UWA Student Guild Women's Department First Week Survival Guide 2014

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uwa student guild women’s department first week survival guide

UWA STUDENT GUILD The Guild is the peak student body responsible for representing the UWA students - to the University, government and the wider community. The Guild offers support and advice, both academic and financial and are behind the cultural events, clubs, societies, social activities and publications! Come and visit the Guild Student Centre for any questions you have about UWA or even for directions if you get lost. Most importantly, the Guild is here to represent you and do whatever they can to make sure your time at UWA is the best it can possibly be! Experience Student Culture. UWA Student Guild M300, 35 Stirling Highway (08) 6488 2295 hello@guild.uwa.edu.au facebook.com/UWAStudentGuild @UWAStudentGuild www.guild.uwa.edu.au

uwa student guild Women’s Department Women are systematically disadvantaged on and off campus and the Women’s Department aims to fight sexism and misogyny. Reasearch has shown that, on average, it will take women three times longer than men to pay off their HECS DEBT. Think this needs to be changed and challenged? Get involved with your Women’s collective. Rebecca Doyle - Women’s Officer facebook.com/UWAGuildWomens womens@guild.uwa.edu.au The Women’s Room The Women’s Room is an autonomous (women identifying students only) space located on the second level of the Guild Hall. If the room is not opened, stop by the Guild Student Centre to collect the key. The Women’s room is a safe space free from sexism, racism, queerphobia and judgment. The Women’s room is available for chilling out, studying, eating and hanging out. Facilities in the Women’s room are also free to access including a kettle, microwave, couches, tea, coffee, pads, tampons, condoms and dental dams. There is also information on a variety of topics.

UWA STUDENT GUILD QUEER DEPARTMENT The Queer Department (QD) provides support, advice and fun for students of diverse sexuality and gender at UWA. QD provides support by organising regular social events such as movie nights, discussion groups and Pride Week and also represents these students at Guild Council, to the University and the wider community. The QD is part of the Cross-Campus Queer Network which also advocates and hosts events that bring together students from multiple campuses. All students are welcome, queer or straight but not narrow minded! If you’re keen to meet some cool people and just want to chill out, pop up to the QD headquarters on the second floor of the Guild Hall. Avory Allen & Laura Clappinson - Queer Officers bit.ly/uwaqueerdept queer@guild.uwa.edu.au

Security Results from the 2010 survey conducted by the National Union of Students Women’s Department found that 76% of women felt unsafe on campus at night*. If you are feeling unsafe on campus, UWA Security can help you out. UWA Security provides an after-hours escort to car parks, colleges and accommodation immediately adjacent to the University. Do not hesitate to contact Security on (08) 6488 3020 half an hour before required and a uniformed officer will respond. Security can also assist you with booking a taxi, at no cost. Security has a direct line to the taxi system from their computers. If for any reason you are unable to call security, you can contact them using a ‘Help Point’ on campus. The Help Points are lit up at night and provide information on where you are located relative to other main campus facilities. For assistance, press the button to talk to security staff. UWA Security also has an Emergency Line if you require immediate assistance (08) 6488 2222. www.security.uwa.edu.au/personal-safety *National Union of Students, Women’s Department. “ Talk About It: Results & Recommendations.” 2010/2011 Survey, Part A: Perceptions of Safety, 10.

uwa student guild Student Assist office Sometimes University isn’t all smooth sailing and in these situations the Guild can help you out. Our Student Assist Officers provide information, advice and assistance on a wide range of issues, such as: • Appeals against academic assessment • Applications for special consideration • Grievances and complaints • Equity issues • Sexual harassment • General grievances • Appealing Centrelink decisions • Financial advice and loans The Student Guild also offers interest-free loans. Emergency Loans allow you to borrow $200 on the spot from the Guild Student Centre. Appointments to see a Student Assist Officer can be made by e-mail or online. Make sure to include your student number, name, contact number and a detailed description of the issue (with any supporting documentation). Information about the above issues can also be found on their website. Student Assist Officers www.guild.uwa.edu.au/support http://bit.ly/1gkbMNu or assist@guild.uwa.edu.au

UWA Medical Centre The Medical centre is located on the second floor of the Guild Hall South Wing (take the lift or the stairs next to Eyecare). The centre provides a full range of GP services, including: - GP consultations - Sexual Health and Contraceptive advice - Travel advice and vaccinations - STI and blood tests The Medical Centre bulk bills most medical costs (vaccinations not included) for students. Just have your Medicare and Student card at the ready! UWA Medical Centre www.student.uwa.edu.au/life/health/medicalcentre (08) 6488 2118 As well as medical services, UWA offers Counseling and Psychological Services free of charge to students. They offer a range of services to enhance student life at UWA, including: - Individual Counseling - Skill workshops - Resources - Self-help modules More information can be found at: www.student.uwa.edu.au/life/health/counselling

Contacts National Union of Student’s Women’s Department nuswomens.wordpress.com @nuswomens UniCare Early Childhood Education www.unicareecc.org.au UWA Early Learning Centre www.childcare.uwa.edu.au/elc Sexual Health Assault Resources Centre (SARC) Emergency Line - (08) 9340 1828 www.kemh.health.wa.gov.au/services/sarc Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services www.womenscouncil.com.au Lifeline Australia Emergency Line - 13 11 14

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