This needs to stop because when the time comes for me to eat cheese, I’m gonna eat that cheese. 48

The JD students at the law library love loud noises while studying


your resolution specific and

plan ahead

To make your resolutions successful, do your research and make a plan. Instead of saying ‘eat less dairy’ - be more specific. For instance, make a weekly meal plan on Sundays, find dairy substitutes for your groceries, and don’t be afraid to try new ingredients. This sort of planning sets you up for success, rather than looking in the fridge and saying, “well, there’s nothing but chocolate in here, soooo…”

Track your progress A New Year’s resolution won’t be perfectly followed every single day - stuff comes up. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll never improve on your goals! Maybe your resolution is to improve your employability factor. In this case, you can list the skills you’ve learnt and want to learn from work, volunteering, or uni (I hear LinkedIn Learning does the trick), and track your progression on these skills. Soon enough, when employers ask, “what makes you suitable for this role?”, you’ll be able to knock ‘em dead with your fancy skills - nice one!

No cheat days - only treat days You should NEVER feel guilty or anxious for not following resolutions. You gotta listen to your body and do what’s right for you! I may be lessening my dairy intake, but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna go to town on a cheese board on a Saturday night (I really like cheese, if you can’t already tell). If you change your mindset from cheat day to treat day, you won’t feel guilty - but rewarded! This will make you less likely to give up on your resolution.

Include a fun resolution that makes you happy

As I’ve mentioned, resolutions tend to be very diet- and exercise-focused. If you’re doing this because you genuinely want to be healthier and happier, then good for you! But why not balance your resolutions by doing something fun? My friend asked me what my resolutions were, and I said “lower my cholesterol.” Do you know what they said? “I’m going to learn how to skateboard”, and I was like, “bro, that’s dope”. Now I’ve decided I’m going to learn how to do embroidery, which isn’t really as thrill-seeking, but it’s still fun for me! I think it’s time that we refresh the concept of what a New Year’s resolutions is - expand the capabilities of it. Resolutions should also be focused on trying new things, challenging yourself (in a good way), and having fun! Keep in mind, you don’t have to wait until the new year to set a goal or experience something new (that is a common excuse, don’t be like that). Learning a new skill (like skateboarding) won’t happen at the stroke of midnight unfortunately - it will take time. Good thing you’ve got a whole year to learn.

The sunken garden sinks a little lower every time a question is asked in a lecture


A RECIPE TO ‘REFRESH’ By Courtney Withers We all know the return to uni after a gloriously long summer break is a tough one. An extremely tough one. It’s back to study and listening to long lectures, and it’s back to not being able to binge a whole Netflix series in a day.


The transition back into our uni lifestyle takes determination, grit, and as Nicole Kidman says in The Prom, “zazz”. Thank God I’ve made you a ‘comprehensive’ recipe to get your life back on track for the start of the semester. Simply follow these fifteen easy steps:

1. Go on your annual Officeworks trip to pick up five ridiculously expensive exercise books, and two packs of pastel calligraphy pens for no apparent reason. You might not even end up using them this semester, but you sure will feel better! 2. Get all of your holiday film developed and wait for it to rise in the oven - what better way to wake up for that 8.30am lecture than looking at your photo wall full of great times during the holidays that you wish you could be back at! Pro tip: if you squint really hard, you may even teleport yourself back there!

8. Pepper in some pretending you’ve done the readings in tutorials to increase your proficiency in ‘bullshitting’. 9. Add a slice of starting off strong with a good ‘back to uni’ outfit, and then come to uni the next day in sweats and thongs. The whiplash will be refreshing to not only you, but also to your fellow uni-goers. 10. Listen to ‘Difficult Listening’ playlists for approximately five hours - the stark hypnotising tunes will truly reset your brain and your life (whale sounds especially).

3. Add a touch of getting to uni early - the earlier the better. You may even be lucky enough to walk across James Oval when the sprinklers are on - how refreshing!

11. Stop examining your bank statements they’re boring and they just tell you things you don’t want to hear. Leave them to the side and allow to cool.

4. Stay up late until approximately 3am watching Bridgerton - the coffee you drink in the morning will taste even fresher because of how much you need it!

12. Add a dollop of ‘forgetting’ to bring your lunch to uni, every day and a dash of having to get Campus Kebabs - whoopsie! An easy mistake to make for sure.

5. Power naps are Satan’s invention - if you want to sleep, just sleep all day. Sleep, sleep, sleep. No timer needed for this one!

13. Delay adding the frosting and choosing your units until literally the last moment possible - it will be a mad rush in choosing them, and you might even have to do some real weird units because all of the ones you wanted to do are full! There’s nothing like a bit of stress and panic to really rejuvenate your system.

6. Line a tray full of procrastination and excuses - it’s refreshing to acknowledge your lack of motivation and drive for the year! 7. Fold in some not doing your tax return for yet another year. Just think about how rejuvenating it’s going to be when you actually do it! Add in some not cleaning your car out, and putting off that eye test you really need to get done to enhance the flavour.

14. Garnish with never using that F45 membership you thought was a good idea at the start of the year. 15. Serve your disappointment in yourself at a nice room temperature before consuming - enjoy!

Word count penalties don’t apply to swear words


re/ invention an essay excerpt from

There are several questions which immediately arise when considering the notion of ‘reinvention’ in the context of artistry. First and foremost, we must ask whether there can be any such thing as true reinvention; is it possible for someone to become something other than what they are, or are we merely referring to a shift in their existing personality? If we proceed under the assumption that reinvention is possible, then the next thing we must ask ourselves is how to recognise it, and then what, if anything, it denotes. As with most things of this nature, 52

Saul Revell

verification is tricky - how can I know, for instance, whether David Bowie truly had an alter ego or whether it was merely an act? Despite its obvious importance, this question along with the first must be set aside, at least momentarily, in favour of its successor: “what, if anything, is denoted by reinvention?”. Proceeding under the assumption that reinvention is possible and ignoring the issue of how to recognise the real thing, we can consider the question of what it means. Does an artist’s, or anyone else’s reinvention of

Lecturers lose 5% of their pay for each day an assignment is handed in late

themselves, actually denote anything beyond the obvious facts? To answer this, it may be helpful to consider examples. Within musical lore, there are numerous examples of personal reinvention ranging from the dramatic to the mundane and from the obviously genuine to the blatantly facile. Someone like Paul Simon, for instance, was clearly doing little more than rebranding himself with the changes he made after the breakup of Simon and Garfunkel, in an attempt to distance himself from his previous act. On the other hand, performers like Bowie sometimes border on having split personalities; indeed Bowie himself claimed to be embodying an alter ego rather than simply taking on a persona for theatrical reasons. So, do cases such as these indicate something about the performer, in and of themselves? I think the obvious answer is no. The bare fact of an artist changing some element of their appearance or performance is not a symptom of anything, but rather something that has come to be associated with brilliant artists. Because of famous and influential examples such as Bowie and Bob Dylan who were noted, among other things, for their sudden and drastic changes of style, it is now assumed that this kind of artistic rebirth signifies some kind of artistic genius. But this is a confusion of necessary and sufficient conditions; while an artist being brilliant or inspired may be sufficient to cause them to reinvent themselves, it isn’t necessary and so we cannot, therefore, assume the former by the presence of the latter. This confusion on the part of consumers has naturally become something that artists and their management take advantage of.

As with many other classic hallmarks of artistic brilliance, reinvention is now so rife among modern artists that even if it meant something in the first place it would still be impossible to determine which cases were legitimate and which were phoney. Another more interesting question arises, however, which is what we can conclude about artists’ reinvention of themselves in the classical cases. Is it a rebellious attempt to pull themselves out of a rut they’ve dug themselves into, is it an involuntary outburst of creative energy, or is it something else entirely? The answer probably lies somewhere in between the first two. Rather than being simply an outburst or an attempt to escape an old role, it’s likely that reinvention operates as a method by which artists can create an environment for themselves that is more conducive to further creativity. If correct, however, this theory suggests that even less is indicated by an artist’s reinvention of themselves than we have already said. Because if reinvention is indeed a tool that artists use to coax themselves into creativity, then it can mean nothing at all with regards to their own artistic merit, but rather indicates a present or former lack of inspiration. Setting aside the issue of what genuine reinvention means, we can examine what is indicated by false reinvention. What does an artist pretending to reinvent themselves indicate? It seems that there are two possible answers to this: either the artist is trying to convince other people or they’re trying to convince themselves. The former is understandable; if they convince people that they’ve undergone some sort of enlightening...

For the full version of this essay, go online! You won’t regret it...


Phoebe Levin

We satisfy your travel urges by exploring political issues from around the globe! Puppygate - Explore South Korea! Modern-day South Korea exists as a beacon of liberal democracy. Successfully integrating democratic principles and the rule of law, its vast economic and political development in the last 40 years is undeniable. This democratic context enabled one million citizens to protest in Gwanghwamun Square for the impeachment of South Korea’s first female Prime Minister, Park Geun-hye, on 12 November 2016. The success of these protests in bringing her down reaffirms that, despite her illiberal actions, democratic institutions have prevailed in South Korea. So, how did Park get here? She grew up daughter of President Park Chung-hee, who was a driving force in the country’s industrialisation, but also a contentious figure in his own right due to his conservative militarism. Her mother’s assassination in 1974, by a North Korean sympathiser, captures the depth to which her early life was coloured by political instability. Paradoxically this was also the event which 54

ushered her into the political spotlight, as Park resumed the duties of first lady following her death. Political tensions again wreaked havoc on Park’s personal life in 1979, when her father was assassinated, which, according to her, left her isolated and susceptible to manipulation. Enter Choi Tae-min, the founder of the Church of Eternal Life, which operates much more like a cult than a religion. While numerous quasi-Christian cults exist in South Korea — including the infamous Shincheonji Church of Jesus Christ, which is currently being blamed for the country’s coronavirus outbreak — the Church of Eternal Life is still pretty obscure, and its following quite discrete. The cult, created by melding elements of Christianity, Buddhism, and traditional Korean Shamanism, validated Choi’s role as the “Future Buddha” of South Korea and legitimised his ability to talk to the dead. I mean, talk about circular reasoning. But hey, whether it was because of her vulnerable state or Choi’s charisma, Park

I miss Jane den Hollander’s inspiring quotes :(

was somehow convinced of Choi’s spiritual connection to her dead mother, which led her to become a pious member of his congregation following her death. So, Choi became Park’s spiritual advisor, a role he relished, dubbing himself “the Korean Rasputin.” Upon his death in 1994, his daughter Choi Soonsil took over as Park’s shaman and began to expand her influence into every facet of Park’s life. Park’s election in 2013 gave Choi, an unelected citizen, an absurd amount of power over South Korea. She had sway over policy speeches and political appointments, and access to state documents. Choi used this advantageous relationship to manipulate megacompanies, including Samsung, into donating $70 million to her “not-for-profit” which (surprise surprise) she actually used to finance her extravagant lifestyle. The weirdest part about this whole political scandal is what broke it open. Choi’s daughter, Chung Yoo-ra, enjoyed spectacular advantage on the back of her mother’s coerced funds, which led many to question Choi and Park’s relationship. Amongst the many benefits Choi solicited for her daughter, she was primarily accused of influencing the prestigious Ewha Woman’s University into changing their admissions criteria so that Chung could get in. Once in, Choi also ensured Chung received top grades on all her exams, even those she never took. Once her fraud was unveiled, Choi was sentenced to three years in prison for her role in fabricating Chung’s educational successes. It wasn’t this overt abuse of power by Choi, however, which exposed her influence in the first place.

‘Puppygate’ was really the catalyst for revealing the unsavoury relationship between Choi and Park. This involved one of Choi’s trusted allies, Ko Young-tae, exposing her puppeteering. Ko and Choi’s relationship began when they met at his bag manufacturing company, where Choi was his best client and regularly spent tens of thousands of dollars. The apparent salacious nature of their relationship is what made this scandal so titillating. Despite no concrete evidence of their affair, the luxuries which Choi provided Ko were numerous. He turned on her over a fight, which stemmed from him playing golf instead of looking after her puppy as requested, seemingly indicating that they shared something closer than a business relationship. Their fight altered their dynamic, as Choi became dismissive of Ko, which drove him to compile incriminating evidence of her control over Park. In 2015, when he had gathered a significant amount of information, Ko went to a South Korean news outlet and presented his findings, which led to an investigation into Choi and, ultimately, her and Park’s downfall. Although the threads of Choi’s manipulation were beginning to unravel, I wonder to what degree her life, and Park’s, may have been different if she didn’t turn on Ko, and whether over time their unchecked deception would have impacted South Korea’s vibrant democracy as it exists today.

New UWA majors include ‘Bob Hawke Studies’ and ‘Boats’


Pop and Politics:

A So Fresh Look at AusPol Luke Barber

Explaining the elections of this millennium through the songs that soundtracked them. Spring 2001 In 2001, an unpopular John Howard begged Australia to give him Another Chance (Roger Sanchez) at the polling booths. While looking back it might seem Howard had the election In My His Pocket (Mandy Moore) and that Australia would be re-electing him With Arms Wide Open (Creed), this was actually not the case. There was another contender who, at the time, seemed So Damn Fine ( Joanne) – Kim Beazley, current Governor of Western Australia and, according to my high school Politics and Law teacher, The Greatest Prime Minister That Australia Never Had™. However, following 9/11, Howard’s Weapon of Choice (Fatboy Slim) became declaring a tough stance against terrorism – which ultimately brought him over the line.


Spring 2004 This election was boring, unlike the corresponding So Fresh album, which featured a song called All Day Long I Dream About Sex ( JC Chasez). Although you might have expected that after 8 years Australia would be Sick and Tired (Anastacia) of him, Howard became the third Prime Minister ever elected for a fourth term in government. Some argue that The Reason (Hoobastank) for this was his rival – future New South Wales One Nation leader and known destroyer of charisma, Mark Latham. Were Howard and his Angel Eyes Eyebrows (Paulini) really that popular? Or was it Latham’s incompetence that led to Howard being able to Push Up (Freestylers) his numbers to gain a majority in the Senate?

Spring 2007 By 2007 some would say Howard had become over-confident, and despite calls for him to Slow Down Baby (Christina Aguilera), he implemented a suite of policies known under the Umbrella (Rihanna) of WorkChoices, which proved extremely controversial. In came a new figure for the people of Australia to Love Today (Mika), in the form of Kevin07 who made a lot of very ambitious promises around fixing the environment, improving

our internet, and being able to speak fluent Mandarin. The people of Australia waved to John Howard as he finally left office, saying Thnks fr th Mmrs (Fall Out Boy).

Winter 2010 After a tumultuous period under the reign of Kevin07, Julia Gillard finally took her rightful place as leader of the party, the nation, and my heart, declaring that the Dog Days Are Over (Florence and the Machine) and giving Australians the Closure (Scarlett Belle) they deserved. Hastily calling an election for political reasons, Australia collectively gasped an OMG (Usher) when the result came back uncertain. The two major parties were forced to Fight For This Love Majority (Cheryl Cole) and attempt to court the crossbench. Ultimately, Gillard came out on top, which left sore-loser Tony Abbott to spend the next three years behaving like a massive Baby ( Justin Bieber).

Spring 2013 As the world began to Burn (Ellie Goulding) Rudd was On Top Of The World (Imagine Dragons), remaining egotistically convinced he was the True Love (Pink) of the people of Australia and that they would re-elect him if given the opportunity. Unfortunately for Mr. 07, Tony Abbott and his hatred of boats managed to create a political message that Australians were ready to follow To The End Of The Earth ( Jessica Mauboy). I get it Tony – nobody should be rich enough to own a boat! Riding this Riptide (Vance Joy) of antirefugee sentiment, Abbott was able to take government with a landslide majority.

Winter 2016 After a few years of Messin’ Around (Pitbull ft. Enrique Iglesias) with general incompetence, casual sexism/racism/homophobia etc., and aggressive anti-boat policies, Australia finally

said No (Meghan Trainor). Or, perhaps more accurately, the federal Liberal party-room finally listened and decided they had to replace Abbott before hitting Rock Bottom (Hailee Steinfeld). In came Turnbull, Just Like Fire (Pink), and Australia collectively lost their horny minds due to years of being starved of anything remotely resembling leadership. While the man quickly backflipped on every moral position he had ever held, most notably abandoning the LGBTQI+ community on the issue of same-sex marriage, the promise of Jobs, Growth, and Sex (Cheat Codes and Kris Kross Amsterdam) Appeal ultimately led to another Liberal victory.

Autumn 2019 After the Liberal party finally imploded and we said our sad Bye Bye (Gryffin ft. Ivy Adara) to Turnbull we were faced with an election race like no other – two extremely unlikeable white men begging Australia for votes . Bill Shorten, somehow full of Hope (The Chainsmokers ft Winona Oak) after years of polls telling him the people aren’t into it, told the nation he had a plan for “A Fair Go For Australia” in his television ads – in a manner reminiscent of a Year 7 debater reading their team theme off a palm card. Meanwhile, it seemed like Nobody’s Home (Mallrat & Basenji) over at the Liberal camp, as all the Ministers disappeared for weeks while Scomo ran the campaign solo. After Waiting (Kian) patiently for a change in government, I ultimately found out that polls can Lie To Me (5 Seconds of Summer) and the Liberals were re-elected in a surprising twist. And there you have it, a journey through both musical and political history which was not at all contrived and offered an insightful and nuanced look into the soul of our nation. References available upon request. 57

A Gaming Convert

One man’s journey from gaming hater to video game lover. Luke McPherson I never thought I would be a ‘gamer’. I was an active kid growing up and video games never really fitted with my ideals about life. I thought people who played video games would sit in their parents’ house all day, covered in Dorito crumbs, only leaving for toilet breaks or more snacks. My friends throughout school would play online with each other but, frankly, I couldn’t think of anything worse. Recently I started to get a restless feeling that I had been missing out on something. Lots of people my age play video games and love it, maybe I should give it a go? I thought PlayStation 4s wouldn’t break the bank considering the recent release of the PlayStation 5, and I was right. I managed to get a second-hand PlayStation 4, two controllers and half a dozen games for just under $300. The video game market in the United States was worth $60.4 billion in 2020 according to Statista. Sony says 113.5 million PlayStations 4s have been sold since the console was released in 2013, ranking it fourth behind the PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS and Game Boy consoles for most units sold in history. I had become a part of a multibillion-dollar industry when I bought the second-hand PS4.


The third Vice-Chancellor was seventeen years old

The video game market in the United States was worth $60.4 billion in 2020 according to Statista.

I’m not a binge watcher, nor a big Netflix fan, but my PS4 has become my own version of what many people get from streaming. The games I play have stories, twists and turns, and truly enthralling narratives - and every so often I get to beat up a bad guy. I’ve learnt video games aren’t just about hitting buttons and getting XP; they are about stories. I have been a closet nerd for a while now. I’m a big movie fan and love comic book films, Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings, and with my PS4 I became the characters I loved from those films. In Spider-Man, I can swing through New York and fight bad guys; in Star Wars: Battlefront, I was Luke Skywalker trying to take down Darth Vader, and in Middle Earth: Shadow of War I journeyed across Middle Earth to Mordor. I’m not the stereotypical gamer that I thought I would turn into. It’s not like I am wasting lots of time either; I play roughly 30 minutes a day to scratch my itch. I’m still working, eating well, and getting outside and exercising. The time most would spending watching TV or on social media, I now spend playing video games. If you’ve never tried gaming, why not give it a go? I did, and I’m now a gaming convert.

Sign your uni emails “Vibes, [Name]”


Recreational Sleep Deprivation And Other Fun Activities with Science Editors Paris and Jack

Meet Science Editor Paris Paris is no stranger to recreational sleep deprivation, which she often does in lieu of getting her shit together or admitting that she is terrible at sleeping, amongst other things. She regularly goes days at a time without going to sleep, fuelled only by caffeine (etc.) and sheer luck – not because she’s busy or doing anything of value with that extra time, but mainly because she’s an idiot. Her favourite sleep-deprived hallucination was the time she was convinced a bean bag was wiggling its voluptuous bottom at her. Paris knows all about sleep hygiene and thinks it a lovely concept.


Meet Science Editor Jack Jack is, at best, a chronic sleep avoider and, at worst, an insomniac in denial. In true healthy fashion, he tends to lay the blame for such problems at the feet of his parents and their sleep-deprived genes. He is the pioneer of the revolutionary ‘intermittent sleeping’ technique, whereby one alternates between sleeping most of the day and not sleeping at all. Such self-help recommendations will no doubt make him plenty of enemies and obliterate what remains of his sleep hygiene.

Call Me!

Abandoned by their writers and with a rapidly looming deadline, Pelican Science Editors Paris and Jack decide to follow in the footsteps of UWA alumnus and local legend Barry J. Marshall, by putting sleep deprivation to the test in a series of fun but ethically ambiguous and potentially problematic-to-publish self-experiments that would rival the likes of the Stanford sleep experiments, or whatever it is that the UWA sleep science department does. Welcome to the Science section of Pelican – we hope you enjoy your stay. In getting to this point, we had to ask ourselves a very important question: how long can you stay awake with the help of stimulant substances? While Jack’s record is 36 hours and Paris’s is somewhere in the muddied brain-waters between 3 and 4 days, the world record is just over 11 days.

About this experiment: •

Hypothesis / core concept = if sleep deprivation bad, why fun?

Method = ‘They Say Sleep is the Great Refresher, so I Decided to Test This by Intermittently Violently Waking my Co-Editor Throughout the Night’

‘Little did my violently unethical coeditor know, that is just how I usually sleep’

Duration= <24 hrs

n = 1 subject

Ethics committee approval = pending

Credibility = trust me bro

Outcome: N/A

Unfortunately for the purposes of this article, given that the experimental method involved using Messenger calls as a way to keep Paris awake, and given the fact that Paris has skilfully built an immunity to any and all sounds resembling an alarm, things did not go to plan and Paris slept blissfully through the night. So in lieu of any useful experiment data, we give you…a lit review. With this being the Science section, you’d think we’d be able to explain a bit about why we sleep and how sleep works. But to tell you the truth, no one knows for sure – least of all two deeply unqualified idiots who edit for a student publication. There are many theories, none certain. However, one thing that has been tested before is the ongoing effect of sleep deprivation. We had our suspicion (or, in Paris’s case, experience) that going without sleep would be the kind of miserable experience that only gets worse as time goes on, and science agreed with us. Symptoms of sleep deprivation, hypothetically speaking, unfold in several stages: 1. After 24 hours, one begins to feel an impaired alertness roughly equivalent to a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1 2. After 36 hours, one has an overwhelming urge to sleep, and will experience brief blackouts known as microsleeps 3. After 48 hours, one begins to experience hallucinations, which become more complex after 72 hours 4. After 96 hours, one’s perception of reality becomes distorted, eventually proceeding to a level of detachment diagnosed as sleep deprivation psychosis.

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Sleep deprivation has long been a favoured method of every torturer from Siberia to Guantanamo Bay. Sleep scientist Dr Kelly Bulkeley affirmed that it was a more insidious form of torture than inflicting physical harm, as it “attacks the deep biological functions at the core of a person’s mental and physical health.” Fun! Given subjects become more delirious and less likely to give up actionable intelligence, it’s hardly the most effective means of interrogation, but as a subject of recreational scientific investigation, it suited us just fine; by depriving herself of sleep, Paris would not only be increasing her irritability and cognitive impairment, but her risk of heart disease, immune system dysfunction, and growth suppression too! That concludes our little foray into investigative science journalism. As much as we’d like it to be true, sleep is a nonnegotiable part of life (for now). For legal reasons, we cannot endorse recreational sleep deprivation, and we’re not even sure why we were allowed to publish this in the first place. While our results were less than stellar and we contributed absolutely nothing of value to the scientific discipline, I hope you enjoyed our silly little article. Or better yet, think it was so abhorrently written that you can do a better job, so please message us or email us at to get involved – no risky self-experimentation necessary.

For a companion piece on recreational caffeine use , go online!


The day E-Zone opened, D-Zone mysteriously vanished


Inside This Edition: Refresh! At The Disco - Ellie Fisher Five Things I’m Leaving in 2020 - Megan Rundle The Stars that Guide Me - Izabela Barakovska Whatsapp’s Signal: A Fresh Frontier in the Privacy Wars - Ahmed Suliman And so, so much more...

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