Contents autumn 2010 04 10 18 22 24 28 34 40
COMMITTEE president report//2010 committee//
UNIVERSITY motivation//scholarships//grs//submission//
PROFILE desk//postgrad//international//
CHARITY sail//
TEACHING teaching internship//
CULTURE short story//postgrad chef//review//
events//research starsigns//
CALENDAR important dates//
Editor Jo Elliott Design Editor Karen leBlanc Contributors Tarsh Bates, Vanessa Bowden, Fiona Burrows, Michelle Gay, Rachael Hains-Wesson, Xixi Li, Raoul Oehmen, Melanie Pescud, Ciara Rawnsley, Rebecca Rey, Bonnie Thomas, Jane Thomson, Brad Treeby, Florian Wellman, David Wyndham Sponsorship Team Ciara Rawnsley, Tiago Tomaz Supporters/Sponsors UWA Guild, UniPrint, UniCredit, University Club, Office of Industry and Innovation Mailing list:
Postscript 01 2010
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Hi everyone! Welcome to the first issue of Postscript for 2010, the magazine for postgrads at UWA. My name is Jane and I’m this year’s Postgraduate Students’ Association (PSA) President. As well as representing you all, I’m doing my PhD in English and Cultural Studies. So it will be a busy year for me, but that is what it’s all about – getting involved, ensuring postgrads are looked after and, hopefully, enhancing your postgrad experience here at UWA. This year, Postscript has had a huge makeover. Our aim was to make it a more interactive, colourful and interesting magazine. We’ve got articles by postgrads, an agony aunt, cooking tips, postgrad profiles, short stories, movie reviews, star signs, you name it! And, of course, information about PSA travel awards, dates for PSA events and information for you about your PSA Committee. For those of you who don’t know what the PSA is or what it does, we offer representation for postgrads from the Senate right down to Faculty level, research/travel awards and social events for postgrads here at UWA. Every currently enrolled postgrad (there are about 5,000 of us) is automatically a member of the PSA. The PSA is run by postgrads for postgrads. If you’d like to find out more, please go to our website:
2010 is another big year for the PSA. Check out the events calendar on the back page to find out when things are happening. We are continuing the monthly Connects on the first Thursday of each month, the ever-popular Quiz Night and the Cocktail Party. We’re also working on a Careers Week and a Family Fun Day. The PSA travel awards are ongoing, so don’t forget to apply for them. The best way for us to let you know what’s happening with everything postgrad related is for you to join the PSA mailing list. Just go to the website to sign up. I hope you enjoy this edition of Postscript. I’ve been having a look through the PSA files (and let me tell you, there’s a whole office full of them) and this has to be the best Postscript in PSA history. Big call, but I’m sure once you look through it, you’ll have to agree. Thanks go particularly to our Media Officer, Karen leBlanc and Vice President, Jo Elliott – this couldn’t have happened without them. As usual, if you have any comments or suggestions or need to ask me anything, just email me. Jane Thomson 2010 PSA President
Past President’s Report doubt, every PSA committee is deficient in some capacity, but it’s the PSA’s amazing power of renewal which means that almost inevitably the new year brings a committee that solves the problems of the one before it. Similarly with this years’ committee, although it must be said that at the moment I see very few failings and think it has the ability to take the PSA a long way forward. I trust therefore that you, the postgraduates at this uni, will get a lot out of them over the course of the year. Make the most of them – they are your minions. So… I’ve packed my bags and left the PSA office. I’ve moved back to my little desk in my musty old building. My supervisors have remembered who I am and I am now just your ordinary postgrad student. Unlike a number of my predecessors, I’ve walked away from the PSA with a renewed desire to complete my PhD (rather than go to Canberra and get a government job as seems to be the trend with past presidents). One day I’ll finish, and until that day, I hope to see you all round campus,
Ciao, Raoul Oehmen 2009 PSA President
Postscript 01 2010
Since I’ve been kindly asked to write an outgoing president’s report, I guess that’s what I should do. However, rather than engage purely in pleasant reminiscences about all the lovely times we shared last year, I thought I’d take the time to complain to you all about how hard a job the PSA presidency actually is. Between organizing events, attending endless committee meetings, personal meetings, responding to student e-mails and attending functions, there’s very little time left for anything else (certainly my research has suffered much to the anguish of my supervisors). For that reason, it’s easy to see why I’m so excited that the PSA has found such a fantastic new President in Jane Thomson. Not only is she genuinely interested in the needs and welfare of postgraduate students at UWA, but her name is much easier to pronounce than mine meaning that university staff will be able to avoid a lot of awkward moments at official ceremonies! In my three years as a part of the PSA, one thing that really stands out as a great positive is that each year, the faces change. Not all: some stay on for another term, but many new faces appear. Each year brings people with new skills, ideas, view and of course failings. Without
I’ve come to my PhD via a long and winding road including living overseas, working the corporate life, living in a tent while travelling Australia, and working as an intelligence analyst. It’s been eclectic and I’m continuing the theme by doing my PhD - and I couldn’t be happier! Jane Thomson President PhD in English and Cultural Studies 1st year
Jo Elliott Vice President School of Animal Biology, FNAS 3rd year A bit about me… I am the secret lovechild of Molly Ringwald!
Executive & Committee
2010 PSA Committee Blake Klyen Treasurer PhD Candidate - 3rd Year Biomedical Optical Engineering I am studying human visual perception in the School of Psychology. My aim is to find a job that lets me do research, but not in academia. My spare time is spent baking cupcakes and biscuits in the hope of making my officemates fatter. Vanessa Bowden Secretary PhD in Psychology FLAPS, 3rd year
My research is concerned with investigating the ways in which a new light-based imaging technology, optical coherence tomography, can impact upon fundamental studies into treatments for muscular dystrophy. I am learning that engineering is hard work, but rewarding! The recreational activities that keep me sane along this journey range from the sportingfootball, touch, running, and mixed netball - to photography, live music, and traveling.
Tara Seth Coursework Students’ Officer Masters of Infectious Diseases FLAPS – 2nd year I am studying to become a Medical Microbiologist and part of the St John Ambulance VFAS, as a First Aider. I follow most sports- my favourite being Soccer (GO LIVERPOOL!) and love para-sailing, Anime and Manga. I’m a total geek :) Elaine Tay International Students’ Officer Doctor of Psychology (Clinical), 1st year Karen leBlanc Media Officer PhD Electronic Art ALVA, 2nd year When I’m not busy kicking people at Taekwon-do, I take photos and stuff..!
In a nutshell, I’m an old man trapped inside a young(ish) body. Hence why I like to do things like grow my own vegetables and spend Saturday nights toasting my own muesli. I also have a fondness for Scotch while reading a book in bed at night. After losing 2009 as the PSA President, I’m now busily trying to finish my PhD so that I can move on with life.
Postscript 01 2010
Raoul Oehmen Immediate Past President Psychology (Human Speech Processing)
I’m a bit of a globe trekker with an itch keeping my feet moving all the time. I love people, getting to know them, and how they come in all shapes, sizes and perspectives. Best of all, I love when my world collides with others’ and my eyes are opened up to their viewpoints.
I just submitted my second annual report and realised that I am now in my third year of postgraduate studies. Which apparently means that I have to finish by the end of this year – and there is still so much to do, so much to see, so much to learn… I am an international student, grown up and studied in Germany (University of Tuebingen). After working in
the Himalayas and Antarctica, I came to Perth. My studies are focussed around Geothermal Energy and I am trying to identify the position and stability of subsurface fluid and heat flow patterns. Sounds more complicated than it is and finally comes down to the question: where can we drill to find enough hot water to directly power Air Conditioning?
Florian Wellmann Faculty Representative Natural and Agricultural Sciences School of Earth and Environment
Faculty Representatives & OCM
2010 PSA Committee Ciara Rawnsley Faculty Representative Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences PhD English Literature Born and raised in South Africa, where leopards roam freely and elephants are the common mode of transport, I came to Perth in 2005 for University and was instantly amazed by the brick-andmortar buildings of UWA. Being allergic to dust and a mediocre hunter at best, I was looking forward to studying at a facility with walls which didn’t shift with every sneeze,
and where food can easily be acquired by trading it for paper, not blood. The biggest surprise was the library, which I stumbled into one cold evening and couldn’t stumble out of. Luckily there was so much kindle around, or I probably wouldn’t have made it through that first night. After learning to read, I have spent the last five years pouring over various books in the field of English literature, and am now 6 months in to a PhD on Shakespeare. The writing process is going slowly, but porcupine quills and cockroach ink are hard to find in these parts.
Aneesha Deanasen Business School Representative Master of Professional Accounting P/T, 1st year BSc in Biotechnology from Murdoch University in 2006. After graduating I worked in both scientific and administrative roles for AION Diagnostics Inc., Murdoch University and the University of Western Australia before returning to study at the UWA Business School in 2009.
Mohammad Behdad Faculty Representative Engineering, Computing and Mathematics 2nd Year Computer Science PhD Candidate Before starting my PhD, I was a university lecturer in Iran.
Sally Carlton Ordinary Committee Member (!) French History (School of Humanities), final year
Tiago Tomaz Faculty Representative Life and Physical Sciences/ Plant Biochemistry, 3rd Year PhD Having enjoyed the generosity of the PSA for some time, I thought it prudent to try and give back a bit to the organisation or at least as a way to de-stress and meet some awesome people! I’m an avid surfer, frequent flyer, keen scientist trying to work out ways to engineer higher Vitamin C contents in plants, and am always ready to lend a helping hand wherever possible.
Mendel Baba Ordinary Committee Member First year of a professional doctorate (Doctor of Podiatry), in the Podiatric Medicine department, part of the faculty of medicine, dentistry and health sciences. I’m a new postgrad student! I usually ride my bike to uni, and most days you’ll probably find me in the Med Library looking at pictures of feet. I love being active - swimming, running, riding, tennis, and I’m currently also learning French – parlez vous francais? Hope to see you all soon at a Connect or around campus...
Growing up in Thailand, Hong Kong and Australia gave me a taste for travel and culture from a young age. This interest has resulted in many longterm overseas trips, including to Germany, South America and France. Whilst teaching at a university in France, I undertook the research for my PhD which looks at the themes arising from French veterans’ considerations of commemoration. In addition to languages, travel, culture and art, I enjoy most sports and am an active member of the UWA and Perth community, participating in the UWA History postgraduate journal Limina and visiting schools to promote languages and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (of which I have completed my Gold).
New members welcome : Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts Faculty of Law Faculty of Education Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
Dear Floating Feather,
Help! I can’t get motivated! Sincerely, Unmotivated Dear Unmotivated, If you find yourself dreading getting out of bed, snoozing endlessly until you wonder what the point of even having an alarm is, never fear – advice is at hand! As soon as you hear your alarm, just get out of bed because the steps to follow are too enticing to put off for any amount of snoozing! Step 1: Get out of bed Step 2: Tear off all your clothes – for this step to work properly you will need to actually be wearing some form of sleepwear during the night. The act of liberating yourself is very invigorating – now you are free to let the energy surge through your body. Step 3: Commence one of those crazy over-exaggerated on-the-spot running techniques for a good 10 seconds. By now your blood is pumping and you are becoming energised. Step 4: Jump for joy! Aim to build up to at least 20 jumps (jumps could be star jumps, or just the common straight up and down type). Step 5: Now you are really ready to take it to the next level. Sprint out of your room and all through the house (still in the nude) shouting, “The sun is up and so am I!!!” (Note: this step is still applicable in winter when the sun might not actually be up as it still acts to not only prepare you for the day with such an upbeat affirmation, it might also trick your brain into actually thinking the sun is up and therefore it is okay to be awake). Step 6: Embrace the wonderful day ahead. You are ready to roll. Note: You may want to avoid making eye contact with your housemates for a few days. Peace and love, Floating Feather x
Jane Thomson
PSA Scholarships 101 PSA Conference Travel Awards These assist students travelling to attend a conference to present their work and receive peer review and feedback. The PSA provides up to ten awards to the value of $750 for international or domestic conference attendance. Up to five awards will be made available in each semester.
>> Check the back cover for Travel Award closing dates!
PSA Small Grants The PSA provides funds to foster small group activities for postgraduates. Up to $200 is made available to postgraduates to help fund postgraduate events. Funds are generally used for catering purposes, to help pay for the travel expenses of guest speakers, room hire or the advertising of events. There will be up to 5 small grants awarded this year. Convocation Travel Awards The value of each award is up to $2,500 and the awards may be used to pay for travel or accommodation costs, or to supplement another travel scholarship or award. The purpose of these awards is to enable postgraduate research students to enhance their work through travel in Australia or overseas. Awards are made available through the generosity of graduates and with assistance of the University and the PSA. For further information, closing dates and application forms for any of these awards, please go to the PSA website.
Ciara Rawnsley
Postgraduate Welcome Early one Friday afternoon, I joined my fellow new postgraduates as we slowly trickled into the UniClub auditorium to register for the 2010 Postgraduate Welcome. After some initial scrambling to get a name badge and a complimentary Graduate Research School (GRS) tote filled with important information (apparently not every new postgrad RSVPed), we were ushered into the auditorium to be welcomed to UWA. Proceedings kicked off with an address by the dean of the GRS, Alan Dench. Six speakers then followed, each welcoming us to UWA and providing some handy information on postgraduate life, the ‘Research Journey’, and UWA itself. Robyn Owens, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and the first speaker, detailed a useful four-point guide to handling postgraduate studies:
(a) Value and take advantage of the peer group around you – this doesn’t mean value your neighbour’s thesis argument and then take it for your own (apparently this is frowned upon), but rather get to know your fellow students and learn from their work. (b) Focus on the skill of writing – it is, after all, the written end product on which our success or failure as a postgrad student is based. Make sure you spell stuff good and are very cleer. (c) Treat those with whom you work with respect – ’nuff said. (d) Get a life – ouch, I thought I had one.
activities were interactive, which helped to break the ice, and prompted us to start thinking long-term about research process and what our individual research journeys would entail. Aside from being just a bit scary – the next three years of my life are now planned – it was a useful way to prepare us for what lies ahead. With all the formalities dispensed with, the doors were thrown open, Turkish bread, mini pastries, hamburgers, and other such delights were carted in, and waiters glided through the crowd with an assortment of wine, beer and soft drinks on offer. Nothing makes you feel more like a postgrad than getting sloshed with your supervisor. No, not really, but the wine did help to lubricate the conversation, as we were given the opportunity to socialise with our soon-to-be colleagues and supervisors. It was a successful afternoon all in all, and a wonderful way to ease in to the next chapter of our lives. I just wish I hadn’t chosen to eat the spinach pastries, because I think those little black specks in my teeth may have scared off any potential new friends. It’s going to be a long and lonely three years. So much for Robyn’s points.
Postscript 01 2010
Point d was, I thought, quite pertinent – having been a postgrad for about 6 months now, I understand how it would be very easy to cut yourself off from the world and become completely absorbed in your studies, to the detriment of your health, social life, and eventually your work. In fact, I’m quite sure that describes the last four/five years of my Uni career – but how else does one become a postgraduate student? If you could drink your way to a PhD I’d have done it a long time ago. I have been quite determinedly trying. What Robyn was stressing, though, was the need to maintain a balance in your postgraduate studies. Equal parts work and play keep the postgrad blues away, or something like that. Good advice. After Robyn’s talk, Sally Sandover spoke to the degrees by coursework students (who numbered about half of the 5000 postgrad students enrolled in 2009), and then the PSA’s own Jane Thomson addressed the group as a whole. Jane outlined how to become involved with the PSA and listed its core functions: representation, research and travel award conferral, and (most importantly) social events coordination. The PSA has several fantastic social occasions throughout the year, and if you are serious about following Robyn’s advice (and you should be, she is the Deputy Vice Chancellor after all) attendance at such events is strongly recommended. With each glass of wine or pint of beer you could be sipping (or chugging) your way to a successful postgraduate degree. Too many sips, however, and all that ‘knowledge’ could end up as a soggy and rather putrid puddle on the kitchen steps, which seems a bit of waste, so remember the ‘balance’. Following the introduction and welcome, we were divided into two groups (degrees by coursework in one group and those by research in another) and went our separate ways for an hour. The research group, of which I am a part, retreated to the UniClub reception room, where we crowded around tables and made friends with those seated next to us. We were then treated to some ‘enjoyable and thought-provoking activities’ organised by Student Services and the GRS. The
Florian Wellmann
if only i had known before... An informative interview with Michael Azariadis
“We want our postgraduate students to have a great research experience during the time of their candidature here at UWA”. This sentence by Michael Azariadis summarizes very well the impression I get about the work of the Graduate Research School (GRS). I am meeting Michael at the University Club for a little interview and within the next hour or so, I am about to learn many things that make me think “I should have known this when I started my research, two years ago!” If you don’t want this to happen to you, take some time, read on, and start into your candidature more wisely than I did… Michael is an Officer at GRS and, together with Krystyna Haq and Joanne Edmondston, directly responsible for graduate research students. They put in a lot of effort to prepare
there is plenty of help available from the officers, to discuss a written piece of your work. “As we are reading outside of your discipline, we can concentrate on clarity, the style of writing and the logical development of your argument”. But Michael also points out that it is not useful to write and research all the time, all on your own, in your little cubicle and explains another intention of the offered workshops: “We want postgrads to get out of the isolation of their research, to socialise and interact with other postgrads and to build networks. This makes life during your candidature easier and more enjoyable.” I can only encourage you to follow his advice, go to the courses offered by GRS, develop your skills, and get along with your research! P.S.: (now a little advertisement for the PSA) if you need peers to talk about the problems and pleasures of a life as a postgrad student – or just want to forget about research for a while, come along to PSA Connects, at UniClub on the first Thursday of every month.
Postscript 01 2010
us for the hurdles we will encounter on our way towards completion of the PhD but also for the life, be it in research or companies, that awaits us afterwards (sometimes referred to as “real life” by some people, although I am not quite sure what this entails…). As Michael puts it: “your PhD candidature time is, in a sense, research training: you are about to experience many things related to this for the first time in your life”. We all know about the considerable effort and frustration it can take to write the research proposal or the first paper – and then there’s showing it to your supervisor… But Michael encourages us: “you shouldn’t take the criticism too much to heart. We all had to learn these things”. It is good to hear that not everybody has forgotten about this fact… And as our GRS officers know very well about our typical problems, they put together an impressive portfolio of training resources for us. A good start is to have a look at their webpage (www.graduates.uwa. There is a link to a great overview about all aspects you need to consider, summarised in “The Research Journey”. So hop on to that boat and let yourself be guided through the plentiful mysteries of research. But don’t expect to get complete guidance throughout your candidature, because, as Michael points out, “to survive in research it is also necessary to develop project management skills”. Many workshops and training tools are available for you to acquire those skills. One very good option is the grants for research student training. And to test your research communication skills, join the upcoming 3 Minute Thesis competition that actually sounds like good fun! If you want to get in contact with the officers, there is a good opportunity every Wednesday morning at the writing workshop. Here, you can find a quiet place to think and write – with a nice free cup of tea. And
life after postgrad... If you are anything like me, most of the time you feel like you will never manage to finish your PhD and leave UWA. However, there are a lucky few who have managed it! To remind you that there is indeed life beyond your thesis, here is an update from a recently finished student.
...A strange journey Dr Brad Treeby That was the name of a poem I wrote about two thirds of the way through the beast that was my PhD, the day after finally solving a piece of maths that just made everything else fall into place.
doc position working with a great group of people. Life on the other side takes a different flavour. There are different pressures and different responsibilities. For me, the work is now very collaborative; people using their unique skills to bring something to the greater whole. There is also more freedom - Freedom to try out something that’s completely bonkers without worrying about deadlines, progress reports or, perhaps more importantly, failure. Strategically, life still revolves around maximising your research output. But with the right group, that comes as a by-product of doing good research, not the other way around. With the benefit of hindsight, I can see the personal characteristics that helped me through the difficult periods. A mental toughness. The old guts and determination from childhood sporting days. But more than that, the kind of confidence that sits between the arrogant and the ignorant that I was good enough and smart enough to get through. Because if you keep telling yourself that, there’s absolutely no doubt you will. 17 Postscript 01 2010
I felt impassioned, weightless, and unbeatable. Skip back to three months earlier when I realised I needed to solve that piece of maths to make this happen, or to one week earlier when I still hadn’t - I felt debilitated, disheartened, and alone. That’s what a PhD is like - small mountains, big mountains. It is a test of character and, even more so, of patience. It is a unique experience in that the ‘I’ is truly singular. No matter how much support or guidance you are given, it is you that must make the mental and time commitment to actually get the work done. To make the discoveries, conduct the experiments (thought or otherwise), to construct then deconstruct and then reconstruct valid arguments, to write the thesis. An exponential. That’s how a wise Professor once described how my work output could be plotted, and he was right. You spend a long time simply gathering the materials and
skills needed to actually ‘do’ your PhD. I remember feeling like this was getting me nowhere. But it really is an integral part of the journey. In fact, this process is one of the most valuable and transferable things you get out of doing a PhD. I still clearly remember the day I handed in (twice in fact after realising that in my initial submission all the equations didn’t print). Friday the 18th of May 2007. Maybe the fact I remember the date is a testament to its significance (I’m not normally good with dates). I had a mixed feeling of pride and relief - proud that I had shown the strength of character to actually make it, relieved that I could now let my guard down a little. Moving on from your PhD is both exciting and intimidating. The initial change in physical, mental, and emotional state after thesis delivery does take some adjustment, and it is not easy to decide where to go next. I was fortunate to have a short term position with my Professor to continue working until graduation in the summer. Just enough time to relax a little and weigh up my options. In the end, I moved to London and found an interesting post-
from the desk of...
1. My favourite thing on my desk are my post-it notes: such pretty confetti! 2. The most useful thing on my desk is the empty desk next door 3. items on desk: paper organiser with pile of articles to enter into endnote, relevant and irrelevant books, art/icles of interest, post-its, my artwork >on wall: art/works of interest, including liddle facts collection
Tarsh Bates is interested in corporeal feminism, sexuality and embodiment. Her research is concerned with the reproductive Cyborg: aestheticisation of the reproductive body, reproductive alternatives, and the ambiguities of reproductivity in a biotechnological era. She explores these concepts through bioart/textiles/sculpture & performance, communicating from the nexus of art and biology. She has degrees in biotechnology, environmental science and contemporary art and is currently completing a Master of Science (Biological Art) at SymbioticA.
postgrad profile 12. If you where a fish, what kind of fish would you be? The one with the glowing lantern thing that sticks out of its forehead at the bottom of the ocean, with teeth like spikes and explodes when you bring it up to the surface. That little guy is pretty cool, I wonder what his story is. 13. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A vet or ranger or something. I used to think I heard heartbeats in trees. 14. What superpower do you desire? Invisibility is always a winner with voyeurs. Fill in the blanks… 15. The three words my friends would use to describe me are… quirky, kind and motivated. 16. I spend a lot of time thinking about… the right word to complete a sentence. When you get the metre, rhythm and vocab just right, a piece of writing sings. I find language thrilling. It’s often not enough, but it’s all we have. 17. My best experience as a postgrad is… the wonderful colleagues I’ve met on the way. So supportive, wonderful and inspiring. Also teaching, that can be magnificent. 18. My worst experience as a postgrad is… watching academia become a money machine. 19. I look forward to… my next coffee. 19 Postscript 01 2010
The Facts. 1. Name: Rebecca Rey 2. Faculty/area & year of study: Arts/English and Cultural Studies, 2nd year PhD 3. Thesis title(if applicable): Loosely… Don DeLillo’s Ventures Into Theatre 4. What’s that about? The New York contemporary writer Don DeLillo and his plays. 5. Where were you born? Perth 6. Chocolate/Vanilla/Strawberry? Chocolate all the way. 7. Most useful item on your desk? The plastic cover that prevents my coffee spillages and smudged ink from soaking into the table. Whatta trooper. About ME. 8. Hobbies? I’ve lost touch with this world since starting postgrad studies, but sitting around drinking a nice cab sav is lovely. I try to keep up my creative writing, go exploring the little theatres and bars in the city. Travelling is the most fun when you’re not where you usually are. I love the rumble of the plane at take-off. Also fashion and aesthetics. 9. Most interesting thing about you? My parents are European migrants so I learnt Spanish and Romanian before (or maybe concurrently with) English, so I was very fluent. After I started school, I sort of lost my other languages, so now when I bust them out I have a strange natural ability that feels like it belongs to a previous life. I know sentence constructions without knowing how I know them. 10. What was the last movie you saw? ..was it any good? Avatar, along with half the world. I thought it was the most beautifully constructed piece of rubbish. Perhaps war should be left for unfortunate reality, not glorious imagined worlds. I felt sick after seeing it. 11. Favourite travel destination? Oh where do I begin. I met travellers who spoke wonders about Cesky Krumlov, so I thought I’d check it out myself. That’s a jewel. I could live in Madrid and Hong Kong, but really enjoyed being a stranger in Transylvania, Vienna and Beijing.
Made in China a snapshot of home...
1. Name: Xixi Li 2. What are you studying? Animal Science 3. Where are you from? China. 4. How long have you been in Perth? 5 months. 5. What do you miss most about China? My family, the food and the shopping malls. 6. If someone was travelling to China, what should they definitely see/ eat/do? Once you are in Beijing, you can enjoy the delicious dishes from all parts of China. Each province has an authorized building named after it where we can enjoy the traditional food in that province. Food in Sichuan Province, Hunan Province, Hubei Province, Xinjiang, Shandong Province, Shanxi Province, Guangdong Province are all very popular all over China. These buildings are usually not easy to find for someone who has just come to Beijing, but keep looking! I recommend hotpot in Xiapu, Yunnan riceflour noodles, Beijing duck, Muslims’ food, Chinese chestnut, candied haws on a stick, traditional Beijing breakfast in Ditan, etc. There are plenty more I could list too. About the scene, besides the famous summer palace, great wall, the Forbidden
City, the mountains are also very good for travelling. For ladies, Beijing is a fantastic shopping place. From the world famous brands to fabulous hand-made stuff, it’s worthwhile to plan some days for shopping. Large shopping malls are everywhere~ just bring your credit card^_^ Plus, the clubs are great too, some clubs are especially for foreigners. It is a very good place to meet someone. 7. What is your favourite new thing in Perth? Ride along the swan river on weekends.
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Located on Level 1 in the Guild Village (next to Westpac and STA Travel) Contact us Tel +61 8 6488 3624 Shop hours Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm (during teaching semesters)
WE’RE NOW OPEN LONGER! Monday to Friday 8.30 to 5.30 Saturday 10.00 to 4.00 (during teaching semesters)
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Commercialisation Skills Workshop CriCos Provider Code 00126G
Where: Club Capricorn Resort and Conference Centre,Yanchep When: 15 & 16 September 2010 Cost: Free Specifically designed for postgraduate students, this workshop retreat will be structured into discrete modules. You will learn more about: IP Protection – what is it and why is it important? Break-out sessions on “what’s the commercial potential of my research?” Case study presentations.
For more information contact the Office of Industry and Innovation: Sarah Zeelenberg on 6488 7172 Dr Andy Sierakowski on 6488 7048
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Postscript 01 2010
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Bonnie Thomas
Teaching Internship I was fortunate to participate in the Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme in 2001 – the second year it was run and with a relatively small group of 14 interns. Led by Dr Allan Goody, we enjoyed the fantastic opportunities the programme offered with the combination of professional development and practical experience in the classroom.
One of the most valuable components for me were the fortnightly meetings with Allan and the interns where we would recount our teaching experiences offering advice and support for things that did not work and sharing the techniques that did. These discussions not only created a feeling of camaraderie and support among the interns, but it also led to the valuable exchange of teaching ideas across the disciplines, which is one of the great strengths of the programme. It is rare and wonderful to have the opportunity to meet regularly with like-minded people to work on your
the CATLyst network. I have published articles on teaching and learning and continue to be fascinated by the ways in which good scholarship has the power to greatly enhance our ability to teach our discipline. None of this would have arisen without the Teaching Internship Scheme and I imagine I would have struggled to develop as a teacher without being invited into the programme. A powerful legacy to being an intern has been to remind me of the importance of being self-reflexive in our teaching and the fact that we can never rest on our laurels! Professionally, the Internship scheme helped me to get my first job. In the final interview the selection committee particularly commented on my participation in the programme and stated that they would like to set up a similar venture at their university. The Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme has been recognized with national awards so clearly it is a prestigious, innovative opportunity that should be heartily encouraged for all postgraduates. I highly recommend the programme for its extensive personal and professional benefits and am forever grateful I was able to be a part of it. CATL -- information session on Tuesday 3rd August, 1pm in the Fox Lecture Theatre. More information available from development_opportunities/teaching_internship_ scheme
Postscript 01 2010
craft and to be able to draw on the diversity of each person’s experiences. On a personal level, the Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme ignited my passion for teaching and learning and opened my eyes to a whole new side of academia. While many academics are involved in teaching, not all are interested in or have the time to delve into the burgeoning field of the scholarship of teaching and learning. Since my time as an intern I have been fortunate to receive two UWA Teaching Fellowships (one with my colleague Nicole Crawford) to pursue research into teaching and learning and since 2009 to be the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences representative in
Fiona Burrows
Teaching Internship
My experience of the UWA Postgraduate Teaching Internship
When I first found out that my application for the 2009 UWA Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme had been successful, I have to admit I felt a bit scared. Here I was, 23 years old, half way into my PhD thesis and with absolutely no teaching on earth would I be able to manage tutoring and lecturing students when I was still a student myself? I knew that it would be an extremely beneficial experience, and one that would stand me in good stead for the future, but I still wondered how I was actually going to do this.
The program began with three full-day workshops run by CATL (Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning), during which we were informed of the requirements we would need to meet in order to successfully complete the Internship. These workshops also gave us the chance to meet and speak with our fellow interns, and provided us with information and seminars on all different aspects of teaching and learning. The 2009 Teaching Internship coordinator Lee Partridge, whose wealth of knowledge and experience was invaluable, immediately put us at ease and made us feel optimistic about what lay ahead. I think the most important thing I got out of these workshops was the sense that I was not alone in this journey; I realised that there would always be support and assistance if I needed it. Being able to discuss the doubts and worries I had about teaching with other people who felt the same was incredibly reassuring, and while I was still nervous, I felt far more confident after participating in the workshops. As my first day of teaching drew nearer however, my anxiety increased. What would the students think of me? Would they listen to me? The butterflies I felt right before
teaching and even if I had, I think the good experiences would always outweigh the bad. The support and feedback of my fellow interns, the knowledge and guidance of Lee and the opportunities offered by the program have given me the confidence (and the aspiration) to continue to teach and to keep improving myself as a teacher. Even though the Internship and the teaching requirements took up more time than I expected, which did eventually impact on my research, it was absolutely worth it in every way. I would highly recommend the Internship to all postgraduate students; it is an effective, supportive introduction to University teaching, as well as being a personally rewarding experience.
Postscript 01 2010
I walked into my first class were the worst I’ve ever had, and even though I was fully prepared, I still didn’t know quite what to expect. As it turned out, one of my biggest worries (my young age and appearance; at 23, I have often been mistaken for 16 or 17) was played out in the very first seconds of that first class. When I walked into the classroom the students were loudly discussing their (uncensored) opinions of the unit. Not batting an eyelid at my entrance, they kept talking, paying no attention to me until I introduced myself as the tutor. Then the room went completely silent, and the look of guilt and surprise on their faces said it all; they had clearly assumed I was another student! Rather than being embarrassed or unsettled however, I found that it was a good introduction to tutoring: expect anything, deal with everything calmly and keep a sense of humour. What feels like a moment of acute embarrassment often becomes a funny anecdote (or at least a good learning experience) with time. From that very first day onwards, I found that I had an absolute love of teaching that outweighed any of the problems or worries that I faced. Being able to inspire students, to introduce them to new things and help them to improve was an incredibly rewarding experience. Delivering a 45-minute lecture to two hundred first-year students was terrifying but completely exhilarating, and something which I may not have had the chance to do without the Internship. Perhaps I had particularly good students, or a healthy dose of luck, because I didn’t encounter any serious problems during my first year of
(in)between Rachael Hains-Wesson
Writing (in)between genres Don’t all writers lie or exaggerate about the truth at some point? A writer reminds me of a magpie searching for scraps. It never takes too long to find something worth pecking at. All writers, no matter what genre they write in, belong to a huge flock of birds, sharing left-overs out of a green road bin where somebody has forgotten to close the lid. “So, what do you write?” I’m asked this question often and my answer always disappoints, because it’s children’s plays. Then, I mention that I’m also completing a PhD in children’s theatre: “Oh, you mean like the Wiggles oh, that’s nice.” But it’s not bloody nice. I also write poetry, short-stories, adult plays and essays - blah blah. But, no body cares, because my questioners have gone onto to mention that they know real writers who’ve published three novels with Random House, asking if I know them personally. I’m used to this kind of sweet and sour talk. It happens all the time.
Before I decided to begin a PhD in children’s theatre, I wrote for the stage, full time. I’m used to being excluded from the writing banquet table, especially when the main dish is fiction l’homard. I see myself as a chameleon; changing my patterns depending on who I’m speaking to, from blue to fat and yellow pin stripes; from scripts to prose to poet and back again. When I was in grade three, the teacher phoned my mother to tell her that my short story was fantastic and that I had huge potential as a writer. I felt embarrassed. I’d lied. I’d used my favourite cartoons Inspector Gadget and Astro Boy, melting these stories into each other, creating a new hero, me. I was ashamed about my teacher’s admirations because I’d stolen the idea from the TV. I didn’t write a story again, except for the regular entries into my diary. I burnt my diary when I was fourteen because my mother discovered it hidden in the space between my wardrobe and the wall (you had to use a pair of cooking tongs to get it out). She’d read that I wanted to bonk the next-door
neighbour, who was thirty; they laughed over the grey asbestos fence about how I’d described the sexual act like a sad Mills and Boons narrative and I was devastated. Today, I write (in)between genres, dabbling with prose, poetry and scriptwriting, developing ‘show don’t tell’, which is a difficult area to master for any creative writer, at any level. I believe that the method will always differ depending on which genre one is writing in. It seems normal, to me, to have a shortstory with stage-like dialogue and poetry that is prose-like and plays that embed poetry and lyrics. For me, it isn’t the story I have trouble with, because I have so many ideas flying and swooping around in my head. It’s making the right decision about where to place the work concerning the genre and then, working within that genre’s style of ‘show don’t tell’, that I have the problem with. I don’t want to worry about this too much. I just want to write. The structure will come, my mind chirps. The characters and the language will decide for me, my fingers peck away at the computer but, already I’m reaching for another scotch
I prefer to intertwine facets of genres into a new type of writing, the (in)between. I am naked and I like it. I want to relate to all writers and their work, because I have finally left the nest. I understand the difficulties that writers face when trying to ‘show don’t tell’ within their plays, shortstories and/or poetry. I believe that I am able to choose the genre and not allow the genre to choose me. Writing scripts, prose or poetry and knowing that I am essentially a playwright isn’t a weakness but a gift. For me, I see a narrative as a series of tableaux, creating generalizations and dialogue that reflects attitudes. My characters create the environment and they are normally two dimensional because they are abstract distillation of essential human truths. I’m tired of reading about place for self-conscious characters, a unique voice because it’s arrogant and rude and, writers who indulge in themes and metaphors that require a code to decipher. My characters don’t always say what they mean and no one seems to understand them like I do. They dislike the environment that I’ve created for them, because it’s minimal, too bright and there’s always a staircase and, birds. But, read me and you will know me; I lie, I am a writer. 1, 2 Christine Alexander, The Gipsy Dancer & Early Poems by Dorothy Hewett, Sydney: Juvenilia Press, 2009, p.xxviii. 29
and bestial howling, raw emotion, extravagant wigs, masks and barren landscapes, representing the inner soul. I remember watching a restaging of Oska Schlemmer’s experimentations at the Bauhaus on a VHS video. I was disturbed but enthralled. There were actors dressed up in bright-coloured costumes with head dresses, walking, jumping and moving on a grid that was marked-out on the theatre floor. Schlemmer, eighty years ago, explored abstraction in his ballet. I had no idea what he was doing but I watched the footage, invigorated. These earlier inspirations have spurred me on to write (in)between genres, today. Writing (in)between genres is like a Schlemmer duck trying to be a penguin, it’s not easy. However, I am beginning to understand that writing (in)between genres isn’t something to be ashamed of. It enables me to communicate and form friendships with all kinds of writers. The image that comes to my mind is a rope that is connected to the leg of a three-headed bird and when it flies, the earth’s skin is pinched. Instead of being heavily loaded with choice I actually feel free and light weight but nervous. I don’t want to hide behind the playwright’s genre-mask anymore I have to show myself and that is a privilege isn’t it? I want to eat fiction l’homard but with a side serving of l’escargots.
Postscript 01 2010
on the rocks, wishing I’d wings to fly away with. When I think about ‘show don’t tell’ my mind wonders to Dorothy Hewett. If she were alive today how would she answer this question? Hewett began writing (in)between genres when she was six, writing copious amounts of poetry and at the age of eleven she wrote her first stage play, The Gipsy Dancers. For me, her writing belongs to all genres equally and the space (in)between. Dorothy Hewett’ s The Gipsy Dancers was written in verse drama and was, in my opinion, poetry (in)between drama.1 This little girl would later become a respected poet, playwright, novelist, short-story writer and autobiographer with widespread recognition, receiving numerous literary awards.2 Perhaps, it is this skill of writing (in)between genres, that Hewett so obviously had, which enabled her to use her active imagination to cross bridges to other islands of writing cultures? When I was in my midtwenties and exploring a theatre career, I believed that the stage and its light were the inside of my mind, communicating uniquely to the audience. Samuel Beckett used light as an inquisitor and as an image to replace language. It was this type of primitive expressionism that created obscurity on the stage such as a tree, reflecting bones inside its trunk, screams of anguish instead of words
Mish @
The Impossible Dinner Party: impressive - affordable - easy
Do you ever want to have friends over, but are a bit worried about throwing a dinner party and your bank account out in one go? Having a celebration or an informal get together is a great way to invite new and interesting people in your life. Be not afraid, you can host an amazing dinner party that is not only easy to do, but is affordable, tasty and healthy.
Skinny Hummus Hummus is so easy to make, nutritious, will cater to most palates and can be changed around to add subtle flavour contexts.
425g. can of chickpeas rinsed and drained 2 tbs. of lemon juice 1 tbs. of tahini 1/4 cup + 2tbs. of hot water 1-2 garlic cloves crushed salt to taste 1.Add everything into a food processor or blender, except salt; 2. Blend on a slow setting until smooth; 3. Salt to taste; 4. Serve with bread or healthier with cut up veggies! 5. You can add more garlic, a little chilli paste, olives, roasted red peppers, or sundried tomatoes to this to add different flavours.
Lemon and Basil Stuffed Chicken You may think of roasting a whole chicken as a daunting task. However, it saves heaps of money buying the whole chicken. It’s not that scary and really, it’s impressive. A great way to impress your guests.
1 whole chicken 1 huge handful of fresh basil 2 lemons Dried Sage Salt/Pepper String or bamboo skewers 1. Take the handful of basil and make sure it’s washed and the leaves are de-stemmed; 2. Place the basil inside the chicken; 3. Cut one lemon in half and place the two halves inside the chicken with the basil; 4. Take the other lemon, cut in half and then squeeze on the outside of the chicken; 5. Sprinkle dried sage, salt/pepper over the top; 6. Then either tie the legs together or, as I did, place two bamboo skewers through the legs. Keeping the legs together helps to insure that they do not separate from the main body during cooking and drying out. 7. I covered it with aluminium foil for about 1 1/2 hours at 170/340F. Then I took off the aluminium foil and baked for about 30 minutes. With chicken it does depend upon the size. The rule is 45 minute per kilogram in a thawed chicken. If you’re unsure you can use a meat thermometer or cut into the deepest part of the breast meat to insure that it’s no longer pink. *Another tip is to line the pan with a silicon baking sheet, baking paper or aluminium foil. It helps to keep the clean-up to a minimum.
1. Make cupcakes according to box. I always reduce the amount of liquid by a little bit. I like my cupcakes dense! 2. Frosting: Mix together all ingredients with a spatula or a mixer.
Postscript 01 2010
Cinnamon Vanilla Cupcakes I like to pride myself on making things from scratch, but why bother when there’s boxed cake mixes? 1 box of vanilla cupcake mix 2 cups powdered sugar 2 tbs. softened butter 1/2 tbs. milk 1 tbs. vanilla 1 tbs. cinnamon
Michelle Gay
Movie Review A cast of unknown actors and musicians. A simple ghetto backdrop. A heartfelt and often gut-wrenching story of Precious (Gabourey Sidibe) is the foundation for one of the most honest renditions of American inner-city life that I’ve seen. The movie Precious: Inspired by the Novel Push by Sapphire is a must-see. Having lived in a much less severe, yet similar, situation as a volunteer, the insight and appreciation I gained from watching the story of Precious was evident even before the credits rolled. It’s not often that an unknown, obese, African American actress catches the attention that Sidibe does with her portrayal of Precious. The story of Precious having to overcome poverty, lack of education, sexual assault and teenage pregnancy would seem like a lot of cards to play in a movie. Admittedly this movie is heavy in its delivery of the story told, however it is not over-the-top; rather it is believable throughout. This strong performance would not have evolved without the complimentary
and strong performance of Mary, Precious’ mother, by Mo’Nique. There are moments when the exchange between these two characters was soaking in raw abuse, neglect, cyclical poverty and starvation of love that your heart ached for both of them. The ability of both of these actresses
to portray the on screen chemistry that they did is a rarity. A surprise casting was that of Mariah Carey as an average looking and jaded social worker. Her performance was refreshing, due to her ‘Diva’ reputation outside of the character which she portrayed. The other cast of characters includes an influential and gay inner-city teacher (Paula Patton), a male nurse (Lenny Kravitz) and the alternative class mates who become Precious’ family. The beauty of this movie is that it shows the intense, often complicated and depressing realization that inner-city poverty is not easily solved. There are no special effects, over-glamourised starved women. Instead it’s a movie that soars and has been praised for good writing, excellent acting, and the ability to make you think during and after. It is a movie that will perhaps be one of the few times that people are forced to humanize those often forgotten.
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Experience the Difference
pics: Samir Jacob
Raoul Oehmen
PSA Events >> Check out the back cover for a calendar of upcoming events!
pics: PSA Website
Family Fun Day
Just because you have a family and some children doesn’t mean that there are no events on campus for you! The PSA Family Fun day was designed and aimed specifically with these postgrads in mind. We provided a delicious gourmet BBQ including salads, fruits and a variety of meats and snacks, hosted games for the kids (and parents), all in the lovely surrounds of Kings Park, and all for FREE. The result, a success. With the weather smiling down upon us, and a lovely welcoming (alcohol free) atmosphere, a relaxing afternoon was enjoyed by all.
Global Village Did you know that the design in the middle of the Indian flag is actually a loom, or that there are literally hundreds of types and colours of corn in South America? In 2009, the PSA ran its inaugural Global Village cultural fair. The event was a unique showcase of the international diversity on campus and it attracted hundreds of visitors over the course of the afternoon. International students ran stalls that showed off the best that their country had to offer, frequently making it a highly interactive display for those visiting. It was an afternoon of bright costumes, exotic dances and a whole lot of culture – all for free.
pic: Raoul Oehmen
Quiz Night
Everyone hoping to get an academic job knows to publish, publish, publish, but what else can we do to give ourselves the best chance at the job we want? The Academic Careers Breakfast was a great opportunity to find out. We heard the stories and advice of panellists Kevin Pfleger, Shelda Debowski and Charn Nang and got to chat to academics from around the uni, while being treated to a very nice breakfast! Definitely worth getting up early for!
Jo Elliott
Careers Breakfast
Postscript 01 2010
The 2009 PSA Quiz Night was the biggest yet. Held in its usual venue, the University tavern, this Quiz Night was anything but the usual. The prizes were of a record value (including items such as a 6 month gym voucher, dozens of bottles of wine, hundreds of dollars worth of Myer vouchers and some really stupid mugs to name a few). The tickets sold out in record time (within 2 weeks of going on sale; sorry to those who missed out; get in quick in 2010). And the questions were of a record quality (this may be exaggerating seeing as the bartender created a round of questions on the spur of the moment). So, at only $10 per ticket, with fantastic prizes and free pizza, this was the best value quiz night in town.
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PSA Events
Cocktail Party 2009
pics: David Wyndham
pics: Karen leBlanc
pics: Karen leBlanc
Connect Meet up with fellow postgrads for a drink to celebrate or commiserate on the first Thursday of the month 5-6pm at the University Club.
Postscript 01 2010
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Vanessa Bowden
Your month by the stars From the Psychologist/Astrologist (not that there is a difference, I mean psychology isn’t a real science is it?)
Aries This month you will be overcome with a wave of optimism. This could lead you to thinking that you should re-write your honours thesis into an article and submit it to Nature. Don’t. Taurus The position of Venus suggests that you will most likely meet the love of your life at the next UWA post-grad student connect. Gemini An unfortunate angle formed by Jupiter and one of its moons means that your supervisor will only turn up for the meetings that you are under-prepared for. While you could protect yourself from this by not arranging to have any contact with them for the following year, it is likely to make progress difficult. If your progress is unaffected by said supervisor’s absence, then the stars recommend looking for a new one. Cancer Everything is looking great this month, you are basically untouchable. If you close your eyes and concentrate hard
enough you will find a bound copy of your completed thesis on your desk. Leo The stars predict travel in your future. Lots of it. Mostly involving TransPerth. Virgo Your caffeine addiction will reach new heights this month as you move towards eight cups a day. Of course this may result in an increase in auditory hallucinations, but since the voices in your head have always given you good advice in the past this is unlikely to be an issue. Libra Mornings will become less pleasant as you find yourself surrounded by jogging human movement students on your way to your office this week. Scorpio Thinking of the money that you will make, you will make the unfortunate decision to take on more teaching than there are hours in the day. Thankfully this horoscope should allow you to prepare for this and possibly schedule
some time to do your PhD. 3 am on Sunday morning is still free... Sagittarius Trying to relive your glory years as an undergraduate you make the mistake of having lunch at the Tav. Capricorn Interesting times are on the horizon. According to the alignment of Neptune, if you hold your breath for 2 minutes and 17 seconds on the first Friday of the month then the second person you meet afterwards will steal your left shoe. Aquarius Despite the influence of free will, the portion of the world’s population born under this sign will all have a surprise meeting with an attractive stranger this month. Following this meeting you will unfortunately find that a large portion of your thesis has already been published. You win some, you lose some. Pisces It seems likely that you will shortly be turning into a fish.
2010 Tshirt
Too smart for a real job.
The winning slogan for this year’s PSA 2010 t-shirt was “Too smart for a real job”, provided by PhD student Evelyne Deplazes, from the School of Biomedical, Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences. Keep an eye out on the PSA mailing list and website for information when the t-shirts will be available.
Next Edition!
Spring 2010
If you would like to be involved in the Spring 2010 digital issue of Postscript, send us an email - we’d love to hear from you!
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